
Time again for the annual re-post of this Classic:


Nothing says “I love you” like saturated fat and slutty lingerie.

In the U.S. businesses expect men to spend on average $186 for Valentine’s day – over three times the average a woman spends on a man. Explain to me why women own V-Day? If it’s a “celebration of romantic love” why should it be an annual shit test?

Lets clarify a few things about Vagintines Day since it’s become probably the most irksome manifestation of westernized/commercialized romanticism. V-Day is far and away the most vulgar display of female entitlement. On no occasion – even a woman’s birthday or her wedding anniversary – is this sense of entitlement more pronounced and our refined commercialization of this entitlement/expectation simply twists the knife in further for men to live up to this with ZERO expectation or entitlement to any reciprocation. He gets ‘lucky‘ if his romantic offerings are sufficient to appease her (social) media fueled expectations of ‘good enough’ to reward him with sex.

And exploit the media does. I can’t get away from it; Every radio station, every TV show, every newspaper and magazine article. Go to askmen.com right now, I guarantee there’s a “how not to fuck up this year’s V-Day for her” article there.

I listened to a talk radio show that I regularly tune into on my commute home on Friday; it was about what not buy this year. “Don’t buy lingerie, she knows it’s really a gift for you” or “Don’t pick up flowers at the gas station, women know they’re cheap”, and “God forbid you pick up some cheap jewlery or stop at one of those roadside urchins selling prepared flower baskets or arrangements – women know you didn’t think about it until you were on the way home.” On my way to work this morning, different show, same list. [Side Note: Never buy a woman lingerie, she will never be happy with it. A woman has to do this on her own to “feel sexy”, make sure it fits her right, and it’s HER IDEA. When you buy it for her it’s contrived and it is overt and overt is often the kiss of death for a try-hard guy.]

Why wouldn’t women have these expectiations? They’re relentlessly marketed to as the primary consumers in western culture. V-Day isn’t a celebration of romantic love, it’s a machine that drives a wedge of expectation and entitlement in between otherwise happy, relatively contented couples.

I’m not down on the idea of a special occasion to celebrate love (I actually proposed to Mrs. Tomassi on V-Day 18 years ago), I am down on the twisted expectations that have been perverted into it that puts a woman on some pedestal of entitlement by commercialized popularization of this feminized ideal. Why isn’t there an official “fuck your boyfriend like a wild animal” holiday or a list of criteria to meet that’ll make his day special? “Show him how appreciative you are of all his dependability and hard work this year – buy some lingerie ON YOUR OWN and pretend that you like him cuming in your mouth on his special day!” If women are so liberated and interested in equality, one would think this would be the first thing to occur to them. We need a special day to make us apprecitae each other?

Gentlemen, beware of falling into the trap of negotiating desire for Valentine’s Day performance. Don’t be lulled into thinking Game is any less necessary on V-Day. In fact, I can’t think of a more direct illustration of how the feminine encourages the transaction of men’s goods and services in exchange for a woman’s sexuality than reserving a ‘special day’ just for it. Remember, you cannot negotiate genuine desire; and with the right art, a bag of Skittles can be a more romantic gesture than all the sonnets, flowers and jewelry your inner romantic soul will ever be appreciated for by her.

Note to PUAs

Valentine’s Day is ripe with opportunity for an enterprising Man with the ability to see it. Go hit the clubs tomorrow night, particularly the ones that cater to a 25-40 y.o. affluent crowd. There’s a million different venues you can hit, all with promotions to help single ladies feel better about not having a date – usually with genderist drink specials to help your approach too. You’ll notice impromptu GNOs (girl’s night out) set up just for this occasion to prove to themselves “they don’t need men to have a good time.” A good PUA couldn’t arrange a better opportunity to hook up in multiple sets.

Don’t go play ‘pity friend’ with any girl on V-Day, don’t be the “you’re such a great friend” consolation date.. Call up your best wing man and sarge on the best night of the year to sarge. Wedding receptions aren’t even as good as V-Day for this.

