

Lately I’ve been refocusing my take on the process of mens’ unplugging and dealing with a new Red Pill informed way of living. The Gamer Girls post, while intentionally light reading (for TRM), was really a side of things I’ve wanted to explore for a bit now.

As most of my readers know I make efforts not to be prescriptive in what I write. I realize there’s going to be bias involved in any observed process, but as I’ve stated on this blog and in my books, applying the Red Pill isn’t one size fits all. While the truth of Red Pill awareness is universally understandable, the application of it needs an individualized approach.

I don’t sell sunshine and rainbows here. You wont find deliberately inspirational reheated Zig Ziglar quotes you can frame in some motivational poster. Anyone doing so has a business based on it. What you will get here is unvarnished, un-sugar coated Red Pill awareness that is actionable in ways you choose to leverage it. My intent is not to make you a better man, but to have you make you a better man, and I trust you to be intelligent enough to make the best decisions for yourself based on your new awareness.

As I stated in The Bitter Taste of the Red Pill,…

The truth will set you free, but it doesn’t make truth hurt any less, nor does it make truth any prettier, and it certainly doesn’t absolve you of the responsibilities that truth requires. One of the biggest obstacles guys face in unplugging is accepting the hard truths that Game forces upon them. Among these is bearing the burden of realizing what you’ve been conditioned to believe for so long were comfortable ideals and loving expectations are really liabilities.

At it’s most distilled, the Red Pill is a Praxeology (h/t SJF):

Praxeology is the study of those aspects of human action that can be grasped a priori; in other words, it is concerned with the conceptual analysis and logical implications of preference, choice, means-end schemes, and so forth.

Praxeologyis the deductive study of human action based on the notion that humans engage in purposeful behavior, as opposed to reflexive behavior like sneezing and inanimate behavior. According to its theorists, with the action axiom as the starting point, it is possible to draw conclusions about human behavior that are both objective and universal. For example, the notion that humans engage in acts of choice implies that they have preferences, and this must be true for anyone who exhibits intentional behavior.

As such, and by the way I define it, the praxeology of the Red Pill is subject to the same capacity for revision and refinement as any other science. A lot of critics, including ones who’ve come to it after failing to re-plug themselves back into the Matrix, would like to believe that the foundations of Red Pill awareness are just overly complex opinions based on the anecdotal, negative, experiences of a handful of manosphere luminaries.

The truth is that as a praxeology Red Pill awareness is ‘open source’ and will necessarily evolve as our understanding of human nature advances. As new biological, psychological and sociological understanding expands so too will our understanding of Red Pill awareness, and consequently methodologies to operate on them will too.

However, in the now, we still must deal with the consequent painful disillusionments from being cut away from a formerly Blue Pill existence. As I illustrated in The Bitter Taste of the Red Pill, that freeing truth comes at a price, and sometimes that price manifests in ways you don’t expect.

Many newly unplugged men make the connection that Red Pill awareness fundamentally alters the way they see the world and certainly the latent purpose of pop culture and media trends. That’s the easy recognition, however, the Red Pill Lens reveals many more painful truths and a lot of them hit pretty close to home. Dealing with family, interacting with close personal friends still mired in a Blue Pill conditioned existence, is not only frustrating, but revealing your new awareness can sometimes draw hostility and abandonment from them.

I’ve personally known guys who’ve read my body of work, came to a Red Pill awareness, and then immediately wanted to explain it all to their friends only to find themselves ostracized from their regular social group because their sudden change diametrically conflicts with what they’ve been conditioned to expect from him. It’s very frustrating for guys who want to excitedly, sometimes proudly, talk about the particulars of their new awareness and how it’s changed them for the better.

I know better than most I think. I’m Rollo Tomassi and I can’t exactly advertise it or even drop hints about the Red Pill in my daily life without some reservation. Mrs. Tomassi would like nothing better than to blather off about my two books to her family and friends, but I’ve dropped the hammer on this since I started this blog. Obviously it behooves me to maintain at least a semi-anonymous profile to make sure my wife and daughter aren’t the target of anyone’s net hate retaliations, but I also know that most of my family and certainly all of hers will never be ready to accept Red Pill awareness.

Never appeal to truth and reality unless you are prepared for the anger that comes for disenchantment.


PlansAndPlates from the Red Pill sub brought up an interesting topic recently.

People who knew you in your beta past will never respect you and you will never respect yourself if you choose to associate with them anymore.

I made a pretty brutal decision to ghost a lot of ‘friends’ from my past.

I decided if people treated me in a way they wouldn’t treat someone of high regard/respect/authority (their boss, their parent, whoever they look up to) then I would next them. Boy, girl, plate, ‘friend’, family member, whoever.

If a person doesn’t respect you, it could be your fault and it could be their fault – whoever enabled and created the relationship of disrespect is not actually important.

What’s important is the result; you’re associating with someone who treats you with disrespect, or lesser respect than those they actually respect, and there is no way a man can respect himself if he’s choosing to spend time with people who don’t respect him.

Note the word choose. Sometimes you have no choice, but when you have the option to say to yourself “You know what? Fuck this, I’m bailing” or “No fucking way am I going to see that guy” you must use it.

How can you respect yourself if you choose to associate with someone who doesn’t respect you? How can you do anything in life worth a shit? You’re going to spend all the time with them ‘proving’ to them you’re worthy of respect? You’re going to spite them until they respect you? Who gives a fuck what they think? Not only is it bad to give a fuck what someone thinks, they’re likely never going to respect you. Never ever. Once you decide you don’t respect somebody, how often do you change your mind? Do you erase your memories?

