

At the Man In Demand conference I briefly got into the topic of egalitarian equalism and its relation to complementarity during my talk. On my flight home I was jotting down my thoughts about the seminar and one thing I now have plans to do for the next one* is base an entire talk and group discussion about the distinctions between equalism and complementarity as I understand them.

However, for now, consider this post a primer for that talk. I’ve done my best to explain the differences between equalism and complementarity in Equalism and Masculinity and Positive Masculinity vs. EqualismMy detailing the social dynamics and psychological influences men face in an equalist headspace has been a recurrent theme in many of my posts. On occasion I’ve made contrasting comparisons to Complementarity, but until the Red Pill Parenting series I hadn’t gone into the detail I’d like to.

Guy starts us off:

As many of you have already mentioned in the stories you’ve shared, it is usually the father who pushes their children towards a higher standard of success. This is critical for the child to develop into a successful adult that excels in society.

It is usually the mother who coos and coddles their children. This is also necessary, as it’s vitally important for children to feel loved and accepted by their parents. This shows the necessity of the roles of both mothers and fathers in the development of children. If a child faces only criticism, it may have lasting effects on their self esteem. If a child is never criticized, they may never grow up into an adult.

The negative effects of too much coddling are so widespread, that we actually have sayings that illustrate it.
“A ____ only a mother could love”

To understand the dynamic of complementarity first it’s important to consider the theology behind egalitarianism. I tend to use the term egalitarianism and equalism interchangeably, but I do so because I see them both as stems from the same tree of blank-slate humanism. In the first Red Pill Parent essay I made the following case against of a single parent, single gender upbringing of children:

Parenting should be as collaborative and as complementary a partnership as is reflected in the complementary relationship between a mother and father.

It’s the height of gender-supremacism to be so arrogantly self-convinced as to deliberately choose to birth a child and attempt to raise it into the contrived ideal of what that “parent” believes the other gender’s role oughtto be.

This should put the institutionalized social engineering agenda of the Feminine Imperative into stark contrast for anyone considering intentional single parenthood. Now consider that sperm banks and feminine-specific fertility institutions have been part of normalized society for over 60 years and you can see that Hypergamy has dictated the course of parenting for some time now. This is the definition of social engineering.

The idea that a single mother is as co-effective as a father stems from the blank-slate belief that gender is a social construct rather than the physical and psychological manifestation of humans’ evolved mental firmware. While the foundations of this blank-slate theory originated with John Locke in in the 17th century it would be the anima/animus theories of Carl Jung to cement egalitarian equalism into the popular conscious with regard to gender relations.

Tabula Rasa (blank-slate) refers to the epistemological idea that individuals are born without built-in mental content and that therefore all knowledge comes from experience or perception. With the scientific and technical advancements of the 20th and 21st centuries we now have a better understanding of how the human brains of men and women operate from a far more advanced perspective than either Jung or Locke had knowledge of. To be fair, Jung’s presupposition was one that human’s possess innate potentials for both the masculine and feminine (thus the “get in touch with your feminine side” trope for men), but those potentials derive from a presumed-accepted egalitarian base.

Yet still, from a meta-social perspective, western(izing) culture still clings to the blank-slate theoretical models from Jung inspired by Locke and other tabula rasa thinkers of old.

Why is that? Why should it be that for all of our greater understanding of the biomechanics of the human body and it’s influences on behavior that the greater whole of society persists in the belief that men and women possess co-equal gender proficiencies based on an outdated, largely disproven Tabula Rasa model? I would argue that resisting the more obvious and practical model of evolved gender differences presents an uncomfortable proposition of biological determinism to people conditioned to believe gender is a nurture, not nature, proposition.

I’ve opined about Carl Jung’s contributions to our present state of feminine social primacy in the past.

One of the key elements Jung introduced into western culture’s popular consciousness is the theory of anima and animus; that each individual, irrespective of sex, possesses greater or lesser degrees of association and manifested behavior of masculine and feminine psychological affiliations. In 2012, when you hear a 6 year old girl tell a 6 year old boy “you need to get in touch with your feminine side” in order to get him to comply with her, you can begin to understand the scope to which this idea has been internalized into society’s collective consciousness. So long and so thoroughly has this theory been repeated and perpetuated that we can scarcely trace back its origins – it’s simply taken as fact that men and women possess varying degrees of masculine and feminine energies. First and second wave feminism founded their psychological premises of gender on Jung’s ideas and so evolved the reasonings for a push towards the social feminization we know today. The seeds for the feminine-centrism we take for granted today were planted by a Swiss psychiatrist in the early 1900’s.

It’s important to consider Jung’s bi-gender individualities within the individual person in context with Locke’s Tabula Rasa theory because in tandem they constitute the basis of the egalitarian equalism which feminism and our present feminine-primary conditioning rely upon. To the modern egalitarian mind, inequalities in social dynamics, gender conflicts and economic disparities are the result of a deliberate (if not malicious) intent on the part of individuals to limit the presumedly equal potentials of others. Social ills are the conflict between the selfish need of the one versus the equalized need of the many.

There is very little headspace given to the material, innate, mechanics that make up the condition of the individual. Natural talent, innate ability, in-born predispositions, and physical and adaptational advantages stemming from evolved differences – whether a boon or a burden – are either disqualified or marginalized in an egalitarian mindset. The egalitarian, while very humanistic, leans almost entirely on the learned behavior model of human development. It’s Tabula Rasa, and the zeroed-out-at-birth content of the individual is filled by the influence of a society that is corrupted by those who don’t agree with an idealized egalitarian imperative.


Complementarity acknowledges the importance of the inborn differences between the sexes that egalitarianism marginalizes or outright denies exist while recognizing and embracing the strengths and weaknesses those differences represent.

There are many well documented, peer reviewed, scientific studies on the neurological differences between men and women’s brain structure. The easiest evidence of these differences is the cyclic nature of women’s sexuality (versus men’s always-on sexuality) and the neurological/hormonal influences on beliefs, behaviors and the rationalizations for those behaviors prompted by the innate drive to optimize Hypergamy.

