The Key Masters


In last week’s comments Not Born This Morning dropped this comment in the last thread:

It has been said and it seems fairly well established as a presumed reality that “Women are the gate keepers to sex and men are the gate keepers to commitment”. This model of gender specific “gatekeeping” seems to be the most widely accepted model in the red pill community and the general culture accepts it readily. This model seems rational enough, it significantly forms our frame of understanding about gender dynamics upon which we base our interpretations of behavior & intents, and our decisions to act. But is it the best model to explain what is really going on? Could this model be inferior in that it fails to account for an underlying more fundamental motivator? Is there a more accurate explanation for women’s intents and behaviors? Could this model be potentially deceptive?

The sex side of this model is simple and easy to understand. It is very clear and specific to the fundamental biologic. It is inarguable, not negotiable. The primary drive motivating the sexual aspect is not political or social. It is biological. This is not the case with the commitment side. The commitment side is primary to the political and social realm. “Commitments” are always components of contracts written or otherwise.

To comprehend what I’m about to explain, we must first agree on the primary definition of commitment. As I understand it, a commitment is a pledge to do something, a proclamation to perform certain action (or inaction) within a specific context for the benefit of another usually in exchange for some consideration. In the sexual context women seek “commitment” from a man primarily for provisioning and sexual exclusivity. The man “commits” to the woman that he will abandon his freedom and not enter into sexual relations with other women. He pledges himself financially and sexually to her exclusively. Realistically, this form of “commitment” includes the man abandoning his options. If he becomes sexually involved with another woman, it is widely considered that he has “broken his commitment” and he is dishonored by her and society for “breaking the commitment”. But, has he really broken any commitment other than a self denigrating pledge to forgo his freedom and abandon his options? Since obviously the male imperative is polygamy and spreading his seed, then isn’t the imposition to “commit” in the first place really a dishonor of his sexuality and a dishonor to him? If so, isn’t “commitment” in this context nothing more than a form of enslavement?

So by saying men are the “gate keepers of commitment” aren’t we really saying that men are the “gatekeepers of their own enslavement”?

I’ve read this line of thought from various MGTOW hardliners in various iterations and I’ve even written a post on the concept of commitment  and what it does or doesn’t mean to a man. The idea is to equate committing to a woman with some irrational agreement to self-induced slavery. However, the problem most men have with commitment is that the old set of books has a social mandate for men to keep their word or honor an agreement. It’s what men do. Say what you mean and stick to it, but as with most every uniquely male custom, Honor among men has been one more useful distortion of the Feminine Imperative.

As I mentioned in the Paradox of Commitment, men don’t have nearly the fear of commitment our feminized social order would have us believe. Men aren’t “commit-o-phones” when it comes to military service or dedicating themselves to a business. These are the areas the women’s magazines conveniently overlook when it comes to comparing men’s commitment with committing to women in monogamy. I’m bringing this up because it’s important to see how men commit to things other than fidelity to a single woman.

If we’re going to equate monogamous fidelity to a woman with slavery we also need to see how other commitments can be viewed as being, or not being, slavery. Is the commitment of military service slavery? Particularly if you know have a pretty good idea of what to expect from that commitment? Are you volunteering for slavery if you start a business and become financially beholden to it?

From  the Paradox of Commitment:

You can even take marriage out of the equation; if I’m in a committed LTR with a GF and over the course of that relationship I realize that she’s not what I’m looking for (for any number of reasons, not just sex), even though she’s 100% faithfully committed to me and the LTR, should I then break that commitment? If I do, am I then being unethical for having broken that commitment irrespective of how I break it? Should the commitment to my own personal well being and future happiness be compromised by another commitment?

What’s my obligation; neglect myself in favor of a bad commitment or to the principle of commitment itself?

It’s my take that commitment ‘should’ be a function of genuine desire. Ideally, commitment should be to something one is so passionate about that the limiting of one’s own future opportunities that come from that commitment is an equitable, and mutually appreciated trade. This is, unfortunately, rarely the case for most people in any form of commitment because people, circumstance, opportunity and conditions are always in flux. A commitment that had been seen as equitable sacrifice at one time can become debilitating 5 years after it depending upon circumstance.

Under the old social contract, the idea that a man would compromise his sexual strategy to fulfill a woman’s (Hypergamy in the long term) had a presumed exchange – sexual access, parental investment, companionship, a good, supportive feminine role example for the kids, etc. – that made the commitment of marriage at least somewhat appealing, if not entirely equitable. I supposed a case could still be made that even under the old order of conventional gender roles and expectations men were still committing themselves to a downside bargain. But in our new, feminine-primary social order, with our broader communication, it’s certainly signing up for slavery of a sort in comparison to the options available being single.

A lot of guys think that by my advising men to spin plates and remain as non-exclusive as possible that its sole purpose is to free them up to indiscriminately bang as many women as possible. While sexual variety maybe an upside to non-exclusivity, there are many more freedoms and options that a non-exclusive man can invest himself in where committed men cannot, or wouldn’t even think to.

So yes, from a male sexual strategy perspective, and considering the terms of that commitment and consequences of breaking it are all glaringly apparent, signing up for that commitment might be assigning yourself to a kind of slavery. Under our present social conditions, staying single might be as good as it gets for men.

However, that said, there is still an undeniable, idealistic, hope that men can make the best of a marriage. Most men (see the 80% Beta men) still remarry in far greater margins than women, even after horrific divorces. We can attribute that to the sustainability of men’s sexual market value lasting longer than women’s, but the desire to want for a lasting monogamy is what I’m getting at. Even in light of the fact that women are hardwired for Hypergamy, and in light of women’s inability to appreciate the sacrifices men must make to facilitate their realities, men still, sooner or later, have a desire to lock down or otherwise wife-up a woman he idealizes. I have read the testimonies of men who will go to any length to stay in a marriage if even the outside hope of it improving exists.

