Jails & Churches


Slut Walkers & Soccer Moms

This picture has been making the rounds on Face Book recently. Last I looked it’d been shared about 89,000 times from the source I pulled it from. For the most part, what passes for some organized debate in most comment threads about this centered on a conflict between two factions of women – the responsible mothers and the ‘Slut Walk’ feministas faction of the femosphere.

Yes, ‘responsible mothers’ and Soccer Moms are in fact a very vocal part of the Feminine Imperative’s sphere of social control. It’s a mistake to believe women of a feminist bent are the only driving factor in influencing a feminine-primary social order. It’s not just grrrl-power demi-lesbians with fuschia hair, it’s that sensibly dressed lady in Target too. As I mentioned in last weeks post, Peak Hypergamy is yet to be settled, but until then the women who’s sexual strategy would best be served by keeping the ugliness of it secret will be at odds with women who proudly embrace open Hypergamy with gusto.

It’s easy to apply our Red Pill lens for such things as TV shows, popular music and media, and see the social undercurrent messaging of the Feminine Imperative, but there are some more subtle instances that need a proper lens focus on them. One trapping of the Red Pill lens is that aware men often overlook the more personal, more localized influence of the Feminine Imperative when they see the most public displays of it.

I’ve stated in prior posts that if you took a roomful of God-fearing traditionalist women and asked them if they identified as feminists the answers would range from “No” to a resounding “Hell no!” However, if you asked them specifics of how a woman’s role in society should be defined, what a woman’s obligations to a man ought to be, or in what way women’s influence in should be expressed in our culture (westernizing), then you would get your real answer.

Most traditionalist women would be appalled to be associated with anything bearing the Feminist® brand name, but still find themselves carrying the same flag when it comes to their rationalized beliefs. The ‘Sisterhood’ comes before all other considerations – be they politics, religion or personal interests – the Feminine Imperative is the common thread that underscores all intrasexual relations with women.

Tribe of the Sisterhood

In a social context, a principle strength of the Feminine Imperative is a presupposed, tribalistic sense of intrasexual belonging amongst women that transcends politics, race identity, religious conviction and ideology. We euphemistically refer to this dynamic as the sisterhood, but this female ‘belonging’ shares it’s roots in our foraging evolutionary past. Thus, women from starkly different cultures or socio-economic tiers still share that common theme of pre-known ‘oppression’ by the nebulous patriarchy.

One problem I have with recent rise of self-styled anti-feminist “Red Pill Women” is that while on the surface it appears that they are “pro-men”, the real impetus is that they are “anti-feminists”. In other words, their primary concern becomes one of opposing the methods and ideologies of how best to assert the influences of the Feminine Imperative they both ultimately serve. The common tribalism of the sisterhood is still present, but the applications of how best to instrument it is the source of that conflict.

This is what I believe we’re witnessing in debates of this nature; it is a conflict between women who’d be better served by keeping men confused and in doubt of the mechanics of Hypergamy versus women who believe they’d be better served in openly and proudly embracing Hypergamy. This is the primary reason women despise other women who are openly ‘Gold Diggers’ or ‘Attention Whores’, or even prostitutes – their method of optimizing their own hypergamous interests reveals their sex’s larger sexual strategy which they’d rather men not fully comprehend (until such time as they are ready to consolidate on men’s commitment).

It’s important that Red Pill men not be fooled into thinking that ‘traditionalist’ women are in anyway less predisposed to the influences of their sex’s imperatives. They’re not unique or better suited to a feminine role because of their ideology, they simply can’t afford to have sexual rivals with different methodologies competing for the same optimization of Hypergamy.

Social Saturation

This may seem an unlikely way to address the core issue of this notice to school administrators, but read me out here. There are two presumptions implied in this message. The first is the presumption that these school-age girls are being shamed by expecting them to adhere to some modicum of dressing to a certain standard – a standard they can expect once they exit school as well I should add.

The second is that these girls wearing shorts that are too short, and bra straps so noticeable as to draw attention from school administrators (God forbid a male teacher make such a judgement call) would be more concerned with the their educational prospects than influencing the boys in their environment is questionable.

And lastly the presumption is that boys of a certain age should be taught to control themselves to counter their synaptic wiring and biochemical responses and not ‘objectify’ the girls who take it upon themselves to dress provocatively.

These are relatively easy assessments to make about the intent of this note, however, what both factions of women debating this presume is a condition of feminine primacy. The feminine presumption is one that this school is nominally founded in male primacy – the girls distract the boys with their advertised sexuality – but the expectation is one based in the male Burden of Performance.

While it’s important for men to have an objective understanding of their burden of performance, it’s equally important for men to realize that women understand the utility of that burden and put it to their own opportunistic ends. In a feminine-primary perspective that burden translates into these boys needing to be taught to act against their biological impetus.

The shaming isn’t about girls having their education interrupted for wearing booty shorts or their tits pushed up by exposed bras; the implied shame is that these boys are not being instructed to understand that their burden is one of controlling the very biology that compels them to distraction. In a feminine-primary context the real “shame” should be on the boys who see girls (who are signaling sexual cues) as the sexual objects these girls are intentionally making of themselves.

The implied prioritization of undistracted education is presumed to be focused towards the males in the class, but the reality is that this education is taking place in a feminine-primary environment that is being inconvenienced by social standards.

The Feminine Expectation of Performance

Instead of adapting to the realities of their environment, women expect men to accommodate their sexual strategies and incorporate them into their accepted burden of performance.

CH maxim: The feminist goal is removing all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality

This goal is eminently more achievable when men are taught that it is an aspect of their Burden of Performance to self-restrict their sexuality for a feminine-primary purpose. It was recently brought up in last week’s comments that the rise in unfettered, openly acknowledged Hypergamy is (or is becoming) a comparable condition to men’s unrestricted sexuality. The contrast of course was flipping the script and considering what the results would be if it were men who’s sexual strategy was unrestricted to the degree Hypergamy has currently.

In an exaggerated feminine-primary context, women like to believe this was once the case. Granted the apex fallacy is rife in that presumption, but the Feminine Imperative needs to establish a preexisting notion that women must necessarily suffer in a masculine-primary social order. That’s the presumptive social context this note was crafted in. The truth of the matter is that the Feminine Imperative cannot afford for both women and men to believe anything different if it is to remain the primary social influence.

