The First Female President®

As a matter of policy I’ve always kept this blog’s topics about intersexual dynamics and left direct issues of politics, religion, economics, race, etc. to other blogs. The only time I cross into these issues is when they relate to inter (or intra) sexual dynamics, and usually when I do it makes for some heated discussions about whatever ideology seems to be the most “Red Pill”. In these circumstances I’ve learned (the hard way) that it’s wise to wait and reserve my opinions until all the cards have hit table. With respect to the gender-social landscape of a Trump presidency I think that time might be now.

If you’ve listened to any of my recent interviews over the last year (and American campaign cycle) you’ll understand my take on how I believe Red Pill issues have colored the last campaign. With the first real shot of a female president on the table I could hardly not be asked about what I expected. If you follow me on Twitter you’ll also know I made a prediction that it would be Red Pill issues, from the intersexual perspective, that would be a defining catalyst of the campaign. I was not disappointed.

While I’ve never been an ardent Trump supporter, my political decisions were made for me with the campaign of Hillary Clinton being his opposition. I didn’t vote for Trump, I voted against Hillary, and I don’t think I was alone in that assessment. As far as I’m concerned the jury’s still out on a Trump presidency, so I’ll reserve my skepticism, but one thing I am eminently thankful for is that Hillary was denied the presidency. From a socio-sexual standpoint, and being a Red Pill writer for some time, my analysis of this being a campaign rooted in Red Pill dynamics, those the manosphere has been sussing out for going on 15 years, centered on the fact that Hillary was the Feminine Imperative’s best hope for the First Female President®. I think it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that it wasn’t Hillary herself who was running, but the ideal of the first real hope for a woman in the White House.

As a long-time Red Pill author, the feminine-primacy narrative in her campaign was blatantly obvious to me. Even ‘Obama-the-feminist’ carried the Fempowerment water for her. That was to be expected, but what I found equally predictable was the pro-woman narrative using many of the Social Conventions I’ve detailed for a decade now. Naturally, there were the feminist tropes, but the feminine-primary ‘Village’ couldn’t just pander to women, it needed some outreach to men. So, the predictable appeals to “real manhood”, the Male Catch 22 and the ever-present shaming of conventional masculinity had to follow. Men needed to declare, “I’m with Her”. It was a ham-fisted hope that male Hillary supporters would ostracize other men into supporting her – or at least they might self-police men’s vocal opposition to her.

Again, as expected from the Feminine Imperative, any dissent, any criticism, any doubt or about Hillary (no matter the issue debated) was tantamount to misogyny. This has been the spoken and unspoken presumption of any man who might be critical of anything pro-female for sometime now, but the Bitter Misogynist narrative needed some freshening up to remind women and men about their duty as responsible members of a feminine-primary social order to elect the First Female President®. This played out on a larger scale in the Clinton campaign’s late-game efforts to dig up the endless words Trump might’ve said that proved his misogyny. However, it didn’t matter what Trump did or didn’t say; the fact that any man would oppose the First Female President® made him a misogynist by default.

He versus Her

From my Red Pill perspective, the campaign wasn’t about Hillary and Trump, it was about the Feminine Imperative vs. conventional masculinity. I believe the feminine-primary hope was to definitively defeat all vestiges, all semblances, of conventional masculinity. I’ve written on numerous occasions about feminine-primacy’s efforts to remove men from all aspects of our collective thought, but a Hillary presidency was to be a decisive victory over the mythical Patriarchy and the symbolic defeat of all that is men. Hillary and Trump were mere caricatures, effigies, placeholding representative of the ridiculous extremes we’re meant to presume of women vs. men – Trump, the living image of Patriarchy and Misogyny, Hillary, the pinnacle of exaggerated female empowerment that’s been culminating since the time of the suffragettes.

It was the school yard, boys-against-girls, battle of the sexes writ large on a geopolitical scale, and the end-game victory of the First Female President® was all but a given certainty. I will admit myself, I thought Hillary had it in the bag. That’s what anyone plugged into the narrative was certain above all doubt would happen. She was supposed to win. On countless female-supremacist blogs the mantra was “Its Her turn” – it wasn’t specifically Hillary’s turn, it was Her turn, it was women’s turn. That was the foregone conclusion and anyone could see it. Even the polls who we’d later wonder “how could they have gotten it so wrong?”, even they just knew it was “her turn”. If you believed TrumpHis‘ would win it was just a sign of your stupidity in the face of such overwhelming surety.