Women experience negative emotions differently from men. The male brain evolved to seek out sex before food. And while our feminine-centric social order insists that, in the name of equalism, boys should be forced to learn in the same modality as that of girls, the science shows that boys brains are rudimentarily wired to learn differently.

Stark differences exist in the wiring of male and female brains.

Maps of neural circuitry showed that on average women’s brains were highly connected across the left and right hemispheres, in contrast to men’s brains, where the connections were typically stronger between the front and back regions.

Ragini Verma, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, said the greatest surprise was how much the findings supported old stereotypes, with men’s brains apparently wired more for perception and co-ordinated actions, and women’s for social skills and memory, making them better equipped for multitasking.

“If you look at functional studies, the left of the brain is more for logical thinking, the right of the brain is for more intuitive thinking. So if there’s a task that involves doing both of those things, it would seem that women are hardwired to do those better,” Verma said. “Women are better at intuitive thinking. Women are better at remembering things. When you talk, women are more emotionally involved – they will listen more.”

Ironically, in an egalitarian gender-neutral social order, a college professor publicly suggesting that men are more adept at mathematical thinking gets him fired from a lengthy tenure, but when a female researcher suggests the same she’s rewarded with professional accolades and grant money.

As you might expect, this article focuses primarily on the triumphant advantages of the female brain structure, but the studies themselves are revealing of the empirical evidence that men and women are not the functional equals that egalitarianism would insist we are.

The scans showed greater connectivity between the left and right sides of the brain in women, while the connections in men were mostly confined to individual hemispheres. The only region where men had more connections between the left and right sides of the brain was in the cerebellum, which plays a vital role in motor control. “If you want to learn how to ski, it’s the cerebellum that has to be strong,” Verma said. Details of the study are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“It’s quite striking how complementary the brains of women and men really are,” Ruben Gur, a co-author on the study, said in a statement. “Detailed connectome maps of the brain will not only help us better understand the differences between how men and women think, but it will also give us more insight into the roots of neurological disorders, which are often sex-related.”

These distinct neurological differences between men and women are evidence of a an evolved intersexual complementarity that has manifested in both the personal and social dynamic of intergender relations for millennia. Conventional gender roles where there is a defined interdependence between the sexes is reflective of precisely the hardwired “stereotypes” researchers were so shocked to discover in men and women’s neural wiring.

Talents and Deficits

I’m often asked what the complementarian model looks like and it’s all too easy to not want to fall into the perceived trap in defining gender roles for men and women as they’ve been for centuries before our own era. Conventionally feminine women and masculine men are ‘shocking’ stereotypes to a society steeped and conditioned to accept the egalitarian model as the norm. The simple fact is that equality is only defined by the conditions and environmental circumstance that make something equal or unequal.

Men and women are biologically, physiologically, psychologically, hormonally and sexually different. This presents a very difficult proposition to an egalitarian mindset – men and women are simply better suited for, better wired, better enabled and better physically capable of succeeding in different tasks, different environments, different socialization, different mental or emotional demands as those circumstances dictate.

We simply evolved for symbiosis between the sexes; the strengths of one compensate for the weakness of the other. Depending on the challenge presented, yes, this means that in our complementarity the difference between a man and a woman are going to be unequal. Much of the gender discord our present society suffers is due primarily to the intentional rejection of this evolved, symbiotic complementarity and its replacement with the fantasy of uninfluenced, independently sustaining equalism. From the egalitarian mindset, the genders are self-sustaining and independent, thus men and women simply have no need for the other.

Though egalitarians will argue it does, complementarity doesn’t imply a universal superiority of one gender or the other. Rather, depending on the task at hand, one sex will be better predisposed to accomplishing it. Furthermore this isn’t to say that the gender-specific deficiencies of one gender cannot be overcome by learning, practice and brain plasticity to achieve the same ends – it is to say that men and women’s brains, and the task specific adaptations of them, predispose them to being better capable of achieving them.

Fighting Nature

For the better part of this blog’s history I’ve outlined the process of how the Feminine Imperative conditions men to embrace their “feminine sides” and create generations of ready Betas. Most Blue Pill men will fail to identify with the more masculine specificity I’ve outlined above. It’s important to remember that learning to be better at non-gender specificity in an attempt to override this natural gender-wiring is not always a voluntary effort on the part of a person – especially when egalitarian Mom and Dad are in on the conditioning.

When we see the recent popular social effort to embrace transexual acceptance what we’re being asked to do is accept a learning process that countermands a male or female’s evolved neural architecture. Brain plasticity is a marvel of evolution, but it is subject to external manipulation and the ideologies of those doing the manipulating.

There’s been a criticism of western public education’s push to force boys to learn like girls – we treat boys like they are defective girls. This is a prime example of not just a social engineering effort, but an effort in reprogramming boys to override their natural, neurological maleness. Thus they become less effective girls because they are required to think, emote and react in way their brains never predisposed them to.

Likewise there is a popular push to encourage girls to adopt male modalities of thinking. In the hopes to make mathematics and technology fields more gender equal egalitarian society will make special compensation and establish exclusive academic rewards for girls who teach themselves to override their intrinsic mental proficiencies and find intrinsic reward in adopting those of boys.

The egalitarian mindset simply denies the foundational truths that decades of evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology and anthropological research indicate about our present state of intersexual relations. Inso doing they reject a complementary model and embrace an egalitarian one. Their mistake is presuming that evo-psych necessitates a biological determinism and thereby absolves an individual of personal responsibility for their behavior. It does not, but it does provide a framework that more accurately describes the mental state, sexual strategies and social environment in which men find themselves with women.

When you hear or read the trope that “women are just as sexual as men” what’s being related to you is founded in the same egalitarian root that teaches us to believe that “women are just as good at fathering as any man”. All are equal, but men’s sexuality seems a boon that egalitarian women would like to adopt.

One reason egalitarianism is an appealing cover story for feminism is because its primary goal is leveling the sexual competition playing field for all women to optimize Hypergamy at the expense of men’s own sexual strategy interests. If all is equal, if men’s basic biological impulses are reduced to shamed criminality, if women can expect men to be aroused by their perceived value of their self-defined self-worth, then all material and physiological deficits can be effectively dismissed.

