

I’m often asked by ‘fempowered’ women critics whether I ‘believe‘ in some of the more socially acceptable tenets of feminism in some sort defense to the affront of my Red Pill lens being cast their way. It’s usually something to do with, “Do you or do you not think women ought to have the right to vote?” or the ever-reliable “Shouldn’t women have the right to do with their bodies what they choose?” These questions are always binary (“yes or no will do”) and usually couched in a context that implies that if you even slightly disagree or have a marginal caveat to answering ‘appropriately’ you’ll be dismissed with a name tag that has “misogynist” printed on it. Say no and you’re a despicable misogynist. Say yes and you’re tar-pitted in “yes, but” caveats – mansplaining – that are disqualified because you’re a man.

Say no and you’re a despicable misogynist. Say yes and you’re tar-pitted in “yes, but” caveats – mansplaining – that are disqualified because you’re a man. Up until recently, it’s been a very effective means of silencing uncomfortable truths about the Feminine Imperative.

I’ve always found it ironic that a movement (feminism) that predicates itself on the ostensibly egalitarian notion that rational, reasonable considerations of issues should lead us to ideals of equality is the first to reduce itself to unquestioned, blind faith binaries at the first sign of rational reasonable truth being unflattering to women. If you want to know who holds power over you, look at whom you aren’t allowed to criticise – or even hint at criticism.

My position on these and many other questions of the sort is usually met with simple observational analysis (as you’d probably expect). I don’t necessarily have a problem with women voting or even having access to legal (relatively safe) abortions. What I have a problem with is the latent purpose behind the reasons that led to women’s decisions to vote a particular way or the latent purposes that brought them to having that abortion. For the greater part, any dubious ‘right’ women feel they were somehow denied in the past usually comes at the expense of men being liable for decisions they had nothing to do with.

What I have a problem with is an expectation of lowering the standards of the game, thus fundamentally altering the game, to better accommodate the variable strengths and weaknesses of women – up to, and including, changing the very nature of women’s environmental realities that would endanger the wellbeing of both sexes. What I take issue with is the expectation of making men liable for the decisions and consequences of the rights and freedom of choices we’ve reserved for only women to make (almost unilaterally Hypergamic choices) that are not in men’s best interests.

I mentioned in Our Sister’s Keeper that men today find themselves in a very precarious position with regard to entertaining women’s perceived wrongs of the past. Men are expected,by default, to be held accountable, for no other reason than they were born men, for past injuries to the ever-changing Feminine Imperative. Your existence as a man today, your failed understanding to accommodate women’s social primacy, your lack of catering to the ambiguous nature of what conveniently passes for masculinity, is a constant stinking affront and obstacle to the “advancement” of women. The Feminine Imperative has known how to manipulate men’s Burden of Performance for millennia, and at not other time in history has it had the unfettered leisure to do so than now.

So, we get socially acceptable default presumptions of ‘male privilege’ without qualifying what it even means, or we get catchy jingoisms like ‘mansplaining’ to give a name to women’s need for silencing men’s inconvenient observations of women’s ‘correct’ perceptions, decisions and the reasons they came to them. We get default presumptions of male guilt for sexual assault and sexual consent as fluidly defined in as convenient a way that serves women’s imperatives. As I’ve mentioned before, the true intent of feminism has never been about establishing a mutually agreed ‘equality’, rather it’s always been about retribution and restitution for perceived past wrongs to the sisterhood.

There has always been a subtext, a cover story, of equality mentioned in the same breath as feminism. Only the most antagonistic asshole, only the most anti-social prick, would be against “equality between the sexes”. Thus, to be against feminism is to be against a simplistic concept of baseline equality. However, taken out of the propagandizing efforts to shame and ‘correct’ men’s imperatives, it’s easy to demonstrate that the true intent of feminism is female ‘fempowerment’ in the dressing of an equality that no man (or woman) wants to appear to be against.

Yellowed Pearls

I found an interesting example of this  Catch 22 in the Economist recently. Pick and choose: Why women’s rights in China are regressing.

In 2007 China’s official Xinhua news agency published a commentary about women who were still unmarried at the age of 27 under the title, “Eight Simple Moves to Escape the Leftover Woman Trap”. The Communist Party had concluded that young Chinese women were becoming too picky and were over-focused on attaining the “three highs”: high education, professional status and income. Newspapers have since reprinted similar editorials. In 2011 one said: “The tragedy is they don’t realise that as women age they are worth less and less, so by the time they get their MA or PhD, they are already old, like yellowed pearls.”

In the last Red Pill Monthly discussion, I mentioned the expansion that the Feminine Imperative has taken on a global scale. One of the old missives of the manosphere has always been about how American women are too far gone to be worth ever entertaining beyond a pump-and-dump consideration. They are too damaged and self-absorbed beyond all redemption, and men ought to expatriate to another country where women are more feminine or at least necessitous enough to appreciate a conventionally masculine man.

I get that. I understand the want for a Poosy Paradise or some promised land where women are still raised to respect and love men by being conventionally feminine. I also get that there exist certain cultures where this is still true, but for all of that, I think it’s important to recognize the social undercurrent that the Feminine Imperative exercises in these cultures. A popular meme on Twitter is ‘Feminism is Cancer’, but there’s a kernel of truth to the humor of this. The spread of the westernizing social primacy of the Feminine Imperative is spreading, not unlike cancer, into what we would otherwise believe were societies and cultures still oppressed by the mythical Patriarchy – a belief necessary to perpetuate the narrative of default female victimhood.

It may not be now, but at some stage, the Feminine Imperative will exercise its presumptive control over even the societies we think ought to be immune from that cancer. As I mention on The Red Pill Monthly, even in underdeveloped countries where we would expect to find the horrible oppression of girls and women, we make a triumphant example of the incidents of where girls (not boys) are taught to read and “think for themselves”. Westernized culture, founded on the Feminine Imperative, celebrates every time a woman in Saudi Arabia is allowed to drive a car, much less run a business on her own as if it were some blow against the tyranny of men.

Little by little, or in leaps and bounds, your second or third world Poosy Paradise will eventually be assimilated by the Feminine Imperative.

I bring this up because, as you’ll read in the linked article, China is also experiencing the long-term results of having adopted feminine social primacy in its own culture. From women’s popular consciousness, we’re still, to this day, told of how horrible “communist” China has been in mandating its one-child policy and how its draconian ‘sons live, daughters die’ social structure has been the result. However, once we reasonably investigate it, we find that China now has a problem with “Yellowed Pearls” as a result of a cultural shift that placed women’s interests as preeminent in that culture. And it should be noted that this shift came about as the direct result of the men who adopted and accommodated the Feminine Imperative as their own.

