You Never Forget Your First


I thought this was an interesting comment from CaveClown from a few posts ago. Needless to say the commentariat has increased in the last 6 months and I wanted to air this out rather than have it buried five pages deep:

Rollo, question if you have time.
After unsuccessfully searching the archives, and having read your new book, i wonder if you have a post that further explains:

1. Why a “good girl” would skip the party years.
2. Why that good girl would become an early consolidator, and settle for a beta provider.

I understand that the “good girl” persona is just an attempt at seduction through differentiating herself from the “sluts”

I also understand that the “promise” of dropping the good girl act ‘for him’ is what snags the beta. The promise of her “sexual best” and all. (which is why women that do ride the carousel go “born again” later, no?)

At first glance, it seems like a solid strategy for hypergamy. If she can sell herself as virtuous, pure, and virginal, then she should have higher SMV.

Then why settle for a beta?

I’m trying to reconcile the “good girl” persona, and the manosphere trope about marrying a virgin. Seems a lot of men think that “if I could just find a virgin” things would be ok for them. (which is just a variation of blue pill/soul mate stuff)


I detailed a bit of the first question in Making Up For Missing Out and Good Girls Do. It’s important to make the distinction between a ‘good girl’ in that she’s nominally following the old-set-of-books traditional social contract, and the Good Girl strategy I went into in the latter post.

Bear in mind, no woman actually “skips” the Party Years. She may participate to greater or lesser degree in the opportunities those years open up to her, but she’s still keenly aware of those opportunities and realizes the window for them closes as her beauty and fertility fade. She sees her girlfriends, maybe sisters, indulge those opportunities, or she may live them vicariously through media that panders to them, but regardless, she’s feeling the pull of knowing she could potentially realize them.

One of my best friends married his first wife very early – him 21, and her 19. The guy was very Alpha (military), but had the White Knight script firmly coded into him courtesy of his Blue Pill conditioning. He did everything by the old set of books and knew he wanted to marry her after they’d been together for about eight months. He wasn’t her first lay, but she didn’t have more than 1 previous boyfriend, so while not a virgin she hadn’t been on the proverbial carousel for long at all.

They had three kids, early and out of the gate right after they married. She ‘played house’ well enough all through her 20’s while her sisters and girlfriends had their Party Years and urged her to come along for their GNOs. Once their youngest was old enough to be self-sufficient she started joining them. By the time she was 33 the marriage was over because she’d decided to follow the making up for missing out dynamic. She ended up cheating on him and then doing her version of the Wild Oats Project.

Virgin Brides Alpha Widows

There’s a wishful contingent of guys in the ‘sphere who think finding a young virgin bride before the world’s corrupted her pure soul is (or at least should be) a tenable goal. I understand the want and logic behind that, but even with a virgin bride there is no insulation from the sexual marketplace or the realities women experience as they mature.

By all measure this guy’s wife was as close to that ideal as was practical. He’s also one of more than a dozen men I’ve known who’s “good Christian wives” detonated their marriages in a similar fashion. Generally all went along with the divorce-porn fantasies after their dutiful husbands had become boring Betas in their esteem.

2. Why [would] that good girl would become an early consolidator, and settle for a beta provider.

Religious conviction, LSE (low self esteem), definitely cultural or economic motivations, a fear of men in general leading to security issues. You also have to consider the likelihood that the guy she settles on early is possibly the most Alpha guy she’s ever experienced.

Of the 40+ women I’ve had in my sexual past, two were virgins. Both of these women sought me out on Face Book 15-20 years after we’d went our separate ways. They are definitely not the same girls I knew back then, but I think this is an interesting illustration of a larger dynamic. Then and now, both of these girls surprised me with their attachment to me – I think that’s part of a bond you make with a woman when you’re her first.

It’s the “never forget your first” dynamic. There’s a presumption that any guy a “good girl” grants access to her pussy must be a top tier man to qualify for it. This is an ingrained psychological schema for women with the self perception of being a “good girl”.

So she consolidates on what she perceives was Alpha for her at 18. That perception is markedly different from what she’ll perceive as Alpha at 29, right as she enters her Epiphany Phase. If you read back through the Preventive Medicine series (or the book), I specifically outline a phase on women maturation timeline called the Break Phase. This is generally around the late teens (17-19) and I noted it in particular because it’s a moment in a young man’s life when his Blue Pill idealism is most commonly first tested.

The flip side of the Break Phase for women is the “never forget your first” dynamic conflicting with the opportunities her rapidly approaching peak SMV phase present to her. There may be an emotional investment on her part with a man she up to that point esteemed as the most Alpha man she was likely to ever pair with.

The Jig is Up

The danger inherent in these arrangements is that both young men and women make life-altering  decisions based on their adolescent social skill set – not what will be their (hopefully) matured adult social skill set based on their experiences and acculturation. Thus you have the common situation my now-divorced friend experienced. I say common because one of the most frequent situations I get asked advice about from divorced men in their mid 30’s to early 40’s is how to initiate Game and wisely use their new Red Pill awareness after having been married since 23 or so.

