The Love Experience


Glenn and a few others had a question about last week’s Love Commodity post.:

@Rollo – This seems very inconsistent to me. How can this be true – ” Men and women can and do love each other intensely and genuinely. They can and do see past each other’s deficiencies and their love endures. ” While this is true? “In an era of unapologetic feminine primacy and unignorable open Hypergamy, this commodification undeniably rests with the feminine.”

You’ll have to forgive a long explanation, I couldn’t simply drop this into the commentary, a full post was necessary.

The first thing we need to consider is the Male Experience vs. the female experience. I hate to get too existential, but it comes down to our individuated experiences as men and women. I’m going to give two examples here and this will also cover the Hypergamy is everything thread I noticed the commentary too.

There’s an interesting conflict of societal messaging we get from an equalitarian / feminine-primary social order. This is one that simultaneously tells us that “we are not so different” or “we are more alike than we are different” and then, yet implores use to “celebrate our diversity” and “embrace (or tolerate) our differences” as people.

This is easily observable in issues of ethnicity, but it also crosses over into issues of gender. The most popular trope is that ideas of gender are a social construct and that women and men are comparative equals and only their physical plumbing makes them different in form only.

From a Red Pill perspective we see the error in evidence of this egalitarian fantasy. I’ve written countless posts on the evidential and logical fallacies that make up gender equalism, but the important thing to be aware of is the conflict inherent within that belief – equalism expects men and women’s existential experiences to be the same, while also pleading that we embrace the differences it purports we don’t actually have.

It fundamentally denies the separation, from an evolved biological / psychological perspective, that men and women experience life in different ways. The idea is that it’s the nebulous ‘society’ that determines our gender experiences and less, if nothing, of it is truly influenced by a human being’s psychological-biological firmware.

zdr01dz posted this:

I think maybe this is in part because men have no innate desire to marry up. Hypergamy doesn’t compute for us. I know what hunger feels like and I assume women feel it the same way I do. I’m empathetic to poor, hungry children because I know what they’re feeling. However I have no idea what hypergamy feels like. I’ve never felt it’s pull.

My second example comes from Women and Sex in which I explore the fallacy of the social convention that insists “women are just as sexual as men” and that “women want sex, enjoy sex, even more than men.”

This canard is both observably and biologically disprovable, but the presumption is based on the same “we’re all the same, but celebrate the difference” conflicting principle that I mentioned above. If a dynamic is complimentary to the feminine then the biological basis is one we’re expected to ’embrace the diversity’ of, but if the dynamic is unflattering to the feminine it’s the result “of a society that’s fixated on teaching gender roles to ensure the Patriarchy, we’re really more alike than not.”

The idea is patently false because there is no real way any woman can experience the existence and conditions that a man does throughout his life. I mention in that essay about how a female amateur body builder I knew who was dumbstruck by how horny she became after her first cycle of anabolic steroids. “I can’t believe men can live in a state like this” were her exact words. She was just beginning to get a taste of what men experience and control in their own skins 24 hours a day and it was unsettling for her.

Women are used to a cyclic experience of sexuality, whereas men must be ready to perform at the first, best opportunity sexually. These are our individuated experiences and despite all the bleating of the equalists they are qualitatively different. As zdr01dz observes, no man has an idea of what Hypergamy feels like. To my knowledge there is no drug or hormone that can simulate the existential experience of Hypergamy. Even if there were, men and women’s minds are fundamentally wired differently, so the simulated experience could never be replicated for a man.

I understand how Hypergamy works from observing the behavior and understanding the motivating biology for it. I also understand that our species evolved with, and benefitted from it – or at least it makes deductive sense that what we know as Hypergamy today is a derivative of that evolution – but what I don’t have is a firsthand, existential experience of Hypergamy and I never will. Likewise, women will never have a similar existential experience of what it’s like to be a man.

So it should be an easy follow to deduce that how a woman experiences love, as based on her Hypergamic opportunistic impulses, is a fundamentally different experience than that of a man’s. The equalist social order want’s love to be an equal, mutual, agreement on a definition of love that transcends individuated gender experience, but it simply will not accept that an intersexual experience of love is defined by each sex’s individuated experience.

I have no doubt that there are areas of crossover in both men’s idealistic concept of love and women’s opportunistic concept, but this experience of love is still defined by gender-specific individuation. By that I mean that women can and do experience intense feelings of love for a man based on her Hypergamously influenced criteria for love.

