Christian Dread


A couple of interesting things happened over the last week and a half that made me think it might be time to reconsider the principle of Dread once again. The first was a comment I made over at Biblical Gender Roles which Larry Solomon then devoted a blog post to address. This was my comment to him:

While I might not endorse overt Dread for Christian men I would advise they become more aware of the opportunities that passive Dread represents in their marriages.

Most Beta Christian men (which is to say 90%+) will proactively try to diffuse the sexual anxiety and tension necessary to inspire the ‘desired’ sex you describe here. They believe the pro-feminine lie that rapport, comfort and familiarity is what leads to sexual desire so they make every attempt to convince their wives that they have no need to worry or feel insecure that any other woman would want them sexually, much less appreciate them for being ‘good christian men’.

What they fail to grasp is that passionate sex inspired by genuine desire is the result of insecurity, anxiety and sexual tension. Most Christian men are conditioned to bypass this phase in seducing their wives, thinking that comfort and security are what will prompt her to being more sexual, but in doing so they kill the vibe before it can build. Comfort and rapport are post-orgasm, oxytocin effects, but Christian men believe they are prerequisites for sex. For the most part they are deathly afraid to embrace and exaggerate the uncertainty, spontaneity, anxiety and tension women need to feel sexual urgency.

You make sex another chore for a woman when you negotiate for her desire. Genuine desire cannot be negotiated. If you find yourself in a sexless (or passionless sex) relationship with your wife you need to embrace using soft dread situations to prompt her imagination. A woman’s imaginings are the best tool in you seduction toolbox, learn how to inspire them.

Make your wife unintentionally uncomfortable. Sexuality is spontaneous chemical reaction between two parties, not a process of negotiation. By its very nature passionate, desired sex is a result of being uncomfortable, uncertain and urgent. It might be an uncomfortable truth to most Christian men, but the best, most memorable, married sex you have won’t be the result of a pre-planned “Date Night” where you stage manage every event and nuance in advance; it will be the rough, hard-core, make-up sex you never thought you’d have after a near breakup inspired by the anxiety of the thought of never having you around anymore.

Just to give you a quick run down here, I found BGR quite by accident. One of Solomon’s post actually got shared in my FaceBook feed by a notorious Christian feminist I follow just for such stories. I’ve written about it in the past, but I find contemporary evangelical Christianity (or ‘Churchianity’) to be one of the most fertile grounds for egalitarian feminist mores to propagate.

Standard disclaimer: I don’t do religion on this blog, but I do intersexual dynamics and sometimes these have effects that are very intertwined with religion, politics and social orders. It’s long been my own and Dalrock’s observation that Christianity has been co-opted by the same feminization that secular society has been saturated by.

As things progressed, this post and my exchanges with Solomon in the comments were picked up on by Raw Story and at least 4 other reblogs from various culture news “journalists” happy to pull anything and everything out of context, provided no links to the actual article and, as would be expected, deleted any post of my own from the Disqus comment threads I vainly tried to leave. I was happy for what spillover traffic came in from it, but I know the indignation crowd’s flavor of the minute doesn’t really count for much.

However, for all of that, I did reexamine my two previous posts on Dread: Dread Games and Soft Dread. It was interesting to see the knee-jerk response to ideas like “passionate sex inspired by genuine desire is the result of insecurity, anxiety and sexual tension”  from the Blue Pill commentariat. The problem I see is that there’s only one manner in which terms like ‘insecurity’, ‘anxiety’ and ‘sexual tension’ are really interpreted by those steeped in the Feminine Imperative. They are always going to be viewed from a position of absolutism; therefor the drive-by impression is that myself or Solomon were advocating for heavy handed abuse of wives by their husbands.

And as expected, the straw men got more blown out of scale, and then it was a story of how Christian husbands ought to force themselves on their wives irrespective of their actual desire, and then comes ‘Rape! Rapety rape rape!’

How to Get Your Wife to Want to Fuck You

I’ll admit, I’m not familiar with Solomon’s writing, but from what I gather on his blog it’s fairly heavy on the “how to get your wife to have the Biblically mandated sex the Lord obligates her to” posts. I fully understand the ease with which the “spiritual, but not religious” crowd would have a field day with a majority of his posts.

As some of my readers are aware I’ve been an active reader of Dalrock’s blog for years now. I don’t do religion, but if I were to I expect a lot of what I’d write would be better done by Dal. A handful of commenters on his blog think I’m the Devil for laying bare the frustrations they observe in the church in the secular, nuts & bolts, psychology and intersexual dynamics. I think most there have a pretty good grasp of the feminization and egalitarian efforts that have taken root in a religion that still preaches the old set of books to men while simultaneously expecting them to recognize the new set of books for women.

