The First Female President®

As a matter of policy I’ve always kept this blog’s topics about intersexual dynamics and left direct issues of politics, religion, economics, race, etc. to other blogs. The only time I cross into these issues is when they relate to inter (or intra) sexual dynamics, and usually when I do it makes for some heated discussions about whatever ideology seems to be the most “Red Pill”. In these circumstances I’ve learned (the hard way) that it’s wise to wait and reserve my opinions until all the cards have hit table. With respect to the gender-social landscape of a Trump presidency I think that time might be now.

If you’ve listened to any of my recent interviews over the last year (and American campaign cycle) you’ll understand my take on how I believe Red Pill issues have colored the last campaign. With the first real shot of a female president on the table I could hardly not be asked about what I expected. If you follow me on Twitter you’ll also know I made a prediction that it would be Red Pill issues, from the intersexual perspective, that would be a defining catalyst of the campaign. I was not disappointed.

While I’ve never been an ardent Trump supporter, my political decisions were made for me with the campaign of Hillary Clinton being his opposition. I didn’t vote for Trump, I voted against Hillary, and I don’t think I was alone in that assessment. As far as I’m concerned the jury’s still out on a Trump presidency, so I’ll reserve my skepticism, but one thing I am eminently thankful for is that Hillary was denied the presidency. From a socio-sexual standpoint, and being a Red Pill writer for some time, my analysis of this being a campaign rooted in Red Pill dynamics, those the manosphere has been sussing out for going on 15 years, centered on the fact that Hillary was the Feminine Imperative’s best hope for the First Female President®. I think it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that it wasn’t Hillary herself who was running, but the ideal of the first real hope for a woman in the White House.

As a long-time Red Pill author, the feminine-primacy narrative in her campaign was blatantly obvious to me. Even ‘Obama-the-feminist’ carried the Fempowerment water for her. That was to be expected, but what I found equally predictable was the pro-woman narrative using many of the Social Conventions I’ve detailed for a decade now. Naturally, there were the feminist tropes, but the feminine-primary ‘Village’ couldn’t just pander to women, it needed some outreach to men. So, the predictable appeals to “real manhood”, the Male Catch 22 and the ever-present shaming of conventional masculinity had to follow. Men needed to declare, “I’m with Her”. It was a ham-fisted hope that male Hillary supporters would ostracize other men into supporting her – or at least they might self-police men’s vocal opposition to her.

Again, as expected from the Feminine Imperative, any dissent, any criticism, any doubt or about Hillary (no matter the issue debated) was tantamount to misogyny. This has been the spoken and unspoken presumption of any man who might be critical of anything pro-female for sometime now, but the Bitter Misogynist narrative needed some freshening up to remind women and men about their duty as responsible members of a feminine-primary social order to elect the First Female President®. This played out on a larger scale in the Clinton campaign’s late-game efforts to dig up the endless words Trump might’ve said that proved his misogyny. However, it didn’t matter what Trump did or didn’t say; the fact that any man would oppose the First Female President® made him a misogynist by default.

He versus Her

From my Red Pill perspective, the campaign wasn’t about Hillary and Trump, it was about the Feminine Imperative vs. conventional masculinity. I believe the feminine-primary hope was to definitively defeat all vestiges, all semblances, of conventional masculinity. I’ve written on numerous occasions about feminine-primacy’s efforts to remove men from all aspects of our collective thought, but a Hillary presidency was to be a decisive victory over the mythical Patriarchy and the symbolic defeat of all that is men. Hillary and Trump were mere caricatures, effigies, placeholding representative of the ridiculous extremes we’re meant to presume of women vs. men – Trump, the living image of Patriarchy and Misogyny, Hillary, the pinnacle of exaggerated female empowerment that’s been culminating since the time of the suffragettes.

It was the school yard, boys-against-girls, battle of the sexes writ large on a geopolitical scale, and the end-game victory of the First Female President® was all but a given certainty. I will admit myself, I thought Hillary had it in the bag. That’s what anyone plugged into the narrative was certain above all doubt would happen. She was supposed to win. On countless female-supremacist blogs the mantra was “Its Her turn” – it wasn’t specifically Hillary’s turn, it was Her turn, it was women’s turn. That was the foregone conclusion and anyone could see it. Even the polls who we’d later wonder “how could they have gotten it so wrong?”, even they just knew it was “her turn”. If you believed TrumpHis‘ would win it was just a sign of your stupidity in the face of such overwhelming surety.