This presumption is what brings women of conflicting ideological bents together in solidarity despite their disagreements; there is always a common enemy, a common opposition, in the belief that it’s men who are calling the shots for them. And as I said, this apex fallacy presumption is universal in that it transcends ideology and religious convictions. Thus we see similar social conventions used to maximally restrict male sexuality in those same institutions.

Holistic Game had an interesting take on this restriction this week:

I was raised Southern Baptist, then moved on to some form of megachurch-style evangelical Christianity in high school. I felt that sex before marriage was sinful, that lust was evil, and that the female body was a source of lurid temptation. It was a constant struggle not to look at porn. I remember being in a men’s young adult service when I was 24 and the pastor asked, with heads bowed, if any man in the room hadn’t looked at porn. I peeked and realized no one had raised their hand – every man in the room had indulged at some point. Though I couldn’t grasp it at the time, I’ve since come to understand that there is no point in repressing natural human desire.

I certainly couldn’t contain my urges forever, and ended up losing my virginity later that year. I was teaching guitar to a hot blonde beach babe a couple years older than me, and we got drinks one night. We fooled around, tipsily, and after a few weeks of on-and-off gropings I finally decided to fuck her. After the act was completed, I sat on her deck and looked at the ocean and searched myself. I never imagined the staining of my chastity happening in such a fashion, but I had to face the reality that it had happened. I tried to be honest with myself, and to my surprise, I found that I didn’t feel guilty. At all. The one thing I’d tried to save, that seemed to matter so much to God and his plans, I’d wasted on a stupid blonde I’d end up dumping. I should have felt overwhelmed by holy conviction, but didn’t feel anything but normality. I felt like I was finally part of the human race. This lack of guilt was the crack in the foundation that eventually led to the shattering of the whole rotten edifice.

Holistic expounds on this experience into doubting the existence of God (which I honestly think is a shame), but it’s important to understand how this presumptive state of male social primacy, and the necessity to mandate chastity as a man’s Burden of Performance has effects that go well beyond a man self-limiting his participation in his sexual strategy.

I think a necessary stage in becoming Red Pill aware is truly understanding not just our preconditioning, but the social environment that condition takes place within. This acknowledgement needs to take place in order to really unplug; it cannot simply be an acceptance that a guy was raised into his Blue Pill circumstance, he must also recognize the social conditions he’s still operating within, and he must recognize how to avoid the pitfalls and make the changes he wants to see in that world.

In a Blue Pill, feminine-primary social order plugged in men are left to participate in two institutions: jails and churches. I can imagine the frustration Red Pill men must feel when they see their friends trapped in those institutions. They see their friends in an endless tail-chasing of a performance of their own doing, but a result of their ‘teachers’ investing it in them. They contort in an endless self-expectation to be better men by self-defeating the essence that make them men. Then they are punished for the slightest infraction of acceding to that male essence, not so much by the women they hope to perform for, but rather a disappointment in themselves for not living up to what they believe are their own self-developed expectations of a standard that only serves the feminine.

Yes I know my enemies, they’re the teachers who taught me to fight me.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] By Rollo Tomassi […]

8 years ago

As the great Dave Chapelle joked about women wearing sexy clothing, “(Her) I am not a whore! (Him) Yes, but you’re wearing a whore’s uniform.”

8 years ago

For whatever reason, this issue just enrages me. I think because the f*cking hubris is so stark, the chutzpah so breathtaking. And literally everyone passionately believes this sh*t. It almost pains me to hear you take your characteristically cold, analytical tone here. Nothing is more goddamned obvious than that boys and girls are not the same; not the same with respect to their desires, or the objects of those desires. It’s as if people are in the grips of the idea of “equality” precisely because of how insipid, how vacuous and empty and thus impossible to resist the idea is.… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Lucien

I heard a good sum up term for all that : sexual arrogance.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Watching the slut walk (from where it first originated) on a sunny day, I heard a guy saying :
Why is it that most nudists are people you don’t want to see naked?

8 years ago

@Rollo Tomassi One of the best comments you ever made about men is that they always pay to get sex from women. You said that men either finance it (marriage)buy it it retail or wholesale (dating or hooking up), rent it (prostitution) or pay for the advertising (porn)., The only thing I would change is put masturbation in the parenthesis of where porn is in the previous sentence. Yes porn is the best advertising or at least tit is usually he most visually and audially vivid,, but men masturbated to images in their head in the past before porn and… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Lucien
We live in a Satanic Matriarchical Cuntocracy. One day it will fall. There will be much pain going around when it does. It’s a shame as this never had to be, but not only is hedonism killing us so is the lack of men being assertive and dominant with women. It is usually the woman in this Western society who is assertive and dominant over her man. Matriarchical societirs give way to patriarchical ones.

Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Rollo Holistic expounds on this experience into doubting the existence of God (which I honestly think is a shame) God ™ as brought to you by The Church is nothing more than an attempt to gain a monopoly on sex itself. You can’t have sex and not go to Hell without being married, and The Church just happens to be the sole provider of gasp marriage! It’s fine to believe in a god or gods of your choice, but that God ™ shouldn’t just be doubted; he should be actively hated and fought where ever he rears his ugly head.… Read more »

Prince LaQroix
8 years ago

This hits home because I grew up in church and can’t say it was done any differently. Guys were ALWAYS lectured about porn and lust. Lust was the big monster that every guy had to slay in order to be considered a true, Christian man. Problem is that the meaning of lust has been downgraded to include pretty much any hint of desire in the man. Lust is no longer that uncontrollable, “fleshly” desire that makes you do anything, consequences be damned. Now, looking twice at a hot woman walking down the street is lust and also evidence of other… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

“Funny thing is you don’t hear a peep about women lusting. In fact, the idea of women lusting is practically unheard of in Christian circles around here. Not a word is said about the porn the women indulge in. But then again, the FI is in control of chuches, we can’t expect anything else.”

Good observation.

This post is a thesis. So much to digest.
Jails for alphas and churches for betas

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Sorry. I meant Prince’s observation.

