The Warrior Princess


During last week’s Red Pill Monthly discussion I was presented with the question as to whether I agreed with women’s mandatory military conscription and my take on women serving in combat roles in the military. You can listen to my take on the livecast, but since I’d already had this post in the works I’ll detail it a bit more here.

Commenter Red light dropped this comment recently

The “Warrior Princess” myth

In making the 300: Rise of an Empire they realized they had a problem, the 300 were all men.

So now in the next movie we have Eva Green as a killing machine admiral of the Persian fleet. Wait, that’s not enough! Let’s end the movie with Lena Headey being a killing machine too. Just to make the warrior princess quota.

I happened to be listening to a feature interview on NPR on a long drive home about a week ago. The interview was of a semi-famous actress-turned-writer-turned-director who’s known for her feminist slant on storytelling and forwarding the narrative of the Feminine Imperative equalism.

So as not to focus too much on the individual and more on the messaging, I’ll just fast forward to a part of the conversation I thought was most salient:

“There was a part of the film (she’s producing/directing) where (SIW®, Warrior Princess cliché) gets into a fight with the ‘bad guy’ and the guys on the set thought that her reactions were unrealistic and no woman would do what she was for the reasons she was doing it. But the women on the set were like ‘Oh totally, I’d do that, hell I’d do worse if I was in that situation’.”

“I told the guys on set that if they really want to see gender equality they needed to embrace all sides of women. They needed to let go of all these preconceptions that women are nurturing or empathetic, and accept that we can be just as violent or hostile as men when we’re pushed this hard.”

I got to thinking about this part of the interview and I got an insight into the belief system of a woman ego-invested in the egalitarian / equalist narrative that had been taught to her since her formative years.

For women so saturated in equalism there’s a kind of convenient duplicity that expects a safe environment in which they can comfortably, and without risk of injury, play out the fantasy of not just being ‘as tough’, but tougher than men.

Nowhere is this safe fantasy more repeated than in the stories that the men and women of the equalist mindset construct for themselves with the expectation of loving mass consumption. I covered this from one angle in Storytelling and I focused primarily on the unbelievability of that narrative, but I didn’t really get into why that narrative is so appealing to that set.

As I mention there, in the world of ideas and possibilities, where all conditions and events are in the control of the storyteller, and all outcomes are scripted by the individual, what comes out in playing God is a revealing of the mindset (and the zeitgeist that created it) of the one in control of telling that story.


When I wrote The Medium is the Message I primarily focused on observing women’s behaviors as the primary motivator of what their true ‘headspace’ is. However, it’s also important to consider this principle on a macro scale of societal influence. The influence women wish to exert on our collective social order is evidenced in the behavior of their storytelling and the storytelling of their proxies (i.e. men who willingly foment their message and fantasies).

White Knights and sympathetic Betas attuned by a lifetime of Blue Pill conditioning are easy foils in selling out their masculine interests if it means their identifying with the superiority fantasies of women is in someway intrinsically rewarding to them (i.e. potential sexual access with women).

But what are the fantasies women imagine themselves living out in their own storytelling? Since the rise of women’s Hypergamy as the societal priority this has been the convenience of female empowerment and the fantasy that it can be balanced with women intrinsic needs and drives as a human female.

The problem with equalism (as opposed to evolved intergender complementarity) is that it reliably creates piss poor men and women. Taken to its extreme, the ideal state of equalism is androgyny – and that’s a best case scenario. At worst, the concept that gender is a relative mental/social construct creates individuals who arbitrarily define their gender identity based on the opinions of others, or languish in a gender identity purgatory of confusion.

The greatest danger the ideology of an all-are-the-same egalitarianism poses to an individual is the belief that men and women can be fully self-contained and self-fulfilled entities mutually exclusive of each other. From the Warrior Princess perspective this equalist ideal of a ‘perfected’ woman is one in which the best aspects of the masculine and the feminine are represented in one female person.

Ignoring all realities to the contrary, this super woman, this Strong Independent Woman® archetype, is not a ‘woman’ at all. She’s an amorphous being that combines the strength and independence of conventional masculinity with the ‘womanness’ that makes those traits acceptable in a society that would otherwise ridicule a man for displaying them as emblematic of maleness.