For the most part they’re still confused how the woman who’d found them so Alpha at that age could toss off all of the relational equity he’d thought he’d earned with her and leave him for the ‘douchebags’ she’d always claimed to hate. What they don’t (or didn’t) realize is the root level resentment they’re experiencing with a woman they may have been married to for 15 years. That resentment stems from coming to terms with their Hypergamous filtering having been ‘fooled’ all those years ago; and the crush loss of not having been able to capitalize on the opportunities of those years.

It’s not that she’d settled for what she thought was a Beta in her early twenties, it’s that he was what she thought was Alpha then, but learned later that he wasn’t. This is the risk inherent to Hypergamy – that a woman might miss out on more optimal sexual selection choices while still in her peak SMV phase and able to choose from the broadest pool.

It’s almost a reversal of women who follow the Sandberg plan of Hypergamy and make disclaimers of how different they are now from how they used to be in college. The sentiment is still the same, but the roles are reversed – she’s different now from how she used to be because she (thinks) she has a better grasp of what is Alpha now and he ain’t it.

If there’s a silver lining to this it’s that this post-marriage Epiphany Phase generally happens earlier in a man’s life. If he’s made a lot of his potential up to then, and the divorce wasn’t too devastating, he’s in a far better position as far as life stage is concerned than the Beta guy a woman settles for at 29 after her Party Years. That fellow gets the Beta boot in his 50s and it’s a tall order to recover and have a Red Pill awakening.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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9 years ago

@Badpainter Well said. Anyone who read my shit should read your follow-up. @sjfrellc Some of the shit the meddies were going through that they’d tell me about blew my mind. I wouldn’t be able to handle that shit. Watching them slowly learn to accept death and the reality of losing patients etc. was a big eye-opener. A lot of the shit people worry about is really silly nonsense in comparison to what they see. @Rollo One day we’re going to have an entire conversation that literally just consists of us linking our own writing back and forth lol I think… Read more »

9 years ago

@YaReally, “I’m not picking on you specifically, I have no idea who you are.” Dude, you are telling me straight as you see it. I take no offense. I don’t want sunshine blown up my ass. I appreciate the frank words, truly. I will re-read it, but key take away I got was: “You’re talking about potential whereas I’m talking about what you ARE, here and now. You are good enough AS-IS.” YES, it is astounding how often guys need to be told that, but MANY DO. Some people have programming in their head that plays a constant stream of… Read more »

9 years ago

@Seraph “YES, it is astounding how often guys need to be told that, but MANY DO. Some people have programming in their head that plays a constant stream of ‘you are not good enough’.” Oh ya, I did too. I was exactly the same dude I’m talking to in my rant. I was fully socially conditioned, hook line and sinker. 100% chode. I have no doubt that if I hadn’t found PUA I would be divorced or in a dead-bedroom marriage with a fat chick right now. I’d probably be rich too, but I would be a mess and would… Read more »

9 years ago

“@FuriousFerret Haven’t seen it, but I watch Fight Club like once a year and always pull something new out of it that wasn’t relevant to me years prior. It really nailed a lot of shit, I almost don’t want to view the sequel incase it doesn’t live up to it lol” It’s a comic book written by the original author. I think it’s awesome so far. Basically ‘Jack’ gets thrown in the nuthouse after the events of the first one and he gets put on medication and does the whole kid, office job and marriage with Marla when he gets… Read more »

9 years ago

@YaReally. Excellent stuff. You are speaking to Will and all that are listening about a path to take. I’m not trying to diverge from that, but to take another path that is not contradictory advice to Will, it is complementary . If Will embarks on his primary mission to learn medicine as best as possible with a Quality mindset and becomes the best doctor possible, he will by default feel a positive quality mindset about himself in any situation. I just don’t think he has embraced red pill. It is damn hard to have skill at PUA and Game with… Read more »

9 years ago

Rollo, I want to thank Rollo for saving my life.I was depressed, virgin male in his mid twenties with zero chance.I read all his articles, internalized all his information and went out practically to observe what he illustrates.I hit the gym , improved my diet and read more.I fortified my career, finished my university degree and lost my virginity 3 days ago.I felt like a huge burden of shame had been lifted over my life.All men must perform and thats whats rhetorically fulfills us.My lessons are men MUST accept, improve and learn about how women operate on biological levels.Trusting women… Read more »

9 years ago

Meant to say “driving a BMW motorcycle on rural roads”

9 years ago

@sjfrellc “If Will embarks on his primary mission to learn medicine as best as possible with a Quality mindset and becomes the best doctor possible, he will by default feel a positive quality mindset about himself in any situation” This simply doesn’t hold up in-field. “in any situation” is the part that’s the lie. I’ve seen grown accomplished men who KILL IT in their professions or comfort zone situations, who are scared SHITLESS when you put a hot girl in front of them. One of the RSD instructors (I think Julien) jokes about how only 2 guys have ever RUN… Read more »

9 years ago

Props dude, I was a virgin till 24-ish. Keep it up, your life can go places you can’t even imagine right now if you get out there and work at it. You have all the time in the world to make up for the years you missed out on.

