Last Minute Resistance


Many PUAs have at one point encountered and considered what’s commonly known as LMR, Last Minute Resistance after they’ve successfully moved through the various phases of seduction and had a girl reconsider fucking him and ultimately reject him at the zero hour before sex was in the offing.

LMR is the acronym PUAs gave to the tendency, but you don’t need to be a PUA to have had the experience of pleading your case for sex while spooning on the bed with a girl you’ve been trying to ‘make comfortable enough’ to want to fuck you using your best Beta Game for two months. I’d say blue pill men are much more familiar with LMR than most self-styled PUAs.

I’ll admit, I did this in my younger Beta days.

This was long before I realized that sex was about urgency, anxiety and tension, not comfort, familiarity or rapport, or proving how much better a boyfriend I’d make than the Jerks she’d enthusiastically spread her legs for because they naturally created that urgency.

It wasn’t until I’d hit my sexual stride in my semi-pro rock star 20s that I realized that striving to make a girl feel comfort and trust was anti-seductive.

Eventually I got to the point that I could get laid predictability enough with girls who were enthusiastically down to fuck, that I no longer felt the responsibility to endure the blue balls I had in trying to behave according to how girls ‘told’ me I should go about being intimate with other girls.

It was then I realized I had been attempting to Game girls according to the advice other girls had given me (or even some of the girls I wanted to get with themselves). I realized how adolescent this really was; these are games teenage girls played with guys who’s attentions they enjoyed, but couldn’t bear the thought of fucking someone they were so familiar with. I figured out that when a woman says, “I don’t think of you in that way. I think of you as a brother.”, what she’s really saying is “I’d consider sex with you to be incest”.

I didn’t know it then, but this was an important lesson in my red pill education.

I’ve never been an advocate for pushing past last minute resistance with a woman. From that point on in my life if there was any hesitancy on the part of a woman becoming sexual with me, and certainly once clothes were about to come off, I knew something else was affecting the needed sexual tension and urgency. Something else was mitigating genuine desire and I knew it wouldn’t be the kind of sex I wanted to have, or couldn’t already have had a better experience with another plate I was spinning at the time.

I get that for a lot of guys, “pushing” for sex – really trying to wait a girl out for sex – is the only Game they really have to speak of. However, I’d gotten to the point where I realized that any sex a woman makes a guy wait for is negotiated desire and mitigated sex, and the experience was never worth the wait.

I learned how to do very effective takeaways during this point in my life, but not because they were practiced to perfection from a want to bang a particular woman. Rather, and unintentionally, I had what PUAs termed a very good ‘push/pull’ technique due only to the fact that I knew if a new girl I was with was hesitant to get sexual I was wasting time I could’ve spent with another girl who was a proven commodity.

Women pick up on cues like this. Men are often oblivious to them, but there are subtle differences in our behaviors, indifferences to women’s expected behaviors from us, and subtle attitudes we sub-communicate which women are attuned to thanks to an evolved psychological understanding of when they have a sexual competitor for our attentions. Women who have a genuine interest in a guy, rarely confuse that guy with “mixed messages“.

I didn’t consciously process it then, but an overt attempt to overcome last minute resistance broadcasts a perception of ‘pussy begging’ in an obvious way. While I realize there’re sometimes situations that call for a need to be sexually assertive to promote a dominance women are testing for, if you’re in a position of what amounts to pleading or “c’mon baby” convincing a girl to fuck you, you’re negotiating (really compromising yourself) for her unenthusiastic desire.

When you overextend yourself in getting past LMR, you risk sending the message that “you just don’t get it” with regard to how women need to be seduced, and how the men they do want to fuck organically behave. By being too self-effacing in convincing a woman to fuck you, you present the perception of being optionless with other women, and thus a non-sexual Beta and she can deal with you, or not deal with you, accordingly.

It was really simple pragmatism for me to walk away from a sexual dead end girl – I had other options – but in doing so I’d unwittingly, but organically, passed a shit test. And more often than not I got laid a week or two after “bumping into” her again; after she’d had time to process it.