In fact, such was the surety of the First Female President® that companies, social organizations, advertising agencies, publications of every ideological stripe, all banked on Her winning the White House – and all prepared to be ready to welcome the First Female President®. With the surety of a woman president came the surety of an ushering in of a new Era of the Woman. It was simple pragmatism to prepare well in advance for what everyone was convinced would be the zeitgeist of the next 4 (and likely 8) years of the First Female President®. Him winning was inconceivable, so it made sense to get advertising, commercials, corporate policies, special events, preliminary legislation, etc. all in readiness and in line with the coming Era of the Woman. The smart money was ‘being on the right side of history’, especially given the certainty of it and the idiocy you’d be accused of for betting against it.

But then Election Day came, and with it came the inconceivable, the unbelievable. ‘He‘ won, not ‘Her‘.

We were then treated to the tearful videos of young women in disbelief, sure that their efforts to elect Her were wasted and the certainty of their empowerment left in doubt. Their part in ‘history in the making’ was to be denied.

We had the hurriedly written concession speech only after a day or so, such was the hubris there was no need to write a ‘concession’ speech prior. Then came the existential cries of soul-destroying anguish when He was sworn in. And we were introduced to protests of a hostility never before exhibited by the followers of Her. His character was no longer about misogyny so much as it was converted to fascism. A vote for Him was considered a hate-crime, mirroring much of the same fluidity and ambiguity applied to the definitions of ‘rape’ and ‘consent’, before He came along.

With the inconceivable Trump presidency those pre-bought ad campaigns, those forward-thinking companies had to switch the narrative from a feminine-supremacism victory lap to one of ‘we shall overcome’ in spite of the same old sexism we’re supposed to presume is lurking under every male CEO’s desk. You can see this in stark contrast when you look at any of the multi-million dollar Super Bowl commercial spots that are shot a year well in advance of their air-time date. Audi’s commercial being the most glaringly evident of the presupposition of a woman president.

Turning Over Stones

What His victory has really exposed for us as a society is a condition of feminine-primacy I have been writing about for well on 14 years now. When I wrote Fem-Centrism and The Feminine Reality I was attempting to bring to light the ways in which we exist in a feminine-primary social order. I caught a lot of flack for those posts back in the day, but they’ve served as a keystone understanding for many of the social paradigms and the intents of feminization efforts I’ve written about over the years. For several generation we’ve been conditioned to believe “it’s a man’s world” and we accept notions of the evil Patriarchy to be a settled truth. Along comes Rollo Tomassi and he turns over the stones to reveal that it is in fact a feminine-primary social order men serve in – gynocentrism, gynocracy, misandry – and all pretense of ‘Patriarchy’ is really part of one more operative social convention to sell men and women on the idea of female victimhood.

All of that changed on Election Day, 2016. All of the preplanned victory lap celebrations, all the feminist triumphal marches scheduled to follow in the wake of the First Female President®, were converted to protests marches, riots, violence and demonstrations against the prospect that He might potentially remove Her rights. All of the pretense of our feminine-centric, feminine-primary social order being a social undercurrent has been, and will be tossed to the wind now. The Empress has no clothes (often literally), and all she wears is a knitted pink-pussy hat; the new uniform of female supremacism. In the span of one election cycle virtually every premise I asserted about the validity of the Feminine Imperative has been confirmed. But moreover, that imperative, so angered by the denial of the First Female President®, is comfortable in its existence being laid bare.

For years I’ve addressed the comfort women now have in openly acknowledging their Hypergamy. Open Hypergamy and Open Cuckoldry are not just embraced, they’re celebrated among women and among the feminine-primary social order to the point that we make commercials and sitcoms based on women’s sexual strategy. Now that we’ve achieved Peak Hypergamy the final step is casting off all pretense about the designs on Female Supremacism. His victory appears to be the catalyst for this.

The jig is up and the Sisterhood Über Alles has revealed the true nature of the Feminine Imperative. Even the pretense of a desire for ‘equality’ among the sexes is now replaced with a visceral contempt for all things male. More attempts to remove the man from all language is the first initiative in both the military and on campus. No longer does the femosphere feel a need to hide or sweet talk its agenda; the intent isn’t lofty dreams of gender-equality, it is, and always has been Female Supremacism and the complete erasure of anything conventionally male or masculine. If it is male and can be replaced with a female proxy, so be it. If it cannot, its complete destruction is preferred.

The Women’s March on Washington last January was the most glaring confirmation of everything I’ve ever written about the Feminine Imperative. My timing of publishing this post with tomorrow’s Day Without Women international protest is no coincidence and I have no doubt that the embrace of feminine supremacism will offer increasingly more evidence of what I’ve asserted about the Feminine Imperative. Men, Red Pill or otherwise, need to be aware of this embrace of Open Female Supremacism and their complicity in it. The Era of the Woman has now shifted to one of a blatant, naked, power grab that likely would’ve been made all the easier had the First Female President® not been denied “her turn”.

