Dangerous Times – Part 3

In writing and editing this series for the last few weeks a lot has happened in the Future is Female movement. I’m not a big fan of awards shows for obvious reasons; they have all gone from being a celebration and acknowledgement of creativity and performance in entertainment to being little more than a stage upon which political and social protests are aired by pampered celebrities. However, the recent Golden Globes anti-male / anti-masculinity screed by Oprah Winfrey initiated the next step in what can only be described as socially accepted misandry. I have no doubt that the (now annual) Women’s March planned for January 20th will see this anti-male, female supremacism go far beyond what it did in 2017 and echo Oprah’s open hatred for men and an unapologetic call for the removal of men and the criminalization of any semblance of conventional masculinity.

The original intent of this series was to raise awareness of the dangerous inherent in our coming intersexual social relations. And in the time I’ve been considering this I had to finally take a birds eye view of where we’ve come from and where we’re likely to end up with regard to the social direction I see the sexes headed today. For the final installment of this series there are a couple of articles I’m going to reference that got me thinking recently. The first was an article on Quillette by William Buckner titled Romanticizing the Hunter Gatherer. I’m using this as a starting point today because I think this piece speaks to some common misperceptions of our evolutionary past as hunter gatherer, tribalist beings.

When it comes to evolutionary psychology (evo psych) and biology (evo bio) there is always a tendency to want to focus certain speculations on particular ideological bents. In fact, there is a current push to typify all science as being inspired by male-primary sexism and a motion to reform the sciences by requiring them to basically concur with what ever serves the Feminine Imperative’s most flattering interests. Another popular idea amongst egalitarian equalists is the speculation (really romanticization) of our hunter gatherer ancestors being natural egalitarian equalists themselves. Equalists love to presume that human beings’ natural state is one of collective cooperation and gender equality, but according to new studies there’s no evidence to support these ideas (emphasis mine):

But what about egalitarianism? In a 2004 study, Michael Gurven marshals an impressive amount of cross-cultural data and notes that hunters tend to keep more of their kill for themselves and their families than they share with others.12 While there is undeniably a great deal of sharing across hunter-gatherer societies, common notions of generalized equality are greatly overstated. Even in circumstances where hunters give away more of their meat than they end up receiving from others in return, good hunters tend to be accorded high status, and rewarded with more opportunities to reproduce everywhere the relationship has been studied.

[…] In the realm of reproductive success, hunter-gatherers are even more unequal than modern industrialized populations, exhibiting what is called “greater reproductive skew,” with males having significantly larger variance in reproductive success than females.15 Among the Ache of Paraguay, males have over 4 times the variance in reproductive success that females do, which is one of the highest ratios recorded. This means some males end up having lots of children with different women, while a significant number of males end up having none at all. This is reflected in the fact that polygynous marriage is practiced in the majority of hunter-gatherer societies for which there are data. Across these societies, the average age at marriage for females is only 13.8, while the average age at marriage for males is 20.7.16 Rather than defending what would be considered child marriage in contemporary Western societies, anthropologists often omit mentioning this information entirely.

Much of this article confirms a majority of what the Red Pill has been observing and considering for a long time now. The Pareto Principle being the highlight in this last part here; 20% of men reproducing with 80% of women. I’ll also draw your attention to the studies that suggest that only one man for every 17 women reproduced as little as 8,000 years ago (after the advent of agriculture). The Quillette article is a fascinating read, particularly from a Red Pill perspective, and I’d encourage you to read it. The operative point in this is that this research confirms that, despite the feel-good belief that human beings are naturally monogamous and naturally egalitarian, our hunter gatherer ancestors were largely polygamous.

The second article I’m going to reference is The Link Between Polygamy and War from the Economist last month. This is a very in-depth research that breaks down the connection between modern polygamous social orders and their tendency for political unrest and unstable societies. The Economist is a paywalled site, but again it’s well worth the read. This is a very thorough detailing of how men in these countries are systematically disqualified from reproduction in polygynous social and religious societies due to their lack of resources. Only wealthy men are permitted a wife (the only sanctioned way a man can have sex) and if a man can afford more it is a sign of his prestige that he can take as many as he has the resources for.

Men in South Sudan typically marry as often as their wealth — often measured in cattle — will allow. Perhaps 40 percent of marriages are polygamous. “In [our] culture, the more family you have, the more people respect you,” says William, a young IT specialist in search of his second wife. Few South Sudanese see the connection between these matrimonial customs and the country’s horrific civil war. If you ask them the reason for the violence, locals will blame tribalism, greedy politicians, weak institutions and perhaps the oil wealth which gives warlords something to fight over. All true, but not the whole story. Wherever it is widely practiced, polygamy (specifically polygyny, the taking of multiple wives) destabilizes society, largely because it is a form of inequality which creates an urgent distress in the hearts, and loins, of young men. If a rich man has a Lamborghini, that does not mean that a poor man has to walk, for the supply of cars is not fixed. By contrast, every time a rich man takes an extra wife, another poor man must remain single. If the richest and most powerful 10 percent of men have, say, four wives each, the bottom 30 percent of men cannot marry. Young men will take desperate measures to avoid this state.