How can you believe in yourself if you don’t respect yourself? How are you going to follow a plan out to get healthy, get wealthy, get smart, if you don’t respect yourself?

For that reasons I ghosted a number of friendly acquaintances I considered friends, once I understood where I was in their hierarchy. Some I’d known for 10 years and had shared some good and bad memories with.

I do not regret it one bit.

People who don’t respect you won’t change how they perceive you once you better yourself, they’ll see the old you and a new imposter.

I am a strong believer that first impressions last, forever, and that if you have made an impression on some people that you are a beta, they will never forget where they’ve pigeon holed you. They will never treat you like an alpha and defer to you, how could they? They don’t respect you, they ‘know’ that you’re just ‘acting different’.

Compare that with new people. New people see what’s in front of them and they take it at face value that you’re a lean mean fucking machine who appears to have his shit in order and probably always has. Don’t tell them about your past when you didn’t, they don’t need the dream ruined. And if other people talk about your old ways, just agree and amplify and laugh about it – the new person wasn’t there and it’s just the other persons word against yours – and you’re a likable alpha, so they’ll think fuck it and believe you’re an alpha and always were.

Lesson: You should consider making some hard decisions about ghosting some people in your life who have disrespected you and boxed you into a ‘beta’ category in their memory. You could turn from the guy from Revenge of the Nerds into Connor McGregor and they’d only tell people about how you were the guy from Revenge of the Nerds. New people will take your fucking greatness at face value and when they hear reports that you’ve upgraded and shit test you, defuse the shit test with great laughter.

His point is simple with regard to respect, but this need for ghosting is a pragmatic response most guys see coming when they shift into Red Pill awareness. They know well ahead of time that certain friends, particularly close friends whose lives are invested in the illusions of a Blue Pill contentedness, will neither accept this new awareness nor the genuineness of their change in perspective.

Law 10 Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky

You can die from someone else’s misery – emotional states are as infectious as disease. You may feel you are helping the drowning man but you are only precipitating your own disaster. The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on themselves; they will also draw it on you. Associate with the happy and fortunate instead.

Remember those Zig Ziglar optimistic ‘mindset’ peddlers I mentioned earlier? One tenet of that build-a-positive-fantasy-life mental model is the clichéd notion that you should surround yourself with winners and blow off the losers in your life. It’s a simple aphorism that rolls off the tongue easy; associate with winners and that winning will rub off on you. What they don’t tell you to do is how to cut out the unhappy and unlucky persons in your life who also happen to be your oldest friends or closest family members.

This is one of those painful truths that will set you free, but still stings like a bitch.

But eliminate them, or marginalize them you must. Most guys know this, or they come to know it as the first thing once they unplug. There’s a cost to Red Pill awareness.

The Price of Truth

I only rarely make an active effort to help unplug men these days. Now, I get that my books and this blog are an effort as such, but I mean in the sense of reaching out personally to a guy whom I think may be ready to consider the Red Pill truths about men and women.

I did make one recently and I was reminded again about the part in the Matrix where Morpheus explains to Neo that he’d broken protocol to unplug him. They never tried to free a mind once it reached a certain age. The mind has difficulties in letting go of “truths” it’s become dependent upon for its own survival.

That’s a pretty accurate analogy for dealing with unplugging other men as well as revealing Red Pill awareness to people too invested in a Blue Pill existence to listen to, much less acknowledge the rationality of a truth that destroys their self-sustaining ego investments.

But attempt it I did. The guy was a fairly high profile, but minor local celebrity who at 48 years old had just had a painful split with his 30 year old girlfriend. He’d been married once before, divorced for all the Blue Pill misguided pandering you might expect, and now here he was ‘blindsided’ by a girlfriend well above 2 SMV steps to his own. Even a basic understanding of the intersexual dynamics that the Red Pill illustrates would’ve spared him a repeat of his Beta behavior and her consequent dumping of him.

But there he was, again, in the same familiar depression due to the same repeated behaviors stemming from the same misinformed Blue Pill conditioned mindset. So I made the effort. I liked the guy. In most other aspects of life he’s very pragmatic, driven, focused and definitely Alpha. He’s got social proof, a low grade of celebrity, he’s affluent, and while somewhat arrogant at times very likable. However, he suffers from one fatal flaw – he is ego invested in a Blue Pill illusion of women so thoroughly that only a man who’s lived it his entire 48 years can understand it.

So I made an effort to just get him to read my book, or at least the Best of Year One posts. He’d have none of it. The reflexive response to what he’s been taught by the women in his life is misogyny short circuit for him. To be honest I was never really hopeful, but I made the effort from that base need to help another man avoid a painful fate – not unlike my reasons for writing at all.

I’ve got to ghost him now. Not because I’m an asshole or I’ve given up, but because it’s just not pragmatic to apply that effort when others would benefit more from it. He’s past that age Morpheus says the mind should never be freed and I’ve got to be OK with that.