I think this desire might be both a conditional and innate drive in men.

In Mrs. Hyde I quoted a study by Dr. Martie Haselton from Why is muscularity sexy? :

According to strategic pluralism theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

It’s entirely possible that a man’s sexual strategy is the simple result of his adapting to his circumstance.

Under the old social order, prior to the upheaval of the sexual revolution and feminine social primacy, investing heavily in one’s mate made good sense if the guy wanted to procreate. As men, I think we still want to apply more value to our commitment in this respect. I think it gets back to the fallacy of relational equity, but because most Blue Pill men believe that there is value in their committing to a woman, and they falsely think that women have the capacity to appreciate it, we tend to build more into it as some kind of mutually understood relationship leverage.


Back before Roosh began making his necessities into virtues, he had a pretty good insight about women being “gatekeepers” of both sex and commitment:

A popular manosphere saying is that women are gatekeepers to sex and men are gatekeepers to commitment. I wish this was an absolute truth, but it’s not. As a collective, women are often gatekeepers to both sex and commitment. Most men reading right now can surely attest to their failed attempts to secure commitment from women they slept with, and if you poll the entire population of men, you may find that they are the initiators of monogamous relationships more often than women. It only makes sense for this to be true: it is way more damaging for a man to have his woman sleep with another man and get cuckolded than the other way around. The 0.5% of the population who are skilled players and have more say with commitment don’t put a dent into this common reality. As a sex, men have very little say in determining the relationship dynamic.

[…]It would be a nice fantasy for us men to believe that we have a say in relationships and sex. It’d be nice to think that our “alpha” behavior and our game determines how a relationship can proceed, but often it doesn’t. We’re just giving the girl what she has already decided on. Do you really think you’re selling televisions to customers who came into the store with the intent to buy bicycles? The girl who falls in love with us wanted to fall in love with us, the girl who had fun with us wanted to just have fun with us, and so on. And even when a girl wants a bicycle, she still wants a certain kind of bicycle. This is why game is a numbers game, because girls are incredibly picky even when they are sexually available. The horniest girl in the club who decided on having sex will still have her pick of the litter and opt to get the best that she can.

From the perspective of men using Game to secure some kind of commitment with a woman, I’d agree, it is a numbers game. But, in general, most men aren’t learning PUA/Game to settle into an LTR and most Red Pill aware men (should) understand the nature of women well enough to leverage Game if (ever) they do look for commitment.

Roosh was correct about men not really being gatekeepers of commitment though. I think there’s a definite want on the part of guys to believe that they have some sort of leverage in the ultimate scheme of things. The Feminine Imperative constantly conditions men to think that their commitment to a woman is something insanely valuable to women. Thus, we see shaming tactics designed to call men out for avoiding commitment irrespective of men’s reasons for wanting to take precautions. This has the effect of conditioning men to think that they are the gatekeepers of something valuable.

In a sense, commitment is something valuable to a woman, however, in the age of Open Hypergamy and Strong Independent Women®, the writing is on the wall for men with regard to the convenient need for that commitment at the end-game phase of a woman’s sexual market value. So yes, a man’s commitment to monogamy with a woman has inherent value, but men are hardly the gatekeepers of it when it is a woman who does the deciding as to whether any one guy’s commitment makes any difference to her.

So, we come to a question of comparative equity with regard to men “signing up for slavery” and how inherently valuable his commitment (as convenient as it’s needed) really is to a woman. I have no doubt there are several women reading this right now who are in “relationship limbo” with a guy they desperately want to commit to them in some official capacity. And no doubt they’ll drop a story in the comments personalizing it to be typical of men, but I would argue Roosh’s point that men are the initiators of monogamous relationships far more often than women. Ironically, commitment only has value to a woman when it’s denied to her by a man who’s SMV outclasses her own.

For obvious reasons, highly desirable women, women at the peak of their sexual market valuation, are always the least concerned with men’s capacity to commit. They largely have the luxury to be selective, but furthermore the time at which women are at their highest SMV is usually the point at which men are still building upon their own. Eventually, commitment only has an appreciable value to a woman when she is most in need of it; when her SMV is in decline.

I should also point out that men, the majority being Blue Pill Betas, are the most necessitous of a woman’s commitment when she is at her highest, his is an unproven commodity, and he appreciates the value of a woman’s commitment. Thus, most men look for a stable monogamy in their early to mid 20s, while more mature men who’ve had time to build their SMV into their mid to late thirties tend to be less concerned with monogamy. This is why we hear the constant drone of women bemoaning that highly valuable, supposedly peer-equitable men’s unwillingness to commit and settle down with women aging out of the sexual marketplace. Women are far less concerned with the commitment-readiness of young, unproven men who themselves would commit to even a women in the mid-range of her SMV.

At the end here, I think it’s time Red Pill men disabuse themselves of the idea that they are the ‘gatekeepers’ of commitment, and rather employ their internalized Red Pill awareness and Game to be the ‘key masters’ of women. While I have no doubt that commitment can be a carrot on the stick for some women, the problem really lies in how that commitment is in anyway valuable and balance that knowledge with the fact that commitment, once given, becomes valueless and taken for granted when it’s established. The fact that you’d commit to a woman isn’t something that carries a relationship, no matter how badly she wanted it from you before.

There really is no quid pro quo when it comes to commitment or value in believing you’re a gatekeeper of it.

Law 20
Do Not Commit to Anyone

It is the fool who always rushes to take sides. Do not commit to any side or cause but yourself. By maintaining your independence, you become the master of others – playing people against one another, making them pursue you.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

In a sense a man who a woman is reasonably sure isn’t going to bang her (women refer to this as a “safe” man, although they also use the word for a man they can bang No Strings Attached who they are reasonably sure will be discrete about it) is sexually attractive.