In fact, such was the surety of the First Female President® that companies, social organizations, advertising agencies, publications of every ideological stripe, all banked on Her winning the White House – and all prepared to be ready to welcome the First Female President®. With the surety of a woman president came the surety of an ushering in of a new Era of the Woman. It was simple pragmatism to prepare well in advance for what everyone was convinced would be the zeitgeist of the next 4 (and likely 8) years of the First Female President®. Him winning was inconceivable, so it made sense to get advertising, commercials, corporate policies, special events, preliminary legislation, etc. all in readiness and in line with the coming Era of the Woman. The smart money was ‘being on the right side of history’, especially given the certainty of it and the idiocy you’d be accused of for betting against it.

But then Election Day came, and with it came the inconceivable, the unbelievable. ‘He‘ won, not ‘Her‘.

We were then treated to the tearful videos of young women in disbelief, sure that their efforts to elect Her were wasted and the certainty of their empowerment left in doubt. Their part in ‘history in the making’ was to be denied.

We had the hurriedly written concession speech only after a day or so, such was the hubris there was no need to write a ‘concession’ speech prior. Then came the existential cries of soul-destroying anguish when He was sworn in. And we were introduced to protests of a hostility never before exhibited by the followers of Her. His character was no longer about misogyny so much as it was converted to fascism. A vote for Him was considered a hate-crime, mirroring much of the same fluidity and ambiguity applied to the definitions of ‘rape’ and ‘consent’, before He came along.

With the inconceivable Trump presidency those pre-bought ad campaigns, those forward-thinking companies had to switch the narrative from a feminine-supremacism victory lap to one of ‘we shall overcome’ in spite of the same old sexism we’re supposed to presume is lurking under every male CEO’s desk. You can see this in stark contrast when you look at any of the multi-million dollar Super Bowl commercial spots that are shot a year well in advance of their air-time date. Audi’s commercial being the most glaringly evident of the presupposition of a woman president.

Turning Over Stones

What His victory has really exposed for us as a society is a condition of feminine-primacy I have been writing about for well on 14 years now. When I wrote Fem-Centrism and The Feminine Reality I was attempting to bring to light the ways in which we exist in a feminine-primary social order. I caught a lot of flack for those posts back in the day, but they’ve served as a keystone understanding for many of the social paradigms and the intents of feminization efforts I’ve written about over the years. For several generation we’ve been conditioned to believe “it’s a man’s world” and we accept notions of the evil Patriarchy to be a settled truth. Along comes Rollo Tomassi and he turns over the stones to reveal that it is in fact a feminine-primary social order men serve in – gynocentrism, gynocracy, misandry – and all pretense of ‘Patriarchy’ is really part of one more operative social convention to sell men and women on the idea of female victimhood.

All of that changed on Election Day, 2016. All of the preplanned victory lap celebrations, all the feminist triumphal marches scheduled to follow in the wake of the First Female President®, were converted to protests marches, riots, violence and demonstrations against the prospect that He might potentially remove Her rights. All of the pretense of our feminine-centric, feminine-primary social order being a social undercurrent has been, and will be tossed to the wind now. The Empress has no clothes (often literally), and all she wears is a knitted pink-pussy hat; the new uniform of female supremacism. In the span of one election cycle virtually every premise I asserted about the validity of the Feminine Imperative has been confirmed. But moreover, that imperative, so angered by the denial of the First Female President®, is comfortable in its existence being laid bare.

For years I’ve addressed the comfort women now have in openly acknowledging their Hypergamy. Open Hypergamy and Open Cuckoldry are not just embraced, they’re celebrated among women and among the feminine-primary social order to the point that we make commercials and sitcoms based on women’s sexual strategy. Now that we’ve achieved Peak Hypergamy the final step is casting off all pretense about the designs on Female Supremacism. His victory appears to be the catalyst for this.

The jig is up and the Sisterhood Über Alles has revealed the true nature of the Feminine Imperative. Even the pretense of a desire for ‘equality’ among the sexes is now replaced with a visceral contempt for all things male. More attempts to remove the man from all language is the first initiative in both the military and on campus. No longer does the femosphere feel a need to hide or sweet talk its agenda; the intent isn’t lofty dreams of gender-equality, it is, and always has been Female Supremacism and the complete erasure of anything conventionally male or masculine. If it is male and can be replaced with a female proxy, so be it. If it cannot, its complete destruction is preferred.