The article goes on to link the unemployment of young men to their resorting to criminal (and often open war) means to take the wealth necessary for them to procure a wife. This then leads to violent and social unrest. When we look at militant Islamic organizations one of the first, and probably most convincing, rewards young fighters are offered is the guarantee of a wife – even if she is the spoils of war. Much of what prompted the Arab Spring uprisings has been attributed to the unemployment rates in these countries and the consequent result that those young men cannot ‘legitimately’ afford to marry or have a family. They literally have nothing to lose and a wife (sexual release) and a family to gain.

When one man can monopolize 20 wives and thereby force his rivals from the gene pool we have a similar condition to that of our hunter gatherer ancestors. Only in this instance polygamy (really polygyny) is a socially mandated, socially approved convention.

One persistent debate I read in the manosphere is the contention that human society, achievement, stability, etc. is the result of post-agrarian monogamy. Usually this debate crops up between the more traditionalist faction of the sphere and the more brutally pragmatic of Red Pill aware men. I understand the premise from the traditional perspective; there is every evidence that the conventional family structure has been the lynchpin of social progress. I agree with this assessment, but from an evolutionary perspective human beings are not innately monogamous. Our conventional monogamy and family structure, and the resulting progress is really in spite of ourselves. The evidence is there in our genomic records. Our success as a culture was due to controlling the feral aspects of both men and women’s natural sexual strategies via social conventions, religion and personal conviction. And the result of this control is a social contract that is based on monogamy.

That said, there is no denying that monogamous societies make for the most stable societies – or at least they have up to this point in history. Even the Economist article highlights this fact. Monogamy reduces reproductive stress on Beta men – or at least until recently. One reason we have Disney myths of soul mates so prevalent in the past generations is as social a social reinforcement for monogamy. The social convention of idealistic love being a mutually accepted concept between the sexes is also a social reinforcement for monogamy. These were conventions that held men in an idealized state of monogamy. Even the worst Beta still had a hope to reproduce if the mythology was such that “there’s someone for everyone.”

But again, all of this idealization of monogamy is really in spite of ourselves. Left to our own means and our unfettered sexual strategies men will be ruthlessly polygynous and women will resort to ruthless Hypergamy.

The New Polygamy Polyandry

You can probably see where I’m going with this now. Since the time of the Sexual Revolution (and unilaterally female-controlled hormonal birth control) we have seen a systematic degradation of this monogamous social order in favor of a female-primary social order. This social order is predicated on women’s complete control over the reproductive fate of society. Whereas before there were social checks and balances in conventional monogamy, these have been replaced with the unrestrained, unquestioned imperatives of women’s sexual strategy – Hypergamy. In just 5 short decades men have ceded any claim to not only our own sexual strategy and interests, but to any right to paternity.

When we look at how social trends have shifted with regard to women’s sexual selection process we can see the end game more clearly. We’ve gone from ’No Means No’ to ‘Yes Means Yes’ , to itemized permission documentation of every sex act, and now to “enthusiastic consent”. Women’s end game is not unlike our original state of polygamy in that only the most desirable Alpha men will be allowed breeding rights to women – with the social contract being all women are entitled to Alpha Fucks. Enthusiastic consent is a ‘thing’ because on some level of consciousness women loathe the idea of transactional sex with Beta men. And as women’s provisioning and security needs are already met by the state and men’s own direct or indirect resource transfer, there is no longer any desire for “sex they’re really not that into.”

If not for ubiquitous, free online porn and soft prostitution (Sugaring, Tinder, Seeking Arrangements) western culture might find itself in a similar situation to the polygamous countries described by the Economist.

I think it’s important for Red Pill aware men to consider that as women consolidate more and more power via social conventions that only apply to men (MeToo, Times Up, etc.) the end game is one of polyandry for women. This cartoon was a funny one because it accurately describes women’s sexual selection process, but it’s unfunny because it also belies women’s idealized state – one in which men are either draft animals or breeding stock. 

I had quite a few men ask me where I think we’re headed with regards to intersexual social dynamics and I would say that what I’m ultimately seeing is an erasure of conventional monogamy replaced with a Hypergamous polygamy in which women will have uncontested control over reproduction. I see a lot of similarities occurring with men who drop out of life, and either neglect or refuse to build their lives around supporting a family or entertaining a wife. The guys I talk to very much want to get married and have kids, but the downsides are so unimaginably dangerous for men it seems hopeless to them. The old monogamous social contracts no longer exist, but men are still being held responsible for not putting themselves on the line to take risks that only apply to them.

So, not unlike the young unemployed men in the Arab Spring, today’s drop out guy has very little hope for a monogamous future with a woman. But this hopeless circumstance is being instituted by western women, not a religious dogma. Un restrained Hypergamy leads us back to our feral, tribalist polygamy, simply because women have no use for Beta men. Sex with Betas is (or soon will be) considered rape and without porn or some other sexual sedation Betas would likely resort to violence to solve that problem.

