

Law 17

Keep Others in Suspended Terror: Cultivate an Air of Unpredictability

Humans are creatures of habit with an insatiable need to see familiarity in other people’s actions. Your predictability gives them a sense of control. Turn the tables: Be deliberately unpredictable. Behavior that seems to have no consistency or purpose will keep them off-balance, and they will wear themselves out trying to explain your moves. Taken to an extreme, this strategy can intimidate and terrorize.

In Law 17 Robert Greene hits upon a human dynamic that has much broader implications than a useful tool for power. Of course Dread – whether a passive acknowledgement or an overt display – is rooted in this principle, but the fundamental dynamic is that humans have an inherent ability to perceive patterns in nature.

It’s comforting for us to know what to expect in both people and our environments. It gives us a certain sense of security to have things remain consistent, but it also allows us to better pick out and isolate exceptions to that consistency. In a herd of brown cows we can better avoid or prefer the lone purple cow in the field.

It’s important to understand this basic need in humans because it’s both an aid and a hinderance to a Red Pill awareness. Dread works because when it’s applied, or even when it’s simply a new perception, what a woman is being forced to recognize is an inconsistency in what she’s come to expect about a man she’s familiar with. When a husband (or a wife) takes on an interest in hitting the gym where previously he’d had none before, the imaginings this prompts is the triggered result of seeing an inconsistency in a previously reliable behavior pattern.

We are creatures of habit, so when that habit is replaced by another behavior this then becomes the purple cow in a field of brown cows. I’ve stated this in many prior posts, but familiarity, comfort and rapport are anti-seductive elements in a man’s Game. This is one of the first areas I try to address with men trapped in a sexless LTR. Most Beta conditioned men believe that a woman needs to be comfortable with him before she’s willing to sleep with him and are then dumbfounded by how quickly she bangs the hot guy in the foam cannon party in Cancun on Spring Break.

These men believe that consistency in behavior will lead to their becoming intimate with a woman – this is a principle of Beta Game that’s reinforced by women with a ‘plan’ for him. However, it’s important to bear in mind that this comfort and familiarity is based on establishing a pattern of behavioral consistency; a pattern women really have no capacity to appreciate.

That’s not cut on women per se, but women’s lack of being able to appreciate a man’s consistency is founded in the same human want to experience security in the environment. Thus the anomaly is what’s appreciated; the ‘hawt’ guy in the right place at the right time who “she wouldn’t normally do this with”.

Bucking the Meta

Men’s unlearned, deductive Game derives from efforts to appear unique amongst the herd. This is the foundation of all Game really. Early PUAs identified the base utility in principles like Peacocking, being Cocky & Funny and mastering the art of Negging because their willingness to experiment with the boldness necessary to do so (often with women they perceived were above their SMV level) set them apart from the masses of men who’s Game was based on the comfort, rapport and familiarity women had told them would make them attractive all their lives.

These early PUA were bucking the meta game of the time. Women were (and mostly still are) accustomed to being pandered to by ‘Nice’ guys, ready and pre-programmed to defer to, respect and pedestalize them by virtue of their being a woman. Thus the anomaly, the man undisposed to that deference, who reverses her expectations of him qualifying to her becomes the purple cow.

Statistically Beta men are the common herd, but this isn’t what they believe of themselves. What that Beta  believes his herd is is what makes his efforts fail and traps him in the plan of the Feminine Imperative. He believes he is the purple cow, but that belief is what makes him common.

That Beta man makes his efforts about adhering to what a fem-centric culture has convinced him will make him unique. He believes he’s bucking the meta; a meta environment he’s convinced is overwhelmingly populated with insensitive Alpha assholes. He believes the Alpha Men (women love to hate) are the common herd and the more he is alike with women and his behavior is more consistent than the Alpha ‘douchebags’ the more he will appear unique amongst them.


