The Warrior Princess


During last week’s Red Pill Monthly discussion I was presented with the question as to whether I agreed with women’s mandatory military conscription and my take on women serving in combat roles in the military. You can listen to my take on the livecast, but since I’d already had this post in the works I’ll detail it a bit more here.

Commenter Red light dropped this comment recently

The “Warrior Princess” myth

In making the 300: Rise of an Empire they realized they had a problem, the 300 were all men.

So now in the next movie we have Eva Green as a killing machine admiral of the Persian fleet. Wait, that’s not enough! Let’s end the movie with Lena Headey being a killing machine too. Just to make the warrior princess quota.

I happened to be listening to a feature interview on NPR on a long drive home about a week ago. The interview was of a semi-famous actress-turned-writer-turned-director who’s known for her feminist slant on storytelling and forwarding the narrative of the Feminine Imperative equalism.

So as not to focus too much on the individual and more on the messaging, I’ll just fast forward to a part of the conversation I thought was most salient:

“There was a part of the film (she’s producing/directing) where (SIW®, Warrior Princess cliché) gets into a fight with the ‘bad guy’ and the guys on the set thought that her reactions were unrealistic and no woman would do what she was for the reasons she was doing it. But the women on the set were like ‘Oh totally, I’d do that, hell I’d do worse if I was in that situation’.”

“I told the guys on set that if they really want to see gender equality they needed to embrace all sides of women. They needed to let go of all these preconceptions that women are nurturing or empathetic, and accept that we can be just as violent or hostile as men when we’re pushed this hard.”

I got to thinking about this part of the interview and I got an insight into the belief system of a woman ego-invested in the egalitarian / equalist narrative that had been taught to her since her formative years.

For women so saturated in equalism there’s a kind of convenient duplicity that expects a safe environment in which they can comfortably, and without risk of injury, play out the fantasy of not just being ‘as tough’, but tougher than men.

Nowhere is this safe fantasy more repeated than in the stories that the men and women of the equalist mindset construct for themselves with the expectation of loving mass consumption. I covered this from one angle in Storytelling and I focused primarily on the unbelievability of that narrative, but I didn’t really get into why that narrative is so appealing to that set.

As I mention there, in the world of ideas and possibilities, where all conditions and events are in the control of the storyteller, and all outcomes are scripted by the individual, what comes out in playing God is a revealing of the mindset (and the zeitgeist that created it) of the one in control of telling that story.


When I wrote The Medium is the Message I primarily focused on observing women’s behaviors as the primary motivator of what their true ‘headspace’ is. However, it’s also important to consider this principle on a macro scale of societal influence. The influence women wish to exert on our collective social order is evidenced in the behavior of their storytelling and the storytelling of their proxies (i.e. men who willingly foment their message and fantasies).

White Knights and sympathetic Betas attuned by a lifetime of Blue Pill conditioning are easy foils in selling out their masculine interests if it means their identifying with the superiority fantasies of women is in someway intrinsically rewarding to them (i.e. potential sexual access with women).

But what are the fantasies women imagine themselves living out in their own storytelling? Since the rise of women’s Hypergamy as the societal priority this has been the convenience of female empowerment and the fantasy that it can be balanced with women intrinsic needs and drives as a human female.

The problem with equalism (as opposed to evolved intergender complementarity) is that it reliably creates piss poor men and women. Taken to its extreme, the ideal state of equalism is androgyny – and that’s a best case scenario. At worst, the concept that gender is a relative mental/social construct creates individuals who arbitrarily define their gender identity based on the opinions of others, or languish in a gender identity purgatory of confusion.

The greatest danger the ideology of an all-are-the-same egalitarianism poses to an individual is the belief that men and women can be fully self-contained and self-fulfilled entities mutually exclusive of each other. From the Warrior Princess perspective this equalist ideal of a ‘perfected’ woman is one in which the best aspects of the masculine and the feminine are represented in one female person.

Ignoring all realities to the contrary, this super woman, this Strong Independent Woman® archetype, is not a ‘woman’ at all. She’s an amorphous being that combines the strength and independence of conventional masculinity with the ‘womanness’ that makes those traits acceptable in a society that would otherwise ridicule a man for displaying them as emblematic of maleness.

In a male embodiment, this autonomous self-sufficient being is a laughable parody; an exaggerated cliché of all the ego insecurities we popularly believe men are predisposed to. But make this strong, independent being female and all the ridiculousness transforms into pride and inspiration. In such a pretext even women’s weaknesses and insecurities (the very traits that would make a man less of a man) become a source of that idealized strength – as a woman.

The truth of course is that this egalitarian ideal is unrealistic and at odds with the reality that women and men have both strengths and weaknesses for which the other is (should be) the complement to. No man is an island, but the Strong Independent Woman® is an entity apart.

False Pride, Real Danger

Now I say that this equalist ideal is a danger to women on whole, but collectively that ideal is a greater danger on a societal level. The reason being is that women have expectations from men while simultaneously believing they are functional equals in all ways to men. In the fantasy of storytelling, and the ubiquitous control it allows the creator, danger, outcome and conditions become mitigated for the sake of the story. The real danger comes when those stories become the template on which women (and men) will expect reality to follow.

Dalrock summed this up perfectly for me in a comment I’ve returned to for years:

These women don’t just want to build a better beta, they want to tame the alpha. In fact, I think the former is just another way they are trying to approach the latter. They want to take an inherently unsafe activity and make it safe. They want to submit to a man without having to submit; they want a man who can tame their feral self. They want him to trip their danger signals. Even better if he is a stranger from a strange land.