I imagine a lot of contemporary Christian men would embrace some degree of the MGTOW mindset if marriage weren’t the only doctrinal means for them to have ‘ordained’ sex. Mainstream, pop-culture Christianity loves to adopt and ‘sanctify’ christianized versions of secular social trends, and the Red Pill is no exception. One theme I see repeated on sites like BGR as well as Focus on the Family is a push for married Christian couples to have more sex. Solomon’s tact is literally enforcing Biblical gender roles on couples and therefor obligating wives to ‘Duty Sex’ they apparently are reluctant to have. For the Focus on the Family side, there’s an embrace of men’s constant need to qualify themselves for their wive’s intimacy; ergo making it their fault for their sexlessness.

I imagine this situation doesn’t bode well with the contemporary Christian young man who actually takes his conviction with some degree of seriousness. Not only does his Burden of Performance include a constant qualification to women in a sexless pre-marriage state (to say nothing of the hormones of youth), he “struggles” with rubbing it out to porn, and then has a sexless marriage waiting for him on the other side of the marriage contract that is all down-side risk for him.

The Quest for the Righteous Fox will always persist, but I can’t say that sounds like a great opportunity for an 18 year old guy raised on Purity Rings and taught to defer all authority to the woman who will become his only source of sexual release for a lifetime. So the appeal of a christianized form of the Red Pill should be obvious.

My comment to Solomon was motivated from the perspective of wanting to help these men better understand their Christian conditioned Blue Pill predicament. I know a common refrain of more traditionalist Christians is that Christianity was already Red Pill before there was a Red Pill, and in an Old Testament respect I guess I can relate, but the problem isn’t one of doctrine, it’s about the readiness with which the church has adopted egalitarianism as doctrine. I get that it’s largely a business decision – appeal to the feminine or go out of business – but after several generations the same Blue Pill conditioning of the past 60+ years is only amplified in a religious context.

Religion is no insulation against Hypergamy. I understand that in the past religion was used as a control on Hypergamy, especially in respect to men’s burden of performance and the necessity of their provisioning to women.

There was a section in the London Real video interview of Nick Krauser where he explains the distribution of labor aspect of how religion and the 80\20 aspect of the Pareto Principle interact with Hypergamy and intersexual dynamics. I may explore this in another post, but the idea is that monogamous marriage in a Christian sense relatively ensured that the 80% Beta men could reasonably expect to get a woman for exclusive sex and pass on his genetic lineage.

Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks are still the order of the day, but that Beta could, through a social and religious contract, be pacified with a wife and the responsibilities inherent in his burden of performance as a father and husband. Thus the distribution of labor could be maintained without the fear of a ‘Beta Uprising’ to claim control of more Alpha dominant men.

Stay at Home Dad Documents His Sex Life on a Fitbit

Unfortunately with the advent of the sexual revolution that Beta Christian man’s sex life is far more likely to resemble this guy’s. Egalitarianism has saturated itself not just into the social structure of the church, but it has reshaped the very doctrine upon which this old set of books and monogamous marriage was founded upon.

Thus we see men looking for answers to their sexless marriages and the hope that Red Pill awareness can bring to them. Old order marriage only exists with regards to men’s responsibilities under it. These husbands must balance those old order expectations with a new order egalitarianism that the church has embraced for their wives. And few are ever aware of their balancing act.

The Red Pill would have to be made Christian Kosher®, but the psychological and sociological underpinning of Red Pill awareness clashes with the ‘traditionalism’ of old order Biblical gender roles based on that old division of labor/monogamous marriage model.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

….oh dear. so much confusion. : )

8 years ago

Gotta admit, that’s a neat trick.

8 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

@Edelweiss “Choose any ideology you like. When a woman views it through the prism of the FI, it takes on the fundamental characteristics we likely would all recognize.” @Rollo Tommassi “I have approached Dalrock about coauthoring just such a book in the past.” Hope to read that. Because it would be a huge boon in my social retardation and new forms of adaptability. “I’m not saying all Christian men are default pussies or there are no Christian Alphas, just that the social environment that constitutes the church is so overwhelmingly conducive to creating and maintaining Beta men now… Read more »

8 years ago

Have you asked your wives what would make them feel more horny? Have you asked women what turns them on? Do you consider the womens perspective at all, besides a living fleshlight?The only thing right on this whole blog is “undeniable”, I prefer men who can laugh at themselves, don’t play dread games and are thinish.

8 years ago

I asked my wife what makes her horny, she said “Chad”

Lol at asking, yeah that’ll work

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Rollo, “Ergo, you have Emily fucking the exciting, “arousing” guys back in her junior year of high school – who never had to learn a passage from the Bible to fuck her – while she proactively cuckolds her virtuous Christian live-in boyfriend by making him wait for the sex her “arousing” boyfriends never had to.” One of her ( moronic) comment was : “And he treats me well, and THAT what matters ” Tingles don’t matter for her! ( for now) . The day will come when she realizes she created a boring sex zombie and resenting him for believing… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


To add to what Rollo said: you ever ask a woman what she wants in a man? It ain’t what she actually wants. It’s what she’s been told by society is the acceptable list of things to say she wants. Watch who she truly lusts after or fucks. Watch what that guy is or does. That’s what she wants. She’ll never tell a man, she’ll only show him in who she runs off to actually fuck.