Seething Lurker
Seething Lurker
8 years ago

While dropping my daughter off at middle school, I was appalled at the clothing these girls were wearing. I occasionally have to check my daughter and her mother on the outfits my daughter wants to wear to “fit in” with her peers. Her mother is of the more conservative bent, but I see with Red Pill lenses that by insisting our daughter dress conservatively, she is merely trying to optimize hypergamy from the old school Team Hidden Hypergamy. I envision the Blue Pill fathers of these up and coming tarts who are brow beaten or shamed by the kids’ mothers… Read more »

8 years ago

Why you sending – the girls home –
to go change their attire?

It’s boys fault –
if they get –
so sexually inspired!

If he stares –
he’s a – pervert.

If he don’t –
he’s queer.

Whatever way – his eyes wonder –
He’s just not welcome here.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Unattractive ugly Feminists and masculine slut Walkers want to show their asses and boobs because it is “empowering” and they want men not to be aroused(bragplaining).
The same ugly feminists/masculine slut walkers want the stupid sexy attractive Strippers/ Prostitutes to cover up because it makes men have a hard on and therefore not empowering but, it is arousing and it makes fast investment return from the sexy strippers point of view.
The very ugly unattractive and fat boring “Traditionalist feminists ” want feminists/sluts/strippers/prostitutes to cover their Pussies/asses/boobs because it is bad business for them.
Holly shit!
What a predicament.

8 years ago

“Every time I walk past a girl dressed like a slut, with her tits hanging out, in some ass-tight pants, I must suppress my instinct to pounce — and a small part of my manhood dies.” I honestly can’t understand this line of thinking and nor why men shouldn’t like women advertising their sexuality. You don’t have to buy. It’s like a big warehouse where everyone is showing their assets to make the sale to you. Do you want to be the salesperson in the store or king customer coming to chose – if the salesperson and the product are… Read more »

8 years ago

Awesome post, Rollo, as usual. I only disagree with the guy you quoted expressing “there is no point in repressing natural human desire”. Repressing human desire is exactly the point of any civilization (do you shit in the street when you feel like it?). J.D. Unwin studied all kind of cultures and reached this conclusion “if the social regulations forbid direct satisfaction of the sexual impulses the emotional conflict is expressed in another way, and that what we call ‘civilization’ has always been built up by compulsory sacrifices in the gratification of innate desires.” Sex and Culture (1934) If you… Read more »

8 years ago

And if your teacher’s hot as hell – don’t worry little child. We’ll protect you – from that hot, young, blonde, girl, pedophile! But if you’re teacher’s ugly – warts growing out her nose – – like it or not – – you’ll get you’re fill – starring up her hose. And if you’re – a – good student – make A’s on all your tests – Oh, what a ‘thrill’ she’ll give you – when you brush against her breast! Entirely YOU’RE initiative – she did not do a thing!!!!! How on earth could she do that – in… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

If your son was sent home home because he couldn’t control himself looking at a girl’s ass, hire a Stripper to go to his school to explain how she makes her money.

8 years ago

This blog post and the part about self-repression brings back a specific encounter. I had to go to her place to pick something up; asked her when she would be there and decided the time that would be most convenient to me. As I arrived, the boyfriend was there. It was to be expected since I chose an hour at which he is usually there. Now before going I engaged in a specific meditation. What it does for me is helping quieting my thoughts; Often, at the end of it, for a few there are barely any thoughts floating on… Read more »

8 years ago

The strategies currently still played from the perspective of “what we know” vs. “what they should (not) know”. I expect the conversation to be much more direct soon. The reason is how the ideas (may they be wrong or right) spread over the internet. Unlike in the past, we live in a world where there is an easy accessible unending stream of quality fap material of girls who share their bodies for the sole sake of climbing the SMP http://imgur.com/r/ChangingRooms Unlike in the past, now even school boys get a glimpse of what seemingly any girl tries to provide to… Read more »

8 years ago

I think Holistic Game’s doubting the existence of gods is completely rational. when you recognize that you’ve been fooled into a blue pill narrative, you start asking yourself, “what else have I been lied to about?”. dropping your god myth is just another red pill. when a kid figures out there’s no tooth fairy, santa claus is the next to go.

8 years ago

For all the supposedly Red Pill guys who immediately embraced those online protestations of “anti-feminists”, who were almost all hot young chicks who would never NEED feminism per se. Two things: 1. the Feminine Imperative is so deeply inculcated into our culture that being against it is like me taking a stand against “the continued use of electronic mail instead of that old fashion, more personal letter writing”. 2. If you want to REALLY see who stands against at least a manageable part of sisterhood, have all those same “really hot” 19 year old girls holding those “I don’t need… Read more »

8 years ago

The biggest message I ever received about Islam and religion in general is that life itself is a test. It left me feeling confused because I never quite understood why (assuming God made us) we were born sinful and taught to go against our natural urges. Being a deep thinker, my only educated conclusion is that humans aren’t perfect, will make mistakes and will often do things that seem good on the surface but harmful in the long term. Think about all of the things we’ve ever built and the things we chase after and count how many guys who’ve… Read more »

8 years ago

Somehow I am reminded of St Trinian’s – though there were, of course, no boys there-at. Clearly then the solution which should make everyone happy is to end co-education. I went to an all-male secondary school, yet even so (and perhaps because of it) I had no doubt whatsoever that females (and not males) were indeed objects of the greatest sexual interest.