The Women’s March on Washington last January was the most glaring confirmation of everything I’ve ever written about the Feminine Imperative. My timing of publishing this post with tomorrow’s Day Without Women international protest is no coincidence and I have no doubt that the embrace of feminine supremacism will offer increasingly more evidence of what I’ve asserted about the Feminine Imperative. Men, Red Pill or otherwise, need to be aware of this embrace of Open Female Supremacism and their complicity in it. The Era of the Woman has now shifted to one of a blatant, naked, power grab that likely would’ve been made all the easier had the First Female President® not been denied “her turn”.

Had Hillary won the presidency I have no doubt we’d still hear platitudes of how feminism is really about ‘equality’, and how it really benefits men too. Instead we have open contempt for all that appears masculine. Even the protests themselves are converted into programs meant to emasculate men. Instead of notions of ‘equality’ we get further atomization between the sexes in the name of Fempowerment. And instead they will openly make masculinity a disease to cure.

In the coming year(s) I predict we’re going to see more of the “women-as-oppressed” in advertising, in our cultural narrative, in or social dialog, because this is what a feminine-primary social order believes will resonate with damn near every demographic. And for those whom it doesn’t, then those who disagree will have to deal with those it does. It would be easy to dismiss all of this as over exaggeration; after all this isn’t really anything new to Red Pill aware men. I’ve been writing about for almost 14 years. What is new is an increased social urgency combined with the denial of the feminine entitlement the Red Pill community has been talking about among individual women for a decade.

It’s as if women everywhere were promised the First Female President® and then had her snatched away by the living embodiment of misogyny they’ve been taught to exaggerate for generations. They were ‘entitled’ to her winning – so much so that they would change the rules of the game in order for that certainty – but He took it away. He stole it, he cheated, he,…did anything but legitimately win it. That is a very BIG hit to the collective ego-investments of a feminine-primary social order. Thus, we will see in the years to come even grander displays of this entitlement, yes, but also the stripping away of all pretense women ever had of coexisting with anything looking like masculinity.

Masculinity is misogyny now. If you thought intersexual Red Pill awareness was derided before, it will be reviled as a hate-crime in the coming era. I once joked that if things kept going the way they were socially, The Rational Male would need to be secretly smuggled to groups of men to read by firelight like Bibles in Mao’s China. I’m not laughing about that these days.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

“I give it five years.”

LOL. You’re being generous. She’s got a wicked little backstory and episodic career and relationship crack-ups that barely eke out 4 years.

7 years ago

I didn’t see any difference today, and I was out and about more than usual in Maryland and NoVa today. Plenty of women around,, not wearing red, obviously working or at lunch from work. Seems to have been a big deal only for a small percentage of highly politicized women, as far as I can tell.

7 years ago

@ Novaseeker

CORRECT!!!! That’s exactly what it was.

7 years ago

Has anyone read:
Who Makes Our Money?
By F. J. Irsigler

Talk about red pill

7 years ago

Mrs. Gamer and I will be having a cozy party shortly…beer, bacon-wrapped deerburgers, a veggie tray, and ripple chips with parmesan sprinkles.

Wishing you all were with us!

7 years ago

It was simply a day of protest for the news networks. Arrests were planned and leftist lawyers were on hand at the courthouse.

7 years ago


7 years ago

This morning someone I supervise asked me this in front of my other supervisees: “How would you get by today without us (multiple employees names listed off)?”

My deadpan response: “Most days I get by without women.”

A Definite Beta Guy
7 years ago

Fantastic post, summarizing a lot of what I’ve been thinking. This election and the aftermath shows the Elite feels they have already achieved victory and are now comfortable mopping up loose ends. Trump’s a bit of a set-back, but like scribblerg mentioned, they’ve already won. They control all the dominant cultural, social, and economic positions, and hold most of the real political power. I don’t see anything Red Pill or recognizably conservative coming out of Power Centers for the next 40 years. That said, I voted Trump, and so did Mrs. ADBG. Team (D) does not realize how their SJW… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Another way to view the Hillary! candidacy is through the lens of Hans Christian Anderson’s story about fancy new clothes.

