The War on Paternity

One of the most pressing imperatives human males (really most primates) have evolved is a need for certainty in their own paternity. Up until the last century with the advent of DNA testing it has been an imperative that has really been at the control of any female with whom a man copulates with. Indeed, even today a ‘father’ is really whomever’s name a woman puts on a birth certificate, generally no questions asked (and no information relayed) of that mother by the OBGYN doctors. Prior to the Sexual Revolution and the millennia leading up to it social and religious controls were instituted to keep rampant Hypergamy in check. An argument could be made that, even in a post-agrarian social order, ubiquitous monogamy and marriage were socially mandated as a way to not only control for women’s Hypergamous impulses, but were also the only practical means of control over certifying that a man’s child was of his own genetic line. And even this had its flaws.

Up until the advent of genetic testing the only practical, somewhat assured failsafe for knowing paternity was long term, pair-bonded monogamy and the social conventions that were instituted around it. Men’s sexual strategy (our masculine imperative) is scattershot. Our biology functions such that we can father countless children with each ejaculation and continue to do so well into our later years of life. This strategy is a counterbalance to women’s quality-over-quantity approach to their own sexual strategy. For each environmental obstacle one sex’s reproductive imperatives poses, the other will evolve contingent strategies to compensate for it.

To understand this conflict all we need to consider is the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies – For one sex’s strategy to be fulfilled the other’s must be compromised or abandoned. 

For men, in a social order founded on monogamous pair-bonding, this means abandoning his scattershot sexual strategy and adopting the strategic goals of women’s strategy. What were looking at here for men is exactly the type of evolved contingent strategy I mention above – abandoning his sexual imperative to essentially bet his genetic legacy on one horse, rather than diversifying his odds with, potentially, many sexual opportunities. This is a very important distinction for Red Pill aware men to make with regards to their own sex; opting in for long-term monogamy over a man’s evolved sexual strategy (scattershot) represents adopting a woman’s (ultimate) sexual strategy as his own. This dynamic is defined by what’s called strategic pluralism theory:

According to strategic pluralism theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

From a woman’s perspective, the ideal is to attract a partner who confers both long-term investment benefits and genetic benefits. Not all women, however, will be able to attract long-term investing mates who also display heritable fitness cues. Consequently, women face trade-offs in choosing mates because they may be forced to choose between males displaying fitness indicators or those who will assist in offspring care and be good long-term mates (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000). The most straightforward prediction that follows is that women seeking short-term mates, when the man’s only contribution to offspring is genetic, should prefer muscularity more than women seeking long-term mates.

If we consider that men are overwhelmingly (80%+) rated as unattractive by women today we begin to see the adaptive logic of strategic pluralism for men. Less opportunity equals less potential to follow a man’s sexual imperative. Solution: invest all your sperm and all your efforts into one long-term bet; reproduction with one or relatively few sexual partners – and if you can build social and moral conventions around this adaptive strategy to reinforce it, so much the better.

If men can compel intrasexually competing men, and women (whose strategy might be compromised by adopting it), to believe that monogamy is a social and moral imperative, then they increase the odds that they’ll successfully circumvent what would otherwise be the natural limitations of their own reproduction.

As you can probably guess, this adaptation for singular parental investment imposed a much higher premium on men’s need for certainty of their own paternity. To be sure, the Alpha Males of most primates have a habit of killing the offspring of any prior Alpha that had access to fertile females in a group prior to his own breeding with them. This infanticide is yet another adaptive insurance that a male primate can be certain that any resources, protection and parental investment he put into any progeny would be of his own paternal line. If it can be assumed that the importance of paternity is a primary, evolved drive in primates, how much more imperative must it be for human males adopting a sexual strategy of singular investment? How much more imperative must it be for women to collectively confuse paternity within a social collective (tribe) and protect against a perceived threat of infanticide or loss of resource provisioning if left on their own?

Even in our march towards ‘civilization’ we find this anti-paternity bias in the killing of male members of a social collective while preserving fertile females for potential breeding purposes. Today we may not be killing the sons of rival clansmen, but we can certainly see the paternity bias in how we regard kin affiliation above out-group affiliation in our personal dealings. Concerns of paternity, for men, evolved to be part of our mental firmware – and certainty of it became of paramount importance.

Strategic pluralism, however, is not without its own counter contingencies. Even within a social and moral environment that restricts Hypergamy, women are still psychologically compelled to optimize their own sexual strategy to its fullest. 8,000 years ago 17 women reproduced for every 1 man – and this was after the advent of agriculture. There’ve been other studies that reduce this number to a 5 to 1 ratio, but still the fact remains that even in a social order that (ostensibly) prioritizes pair-bonded monogamy, women have provably found ways to optimize Hypergamy and confuse paternity to a socially stable degree. Thus, we see counter-adaptations in behavior on the part of men to mate guard, to once again, insure certainty of paternity. Even in the relative stability of monogamy, men’s psychological imperative for paternity supersedes the social environment.