Had Hillary won the presidency I have no doubt we’d still hear platitudes of how feminism is really about ‘equality’, and how it really benefits men too. Instead we have open contempt for all that appears masculine. Even the protests themselves are converted into programs meant to emasculate men. Instead of notions of ‘equality’ we get further atomization between the sexes in the name of Fempowerment. And instead they will openly make masculinity a disease to cure.

In the coming year(s) I predict we’re going to see more of the “women-as-oppressed” in advertising, in our cultural narrative, in or social dialog, because this is what a feminine-primary social order believes will resonate with damn near every demographic. And for those whom it doesn’t, then those who disagree will have to deal with those it does. It would be easy to dismiss all of this as over exaggeration; after all this isn’t really anything new to Red Pill aware men. I’ve been writing about for almost 14 years. What is new is an increased social urgency combined with the denial of the feminine entitlement the Red Pill community has been talking about among individual women for a decade.

It’s as if women everywhere were promised the First Female President® and then had her snatched away by the living embodiment of misogyny they’ve been taught to exaggerate for generations. They were ‘entitled’ to her winning – so much so that they would change the rules of the game in order for that certainty – but He took it away. He stole it, he cheated, he,…did anything but legitimately win it. That is a very BIG hit to the collective ego-investments of a feminine-primary social order. Thus, we will see in the years to come even grander displays of this entitlement, yes, but also the stripping away of all pretense women ever had of coexisting with anything looking like masculinity.

Masculinity is misogyny now. If you thought intersexual Red Pill awareness was derided before, it will be reviled as a hate-crime in the coming era. I once joked that if things kept going the way they were socially, The Rational Male would need to be secretly smuggled to groups of men to read by firelight like Bibles in Mao’s China. I’m not laughing about that these days.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

The picture…
“tantamount to misogyny”
“If it is male and can be replaced with a female proxy, so be it. If it cannot, it’s complete destruction is preferred.”
To share in secret for survival…


[…] The First Female President® […]

Random Angeleno
Random Angeleno
7 years ago

The woman uber alles attitude that we saw displayed during the campaign was the most blatant and in our faces it has ever been. I found the “I’m With Her” shirts to be viscerally disgusting. Numerous stories percolated out of that environment, but I think the most apocryphal was the alleged fight Mrs Clinton had with Mr Clinton shortly before the election when it was beginning to dawn on some of the more realistic players that the election might actually be close. What the fight amounted to was that because Mr Clinton was male, his advice regarding Her appeal to… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago


Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

Men needed to declare, “I’m with Her”.

So to help with getting more men on board she trotted out Tim Kaine, who promised to be her “right hand person”. Young women gushed over his self-debasement.

Most men had a very different reaction.

7 years ago other forces at work boss but your right about the social dynamic but people with bigger guns on both sides got to much to lose.

7 years ago

What I have put together since the election, I have suspected for a very long time. The left is a bunch of emotional children. This fits well with my perspective that all/most women have the emotional stability of children. It all correlates. The good and bad thing about the red pill is that once you take it you can’t go back. I’m convinced we are immune to their bullshit because of this. Good thing we tend to be the stronger, clear minded, and more heavily armed faction. Just smaller. I am also convinced this feminist bullshit will only go on… Read more »

john smith
john smith
7 years ago

You are right. It is going to get worse, much worse. MGTOW is the only rational survival strategy. Prepare thyself, the true storm is coming. Trump is merely a speed bump. When the wounded beast once again gains power, as it will, it will have learned to tolerate no heresy. Jesuits burned people. Nazis burned books and then people. Islamist burn books and people and cut off heads. The Democratic party is married to the police state. The NWO and SJW cabal will repeat history. The West is doomed. Go MGTOW and prepare. There is long history of the persecuted… Read more »

7 years ago

I find it ironic also in the women’s day march that these women supported Hillary but Hillary was being funded by Qatar and Saudi Arabia places where they have stoned to death women and she’s supported wars that murdered multiple women and children. But feels trumps facts and logic smh

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I’m imagining a real workday without women. Just for a start a whole lot of drama is gone…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

PUA’s, how will you use the “Day without a woman” as an opener?
Stroll into the coffee shop and pick a barista, say “Are you supposed to be here?”, or something else?

7 years ago

After the election, I swore to never hear Hillary’s voice again if I can help it.