V-Day in the Matrix

Just in case you weren’t already convinced of the complete totality of media control that the Matrix has, let me offer yet one more Valentine’s Day example:

I was in a grocery store this weekend picking up something to grill and thought it would be a convenient time to pick up a Valentine’s Card for my wife since it’s coming this week. So I meander over to the greeting cards section to sift this years crop of mushy sentiment.  Much to my disgust the only cards available in the “For My Wife” section of the Valentines Cards (and I mean ONLY cards available) come in two types:

A.) The sentimental, “My life was nothing before you and would be nothing without you”, tripe that reduces a man to a simpering, codependent who owes his very existence to the woman who deigned to marry the poor soul.

B.)The “humorous” Valentine that is essentially the greeting card equivalent of Everybody Loves Raymond or Family Guy. These are basically intended to beg for a wife’s forgiveness for all of his uniquely male faults and foibles, that only she can solve by virtue of her infallible feminine wiles. Judging from the ‘humorous’ intent of these cards, no man is capable of feeding himself much less ask for direction or leave a toilet seat down, but on “her special day” this card is meant to prompt an appologetic laugh.

Needless to say I’ll be making my own card this year, but for fuck’s sake, how can we ever get a break from this shit when we’re ankle-bitten at every opportunity? You simply cannot buy a card that doesn’t force a man to be self-depricating.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

@Sentient. Those posts have got me thinking about my own situation and the need at all costs to maintain a public facade of amused mastery and aloofness. For the first time in years I’ve handled the dropping of a plate masterfully…:no reaction, banging other girls, staying off social media etc…it’s been a month. She’s tried to get my attention in a very provocative way and hit on my friends getting them to take her out. I haven’t reacted. But to the guys here….it’s wearing me down. I’m afraid if I see her I’ll blow up and give her a piece… Read more »

7 years ago

That is really sad news about Robert Ashton. Very sobering. I’ve had a few friends who have attempted or nearly attempted suicide as a result of issues with women, whether it was a divorce, beta longing, or what have you. I myself was there when I was incel. Shit, I was jamming with a couple guys the other day and one of them mentioned a friend of theirs that died. His heart stopped after he mixed a heavy dose of alcohol and benzos. I used to do that shit constantly with the hope that I wouldn’t wake up the next… Read more »

7 years ago

@Marko Mrs. Gamer has had some quality training. She knows how to mate guard herself. But has she never played Hide the Vagina ™? hahahaha Quality Women don’t play that game. Quality Women don’t flirt with men at church after filing for divorce. Mrs. Gamer is A Woman. You say that maybe most young women have had a large number of partners, but that there is still some small subset of women who haven’t and are Quality Women ™. My, oh, my, let ALL of the young men somehow find and compete for those women. Sucks to be the losers.… Read more »

7 years ago

@KFG February 17, 2017 at 4:52 pm Thanks for the clarification on egalitarianism. I was using the term wrong when using it in an anthropological sense. I was thinking more of the tribal clannishness concept of kinship altruism and mis-appropriated the term egalitarianism. As long as your in the clarifying business. Clarify for me your previous statement: September 7th, 2016 at 2:49 pm “Impressing people is utterly different from being truly impressive.” Or, as I have had to phrase it in conversation: I am not an elitist, I am elite. Subsequent to that comment, sometime this year you re-iterated the… Read more »

7 years ago

@Marko “If there are no QW, then there is no hope for a satisfying LTR or marriage.” This is so wrong. What do you think Game is about? A man has to perform. Egalitarianism means favoring equality for all people. What does this even mean? Does a man have a right to get pregnant??? Do women have to work in coal mines in numbers comparable to their social ratio? From Wiki: An example of this form is the Tunisian Constitution of 2014 which provides that “men and women shall be equal in their rights and duties.” The vapidity of egalitarianism… Read more »

7 years ago

Some words are overused to the point they are a cliche (particularly when used in a certain context). Quality is one of the many, many. It comes across like an e-Harmony ad.

But it is true the cost to gains equation for choosing a life partner is different from choosing a booty call. Or it should be. Unless you want to see your quality of life go down faster than a hooker’s head on payday Friday in a brothel on the Titanic.

7 years ago

Or down faster than…

-IB’s fingers on the keyboard following some arbitrary hottie’s post on submission…

7 years ago

For the first time in years I’ve handled the dropping of a plate masterfull

Good on you Wala!