Now the problem for women in China is not unlike the plight of American women bemoaning the lack of men with “equal” marriageability as themselves. And likewise, the self-same social authorities responsible for institutionalizing the fempowerment of women are now the horrible misogynist villains for suggesting that women ought to lower their unrealistic standards.

The tone of these articles is surprising, given the Communist Party’s past support for women’s advancement. Mao Zedong destroyed China, but he succeeded in raising the status of women. Almost the first legislation enacted by the Communist Party in 1950 was the Marriage Law under which women were given many new rights, including the right to divorce and the right to own property.

Sounds a far cry different from the pictures women, even women in this century, have painted of China’s institutionalized, one-child sexism doesn’t it? Remember, this advancement in women’s rights took place before the Cultural Revolution in China.

Though collectivisation made the latter largely irrelevant, women played an active role in Mao’s China, and still do today. By 2010 26% of urban women had university degrees, double the proportion ten years earlier. Women now regularly outperform men at Chinese universities, which has led to gender-based quotas favouring men in some entrance exams. However, many of the earlier advances have been eroded in recent years by the gradual re-emergence of traditional patriarchal attitudes.

Consider this part in contrast to other industrialized nations and how women have increased their socio-political standing as the result of having the Feminine Imperative adopted as the primary social order of those cultures. Even in cultures that are still popularly deemed “repressive” to women we see educational and socioeconomic parallels to western(ized) cultures. We also see the same resulting consequences and the shifting of blame for them to men. The downside of Yellowed Pearls is placed at the feet of men for not living up to the convenient, feminine-primary definition of what their Burden of Performance ought to mean in promoting and forgiving women’s decisions.

The party has joined an alliance of property companies and dating websites to confront the issue. Government surveys on marriage and property are often sponsored by matchmaking agencies, and perpetuate the perception that being “leftover” is the worst thing that can happen to a woman. They also promote other myths, such as the idea that a man must have a house before he can marry.

As you may expect, the tone of the article is written to emphasize an egalitarian perspective that conflicts with a reality that the Feminine Imperative would have men change or be responsible for not having changed. It’s men’s fault that women might feel bad for not having married by a post-wall age. It’s men’s fault for promoting myths that women would expect that a man must be successfully established in his life and career before any considerations of marriage occur to him. It’s also a man’s fault for clinging to the “myth” that women don’t want him to be established.

The law is reflecting the shift away from women’s empowerment too. An interpretation by the Supreme Court in 2011 of the 1950 Marriage Law stated that, when a couple divorces, property should not be shared equally, but each side should keep what is in his or her own name. This ruling, says Ms Fincher, has serious implications. In the big cities a third of marriages now end in divorce but, based on hundreds of interviews, she finds that only about 30% of married women have their name on the deeds of the marital flat. Women believe the party hype about becoming a “leftover” woman so strongly, she says, that many rush into unhappy marriages with unsuitable men, made on condition that the brides agree not to put their name on the property deeds.

Feminism Would be a Success if Men Would Only Cooperate More

Several years ago Dalrock had a post detailing the sentiment of feminists that feminism would be a success if only men would cooperate with the ideology by abandoning their own interests and sublimating their own biological impulses. The fact remains that feminism and egalitarianism are failed ideologies because at the root level those ideologies ask men to participate in their own extinction. Not only this, but they ask men to raise successive generations to accommodate and participate in their own degradation.

The narrative expects Yellowed Pearls to be prized by men, or respected as Spinsters, or pandered to as ‘Cougars’ while still maintaining men sublimate their own imperatives by willfully ignoring the fact that their own sexual strategy is what is being asked of them to abandon. As I stated in the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies, for one sex’s strategy to succeed the other must either be compromised or abandoned – what better way is there to assure this for women than to socially mandate through shame, persecution or financial liabilities that men abandon their own strategy in favor of women?

For some time now, I’ve detailed how for the past 4 or 5 generations, there has been a popular social re-engineering effort to raise and condition boys to become the ‘better betas‘ – boys designed to become the supportive male-reinforcers of empowering women’s interests and imperatives.

For a greater part this effort has been primarily focused on boys and men in western society, and while it’s still open for debate, I’d say that westernizing cultures are really the only cultural environments that can afford to entertain this ‘fempowerment’. This is changing radically now if it was ever really the case to begin with.

In the manosphere we like to highlight the ‘pussification’ of modern men through various efforts on the part of a nebulous ‘socitey’ aligned against masculinity. However, the flip side to this is the fempowerment agenda; an feminine-primary social structure that disallows any criticism of inherently female nature while promoting the empowerment of women on every level of social strata.

We coddle and cater to the feminine in every aspect of social interaction, every aspect of academic achievement, every socioeconomic advantage inventable, every story we tell in every form of media and we do so under the threat of not being supportive or misogynistic for suggesting anything marginally pro-masculine. This is the other side of the demasculinization imperative of boys & men – the total consolidation of handicaping men and empowering women into unrealistic effigies of feminine triumphalism.

How do you counter this?

I’m always lauded for describing these social dynamics, but I’m run up the flagpole for not offering concrete ways of dealing with and pushing back on these imperatives. Many a MGTOW will simply suggest men no longer play the Game, that isolationism is the way to go, but this only serves to eventually concede power to the Feminine Imperative. You don’t get to check out of the Game even if you refuse to play it. For all the guys who left for parts unknown to find their demi-utopia of feminine women in a foreign country, even they will explain that the tide of feminism is changing those seemingly idlyic places. And for every guy to voluntarilly go celebate and “refuse to deal with women” I’ll show you a man whose tax dollars go to fund the consequences of women’s legislated rights to Hypergamous choice.

Sooner or later Men will have to confront and push back against both men and women who are convinced of their purpose in idealizing the dictates of the Feminine Imperative. A lot of men in the ‘sphere believe their being clever when they refer to people with this worldview as ‘SJWs’, but for every hair dyed, gender-confused man-woman you see on Twitter there are hundreds of ‘normal’ people who all share similar perspectives – some simply subconscious generalization they’re oblivious to – sitting next to you at church, or working in the cubicle next to you.

