You Never Forget Your First


I thought this was an interesting comment from CaveClown from a few posts ago. Needless to say the commentariat has increased in the last 6 months and I wanted to air this out rather than have it buried five pages deep:

Rollo, question if you have time.
After unsuccessfully searching the archives, and having read your new book, i wonder if you have a post that further explains:

1. Why a “good girl” would skip the party years.
2. Why that good girl would become an early consolidator, and settle for a beta provider.

I understand that the “good girl” persona is just an attempt at seduction through differentiating herself from the “sluts”

I also understand that the “promise” of dropping the good girl act ‘for him’ is what snags the beta. The promise of her “sexual best” and all. (which is why women that do ride the carousel go “born again” later, no?)

At first glance, it seems like a solid strategy for hypergamy. If she can sell herself as virtuous, pure, and virginal, then she should have higher SMV.

Then why settle for a beta?

I’m trying to reconcile the “good girl” persona, and the manosphere trope about marrying a virgin. Seems a lot of men think that “if I could just find a virgin” things would be ok for them. (which is just a variation of blue pill/soul mate stuff)


I detailed a bit of the first question in Making Up For Missing Out and Good Girls Do. It’s important to make the distinction between a ‘good girl’ in that she’s nominally following the old-set-of-books traditional social contract, and the Good Girl strategy I went into in the latter post.

Bear in mind, no woman actually “skips” the Party Years. She may participate to greater or lesser degree in the opportunities those years open up to her, but she’s still keenly aware of those opportunities and realizes the window for them closes as her beauty and fertility fade. She sees her girlfriends, maybe sisters, indulge those opportunities, or she may live them vicariously through media that panders to them, but regardless, she’s feeling the pull of knowing she could potentially realize them.

One of my best friends married his first wife very early – him 21, and her 19. The guy was very Alpha (military), but had the White Knight script firmly coded into him courtesy of his Blue Pill conditioning. He did everything by the old set of books and knew he wanted to marry her after they’d been together for about eight months. He wasn’t her first lay, but she didn’t have more than 1 previous boyfriend, so while not a virgin she hadn’t been on the proverbial carousel for long at all.

They had three kids, early and out of the gate right after they married. She ‘played house’ well enough all through her 20’s while her sisters and girlfriends had their Party Years and urged her to come along for their GNOs. Once their youngest was old enough to be self-sufficient she started joining them. By the time she was 33 the marriage was over because she’d decided to follow the making up for missing out dynamic. She ended up cheating on him and then doing her version of the Wild Oats Project.

Virgin Brides Alpha Widows

There’s a wishful contingent of guys in the ‘sphere who think finding a young virgin bride before the world’s corrupted her pure soul is (or at least should be) a tenable goal. I understand the want and logic behind that, but even with a virgin bride there is no insulation from the sexual marketplace or the realities women experience as they mature.

By all measure this guy’s wife was as close to that ideal as was practical. He’s also one of more than a dozen men I’ve known who’s “good Christian wives” detonated their marriages in a similar fashion. Generally all went along with the divorce-porn fantasies after their dutiful husbands had become boring Betas in their esteem.

2. Why [would] that good girl would become an early consolidator, and settle for a beta provider.

Religious conviction, LSE (low self esteem), definitely cultural or economic motivations, a fear of men in general leading to security issues. You also have to consider the likelihood that the guy she settles on early is possibly the most Alpha guy she’s ever experienced.

Of the 40+ women I’ve had in my sexual past, two were virgins. Both of these women sought me out on Face Book 15-20 years after we’d went our separate ways. They are definitely not the same girls I knew back then, but I think this is an interesting illustration of a larger dynamic. Then and now, both of these girls surprised me with their attachment to me – I think that’s part of a bond you make with a woman when you’re her first.

It’s the “never forget your first” dynamic. There’s a presumption that any guy a “good girl” grants access to her pussy must be a top tier man to qualify for it. This is an ingrained psychological schema for women with the self perception of being a “good girl”.

So she consolidates on what she perceives was Alpha for her at 18. That perception is markedly different from what she’ll perceive as Alpha at 29, right as she enters her Epiphany Phase. If you read back through the Preventive Medicine series (or the book), I specifically outline a phase on women maturation timeline called the Break Phase. This is generally around the late teens (17-19) and I noted it in particular because it’s a moment in a young man’s life when his Blue Pill idealism is most commonly first tested.

The flip side of the Break Phase for women is the “never forget your first” dynamic conflicting with the opportunities her rapidly approaching peak SMV phase present to her. There may be an emotional investment on her part with a man she up to that point esteemed as the most Alpha man she was likely to ever pair with.

The Jig is Up

The danger inherent in these arrangements is that both young men and women make life-altering  decisions based on their adolescent social skill set – not what will be their (hopefully) matured adult social skill set based on their experiences and acculturation. Thus you have the common situation my now-divorced friend experienced. I say common because one of the most frequent situations I get asked advice about from divorced men in their mid 30’s to early 40’s is how to initiate Game and wisely use their new Red Pill awareness after having been married since 23 or so.