I’ve been asked on many occasions about my impressions of Vox Day’s now manosphere-common referencing of different sub-types of men as Alpha, Beta, Delta, Sigma, Omega, etc. I had Goldmund ask me about these classifications when we had dinner last week and I had to admit that I’m much more of a reductionist when it comes to delineating and Alpha mindset from a Beta mindset.

I’ve always been impressed with Vox’s thinking and observations, and I do think his classifications have a definite merit as useful models for abstract personality types, but I have to also temper that by saying these classifications are by no means absolutes. I say that because I know that humans have an insatiable desire to see consistency and familiarity in people. For the better part that want to interpret patterns is generally reliable in predicting behavior, but that isn’t to say personality is ever static.

Robert Greene works his own personality archetypes into the first half of his book The Art of Seduction. He too categorizes different seduction types in an effort to make their strategies more understandable – The Dandy, The Natural, The Rake, etc. And again, these are very useful archetypes upon which Greene builds and applies examples of how each uses various seduction strategies more or less effectively.

While generalizations are always a necessary tool in a broader understanding of a dynamic it’s important to grasp that the archetype you believe you embody are neither static nor deterministic. As I’ve stated before, Alpha and Beta are mindsets, not demographics. We’ve recently had an interesting debate about how uncommon it is for men to break their Beta cycle, and how rare it is for a man to change his stars. I’d like to address this by saying that personality is never static.

Over the years I’ve evolved from naive Beta high school chump to unwitting Alpha semi-pro rock star, to simpering Omega crushed by a BPD woman, to a lesser Alpha husband / father, to an Alpha businessman, artist, and successful brand owner – those are demographics. You could’ve placed me in many of Vox and Greene’s personality types along my progression to who I am today, and my Game evolved with what I adapted to and what proved successful (or so I thought) for me then.

But when I distill it down to an essence, what shifted for me in all these instances wasn’t the label I would’ve applied to myself, but rather what mindset I adopted at that time – Alpha or Beta. The results of my Alpha or Beta impression of myself became what I was. This is why I’m more of a reductionist in this respect. A want for consistency makes archetypes comforting, but there is never growth, there is never arousal or stimulation in comfort.

Equalism in the Meta

I should also address that the prevailing ideology of egalitarian equalism hates the idea of easy archetypes (even though it fluidly applies its own). The easy observation of course is that if all are equal blank slates then categorizing people by personality type smacks of profiling and denying the individual in a state of equality. However the real flaw in the equalist philosophy comes from an ego-investment in a blank slate state that doesn’t allow for ‘types’.

While critics in the manosphere see this categorization as deterministic and incapable of changing, the equalist chafes at the idea that people could be too predictably alike in type and behavior.


In Women’s Physical Standards I briefly outlined the concept of men’s fetishization of their ‘type’ preferences when it comes to women:

You see, men will very readily cater their physical sexual “preferences” in accordance with what has proven sexually successful for them in past experiences. In other words, men tend to return to the same watering hole they found to be plentiful in the past. These preferences of convenience manifest themselves as ‘fetishes’ for men. And you don’t even need all that extensive research to prove this.  All one need do is search the vast variety of porn available catering to the physical attributes that men will fetishize. Big boobs, small boobs, big ass, small ass, every hair color of the rainbow, shaved snatch, hairy snatch, teen girls to MILFs and older, tan, pale, ultra-thin to the ubiquitous BBWs (Big Beautiful women). Ladies, name the physical attribute(s), and there’s a fan-group just waiting to bang you. Rule 34 was never more provable than in men’s willingness to fuck damn near any physical demographic of women – just ask the female midgets catering to that fetish of porn.

Men tend to stick with the same breeding circumstances that proved successful in the past. Again, this is another function of the want of a predictability in pattern and behavior. It’s the Watering Hole Theory as I stated here; we go back to what worked for us before.

Men’s deductive, rational nature when it comes to problem solving is both a blessing and a curse in this respect. The problem inherent in repeating the pattern in order to extract a similar success runs the risk of a man being trapped by what he believes are his “natural ”  preference for a certain ‘type’ of woman – the type who would eventually fuck him.