8 years ago

“Yes I know my enemies, they’re the teachers who taught me to fight me.” This is an important step for most men on their way out of the system (or the Matrix) after discovering the red pill. First, realizing how men (we’ve) been programmed and then adjusting tactics on how to deal (live) in (and around) that system. MGTOW still have to deal with the system on some level (they are not truly going ‘their own way’). Even the little things like day to day encounters (i.e. going to the bank or other service), they are still interacting with women… Read more »

8 years ago

Curious when it comes to all these social issues, what the difference is in attitudes between Mothers with one or more sons, who also have daughters, and mothers with ONLY sons, vs. mothers with only daughters. Just having been a “soccer dad” for years, going to games, afterschool events, etc, I’ve always found white women with one or more boys, and NO girls, to be the most down-to-earth, who would be most likely, in the situation of this article to say “oh hell know, of COURSE boys are distracted…this is stupid, put clothes on”. Btw, Alpha men have more boys,… Read more »

8 years ago

I have two boys. They aren’t in school yet, but I worry about them. 20% gap in 4 year college acceptance. I asked a woman (and they are all women) from the school board if she thought it was a problem. Her answer? No. The FI is so entrenched that people don’t view a 20% gap as an issue! I did an analysis of test scores to see if there was an equal gap in competency. Nope. No significant gap in competency. 20% gap in college attendance. Fucked. Up. All boys schools don’t exist anymore. It almost makes me want… Read more »

8 years ago

That’s crazy to hear that testimony, since I also just had sex for the first time at age 26. Me and my girl are both devout catholics, and have decided since the beginning that we would be chaste. Nevertheless, we slacked out, ended up alone for a full afternoon with nothing to do, and I couldn’t resist. Even if preachers mix up lust with natural sexual desire, I’ve been studying by myself (also the help from this blog) to know the difference. We both repented and did what the church says to do in this situation, and we are back… Read more »

8 years ago

I disagree with one aspect of your post, Rollo. One of the defining characteristics of manhood (as opposed to womanhood or childhood) is learning to control our biological emotions to the subservience of rational thought (as much as possible). Children act as their emotions dictate. Unfortunately, so do women, most of the time. But if men were free to act according to the whims of their emotion and biology, we would see chaos. The ESSENCE of manhood is control. The question is, whose control 🙂 There is a big difference in parents teaching a boy which aspects of himself he… Read more »

8 years ago

God-fearing traditionalist women and asked them if they identified as feminists If you use the word “traditionalist” in this way, you exclude actual traditional women. Quick way to spot traditional women: 1) They have large families (say, 5 or more on average). 2) They (and their daughters) wear dresses and often headcoverings. 3) Zero divorce in their extended families. These are “traditional” women in the historical sense. This isn’t my personal opinion; it’s a historical reality. Look at an Amish woman today to see what nearly all women were like in the West just 250 years ago, and even a… Read more »

8 years ago

“I honestly can’t understand this line of thinking and nor why men shouldn’t like women advertising their sexuality. You don’t have to buy. It’s like a big warehouse where everyone is showing their assets to make the sale to you.” I preemptively responded to this inevitable rejoinder, but my answer is — it’s not though. It’s not actually for sale. In any case I’m neither capable of nor interested in pulling some random whore off the street on my way to the library. I’m trying to sharpen my focus and maintain a calm state of mind, to better achieve my… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

Wanna tell you about the girl I love My she looks so fine She’s the only one that I been dreamin’ of Maybe someday she will be all mine I wanna tell her that I love her so I thrill with her every touch I need to tell her she’s the only one I really love I got a woman, wanna ball all day I got a woman, she won’t be true, no I got a woman, stay drunk all the time I said I got a little woman and she won’t be true Sunday morning when we go down… Read more »

8 years ago

Who’s watching Bachelor in Paradise right now? Holy moly Joe contacts Samantha before the show They make a deal to be a couple whatever week she arrives Joe lies to another girl, gets a rose, to stay the week Samantha arrives, Joe and her become a “couple”, they are all over each other Everyone else is suspicious. Samantha had also been talking to another guy before the show He arrives the week after, Samantha buffers joe (“I’m tired of all the drama that happened”) (“You’re not who I thought”) (“texts are different than this”) Joe enters a Beta spiral, saying… Read more »

8 years ago

Before I address the content of the article, I just want to point out that: “Yes I know my enemies, they’re the teachers who taught me to fight me.” This line is from a Rage Against the Machine song called “Know Your Enemy.” ——- The whole thing about teaching men not to look at women sexually from the sign in the picture would be like telling a woman she’s in trouble if she bleeds this month. Women’s natural biology is okay, while men’s biologically rooted sexually instincts are inappropriate and need to be medicated or conditioned away. Only problem is… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Vitriol

I think it’s denial. Young men pursue those scripted paths their parents followed w/o self reflecting that the same circumstances will lead to alike outcome. The whole boys are never ready and always afraid about commitment cliche. They are not ready because they cannot bring to up the clear picture of themselves in such condition. Why? because it’s a self repressed black hole of imagination. The clear reality of their fathers and older brothers conflicts with the conditioning resulting in denial. Only a damp fear lurks from behind making them try to stick with temporary status quo of adolescence until… Read more »

8 years ago

My goal for what we need to achieve in the next five years: men need to stop giving out commitment, favors, drinks, all of that sh*t. We have to rescue a sense of masculine pride. Basically we need to engage in slut shaming: not shaming the sluts, per se, but shaming the men who succor them (betas). Slut shaming is actually the female equivalent: intrasexual cartel policing. (It’s an absolutely moronic, but typical, feminist misapprehension that men engage in slut shaming in any way.) We should be doing the same with respect to our scarce good, commitment. In five years… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Lucien

Simp shaming, its already happening and clueless thots happily participate. That’s one of the bright spots in an overall dark picture

8 years ago

@Lucien: Afaik, there is not a single slogan associated with the redpill that puts a behavioral condition on women. Something like “I won’t make you a baby if she fucked more than 5 other guys before.” As long as people hand out “relationship advice” in the form of field reports where they brag how much pussy they get BECAUSE they are alpha, enabling the behaviors people on the forums simultaneously criticism – how should there by a reformation? What we be a good guide, some kind of motto that’s actually actively pressing on the social structure to leads towards something… Read more »

8 years ago

As I read all of my favorite Red Pill blogs I can’t help but shake the thought that we as a group of enlightened men are missing one very important element. Often, as you pointed out in Holisitic Game’s comment, men throw the baby out with the sour holy water. The baby in this instance is not necessarily the belief in God but the belief in our own god-like nature. I’m sure not all Red Pill men are this way but it would appear for the most part that the manosphere argues the point of “Which sex should be able… Read more »