8 years ago

Great article as usual Rollo. It’s a truly pitiable state what times we’re in right now. I apologize for the video not directly relating to your current article, and maybe you’ve seen it already, but I got linked to this indoctrinating pile of rubbish today: The blue-pill is strong. Boys today, atheist, christian, or whatever religion (except Muslims) are raised to be cuckolds. There isn’t a single “man” in that entire video. I think the emasculation of Westernized men is the main reason why Muslims are currently flooding Europe and raping all the women. Christian men have to wake… Read more »

8 years ago

Fuck bitches, get money. All a Christian man needs to know.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

I prefer men who can laugh at themselves, don’t play dread games and are thinish.” This is typical. Basically, it’s a confusion between externals and the internals the actually make the man attractive. a) men who can laugh at themselves – amused mastery, emotional invulnerability. My father has great natural game, and his go-to method for passing (pretty ruthless, really) shit tests is to laugh exuberantly at the problems my mother brings up. Especially the problems with him. He finds it hilarious, not wounding. The idea that she might be disrespecting him doesn’t even occur to him. Subconsciously, he ‘assumes… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

re: ‘have you asked what turns her on?’

Hehe, I used to ask that. Then I discovered that what turned her on the most was being disobeyed.

Guess what I did then.

8 years ago

@ Shane: You can argue with some claims of some manospherians but plethysmography shows beyond doubt that women have not a damn clue what turns them on- which means if you “ask” them they will lie- same as everything else.

Not even a nice try.

8 years ago
Very “american” this article – but good. Fortunately there are still places in the world where things are different – and man can benefit from them.

8 years ago

@ Kobayashii1681: even prior to learning about Red Pill I was swimming occasionally and doing other sports where there are indeed lots of young women around (like yoga, although I wasn’t in it for the women). I’m shy around strangers though so usually I was just there doing my thing and not interacting much.

Now I’m also going to the gym and lifting weights to get stronger.

8 years ago

I attend a large church that leans RP, but still leaves plenty to be desired. They’ve featured a couple of reformed adulteresses in their literature/videos showing, of course, what is possible when you’ve turned your life over to God and you presumably no longer drop your panties for men you’re not married to. They will occasionally have guest preachers or speakers, and one time they had 4 women speakers (all church members) talking about the role of women in the Kingdom or something like that. One of them was the obligatory noble single mom. She was the least objectionable of… Read more »

8 years ago

Here’s the raw truth about Christianity. The Alphas kill it there, just like anywhere else. However, the Alphas in Christianity are naturals and don’t really verbalize/demonstrate red pill philosophies. Thus, church leaders, the dynamic leader types, tend to have great marriages and do well. As do the cream of the crop of Christian men, the top 20%, everyone else is fucked. With that said Christianity has little credibility in my eyes, since the ass fucks are so god damn arrogant and act like they know the truth about everything. Yet they clearly have missed the boat regarding relationships. “We know… Read more »



8 years ago

Shane: “Have you asked your wives what would make them feel more horny? Have you asked women what turns them on? Do you consider the womens perspective at all, besides a living fleshlight?The only thing right on this whole blog is “undeniable”, I prefer men who can laugh at themselves, don’t play dread games and are thinish.

Are you a gay man? Women are not like gay men. Asking them what turns them on doesn’t typically turn them on.

8 years ago

“Does this turn you on?”
Is a line you will find in a best selling chick lit “romance” novel absolutely never.

8 years ago

Another part of the problem is that most evangelical Christians really do believe that females have a special spiritual intuition about them, which, if the lid was blown open on their true attraction triggers, would cause rapid recoil involving scoldings about comparing them to “animals” and having “instincts” and … but evolution! The big lie is that Christian women are able to overcome their feral instincts where the shamed Christian “porn-addict” male cannot. Of course that all gets thrown out the window when your wife accidentally meets the right man at the right missions conference and they meet later and… Read more »

8 years ago

lol at the term Christian RP…. RP in its purist form has no religious involvement at all. I’m done with this thread, Ill be back on the next essay when we get back to real discussions.

8 years ago

Liz: “Does this turn you on?”
Is a line you will find in a best selling chick lit “romance” novel absolutely never.

I will have to trust your experience with this kind of literature, but that is a very good argument.

8 years ago

Amen to that Bromeo.