As I’ve mentioned countless times, the change needs to take place by appealing to the hearts and minds of Men by making them Red Pill aware from the bottom up, but moreover, we need to live out that awareness in our own lives and lead by Red Pill example. Our decisions in life, our aspiration in parenting, family and career, in our business dealings, in the women we Game and the people we hire, all of these aspects need to take on the perspective of how they fit into pushing back against a feminine-primary world that demands we surrender any thought of individuated male power.

As Men, we need to unapologetically exercise what little power we’re left with to inform this and successive generation of Red Pill truths tactfully, but with strength of conviction in the face of a feminine-primary society bent on our surrender. Life finds a way. Feminism and the consolidation of the Feminine Imperative have failed because Men were not evolved to acquiesce their dominant spirit. On the same evolutionary level women also evolved into requiring that convnetionally masculine dominance. This is why feminism and egalitarianism will ultimately fail – nature simply will not cooperate with it’s own stagnation. As men, we can use this truth to our Red Pill aware advantage.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] Fempowerment […]

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

got duplicate sentences in the beginning.

“Say no and you’re a despicable misogynist. Say yes and you’re tar-pitted in “yes, but” caveats – mansplaining – that are disqualified because you’re a man.

Say no and you’re a despicable misogynist. Say yes and you’re tar-pitted in “yes, but” caveats – mansplaining – that are disqualified because you’re a man. “

8 years ago

“Feminism Would be a Success if Men Would Only Cooperate More”

How do I without reducing my self. It’s been hard to find this balance if their ever was one.

8 years ago
Reply to  rugby11

@rugby11: That’s the thing bruv…there was balance, when men & women are “unbalanced”


[…] Fempowerment […]

8 years ago

The pushback has to start at home. Raise your kids as red pill aware boys and girls. Explain what they see in the media and experience in their daily encounters with the feminine imperative. Your boys must learn game. Your girls must be taught about the SMP and the wall. A big problem is men who have daughters and think they can expect the same from them as from sons. In effect they turn their daughters in the sons they never had and these girls believe in this myth for the rest of their lives.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
8 years ago

So. Call her Fucking Bluff.

Women will fuck me in secret even if I pick a career that she can’t slap “slave” upon.

Be dominant.

Know what she’s playing.

The medium is the message.

Ok. Rollo.

8 years ago

Fempowerment is all around us. I was reading Cosmo inline at the grocery store, and they interviewed a guy. The question was whether or not he was feminist or not. The interviewee, said yes of course. He should have said yes, he was a first wave feminist at least. The guy probably did not fully understand what he was being asked to declare an allegiance to.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
8 years ago

Hey wait a minute Rollo. What about what Robert Greene said in “The Art of Seduction” about women? Women basically invented seduction because of the difference in physical strength between men and women. How will the counter-initiative account for the proper socialization of this basic truth? Don’t women, growing up in a world with no guarantees, always collude and try to hold this gun of feminine interests over men? Wouldn’t groups of men have to come together to decide this is worth talking about in the first place? Women want to be dominated, but they want to choose who gets… Read more »

8 years ago

What exactly do you mean by “tax dollars go to fund the consequences of women’s legislated rights to Hypergamous choice”?

Do you mean welfare for single mothers? Paternal child support laws? Overpaid government pink collar jobs? I feel like you are uncharacteristically dancing around the issue instead of explicitly describing the government policies that support the feminine imperative.

8 years ago

Thank you Rollo for taking the time out of your day to help enlighten and offer insight to the Feminine Imperative. Prior to coming to your sight I always ignored or dismissed anything to do with with feminism as it was a complete bore. Now that I’m reading your work its helping to connect the dots. So many dots to connect… Without this Red Pill knowledge I would be clueless about the social movements and cultural power shifts that continue reshape our society. You’ve taken a boring topic like feminism and helped me realize that understanding it is absolutely critical.… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

Think his point was that you can’t totally drop out in the way MGTOW call for. You can’t drop out of life. The FI will touch your life some way, even if it’s where your tax dollars go.

8 years ago

” A popular meme on Twitter is ‘Feminism is Cancer’, but there’s a kernel of truth to the humor of this. The spread of the westernizing social primacy of the Feminine Imperative is spreading, not unlike cancer, into what we would otherwise believe were societies and cultures still oppressed by the mythical Patriarchy – a belief necessary to perpetuate the narrative of default female victimhood. It may not be now, but at some stage, the Feminine Imperative will exercise its presumptive control over even the societies we think ought to be immune from that cancer.” Hmmm, well they’re talking about… Read more »

8 years ago

This “tactfully” not good at this at all.I was accused of failing sensitivity training,never have even taken it. Once at a party i told the lady of the house to be quiet and listen to Bills opinion of whats wrong with todays youth.Her girl friends chin hit the floor then when my wife came over it was why are you with this guy he must have a nice dick. Today at breakfast this couple sat at the booth across from my wife and i when considering their drink order he softly said he didn’t like the coffee here i agreed… Read more »

8 years ago

Divorced many years ago and haven’t dated or engaged in any relationships with any women since. Don’t even let women in my house. Have lived on half my after tax income for the past decade and put the other half in safe investments. On track to retire into great ease in another decade. Don’t miss having a woman in my life whatsoever. Don’t miss sex in the slightest. Good porn and a little lube suit me just fine. Probably had way too much in my teens and twenties anyways. The years without a woman in my home have been the… Read more »

8 years ago

“Men were not evolved to acquiesce their dominant spirit.”

The red pill have me extreme ownership. Overall all I am and will becoming.

8 years ago

Has given me*

8 years ago

The Feminine Imperative is a passing fad; the Masculine Imperative is a fact of nature: In every generation, a greater proportion of females than males pass on their genes, typically 80% vs. 40% when monogamy is not enforced. This means that males are subjected to stronger selection pressure than females, male-specific traits evolve faster than female-specific traits, and genes expressed in both sexes evolve in ways that increase male fertility. The FI cannot survive without white-knighting, tax-paying betas, but it does not allow such men to reproduce. A woman honestly thinks that gosh, you’re such a nice guy, surely some… Read more »

8 years ago

@Roused “You’ve taken a boring topic like feminism and helped me realize that understanding it is absolutely critical. I would call that a seismic shift in my thinking and outlook on life as a man.” While I’m not trying intentionally to take any gloss of Rollo’s excellent writing and the OP essay, Ian Ironwood (pseudonymous) has some very non-boring writing about how to understand what Feminism really is and what it really does and how not to tolerate it in real life. Lots of essays re: the harm feminists do for their own at his blog The Red Pill Room… Read more »

8 years ago

Shit. Now she’s watching Game of Thrones and Fempowerment is taking over Dorn now. “Weak men will never rule Dorn again”. The women just killed the weak ruling men with knives and swords.