Cuckoldry by Any Other Name

As I’ve mentioned in prior essays, cuckoldry deserves a much broader definition today; one that goes beyond the obvious duplicity of birth fraud. Women have found that by tweaking the social conventions that would limit their own sexual strategy they can circumvent the monogamous side of sexual pluralism socially enforced by men. Thus, we get new feminine-primary social conventions that celebrate, socially reward and positively reinforce men’s acceptance of the parental investment responsibilities of other men who fathered children with a woman they’ve pair-bonded with. Step-dads get the big thumbs up and we rejigger the positive reinforcement to downplay father’s day and replace it with special person’s day.

Now, consider this with respect to the potential for infanticide that a woman’s hindbrain believes men are capable of. That fear of infanticide represents a root-level limbic part of women’s evolved need to optimize Hypergamy and the great potential for loss of having optimized it in her offspring. So imperative is this to the female psyche that it became necessary to socially condition men’s evolved paternity need out of them once women and the Feminine Imperative became the dominant social driver.

On a larger social scale, one that is defined by a post-Sexual Revolution, feminine-primary social order, the answer is simple and total; men must be convinced to completely abandon their biological imperative of parental certainty before they commit to a monogamous relationship with a woman. Socially, we make paper heroes of men who will accept the parental investment responsibilities of a child he didn’t sire. That ‘heroism’ of the guy who accepts his assigned role as a retroactive cuckold is short-lived, but the archetype of that guy who ‘man’s up’ and adopts the children of a single mother is now embedded into our modern folklore.

I would also argue that a large part of the Blue Pill conditioning of men for the past 5 generations can find its roots in women’s need to optimize Hypergamy while ensuring the security that once she does a provider-male will step in to fulfill his role as a dutiful cuckold. In order to achieve this, free from the fear of infanticide, boys and men must be conditioned to unequivocally revoke any need for certainty of their own paternity.

A few years ago I outlined the next step in Open Hypergamy would be transitioning to a state of normalized and accepted Open Cuckoldry. Wrapped into this transition is also the social efforts to normalize a feminine-controlled form of polyamory – one in which primarily a woman is presented with the options and control of exercising both the short-term sexual, and long-term provisional, sides of Hypergamy. Today this is what’s termed a polyamorous relationship with male partners representing Alpha seed and Beta need. In moving from a normalized state of Open Hypergamy to Open Cuckoldry there are a series of social changes that need to occur and find acceptance in the general population of men. One of these changes is a large scale, socialized effort to get men to accept that their biological imperative to ascertain paternity – even the questioning of paternity – be equated with “toxic” masculinity.

The War on Paternity

Increasingly we are seeing a push on the part of the Feminine Imperative to delegitimize the innate need of men to ensure their paternity. It’s actually an aspect of a war that’s been going on since the Sexual Revolution to redefine masculinity and fatherhood. As I mentioned in Positive Masculinity the definition of what makes a father is becoming more and more ambiguous, while fathers become increasingly more superfluous. In order to complete this delegitimization of masculinity men must be convinced that their innate need to know paternity, and the importance they inherently place on it, is something to be ashamed of.

Every social mandate we see today puts the interests of the mother and child well above that of any father. This is why paternity is rarely ever a factor in issues of child support; even for children that a man didn’t father but is held legally liable for. Socially, even religiously, any importance of paternity for men is being systematically erased. From doctors being gagged from informing cuckolded fathers of genetic tests, to limiting their access to DNA tests themselves, to encouraging men to ‘man up’ and marry single mothers as a moral imperative, paternity for men is now some sort of shameful insecurity.

Why would the Feminine Imperative seek to root out what has been a fundamental, evolved, part of men’s mental firmware since the time of our hunter/gatherer beginnings? Because Hypergamy needs security. Hypergamy needs assurances to quell the doubt that a woman has optimized both the Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks aspects of her sexual strategy. I would argue that men’s psychological need for certainties in his paternity is on par with the need women have of certainties in their need for optimizing Hypergamy.

All this war on paternity amounts to is an ensuring that women’s unquestioned, unilateral control over Hypergamy is baked into men on a societal level. Convincing men to abandon any claims on certainty of paternity, and at the same time shaming men who put any importance on it, is an effort on the part of the Feminine Imperative to get men to surrender their sexual strategy by abandoning it wholesale, while praising them for playing a willing role in fulfilling women’s sexual (and life) strategy. Even when that sexual strategy is one where a man acknowledges his lesser sexual market value and seeks to put all his investment into one woman, the push to delegitimize men’s need for paternity circumvents this strategy.

Delegitimizing men’s need for paternity cancels any and every upside that long-term monogamy had for Beta men using this sexual strategy. Thus, a return to a scattershot, some would say ‘less civilized’ sexual strategy becomes the only obvious alternative for men who want parental certainty.

Erasing the importance of paternity for men is literally the last nail in the coffin that is now contemporary marriage. It reduces men to little more than draft animals and livestock for women’s breeding purposes by erasing any claim a man may have to know his children are his own.  Most well-conditioned Blue Pill men adopt this archetype unquestioningly. There are no ‘Fathers’ anymore; all men are interchangeably either breeding stock or simply childcare workers in this new social framework. And boys and young men’s pre-acceptance of this state of men is part of their Blue Pill conditioning.