It allows them to act out in what otherwise be an outrageous manner, because they have full plausible deniability.

They get the emotional roller coaster of the hunt, without risk of being the kill. They love that shit.

7 years ago

@ YaReally “If ur man don’t praise u like drake does rihanna. He dont love u gurl.” Reading through the comments like that, it’s like no one noticed what happened at the end when he went for the kiss. Right over their heads. With all the Blue Pill chodes trying to elevate their value via YouTube comments by making themselves “stand out” with Blue Pill Game….i.e., look at me, baby, I would love you just like Drake loves Rihanna, and any guy that gives you less than that isn’t worth your time. Nevermind that girls don’t want to actually fuck… Read more »

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@kfg If so, she’d better have more endurance than you. It’s a long way from Texas. That said, this is interesting as exactly the dynamic YaReally has been talking about regarding digital options. As a child of the internet, I’m surprised she hasn’t realized how easy it is to email me yet. Also the whole ‘young girls are narcissistic ruined shits only good as playthings’ vibe in the reddit thing YaReally posted is pretty similar to the way most people react to Em here. But I have a 15 yo sister, and my reaction is more like ‘well that’s girls… Read more »

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

“They get the emotional roller coaster of the hunt, without risk of being the kill. They love that shit.”

Yup. Why do you think it’s so easy to get girls to make out with each other? What easier way to get a whole damn bar cheering for them, with no risk of dick getting where it shouldn’t?

7 years ago

@Southern Dude et al I guess this lion tamer just wasn’t alpha enough… [youtube These “shark divers” too… [youtube And I just bet if this guy had just upped his alpha, bought a Platinum Rule necklace and was a complete nihilist, sociopath asshole that this Orca wouldn’t have turned on him… [youtube Perhaps if they just spent more time reading stuff in the manosphere, they’d all have avoided the unnecessary mauling. Sentient is correct in that it’s all about your mindset and how you see yourself and the world. But part of that is being a realist… Read more »

7 years ago

@YaReally, “Anyone can become Secret Society, if they swallow the red pill far enough.” Exactly. It’s all around unseen by betas like my previous self. To expand on my earlier FR, at the music festival I saw all kinds of dynamics that I would have missed in the past. The crowd consisted of: 1. Dudes following BEHIND chicks, either girlfriends or wives like puppies, not leading and being dynamic. 2. “Hard” dudes just walking around being hard and looking tough. Not at any point did I see them try to open chicks. I used to hang with this type of… Read more »

7 years ago

Deepak says 25 EE girls in 50 days.

Krauser says Deepak is a lying brown skinned sack of shit. Krauser also want to reopen the ovens at Auschwitz. But that being said, have the Wayne brothers gone too far? Or is the London Daygame Model really just a system for faggy Brits?


7 years ago

@Forge: “It’s a long way from Texas.” Hell, Texas is a long way from Texas. I’ve never seen so much nothing in nowhere in my life, and that’s only about half it. It goes on into Mexico. You can put the pedal to the floor and drive in a straight line for hours, to borrow a cup of sugar from your next door neighbor. Using dead armadillos as quarter mile markers is a nice cultural touch though. @Scribbler: Accusing a man of not being able to attract a wife is like accusing a surfer of not being able to attract… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Scribb “If you could have a harem, instead of a wife and a monogamous relationship, would you?” This reminds me of my earliest Blue Pill days, where I was CONVINCED that all I wanted was one girl, and I’d give anything in the world to just have a monogamous, committed relationship for life. I was so deluded that I ignored the fact that I was constantly going on porn and getting off to…guess what? Novelty. Thousands upon thousands of different women. That’s what I really wanted, but I was so brainwashed that I couldn’t even recognize my own sexual… Read more »

7 years ago

The end of another VMA performance touched a subject that Rollo might have skirted around (video start set to near end)

This came down today in this comment:

In short if she is not attracted to you she is not comfortable with oral

(In other unsurprising news ratings for VMAs way down but streaming way up)

7 years ago

Scribblerg Let me ask you a serious hypothetical question. If you could have a harem, instead of a wife and a monogamous relationship, would you? Is this just projection of what you want right now? Southern Dude and You and whoever else wants it CAN have this harem… hell we are told that girls now no longer even want commitment and 90 are chasing the 10… that is de facto harem right there… But the reality is those that WANT it can’t have it by merely WANTING it either… it is going to take doing the HARD WORK get your… Read more »

7 years ago

If you are tired at looking at fish here is a short video this morning related to that VMA exercise workout:

7 years ago


The only way even a *harem* would work, IMO, is if that you had so many women in it that you regularly forgot what half of them looked like.

You might consider Solomon’s thoughts on this topic, he ain’t KJ’ing…

7 years ago

@Softie – There are some guys on this forum with direct experience building and maintaining a harem. Also, plate spinning is more harem-like than monogamy (married or not). Have to tell you that my head just about exploded reading about your visit to that girl’s house. Like I’ve been screaming that fucking other women is crucial for two years, but until you feel it for yourself it’s just noise, lol. I get it. I wonder, did you also notice how differently you felt about your “ONE”? Like suddenly, you just didn’t give a shit about how worked up she is… Read more »

Forge the Sky
7 years ago


Using dead armadillos as quarter mile markers is a nice cultural touch though.

Hah! At least you won’t go hungry in Texas. Those things lay eggs ya know.