What to Do

Anonymous Reader hit me with this comment:

Distilled to it’s essence this is how women in uncontested control of men and masculinity will view men: according to their basest Hypergamous needs and in the context of complete solipsistic self-interests.

Something more like an ant colony or beehive than a civilization of humans. A society of women owners, a handful of males allowed to breed and a whole lot of neutered workers.

I’ve used the Sadie Hawkins’ World analogy for some time now, but this is what the new order of Fempowerment has created for men and women going forward. As much as it goes against every evolved instinct for women, it will be women who must pursue and make the effort to initiate sex and intimacy with men. There will likely be some pushback from more traditional/conventional women who truly desire men to pursue them – nothing is more flattering for a woman’s ego – but the social environment will be such that the risk of personal destruction will become so high, and the juice not being worth the risk of the squeeze will be so low, that even the top tier men in the SMP will be incentivized to allow women to make the first move.

Essentially what MeToo, Enthusiastic Consent and Fempowerment is establishing is an even higher standard of what constitutes an ideal Alpha. It is a tightening of the market of sorts. Women are reluctant (and then resentful) to settle for a less-than the best Hypergamy with a suboptimal male as it is now, but add to this the condition that only the most ideal of Alphas represents the only legitimate sexual experience

Some Solutions:

  1. Play the Game better: Learn Game so thoroughly that you can use the corrupted system to your best advantage. The bar is set so low for men today that even marginal self-improvement, Red Pill awareness and Game savvy can set a man apart from the overwhelming majority of Beta, feminized symps. In essence men can make themselves into commodities women will compete for. There is a danger in this though; women who want to consolidate on the Alpha who wont commit open themselves up to false accusations in reprisal.
  2. MGTOW: As there are varying degrees of MGTOW I can’t say that the most isolationist of MGTOWs response is really a solution. Distilled down, MGTOW is an abdication of meta-Frame to women. However, not all MGTOWs are cut from the same cloth. Many will explain that MGTOW is just men not using women as a benchmark for their ego validation, and my response is, great, I think any Red Pill aware man ought to do the same. Taking womankind off the pedestal and replacing them with your own Mental Point of Origin is key in any man’s unplugging. That said, isolation may not be the best approach to dealing with the Future is Female crowd.
  3. Transactional sex: Reducing intersexual relations to Tinder hook ups, Sugar Baby/Daddy contractual agreements, or ‘Seeking Arrangements’ will preclude a transactional understanding and imply specific positive consent. This still has its dangerous though. Even a Tinder hook up can go bad for a guy if a woman still has regrets at a later date. However, at least from a social standpoint a woman seeking a sexual encounter can be thought of as being proceptive about the experience and not a victim of coercion.

I’d encourage more solutions in the comments. I’m sure a lot of this series seems overly reactionary or disheartening for men who are looking for a return to that stabilizing monogamy. There is an element in the manosphere today who are looking for their Red Pill Trad-Con woman who will police the worst of herself in order to return to the golden era of monogamy. I have my reservations about the real motives of the few women who subscribe to this story, but the issues isn’t about what they will do, but rather what they can do in a feminine-primary social order that allows them to renege on their convictions without consequence.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

lol obamas homosexual ass

6 years ago

It takes more than just intellect to make a man superior.

What is it about the manosphere where dudes keep yapping about intellect/intelligence so much usually after they make some dumb assed historical statement that screams ignorance?

And if intellect is the end all be all, why are so many supposedly bright motherfuckers clueless about women?

Do you see the irony?

El oh el.

6 years ago

“And if intellect is the end all be all, why are so many supposedly bright motherfuckers clueless about women?”

6 years ago

Rollo, I applaud your writing! Finally a succinct articulation of what many of us have been sensing for a long time. I keep wondering about the “Why?”. Why is the Feminine Imperative allowed to take over today’s culture? Personally I don’t believe that it’s the female population in isolation that is somehow succeeding in advancing its agenda over the interest of men. As you’ve been noting, the legal system, the media and entertainment industries and other entities which are still largely run by men, have been more than compliant in pushing the narrative. Would love to get your thoughts on… Read more »

6 years ago

“Civilize The Mind, But Make Savage The Body.” ― Ancient Chinese Proverb “The hero receives a call to enter an unusual world of strange powers and events. A call to adventure. If the hero accepts the call, he must face tasks and trials. He may have to face these trials alone, or he may have the assistance of a companion or benefactor (sidekicks). At its climax, the hero must survive a severe challenge, often with help/gifts/weapons/training he gained on the journey. If he survives, the hero may achieve a great gift which often results in the discovery of important self-knowledge.… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Frisco I got a partial theory that’s probably a small portion of the equation, as I also believe that males are very culpable in the advancement of the FI agenda. 1. Consumerism. Women used to be a powerful engine of the consumption of goods and services. Men, not so much outside of cars, motorcycles, boats, land and houses. If you can get men to identify more with the feminine at very young ages, they will start to mimic the behaviors of those who are their ” equals “. Remember when men went to barber shops instead of styling salons?… Read more »

6 years ago

Not reading any of these long ass comments that don’t say anything.