7 years ago

@anon But it is true the cost to gains equation for choosing a life partner is different from choosing a booty call. Or it should be. Unless you want to see your quality of life go down faster than a hooker’s head on payday Friday in a brothel on the Titanic. Depends on the booty call. Not all booty calls are equal, just like not all LTR partners. Is the beta sentenced to life? One man’s quality is another man’s hell. Sink me. [in my best faux Pimpernellian accent] What goes down must come up. Up the Titanic! Unshutter the… Read more »

7 years ago

@SJF: ” I was using the term wrong when using it in an anthropological sense.” No, the error was mostly mine. I was being too terse, being a bit short of time and attention and being unwilling to give much of what I had to Marko’s idĂ©e fixe. Anthropologists do, in fact, use the word as you were, particularly when they are pushing the Narrative (and anthropology as we know it was born to push the the Narrative). The Orwellian machine grinds on, turning the language into a useless, beige paste. Discussions can go on for hours, and hours and… Read more »

7 years ago

Go down faster than an erection on a drunk holding an ice cold beer in a geriatric ward visited by HRC

7 years ago

There goes kfg again, trying to get at the root (wink) of the matter.

7 years ago

@Sentient. I’m proud of how I managed this. It’s the second plate I managed properly. She came out to my party tonite. I ignored and danced with everyone but her. She came by where I was at one point and dashed off and then stared at me until I moved. I was conscious she was there but my goal was to have fun…. Of course she tried a jealousy plot line but o grabbed a hot girl and started gaming her… So dudes…mind over matter here…you have to have that abundance mentality and not lose your shit despite the provocations..:… Read more »

7 years ago


Good work. And I would like to assure you, however hard it is, with practice, the practice improves.

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

good stuff wala, I find more actionable help from guys who had to come from BP (like me) than those who are naturals or naturalized long ago. Not that they don’t have good info, it’s just they tend to be more big picture and abstract — targets to shoot towards. Day-by-day examples of how to stay the course are great in that they reduce the trial and error that I (we) must go through. God knows I’ve already lost enough time to being BP and the quicker I can become RP then the more of my life is mine on… Read more »

7 years ago

@Marko Many guys are talking at you and we are all trying to get a concept across to you that will break the myth of “symmetry” Men and woman are fundamentally different. You can define your own goals to harmonize with those of a woman, but if you become your mental point of origin you will see quickly that your woman (quality or otherwise) has different goals. For example, I think I have a QW, meaning that as far as 40 you women go, she is better looking, has a generally amiable attitude towards me, serves my needs well (sex,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Marko, when I pour water into a vase it take the shape of the vase I poured it into.
The vase does not change shape, it remains in its vase frame.

Is that Quality Water? Or just water, doing what water does?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Pull some different threads here at TRM together. First: …Quality Woman… Second: “They are all girls”. So actually sometimes the topic should be Quality Girl? Hmmm? I’ve found that using the term “girl” around the 30-something professional women first gets some bristling, like “women!” but a bit of cocky-funny “Oh, right WOOOOmen!” in a sort of Dr. Evil voice brings the giggles, and then…no complaints about the G word. Pretty soon a 40 year old confides about her girlfriend’s upcoming trip and how girls need something to look forward to during the year because work gets so BORing (include eyeroll,… Read more »

7 years ago

I was skeptical of some if the trip reports when I started reading here a couple of months back. I’m not any more. The former oneitis from 30 years ago stepdad had a stroke last week, he retired a couple of months back and has sat around and chain smoked and drank himself silly since. I remember being at his house in 1985 and it was immaculate. This plates mother left him in 1997, and he never got over it. Literally, he was so heartbroken he gave up on life. Like hoarders but more akin to quitters. The whole property… Read more »

7 years ago

I’ve read Rollo’s post on Quality Woman. I agree with him, and everyone, that hypergamy can manifest with any woman. I totally agree that Oneitis is a fatal mistake in any relationship and has to be dropped no matter how HQ the woman is. (SJF gave a positive personal experience on this) The element which hasn’t been mentioned much lately, which is the key to QW, is commitment. A QW has all kinds of wonderful qualities I could list, most are obvious, many will vary subjectively from man to man. But willingness and psychological/spiritual ability to commit to stay in… Read more »

7 years ago

I lost my virginity at 25 to my ex wife.