That’s just the price of truth.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

Part of what understanding what it means to be a man is to recognize the Blue Pill programs with which hostile forces have infected you and to eliminate their influence in your life.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

YaReally, Sentient, scribblerg, Forge, Wala et al – thanks for comments on the last FR. It’s just this – each time I learn something then I apply it next time and then I see the progress (like improvement with the kissing and better preparation for the pull on the date, or getting more comfortable with going solo the previous night) that keeps me going at this stuff. @Scribblerg – First, it’s good to see your development and just the raw honesty of your comments and thoughts and self-doubts – it always reminds me that our discussions here really can have… Read more »

8 years ago

@culum “Just as I squeezed into the bar to order a drink, had ROCK solid EC from 2 HB7s (out of a 3 set) standing right next to me and I froze again and didn’t open for 30 secs by which time some other guy started chatting to them. In addition to them, also had SOLID EC from 3 separate women across the bar, seated at tables in big or mixed sets as I strode through the bar checking it out.” get out of your head but this is a great example of why all this ‘oh it’s just looks… Read more »

8 years ago


“I think you missed my point.”

maybe so. i didn’t read this latest thing that SJF replied to. it’s just a general vibe I get from your posts. there’s usually a section where you tell us all about the past.

now my opinion of what that represents is my opinion and everything. i mean, i’m not asking you to not have those memories or to not even have that in your head as part of the narrative…but the need to return to that a lot just gives me a certain vibe.

8 years ago

a lot of the girls have given me IOIs but circumstances just kinda fuck me over

If logistics aren’t working, get the number and say, “I’ll text you tonight at xxx. Hope you like fantasies.” [amused mastery smile] Then leave.

8 years ago

@Scray – Got it and am not resistant. Just was huge for me to reframe all that in the comment and get in a great state for life today, which I am in now. Now, back to pussy. Yeah, you are so right in your comment to Sentient. I bail out early and don’t ask for what I want. I am pushing my edges and sets deeper but I have no game at a certain point and self-destruct. What am I doing about that? Doing a ton of RSD and Pimp and Shift and MM this week and doing more… Read more »

8 years ago

“If logistics aren’t working, get the number and say, “I’ll text you tonight at xxx. Hope you like fantasies.” [amused mastery smile] Then leave.” lol fuck that. i don’t need to bang them. i have a fb who can satisfy my needs later. CA for me these days is pretty much SNL from that set or bust. sometimes the hand isn’t a good hand. the inability to just lay it down and walk away traps a lot of guys. i’ll play the set to the bone and play to win, but that’s what I’m after, that’s the thrill and that’s… Read more »

8 years ago

@scribbler ya man and it’s not a big deal. like this is some shit that is going to take awhile to reprogram. “What am I doing about that? Doing a ton of RSD and Pimp and Shift and MM this week and doing more to amp up attraction early in set versus being content for a good open. ” good shit. but in field just turn all of that off. when you’re not out, study up, read it good, remember. and then when you’re in set, just forget about it, don’t even think about it too much. just ride the… Read more »

8 years ago

Just opened 20yo hb6.5. I’m a fucking opening machine. Busy working so she had to terminate due to boss etc. It’s Friday night, more to come…

8 years ago

Ghosting is a near-certain outcome of most major life changes. From the blue pill to red pill, obesity to fitness, from alcoholism to sobriety, major lifestyle changes will cause a loss or downgrading of older relationships. Those relationships were products of the past environment. A new environment brings in new people. Birds of a feather do indeed flock together. Changing lifestyles for the better damn-near requires gaining new friends with the same perspective if you are to escape the “crab bucket.” As a newbie, those who came before provide inspiration, support, good counsel. As you develop a better you, you… Read more »

8 years ago

My 26 year old nephew always says that if he isn’t getting some measure of hate, he’s not trying hard enough at life.

Hater’s gonna…..

It’s very feminine to belittle and show hatred towards things one disagrees with, or doesn’t understand. If something’s not for you, keep it moving.

8 years ago

“Critics are like eunuchs in a harem.They’re there every night,they see it done every night,they see how it should be done every night,but they can’t do it themselves.”Brendan Behan

The LonepPlanet
The LonepPlanet
8 years ago

“that’s where a lot of game comes from though….hot chicks and naturals.

when you get really good at game, you start living life much more like a hot chick.”

It’s about time someone said it.
Game turns you into a woman.


8 years ago

“One of the greatest creations of the human mind is the art of reviewing books without having read them.” G. C.Lichtenburg

“If you want to get rich from writing,write the sort of thing that’s read by persons who move their lips when they’re reading to themselves.”
Don Marquis

8 years ago

@ Rollo “then it’ll come back to PUAs are snake oil salesmen. It’s always the same cycle.” You and I are a lot smater than they are though… they’re obviously advocating a profitable system rather than an efficient means for guys to get laid. I honestly thought the PUA stuff would become obsolete in the post marriage age. @TheLonePlanet “It’s about time someone said it. Game turns you into a woman.” Having money and a choice about how you spend your free time makes you more selective. I’ve lost interest in hanging around bars or clubs full of drunken men… Read more »

8 years ago

@Sentient You’re a sophist. Yeah that’s what I said; just look at videos and you’ll be a master PUA or violinist or Roger Federer. OK. Great reading comprehension. BTW, I would bet dollars to donuts that you posted on Athol Kay’s blog three or four years ago; some weird screen name that had numbers and letters. You used to always say “yaay” all the time and it was clear you were imitating CH. Oh and you used the word “boobies” alot. I remember you. Its got to be you, same douchey writing style. You were another internet personality like YaReally… Read more »

8 years ago

Lol. To the guys here, don’t ever let anyone try to tell you that money has any kind of overly positive correlation to getting laid.lin some cases money may help. Not always by any means. It mostly guarentees a hefty divorce settlement for the wife. Lol. You can’t buy desire. You can buy pussy. They are not the same thing at all. Strong mind, strong body, strong game, in clubs or bars or sidewalks or frozen food isles in supermarkets. That, my brothers, is CHOICE.