To fully effect Open Cuckoldry the goal of the Feminine Imperative is to have men define masculinity as accepting parental investment as separate and apart from evolved concerns of paternity.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

“For men, in a social order founded on monogamous pair-bonding, this means abandoning his scattershot sexual strategy and adopting the strategic goals of women’s strategy. What were looking at here for men is exactly the type of evolved contingent strategy I mention above – abandoning his sexual imperative to essentially bet his genetic legacy on one horse, rather than diversifying his odds with, potentially, many sexual opportunities. This is a very important distinction for Red Pill aware men to make with regards to their own sex; opting in for long-term monogamy over a man’s evolved sexual strategy (scattershot) represents adopting… Read more »

6 years ago

‘All this war on paternity amounts to is an ensuring that women’s unquestioned, unilateral control over Hypergamy is baked into men on a societal level. Convincing men to abandon any claims on certainty of paternity, and at the same time shaming men who put any importance on it, is an effort on the part of the Feminine Imperative to get men to surrender their sexual strategy by abandoning it wholesale, while praising them for playing a willing role in fulfilling women’s sexual (and life) strategy. Even when that sexual strategy is one where a man acknowledges his lesser sexual market… Read more »

6 years ago

“Increasingly we are seeing a push on the part of the Feminine Imperative to delegitimize the innate need of men to ensure their paternity. It’s actually an aspect of a war that’s been going on since the Sexual Revolution to redefine masculinity and fatherhood. As I mentioned in Positive Masculinity the definition of what makes a father is becoming more and more ambiguous, while fathers become increasingly more superfluous. In order to complete this delegitimization of masculinity men must be convinced that their innate need to know paternity, and the importance they inherently place on it, is something to be… Read more »

6 years ago

“Up until the advent of genetic testing the only practical, somewhat assured failsafe for knowing paternity was long term, pair-bonded monogamy and the social conventions that were instituted around it. Men’s sexual strategy (our masculine imperative) is scattershot. Our biology functions such that we can father countless children with each ejaculation and continue to do so well into our later years of life. This strategy is a counterbalance to women’s quality-over-quantity approach to their own sexual strategy. For each environmental obstacle one sex’s reproductive imperatives poses, the other will evolve contingent strategies to compensate for it.” “2. Fatherhood,… Read more »

6 years ago

‘One of the most pressing imperatives human males (really most primates) have evolved is a need for certainty in their own paternity. Up until the last century with the advent of DNA testing it has been an imperative that has really been at the control of any female with whom a man copulates with. Indeed, even today a ‘father’ is really whomever’s name a woman puts on a birth certificate, generally no questions asked (and no information relayed) of that mother by the OBGYN doctors. Prior to the Sexual Revolution and the millennia leading up to it social and religious… Read more »

6 years ago

” know they are rewarded with pussy….”

Pussy, is never a reward of any kind.

6 years ago

‘As I’ve mentioned in prior essays, cuckoldry deserves a much broader definition today; one that goes beyond the obvious duplicity of birth fraud. Women have found that by tweaking the social conventions that would limit their own sexual strategy they can circumvent the monogamous side of sexual pluralism socially enforced by men. Thus, we get new feminine-primary social conventions that celebrate, socially reward and positively reinforce men’s acceptance of the parental investment responsibilities of other men who fathered children with a woman they’ve pair-bonded with. Step-dads get the big thumbs up and we rejigger the positive reinforcement to downplay father’s… Read more »

6 years ago

You are describing a very disnyque kind of love up there. Men yearn for it, but it is a figment of imagination, a dream, a false hope, out of reach. It is a nobel aspiration, but is a very dangerous one. Any man who puts himself in harms way to try and attain that is not wise.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


“Pussy, is never a reward of any kind.”

I don’t agree with everything you say, but this is a good chant for before the night begins.

6 years ago

@ Yollo Lol. Whether you agree or not, pussy is never any kind of reward. Every man on earth would be well served by this realization. As a man, the male of our species, pussy is a right ( within reason. No Weinstien ) and there’s more than enough to go around. As kfg noted in the past, they make new ones every day. It’s us males that imagine all of this add-on shit around females. They just happily go along for the ride. A lot of them can’t see the big deal about what’s between their legs, but our… Read more »

6 years ago

@Blax: I love this part you wrote…
“There’s a time period when young boys have no or very little interest in girls. What you will see is that during that time, young girls will chase the young boys ( not in an adult fashion… c’mon, they’re kids ). They want to hug and kiss and get the boys to be their boyfriends.”

I remember that. I used to run away from them all the time.

6 years ago


Everyone ran away from little girls, until we didn’t any longer.

Our hitting puberty changes the rules mid-game. And the girls want to comply, but they get thrown a bit by the sudden changes in the game and themselves.