9 years ago

Your rephrasing is entirely correct, YaReally. I guess, like always, I misspoke in the fact that being good at being a doctor will translate into good game and positive mindset. What I meant is that being good at being a doctor (Will was originally bemoaning the fact that he “had” to go to med school and he was worried how it would impact getting back with a girl or two he already lost) and scoring pussy or being good at PUA or game is not a binary proposition. Both are important and one does not rule out the other. Game… Read more »

9 years ago

@sun wukong….I’m not giving yareally shit and disagreeing with him. I’m basically just bouncing ideas off his analysis to get a more concise and clear look on what he’s explaining. calm down bro @yareally and @sjfrellc thanks for the words. It makes sense. @sjfrellc I discovered the manosphere after a rough, blind-side break up when I was sliding into (unaware of it–i.e. red pill unaware) veryyyy beta behavior. It was after i did poorly on a medical school test too so i was extremely vulnerable. Anyways I have read tons of Rollo and CH (for two years now almost every… Read more »

9 years ago

Ya really, Thanks man, i have always read your comment section…you have a major point on internal confidence;but you ought to realize that as men we need to maximize our male potential.Male potential is characterized by physical and mental strength, lifting weights made me stronger and with that mindset i knew i could beat someone to pulp, i knew if i hit on your girl the weaker male would submit by default.These factors are goverened by evolutionary biology.The stronger you are; the more confidence you get.Remember all men dream of being an alpha provider…men love dominating weaker counterparts…its in our… Read more »

9 years ago

and @yareally you’re talking to me like some chode who can’t cold approach dude…. I need a more realistic perception of me from you. I do consider myself somewhat of a natural. Hell, sure i was in a frat, but my notch count was in the teens at 22 by the end of my college career…. I’m just saying i’m not gonna be some chode med student who doesn’t know how to talk to girls. and you say “nowhere near embracing red pill” I think i am understanding it and just trying to internalize it. I do have game. i’m… Read more »

9 years ago

was not red pill or even “game” aware for that matter until about 23

9 years ago

and havent been in the real world really long enough to find another ambitious passion. just havent found one

9 years ago

The “medical school test” I did poorly on when dating that blinded LTR break up girl was the “medical college admission test” or “mcat”

9 years ago

Will reminds me of when my father took me to to the harness racing track when I was 12 years old. He placed my bet on the daily double in the first two races. I won it and $112. I thought I could slay at the race horse track from then on. It’s a bit harder than that. I’m not sure at your age you should be reading CH. It is more for my jaded divorced old crowd. I’m not seeing your understanding of The Rational Male. You have game, you say. How is that working out for you? How… Read more »

9 years ago

If you are truly going to embark on a medical career, remember that feeling of fucking up the MCAT and resolve to never have that feeling again by never having too little knowledge and excelling at the tests in the future. Medicine is one test after another. You know that feeling about your two previous quality girl plates going crashing to the ground. Don’t let that happen again. That feeling sucks. Develop better red pill awareness (mine and YaReally’s spidey sense if tingling that you don’t have it) and develop a better mindset with better game. It would be better… Read more »

9 years ago

@sjfrellc “There is nothing good about a bad doctor and I’ve see plenty of mediocre and bad doctors. Going to a doctor and having him decide my healthcare scares the shit out of me.” You and me both. I love my buddies but man, I met some dudes that made me do a lot more of my own research when I have medical questions. @Will “So i think youre right about STILL going out from time to time but drink water and shit. Theres just no way i can keep up with some of the drinking of the undergrads ill… Read more »

9 years ago

@Will: “havent been in the real world really long enough to find another ambitious passion.”

Description: Arrant nonsense, and thus some form of excuse.
Question: What’s hiding behind it?

9 years ago

@sjfrellc that’s some great words and advice for test taking and preparing for tests in the future. and @yareally “How many times have you actually DONE that? ’cause in my experience it’s not as fun as it sounds. She’s probably not going to just be a totally open book that automatically likes whatever you tell her to like.” I’ve really only done it probably 3 times. one time was with my recent girl. and she was around 8.5 blonde. i knew because when i FIRST hooked up with her she had a horrible shave job lol. She was super hot… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

June 4th, 2015 at 9:15 pm

It’s the same reason why if you say something offensive and apologize and backtrack the girl will get charged up about it and even more offended because you told her it’s something that she SHOULD be offended about

My first GF taught me that in almost exactly that way – not all the psychology behind it just – “never apologize”. I have been Red Pill ever since (’62).

9 years ago

Oh and in one of Tyler’s videos he talks about how in your 20s its like your on some sex pill craving sex. Or something haha, yeah that doesn’t help for my situation either lol I’m all about the pickup it’s distracting

9 years ago

@Will “I’ve really only done it probably 3 times.” lol that’s better than I expected so good on ya. I don’t have a lot of patience for teaching girls in bed so my view is biased lol Still tho, that’s 3 out of like <20 girls when you've got access to a frat and med class. Out in the "real world" your hospital crew could be uggos and crazy single moms with baggage and taken girls and girls you just don't click with, girls you aren't compatible in bed with, etc. To find 20 hot girls you're gonna' have to… Read more »

9 years ago

“that doesn’t help for my situation either lol I’m all about the pickup it’s distracting”

M Simon
9 years ago

June 4th, 2015 at 10:03 pm

From what I have seen the med schools don’t spend near enough time on the endocannabinoid signaling system. It has an “off color” slightly disreputable reputation. Study it. It is the coming thing.