They wan’t this all to happen without giving up their freedom; they want to play this out in the context of serial monogamy, so they can feel loved while also claiming their promiscuity is moral. They want to lose control to a string of strangers who have all of the hallmarks of very dangerous men, and they want a promise that this will always end well.

They want to know that this will be safe, without it losing the excitement of it feeling unsafe. They are telling men to build a sort of serial monogamy amusement park where they can ride the roller coaster and experience the fear of falling or crashing, while knowing that just behind the scenes grown ups are actually in charge and are responsible for them safely feeling unsafe.

One more thing. As I mentioned above they don’t want to be hemmed in. So instead of building an actual amusement park, they want roller coasters to spring up randomly in the same exact circumstances where the real danger they mimic would appear. They want to be driving their car on the freeway one instant, and the next experience the fear of careening out of control the next. They want to impulsively jump off the edge of the Grand Canyon and have a parachute appear and deploy at the last minute. And all they ask is your guarantee that all of this will be safe.

Even within the social parameters of what passes for egalitarianism today, there is still a want and expectation on the part of men to make the stories and fantasies of women’s male-equal strengths safe for them in a real context. A prime illustration of this can be found in the language of the women in the video I linked in The War Brides of Europe post.

Whether the show was contrived or not, there’s a fraying of ends going on in these women psyches. The inherently unsafe fantasies of women’s self-perceptions of male-equal strength are being contested by the reality of their situation. The men who were supposed to make the world safe for women’s indulgences of male strength fantasies are proving to be unreliable in affording them that security.

The roller coaster is suddenly real and the prospect of injury and death are real as well. On some level of consciousness they understand that their equalist’s notions of male-equal strength are in no way sufficient for survival in a real test. They are understandably nervous, but nervous in a way that belies the disillusionment of ego-investments they’ve based their lives around.

Women have relied so much on the behind-the-scenes security of men making the world safe for them that they begin to believe they are men’s functional equals. And not only functional equals, but more perfected, autonomously independent, beings that should be a match for the harsh realities their storytellers told them they ought to be.

In fact so dependent on this imagining are women that they expect the simulations of battle to accommodate their lack of capacity to handle the reality that they’ll lobby to alter the qualification necessary to engage with that reality. Thus, the physical requirements for combat suitability are reduced to a degree where women can feel like a success and maintain the storyteller’s archetype of themselves, thus sustaining their ego’s investment in it.

The problem then becomes one where men not only become responsible for women’s security as well as their own security, but also the maintenance of their feminine-primary self-image as a strong, independent, individual capable of achieving an equal measure among men while the real-world requirements mean life or death for them both.

The fantasy of female empowerment is not just the social expectation of men, but it is also the life-threatening liability of men who don’t (or can’t) perform it for them. Men literally risk their lives to maintain women’s equalist fantasy of independent strength apart from, and above that of men.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Stultus Sum
8 years ago

@Longgone There are plenty of AFC’s she can transition to if she wanted. But that prospect would be disasterous for her finances due to the role reversal in our relationship. That said, I doubt this conflict will lead to that. We’ve had far worse blown out fights than this in our marriage. And we do love eachother very much. We just disagree philosophically on certain issues. I use to be completely paranoid about breaking up prior to TRP. But now that I know the difference between my beta conditioning and reality, I don’t believe it will come to that. She’s… Read more »

8 years ago

@quixotic Good stuff… On your first interaction, very solid, using pus pull and not chasing her when she was testing you are awesome… and the thinking “we are going to fuck” while lasering is killer, really adds to the subcoms. One thing you could do more of is compliance testing her early in the interaction, just like moving her over to a different spot, having her hold your drink, stuff like that. And go to the boyfriend posture kino (strong, familiar, entitled and NOT sexual!) earlier. and hour is a while to not bounce her, you might have tried to… Read more »

8 years ago


I think the pussy cake eating is fine. Not James Bond alpha but certainly Corey Worthington alpha. If it is self-amusing go for it.

I do agree that being outrageous things can go off the rails. The good news is that the more derailments the better your calibration gets.

Btw Corey is now part of the Borg collective:

8 years ago

@redlight Girls are so not funny, fuck. And Corey is a good example of a Natural. His chick he’s legally marrying is 28 (he’s 24). Maybe her pussy shoots rainbows and magic, but that chick won the lottery. He’ll probably end up tamed and reformed like Tucker Max. Thing is a lot of Naturals are killer in their prime, but they keep that madonna/whore complex and when they find a girl they think is a madonna (who they ONLY FIRST ATTRACTED BECAUSE THEY TREATED HER LIKE A WHORE and they were only first attracted because he ACTED like a guy… Read more »

8 years ago

Also in that Max 4k compilation, don’t skip ahead to it but as you’re watching pay attention to around 1 hour in…the video/audio quality suddenly goes to full potato mode because there’s some older infield footage of Max doing daygame in it. Look at his vibe in those clips compared to all the stuff in that first hour (and the 2nd hour). He’s NOTICABLY shakier and less internally confident/solid, like it fucking RADIATES from him in everything from his voice to his body language to his verbals etc He’s probably at his best looks-wise there too, like a nice new… Read more »

8 years ago

A woman declares her husband socially inferior to her, and the husband says, “This is true.”