Carry on.

8 years ago


Oh and of course the London Guys know nothing about evolutionary biology. Especially Tom Torero who studied with Richard Dawkins himself at Oxford University and who (along with Krauser) deconstructed “Sexual Market Value” theory better than anyone other than CH himself (who first coined that term). Google up is SMV videos to see how little he knows about “evo-psych”.

Mystery…………. Didn’t read the rest of your post

8 years ago

Did it just get ” hatier ” in here?

8 years ago

Chuckle @ ” The 50 year old man ” hate. That shit is amazingly original.

8 years ago


watch it . he might throw you off a helicopter . lolol

8 years ago

@gb – What’s your N? My N is higher than Krausers. Even more relevant? If you are an example of the result of that fine Brit tradition, well then, who in the fuck wants what you have? Do you have any idea how you come across? I wouldn’t take directions to the nearest deli from you, no less advice on how to approach any aspect of life. Most important for you? Why are you so pissed off? What exactly is it that makes you so angry? Krauser is just as nasty. What’s eating away at you? I’m doing just fine… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


Butthurt like yours is actually painful to watch. Get a doctor to look at those anal tears, bro.

8 years ago


Is this your first post? It stands out.

8 years ago

I’ve always been surprised at how TRP generally denies that having money is important for PUA when in fact, from what I’ve honestly seen, money is the most important thing. I think it may be self-deception. After all, unlike ‘game,’ money isn’t something you can just ‘get’, so its better to believe its unimportant? But if we are being honest and ‘red pill’ then I must say that post-high school it seems to be a ‘red pill truth’ that money is important (not just for game but in many things in life.) Buuuut I may be wrong. I’m also kind… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

YaReally Sentient HABD Wala Scray Scribblerg Forge et al Friday night at a large, friendly night club with the reputation of being a meat market. Older (20s/early 30s) crowd compared to last Sat’s kiddie night club but similar friendly vibe. There were actually better (logistical) targets compared to the kiddie club – far fewer big cliquey groups, far more groups of girls and two and three sets that were OBVIOUSLY looking for attention – open body language, very early dancing, including in the bar area and so on… Due to some logistical issues with my wings, we got there pretty… Read more »

8 years ago


Money matters of course, doesn’t it?

a) Select some hot guy to screw (for extra points get knocked up while you are at it)
b) Secure some clueless dweeb who has MONEY to provide for the three of you and iv drip him some dead fish snatch.

8 years ago

@Emily: “. . . from what I’ve honestly seen, money is the most important thing.”

We will begin our tour here in the projection room.

8 years ago

Sarah Silverman on negging:

DRUMPF is NEGGING us and we've fallen for it – we're obsessed w this candidate we had no intention of ever acknowledging #TheGame— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) March 12, 2016


I used trump to open at the store yesterday:

“The broccoli looks like it has been in a debate with trump”

8 years ago

Gb_hill You jelly brah? No matter, i’ve had to deal most of my life with either overt or passive aggresive jealousy. Huge red pill moment was just embracing it and loving it, not trying to fit back in. Did lead to a number of bar fights in younger days, but i grew up in a WC neighborhood and fighting was common, just a part of life. And I’m a good athlete and enjoy boxing so never caught an ass whooping. Pity perhaps… Anyhoo… I’m glad you read my every word… Good to have fanboys. But to clarify, I did post… Read more »

8 years ago

I like Emily better when she is merely being a literary foil, rather than a straight on antagonist. And antagonist (her goals may not only differ from terpers, but her goals are in direct conflict with terpers) is often a foil, and a foil can be an antagonist , but the two are not necessarily indicative of each other. The word “foil” used in a literary context means that that character serves to highlight one or more attributes of another character, often the protagonist (terpers), by providing a contrast. Perhaps she’s just tired from a week of “socializing”. Hey Emily,… Read more »

8 years ago

Culum I read your report and come away with “why wings?”, seems like everything related to them worked against you. You have the confidence to roll solo, don’t let any made up stigma hold you back. If you are local you can always say “my buddy bailed last minute, fight with his GF” and if you are away “just here for a couple days, came in from XX, what’s cool around here” and go from there. Richard Gere…. Lol. Fun fact, in college at peak Alpha phase I was recruited by an escort service… Went through background check etc. Planning… Read more »

8 years ago

@ScribblerG Props on the positive mindset. And it’s only March. LoL. Keep it up! We all exist inside of a narrative, a “character arc” we write for ourselves about the world and our place in it. Even telling yourself to be present is part of that narrative. Ontologically, our consciousness occurs as a conversation inside that narrative and it is utterly shaped by our stories about the past, present and future. You can never escape existing inside of your own narrative, but one can reframe it. Telling the story with the present being me being empowered and having defeated all… Read more »

8 years ago

To clarify my comment from a few hours ago, I’m not saying that game (as a broad term that consists of self-improvement and social skills) doesn’t work or that it’s a waste of time. I am saying that the PUA guys are trying to advocate that their systems are the only “correct” ways to get laid.

As Rollo said in this article: “As most of my readers know I make efforts not to be prescriptive in what I write… Anyone doing so has a business based on it.”

Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
8 years ago

Open questions re: wings First, what makes the best wing? I don’t have a good one, so don’t really know… Been out solo a few times and have started pushing my safety zone. IOIs and A-C seem well received (no real S to this point). I usually meet a random guy, chat it up for a bit when ordering at the bar, then use him as a pivot when a pair of girls show up: “Hey… meet Bob -he can get the bartender’s attention for you…” So Bob isn’t really a wing; he just becomes one because I made it… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Vitriol To clarify your comment from a few hours ago: “You and I are a lot smarter than they are though… they’re obviously advocating a profitable system rather than an efficient means for guys to get laid. I honestly thought the PUA stuff would become obsolete in the post marriage age.” “Having money and a choice about how you spend your free time makes you more selective. I’ve lost interest in hanging around bars or clubs full of drunken men breathing on me on the off chance that maybe there’s a girl willing to fuck me in that type… Read more »

8 years ago

Fr; Took the bike out,first time this year,sol ride every one else had to work.About two miles out realized I left in a hurry and forgot wallet and cell phone.I have my dl # memorized and a pocket full of 100s so I kept going.Started out doing maneuvers to get the feel back,bob and weave the divided line up to 70 mph.It was a bit chilly in the wind at 87x ft. only had 70miles of fuel so I headed down to the low country. Hit the first town and found a station that could break a hunyb for 4$… Read more »

8 years ago

@Roy Hobbs If a wingman is not interested (doesn’t have the desire) to assist you in opening women and developing rapport, then it is probably better to next him. And that is in addition to him having Game concepts down. You can invest in him as a mentor to get game concepts down, but he has to be willing to be your first follower and build you up. In my opinion having a wingman is probably better than not when you are on the steep part of the learning curve of game, but as Sentient mentioned to Culum, it might… Read more »

8 years ago

@SJF – Oh, it’s all about money. Gosh, well, okay, got it. One of the reasons TRM/TRP is so convincing for me is that I’ve had a lot of money and a lot of pussy so when stupid comments like this come up I just laugh. It’s got to be so much harder for some middle class AFC who hasn’t had much success with women or made a lot of money to realize what horseshit that is. To go a bit more to the point, one also has to just ignore Rollo’s core messages about hypergamy and women’s dualistic mating… Read more »

8 years ago

@Roy Hobs

Any guy can be a good wing.What might have happened if you turned the tables by suggesting if the girls buy you a beer and be gentle then you will let them practice on your buddies?

Trinn Tragula
Trinn Tragula
8 years ago

“Law 10 Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky”

Forget unhappy—but being “alpha” requires that i also go Machiavelli and abandon my UNLUCKY male friends, just for the sake of getting my d#ck wet with skanks who could never be as loyal as a male friend could? How the hell is this not just another form of PEDESTALIZING
Suddenly i am aware of the merits of MGTOW.

8 years ago

I can see Trinn,walking down Lovers’ Lane while holding his own hand.

8 years ago

@ Triangulating Trickster

Unlucky in the casinos. Loyal until they rob you so that they can gamble. Thieves tend to be unlucky a lot.

You’re just trying to justify your failures which come from PEDESTALIZING women. If you weren’t pedestalizing women, women would be beating down your door because you would be so awesome. Or doesn’t MGTOW advocate self-improvement for men?

8 years ago

@ stuff

You need glasses. Trin wasn’t holding his hand.

8 years ago

There they are,I can never find my glasses without glasses on.Ddamn does he have three legs?

8 years ago

Don’t play with tools,that thing isn’t a rattle handle yaknow,if you shake it more than twice your playing with it.
Dad came out to the barn and said you know doing that will make you go blind.Now I am the compassionate type so I just had to say I’m over here dad.

8 years ago


“Forget unhappy—but being “alpha” requires that i also go Machiavelli and abandon my UNLUCKY male friends, just for the sake of getting my d#ck wet with skanks who could never be as loyal as a male friend could? How the hell is this not just another form of PEDESTALIZING

Just curious; lets say you start to gym and learning to be good with women. Your “friends” are not interested in all that. In fact, your “friends” start shaming you and try to pull you back down. Are they your friends really?

8 years ago

I’ve been getting Game concepts out among men who need it in my social circle, using Game to do it. Building my value in their eyes and charming them. Whodathunkit?

8 years ago

LOL Time for a reminder: The Unbearable Triteness Of Hating May 27, 2010 by CH After three years doing this blog a wearisome predictability in types of hate becomes apparent. The unoriginal uniformity of the hate is its most intriguing feature, as it makes one wonder whether humans come pre-installed with mind-ware that executes in scripted patterns when certain sensitive buttons are pushed, or if the haters all gather in a secret Hatesonic Temple under the Capitol building to agree upon an approved suite of category hateration. In the interest of advancing a sociological experiment for the benefit of my… Read more »

8 years ago

There are five types of men,the ones that have never jacked off or lied.the honest ones.the ones that can count and the ones that can’t.

8 years ago

@HARLEQUIN: “The other more general point is this girl has only slept with two other guys”


Of course she has a low n count. All girls do. Had you not heard?

This girl is a plate. Treat her as such.

8 years ago

@SJF You actually made me think of an important distinction. Say two different guys each come up to you and say the following: Guy A: “I need to become better at interacting with women. I need to improve my social skills which in turn should lead to more dates, better dealings and relationships with women, and sex with some of them.” Guy B: “My dick is jumping out of my pants. I need to find as many girls as possible who are willing to let me put it in one of their orifices.” The PUA stuff will tell Guy B… Read more »

8 years ago

Guy B: Needs to take two aspirin and call me in the morning.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

If you want to improve yourself but your friends just want to keep sitting on the couch or in front of their computers playing video games, it’s pedestalizing women to leave your friends behind? Talk about your non sequiturs.