8 years ago

“I’d like to propose there is a deeper red (a rich blood colored) pill. That is to fully recognize the natures of men and women in their natural state but draw out the higher purpose in both sexes. Hold ourselves accountable to ourselves as beings higher than animals. To expect from women something better than we know their nature seeks. In essence we wholly embrace the Pygmalion effect and, with full knowledge of hypergamy and the feminist narrative, expect more from and lead these women in the right direction. I want to see men who are Generals not Privates.” Couldn’t… Read more »

8 years ago

One other point of note: Girls dressing scantily in school (or elsewhere) is only rarely motivated by a desire to attract males. Rather, it is motivated by a desire to compete among females. Girls won’t necessarily perceive this motivation in themselves – instead, they may claim that dressing a certain way makes them feel “powerful” or “free”. But that sense of power comes from a feeling of superiority among other females, derived from a sense of being more attractive than the others. It is not that girls are trying to distract boys (most boys, most of the time), but rather… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

Ha ha ha! Na na nu na na….bet you want to fuck me, yea I know you want to fuck me. I need you to want to fuck me. You know you want to fuck me. Your a villain if you want to fuck me. Your stupid if you want to fuck me. You have to want to fuck me. I’m not going to let you fuck me. Wouldn’t you love to fuck me. Your such an idiot if you want to fuck me. I dare you to want to fuck me…….

8 years ago


I think most people you would find on this blog would admit to wanting balance. To me (this changes frequently because of smart people on this blog) peak Male Imperative would be the sex slaves, Dark Ages, or rape gangs of some dysfunctional African country. Peak FI would be signaled by the age of first pregnancy = highest age of possible fertility.

IMO in the 1950’s or 60’s there was a balance. Obviously any balance that we reach in the coming decades would look much different than the 1960’s, but you get my point.

8 years ago

@Lucien, I understand your frustration of struggling to focus amongst so many boorishly dressed girls. There is certain value to an “abundance mentality” about women – but an abundance of “what”. When girls sell their goods to everybody – you are not their only buyer. While it’s fun to be titillated, few guys can accomplish very much walking around perpetually aroused. I prefer more modestly dressed girls, who can express their attractiveness without showing everything. My imagination can supply testosterone enough. Unfortunately, such girls are harder to come by nowadays. The “bare-all bar” sinks ever lower. Why stop at yoga… Read more »

8 years ago

To take it a bit deeper: here’s how I would characterize the problem with feminism, to a random mainstream person who asked about it. I would say that feminism has become a power philosophy. This is a term Bertrand Russell uses in his great book, Power, to describe a bunch of philosophies of which Nietzscheanism is the prime example. A power philosophy is an ideology used to justify the seizure of power by a particular group. It says, in effect, that nothing is better than that “we” have as much power as possible. Feminism has clearly become an ideology of… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Lucien

Well one could interpret it as kind of vindicative chicken play as if the feminists were saying: it’s our turn, men step aside ( submit) or we wreck the civilisation burying everyone with us

8 years ago


August 25th, 2015 at 8:40 am

“Me and my girl are both devout catholics, ”

“The details, for context: Me 26, she 23, she had sex with 2 other bfs before me.”

Your girl has fornicated with three men now, hard to call her “devout”, don’t you think?

Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

The entire manosphere, red pill awarness, game theory & practice and all these discussions are a reaction to the FI and hypergamy. All this is created by man because man defers to the FI. Men are reacting to the effects of the FI and hypergamy because man has accepted the FI and hypergamy as primary, placing them above himself in his own mind. Otherwise, man would simply laugh at them. Some men do…very few. The FI currently dominates because most men choose to be subjugated. Regardless of conditioning, we all still have a choice. We are not merely puppets of… Read more »

8 years ago

“One other point of note: Girls dressing scantily in school (or elsewhere) is only rarely motivated by a desire to attract males. Rather, it is motivated by a desire to compete among females. Girls won’t necessarily perceive this motivation in themselves – instead, they may claim that dressing a certain way makes them feel “powerful” or “free”. But that sense of power comes from a feeling of superiority among other females, derived from a sense of being more attractive than the others.” False dichotomy. They are competing with other girls to be the most attractive, yes, but what does it… Read more »

Fred Flange, Master of Spoons
Fred Flange, Master of Spoons
8 years ago

Some perspective: 1) for all the carping, the law upholds school dress codes and will continue to do so. The school admins’ justifications are generally upheld too: no gang colors, no “prison garb” wear for boys (i.e., saggy pants), no torn clothes (for anybody), no visible tattoos, fuck-you T shirts, “general offensiveness”. Schools are entitled to set decorum rules, can say they are preparing students for the business world, where uniforms and dress codes are required. If they want to dress in sartorial splendor 24-7, they can find another job. You can’t sue every boss on every job and claim… Read more »

8 years ago

Also, the false dichotomy assumes something about the opposing claim. It implies that the opposing hypothesis is that girls dress like sluts because they want to have sex with guys. No! If only! That is the Sun Wukong mistake. You are absolutely right, that is not why they do it — they do it because they want power. The power comes from signaling value, not from spending it down by actually sleeping with boys. And though promiscuity has its defects from a male perspective, the (accurate) story you tell is even worse — heightened female power, with males not even… Read more »

8 years ago

Sun Wukong @ 2:03 am:
“You can’t have sex and not go to Hell without being married, and The Church just happens to be the sole provider of gasp marriage!”

If the Churchians had actually provided marriage along with the no-extramartial-sex message, things would have worked well enough. Instead, the message was “sex only in marriage” to guys and “don’t get married” to girls.

Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

The terms “Alpha” and “Beta” as they are used in this context describe characteristics defined entirely by feminine perspective. Men who compare themselves to those characteristics are deferring to the feminine. Any man who concerns himself with this frivolous measure is subjugating himself to the FI. He prefers to establish his identity of himself for himself based upon what he expects the feminine to consider him. This is the most fundamental form of willing enslavement and he enslaves himself to what he expects her ideal to be by his own choice.

