State of the Manosphere 2018

On October 12th, 2018 I delivered what a lot of men told me was the best speech I’ve ever given. I worked really hard on collecting my thoughts and observations of the manosphere, but I’m afraid I’m really not much of a speechwriter. My initial intent was to write a full analysis of the state of the manosphere – as requested by Anthony Johnson and a few others – and then give an impassioned reading of it.

I couldn’t do it. It seemed kind of stale to me to just read what was really a much better essay than a speech. The night before my time to speak I decided to distill the ‘essay’ down to my key points and use them as a roadmap for what I wanted to convey. I’m actually very good at digital media. I’ve been a designer and art director for most of my professional life. I could very easily have whipped up a presentation in PowerPoint or Keynote, but for this I want to connect with the audience face to face and distraction free. So I went old school and fell back on my trusty flash cards and notebooks, and then went up to speak from the heart rather than read from my head.

But damn it, I worked hard on my speech/essay. Anyone at the 21 Convention who saw me in the mornings prior to my speech probably saw me, nose in laptop, at the breakfast buffet working on the guts of it. Since it never made it to the podium in whole I thought I would polish it up a little bit for you here and let you in on what my thinking behind the speech was like. This is not the speech I gave at the convention, but it is the thought process behind it.

One key element of my talk was the SWOT analysis I did of the future of the manosphere going forward. This is the only part I’m omitting from this essay because I’d rather it not get confused with the actual talk. And that talk, by the way, will be forthcoming either this month or January of 2019 courtesy of the 21 Convention. I will make a blog announcement when the video becomes available. For now, this is the work behind that talk.

Good morning gentlemen.

There’s a lot I want to cover today, but before I do I wanted to let a few people know how honored I am to once again be here to relate with you all.

First and foremost, I want to thank my friend and co-host of the Red Man Group, Anthony Johnson. With out Anthony there is no 21 Convention, but most importantly I want to thank him for believing in what I alway hoped this convention could be. The 21 Convention has become what I believed would be necessary a while ago. There was a point right after I began to see how my first book, The Rational Male, was being received that I knew how needed an event like this would be.

If you read me on Twitter or you’re a fan of my blog you’ll know I’ve developed a reputation for predicting the future. I joke around about it, but one of my quotes is “I hate being right all the time”. I’ll tell you now, I don’t actually have super powers to predict the future. However, I like to think I’m fairly adept at seeing trends and recognizing patterns. I knew there would need to be some sort of Red Pill Summit. The manosphere was expanding then, as it continues to today and something would need to develop if the message was to expand with it.

As most of you know, I’m not a fan of seminars; particularly now. The motivational speaking and the self-help industry has exploded with the rise of the internet – and with that the number of gurus intent on cashing in on the insecurities of others (mostly young men, the ‘Lost Boys’ generation) has exploded too. I knew then that I didn’t want to have anything to do with 21st century snake oil reheated to be relevant in today’s age. So whatever this Red Pill Summit would be, I knew I wanted to avoid the selling of good-vibes. It needed to be real, and that meant taking chances.

When I met Anthony I was skeptical. 

That’s a nice way of saying I thought his old format was essentially nine years of Purple Pill seminars which were exactly the kind of thing I wanted to avoid in a Red Pill summit. So I turned him down that first time. To his credit, Anthony wasn’t put off by that. He had every reason to be, but he’d had his life changed by my own work, was becoming Red Pill Aware and he was determined to take the chance on radically shifting the direction of the ‘old’ 21 Convention toward something that had more substance than just being an advertisement for some over-priced non-credentialed ‘coaching. So we looked to find the right men to create this summit.

This year, and with this roster of men, that idea for a Red Pill summit is finally coming to fruition. So, I want to also thank all of you, the people who believe in this venture, the people who work hard to make it possible and the men who make this convention a priority to attend. 

All of this might seem like a long winded way of telling the story of this new convention, but I snuck in a lot of the key points I’ll be addressing today. It’s an important story to tell because not enough men really understand what it is they’re a part of today. I’ve been part of what we call the manosphere since its inception. Now that’s not me trying to establish red pill street credit; it’s to say that I was a part of what’s now known as the manosphere from the beginning. But it’s important to look back on where we came from to understand where we’re going.

I’ve been called The Godfather of the Red Pill. I’ve been called one of the three ‘R’s of the manosphere – Roosh, Roissy and Rollo – and while this is still an honor for me, it’s also a reminder of who I am, what I’ve become and how this community has shaped me and the millions of men who’ve “unplugged” from the Matrix of a feminine-primary social order. 

I don’t relish the role of being the manopshere’s chronicler, but I understand why it’s necessary, so I accept it. I would much rather be connecting dots and developing ideas to consider about what we call intersexual dynamics and the true Red Pill. But that term, “The Red Pill”, has become bastardized to serve as an ad-hoc brand for many pet ideologies and personal beliefs recently. I don’t care to talk about the manosphere – I would rather be doing the real work – but I’m one of the few men who have the history to do so accurately.

As the manosphere expands and more men are drawn to this tribe the need to accurately know where we’ve come from is more important. Even I fall into the trap of assuming that men just come equipped with a foreknowledge of Red Pill history and a grasp of the fundamentals of Red Pill awareness. When Anthony and I, and later Rich Cooper, started the Red Man Group podcast I quickly became aware of the need to go back over the basic Red Pill 101 for men who have become a part of the tribe. 

I also became aware that if I didn’t step up to tell the real story of the Red Pill that it would be told for us by others who see this community as a convenient niche to exploit and to twist to their messages.

So, here I am. 

What is the Manosphere?

For as much as the mainstream would like to demonize it, the manosphere is really a collection of the minds of men. The manosphere is a Gestalt. That’s going to be an important word going forward here. A Gestalt is an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts. And there are many parts of the manosphere.

For some, the manosphere is a convenient collection of like-minded men who share a common ideology. This is where the mainstream gets the idea that the manosphere is a gathering of misogynists. To our ideological opponents any collection of men, no matter the intent, is always suspect of misogyny. We’ll get back to misogyny later, but even a gathering of 200 of us here, no matter our purpose, is enough to make a feminine-primary social order very nervous. 