M Simon
9 years ago

YaReally June 5th, 2015 at 12:56 am The problem is that to be successful in high-value careers takes a lot of time/work so most guys make excuses not to go out When I was studying electronics (never went to school for it) I always took my books/magazines to the bar and just hung out. I was notorious. The girls I did get with were thinking “great BB prospect” except I didn’t ACT beta. That confused a lot of them. When I got really hungry to get laid I’d go on a girl hunt. Find a few IOI girls and work… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Evolution-Debate: What Roosh does not understand (or rather has chosen to forget – isn’t he a microbiologist?) is this: Evolution is PASSIVE, not an active process. Between passive filters that “weed out” sometimes random species or individuals and the idea of a secular, god-like “Evolution process” that somehow ACTIVLY aims to “optimize” life – there is a WORLD of difference. What he doesn’t get (and what is hard to explain to many people) is this: Reality causes harmful/deadly events that happen to life forms. All these events just happen – in a neverending series of filters. Those wo survive… Read more »

9 years ago


June 3rd, 2015 at 9:43 pm
“…I don’t like to see men trapped in their own self imposed misery.”

Why don’t you like to see them like that?

9 years ago

@YaReally – One could say that focusing on “inner game” is what has brought on my current confounding. It’s made me confront what was really what with Glenn. What do I actually think of myself and my life? How do I actually see myself and others? How do I see my future? Do I feel “higher value”? What am I actually taking action on? I had no idea how devolved and negative my internal dialog had become. In my case, it was AFTER I had my own “Compass and Map” (thanks Vulpine, I’m reading your thread with great interest). I… Read more »

9 years ago

Glenn “But even that is negative. All that shit has balled up into a festering sore of anxiety and self-loathing that has crushed my spirit. So, now I can either change that shit or wallow. Being a man isn’t easy. The burden of performance is hard to shoulder but here’s the thing. I’ll never be relieved of the burden – I’ll just either take it on and crush it or sit around whining. There is no getting ‘off the hook’ – a man is never done. ” How much of that burden is self imposed? How much is directly external?… Read more »

9 years ago


Every living thing has the burden of performance, why be mad at your humanity? But thats not what you are saying though. What you are mad about is the mass delusion that romanticizes and twist the burden against you.

Gotta break free of that by learning to just be. The world WILL rise to meet you where you are, and you can stop stooping over to pick up it’s figurative trash.

Symbolize it. Go get a couple Russian prison tats to show you get on your knees to no man (stars on knees).I dunno something like that.

9 years ago

He’s done all he can in the PUAsphere. He wants to find one suitable woman and settle down (without reproducing), but he can’t — mostly because he’s become so jaded and cynical that he won’t open himself up to a woman. He’s sick of dealing with men in the ‘sphere who come here to complain about their own inadequacies and failures. He’s sick of fighting SJWs. It’s not an existential crisis. He’s just sick of dealing with a big part of what the ‘sphere has become — increasingly hedonistic and nihilistic, and much less focused on self-improvement. I think the… Read more »

9 years ago

@Glen: ” . . .proud, dominant, aggressive men were common – I caught the tail end of such a world.”

I think you’re at a somewhat “awkward” age. Just five years younger and you might have missed that completely, five years older and it would have shaped you more strongly. You’re a “grey zone” guy, which can’t make things any easier.

9 years ago

“AVOID drinking and learn to mack girls SOBER in those environments (standing up to the peer pressure to get wasted and shit)?” Last year I posted in a reddit trp thread don’t drink lots if you are hunting pussy, and got massively down voted. Later in another thread I posted that the best hunt solo, and that got downvoted lots as they want their gang or wingman to chaperone them. In the Cocktail movie scene posted here a while back (shit test “do I have fuck me written on my forehead”, now quick what would you reply), the interaction with… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


now quick what would you reply

“Actually it says ‘Fuck me now‘, but you were close.”


A question, if I might: how long have you lived where you live right now? Like not just the house or whatever you’re in, but the general region? If it’s a pretty long period of time, have you considered maybe moving somewhere completely different to get away from the old ghosts and restart?

9 years ago

“For a tolerable LTR (I’ve been at this one for 40+ years – 4 kids) she has to be the one with oneitis. She has to WANT to be only with you. Of course to help her keep her attitude you have to maintain frame. And a GF on the side doesn’t hurt. And she should know about it. Constant dread.” 40+ years and still going? Way to go dude. I learned the hard way (am learning) that once she loses the oneitis, that’s it, game over. Negotiate the desire all you want, once that’s dead…it’s dead. As long as… Read more »

9 years ago

@Kira – Great work. And I went to the Illimitable site – good stuff. Please, keep sharing, I think you have a lot to offer here. @Badpainter – Do you hate gravity as well? Do you hate the lion who eats the wildebeast? Do you also feel bad when you eat a hamburger – trust me, that steer didn’t “deserve” to be penned and overfed and slaughtered. Point made, yes? Here’s what I know that perhaps you don’t. I’ve been a high value male. I’ve always been socially dominant. I’ve been highly trained in communications and psychology, and while I… Read more »