Because I was BP/Disney she left me anyway.

Her nuttiest friends all were aghast when she left because of my “dedication”

In fact, this is a problem. I start dating a chick, and within DAYS women start referring to her as “your wife”. Clearly my frame is fucked up, but maybe it’s an angle I can play to my advantage.


7 years ago

@Marko Ignoring my questions doesn’t mean that you get the point. My questions have their own points which you have been unable to answer. The element which hasn’t been mentioned much lately, which is the key to QW, is commitment. Lol, what do you mean by “commitment”? Young women are divorcing like it’s going out of style. And married women in your age bracket have sex so rarely that it’s statistically insignificant. Commitment must include sex, even at your age. How do all these multitudes of men find a Quality Woman ™, which, even if a few exist, must be… Read more »

7 years ago

Wall hitting, epiphany having woman recounts it from her POV. By “Angry MGTOW’, so the commentary is interesting.

Note that this woman makes over 500k a year with her channel. For making idiotic, self absorbed vids. It’s a must watch…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TcMP7n9bhw&w=560&h=315%5D

7 years ago


If Quality Women are rare, YOU be THAT guy that gets one to commit, and then do good continuous training to keep here that way and get better and better.

This is like polygyny…YOU be the alpha who lands three or four wives and the rest can go off themselves. :/

Better is to train a woman to behave properly, as someone else has also suggested.

7 years ago


if guys ride the “vagina carousel” in their teens and 20s,

You don’t get it. Most boys and men in their teens and 20s get very little sex. Attractive young women get a LOT of sex. A few boys and young men get a WHOLE LOTTA sex.

7 years ago

@Marko: “I don’t know the correct or usual term for what I prefer — it’s egalitarian, but not “equalism.” It sees M/F as complementary, but does imply headship/support, or dominant/submissive. Maybe “Not-Sameness Complementary Egalitarian.”” Well if you don’t know what you’re talking about, even mind reading isn’t going to help us figure it out. But trying my best to read your mind between the lines of this yields the same results as previous attempts. What you mean is: “That word makes me feel all squicky inside. Quit it.” “YOU be THAT guy that gets one to commit, and then do… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


if guys ride the “vagina carousel” in their teens and 20s,

Wardrobe failure! Your beard has slipped again, dearie.

7 years ago

dr zipper. I think you mean guys who like me had to learn game so they understand the divide between what is and isn’t red pill. From a red pill perspective while I ignored her all night it was hard to avoid her at times: she hovered around my table for no reason…/she sat across from me with an orbiter , she tried to sit across from me to get my attention….all these were obvious and had worked in the past. But her actions of January warrant a hard next: meltdown…saying she’s “out”. Stiffing me for shoes she asked me… Read more »

7 years ago

Angry MGTOW is angry.

7 years ago

@Dizzle Yes, you are right. You need to push the alpha. @Marko We all know women are not fungible. It isn’t just their looks that are different. There is a bell curve. They have differing degrees of maturity, etc. And they all are internally driven by AF/BB from an attraction perspective, even though they can sometimes and in some ways mentally ignore their tingles/attraction. We also know that different girls find different combinations of looks, manner, behavior, more or less alpha than others, with some common themes underlying these. This is all common ground and part of reality. We just… Read more »

7 years ago

“Re SJF’s comment that my contributions are not making logical debate flow: I am adding some issues to the debate that have not gotten much attention so far, that I think are very important to men, and especially to the men still posting on TRM.” I’m going to be conciliatory here. Your contributions do make logical debate flow. Athough Kfg phrased it: “Your questions don’t lack logical flow, they lack logical cohesion. What I meant was that most of us that have been accepting of Red Pill don’t believe your premises are solid at the beginning of the logical debate… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

GW We also know that different girls find different combinations of looks, manner, behavior, more or less alpha than others, with some common themes underlying these. Who’s “we”? Women’s attraction triggers are pretty well known, just go to the nearest chain bookstore and look at the romance fiction. Or read Nancy Friday’s books. Or learn about Game. It’s men that tend to have different and wider ranging tastes, thus ensuring that even fatties can reproduce. Just look at the range of porn online. Sure, most of it is ordinary PiV sex with a willing woman [*] but the further you… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

My ax says, “Yeah, I got yer social philosophy right here, Buddy,

Is that axe speaking Frankly?