6 years ago

10 year old girl: I want a boyfriend so that we can get married and get a house and have 2 kids, a boy and a girl. 10 year old boy: Yuck. 13 year old girl: I want a boyfriend that I can kiss and love and makeout with, and he will love me lots and we’ll get engaged and get married and he’ll buy me a house and he’ll get a good job. and we’ll have kids after I finish college and we’ll be so happy!!!! 13 year old boy: I wanna stick my dick in Jane. And finger… Read more »

6 years ago

“Aside from societal programming, that young girl that wanted to hug and kiss the young boy that showed little interest is still in there. Some women have that girl buried deeper than others”

Which is why treating them like silly little 5 yr old children is so money. They want to find a man to bring that side out of them. Bring out that silly little girl side out of a normally stuck up bitchy chick is one of my great pleasures in life.

6 years ago

Pussy, is never a reward of any kind.

Lol, I have four posts on the topic, “pussy is just pussy.”

So, a man operating out of the MI [Masculine Imperative] doesn’t take any particular woman too seriously for sex.   If one won’t do at the moment, wait ten minutes, another will be along just like a bus.  If one is pissy or unavailable, but another is handy, then love the one you’re with, like Stephen Stills said.

No need to reinvent the wheel.

6 years ago

11 y.o. girl pinches pre-pubescent boy in class…boy hollers…”girls are mean”

6 years ago


Yup, the single mother pussy is the killer. It blinds ALLOT of men and they rationalize it by thinking they are getting some but are really self cucking themselves. It’s also indirectly rewarding the woman’s behavior for divorcing her ex-husband/breaking up with the father for not washing the dish’s(Extreme example) or some other trivial reason.

6 years ago


“If a woman chooses to see her vagina as a way to ” reward ” a man, that’s actually some twisted shit right there. But it’s worse if a man sees it that way as well.”


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Blaximus That women find 80% of men unattractive is complete FI driven bullshit. Eh, that just shows how long you’ve been part of the 20%. Men seeking answers should by all means stay away from OK Cupid and tinder. The 80/20 rule is sort of fractal (recursive from level to level). It works out that 80% of women find 20% of men attractive in any group – from national OKCupid level to the college campus to the classroom or a church or a bar. Think about how often women speak of “settling”, in everything from an SNL in a bar… Read more »

6 years ago

” know they are rewarded with pussy….”

Pussy, is never a reward of any kind.

Reward sex is out there, but If it is a “reward” then it is likely negotiated sex. We know that is loaded with problems and the ship is sinking. Quickly leads to a dead bedroom.

6 years ago
6 years ago

OT comment here…update So as I mentioned some months back, my wife left me and filed for divorce in April. The divorce is now final. I would say the biggest takeaway for me as part of this process was the truth of this Roissy maxim Maxim #12: When the love is gone, women can be as cold as if they had never known you. The woman I dealt, interacted, and communicated with the last 6 months appears to be a completely different woman than the one I knew the previous 11 years. That said, overall I was able to get… Read more »

6 years ago

Novaseeker, hope you see this message, this question is mostly for you, as we are similar age, socioeconomic background, and educational level, and both have divorced. I’m 43 with a masters degree and hopefully soon I will reestablish my professional career. I’m 6’3″ and on initial view anyone would know I am a hardcore weight trainer. I’m looking for any specific tactical advice you can give on the dating market. Note to others, I am fully red pill having read and followed Rollo since his SoSuave days, so I don’t need any generalized red-pill macro strategic advice, that’s already in… Read more »

6 years ago

“Amid the unfolding scandal about disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, an Oscar-nominated writer has also been accused of sexual misconduct.
According to the latest revelations reported by the Los Angeles Times, Toback behaved in a sexually inappropriate manner toward 38 women”

Isn’t this part of the change of … wind blowing direction in the male-female power balance, too?

You may prognosticate diversity and gender-equality quotas for jobs like Hollywood director coming soon into being, lol.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
6 years ago

@Morpheus – come, join us for a beer in the Field Reports section and tell us about your (upcoming) exploits. I’m a bit younger than you (37) and average looking and 5’10”, not ripped and 6’3″ but I’ve done a lot of online dating in the last few years and have a pretty good grasp on how it works. I could go into a lot of detail and specific advice, but before that, some key macro points jumped out at me from your post: 1. Online is at best a supplement to meeting women in real life. It should never… Read more »

6 years ago

Hey Morpheus, hope you’re well! What are your thoughts on the best “where” to meet candidates? Not online, unfortunately. The problem with online is that, as Culum says, the field is very skewed towards women — they basically man shop there, and it is much, much harder to stand out than it is in the real. Even if you have a great profile/pics and so on, all that means is you get put into the “ok” pile with dozens of other men, as if the woman was on a shopping expedition, and starts to line up the clothing options on… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Novaseeker

Thank you Nova, Culum, others for some great and helpful responses. I’ve got a lot more to respond to and some follow up questions but I wanted to point this out so far. I’ve been on POF for about 3 full months so that is a decent sample size. I’ve probably viewed…just guessing around 1000 to 1500 pictures maybe up to around 2000. I’ve got my age range set from late 20s to 45 I think with about a 50 mile radius, and so far I’d have to guess I am rejecting between 80 and 90% so to me only… Read more »

6 years ago

To all the older betas, I totally understand your demographic in women is most likely single mothers.
You can still bang em but that should be about it, Once you start thinking about being more then fuck buddy’s and paying for shit drop em.
Don’t think you can’t get the early to mid 20’s crowd even if you are 40+ it’s not delusional and is quite viable the Red Pill veterans should know your SMV is at an all time high if your in your forties especially if your working out, have confidence and maximized your looks.