6 years ago

I just had to post this video here. This is how feminism works. Watch from the 39 – 45 minutes mark. Pretty much Grant Cardone’s wife want this bitch who’s blaming her husband for her failure to be given a 3rd chance when all the guys before only got 1 chance. This is just sickening https://grantcardonetv.com/whatever-it-takes-season-2-episode-1/?channel=whateverittakes2

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

“What is it about the manosphere where dudes keep yapping about intellect/intelligence so much usually after they make some dumb assed historical statement that screams ignorance?”

Paint a target around the arrow and you hit a bull’s eye each and every time.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

But you knew that blax.

M Simon
6 years ago

The Solitary Silver FoX January 12, 2018 at 1:35 pm Funny. The wife told me a long time ago that betas didn’t interest her. For her it was alpha or nothing. And although she didn’t mention it the chief signifier of alphaness for her was the ability to bed various women. Her particular defect is in expecting an alpha to give that up once SHE committed. You know – because she is so wonderful. Ha. I’m teaching her Red Pill. The FI in her doesn’t like it. But she no longer denies it. And the thought of me chasing another… Read more »

M Simon
6 years ago

January 12, 2018 at 3:30 pm

Why the ascendancy of the FI? That is an easy one if you can count. Women are 51% of the voting population. Men are 49%. Do the math.

M Simon
6 years ago

Artisanal Toad
January 12, 2018 at 2:56 pm

Nice one.

6 years ago

Women are 51% of the voting population. Men are 49%. Do the math.

Actually, married women generally vote with their husbands…

6 years ago

@M Simon:

It was the FI being on the ascendancy that allowed women to get the vote. The percentage of women who voted for that, rounded to the nearest integer, was 9.


Married women generally vote the same as their husbands. That number is absolute, not vector. See above.

6 years ago


0 percent, not 9. Tablet issues.

6 years ago

I’m going to predict that women are going to start protesting or challenging the me too movement. There will come a time when women become frustrated that men are too scared to hit on them. That will be the moment when there’s some sort of shift…what type of shift I’m not sure but there will be a shift. Guy with game will be the ones to benefit from that. I compare it to a recent company Christmas party I was at where all the girls who are normally quiet and proper all got ridiculously drunk and began throwing themselves at… Read more »

M Simon
6 years ago

“I had to leave.”

I read that at first as I had to live.

6 years ago

From the popcorn gallery….. I binged Breaking Bad for the second time when I had some downtime during the holidays. Watching it the second time after arriving at TRM and digesting the RP was a totally different experience. It was much clearer to see how alpha and beta characters find their success and failures as characters. Walter White’s character exhibited a great deal of alpha and it grew to large proportions as he realized the more alpha he became the more of a successful badass he could be, and generate more and more money via his drug producing. Walter craved… Read more »

6 years ago

“I believe capitalist trade is against male nature.”


The competitive nature of men to build, create and trade for their goods or services is anti-capitalist? Dude….what poisoned Kool Aid have you been drinking?

6 years ago

I wouldn’t watch breaking bad if you paid me. Walter White is a total piece of shit, the meth junkies are better humans than the “chemists” or the dealers.

6 years ago

@ rugby11 Thanks for the support, I appreciate it. / offtopic To get this off my chest: The things I believed in were lies. Everything makes sense now. Reading RM sent me on this unbelieveable horrorshow of a memory lane. Like, a goddamn excruciating Via Dolorosa. How can I have been so stupid? A colossal moron. It is no exaggeration to compare this to waking up in a damned vat, tubes coming out of your body. The shock is as big. Feeling sick, I had to lie down on the floor as I finally understood what has happened to me.… Read more »

6 years ago

I’ll stay strictly on-topic from now-on. 001 out.

6 years ago

“In the end it became more clear as Walter’s dark side came out that he was much more butthurt about the past business deal where he fucked up and left the startup Grey Matter. What exactly happened was never fully explained as to why/how he got screwed over, but he never grew past all that and sought to prove himself with more outrageous decisions including murder.” Breaking Bad spoiler alert, but not really, because it was never spelled out why Walter White left Gray Matter but it was all there covertly in the script with Red Pill gems. It was… Read more »

6 years ago

“I wouldn’t watch breaking bad if you paid me. Walter White is a total piece of shit, the meth junkies are better humans than the “chemists” or the dealers.” His INTJ manufacture of meth as a plot device was a placeholder for a man embracing his Dark Side for better or worse. It could have been anything. He redeemed his Beta Side by being the most impossibly Best Chemist Ever. He just couldn’t harness the Mastery that flowed from his transformation into Alpha. The trick is in to recognize that part of you that is part of your soul. It… Read more »

6 years ago

Walter White a piece of shit because of illicit chemistry? So, how do you feel about big pharma? Aren’t we in the grips of some kind of opiate emergency right now? Breaking Bad was fiction, but extremely well executed fiction. One of the best shows of all time so far. You watch the worlds biggest beta dweeb go from that to a fearless ( although a little crazed ) kingpin killer, to a body on the floor. Character arc off the charts. If it were possible to visit every newborn child over, say, a 5 year span, you’d see future… Read more »

6 years ago

Welcome 001. You are not alone. Post away.