We may fetishize these preferences and thus men believe their only options for sex and intimacy with a woman get pared down to archetypes of women – Goths, Plain Janes, single mothers, big “beautiful” women, etc. become the ‘type’ that will fuck him. They become his ‘preference’, but in the same way men consider the deterministic nature of applying archetypes to themselves, rarely do they consider the archetype of woman their conditions and self-image predispose them to.

Most men don’t see the link between physical types and personality types. In other words they don’t really grasp why they like what they like. A fem-centric society, with the imperative of keeping a man ignorant of it, will offer him the easy answer that his desires, his very arousal cues, aren’t ‘natural’ at all. Rather they’re the result of a nebulous “society” programming him to only respond to what makes a woman less able to compete and consolidate on a man.

In reality physical and personality preferences can differ according to what was priorly successful for him, as well as what a man understands about himself (maturity, SMV peak potential) and what women have or lack in contrast to that.

Law 25

Re-Create Yourself

Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define if for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions – your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.

I began this essay with the truth that others will always want to see a consistency in your behavior. It’s interesting when you consider this and how flashes of Alpha tend to both shock and excite women expecting a Beta response from you in a confrontational instance.

Both men and women want what they expect from you consistently. Granted, the comfort of the pattern is part of human nature, but the categorization that comes from it is often a way to keep you trapped in the role others expect of you. One reason I advocate that there is no “Beta with a side of Alpha” is because the inconsistent side of that equation is never believable. Women want that consistency to keep you in the role they expect of you.

Men struggling in Dead Bedroom marriages, or ones in which the power/authority dynamic defaults to their wives fight an unenviable, uphill battle to reclaim the Alpha respect their wives really want from them. It’s a difficult situation because the believability of that change doesn’t happen in an instant, it takes the progressive establishment of consistent behavior changes. A sudden switch from Beta servitude to Alpha respect from a woman never happens. What’s necessary is a persistent, slow, believable change in the pattern she’s expecting.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] Archetypes […]


[…] Archetypes […]

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
8 years ago

He believes the Alpha Men (women love to hate) are the common herd and the more he is alike with women and his behavior is more consistent than the Alpha ‘douchebags’ the more he will appear unique amongst them.
~Rollo Tomassi

That’s the deadly epidemic.
The lifesaving antidote exists.

It lives within the words of this blog & the books.

8 years ago

Hi Rollo, I have just finished reading your book after I came across it last month. Your’s is the second book I have finished reading now in regards to relationships and understanding women (inter-gender dynamics). Thank heavens I did Psychology for a semester in University (cos the depth of things almost fucked me up, lol). I’m 38years old in about 3 months and I have been wanting to settle down in a marriage for a while but it seems I have been getting it wrong. Don’t get me wrong, im not desperate, as I want a decent chick who turns… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Abi

I can’t resist. I’ll bet you 1000 bux she’s a “born again virgin”, lol. At her age, she’s trying to consolidate on the best bargain she can make for a beta but you didn’t make the cut. I’d bet another 1000 bux she’s seeing someone else who looks more like a great beta provider than you do who also won’t “pressure her” for sex – an even greater AFC than you. Her texts to you are to keep you orbiting. What to do? 1.Spin plates. Period. You have Oneitis – the only cure is to have multiple plates. This helps… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo, how many alphas (w.r.t. success with women) do you think are there? Nation-wide, out of 100 men, at this moment in time. Regarding soft dread: Do you suggest it as strategy to take a plate to places with single women (never mind their SMV) just to make her see that with me she has something other girls desire? I was thinking of taking dance classes with my girl (because I kinda like it as a sport and I’d get to know more chicks – these classes always have more girls than guys), but now I also see it as… Read more »

Will Donovell
Will Donovell
8 years ago

regarding”Men struggling in Dead Bedroom marriages, or ones in which the power/authority dynamic defaults to their wives fight an unenviable, uphill battle to reclaim the Alpha respect their wives really want from them.”
ALL marriages today, unless the male applied hypergamy himself, are ones in which the power defaults to the wives, because of no fault divorce.
As soon as he says, “I do” it’s over.