8 years ago

Abundance mentality applies to women in general, I don’t think it applies to virgin brides – but the benefits for LTR stability seem significant @IAS So here’s your pedestal. Chances are you won’t find another virgin, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of wonderful women that aren’t virgins out there. You need to get over this line of thinking. There’s no need to find another virgin. Especially for a red pill alpha. I’m fairly sure I will increase my SMV, and hope it will be enough to improve things significantly. Here’s the thing. Just by dedicating yourself to… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Andy

“Follow your intuition, if your brain wants you to turn her around and fuck her doggy style, then turn her around. Do a lot of talking too. Don’t be quiet. Obviously you might not feel right grabbing her ears and fucking her face until she pukes at first… lol. Every time you fuck her just go outside of your comfort zone a little bit more. Just keep pushing your personal boundaries. It doesn’t sound romantic, but girls don’t want to be fucked romantically… AT ALL. lol. That’s a total DLV move.”
Challenge accepted…

8 years ago

Good posting Andy. IAS asks: “As a married man (virgin groom) which is not willing to cheat, I would very much welcome ideas for how to test myself to acquire or verify an abundance mentality and test for fear of rejection (hoping Rollo has good ideas on this, giving that the default for single guys would be “spinning plates” which I can’t do if I remain faithful).” Rollo addressed that here: Before I dig in here I think it’s important to bear in mind that the principles of Game do not change in an LTR, only the context does.… Read more »

8 years ago

Good posting Andy. IAS asks: “As a married man (virgin groom) which is not willing to cheat, I would very much welcome ideas for how to test myself to acquire or verify an abundance mentality and test for fear of rejection (hoping Rollo has good ideas on this, giving that the default for single guys would be “spinning plates” which I can’t do if I remain faithful).” Rollo addressed that here: Before I dig in here I think it’s important to bear in mind that the principles of Game do not change in an LTR, only the context does.… Read more »

8 years ago

lh: “I will have to trust your experience with this kind of literature, but that is a very good argument.” Thanks. Well, I’m definitely not proud that I have some experience in this form of literature. But the least I can do is offer the benefit of that experience. 😛 Fwiw, although I do think that wives should service their husbands regularly (and vice versa), but it can be very helpful (and definitely rewarding) to know what behaviors inspire attraction and which might have the opposite effect. A lot of this is NOT obvious, but has the type of effect… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Shane Have you asked your wives what would make them feel more horny? Have you asked women what turns them on? Yeah, because women know so much about themselves. Like why they are depressed/cranky when they are about to have their period. Not. lolz I have been a pickup artist. I have observed women. Women say one thing and do another. They say that they hate jerks, yet always call the last man to dump them a “jerk”. Men accurately conclude that women like to sleep with jerks. There are two problems with asking women things about their sexual… Read more »

8 years ago

@Shane Have you asked your wives what would make them feel more horny? Have you asked women what turns them on? Do you consider the womens perspective at all, besides a living fleshlight? Ah, another classic redirection. What comes next is… “Why aren’t you men listening to the words of women?!? You’re just treating us like objects because you don’t listen to what we say! And by the way, I am a woman so I can speak for what all women want so as to shame you all!” In truth, regardless of sex you shouldn’t listen to what anyone says… Read more »

8 years ago

“It doesn’t sound romantic, but girls don’t want to be fucked romantically… AT ALL.”

Now that I think about it you may need to mix some comfort in there too. I think it just depends on the chick. But overall the theme should be dominant.

8 years ago

Andy – in my very limited experience “comfort” is best left for after the deed is done. Use the afterglow to your advantage if you think some comfort is required.

8 years ago

@ Liz Thanks. Well, I’m definitely not proud that I have some experience in this form of literature. Some experience? Girl, you’ve bragged that you can do pornstar quality sex. [smirk] My T level is acting up again. I joined a weightlifting meetup to get access to a trainer on the cheap. I’ve been gaining weight (from muscle volume, I think) and my T level has been increasing again, I think. Being white, I have a high T-receptor count. My T level was also well above average last it was measured months ago. I’m trying to understand this chemistry thing.… Read more »

8 years ago

Reading what everyone has written on this post so far is awesome. The whole church thing. My experience was a bit different than others on here. I was raised in an “Old School” Southern Baptist church. Hypergamy still existed, but women shamed short term mating strategies & locked down Alpha husbands by cooking, cleaning, ect… I was a kid growing up in the 80’s and my family structure and friend structure were almost all stay at home moms or women who rarely worked. I didn’t see beta being pushed in different church’s that I’ve attended with girls I’ve dated until… Read more »

8 years ago

It seems uncontroversial women like the sex rough. They enjoy being coldly used as sex toys. Could any of the “women don’t really fancy jerkboy-assholes, only men like to think so”-proponents explain to me why the women’s arousal should be any different in and out of bed? Of course the FI wants to separate those 2, so women can get both the control and the arousing sex. I know my sister makes rules for her man the whole day but she also asked him to beat her in the face while having sex. It suits women’s needs and the “dominant… Read more »