Under the guise of egalitarianism, feminism has effected feminine social dominance for over half a century now.

Egalitarianism is likewise appealing to evo-psych detractors because a belief in egalitarianism should mean that men can escape their burden of performance. I touched on this in the first post of the Adaptations series. The presumption is that if the more intrinsic, ephemeral aspects of men’s higher-order thinking and personal worth is appreciated as a sexual attraction, then all deficiencies in meeting his naturalistic burden of performance can be rescinded. Game, physique, personality, status, success, achievement, etc. are superseded by his equalist belief system and this is sold to him as the new order upon which women should find him attractive.

Complementarity is the evolved interdependence between the sexes and it’s been a responsible element of how the human race has risen to be the apex species on this planet, but it doesn’t ensure an optimal breeding schedule for either sex. So long as men and women are mired in a denial of the evolved psychological differences between the sexes, their only alternative is to embrace egalitarianism.

The reason feminism hates the Red Pill – in its concrete sense – is because it more accurately predicts human behavior than feminism and equalism have ever been capable of.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

@SFJ Thank you too for the boost & info. funny that even though I know 3/4 of the stuff you said, it is just as useful reading it from you as if I didn’t know it. TY!

8 years ago

After a while of reading about red/blue pill, egalitarianism, feminism and seeing + experiencing the outcomes, my impression is that the whole thing is a giant power grab. Making men dysfunctional (and women too) makes any society ripe for conquest. Just look at Sweden and it’s faggotized men + that country being overrun by primitives to understand the intended direction of the whole feminism ploy in a more advanced stage. The social engineering shows IMO that the thing has to do with eliminating Europeans first and foremost, as this whole bullshit is seen only peripherally in non-European countries. As superior… Read more »

8 years ago

Icky girls right? Why even bother breeding if women are so bad at raising children? Why even date if we, vulvas suck so much?
Also, explain me, I am dominant, I am expected to be dominant, I get along well with men, I know men who are in touch with themselves emotionally. I have know some aggressive careless women. Explain all these things?
How is culture feminized? When did it happen? Why is showing emotion bad? Why do you men hate your single mothers?

8 years ago

Red pill bothers me as a formerly abused person. Ya all are abusing people into loving you and then being pissed off they leave you and take everything you have! Makes no sense?

8 years ago

Internal Memo: From: @MikePhil To: @RedGalt [To your comment: “It seems rather counterproductive to go to such lengths to encourage Beta-behavior when women really want an Alpha. Is it just a disconnect between what women believe they should want and what they actually want?” I’m thinking it’s a screening process. If a woman can convince you to take the bait and chop your own balls off to qualify to her, then you do the work of disqualifying yourself instead of her. She saves her valuable time and energy, the lesser men are clearly identified and thus ignored, leaving the valuable… Read more »

8 years ago

@SJF – Thanks for acknowledging me. But here’s the really important thing to get – you took the advice. Instead of whining like a girl, you realized I was correct. I was actually kind of surprised by how much you were drinking. So many aspects of your life seem to be very well managed – career, finances, marriage, wealth – it just seemed out of character to be drinking so much. That said, given my experience in AA years ago and helping addicts out over the past 20 years (I haven’t had a drink in 20 years and haven’t been… Read more »

8 years ago

@Stephanie – Don’t you dare use the paradigm of abuse to describe WHAT WOMEN SIGNAL THEY VALUE IN MEN VIA THEIR BEHAVIOR. I’ve not seen you before so let’s try and take you seriously for a moment. Do you really think that what’s being expressed here is “icky girls”? I get it, such reductionist rhetoric appeals to your superficial “intellect” but perhaps what you could also notice is that this is your payoff to begin with? That breezily dismissing serious conversation without actually engaging on the topic under discussion is a pose so you can preserve your sense of superiority?… Read more »

8 years ago

“Why even bother breeding if women are so bad at raising children? Why even date if we, vulvas suck so much?”

Good questions. I have no good answers.

” . . . as a formerly abused person.”

Get in line, honey. Get in line.

8 years ago

@Stephanie has 9 questions that shows she has bothered to read much here, and one sentence that reads

Also, I …, I …, I …, I …. I …

Once again we thank women who comment here to demonstrate Rollo’s points. However is it possible there is a unicorn out there that can rationally discuss at length what Rollo says?

8 years ago

* she hasn’t bothered

8 years ago

@ScribblerG November 1st, 2015 at 7:53 am In a word, Yes. The ideas that Marc Lewis expounds on also have a large relevance to Red Pill Awareness and Game Practice. If you just apply the addiction is not a disease theory to Blue Pill thinking and the rut that is One-itis and other afflictions holding back men from Real Power, you have some solutions. The same solutions that are offered by guys like YaReally, Tyler and Julien. “The biggest driver is how much a person wants to get sober – this is the shocking disclosure that everyone who sponsors a… Read more »

8 years ago

@SJF – Great citation. What his book describes about habit, behavior desire and the neurology behind it rings so true for me. It’s a much larger metaphor than “addiction” but by seeing it through the lens of addiction one can see clearly how feedback loops and behavioral triggers wire themselves up and fire without our conscious knowledge. This is true of any sort of desire we experience. One of the things I’ve never been able to describe to a woman successfully is how deeply I desire sex and how potent that attraction is and how ever present the tripwire is… Read more »

8 years ago

Note to self: YaReally really digs Halloween.

8 years ago

“Note to self: YaReally really digs Halloween.”

But not costumes. Well maybe on Holloween, but maybe not every day or something. I’m so confused….not. Thanks Yareally the jackets are wearing thin anyway; ditched the ties long ago.Just backsliding a little in comments hoping you’d show up again and rant. Thanks YaReally….needed the clarification on the BD…

8 years ago

Forge, Cave

“Maybe if you divorce her, but let her rent a room in the house lol. If she’s bad she has to make sandwiches for your girlfriend(s). If she’s still bad she gets kicked out.”

I know a guy who did this, not IRT living space, but gave the ex a job in his business, with his current LTR as her boss, haha. Still continues to this day….