8 years ago

” . . . they ask men to raise successive generations to accommodate and participate in their own degradation.”

8 years ago

@Matatan- “A big problem is men who have daughters and think they can expect the same from them as from sons. In effect they turn their daughters in the sons they never had and these girls believe in this myth for the rest of their lives.” Yes, I think I have done this to an extent. I’m not a chick, so I can’t teach them to be feminine. The daycare lady is a SAHM but not feminine, and my wife’s job means she is out of the picture a lot. What do you mean by these girls believe in this… Read more »

8 years ago

“There has always been a subtext, a cover story, of equality mentioned in the same breath as feminism. Only the most antagonistic asshole, only the most anti-social prick, would be against “equality between the sexes”. Thus, to be against feminism is to be against a simplistic concept of baseline equality.” The problem is that equality is nearly always a ruse. Few people really believe in equality, yet groups with influence will always have an incentive to demand equal rights or outcomes in the circumstances that benefit them. In a feminist era, gender equality means that we should acknowledge or celebrate… Read more »

8 years ago

“The Feminine Imperative is a passing fad . . .”

Because Feminism is a projection of the FI, you are erroneously equating the FI with Feminism.

Rollo did not make the same mistake in the article. Read it again and note that he said FI when he meant FI, and Feminism when he meant Feminism.

Feminism will fail (although it may damn well take everything else along for that ride first), but the FI will persist as long as there are females. That’s just the way of sexual reproduction.

8 years ago

@ kfg

My dad yelled at my mom and then stopped me when I was a little kid.

I was running around pushing a baby carriage or something. Years later when someone asked him about it he said he didn’t want his son doing shit like that.

Watching that video makes me think “Thanks dad.”

8 years ago

@kfg, Feminism must fail, due to the weight of its own contradictions and unsustainable demands. But moreover, feminism cannot succeed because it is a worldview based on perpetual victimhood and grievance. So by their own definition, they cannot really ever win. It’s possible that the destruction caused by feminism will undermine the feminine imperative more broadly. It will serve as a cautionary tale of what happens when society caters to women’s demands and grievances too much. Sometimes the only way you can undermine a particular paradigm is to allow it to be taken to its logical extreme, and then people… Read more »

8 years ago

“So by their own definition, they cannot really ever win.”

Hence they become ever more shrill over ever more trivial issues.

“It’s the old give ’em enough rope and let ’em hang themselves approach.”

And if the nooses were only around their own necks I’d be fighting to be first in line to tell ’em “told ya so” as I sipped my coffee and watched ’em kick and strangle.

8 years ago

@ Rollo I’ve been thinking about dogs a lot lately. They’re a perfect example of TRP in real-life application. It also reminds me of my old boss. He was a total prick. But he was very demanding and always made it clear what he wanted, and got what he wanted, even though he was a complete asshole in the process. He never put up with any shit from anyone, although he took that to an extreme (like giving people shit that weren’t slacking off just for the sake of it or because he was having a bad day, which was… Read more »

8 years ago


re: Game of Thrones

check this beauty out:


8 years ago

Yes sir it is amazing how many people don’t get that a dog,and most people were bred to do a job and are much happier and productive while doing it. I was the enforcer in our family, “you better behave or you are going to get it when dad gets home”some times i felt like she was turning them against me,then they all come back one by one thanking me for teaching them real values. The best boss i ever had told me how his dad would write a list every morning for each to do and it had better… Read more »

8 years ago

Not to mention the new consent laws being pushed in colleges, of which the ultimate aim is to reduce men’s marriage security even more. The transference of ideas in the university kangaroo courts are advancing at a disturbing pace in effecting marriage law. The question is whether or not all the talk about marriage strikes are having any effect. It appears that the forced sexual starvation of beta men is only increasing the appeal for marriage (under the false belief that sexual abundance is finally in his grasp) once women are in their epiphany phase. The women can’t lose and… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Rollo, does that mean White Knights are loving women into irresponsiblity?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Softek – “clickhole” – aptly named.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

Matt, doesn’t look like men have an increasing appeal towards marriage.

Softek, I think if self prioritization turn men off the red pill it’s comes from not being all the way free from nice guy syndrome. And you can include the shallowness guilt trip and the taking advantage guilt trip. Which for many men that need the red pill, seems to be enough to prevent them from putting the red pill in to effect.

8 years ago

@Pinelero, What I mean is that as a father you set the expectations that your kids will try to live up to whether you are aware of it or not. If you expect your girl to behave like a boy she will spend her life trying to live up to that expectation. If you expect her to be feminine, she will try to live up to it as well, but of course her mother will have to show her how, you can’t do that. Fathers who set no expectations are negligent in my view, their kids will make many unnecessary… Read more »

JL Fletcher
8 years ago

“However, once we reasonably investigate it, we find that China now has a problem with “Yellowed Pearls” as a result of a cultural shift that placed women’s interests as preeminent in that culture. And it should be noted that this shift came about as the direct result of the men who adopted and accommodated the Feminine Imperative as their own.” — Rollo, As a RP American who has spent a good amount of time teaching and studying in China, I don’t believe that women’s interests are preeminent in Chinese culture. Most dislike feminists (Chinese women who pursue advanced educations and… Read more »

8 years ago

Slightly OT: Rollo, as a designer – what do you think about the “Worse Is Better” VS “The Right Thing” dilemma? The MIT guy then muttered that sometimes it takes a tough man to make a tender chicken, but the New Jersey guy didn’t understand (I’m not sure I do either). (from: https://www.jwz.org/doc/worse-is-better.html) “Doing the right thing” looks like The Burden of Performance(tm), and may be, as above, considered as an entry condition for “real man” (masculinity). However, this also looks suspiciously Beta, and the “Worse Is Better” crowd stand out as Alpha badboys. This also rhymes with the nomad-settler… Read more »

8 years ago

Shoe0nHead doing her part to spread the good word: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFQvSvwLIYY Regardless of what you think of Sargon, Armored Skeptic, or some of the weirdos she’s linking, or her intentions or her relationship, she’s sending her viewers out toward other YouTubers who are questioning the narrative and confronting the FI which is what helps people realize there are others that have the same questions they’ve had behind closed doors. I said here way back when that Manosphere(MRA? MGTOW? Can’t remember) dude went on the news without his face showing and they tooled him that you can’t beat these people directly, the… Read more »