8 years ago

I can definitely subscribe to “versions of myself”, as I’ve looked back on my life and very handily see points where I’ve been beta, sigma, alpha, and so on. It’s said that the human body regenerates itself into an entirely new body, with fresh cells, every seven years. When I look back, I can see an almost to-the-day, 7-year cycle of re-invention. This last 7 years, for example, started off with me “going caveman”. But, as life hands out it’s beat-downs, I’ve found myself in an “Omega” mindset. What’s brought me back into participation in the manosphere was a recognition… Read more »

8 years ago

This idea of unpredictability feels uncomfortable when I do it, because it’s something I’ve had to learn. As someone fighting his co-dependency, suddenly doing a new thing, withdrawing attention, being seen with a hot girl (even if she’s a friend and married) all work in sparking attraction. But very often “Dread” in females manifests itself in lashing out, diminishing comments, passive-aggressive behaviours etc. Ignoring them takes nerves of steel. But in every case I’ve maintained my frame and disciplined myself not to react or over-react I’ve always ended up in a more powerful position.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

The dominance mind set must be full time, 24/7,360 a year. an interval dominance (beta comfort) confuse women (she herself is confused/unsure about needing comfort from weak beta, weak beta can’t give authentic comfort) and the beta.
the alpha mind set is the real comfort women love to hate.
The calm dominance is the best unpredictability.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

Never ever let a woman know what you think, what you think is a classified information she will use against you if declassified.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

Women are not to be given secrets, a man who share his secrets with a woman makes her think she is his equal and makes him untrustworthy big mouth who was naive to believe giving secrets to women was OK.
You don’t give secrets to children and who is best at knowing this but women.

If my best friend gave me a secret I would think twice before I give him one of mine.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

An old English saying :

If you want to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs.

8 years ago


8 years ago

@ walawala But very often “Dread” in females manifests itself in lashing out, diminishing comments, passive-aggressive behaviours etc. My comment is for our readers; I don’t expect a reply from you. Women often act like children because of their emotions. Never show butthurtedness or react angrily. Always deny accusations of unfaithfulness. Give lots of comfort appropriately when the inevitable insecurity test appears. Gradually increase the kino as you chat and she cries, just like you’re gaming her–because you are gaming her. Finally hold her, then sexualize so that the relationship will be validated in her eyes. Never promise exclusivity unless… Read more »

8 years ago

“Ignoring them takes nerves of steel.” Only if, for some reason, you give a fuck, which is likely caused by feeling without other options, because that is perceived as a deadly threat by the lizard brain. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death. If you don’t give a fuck, it takes absolutely nothing at all. No emotional turmoil. No nerves of steel. No expenditure of will power. All her sound and fury is to you as a grain of sand falling from the top of a heap. It happens, but, ya know, who gives a fuck about… Read more »

8 years ago

I must read Laws of power sometime… Most of Greene’s stuff sounds exactly what my Great Grandfather,Grandfathers, Great Uncles, Uncles and Cousins told me my whole life. Many of these familial giants have long since passed, but ISwearToGod their voices and words ring out in my mind to this very minute, and have never left my consciousness. As I’ve said in the comments of the last post, Never let anyone else define you. The earlier one can understand that, the better off he will be in life. I equate the unpredictability factor more along the lines of doing what you… Read more »

8 years ago

You see, brainwashed faggots, I was right to blame the boomers all along. Here is a guy who has taken the time to articulate what every white man older than 25 should know.