For the most part they’re still confused how the woman who’d found them so Alpha at that age could toss off all of the relational equity he’d thought he’d earned with her and leave him for the ‘douchebags’ she’d always claimed to hate. What they don’t (or didn’t) realize is the root level resentment they’re experiencing with a woman they may have been married to for 15 years. That resentment stems from coming to terms with their Hypergamous filtering having been ‘fooled’ all those years ago; and the crush loss of not having been able to capitalize on the opportunities of those years.

It’s not that she’d settled for what she thought was a Beta in her early twenties, it’s that he was what she thought was Alpha then, but learned later that he wasn’t. This is the risk inherent to Hypergamy – that a woman might miss out on more optimal sexual selection choices while still in her peak SMV phase and able to choose from the broadest pool.

It’s almost a reversal of women who follow the Sandberg plan of Hypergamy and make disclaimers of how different they are now from how they used to be in college. The sentiment is still the same, but the roles are reversed – she’s different now from how she used to be because she (thinks) she has a better grasp of what is Alpha now and he ain’t it.

If there’s a silver lining to this it’s that this post-marriage Epiphany Phase generally happens earlier in a man’s life. If he’s made a lot of his potential up to then, and the divorce wasn’t too devastating, he’s in a far better position as far as life stage is concerned than the Beta guy a woman settles for at 29 after her Party Years. That fellow gets the Beta boot in his 50s and it’s a tall order to recover and have a Red Pill awakening.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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9 years ago

@Badpainter As all_in_chocolate describes women have either no internal identity or a very weak vestigial identity and amongst their numerous needs is for a man to provide her with a true sense of self… Is that so, or is it that most women have significant difficulty coming to terms with their own hypergamy? One of the horrible effects of blue-pill conditioning, particularly very-christian blue-pill conditioning, on men is it prevents them from coming to terms with their own sexuality. Moral and Social expectations make people believe things about humanity that are just not true, and these can be internalized early,… Read more »

9 years ago

Oh I also get my plates to buy me stuff. That’s one thing they are good for. They aren’t going to cook or clean, or behave anything remotely close to lady like. They are still good for sexual release but I mean that’s about it. I’ve found that all my long term female friends, decade plus friends, have only been my “friend” because they thought that they could cheat on their husbands with me. They have now all tried. Every single one of them. Often they view me as a backup husband. I’m certainly not a real person to them.… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@Glenn Anger (and often by extension depression) are defined by the distance between one’s idealized version of reality and actual reality. Think back on every time you’ve been angry or depressed. I can guarantee there was a gulf between how you idealized reality “should” be, and how it actually was. The bigger the gulf, the angrier or more depressed you were. I honestly think the guys your age have an idealized reality that just has a shit ton more momentum than it does in younger guys. A twenty year old can probably release his hold on Blue Pill idealism within… Read more »

9 years ago

” . . .some of you may recognize the nod to Vonnegut . . .”

Hi ho

“Is that so, or is it that most women have significant difficulty coming to terms with their own hypergamy? ”

Two sides of the same coin.

9 years ago

@ Glenn Dude. Just have fun with your life….with all of it. You have ALL the tools you need to have a blast just by merely understanding and observing the red pill in action. The mortal coil doesn’t mean shit so start really fucking pushing your boundaries to the point where you are thinking some dumb beaver alphachaser like InsanityBytes is gonna eject and push 10% more than that. Do it everywhere, bars, grocery store, anywhere. What ever doesn’t get you arrested is fair game. Thing is, you will learn that your self-determination is a gravity field, and you can… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Sun

I’d submit that anger is the perception of being treated unfairly while the core of emotional pain is the inability to accept reality.

Outstanding comment nonetheless.

9 years ago

Jeremy – “Is that so, or is it that most women have significant difficulty coming to terms with their own hypergamy?” Why can’t it be both? Don’t you see based on Insanities blathering that she doesn’t exist except in the context of her relationships? She has multiple identities based on those relationships that create the illusion of existence, of sentience, the illusion of being a fully formed being. I’ll bet she feels like she exists, perhaps even thinks it. But strip away all the people in her life and what’s left? Not very much, and it’s barely functional on a… Read more »

9 years ago

I submit that the perception of being treated unfairly is rooted in a perception of the way things should be.

9 years ago

Roosh, being a micro biologist, has to know that a huge part of evolution is genetic disorder. I know of a few parents who are no taller then 5’6″ and their kids tower over them.

Evolution is not a straight line graph, it bounces all over the place.

9 years ago

I submit the perception of the “way things should” be is the primary driver of all creativity.