Game 101

Now, why am I going back to Game 101 here?

Likely this is something I should’ve included in the book, or come about to in the early posts of Rational Male (I have actually, but not in depth). Well, it’s because of a pathetically brief throwaway post from Lindy West praising the recent Yes Means Yes law on California campuses.

West usually wrote feminist agitprop before she was surreptitiously let go from Jezebel a few months ago, and rest assured this is the first and last time I’ll ever quote her on this blog, but in her giddy sputtering over the YMY law she did manage one coherent point:

“Why would you want to be tolerated when you could be desired?”

Following along in the wake of the Yes Means Yes social initiative, many a feminized blogger has gone through a good deal of mental contortions in order to rationalize why they support it. The problem they encounter is that in supporting YMY they have to explain away more than a few previously, and publicly, held stands they made in the past about gender relations to align with YMY.

One such inconsistency stems from women’s dubious want for comfort and rapport prior to sex that conflicts with what, essentially, amounts to negotiating for their genuine desire. Thus, I agree with Lindy, why would you want to be tolerated, when you could be desired?

What Lindy is oblivious to (no doubt from a lack of experiencing male attention) is that genuine desire cannot be negotiated for. Many a hapless Beta suffering in a ‘tolerance’ relationship is all too familiar with the lackluster experience of ‘duty sex’. Women will bemoan some fanciful epidemic of misogynists who think they’re entitled to, or owed sex, but the fact of the matter is the same women actively contribute to that belief by (legally now) requiring a checklist of terms necessary for men to have sex with them.

When I published Iron Rule of Tomassi #3 I received (and periodically still receive) a rash of criticism from the femosphere for insisting men excuse themselves from, and not wait for, compromised, mitigated and I daresay now, unenthusiastic sex.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #3

Any woman who makes you wait for sex, or by her actions implies she is making you wait for sex; the sex is NEVER worth the wait.

When I wrote this it was an effort in illustrating a pragmatic approach to save men the time and resources of investing in a less than optimal sexual experience. In essence, it’s a rule to help men avoid negotiated, unenthusiastic sex with women who feel obligated to fuck him. Whether it’s ostensibly from pity or duty or some other pretense the outcome is still the same.

I also wrote a follow up to this rule in Three Strikes:

Risk & Reward

In Game, there is a subtle balance that needs to be recognized between risks of over-investing in a particular woman with regards to practicality and not throwing the proverbial baby out with the bath water and losing on a potentially rewarding opportunity. Women, as is particular to their own Game, will naturally come down on the side of casting doubt on a man’s valid assessment of a woman’s potential value, both in long term perspectives and potential sexual satisfaction. This presumption of doubt is a built in failsafe social convention for women; if only you’d been more patient, if only you invested a little bit more, you’d be rewarded with a great mother for your children and the best pussy of your life – don’t blow it now!

The short version is that it’s not in women’s best sexual-strategy interests for a man to have sexual options. Women’s sexual strategy is very schizophrenic – ideally women want a Man that other women want to fuck, but in order to assess his sexual market value to other women he’s got to have exercisable options for her to compete against, or at least display indirect social proof to that effect. So, she needs to limit his options while simultaneously determining he has those options. Now add to this the hypergamous necessity of maintaining  a reasonable pool of suitors suspended in doubt of her own SMV in order to determine the best one among them for short term sexual provisioning and long term security provisioning.

As ever, the intent here is to determine the potential for genuine enthusiastic sex – if there’s no interest, or hesitant acceptance: NEXT.

At the time of my writing these posts I was castigated for exactly the same rationale that femosphere bloggers are now endorsing Yes Means Yes with today. The (now scrubbed from certain blogs) criticism then was one of how terrible it was for Men to punish women by not playing along with feminine-primary Game.

Only two years ago the criticism was, “What? You just want some whore who gives it up on the first night?”