7 years ago

@gb_hill lol’ed hard when I got to the comment section and read your “That being said, I don’t see that your day game skill is better than Deepak’s” That’s literally exactly what went through my head when I watched some of Deepak’s infield as soon as I loaded the article to see what the guy is like infield. Looks about the same as Krauser’s except that Deepak stammers a shitload more. I can’t imagine how these ESL girls have any idea what he’s saying lol He’s saying pretty much the same shit Krauser does. Says the same shit and… Read more »

7 years ago

fuck, I can’t internet today. THIS IS THE VIDEO I MEANT lol:

You can delete the “oops that last vid was supposed to be this one” post Rollo, this is the last vid I meant to link where he kisses the blonde lol

7 years ago


DPA harem builder “natural” James Marshall discussing the hard work…

and demonstrating by doing… good

and bad…

7 years ago

“But my poncho is a real poncho, not a Sears poncho.”

Channeling uncle Frank…

7 years ago

“Channeling uncle Frank…”

We need him now more than ever:

7 years ago

lolol holy shit, Deepak calling Krauser out at 23:00: Fucking hilarious because he’s dead-on to what I’ve been saying about macking friendly tourists and running away from “no” girls and hard shit-tests and avoiding clubs with AMOGs/cockblocks and not gaming girls over here to show this amazing flawless system (“oh those girls are all fat ugly rude bitches” lol try going to places with hot girls instead of shithole local dive bars in some bumblefuck town…you can’t find hot girls in New York, LA, Vegas, Miami, etc?). Fucking funny that this guy is just laying it out there. Like… Read more »

7 years ago

Actually the full call-out starts at 20:20 in that vid…he makes good points about training your skills in easy situations (“of course you’ll GET the skills, they just won’t be that strong because you don’t know how to overcome resistance so you’ll just filter the girl out and go for another girl”, I fully agree) and being adaptive (aka calibration, like oldschool PUA). And in his infield he seems to be calibrated, backing off when he gets resistance, leading forward when she’s showing receptiveness etc. And he’s talking about expressing yourself with your body language and emotions even if she… Read more »

7 years ago

Not at all sure I want a harem. Actually not at all sure what I want out of life in many regards these days. It’s quite interesting, but maybe less so than I think. Could it be that nihilism is an inherently unstable foundation upon which to build a worldview and life? Just a thought.

Carry on.

7 years ago

@ Sentient I think a lot of guys fantasize about harems and stuff, but they aren’t really able to realize this because They don’t understand that it comes with a whole other set of issues that have to be mastered. Once again, it is a matter of putting in the necessary work before going after your goal. Hell, I can say that I’m going to win the next Indy 500, but until then I’m just going to think about how nice it will be in the winner’s circle. Maybe I see it differently. The closest I have ever come to… Read more »

7 years ago

Blax / Scribblerg 1I said to myself, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good.” But that also proved to be meaningless. 2“Laughter,” I said, “is madness. And what does pleasure accomplish?” 3I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly—my mind still guiding me with wisdom. I wanted to see what was good for people to do under the heavens during the few days of their lives. 4I undertook great projects: I built houses for myself and planted vineyards. 5I made gardens and parks and planted all kinds of fruit trees in them.… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Sentient

See, I’m dense.

I read the passages, but I can’t wrap my head around that mindset at all. And I’ve seen similar thoughts before in life, and it’s always escaped me.

How is it possible for one to receive no joy out of what he pursues? I don’t get how people can’t find ” meaning “.

7 years ago

“Could it be that nihilism is an inherently unstable foundation upon which to build a worldview and life?”

A stable foundation is strong and you can rely on it, until the moment it fails catastrophically.

A less stable foundation you have to be fiddling with constantly to maintain it, but if you do, it will always be in top form. If you slack off and it gets away from you, it fails by sagging over time, giving you plenty of warning to get the hell out of the building.

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

If you don’t enjoy the process, you’ll find the objective to be little comfort. The thrill of victory lasts 15 minutes.

An orgasm is nice, but it’s damned brief. I bet i wouldn’t see the point of one if I found the 2 hours preceding it to be tedious rather than exhilarating.

7 years ago

Hypergamy always finds a way:

“The General Teaching Council for Scotland has banned Isabelle Graham, 28, from teaching.
The reason is having relations with a 17-year-old male pupil during prom.
Mrs. Graham, a devout Christian who was at the time engaged and had been saving herself for her wedding night
She denied the charges, claiming her drink had been spiked and that she had no memory of what happened. “

7 years ago


First, I think the word harem is a bit ridiculous (like many RP terms tbh), let’s just call it seeing different chicks at the same time. I’m not some Persian sultan lol.

I agree that it requires a bit of skills to pull off, but the beauty of it is that if you take minimal precautions (like Yareally’s egg mc muffin), you can just keep replacing your girls until you get it right!
Much easier and less risky to build the skills necessary to spin plates than to not have your mariage destroy your life, probably.

7 years ago

@Hank Holiday

Do you have your stalker routine written somewhere

7 years ago

“How is it possible for one to receive no joy out of what he pursues?” The joy was in the pursuit. The orchards, in the having, turned out to just be a bunch of trees. In the pursuit, where the joy is, he was focused on the having, in the non-existent future. When he got to the future, he found he missed the part that brought joy. And the having itself is ephemeral. All things return to the dust from whence they came. But the doing is always in the eternal now. If you are riding a bicycle to get… Read more »