9 years ago

@Sun – Been here 4.5 years and moved here to make a new start. I love where I live and it’s a fine ground for me to hatch my plans for world domination from, lol. The lake out my front door, zero crime, no mutants giving me hard stares non-stop like when I lived in NYC. Nope, I’m home here. Great saying I heard once. “No matter where you go, there you are.” Jon Kabat Zin or something like that wrote a book on mindfulness with that title and it alone changed my life. What’s really so I what I… Read more »

9 years ago

This “burden of performance” concept we’ve been trying to “undo” has been jangling-around in my brain as I’ve went about my business around the ‘stead. In the context of “You never forget your first”, I considered men’s firsts versus women’s firsts, and came to a revelation. Ohh, there’s actually a pretty sweet pun there, observe: “My first, well, she didn’t believe I was a virgin, as she came before I even started. What can I say? Mom was sexually liberated, and I read the books she had stashed. You know, “did some homework”. Well, back on page 2 of the… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Great saying I heard once. “No matter where you go, there you are.”

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@Vulpine Once you realize that the “dissatisfaction with men in general” that women have doesn’t apply to YOU, then you’ll have arrived at a new level of game. A couple years back I saw a post somewhere that broke down what the “dissatisfaction” (particularly when voiced loudly in public around men as “Where have all the good men gone?!”) truly is: a shit test to get you to qualify yourself to her. Betas in earshot of it will get butthurt and fail the shit test by trying to qualify. Alphas, meanwhile, just ignore or laugh at the harpy and get… Read more »

9 years ago


“BTW – no matter how much sex you haven’t had – never f a girl the first time she offers. Keep her interested though. When she comes back to try again all the stops will be pulled loose. Great fun.”

Uh….can you elaborate

9 years ago

Simon is 70 or so, and is playing old to get, sorry, autocorrect, old school hard to get

if you hit LMR you might need to do a freeze out, but otherwise stay on target and fuck

9 years ago

it’s all frame – yareally and tilikum are on point

doesn’t matter if you think it’s bullshit or it is bullshit


bim bam

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago

“BTW – no matter how much sex you haven’t had – never f a girl the first time she offers. Keep her interested though. When she comes back to try again all the stops will be pulled loose. Great fun.”

It’s when the hunter becomes the hunted.

I endorse Msimon.
Nothing, I said, nothing can hurt women than rejection.
It haunts them,it kills them,it deprives them of everything they worked on for day an night, night an day.

If every man can foster that power, women would chase us like a cat chases a mouse.

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago

Correct link.

9 years ago

Glenn – I strongly recommend you look into meditation my friend. Best of luck.

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago

A woman wake up, her day start like this: 1,she thinks today she will meet her prince. 2,she checks her bad breath. 3,she checks her hair. 4,she clears boogers of her eyes/nose 5,she checks her body/pussy included. 6,she goes to the bathroom to take a dump. 7,she takes a shower and cover her hair so it doesn’t get wet because if it does! That is another big job to deal with. 8,stand in front of the mirror for an hour checking on every mm of her face and then start plucking hair of her face then plaster her body/face with… Read more »

9 years ago

future of lav…

9 years ago

“Shhhh, keep it down. Insanity might hear you…”

Careful Tomassi, your indifference is showing.

From your article: “Their results showed that there were two types of women who preferred dominant partners: boredom susceptibility and disinhibition, and anxiety.”

Yeah so?? I happen to suffer from boredom susceptibility and disinhibition and so went for the most dominant man I could find. Good guy, I got rather lucky there.

9 years ago

@Insanity – So this is why you comment here? To be dominated because you are bored and uninhibited? I wonder, does your dominant husband know you are here? My woman would never dare be here, she knows better…

9 years ago

Sheesh scribblerg, have you ever heard of male solipsism?? It’s a real thing in the world, let me tell you.Yes, my husband knows I blog, knows I lurk around the manosphere and once in a blue moon we even talk about it. No, I did not come here to be dominated. I was genuinely curious about the origins of male sexual rage and wanted to know why the world was so broken, especially men. Men are very kind to me IRL and would never tell me the truth, but rather what they thought I wanted to hear, so hence the… Read more »

9 years ago

“Sheesh scribblerg, have you ever heard of male solipsism?? It’s a real thing in the world, let me tell you.” Because you’ve been so informative? “Yes, my husband knows I blog, knows I lurk around the manosphere and once in a blue moon we even talk about it.” SFW? “No, I did not come here to be dominated. I was genuinely curious about the origins of male sexual rage…” Ah gotcha, hubby’s not juicing the vag eh? “…and wanted to know why the world was so broken, especially men.” All our fault. Even if true learn to fucking cope. “Men… Read more »

9 years ago

I really don’t appreciate the crude sexual references to my husband, so this conversation is over.

9 years ago

” . . . this conversation is over.”

This is where I came in to this movie.