Champions for equality one moment, calling the next of kin socially inferior the next.

Wrong woman for the man.

8 years ago

Sigh… I just got back from the club… …Complete failure… I’ll admit I stopped going out for about 3 weeks, I have really no excuse for that. After going through most of Julien’s SHIFT, I decided to apply his “go out 30 minutes a day” advice and start approaching girls after working out in the park, asking them “what time is it?” you know something very simple… I only managed to approach 1 girl the first day, she even had a weird look on her face when I asked her for the time; the second day of the week I… Read more »

8 years ago

@digireaper ” I decided to apply his “go out 30 minutes a day” advice and start approaching girls after working out in the park, asking them “what time is it?” you know something very simple” Drop that completely and just whenever you see people (everyone not just girls) during the day give them a “hey” or “hows it going” . It can turn into a long or short conversation and your not feeling like your lying to yourself. Tyler kind of talks about the day stuff in general goodwatch As for night game . 3 Second rule. talk to… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Digireaper Every morning when you wake up your account of positive energy is refilled. If you use this positive energy to build people up and make them feel better this gives you more energy. Like mersonia suggests a happy to see you approach, hey hows it going, gives you more power. Asking for the time just comes of as needy this could get a response like half past a monkeys ass 1/4 to his balls or time to buy a watch. Back in my day I would approach a group of chicks positively shining like they just made my… Read more »

8 years ago

@Digireaper… “I leaved afterwards, defeated, $15 wasted, feeling like worthless pussy, I was beating my fists into the steering wheel of my car in frustration.” You are not alone…. this is well trod ground Smith’s – 1985 “There’s a club if you’d like to go You could meet somebody who really loves you So you go and you stand on your own And you leave on your own And you go home and you cry And you want to die” see? Your only failure is not pursung your daytime opens… Just get out there nad continue on a regular… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@digireaper Good job man! Even your ‘asking for the time’ is great. Who cares if it’s not as good as some other question, the ONLY POINT of it is to get you comfortable opening strangers. And you’ve started to do that. But ya, you can switch the question up a bit if it feels weird to you. And if you’re going out within a day or two, once ya get a bit of conversational rapport (it gets exponentially easier cause as you get less nervous people will TRY to stay in conversation with you bc they like you/they’re having fun)… Read more »

8 years ago

FR: Went out sarging with my wing last night, had my best night ever cold approaching but each one went nowhere and/or I bailed. Good news? Even went to a nightclub filled with 21yr olds, college town near me has 21 drinking age, this is the only dance club so it picks off all the senior girls, or the ones that have good enough fake ID. I was fearless but what’s obvious is the my state goes to shit after I open. 1. Notice mid-30ish HB6.5 sitting alone at the bar next to us a soon we settle in, she’s… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

@culum @yareally @scray @forge @anon Last night was the worst yet. Logistics are the problem. Going to have to spend the next good while working on scouting out venues, figuring out parking, etc. I have to get to the point where I can say: “Friday parking is available on the N and S side of town, so I can go to this bookstore here to get warmed up, then drive to the bars here to game. Saturday is better to start at this coffee shop over there, then hop over to the bar here, drive to this next bar —… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

This one is about the 5 brunette that was DTF. I got invited to a party by a 6 blonde. She had originally been into me as well. I met her at a friends house. She immediately got all giggly and touched me. Repeatedly. At every chance she had. I knew she liked me, but I wasn’t really into her. Then I heard from somewhere that she had to leave, so I offered to give her a ride home. She froze up like I threw cold water in her face and said “No, I’m good. I will ride with (my… Read more »

8 years ago

@scribblerg I open by noting she’s playing a game on her phone in a bar, and how I was just doing the same thing in the place we just came from, she smiles, looks at me but is giving short answers. I ask her if she does crossword puzzles for real and she says no. I tell her how I suck at them and its this major embarassment for me cuz my mom and grandma did the NYTimes puzzle every Sunday completely. She’s being pleasant. I get her to talk a bit, find out she’s had a draining day and… Read more »

8 years ago

@Redlight – Indeed, but what I also noticed all night is that I didn’t get the “heat” I’m used to getting when I open. I was highish energy with her and animated, but she was barely moved. I try to calibrate and I guess what I’m saying is that I get stopped by this, and don’t know how to spike when there is no sparkle in the eyes. I do negs easily usually, but then again I only do that when I see that sparkle. I probably have this backwards in my head. Thx for the observation.

8 years ago

Scribbler, Food for thought only. I’m not judging you. Nor am I an expert. In the piece Redlight just quoted, You were high energy. She was not, she was drained. Perhaps she was an introvert and any more fucking social interaction was going to take her battery level from 18% down to redlight 5%. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be, but at least you tried. You could’ve pointed out that if perhaps she was an introvert, socializing with guys like you drains her energy, if she denied that then you could ask her if socializing gives her energy and maybe… Read more »

8 years ago

– Good observation. It happened because she basically was non-responsive to my first few questions. Should have stayed with her perhaps, definitely makes sense.

8 years ago

This is funny.
H/t Farmboy over at Swithy’s:

comment image

8 years ago

I purchased the SI magazine today…there was only one left (the one I bought) of the cute model cover. Lots of the hefty 2 ply and the wrestling chick.
I’m sure this is self evident, but it was kind of funny to see it first hand.