7 years ago

@Blaximus “I think a lot of guys fantasize about harems and stuff, but they aren’t really able to realize this because They don’t understand that it comes with a whole other set of issues that have to be mastered.” I agree, but I’d also say the opposite is true too. A lot of guys convince themselves they want monogamy because they can’t see any path to GETTING a harem (that’s for “other” guys, they don’t deserve it and don’t know how to get it and aren’t good-looking enough for it to happen etc etc limiting beliefs or lack of instruction/training)… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Klem ” Much easier and less risky to build the skills necessary to spin plates than to not have your mariage destroy your life, probably.” BINGO!!!!! Men should always strive to build necessary skills. ALWAYS. I am a firm believer that, barring the wild exception, *skills* prevent life destruction. Men need skill. Part of being a man. The harem thing, meh… it depends on what a man is looking for in life/sex, and why he is looking for it. What’s the payoff? Lest I come off as anti-harem, I restate my position that all men should have as much… Read more »

7 years ago

“but the beauty of it is that if you take minimal precautions (like Yareally’s egg mc muffin)”

Speaking of:

Pro athlete pumps & dumps a Tinder chick, she goes false rape accusation on him and flat out says it’s because he left too soon and didn’t give her cuddle time to make her feel special and didn’t txt her etc

If this guy had bought her an egg mcmuffin, he’d be fine.

7 years ago

“Men need skill.

Part of being a man.”

Sometimes I find myself going through modern tool and camping equipment catalogues and thinking, “Ya know, if you had a pocket knife and knew how to tie a couple of knots, you could do all that without having to buy and rely on all that crap.”

7 years ago


Yeah, sad…
I really believe that your anti Buyers Remorse routines (and the reasons behind them) should be drilled into guy’s head as much as “WEAR A CONDOM”

7 years ago

Also, lol at being on Tinder, your are competing with fucking pro-athlete for the attention of a 6 with good selfie-taking skills hahahaha

If that is not an incentive to just go out and start talking to girls IRL, I don’t know what is…

7 years ago

And with perfect timing here comes Jeffy with some infield demonstrating some shit I’m talking about with the Deepak/Krauser stuff. Also for whoever it was that was asking if Jeffy has skillz: Infield starts at 5:20 (with a slight description about the dynamic you’re about to see and a description of the AMOG in the set so you know what to look for), but the whole video is making some important points about making the girls chase you (aka what you need to do in the Tinder age, THEY have to choose YOU). Girl is taller than Jeffy (in… Read more »

7 years ago

YaReally ahead of all of us like usual

“Probably wishing she was getting fucked by Chris Brown instead of up on that stage with an awkward orbiter chode confessing his love for her”

Buy her a McMuffin?

7 years ago

@Klem “I really believe that your anti Buyers Remorse routines (and the reasons behind them) should be drilled into guy’s head as much as “WEAR A CONDOM””” Technology has changed things: Imagine the same situation but it’s a girl in your apartment who you’re trying to kick out because she turned out to be bat-shit or you miscalibrated and the vibe got weird, or she got too drunk, or she’s a fuckbuddy etc giving you drama or you brought her and her girlfriend home and her girlfriend is a bitch or your buddy miscalibrates on the two-set you two… Read more »

7 years ago

” lololol that girl either was Rhianna or Rhianna is reading that story thinking “omg I should txt him…” while Drake orders his next batch of roses for her.”

Oh Shit.


7 years ago

I started this whole harem thread so perhaps I should elucidate my thoughts further. First Awakening of Red Pill – 3+ years ago for me now – I start to realize my visceral sexual desires were not shameful. While I’d been sexually wild in ways since my divorce, it was only when I started using professionals, massage girls mostly, for some fun that I really gave into my libido. And this was in my mid-40s, I never dreamed of paying for sex when I was younger. But then when I choke down TRP I start to really embrace my inner… Read more »

7 years ago

“I’ve even gone back to the Roman Catholic church because I thought I missed it.”

What you missed, given your current state, is the sense of having a strong and reliable foundation to stand on, which the Church provides, not the Church itself.

You may have been in danger had you chosen another, but as the Church foundation had already collapsed under you, you found that it no longer served.

7 years ago

“I can’t see any reason to settle before 45 and any reason it won’t be possible to settle with a <25yo to pop out babies if I want to. "


7 years ago

“People say, ‘You just need to hook up with a bunch of people,’ but I am more of an in-love kind of person. I want to be in love with one person. I’m a one-man kind of gal and a kind of true romantic at heart.”

that quote is from “Katharine McPhee has ‘no regrets’ over cheating on husband with married man”

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@ben Do you have your stalker routine written somewhere Its pretty straightforward. Here’s the bullet points *girl sat down next to me, obviously liked me *chatted, but knew she wasn’t my type. said bye and left *she friend requested me on facebook . . . but I never told her my name. not even my first name *so now I have this stalker . . . what should I do now? if she gives you advice . . . ask her if she’s had any stalkers. great way to get convo started. If she says she hasn’t had any stalkers,… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@scray I used to run a lot. I would run about 3+ miles in very hilly country. But the hardest part was always running again after months of not running at all. Even if I only ran a SINGLE mile, getting back into running after months of not running was ALWAYS the hardest. But if you keep running, its not hard at all. Just go a bit further each time. But it isn’t HARD AT ALL if you keep exercising. Whats hard is coming from not exercising AT ALL and just getting started — and having no reference experience of… Read more »

7 years ago


Super happy to see how far you’ve came.

@Hank Holiday

I agree with scray. You currently have the potential to do alot more if you just push yourself. Basically your like the baby who still likes to crawl even though if you try you can walk.

7 years ago

@ YaReally Okay man. I’m trying to remember details, so bear with me if I happen to not make sense. I have spoken to every girl/woman I could get my hands on over the past few days. A rough breakdown would look like this: 15 chicks 26 and younger 10 girls ( to me ) 16 and younger 10 married women – between 20 through 45 and about 8-9 strangers I cornered on the streets and in stores like some kind of survey dude. Lol. According to my unscientific samples, you are 100% correct in your assertion that women will… Read more »

7 years ago

” Not ever something that the potential Dream Man should even be concerned with . . . Only out of boredom.”