7 years ago

Absolutely loving the election of President Trump. I’m in Australia. You’d be surprised how many of my countrymen feel the same. From around the time of the start of his candidacy, I feel a bit more able to speak out about the (red pill) truth of things. And surprisingly, how many of my work colleagues and friends (male and female) feel emboldened to do so, too.
The cat is out of the bag (or rather, the curtain has been pulled back). Gen X’ers like myself are not going to just accept any PC crap without protest.

7 years ago

Beta guy

They have not won because they have not yet changed biology. The seeds of destruction are sown and germinating.

7 years ago

The election brought a couple of things to light. First, ” teh elites ” haven’t actually won anything major. It won’t be any elitist conspiracy that will drive this country over a cliff, it will be apathy, hate and misunderstanding of facts on the ground. Americans, for the most part, know that life here is not what it should be, but they often misidentify the actual cause of the problem. this is not an accident, but is a media/internet driven phenomenon. Second, if one was paying close attention, the election showed the dirtier, uglier side of politics. The republican’ts decided… Read more »

7 years ago

Oh yeah re: A day without women or whatever.

I saw zero evidence of this.

I only heard about it in the media. They may as well have been talking about the Lochness Monster.

7 years ago

@ Blaximus Interesting thing about Trump and the elites vs. the much less than elite. I think I found this article via Vox Day today, but Trump did a good job of flipping the script against the elites, while Hillary doubled down on elitism and globalism (which favors elites). As it relates to the OP, Trump appealed to both men and woman because of his masculinity is not misogyny, but he also garnered the attention of poorer, non elite counties in flyover states (Non-L.A. County, Non-Dade County, and Non-New York (County?). This article gives some depth on that subject:… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

@ SJF Yup. Trump and the elites. Like Benny and the Jets. Trump was never fully accepted by the elites. I’m sure he has somewhat of an axe to grind. This is a positive thing. I’m still just a little miffed at how so many people in ” flyover counties ” became so enamored with the Donald. I just chalk it up to most people being unfamiliar with the Donald over a long period of time, and they equate wealth with smarts and ” can do “. But he did speak in terms that they were longing to hear. He’s… Read more »

7 years ago

Obama tried to destroy america……. Trump will give it back to the people

The people vs deep state

and fuck islam and the islamics that is all.

7 years ago

@Blaximus “I’m still just a little miffed at how so many people in ” flyover counties ” became so enamored with the Donald.” I’m not. Anti-Hillary with her liberal hate for white men. And the emotions of 53% of white women. A vote against her went to Trump a few times. (A non-majority of women voted for Hillary. That’s a Tell of how bad she did. Just as the vast majority of blacks voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 as a Tell.) “I just chalk it up to most people being unfamiliar with the Donald over a long period… Read more »

7 years ago


Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

Masculinity is misogyny now.

Which is why all the women I run in to are starving for it. And why I get a lot of attention as a result.

7 years ago

While looking at some Emma Watson stuff, I came across the news item below. I mean we could laugh at Stony Brook but…

Georgetown, a Top 25 University, announced February 23, 2016 a partnership with the United Nations HeForShe campaign, an international movement that encourages men and boys to advocate for gender equality.

With the previous comments about duty and throwing the pack on your shoulder this quote came to mind:

“Up men to your posts. Don’t forget today that you are from old Virginia.” Gen. George Pickett

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Bromeo’s been bringing it lately, no doubt.

7 years ago

There is one thing you forgot in your whole piece here: Hillary is really not a feminist. Anyone that knows her even slightly knows that. The whole “I’m with her” was nothing more than a political ruse to try win the majority female vote.

7 years ago

“C’est magnifique, mais ce n’est pas la guerre. C’est de la folie.”

Marshal Pierre Bosquet

7 years ago

Because i am a man

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

There is one thing you forgot in your whole piece here: Hillary is really not a feminist.

Oh, please, we don’t play “No True Scotsman” here. Really, we don’t. Run along, the adults are talking.

7 years ago


Zozza izz mizzhtaken vhen zhe zayz zeze zings.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
7 years ago

What’s wrong with Zozza’s point? Hilary is an elitist. Feminism is simply one of the tools they use.