8 years ago

I purchased the SI magazine today

you mean like the dead trees version? I just got the app

8 years ago

I am a bit of a luddite.

8 years ago

@scribblerg Reading mystery method would benefit you greatly. @hank holiday Reading mystery method would benefit you greatly. “I got invited to a party by a 6 blonde. She had originally been into me as well. I met her at a friends house. She immediately got all giggly and touched me. Repeatedly. At every chance she had. I knew she liked me, but I wasn’t really into her. Then I heard from somewhere that she had to leave, so I offered to give her a ride home.” None of this was congruent….. You’re not feeling her at all . then YOU… Read more »

8 years ago

@yareally Thx for that Max infield comp It’s funny, when I wtach the RSD free tour vids or read pdfs/lay reports or whatever, I feel like pickup is like this huge and complicated endeavour, thats life of death, need to take it seriously blabla, and it gets me really into my head But when I actually look at the infields (the first I ever saw were the Julien ones from Pimp/shift + the tyler ones for the hot seat at home and now the Max ones), I realize that what they do is actually really close to what I do… Read more »

8 years ago

@Mersonia – Roger that, just picked it up, thanks.

8 years ago

@Scribblerg “@SJF – Good observation. It happened because she basically was non-responsive to my first few questions. Should have stayed with her perhaps, definitely makes sense.” Possibly not the last time the young girls will be non-responsive. Perhaps my observation was good, but my recommendation for questions about her instead of statements from you would more properly be couched better in Mystery’s “stimulate her emotions”. The best way to make it about her is to get inside her head, her emotions and play with them and her. My original “make it about her” was generated by my in field experiences.… Read more »

8 years ago

@SJF – I did what you pointed out successful with my hairstylist who was completely shut down but I got her to open up by getting into her world and head. Very interesting woman, actually. I didn’t do the Mystery Method, and didn’t finish Pimp or Shift, I’ve been distracted with other stuff. I just downloaded Mystery Method and am on it. I also realize my state was weird last night. My wing and I had a bad political argument at the first place we went to while eating, I kind of let him have it cuz he said some… Read more »

8 years ago

@ScribblerG You and I are some kind of idiots for not reading Mystery Method before. It goes without saying that every PUA has assimilated its narrative. But things that go without saying sometimes are not picked up on. I got into it today and it is really fundamental. And essential. Over the last couple years, as you all know I am a monogamous married guy, but have plenty of feminine substrate to work with in my profession, country club social life and going out with guys. Being monogamous I have outcome independence and amused mastery going out and interacting with… Read more »

8 years ago


Looks like you stepped on some toes lol:

8 years ago


Fucking lol’ed hard at this one by Blueberry, I read his post then looked at his username:

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

@mersonia Thanks for the tip. A few things though. I have watched MM. This past “FR”, if you want to call it that, took place 7 years ago. Its just me reflecting on past interactions while I work out logistics to game girls where I live now. If you will read it a bit closer, you will see I bring up all the problems you mentioned in your post. The blonde 6 I wasn’t interested in. I wasn’t trying to game her. I didn’t even know what game was then. So when I heard she had to go home, I… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

@culum @digireaper

We just need to have a “getting into state” bootcamp, since we are all having the same issues, lol

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@hank Ahh, that was stressful to read lol. She fucking stripped for you and then was grinding IN BED and you still didn’t bang her? Ahaha. Memories. Wouldn’t hit me if I didn’t have similar ones. Blaximus advised us younger men recently to just bang whatever girl stands still long enough to let us. Still working on that myself, but really I’m finding that often this whole ‘oh I like this other girl more, I’ll wait for her’ or ‘she’s not good-looking enough’ (within reason lol) is a rationalization to not do something that scares you. Re: getting into state… Read more »

8 years ago

@ ya really: The bold will inevitably step on toes. Glad there is no back n forth between the two guys in here. If they ever want to do back n forth (ala Emily n Liz heheheee) let them do it on mail or somewhere else out of sight. Personally I dont wanna hear about it. Rollo is undeniably one of the most brilliant minds to pilot the manosphere, the most brilliant if you ask me. Roosh? Well, a force to reckon with for sure (I know I might be overstepping boundaries here but…). Did not read much of ROK.… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Rollo – OK I went back to look at the previous posts as you suggested by way of one of your comments above, and frankly I can see I am just knocking my head against the wall here. I outlined the whole egalitarian thing very well back when I was first thinking hard albeit on-the-fly about it, in the multiple comments I posted in the comments section of your October 23rd 2015 post entitled “NeoFemininity” and your October 30th 2015 post entitled “Complementarity”. There is a lack or precision here wrt to redpill, and that might simply be because nobody… Read more »

8 years ago

no time to do FR breakdowns etc work is crazy, but props to the guys going out and working on their shit. When in doubt hit PIMP MM and SHIFT, all the answers you need are in there somewhere lol

8 years ago

@SJF, Mersonia, Ya – Diving into MM tonight, holy shit, he gives so much info and guidance in a compact format. I find Julien really hard to take in terms of style, and he takes a long time to make a point whereas Mystery just hits you, bam, bam, bam. In the writing world we’d say he’s much more “accessible”. Plain truth is I have no game plan, I just approach like mad and crash and burn for the most part. My natural shit doesn’t work anymore for several reasons – times have changed, my confidence got shot, i’m older… Read more »

8 years ago

@Wild – “for some reason”? You haven’t been given enough reasons and counters and analysis and evidence and questions to do better than that? Wow, I really appreciate you normally but frankly, I expect you to come back with real responses to the commentary back at you.