Don’t be boring, or else . . .

“The 16-19 year old set is . . .”

. . . all of age to marry (16 and 17 with parental consent). All but the 16 year olds in NY are age of consent. Yes, the NYers can hop the bridge and legally consent (if they do so on their own, with their own money).

No pedo.

7 years ago

” Don’t be boring, or else . . . ”

Words to live by.

I notice that people, millenials in particular, seem to be perpetually bored or bore very easily. It is absolutely amazing to me to witness.

Trying to figure it out always points me to technology in some fashion.

What is life like with that easily bored condition?

More importantly, what will life be like when they reach my age? 20-30 years of boredom?


I am going to invest in shiny objects asap.

7 years ago

Go fuck yourself…..

7 years ago

…until the end of time.

7 years ago

The church, for me, is all about a sense of community. People I share values with – if not a faith. People who would enjoy watching an episode of a traditional TV show like BlueBloods, and who don’t really know who Kim Kardashian is, or what butt implants or anus-bleaching are.

And yet I appreciate a bleached anus…I’m so full of conflicted emotions and views these days, but not stressed or unhappy about it.

7 years ago

@YaReally The young men of the next several decades are completely screwed and it is going to be bleak. Each generation of young women are progressing towards becoming something like the ‘Omegas’ in the book ‘Children of Men’, a bunch of spoiled, over-entitled, violent narcissists enabled by an apathetic society. It is an apt analogy given our declining fertility and aging populace. The future will very much resemble our current ghettos on a much larger scale. The declining fertility coupled with urbanization and marriage decline will mean a large percentage of women will be post-wall dysfunctional single mothers. Imagine a… Read more »

7 years ago

@hank Whats hard is coming from not exercising AT ALL and just getting started — and having no reference experience of exercising. I can’t even imagine what its like for fat fucks to get started. Ok well you’re talking about something else I actually did. So…. here’s what it’s like: you realize that you just need to STFU and get started and keep going. I ought to know….I went from OBESE to greek statue. mofo, how do you THINK you get that TRUST you don’t just pull it out yo ass Ya, pretty much you pull it out of your… Read more »

7 years ago

@Blaximus See this is why you’re my favorite old man here lol Instead of just doubling-down on “TRUST ME BRO I KNOW HOW IT WORKS I’M AN ENLIGHTENED OLD MAN YOU YOUNG WHIPPER-SNAPPERS DON’T KNOW HOW THE WORLD WORKS HERE’S MORE DEIDA PASSAGES AND FEELGOOD JUST BE DPA 24/7 BRO GIRLS IN MY DAY HAD DISTRACTIONS TOO IT WAS EXACTLY THE SAME BRAH” shit, you actually field test things and accept that maaaaaybe you weren’t as hip to the culture as you thought…and you learned some shit from it, like that I know what I’m talking about lol You aren’t… Read more »

7 years ago

Re Krauser, what do you think about his text game and my analysis here?

7 years ago

Yareally “Meanwhile we’ll rely on actual field-tested data.” OK, look forward to the presentation of such. Blax roaming around doing man on the street interviews, credit to him in being dynamic for sure, but this is all part of your fake hypothetical, not what I’ve discussed… so if he was asking them what they are attracted to in guys you going to back that field tested responses too? HEY GUYZ GIRLZ SAY THEY WANT YOU TO BE URSELF!!!! FIELD IS KING!!! Because you’ve never heard of any girl changing her convictions, her religion, her geography, her friends, her family, leaving… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Sentient

Field report First of all my evolution has a man has been growing immensely thanks to reading and applying all aspects of what the truth of the red pill is. Went to practice yesterday and spoke with one of the girls on the files that also plays rugby with us. Two teams same field we each splite the cost of rentals and ligths. As we where done I went over to metro. Usually being food with me to share with both teams ok the field. Meet this girl getting on the train to go home an approached and got rebuffed.… Read more »

7 years ago

“If I had a kid I would limit the fuck out of my kids’ access to technology shit…”
I did this until the age of 14 for my 2 girls. It works but they catch up quick.
I substituted hi-tech shit with horses and isolation on a farm. We’ll see in the next 20 years if it made a difference.

Dude, you’re possibly the the most sane guy here. Props to you!

7 years ago

@N1 That text convo was like reading two girlfriends texting eachother lol But nothing horrible. Phone culture is probably different out there, with everyone having foreign phones and calling cards and speaking different languages (less options for the girl, trickier communication required to get a point across etc) or whatever the fuck they do in these countries, VS over here where it’s just everyone has a smartphone and every smartphone has a few specific apps and most people can speak English on those apps. Like for all I know Krauser might be the only guy txting her and maybe social… Read more »

7 years ago

I don’t necessarily disagree with that scenario. When I wrote my YaReally Reversion Theory where everything turns around when women realize that being feminine and in shape and cooking and cleaning will land them the high-value men, I didn’t realize social media had gone full tilt into crazy-land and it wasn’t in mass full swing yet like today and in the future. I still HOPE it happens, but with how thirsty guys are and how many high-value guys have ZERO standards and will fuck any random Tinder girl (like that pro-athlete guy with the False Rape Accusation I linked), it’s… Read more »

7 years ago


The reason Blax’s interview questions won’t ever work is because the woman will only act based on fear of loss, not on hypothetical “gain” (i.e. the “perfect dream guy”). The reality of that fear will need to be present. This is why the fake hypothetical is fake…

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

I’m assuming there was some Em post that got deleted or something but now it just looks like kfg posted the Bean to be helpful to Blaximus and that pissed him off really badly for some reason, so he told kfg to go fuck himself but even THAT wasn’t enough so he went back and raked him over the coals again.

That was a double-take for me this morning lol.