6 years ago

@001 … I am another decade down the road, but the RP awakening is hitting me hard as well. Intellectually, I get it. I am past the anger. I am wondering if the juice is worth the squeeze … and frankly, as a long time ‘nide guy’, if I have the will power to right the ship to save an LTR.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

@ 001 and gwoke

You’re not really off topic as far as I’m concerned. If you didn’t see them at the time, Rollo did a series on this very thing not long ago. Search for The Reconstruction (parts I-IV) in the box to your right.

M Simon
6 years ago

Rollo Tomassi
January 13, 2018 at 11:16 am

Re: intersexual hierarchies. My theory is that women are capable of such love. If they will surrender. I’m teaching my LTR how to do it. My mom did it with my dad. It is just not taught these days. The woman has to elevate her man to pedestal status. In fact all the old books suggest this. There have even been cultures built around female surrender. The men are generally happier. And so are the women.

M Simon
6 years ago

There is a backlash coming and it should be a doozy. I hope to live to see it. When the social rules deviate too far from nature they are not “sustainable” (I have come to hate that word). But the old order was not right either. Alan Turing was a victim of the old order. A great loss that was. In any case – the new order will not arrive until Red Pill understanding is more wide spread among women. My first girl (’62) had it (lucky me). But she is the only woman I have run into who understood… Read more »

M Simon
6 years ago

January 13, 2018 at 9:48 am

I have been away for a while ( http://spacetimepro.blogspot.com/ ). Could you tell me (give a link) to where field reports are located?

6 years ago

You do have the power. And there is a process for turning it round.

Basically, it’s the same push/pull used in pickup. Counterintuitively, girls find push to be attractive…pull is merely comforting to them. It’s counterintuitive, because men find pull to be attractive and push to be unattractive in girls.

Bluepillprofessor’s site is good for turning LTR’s around.

M Simon
6 years ago

Blaximus January 13, 2018 at 9:42 am How do you make chemistry illegal? Sounds like another one of those social fictions (femalz rulz). And you know what eventually happens to social fictions. The dust bin of history is full of them. Well. The willingness to murder comes with the territory. And you know how women “love” murderers. There is an old book “War Lovers” that explains it all in the context of WW2. I don’t remember the author off hand. But he is a “name”. The punchline comes at the end of the book. In effect – men go to… Read more »

M Simon
6 years ago

January 13, 2018 at 12:07 pm


6 years ago

“men go to war because women love warriors ”

Military historian Jeff Cooper came to the conclusion that men go to war because they love to fight.

So, same answer.

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

How do you include a picture (.jpg) in the body of a post here please? I have a cracker of a post to share, but the pic will put it all into perspective. Rugby…?

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

@ Palma

My next post will just confirm your most recent one above… and she’s only 38, but def post wall…

6 years ago

On the bright side, the more accusations that are made, the lower the value each accusation will have. The “me too” movement may be partly organic. However, it is most definitely also manufactured and manipulated just like everything else feminists and the Left do. The feminists will pull back before the movement causes too many nonsense accusations like that against 95 year old Stan Lee. This would cause people to questions the entire feminist narrative. The “me too” movement will be ended long before that happen. They won’t have to take it any further. Residual fear will be enough just… Read more »

6 years ago

A big part of the shift in power balance towards women is that gender distribution in the population is roughly equal. For all of human history, men have regularly gone off to war, fought, and died. The men who survived were in demand as there were never enough men to go around. 70 years of relative peace has shifted the power towards women to an extent never before experienced in human culture. I guarantee that if 25% of the male population vanished tomorrow, all this 3rd wave feminist “me too” shit would vanish with them.

6 years ago

palmasailor – People instinctively know when they are over saturating their audience. Marketers play very successful commercials only so long. Radio stations play very popular songs only so long. Feminists are no different. There is an organic part to this movement, but just like all Leftist movements, I’m sure it is also partly manufactured and manipulated. I’m going to assume you know about the purpose of “consciousness raising” and all of the other terms the Left uses to agitate. This is largely what George Soros is doing. Very little the Left does is entirely organic. If I’m right about what… Read more »

6 years ago

@Radium “Help me out here How would the executives at Feminism inc. get the message out to the ground floor that enough is enough.” LOL. I learned long ago not to give out forecasts for free to my patients. They have to work for them. Expectations need to be tempered. No one could have predicted the predicament that exists now and no one can predict what will happen over time. Radium is just crystal balling it there. It’s reasonable to have dreams. Just don’t call non-lucid dreams lucid dreams and don’t hold your breath waiting for the dreams scenario to… Read more »