Like mine. One of the most basic questions was, prove that egalitarianism exists as an actual behavior individually and at the group level. Start there.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@Scribb Awesome man, this is a very efficient write-up. “had my best night ever cold approaching but each one went nowhere and/or I bailed. Good news? Even went to a nightclub filled with 21yr olds…” Heh, you just tried a fairly new approach. Overall it sounds like you really hit it too. In spite of your success with women in other contexts I wouldn’t expect any better than this at first. Compare your results to poor digireaper above, lol. You have more social experience and it generalizes a good bit. But it’ll still take work at first. I do think… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Wild Person @Rollo – OK I went back to look at the previous posts as you suggested by way of one of your comments above, and frankly I can see I am just knocking my head against the wall here. Yeah, pretty much. You appear to be very, very emotionally attached to what you believe ought to be true, so much so that when men show you what actually is reality you get upset. It could be that the event in your past was so intense that it created some really deep neurological paths right into your amygdala, such that… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

No FR from me this week. A break in the winter weather gave us the first evenings of riding weather in months. Wound up driving straight past the clubs so I could keep enjoying being out on two wheels. A couple hours doing over triple digits did me good.

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

@digireaper Take heart in knowing all the major PUA guys from tyler to julien to yareally started out in the same situation as you and went through the exact same thing you went through last time you went out. @forge Bear in mind that this happened awhile ago, and this was one of the first times I got any IOIs from a girl in my life. Till then I had been a guy who didn’t get any attention from girls. So, yeah, she was stripping for me and grinding on me. But I had just gone from NO attention from… Read more »

8 years ago

Some warrior princess training straight out of Finland. I’m sure it will be very effective.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Scribblerg: Firstly you do agree there is such a thing as cooperation – correct? How is cooperation biologically encoded? The point here, is we don’t really precisely know how cooperation is biologically encoded (as of course is the case with redpill behavioral scripts as well) because we haven’t gotten to the point in our scientific inquiries to precisely know how the genome begets proteins that beget biological structures that beget higher level biological structures (like organs) that ultimately coordinate so as to beget a range of behaviors organism-wise over variable copies of organisms (a population) that species-wise holistically… Read more »

8 years ago

I got yer egalitarianism right here:

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Anonymous Reader – well you were the one the brought the whole thing up again in this thread. Emotion involved in your own internal dynamic around that – yes? You see – not really a helpful thing to insinuate “you overly emotional” wrt to moving the discussion along – so why go that way? – it smacks of just dismissing something that irritates you. It is OK that it irritates you (everybody gets irritated) – and it is OK to dismiss it, but if it irritates you enough that you have to say something about it – just calling the… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

Scribblerg, hank holiday, digireaper forge the sky et al: Good to see some field reports and analysis. Scribblerg: Lots of good advice for you above but to reiterate, the first thing I thought when reading your FR was “where’s the emotional impact?”. LOTS of stuff there about “and then she wasns’t really into it/then she shot me/my wing down..” etc. No emotional impact. This is a sticking point for me as well..letting the conversation sort of drift and losing energy. I think it was HABD who told me once “when in doubt, escalate” – basically find a way to turn… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Rollo and @ Anonymous Reader Here is a use of the word egalitarian in a way that is different than how you are using it (because Rollo you conflate it with the Equalism of 3rd wave Feminism i.e – Equalism as the contrary to Complimentarianism): Here is another: Here is a site that has various definitions for Egalitarianism pertaining to spheres of influence: My definition aligns closely with the Moral Egalitarianism as defined in the above-provided link, and my definition implies the Legal and the Political Egalitarianism as so defined. Rollo – You are the one that… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Scribblerg Like your FR,still married here so not closing on any game outside LTR,can see where this is now habit. Never had any luck relating to a woman, with her head in a vid game or slot mach.And view it like talking business to a man w/ a fish on the line. So the fact that you even got her attention at all is amazing. Went to casino for breakfast the other day ,this hot little redhead was playing a triple bank of slots , w/ her vip card in the middle you could see the dopamine spike… Read more »

8 years ago

Interesting post and good points (as always). Women only need to look to the different leagues (in sports) that separate men and women…for a reality check. It’s ugly but it’s real. Women competing with men in a sport’s league would squash all of that reality. Another awakening for women would be in battle. Let women join the military and then have them fight against men (from another country) in battle. Once they get their asses handed to them, then maybe they’ll wake up (I say, maybe because who knows). The narrative has been pushed so hard for so long that… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Driver As you say tough narrative,gone to far. They now have enough rope to hang themselves.To bad the youth that have been sold this crap will be the ones to pay the price.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
8 years ago


I just saw this on AVFM. Elam has apparently taken his gun sight off of Roosh to take aim at CHS. She’s a feminist, but at least she recognizes gender differences. I’m really curious if you have a take on this.