8 years ago


Want to say thank you for your advice to go out sarging on Halloween and for allotted time you take to encourage men. . I took your advice, went out and just concentrated on being in a positive state and making lots of eye contact, talking to everybody and building social proof. I am by no means a PUA but I stayed playful and tried to encourage good feels – I had a blast last night! So thank you!

8 years ago

@Porko: “After a while of reading about red/blue pill, egalitarianism, feminism and seeing + experiencing the outcomes, my impression is that the whole thing is a giant power grab.” I tend to agree:…In the end it’s the struggle for which sexual strategy is the dominant, writ large. So on a macro scale women/F.I/Elite are generally trying to make sure that the masses of men become, and, are raised to be, BB…in one way or another. In my summation, societies with more BBs/equalists/conformists tend to revolt less, they take shit from above without resistance in the end this has been what… Read more »

8 years ago

sjf What I see in comments from Andy, Wacokid and CaveClown is that they are experiencing ennui in marriage. They feel like they settled. They want more than their wives can offer. (for them at this point all they can do is adapt, control the things they can and accept the things they can’t. A woman can be like holding water in your hand with fingers outstretched.) You are a fraudI, I did not settle, I am living a realistic life, one that actually happens. You should know better than to post a degrading, offensive, cowardly remark like that. Your… Read more »

8 years ago

@redlight: “However is it possible there is a unicorn out there that can rationally discuss at length what Rollo says?”

No bruv, there isn’t ;)…

We can talk amongst fellow men about such a woman’s existence…however, I think it’s always better to never allow such thought or reverie to come into your fore brain, or public domain…even among women who portray RP acceptable behaviour, we must maintain the Fight Club rule, always…

8 years ago

Heh, I figured you would respond that way. But I was expecting better grammar, syntax and spelling.

8 years ago

@Kobayashi – Roger that. I see no upside for discussing any of this with women, only trouble.

8 years ago

@Scribblerg: Exactly! Demonstrate not explicate…every man should internalise and live this mantra, especially with regards to women. We really don’t owe them any explanation, at all….ever!

8 years ago

I understand why a woman would find it hard to identify with the discourse in here. I mean, it is ok for a woman to say, “I know men who are in touch with themselves emotionally…” But if you ask her if she is sexually responsive to a boyfriend who is emotional and likes bawling his eyes out in front of her? She will say she is. But we know the truth. She does know the truth too, but it is painful for her to admit it. So, what to do? It is nature. We cannot change the fact that… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@YaReally Thanks man. I gave the night a big write-up bc I think it was a pretty good example of where my game’s at, and ya gave me a bunch of really solid concrete things to hit next. I was having a nightmare of a time approaching until recently, so I just started talking to random people out and about in the day more. Still kicks my ass in the daytime in the grocery store and shit like that, but I was really pleased to see how much easier it is for me to open now – at night, once… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


We really don’t owe them any explanation, at all….ever!

More importantly, they don’t want one. Asking for an explanation is a shit test. Giving her one is a failure of said shit test.

8 years ago

Beyond such subjective points, DNA is what really makes us different: 1. Women have greater constitutional vitality, perhaps because of their unique chromosomal pattern, and normally outlive men by 3-4 years (U.S.). This is also reflected even in the womb. More than 140 male babies are conceived for every 100 females; by the time birth occurs, the ratio is 105 to 100, with the rest of the males dying in spontaneous abortions. 2. Men have a higher incidence of death from almost EVERY disease except three: benign tumors, disorders related to female reproduction, and breast cancer. 3. Men have a… Read more »

Ewan Cummins
Ewan Cummins
8 years ago

The blog author and his readers may find this paper interesting and relevant:


8 years ago

Well kira, you are obviously trying to “rationally discuss at length” to what Rollo wrote. I’m gonna thank you for at least trying.

But while your comment could be called a nice write up of uncontroversial bulletpoints about differences between the sexes, the topic of Rollo’s posting is “Complementarity”, which is about how these differences work together best. Your comment doesn’t tie in to this topic or any other point of the discussion in the comments. So I wonder, why did you write it up for us? We knew that already?

8 years ago

@ 10 x 10


8 years ago

@ Waco

The line of “being desired” to have sex, not realistic in a 30 year marriage.

I have passed that point in my marriage and we continue to attract one another. See my post about relationships. You all should be flirting with one another frequently to maintain the attraction.

8 years ago

@ longgone

“I’ve observed………….

I’ve heard reports………

I’ve heard reports……….

I’ve observed ………..”

I see.

That’s debatable.

8 years ago

@ Cave

She doesn’t know about that.

Lol, sure she does, at some level. Women can read this in men so easily. Or she will reason that you filed for divorce because you already have pussy on the side.

8 years ago

@ Cave Meh, I’m not very good at it though. I’m not the tall strapping alpha you cheat on your husband with…but I did have some success. Lol at the tall strapping alpha. I was 5’7″ 125# soaking wet when I got my first lay–an HB9 with D cups. Who was engaged, 5’6″, and weighed 145#. A big, curvy girl. I told her I wanted to make love to her, fielded two easy 5h1t-tests, and she was DTF after that. It’s true that in the past I had saved her butt from a stalker/potential rapist inner city thug. Thug was… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Cave Meh, I’m not very good at it though. I’m not the tall strapping alpha you cheat on your husband with…but I did have some success. Lol at the tall strapping alpha. I was 5’7″ 125# soaking wet when I got my first lay–an HB9 with D cups. Who was engaged, 5’6″, and weighed 145#. A big, curvy girl. I told her I wanted to make love to her, fielded two easy 5h1t-tests, and she was DTF after that. It’s true that in the past I had saved her butt from a stalker/potential rapist inner city thug. Thug was… Read more »

8 years ago

@Sun: Well said bruv! I realise more and more everyday, the efficacy of “Less is more”…

8 years ago

YaReally wrote: I can pretty much guarantee the guys who complain about how they have to play up the Provider angle or how looks matter or how girls won’t get with older guys etc aren’t doing ANY of this shit out there and their pickups don’t look anything like what Julien’s explaining for how to game in 2015 lol) Confirm. See my latest post about Brazilian women for a FR on a broad young enough to be my daughter (early 30s). No, I didn’t lay her, but she was showing IOIs and investing in me and wanting escalation. A broad… Read more »

8 years ago

@lh: I was also wondering what Kira was getting at. Her and Stephanie really cannot fathom what exactly is going on here with Rollo’s post. Again as Sun has pointed out, we don’t have to explain…for what may be the umpteenth time the post is about COMPLIMENTARITY. And then, C&P’d things like this: “6. Women have three very important physiological functions totally absent in men–menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation, and each SIGNIFICANTLY influences behavior and feelings. Female hormonal patterns are more complex and varied.” What THEE fuck has this got to do with anything? 🙂 Fun fact? Examples why fucks should… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  kobayashii1681


8 years ago

“What THEE fuck has this got to do with anything?”