In a male embodiment, this autonomous self-sufficient being is a laughable parody; an exaggerated cliché of all the ego insecurities we popularly believe men are predisposed to. But make this strong, independent being female and all the ridiculousness transforms into pride and inspiration. In such a pretext even women’s weaknesses and insecurities (the very traits that would make a man less of a man) become a source of that idealized strength – as a woman.

The truth of course is that this egalitarian ideal is unrealistic and at odds with the reality that women and men have both strengths and weaknesses for which the other is (should be) the complement to. No man is an island, but the Strong Independent Woman® is an entity apart.

False Pride, Real Danger

Now I say that this equalist ideal is a danger to women on whole, but collectively that ideal is a greater danger on a societal level. The reason being is that women have expectations from men while simultaneously believing they are functional equals in all ways to men. In the fantasy of storytelling, and the ubiquitous control it allows the creator, danger, outcome and conditions become mitigated for the sake of the story. The real danger comes when those stories become the template on which women (and men) will expect reality to follow.

Dalrock summed this up perfectly for me in a comment I’ve returned to for years:

These women don’t just want to build a better beta, they want to tame the alpha. In fact, I think the former is just another way they are trying to approach the latter. They want to take an inherently unsafe activity and make it safe. They want to submit to a man without having to submit; they want a man who can tame their feral self. They want him to trip their danger signals. Even better if he is a stranger from a strange land.

They wan’t this all to happen without giving up their freedom; they want to play this out in the context of serial monogamy, so they can feel loved while also claiming their promiscuity is moral. They want to lose control to a string of strangers who have all of the hallmarks of very dangerous men, and they want a promise that this will always end well.

They want to know that this will be safe, without it losing the excitement of it feeling unsafe. They are telling men to build a sort of serial monogamy amusement park where they can ride the roller coaster and experience the fear of falling or crashing, while knowing that just behind the scenes grown ups are actually in charge and are responsible for them safely feeling unsafe.

One more thing. As I mentioned above they don’t want to be hemmed in. So instead of building an actual amusement park, they want roller coasters to spring up randomly in the same exact circumstances where the real danger they mimic would appear. They want to be driving their car on the freeway one instant, and the next experience the fear of careening out of control the next. They want to impulsively jump off the edge of the Grand Canyon and have a parachute appear and deploy at the last minute. And all they ask is your guarantee that all of this will be safe.

Even within the social parameters of what passes for egalitarianism today, there is still a want and expectation on the part of men to make the stories and fantasies of women’s male-equal strengths safe for them in a real context. A prime illustration of this can be found in the language of the women in the video I linked in The War Brides of Europe post.

Whether the show was contrived or not, there’s a fraying of ends going on in these women psyches. The inherently unsafe fantasies of women’s self-perceptions of male-equal strength are being contested by the reality of their situation. The men who were supposed to make the world safe for women’s indulgences of male strength fantasies are proving to be unreliable in affording them that security.

The roller coaster is suddenly real and the prospect of injury and death are real as well. On some level of consciousness they understand that their equalist’s notions of male-equal strength are in no way sufficient for survival in a real test. They are understandably nervous, but nervous in a way that belies the disillusionment of ego-investments they’ve based their lives around.

Women have relied so much on the behind-the-scenes security of men making the world safe for them that they begin to believe they are men’s functional equals. And not only functional equals, but more perfected, autonomously independent, beings that should be a match for the harsh realities their storytellers told them they ought to be.

In fact so dependent on this imagining are women that they expect the simulations of battle to accommodate their lack of capacity to handle the reality that they’ll lobby to alter the qualification necessary to engage with that reality. Thus, the physical requirements for combat suitability are reduced to a degree where women can feel like a success and maintain the storyteller’s archetype of themselves, thus sustaining their ego’s investment in it.

The problem then becomes one where men not only become responsible for women’s security as well as their own security, but also the maintenance of their feminine-primary self-image as a strong, independent, individual capable of achieving an equal measure among men while the real-world requirements mean life or death for them both.