9 years ago

@ Insanity Bullshit You can’t stay away because you love the attention. You won’t stay away because you love the attention. The drama, anger, attacks all of it you need to prove that you even exist. The relationship you have with the ‘sphere fills a gap in your psychology, gives a strange sense of worth and enhances your identity. Without us you’re diminished, lesser, thinner and ever closer to being invisible Which must be a problem at your age when men in increasing numbers no longer see you as a women but as simply another person blocking the aisle at… Read more »

9 years ago

I like Insanity, who else here could write “ATM, you never forget your first”. Anybody else? No

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago

“I really don’t appreciate the crude sexual references to my husband” I ask my husband to ask me to make love not to say ; let’s fuck and the poor devil believes me. .Yes, my husband knows I blog((cover up)), knows I lurk around the manosphere and once in a blue moon we even talk about it((and he tells me he isn’t like that, he tells me he could never be disrespectful in fact he knows a lot about the manosphere and he tells me he is a proud white night)) .”I was genuinely curious about the origins of male… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago


Ask your husband why the world is fucked up “especially ” men? Aren’t you suppose to ask him? Doesn’t he know the answer? And if he doesn’t, why so?

Ask your husband about the “origin of male sexual rage ” and if he doesn’t know, ask him why.

Ask him to ask you why you “lurk” into the manosphere.

Here is the tricky question :
Ask him to ask you if he’s dominant.

9 years ago

“I’m happy to be your porn Insanity.”

I’m sure you would. Sex is a lovely thing, but actually I was hoping you could help me fix a broken world instead.

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago

Any woman who “lurk” into the manosphere is a woman who has a wild beast screaming wanting to get out.

For married women, it is a true tragedy, for their husbands… is a CALAMITY.

9 years ago

All of you guys that believe in alpha males are ignorant dumb asses:

“Yo, dudes: Alpha males are a myth, according to actual experts on wolves”

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago


What do you think Rollo should do about ISIS/ISIL?

Do you think all we need is LOVE?
Make love not war?

On my part, I’m gonna write a strongly written letter condemning for not solving the world’s problems.

9 years ago

” . . . Alpha males are a myth, according to actual experts on wolves”

Good thing I’ve always denied being wolf.

9 years ago

Summary of stupid article: alpha wolves don’t exist outside of captivity, so alpha males must not exist

9 years ago
Reply to  redlight

@Badpainter “Failing to follow someone else’s script is castigated as misanthropy. Failing to sacrifice is selfishness. Our natural tendencies to resist this are beaten out of us before we are even capable of recognizing the lies at work” Meet a girl once who was only interested in asking why I didn’t go an a two year mission for the church I grew up in. This heavily reminds me of that experience. The social shame and anxiety is sad and hurtful but again KFG made a good point the trick is not minded. “Other people are disappointed, or angered by this… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago


It’s time to go to bed.
Don’t forget to drink your milk.
Ask Mama to change your diapers.

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago

“I’m sure you would. Sex is a lovely thing,”

Sex is a lovely thing!

I, as a man find those words to be boring and turn offish.

If I were a woman and a guy said that to me, I’d barf.

Insanity, do you shave your legs?

9 years ago

Rollo, this one hits damn close to home, because this all became very real for me just a few weeks ago. It took me way too long to admit what my wife was up to because I had the mental model of the Christian Good Girl persona she had in her 20s. Somehow I thought that was the real her. I had to learn the hard way. At least once I took the blinders off, my course of action was easy. I’m way closer to 50 than 30, but I’m trying my best to get the hell out of this… Read more »

9 years ago

“Without any prior eye contact or interaction, I grabbed the bottle of wine out of her pile of groceries on the belt thing. I looked it over without saying a word. After much silence, I said: “Any good?” I’m writing a movie with that as a scene and using your handle in the credits!!!” lol rugby! I’ve texted her, got a tit pic yesterday. I was on a biz trip when I met her though, she actually lives 600 miles from me. Not going back anytime soon, so… There’s like 3 billion other chicks on the planet, pretty sure I’ll… Read more »

Nataliya Kochergova
9 years ago

From : “Not all anxious women showed a preference for dominant partners. Anxious women were more likely to score highly on the experience-seeking aspect of sensation-seeking. The authors concluded that anxious women have two different ways of coping with their anxiety. Some seek a dominant man for protection. Others, particularly those who seek out new and exciting experiences, may try to compensate for their anxiety by pursuing a more sophisticated, cosmopolitan and non-conformist lifestyle that involves new experiences, like travel and artistic pursuits. These women avoid a dominant partner who may try to control them and limit their ability… Read more »

Shiva H. P.
Shiva H. P.
9 years ago

“Others, particularly those who seek out new and exciting experiences, may try to compensate for their anxiety by pursuing a more sophisticated, cosmopolitan and non-conformist lifestyle that involves new experiences, like travel and artistic pursuits. These women avoid a dominant partner who may try to control them and limit their ability to pursue those experiences. Of course, there may be other explanations for this surprising pattern of results.” Women will not take risks impromptu. They need tonnes of reassurances. The sense of Adventure for a woman means feeling the thrill of danger but simultaneously having an assurance that no harm… Read more »

Shiva H. P.
Shiva H. P.
9 years ago

” I blog, knows I lurk around the manosphere and once in a blue moon we even talk about it. No, I did not come here to be dominated. I was genuinely curious about the origins of male sexual rage and wanted to know why the world was so broken, especially men. Men are very kind to me IRL and would never tell me the truth, but rather what they thought I wanted to hear, so hence the internet.” Before trying to understand anything else , how about a small set of experiments to understand males better? 1. I heard… Read more »

9 years ago

“Wow, that’s so me……..But I didn’t pick my man because I thought he wouldn’t interfere with my artistic pursuits.”