To them, men gathered together has dangerous implications. 

Keep this point in mind; it is a means of control over the Gestalt Masculine.

The primary strength of the ‘sphere is that we are a consortium of men’s experiences. We are gestalt; an aggregate of men who’ve come together to share, debate, to improve, to fight and to agree or disagree on the realistic state of men everywhere –  all based on observations, empirical evidence and commonality among all men’s collected experiences.

Usually a man’s first experience with the manosphere is through his becoming Red Pill aware. I mean this in the sense of intersexual dynamics. I know the “Red Pill” has been bastardized to mean whatever ideological or political bent a person may have, but this isn’t where the term originated. Men generally find the ‘sphere because they want to improve their understanding of women. 

Some become so distraught that they’re on the brink of suicide.

It may be from a life long confusion about the decisions they’ve made with women; a girlfriend, a wife, an Ex. What they find in the manosphere is answers. Maybe they find the works of any number of the men speaking here today. Maybe they find MGTOW, or the Men’s Rights Movement. 

Maybe they find the Red Pill forum on Reddit (or maybe not today since the forum is still quarantined). 

Maybe they discover more of the same in Purple Pill hacks – life coaches – who are feeding them just enough Red Pill awareness to them so that it seems novel. 

Or maybe they find my blog and books.

Regardless, each of them is looking for a means to improve their lives. We don’t advertise in the manosphere. Not much anyway. The Red Pill, by its nature, is something that a man has to be looking for. Anyone who’s ever tried to “red pill” his friend or brother to help them avoid a life-ruining decision knows what I mean. It’s an unfortunate truth that men are often Zeroed Out and at their lowest when they become most open to introspection.

Men are often looking to understand women, but this eventually becomes an education in understanding themselves. It’s never enough to simply learn some PUA techniques. Game is integral to a Red Pill awakening in a man, but it is an incomplete act without internalizing the truths that the practice of Game reveals to men. As men learn about the nature of women they also come to realize why they did what they did, and why men do what they do. I often have men tell me how they wished they had the knowledge of the Red Pill before they made some debilitating decisions in their lives. 

And this is what I’m talking about.

Eventually the man who just wanted to learn enough Game to get his ‘dream girl’ interested in him, that guy comes to see that solving the problem of himself is the key to that challenge and so many more. 

It leads to him seeking mastery of himself.

Men unplug from their life-long Blue Pill conditioning, but in doing so they come to question more than just their conditioning. They question what they’ve been taught to think of themselves. That self-revelation is often a very rough experience for men who’ve invested so much of themselves in a paradigm set against them.

The Red Pill, the manosphere, saves lives in a literal sense. As my friend Pat Campbell has related, men are living today as a result of their having read my work and the works of others. The manosphere is a vital community that not only saves men’s lives, but it points them to a better one. The Red Pill is a set of tools for men to use to improve their lives. It is not a set of rules or a formula for guaranteed success. It is a map to follow while you make your own path as a man. It is concrete, evidence based, and always open for debate among the tribe that is the manosphere.

As the manosphere has evolved there have been various subsets of the community that have hived-off to form their own sub-tribes. I could probably devote entire talks to just these sub-groups. But the nature of men is tribal. Not to steal any thunder from Jack Donovan, but it is in men’s nature to form tribes and coalitions of like men. No matter what a certain misguided pop-psychologist would tell us about individualism, men evolved to be stronger within tribes. The manosphere itself is a tribe and within that tribe sub-tribes will establish themselves.

As I mentioned earlier, restricting men from gathering as a tribe, cutting those tribes off from communicating, is one way a gynocentric social order exercises control over the Gestalt Masculine. If you’ve ever wondered why it is that women feel an obsessive need to either join and assimilate, or outright destroy male-exclusive (Male Space) organizations while insisting on the gender-exclusivity of their own, look no further than their instinctive, base understanding of male tribalism. Together we grow stronger, we test each other, we form pacts and coalitions, we collaborate in ways that challenge what I call the Feminine Imperative. And the largest gestalt of that Feminine Imperative is now what we refer to as the Gynocracy.

In the beginning of the Red Pill, in the beginning of what’s now the manosphere, the Gestalt of masculinity, was beneath the notice of our feminine-primary social order. 

We were – and sometimes still are – “those small-dick losers who don’t know how women work”. We were dismissed as Incels (now re-popularized), misogynists, neck-beards, or “dude-bros”. It was the convenient ridicule stage. And that was made all the easier by the decades of masculine ridicule in sit-com deliberate misunderstandings about masculinity that began in the early 70s.

Now things have changed. 

The manosphere has evolved into something that’s much more of a threat to the Gynocracy. Once Trump defeated Hillary, the stakes were raised. I’m not here to debate politics, but the gender landscape has undeniably, unignorably, altered in the two years since a hyper-masculinized man put down the bid of a hyper-gynocentrist female-supremacist woman for the presidency she believed she was entitled to. We didn’t witness Trump defeat Hillary, we witnessed HIM defeat HER. The Gestalt Masculine prevailed over the sure-thing, “her turn” presumed victory of the Gestalt Feminine.

Gender Warfare

Do you understand what I’m saying? 

This was the first test in a larger gender war that was to come. And make no mistake, we are in a gender war today. 

Granted, it is a cold-war at this stage, but the Gestalt Masculine is at war with the gestalt feminine today. Both those gestalts found their perfect embodiment respectively in Trump and Hillary. This defeat gave rise to what is called the #resistance. The ‘resistance’ is another name for the Gestalt Feminine; replete with “allies” (Vichy Male collaborators), sloganeering (The Future is Female) and uniforms (Pink Pussy Hats).

You can witness this resistance, the Gestalt Feminine, in every Women’s March, in every face wearing a pink pussy hat, in every ludicrous new, weaponized, MeToo allegation that strips men of their basic civil rights not in a court of law, but in the court of social media. 

There are more manifestations of this Gestalt Feminine than I have time to list in this talk, but each has the express purpose of destroying conventional masculinity. It is no longer enough to inconvenience men or to spray paint “smash the patriarchy” on a stall in the women’s bathroom. The true intent is now unmasked, and that is the systematic removal of ALL masculinity.