I’m actually surprised that more women have yet to call me to the carpet about their personal experiences of love from the commodity post, but if you sift through the comments on Women in Love and other blog/forum comments you’ll come across examples of women describing in great detail how deeply they love their husbands / boyfriends, and are in complete disarray over being told their love stems from Hypergamic opportunism. Again, I have no doubt that their feelings of love are genuine to them based on their individuated concepts of love; indeed they’re ready to fight you tooth and nail to defend their investment in those feelings. What I’m saying is that the criteria a man should need to meet in order to generate those emotions and arrive at a love state are not universally mutual as an equalitarian social order would have the whole of society believe.

So, yes, men and women can and do love each other intensely and genuinely – from their own individuated experiences. They can and do see past each other’s deficiencies and their love endures. The processes they used to come to this love state differs in concept and existential individuation, and what sustains that love state is still dependent upon the criteria of men’s idealistic and women opportunistic concepts of love.

The Cardinal Rule of sexual strategies:
For one gender’s sexual strategy to succeed the other gender must compromise or abandon their own.

The commodification of that love state is presently weighted on the feminine because the Feminine Imperative is socially ascendant. The importance of satisfying the female sexual (and really life-goal) strategy takes primary social precedence today. Thus men’s individuated experience is devalued to an assumption of an “it’s-all-equal” universality while women’s is blown up out of all real valuation with collective expectations of “embracing their unique difference” set apart from that universality. If men’s experience is one-size-fits-all it’s really a small, and socially blameless, step for a woman to withhold the reward criteria men place on their idealistic love in order to satisfy their own sexual strategy.

Women’s social primacy allows them to feel good about themselves for commodifying the idealistic rewards men value to come to their own state of love, as well as maintain it.

It is one further step to embrace the concept that men’s experience of love, the idealism he applies to it and even his own sexual and life imperatives are in fact the same as those of women’s – while still setting women’s apart when it serves them better. Thus the cardinal rule of sexual strategies comes to a feminine-primary consolidation by socially convincing men that women’s experience and imperatives are, or should be considered to be, the same as men’s individuated experiences. Add women’s already innate solipsism to this and you have a formula for a gender-universal presumption of the experience of love based primarily on the individuated female experience of love.

In other words, women expect men to socially and psychologically agree with, reinforce and cooperate with the opportunistic feminine model of love as the equalist, gender-mutual model model of love while still believing that women share their own idealistic model. It’s the correct model that should work for everyone, or so women’s solipsism would have us believe.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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9 years ago

@ badpainter
My dad worked a lot and so he wasn’t around much but other than that he was the ideal father. He was stable, reliable and honest. Definitely not dread, hehehehe.

My mom is half Swedish and was very attractive when she was young. Yep, that’s pretty much her only good point. She is the kind of woman that Rollo and every guy on this board would poor scorn on.

9 years ago

@ jf12

The princess in your link in is clearly worth a fuck, and not much else. My fear is she both typical and representative.

9 years ago

“Men aren’t permitted to have expectations of women. Men are expected to perform. The whining is about not knowing what we are performing for.” Well, yes. But really the “whining”, as it were, is about not knowing the criteria against which our performance is being measured, nor the person(s) applying the constantly shifting criteria. Something I posted at donalgraeme’s a while ago seems appropriate. “Men are trained in the present culture that they are being constantly judged, evaluated, weighed in the scales, and compared to others. We have to go out there and prove ourselves to everyone in our lives… Read more »

9 years ago

Re: female arousal. There was a NYT article about this (the same one that discussed the studies of vaginal responses to various visual stimuli) a few years ago, and basically the scientists quoted in the article were saying that a woman’s arousal is quasi-narcissistic in that what gets them most aroused, sexually, is the fact of a desirable man’s arousal for them. The man has to be desirable, or in that frame, but it is his arousal for them, the fact that he finds them arousing (and the erection is the lie detector test on that) that makes her aroused.… Read more »

9 years ago

My 14 Times In 2014.
1. #1 was pretty good, kind of necessary, but good.
2. Unsurprisingly, #2, was pretty good too.
3. So too #3.

9 years ago

@Novaseeker, re: NYT article.

Here it is.

Women’s desire is narcissistic (not quasi-) and receptive.

9 years ago

@ Novaseeker
Women have told me directly
A) When a penis is flaccid it isn’t anything special.
B) A penis attached to a low status man is gross.
C) A penis isn’t appealing unless it is aroused and attached to a good man.

NYTimes article is 100% correct.