Ben Sake
7 years ago

The price for retaining liberty is blood. We haven’t had a good blood-letting in over 100 years, so it really should be no surprise that we are going to lose our country. At least during the Civil War we had equal man and firepower. The hope now is that this New America will fall into the same trap as those who fell before it – by degenerating / regressing themselves, empowering women, depopulating, and eventually being outnumbered, outmanned and overran by neighboring countries. I am only surprised that this regression is happening so fast. Two options exist: 1) Some of… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
7 years ago

Would like to know if in other past societies if there was a shift in instituting female supremacy after a long period of prosperity. You see it play out in smaller settings. After businesses get built up, women start to claim things would be better if women ran things. In any dangerous endeavor, once things become much safer, women start to pursue it and want to known as being able to stand toe to toe and better than any man. In marriages, there’s the slow creep to “the man in the garage”. When things a dangerous or risky, need building… Read more »

7 years ago

Hey Everyone, First thing is first, I’ve never commented before so I want to personally thank Rollo and all the commenters here for all the great information that is shared on this blog/comments. The information provided on this site has helped tremendously the last few years, it has helped me transition from certain very blue pill elements to a more realistic red pill understanding of life. I’m in the need of some guidance as of late with a workplace situation that has been caused by my red pill application at work, this is the first time I have faced this… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Water Cannon Boy (long time no see) Would like to know if in other past societies if there was a shift in instituting female supremacy after a long period of prosperity Pasha Glubb claims to have found a cycle of empire. Excessive resources in combination with the Female Imperative would seem to be the cause. This essay is not long but worth reading. Relevant excerpt: In the tenth century, a similar tendency was observable in the Arab Empire, the women demanding admission to the professions hitherto monopolised by men. ‘What,’ wrote the contemporary historian, Ibn Bessam, ‘have the professions… Read more »

7 years ago

Masculinity is to be replaced by the fearless/defiant girl.
I believe there is a statue of such a girl currently standing in front of the Wall Street bull statue!

Imagine how that scenario would play out in real life!
Women can’t even stand up to their Muslim husbands in real life.

What are they going to do when the barbarians sack the city? Oh yea that’s right Sleep with the victors! What was I thinking?

7 years ago

(Mostly white, western) Women should be very careful about a “Day Without (Mostly White, Western) Women.” Men are liable to look back and say, “You know, that was nice. We should do that more often.”

7 years ago

@ Foxguy

I hope you are single?

MARRIAGE because you’re shitty day doesn’t have to end after work!

7 years ago

Can anyone weigh in with calling bullshit on this supposed debunking article about the pay gap, written by an author that would have us all build monuments to the female work ethic while dishing out special treatment left, right, centre. This was all over my social media feed on account of wimmins day…white knights, feminist ranters, the generally un-self aware all cheering along with the choir.

7 years ago

Implicit in this piece is the assumption that the president’s character/disposition matters more to the regime than his (or her!) ideology. Thus a red-piller in favor of bank regulation and single-payer, for instance, would nonetheless vote Trump on the grounds that he will keep alive the hope of reestablishing traditional masculinity, a more worthy goal than bank regulation, etc. Harkens back to the classical view that culture is downstream from the character-example of those who rule; ever more the case in contemporary times, with access to political news/commentary increased by technology and bleeding into arenas it wouldn’t otherwise bleed into.… Read more »

7 years ago

Hello everybody. I’m reading “The Rational Male” now for two years, really opened my eyes in many ways but never commented so far. Good post about the Feminine Imperative and to bring in my perspective from Germany, I can only confirm what has been written with regard to Hillary. German “news” – especially on TV – are really “infested” with a bias towards women and during the election campaign towards Clinton. The tactics used here was almost NO news coverage of Clinton (and if so only positively), because most Germans see the US in a black/white view with the “Democrats”… Read more »

Dan Coates
Dan Coates
7 years ago

This post has me feeling more down than I’ve felt about Western culture in years. A Hillary win would’ve been bad for men but a Trump win has now provoked an all out war on masculinity. I can’t see anything that will pop the misandry bubble. Rollo, I wish you had a son so that I could see what you would suggest for him. I do, and I just don’t know what to tell him anymore. A young man can start his own business, and create a life on his terms but increasingly, men are having to signal as feminists… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

@Dan No they are not! (Young men do not have to signal as feminist) My boy is 12 and he signals masculine pretty much all day long, unapologetically, and girls and women love it. Now maybe as he gets older the tide will turn against him and he’ll have to play his cards with some care but make no mistake, any man, sufficiently trained in the crimson arts can hack her hind brain jiffy pronto and have her smiling at and going along with his masculine ways. Truth is, the more wall flower male feminists there are, the more a… Read more »