8 years ago

oops brain fart not sure if I hit post or not. Rollo delete the first one of these if there’s two lol: Shoe0nHead doing her part to spread the good word: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFQvSvwLIYY Regardless of what you think of Sargon, Armored Skeptic, or some of the weirdos she’s linking, or her intentions or her relationship, she’s sending her viewers out toward other YouTubers who are questioning the narrative and confronting the FI which is what helps people realize there are others that have the same questions they’ve had behind closed doors. I said here way back when that Manosphere(MRA? MGTOW? Can’t… Read more »

8 years ago

It’s not just female tendencies, but also the socialist mind-virus and government authoritarianism. These processes will have to be tested at a large scale at enormous cost, and it’s best to just stay out of the way. You say the MGTOWs might be unable to avoid contributions like tax, but a “keeper of the faith” will likely be contributing a lot more, and the net result will probably be more degeneracy than virtue

8 years ago

It means that if men are more successful than women in some areas, that is automatic proof of continuing societal sexism against women. Yet if women are more successful in other areas, that is proof that women are simply better at those things. Heads I Win. Tails You Lose. It rests on lumping all men together, really. As long as men hold more positions of true power (government, business execs, film directors/producers, etc.), women will be seen as being disadvantaged overall vis-a-vis men in general, regardless of what conditions are like beneath that top tier set of men. So until… Read more »

8 years ago

Looking back i lost frame first going into recovery,trying to make amends in an improper manner.Then second gave it away completely in my wife’s recovery from a near fatal illness. The first person to mention the thing with the dogs was a woman.The Chiefs wife has been a dog groomer for 40 years,she and i became friends while i worked on their home.At an awards dinner my wife and i sat at their table,the Chiefs wife was picking up on my wife’s subcom’s she started explaining that the dogs need something to do and will love you for giving them… Read more »

NoMore Mr NiceGuy
NoMore Mr NiceGuy
8 years ago

Hi Rollo, You seem to have missed this post of mine regarding the possible translation of your books to my native language on the “Year One” page, so I copy it here. Can you please reply? Thanks! I’m a dedicated follower of the Rational Male blog for cca 1 year now and I’ve got your paperbacks as well. Your insights have completely changed my life… for the better, and I’ve directed several friends to your site for advice too. But, unfortunately, not all of them speaks english well enough to be able to read your articles. So I’m thinking about… Read more »

8 years ago

Fucking hard lolz:


The Red Pill subreddit makes subreddit of the day and mass triggering ensues. So much salt.



With beautiful timing too, with their theory weekend, the whole frontpage of it is all just sage wisdom and classic articles from Rollo etc

8 years ago

@Novaseeker, You are right of course. Apex fallacy and all that. Feminism is basically a movement that seeks to punish 99% of men for the advantages enjoyed by the top 1% of men (while simultaneously complaining of the injustice that women in general do not enjoy the benefits enjoyed by the highest SMV women, the youngest and most beautiful etc.). If it wasn’t for double standards, they would have none. The idea that the over representation of men at the very top of the pyramid proves that society is systematically biased in favor of men in general has always been… Read more »

8 years ago

It seems to me that the spread of the FI is intertwined with the spread of westernized capitalism. They continually reinforce each other. Consumerism, capitalism, feminism, social conditioning… It’s a feedback loop. Drop any random person into a mall in China and they would hardly be able to tell they weren’t in New Jersey. And people fucking LOVE malls over there. They’ve completely bought into the whole consumerism trick. All the plebes working in the factories have smart phones. Hong Kong has basically turned into one huge shopping mall/amusement park for the rich mainland people. The reality is that strong… Read more »

8 years ago

And for every guy to voluntarilly go celebate and “refuse to deal with women” I’ll show you a man whose tax dollars go to fund the consequences of women’s legislated rights to Hypergamous choice.

Good article, but this one’s a bit spurious. This is not the only dimension of life where one pays taxes for other people’s benefits.

8 years ago

One interesting way to look at second-stage feminism is as an artifact of the Cold War. The Soviets funded lots of western progressive movements, including feminist movements. If you do some digging, you can find that almost all progressive movements had Soviet/have Russian backing. Of course, the Russians retain all the espionage rings that the Soviets built up. The Russians are not our friends, though our propaganda doesn’t paint them as hostile to us. The Soviets took their failed social experiments and pawned them off on us, attempting to weaken our society. Isn’t it funny that almost all societies where… Read more »

8 years ago

“If it wasn’t for double standards, they would have none.” They have a primary rule: It’s about power. They have a primary standard: They win. Everything else is corollary to those. They aren’t interested in being fair, they are interested in winning power. From that framework their apparent double standards are simply a tactic they employ for the simple reason that – it works. ” . . .the whole raison d’etre of feminism is to create a rigged definition of gender equality that can always be used to show that men are somehow still more advantaged . . .” Q.E.D.… Read more »

Rami Hiltunen
8 years ago

I noticed the same cock carousel stuff in Seoul, Busan, Hong Kong and Shanghai so expatriating starts to be out of question.

I can always work in construction where 95% of workers are male and only hangout with male friends to escape this shit.

The problem is that I need to find some way of avoiding taxes. Finland has the third highest tax rate in the world and social sector is made up of single mums, somali “refugees” and bullshit government jobs for women.

Apparently to escape femprimary social order theres two choices; Suicide or survivalism.