8 years ago

@rugby11ljh: Anytime bruv! Have one on me for this: “By changing myself I’ve noticed that everyone I grew up with it dosnt know me anymore.” This is very true. Guys and women raised by the FI and still enslaved by it epitomise the crab-in-a-bucket mentality….Like zombies, when they start seeing that alpha aura develop they make every effort to pull you back in. “Join us, join us!” “NAWALT!” “christianity is not feminized”, “lean in”, “sex is not important”, “A mother’s love” “A woman’s love..” and so on ad infinitum… Family, friends…it’s really scary, especially to the newly RP initiated, the… Read more »

8 years ago


“Have you asked your wives what would make them feel more horny? Have you asked women what turns them on? Do you consider the womens perspective at all…?”

Cute…complete folly!

Frankly, it makes them horny trying to make me horny, drained, and satisfied. End of!

But in reference to your question, and I mean this in the nicest way…

comment image


8 years ago

@IAS: “even prior to learning about Red Pill I was swimming occasionally and doing other sports where there are indeed lots of young women around (like yoga, although I wasn’t in it for the women). I’m shy around strangers though so usually I was just there doing my thing and not interacting much. Now I’m also going to the gym and lifting weights to get stronger.” Brilliant! It’s never for women, well….sensei did a post on this. Fact is being in good shape, ripped gets you attention from women…so there it is. I understand the shyness, all I’m saying is… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo: I had a feeling…..

8 years ago

Shane is as good as a sock puppet.

8 years ago

@The ASD Gamer: “They say that they hate jerks, yet always call the last man to dump them a “jerk”.” Men accurately conclude that women are unreliable witnesses, therefore they, the men, know nothing about the last man. Look at the man she is with now. That man’s behaviour is going to be that of a “jerk” the second he dumps her. This is how you find out what women mean by “jerk.” It may not match your definition at all. @Tedd: Get a flexible tape. If your waist is going down while your weight is going up, some reasonable… Read more »

8 years ago

KFG – think you got me mixed up there. I’m still working some pudge off my middle, but that has been a work in progress for awhile now. Went from 400lbs + pre-divorce down to 230. Then quit smoking and shot back to 250. Getting this weight off is proving harder than the first run, but I can breath again so that’s a bonus! At any rate I measure mostly by the size pants that fit. I got down to 38’s, but now I’m in fucking 44’s. Gotta step up my exercise and get back below 230 so I can… Read more »

8 years ago

@benfromtexas ” The whole church thing. My experience was a bit different than others on here. I was raised in an “Old School” Southern Baptist church. Hypergamy still existed, but women shamed short term mating strategies & locked down Alpha husbands by cooking, cleaning, ect… I was a kid growing up in the 80’s and my family structure and friend structure were almost all stay at home moms or women who rarely worked. I didn’t see beta being pushed in different church’s that I’ve attended with girls I’ve dated until about 15 years ago. The “New Age” push I think… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

“Troubling to put it lightly” is an understatement.

8 years ago

Just stumbled on this: Feminism in the UK, the FI, YMY….take 1

I feel sad for the youth….feminism/FI has set back man-woman relations a century…

8 years ago

@Tedd: ” think you got me mixed up there.”

You’re right, that was to ASD Gamer as well.

” I can chat with a doc about all the excess flab I have . . .”

You can, but he’s about the last person you should chat with. He’s a medical doctor. Not a trainer, nutritionist or physiologist.

Start by reading everything here:

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago

Can’t really address this post other than to share that my only personal experiences with self-described ‘Serious Christian’ girls. All four different born-agains I sampled were attempting to mitigate their completely obvious cock addictions/hypergamous excesses with an ex-post-facto sitz bath in the cleansing blood of the lamb.

MY WET PENIS’ RESEARCH FINDINGS: The Good Shepherd didn’t work out all that well for them in that regard.

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago

AWALT. I would posit that even a great many of the most devout young Muslim women will rip off their burqas/chadors and behave quite differently if you take them away from the baleful stares of their peers and throw them into Rollo’s hypothetical Cancun foam cannon.

Things will “just happen.” OOPS. Which is why, from a straight-up PUA perspective, that ‘isolation’ is so important to the seduction process.

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago

ASD in deeply religious girls makes their tingles increase by magnitudes both before AND after the barricade ultimately crumbles. That was my experience in every case I personally witnessed (pun intended)—so I can hardly believe it to be anomalous.

Guess I had more to say on this topic than I originally thought. lol

8 years ago

Just perused Aunt Giggles latest offering…holy shit is the Beta Bucks theme making headway.

Seems like a whole cohort of gen Xs and Ys are pulling the rip cord on the CC and are now ready to settle with Mr Good Enough but the slumlords have infected the minds of the middling betas.