7 years ago

but he also garnered the attention of poorer, non elite counties in flyover states Yes — places like Suffolk County NY and Staten Island, for example. Take a look at the 2016 election in results in those two counties — it’s illuminating, I think. Something to keep in mind about Trump — he’s from Queens. I know Queens, because I also grew up there, about 2 miles or so from where Trump did. He grew up wealthy, but he also grew up Queens — he was not, and really has never been, a part of the NY Manhattan elite club… Read more »

Dan Coates
Dan Coates
7 years ago

What is “not try to steal frame” strategy. Is that an Athol Kay concept?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

What’s wrong with Zozza’s point?

It is false. Hillary! is a feminist, has been since the 1970’s. It’s not even debatable.

Hilary is an elitist. Feminism is simply one of the tools they use.

LOL at this ridiculousness. Both you and Zozza are too short for this particular ride.
It is way too late for you two to try to save feminism’s reputation here.

7 years ago

Pres. Trump is probably not well situated to deal with OCR’s Title IX inquisition into sexual misconduct on college campuses, an inquisition in which (as always) it becomes all too expedient to deny the accused any substantive due process rights. OCR has been heavily invested in what it calls the “single adjudicator” model, in which the same person (usually the school’s Title IX Compliance Officer) serves as investigator, prosecutor, and judge. Is it necessary to note that Title IX Compliance Officers are over 80% female, and largely recruited from the Women’s Studies swamp, and thus presumably already on board the… Read more »

Hopeful Nihilist
Hopeful Nihilist
7 years ago

Blaximus and Novaseeker both hit the nail on the head. Excellent stuff. Funny that it takes a blog that isn’t even about politics to provide real analysis. Meanwhile, the “pundits” and talking heads are pulling down 7 figures a year…

7 years ago

” . . . places like Suffolk County NY and Staten Island . . .”

Known in Manhattan as “the country.”

7 years ago


I live in Flyover Country ™. Do I get admitted to the Country Club?

7 years ago
dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

@AR – lol ‘No True Scotsman’ is one of the main fallacies employed here by many posters of this site. Glad you called it out in this instance.

Correcting logical fallacies here would be a fruitless full time job. Take what you want and leave the rest is my approach.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


I live in Flyover Country ™. Do I get admitted to the Country Club?

Ask SJF, nobody else here belongs to one far as I can tell.

Pres. Trump is probably not well situated to deal with OCR’s Title IX inquisition into sexual misconduct on college campuses,

He could just roll back the Obama admin “preponderance” EO, which would put us back a bit closer to sanity for a start.

7 years ago

“Funny that it takes a blog that isn’t even about politics to provide real analysis.”

daily stormer

ignore the racism, disengage from reactionary feels and read with rational red pill glasses.

the internet was the biggest mistake the banksters ever made. even rockefeller admitted it. they have lost control of the narrative and there is no going back.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

drzipper, No True Scotsman is the fancier name for “Not All [whatever] Are Like That”. Dealing with feminists and tradcons led me to learn a lot of fallacies, so I guess I should be grateful.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

the internet was the biggest mistake the banksters ever made. even rockefeller admitted it. they have lost control of the narrative and there is no going back. Hasn’t stopped them from trying to control it. Great Firewall of China. Paid armies of commenters like these: I’m not dragging ACA in here, I’m pointing out the army of comment trolls out there that are paid. It’s no secret that the Clinton campaign had its own army of comment-posters too, and while a lot of them were surely true-blue feminists, there were also paid trolls as well. Plenty of unemployed or… Read more »

7 years ago

“You can’t ruin the porridge with butter.” –True Scotsman

7 years ago


Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

Only in an era that presumes female supremacism is a commercial like this planned, written, cast, shot, set to music, post production, published, distributed and paid for without an afterthought of criticism. “Equal Pay Is Not Enough” Nothing is or ever will be enough. Bring on much more of this material I say. Show us all that your feminism is a bottomless pit. Give it everything you’ve got, around the clock and worldwide. Provide the overreach we need to get increasing numbers of men to take the pill. Push it so far that even the most prostrate, subservient Beta Bucks… Read more »

7 years ago

“The net was a huge blunder, but that ain’t stopping them from trying to control it from the top down.”

they have already failed. all men are red pill. a hundred years of fake money and 40 years of feminist sjw propaganda cannot change fifty thousand years of true experience.

because fucking is primary to us, exposing men to the truth regarding women is the best first step in making them question everything else they’ve ever been told.