Damn if I know, and it isn’t even factually correct.

8 years ago

@kfg: “Damn if I know”

Hehehe…My sentiments exactly. But, I bet she FELT good posting it…

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

Going to start doing some field reports. Starting out slow, but once I move in a few months I can do it more consistency. Very busy with work now. I haven’t really ever dated anyone, and I have been living more or less like a hermit over the past few years. However, you wouldn’t really know if you met me. At my present job, I have people who will come up to me and talk for a half hour or more. And even when I’m out on my own people will just start talking to me out of nowhere. I’ve… Read more »


[…] kicked around and banned from a couple of blogs, Biblical Gender Roles being the most recent, Tomassi of Rational Male coming shortly before that. Alas, both of those men seem to be rather defensive and afraid of my […]

Chump No More
Chump No More
8 years ago

Lol, I’m guessing we can put to rest who ‘Emily’ was… like there was any doubt.

Just Saying
Just Saying
8 years ago

a single mother is as co-effective as a father If this were true, then why does study after study show that children who are raised by single mothers, is the best predictor of a child that will fail to achieve? If there statement were true, there should be no difference, but yet there is, and it’s huge. Ego, a child raised by a single mother is one that will fail. Reality is what the Liberals hate, because they can try to hush it up, but the facts don’t lie. All you have to do is look at income levels –… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Cave

Her attitude changed dramatically. She went cold. I was fine to flirt with until then, but after that jolt to her system of how short I am, she changed.

Just DHV all over again and neg her until she warms up. Push-pull her. Standard stuff.

8 years ago

YaReally wrote: usually they’re nice dudes who want everyone around them to have fun and you can ride some of their positive energy. Funny how we think alike on stuff like this. I did this some on Sat. night and pulled a Brazilian girl away from her friend she was out with in order to dance with her. He provided some of the energy and there was rapport among the three of us while we were together. I also pulled another girl (whom I’ve known for months) away from her “date” (she denied that it was an official “date”) to… Read more »

8 years ago

Why always speak in code? Non of she shit makes SENSE to me

8 years ago

@YaReally, damn. Wish I read this site before I went out on Friday. Checked Heartiste’s site to see if you left any gold, but didn’t see any and didn’t think you’d put anything here about Halloween so I didn’t check here. I had a game plan, but it didn’t go as planned. Some lines I thought of prior to going out that I posted on H’s site: See a girl dressed as a cat. “Nice costume. I love dogs.” See a girl dressed as wonder woman. “Nice costume. You can totally see my balls right now though right?” See a… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  newlyaloof

Look up the terms of the reddit sub forum or use google


8 years ago

@ newlyaloof

Didn’t you get the memo about gaming on Halloween?

IIRC it read: Be Fun.

8 years ago

@SJF Congrats on not drinking. I’ve recently quit drinking during the week. The wife and I had been catching a slight buzz pretty much every night since last kid was born. I’ve been replacing it with meditation. It’s working well. Takes an edge off of the stress of the day. I don’t have weight problems though. I run too much. As for settling. Yeah I suppose. If I found myself single tomorrow anything less than a model a decade younger than me would be settling. I don’t know if that means I am settling or I just have healthy ambition.… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo tweeted a link to a reddit that transcribed some of Esther Perel’s TED talk from Feb. 2013. That TED talk somewhat summed up why the red pill and what Rollo and TRM describe resonates so poorly with the Churchian women like InsanityBytes and Emily and and slight less well with Larry Solomon (although Larry gets it from a gestalt, he isn’t allowed to speak it clearly without his scripture limitations). In long-term relationships, we often expect our beloved to be both best friend and erotic partner. But as Esther Perel argues, good and committed sex draws on two… Read more »

8 years ago

Red pill is basically knowledge about women, who they are, how they operate, etc. RP equals TRUTH. Women en masse hate truth..their very safety is based on manipulation, emotions, little/big lies. They might enjoy pua-a, gys showering them with all that attention, but in every woman´s life, there will come the day when she needs, desperately needs – provider. Man who will pay her debts, provide her with safety net, security. Responsible, self sacrifying husband 🙂 BETA. Besides many changes in beahviour, red pill has the potential to KILL or at least seriously wound this big, warm heart of beta.… Read more »

8 years ago

Regarding “TradCon Christian women”: My mother is such a women and I can tell you exactly what issue they have with the RedPill: TradCon women want the “dominant man” but they also have a strict view of what is “good masculinity”, what are the acceptable boundaries for what a man is allowed to do with that dominance. But this isn’t male dominance at all. It’s men playing a dominant role strictly within a frame set by the TradCon women. TradCon women trick the man into believing he would be dominant, but in fact the women is dominant because it’s her… Read more »

8 years ago

Besides many changes in beahviour, red pill has the potential to KILL or at least seriously wound this big, warm heart of beta. I am curious about the future.


I think that being a provider is just as ingrained into our natural masculinity as being dominant. IMO the difference is that with Red Pill you can learn when it is appropriate to turn that switch on and off. With Blue Pill it just becomes your primary sexual strategy.

I personally take pride in providing for my family.

8 years ago

Thanks Andy. I heartily encourage you to moderate alcohol use. It’s such a buffer for couples that have a tough go at the time when the children are young and need a lot of investment for you and your wife as parents. And it is so much easier to keep frame in your relationship with your wife without the extra tax in game that is the non-moderation of alcohol. You can dismiss Mr. AMOG if you like. Fact is he has transformed his life with red pill and game in the last 2 years. And so have I. His friendship… Read more »

8 years ago

You can diss the friendship I have with ScribblerG all you want. Neither one of us has “taken” from the other in a friendship, but we have “given” each other some valuable shit in terms of shared ideas that are a by product of Rollo’s ideas and TRM’s comment section.