9 years ago

“I’ll bet she feels like she exists, perhaps even thinks it. ”

Dollars to doughnuts she’s spent some time hysterical over the fact that she thinks she doesn’t exist, without the ability to wonder, if she doesn’t exist, just who is it that’s hysterical over it.

9 years ago

@Vulpine – In the early days of my marriage, when trying to actually negotiate differences of opinion with the ex-to-be, I began to see that she actually had no interest whatsoever in compromising with me. None. So one day when we were arguing about something I offered (thinking she would hear it and maybe catch how ridiculous she was being), “How about we compromise and just do it your way?” She immediately brightened and replied, “Exactly.” Fight over. All I need to do is capitulate to her every whim and desire and we’d be all set. It was at this… Read more »

Chump No More
Chump No More
9 years ago

@Sun Wukong
“For the older guys, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it take a decade of slow changes that might be a little accelerated by Red Pill ideas, but that momentum just takes time to bleed off.”

I don’t know about a decade, but it’s definitely been a gradual process in the 4 years since I unplugged for my new reality to fully internalize. Shrug… I’m content being a work in progress.

9 years ago


I will stipulate that it can have a significant effect, but submit that there is a difference between “should be” and “could be.” The poet creates in the world of “should be,” the engineer in “could be.”

At least if either one of them is any good at what they do.

“Perhaps this is all heading somewhere? ”

Accepting that you’re a monkey and getting on with it?

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago

“You never forget your first” In the beginning, there was a woman, and that woman wanted to have fun/fuck, She either do the Alpha now and Beta later or do Beta now and Alpha later. That first didn’t have any money. That first stays in her mind till death do her apart with all the betas she married. At 72 my Mother told me how she wished she married her first love(even though she didn’t fuck him),never underestimate the spell of the first. That first is the nucleus of AF/BB. And if there was no first, well, it becomes BB/AF!… Read more »

9 years ago Goodbye fine gentlemen of RM. It’s time for me to roll down that dusty road towards greener pastures. In closing I’d like to add these heartfelt words that come from a special place in my heart. To the 3.75 people who found my line of inquiry mentally stimulating I thank you for your support. To the 2 people who offered courteous disagreement I thank you for your polite input. To the 638 middle-aged, obese, loner, alcoholic, losers-in-love that ripped me a new one go suck a bag of dicks. You’re stupid and you wasted your lives. Nothing can fix… Read more »

9 years ago

Title is incorrect, imho.
I’ve slept with quite a few women as their 2nd, 3rd and it’s me they remember and come back to and crave after all these years.
The other guys, though alphas in their own right, weren’t alpha enough.
“You never forget your first Alpha.”

9 years ago

Took 4 paragraphs of the RooshV article to figure out that he has an exceptionally weak mind/will and his biology is likely shunting his procreative functions within the context of his own psychology.

Then he chicks out and claims some epiphany born neither from self-awareness or self-reflection or even decently objective observation.

Guy needs to start hanging out with other men before he goes full native on us.

9 years ago

Have you read the last Vonnegut story? Its great and the main character is MGTOW. Im mid 30s and divorced. Im past the stages and my game/frame is so strong I barely work and my male boss apologizes to me and gives me raises. The game and women barely interest me anymore. Its more what do I do with this power/knowledge when I dont believe in or crave anything? Im just giving my money away and reading at this point. Why get out of bed for this bullshit?

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago


R I P.

9 years ago

I’m getting the beta boot at 63. I confess, I’ve been a beta most of our 43 year marriage. Got married at 20, had a kid at 22. Gave in to her varying demands so that I could stay married and raise my kids. In that view, I succeeded. But surrendered to her demands and moods. Compromises I’ve made, too many to count. Now she wants to find herself, and reframes all of her marriage to me as a mistake. She wants her Eat, Pray, Love time. With a man who truly understands her, not me. Everything I’m reading here… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago


I hope you get rewarded a BJ tonight.
After all you deserve one.

9 years ago


You are 63. If she is even close to that age… have already won.

Life will come along soon enough and explain your wife’s tragic and self destructive decision to her.

As for you, no dating women over 40!

9 years ago

Dear John,


Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

To the 638 middle-aged, obese, loner, alcoholic, losers-in-love that ripped me a new one go suck a bag of dicks. You’re stupid and you wasted your lives. Nothing can fix that.

… way to go out sounding like every chick who’s ever commented on a Red Pill forum. #AndNothingOfValueWasLost

9 years ago

@ kfg

Could be is what happens when should be meets the present reality. But a visionary sees each could be as a possible path to should be.

9 years ago

“Considering that no modern Western citizen has seen starvation . . .”

Dear Roosh,

I have an aunt who was born before WWI, my mother was born as the Great Depression really got rolling and I will suffer all my days from the lingering effects of childhood malnutrition.

Bite me.