7 years ago

@Foxguy – Re: The Machiavellian broad. Ya, women like her can be dangerous in corporate settings. I’ve mostly navigated very well around them, a few thoughts for you. 1. Don’t let her get you emotional. Angry, insecure – whatever. If you are getting emotional about her, you are in her frame. When upset with her, recuse yourself from meeting with her, even if you have to just cancel or reschedule. You cannot let her get you angry and then have you say something or do something she can use against you. I also think that she’s gotten to you somehow,… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo – Great piece. I so enjoyed how you tied together the visuals and the campaign and the characters into a broader, Red Pill, FI vs. Masculinity showdown. I have a few thoughts. Statistics – Like you, I thought Hillary had it in the bag. In part, this is due to a stint I did in the survey research world and understanding survey research well. I had too much faith in the polling, but 2012 and 2016 have convinced me that almost all political polling is intentionally skewed to serve ideological means. It wasn’t always so. And survey research works… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@Water Cannon Boy Would like to know if in other past societies if there was a shift in instituting female supremacy after a long period of prosperity. It’s ancient. There is a biblical curse levied against Jerusalem and Judah wherein children oppress them, and women rule over them. Easy living, they got complacent and lost focus. Wisdom of the ages. Women ruling over you = cursed. @Dan Coates A Hillary win would’ve been bad for men but a Trump win has now provoked an all out war on masculinity. It was coming either way Dan. The campaign process and Trump’s… Read more »

7 years ago

@Dan Coates “This post has me feeling more down than I’ve felt about Western culture in years…..I can’t see anything that will pop the misandry bubble.” Otherwise know as choking as the red pill tries to go down. Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Morpheus: What is real? How do you define… Read more »

7 years ago

– That was a movie, bunky. Careful about the LARPing…Here, in the real world, the left won. They are merely consolidating their gains now and figuring out how to exterminate the insurgents. Real strategy includes the real world.

Hope is not a strategy.

7 years ago


Almost everyone is in mid to late 30s. They are pretty much all IT indian including the women. I am not.

The 3rd is the most incompent of the 3. They do not need my input as I work on different more high profile projects seperate from the rest of the team. It’s not necessary for me to interact with them, I smile and say hello if necessary in passing but wont engage in talk.

The 11th is a friend who is highly social but am beginning to see he may be running his own social game.

7 years ago

Most here have no idea – literally no idea – of how leftist elite intellectuals see the world. Here’s a guest post from Mark Tushnet, top legal professor at Harvard. Tell me, how many of you here think you have more power socially than him? They’ve already won and most of you don’t know it. Pay specific attention to point 2. “2 The culture wars are over; they lost, we won. Remember, they were the ones who characterized constitutional disputes as culture wars (see Justice Scalia in Romer v. Evans, and the Wikipedia entry for culture wars, which describes… Read more »

7 years ago

One day at a time

7 years ago

Lol. what the actual fuck?

7 years ago

Like Rollo, I have mixed feelings about Trump the President. With that said, no one other than Trump could have beaten Hillary. All the “nice” Republican candidates (which was everybody but Trump) would have totally operated in the frame of Hillary and the MSM. Not Trump. He said screw the frame, screw the usual way of doing politics on the national level, and he operated in his own frame, flawed as it may have been at times. Was his way crude and crass? Yes. But Trump operates in a world where results matter. No poll will ever show this, but… Read more »

7 years ago


I’ve had a similar thing happen…just laugh at the girls when you see them…you can bust their cabal by taking the weakest one or two aside and telling her in cat language that you’ll share your tech savvy with her as long as she doesn’t share it with anyone else.

In the meantime, flirt lightly with all of them.

7 years ago

@ScribblerG Points well taken. Hence I’m still in favor of enjoying the decline with a bottoms up approach employing red pill awareness and game. The way things are, one is forced to employ enlightened self interest. My point is that Dan Coates can feel grief emotions cause they are very real for him and the red pill is bitter. He still has to do something about it for him and his son without submitting to the FI. I’m not short of accepting the Left has won the cultural battle and the want for feminine supremacism is in play. But I’m… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
7 years ago

From my point of view the red pill gives men an extreme tactical advantage. Any red pill aware man can learn game and bed as many women as he likes. We may even be able to charm every woman we work with and make our individual lives just wonderful. Strategically however, it seems to fall dreadfully short. I have no doubt that many of the women complaining about Trumps “Grab em by the pussy” comment would personally gush gallons if it was her pussy he was grabbing. Tactical win for Trump. Strategically, not so much. The comment is used as… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
7 years ago

Also, take a look at Trump’s recent tweets about women’s day. Even “our alpha” is saturated in the FI.

7 years ago


By voting in Trump? Lol. He’s a bump in the road towards their inevitable victory.

No, they will attempt to use him to further their ends, following a Hegelian dialectic:

Action (left) + Reaction (Trump) => New Left Synthesis

The way to deal with the left is to refuse to engage them and pursue your own mission.

