Reminders of Myself

I’m writing this post on the day before I head off to this year’s 21 Convention and I thought I’d just do something a bit freeform to get a few ideas on the page and let you all know where my head is at these days. I generally don’t make a habit of using The Rational Male as a sounding board for my personal thoughts. Most of what you read here is what I can best describe as crafted essays. Last week’s post was a good example of that. I took about 2 weeks to to write that essay, but the the germ of the idea for building an essay on body language and implied meanings was something I’d had percolating for almost 6 months. When you write about what I do for as long as I have I’ve learned it pays to be thorough, and I enjoy the building process.

Now that I’ve said all that, I’m going to break this rule today and do a bit of stream-of-consciousness writing here now.

One thing I’ve learned since I decided to write intentionally is that I’m never off-duty. I’ve always been an artist and I’ve always kept sketchbooks with me to scribble down ideas for larger work, but it wasn’t until I started really writing that I began to keep notebooks for my posts and then my books; and now my talks. I presently have 4 small notebooks that I put ideas in. I just finished filling one up and now I need another one. I was never that Emo writer kid who was so artsy and self-absorbed he had to write a diary because he thought people must find him fascinating. In fact, I’ve always thought of art as something temporal.

Now this is changed for me. I find it an absolute necessity to keep notebooks with me to capture ideas in. I think my brain has changed somewhat since I began being a ‘serious’ author. My mind now works in a way where I get ideas that don’t stay for long, but the internal conversations I have to flesh out those ideas can get pretty involved. I’ve freaked my wife out on more than one occasion when I got up to take a piss in the middle of the night, had an idea and then had to go write it down knowing that it would fade from memory by the morning. I think I’m kind of torn between being a creative thinker and a deductive thinker as a result of applying myself to writing .

I guess that makes me a writer, but I still don’t know what I am in that respect. I do know I have an obsessive compulsion to write, but not so much to write as an author of books but a capturer of ideas. Occasionally I read about authors’ writing processes and rituals and it sounds really artsy. Honestly, I think a result of the self-publishing revolution is that it created a lot of writers who just wanted to be writers. Like they just revel in the identity and love to say ‘I’m special, I’m a writer‘. The same thing happened in desktop publishing when computers started replacing all the analog ways of graphic design. Everyone you knew was a ‘graphic designer’ because anyone could do it then.

I think it was Stephen King who said writing for him was like excrement. Not in the way that his writing was shit, but rather it was something that just came out of him, something he excreted like hair or fingernails. I think I understand that now. I never set out to be a writer, I’m an ideas man. Sometimes those ideas are great and help change men’s lives. Then sometimes I think maybe I’m a messenger for something that just needs to be conveyed in this day and this time. 

The Rational Male, my first book, just turned 5 years old on October 1st. Granted, it still needs to be cleaned up and I’m in the process of a reedit with the help of two editors now. Nothing will change as far as content is concerned, but lets be honest, the font size needs to be kicked up a couple points and there are a fair amount of grammatical errors that need to be corrected. So, I’m reading back through the whole book these days and in doing so I almost can’t believe that the voice is my own. Although the book was published in 2013 all the material is from essays I wrote as far back as 2002, and a lot of that was from conversations and debates I’d had on SoSuave from back in the day. Re-reading it is like having a conversation with myself from when I was 34 years old.

The book is important in so many ways to so many people now. That’s something I have to keep in mind today. The Rational Male is a living text. It’s not a book you you read once and put on a shelf. Readers keep returning to it when the need to be reminded of a relevant truth that they’re experiencing in life.

A year ago, when I was at the 21 Convention the thing that struck me the most was signing men’s copy’s and seeing how well-worn they were. Every one had liner notes and highlighted in at least 2 different highlighter colors. It was then I realized this book was something more than a self-published book turned out from the print-on-demand mill.

I’m sure I’ll see the same this year and it makes me happy to have been the instrument to bring these truths to men. I still get chills when men tell me it saved their lives or it fundamentally changed them for the better. I re-read my work and think ‘who is this guy?’ I wonder how my grandchildren, maybe great-grandchildren, will see what I was about. And this is what concerns me most when I consider the ease with which I could be erased from the online world.

I would be lying to say that recent social events haven’t flustered me. The fact that Roosh’s books could be so casually deleted from all of his distribution sources is unsettling. He wrote about this, prophetically, about five years ago in The Most Insidious Method of Control Never Devised. Roosh has had his bread taken from him. And yes, I understand, his right to ‘free speech’ hasn’t been impinged, he still has the right to say what he thinks, but this is a reminder that for all the high-minded talk about being ‘anti-fragile’ we’re all more fragile than we think.

I don’t know what Roosh’s revenue situation looks like, I know he’s put Return of Kings on indefinite hiatus, but I wonder what men who’ve made the manosphere their sole source of income will do when their ability to generate revenue from it dries up. This is the main reason I advise men against becoming revenue-dependent on the manosphere. It’s too easy to have their convictions compromised for the sake of profit, but it’s also one keystroke away from being deleted by platforms they depend on for that revenue.