The fantasy of female empowerment is not just the social expectation of men, but it is also the life-threatening liability of men who don’t (or can’t) perform it for them. Men literally risk their lives to maintain women’s equalist fantasy of independent strength apart from, and above that of men.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago
Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Blaximus Gotta disagree with one assertion in that video: income taxes do not encourage savings. Sales taxes do. If we really wanted to fix Americans’ addiction to credit and low savings rates, we’d switch to a national sales tax. However consumerism eventually requires credit to continue fueling continuous consumption, and we hit that point back in the 1980s. To make that shift would require such a dramatic change in most peoples’ lifestyles that I don’t think people could handle it. The cost of the latest, greatest cheap shit from China would shoot up and people would bitch despite all the… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Sun ” To make that shift would require such a dramatic change in most peoples’ lifestyles that I don’t think people could handle it. The cost of the latest, greatest cheap shit from China would shoot up and people would bitch despite all the extra cash in their pockets. After all, what’s the point of money if you can’t buy a ton of worthless shit you’ll wind up hating in a few months anyway?” CoSIGN 1000% You never hear discussions about American’s debt loads being detrimental. Our society ( for the most part ) is indeed consumer driven by… Read more »

8 years ago

The United States will move very quickly to civil war after the ebt runs out and the pension funds reveal they cannot pay out what has been promised. Initially, whites will feel they have shown foresight by arming themselves in recent years, but they will soon realize it may not have been enough once the government’s Marxist Zionists — they have done this before in other countries – begin the distribution of weapons to the browns and blacks. The purchases and storage of billions of rounds of ammunition by Homeland security, the EPA, and other non-military government agencies has to… Read more »

8 years ago

comment image

8 years ago

@ kim Homeland Security will hand out weapons to dogs and cats also, when purina comes under the influence of the United Steel Workers. Fema will roll out the trailers and weather forecasters will be rounded up and sent to Gitmo. When the big hand is on 12, and the little hand is on 4, all rollercoasters across the land will move in reverse. Airplanes will be forced to move underground by the MarkyMark and the Funky Bunch. Banks will no longer give lollipops to kids and hoes will close their legs. All across the middle east, there will an… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


Ah. So it’s all the j00s, m00slims, and negr0es gonna kill us all there, is it?

Make sure you gotcher tinfoil hat on nice and tight under your white hood while you’re browsin’ them thar intarwebs.

8 years ago

@mersonia @stuffinbox @forge the sky Thanks for the all advice. I will try to open more people with more questions other than the time (asking for directions looks like a good idea) but I have to admit that just thinking in opening a stranger with just “Hey how it is going” makes me anxious. I have to mention that those girls I approached asking them for the time in my previous comment where done in night at the park I go to workout, I go there in the evening since I spend all day at work. I don’t know if… Read more »

Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
8 years ago

@ Blax

“So it is written, so shall it be done.”

I just did a spit-take on the screen- Marky Mark… Classic.

8 years ago

OK I’ll issue a nerd alert on this comment: I’m going to talk about Star Wars. You’ve been warned. I bring this up because of the popularity of the most recent Star Wars movie and what the heroine (I forget her name, the movie was so trite) tells us about popular culture and the new girl-power, auto-amazing feel good “Warrior Princess”. For any of you who saw the movie, probably most of you, it goes without saying that this movie is nowhere comparable to the most recent trilogy, and not even worth mentioning in the same breath as the original… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@ABG Not to discount your assessment, but yeah similar things were discussed here the moment it came out. I’m sure the Mary Sue of Rey primed Rollo’s brain a bit for this post. Haven’t bothered to see the movie yet, but I’ll already make the prediction that Finn and Kylo Ren will have far more interesting character development in 8 & 9 as a direct result of FI meddling. That’s the real tragedy: it blinds people to what an interesting story actually looks like. Hero origins are interesting because the hero actually starts out as a fucking newb. If they’re… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

HABD: Sorry to hear about your acquaintance. Even if you hadn’t met him something like that happening so close to you can really hit home. I’ve not seen anything that bad, but I’ve seen buddies of mine fail obvious shit tests from their wives and stuff and it’s not pleasant. This is a good place to vent and get it out – and you (and everyone else) helps many other guys reading here every day and turns them away from that path. That said, couple quick points on what you posted to scribblerg: 1. Regarding “telling” vs “asking” – I… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

Oh and PS to HABD, YaReally etc: remember “epiphany girl”, the 29 year old, who sent me beta bait about masturbating in the bath as I told her to?