The comments are hilarious, they want men with options…

If it wasn’t for the map provided by the good captain Rollo I think I would have sailed off the end of the earth by now.

8 years ago

Thanks, kfg. I definitely look better with my clothes on than off, what with the rolls of skin from losing weight. [facepalm]

8 years ago

@ Diplomat

So, ASD heightens the sexual tension in seriously religious girls? Does that make sex with them better? If so, I guess that atheist girls are in the shitter.

8 years ago

KFG – you misunderstand. I was so big I have a lot of “extra” skin around. (thankfully my neck does not look like a vagina like not-so-fat Bastard in Austin Powers. lol) But before I talk about any kind of surgical fix (which I’m not 100% sold on yet anyway), I need to be in better physical shape. I’ve been at it for several years, but it took me a long time to pack all that ass on. And this is a marathon, not a sprint. I found a pic of myself with the ex the year prior to our… Read more »

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago


To quote Sean Connery, “not better, just different.”

Durandel Almiras
Durandel Almiras
8 years ago

Like a few others here, such as Beefy Lev, I’m a practicing Catholic. To say the Church here in America and the West is not infested by feminism and the FI is laughable. Heck, I just discerned out of seminary and even there it’s still obvious and present. Yes, the faith is not compatible and speaks against it, but in practice it is ignored. Similar to the issue of contraception, the Church is against it but a majority of Catholic women use it anyway. Does the USCCB say anything? Nope, and heck, good old Pope a dope Francis said we… Read more »

8 years ago

“KFG – you misunderstand.”

Yeah, I’m on a roll today, ain’t I?

8 years ago

He was a deacon, just as wise as he could be…

8 years ago

@Durandel Almiras
A few points:
What kind of Catholic disrespects the Pope? :/
I wouldn’t say anyone in my church is RP. Catholicism isn’t really compatible with TRP, imo. Have you read the writings of Pope John Paul II?
No one should be banned from church.

8 years ago

@ kfg

Forget the roll. Try apprehending an aeronautical fornication at an oscillating pastry. 😉

8 years ago
Reply to  theasdgamer

I love donuts.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

What’s she like pushing 60 now? Poor girl needs grandkids to occupy her, but I don’t see ’em coming soon.

Maybe she should try having Shane as a guest blogger. Between the two of them they could totally savage the mistaken idea that women want, need, and demand fried ice…

8 years ago

” Catholicism isn’t really compatible with TRP, imo.”

More and more, day by day, your opinions look like shit.

8 years ago

@Durandel Almiras

You’ll see our little Emily is an example of the problems you describe.

Of course she thinks people shouldn’t be banned from the church. It fits her agenda and feminist leanings. She proudly states that no one in HER church is RP, as if that were a good thing.

The girl is an example of the viral infection in churches nowadays.

8 years ago

“Try apprehending an aeronautical fornication . . .”

As I’ve had a poor history of giving one, I might as well have a go at that.

” . . . at an oscillating pastry.”

I’m a celiac, you insensitive clod.

8 years ago
Reply to  kfg

Clod? I’ve never heard of that word before.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


I take it you never read the amazing Calvin & Hobbes.

8 years ago

@ kfg

As you wish. …at an oscillating gluten-free pastry. lolz

8 years ago

@Ben from Texas:

Normally I can’t resist a straight line, but this one makes me nervous. I might end up in Texas again some day.

8 years ago

@SHane: “Have you asked your wives what would make them feel more horny? Have you asked women what turns them on? Do you consider the womens perspective at all, besides a living fleshlight?” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHHAAH!!!! WAIT! Ask her what turns her on? Ask her what she wants. Damn, why didn’t I think of that? That sounds like a GREAT idea! Let’s just ASK our women what it is they want. Then they can just TELL us and we can do it! Well fuck me in the butt, that sounds like a perfectly reasonable idea. What could go wrong. I would give… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago


you’re incensed about pastries? Try being a former brewer with that celiac shit. In (possibly) the most exciting city to be a brewer in the world, currently.

I still have a vintage Angel’s Envy in my basement waiting for some event epic enough that I won’t care about being sick for a week after drinking it.

8 years ago


Not only do girls not know what turns them on, they don’t know WHEN they are turned on because…wait for it…they are In the Moment ™.

8 years ago

@ Forge, kfg

I know a brewer of gluten-free beer. Might be a tad hoppy.

8 years ago

One word: sake.