8 years ago

@ Vitriol Guy C: I fap to pr0n in my parents’ basement. I’m MGTOW. I need to pretend I’m happy and discourage other men from improving their social skills so that I am not alone in my incelibate status. Guy D: I am absolutely clueless about women, but I don’t want to meet up with other men who may be able to teach me something. I am horny as hell. The MGTOW stuff will tell Guy C that he should just go fap to pr0n in his parents’ basement. Conveniently, the MGTOW have free advice about fapping on their websites.… Read more »

8 years ago

Lol, Vitriolic.

You are just the master of logical fallacies today, aren’t you?

“A distinction without a difference is a type of logical fallacy where an author or speaker attempts to describe a distinction between two things although no difference exists. It is particularly used when a word or phrase has connotations associated with it that one party to an argument prefers to avoid.”

8 years ago

In my Manification Class I held at my bar last night I explained about relationship shit tests and the importance of creating sexual tension in the wife. The husband tried it out and his wife was making out with him in the bar. Good stuff!

Those two topics seemed uncontroversial and the husband immediately saw their value.

8 years ago

@ScribblerG In answer to your question here: I just got done reading Steven Pressfield’s short book “Do the Work” in regards to Game and your other endeavors. (check your lending library, Scribbler) I read it in under two hours (while multitasking) and you can read it in sections. Very quick read. I have to admit I was wrong on baby steps and hitting singles and doubles. Mea Culpa. And now I just get it about the resistance I had last month to going fast with married man game in regards to Sentient’s and HABD’s advice to Dutchman. And how… Read more »

8 years ago


“In my Manification Class I held at my bar last night…”

Was that an impromptu off the cuff class or a scheduled night out with guys?

Give a mini field report.

8 years ago

How do you think a handsome, successful and self-confident guy would do on a date with a woman who is 33-year-old, divorced and says “I like fashion, but I like clothes that I really can’t afford.” She goes on to say: Right now, I’m looking for a deep and meaningful relationship, that is healthy and monogamous, with someone I’m wildly attracted to, who I can fall madly in love with and then we grow old together. I don’t tell dates this. Instead, I tell them that I’m looking for someone similar yet different, someone who complements me and vice versa,… Read more »

8 years ago

Yes I’m sure the girls who hang out with the guy with a 300,000$ sports car, a huge house and a rolex watch totes dont desire him.

Listen, I’m not being antagonistic or anything. It is certainly not in my interests to say that money does have this sort of effect on some women. I also am not saying that money alone is enough for PUA. All I’m saying is there is definitely a massive positive correlation with money, and I don’t even WANT to admit that, but it is a ‘red pill truth.’ So yeah.

8 years ago

“All I’m saying is there is definitely a massive positive correlation with money, and I don’t even WANT to admit that, but it is a ‘red pill truth.’” Spam. You deserve a slap on the butt. Lol. You just made that up. You actually don’ read Rollo’s essays or books right? What about female dualistic sexual strategy? From assurances: Rollo “It’s important to remember that Hypergamy is rooted in doubt; doubt that any one man might serve to optimally satisfy the dual nature of women’s sexual strategy – optimal sexual agency for optimal genetic selection, and then optimal provisioning for… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo “Now I’ll just wait for YaReally to eviscerate you with in-field videos,…” Speaking of evisceration via in-field video: @gb_hill “Forget American idiot game. Focus on emulating Torero who is your exact age or Krauser who at 41 just SDLed a 19 yo a few days ago. Now you also have guys like Daniel Blake, Ed Lopes, Matt Eastwood as other LDM proteges and they all have infields.” Here’s the full sarge if you want to sit through the most painful awkward weird pickup in the world: This is the new upload where it’s edited to not show… Read more »

8 years ago

now why was the guy an epic dating fail, enough to be reported in a newspaper? he was handsome, successful, self-confident, charming, relaxed, and she was post-wall, desperate. LOOKS + MONEY + CHARMING, wow! She couldn’t even afford the clothes she liked, and she took a subway/bus to the date. At one point, I mentioned that I was divorced, and how it was tough on me, looking for a way to connect. Maybe he had been through something difficult too. However, he didn’t say anything at all. I asked him why he wasn’t engaging with me on the topic, as… Read more »

8 years ago

Here’s what legit infield looks like, these infields have examples of legit attraction and running actual game. Julien’s game isn’t even amazing, he says TONS of weird shit that doesn’t hit or is uncalibrated, but you can see the girls realistically respond to that and him having to recover and shit, because they’re not acting: The chick puts up resistance, he says shit that doesn’t hit or hits bad but he recovers when he does, she gives him a bunch of shit, her emotions spike up and down, he kisses her on emotional spikes, the girl is yapping away about… Read more »

8 years ago

Also just look at Julien’s energy/vibe (or Tyler’s infield or Todd etc etc)…they’re dominant, they lead, they push the girls’ boundaries and comfort zones, they cut space confidently, they manhandle the girl, they move her around, they make her react to them, they command her and have decisive dominant tonality. THOSE are the behaviors of a guy who gets laid. Even Max, the most gayly flamboyant one spits out dominant tonality and leads and commands and makes the girls react and spikes their buying temp. The guys who’ve been caught faking London vids are SO passively chodey in their subcomms.… Read more »

8 years ago

This Zatara dude wrote out some good observations on that shit fake footage: “Ok, since you asked nicely my friend, some difference between what you see on their (fake) videos and a real set are … 1) The approach … there is no surprise at all on the approach. A girl is always slightly surprised when you approach, often a little startled. Imagine someone you didn’t know jumped in front of you .. would you not at least think “huh who is this”? As a side note, look at the ridiculous clown run up that Blake does in video… Read more »

8 years ago

And with that I’m out for tonight. Saturday night, get the fuck out there and talk to some girls. Spike their emotions, make some emotional impact, push your comfort zone, look them in the eye and lock laser eye-contact as you cut the space and get up in their grill and make them react to you, lead, isolate, push/pull, you guys got all the tools and hours of infield examples and explanations in this thread alone…get out there and execute!