7 years ago

OK… so Marko starts his QW list with “sane”… Lolz….

This will never end…

7 years ago

In fact, this is a problem. I start dating a chick, and within DAYS women start referring to her as “your wife”. Clearly my frame is fucked up, but maybe it’s an angle I can play to my advantage.


Her: Your wife?
You: One of them.

7 years ago


YOU be THAT guy that gets one to commit, and then do good continuous training to keep her that way and get better and better.

Of course being this kind of guy obviates most of your ‘QW” list…

7 years ago

GW What’s that even mean? Nobody who knows me for two minutes doubts either my confidence, nor my competency, nor the fact I don’t suffer fools. I just apparently look/act like a husband. Side story – my divorce cost me my job and permanently my relationship with my elderly parents. The couple of years have been tough, I was recently in a donut shop, down to my last $50, and I saw a sign that read “No WIC – cash only.” So of course I ask the lady “hey, you take WIC, right?” She smiled and said “no, but it… Read more »

7 years ago

@Anon, I was referring to what (I think) Rollo called a “contextual alpha”. He had a post (I think Rollo) where a pasty white guy was this asian girl’s dream alpha and she followed him all over the world. I had a early 30s MILF at work go that way for me…like total slave-like worship with zero effort or asking on my part. This went on for months. I knew her husband, who was nice, strong at work, beta as heck at home (read romance novels…). This was before RP, though I can see how she thought me as alpha.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Side story – my divorce cost me my job and permanently my relationship with my elderly parents.

Crap. Really ugly when frivorce screws up things with a man’s parents.

She responds

‘Course she does!

“They are all girls” – Blaximus

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

All I am saying is that all men in all situations are not rated the same way by every woman.

Well, in one way that makes sense. But in another way, it could become a buffer if you let it, of the “Oh, I’m not her type” sort. Ask Sentient, Blaximus, HABD or other men if that “I’m not her type” thing is real or just a figment.

7 years ago

@Dizzle I was/am in a high distraction environment here, so was terse.

I simply meant if you act more cad (selfish, demanding, indifferent, but good natured), you may get to change that image a bit. Insert more danger/dread is what my instinct tells me based on the little perspective I gleaned from your comment.

7 years ago

“Is that axe speaking Frankly?”

Indeed it is. My father’s ancestors always found it to enhance certain breeding opportunities, even if sometimes they were a bit Gauling as a result of their travels. The record doesn’t seem to show that they spent much time Rhining about it and they cast their Seine widely.

Here’s an artist’s rendition of great . . . great grandad going on Tours:

comment image

7 years ago

@ScribblerG February 18, 2017 at 4:08 pm She’s just parlaying her value. Putting on a show for $. She has value. Women with beauty have value. She has some beauty. It’s just that the market is overpaying for her. She rises to her level of incompetence in relationship game. How the hell did that happen? Oh wait, it happens to humans all the time. I don’t get Angry MGTOW’s concern. It’s just Grief stages short of Acceptance. She admits her own level of incompetence. She is Hypergamy personified. I just see ‘The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine’ all over again.… Read more »

7 years ago

@SJF – My purpose in sharing the vid was hearing a women express hypergamous conflict and cock-blind madness so clearly. I noted the following aspects: 1. She is aiming very high. As a 33yoish carousel rider, she’s delusional. Alphas ride her with no promises, fitting her in around the under 25yos. 2. She’s addicted to the thrill of new dick. Cock carousel riding has it’s costs, like grooving in a neurological payoff from behavior and pleasure very deeply. Look at how excited she gets when she talks about that special kind of attraction, lol, it’s all about lust for her.… Read more »