8 years ago

@Forge, Culum – Great stuff. All I can say in response is that my FR motivated the Mystery Method recommendation and simply put, after diving into some of it, I’ll never be the same wrt pickup. Co-sign, SJF’s statement The truth is that I’m utterly incompetent at pickup, but very fortunate to be coming at it from a POV of fearlessness and with some social skills and confidence. I also am an alpha dog of sorts so for me it’s more asserting and shaping that into DHVs and gambits to project that. My subcomms are also out of whack but… Read more »

8 years ago

@Stuffin – You could have approached that slot playing chick – no problem. Would have had to spike her somehow and been more interesting than the slots though…I’m convinced – anyone can learn to do this. Being older is merely a matter of subcomms and DHVing – not easy but straightforward. Giving up before you even get shot down is no way to play, dude. I would rather have heard that you tried and lost than that you just walked on by. I’ve developed the instant approach switch now – I see a honey, boom, I fire rounds. I have… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

Good stuff scribblerg! I think Mystery’s great because he did it first – he actually created a usable (and fantastic) system from scratch by observing and reverse engineering social interactions. He’s the pioneer (Ross Jeffries et al didn’t cover the same ground) and everyone else has followed in his footsteps. Huge props to him. Beyond that – a lot of it is just personal connection with a teacher – whether in person or virtually. The more you “click” with a particular teacher’s style the better you are likely to do..and that’s an individual style thing. Like I have buddies who… Read more »

8 years ago

@Digi We’ve all been there, man. Just this past Halloween, I wrote the following here: but it seemed the whole night I missed opportunities. Got some gum at the corner store on the way to the bar and this hot mixed girl had her Corona, chips and salsa, etc on counter, but had to go back to get some limes and smiled at me and said I could go ahead of her. In my head I wanted to say, “Go ahead OF you? Hell, looks like you’re having the party … I’m trying to go WITH you.” But I bitched… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo, thought you would like this article – economist looks at how no consent divorces have changed savings rates and womens leisure time – the result is that men are saving more to protect themselves and women are taking a lot more leisure time “First, in states with equal division, households reported higher net savings (around 16%). Second, in such states, women who were already married became less likely to work, by approximately 5 percentage points. By analyzing additional time use surveys between 1965 and 1993, I find that the decrease in the labor supply of women was associated with… Read more »

8 years ago

@KFG – Great vid of the Stuka. One can easily show how the socialism of Germany gave rise to Nazism, which was a kind of socialism but what most people who deride Nazism as socialism don’t know or want to acknowledge is that there were two socialist parties in Germany at the time vying for power against the Nazis.And that Germany had been rabidly socialist for a long time before then, and that Nazism was in a very real way a revolt against it’s predations and absurdities. The egalitarian impulse is merely a moral idea used by a group to… Read more »

8 years ago

@Culum Struan @ScribblerG I forgot that I had picked up and read Daniel Coyle’s Little Book of Talent 52 Tips. It was only three weeks ago I was citing it. I better go read the long version. It gives tips on how to progress at Game. Or to get better at anything One thing I noticed in my own experience was reaching certain plateaus and being somewhat comfortable in that plateau before climbing another hill in the journey. (And I didn’t judge this as good or bad, it just was there and was very observable to me). Here’s what Coyle… Read more »

8 years ago

@scribblerg “I can’t believe I ignored Mystery’s stuff for all this time.” There is a consistent pattern of guys who get OK at pick up, usually with heavy IOIs, and then plateau, the beginning intermediate level, and then they rediscover MM and everything clicks. welcome to the club! definitely go through the 6 or 7 online videos where Mystery is leading, they are like and hour plus each. This is the first one Some things for you to consider from your FRs… “Plain truth is I have no game plan, I just approach like mad and crash and burn… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Scribblerg No way dude totaly pass on the gamer chicks ,wouldn’t fuck her w/ your dick .
Going off plantation today,will post FR under polished rod.

8 years ago

Scribbleg Oh and this “Question: Ya, Scray and the rest of you pussy slayers, tell me what you make of this. The only difference in my appearance last night is that I didn’t get the “take the grey out” dye job done recently so I’m back to full salt and pepper. I don’t look like I might be 39 anymore, and while I don’t look like some washed up 53 yr old fat lump of shit, I think I looked older. I’m wondering, is this in my head? At one point where does appearance come in as an older guy?”… Read more »

8 years ago


Here watch this RSD vid with no sound a few dozen times… This is the level of kino you need in loud places… The trick is to learn to be comfortable with it and natural.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

I’ll just leave this here.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Forge – that funny I suppose because it makes fun of redpill?

8 years ago

Ok fuck it, some notes ’cause you guys are doing FRs: @digireaper Props on going out, we all have shit nights, even 10 years into the game we can have nights like that now and then. Click my name and search my archive for “origin story” and check out the RSD guy’s various adventures and you’ll find we all went through the same bullshit at the start. You didn’t waste $15, you spent $15 to motivate yourself not to have a repeat performance of all that pain the next night you go out. @hank holiday lol I have a million… Read more »

8 years ago

Sribblerg – here is a baby Tyler sitting at the master feet… LOL

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@all not to depress everybody bc i think the FRs are GREAT!….buuuut…i need to get this out… i haven’t been around bc i’m working my way thru a big old shit sandwich right now…(and it’s not even my burden of performance shit…which is on the back burner right now…) FI claimed another one = note said ‘i’m just tired of being alone…” (it was classic build up, too = about a week before, took himself off his anxiety/depression meds…super happy (having made the decision)… treated himself to a new ‘toy’ that he wanted…stocked the fridge, for his family/friends…and then went… Read more »