7 years ago

It always was and always will be entirely about money and power. Being correct on effective public policy or being moral in philosophy is dead. Americans are so polarized by right vs. left, and either “with me or against me” in identity politics, there is no compromise anymore. We lose sight of what policy enhances well-being for all. Compromise now means defeat. All that’s left is lies, hypocrisy, corruption and wholesale incompetence at $250K+ per head. Eventually the snakes don’t attack each other anymore. They just start to eat themselves. Trump vs. Clinton election brought out a lot of ugliness… Read more »

7 years ago

@TheLastCoyote “All the “nice” Republican candidates (which was everybody but Trump) would have totally operated in the frame of Hillary and the MSM. Not Trump. He said screw the frame, screw the usual way of doing politics on the national level, and he operated in his own frame, flawed as it may have been at times. Was his way crude and crass? Yes. But Trump operates in a world where results matter.” There are a lot of parallels to PUA Game and Game in general that fell into place for a skilled gamer (Trump). Understanding how he got where he… Read more »

7 years ago

@Palmasailor, That’s exactly why this situation has me perplexed because of the fact it is bothering me, it shouldn’t matter but it is for some reason. As Scribblerg mentioned this may be a mental point of origin issue for myself? Triggering some wound or something? I’m thinking there may be some opportunity for growth here for me from this experience, because objectively if I’m in my own frame it shouldn’t matter.It’s one of the reasons I haven’t broken it via social game which I probably could do , but find myself to be unwilling to even invest time/energy in that… Read more »

7 years ago


And I’m not sure I’m up for killing millions of my fellow Americans.

The South took that moderate and gentlemanly approach during the Civil War and lost. The North was ruthless and victorious.

Ruthless wins every time. Greene’s Law of Power #15: Crush your enemy totally.

In actuality, the leftist leaders don’t number in the millions.

7 years ago

You hit the head on the nail here Rollo. I had the exact same presumption right after the election and the womens marches. They claim it’s all about stupid comments in the past and a hitler like individual in the white house, but it can be boiled down to “not winning” and fear of men rising. The funny – if you can say that – thing is that we now see the same campaigns here in Denmark as I have been hearing about in the US. Actually I was a little unsure whether our culture was different in that regard,… Read more »

7 years ago

“Aside from the detonation of personal ego investments, and the ongoing trail of post-traumatic stress that continues even today (March 2017, 5 months later), perhaps the most interesting observation both leading up to, and after the election, were the incessant threats exchanged by ordinary men and women within long-term sexual relationships (LTRS, marriages)….” Interesting. I had the obverse experience. My wife totally of her own volition took to Trump and his ways. She saw the Alpha cues and covertly saw the red pill dynamic. “She just got” the whole dynamic that was going on. It was interesting to see her… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

@scribs Hate to say it but I broadly agree with your assessment of the situation. Had I come to RP before having kids, I am pretty sure I would not have had kids. But I found the pill much later so I have to deal with the future and what it holds for them. I have to be forcefully optimistic about it. Doesn’t change the truth of it however. I suspect the full meltdown of Western society is already playing out with Europe. Climate change is going to drive billions North in search of safety and it’s going to turn… Read more »

7 years ago

– Indeed, the game always remains the same – a red pill man must always adapt to circumstances. But as with all strategy, a SitRep is always the starting point.

7 years ago

@Rollo: Masculinity is misogyny now.

What a superbly laconic summation. The thrust of 1973 to 2016 in four words.

7 years ago

There will be war.

Gentlemen may cry Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is already begun. Our brethren are already in the field. The fact that you are not interested in war does not mean that war is not interested in you.

They want you dead. Just ask them. They’ll tell you. They’ll make you believe it, because they really, really, really want you dead.

The winning strategy for the right is country vs. city. This is problematic for high civilization, but that’s all that’s left.

7 years ago

Trump is an idiot, but he’s trying to figure iit out. If he has an IQ of 150, I’ll cut my dick off and throw it in the Atlantic. Money acquisition does not equal intelligence. That line of reasoning iis also part and parcel of the fall of the west. There are many more facets to RP thought and knowledge outside of strictly gender dynamics. The brainwashing of millions and millions of men to be subservient to ” power ” structures and individuals iis one example. I pretty much felt the same about the election as Rollo. I refuse to… Read more »

Harry Vardon
Harry Vardon
7 years ago


I know this won’t exactly help your situation but it’s the very reason I left my finance position. I got sick of of leaving my future earning potential in someone else hands which could easily result in being on the wrong side of an office political divide/ Unemployment /usual politics, enter appropriate euphemism.

Strike out on your own, your lead, you strategize, you analyse, you build the team, people you actually want to work with.

7 years ago

“But as with all strategy, a SitRep is always the starting point.”

Heheh, what better place to get a SitRep on inter-sexual dynamics than The Rational Male?

7 years ago

SITREP: Sighted many females out and about this morning despite the “A day without women” propaganda. Prepared to vigorously defend male-only space by employing cat-talk as needed with string dangling support.

7 years ago


Of course there are broads going about their business as usual. Most women don’t know anything at all about the day without women shit.