6 years ago

Most people don’t understand what an original monogamy coupled with assortative mating was. It was an efficient system of ACCELERATED EVOLUTION, via: 1) Ruthless selecting out Easily Identifiable Loosers. Thus elimination of bad genes. Via assortative mating looser men mate with looser women. Looser women are PREVENTED from mating with winner men, because monogamy rules, winner men can only have 1 women, so they have to choose a winner one. The offspring of looser men and looser women become Easily Identfiable Loosers, and get ultimately within multiple generations go extinct (look at point 4). Extinction of Easily Itentifiable Loosers makes… Read more »

6 years ago

palmasailor –KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov did some interviews in the 1980s in which he described how the KGB creates social divisions in which communists could further exploit. What he described is similar to what the organizations that George Soros fund appear to be doing. The WikiLeaks Vault 7 release contained info on the CIA meme warfare program. That program sounded a lot like what I understand the KGB was doing. I see the “me too” movement in this light. The basic idea is to find and fund the malcontents whose message plays on people’s emotions in order to create social… Read more »

6 years ago

SJF – This is not optimism. I don’t see this ending any better than the daycare allegations of the 1980s and 1990s ended. However, it does fit a pattern.

6 years ago

“People instinctively know when they are over saturating their audience. Marketers play very successful commercials only so long. Radio stations play very popular songs only so long.”

Only when they are aware. “Marketers” have masculine straightforward, logical and practical methods.

“Feminists are no different.”

They actually are. Back and forth, feeling and ideological.

It has nothing to do with the fact that part of it is “organic”. Everything in retrospect is organic if you use the one of multiple definitions of organic (having systematic coordination of parts).

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago
6 years ago


To me it looks like it’s gone bandit and there’s no command structure for containment

You haven’t been reading The Nation, have you? Radium has it exactly right. When the leftist media sees that The Nation isn’t pushing metoo, the media will stop pushing metoo.


The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

Here’s a classic example (above ~ haven’t quite got the hang of posting pics with Imgur yet, but thx for heads up, Palma) of a post-wall female’s frustrations and crazy hamster delusions in real-time from my FakeBook feed this weekend. She’s in the middle, the only one being attractive being a unicorn, of course… Her initial post: “We all know i like to keep it real… so why can’t I get a date? Are men intimidated by me? Is it that I know what I want that throws them off? Wtf EDIT: after reflection.. men do ask me out but… Read more »

6 years ago

palmasailor – I agree. The organic part is off the rails, and it will definitely not end well for women. Women are already incredibly unhappy and getting more unhappy by the year. One recent study in the UK found 28% of 18 to 24 year old women have a mental illness, which is up 25% in something like 5 years. However, this is just a bonus for those Leftist / feminist opinion makers who are amplifying the “me too” message. It took me a while to finally understand what Jordan Peterson was saying when he says that you need to… Read more »

6 years ago

@Palma Sailor:

“Oreo cookies have the following ingredients: sugar, unbleached enriched flour, high oleic canola and palm oil, cocoa, high fructose corn syrup, leavening, cornstarch, salt, soy lecithin, vanillin and chocolate. A serving size of three cookies has 160 calories and 25 grams of carbohydrates.”

6 years ago

More on backlash…

“This strikes me as a new development for the social-justice left: They now believe in suppressing free speech — even before they know its content! It also strikes me as ominous for journalism as a whole. When journalists themselves wage campaigns to suppress the writing of other journalists, and intend to destroy a magazine for not toeing their ideological line, you can see how free speech truly is on the line. ”


The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

The entertainment clean-out is in full swing here in Oz, but Craig McLachlan really does sound like a piece of shit who gives all men a bad name…


The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

@ Palma

It is very tempting, there is so much to work with, but i’m just gonna keep my head down on toxic social media. It’s just so funny to observe. The woman who can’t believe she gets no male attention is such a hag. It’s hilarious. What they see when they look int he mirror is beyond me? They really have drank the Kool Aid, and reality is just too much for them to even contemplate. As you have sown, so you are reaping, ladies…

Maybe i should send it to Bill Burr…

6 years ago

Another observation…with women now in “alpha” mode throwing themselves at guys due to the overall fear factor…having game has become all the more important. I’ve dialed it down recently and now my game has become tighter. I’m finding girls who are quite normal around betas are just ready to explode when even a slight amount of game is applied. I was at a party yesterday…HB8 28 is leaving the city to take a job in another city. I start teasing her…suggesting that I’m devastated….She starts playing along… Me; “With you gone what ill I do? Her: “So many other girls”… Read more »

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

@ Palma Yes, i’m also amazed how unhealthy & often fat, vegans are. I can understand being vego, i did try it myself years ago at the height of my radical lefty phase (probs just for credit with the grrrls), but found myself sneaking in to the kitchen and gorging on Gran’s roasts when no-one was looking. Ha! But vegans are seriously very lost in ideology, just like feminists… I’ve learned a lot since those days and reflecting back now, it all seems so comical. But it is easy to get swept up in when you’re younger if you don’t… Read more »