My main fear is that the vital work I’ve done with The Rational Male might be casually undone through the ignorant vindictiveness of a feminist critic somehow made an authority over what men should and should not read in digital publishing. My fear is that the men’s lives who might be saved by my book would be prevented access to it. I made a joke on Twitter a few years ago; I said, ‘there will come a day when The Rational Male will have to be read in secret, by candle light among secret societies of men like Christians in Mao’s China had to do. I don’t laugh at that prophecy anymore.

I’ve always encouraged men to buy the physical, print copy of the book. Mainly this is because I’ve always hoped men would in fact discuss it among themselves. It was meant to be a conversation (debate) starter because I’ve always believed in the bottom up approach to making people think in new ways. I want men to physically pass the book on to the next guy they think will need it. I make the least amount on royalties from the print book, but it’s what I think is most important – but also because it is a permanency that digital books cannot insure.

The Red Pill community has grown exponentially since I began writing almost 20 years ago. While I don’t believe we’ve hit critical mass just yet I do think we’re becoming too big to ignore now. The Red Pill forum on Reddit was ‘quarantined’ last week, and unsurprisingly the latent message sent in that act was one that aligned with a pseudo-concern over what an appropriate expression of masculinity is. Ironically, the redirect from the quarantine was linked to the ‘masculinity studies’ department of Stony Brook University – every bit the Vichy male plantation for men to align with the definition of masculinity approved for them by the Feminine Imperative – and led by, the now condemned for sexual assault allegations, Michael Kimmel. 

What the Red Pill reveals is dangerous and threatening to a gynocentric world order. As the #MeToo movement evolves into the opportunistic weapon of social and political control, our online presence and our message stand out in sharp challenge to its false foundations. I can remember when I wrote Fem-Centrism and The Feminine Reality and the hostility those posts generated among critics. It’s always been a man’s world they said; how dare I suggest women were the true power behind the throne. That was 7 years ago. I had a new WordPress blog and although I was semi-well known on SoSuave I was just another blogger who wrote about this new thing called the ‘Red Pill’.

The Gestalt Feminine vs. The Gestalt Masculine

In 2018 the stakes are much higher, the game has changed and the tolerance for challenges to an ideology intrinsic to our feminine-primary social order is at its breaking point. There is now a presumption of authority to go along with the presumptions of entitlement for women and default guilt for men. The very platforms that made our coming together possible are ruled by the world views we’ve always warned against.

I once wrote a post called Appeals to Reason and in it I made a rational case as to why it is never in a good idea for a man to try to reason his way into intimacy or sex with women. Most Beta men subscribe to a very literalist mindset. Our Rational Interpretive process evolved to make men natural, deductive, problem solvers. As such, we evolved different strategies and different communication methods apart from those of women. We believe in the statistics, the empirical data, the proven methods, the ‘science’ behind the processes to make informed decisions. We prioritize information when we communicate.

To the contrary, women prioritize the context of communication – they feel the communication before they apply a rational interpretation to what’s been communicated. Even when confronted with a succinctly reason position founded on empirical facts, their first priority is to personalize how that data makes them feel. Their Emotional Interpretive Process is their evolved default.

What I see happening today on a larger meta-social scale is a collective gestalt of the masculine trying to assert their deductive reasoning to assess the disposition of the meta-female gestalt which is firmly founded in how issues of monumental social importance make the whole of the feminine feel.

In Appeals to Reason I used a guy’s petition of women as an example of this. The kid had created a list of questions for women to fill out as to why they didn’t want to go out with him on a date and to assess what it is that women want. This is classic male deductive reasoning. For millennia men have tried to apply reason to dealing with women only to find themselves confounded by what women say and what they do. The same is now true in a social scope and about decisions that have global importance today.

However, in today’s scenario it is women who presume an authority that is just on the cusp of totalitarianism. It’s like we’re collectively, as Beta, Blue Pill conditioned men, attempting to logically deduce what it is women want in order to satisfy their desire for a total authority. And when that woman doesn’t get what she wants, when men try to reason her into bed, she reacts like a violent child having a tantrum. She says what she feels, not what she needs.

And the gestalt of men turn on one another and blame the other for setting her off. “If only you assholes would give her what she wants we wouldn’t be in this mess” they say. Then to make matters worse we pander to her tantrums, we believe her insanity, we take her feelings as facts and the other half of the gestalt masculinity wonders why the other can’t see the real story while the other is swept up in female hysterics.

Then the gestalt female is pandered to so thoroughly that we come to the point that we follow their Emotional Interpretive process as the only measure of legitimate discussion. This is where we are today, only, to compound things, we’ve collectively approved for the gestalt feminine a universally effective means of destroying the parts of the gestalt masculine who would dare to challenge their feelings, their emotional priorities. We’ve given the feminine the power to wish us away to the cornfield if we upset the child.

And so here we are, at the figurative mercy of the gestalt feminine (and their Vichy male “allies”) keeping our collective heads down for fear that they’ll deny us our bread if we upset the insane, collective female Id.

There will be more to this essay in my address at the 21 Convention this Friday. I will also be doing various videos from Orlando on my Periscope, Twitter and possibly my new YouTube channel. I hope to see you there.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] Reminders of Myself […]

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
5 years ago

The best part is that when men try to collectively blame men for being capitulating pussies, they can’t be wrong about it.