8 years ago

More historically inaccurate bullshit. Some days… I just want to stomp the living shit out of some people. But such is the nature of the interwebz. Carry on. Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. BERTRAND RUSSELL, An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living. SENECA, Epistles The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. NELSON MANDELA, Autobiography The only thing we have to fear is… Read more »

8 years ago

What the Boomers don’t know, and therefore haven’t told you, is that they learned everything they know from the Silents.

8 years ago

…I grow tired of grown ass men trembling in fear and ignorance and looking for someone to blame.

8 years ago

@Vulpine So, by dwelling in the manosphere, I find myself having women on my mind, negatively, far more than what’s practical for my life. In essence, I find myself obsessing over how to act, or be, around women, and not focused on the ass-kickery I would benefit more from. Basically, my head’s on a “I’m failing at ‘women’” trip, and not a better “everything I touch turns to gold” trip, which is more the case in reality. I only offer this insight because we’ve seen several commenteurs “running into the trees” of being mired-down in the details of the dynamics… Read more »

8 years ago

Roger corman can do both Beta and Ultra Alpha with Julie
Even the best rock songs i think of go back to this.
Damn Good read each day i get 80% mentaly better because i am able to hold myself up and learn from deep rooted red pill truths that used to be shamed in silence.

8 years ago

@ Vulpine @ Jeremy “So, by dwelling in the manosphere, I find myself having women on my mind, negatively, far more than what’s practical for my life.” That’s my feeling too. It serves a purpose, but once the purpose has been served, it’s no longer useful. Like the koan about the monk who became enlightened, and the first thing he did was go outside and burn all of the books he read on his journey. Just a year ago I was having panic attacks in the middle of the night over this ONE-itis girl who I’d never even been involved… Read more »


[…] Archetypes | […]

A Definite Beta Guy
8 years ago


Sounds like you need a heavy dose of power tool time. And bike through the woods time and maybe hike a mountain time.

Sten Smith
Sten Smith
8 years ago

@walawala: This behavior is called a “shit test.” I admire your reactions and feel continue inspiration. Dread game is not always pleasant for either participant, but unless you want a sexless or crappy relationship, it is necessary. I started this with my wife about a year ago. I lost 50 lbs and was looking good. When she didn’t stop coming at me (as normal) I hinted I had women waiting in the wings. She tried to laugh it off, but she knew it was true. I am now down to my HS graduation weight and have been weightlifting for 6… Read more »

Chump No More
Chump No More
8 years ago

Another great post, Rollo.

Archetypes are nothing more than a distraction. Stop obsessing whether you’re behaving alpha or beta, it just muddies the waters.

– You’re either in your frame or you’re not.
– You’re either your mental point of origin or you’re not.

It’s just that simple. As Rollo often states, Alpha / Beta behaviors come from mindsets. Focus on a mindset of being your mental point of origin and the labels will become unimportant.

Not Born This Morning
8 years ago


“…..humans have an inherent ability to perceive patterns in nature.”

As stated, we “perceive” patterns that provide psychological security i.e. predict behavior and control outcome. However, too much reliance on this is a form of intellectual laziness. Because, sometimes we pretend patterns exist when they do not. This pretense occurs individually and in the socialized conventional realm. Mass socialized pretense of nonexistent patterns is one result of social conditioning. The “lemming effect”. Sometimes individuals “perceive” patterns that do not exist because they cannot accept reality.

8 years ago

Guys, after seeing that Corman interview…one ponders, did Alex ever call Roger daddy? 🙂

@Rollo, isn’t that like the best examples of dread that is naturally occurring without any effort….I think a men should always take advantage…

Guys, If you were Roger would you hit that?

Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

@Rollo “What’s necessary is a persistent, slow, believable change in the pattern she’s expecting.” But….If the man is attempting to change himself in this way for her approval to gain her intimacy, then he fails at the start because he is “changing” to attempt to serve her innate desires. Any attempt to change behavior to meet her qualifications fails because one primary qualification is having no desire to meet her qualifications. He is sublimating himself to her for her acceptance rather than making the change for himself. He must desire the change for himself regardless of her before it is… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo: Exactly! I concur on “soft’ dread. The picture for that post is says it all. Sometimes men need to let situations play out. From Soft Dread: “I love you guys, I really do. I see a lot of people pass through here but when I see you both together it gives me hope that I can have a good relationship like you two. You’re such a team, I really hope I can meet a guy I can connect with like that.” Funny how many women say this but completely lack the awareness that this can only be achieved in… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

you come home, and it’s a beautiful summer evening, and your woman is telling you that she is ready to play. The next thing you know, you and your woman are racing around the back yard with a ball and all the rules have changed. At least the rules have changed in your mind—until you are ready to call it quits and go inside for dinner. How is your woman supposed to understand what has happened? You gave up on being pack leader to race into playing with her instead of making it clear that play begins only when she… Read more »

8 years ago

@Blax – Spot on as usual. Punk ass whining is its own punishment though, it’s like shitting in your own pants and sitting in it. The ahistorical, self-serving mewling he links to is perfect for him. Rage, rage, rage young man – while you sit by your fucking computer and watch the world go by, gaming 60 hours a week and jacking off to porn 3 times a day. I’m off to walk the lake, gorgeous today. My new biz model is launched and off to a roaring start, workout/diet in high gear, life in increasingly good order – monk… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo…..geez man, that bit about Betas believing that comfort is the key to getting laid…’s like you were watching me during my marriage…. I have yet to meet a woman post-marriage that didn’t respond favorably to dominance. They ALL love and long for it. Socially, sexually, in all ways. Now….with a woman, I sometimes say no….randomly…just to reassert dominance. Dispute what they say, treat them like children, anything to let them know who is in charge. Hell, I even have some of them call me Boss. Boys, you want to get laid, let them know through words and actions that… Read more »

8 years ago

I remember watching an episode of that “pack leader” program where there was a woman who threatened to divorce the husband because of a dog. The couple lived in some rural place and bred horses for a living. She owned this very beautiful dog that she really loved, but the dog had attacked and almost killed their toddler son (three times!). The dad had saved the boy those three times. In one of those times the boy was critically injured and was admitted in hospital and had to be stitched up and shit. The man wanted to put the dog… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago


8 years ago

@NotBorn… “But….If the man is attempting to change himself in this way for her approval to gain her intimacy, then he fails at the start because he is “changing” to attempt to serve her innate desires. Any attempt to change behavior to meet her qualifications fails because one primary qualification is having no desire to meet her qualifications. He is sublimating himself to her for her acceptance rather than making the change for himself.” In my circumstance, I looked at it a little differently. I changed myself for either HER intimacy or someone ELSE’S. In other words, all the positive… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

“Dispute what they say”
Agree 1000%.
And I should add :
When they say bullshits.
I think woman’s bullshits (solipsism)start at an early age when Daddy and Mommy let her get away with bullshits, and when she gets older, she uses her bullshits with a Beta not an alpha.

Just Saying
Just Saying
8 years ago

Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention Absolutely true! The only way to succeed in getting the women that you want is to surround yourself with them in such a way that you are their center of attention. I could give what works for me, but that would make me a little too easy to track, and I prefer that my prey not realize they are being tracked till after I’m bedded them, and sometimes not even then as women like to think everything was an accident rather than the result of carefully laid plans which… Read more »

8 years ago

We may fetishize these preferences and thus men believe their only options for sex and intimacy with a woman get pared down to archetypes of women – Goths, Plain Janes, single mothers, big “beautiful” women, etc. become the ‘type’ that will fuck him. They become his ‘preference’, but in the same way men consider the deterministic nature of applying archetypes to themselves, rarely do they consider the archetype of woman their conditions and self-image predispose them to. Most men don’t see the link between physical types and personality types. In other words they don’t really grasp why they like what… Read more »

8 years ago

“Funny how many women say this but completely lack the awareness that this can only be achieved in a complimentarian context.”