6 years ago

Roused Yes by all means come over to Field Reports… Dude – you are a masculine guy, fit and 6′ 3″… and have a lifetime of experiences. You are literally the prize. They ALL want you… from college strippers to 60YO grandmas… ALL of them. And half of them are married… I say this as a 50YO who does cold approach SNL game. Fuck online… You are 6’3″… The impact you have just cold approaching is enormous and cannot ever be duplicated online. Now marry that presence with a dominant masculine vibe and a smattering of Cat-O-Nese… you will kill.… Read more »

6 years ago


One more thing… Hit the beaches, parks (the ones with people not just nature), street fairs, farmers markets etc. on the weekends, daygame is great… Fuck just go around in your work out clothes and open the hell out of them. Try and instadate.

6 years ago

Oh yeah and apps… most of the better looking girls are on Bumble…

6 years ago

and #Fuckboi is coming soon…. Doctor Zipper is coding it now.

6 years ago

heh sorry above all to Morpheus…

6 years ago

Morpheus —

I echo Sent’s comments here as well — well said, and advice to be well taken.


6 years ago

Morpheus Couple of other things… 1) Expect to be places you may not prefer… champagne bars, wine bars etc. remember you are out hunting. You need to hunt where the game is. Not where you want to go. [for now] Example – RM Champagne Lounge The Riddler×715.jpg 2) Don’t rule out the old school Meat Market’s in your city. Every city has them, been around for a couple of decades and the place recently divorced or still single still go to mingle. Also places advertised as “cougar haunts” for those “age appropriate women”… {you will soon lower your… Read more »

6 years ago

Stuff not mentioned:

1. Where to get a paternity test and how much it costs.
2. Where to get a blood test kit and how much does it costs.

I’m sure men can google/amazon this, but hearing it from a trusted source can’t hurt for when needed.

6 years ago

“The younger guys are at best half-men… don’t worry about them, their glib chat, their knowing the social set… most of these guys are afraid to touch girls or piss them off. They are more gay BFF’s…”

The older guys are at best limp-dick white Knights that fucked over my generation by appeasing and letting all the man hating legislation pass. Learned Kino from Mystery and Dread game from Roissy. By gay you mean these little faggot feminist bitches that I fuck and make their ass gape.

6 years ago

#Fuckboi sounds lit. Let us know when that drops.

6 years ago

IF THIS IS ALL IN YOUR CITY – best to become a regular there and get to know the staff and manager and the bartenders… social status works for you. Tip very well!!! Fastest way to gain attention. Tipping well trips beta bucks switches. I buy drinks only occasionally and tip $1-1.50 when I do, always paying cash. When I do buy drinks, I do it from a hottie bartender who doesn’t cheat me on the booze. I drink whiskey neat and I get a full finger of booze. No comps, but she treats me well when I buy and… Read more »

6 years ago

Leave the rest of it to me, this shit is just beginning let DADDY clean up the mess you made. I’m gonna wake up allot of little shitlords.

6 years ago


“Tipping well trips beta bucks switches. ”

Not at all… you are not gaming the staff…


“By gay you mean these little faggot feminist bitches that I fuck and make their ass gape.”

comment image



“stuff not mentioned”

Where to buy an egg? Where to find a surrogate?

6 years ago

“The older guys are at best limp-dick white Knights that fucked over my generation by appeasing and letting all the man hating legislation pass. ”×300.jpg×300.jpg

You mean these guys?

6 years ago

@Sentient, I know Rollo doesn’t do the direct advice thing, so I believe dudes that have already purchases these kits could drop some knowledge in the comments to everyone’s benefit.

6 years ago


“so I believe dudes that have already purchases these kits could drop some knowledge”

No doubt. I’ve been mulling over the advertising for Sperm Bank and the absence of such for Egg Bank… sure a woman can get an egg, or a gay couple. But could a single dude?

Fred Flange, GBFC (great books for, you know)
Fred Flange, GBFC (great books for, you know)
6 years ago

I’ve seen several billboards for egg clinics, not so much seeking buyers but offering to pay $$ to donors. Makes sense, some career gals may no longer have eggs over easy and so must obtain fresher goods from a place of purveyance.

Fertility kits I see in CVS stores, other chains must have them. OK, probably not Hobby Lobby.

Fred Flange, GBFC (great books for, you know)
Fred Flange, GBFC (great books for, you know)
6 years ago

Also daddy detection devices (who’s yer daddy? Me?! Goddamn!!)