8 years ago

When I discuss with such people, my starting argument is that universal suffrage democracy is illegitimate anyway. It’s funny asking them why should you believe in equality because all you’ll get is horror. Imo, fuck equality. By the way, people changing what they believe happens once you change institutions and their message, which can only be done once you’re in power. There’s a reason why Americuckism spread in western Europe only after the American occupation. John Gaventa’s theory of power applied here on something else is valid for feminine imperative too: http://conswede.blogspot.se/2009/05/discussion-about-future-scenarios-part.html If you want social change, you need to… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
8 years ago

@Rollo et al “Dalrock had a post detailing the sentiment of feminists that feminism would be a success if only men would cooperate with the ideology by abandoning their own interests and sublimating their own biological impulses. The fact remains that feminism and egalitarianism are failed ideologies because at the root level those ideologies ask men to participate in their own extinction. Not only this, but they ask men to raise successive generations to accommodate and participate in their own degradation.” I am reminded of an army commander who once worked with a firm I was involved with, he was… Read more »

8 years ago

One of the traps of the manosphere, and the internet in general (in the sense of politics/ideology/social issues) is that we can get an inflated sense of our importance or relevance. Even worse, just as the left has already done, we can retreat into spaces in which we only hear the opinions and analysis that we agree with a priori. Perhaps what is most destructive about this is that it presents us with the false notion that we are doing something about the issues we face. I see this on the political right all the time. “Webtivism” is an illusion,… Read more »

8 years ago

Theasdgamer, the reason why former anti-Soviet areas suffer is American cultural exports following the American occupation of Europe. The soviets didn’t even exist when these social experiments started in the West and if you’d bother to research the history of these ideas, you’d see that what you’re doing is the typical jingoist thing of finding scapegoats as rationalizations for all the blunders of your own country/culture. “though our propaganda doesn’t paint them as hostile to us. ” Roflmao. Yes, Russia isn’t portrayed as some imperialistic vulture tearing off land from other countries, whose president assassinates political rivals and who doesn’t… Read more »

8 years ago

We aren’t losing the battle to the left, we’ve already lost.

All you’ve lost is the will to fight.

8 years ago

Scribblerg excellent post… A few other thoughts Feminism is merely the grease on the skids of equalism… that is the overarching goal, One World Order [no black helicopters!] – one government, one race. Butcept it wont be equal for all… it will be a global Brazil… enjoy your time in the favelas. Hell it all looks beautiful… from a distance… The right as the useful tools of the Left… Manchurian Candidate had it right… That is one of the amazing things about all of this, NOTHING is hidden. It was always out there, just unbelievable, [1984, Animal Farm, etc etc.]… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
8 years ago

@Scrib Per your recommendation last week I read Coming Apart by Charles Murray, great book, thanks for the recommendation. Obviously insightful on many levels. If we follow his basic thesis we have the narrow elite and the broader elite, they are cocooning themselves off geographically etc. They are utterly disconnected from the lower classes in cultural terms. Fine, OK I get that. If I were to strategize broadly I don’t disagree with your idea that the battles may be continuing but the war is already lost with Prog-Marxists. So it seems the logical extension of this as you say is… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Old

The Soviets tried second-stage feminism first. Pay attention to the details of what I wrote. There’s no question that the Soviets funded feminist movements in the 60s or that the Russians continue to influence feminist movements.

The Russians are depicted as locally-imperialistic assassins who restrict speech in Russia. None of that necessarily means that they are hostile to the U.S.

You should have stronger arguments before you attempt to be dismissive of someone else’s.

8 years ago

Re: Asd – Denial isn’t a river in Egypt and brio isn’t a strategy. Nor is hope. First rule of war is to understand the terrain and situation in which you find yourself. Then you analyze your enemy – their tactics, strategy, positions they hold and the forces they have arrayed against you. Attitude is meaningless in that analysis. Of course, once you’ve decided to undertake a fight with an actual winning strategy and the forces required to win, then morale and and a winning attitude are crucial. But in our situation? Believing that you are fighting at all and… Read more »

Jackie Treehorn
Jackie Treehorn
8 years ago

Awareness does indeed seem to be growing. The Red Pill subreddit has gone from zero to 150,000 subscribers in only four years. Just a drop in the bucket in the overall scheme of things. But still, pretty impressive growth for such a “reviled” set of ideas.

8 years ago

@ scrib

I agree that feminism has a tremendous positional advantage currently. That is irrelevant to our will to fight, which Agent P pointed out is the mark of whether a group has lost.

I continue to find that men are more and more aware of social problems and are Red Pill aware. Technological changes (especially internet) have weakened feminism’s positional advantage. There are reasons to be encouraged.

8 years ago

@Agent P – Thoughtful commentary and I’m really glad you took the reco on Murray’s Coming Apart. I’m not going to try and take your analysis and ideas apart bit by bit but rather make a point that you should consider. Minorities who oppose the elites always exists. Subversives in the elite always exist. The mere fact that there is a counter-movement is not unusual or even notable. It’s to be expected. Keep this in mind too. I roll in the same circles as you – or did for a long time but have removed myself consciously from them. I… Read more »

8 years ago

@SJF Lol, prior to me typing this, my wife was all excited because @this time Beyonce has some new release on TV new album and was all excited to watch it (and catch me in her Frame to come watch it. I’ll pass. Lol, Adele and Beyonce are boring…..). And as I type this I walked in to the kitchen to refresh my beverage and said “So who is this?” she replied “BEYONCE!” with an emphatic sigh. This is actually very important as male infidelity is now in the crosshairs of fempowerment. Beyoncé: “so what are you gonna say at… Read more »

8 years ago

Jay Z an alpha? Not buying it…

8 years ago

@YaReally: also laughed hard at TRP making subreddit of the day, thanks. Like you say, masterful timing with the Theory weekend, there weren’t even many crappy posts around that would be easier to attack. OK, my first EPIC FR (it is probably epic in length only). I’m going to split these across posts. I use [] for specific questions I have. Weirdest bit is point 7. of the Night. Setting: Uni Sports event whole day, then after party (with food) at a Club. I must have mild one-itis for a girl as I like being around her more than the… Read more »

8 years ago

Marxists, leftists, socialists! Oh My! There’s no way that your precious free-market capitalism could have ANY influence on our present situation huh? Explain to me why this logic doesn’t work… America becomes the home of laissez-faire capitalism. There’s huge economic growth, assembly lines, all this land, middle class with spending power and gigantic global corporations. What do we do with our spending money? Show off our status. Build bigger homes on the fanciest streets, fill them with furniture and art. Then technology takes off, and we have all these appliances to make our lives easier AND entertaining. Mass media is… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo Plz approve my Shoe post thx People are fighting feminism outside the Manosphere with way more reach than most Red Pill’ers, they just aren’t doing it under the label Manosphere, MGTOW, PUA, Red Pill, etc But people are fighting back. The constantly closed comment sections on YouTube vids and mainstream articles that close because swarms of people fill them with red pill rebuttals is glorious. That didn’t happen in the past. That shit is progress, you just have to actually be paying attention to the current/next generation’s online culture shift instead of reading a few Manosphere blogs, to notice… Read more »

8 years ago

I find it hilarious that scribblerg is probably the biggest pessimist on this site, and at the same time he loudly complains about MGTOW.