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
9 years ago

Day late and a dollar short, Jeremy, but here’s some of the rodent-tormenters you ordered.
Calhoun is the Special One, and tends to get latched onto by blogotheorists esp. in the ‘Sphere, but people have been fiddling around with this rats-and-allied-trades stuff forever (easier to manage than using cows or elephants, I suppose).
Southwick deserves a mention as spotting the reproductive suppression effect (a mouse man himself).
Whether the conclusions are valid, we-e-elll … kind of depends, dunnit? A bit into goat-staring territory, IMO. It’s very real for the poor old meeces, though.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Bonus points for Curly Bill.

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
9 years ago

““Considering that no modern Western citizen has seen starvation . . .”” Blimey charlie, did he actually say that kfg?
Has he ever met any (e.g.) Germans, Belgians, Dutch, French and so on over the age of about 75? Or was that merely them feeling a bit peckish now and then? Probably not modern enough, eh? Like me.

9 years ago


The one emotionally pursues that which can never be, as it is opposed to natural law. The other rationally pursues natural law until that which exists only as an innate possibility, is.

Both, at their best, are laudable and I am happy to live in a world that contains both Ode to a Grecian Urn and the bicycle.

And then there are the architects. Don’t get me started on that sorry lot who manage to combine the worst traits of poets with the worst of engineers.

9 years ago


Female sexual strategy is comprised of three instincts. AF, BB and Motherhood. A minority of women focus heavily…


9 years ago

“And then there are the architects…”

Technical know how + hubris = residental architecture for the massses.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

So… when’s Roosh go join Westboro Baptist Church now that he’s found his true calling?

9 years ago

@Tam the Bam:

” . . .did he actually say that kfg?”

I was just settling down with an El Rey del Mundo and a snifter of Hennessy, getting ready to mellow out and see how all this panned out with time, but with that one Roosh lost this particular pigeon.

9 years ago

droid May 27 “nobody should be getting reactionary and butthurt about this”

droid June 3 “To the 638 middle-aged, obese, loner, alcoholic, losers-in-love that ripped me a new one go suck a bag of dicks. You’re stupid and you wasted your lives”


and now back to our regular trolls, already in progress

9 years ago

Between his miserable appearance on Dr Oz and now his neomasculine and evolution ramblings, it’s clear Roosh has lost his mind. I find it hard to believe he hooks up with women more than once in a blue moon, with how freaking weird he is.

9 years ago

Actually yes, Tomassi. The felons, thugs and assorted yahoos are often much safer for us to be around then the depressed and rage driven betas.


9 years ago

@Glenn – Wish I knew what to tell you, man. I’m not far behind you in age (48). Married, not very happily, with two middle school age kids. All I know is the Red Pill has forever changed how I look at women & life. I work in the nonprofit world which, of course, has a lot of women in it, so I get to see the FI in action in all spheres – work, home, you name it. The thing that helps me lately is remembering the saying, “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.” Very important… Read more »

9 years ago

Perhaps he should explore it in the comment section here.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@Rollo All joking aside, I’m worried about the guy too. I remember seeing his commentary about pretty much losing interest in continuing to play the field but being unable to emotionally commit to any of the women he’d found. He seemed really despondent at the time to be honest. Normally at this point I’d hope a guy has somebody to sit down and hash things out with, even if it takes some time. He’s chosen to fully embrace the crazy instead of thinking maybe he needs an outside perspective and time to lick his wounds for a bit. Got a… Read more »

9 years ago

If I don’t have people who disagree with me in life, I can be absolutely certain I am in a mentally unhealthy environment.

9 years ago

Rollo: “Kind of scary, but I’m getting the picture that [Roosh is]having some kind of crisis.” No. He’s sick of chasing pussy and dealing with bullshit from girls who don’t mean all that much to him. He realizes that chasing pussy is ultimately not a satisfying way to live a life. He’s done all he can in the PUAsphere. He wants to find one suitable woman and settle down (without reproducing), but he can’t — mostly because he’s become so jaded and cynical that he won’t open himself up to a woman. He’s sick of dealing with men in the… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


If I don’t have people who disagree with me in life, I can be absolutely certain I am in a mentally unhealthy environment.

So so so much this.

Echo chambers where dissent is actively discouraged are breeding grounds for psychological issues.

9 years ago

Goodbye fine gentlemen of RM. It’s time for me to roll down that dusty road towards greener pastures.