6 years ago

Craigslist has long been filled with ads for businesses or individual couples looking for egg donors — $8,000 has long been the going rate it seems. The couples of course want someone who looks genetically similar

6 years ago

Prime example of “Open Cuck” as this article details….I have a friend in the food industry. He is a very good looking guy, muscular, somewhat successful, etc….He manages a lot of young, very attractive women, but gets “oneitis” for a waitress who works for him. They date off and on for several years (she breaks up with him constantly for his blue pill-ness). Then one day, out of the blue (no pun intended), she breaks up with him yet again to get with an “Alpha CAD Bad Boy” she met randomly while serving. This guy literally pumped/dumped her, (while dating… Read more »

6 years ago

“she has this empty Alpha Widow look in her eyes.”

Hey, while the #Bull app is being coded, she can get on Feeld in the meantime…

Jay Fink
Jay Fink
6 years ago

I often read on the comments here about the 80/20 thing. At first that was upsetting to me. Then as I thought about it I realized I am no different than these selective women. Only around 20% of the women I see each and everyday are attractive to me. The rest are either invisible or repulsive. With all the obesity and tattoos out there I would say I am repulsed by more women than attracted to them. Some of you guys might think you are attracted to more than 20% of women but I would argue you don’t even notice… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

I am attracted to perhaps 1% of the women I encounter on a day to day basis.

I have one very fuckable staff member but I cannot touch that, far too much trouble but she’s pretty easy on the eyes. (Crossfit girl, tight body).

If I go downtown during business hours the ratio goes up for sure as the central business district is bustling with well put together young women.

6 years ago

Out of the 11 women on my street, I find 7 passably attractive, and would even give the eighth the benefit of the doubt. They range in age from 22 to 66. Two landwhales but at least no obvious piercings or “bodyart” among the group

6 years ago

I had one job requiring lots of walking around Manhattan. There’s a high ratio of women who are attractive or at least try to be — but in the smartphone era you can now hear a sneak preview of the nonsense you’d have to listen to. A nice voice and speaking manner are so under-rated when HB numbers are computed

6 years ago

@craiger247 Women like to play victim but we also know the media and culture have placed single mothers on a heroine’s pedestal somewhere between Florence Nightingale and Joan of Arc. What gets me is that it has come to be considered rude and off-limits — bordering on verbal abuse — to inquire as to where these fine young offspring sprang from. Case in point would be a lengthy news story with a single NY state woman complaining how it’s tough to raise a couple of kids on her $30,000 salary — more government programs and subsidies are needed now!. But… Read more »

6 years ago

Enter stage right, our “friend” turned “white knight” to take her back and “help do the right thing” to raise the baby that is not even his DNA (I’ve witnessed him in action, you would think he’s the dad he’s so attentive/caring to the baby’s needs)……I see them quite often, and she has this empty Alpha Widow look in her eyes. Yes, the same exact abstract plot as the movie Blue Valentine with Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. Rollo has use this movie as an example many times. (Including the essays: Love Story and Idealism) <blockquote….My point of this… Read more »

6 years ago

Lol, I guess it does strongly depend on where one lives. On a slow day I encounter at a minimum, 2 screaming smoke shows. Thinking about it more, I’d say on average around 50% or the women I encounter are very attractive. I usually only find about 10% of them personally attractive for my particular tastes. I’m close enough to Manhattan to have an unobstructed view of the empire state building from my deck, so I think the proximity has plenty to do with how the chicks keep themselves up. That and the sick amount of competition. On the city… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

Then as I thought about it I realized I am no different than these selective women. Only around 20% of the women I see each and everyday are attractive to me. Agreed, but it matters where I am that day. It really can be about location, location, location at the micro level. My entire neighborhood and practically the whole town is a disappointing zone, with a tiny percentage of women rating a second glance. Once upon a time I lived in Hawaii, where the blue pill men can’t walk down the street without getting a neck injury from trying to… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

Sex, war, women, homocide, infanticide, rape, law, crime, feminism….humanity. Most men like to fool themselves by thinking they want to be more “alpha”. Most “make an effort” in various ways like researching PUA “game”, an effective work out routine, testosterone therapy, coveting money and beautiful women, red pill ideology, etc….. But, does the acquisition and knowledge of these things make a man alpha? Or are they simply by-products of being alpha? Acting is not being. Water seeks its own level. Alpha characteristics cannot be captured, prescribed and applied to beta to create alpha. There is no such thing as “fake… Read more »

6 years ago

Not Born This Morning

“Alpha characteristics are manifestations of something sublime but fundamental.”

So what is Alpha?

6 years ago

@Not Born This Morning You are missing some links in your logic. If that’s what you call your comment. I’d call it more of a moronic lecture to the peanut gallery. It sounds good, but it is faulty in logic. Most men like to fool themselves by thinking they want to be more “alpha”. Most “make an effort” in various ways like researching PUA “game”, an effective work out routine, testosterone therapy, coveting money and beautiful women, red pill ideology, etc….. But, does the acquisition and knowledge of these things make a man alpha? Or are they simply by-products of… Read more »

6 years ago


Two morons were sitting on a cliff. One was a big moron and the other was a little moron.

6 years ago

Location is everything in terms of how many pretty women you see.