5 years ago

I have said in the past that we as men ought to fight back instead of merely pointing out the issues. I was met with “Men don’t like to fight women”, “By sharing ideas we can change things”, ” It’s all one huge shit test we can pass simply by being Alpha” really? Weinstein was labelled as a beta and therefore deserving of his fate. Fast forward to Kavanaugh he faced the same accusations albeit different. There are men here who will brush this aside as this being a problem affecting a top few men. My question is if they… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s over, it’s done, the end is begun, If you listen to fools the mob rules (Black Sabbath).

5 years ago

” Even when confronted with a succinctly reason position founded on empirical facts, their first priority is to personalize how that data makes them feel. Their Emotional Interpretive Process is their evolved default.”

Me: presents empirical facts and data in a rational argument!
Her: those facts make me feel bad…it’s the data of the patriarchy and you are a creep, an incel and a misogynist.
Me: delete
Her: block

end of discussion.

5 years ago

“One thing I’ve learned since I decided to write intentionally is that I’m never off-duty. I’ve always been an artist and I’ve always kept sketchbooks with me to scribble down ideas for larger work, but it wasn’t until I started really writing that I began to keep notebooks for my posts and then my books; and now my talks.”

Ive done this in building myself up.

5 years ago

“What I see happening today on a larger meta-social scale is a collective gestalt of the masculine trying to assert their deductive reasoning to assess the disposition of the meta-female gestalt which is firmly founded in how issues of monumental social importance make the whole of the feminine feel.”

Chuck had his books banned in Prison… Even got kicked out of 2 Writing groups one because female arthurs where uncomfortable.

5 years ago

Kavanaugh saga is a good example of what you’ve said here

Marko Ramius
Marko Ramius
5 years ago

FYI, I have cut and pasted and printed out highly selected quotes from the TRM blog, and comments from the commentariat, for many years, on the fear that the blog might one day disappear from the internet. Amazingly, I now have 1950 pages of 8 1/2 by 11, Arial 11 font notes!
I also have physical copies of your three books.
These may be dangerous times for these “dangerous” ideas.
These TRM insights are too valuable to me and to many people to risk their disappearance!
Thanks for your good work, Rollo!

Andrew Lavid
Andrew Lavid
5 years ago

“I would be lying to say that recent social events haven’t flustered me.” vs. “I would be lying to say recent social events haven’t flustered me.” See the difference? Hopefully your editors will.

5 years ago

“Occasionally I read about authors’ writing processes and rituals and it sounds really artsy.”

Working from memory, because her first appearance on the show isn’t on YT (which these days means it didn’t happen):

David Letterman: So, you like writing.
Fran Lebowitz: No. I hate it.
Letterman: Then why do you write?
Lebowitz: I have rent to pay.

Litz èl Mongero
Litz èl Mongero
5 years ago

Want a quick response

I want to marry a sweet little girl of 21, I don’t come from the US, she says she wants to continue her study, but I want her to be a family wife as my parents live with me, my cousin’s nearby, if she persists, should I next her?

Litz èl Mongero
Litz èl Mongero
5 years ago

I will be meeting her in an hour, if any response was quick

Litz èl Mongero
Litz èl Mongero
5 years ago

I want a quick response

I want to marry a sweet little girl of 21. But she says she wants to continue her study after marriage. But I want her to be a family wife as my parents live with me and cousins nearby, if she persists, should I next her? I don’t come from the USA

Litz èl Mongero
Litz èl Mongero
5 years ago

Strange, was I being filtered? I had to use a VPN

Litz èl Mongero
Litz èl Mongero
5 years ago

Oh I forgot to mention, I’m 29 ,

5 years ago

The fact that Rooshes books were banned is very concerning. Getting Manosphere books to Africa for me has been difficult. I have yet to get the Rational Male in hard copy(I have the other two). I now see that while I can, I should get as much as I can in hard copy before I am longer able to see “The way of men” or how to pick up chicks during the day.

5 years ago
Reply to  Veneno1

@Veneno1 It’s not hard brother. Use torrents if you have to. Buy when you can.
If you need to get info you can get it. Redpill subreddit had a link a while back with over 50 RP books in soft copy.

Shout out from Nairobi, Kenya.

5 years ago

I’m one of those ‘artsy’ writers who have writing rituals; same coffee shop, special notepads, special ‘writing pen’. The reason I seem to need this is that, deep down, I’m afraid to say what I want to say. There are real consequences for ‘being sexist’, especially in England where I’m from although I currently live in the Netherlands. Was married to a Dutch woman and after our divorce I had to stay if I wanted to be any kind of father. Still, the way things are in the UK, I’m better off in Amsterdam. There is a sci-fi show in… Read more »

Fnu Mnu Lnu
5 years ago
Reply to  ex-cartoonist

i am a die hard fan of the show, since the 1970s.

but it was so bad last sunday, i turned it off as well.

another show ruined, because of pandering to a group.

5 years ago
Reply to  ex-cartoonist

@ex-cartoonist Mate, I knew the FI has a stronghold on things in the UK. Is it that bad? Isn’t Netherlands on the whole ‘future is female’ shit too?