That’s because, while they understand *what* they want, they have no idea how to achieve it, other than wishing for it to “happen” to them with no investment or effort on their part. Dude is just supposed to show up and make it happen.

8 years ago

OT: I really like what Camille Paglia has to say about women being unhappy because men aren’t acting like girlfriends. “Wherever I go to speak, whether it’s Brazil or Italy or Norway, I find that upper-middle-class professional women are very unhappy. This is a global problem! And it’s coming from the fact that women are expecting men to provide them with the same kind of emotional and conversational support and intimacy that they get from their women friends. And when they don’t get it, they’re full of resentment and bitterness. It’s tragic! Women are blaming men for a genuine problem… Read more »

8 years ago

Heheheheee… No kiddin! You did write about the goddamn dog! The dog thing also catching on here in Africa among the female yuppies population. And they “Awwww” and “yay” a lot too.

8 years ago

@ Mr T. Rollo has certainly covered that damn hamster. Heh!

8 years ago

Those men on here asking about advice for “married game”: Law 17 is a good one and should be applied. There is nothing worse then letting a woman (your wife or LTR) predict your every move. I told one of mine (one time) that she knew how I was when she met me so why did she think I was going to change. This fallout is exactly what happens during those LTRs (and marriages). She had the tingles for you “back when” because the unknown was the driving force. But now she has you and your movements are predictable (plus… Read more »

Sam Botta (@sambotta)
8 years ago
8 years ago

@ Rollo, I don’t recall how I came across your work but I’ve been following well over a year now (own both books). For me this experience is a refinement Process @ age 43 having lost course for a period of time. In future articles or possibly a series could you expand in more detail the subject of demonstrating v. Explicating and doing so w/the evo physc/bio undertones that reinforce each piece.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@Chump no more “Archetypes are nothing more than a distraction. Stop obsessing whether you’re behaving alpha or beta, it just muddies the waters. – You’re either in your frame or you’re not. – You’re either your mental point of origin or you’re not. It’s just that simple. As Rollo often states, Alpha / Beta behaviors come from mindsets. Focus on a mindset of being your mental point of origin and the labels will become unimportant.” Yes, I agree. At some point you just live it, and intellectualizing it becomes a distraction. And as Scribblerg points out, proper application actually sometimes… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@sgtted ‘“Funny how many women say this but completely lack the awareness that this can only be achieved in a complimentarian context.” That’s because, while they understand *what* they want, they have no idea how to achieve it, other than wishing for it to “happen” to them with no investment or effort on their part. Dude is just supposed to show up and make it happen.” Lol, yup. So learn to play that instrument. They’re not gonna learn to play you. “OT: I really like what Camille Paglia has to say about women being unhappy because men aren’t acting like… Read more »

8 years ago
8 years ago

As a scientist i fully support Rollo’s work.The most important attribute aspect a man can learn and internalize is frame control and understanding that males MUST be the mental point of origin.Alpha is a mindset, it all begins with a man understanding where he is heading in life and putting himself first at all times.A man must BE FIRST first.

8 years ago

Rational Male is on an upswing again! With regards to people expecting consistency, and women not trusting Alpha with a side of Beta: it’s the same with friendships and friend groups. Most of your friends will not want you to change or improve yourself. Many will not encourage your initial forays into self development (which is the most vulnurable period of taking the red pill; the beginning). Your friends will want you to stay the same dude with the same level of value/confidence/importance you had when the initial status differentials of the group were established. When you try to go… Read more »

8 years ago

What women really think of men: … -feminism/ This comment was posted by an “anti-feminist” woman: “I hate to admit it but most of the younger woman here – including myself do not feel much empathy or compassion for men. Instead, we generally use men as a mirror to reflect our own vanity. And often we provoke their desires in cruel and capricious ways, simply for our own self gratification. Only our children can inspire a true feeling of love within us – at least if we have normal maternal affections. In reality, our primary interest in men is… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago


I suspect a sock puppet.