I ignored the beta bait, waited about 10 days and texted her a vaguely sexual non-sequitur (something about seeing a little girl being spanked and it reminded me of her).

Over a week now and no reply from her..should I just leave it for another month or so and re-engage casually? Or shorter/longer?

8 years ago

“The purchases and storage of billions of rounds of ammunition by Homeland security, the EPA, and other non-military government agencies has to this day still not been explained.” Most agencies are required to conduct purchases through what is known as an IDIQ (Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity) contract. IDIQ contracts typically span a five year period, sometimes three but with option years. To “lock in” the ammo at a discounted price. I think that Border patrol is part of homeland security, and having lived about a half hour from the Mexican border (when Juarez was at its worst), I’m kind… Read more »

8 years ago

@Yareally “Right now I rely on state-pumping because I’m digging myself out of a financial hole (and will be for a couple more years)” I think you should review your priorities, first and foremost get your finances in order instead of going out all the time and running game… Unless you are looking to make money from being a pua there is no need to invest that much time and energy into it. That’s why I focus mainly on career and lifting, doing hobbies that I love on weekends and am looking to start my own business soon. Don’t get… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Sentient Damn man… sorry for your loss. thanks. it sucks…it feels like the FI scored against me personally in the big game…even though i know it’s not true… Shit is real though, you guys who are 20-30 especially – you need to really start actualizing YOUR lives because you are never ever ever going to get any future “credit” for your hard work, sacrifices, waiting or being nice… it simply will not come. and when you feel this really isn’t true…or that you don’t deserve to be able to do this…that’s the FI pushing on you… And for you older… Read more »

8 years ago

@HABD, thanks man. Not sure what I want any longer. Have 20-year-old waitresses hugging all over me. I tell them I’ll see them next week, and they point out how they’re working the next night and that would be better. Damn! Decisions, decisions. Approach anxiety is practically gone, so I see SO MANY opportunities. Like Rollo says, once a dude’s been beta for so long, turning things around is damn near impossible.

8 years ago


The post was:

Suggestion, and this applies to all of us (except for snowflake Emily): read lots here before commenting much

Speaking of snowflakes, is Rollo preoccupied with his snowmobile yet again?

8 years ago

Roy Hobbs

@ Blax

“So it is written, so shall it be done.”

I just did a spit-take on the screen- Marky Mark… Classic.

Yep, another classic take down by da Blaximus hisself.

I love the smell of racists burning in the morning.

Makes my teeth white.

Fred Flange, Kylo Ren and Stimpy
Fred Flange, Kylo Ren and Stimpy
8 years ago

@ABG, @redlight The other thing Disney’s bosses had to sweat was whether Rey and the black stormtrooper should become a “thing” or not. You saw the angry bees come out when he was first revealed to be black in the trailer. So then Disney had to sweat the whole black man/white woman thing. Which is an old racist trope – “Where the white women at?” – but with an international twist: TFA was marketed and targeted to do well in China. The Chinese do not like interracial relationships in their movies. So white liberals in Hollywood kowtow to these lucrative… Read more »

8 years ago

@Stultus Sum.. I feel your pain bro. I have one son, and his mom is a staunch feminist. I don’t even try to reason with her anymore.. Luckily my Son is still quite young (4) but I plan to infuse his life with RP knowledge as applicable as he grows up and as I learn more about how to apply it to my life. I don’t plan to get on the same page with him mum because, there’s no point. It is the height of frustration trying to argue or reason with a feminist. I think primarily because solipsism, but… Read more »