5 years ago

Every mom tries her best to condition her boy to be the provider she desperately wants.

My mother’s advice to me about romance was to play the field. So maybe she was conditioning me to be the alpha that she desperately wanted.

5 years ago

@Rollo: several recent events convince me it is getting worse in terms of censorship.

Even if you don’t rely on the manosphere to get your income, if you mention certain topics and the FI will lobby to do that on your non-manosphere income streams.

I’m currently very conscious about keeping my opinions to myself on these kind of topics.

I’m happy (but surprised) you haven’t been targeted at all. I think if the FI does come for you, they won’t just go for the Rational Male but also try to mess up with your other work.

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

@ theasdgamer

‘Every mom tries her best to condition her boy to be the provider she desperately wants.

My mother’s advice to me about romance was to play the field. So maybe she was conditioning me to be the alpha that she desperately wanted.’

My mum (and her sister) used to say, “You boys (my brother & i) have had more girlfriends than hot dinners…” in a proud, admiring sort of way…

5 years ago

@ Lord of the Flies I don’t know; I have a love/hate relationship with the notion of ‘masculine men’. I may be a man myself, but I’m not particuIarly masculine in either looks or temperament. I don’t like the locker room mentality. I hate fighting. I was the soft kid at school, bookish, talented at art but no good at sports. Not only did I stand no chance against the Alphas; I didn’t even WANT to compete. I was quite happy as a kid watching TV, drawing and writing, doing my own thing. The only fly in the ointment when… Read more »

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
5 years ago

Women tend to process information first through an emotional filter. They see how that information feels, and then draw conclusions from that feeling. By contrast, men tend to process information through a rational filter, and consider any logical contradictions or inconsistencies, and then draw conclusions based on reason. Knowing this, how do you argue with a feminist SJW? Answer: Abandon logical arguments. Logic can work to persuade men, but for the most part they won’t persuade women. We have to come up with emotional arguments first and foremost. An example: Hilary Clinton had the gall to say that women are… Read more »

5 years ago

@”arguing” with SJWs, feminists etc.: No matter whether arguing emotionally or rationally – they will just doxx you/damage you socially. Time for talking is over, has been for a long time. -buy as locally and conservatively as possible -vote as authoritarian, right wing as possible -never assist anyone in the camp of the enemy, no matter how dire their plight -raise SMV etc.pp. tbe usual stuff -wait & work for change individually where you can -discriminate wherever possible, they even tell us all the time what they fear the most, just do it -shamelessly lie/reframe about all of the above… Read more »

5 years ago

Look at the upside, its a great time to be an alpha male with game and tact. I apply game at work on my gf all the time, she sort of feels in an annoying way but also clearly likes it as it allows her to relex into her feminine at the same time based on her natural instinct. I also share the knowledge with other men in regular mans meetings, but yes, it is somewhat underground. Reveal a bit of on FB and you get burnt at the stake. But you gotta learn to look after yourself first, learn… Read more »

5 years ago

Thanks Rollo. I am very late to the Red Pill. I only fully digested it just over 2 months ago, in 2 days, after about 7 years of self development and having a lifetime, since 6 years of age, of feminine upbringing and no positive patriarch in my life. I in fact then purchased your second book and read that in 3 days. Your book, The Rational Male, set off so many eureka moments in me. It was me who changed myself and turned me into the man I am but it was your book that made me realize I… Read more »

5 years ago

I banged an HB9 27 year old who continually shit tested so much she was getting turned on more when I batted them away. Then she went one step further hitting on another guy in front of me. I ignored and hit on her friend. But what struck me was just how awkward the dude she was hitting on was. He didn’t know what to do. This feeling of power she had over him was an interesting insight into hypergamy and the Red Pill. She got bored of him and came back. I said “let’s dance one last time and… Read more »

5 years ago

The mention of ” authoritarianism ” here is concerning. Authoritarianism is weak people exercising force. Game is anti-authoritarianism. Lying, cheating and bullying is for liars, cheaters and bullies. When the opposition makes you break character, they’re on their way to victory. Part of the problems men face is that many don’t have a clue how to be a man or what it even means. Channel anger and keep it in check or you are no more than a petulant child. Never get down in the gutter to fight gutter snipes. Kill your weakness first. Or turn this place into North… Read more »

5 years ago

Fuck the FI, let them assume “the burden of performance “ if they want , let them see how that “feels” when their chosen Alpha rejects them because they aren’t young , hot or fertile enough!

The bottom 90% of men are fucked and might as well do their own thing in the meantime while all this plays out until it’s inevitable conclusion.

5 years ago

My fear is that the men’s lives who might be saved by my book would be prevented access to it. There is always old fashioned mail order. Guys send you a check or money order and you mail them the book. Such a novel idea… Before that happens you can always use PayPal or other services. The porn sex toy industry business manages to sell all manner of things with second tier CC merchant banking. I’m sure you already have considered all this. We get so wrapped up in the latest and greatest tech novelty online it’s easy to forget… Read more »

5 years ago

(Our) life in battle is hopeless because in the next fight the knife will find its target. If it doesn’t kill, it maims. Rollo your subject & artistic method is brilliant. To echo Lord of Flies (who can’t be 18?), in the tradition of research, original ideas & rational writing outside of the fickle clutches of Mother Culture, i would like to see a list of references & previous literature. Thus perhaps one could write a new(?) chapter, weaving such historical strands. I am stoked you are going through the reedit process. Carry on.