Don’t let the door hit you in your shiny metal ass on the way out…

[bit much Seraph]

9 years ago


[bit much Seraph]

“Was that over the top? I can never tell…”



9 years ago

John, “I’m not totally lost though. I’ve worked out every day for the past 20 years. I make good money. I learned to dance, which is a great way to meet women. I hang out with men on a men’s team, get male support there. I got ready for this day, instinctively knew it would be ‘so long, boring, faithful beta husband’.” I thought I was the oldest guy around here (except for that geeze Simon;) 😉 . Welcome and congratulations. As Tili says, none over 40. Hell I can barely look at any over 45…. My first date after… Read more »

A Definite Beta Guy
9 years ago

It’s not an existential crisis. He’s just sick of dealing with a big part of what the ‘sphere has become — increasingly hedonistic and nihilistic, and much less focused on self-improvement. I tried mowing the grass. Got through the backyard, but the neighbors interrupted me. They wanted to talk about their new plants, little concealing bushes to hide the water meter and some of the old foundation. That was about 45 minutes. Then the other neighbors strolled by to say hello. They just figured out how to get Wi-Fi in their 1920s home, with concrete between the walls (?????). That… Read more »

9 years ago

“she’d decided to follow the making up for missing out dynamic. She ended up cheating on him and then doing her version of the Wild Oats Project.” Like I talk about all over my archives: Every chick will cheat given the right circumstances. Chicks with minimal experience (esp virgins dating their high-school boyfriends) are probably some of the easiest, their curiousity does half the work themselves: From my archives: ““Oh wow you’ve only been with one guy? That’s really impressive, most girls have to sleep with a few guys before they figure out what they really like in be.… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago



Goddamn you. You conjured
right in to my head with that.

9 years ago

Heheh, I’m sorry, but David Stove’s publications read like an anti-science hit parade

More of Rollo’s hack philosophy manure.

9 years ago

@Rollo, et-all, Why the anti-semetic stuff, the anti-evolution stuff? I offer no profound insights here into his mind state as I have not read either Roosh’s blog or ROK for a while, and I did not follow him all that much anyway. I do bring it up because of larger shadow on the Manosphere related to this. I did mention previously that I did not like the turn ROK had taken, which was articles ranging from vapid to quackery, conspiracy and such. An article I took exception to in particular attempted to mitigate Axis atrocities by blatantly distorting historical facts… Read more »

9 years ago

@Sun lol I was going to add that but I figured the crowd here was too old to get it. @Roosh lol I stand by my comment that I hope he has someone close to him who’s sane and can talk him down off the ledge ’cause he’s heading into crazy land and his followers are encouraging it. I skimmed bits of his article but I couldn’t read the whole thing. All it is to me is the same as a fat chick who’s trying to rationalize that she’s just “different” and THAT’S why she doesn’t have the boyfriend she… Read more »

9 years ago

I actually didn’t want Droid to go, I just wanted him to shut up about motherhood as he clearly had no idea how to read and absorb a valid counterargument, and especially to stop pretending like he wasn’t threadjacking when he clearly was.

9 years ago

It’s hard to know, really, if Roosh is in an existential crisis, or if he is looking for a new line of business. Either way, it does seem … odd … and his argument in that latest piece seems to largely miss the point, in my view. He’s a puzzle to me right now, although to be honest I have not even come close to following him much in the past — he was more of the PUA wing of the ‘sphere, which isn’t where I have spent much time at all over the past, oh, 8 years or so… Read more »

9 years ago

@thedeti – “Motherhood isn’t a separate drive. Rather, motherhood is subsumed within AF and BB, but for different reasons under each.”

Exactly! Told him/it/her in the previous post…don’t know why the fuck him/it/her trying to push that shit here? Moving on.

9 years ago

“Contempt is a curious emotion – when we hold someone in contempt, we are simultaneously dismissive of them and also angry at them. We feel that the other person’s feelings are beneath our notice. Why would a woman be so dismissive of her husband? Because she believes her priorities are more mature/correct than his, and therefore that he should listen to her rather than to himself. Further, that the fact that his opinions differ from hers is even more infuriating……” Jeremy, I don’t think so. Contempt is actually closely tied a lack of respect, a complete no confidence vote. She… Read more »

9 years ago

@Jeremy, he clearly had no idea how to read and absorb a valid counterargument, and especially to stop pretending like he wasn’t threadjacking when he clearly was. All the reasons I am glad to see him go, as I hope we have seen the last of ‘Charlotte’. When someone is that unresponsive to argument or counter-point, and then such blatantly delusional things, it really becomes pollution. If Droidz, had stuck to the Motherhood theory, wrong or not, I could deal. I do value different perspectives assuming one can at least defend them intelligently. But, using photos to support his theories,… Read more »

9 years ago

@Rollo to Insanity: “No one is “bemoaning” Hypergamy, insanity. If anything the Red Pill embraces the cruel realities of it and attempts (at least) to offer actionable contingencies for it – Game. You think it’s “bemoaning” because you’d rather it remain behind the curtain of the great and powerful Oz. That’s an issue I suggest you take up with your sisters who endorse Open Hypergamy with such zeal.” Was about to tell her to kill that noise, but there really is no point. The hamster is spinning that wheel at like 100,000rpm…she won’t let that shit go. Like most/all women… Read more »

9 years ago

@Insanity –
“Actually yes, Tomassi. The felons, thugs and assorted yahoos are often much safer for us to be around then the depressed and rage driven betas. Women also get broken and can easily get those attraction signals crossed, hence all the fan mail Ted Bundy used to get.”