8 years ago

@ scrib “So, what are we left with, in terms of actual action we can take that has real effect? Our personal lives. Our inner world, and I think in a real way this is the most important battle.” Agreed. It’s kind of a Taoist-esque approach. The world is on fire. Best course of action is personal and individual. It doesn’t mean that you can’t make any changes to the world around you, but that that shouldn’t be your focus, and any changes you would make to the world around you would be a product of your own self-development anyway.… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo wrote: ” I notice the hesitancy a lot of people have with commanding a dog to behave in desired ways goes against the idea that we ought to just let the dog be for fear of crushing the poor thing’s spirit.”

If you don’t train a dog and create boundaries (standards & values) it will just shit and piss wherever it wants….sound familiar? I’m sure it’s happened to more than a few guys in their relationships.

8 years ago

IAS A few thoughts for you… 2. Guys trying to disqualify you… You just A&A… 4. Art direct that photo shoot opportunity… boss them around, re-arrange them, tell them they suck at taking pictures, sexualize have them kiss, hug etc… 5 & 6. You figured these out for next time, always use these as sexualizing convo opportunities… [laser eye] Yeah, you like… salty nuts.. in your mouth…? [smirk] I wouldn’t know of course… [and you’re off… ask about her first BJ etc…] 7. anything with tats… or no tats lol, but talking about tats, is a chance for kino… Here… Read more »

Fred Flange, Authorized Protest Zone Pemit #333
Fred Flange, Authorized Protest Zone Pemit #333
8 years ago

That Beyoncé Lemonade video album actually encapsulates all of the contradictions of the modern FI, trying to sell Tidal music streams to GoneGrrls and BetaBoys who wank to sultry outfits on da teevee: Look at me! LOOK you pussy man! I’m SEXXAY and super sex-pozzitive! Don’t look at me! How DARE you look at me you pussy man? You seximalist chauvinizistic PIG! Hey grrlfriends look I’m such the BOMB I got me the bestest hip-hopper on the planet all to myself! Hey grrlfriends help me out, seems my hip hop hubby got jiggy with someone else… My hip-hop hubby feels… Read more »

8 years ago

~17:30 mark in the vid I just shared, even notice how they’re going “Good luck with that” “That’s a tall order, Patrice” ..when he’s talking about having two girlfriends at the same time, or having a girlfriend that’s okay with him seeing other girls. Knee-jerk reaction for most guys is to go “Oh, NO….that isn’t what my girl would want, no WAY would she be OK with that, so fuck, man, you must be out of your mind, thinking you can *disrespect* women and *mistreat* them like that and get away with it…etc. It’s all framed from the FI. Men… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
8 years ago

@scrib, “Keep this in mind too. I roll in the same circles as you – or did for a long time but have removed myself consciously from them. I do so for my business now but that’s it, not socially. Do you not have to keep many of your views and ideas to yourself? Do you not have to be very careful about what you say and do? As an alpha of sorts, I can get away with transgressive behavior at times but it’s the exception always. ” when I am rolling in my 1%-5% environs, if it is in… Read more »

8 years ago

@Misanthropist: “The problem is that equality is nearly always a ruse. Few people really believe in equality, yet groups with influence will always have an incentive to demand equal rights or outcomes in the circumstances that benefit them.” I would go farther and say that the demand for equality is ALWAYS a ruse. It’s the third step in the process of institutional takeover: 1. We have a right to be heard. 2. We demand a place at the table. 3. There must be equal representation. 4. Now that we are in charge, you old timers can stay if you don’t… Read more »

8 years ago

Part 2: Into the night, keep marching on. [If short on time skip to 7. which is at the top of the most messed up conversations I had with a girl, and I should probably somehow package it into some kind of DHV story for the future] I get to the club relatively early, it is very empty. As I arrived I saw two of the girls from my team arrive just before I get there, a short, thin one that is very cute [Tiny girl, TG] and a bigger one [BG]. 1. When I do go in I’m by… Read more »

8 years ago

IAS “[Need to get used to not lean in and get them to lean in when I want to speak”

Point to your ear, motion them close, slip arm around their waist, turn your ear towards them…

8 years ago

Part 3: Wrapping up 9. After food, I saw a guy with one arm on a sling, standing alone in a corner. I remembered that recent Field Report here, someone chatted up a guy with a cane in a club. So I went and talked with him a bit trying to make his night better. He was part of the male counterparts to the SGs from 1. and 7. Asked what happened and from what I understood he got his arm messed up on the game. He wasn’t too cheerful, I didn’t stick around because it was too loud to… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
8 years ago

@scrib, At your recommendation I also started on DeTocqueville a little while ago, I was too ambitious with my reading list and did not get through all of it but I will definitely revisit it some time soon. Not the easiest read as the English is 200 years old but the ideas are fantastic, it’s like reading a person’s report card from when they were much younger, you see the raw unvarnished aspects of the nation unfettered by so much history since then. The ideas that supported the country in the first place are much more clear. There were many… Read more »

The Question
8 years ago

“A lot of men in the ‘sphere believe their being clever when they refer to people with this worldview as ‘SJWs’, but for every hair dyed, gender-confused man-woman you see on Twitter there are hundreds of ‘normal’ people who all share similar perspectives – some simply subconscious generalization they’re oblivious to – sitting next to you at church, or working in the cubicle next to you.” Something churchies will never accept or acknowledge. The cute good girl sitting in the pew next to them may reject the feminist label but it’s only because much of what constitutes feminism is regarded… Read more »

8 years ago

@Sentient: thanks for the day game tips for my FR. Love your idea for Day game 4., it is fairly obvious that would work well but I didn’t think of it. Day game 5. to 8. (except 7 perhaps) is probably beyond my skill level to pull off safely, particularly with LG where I’m not even currently in a level playing field. But really I shouldn’t be risking that with any social circle girls. I know, self-limiting belief… About day game 8., Oh boy indeed. I choked on that one. The shiny thing bit actually wasn’t nearly as blatant as… Read more »

8 years ago

“Basically free markets mixed with democracy has been so efficient that it has succeeded to perfectly mirror human nature. Which is why it will spread everywhere. It has always been inevitable I suppose.”

Should be:

Basically free markets mixed with democracy has been so efficient that it has succeeded to perfectly exploit human nature. Obviously it doesn’t mirror human nature perfectly.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@scribblerg and @Agent P – ever notice the overly abundant jewish influence wrt to the cultural elite you both talk about, especially those among the cultural elite that truly have a platform wrt to presenting new ideas that uphold what scribblerg likes to call the progressive marxist agenda (or what Rollo likes to call bluepill idealism)? What to make of it? I smell subversion but have no idea what to make of it.