5 years ago

Channel anger and keep it in check or you are no more than a petulant child. Never get down in the gutter to fight gutter snipes. Kill your weakness first. Spot on Blax. That was and still is a weakness I have that gets in the way. I can lead with the best red pill script with things flowing along just fine…and then boom! The old habit of expressing anger in a way that isn’t masculine crops up. When anger is express in a controlled fashion it can be useful. There is nothing wrong with anger, but it needs to… Read more »

5 years ago

Nice one Wala. You should post the whole thing in FR for the peanut gallery. Especially those that think older guys can’t do this.

5 years ago

“For anybody new here take note of how you use anger. ”

Beta anger is a physiological response to lack of agency. Most commonly expressed via passive aggresive behaviors. Which compounds the lack of agency.

5 years ago

Beta anger is a physiological response to lack of agency.

Beta anger is due to a lack of self-control. I’d argue that self-control is necessary for adults and that adulthood is necessary for agency.

5 years ago

“Thinking I was a sex addict, believing I had to break myself before I could move forward. I learned I did have the will to obstain from those “vices.” What I discovered is they really weren’t vices as much as distractions from creating my own mental point of origin. ” “Beta anger is due to a lack of self-control. I’d argue that self-control is necessary for adults and that adulthood is necessary for agency.” Ha! I see what you guys are doing there. So what you are saying is: that self discipline is not self suppression, right? “Just remember that… Read more »

5 years ago

The difference between self control and self suppression is often misunderstood.

5 years ago

stephen king is a piece of shit blue pill beta

his “books” are manuals on how to be a pussy

i hope he ends up like stephen hawking

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

“I made a joke on Twitter a few years ago; I said, ‘there will come a day when The Rational Male will have to be read in secret, by candle light among secret societies of men like Christians in Mao’s China had to do. I don’t laugh at that prophecy anymore.”

Are we witnessing mass acquiescence of western males?

That day will come only if we let it.

Those who trade freedom for peace, deserve neither.

A slave is someone who waits for someone else to liberate him.

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

“The Red Pill forum on Reddit was ‘quarantined’ last week, and unsurprisingly the latent message sent in that act was one that aligned with a pseudo-concern over what an appropriate expression of masculinity is.”

A “sissy” is a male who will not defend himself when other men bully him.

What word shall we use to describe males who are too timid to defend themselves from female bullies and their male sissy followers?

5 years ago

The difference between self control and self suppression is often misunderstood.

Well, suppression of actions driven by emotions that would harm your mission is a good thing. Suppression of one’s mission is not.

5 years ago

A “sissy” is a male who will not defend himself when other men bully him.

Attempted bullying can be a test of one’s manhood. Men test other men. It’s part of the job.

5 years ago

For the most part, western males acquiesced about 25-30 years ago. Acquiescence to the FI is one not many.

Displays of ‘ power ‘ convince that one has little choice. Either go alongside perish. The third option never occurs because men aren’t practiced and asserting and standing up for themselves. Society doesn’t cotton to boat rockers.

And consistently bowing down to society is the death nell for men over time, making them complicit in the fall and destruction.

5 years ago

Remember, feminism is a long game. There will be no short solutions. They got a 50-60 year head start.

5 years ago


Never suppress yourself. It kills spirit and soul. ‘ Control ‘ yourself. Only robots should be emotionless.

Mind the costs.

5 years ago

@ Blax
The only short term solution is to never enter into legal contact with a female, while leading them to believe you will commit eventually so you get them to perform for you in the “acquisition phase” .
Meanwhile take care of birth control via testosterone injections with the added benefit of “more alpha” and just roll with it until the cost benefit analysis becomes negative or Unsatisfying.

Rinse repeat until you can’t be fucked doing it anymore it sucks but it’s the only game left in town.

5 years ago

Lying, cheating and bullying is for liars, cheaters and bullies. When the opposition makes you break character, they’re on their way to victory. —————- Just World Fallacy in action. Leftists bullied, lied and smeared their way to cultural world power, even in spite of losing the real world war/cold war/economic war spectacularly. No matter how right, moral etc. one is, if you lose you STILL lose. I prefer winning. The kids who get bullied call the other guys “bully” – they, on the other hand call the other ones “weaklings”…when the weak kid grabs a stick and gives the bully… Read more »

5 years ago

@Lord of the Flies…I’m early 50’s. @Sentient the interesting part of this whole story was the non-stop shit-testing that was only halted after I banged her the first time and then after I banged her the second time. The shit-tests were clearly meant to get me jealous, or talking about “What did you say to that guy?” Instead, my reframe was “Don’t fall in love with me”. That got her qualifying herself about how “cool” she was…a direct opposite response to earlier when she kept telling me how impatient and short-tempered she is. Yes, she’s great company and fun to… Read more »

Marko Ramius
Marko Ramius
5 years ago

You said Mario, but I think you mean me, Marko.
They are all in google docs, in 131 files of 15 pages each.
I think there is some way to “share” google doc files. I’ll check that out.