Prince LaQroix
8 years ago

gunnerq, “If the Churchians had actually provided marriage along with the no-extramartial-sex message, things would have worked well enough. Instead, the message was “sex only in marriage” to guys and “don’t get married” to girls.” This right here. I constantly see this in the church. The “don’t get married” message is usually couched in the standard feminist propaganda. Don’t get married yet because you should be working on your career or “working for God” as they say. Use your “gift of singleness” to advance God’s kingdom and all that bullshit. I know a mother in my church, she is encouraging… Read more »

8 years ago

“One problem I have with recent rise of self-styled anti-feminist “Red Pill Women” is that while on the surface it appears that they are “pro-men”, the real impetus is that they are “anti-feminists” LOL! No, Tomassi. What they are is women desperate for male attention who engage in relentless sexual competition with other women. They seek the approval of the manosphere by bashing and attacking other women, including feminists. They are totally “pro-men,” in the sense that what they seek is that ever elusive male sexual approval. They wish to be the special snowflake, the pretty princess that gets it,… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

They have a right to be a victim of the attention that they seek.
But really, it’s not the clothes. Only the good looking ones will be seen as sexual.
And I’ve never met a girl who wore something that violated a dress code somewhere, felt ashamed of anything. They felt annoyed by the rule, and if anything concerning their looks felt good about being deemed distracting. Which they took as sexy and attractive.

8 years ago

Well said, you and I seem to have a similar outlook. Glad to know I’m not alone in aspiring to higher things.

Agreed, balance is most important. Towing any line for the sake of towing it will lead to imbalance. It’s imperative that we men see the big picture and fix our gaze on an outcome as we walk toward it. Keeping in mind that we will face opposition from those who tow lines with self gratification in mind.

Fred Flange, Master of Spoons
Fred Flange, Master of Spoons
8 years ago

Oh yeah almost forgot: some of the :topless women” thing is a group of new-age dingbats called “Raelians”, The Rael cult was a thing in hippie days and published some books and shit that make Scientology look like a home economics class. They’ve done the shirt-doffing thing before. One disturbing aspect of the “painted women” in Times Square is they are not doing it for the joy of self-expression: they are being pimped out by some guy who takes a cut of whatever they get paid for taking a picture with you. It was pimp guy’s concept so he gets… Read more »

8 years ago

“It’s not just grrrl-power demi-lesbians with fuschia hair, it’s that sensibly dressed lady in Target too”

PS, I should praise you for your somewhat clever cultian tactic of making sure men understand that All Women Are Like That, All Churches Are Like That, so men will feel totally isolated, devoid of all outside help, relieved of any hope…. and therefore forced to turn only to you for support.

You can’t fool all of the people all of the time, but you sure can fool enough of them to make it worth your while, can’t you?

8 years ago

Oh well. I have a simple suggestion. If a schoolgirl is found violating the dress code, she’s not to be sent home or forced to change clothes, she’s to be given an official notice that she’s expected to show up properly dressed the next day, or else she’ll be sent home. Voilá! Her education wasn’t interrupted.

8 years ago

“Now that is somewhat amusing. Tomassi, there is no sisterhood!”

But then explain this:

The sisterhood may be composed of members that all hate each other, but they will gladly put that aside to support, and excuse the worst of their sisters behaviors when men threaten judgement or action.

8 years ago

After coming to a full RP understanding my personal issues with feminism just stopped and I don’t really understand why RP men want to fight it like many seem to try? Feminism is such an obvious shit-test. Everything feminists say regarding men is desperately begging for an agree & amplify answer. Blaming men for whatever: “Of course I’m to blame, for I’m the devil, the root of all evil in the world.” (and now what?) Except from the manosphere radical feminism is actually the only instance in the modern world telling men how to be proper men – you only… Read more »

8 years ago

“The sisterhood may be composed of members that all hate each other, but they will gladly put that aside to support, and excuse the worst of their sisters behaviors when men threaten judgement or action.” The time for judgement and action is long before two children are dead and a woman is in prison. Far too often men are compelled to act, but only long after the fact, and only than out of a sense of guilt for having failed to act in the first place. You will not understand this, but Dalrock does not harm Susan Smith at all,… Read more »

8 years ago

August 25th, 2015 at 12:34 pm

Damn, I fully agree with insanity on that comment. Do I need medical help?

And it’s fun to watch how she is even explaining her own motivations for being here just to make those others look bad. Talk about competitive animals.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

Rollo: “One problem I have with recent rise of self-styled anti-feminist “Red Pill Women” is that while on the surface it appears that they are “pro-men”, the real impetus is that they are “anti-feminists”. In other words, their primary concern becomes one of opposing the methods and ideologies of how best to assert the influences of the Feminine Imperative they both ultimately serve.” Like other commentators here, I’ve noticed that it’s often easier to talk redpill truths to women than it is to men. They have an innate understanding/acknowledgement of it. You often need to dress the truth in gently… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

From the OP: “Yes I know my enemies, they’re the teachers who taught me to fight me.” In the last thread, I urged Rugby to let no tyrants live in his own head. Let me expand slightly. Don’t let them live outside of your head either. And if a tyrant lives there – a thought, a pattern, a prohibition that prevents you from doing the sort of thing you do, or that prevents you from finding out who the fuck you are – it’s likely that tyrant was installed from elsewhere. Sometimes it’s fine to feel anger rather than shame.… Read more »

8 years ago

An example of a soccer mom putting aside her issues with slut moms and dress codes and joining forces… My niece’s mother is a Southern Lady, with dignity taste and all the pretense and propriety that go along that. She finds much distasteful with how young women dress today. Not that she’s a prude, but rather she’s comfortable with ’70s version of immodesty, and less so with the 2015 version. Whilst discussing this with her I found out that, being a man, I am not allowed an opinion on this. I learned that: 1. It’s OK for women to dress… Read more »

8 years ago

lh – “After coming to a full RP understanding my personal issues with feminism just stopped and I don’t really understand why RP men want to fight it like many seem to try? Feminism is such an obvious shit-test. Everything feminists say regarding men is desperately begging for an agree & amplify answer.”

It’s the larger policy implications fuel my desire for a war on feminism. Otherwise you’re correct and we should point and laught at the women play as though equals of men.

8 years ago

Insanity “The time for judgement and action is long before two children are dead and a woman is in prison.”

The time for judgement is after a crime is committed and a suspect adjudicated, and found guilty.

8 years ago

“* The best part is her husband paid the price for my remarks.”