8 years ago

There is no longer a ” right ” or ” left ” in this nation. Old set of rules. What we do have are base extremist political parties financed and dictated to by corporate masters. The realness is in the marginalized and uninformed middle, all of whom are pretty much clueless at this point. Society is beta in much, much more than just male/ female relationships. Masses refusing to think and looking to be led are ripe for exploitation And that’s exactly where we find ourselves. Re: Trump. He would change nothing if elected. He is not bright or intelligent… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Andy You said: “Or maybe I’m just crazy and the rise of fempowerment, the FI, consumerism, and western capitalism happening at the same time in emerging economies is a COMPLETE COINCIDENCE.” You make a good point. But then pairing that with your other comment: “Basically free markets mixed with democracy has been so efficient that it has succeeded to perfectly mirror human nature. Which is why it will spread everywhere. It has always been inevitable I suppose” I don’t think that follows. What we have now is comfort, which does not play to the more sublime human ideals wrt to… Read more »

8 years ago

“I don’t think that follows. What we have now is comfort, which does not play to the more sublime human ideals wrt to what we believe our human lives can deliver. So what happened?” Yeah, I corrected that phrase. Yeah, we’re dumb and comfortable. BUT THAT SHINY BMW! If I had THAT, my life would be complete. There’s always something… We’re the first to get the dumb comfortable stage, so we’ll probably be the first to figure out how to fix it. Or we’ll just find out how it fixes itself. It’s a perfect storm really. Because the right will… Read more »

8 years ago

Andy: “It seems to me that the spread of the FI is intertwined with the spread of westernized capitalism. They continually reinforce each other. Consumerism, capitalism, feminism, social conditioning… It’s a feedback loop.” I came to the idea it all has to do with the relation between the sexes. If there is peace, less men die and you get roughly 50/50, which gives females the power. Once in charge they ruin everything and there is war or some catastrophe, by which more men will die. Then there are less men available, women start competing for men, men get back into… Read more »

8 years ago

I said I fucked my dog

Bullshit game. Girls and betas (maybe I repeat myself) do it. Alphas have real life stories. Betas have bullshit. Girls like to make up bullshit.

8 years ago

“One interesting way to look at second-stage feminism is as an artifact of the Cold War. The Soviets funded lots of western progressive movements, including feminist movements. If you do some digging, you can find that almost all progressive movements had Soviet/have Russian backing. Of course, the Russians retain all the espionage rings that the Soviets built up. The Russians are not our friends, though our propaganda doesn’t paint them as hostile to us. The Soviets took their failed social experiments and pawned them off on us, attempting to weaken our society. Isn’t it funny that almost all societies where… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Andy Yeah – good catch – “exploit human nature” makes a lot more sense than “mirror human nature”. Anyway, wrt to your latest comment: “It’s a perfect storm really. Because the right will never accept that the free market is driving feminism, and the left will never accept that feminism is being driven by consumerism…:” Perhaps you are agreeing with me that it is not matter of left/right, or feminism/manosphere ideologies, or even capitalism/socialism – it is something else that is driving the boat here, wrt to our current quandary (i.e. – that many many western people are experiencing growing… Read more »

8 years ago

” Once in charge they ruin everything and there is war or some catastrophe, by which more men will die. Then there are less men available, women start competing for men, men get back into power.”


I would say it is a cycle, but an ever changing one. I have faith that we can muddle along in mediocrity, dumb and comfortable for at least 100 years.

8 years ago

“Soviet Union was Mecca of Communism but London was its Medina.”

Prussia was its Mecca and the Soviet Union was its Paradise, but yes, London was its Medina.

8 years ago

Blax “[re TRUMP] He would change nothing if elected. He is not bright or intelligent enough. His understanding is sub par. Wind and bluster.” He has already changed a number of things… not even in the job yet. Now will he fix this shitstorm? No, I agree with you here. But he has moved the Overton Window pretty far towards reducing PC talk, unmasking the elites on the Right and advancing RP concepts much more than any politician since when? and his own life is a fair demonstration. You really believe a guy is all talk and bluster? A guy… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@Rollo Good post IMHO. Props. I don’t have too much to add. Two quick things: ” Only the most antagonistic asshole, only the most anti-social prick, would be against “equality between the sexes”. Thus, to be against feminism is to be against a simplistic concept of baseline equality. However, taken out of the propagandizing efforts to shame and ‘correct’ men’s imperatives, it’s easy to demonstrate that the true intent of feminism is female ‘fempowerment’ in the dressing of an equality that no man (or woman) wants to appear to be against.” This is classic motte-and-bailey tactic. It’s a useful concept… Read more »

8 years ago

IAS – few more thoughts re Part 2 4. [I can’t figure out if she actually likes me or not. Advice?] at this stage you are better served by just ASSUMING attraction and playing from that angle… be flirtier, be bolder, assume she is into you vs tip toeing to the line… better to be too bold and dial back than vice versa… Think of it this way – If she DOES like you then your assuming so is 1×2=2, positive reinforcing loop… if she doesn’t like you then you are 0x2=0 i.e. no worse off!!! 6. The photo booth…… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
8 years ago

@Wildman, From a cultural elite perspective, sure I see a disproportionate involvement of the “tribe” in many cultural affairs in my broader national community in many regards. That having been said it is now fast becoming not so clear. Yes there are some Jews who are major shareholders in national newspaper chains for example, likewise for some major media properties. However in terms of the dominance or ubiquity that they enjoyed in Canada 20 years ago I see that as not having declined so much as having been diluted. If by way of example one looks at major cultural institutions… Read more »

8 years ago

IAS – the last parts… 8. Girl giving you food off her plate… OK next time have her FEED YOU… remember all the others are watching… Old guy taking your seat… FUN! Good energy… just busting balls… have fun with it… he was. Spread good feelz to the group… 3 way makeout? – well why not? “I did quite a few hand-holding leads. I don’t know why I like hand-holding so much, but I do [Theories anyone?]” Theory – this is the first step towards sex, yeah, it feels good!!! Good stuff… up to you to escalate or not going… Read more »

8 years ago

“The tragedy is they don’t realise that as women age they are worth less and less, so by the time they get their MA or PhD, they are already old, like yellowed pearls.”


Chinese be keepin’ it real!

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