6 years ago

I see a fundamental flaw with the solutions. They’re fine as a reaction to the feminist imperative, but they’re not going to correct society’s path. Acquiring alpha traits and enjoying the decline plays right into hypergamy’s goal of breeding with the best male specimens, so, in this way, TRP is doing the work of turning unfuckable males into “Real Men”, only without the marriage mentality. The thing is, marriage is desirable for men for more than sex. More on that below. MGTOW is the flip of the coin of the aforementioned strategy. Those men who can’t or won’t become better… Read more »

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

Tupak Shakur was Alpha badboy personified. Pity he got cowardly taken out at only 25. But he sure did pack a whole lot into his brief life, and the bitchez loved him. Watch for free here. Great film with inspired acting. Don’t join, just keep hitting play button until it (or any other film you want to watch) loads, and close the advertising tabs that automatically open…


6 years ago

@Palmsailor BE the exception. I’m still cautious. But having the ability to even strike a conversation with a random woman is a huge step for me now. Girls are shut down and closed off: ear buds…locked into their phone…tied to their online platforms for validation. A guy comes up and negs them…it’s powerful. But it also requires a lot of personal discipline: staying in shape…having a life and interesting hobbies or projects… I think this who mgtow is a taking the easy way out with the flawed belief that isolating yourself is suddenly going to make your Life less troublesome… Read more »

6 years ago

“But it also requires a lot of personal discipline: staying in shape…having a life and interesting hobbies or projects…

No it doesn’t. It helps though ( well in some cases it makes things harder)

6 years ago

Re GTR’s assertion that Donald Trump has an IQ of 140. You have to be damn near retarded if you observe trump and still come to that conclusion. I mean what the actual fuck is WRONG with you man? If Trump’s IQ is anywhere near 140, then I must be the smartest fuxking man alive as even I know geometrically more than our President. Really guys, come on. You cannot be fuxking serious. Shit like this is why I can’t put any stock in pronouncements concerning IQ and intelligence. It’s a circle jerk if you actually believe bullshit like that.… Read more »

6 years ago

What about red-pill famous man, or some men with social clout helping spread The Rational Male books? encouraging other men to be real men without attacking women? just an idea….

6 years ago


“Famous man”. Wtf.

Read more and comment less…until you understand what this is all about…your comment is borderline trolling.

6 years ago
Reply to  walawala

I understand what is all about @walala, and if I opt to be selfish, I opt for the first solution given by Tomassi: Play the game better, and is what I’m doing right now, with better and better results while I’m experimenting with girls. But in this case I don’t want to be selfish, I have encouraged some friends to read about Rational Male and some of them are awakening, some don’t. I’m worried about the whole masculine genre, so what I’m trying to say here is: the more men awake with red-pill, the better for masculine genre, and I… Read more »

6 years ago

“Shit like this is why I can’t put any stock in pronouncements concerning IQ and intelligence. It’s a circle jerk if you actually believe bullshit like that.” IQ equilabrates with intelligence Blax. Intelligence does not equillibrate with wisdom. That is self evident and I heard of that second hand from Jordan Peterson. Wisdom exudes from the old guys, when they don’t need to spout intelligence at all. You can’t bullshit wisdom. Trump is a bullshitter by nature(and influencer). That’s who he is and what he does. He wants to sell you something whether you want to be sold what he… Read more »

6 years ago

The entertainment clean-out is in full swing here in Oz, but Craig McLachlan really does sound like a piece of shit who gives all men a bad name… He’s guilty of being an immature jackass. But does his bad taste pranking really justify terminating his career, complete indefinite public disgrace and pulling all his old TV shows off air? Was anybody really harmed by his foolishness? There’s no sense of proportion here. A man convicted of a serious crime is subjected to the same level of condemnation as a man accused of being a jackass (like Al Franken or McLachlan).… Read more »

6 years ago

Great analysis of Breaking Bad! I’d have to watch it again, cause I’ve seen it before my RP days. The problem is many of my favourite shows are kinda ruined when I watch them with RP lens (eg Sopranos). There are some cons of swallowing the pill.

6 years ago

A man that claims geometric knowledge shouldn’t draw a parallel line between a chemist and a meth cook, neither a parallel for the meth cook and a licensed drug company. While opium addiction and meth addiction run hand in hand, as even the medical industry will use adrenaline to counteract downers and barbituates to calm nerves, so will the junkie. Maybe the lesson in breaking bad and sexual hierarchies is that even a man that was deemed responsible enough to be trusted with your children’s education under the higher educational system, if he is blue pill enough will disregard this… Read more »

6 years ago

“Someone please put up the definition of IQ” The score on an IQ test. The test is intended to measure certain kinds of abstract problem solving ability, not knowledge, never mind wisdom. Tests scores vary a bit with age, being highest when you have the least knowledge and wisdom (children accomplish incredible learning tasks that adults generally cannot). IQ was originally devised as an experiment and has no direct value, however, it has come to be relied on in certain fields because it correlates strongly with success at any task which requires problem solving, like, say, the problem of how… Read more »

6 years ago


If two intelligent people have children there is no guarantee the kids will be smart.