Wow you’re so complex…and nonsensical…..and like….who cares?

9 years ago

@insanity I’m not sure why you are writing here either…. Rollo isn’t “male rage” some commenters are but the majority of us are eliciting discussion. Hell, most of us are blaming MEN for the broken world lol. I wish there was a group of girls saying “we need to be more feminine this world is broken and we’re partially at fault” lolz @yareally this is gonna sound bad but it’s b/c I’m a super super competitive guy. How do you control your competitiveness and jealousy with the bros that you go out with. So like if me and my wind… Read more »

9 years ago

@Shiva “2. Males are capable of f**king 85% of females available in the world, while females gag upon even the thought of speaking with the bottom 50% males. This is a complimentary sexual strategy because of biology. Try making the day of a bottom 50 percenter today.” I’ve always thought that any women who actually stepped into men’s shoes and tried to empathize with them would be moved to give away some pussy to a lower SMV male. Fyi, NOT ME, I have had many women and wouldn’t want sympathy sex. But when I found the manosphere I began to… Read more »

Shiva H. P.
Shiva H. P.
9 years ago

“@yareally this is gonna sound bad but it’s b/c I’m a super super competitive guy. How do you control your competitiveness and jealousy with the bros that you go out with. So like if me and my wind man are out and he’s vibing with the girl I’m into and trying to work on. But then he starts kino-ing and she’s into etc. It gets to me sometimes slightly. How do you deal with that better? Just go find another cute girl quickly as you can…..” I know this was not addressed to me but my 2 bits. @Rollo, can… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Shiva H. P.

“I’m hoping that in 20 years I’ll be reading these stories as ancient history and the younger generation of men will have figured out how best to navigate these waters.”
Yeah I hope when I have a son everything Rollo says will be talked about in a household.

“A suffering man is not only annoying, he’s useless.”
The trick is not to mind…

@Shiva H.P.
“Go for the girls you like.”
Well said

Favorite grocery store scene in any movie.

Jack LeBear
Jack LeBear
9 years ago

Actually, zdroids’s argument is trivial.

Motherhood = replication of DNA.
All adaptations, including behavioral ones are in service of DNA replication.

9 years ago

@Shiva “Using a wingman is PUA tactic. Using PUA tactics are like putting up a facade. In terms of TRM, you have lost when you use a wingman.” “Under PUA, all you care about is N count regardless how trashy your targets are. Look where the high N count has brought Roosh. He feels total worthlessness right now and is hamsterbating Neo masculinity while Rollo has been just Rollo. Please do check the “Dancing Monkeys” post on TRM. PUAs just dance wilder.” lol U R ALPHA LEVELS OVER 9000 BRO!!! LONE WOLF HOWWWWWL!!!! @Will “How do you control your competitiveness… Read more »

9 years ago

@yareally lolz I I think it would be hella fun to go to bars or clubs with guys who actually follow pua, none of my buddies really know about it. And if they did they would think it’s crazy and brush it off ha.

But yeah now that I think about it…I do that stuff naturally sometimes without realizing it. Like preventing your dudes from hitting on the girl is the way to do it. That option I like best just positioning her away from the whole danger too many variables scene

9 years ago

@Will “But yeah now that I think about it…I do that stuff naturally sometimes without realizing it.” Like I always say: PUA isn’t theory, it’s backwards engineered from observing shit in-field. The AMOG, winging, shit-test defending, bitch-shield destroying, ASD-circumventing, etc. shit that we teach comes from seeing and experiencing that shit in-field from going out so much and comparing notes. Most AMOG tech comes FROM being AMOG’ed lol Know how I know to just carry a girl away? Because some dude did it to me in-field and as I watched the girl giggle and shrug at me as if saying… Read more »

9 years ago

@Will – solid Game advice from YaReally as per normal. Mystery Method has a bit on wingmen rules which is a good read (and maybe for your best wing/s to read).
Be careful to calibrate the ‘prevention’ strategy so it doesn’t cross into ‘mate guarding’ territory. If she pick up a vibe that your shielding her from other dudes it could look needy. Thoughts Ya?