7 years ago

@ Forge

Lmao. I would never tell kfg anything like that. EM popped in with couple of comments.

Rollo must’ve deleted them.

Shit… I hope other commenters don’t get the same idea.

EVERYBODY, I DIG KFG and would not cast expletives in his direction.

7 years ago

@Rollo @Sentient “At what stage do you throw out the surface value of ‘field observations’ and see that the Medium is the Message?” No idea what this means or who this is to lol All I’m saying is you can’t say “girls will delete their social media for you by doing ABC” when you haven’t gotten them to do it consistently yourself and everyone who tries doing ABC has it fall flat and you’re basing it on a different culture with different culture influences and social conditioning. This is just basic logic. You can GUESS at what’ll happen, but that’s… Read more »

7 years ago

“At what stage do you throw out the surface value of ‘field observations’ and see that the Medium is the Message?” Depends on what your definition of field observations is and how the the observer sees what he sees in the medium. I mean we all have our fields and we all have different powers of observation. My field is pretty much all married folks. My field is my home, my office, my country club, my extended neighborhood, and all the 20+ children of all these married folks. Social media is prevalent, but just a tool. If a 23 to… Read more »

7 years ago

“His argument is that if it’s not working then just offer MORE commitment and MORE providership and MORE legal contracts guaranteeing that you’ll stay and it’ll work.”

False Premise.

7 years ago


It’s like debating a 5 year old who wants you to prove the boogeyman isn’t under their bed and says “well he won’t show up if you look for him, I KNOW he’s there”.

This describes your GO INTO THE FUTURE TODAY FOR 40 YEARS WITH A 2016 GIRL AND REPORT BACK hypothetical quite well…

7 years ago


“His argument is that if it’s not working then just offer MORE commitment and MORE providership and MORE legal contracts guaranteeing that you’ll stay and it’ll work.”

False Premise.

Also it’s not my argument… 😉 but don’t let strawmen and red herrings get in the way of internet warrior point totaling…

7 years ago

August 31st, 2016 at 6:30 am

Click on that link to Ian Ironwoods (long) article in praise of the Puerarchy.

7 years ago

“Sure, pre-2016. How many <25yo 7+/10s in 2016 will keep those convictions changed through thick and thin even when their man goes through tough periods where he isn't at his prime, when she has thousands of other men offering her the world, for 40+ years? " Babies do change them… That being said, if you knocked up a 10 and some dude offered her life on a yacht in the Mediterranean and only the best schools and upbringing for her kids… Kind of a douche thing to do, but I'd worry about it a bit. Are there any non-materialistic girls… Read more »

7 years ago

Ohhhhhh…. Busy at work, but dying to jump in. You guys are fucking awesome.

@ Andy

Worry about no man, yacht or not. Worry is your problem, not hers. Worry fucks up your frame and sidesteps your mpo.

You can’t MAKE chicks do shit. You can lead and rejigger their programming to alleviate threats that may be posed by guys with yachts.

Hypergamy. Put that shit in a chokehold.

7 years ago

“Worry about no man, yacht or not. Worry is your problem, not hers. Worry fucks up your frame and sidesteps your mpo.”

Totally agree. Once you’re in that situation, no worrying allowed. I think a common theme in this thread with myself, or Sentient or newlyaloof is that you have to be able to leave everything, including the kids, to train the baby momma (if you’re not already fully developed as a man like you were).

The worrying needs to be done BEFORE you walk into that situation.

7 years ago

In 2016 I think it’s safe to say that the war is over and the men lost. Like, lol. Just fucking look at it. sometimes I go out to a club and I’m reminded of that scene in top gun, the final dogfight…. “Jesus Christ.” First of all, according to the CDC, the MEDIAN WEIGHT of a chick 20-29 y/o is 161 lbs. That’s closing in on 40 pounds overweight. So you’ve already got a huge bottleneck of competition around any chick who isn’t a fat wildebeest. I mean…that’s fine, who cares? I honestly think MGTOW has a lot… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient “Also it’s not my argument…😉 but don’t let strawmen and red herrings get in the way of internet warrior point totaling…” So clear it up. You have a habit of saying retarded stuff and then when called out on it saying “that’s not what I was saying” and just not following up. @Andy “Babies do change them…” Sure, for a few years in the NRE stage of having a new baby. Longer than that? I dunno, ask the single moms on Tinder, divorcing guys, cheating in marriages, etc lol Like, guys have this need to think that once the… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo @Sentient Can you offer ANY reason why a girl would NOT be attracted to a Hypergamously better suited man? That goes against the very concept OF Hypergamy. Does Hypergamy just magically shut off once she’s found a high value guy? That goes against her constantly testing her captain to make sure he still has value and goes against her cheating or upgrading. Is she just out of the goodness of her heart going to avoid looking at potentially better options? Again that goes against Hypergamy. Does social media NOT present women with more potentially high-value options than pre-social media?… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . can you even get the girls to leave their phones in a pile at the door at your bottle service events for the entire night?” I’m out on rural trails, miles out of town, nearly every day. I see <25 chippies out training for some 10k breast cancer awareness charity run or some such and most of them can't raise their eyes from their devices long enough to keep from running into a tree. And of course their music is often so loud that I can listen to it from 8 ft. behind them. Bicycle bells… Read more »

7 years ago

Is it just that you guys REALLY want to hope that your daughters will be NAWALTs and resist all of this, the same way lots of Red Pill guys are still holding out hope that they’ll find the unicorn they can relax their burden of performance with? lol Or that it’s just too depressing to accept that the end of the traditional family life may be here? Like, you have to go against so much already ironclad thoroughly tested logic to go along with this shit and it’s not even field tested by the guy theorizing it lol How many… Read more »

7 years ago

“I find myself wondering why they’re out in the country, instead of on the track they had to pass right at the trail head. They’re certainly not out in the woods to be out in the woods. They never see or hear it.”