Having a high IQ and using it for the greater good are two different things.

If your model has validity it does nothing to explain the rapid advance of human intelligence over the last 200k years.

The ‘smart phone’ was an invention that lowered intelligent productive use of time across the board.

6 years ago


If two bipeds have children there is no guarantee that their children will be biipeds; but the odds are greatly in favor of it.

M Simon
6 years ago

January 13, 2018 at 5:56 pm

Resistance movements are slow to form. And the formations are not all coherent.

What is missing at this point is a coherent political view. And that will not come until the Betas are ready to fight. Or the Betas will not fight without a political cause.

We need a slogan.

6 years ago

“it correlates strongly with success at any task which requires problem solving, like, say, the problem of how to be elected President when your name alone is considered a complete joke by most of the voting population.”

Heard the mic drop all the way over here…

M Simon
6 years ago

January 13, 2018 at 5:56 pm

Do not look for unicorns. They have to find you. One who is so into you she doesn’t care about your “n” or any future “n”s.

The only secure foundation for a LTR is that she puts you on a pedestal. And you don’t look for that. It finds you. Of its own accord.

You keep going through the rotation until one sticks. It happened to my dad. It happened to me.

6 years ago

@M Simon:

Betas fight either for an alpha who wishes to increase his power/wealth, or to take an alpha down and destroy his power/wealth. They do not fight women.

M Simon
6 years ago

Being a married woman, specially to a highly desirable male, will be a source of status for women.

It already works that way. “You’ve been married HOW long?

On the LTR front and IQ. The woman’s should be lower but not by more than 20 points (roughly).

It also helps if your verbal ability is better than hers. That is unlikely. But not impossible. And it improves with practice.

M Simon
6 years ago

Because it bears repeating.

January 14, 2018 at 4:19 am

“it correlates strongly with success at any task which requires problem solving, like, say, the problem of how to be elected President when your name alone is considered a complete joke by most of the voting population.”

M Simon
6 years ago

January 14, 2018 at 4:18 am

People in chronic pain chronically take pain relievers.

It amazes me that this concept is so difficult for so many people.

M Simon
6 years ago

Suppose we called it a “War on people in pain”. How many would join THAT army?

6 years ago

@Palma Sailor:

When was the last time you took a formally administered IQ test?

6 years ago


Or is it that people that take pain relievers end up in chronic pain. The cure for pain isn’t a pill, in successful cases the pain relief comes from getting in better shape, endorphins are the natural pain relief.

There are exceptions like the addled aged and frail that are beyond hope of recovery needing to be sedated into oblivion. This does not relate to the mental pain of todays youth.

6 years ago


The odds of two intelligent people having children at all are slim to none.

6 years ago

It bears repeating, that cupid rhymes with stupid.

6 years ago

“When I was 15 ” There ya go, although that’s a bit above the average. Most people only get tested once in their entire lives. Remember when I said above that IQ testing has come to be relied on in certain fields? There is only one group so interested in IQ that they attempt to test the entire population: Public school administrators. They do so for a particular administrative purpose, sorting students into educational tracks. Hence they do this at a particular time that is relevant to that purpose: As they enter secondary education. Just about everything you have heard… Read more »

6 years ago


See my cross posted above.

6 years ago


Personally I have never been tested. They had a shortage of pencils and paper.

I did however get a B in my pop one time and I hope I never get another one.

6 years ago
6 years ago

@Plama Sailor:

Generally, if it isn’t the actual topic of informed and intelligent conversation, only midwits do.

An exception was Richard Feynman who brought it up all the time, but then in his case it was a joke – that only smart people got.

6 years ago

re the beta revolt:


The “man” on the right IS the beta revolt.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

People need to learn how to gracious again. Make America Gracious Again.

6 years ago

Graciousness is something that only those who have already established greatness can afford. It is not a feature of existential crisis, either individual or collective.

You cannot restore a culture in crisis by establishing graciousness. To establish graciousness you need to establish a culture in which graciousness can grow and thrive.

It may prove necessary to rather ungraciously knock some heads in order to do that.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

Oh kfg I only meant graciousness as a goal-state. People got as prosperous as we are only to turn into what it is now after all.

6 years ago

The Solitary Silver FoX Their are different ways to post one… imgur intagram and a link to one… palmasailor They’ve all had addled gibberish online, but someone in their face with solid eye contact engaging? You’re the exception. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-JqH1M4Ya8 walawala “BE the exception. I’m still cautious. But having the ability to even strike a conversation with a random woman is a huge step for me now. Girls are shut down and closed off: ear buds…locked into their phone…tied to their online platforms for validation. A guy comes up and negs them…it’s powerful. But it also requires a lot of personal… Read more »

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