Marko Ramius
Marko Ramius
5 years ago

These quotes were just for my private use, not for publishing on the net.

5 years ago

@Lord of the Flies. I was quoted? Cool. If I was 20 and knew about game I would have lived my entire life differently. Somehow me at 50 gets along well with certain girls in their 20s. Usually it’s girls who are highly intelligent or well educated , rebels in some way, clearly hard for any guy of any age to get along with because of their crusty sarcasm. But it’s all a big act. If I had understood shit tests, amused mastery, abundance mentality, I could have approached Life with a lot less anxiety. Girls in their 20s want… Read more »

5 years ago


“For the most part, western males acquiesced about 25-30 years ago. Acquiescence to the FI is one not many.

Remember, feminism is a long game. There will be no short solutions. They got a 50-60 year head start.’

Your timeline is off… By 1920 the point of acquiescence tipped for men.

and women were at it for a good 50 years prior to that.

5 years ago

“there will come a day when The Rational Male will have to be read in secret, by candle light among secret societies of men”

@jack finally fucking with rollo

Rollo no longer appears in the twitter search results under Rollo Tomassi

same with Rational Male

you have to search , but even then rollo doesn’t come up in the search bar

Rollo is on their radar

shadowbanning his posts has probably already begun

Rollo is over the target

5 years ago


Somehow me at 50 gets along well with certain girls in their 20s.

This is the natural order. Complementary – strength and wisdom matched with youth and vitality. They need a paternal hand. They love it.

5 years ago

From Dr. Hall: “Complex equivalence is

– If something is expressed or stated emotionally, then it is
true, valid, and credible.

– If an accuser is emotional (sincerely and intensely), then the
accusation must be true.

– I have to believe someone (validity, credibility), if that
person goes into an emotional state.”

5 years ago

Since some time I see future in black colors.
Men are single wolves, how can they win the war with herd?
Especially when many men support this herd, too.

For myself since long ago I know that what is in net is one kbd click from disappearing, that’s why I have all or almost all Rollo’s articles on MY computer.

Good luck with convention, Rollo.

5 years ago

Fleezer is right

No comes up in the twiiter search.

Good luck Rollo…

5 years ago

Rational Male by itself still comes up.

Jonathan Castle
Jonathan Castle
5 years ago

Too pessimistic.

Trump’s election and Kavanaugh’s confirmation are proof that the Rational Interpretive trumps the Emotional Interpretive when strong men are present.

Women _want_ men to win. That’s the whole point of a shit test. But we have to show up individually and corporately.

The book-banning threat is real. But there are too many avenues for information to flow to completely silence the Red Pill.

5 years ago

Roosh originally started off his brand like red pill version of Maxim for PUAs. But veered wildly off course and got into the red pill of politics when some feminist threw a drink in his face in Canada. After that point ROK became like the stormfront version of Maxim. It wasn’t a little nazi, he was really open about it. Feminism was female version of judeo-marxism and nazism was the solution. The comment threads on ROK articles are full of it. Anybody who questioned it got banned from making comments. All the cool people left or were banned. Its not… Read more »

5 years ago

I wasn’t gonna say it, glad you did. That’s one reason I don’t care about roosh’s fate. Ever. Some or the shit he’s said? But the thing is, it was totally unnecessary. Speaking out and self expression in public spheres doesn’t have to devolve into that stuff. 1at amendment means the government won’t censor you, but Amazon and.other platforms don’t n have to deal with that, especially after a few dozen.complaints. I wasn’t surprised he got booted, nor will I ever care. Talk the talk, walk the walk. The Manosphere should police itself. There’s more than on.way to get points… Read more »

5 years ago

Jonathan, keep.watching.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
5 years ago

This brings to mind a few things: a couple years back I joined in the warnings that sites like this one could be hacked or squashed flat. Our Sensei could get outed as a most un-intersectionally insensitive cis-heteronormative churl, be banished to the outer darkness and have to live in a warehouse locker stacked with cases of Fireball bottles with Aziz Ansari and Jian Ghomeshi as roommates. The pour girls at the brand shows would throw swizzle sticks at him, and the race car boys would be forced to adorn their Camaros with Wonder Woman decals and plus-size fashion ads.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Here is an actual case from UC Davis. The names have been changed.
Summary: students make out, feel each other up, he gives her some hickeys, she has second thoughts…

…$12,000 in legal fees later UC Davis decides he didn’t do anything.

By the way, tuition at UC Davis is $16,000 per year.

5 years ago

Rollo is the channel up yet?

5 years ago

Just a few things I’d like to point out & remind my fellow men: – You don’t fight feminism by ‘fighting’; you do so by being a better man for yourself and holding yourself accountable to a code that is without gynocentric or feminist influence. Be a man, without apology. – Know thyself. – Never try explain ‘facts’ to women, especially before fucking. Fuck em good, then you can talk. And even then, what’s the first rule of fight club… If you’re a man that gets it there’s no need to be verbose. – Maybe we need to get our… Read more »

5 years ago

By the way. this just in Anonmymous website posted with men who are falsely accused

Does anyone here know how to post pics or links here and get their images to show up?