7 years ago

Self growth

7 years ago

Excellent explanation Scribbler. And congratulations arriving at: “hmmmm, all is right with the world”. What a remarkable transformation of your mindset in the last two years. We all know how that happened: You did the work. This explanation also plays into the fact that the quality woman paradox of 2017. Wonder if Marko would dismiss the differences in women in today’s society when trying to find a unicorn for a LTR and the need to adapt to the conditions at hand. Seems you did a good job of applying Fight Club Rules Scribbler…. http://www.sparkmr.com/blog/view/sticking-feathers-up-your-butt-does-not-make-you-a-chicken Tyler’s First Rule of Innovation: “No… Read more »

7 years ago

OK, guys here don’t want to confer re Long Game. As SJF says, quoting Alan Watts: “No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now.” Focus on you and focus on “Now”! Good advice to a point, but you might want to look up how that worked out long-term for Watts. (He died at 58 of alcoholism.) @ Rollo: Say it, Rollo, “We don’t want to talk/write about long-game implications now.” OK, but don’t you think so many guys currently posting would find such a topic necessary and interesting? Your forthcoming… Read more »

7 years ago


Jenny finds it important enough to highlight “former model” in her bio while simultaneously denigrating the guys and girls she presumably once chased and was…

Headcase status = confirmed.

Nothing sadder then a beauty watching the last few grains of sand slip out of the glass and having nothing at all to show for it but regret.

7 years ago

” . . . guys here don’t want to confer re Long Game.” See the last year’s worth of comments and note that although game has relevance to the topic of this site, it isn’t a game site. “Sentient” See the man who has been, over the past year or so, the most ardent supporter of LTR in a “to the victor go the spoils Darwinian” mode on TRM. “My wife and I explicitly put in the wedding vows . . .” See Briffault’s Law. “Rollo. What are your thoughts on “commitment” . . .” See The Rational Male. I… Read more »

7 years ago

Quality is not very easy to pin down. Robert Pirsig investigated it philosophically at one point in his life. The price he paid was to be labeled clinically paranoid schizophrenic and clinically depressed. When he psychologically healed from that (and he snapped out of it pretty damn well with the help of ECT, and his brain wasn’t so scrambled later on) he wrote about the Metaphysics of Quality in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance. Quality comes before everything in this dualistic life, not after the fact. It is not a problem in searching for quality, it is a… Read more »

7 years ago

Keep in mind, Pirsig’s ideas are merely a theory of reality. A model. Like most things metaphysical.

7 years ago

RE: Emily Hart Video Who cares what this woman, or the angry mgtow has to say, really? I mean, c’mon….who gives a fuck and why? Fellas, FOCUS. Remember, billions of people on the planet. Don’t get sidetracked by nonsensical gobbledygook. Nothing about this video is important to a man’s self improvement. Learn to ignore. The problem is, society traps men in the FI soundstage. This is a huge part of men’s problem. Recognize it and break yourself free. Idgaf how much money she makes fucking about, Don’t count other folks money. Personally, most highly paid people are not worth their… Read more »

7 years ago

Angry is Going His Own Way, carrying all the women in the world with him.

7 years ago

There is a V Day for men: March 14, Steak-and-Blowjob day. All we need now is for the consumer media to officially recognize its equalist mindset.

Frank K
Frank K
7 years ago

I find it interesting how “St. Valentine’s Day” became “Valentine’s Day”. I’ll bet if you were to ask a young person on the street who “Valentine” was you would probably get a confused look in return. It kind of reminds me of how the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. became Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I shouldn’t be too surprised. I’ve met more than a few secular families who “celebrate Christmas”, yet their kids have pretty much no idea of who Jesus of Nazareth is; nor what his connection is with Christmas. Interesting world we live in. Or as the… Read more »

David Wittlinger
5 years ago

Married for 26 years. I haven’t bought a Valentine’s anything in probably 20 years. My wife ‘gets’ it. “Why are you supposed to love me more one day out of the year?”. We don’t play the game and don’t celebrate a silly Hallmark holiday.

Counselor Troy
4 years ago

We’ve had this poll on my blog on choices to buy your girlfriend this very day. (in a mall town somewhere, perhaps in Spain or elsewhere, V-Day is called Vaca’s Day aka Cow’s Day.)

Here were the forefront choices:

A bag of sunflower deeds.
A nicely wrapped (in specialized gift paper) condom.
A frisbee.
A picture of younger you, in tights or naked, in a frame or professional canvas (could be B&Ws)

Happy V-Day !

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