The fuck?! Are you even listening to yourself? There’s so much vehement contradiction going on in that twilight zone of a mind you have. Fuck me!!

Insanity’s plea:

9 years ago


What insanity is actually saying, is that she feels more comfortable with this:×2531.jpg

Than this:

comment image

It makes perfect sense really, because she has an irrational fear of men. She is a disturbed woman. She just doesn’t know it because feminism and the current strength of the FI tells her she’s normal for fearing these things.

9 years ago

“Are you even listening to yourself? There’s so much vehement contradiction going on in that twilight zone of a mind you have.”

It’s somewhat amusing, I was actually just agreeing and parroting some red pill ideology. I agree however, some of you have such vehement contradictions going on in your own brains, you make make an insane woman envious.

9 years ago


What insanity is actually saying, is that she feels more comfortable with this:×2531.jpg

Than this:

comment image

It makes perfect sense really, because she’s significantly influenced by her own hypergamy while having an irrational fear of men. She is a disturbed woman. Her view on men would literally lead to a world dominated by male alpha thugs who beat women, with every decent man in the world either killed or enslaved. She just doesn’t understand this because feminism and the current strength of the FI tells her she’s normal for fearing these things.

9 years ago

It’s somewhat amusing, I was actually just agreeing and parroting some red pill ideology. Sorry, for the benefit of those of us who are trying to keep up with your careening mind… Are you saying you agree that the following statement is true… The felons, thugs and assorted yahoos are often much safer for us to be around then the depressed and rage driven betas. Acceptable answers are: YES NO If YES, please point us to the Red Pill depository of knowledge which agrees with the above statement in italics. Please also elaborate, in your own words, how woman are… Read more »

9 years ago

“It makes perfect sense really, because she’s significantly influenced by her own hypergamy while having an irrational fear of men. She is a disturbed woman. LOL! I don’t have an irrational fear of men. I don’t even have a rational fear of men. Nor am I disturbed. “Her view on men would literally lead to a world dominated by male alpha thugs who beat women, with every decent man in the world either killed or enslaved….” Actually, I’m really not too concerned about that, either. Some of you seem to be however. I can empathize, I mean no sexual access… Read more »

9 years ago

@Jeremy – Exactly bruv! Though she might not have the irrational fear, she probably doesn’t understand why hypergamy drives her to want/fuck a Charles Manson. Women are never really aware of hypergamy, it is written into their biology, to reveal it goes against that very instinct. And, as Rollo pointed out, it is not in women’s best interest for women to de-yolk themselves of hypergamy’s spell. Which is what drives her, and the rest of the sisterhood crazy. What she needs to understand is that we love them, but we know how they really are, and, naturally, we adapt i.e.… Read more »

9 years ago

Insanity Now…

LOL! I don’t have an irrational fear of men. I don’t even have a rational fear of men.

Insanity then…May 30th, 2015 at 9:51 am

And yet when I said, “men are scary,” several of you completely freaked out. Tomassi should probably change his blog name to the irrational male, because you cannot have it both ways at the same time…

You can’t have it both ways…unless you are Insanity…

9 years ago


*it is not in women’s best interest for MEN to de-yolk themselves of hypergamy’s spell.

9 years ago

“What confounds us here is that she raves on & on how the red pill is bad for us and goes on in the same breadth to accept that it is necessary, even without realising it.” Not at all. I have been rather desperately trying to communicate a couple of points with some red pills. One, men forever trapped in their anger phase are only hurting themselves and Two, rather then personal improvement, spirituality, progress, many in the manosphere are encouraging people to remain stuck, remain in perpetual victim hood, forever bemoaning the nature of women. I don’t believe that… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

“The reason it offends you is because women’s primacy of sexual strategy is threatened by a man who becomes aware of his role in that strategy.” Tomassi, you’re kicking a dead horse there. I am not the least bit threatened or offended. I love men and masculinity. What I don’t like seeing is perpetual, mandated, encouraged, victim hood. “In fact if anything I get myself into trouble for writing posts that encourage men…” Yes! Listen to your words! You get yourself in trouble for encouraging men and giving them hope. WTH is with that? That is a symptom that something… Read more »

9 years ago

Great insights from so many of you, thanks.

I’m caught up in a lot of negativity about the past and the future, and it’s impossible to be free and relaxed and happy. I think the key for me now is to work on ridding myself of all this anxiety and being in the moment, as has been suggested. I’ll start meditating and releasing (Sedona Method) immediately.

I want to get out of the problem and into the solution. I am sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed.