Here in DC, there are tons of them, everywhere. If you walk around downtown at lunch or in Adams Morgan in the evening, the ratio of attractive women isn’t 20%, it’s 80%+. Having said that, if you walk a suburban mall on a Saturday afternoon, it drops to maybe 40-50%, but still much higher than 20%.

If you live somewhere where only 20% of the women are attractive to you, you need to move. Cities have many more attractive women, because attractive women flock to the cities.

6 years ago
Reply to  Novaseeker

Texas is the same way. Any city has ridiculous places where hotties congregate, & then there are areas of fat Mexican midget girls that look like Halflings from the Lord of the Rings franchise.

6 years ago

“Now that societies are re-defining the narrative of behavior in large groups, a man’s imperative must adapt.”


“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves . . . Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

–Dr. Viktor Frankl, resident of Auschwitz and Dachau

Jay Fink
Jay Fink
6 years ago

Thanks to those who said “location location location”. Maybe that has to do with why only 20% of women look attractive to me. For the past 5 years I have lived in the Pacific Northwest. I don’t know if this region has a reputation for unattractive women but for my tastes most of them are. I like women who glam it up but most of the women I see (other than Latinas) put no effort whatsoever in their appearance. I would describe them as over the top plain. Most of these women wear no makeup and dress frumpy. Even if… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Jay Fink I’ll take a tank top and cutoffs over glamming it up, but I’ll bet that’s not the look in the Pacific Northwest either. From what you say I can envision lank hair, dull complexions, layers of nubby, baggy brown sweaters and the worst possible decision -making at LensCrafters. Plus the piercings … you have my condolences. I think the wider point of the 80/20 thing is that women punch relentlessly above their actual value in the marketplace and are actually mortified at the thought of being seen with a male of lesser perceived value (Until it becomes… Read more »

6 years ago

rugby11 October 23, 2017 at 7:40 pm LOL at the JBP video about how to develop friends when you are intelligent and score low in agreeableness. I’m repeating myself here, but I took the Big Five test a month or two ago and scored in the lowest one percentile on Agreeableness. I don’t find it a problem at all to resonate with good friends. It takes knowing yourself and having a deep understanding of others needs in order to get along well with them. Just like PUA game, it also takes filtering through people to vet them for interest in… Read more »

Jay Fink
Jay Fink
6 years ago

@O.B.I.T Yes, you nailed it. As hard as this is to believe I understated things.

6 years ago

The worst example I’ve ever seen of a guy who cucked himself was a young electrician I worked construction with about 20 years back. He had started dating a girl who was 7 months pregnant when they met!!! I couldn’t understand why a young man of about 21 would do that? The job finished and I didn’t see him again for about 4-5 years, I asked him was he still with the girl? ” yes we got married and OUR son is now 4″ came the reply. He proceeded to show me some pictures and things became a bit clearer,… Read more »

6 years ago

@Play don’t pay

“The worst example I’ve ever seen of a guy who cucked himself was a young electrician I worked construction with about 20 years back.”

I’ve done worse.

life is tough,it’s even tougher when you are a tool for the FI.

6 years ago

It’s like being a tool in the hands of a fool.

6 years ago

Like understanding the talking heads.


6 years ago

@Not Born This Morning

“Most “make an effort” in various ways like researching PUA “game”, an effective work out routine, testosterone therapy, coveting money and beautiful women, red pill ideology, etc…..”

I like how you say researching yet here you are LOL trololol

6 years ago

Lol. One of my fave talking heads songs right after once in a lifetime.

6 years ago

I meant life during wartime and girlfriend is better.

Nonsense delivery of good lyrics.

6 years ago

@Sentient Yes those are the ass clowns that started it, don’t forget the ones that fucked up marriage.

Some people would be pissed because he sold out because of his role in Batman but me personally Joseph Gorden Levitt was never a Clint Eastwood.
I was thinking someone more like that faggot lesbian bitch Nicole Silverberg.

6 years ago

I would turn that BITCH straight.

6 years ago

“As we get older and stop making sense
You won’t find her waiting long
Stop making sense, stop making sense…stop making sense, making sense
I got a girlfriend she’s better than that
And nothing is better than this
(Is it?)”

Well is it? LOLS

6 years ago


“It also helps to choose like minded individuals. That’s part of the vetting process.”
(Sports danger and play)

“life is tough,it’s even tougher when you are a tool for the FI.”
That’s a brutal part to stay in.
(Porn and FI have a hell of a lot in common)

6 years ago

Her post about “How to treat women better” is cancer and is exactly the opposite of what you should be doing. Here is one example, check this out; “When you see another guy talk over a woman, say: “Hey, she was saying something.”” Flip the motha fuckin scrip. – When you see another women talk over a man, say: “Hey, he was saying something.” Would definitely work if the guy doesn’t white Knight and say something like “Oh it’s all good dude idc.” You can literally do this with all of them. Deep down she wants a man to treat… Read more »

6 years ago

I like women who glam it up but most of the women I see (other than Latinas) put no effort whatsoever in their appearance. I would describe them as over the top plain. Most of these women wear no makeup and dress frumpy. Even if they did wear makeup I think most would still not look pretty as many have what I would describe as butter faces. Ah, the PNW. I’ve been there a couple of times, for a few days each time. I didn’t really notice it being that much different from most other places, but I also didn’t… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago

@Rugby 11

“(Porn and FI have a hell of a lot in common)”

Sex sells, most men buy into the fantasy while paying for something completely different,never realizing their own buyers remorse. I read your comments on the 21 convention ,they make good sense. My take is real people have agendas, FAPing causes men to ignore these agendas like having blinders on,a good recipie for a colision course with life.