8 years ago

Very funny cartoon, Forge. 😀

8 years ago

@Sentient Lot of wisdom in that little Mystery/Tyler snippet. That vid makes me nostalgic for the old days when people actually discussed strategy instead of telling guys to just lift and spam approach and Next every girl that isn’t immediately receptive to them lol Back in the day I read the Field Report Tyler’s describing about the cosmo model that chooses the other lineup but it’s lost to the bowels of the internet somewhere. It was good though, the stuff he’s saying about “you’re a jerk” is that she was telling him he’s a jerk in a flirty way and… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@scribblerg – ideas and perspectives get twisted so as to be put in the service of those with different agendas all the time. Like this is pretty much is a constant background “noise” in human affairs, and every once in awhile some of this “noise” takes hold at the social/cultural level and wrongly (wrt to being “true”) rises in ascendancy in human affairs. You are a historian and so would see this clearly. You suspect my droning on about this concise definition of the egalitarian,and the ideas I share about how it may have arisen in different fashion (i.e –… Read more »

8 years ago

HABD “next time you are out, toast an unknown man, who died alone, but deserved much, much better”

Damn man… sorry for your loss.

Shit is real though, you guys who are 20-30 especially – you need to really start actualizing YOUR lives because you are never ever ever going to get any future “credit” for your hard work, sacrifices, waiting or being nice… it simply will not come.

start pursuing the Platinum Rule [do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it]…

And for you older guys, it is NOT too late either!

8 years ago

@Sentient: “you need to really start actualizing YOUR lives because you are never ever ever going to get any future “credit” for your hard work, sacrifices, waiting or being nice… it simply will not come.”

Few months ago, I realized this and made the analogy of your car – it takes you to and from each day, but when you get home you don’t say, “Thanks a lot car. I appreciate all you did to get me home tonight.” I was butthurt at my wife’s lack of appreciation until I realized this fact.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago


Perhaps I have been too concise with my definition of the egalitarian whereby I am assuming that it is obvious that a dynamic of mutual respect promotes an environment of trust and therefore cooperation, and need not be overtly said.

As such, perhaps It would be more clear to people if I modify the definition as follows:

egalitarian = the belief that the perspective of the equal fundamental existential worth of individuals is a worthy perspective wrt promoting trust and therefore cooperation as mitigated by discernment around the expectation of reciprocity in this regards

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Wild Person @Anonymous Reader – well you were the one the brought the whole thing up again in this thread. Nah, Rollo reminded me. You had a personal crisis, you resolved it with the tools you had, and now you can’t see how your model doesn’t match reality. And you don’t get along well with women? Gee, wonder why? How come you never post Field Reports? Is it because you do not have any? Even monogamous, married SJF posts field reports…but he understands women, which you clearly do not. Your model of reality doesn’t work. What should change, reality or… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

egalitarian = the belief that the perspective of the equal fundamental existential worth of individuals is a worthy perspective wrt promoting trust and therefore cooperation as mitigated by discernment around the expectation of reciprocity in this regards

“Ought! Ought! Ought!”

You are very emotionally attached to your “ought”…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

HABD “next time you are out, toast an unknown man, who died alone, but deserved much, much better”

Yeah. And not for the first time. Nor for the last. Dammit.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

“Ought” is the word idealism utters right before it croaks in a fiery death at the hands of reality.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@scribblerg: It is now also occurring to me that I also shouldn’t just assume that people will understand that equal fundamental existential worth of individuals will naturally predispose one to a frame of mind of mutual respect (though it is obvious to me). So perhaps a further modification is warranted to aid understanding: egalitarian = the belief that the perspective of the equal fundamental existential worth of individuals, which naturally predisposes one to a frame of mutual respect, is a worthy perspective wrt promoting trust and therefore cooperation as mitigated by discernment around the expectation of reciprocity in this regards… Read more »

8 years ago

@newlyaloof “Few months ago, I realized this and made the analogy of your car – it takes you to and from each day, but when you get home you don’t say, “Thanks a lot car. I appreciate all you did to get me home tonight.” I was butthurt at my wife’s lack of appreciation until I realized this fact.” That’s a great analogy Newly. You can add to it it doesn’t matter if your car is a beat up old mini van or a new Mercedes… the level of indifference will work out the same after a month or two!… Read more »

8 years ago

I think that is about as clear as one can make it (without writing a lengthly dissertation on it).

I think you need to write a lengthly dissertation on it since these short statements don’t do justice to how deep down the rabbit hole you are

8 years ago

@newlyaloof: I think I remember reading that car analogy from you a few weeks back. It is an interesting analogy but I have some issues about it that make me uncomfortable with the usage. That is a better analogy for a boss that has an employee. You paid for the car. The boss pays the employee’s salary. No need to thank either, they are just doing their job. Your wife is not your boss (hopefully), and I very much doubt that anyone paid you to marry her (funnily enough, the concept of dowry exists in history and still in some… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Wild Person
It is now also occurring to me that I also shouldn’t just assume that people will understand that equal fundamental existential worth of individuals will naturally predispose one to a frame of mind of mutual respect (though it is obvious to me).

That’s a step. Now ask why something that is obvious to you is ridiculous to other people. Then ponder what you should do about that problem.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@AR – I didn’t say or imply ought – where you getting that from? The egalitarian perspective as so defined above implies forebrain calculations as to what is likely to occur under different scenarios of behavior – where is the “ought” in that? (unless you mean “Behavior “A” ought to cause “Future Circumstance A”), but that is not what you are implying – you are implying that I am implying a specific moral conduct because of a prescription to a particular ideology, but the only way “ought” can be construed in my actual meaning, is that you use your own… Read more »

Masculinity and Wisdom


First, where can I email you?