“Men need to be actively disadvantaged for equality to be achieved” 

These were the words I read on a college chalkboard not too long ago. This is the sentiment that’s become normalized. This generation sees the advantage of a cover story like “equality” as if it were a nuisance today. They almost begrudgingly speak about equalism as if it’s the necessary wink and a nod before they move on to how justified the Gestalt Feminine is in disadvantaging men in the name of equality. But we’re expected to know that ‘achieving equality’ is the backstory to systematically removing men from all narratives. In a feminine-correct social order men should already know this is a facade, but go along with it anyway.

Today, we’re moving past the questions of whether or not the Gestalt Feminine should care about issues of equality of opportunity versus equality of outcome. That was a nice distraction, but making a distinction between the two is important, if only insofar as who you’re debating it with actually has the capacity to change their minds about anything. The Gestalt Feminine wants what it wants, like the sum total of all the Ids of women who believe in anything they’ve ever seen, heard or read about their own oppression.

Never in human history has there been such polarization between the sexes. In our contemporary gender landscape the Gestalt Male is the openly declared enemy of the Gestalt Female. And no one raises an eyebrow about it.

This isn’t how we would have it, because it’s my belief that the sexes are far better off as complements to the other. We can be, we have been, better together than adversarial of each other.

But any issue of gender conflict, any slight, any instance when a woman’s power may be challenged, any time a man might dare to raise a questioning awareness of an issue that is uniquely concerned with men is when the collective awareness of the Gestalt Feminine is roused into action.

I’ve called this phenomenon The Sisterhood Über Allesthe sisterhood above all other considerations. Before religion, before race, before political stripe, what benefits the Feminine Imperative is the prime directive of womankind.

As a result of continually feeding this beast we find ourselves in a state of sexual polarization that has gotten so bad that even “woke” male-feminists are now viewed as “stealth misogynists”. The stereotypical Nice Guy isn’t ‘nice’ anymore, he’s an operative that’s trying to fool women’s Hypergamous filters. The old trope of men getting in touch with one’s feminine side is now viewed with suspicion. Why would a man be motivated to identify with the feminine if not to use it to his manipulative advantage? Identifying with the female is almost more distrusted than openly Gaming women today.

You are never a ‘man’ to the resistance. To call you a man would be too old school patriarchal and aggrandizing. “Man” is reserved for the Alpha men women want to fuck. No, you are just an ‘ally’ and even then you’re only an ally so long as you remain useful. When that usefulness ceases, when you serve your purpose and look for approval from your mistress, when you hope to enjoy some reciprocal intimacy in return fo desired behavior, there’s now a new and much improved social convention ready made to remove you from the resistance.

My Twitter feed is littered with stories sent to me about infamous celebrity male-feminists who are now facing MeToo allegations. We don’t even call them misconduct allegation now – MeToo is synonymous with rape, harassment, even social missteps. 

To get “me too’d” is now a verb.


The mistrust this war is engendering, is leading to a new form of gender segregation. In some orthodox churches it’s customary for the sexes to be separated in worship. Being the intelligent, evolved progressives we are, we call this segregation barbaric or demeaning of women. Yet MeToo is leading to a similar, more stringent form of segregation in our workplaces, in our social engagements and now even coming full circle back to the church. But this segregation isn’t about honoring old ways of religion, it’s based on distrust of women who now possess an immediate means to the personal destruction of men. 

So we cordon ourselves off from women for fear that we might say something that could be interpreted in an unintended way – not by a court of law, but the court of social media. We don’t fear the expense of an actual court case, we fear the far more expensive costs of having our bread, our reputations and our capacity to make a future living taken from us by the court of social media and the politics of wanton personal destruction.

These are some things I feel we need to wrap our heads around before I consider where the manosphere is going next. Because, in essence, this state, these conditions will guide this tribe into the future.

The mainstream is controlled by the Gestalt Feminine today. In our present gender Cold War that Gestalt is looking for a concrete enemy to fight. The Sisterhood Über Alles united behind blocking the nomination of Bret Kavanaugh recently and with that straw man enemy behind them they are now looking for a concrete enemy to unite against today. My fear, gentlemen, is that the manosphere will become the face of the enemy the resistance so desperately needs as a focus for its anger.

Lets face it, we’re the antithesis of what the Gestalt feminine would teach men they should be. We resist their unending efforts to contain conventional masculinity. We are the last line in keeping that male-defined masculinity viable. We’re an easy enemy to vent on, and the more we continue to grow, the more we will be that focus. The mainstream wants crazy and the manosphere is a made-for-TV villain that looks a lot like the people Women’s Studies professors tell their students it’s OK to hate.

How do we, the men of this tribe, define what we call the manosphere?

I’ve always made it a point to never directly involve myself in issues of politics, religion or race on The Rational Male. The only time I address such topics is when they cross over into issues of intersexual dynamics. Now I see just how much cross over there really is.

They say everything is about sex except sex; sex is about power. Think about that in the context of today’s gender Cold War.

If we do not define the manosphere it will certainly be defined for us by others who only see it as a niche market to exploit. The manosphere will fall prey to the Brand of Me. The Success Porn gurus, the Cassie Jayes, the Purple Pill Life Coaches, the Men’s Rights Movement – even Vichy male organizations like The Good Man Project or We Are Man Enough will claim an authority over the manosphere that they’ve never merited all in order to build their own brands.

And I’ll leave you with this as a primer for the rest of my State of the Manosphere talk I delivered at the 21 Convention, October 12th, 2018.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

Rollo, be the leader and the godfather you are. You see Anthony as a “son” and can’t see that IM has a point. Maybe not to the full extent you believe, but have a reasonable discussion. Rich & Anthony, they look up to you. When you encourage them because you see the summit as something you helped a son-like figure build, I understand your reaction. But take a step back. Like you said, you may not have asked for it, but your role is to lead. Stop the petty insults (before you deny, you retweeted “tell you son about this… Read more »

5 years ago

are u ever not skeptical of something? Rollo is quite a negative person it seems…but obv negativity sells a lot of books.