Rollo is one of the most dangerous men alive.

7 years ago

I’ll take “Things we need men to do for us” for a thousand, Alex.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

For those who have a cropping problem with that pic.twitter, here it is.

comment image

Obviously a student of Mary Daly. Disappointed that her fried ice wasn’t hot enough.

7 years ago

Folks, I’m seriously concerned pls help

How to overcome oneitis when you have options?

I’m seeing 4 girls on a refular basis and some others casually, still, I can’t take one of these girls out of my head. I thought this wasn’t supposed to happen. I thought I took the red pill. And don’t get me wrong, I love the others too, but I think way too much about this one particularly.

Any advice will be appreciated. Need more context? Let me know.


7 years ago

@Paolo Could you post more details in Field reports to keep comments about this weeks essay on topic? Rollo asked for this in the Field Reports section: For the past three years of The Rational Male there’s been a consistent presence in the comment threads of guys seeking advice for particular situations with regards to Game. Whether it’s fine tuning certain aspects of Game or a larger consensus of the guys participating in my comment threads it’s become obvious there’s a need for a dedicated page and comment thread to address these Field Reports. So I’m instituting this page for… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

“From my Red Pill perspective, the campaign wasn’t about Hillary and Trump, it was about the Feminine Imperative vs. conventional masculinity.” Great topic. It’s always the culture, everything else is sideshow. The FI, SJW, feminists and co. think they’re convincing. Herself! was never convincing. Men checking out by will or force only hastens the needed auto-correction…but that fact is lost on female solipsism. When women protest too much, screech, demand equality in fact, the FI’s wobbly footing is evident. The FI gains momentum only under the false premise that the culture is equally well or better run under female guidance.… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

Hmm that pornstar looks like Nadia Hilton.

7 years ago

In case there are some who do not believe in Open Hypergamy, one of my fecesbook friends shared this:

7 years ago
“men over 75 still have the highest suicide rate of any age group — 38.8 per 100,000 in 2014”

7 years ago

@Eh Intellect: Once upon a time the Hittite empire was at its peak, encompassing nearly the whole of Anatolia, Syria and a chunk of Iraq. The king, a devotee of the goddess Ishtar, met and married a temple girl for love rather than politics. Because he loved her he gave her considerable power and considered her his most trusted advisor. By Hittite law, when he died she continued as Queen and continued to wield power. Within a matter of decades the great Hittite empire, rivalled only by Egypt (with whom it had the first known peace treaty), was dust in… Read more »

7 years ago


The massive increase in suicide by men 45-64 didn’t even get a comment.

jim t
jim t
7 years ago

On Iron Rule #7, reposted at the recommendation of an anon:
While I can appreciate the advice, is there any way to get back into a relationship by rebuilding attraction? (without begging her to rekindle intimacy, etc.?)
I like your content and bought one of your books (planning to buy the other), but this (Iron Rule #7) doesn’t really answer the question. I’m sure there’s one way or another to do this without seeming like a loser.

7 years ago

Power of presence…

7 years ago

At Jim t

Building attraction…that’d require changes in oneself, the person who’s unattractive that is, in some respect presently. Not a dig, rather what does she find unattractive? Predictability? Niceness? Servility? Indecisiveness? Physical slouch?

It’s easier, efficient to build attraction by being personally, emotionally attractive than convincing another I’m iworth the time and affection, which is essentially begging and unattractive.

Leaving her alone and not, I repeat, not telling her what you’re up to is a good start.

7 years ago

“Btw, Obama set records for deportations. Just sayin’.” Is this missing an “LOL”? A President who explicitly calls out the “pay gap”, including during at least one state-of-the-union address, is highly unlikely to turn the screws on immigration enforcement machine. This should be obvious. The fact that it is not, is the problem. Smoke and mirrors to placate the controlled opposition. Real enforcement of standing immigration Laws would require BBQ’ing the ribs of the same sacred cow that demands moar measures to create Equal Pay, aka Progress. Moving the goalposts, changing the language, etc. are just SOP for crafting a… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . enough men to create actual change?”