I’m just giving you shit. Self amusement is game too right?

My best friends and I basically try to out-insult each other on a daily basis. That’s how it is. I suppose without the pretext of an actual friendship IRL it can be taken the wrong way.

8 years ago

I’m good with that Andy. Like I said upstream, when there is gravity to what I am doing in life I get serious and have difficulty in being easy-going and joking and in “just have fun” mode. It is a minor weakness of mine. I can do that when the stakes are not so important. In fact I do it all the time with the guys in my inner circle. So, I’m serious in rehabilitating my marriage. And it is currently going great. (And a crucial element of that was stopping the drinking. With very little effort on his part,… Read more »

8 years ago

And a crucial element of that was stopping the drinking.

Here’s a question for you. Or anyone. Every night the dinner, bedtime cleanup routine is fairly grueling as anyone with little kids could tell you. Basically I end up in a negative state afterwards. Two martini’s could get me from negative to positive. Meditation is only getting me from negative to neutral. Will more practice with meditation get me in the positive or does anyone have other tips?

agent p
agent p
8 years ago

@Andy, I feel your pain for EOD routine with little kids. Sometimes I smoke some weed and it makes me happy and positive, but it leaves me wiped out before kids are down for bed, so it’s not productive. Similar for booze, takes the edge off but its not a productive way to go. I find end of day I am suffering from decision fatigue and will power fatigue which both lead into being grumpy by kids bed time. Only way I know to defeat the problem is to have a hard wired routine for the kids every single day… Read more »

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago

@Andy ‘Self game’ is where state control and mental point of origin begin. You can’t game others if you can’t even game yourself into frame. Always be gaming yourself into a positive, productive frame while doing routine things that are normally stressful or unpleasant to you. This is the basis of both excellence and self-mastery. You have to do this shit anyway, so why not make it work FOR you? Let every cleanup and bedtime ritual be an opportunity to hone your internal and external game. Retrain yourself to perceive it as fun/character building/a walking meditation/opportunity for mastery/etc. If you’re… Read more »

8 years ago

ASD, You make the authoritative and pretentious statements: “There is a cyclic component to the sexuality of a premenopausal woman, but that component can be greatly overwhelmed by opportunistic libido in a woman. Postmenopausal women can have a very high libido when in the company of an attractive man and there is no cycling component in the libido of a postmenopausal woman. Hence, the opportunistic nature of a woman’s libido is much more important than any cycling of the libido.” Because the statements have the pompous ring of your usual attention-whoring I reasonably ask for references (being more interested in… Read more »

8 years ago

@agent p For me it isn’t so much decision making as it is dealing with the kid’s ridiculous energy levels and wife’s exhaustion. Weed does the trick. I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to. It brings on beta feelings for some reason. The feeling of not being in complete control bothers me a bit too. @The Diplomat True self mastery is DECIDING AHEAD OF TIME how the situation at hand will or won’t affect your state, and then seeing if you can maintain that frame. Yeah, I guess I just need more practice. I definitely do better… Read more »

8 years ago

@ longgone

You see I’m more interested in legitimate research regarding the existence of (or non-existence) the libido of post-menopausal women conducted by scholars, scientists and professionals, more than the blustering opinion of an online typist, married PUA and so-called dance instructor.

Let’s fix this.

“You see I’m more interested in faux research regarding the existence of (or non-existence) the libido of post-menopausal women conducted by Blue Pill pointyheads, more than the observations/reports and other empirical evidence from various Red Pill men.”

There. Fixed it for ya. You’re welcome.

8 years ago

@ longgone

Guess you won’t be inviting me over for Christmas this year, huh? lolz

8 years ago

“True self mastery is DECIDING AHEAD OF TIME how the situation at hand will or won’t affect your state, and then seeing if you can maintain that frame. You won’t always be successful, but you can get that particular game up to 89% if you seriously work it.” That’s a great way to describe it Diplomat. I would say that Andy should decide ahead of time that he has Amused Mastery and stick with that Frame of mind. It’s mindset. Decide ahead of time that it is NO BIG DEAL. Don’t treat it as a chore. It’s actually the easiest… Read more »

agent p
agent p
8 years ago

@andy, you misunderstood, feed the weed to the kids.

8 years ago

@agent p lol. AHHHHHH. That makes so much more sense!

It’s actually the easiest time of parenthood.

I’m rolling my eyes.

8 years ago

“I’m rolling my eyes.”


I’ve been there done that.

I wish my father would have told me how to be a better father 20 years ago.

Feeling your way as you go along is no way to operate.Why draw when you can trace?

8 years ago

So it’s all uphill from toddler-hood? I have to say that this is the first time I’ve heard that. Haha. Amused Mastery might work on myself but if you are implying that Amused Mastery is going to work on a 2 year old in a tantrum… That’s just silly talk from someone that CLEARLY forgets.

8 years ago

@The Diplomat ” Self game’ is where state control and mental point of origin begin. You can’t game others if you can’t even game yourself into frame. Always be gaming yourself into a positive, productive frame while doing routine things that are normally stressful or unpleasant to you. This is the basis of both excellence and self-mastery. You have to do this shit anyway, so why not make it work FOR you? Let every cleanup and bedtime ritual be an opportunity to hone your internal and external game. Retrain yourself to perceive it as fun/character building/a walking meditation/opportunity for mastery/etc.… Read more »

8 years ago

No, I mean on yourself. You are the Amused Master in your own mind. Your mindset is one of no big deal….I can handle it. What The Diplomat said. Particularly you are playing tha role and allowing your wife to see that you are the oak tree in the family and can handle everything including being a father to a two year old. You are an alpha male that DGAF about doing any beta for the wife and kids because it is no big deal, and you don’t mind it, and it does not steal your energy. Trust me Andy,… Read more »

8 years ago

Andy says “I think that being a provider is just as ingrained into our natural masculinity as being dominant. IMO the difference is that with Red Pill you can learn when it is appropriate to turn that switch on and off. With Blue Pill it just becomes your primary sexual strategy. ”

My way of providing is dominant. They are one in the same.