9 years ago

@Glenn: You can shorten that depression-phase by crying it out. Go deep down where it hurts and wash it all out. Get rid of any love you ever had. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. Afterwards you’ll get your power back and you won’t need such external motivations anymore. Plenty to do still. Strange thing to ask from a man, I know. But it works. I recently told the same thing to a friend who’s women wanted to EPF and divorce. It took him a while to pick up on it. But then he did on… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

Does insanity really expect anyone here would buy her shit?

“What inspires contempt? Perpetual learned helplessness, the same kind of helplessness that your ideology promotes”

It is women who typically and incessantly feign helplessness NOT men. And Rollo’s’ work is not “ideology” it is factual observation.

9 years ago

@Jeremy et all: “Rather, women want men who are better (or at least equal) at the specific qualities the women most admire in themselves, or wish they had themselves, at the given time.” Interesting theory, worth a thought. But please consider the power of oxytocin binding. You learn and adapt to those who you love. It’s how children learn from parents. It’s why a likeable teacher is a better teacher. I used it to learn from women in the past (doubtful move). And it’s what you use when pulling her in your frame. Some of it may be intentional and… Read more »

9 years ago

@Glenn, I’m pretty glad I spent all day at my farm getting some peace of mind. The reason is I wasn’t able to jump into commenting and fuck up what I meant to say to you. I’m not very good at expressing myself to others, but I do a great job at explaining things to my own self. (I’m pretty sure I sucked at relating to Vulpine with my inarticulateness so much so that I doubt he’d pick me in a post-apocalyptic world although I could donate a lot of skills at hunting an permaculture farming). So, anyway I’m glad… Read more »

9 years ago

I’m pretty sure the idiotic lyrics service messed this line up .
“I just need to take a raincheck, I can’t live to fight another day”

surely must read:

“I just need to take a raincheck, I can live to fight another day”

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

Something this most recent post re-illustrates for me is the pervasive and relentless nature of hypergamy. I immediately thought of several examples of both Sandberg plan women and delayed Wild Oat sowers off the top of my head I know personally. I also know if my wife were not controlled by my nature, looks and the fact I have other potential real options she would be running amuck…and to her own detriment. An important part of Red Pill acceptance (not just awareness) is actually accepting this truth about hypergamy. It is a constant compulsion. There just simply is no “good… Read more »

9 years ago

“insanity, that’s just it, you think anything Red Pill is tantamount to encouraging men to wallow in self-pity.That’s just bullshit, but it’s a quick and easy dismissal designed to prevent men from becoming Red Pill aware, in the hopes they’ll cling to romanticized Blue Pill goals and falsehoods.” Not true, Tomassi, but you are so heavily invested in your red pill/blue pill ideology that I suspect you are unable to see it. Also, many of the things you yourself claim to be “romantisized blue pill notions,” happen to be things that are important to all humans. Not only important, but… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

“Also, many of the things you yourself claim to be “romantisized blue pill notions,” happen to be things that are important to all humans. Not only important, but very real. Love between men and women for instance. Spirituality, a relationship with their Creator, a whole host of things that you encourage red pills to wall themselves off from. And when they don’t with cult like enforcement, you try to shame them by mocking “blue pill romanticism.” I completely disagree on several levels. First and most important, it is romanticism, spirituality, pretending to know “the creator” and such that walls men… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
9 years ago

Hey Glenn, a lot of great guys have responded to you already. But let me ask, just to be sure: is this possibly depression? Or is it a kind of nihilism/accedia? The solution to the former is biological. The solution to the latter is ‘spiritual’ (I use the term loosely, as a sort of conjunction of the action of the will and intellect). It sounds like the latter to me, to be frank. But depression can be sneaky, so I just want to be sure. It can really change your thought patterns. I’ll leave that determination to you. This is… Read more »

Desdinova Superstar
9 years ago

– “You also have to consider the likelihood that the guy she settles on early is possibly the most Alpha guy she’s ever experienced.” I have a much deeper theory on a woman’s early dating experiences. I liken her encounters to a subconscious high score list. The men with the most impact on her will occur early in her dating life and will stick with her forever, while the men she dates later in life hover near the bottom of her list, get pushed off by new encounters, and the cycle continues forever. Women rarely find another man who displaces… Read more »

9 years ago


@yereally said it best about @insanity. If you aren’t hot none of this will apply to you b/c we’re here trying to bang hotties….yareally said it well once again.

But @yareally. What is “hypergamy” then….some of what you call “society’s bullshit illusions” are actually incorporated into hypergamy…you could see this if someone is in their 40s and they work as a front desk person for a doctor. Who wins with hypergamy in that environment….the doctor. Do you follow what I’m saying? What’re your thoughts

And @sjfrellc is your financial situation as a physician comfortable?

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

Men resort to romanticism, spirituality, pretending to know “the creator” and such when they cannot accept the truth they know including the truth that truth itself cannot be completely known. In any case, they are all efforts to avoid reality. Red pill awareness is the opposite of avoiding reality. It is facing reality. How one reacts to that reality is a personal matter.