5 years ago

“If I were advising this crowd – which I wouldn’t, they don’t listen to the greyhounded hippie –” I think we’re all Bozos on this bus. “–poof–” No one can make my digital media go -poof- by pushing a button. Not even me. I’m the only one who knows where all the copies are though. The physical media is so cheap and small these days it can be cached nearly anywhere and everywhere. A micro SD card is physical media, in your possession, just as much as a CD, LP, tape or book, only it holds a lot more shit… Read more »

5 years ago

“Catering to a minority within a population is always tenuous.”

— Nancy Pelosi

5 years ago

@Sentient “They need a paternal hand. They love it.” Which is where the constant shit testing comes from. All the pieces of the Red Pill started making sense a few years ago. Then it was practice—gaming girls, trying things, failing and ploughing ahead. Some of the guys who come here confused or frustrating–I get that. I still feel frustrated when something doesn’t work out. But less and less the “feeling” of being “beta” is declining. I used to seek advice on things like “Is this text beta?” Now it’s all about the results. The HB9 27 year old wanted me… Read more »

5 years ago

Lol. Whatever. Pelosi hasn’t been de-platformed, huh?😁

5 years ago
Making something with what is life. Aron and america

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

kfg A micro SD card is physical media, in your possession, just as much as a CD, LP, tape or book, only it holds a lot more shit in a lot less space at a lot less mass. Every tool has its pluses and minuses. How to store information long term is a topic that gets kicked around a lot in various places. Flash memory (SD / microSD / etc.) similar to magnetic media and optical media has a lot going for it, but requires something to read it. One friend of mine has put a whole lot of FM’s… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Pelosi hasn’t been de-platformed, huh?

You read “Animal Farm”, right?

5 years ago

In junior high. Don’t remember much.

Pigs and farmers and fighting and some such.

5 years ago

1984 more relevant. I was never a fan of ‘ animal ‘ stories much.

5 years ago


Pigs? Animals? Not a fan huh. Really?

5 years ago

So I rilly rilly wanted it to be true and IF it was then it WOULD be true…!!!!

So there. Not my fault.

5 years ago

Animal Farm was awesome. I was always angry at Boxer for being stupid and believing the communist pigs.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Why is Copenhagen suddenly plying me with high production value video ads soliciting me to resettle there?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

I’m confused why smokeless tobacco would invite to you resettle anywhere. Maybe someone thinks your easy to confuse, or a real dip…

5 years ago

Growing up red pill
Fixers problem solvers

5 years ago

@Rollo I’ve been reading this blog for about three years. This is my first time commenting. To give context to my dedication to this underworld, my friend and old roomate is now Tyler RSDs executive assistant. I was suppose to go work for them as a video editor, but I decided I need to make my own voice in the world as a creative intellectual. I’m working on a short film that’s heavily Red Pill themed (when I say red pill, I mean I’ve only actually read TRM blog), but still disguised enough to not get me booted by feminist… Read more »

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

@ walawala

Great to hear of your recent sexploits, bro. I just gotta get my mojo back to hit the same like i have over the years. It can be a real struggle when one’s mojo goes walkabout, like mine has for the past year. Just gotta keep pushing thru as there is no other way. I look forward to posting a successful FR before the year is out…

5 years ago

@kobayashii (Wrath of Khan reference?) Regarding your question about feminisation and the Netherlands, it’s weird. If you read Dutch newspapers and watch Dutch TV, they generally have the same ‘Future is Female’ shit as the UK. Women complain of inequality and discrimination, and ‘new’ men write self-loathing articles in support of the FI and the need for ‘us to do better’. But day-to-day life here is different. The atmosphere in coffee houses, with men and women sat at big communal tables working at laptops or chatting to one another, is generally relaxed and pleasant. I work as a freelance writer… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  ex-cartoonist

@Ex-cartoonist Sounds logical. I’d imagine the intersexual dynamics in NED are just as they are in other countries in the west. There’s sexual freedom but the FI is poisoning the good polarity between the sexes. (Ostensibly because men have given women want they want, continue to do so, instead of what they need) Basically, it’s reaching a point where you are either a “desirable threat” or a “loathed ally (read plan B)”. You have to distinguish yourself early. That’s how it’s playing out in my opinion. A man has to be consistent and aware, all the time. This is why… Read more »

5 years ago

Ex Cartoonist

Dutch women are hotter on average no? Taller, thinner…

5 years ago

More censorship is coming. It’s unclear what the specific *contours* of that will be, but the overall *context* is clear enough, and it’s the political context. TPTB in the tech world, who govern and control all of this space, were very displeased at how the space was used in the 2016 elections — not so much the Russian stuff (which appears to have had a very limited impact), but the way Trump used Twitter and Facebook specifically. Not because they are all die-hard progressive misandrists — in fact most of them are some sort of left libertarian rather than democratic… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

@ex-cartoonist I’m reluctant to say it on this comments’ thread, but most women I know or even encounter in the Netherlands are really nice people. It’s only when you get involved sexually or romantically with a woman that some switch seems to get thrown… I understand your reluctance, because the men’s sphere tends to concentrate on the problems and solving those problems so it seems like the only women we run into are a problem; but what you see is not uncommon elsewhere to include the USA. Sentient provides one correlating aspect, and another is tied directly to your comment.… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Lost Patrol

@Lost Patrol Well said

5 years ago


These things

“I need to make my own voice in the world as a creative intellectual.