5 years ago

Great installment RT. We were – and sometimes still are – “those small-dick losers who don’t know how women work”. We were dismissed as Incels (now re-popularized), misogynists, neck-beards, or “dude-bros” Odd timing. Just this week, I was on a racer forum trying to help a man who had recently been dumped by his wife. He had been married to her for years, and had two children together. Had been in love since 8 years old, etc. He was devastated by this typical chain of events, blah, blah, blah. He was totally clueless. I recognized it as a clear case… Read more »

john smith
john smith
5 years ago

I have been “Red Pilled” since November of 2014, after being falsely DV’ed and divorce raped and bankrupted in 2011/2012, when I stumbled across Sandman and Life After Women. The MGTOW philosophy I discovered, studied, and extrapolated literally saved my life. That being said, I have come to the conclusion that any form of organized resistance by men in the gender war we did not start is doomed to failure. Such resistance would be squashed by the current gynocracy with the same ruthlessness as the SS and Gestapo squashed the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. I have further concluded that the only… Read more »

5 years ago

@ Morgan “I used to think it would be a good thing if there was a summit. Now I’m realizing the wisdom of never meeting your idols.” Or maybe you should realize that even your idols are people who are not perfect and that your focus should be on the greater good. @ RotePilleBlog “Rollo is quite a negative person it seems…but obv negativity sells a lot of books.” Seems to me you’re on of those people that if someone hypothetically told you, ” Hey, that road is gonna be flooded. Prepare for an alternate route for your own safety”.… Read more »

5 years ago

Rollo can you publish the SWOT in another post.

I’ll be publishing the entire talk here when it’s released, so yes.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Sobering observations, Rollo. Keep it coming. As long as you can, keep it coming.

Once the image at the top of the article is perfect. Especially in this year, 2018, one century later.

Le Poilu were men. We honor them by remembering.

5 years ago

@Rollo: this seems like a good place to ask. Any news of 21 Convention: Europe edition?

[The 21 Convention Europe will be held in Poland in July of 2019. I don’t have dates or location yet but by February I’m sure I will.]

5 years ago

@ John Smith While I see where you are coming from. I highly doubt your idea is feasable. Even Alpha males (or pretend Alpha males wise to the game) will screw other men over to get to that pussy. Factor in the blue pilled and the White Knights. The current gender war is in part being fought via IT and more specifically via social media. What gender mostly creates and is knowledgeable about IT? The masculine. Granted the thought control and censorship of this IT (social media) is being controlled by feminists CEOs and their proxies. Here are a couple… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Jafyk

I’m not the sharpest knife in the box, but I have noticed that Google censors the MANOSPHERE nearly out of existence by redirecting searches, basically preventing men from communicating. And also, every single search result seems to be from the same group of information sources, and they all have the same perspective, same narrative. I’m afraid that men are just going to keep losing until AI and technology explode the roof off the world and make all of this ancient history and irrelevant, since we will never have to be controlled by feminists every again in a world where there… Read more »

5 years ago

By ‘misguided pop-psychologist’, do you mean Jordan Peterson? I’d hate to think so. You’ve said in past videos that you have enormous respect for him even though you disagree on some areas and consider him blue pill. But he does seem to act as a face the Feminine Gestalt can focus their anger on in the way that you describe. Isn’t he on the front line of this Gender War as much as any man? Bottom line: I admire both your work and that of Professor Peterson and it feels bad when people I admire snipe at each other. I… Read more »

5 years ago


More and more people will get banned from various social media sites (Facebook, YouTube, etc). Eventually this will create a critical mass of people interested in using an alternative site(s). Good idea.

5 years ago

Yes, yes and yes …. but they still need to be fucked, hard. I reckon this is more of a USA kinda thing. I live in Central Europe, where the women have long legs, big eyes and natural tits …and guess what, they want to be fucked, they want to be seduced, and they definitely know their feminity. Im a huge believer of RP and Rollos work, its gotten me back on track, but I do also believe there is also a degree of paranoia involved. In many parts of the globe the world that Rollo describes is simply NOT… Read more »

5 years ago

I hope Rollo will address the long term objectives of the coming 22 Convention for women. This convention could be the impetus for a war against the manosphere. What is the plan to deal with that? [ At present the 22 Convention is meant to be a conference by men for women. If one woman is ever included in the speaking roster I would withdraw from the con. I accepted the invitation to speak at it on the terms that it was to exclusively be about men delivering Red Pill truths to a female audience. At this stage it’s just… Read more »

5 years ago

Outstanding post, Rollo.

Maintain frame and we can weather any storm.

Girl breaks your heart? Be this guy in the pic.
Get attacked on social media? Be this guy in the pic.
Get divorce raped? Be this guy in the pic.

5 years ago

That being said, I have come to the conclusion that any form of organized resistance by men in the gender war we did not start is doomed to failure

Men let their balls atrophy.

Currently there can’t be much organized resistance because men are discouraged from forming a tribe, which is necessary before men can resist and roll back FI laws. The solution is for men to form tribes. Then, resistance is possible. This is how the American War of Independence happened. Patriotic men formed tribes in masonic lodges and conspired there.

5 years ago

@ Rudd What Rollo speaks of isn’t necessarily a u.s. Thing. It’s more nuanced, regional and even varies greatly by city and economic status. Where I live, you’ll never see of hear much gender warring or feminist dogma/FI. Contrast against where I work, in another county/town in a much higher economic bracket, and things are very, very different. Lot’s of angst and anger and distrust, but it’s subtle and mostly quiet. Women there seem to be allied in the destruction of men. Everyone’s in on it too, from the working gal to the stay at home mom’s. But statewide these… Read more »

5 years ago

The Manosphere is a niche utilized by a small percentage of men,it is under scrutiny as you say.

“How do we, the men of this tribe, define what we call the manosphere?”

Freedom of speech rules and will be the demise of virtual male space,take it away by defining the sphere and destroy it from within.

As the first set of books and masculinity is systematically destroyed, it is every man for himself in the literal sense. Don’t quit your day job and learn to do all the necessities.

Time to tool up.