9 years ago

@ Deti And people wonder why men drop out. The burden of performance is bad enough as you illustrate. But what are performing for? The chance be some fucked out slut’s Beta savior when she gets tired of the game? When do we get to demand others perform for us? I was raised with the burden. Do for others, puts others first, be the perfect guest and demand nothing, be the perfect host and cater to every whim, be nice till it hurts, accept responsibility both for actions and inactions. Share and don’t be selfish. Never take the last cookie.… Read more »

9 years ago

@thedeti. “Men are trained in the present culture that they are being constantly judged, evaluated, weighed in the scales, and compared to others. We have to go out there and prove ourselves to everyone in our lives – friends, family, employers, subordinates, peers. “The male experience, the experience of men, is shot through with this. It permeates our lives, our every waking moment. We know that everyone – everyone – is judging, evaluating, and comparing us. And for most men, dating and married life is no different.” Perhaps men do not love either, men serve. I commented earlier that I… Read more »

9 years ago

@ BP

Alphas produce tingles. They are loved for their tingle production. Beta are loved for their income generation.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Betas are grudgingly tolerated for their income generation.


9 years ago

“and they call that love”

A fine song title.

9 years ago

Roll Over, Brady
1. Be sexually confident
2. Be sexually dominant
3. Don’t be undominant

9 years ago

theasdgamer – “Beta are loved for their income generation.”

I’d hardly call it love.

Unless you’re saying it can be purchased by the hour. In which case “love” is a luxury service of no real consequence or utility.

M Simon
9 years ago

January 6th, 2015 at 1:01 pm

I think I did state that wrong. I think I mean to say that “no other women had as great an effect”.

I work that one on the fm all the time. “Of course I want other women and will f them. But you can win me back by wanting me more than the other woman does. You have done it numerous times in the past.”

Gotta keep that dread up. I also frequently point out, “The men that most attract you are those a lot of other women want.”

9 years ago
M Simon
9 years ago

January 6th, 2015 at 3:24 pm

These days (I’m 70) I only get aroused if she wants me desperately.

When I got more easily aroused in the past I wasn’t attracted to any but those who showed a lot of interest. Generally.

9 years ago

“Beta are loved for their income generation.” “I’d hardly call it love. “Unless you’re saying it can be purchased by the hour. In which case “love” is a luxury service of no real consequence or utility.” ______________ It used to be that the transaction (he gives his resources for sex; she gives her body for resources and protection) was enough. That is, until the women who were married to betas decided they wanted their own money so they wouldn’t have to marry (or stay married to) a beta. It’s all about sexual freedom (not having to have sex with betas)… Read more »

9 years ago

I feel really fortunate and appreciative to have discovered red pill knowledge of the reality of women. Although I will never get married, I still socialize with and date women. I understand their behavior now and how to deal with them. Women can be very enjoyable without marrying them.

9 years ago

For those not in the know, Nicholas Sparks is the author of several best selling romantic fiction novels, at least two of which (Notebook, The Vow) were made into popular films. One would think if anyone could keep a marriage together, it would be Sparks. The films are typical panty-wetting fare: Alpha men are irresistibly drawn to attractive women, love conquers all, against all odds their love sustains them; they all live happily ever after. Interestingly he’s been married to her since he was 24, long before he hit it big. They’ve been married 25 years so he’s 49. Judging… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

jf12 January 6th, 2015 at 4:23 pm Love is dead. From the link: “I don’t like to give marriage tips,” he told PEOPLE in 2003. “There are people who are probably much better at marriage than I am – they’ve lasted a lot longer. I could probably learn from them.” He writes romance stories for women. Probably a blue pill. Which got me to thinking. Do women like romance stories because they wish they could love like a man? I dunno. Haven’t read a lot of them but it seems that they are also about bringing out the bad… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

In that regard “How to Marry a Millionaire” with Marilyn Monroe. was good.

9 years ago

These female lizard’s sexual markings are vestigial. The advantage isn’t so secret. (The more male-seeming) “females are less harassed by overly eager suitors”

9 years ago

@jeremy So I think you have your cause and effect a bit backwards. Women are not attracted to erections in men. They feel empowered by causing those erections on men to whom they are ALREADY attracted. No woman would feel attracted to a hobo if she caused him to have an erection, but she might smile about it later and feel better about herself. I think we may be splitting hairs w.r.t. defining attraction. Hard science has demonstrated that women have a measurable biological response to seeing an erection. That is just fact. Now, it’s fair to say that that… Read more »

9 years ago

@deti, re: “it seems likely that there was an interloper in there somewhere. I’m guessing she probably had an affair.”

Me too. Sparks has always been described as a devout, even fervent, Catholic, from birth.

9 years ago

re: women wanting to tame the alpha male

The symplectification might involve men wanting to arouse the wild thing in a good girl.