A Force for Good
A Force for Good
8 years ago

I am not even going to bring up women’s actual abilities to fight and perform at the same levels of men but simply their perception in the US Army from my perspective. Women(age 17-21) in the US army must be able to do 19 push-ups 52 situps and run 2 miles in 18:54 that is their bare minimum requirements. Men in the same age group must do 42 pushups, 52 situps and run 2miles in 15:54. (60 pt minimum not combat MOS minimum) This inequality is due to the fact that women are less physically capable than men, yet they… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@newlyaloof @Andy @HABD, thanks man. Not sure what I want any longer. if you don’t, who does?…lol…but that’s the FI pushing on you…bc getting what YOU want is ‘bad’…so, you have been conditioned to ‘don’t go there’… just let me point out 2 things – and this idea is mostly brought out by my recent shit sandwich that i’m slowly choking my way through… first (and this goes for younger men reading this too), none of us are getting any younger, so there’s really NO REASON not to try to improve your life RIGHT NOW!!!! (notice the all caps AND… Read more »

8 years ago

The Rebecca Traister article . . . The article is driven by the typical feminist narrative that the “messages” of the magic winds of culture force women to make choices. Traister writes: So many women today are single because they “have internalized assumptions.” Women in the early 20th Century married because of “the pathologizing of single life to the encouraging of early heterosexual pairing through ‘dating.” Women married in the 1950s because of “enforced marital domesticity,” [WTF? Enforced?] because “advertisers sold both women and men on an old cult-of-domesticity-era ideal,” and because “the push was not simply for women to… Read more »

8 years ago

Ive seen a woman plumber; but has anyone ever seen a woman doing roofing or laying carpet?

8 years ago

Consensual “dirty dancing” landed an officer in jail:

8 years ago

“The evidence that condemned Turpiano was weak. The witnesses whose testimony secured his conviction were impeached on the stand. This “dirty dancing” claim made by R.H. was not only inconsistent, but refuted by another witness. According to R.H.’s own statements, the alleged assault and battery occurred in a crowded dance club with dozens of eyewitnesses, a uniformed police officer, and bouncers present . R.H. was surrounded by her closest friends and not one of them corroborated her testimony. No one in the club reported anything, and OSI neither reviewed the available closed-circuit video feed nor questioned the police officer on… Read more »

8 years ago

647 comments so far, and I don’t have time to read them all, so I hope I’m not repeating something someone else said. In my experience, many women have rape fantasies. They want to be “taken,” and they don’t want the man to ask for permission. In fact, just by asking you could be slamming the door shut on the chance of having sex with her at all. At the same time, for your own sake as a free man, you need some sort of consent to be sure you don’t end up in jail. There’s another catch-22 for you.… Read more »

8 years ago

Who was the semi-famous actress turned writer/director? I’m curious as to know what she has created. If nothing else, to know what to avoid. Also first time around these parts for whatever that’s worth.

8 years ago

[…] important when you consider that the majority of the audience for films, video games etc. with the warrior princess trope are probably men. One male fantasy among many is the woman that is girly and feminine in […]


[…] The Warrior Princess, manosphere writer Rollo Tomassi touches on the extent to which the military will go to perpetuate […]


[…] The Warrior Princess […]

7 years ago

Wow! Nice to know there are still real men in the world! Nice to see all the logic walked out, interesting comments on war.. ‘history always repeats itself’ . Refreshing to not hear that PC nonsense.. I wish some of the women considering enlisting could read this. To some it’s an enigma to them, to find out.. but it’s pretty clear here- for them to find out- what it does to them! : )

4 years ago

Really great post. Love that bolded Dalrock text, which is essential to understanding females, with your always excellent thought.

Evelyn Alba
Evelyn Alba
4 years ago

Please Note: This may be a repeat comment as I entered a wrong command. Paraphrased. Your February 15, 2016 post truly enlightened me as it opened my eyes to the protagonists and antagonists in the ongoing equality battle between males and females. While Xena, Warrior Princess, for me is the archetype for women that need to equal or better men physically in battle to achieve safety or justice, I ask myself the following question. Who could be the archetype for women that need to equal or better men in intellect/finances to achieve safety or justice? Will be reading and recommending… Read more »

3 years ago

Women wanting to experience danger whilst having their safety guaranteed is a great point. In life we say risk vs. reward. Women expect reward and reward (or cash and prizes of course).

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