8 years ago

Actually one more video, for the old guys concerned about your age and young chicks and chaotic environments and shit. Old-ass RSD Ozzie is 46yo and has a face that’s a cross between a gargoyle and Heath Ledger’s joker, a skinny-fat body with a belly and a t-shirt. But 0:55 – 2:53 (him talking is spliced in at one point but keep watching) he just walks into a set with a tall good-looking dude and a girl in the middle of hardcore MAKING OUT on the DANCE FLOOR, interrupts the makeout and takes the girl’s attention completely off the other… Read more »

8 years ago

Mini FR, heh, on my Manification Class at the bar I’m friends with both husband and wife. (“Wife” here will refer to her and not to Mrs. Gamer.) Have only known them a couple of months. Haven’t even exchanged phone nos. The wife is a high energy blond HB7. Lots of fun. She’s a businesswoman and gave me her card. Wife says she’s loyal. The husband is a big man, stocky and overweight. The wife typically doesn’t hang on the husband or kiss him. She gets drunk and does a lot of freestyle dancing. She dances with me and not… Read more »

8 years ago

YaReally is over the target and dropping ordinance direct on target.

Trinn Tragula
Trinn Tragula
8 years ago

Straw man nothing.
Deep down you guys are terrified of being alone.

8 years ago

@Asdgamer That may bore the single men looking for lays, but I find it interesting and engaging with regard to married man game. Coming from the premise of monogamous married man game for those watching at home, two points of note: First is you are demonstrating some practical advice from the ending of Joseph W. South’s “Practical Female Psychology” book. And I don’t mind repeating this because it is self evident, but somehow, some married men missed this memo: “Maintaining an appropriate level of attraction within the relationship is important. Some of the ways in which the authors of this… Read more »

8 years ago

“Deep down you guys are terrified of being alone.”

Shit, where can I sign up to be more alone? I’ll pay extra.

8 years ago

Course Rollo, the best sex is with someone you love =))))) Nono, but srs, if we are just talking about PUA, then money plays an important role imho. Course, if you actually want real love, then that’s a different story. But thats not what many of y’allll are looooking for soooo Julien actually has a lot of charm. He’s an asshole in my opinion, but I can see why a lot of women are attracted to him. He has lots of ‘game.’ Buuut not everyone has that. Not every PUA has that. My friend and I watched some of them… Read more »

Trinn Tragula
Trinn Tragula
8 years ago

You guys would have told Tesla the same verbal excrement about him doing nothing but holding his own johnson all the time.
Hey guess what. There is life outside of women.
It’s okay. Men really and actually have done it and lived to tell the tale.
And they got more sh#t done, too.

Trinn Tragula
Trinn Tragula
8 years ago

And they didn’t have to sell any of their “unlucky” male friends out for the all consuming Poon Goddess.
Yeah i could totally see a Tesla on board with that one.

8 years ago

“Course Rollo, the best sex is with someone you love”

Heh. Course last time she spoke about it she was championing churchian abstinence. I’m sure the best abstinence (as a woman) is with someone you want power over. Heheh.

And power and status are certainly desire inducing. Money may “indicate” relative power but it is not absolute power. (Not that there is anything wrong with having money…..).

Exactly what are you drinking tonight Emily?

8 years ago

“I’m sure the best abstinence (as a woman) is with someone you want power over.” Not sure what you mean by that. “And power and status are certainly desire inducing.” Well there we go. I mean, I personally don’t go for the money, but I definitely find guys with money to have qualities I find attractive. Well raised, good status, well dressed, confident, often intelligent etc. And then there are also the girls who go for the money itself. Either way, Blax claiming there is almost no positive correlation is ridiculous. “Exactly what are you drinking tonight Emily?” Iced Tea.… Read more »

8 years ago


Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
8 years ago

Thanks for the wing perspective, earlier.

The guy has zero game (I.e. he’s just a “nice guy”) and all previous interactions have been me dragging him up a hill. It’s exhausting and he isn’t even interested in helping himself.

I don’t think he is at a point where I could even break the First Rule… his head would explode like Belloq looking at the Ark.

Probably best I fly solo for now and see what develops.

@stuff – good thought… never occurred to me- I like the flip – thanks

8 years ago

“I mean, I personally don’t go for the money, but I definitely find guys with money to have qualities I find attractive.”

If you took away that guy’s money, would he still have

-strength of character
-an unapologetic nature
-confidence, strength of character and consistency (otherwise known as congruence)

Would you go for the money, or do you still find him attractive?

(The latter is the right answer.)

Someone either doesn’t read or doesn’t understand. Which is it Em?

8 years ago

I might still find him attractive. Not sure. But money and status definitely make that person much more attractive, thats all I’m sayin. The amount of hamstering going on to avoid that simple fact is remarkable.