9 years ago

@stuttie “Be careful to calibrate the ‘prevention’ strategy so it doesn’t cross into ‘mate guarding’ territory. If she pick up a vibe that your shielding her from other dudes it could look needy. Thoughts Ya?” You’re gonna look a lot more “mate guardy” standing there trying to compete head to head with your bro for her attention in a “2 guys talking to 1 girl” arrangement than you are just moving her before she even notices another guy is coming over. Prevention is always better than solution. Just be cool about it. Don’t dwell on it like “I HAVE TO… Read more »

9 years ago

Honestly I’ve watched some of Tyler and Julien. I like Tyler. they’re both good inspirational speakers but sometimes it just comes across as stupid…haha. I guess the audience they have is way worse at talking to girls or fame than me so I find their lectures or whatever cheesy or something…. I do most of this shit naturally, but now I guess it’s the reverse engineering realization. Like Julian’s examples on how to pass a shit test were so bad….. But he got the point across I guess haha. @sjfrellc why are you posting pictures and videos of yourself cutting… Read more »

9 years ago

And I think it’s best to just have your head up to look for guys who could amog your girl or something then just say “hey let’s go over here real quick” and just grab her hand and go. She won’t ask any questions. And if she does just say “this creepy girl wouldn’t stop staring at me” or something

9 years ago

“@sjfrellc why are you posting pictures and videos of yourself cutting down oak trees…… This is an anonymous blog what is that for” That is to reference what men need to do in the real world. Men go out an hang with men and engage in a pursuit and a passion ( here whitetail deer habitat). A surrogate behavior for old school 10,000 years ago the way of a gang ALA Jack Donovan’s “The Way of Men” for a gang having strength, courage, mastery and honor. Cutting down 20 inch DBH trees with a 70cc professional chainsaw is similar to… Read more »

9 years ago

@sjfrellc calm down man. Im just curious. I get it shit like that is masculine and manly, and the more masculine shit you can do the better man you become.
Also cause I got kinda lost and confused with where I was at in life I guess

I’m on here to hear ideas and analyze and observe experiences.

I don’t know what link you are talking about.

9 years ago Wake up will. You may be lost an confused but the manosphere is dedicated to not having you be a lost soul. Soak it up or be left in the dust of the Feminine Imperative and Blue Pill world of travesty. You have a lot of catching up to do before you hit the grindstone where you have no time to relax. Social life in college did you no favor because it was all blue pill. Comfortable and getting laid with a laudable N count. Congratulations you just getting through the easiest part of life. If you discount anything… Read more »

9 years ago

Will sweetie, these men know absolutely nothing about what it means to be a man. You are far too good and kind to allow yourself to be preyed on by these bitter, envious men who don’t even believe in love.

“Also cause I got kinda lost and confused…”

No love, you know right where you are. You are awesome. It is they that are confused. Please use your head and walk away from this crap.There are better places to learn what you need to know.

9 years ago

@sjfrellc the link is cool, I’m working on adopting a masculine hobby. And I listen to everyone’s words. I’m not discounting anyone. I’m simply bouncing ideas around to get a more clear and concise picture and idea of things. I don’t know you or yareally and you don’t know me so I think it’s completely valid to do that. “Social life in college did you no favor because it was all blue pill.” I’m not sure I agree. Frats are pretty red pill with how we operate. What is unfortunate is when you leave college you aren’t used to losing… Read more »

9 years ago


” . . . haha . . .ha . . .”

Quit it. It just makes you look insecure.

9 years ago

haha insanity. I already am confused why you are posting on here. Obviously something is intriguing for you (maybe the truth that is brought out)
Yareally and sjfrellc have given me and others great words, and have contributed great valid analysis

And I read some of this stuff b/c it lines up almost perfectly with a lot of my experiences…

9 years ago

“I already am confused why you are posting on here.”

Because I actually care about men, Will. These men do not. Much like alcoholics, they seek men who will join them in their misery. Misery loves company. The last thing they want is to see you healthy, happy, and thriving. Don’t be deceived, I’ve been watching them for along time.

9 years ago

The “also I got kinda lost and confused….”

Was referring to why I found the manosphere, when my ex-gf completely blind sided me when I turned into a huge beta. That’s what confused me and had me a little lost and looking for answers kinda if that makes sense ha.

9 years ago

“Was referring to why I found the manosphere, when my ex-gf completely blind sided me when I turned into a huge beta. That’s what confused me and had me a little lost and looking for answers kinda if that makes sense ha.”

I know, Will. That’s how most young guys find the ‘sphere. These men prey on vulnerable guys like you who are wounded after a break up and then they take advantage of you. You were not a huge beta. That is complete nonsense.

9 years ago

Insanity, when what the sphere writes about lines up with what I see in the real world (and the patterns of my relationship) then that is what got me interested in joining the discussion… Looking back, i DID turn into a huge beta from the beginning to the end of the relationship. And my ex-gf’s words were something along the lines of “I’m confused, idk I’m lost” blah blah. Those aren’t answers….lol I now know what as turning her off. It was my “I love you” etc that I started texting her tons more and just the in general weak… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Will – Doesn’t the fact that insanity is patronizing you clue you in?

@ insane person – your tiresome ad hominem shaming tactics simply reveal a callous indifference to the humanity of men.

9 years ago

“I could go on but I feel retarded for having filled up so much of the comment section already lol”

You are not retarded. Stop putting yourself down. You are awesome and kind.

There is enough truth behind what the red pills sell to get you hooked, but none of it is a great secret. It is all based on things well known to the vast majority of us, those of us who have walked in the world for a while.

9 years ago

I’m not patronizing you, Will. You already have far more worth and value then these men here do and you have your whole life ahead of you. I want to see you live and love and thrive.

9 years ago

lolz @insanity I don’t actually think I’m retarded… I’m generally mad that I’ve commented so much on this thread. Oh well ha

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