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

Insanity posted the following on Roosh:

“If anyone rationally, reasonably made a well educated and informed choice about having babies, there would be no babies. They are not cost effective, they are not beneficial to our own survival, they are called dependents for a reason”

Is anyone still fantasizing that women’s “mothering” instinct is as powerful as AF/BB?

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Why anyone is still talking to the busy ditch is beyond me.

There’s nothing you’ll convince her of. It’s like arguing with a bag of hammers strapped to a wall. Only madness that way lies.

9 years ago

“In any case, they are all efforts to avoid reality. Red pill awareness is the opposite of avoiding reality. It is facing reality”

Reality can be a very subjective thing. It can also be very seductive to believe you are the only one big and brave enough to “face reality” as it really is.

It’s a sad thing too, because when people reach the end of their lives, they often can see how they have walled themselves off and deprived themselves of some really wonderful things, all in the name of facing so called “reality.”

9 years ago

“And @sjfrellc is your financial situation as a physician comfortable?”

Most certainly. But I’m old school. We didn’t take on school debt. Your mileage may vary. It was quite an adventure starting out, but it was the easiest time of my life (the late twenties).

Wise up Will.

9 years ago


Must I bore the commentariat by citing the Don Draper youtube proper way of handling them?

9 years ago


9 years ago

IB calm your tits. We’re trying to turn the feminized boys your sick culture created into strong men every day. Eventually, after you’re a forty five year old cat hoarding even crazier woman, there will be enough masculine men around to satisfy the cute, thin, YOUNG women. And you can watch them with their actual men while you post fervently on the internet crying about how enough men just didn’t man up so you didn’t have to recognize your own low value and marry the beta you deserve. You’ll always have cats. And maybe the children’s souls you pathetically failed… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago

“It’s a sad thing too, because when people (((women)))reach the end of their lives, they often can see how they have walled themselves off and deprived themselves of some really wonderful things(((I didn’t fucked lots of sexy alphas))!, all in the name of facing so called “reality.”(((by wasting my life on settling with a beta and kids))!.

9 years ago

Whoa, hey, Glenn!! Sounds like you’re about to go on a walkabout. Sweet. I wanted to jump down quick and reply if you were still on. It sounds like you are looking to reboot, or, recreate yourself. Before you go, you may want to consider jumping up and visiting SoSuave. I started my field report over there with something like ‘Ed Norton Poses the question in Fight Club – If I wake up in a different place, could I be a different person?” If you appreciate my angle, or my writing, you may glean some insights by following my evolution:… Read more »

9 years ago

@rollo I actually somewhat agree with the logic in roosh’s evolution theory. It makes sense. Im not quite sure why you’re hating on him. And what do you expect roosh? Obviously you’re not gonna have kids at this stage in your life………….your career as of now is basically learning how to pick up chicks or fuck girls….not a finding a fulfilling career that will help you and a girl support kids in a healthy manner….. Maybe if you took that microbio degree and turned it into an medical degree then you’d be in a different point in terms of kids… Read more »

9 years ago

Vulpine, In regards to Michigan Sportsman’s forum, the understanding is that Michigan Whitetail Deer Hunter’s suck as a group. As much as Beta males suck at the Feminine Imperative rules these days. A native of Ohio, I always thought Michigan sucks in its politics and its behavior. Much as blue pill/red pill dichotomy is. I’m here by default. In regards to habitat manipulation and “gangs” we have the “rich land owners that spare no expense at manipulating habitat” vs. the “I’m young and poor and have to hunt on state land and you rich guys suck” We, my game aware… Read more »

9 years ago

Ahhh….. cutting down a Hickory tree that decided to germinate as Andrew Jackson was inaugurated.

9 years ago

@Will “you could see this if someone is in their 40s and they work as a front desk person for a doctor. Who wins with hypergamy in that environment….the doctor.” How come the wife of the rich millionaire fucks the penniless poolboy? How come the wife of that doctor fucks the asshole she works with? How come the girlfriend of a AAA celeb cheats on him with some unknown dude? How come girls will fuck the wifebeater poor dude who slaps them around, and will choose him over the BB Nice Guy orbiter? Why do housewives fuck the TV repair… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

@Sun Wukong

Your timing is impeccable!

She immediately proved your point beyond any possible doubt.

9 years ago

“I actually somewhat agree with the logic in roosh’s evolution theory. It makes sense. I’m not quite sure why you’re hating on him.” Frat boy, You didn’t take biology, genetics, philosophy, theology or read great books in pre-Med? Can you not google search the fact that Darwin never said ” the survival of the best looking, fittest frat boys survive”, rather than species that adapt survive? I’m thoroughly concerned about your mindset going into medical school. You need to not be so entitled and think about what it means to be the best at being a masculine male you can… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitress.


Every time I see that clip I’m reminded that to deliver the hardest bitch slap, one need not even raise their hand.

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