Second, check out this fresh off the press article. It’s a fucking gold mine…

Yollo "Bat Man" Comanche
Yollo "Bat Man" Comanche
8 years ago

@Stultus Sam Please continue to post that letter. By the way, have you already told these people about how you reversed the typical situation with divorce rape, concerning your wife? I want to know how you did it, if you don’t mind. Man I love when a plan comes together. Keep up the good work. You broke rule 1 and 2 of fight club. But man I love your display of balls. Don’t let her deflect the fact that you had to evolve strategies to work around her solipsism. Women in my family still do that, and I want to… Read more »

8 years ago

Breaking news, the USAF is going to add a new position called:
Prevention of Violence Coordinator.
(pause to let the irony of that one hang in the air)

I do not think warrior means what they think it means.
It’s all so very Catch 22.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


Prevention of Violence Coordinator

And here I thought the military loathed diplomatic solutions.

8 years ago

Prevention of Violence Coordinator? Nothing so ironic with that, they’ll fit right in with Military Intelligence.

8 years ago

@Masculinity and Wisdom that nymag link you have, thanks, is from the upcoming book: All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation, by Rebecca Traister from the article/book: Men, especially married wealthy white men, have for generations relied on government assistance This is why the expansion of the population of unmarried women across classes signals a social and political rupture as profound as the invention of birth control, as the sexual revolution, as the abolition of slavery, as women’s suffrage, and as the women’s-rights, civil-rights, gay-rights, and labor movements that made this reordering of society… Read more »

8 years ago

Men, especially married wealthy white men, have for generations relied on government assistance

Say what???

8 years ago

” This is why the expansion of the population of unmarried women across classes signals a social and political rupture as profound as the invention of birth control, as the sexual revolution, as the abolition of slavery, as women’s suffrage, and as the women’s-rights, civil-rights……”

Nooooo shiiiittttt???? Really???

I learn new stuff daily.

8 years ago

“…especially MARRIED WEALTHY WHITE MEN, have for generations relied on government assistance..”

Meh, there’s a point there ( Ask Donald ” let’s do bankruptcy again and build even more shit ” Trump ). It’s just a different kind of assistance, not welfare…unless you include corporate welfare.

My boss, who is a multi-multi millionaire pays less tax ( as a percentage ) than I do, and gets 1,000 times more money from the federal/state gov’t than I could ever dream of. That is true of every wealthy person I’ve ever met.

Lol, so if you ain’t wealthy, don’t sweat it.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


That’s a relatively recent situation, and it’s most certainly not at all like government assistance. Used to be during the 40s and 50s the rich were paying tax rates around 90%. These days most of their tax relief comes not from largess on the government’s part but from massive loopholes in the tax code that are impossible to take advantage of without the resources of the rich. Source: a few long discussions with my investment banker step father and accountant mother.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Wild Person
@AR – I didn’t say or imply ought – where you getting that from? The egalitarian perspective as so defined above implies forebrain calculations as to what is likely to occur under different scenarios of behavior – where is the “ought” in that?

In the “forebrain calculations” part. That’s how the world ought to be, in your view. Unhappilly, humans have a limbic system…

Are you now or have you ever been a Randian? No stigma, no judgement, just curious.

8 years ago

@ Sun ” That’s a relatively recent situation, and it’s most certainly not at all like government assistance. Used to be during the 40s and 50s the rich were paying tax rates around 90%…” Undeniably true. But the ” rich ” need to pay up ( from a worker who pays his taxes under threat of jail or having all of his shit seized ). Personally, I think no one should pay 90% again. Ever. But the tax loopholes exist because of gov’t and the wealthy’s relationship to gov’t. It’s gov’t that has the power to change the tax code.… Read more »

8 years ago

Blax “But the ” rich ” need to pay up ( from a worker who pays his taxes under threat of jail or having all of his shit seized ). Personally, I think no one should pay 90% again. Ever. But the tax loopholes exist because of gov’t and the wealthy’s relationship to gov’t. It’s gov’t that has the power to change the tax code” Actually the IRS works even harder to prosecute companies and the wealthy. Guys making 40k a year are not audited with anywhere the frequency of guys earning 500k a year. And the government power to… Read more »

8 years ago

@Wild Man: ” The egalitarian perspective as so defined above implies forebrain calculations . . .”

You have just indicted yourself, good man.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Blaximus, Sentient The problem is not rich or poor, the problem is both representatives can be bought. This all the way. Everyone will act in their own self interests, it’s just that the rich win for now because they can throw money at politicians to do so. I don’t really agree with the rich having those massive loopholes, but if I ever manage to make “fuck you money”, I’ll use them too. Won’t lobby for them, but I’d use them while they were there. Granted in my case I’d like to think it would be to serve societal interests I… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Sentient Hey!! How are you? Okay, U.S. tax rates highest..blah…blah… No decent corporation actually pays these rates. True, guys making 500k are more likely to get audited than guys making 40k, OR guys making 40 million. Guys making between 150k to 500k are becoming extinct. And the zero tax thing is just wrong in most cases. My 16 year old works on the weekends, and she will get all of the taxes she paid back because she did not earn enough to actually owe taxes. Think about that for a minute…. [youtube ” And American companies have one… Read more »

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