It’s like Tony Soprano ( fellow Jerseyite..)


Dominant is not just a sexual strategy. Dominant is not primarily violent.

Provision and dominance should go hand in hand.

8 years ago

@Forge the Sky “Thanks man. I gave the night a big write-up bc I think it was a pretty good example of where my game’s at, and ya gave me a bunch of really solid concrete things to hit next.” That’s exactly why we do them. If you hadn’t written about your night (again to anyone planning to write Field Reports keep everything as anonymous as possible) I wouldn’t have been able to link you stuff specifically related to some sticking points you’re experiencing and you would just be heading on your next night out to do what you did… Read more »

8 years ago

You are an alpha male that DGAF about doing any beta for the wife and kids because it is no big deal, and you don’t mind it, and it does not steal your energy. Challenge Accepted. Yeah dealing with toddlers, infants and their mother is the toughest test against my energy that I’ve ever dealt with. Going to a night club and getting rejected by a bunch of hot chicks would be a welcome break. “Trust me Andy, in real life I am not as dumb as I sound. (My least masterful skill is in expressing myself in speech or… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Andy

@SJF “Feeling your way as you go along is no way to operate.Why draw when you can trace?” I’m not a farther yet bit that’s heart wrenching to experience when it goes the opposite way. @Andy I run or go out and play in the woods it’s a deep form of mediation for me. Check out this thing called Movnat You can do it with your kids too… Main reason I visit my family is my nephew I pick him up and do acroyoga with him and play Tool as a lullaby to get him to sleep. His dad is… Read more »

8 years ago

Also for the next couple weeks a solid routine/conversation topic to drop in sets right off the open is “so what was your halloween costume this year?” You’re basically guaranteed a 5 min interaction off that question and you can use it on any chick from your cute waitress on your work lunch break (follow it up with asking if she had to work, did she get to party for real afterward, etc) to a group of girls at the bar next weekend (try cold-reading what their costumes were like angel and devil to imply one is the good one… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Cave Clown Don’t be confused: when you filed for divorce it put, in her head at least, the final 2 minute warning bell. Same thing happened to me. When I moved out, though, it was all hands on deck! Called my family members up, my best friend, etc., “Help.” No one could. Now it’s still “Come over, let’s talk.” Or sending me photos of a new outfit, hair style, etc. Like, “I am gone. You should start dating.” She WILL revert back to her usual MO within a month, maybe two. When I first moved out (yes, first, I… Read more »

8 years ago

@YaReally, thanks man. That helps a ton, and that Julian Shift is exactly what I was experiencing on my ride home cursing at myself. I was trying to avoid the failure and hard path and have everything perfect. I promised myself that I would open no matter what the outcome, and now I have some solid backup from Julian to embrace the new shift inside me. Sincere hat tip to you man.Get a paypal somehow anonymously on your site, and I’ll put some coin in that mofo.

8 years ago

@YaReally, damn man. The shift is so huge for me I had to leave another comment saying so. Still, messing up Halloween was eating at me and now you give me some ammo to use this week to make up for it. Money! Thanks again man.

8 years ago

I run or go out and play in the woods it’s a deep form of mediation for me. Check out this thing called Movnat @rugby I run quite a bit. It helps a ton. I am saving up for a power rack to put in my basement. I’m going to go on the starting strength workout. Honestly I can keep up my state all day. My problem is that where I am right now I have a hard time keeping my state up in the evenings with the kids and wife. I can do it for the most part, but… Read more »

8 years ago

I even like reading Andy’s shit


Oh jeez, thanks. I think. haha. Kids are tough, but they give a lot too(not infants). I’ve learned a lot from them.

8 years ago

Heheh, Andy

Social proof.

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

I’m gonna make a fake profile like yareally was talking about to really quickly practice making things sexual and coming up with a bunch of routines. That way even though I am usually sleep deprived and WAY out of state, I can have some things to fall back on when I go out in person to sarge. Right now the one I am working on is to say “I know your secret” then after she responds “You are obviously a Russian spy.” again, she responds “Now, are you the kind of spy that sneaks into places and steal shit, or… Read more »

8 years ago

“Provision and dominance should go hand in hand.”

Provisioning is inherently dominance – until you give it all away. The problem is that giving it all away (so long as it’s a man giving to a woman) is now the social norm, to the extent that not doing so is considered abuse.

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

This is my first practice FR I did with girls I worked with. I just went to A2 and stopped there. I just wanted to get some practice and progress to motivate me to keep working on things. Names are all changed. I just prefer names to HB6sluttyasian and what not. This all took place at a restuarnat I worked at. As I was cleaning up the dining room, one of the girls, Julie (an attractive 6), asked if I could lift up a big bucket for her. I was like 15 feet away from her at the time, which… Read more »

8 years ago

kfg ” Provisioning is inherently dominance – until you give it all away. The problem is that giving it all away (so long as it’s a man giving to a woman) is now the social norm, to the extent that not doing so is considered abuse.” True statement. But you know what? IDGAF about most social norms concerning men and women. Hopefully I won’t wind up in prison some day because of that. Chuckle. I gave everything away in my first marriage. Dominance dwindled down to sub zero. That’s why I constantly preach ” frame ” to newcomers. I should… Read more »

8 years ago

@ YaReally

try cold-reading what their costumes were like angel and devil

Or that they were garbed in prison jumpsuits with handcuffs, implying that they were advertising that they were into S&M.