Thanks for the link.


“This ain’t no mud show or C,B,G,B.”

What is a C,B,G,B?

6 years ago
6 years ago

Two underground clubs where the Talking Heads used to play are mentioned in the lyrics of Life During Wartime: CBGB’s and The Mudd Club CBGB was a New York City music club opened in 1973 by Hilly Kristal in Manhattan’s East Village. The club was previously a biker bar and before that was a dive bar. The letters CBGB were for Country, BlueGrass, and Blues, Kristal’s original vision, yet CBGB soon became a famed venue of punk rock and new wave bands like the Ramones, Television, Patti Smith Group, Blondie, Makeout Music, and Talking Heads. From the early 1980s… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 years ago

@rugby11 at oct 23 at 7:40p JBP echoing the YaReally method of establishing a social circle and gaining social proof…lol… for the same cohort of men…lol good luck! — @Jay Fink re girls in your area the FI pushes on everybody…lol… and especially girls… you live in progressivism central…lol… and the ‘effect’ you are seeing is a form of ‘celibacy club’ in play… just on a much larger scale… the function of which is to help separate the ‘alpha studs’ from the rest of the men… that’s why the system is moving towards 90/10 instead of 80/20… the problem… Read more »

6 years ago


Coulda done the hillbilly google.

6 years ago

Heck, I was “rewarded” for watching the HABD video of Talking Heads Burning Down the House live in LA 1984.

You know with a squirt of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex and nucleus acumbens of my brain?

I think I’m going to watch it again.

6 years ago

“FAPing causes men to ignore these agendas like having blinders on,a good recipie for a colision course with life.”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Novaseeker Location is everything in terms of how many pretty women you see. Here in DC, there are tons of them, everywhere. Everywhere? Every single neighborhood in DC and the environs? How much would you like to bet I can find an exception to that statement? When I was in Philadelphia earlier in the year, I saw a lot of pretty women in the financial district as well as around Rittenhouse square. Down around South street, in the area around suburban station, in the subway stations, further east down Market but not in the tourist zones? Not so much. Money… Read more »

6 years ago

Everywhere? Every single neighborhood in DC and the environs? How much would you like to bet I can find an exception to that statement? Yes, that’s true — mostly I was thinking of downtown during the day and the nightlife type places after dark (Adams Morgan, Dupont, 7th street, etc.). If you’re out at a suburban mall, the number drops quite a bit, but it’s still quite north of 20% in my experience. I actually don’t think that the women in DC are particularly stunning compared to, say, Miami, LA or Manhattan, but what’s noticeable is how in shape many… Read more »

6 years ago

Just saw a Cavit white wine ad — shows two upscale 35-ish ladies oartying it down with the headline “Here’s to leaving the guys at home”

6 years ago

@ HABD Oddly enough, my dad purchased my first guitar for me at age 7 ( so I’d stop pulling his guitar out of tune so often ) from a pawn shop. A white used ( heavily ) strat. I still have it although its been modified like crazy over the years, and my plan is to one day restore it since original style parts are now plentiful. That’s not me, lol, that’s Alex Weir. One of a billion guitar players on the planet that never had a lot of commercial notoriety. Playing with the talking heads and the brothers… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

I’d respect these dumb-ass Jesus Freak Conservative talking heads a little more if they presented their topics in a fair way. It’s just the usual blame the Penis argument ad infinitum. Vote ‘publican cuz “I got the boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, but you got the mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyynnnn.” Never mind that Republicans haven’t been Republicans in about 100 years, and that these moron conservative Bible thumpers actually quote verse as a form of intrasexual competition. Mind you, I think he’s right about porn use. I also think it’s way too simplistic to blame porn and never talk about who’s making it hard to get erections.… Read more »

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
6 years ago

A short story of a man I know that cucked himself, I posted it time ago in the Dream Killers post: “Many years ago I met a very smart thirty something guy who was doing a PhD in a top rank university in something related to Biology. He was doing very good progress with his research; he was getting good results, good publications and prestige. Before he ended his PhD studies he abruptly left them in order to move to another city to live with his “Oneitis” an old, fat, ugly single mom, mother of 3. It is a waste… Read more »

6 years ago

if you are going to stay in that area, your best bet is to make a plan to find those hotty HBs that are always in an area… Gents… time to be real. HB’s go where there is a good trade on… and they trade in beauty. What is your fortune, my pretty maid?” “My face is my fortune, sir,” she said. So that means going where there is opportunity (financial or BB) or status (where they can get psychic payoffs in addition to resources/BB)… So you end up with concentrations in… 1. Universities 2. Cities (the wealthy parts… Read more »

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