However, under the Yes Means Yes initiative, this Three Strikes pragmatism is flipped and endorsed by the women who were previously outraged by it. YMY fosters a social environment which actively promotes Pump and Dump sexual encounters, since the furtherance of that sexual relationship into an LTR increases the risk and liabilities that are the result of the YMY threat point.

Commenter jf12 from last week’s thread:

YMY makes a good case for men abandoning what women consider to be their assortative equals, i.e. women who are older, crankier, and more likely to say no, for women who are younger, nicer, and more likely to say yes. YMY is a total green light for men to push for sex immediately if not sooner.

So the question becomes one of how men will most pragmatically develop contingencies for the YMY threat point in their own sexual strategy? In an age when Sheryl Sandberg is openly telling young women to fuck the Bad Boys, and settle down with the Nice Guy before her SMV decays into non-competitiveness, when open hypergamy is not only embraced, but proudly preached in the media, what logical choice do men have but to push for sex immediately and go their own way?

YMY combined with Open Hypergamy promote a sexual marketplace based on enthusiastic consent for Alpha Fucks, and mitigated, ambiguous consent for Beta Bucks. Now add to this environment the effects and behaviors inherent with women’s Ovulatory Shift on a monthly basis and we can begin to see the latent purpose behind Yes Means Yes – insurance against regrettable sexual behavior.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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9 years ago

“The glow wears off” only after she realizes “sadly, a lot of these guys are just masking insecurities, and like you say, not true jerks.”

Be a True Jerk, men!

9 years ago

I bothered watching the “10 hours of street harassment” video finally, and I counted exactly 19 guys speaking to her OR someone near her. There wee nowhere near the 100+ instances claimed. Almost half were black guys saying the d-word as they walked passed by. Most of the rest were ordinary greetings, literally spoken by everyone to everyone (except maybe in NYC …). Four instances were definitely some guys catcalling and/or seeing if they had a chance. Maybe 5 if you round up. That’s once every 2 hours, for a woman who was trying to see if she could get… Read more »

9 years ago

I’ll hold out my palm, and you can do your finger on it and tell me what my masked insecurities are, ok? It’ll be fun! And it’ll tickle if you do it right!

9 years ago

re: department of best laid plans. Oh and btw the red pill is knowing what it was that made the blue pill seem so right. He Stopped Loving Her Today.

9 years ago

Re: Last Minute … Something. Not precisely Regret, certainly not Remembrance. I don’t understand it, so I’m writing it here. An old friend, who spats me on the arm in mock mock exasperation for calling her old, she’s in her late 60s, is dying, again. She was dying about ten years ago from breast cancer, and it has come back, in her brain. She looks real bad. About thirty years ago she was a handsome widow with a wild daughter in college and a frail preteen boy. We sang in the same choir, along with about fifty others, and we… Read more »

9 years ago

Soon, it will be illegal for a man to even talk to a girl in public. Affirmative Consent was just the beginning:

9 years ago

Probably in 2 to 3 decades, The Red Pill subreddit will receive a massive decline in traffic, here is why:

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
9 years ago

re: Chaotica. What a load of lulzome shit that was. Do they seriously think that’s informed enough about its subject to even crawl out of the SJW ghetto?
Of course they’re talking over the heads of incorrigible h8rzz like me.
Aiming to reach the likes of the SPLC and the anti-gamergate-jugend. Idiots, in other words. I wave my bottom in their general direction.

9 years ago

re: chaotica, and post-emptively outlawing behavior that a woman did not like (e.g. do not look at a woman if she does not want YOU looking at her). What ever happened to the presumption of innocence? Why is a woman so convinced that every single man she passes in the streets is planning to rape her? It is projection on her part. In case you are not as intimately familiar with the female psyche as I am, I’m here to inform you that women compete with each other as to how violently they were desired by random strangers. “He was… Read more »

9 years ago

If we outlaw negative emotions, in which prisons will we put all the women?