8 years ago

@ YaReally how many guys reading this are ACTUALLY going to do it? Me…me…me. I went out both Fri. and Sat. I dance with an early 20s girl whose bf didn’t really want me to dance with her in a passive-aggressively hostile way and she commented that he got jealous. I read that as her disqualifying him. We chatted while we danced. Easy way to isolate. I told her I need someone to debrief my dance partners for my book. Bug in her ear. Opened several broads and danced with them. Some I probably danced with before and forgot about… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  theasdgamer

@Andy Man it’s a joy to be good to yourself. I’ve stopped more bad habits by learning from Yareally and Rollo and everyone here. Went to a new dance this evening meet a really cute feminine women. She’s amazing she was teaching me ballroom. Than went back to my usual dance which was swing to say happy birthday to a buddy of mine. I’m killing my old self and destroying the buffers. Still weak In lot of areas. Going to hit gym in morning. Treating myself well is something I’m still learning how to do. Here’s a hell of a… Read more »

8 years ago

Andy, Try eating some food that makes the brain produce serotonin. It’s the hormone of calm and happiness. It’s said part of the weed effect lies in stimulation of its production. Since late in the evening you need light food, best are fruits like bananas, figs, dates and plums. Get some fresh air outside. If it’s too hard and you have money, why not hire a nanny for several hours of the day? Your wife will be able to sleep these hours and not meet you tired. And the kids will have someone fresh to make them move and spend… Read more »

8 years ago

“Try eating some food that makes the brain produce serotonin.” @Thelien Thanks I’ll have to google that. I don’t make enough money for a nanny. That would be sweet though. ” but at the same time I agree with whoever said that he was delusional in how easy it would be to just pick up game and be banging 10s if he tosses his wife away to go chase poon” @yaReally, @everyone I don’t feel like I’m delusional. If I had time to go out 3 or 4 nights a week I just have the confidence that I could figure… Read more »

8 years ago

““Since you’re not fucking anymore, I’m going out to fuck. I’ll be back before the morning.””

Haha, like a bausssss!!!!

8 years ago

@Yareally….you in dallas?

8 years ago

“I crave to go through that process more than I crave the results.”

You’re ego is looking for “Proof, not promise”

When you figure out how to satisfy the ego without actually proving, let me know, cause I struggle with that same feeling everyday, lol.

8 years ago

yareally, I fucked my first unarguable hottie a short while ago, and it was your posts and the resources you link to that were the biggest help in making it happen. Thanks for everything you do man!

Don’t feel any different to how I did before fucking her, but feel very different to how I did when I first started out learning game. The journey is its own reward.

8 years ago

I can remember vividly a time when my Mom showed me through her reaction that women don’t respect emotional men. In fact are repulsed by them. Back story: I am the 2nd oldest child of 5 and oldest son. My mother was and is amazing but she did AF/BB. My Dad being a drunk musician and my step dad being stable later in life. (didn’t realize this until reading this blog this year) . Being from a broken home and the oldest son I was always independant and showed aggressive tendencies in sports and life, mom would try to reprimand… Read more »

8 years ago

Great read Rollo! Evolutionary bio/psych really obliterates the Tabula Rasa argument that so many philosophers held on to. Doesn’t it? I guess that’s one of the reasons why I find you writings endlessly fascinating. Thanks Rugby for the conversation on Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Harrison Bergeron’.They really come around to it essentially, the perpetual argument in democratic societies : the group vs. the individual. . . . A just society ought not cripple the knees of the swift so the so slow can keep up, but rather provide some accommodation and let those with talent rise. The egalitarian impulse and the vail… Read more »

8 years ago

I want to clarify what Egalitarian is (To the philosopher of ethics). It is the belief that (since are all the same species) we all should have the same rights (be held to the same ethical standards at all places and times). While Jefferson didn’t support full egalitarianism in practice, he did sum up what it is quite well on two different occasions: “a sound spirit of legislation, which, banishing all arbitrary and unnecessary restraint on individual action, shall leave us free to do whatever does not violate the equal rights of another.” “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to… Read more »

8 years ago

Egalitarianism (from French égal, meaning “equal”)—or, rarely, equalitarianism or equalism—is a trend of thought that favors equality for all people. Egalitarian doctrines maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status, according to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

8 years ago

70’s AntiHero. Thanks for pointing this out. Like many terms, “Liberal”, terms that appeal people in mass become co-opted by social engineers to camouflage ends that in no way are harmonious with the first usage of the word. In the case of “liberal” for instance, most things advocated under this canard are in fact hardly liberal, but tyrannical and patently unjust. Egalitarianism is no different. Through simple observation it is obvious that everyone cannot have the same “social status”. Equality of rights on the other hand is viable, the benefits of it accrue to the degree it is achieved, and,… Read more »

8 years ago

Yes, Liberal, as my understanding a derivative of the word liberty. I take your point. However, to drop context and quibble with the use of a word in some sort of semantical exercise and make claim of a special subjective knowing or understanding seems parochial or picayune. So I guess I don’t understand your point of the ‘miss use’ of the word. As you state here: “2. Equality of opportunity is an absurdity and only possible to the degree it approaches zero (everyone locked in cages or killed). It depends not only on all three attributes in #1 to be… Read more »

8 years ago

@70s AH Wow, we are going to digress further off of point if I respond fully, but I will resist the urge to do that and simply try to tie it off neatly. 1. OK…I concur. Your point about the subjective perspective about a particular word’s overloaded meaning (many defn’s depending on context) is valid. I will drop the issue on this site; it is true that it is used as a synonym of equalism and has been for decades. I will cease and desist, but to clarify, I have a personal stake in people understanding what equal rights is… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@GW & @70s AH @Rollo I like your latest clarifications around the term egalitarianism. I for one think that there should me some ongoing discourse about the contextual definition of this term, as used by Rollo and the commenters on this site, because I suspect that using the term as egalitarianism = equalism, perhaps unconsciously forces a skirting of an important issue surrounding the alternate definitions, (definitions as you have described above and which I summarized in earlier comments attached to near the end of the comments section of Rollo’s Neofemininity article, as): egalitarianism = equal existential fundamental worth of… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Wild Man

Hello, Good comment WM. Here are my thoughts: 1. There is a difference between socially advocating a personal strategy of how one should conduct their life (personal ethics or morality) and when it is legitimate to use coercion against others (social ethics). I personally believe mind altering drugs are generally destructive to one’s life and would thus never advocate anyone become a (heavy drug) addict. However, I also believe it is unjust to prevent one (or punish one using coercion, e.g., jail, fine) for doing so. What Rollo is advocating is purely peaceful, i.e., not violating any natural laws. 2.… Read more »

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