7 years ago

@Blaximus: My attempt at drollery aside: 3 of 5 I asked about their support for the day ranged from eyerolls to “WTF is that?” The other two: an icy glare and a shy smile. Around here the message seems to be ignored.

7 years ago

Blax – I guarantee Trump is smarter than you – his GRE scores are public and just like SAT, can be used to impute IQ. it’s 154, not debatable. Aw, sorry that makes feelz bad. Your biases are not truth. And the rest of your commentary is mere hyperbole. Thanks for playing.

Bo jangles
Bo jangles
7 years ago

This was only superficially about man vs women. Women are the pawns used by the deep state. Gloria steinam was CIA(check out her youtube video where she admits it). This election was about the rejection of Davos and globalism. The tide is turning.

7 years ago

When Ronald Reagan first took office in January 1981 the US national debt was $934 billion. It’s now US$20 trillion and climbing: Soon there will be no more greater fools to borrow from (steal from), let alone be willing to finance even more American debt in the form of militarization, renovations and construction of airports, highways, dams, bridges, etc., or to subsidize the conveniences and set asides of feminism. The game is over. I do believe that Trump’s affinity for the working man is genuine. But under the circumstances of modern reality, it’s irrelevant. He cannot put out a fire… Read more »

7 years ago

Doesn’t make me feel anything at all. It is bullshit. Lol. I’m not looking to exalt motherfuckers.

30 + years of Trump tells me all I need to know.

Maybe he’s smarter than you, and you love that shit because iit gives you some sense of where you fit in a pecking order or something, but I’m smart enough to know better.

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago


what a timely OP… i just noticed that you tube has a new logo…


no ‘men’ anywhere in sight…

good luck! (we’re gonna need it…)

7 years ago

….GRE scores. Lmao, gtfoh with that shit.😁😁

7 years ago

“Doesn’t make me feel anything at all. It is bullshit. Lol. I’m not looking to exalt motherfuckers.

30 + years of Trump tells me all I need to know.”

7 years ago

“What America needs is austerity . . .”

There is no amount of austerity that will work.

7 years ago

Another great post….but why do men insist on providing the disclaimer that “I didn’t vote for Trump, i voted against Hillary”? I share in the unabashed Trump love like over at CH. No he’s not perfect, prone to the occassional over-statement and fuck-up. So what. He’s a MAN, and we men at times FUCK UP. But as MEN we then take responsibility and do our best to rectify things and move on. Forget about Mexico paying for the wall and other blatant exaggerations. At the convention when Trump said “no more PC talk”, and “law and order” return 1-20-17 I… Read more »

7 years ago

A bunch of blokes daring to raise their voice on International Woman’s Day are regarded as “angry” and misogynists:

7 years ago

it is ALL just theater until the eccles building burns. the only issue that matters is ending the fucking fed. the only man I will ever vote for is the man who puts his hand on his balls, swears to follow the people’s Constitution and vows to make ending the fed not his top mission, but his ONLY mission. this country died in 1913. the man who will resurrect it is probably ten years old and today hearing the bullshit about “a day without women”. he will rise from the feminist ghetto, discover the truth about his one and only… Read more »

7 years ago

Rollo et all,

Check out this NY Post article – 30yo leaves porn to marry a younger dude and become a pastor. Check out the pics at the bottom, she is going to destroy him in a few years

7 years ago

@scribblerg Thanks for the advice/observations, I’ve read your comments for years and respect them, I’ve seen growth in them from when you were very angry, so I respect that. Regarding the Machavelian broad, I know I am also triggering some buttons for her, whenever she sees me approaching she will fix her hair/blouse at times and is very aware/present when she is around me, listens to every word I say. She has turned the other two broads against me, but I can tell this one is the one that actually wants to attach herself to me the most and my… Read more »

7 years ago

“There is no amount of austerity that will work.”

I agree. We reached the point of no return years ago.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
7 years ago


Maybe not. She’s hit the wall and it’s knocked her off the carousel. Now as a pastor, she can get all sorts of “isn’t she brave” from her congregation. She’s all set up to coast into old age as a hero.

7 years ago

“A young man can start his own business, and create a life on his terms but increasingly, men are having to signal as feminists and make a show of being male as ‘original sin’ to get along in society. The men who refuse to will be at a disadvantage.”