But then, I’d have hardly believed the displays of overt Sandbergian hypergamy that are rampant of late, either.

8 years ago

@Forge the Sky: Are you a woman?

8 years ago

@ Excalibur

yes, the women starting to observe, that something with men is different nowadays. Even though still a lot of “betas” out there.

It’s interesting to read, that she had admitted how the women think…..but thanks to Rollo, we all here know that already

8 years ago

That post just further confirms Esther Vilars’ book, The Manipulated Man.

8 years ago

“That post just further confirms Esther Vilars’ book, The Manipulated Man.” And what’s in the Bible I might add: Men are instructed to love their wives. While women are admonished to submit and give respect to their husbands (Ephesians, chapter 5, KJV). Note the lack of mentioning of love by the woman for her husband. God would not ask one to do something that they are not capable of – Women do not and cannot love men, at least not in the same sense that men love women. Women can love men for what men do for them, his utility,… Read more »

8 years ago

And now you know why feminists don’t like the Bible…lol

8 years ago

22 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or… Read more »

8 years ago

‘You see, men will very readily cater their physical sexual “preferences” in accordance with what has proven sexually successful for them in past experiences. In other words, men tend to return to the same watering hole they found to be plentiful in the past. These preferences of convenience manifest themselves as ‘fetishes’ for men. And you don’t even need all that extensive research to prove this. All one need do is search the vast variety of porn available catering to the physical attributes that men will fetishize. Big boobs, small boobs, big ass, small ass, every hair color of the… Read more »

8 years ago

“try watching all of that”

I made it 8 seconds.

8 years ago

and now for something different I was browsing around the NSFW of reddit, when I read this, from a wife in a cuckhold relationship (explaining to a newbie): Military boy stuck for 2 years. We had sex at least once a month, sometimes twice a month. My spouse would be there, and it was fantastic. I never felt like “a toy” all of us had reasons to “keep this quiet” so no one would ever talk about it openly and I never had to worry about being outted. My husband was never at risk of losing me; the military boy… Read more »

8 years ago

Here’s a Reddit that really struck home for me. Had a similar situation happen at that age. Hope this kid becomes a real playa after this incident:

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago


Lol. Misogynist! Don’t judge meee! :'(

I think you misunderstand me.

I don’t dispute women are that way. I’m surprised one of them had the introspection and motivation to realize it.

8 years ago

“I’m surprised one of them had the introspection and motivation to realize it.”

Don’t be. They know it. They talk about it. They plan it within the group. You are the one who is supposed to be ignorant of the whole thing, not them.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago


Heh. The memory of the internet is the hardest problem women have had to navigate since monogamy.

8 years ago


Good post, few thoughts.

First, I find so few men (<.5 %) capable of the self-awareness required to even see their own behavior, much less change it.

If they could though, then internalizing the following and studying cybernetics would be pretty empowering:

First law: "The unit within the system with the most behavioural responses available to it controls the system."

8 years ago

[…] men in this situation find themselves in. Even the men who may have fulfilled the role of “a great living dildo” for women in their 20s can still find that their role may have shifted to that of […]

8 years ago

[…] is casually, but frequently put into the defensive crouch (via passive dread) that man’s Archetype is set in her mind for her. His behavior is predictable and familiar, and boring to the point that […]

The cough that comes with a prize
The cough that comes with a prize
5 years ago

Apologies for the necromancy, however I’m reading the back catalogue and I wanted to comment on this. “He believes the Alpha Men (women love to hate) are the common herd and the more he is alike with women and his behavior is more consistent than the Alpha ‘douchebags’ the more he will appear unique amongst them.” Women can only see attractive men (maybe better characterised as things they want) to exist. This is why feminism focuses on gender parity in high paying jobs but not dirty jobs – they only “see” the men at the top. All the others are… Read more »

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