For casual relationship I would go with
Looks, confidence, status (wealth, job etc.) as the three most important things
For LTR: values, then status.

8 years ago

Hey Emily do me a solid, don’t comment on my comments to the men here. I wasn’t talking to you. I’m 2.5 times your age and I do know a few things. I’m not a fan, nor do you interest or amuse me. You’re just a walking example, period. All of your perspective is for shit and adds zero to any discussion. So put my comment on your ignore list.

Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
8 years ago

@Rollo, Ya, Blax, SJF,Sun, Scrib, et al A relative newcomer’s perspective for you: within a few days/weeks, one figures out who adds real value (and therefore also who vampires the thread). emily, wildman and a few others become an easy and quick waste-of-space scroll-down. It’s actually more of a snag when the value-add people comment in response to the vampire… I find myself scrolling-back-up; did the attention-suck finally have a good point? why would there be a response? then I’m invariably disappointed in the “insight”- usually just another molotov cocktail thrown in to derail… Isn’t attention the surest way to… Read more »

8 years ago

“I’m sure the best abstinence (as a woman) is with someone you want power over.”
Not sure what you mean by that.


What do you mean you are not sure what he means? You admitted online to putting some guy on boot camp training for the hard times of IV drip dead fish snatch ahead and when someone points it out, you pretend, “not sure what you mean by that…” Heheheeee… Hahahahaaaaa…

No wonder Blax calls you a walking example.

8 years ago

I’m actually kinda offended that you guys think my posts offer less than most of the other posts here, many of which are frightfully dull like some of the field reports.

Anyway, I don’t think I was spamming in this topic. Money in PUA is a relevant topic no? Idk, I’ve been gone for a while so maybe my posts aren’t as high quality as usual 😮

8 years ago

@Emily Hush now don’t cry. You want the guys to clap for you? Quality posts aside, bullshit is what is catching the eye here. You are not in a good position to place some arguments. If credibility is currency in debate, you are hard pressed to contribute to some aspects of the debate because; lack of currency. And when you start doing the Not sure what you mean by that you are squandering whatever little you have remaining. Of course you know what he means, so you should just tell the fella: Hey you caught me. I meant to say… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

Here, let’s play a game: I spy something dumb.

8 years ago

I spy something else… who might be in this pic here? Emmy any guesses? “The amount of hamstering going on to avoid that simple fact is remarkable.” Indeed… Indeed… “But, as I said, the self deception is interesting. Game lesson… note the projection… and in case you haven’t noticed, our lil darling has mentioned at least 3 times she is “just back from” … springbreak… and damn it – NO ONE has asked her about yet! she will keep posting nonsense until someone asks… sigh. so predictable. Come now girl BOTH hands on the keyboard. You silly thing. (PS –… Read more »

8 years ago

@Yareally, @all First, I’d like to thank YaReally and all the other guys on here who take action and put this knowledge into practice. During these last few years your work has been a tremendous boon for me, really. I’m tall and lanky, and can be good-looking, but I’m lacking in the social department and can act tremendously awkward from time to time. So without further ado, here is a FR from last Friday. I meet with an old friend and some of his buddies, who I don’t know, for some pre-drinking at a small bar. There’s one girl in… Read more »

8 years ago

@Roy Hobbs Wish people would listen to you lol Here we go for another 2 pages worth of this shit littering the good posts. @babysnakes Props on going out dude. Some quick notes: “I’m tall and lanky, and can be good-looking, but I’m lacking in the social department and can act tremendously awkward from time to time.” One thing average guys don’t realize is that they have the luxury of blending into the crowd when they feel like shit or fuck up. But a tall dude can’t escape everyone’s eyeballs. A really short dude in a non-crowded room has the… Read more »

8 years ago

Babysnakes… Couple of things for you. Who is in who’s frame? Thats mostly going to determine what happens. So the two 8s, you are in their frame, they are leading it and you joined their party. And all was good everyone had fun. But they led. That’s why compliance tests and hoops early are so important. They set who is leading the frame. So like after the dance grind try and lead them back for a drink or stay out for another when they wanted to go etc. Get compliance and you start leading them. Because they love validation. Same… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Roy Hobbs – fuck off

8 years ago

@adsgamer and @walawala are fucking clueless. Jesus Fucking Christ, reading them screams PUA sperg that has no clue about what they are writing. Girls must like spergy guys if what he says is true. Give me a 2nd helping of sperg, then. (I think that he’s just still deep in the matrix about what girls like. I’m sure he thinks that Owen Cook is spergy as hell. Owen’s autistic like me, so, surely, Owen’s sperginess shows up, but he makes it fun. You learn to compensate for it. I’m no James Fucking Blond, lol. I DO play with girls’ emotions.)… Read more »

8 years ago

So put my comment on your ignore list.

Emily’s Hypergamy won’t allow her to ignore a high value man.

8 years ago

In all Yas infields you will note the guy is leading the interaction and getting compliance.

Made me think about last night. I asked ruddy HB9 if she’d like to dance west coast to bachata music (she really likes west coast, but it’s a little weird to dance west coast to bachata). She said that if I led it, she’d follow. Compliance test? Is there such a thing as “Do whatever you want with my body”, lol.

8 years ago

@ theadsgamer, Dance girls are usually in excellent physical condition for their age and remain so unlike their peers. Definitely worth chasing.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago
Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Sun – well if butthurt = I sense Roy Hobbs …. cunt, then sure, call it whatever you want.

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