7 years ago

“We reached the point of no return years ago.” On paper the last time we stood a chance was ’64. In practice a bit before that. Although austerity programs won’t work, we do need to restructure our wealth. Not currency, wealth. In order to do that, we don’t need isolationism, we need to restructure our trade. We will need allies in wealth building. Beginning with a Brexited UK as our for reals most favored trading partner. A real promise of the same to France, the Netherlands and Italy if they leave the EU and set about rebuilding their nations. In… Read more »

7 years ago

@Mazrim – you asked why men insist on saying they weren’t voting for Trump so much as they were voting against Hillary. I voted for Trump with reservations. Like I said in my earlier post, he’s great at establishing frame. He was the only Republican candidate who figured out that beating Hillary meant turning the campaign into a brass knuckle street fight. The Dems threw everything but the kitchen sink at him, he hit back twice as hard. About damn time someone gave the libs a taste of their own medicine. Problem is, Trump doesn’t know when to shut up.… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@SJF My wife totally of her own volition took to Trump and his ways. She saw the Alpha cues and covertly saw the red pill dynamic. “She just got” the whole dynamic that was going on. It was interesting to see her not have any comments during the “grab the pussy” fracas and enthusiatically cheer the Trump victory. Soon after with all the wailing, she started to be disgusted by the usual FI mainstream media fare on talk shows and other television dramas and comedies. It was a great thing for my LTR. The great thing was she just got… Read more »

7 years ago “Lucuis Quinctius Cincinnatus ( 519 B.C.E. – 430 B.C.E. ) Category ( Political_Leaders ) [suggest a correction] CincinnatusCincinnatus was born Lucius Quinctius and had the nickname, “Cincinnatus,” was bestowed upon him due to his curly hair. He was considered an early hero of the Roman Republic and highly regarded for his willingness to give up power and live in virtuous simplicity. Though he opposed the plebeians, his approach to personal power can only be described as democratic. Cincinnatus was happy living and working on his farm with his family. However, when he served as consul in 460 B.C.E. he… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@Rollo: Masculinity is misogyny now.

What a superbly laconic summation. The thrust of 1973 to 2016 in four words.

I concur. This really should become a saying, a motto, and a meme. Bumper stickers and so on.

Men can have a lot of fun with this.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

So how has the “day without a woman ” been for everyone? So far I’m not seeing any difference. Receptionists are still at front desks, baristas are still slinging coffee, accountants are counting, teachers are teaching. Maybe it’s just because I’m out in far flyover country.

7 years ago

@AR: “So how has the “day without a woman ” been for everyone?”

Very peaceful and drama free so far. I haven’t seen a single woman yet.

7 years ago

One of the most effective ways to get a woman to reveal her true colors is to tell her ‘No’. We are seeing this happen on the macro scale.

7 years ago
7 years ago

@kfg March 8, 2017 at 11:24 am

Good illustration. The short video accompanying that article is a good Tell on social conventions at work during that debate.

7 years ago

It was Election Day 2016, not 2017. Goods points all around, made elsewhere but not as applied to Red Pill as opposed to conservative or alt-right ideas. Interestingly, the term Red Pill has been lifted from the Manosphere and is now use by based centipedes, or at least those that don’t consider themselves normies.

7 years ago

@Lost Patrol

“That is exactly what happened at my house too. Kind of surprised me.”

A hat tip to you for her responding to the Trumpening that way. Game recognizes game and red pill recognizes red pill. I say it’s Tell on our status that they are mirroring. At least I’d like to think so.

Women will break social conventions for Alpha men and create more social conventions for Beta men.

7 years ago


I saw that link of the pornstar turned pastor.

Her husband is a dead man walking. When she files the papers, he won’t know what hit him.

7 years ago
Hopeful Nihilist
Hopeful Nihilist
7 years ago

NYC checking in, and everyone, women included, are all working per usual. Although, my FB and instagram feeds are blowing up with status signaling.

It must be because all my friends and acquaintances range from early 20s to mid 30s and are “ladder climbing” and thus don’t want to, or can’t afford to take a random day off. Money talks.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

thedeti did you stick on the site long enough to see him? She was a babymomma while modeling / (probably escorting) / doing porn, and now she has a child with him. He’s not quite as doughy as I expected, but he’s got Beta Bux written all over him. Soooooo….I bet when their child is 4 or 5 years old all of a sudden she’ll reveal her horrid life of being abused by Pastor Beta. She can then parlay that into a book, a tour and for sure yet another “ministry for women”. No doubt Bites will enthuse about all… Read more »

David Power
David Power
7 years ago

How Red Pill is this Russian Lotto ad:

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Alabama radio station having a day without women. Only male musicians.

7 years ago

News media

7 years ago

Anon Reader: Yeah I saw the photos of her pastor “husband”. I see a little bit of gayface in there. What will be his downfall are two things. First, the usual attitudes pastors have towards women. She’s “reformed”. She’s different now. She loves me. And it will be OK. In the second pic of PastorBeta and Pornstar near the bottom of the piece, note his leaning in to her. Second, look at the photos of her. NOtice the contrast between photos of her in her party/pornstar life vs. photos of her with PastorBeta. She looks in charge and content, almost… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

Brilliant post election red pill commentary.

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