7 years ago

Trump is about as alpha as your common frat star from a top party school, like Mike the Situation with a slightly upgraded reptilian brain. Trump has no integrity. He’s a pathological liar (biggest electoral college victory since Regan, 5m illegal votes, Obama wire tapping, etc. lol). And this is supposed to be our masculine messiah? Cheeto Voldemort…what a joke. Bernie is still the true champion of the people. A man who has stood for what he believes in time and time again. He had everything rigged against him and yet he continues to tirelessly fight for the American people.… Read more »

7 years ago

“Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president and I am proud to stand with her here today,”

– Bernie “champion of the people” Sanders

jim t
jim t
7 years ago

@Rollo, I have my reasoning, and I recognize that it would not be up to par with what many men would find justifiable.
In case you’re wondering, it’s not some random case of ONEitis. I blatantly recognize I can do better, etc., but I think it’d be what’s best for everyone involved in general.

7 years ago

” . . . principles always win . . . ”

. . . where the pen commands enough swords.

7 years ago

@jim t Explicit instructions for this are contained in in a book written by one of the moderators for Married Red Pill Reddit (which is a reddit section specifically designed for what you are asking for). Even if you are not married, the game prescription is the same. Saving a Low Sex Marriage: A Man’s Guide To Dread, Seduction and the Long Game by Blue Pill Professor. What this book is a well researched, distilled from voluminous manosphere sources including Rollo and the original good work by Athol Kay. It drawn from the best that the manosphere has offered… Read more »

jim t
jim t
7 years ago

@EhIntellect, I get that. I’ve been doing all that I can think to work on myself for a while now.
You put the mindset I’ve been trying to put together in a way that’s a bit more immediately accessible, though, so thank you for that. Pretty fair advice.

7 years ago


Did you even read the original essay that Rollo posted?

7 years ago

“Bernie was a tool for the DNC from the word go.”

We don’t know what Bernie did, but we know from the emails that whatever it was, the Champion of the People really, really, really doesn’t want The People to know about it.

jim t
jim t
7 years ago

@Rollo while I disagree with the way you word things (for obvious reasons), I can appreciate your blatant honesty. I’m sure there are psychological reasons that you end up cultivating your advice around (I’m 1000% sure getting dumped and then trying to reconstruct things will effect game long-term and the like), so I’m not just reading and blatantly disregarding what you have to say here.
@Everybody else, thanks for the advice, I’ll do some more reading and come back in a day or two.

7 years ago

On the other side of the record:

7 years ago

Super busy week, can’t keep up. Just something interesting for you all. Kristen Stewart is bisexual and had an interview. She said, “Sexuality is so grey”, lol. Here’s the article. Apparently she “came out” last month on SNL – did anyone even care? 20something girl sleeping with girls and guys, lol, that doesn’t even get on the radar anymore. But it’s very interesting to decompose a bit for us Red Pill folks. She just assumes male and female sexuality are the same. Does it even occur to her to do some research on this subject? What she’d find… Read more »

7 years ago

@Luke – Lol, oh my are you funny. You wouldn’t know what an alpha man was if he flipped you over and fucked you in the ass. Jesus, what a mess you are. I’ll just deal with one absurd paragraph. “Trump is about as alpha as your common frat star from a top party school, like Mike the Situation with a slightly upgraded reptilian brain. Trump has no integrity. He’s a pathological liar (biggest electoral college victory since Regan, 5m illegal votes, Obama wire tapping, etc. lol). And this is supposed to be our masculine messiah? Cheeto Voldemort…what a joke.”… Read more »

7 years ago


Great comment! Didn’t know that deportation had been redefined to cook the stats. (Not surprised, tho.) Just like unemployment stats.

7 years ago

Bernie was Hillary without a vagina. But delusional socialists think Sanders would have beaten Trump, lol, I mean how do we reason with such people? Answer: You can’t. You do have to defang them though…

7 years ago

Scrib, Yeah, so true. She makes a production about it as a infantile show of brattiness, self absorption. Looking for FB “likes” from the queer crowd, attention. You’d do her a service boring her out, with predjudice. Last month I told two lesbians til graduation they’re “unconvincing, just saying. She’s never been with a dude…like me.” They were weirdly pawing at each other. Pecking kisses. The prettier of the two started to shriek, not at me per se, just into the void of the bar, head pointed to the ceiling. Wow. Her friend stood perplexed at her lover’s meltdown. HABD… Read more »

7 years ago

@Ads – Ya, Obama called anyone refused and turned around at the border a “removal” (deportation isn’t the right term) whereas that had never been done in the past. The left has been told this is wrong so many times, just like the wage gap myth, but they never stop yapping about it. More than a few on the right use that stat on Obama too.