Of course. You were showing her how a proper man is.

8 years ago

So feminism is ultimately a nihilistic and destructive enterprise, for the same reasons that all power philosophies are. I believe the problem is that (most) women falsely assume that power = happiness for them. This may be true for most men, but for women, power and responsibility leaves them with an increasingly hollow feeling. The final episode of the show Damages is a great example of this. The whole series really. Women cannot ensure their own happiness unless they wake up to the realities of their own DNA. If history teaches us anything… Women cannot be responsible for ensuring their… Read more »

8 years ago

Why not just send the geekiest, ugliest looking boys to school scantily clad and return the distraction favor? With all the gender neutral legal wording and political correctness around gender identity it would be difficult for them to stop it.

8 years ago

“The time for judgement is after a crime is committed and a suspect adjudicated, and found guilty.”

Well, there goes all arguments for the 2nd amendment. Let’s all just wait patiently for crimes to be committed and the suspects safely locked away before we ever engage or take action?

Now tell me that male solipsism isn’t a real thing in the world.

8 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

“It speaks volumes as to where her thinking originates. Her faith is fraudulent, her conviction ends where the Feminine Imperative begins.”

Well that is total crap, Tomassi, but I guess it serves your cultian narrative very well.

8 years ago

insanitybytes22 August 25th, 2015 at 12:34 pm Damn, I fully agree with insanity on that comment. Do I need medical help? No, you only need to be told that you’re mistaken. Those traditionalist “Red Pill women” were never seeking male approval. They don’t care about that. They saw that the Manosphere has a growing audience, and they wanted to take advantage of that by inflitrating it, pretending to be on its side and trying to recruit clueless males to their own little cause. They wanted virtual beta orbiters for the attention. And when it didn’t work, they turned into typical… Read more »

8 years ago

Why not just send the geekiest, ugliest looking boys to school scantily clad and return the distraction favor?

No. The way to return that favor is by sending the hottest, most handsome male students to school dressed as bikers, gangsters, vampires and Tarzan.

8 years ago

“They wanted virtual beta orbiters for the attention.” She said that just with other words. “Now that is somewhat amusing. Tomassi, there is no sisterhood! You are confusing that with the good old boy network. Seriously, most women don’t even like each other, let alone their own selves.” That part is more controversial, but as I understand Rollo it’s basically his view too. There is no conspiracy. The hive-mind works because of AWALT. They simply act & react all in very similar ways. They all have the same goal too: Get the best possible man for making children and tame… Read more »

8 years ago

My soon to be ex is “red pill”

Just more tools in the shaming toolbox.

Of course, this is the same woman that despises Tomassi because of his essay about women and empathy. But can she empathize with men? Oh god no.

Lead to some amusing truths being leaked out though! Like her admitting I am only good to her as a provider because she is not and never was attracted, or that she never thought I would leave because she didn’t believe that I held value to any other women.

8 years ago


They would enjoy that way too much.

8 years ago

“If a schoolgirl is found violating the dress code, she’s not to be sent home or forced to change clothes, she’s to be given an official notice that she’s expected to show up properly dressed the next day, or else she’ll be sent home.” Recently here in Germany a story broke on the media where a school was giving girls with too sexy dresses plain XXXL t-shirts to wear over it. There was of course a feminist outcry. But the director of the school who gave that advice was a women, so the uproar didn’t run. All I thought was:… Read more »

8 years ago

“Recently here in Germany a story broke on the media where a school was giving girls with too sexy dresses plain XXXL t-shirts to wear over it. There was of course a feminist outcry. But the director of the school who gave that advice was a women, so the uproar didn’t run.” My niece in high school (freshman) got a boy suspended for a day from school, because she wore yoga pants to school and he had the nerve to say “damn” when she bent over in front of him. She described him as a “nerd” In other words, his… Read more »

8 years ago

Insanity – “Well, there goes all arguments for the 2nd amendment. Let’s all just wait patiently for crimes to be committed and the suspects safely locked away before we ever engage or take action?”

Your stupidity is eclipsed only by the sophistry of your arguments. Don’t you have housework to do? Maybe some mending, or perhaps you could watch those women’s stories on the TV. I hear those popular with the old broads.

8 years ago

“My niece in high school (freshman) got a boy suspended for a day from school, because she wore yoga pants to school and he had the nerve to say “damn” when she bent over in front of him. Feminism being a shit test or not, there are very real repercussions for men who break “the rules”” All that boy needs is a father laughing at the story and letting him describe that ass in all detail, saying: “Sounds nice, I would have liked that too. Listen, son, it is very important you never let a women tell you anything about… Read more »

Darwinian Arminian
Darwinian Arminian
8 years ago

“Yes, I know my enemies, they’re the teachers who taught me to fight me.” It’s actually even worse, if you can fathom that. Someday these women are going to hit the “epiphany phase” and at that point the pastors ( I grew up in the church as well, so I’ll focus on that context) will start to notice that they’re hearing a new set of wailings from most of the single women aged 29 and over: “Where did all the good men go?” “Why can’t I find a husband?” “What’s wrong with the single church men that they won’t approach… Read more »

8 years ago

I’ve been a high school teacher for many years, and many of those years were in Las Vegas (Henderson, to be more accurate), and the female students there dressed very provocatively. Ironically, perhaps, the young men there are so inured to the young women’s dress that it’s about as distracting to them as that godawful carpeting in the old casinos. This is why I think think the conservative, “responsible mothers” types are against young women dressing in booty shorts and displaying their oh-so-uniquely adorned midriffs: these provocatively dressed young women devalue the market by diminishing the scarcity of flesh to… Read more »

8 years ago


“I’ve said it a million times, but come judgment day I’d rather be a harlot than a self righteous Christian with a hard heart.”

IB: shame on Rollo, shame on the men here, shame on Dalrock, shame on self righteous Christians, shame on feminists, shame on attention whores, shame on those who don’t understand child murderers, shame the way animals are treated in zoos, shame on old histrionic nags

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

” That is the problem with soul rot, it rots your own soul, not the souls of others. If I were motivated by a need to protect and defend the alleged sisterhood, I wouldn’t say a word. Many of you guys are the best public relations campaign the alleged “sisterhood”

I’d like to see things from your point of view, but I can’t seem to get my head that far up your ass.