9 years ago

jf12 – “Why is a woman so convinced that every single man she passes in the streets is planning to rape her?” Hypergamy. Hypergamy mitigates against risk both real and imagined. Since it cannot be satisfied internally it constantly seeks an outlet in hope of finding an external brake. In the absence of real, genuine existential threats it will create threats to fill the void. Threats which be externally controlled. For example if a woman has good man hypergamy will create doubt as to how good he is. Therefore any minor flaws are exploded to serious deficiencies. This is the… Read more »

9 years ago

@Badpainter, re: “Hypergamy is mitigated by external dread.”

Awesome thought. Dread as yang to Hypergamy’s yin. Without Dread as a governator, Hypergamy revs up past the red line.

Prior to the red pill I always thought women were lying when they (sometimes) admitted that they knew they wanted pushback from their men. Because, being a rational being, I actually do want women to do what I say without pushback, so I was (irrationally, I know now) projecting my rationality onto women.

9 years ago

Sadly for the world, and for women, and for me, since confining my commenting here I’ve started reading, a little, other badder blogs. CH references another study, in a long line of studies, that when a woman is unhappy she goes out of her way to make others unhappy.

It’s not my fault.

9 years ago

jf12 – “It’s not my fault.” But it’s also not your problem. At least there is no rational expectation that you must solve any problem for any other person. You must only solve your problems. And the problem for men isn’t that women are unhappy it’s that we actually give damn. Our solution, both in aggregate, and individually is to become indifferent to those things we cannot change and are not responsible for. As well we must more fully embrace our responsibility, our caring, for those things we which are our responsibilities. None of those things include another persons happiness,… Read more »

9 years ago

jf12 – “Prior to the red pill I always thought women were lying when they (sometimes) admitted that they knew they wanted pushback from their men. ” I was always confused by this. I always have/had this thought whenever I hear this: “what the fuck are you good for if you’re always picking fights.” Of course my default response to all shit tests is Next! I realize my zero tolerance for FI BS has cost me a lot over the years. It does bother me that the greater my indifference to the feels of the ladies, which is not deeply… Read more »

9 years ago

re: “Perversely I can’t bring myself to credit this as a positive outcome.”

It is a perverse outcome, because women respond perversively. It’s not my fault.

9 years ago

The world’s best-selling training manuals on how to instigate and participate in nonconsensual sex, written by women for women.

9 years ago

How does culture variable play into how soon the woman will fuck you? I’m from Mumbai, India and even though the young people here are pretty westernized there still seems a lot of cultural resistance to sleeping instantly with someone you’ve not known so well, ofcourse is the girls doing the resisting and most guys then just fall back to “build a rapport” game, I’m not so experienced so maybe it’s just the beta in me talking.

Anyonecare to put some light on this.

9 years ago

Spent the day with our son, mostly shopping, unfortunately for him and me. But she seems to enjoy talking best with her back turned to us while riffling through stacks of shirts and things. She thinks he’s lying that zero girls have ever thrown themselves at him, kissing his feet etc. She’s decided that *he* must be picky, no matter the evidence, since, according to her, at the moment, that’s what girls simply *do*: they all throw themselves at each and every healthy employed young man, all day, every day. And, of course, plus he is a *special* healthy young… Read more »

9 years ago

Overcoming LMR is an art form, but some of the techniques can be explained. Recently a girl I was very into was forced to break up with me by her sister, who deems me too old and her too young. It took a 40 minute conversation just to get her to agree to briefly meet in person. We set a date and I flew the four hours to meet her. When she arrived her arms were folded across her chest and she looked resolute and tense. Up in the hotel room she was just as adament that this was it,… Read more »

9 years ago

Oh, and she ended the evening with porn perfect holding out her tongue, begging for me to come in her mouth, again. The truest, most visual expression of passionate cock hunger.