5 years ago

Maybe the manosphere’s time has come to an end? I mean, at this stage everything has been hashed and rehashed so many times, the core information is available abundantly in many places (here, your books, the Red Pill site, etc), and so for the younger guys the information is generally in circulation and available. The manosphere created that, and that is much to its credit, but perhaps it’s time for the “core” of the manosphere to move into maintenance mode, where the information is still there for people to find and use, while the activity shifts offline to everyone’s personal… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi everyone this is John. This is an idea for a red pill community from my experience as a gamer. There is a program called Discord (also a mobile app) that gamers use to communicate and it’s like whatsup/twitter put togheter but much better for actually meeting people imho. And unlike twitter you can set up chat room and talk, no video-calls only voice-calls. For joining a discord server you need first to register and then a link that someone gave it to you. No server search is possible, everything in the server is visible only to members. Here are… Read more »

5 years ago

Why are cave paintings in caves?

Because they were made by men. Men form secret societies by function (trade guilds). The outward form ( the trade) may be quite public, but the inner workings are only for the initiates.

5 years ago

Yes rollo be the godfather, u give value to us all the manosphere, be the godfather, we scattered around the world but have the same philoshophy of “redpill”


[…] Rollo has a great new post up that’s well worth reading on the present state of the Manosphere and the active hostility to the masculine that we are seeing from the established order. Masculinity is clearly a threat to Cabal because it encourages men to become strong, independent and think for themselves. None of the qualities are helpful to the Cabal. They want weakness, dependence, and obedience. […]

5 years ago


I see you blocked me on Twitter. I understand it’s your prerogative to do so. However, I’d like to know why. Where can I email you to address this?

[Did I? I block a lot of people on Twitter. Unfortunately I tend to err on the side of blocking rather than deal with people who simply aren’t ready to listen or just create egg accounts to get past my blocks to fling shit and run. I also deal with a ton of Replika bots too now that I opened my DMs. What is your Twitter handle?]

5 years ago

In short, no sperm, no babies, no direct resources (money) to our enemy.

Since our primary enemies are male feminists who are white-knighting for women, sperm and babies are probably irrelevant.

5 years ago


Good job and thanks for sharing. Seems like a great tool.

@ Rollo
If you feel so strongly about an attack on the manosphere perhaps it’s time you seriously thought of migrating this site.

5 years ago

Rollo, nice speech and thank you for posting it. There’s a temptation impugn the greater culture for our lot. It seems to be too big to change on a personal level so guys comment “form a tribe” or “Let’s burn the motherfucker down”. I get it and do that too occasionally. That method fails as if guys really wanted to change the state of affairs it must happen in each of our lives first, on our own. Of we really wanted change we’d order our lives as best we can according to those ideals. The tribe forms naturally. Grassroots. Guys,… Read more »

5 years ago

Why? U’ll face problem with AMOGing?

More like get thrown in prison for some trumped up offense.

5 years ago

The problem is that men create institutions but then nobly or weakly give away the keys and let women set the rules. Women and their many male enablers, I should add. Look at government, the courts, sports, even the military. The traditional media is Exhibit A and I’ve beaten that theme to death already. It’s lost and gone, people need to tune out. But cyberspace cannot be allowed to fall the same way. As jafyk discusses above, men can stay way ahead of women in this field and must leverage this innate ability, to create and maintain male spaces (virtual… Read more »

5 years ago

Future of the Manosphere lies at South Africa. All of these are just baby-steps.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Open hypergamy as a feature, not a bug. The NYT floats the trial balloon. Rollo still not tired of being right.

Remember that the “style” section of the NYT is where “gay marriage” announcements first showed up. This is what our urban elites now want to push on the rest of us.

5 years ago

That balloon’s been floating for a while now. It’s also not the last step. After it becomes normalized there will be another:

Tossing the men out.

5 years ago

Heeeeere’s Sherry — both those guys must be nuts

having a bad day
having a bad day
5 years ago

@AR “‘They’ decided…”…lol wow… that whole article was chock full of RP…lol… it’s like a writer picked @Rollo’s brain… and then specifically set out to put in as many examples as possible of the ideas contained in all those links up top on the masthead …lol just a quick one jumped out at me (out of the many…many…lol) that can tell you everything you need to know about this whole situ… “We sat in a little triangle, my husband sitting stiffly and my boyfriend leaning back as if to give us more room. I perched on a rickety stool.”… Read more »

5 years ago

Thanks for posting this Rollo.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

O.B.I.T. Heeeeere’s Sherry — both those guys must be nuts Beta Thirst. It’s a real thing. Really. Paper umbrellas…Pink Ukelele…that’s a major disqualification right there for any sane man. HavingABadDay wow… that whole article was chock full of RP…lol… it’s like a writer picked @Rollo’s brain… and then specifically set out to put in as many examples as possible of the ideas contained in all those links up top on the masthead …lol Yeah, I wanted to share but didn’t feel like unpacking all the RedPill goodness. You know, if someone posted that article as a comment on some androsphere… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
5 years ago

Because the rabble cannot be sufficiently organized I agree with Rollo that this can only ever be bottoms up. To that end I have always believed that the only way we turn the tide back is by living life well and setting an example as individual men first. Execute on positive masculinity, mentor young men, sons, daughters. Make changes and hold firm in ways that positively effect you as men, that then ripple out in waves of subtle influence to those around you. Other men DO notice, they do pay attention. They may keep quiet but sooner or later they… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Agent P
Because the rabble cannot be sufficiently organized I agree with Rollo that this can only ever be bottoms up.

I’ll drink to that!