8 years ago

@imnobodyoo ” See the black ghetto to check what a partial unleashing of human desires can accomplish.” Uh, wrong. What you see in the average ” black ghetto ” ( or mostly any ghetto ) is a matriarchy with the full backing of the state. It has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of unleashing of human desire. That’s a wrong-headed hypothesis on your part. What you determine to be an ” unleashing of human desire ” is more correctly a combination of frustration and ignorance financed and encouraged by SJW’s/FI/Pop Culture-media sources. ” In addition, I know this… Read more »

8 years ago

To touch on the aspect of the sisterhood. This really connected with me because I saw it in full effect during my custody battle for my daughter ( which I ended up losing). At the time I was a blue pill self described male feminist. I was doing “everything right”: not forcing gender roles on my daughter, crying in front her during sad (blue pill) movies to teach her that “men can express emotion too”. I was confiding in my female friends, being ‘vulnerable’. Allowing a hb8 friend to come to my house and watch Netflix till the wee hours… Read more »

8 years ago

In New England religious people under 70 years old are viewed as mentally unstable.

8 years ago

I’m a bit surprised some RP aware guy hasn’t posted on Facebook, in response to this little “flyer” about girls being sent home, something like, “Excuse me, but what do you mean with the word “sexual” when speaking of boys…and why are you even talking about boys’ sexuality?…where do you work, do you work around boys?” etc etc I am ALL ABOUT doing the reversal, with race, gender, all of it. Doubling down on blue pill as a tactic (“What right to rich white women have to travel to Africa to ‘use’ African men as sexual servants?”) to tactics as… Read more »

8 years ago

The funniest thing about that sign is how Orwellian it is. Black is white. Freedom is slavery. Women’s bodies are not sex objects.

Literally the only reason there is male and female is because of sex. If there were no male and female, we would reproduce asexually. As in, without sex.


8 years ago

@Eversure75 Yep, although I divorced years ago in the early ’00s, I saw all that and more. I’m kinda an old salty veteran of the family law wars, so now I get a kick out of women when I hear them speak of “custody” or CS etc. I black knight their ass immediately and I am finding MORE and MORE support from other men in the traditional white knight circle. If she is bitching in the office kitchen/common area, I’m like “Well, why shouldn’t you be agreeable to joint custody (blue pill insertion), I mean, you are DEFINITELY equal to… Read more »

8 years ago

@RT (“how dare you”) . . .

what . . . the . . . fffff . . . .

8 years ago

“Yes I know my enemies, they’re the teachers who taught me to fight me.” Thank fuck somebody is actually speaking these truths. Something like the above quote is knocking in the back of your subconscious even to the RP guy, until somebody has the balls to declare it and it JUST CLICKS. As Rollo pulls the shade away and the bright sunshine just feel so good and liberating. Ya, you need a certain level of exposure to the Manosphere and have internalized some of the Alpha ways, to realize how beautifully positive a quote like that is, but it sure… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo, you’re one of the few sane voices in the world.

Please, keep on speaking.

Don’t let the bastards wear you down.

8 years ago

I asked a woman (and they are all women) from the school board if she thought it was a problem. Her answer? No. The FI is so entrenched that people don’t view a 20% gap as an issue! I did an analysis of test scores to see if there was an equal gap in competency. Nope. No significant gap in competency. 20% gap in college attendance. Fucked. Up. Of course not, because men are the “oppressor class”, and until women have parity or better in all fields of work, men should be untertans for the benefit of the advancement of… Read more »

8 years ago

The purpose of torture…is torture.

Bongo Bongo
Bongo Bongo
8 years ago

Funny thing is that the Feminine Imperative wins even in areas without numbers on their side. You’d think a single sex boys school would cater to the interests of boys. WRONG. They tread on eggshells appeasing female teachers. It’s even worse than a co-ed school!

8 years ago

I took a course on marriage at my Christian university (2015) and it was extremely eye-opening to see it happen through a red pill lens. I found it interesting that the professor was all about inner female beauty, overlooking outer beauty, and forgiving sexual mistakes in the name of born again virginity. And any mention of standards alluding to…isn’t that kind of slutty by the guys was responded with “but pornography!”. It’s crazy. As an aside, any Christian guy should never, under any circumstances, admit to viewing pornography. Every woman and pastor already assumes it. There is literally no upside… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@Okami “To get back on topic, when I got there, the way she was acting towards me was extremely sexually charged: The kisses she greeted me with upon arrival, the way she was touching me (and constantly); suspended to every word I was uttering,even trite and insignificant things was surprising to me. She excluded her BF from the interaction through her body language. At one point, he could have been invisible, it would have made no difference for her at least. He even had to excuse himself and go to another room for a while. When he came back, I… Read more »

Fred Flange, Master of Spoons
Fred Flange, Master of Spoons
8 years ago

I would ask @Matt if he is seeing on his campus what I am seeing (and being told) about how high school boys are acting generally. He notes that hardly any of his fellow students are dating. And the administration is noticing. Are the men just not approaching? Is the best they can do going out as a group with a few women acquaintances to do something, but no one pairs up and they all go home alone after? Don’t tell me what I want to hear, I am really interested in his take on what he sees now. If… Read more »

8 years ago

The bullshit dissembling to the effect of “the sisterhood is an illusion” is belied by the numerous studies which indicate that women, as a sex, have an in-group preference for other women that is 4 to 5 times that of men’s in-group preference for other men.

The group projecting about this is women, when they made up the myth of “the patriarchy” out of thin air, projecting their exceptionally high in-group preference onto men, where it simply does not obtain.

Everything else to the contrary that comes out of their mouths about this is intentional deflection and dissembling.

8 years ago

@Fred Flange… I would ask @Matt if he is seeing on his campus what I am seeing (and being told) about how high school boys are acting generally. He notes that hardly any of his fellow students are dating. And the administration is noticing. Are the men just not approaching? Is the best they can do going out as a group with a few women acquaintances to do something, but no one pairs up and they all go home alone after? My take is that boys and girls generally are socially inept today, due to all of the social media… Read more »

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