9 years ago

Just because a guy has other options doesn’t make all options equal. For instance a few weeks I broke up with an 18 year old girl who I’ve been seeing for a year. The sexual chemistry was good, and she was constantly offering great head – and would enthusiastically perform in public. She wants me back like crazy. And I still see another young woman of 25 years, who many people find unusually attractive, as do I. But this new girl is also 18, and a beauty contest winner, and has great social skills. I could go on and on… Read more »

9 years ago


I rather doubt that anything you have written above is true. If it is, you’re only a trial away from some very serious prison time.

9 years ago

From a blog post in 2012 about my first date with M in 2010: “After a few songs I start to escalate. Grabbing at her titties through her clothes. She grabs my hand and moves it away. Over to the other nipple. So I grab at that breast, and she moves it away again. Over to the other nipple. When she says stop, I smile, and back way up, reclining into the couch, with a look of happy self satisfaction on my face. She waits for more attention, but I’m waiting for her. Not a word. Then she comes towards… Read more »

9 years ago

Food for thought. A useful measure of the SMV of a man is the quality of women who will enthusiastically consent with him. That’s an obvious, rational, honest, and inarguable measure i.e. a male measure. In contrast, and yes I’m thinking of you, you woman you, a woman measures her SMV by the quality of men she considers herself to have rejected. I had seen this phenomenon my whole life, but putting into words makes it real. In other words, I’ve been being used by women since about 1962 to artificially inflate their self-valuation, by rejecting me, or even believing… Read more »

9 years ago


What kind of legend are you?

9 years ago

Xsplat You haven’t been paying attention. If you are trying to bed inexperienced women, then escalation of the sort you espouse will indeed sometimes yield positive results. However, if she later has regrets and remembers repeatedly saying “no”, a contention of rape will be encouraged by her friends and family, the police, the prosecutor, the jury, and ultimately the judge – all eager to prove how they support the feminine imperative. Among her sisters she will be a hero, a survivor, and you will be, after years in prison, a registered sex offender. Your choice. This is how the content… Read more »

9 years ago

jf12 re: food

It works both ways. A healthy self-esteemed alpha-type male can also measure his SMV worth by the number and quality of women he has rejected. Whether or not he truly could have bagged them is irrelevant.

9 years ago

That’s right BBB, the way the world truly works can be learned and taught through the computer screen. And only a fool isn’t a dickless MGTOW dweeb!

9 years ago

holy shit are you guys gonna like this:

basically, a guy gets “pre-cuckold” by finding out his wife was slutty throughout college and….you guessed it! reserving her best for alphas only. this reminds me of that story behind Rollo’s “Saving for the Best” post.

her husband, unlike the guys from college, never experienced her genuine sexual desire. she always denied him blow jobs and you can bet she negotiated her desire for him.

he was tolerated at best throughout the marriage and it was only a matter of time before he would have been cheated on.

9 years ago

Who was it again who said that guys with experience with women won’t be the ones put off by YMY laws? Because we are not afraid of false rape claims. And not because we are overconfident or ignorant, but because we better understand how women actually work; their mouths and their desires are very often not in sync, and their overt actions are betrayed by their subtle actions. Yes, an inexperienced or socially inept guy can make grave mistakes by over escalating. But an experienced man knows the incredible, even crucial value of sexual escalation. A woman protesting really has… Read more »

9 years ago


Please heed my warning. One needs to be smarter than ever to successfully and (most importantly) safely navigate the new sexual marketplace. Perhaps you’ll understand after you graduate from high school.

9 years ago

Sorry about the high school comment. That was uncalled for. I haven’t heard someone called a dweeb for decades. Seriously. How sure are you that you will never suffer a “false” rape accusation? It only has to happen once to ruin your life. Are you so sure that not one in a hundred will not call a rape hot line? Talk to a feminist attorney at a legal clinic? These sources will work hard to convince your second-thoughts-conquest that indeed you had sex with her without her consent. It is in the interest of the general feminine imperative to publicize… Read more »