The best organization for now is no organization. Watch what’s happening in France. Macron wanted to meet the leaders of the Yellow Jackets, but can’t find them. There aren’t any, so far.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
5 years ago

When we speak of religion and politics now influencing intersexual relations, we should not focus on partisan politics. That’s a recipe for failure. Doing so ties you to candidates or parties or avatars (Prof. Jordan SomeGuyYouKnow?) and positions which can be dismissed or attacked collaterally, thus serving as a reason to dismiss evo psych and other attendant RP concepts altogether. Better just to note the power grab, and the new cultural hegemony being promoted. You can pivot that way into more universal concepts of freedom and personhood not so easily shoehorned into a party platform, such as: free speech and… Read more »

5 years ago

Remember that thread about ‘beta tells’. Check this guy out, if you can bear it. He should be on that list of ultimate betas. He’s so screwed. So cringeworthy. Note when he goes to kiss her and she just looks at the camera as if to say “what a loser”. And this is her husband, who is bringing home Big Time Bacon…
Fellas, stop paying their bills!!!! They want equality, so let them have it. Keep YOUR money in YOUR pocket, control your fertility and don’t sign any contracts. (That means marriage, yes a legally binding contract).

5 years ago

… Or control your women.

5 years ago

@kfg – Why are cave paintings in caves? Well if I live long enough to when we are living in caves again, I for one plan on carving out pictures and stuff to mess with the civilization that replaces us. Drawing of spaceships, space stations, star clusters, green’s theorem and other advanced calculus, freaky weird alien beings, you name it. Although if I were to go altruistic, I suppose I should carve out the red pill truths for the next civilization to learn from so they have a chance of survival with a guide on how to build a bottoms… Read more »

5 years ago

Maybe it is time to study the work of John Boyd. He is the pre-eminent strategist of the latter 20th Century. If you have heard of the OODA loop, then you may have heard of him. He had an acronym for waging guerrilla warfare (applied to organizations like the Pentagon, but could work elsewhere). It is called PISSR. It stands for Penetrate, Isolate, Subdue/Subvert, Reharmonize.
There is a lot to Boyd’s thinking, but here is a good place to start:

5 years ago

@Rollo More and more ‘social’ media sites are being subverted in this way. But I am hopeful, confident even that this will lead to mass exodus. If they make themselves into shit then it only follows that sooner or later, someone will come along with a better service. Fuck reddit. Fuck Facebook. Fuck Google. It just needs a new platform where the owner will stick to principles and not just pander to the lowest common denominator of fear of SJW outrage. What does it take? If you own your own domain name, rather than being the bitch of one of… Read more »

5 years ago

The red pill should dump reddit altogether at this point if you ask me. It’s a huge opportunity for someone IMO…

5 years ago
5 years ago

Tis the season for Baby It’s Cold Outside to get its annual 2 minute hate for being “rapey,” but this year they’re tossing in Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid.

5 years ago

I notice a pervasive yearning going on here and in real life. It’s always hard swimming against the tide/current. And whenever it is too hard, there is this tendency to rant into a top down approach to training all womanhood out there to realign what is in the best interest of manhood. So I can judge my old buddies and potential new buddies on how they do this motif. Are they whining about how we need to change society/the paradigm/woman’s nature, etc. for their own benefit? Or are they designing new ways to re-invent themselves to be more attractive/not unattractive?… Read more »

5 years ago


“One day, all men will learn their right place, which is under the feet of a dominant female. Thats where yall belong. But dont worry little boys. you will eventually get used to obey us you might even enjoy and decide to show your devotion by kissing and licking our feet every day!!!

I’m a strong independent woman!!!”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Tis the season for Baby It’s Cold Outside to get its annual 2 minute hate for being “rapey,” but this year they’re tossing in Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid.

It’s both. The men’s singers just got more attention for their rapey-rapey song from …. The Little Mermaid…but there’s still killjoy snoflakes hammering radio stations over “Baby”.

Radio stations…that’s like Pandora only without a WiFi connection. Or so I’ve been told.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

A couple tried to arrange to meet him but they were threatened with death by the others.

Nods solemnly.

5 years ago


Looks like there’s a strong denial here in the manosphere, lol. So, you thought with everything going on you would actually identify your group as red pill and not have it banned?
Why not name it something unrelated and send your members a private invitation to join the group?

5 years ago

I’ve addressed this before, but I’m not sure whether it was here or not. When you form a men’s group you don’t make it a Red Pill group. You make it a traditional men’s group, formed around a “trade.” Deer habitat, trout fishing, cycling, sailing, football, et al. Because that’s what works to make a group of men, a guild. Of course inside the tin it’s Red Pill as fuck, but the public is only presented with what’s written on the tin, “Here there be blue water sailing racers” and it doesn’t get auto-banned. Be cave painters, performing your trade… Read more »

5 years ago

The state of the Manosphere in 2018. I think a lot of good material has been compiled in the last decade, in print, blog, and video. That’s the good news. What’s important now is to not only spread the availability of the message, but to also ensure it’s integrity. I expect to see an increase in infiltrators, concern trolls, and scammers in the coming years. I think the message to not get married is well established. Probably the single most effective message to continue pushing is: do not date single mothers. Anything that helps thwart women’s AF/BB strategy is a… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
5 years ago

It is called PISSR. It stands for Penetrate, Isolate, Subdue/Subvert, Reharmonize.

Hey! that sounds just like Mystery Method!…lol

good luck!

5 years ago

“I expect to see an increase in infiltrators, concern trolls, and scammers in the coming years.”

This has already happened. Like the MRA appropriating the red pill in the “The Red Pill” documentary or for example this guy with the “Red Pill Interviews” sensing there were $$ to make in the manosphere and once Youtube demonetized his content he made this video:

5 years ago

I think the message to not get married is well established.

Don’t get married.
Don’t spawn.
Win Darwin Award.

— or —

Don’t get married
Mother kicks you out and you don’t get to rear your kids
Kids have a fucked up life and die without spawning.
Win Darwin Award.

5 years ago

Never live with the mother.
Get on your bike and go hunting and fishing.
Sons do the same.

The Plan will work because men will like it.

5 years ago

hmmm or – Don’t get married. Spawn a kid with a chick already in a relationship with an infertile cuck: “Terry, 39, had met the couple when they responded to his Craigslist ad entitled: ‘Looking to impregnate a MILF.’ Expanding on this, Terry wrote: ‘Man wanting to find a hot married MILF to let me cream-pie and impregnate her. Love the idea of f***ing a married wife with the goal of getting her pregnant. I can travel to you & just want to dump all my cum in your pussy and leave, no strings attached. I’m ddf [drugs and disease… Read more »

5 years ago

Always Vote
Always vote for the male regardless of party
Always vote for the male regardless of ideology
If it is a choice between males vote for the one that is not feminist
If it is a choice between females vote for the non-feminist or write in a vote for a man.
In every group , vote, encourage them to vote, vote for the man , then vote for the non-feminist
So simple
So effective over the long run
Put men back positions of power.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Some more information about Otzi that I missed last summer. Analysis of his tools tells more than was previously known.