I’m working on a short film that’s heavily Red Pill themed (when I say red pill, I mean I’ve only actually read TRM blog), but still disguised enough to not get me booted by feminist film festival programmers.”

Are mutually exclusive.

Art is the expression of your truth. Focus on that and let the chips fall where they may. [see Rollo]

Else you are just another poisonous, treasonous Purple Pill marketeer…

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

@ Blaximus “The difference between self control and self suppression is often misunderstood.” True. A person (if alive) is always moving in one direction or another, taking action or not. Not acting is itself an action in the game. The game never ends, it is always “on”, it is relentless, there is no “rest” FROM the game as rest itself is only another move or strategy. Self control is control of self, guidance of self, direction of self and motivation of self. We are each constantly under control of something, if not self, then something else or someone else. The… Read more »

5 years ago


There are a lot of good-looking women in Amsterdam. Don’t know whether that would apply to Dutch women overall, but I’m not complaining!

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
5 years ago

I take Novaseeker’s point but would modify it a tad: this isn’t just the ISP gurus thryong to self-censor (and censor others) to say “ahead of the governments.” Though yes in places like Australia there is a growing concept of “group libel” which allows an aggrieved person of said oppressed group to suppress any criticism that might be deemed offensive to the group as a whole. While the leftie Lucy crowd might be pushing it now as part of their Thanks For Shaming campaigns, the same mischief can be made by any group with the social media power to do… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

“Well, suppression of actions driven by emotions that would harm your mission is a good thing. Suppression of one’s mission is not.” Emotions are best not suppressed, better to welcome them, accept and indulge them immediately, fully experience them. No one else has a right to your emotions. No one else is entitled to define what they mean or how you are “supposed” to be defined by them. Let them come and go freely. They are an excellent guide, sign posts, warnings about what is within and what is external. Do not fight them or be anxious (another emotion) about… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

@Fred Flange…. ISP, censorship, control of communication platforms, et al…. Nothing to really worry about. Post modern, digital age, attempted tyranny. Just some new tools being played with. They want to at least see how far they can take it. They keep pushing the envelope until they are called out, maybe worse, I hope worse. Examples should be made. A system is never a tyrant. It is the human or humans designing, implementing, and controlling the system who are tyrants. All humans, including tyrants, are vulnerable, mortal. Will never be implemented as feared, much less sustained. Impossible. For their sake… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Flange I take Novaseeker’s point but would modify it a tad: this isn’t just the ISP gurus thryong to self-censor (and censor others) to say “ahead of the governments.” Not really Internet Service Providers so much as Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Is WordPress “social media”? Although ISP’s records of the URL’s served to your computer are retained for some period of time and are searchable. It’s more about deplatforming at this time. Twitter shadowbans are a subtle approach to deplatforming; Google autocomplete and search results are the same; Facebook ad pushes and “news” pushes likewise. It’s subtle… Read more »

5 years ago

@ Lost Patrol I’m pondering your remark. If I understand correctly, you’re saying that a woman can be nice to a man while she figures him out, but once she does she will tend towards being contemptuous of him unless he adopts the Red Pill/Alpha mindset and controls the frame. And I agree with this if you’re talking about romantic/sexual encounters. But what about non-sexual encounters? I work regularly in teams with women and I also have several female friends. And I really like these women, whether working with them or just hanging out. However, one thing I see which… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  ex-cartoonist


TRP is not one dimensional: you can be ‘friends’ with women (you don’t want to fuck) & still spin plates.

It’s like you’re in some existential crisis debating the normative moral aspects.

Accept who you are as a man. Or manage the paradoxes, if any, like one.

Biology cannot be negotiated with.

5 years ago

” . . . men and women alike, are in a kind of war . . .”

How about getting in a kind of, ya know, game?

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
5 years ago

@AR Other than my typing skills being shit(“thrying”?) I think we basically agree on where the suppression will metastasize. When I said ISP’s I should have been more obviously inclusive as I intended to include Google, Facebook, etc.; I should have added “portals” as well. I did see the Reason article, and I study these YMY cases very closely, esp. the appeals court reversals of star tribunal-type expulsions with gender studies professors acting as hearing officer and prosecutor. Both deti and I have expounded on the trend here in prior threads when YMY became a thing. Sadly some colleges one… Read more »

5 years ago


Both genders are involved in evolutionary arms race when it comes to sexual selection.
Feminism and the male reaction to it (the red pill) should be seen in this context!

The male sexual strategy is like communism a bit. Free sperm in abundance for as many females as possible.
The female sexual strategy is pure eugenics! They are the nazis of nature in a sense (lol) as they are programmed to have sex and breed only with the most fit/healthy/rich males.

5 years ago
Reply to  Orson

@Orson “As many FIT females”

1 2 3 5
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