9 years ago

bbb, Your hyperbole isn’t protecting anyone. Stroking a girls leg and ass isn’t rape. When the girl asks you to put on a condom, it’s not rape. When she makes plans to come over the next day and fuck you again it’s not rape. I’m talking about sexual escalation, even when she protests. That’s not rape. I live in SEA by the way, and there are no insane laws out here. However I’m even more at risk because as I am not a local, a girl can make up any story she wants. But they don’t. I really, honestly doubt,… Read more »

9 years ago

This is often a woman’s subconscious calculation: “What kind of a man would take no for an answer? Not a real man.” A week ago I met my new infatuation. Let’s call her J18. The date went extremely well, and even though she had only ever had one other cock and that guy had quickly flew away and ignored her, we had great sex on the first date and started to really fall for each other. Later in the week her sister tried to get her to stop seeing me, and she asked if she could come live with me… Read more »

9 years ago

I lived in South East Asia too and am familiar with the social situation you find there. The sexual dynamics are completely different than in a Western country. Stay in Bangkok, Manila, or wherever you’re at because if you return home you’ll find things completely different. Don’t puff yourself up too much because women in SEA want you for the future you might give them, not because you are such a stud. The LBFM’s are easy prey. Western women and western society would chew you up and spit you out. You should have qualified that the bullshit you laid on… Read more »

9 years ago

Puff up? Jeesus, you refuse clue don’t you.

Some post the video of Tom Torrero explaining that gaming girl in Eastern Europe is not the competition free experience that some think.

Women have many cross cultural similarities. You are a self blinded idiot if you categorically refuse to notice them.

This is not a dick measuring contest, and I’m not posting high level knowledge just to show off my dick.

We are talking about WOMEN. Women have hard wired similarities, the world over.

They react similarly the world over to dominance.

That eludes, doesn’t it?

9 years ago

Of course the issue is whether the behavior you espouse would be tolerated in a geography poisoned by the feminine imperative. Your experience in SEA is irrelevant. Good night.

9 years ago

@ Xsplat

Do your thing man. Its only recently I come to the realisation of how important dominance, leading and persistence are. And on a side note, Ive met Tom a few times, very genuine guy.

9 years ago

“Sheryl Sandberg is openly telling young women to fuck the Bad Boys”
ye bad boy, I m asking, who is bad boy? we know alpha doesn t mean bad or rude, but who is bad boy? a well built good looking man may be a nice guy, but under everage joe with less genetic is better, because is a bad boy? what? Doesn t this all means that: people in general are attracted to values, so if a man is on higher SMV he doesn t have to qualify for woman s intimacy. But bad boy? that sounds stupid…

9 years ago

Mike. Keep reading. All will become clear with time.

9 years ago

I’ve slept with a lot of women through simple approach/day-game. My experience with LMR: I met a girl at the gym. Walked her out after. Asked her if she had a boyfriend because I thought she was cute, then I leaned in and kissed her. She was like wtf (because of my impudent boldness). Then said she would see me again. Two days later I was at her place. We got into her room. Clothes came off. Everything was smooth. Then when I went to put my cock in her, she freaked the f*ck out, pulled away, and said something… Read more »


[…] It’s also consistent with what Rollo Tomassi from The Rational Male has to say in his great article about Last Minute Resistance: […]


[…] Last Minute Resistance, כותב Rollo Tomassi […]

6 years ago

[…] Last Minute Resistance […]


[…] I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a proponent of men attempting to push past last minute resistance. For as much as “enthusiastic consent” will be used as a tool of fear to dissuade Beta […]


[…] I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a proponent of men attempting to push past last minute resistance. For as much as “enthusiastic consent” will be used as a tool of fear to dissuade Beta men from […]

6 years ago

And of course, at UMich, threatening to leave a relationship, or withholding sex, is also ‘sexual assault.’

Word of advice – stop committing. Don’t worry, the world population is huge.

1 year ago

Say you’re already in the bed with them, but you’re at their place. I live in a city, so I can always just go back to my place. Would you straight up leave if you hit that LMR? Alternatively, if they’re at your place, would you straight-up offer to call them a taxi? Or maybe even insist they take it and call the taxi anyway?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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