Durandel Almiras
Durandel Almiras
8 years ago

@Emily A few points: Why do I have a feeling that zero points are about to be made? What kind of Catholic disrespects the Pope? :/ That’s as stupid as asking “What kind of American disrespects the President?” I only have to follow that twit on St. Peter’s seat on matters of the faith. There is no Alien & Sedition Act on the Canon Law books that orders me to abstain from criticizing that radically progressive shitheel. And on matters outside of the faith, like gun ownership, I can politely ignore him and go buy more ammo. I wouldn’t say… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@kfg, asd ha, I’m keeping my chin up about it. I’m actually experimenting with malted rice beers currently, which to my knowledge has never been tried before (sake rice isn’t malted, and beers like asahi use synthetic rice products as their adjuncts, giving very different flavors). Very promising flavor characteristics, but there’s a few enzymatic issues we have to resolve yet. Mixing millet in may prove the solution, we’ll see. I like sake a lot. But holy hell is it a pain to make. It has you up 2 times a night for 12 days kneading some crazy fungus mixture… Read more »

8 years ago

I think some of this stuff looks interesting and should be looked at by guys in the manosphere:

8 years ago

I wouldn’t say anyone in my church is RP. Catholicism isn’t really compatible with TRP, imo. That was my impression of Catholicism too. My parents are very religious and I got to know it all during my upbringing (until I rebelled against it). I never saw a masculine man in church, the priests least of all. Current priest at my parents community is a vain faggot (of course not open) who wants to flirt with me every time we meet. And it’s not only the people still going to church, Catholic ideology is in my opinion beta to the core.… Read more »

8 years ago

Catholicism just isn’t very RP. We place high value on celibacy, including and perhaps especially male celibacy, whereas TRP glorifies and often encourages promiscuity (but only male promiscuity, naturally.) The Church focuses far more on spiritual than earthly matters. Particularly in marriage. Where does the Catechism preach dominance and control? JPII wrote an amazing book about the Catholic position on the dynamic of males and females, ‘love and responsibility.’ Once you read that, you realize that Catholicism is incompatible with TRP.

8 years ago

Shouldn’t you sleep, Emily? =P Gonna add another point: The opposite of love isn’t hate but fear. Love kills the fear, that’s what the love of God is good for. “The lord is my guide and I will not be harmed”. Love is the solipsistic solution to fear. It’s probably the same mechanism letting women submit to the terrifying Alpha: Loving him will not change anything about how things are, but it will stop the fear. Women do that automatically. So do hostages (“Stockholm Syndrom”). And so do Christian men. You cannot seriously advocate for the solipsistic solution in favor… Read more »

8 years ago

Caveclown: “My single mother neighbor has a jesus fish sticker AND one that says, “if you’re going to ride my ass at least pull my hair” I had to go back and read this post because this morning I saw this very thing right in front of me while I was dropping one of my sons off at school! Upper right, a fish sticker with a biblical quote and down and to the middle, the “pull my hair” one. This is strangely coincidental. Are we nieghbors or is this a “thing” now? Buy one Jesus sticker get a pull-my-hair one… Read more »

8 years ago

After reading the chapter on honor in Donovan’s The Way of Men I now “think” I get more of what some of you have been writing about. A few more dots connected…and a few more ugly layers to peel away to be replaced by being good at being a man. I feel a bit like I did back in July when I first stumbled onto this site. Raw, like I was a walking open wound and a terrible sense I’ve been doing it all wrong. It’s awfully uncomfortable to look into the mirror after your eyes open a bit more.… Read more »

8 years ago

Roused, when you finish that book, remember to ask me what red pill curriculum books you should read next.

8 years ago

@ lh

Submitting to God means shifting your MPO to God.

And submitting to a superior officer in the military means shifting your MPO to that officer.

8 years ago

@ Emily TRP glorifies and often encourages promiscuity (but only male promiscuity, naturally.) An interesting claim. TRP encourages men to act in their own benefit because western culture gives women a major advantage when it comes to sex since women are no longer corralled. The Church focuses far more on spiritual than earthly matters. Particularly in marriage. Didn’t you claim in the same comment that the RC encourages celibacy? How is that not an earthly matter? And how is sex in marriage not an earthly matter? TRP deals primarily with earthly matters. If the RC deals mostly with spiritual matters,… Read more »

8 years ago

“I had to go back and read this post because this morning I saw this very thing right in front of me while I was dropping one of my sons off at school! Upper right, a fish sticker with a biblical quote and down and to the middle, the “pull my hair” one. This is strangely coincidental. Are we nieghbors or is this a “thing” now? Buy one Jesus sticker get a pull-my-hair one free?” Maybe we are neighbors, tell me where you live and I’ll tell you if I live there too…lol I think its a “born again virgin”… Read more »

8 years ago

“……and a few more ugly layers to peel away…..”

Sorry to rub salt in your wounds too, Roused, but I suppose it’s painful to see your son seek honor among the feminine (in his family, in school and in you his father–who didn’t abdicate to the feminine imperative enough in marriage–rather than honor among men.