Otzi is never off topic…

5 years ago

Never live with the mother.
Get on your bike and go hunting and fishing.
Sons do the same.

The Plan will work because men will like it.

Darwin Award

5 years ago

I know of at least one whose father didn’t marry his mother.

He’s a Darwin Award candidate. Hasn’t reproduced. Thinks his genes are shit. He’d come home from school and his mother would be passed out lying in her own piss.

I have at least one grandchild kfg. Do you have any?

5 years ago

“I know of at least one whose father didn’t marry his mother.”

I know of at least one father who didn’t marry the mothers of 35 of his known children. He has grandchildren by the score.

I have met millions of animals who did not even know who their mothers were, having never seen them and been on their own from birth.

The collapse (or total absence) of civilization is not the same thing as the collapse of breeding.

You are wearing your “ought” glasses.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

You are wearing your “ought” glasses.

Fish gotta swim. Birds gotta fly.

Spergs gotta sperg.

5 years ago

I have met millions of animals who did not even know who their mothers were, having never seen them and been on their own from birth.

And, of course, lots of them were humans who raised themselves.

5 years ago


The guy in the vid you referenced is a fool who doesn’t get it.
He thinks the feminist will sit down and have a rational conversation with him or that most normal women don’t base their interaction with you based on how you can meet their wants and needs. No matter how small.

5 years ago

Anyone else old enough to remember how the French riot police used to wade in with their batons, in the old days? They were notorious.

5 years ago

Asd Believe me, it’s better is a lot of men never, ever reproduce. Their genes need to die and be buried with them. Some men that have a bunch of kids, should have used a condom or pulled out. Things change and young men aren’t mentally equipped to raise kids. It’s been like that for quite a while, and it has grave consequences because weak, dumb , confused men contribute mightily to alllllllll of these many ” problems “” so many men are dying to lay blame at the feet of women. So,.Men put women in control by abdication of… Read more »

5 years ago

So much to think about here, so much great stuff. I just want to say one thing though; we don’t need no leaders. The first comment on this article is someone begging Rollo to be our leader. Leaders are what the enemy wants because leaders can be either discredited and destroyed or converged and subverted. Like the marvelous yellow vest protests in France who have no discernible leaders, we stay that way and we have a great chance of winning. Note that our enemies have no leaders. Name me one leader of the Gestalt Feminine, a leader who directs their… Read more »

5 years ago

Pickles cannot become cucumbers again…Repeat until you fucking get it, folks. I’ve used this phrase often to paint a vivid a picture of how society evolves forward. Even if it devolves, it doesn’t regress, it degrades along with the previous scars and barnacles it’s accumulated along the way, but it can never “go back”. Read history, you’ll see I’m correct. In fact, this longing for “the good old days” is a big part of how the Right has been pacified. It’s our own Utopia, that keeps us in “hope” instead of being hardheaded. The time has come for a new… Read more »

5 years ago

Re: @Adam’s comment “the Left has no leaders” LMFAO. This is how stupid the right is. This is how idiotic we are, that someone actually thinks the left isn’t incredibly well organized and lead. Here’s a little primer on how the Left is organized, Fyi, they have inculcated our institutions with their values, so not only do the individuals self-organized in these many orgs the left controls but the institutions themselves propagate leftist causes nonstop. Consider how many govt agencies now have an “Office of Women’ for example… Hint: Hillary isn’t a leader of the Left. She’s a powerful… Read more »

5 years ago

Blax, I agree that most young men aren’t mentally equipped for LTRs or rearing kids. However, I advocate men improving themselves and their minds and equipping themselves for the tasks of mature men. Marriage isn’t for immature men. Marriage requires skills that most young men lack and young men should be prepared for marriage by their parents; quite likely, most young men will have to prepare themselves. I learned about LTRs from my first gf and had no kids with her. I learned about kids from watching my wife and imitating her when it came to changing diapers, distracting babies… Read more »

5 years ago


In one of your books, you say that men should use game appropriate for them. Due to my older age, is there a good model of a man who’s older and good with women? I struggle with coming up with what that looks like.

5 years ago

Rollo: Yourself and most men associated with the 21 Convention have been pretty adamant that women can’t be red pilled. That being the case, it would seem to me that the objective of 22 Con is not to red pill women. My question is: what is the real objective of 22 Con? Whether or not it is the objective, I can see 22 Con bringing a large media spotlight on to RP. I fully support the advancement of RP, I just wonder what the strategy and objective is.

5 years ago

“I just wonder what the strategy and objective is.”

Subverting men’s groups for female power, the sisterhood über alles. Same as it ever was.

Anthony, of course, doesn’t see it that way, but the women do.

5 years ago

@ scribblerg and the state of the manosphere

The “Red Pill” manosphere is but a mere inoculation seed planted in a vast field of weeds. It must be allowed to grow mature roots and thus be nurtured and protected by the masters until the roots have grown strong enough that the weeds do not suffocate the burgeoning red forest. When the hailstorm comes and wipes out the weeds the young oak will stand alone as a beacon to a new dawn.

5 years ago

“Subverting men’s groups for female power, the sisterhood über alles. Same as it ever was.
Anthony, of course, doesn’t see it that way, but the women do.”

At this moment in time every sjw and feminist are rolling on the ground laughing at men yet again building their demise.

Look, look, look they built their own Trojan horse for us to ride into their fort and infiltrate.

Again, each man must own their own burden of performance and lead their path as a man, women must aspire to follow their lead and complement their man.