’cause they can take a selfie for their social media of them pretending to meditate on a tree trunk in a scenic area and title it “zen af (insert 3 nail painting emoticons)” and get validation from their followers.

…or maybe they’re hunting pokemon lol jk that trend is already dead.

7 years ago

Well, sounds like the only solution is surrogate motherhood. Get her to sign a surrogate mother agreement, and use that as your relationship contract. That’s what Christiano Ronaldo is doing. He has sole custody. I tried to link earlier, but the comment was lost. You can google it though.

Even then… Good luck getting the courts to uphold it if she was living with you and the kids. But I think that’s probably the only option at this point.

7 years ago

Yareally So clear it up. I refer you back to page 2… You have a habit of saying retarded stuff and then when called out on it saying “that’s not what I was saying” and just not following up. You have a habit of of too often partially reading posts, then posting dozens of hyper extrapolations, strawmen and red herrings and moving the goalposts… all with a side of juvenile internet snark and attempted denigration… for the pursuit of internet glory hole pleasure… so you should not be surprised when people don’t play along… 😉 ========== Bonus answers! Can you… Read more »

7 years ago

Krauser is legit. He has posted great detailed breakdowns of his dates/texting sessions not to mention all those +1 videos. That’s credible enough for me and more than a lot of others do. I haven’t even looked at his pay stuff, lol.

7 years ago

“That’s what Christiano Ronaldo is doing.” The mother was in a country other than his own (unfortunately the US). He needs to get the kid out of her country into his own as soon as possible. He can never come the US again. For that matter, he can never allow himself to be in the same country the mother is in if that country will hear her complaint. If he does, all bets are off. And his profession binds him to go where he is told. “Good luck getting the courts to uphold it if she was living with you… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient “well attraction and ACTING on it are worlds apart… and not inconsistent.” Okay, so she’s going to develop self-control when, her entire life, she’s been taught to run with her emotions in the moment with no consequences and mostly endless rewards. Do people who spend their entire life building up bad habits often just voluntarily break them despite no change in incentive to do so and, again, rewards and cash & prizes from society if they keep that bad habit up? Is this something you want most men to bet their future, their finances, custody, and potentially jailtime on?… Read more »

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

Christ, this again? @YaReally I get that you’re trying to avoid disinformation here, but if I were a newb who was listening to you I’d conclude that all relationships are hopeless so I might as well pump’n’dump or go MGTOW. I agree with your point that social media has made things difficult and isn’t going away, and that there’s not really anything as single person can do to get it out of a girl’s life, but there is such a thing as overemphasizing THAT point too. I don’t think anyone disagrees with you that social media is gonna be a… Read more »

7 years ago


I’d conclude that all relationships are hopeless so I might as well pump’n’dump or go MGTOW

comment image

hahah I keed, I keed.

But yeah…monogamous relationships are just stupid in 2016 U.S.A.

There really is no upside for a man who puts himself in that circumstance.

7 years ago


You say you want field testing of making monogamy work longterm in today’s world, while also saying that you’re trying to prevent men from being tricked into thinking it’s possible, which would prevent said field testing.

Monogamy can work….for short durations….maybe like 3-7 years MAXIMUM.

Women are designed to be monogamous for around that time period anyway, almost regardless of what you do…..

7 years ago

“The best bet for American men is to find a surrogate mother in the Philippines, but that can change at any moment. Retroactively.”

Scray is right. It’s over.

7 years ago


It’s all over.

Fold up your dicks and go home.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago


Anyone that criticizes the order of the day is derided, which reminds me…….


So how’s anyone supposed to make friends in all this shit? Do guys just pass broads around? How do I adapt AND get a shot at making the bitch look stupid?

7 years ago

thanks to Instagram for a better clip of the end of the performance

if your kids are on social media they see stuff like this EVERY single day

7 years ago

@Forge the Sky “I get that you’re trying to avoid disinformation here, but if I were a newb who was listening to you I’d conclude that all relationships are hopeless so I might as well pump’n’dump or go MGTOW.” Good. That’s a start. Let’s get them to stop thinking they’re going to find the NAWALT unicorn and live happily ever after when the field evidence shows that they’re probably NOT going to, so they’re less inclined to sign legal marriage contracts and we can start coming up with better approaches that don’t involve guys ending up divorce-raped and living out… Read more »

7 years ago

@Forge For me, yareally just explains how the dynamics changed in 2016, and if you have a monoLTR nowadays, you have to be aware of it. You can still choose to have one of course, but just be aware of the risks. Ultimately, it all depends on what you want out of life, that’s why I agree with Scray that BD’s Alpha 2.0 stuff is the best road map we currently have. BD is not telling everyone to not have monoLTR, just that if your goal in life is to maximise HAPPINESS and minimize DRAMA, then monoLTR are going to… Read more »

7 years ago

“Fold up your dicks and go home.”

lol, Seriously though, I probably would consider moving to southeast asia if I was single and wanted kids at this point. The food is so good out there.

7 years ago

I’ve been reading Black Dragon the past couple days (ok, a bit of work too). I like his model of open LTR

7 years ago

Yareally Okay, so she’s going to develop self-control when, her entire life, she’s been taught to run with her emotions in the moment with no consequences and mostly endless rewards doesn’t the sluttiest bar slut display self control when she tells you she has to go to the bathroom? So then you agree that if you slip up and stop passing her tests, she becomes more likely to stray More likely is a probability not a certainty… and it’s not immediate. In what way is “be alpha 24/7 for the rest of your life, bro” not an accurate summary of… Read more »

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