8 years ago

Wow. Just wandered over to HUS. ROFL they have no idea that what they describe as a high value man is a farce. So they want Brad Pitt, but only if he only has sex in committed relationships. So hot guys that only have sex within the confines of commitment… The description practically describes most of my entire life (minus super hot looks lol) and I’ll say it: based on attitude alone I wouldn’t have given a single one of the commenters a chance. Why? If I’m going through the trouble of “controlling my urges” I’m going to want more… Read more »

8 years ago

Having dread is good, it has a strong effect, but it is temporary. Men can spend so much time with their women and their kids. Men cannot impose their will onto their women and kids, using dread alone. They need a “frame” prepared by the “village” for them to adopt and for women to enter to. When you have both government and religion abdicate any formal “frame”, men are going to have a hard time managing their relationships.

8 years ago

Ted, How about the article on HUS recommending people put their credit scores in their online dating profiles? Apparently a low credit score shows that a man is more likely to want casual sex and is less likely to commit. From HUS; “Another study found that “Individuals who have intercourse in the context of hookups are differentiated by high impulsivity, low concern for personal safety, low dependency, their erotic approach to relationships and an avoidant attachment style.” (Paul, McManus and Hayes, 1999) Clearly, the inability to defer gratification through saving should be a massive red flag. Maturity requires the clear… Read more »

8 years ago

@theasdgamer: “And submitting to a superior officer in the military means shifting your MPO to that officer.” There is still a difference between accepting orders regarding how to do your job and submitting. But I stated several times now I don’t consider military people as Alpha at all. Sacrificing yourself for your country and taking orders to do so is deeply Beta. (I hear you Rollo, Alpha is a mindset and I agree, but a lot of practice in some mindset makes it a personality trait.) There are reasons any thug-mass-murderer can decorate his prison cell in love-letters and marriage… Read more »

8 years ago

My credit score is almost 850…

Does that make up for my 5’8″??


8 years ago

CC: “Maybe we are neighbors, tell me where you live and I’ll tell you if I live there too…lol”

South Florida. Hint: so far south I’m almost in Cuba. 😉

Here’s another neighbor! (just kidding, not a neighbor but I thought it was funny)

8 years ago

@Cave: When it comes to being a provider, sure. But if you want to have “intercourse in the context of hookups” that study could be interpreted as a recommendation to fake your credit-rating down or hide it. Remember YaReally explaining the difference between lover and provider and the necessity to disqualify oneself as provider?

8 years ago

CaveClown – credit score? No in didn’t look around too much. I don’t want a headache…

Do you see the “Emily” attitude on display though? She would fit right in lol.

8 years ago


It’s snowing here today.

So no, not neighbors.

Hint: Almost Canada


8 years ago

“@Cave: When it comes to being a provider, sure. But if you want to have “intercourse in the context of hookups” that study could be interpreted as a recommendation to fake your credit-rating down or hide it. Remember YaReally explaining the difference between lover and provider and the necessity to disqualify oneself as provider?”

Hence my short guy joke.

This is why I say shit like, “I’m head fry cook at burger king” (h/t to the CH)

Or, “I’ve been unemployed for 8 years” (also h/t to the CH)

8 years ago

Funny thing is how it works in the female brain. One would think capability to provide doesn’t harm qualities as a lover and a good lover with money on top would be even better. But female thinking is very different. For them a potential lover is a nice thing to enjoy sex. But as soon as there is some price she can ask for the sex, she will and there will be no “free sex”.

8 years ago


A woman’s credit score also shows that she has the potential to ruin your finances. Along with amount of debt and youth indiscretions, these three are big red flags for me.

8 years ago


Having dread is good, it has a strong effect, but it is temporary.

Not this. Dread is a habit because a man maintains his options.

8 years ago

There is still a difference between accepting orders regarding how to do your job and submitting. But I stated several times now I don’t consider military people as Alpha at all.

How about if you’re an employee? At least part of the day you have to be beta, if submitting to authority means that you’re beta. And when a cop stops you or you’re in court, you have to submit to the authority. Beta in certain contexts.

8 years ago

How about if you’re an employee? At least part of the day you have to be beta, if submitting to authority means that you’re beta.

I keep accidentally AMOG’ing my boss lately. I can’t help myself. He hesitates and my instincts kick in. Need to work on that.

8 years ago

The difference is if you submit to the authority for your own well-being (like with the cops or courts) and only for some short time only to regain or keep your freedom after. Giving a shit about morals or honor to save yourself and pursue your goals is very Alpha. The point is to follow your own goals. Employment is another issue. I think an Alpha can join some hierarchy at low ranks, but it will always be with the goal to rise to the top and be only temporarily acceptable. But in truth the Alphas I know all started… Read more »

agent p
agent p
8 years ago

Cooperating for the purpose of achieving a common goal in the context of heirarchical employment is not “submission” per se.

8 years ago

Dread is even a natural part of a RedPill aware lifestyle. Even if you don’t fuck your other plates, just spinning plates in your mind, keeping your eyes and mind open for some better women, will mostly induce enough Dread I think. They sense these things.

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