5 years ago

@scribbs Russia is still in the business of running its media agents. The Kremlin sees its agents as useful in undermining the U.S., which it still considers a threat, even though it no longer is communist itself. Second wave feminism drew its leaders from socialism. “…many women during the second wave were initially part of the Black Civil Rights Movement, Anti Vietnam Movement, Chicano Rights Movement, Asian-American Civil Rights Movement, Gay and Lesbian Movement and many other groups fighting for equality.” The leaders of second wave feminism were socialists, based on the above quote. Socialism drove feminism and socialism… Read more »

5 years ago

“Look, look, look they built their own Trojan horse for us to ride into their fort and infiltrate.”

To be fair I can see a tactical purpose to that, but I am not convinced that it is strategically wise.

Time will tell.

5 years ago


Game is game, because biology.

How old are you and what experi3nce do you have with womwn?

5 years ago

Too much top-down stuff, agendas and so on.

Focus on yourself, which is what you can control. Control your environment to the extent you can (choose friends wisely, prune people who are messed up, damaged, unlucky, and so on, surround yourself with strong, successful people like you). Control your life and actions, frame and so on, and live your life.

Top-down stuff will always be … you can’t control it. You can control a lot of things about you, however, so that’s what you need to do. Don’t get caught up in massive theories about top-down stuff.

5 years ago

Socialism is Feminism Uncle ASD

The part is not the whole.

5 years ago


It’s important to know who the players are if you’re playing the game.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Novaseeker Too much top-down stuff, agendas and so on. Focus on yourself, which is what you can control. This. Serious men have known this for a long time, the current tide of change ought to just ice the cake and it’s done. “Get this”, I can’t control the weather but I can make sure my vehicle and my mindset is ready for snow / ice / etc. If the airliner loses cabin pressure I can’t save anyone until I get my own mask in place. I can’t solve crime in [city name] but when I go there i can for… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Palmasailor The wheels are spinning in the sand here and it needs a different / bottom up approach. Grassroots man-to-man teaching/learning has been the only option for years, it’s just that a lot of us couldn’t see it. Because of the success of mass movements in the past, it seemed reasonable for a “men’s movement” to work. There is much sham under feminism; the Ford foundation and other organizations quietly bankrolling it, key 1960’s feminists on the CIA payroll, etc. should clue an observant man into realizing that game was fixed 50 years ago. Man to man is what we… Read more »

5 years ago

“It’s really not that expensive to pass them out, leave them in used bookstores, etc. Might be entertaining to try to get them into Uni libraries, too.

Anonymous Reader and others have you left them at any of these places, I was thinking of some mens barbershops, the used book store is an interesting idea? Not sure about being able to get them in a library.

5 years ago


“if I was alone with his oneitis for 3-4 hours she’d fuck me. I know it and she knows it.

I won’t do it.”

hmmm….but committing such a cruel deed may just put him in “a state to introspect and open up enough to absorb the red pill”

Exitus Acta Probat.

….or perhaps you may not be as big an ‘asshole’ as you think you are 😉

5 years ago

J. Shirley, You must be joking. What’s the end game? Short term goals? Just eke out another La Petit Mort? YGBFSM. The problem with you young guys is that you are twisting in the breeze and don’t have anchors to past, present and future direction. Where are you directed going forward? What’s your plan? Where do you want to end up, but still have agency in the present? Who do you want to be like? For how long? Then what? What do your uncles think of you and your plans? Old school, 1993 Bat Out of Hell II: Back into… Read more »

5 years ago

@ Rollo

Yes, you did ban me. I don’t wish to share my handle on here. However, I could email it if you give me a means to contact. If that’s an option.

Patrick Lau
Patrick Lau
5 years ago

@rollo Red pill teaches us working for the attention of women is counterproductive to getting the sex we want. The fast car, the big house, the job promotion, are all status symbols for a chance to get laid, and corporation abuse the heck out of men for labor and profit in the process. But life doesn’t happen in a vacuum. If I am not working to get the attention/validation from women, then I must be working to get the attention/validation from men. Your phrase “Women want men who other men want to be and other women want to fuck” suddenly… Read more »

M Simon
5 years ago

the systematic removal of ALL masculinity.

Which will make the craving for it more intense. Too funny.

M Simon
5 years ago

My goal was in interesting life. That is not a direction. It is an attitude.

M Simon
5 years ago


The problem is that the bulk of Male society isn’t ready for / can’t handle the truth.

Nature has a way of rubbing the truth in people’s faces. It will get ugly.

“The speed of light. Because it is the law.”

5 years ago

@ scribblerg

That big ass post you dropped upthread resonated with me a lot, I agree with so much of it and also identify as sigma in personality type.
I’ve no interest in being socially dominant in an Alpha way and no interest in leading others although I could do both with ease but it just doesn’t interest me.
Drop in and out of “society “ and take what I need without anyone being the wiser that’s my game.

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

@theasdgamer “NBTM, figuring out the feminine sexual dynamic in order to manage women doesn’t make you weak. You can impose your own frame regardless, if you are strong enough. Strength is masculine. Of course, if you are trying to fake it and fit in the feminine frame because your own frame is too weak, you will have trouble. A man has to figure out strength, courage, and what it is for him to be a man in order to have a true inner frame that has some chance of passing women’s tests. Gamer Maxim: Pussy is just pussy” Why worry… Read more »

5 years ago

More of the same.

Remember, maintain your frame, control your life, your actions, your choices. But, be aware of the environment, always, including stuff like this, so that you can be aware of what you need to do to get what you want, the way you want.

5 years ago


If you’re in a LTR, it’s essential to understand women.

5 years ago

Drop in and out of “society “ and take what I need without anyone being the wiser that’s my game.

Or you could do a quid pro quo as an alpha when you discover that your social circle is composed of sigmas. Once you get the hang of social dominance and management, it’s easy.

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

All of this (the entire manosphere in fact) evolved out of the PUA community which equals sexual failure, sexual neediness and a general feeling of oppression by a significantly large enough number of men to facilitate its development. What does the “manosphere” really support? Where is it really leading primarily Anglo Saxon American males and a subculture of the “western world”? Each person is formed separate. Each is formed as his or her own “master” with whatever traits and initial conditions “luck” may define. No one else thinks your thoughts or controls your body more than you. We are each… Read more »

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