7 years ago

Alpha is social dominance, not some list of masculine traits you think are cool.

Thank you for sparing me a long winded response… this nails it nicely.

Trump is an apex alpha… he operates solely in his own frame… HIS MPoO. He says what he feels… He wants the biggest house, tallest buildings and hottest women. He wants the nicest country he can imagine and will operate as an apex alpha towards those ends… If you think he wont be successful yet again you are ignoring his track record.

7 years ago

“If you think he wont be successful yet again you are ignoring his track record.” To the extent that Trump has my personal respect, he earned it during his great collapse, not during his political campaign. It would have had most men taking a short walk out a high window. He didn’t even blink. He just kept working. He also made a few comments to the effect that a homeless man on the street was worth millions more than he was, yet he was the one living in luxury and being driven to bankruptcy hearings in a limo, which was… Read more »

john smith
john smith
7 years ago
Reply to  kfg

To kfg:

It must be remembered that Trump’s dad had him on construction sites from the time he was old enough to walk. He rubbed elbows with those hard, simple, and honest men and ate lunch with them and more than likely dug more than one ditch with them.

Trump’s understanding of and ability to communicate with Joe Sixpack was learned the hard way. He has, and justifiably so, more respect for a guy in a hard hat than for a banker clad in Armani. The man knows both intimately and his choice is obvious.

7 years ago

Victor Davis Hanson, noted Classicist, Military Historian and commentator on our social scene. Like me, not a Trump supporter. He is fucking brilliant though. Here’s what he said to an angry leftist about Trump and intelligence. Listen up, he’s spitting some real truth. “Trump is, of course, a flawed individual like many of us; but his failings are transparent, quite unlike those of Barack Obama, to take one example (Hillary Clinton is another). With Trump, what you see is what you get. With Obama and his subordinates we were given constant utopian platitudes about hope and change, but experienced quite… Read more »

7 years ago

A footnote for Hanson… Trump surviving the Manhattan real estate cauldron after having survived the Brooklyn, Queens and Atlantic City cualdrons.

7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago

More men will need to understand, internalize, and live “demonstrate not explicate”.

7 years ago

Apples and trees…


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With Dad

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7 years ago

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Apples and trees continued

7 years ago

apples and trees – Alpha Edition

Young – with Dad.. and brothers..

High School – take note

Phase One – Early Adulthood

Men – do NOT squander your time with your sons… wherever they may be…

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
7 years ago

@Rollo Tomassi posted “Instead of notions of ‘equality’ we get further atomization between the sexes in the name of Fempowerment. And instead they will openly make masculinity a disease to cure.” and, later… “In the coming year(s) I predict we’re going to see more of the “women-as-oppressed” in advertising, in our cultural narrative, in or social dialog, because this is what a feminine-primary social order believes will resonate with damn near every demographic. And for those whom it doesn’t, then those who disagree will have to deal with those it does. It would be easy to dismiss all of this… Read more »

7 years ago

… well, don’t marry that chick anyway. Lol.

7 years ago
7 years ago

Ajax –

American Passports, Money and Teeth are still sexy “over there”.

7 years ago

Overpaid, oversexed and over here: “Conditions were harsh in Britain in the early 1940s and there was also an undercurrent of unease that was conveyed by the phrase, especially amongst British men, who resented the attraction of GIs, with their ready supply of nylons and cigarettes, amongst British women. The artist Beryl Cook, who was a young woman at the time confirmed this in an interview to the BBC in the late 1970s. I can’t find the transcript of the interview, but from memory it was words to the effect of, ‘food was scarce, but we supplemented our income by… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Ajax

So who still wants to drive an automobile today?

7 years ago

Speaking of Brits and cars: Mike “The Bike” Hailwood was once asked in an interview, when he was driving F1, if it was bikes or cars that were more dangerous. His words as I remember them were something like, “The cars give an illusion of safety because you’re enclosed and strapped in, but in fact they’re more dangerous than bikes, because when you have a shunt it’s the “protective” car that kills you.” Chitty Bang Bang was a real car that raced at Brooklands between the wars. Here it is with its owner Count Zborowski at the wheel: It… Read more »

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