9 years ago

So, is this why women don’t want to try to make betas more alpha? Because all their hopes and fantasies are exactly the opposite?

9 years ago

Off topic remark about Just Getting It. After you finally Just Get It, you will have already Just Gotten It to every woman thereafter.

9 years ago

Jeremy – “This says something about female sexuality and sexual power”

or as Bette Davis said in some film, “I’d like to kiss ya, but I just washed my hair”

9 years ago

It’s the year for more Caitlins. I should hate myself for liking Nicole Mullen’s work.

Just a couple of years ago, out of thirteen girls in my 2nd grade Sunday School class, seven were named Katelynn or Cate Lynne etc. This year they’re all Bella or Hannah.

9 years ago

Given his success and looks; and her looks which put her in the top 2% of women her age, it seems likely that there was an interloper in there somewhere. I’m guessing she probably had an affair. Probably. I think what happens is that women who are in that category (top 5% of women in their 40s) themselves have a kind of “rock star” status among men in appropriate age ranges, and even among much younger men who are into having sex with cougars. I have known a couple of women like this at work who blew up their marriages… Read more »

9 years ago

So, is this why women don’t want to try to make betas more alpha? Because all their hopes and fantasies are exactly the opposite? Simpler. The alpha is what attracts. The beta isn’t. So, they have no incentive to alpha-ize a beta, because not attracted. Lots of incentive to tame the attractive alpha, though, because by doing so they can “own” their own private alpha male, who is by definition attractive (and was even before he was tamed … whereas a beta won’t be attractive pre-transition, and so no incentive to try to change him … he needs to do… Read more »

9 years ago

Hi Rollo,

What’s the pinnacle for a guy? And what age?

I’m in my 20’s, master’s degree, in shape (cut, muscular, but not huge), 5’11”, professional job, I’m getting laid (6′, 7’s), but not slaying/ walking out w/ 8’s from the bars even semi regular.

How do you get over that threshold. Is money the key catalyst?

A normal, but hot guy is in a difficult spot unless he’s dressed designer, awesome face and BUILT like minor steroid/hgh user

9 years ago

Especially for young girls, pre-epiphany.

And as a young guy, that’s all we should even be going for.

M Simon
9 years ago

Rollo Tomassi
January 6th, 2015 at 5:10 pm

Thanks for the confirmation. I’m going to look at the link.

9 years ago

I’ve been chatting on my blog with a woman about whether I cheated on my wife or not. She’s wanting me to state unequivocally whether I have or not. My view is that saying that I didn’t cheat is the same as a woman saying that she had a high N-count, so I wouldn’t specify that I didn’t cheat even if I didn’t cheat. Any thoughts about this? My wife is certain that I cheated, and, of course, she if more sexually attracted to me than ever–in line with jf12’s Bad Boy Rules: 1) Be a jerk–the jerkier, the better.… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Nathan A normal, but hot guy is in a difficult spot unless he’s dressed designer, awesome face and BUILT like minor steroid/hgh user Codswallop. An 8 has been trying to lay me for a while. Her bf is a body builder and 20 years younger than me, but beta. I’m a unicorn, I guess–I appear a lot badder than I really am. And I’m very picky and the wimmenz know it. I’m as aloof as all h311 and my walk and body language are solid. I flash my smile/grin sparingly and to good effect. I rarely chat. I have… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

Rollo, More confirmation. The number of times the fm has alluded to taming me is legion. And if I begin to act a little tamed to please her (and besides I like being nice at least to some extent) she loses interest. So I go back to what works. I recently tried an experiment – “You be submissive no matter what and I’ll be very good to you. Foot rubs, general massage, help around the house (non-emergency honey dos) etc.” She agreed. It lasted about 10 days. So I’m back to total domination to reestablish frame. Most amusing. What ever… Read more »

9 years ago

Mostly, its just about being Tuff

9 years ago

I’m researching AYI, which is a facebook dating app. I’m filtering by age and gradually reducing the age to see what effect it has on the number of contacts I get from women. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them are AYI ringers. When the age was wide open, I got a contact about every 1.5 hours. At 43 and below (realistically, 48 and below), it’s down to 1 every 5 hours.

M Simon
9 years ago

theasdgamer January 6th, 2015 at 8:24 pm I think rule #3 is optional. i.e. dependent on how alpha the female is (she likes competing and winning). I’d come home after an episode with another woman unwashed and have her give me a bj. After she got the taste she would complain. I would wash up and tell her about it and she would come on to me like crazy. On occasion I have dropped her off at home while continuing on with the other woman. Back home 6 hours later. She is smokin hot for me. She admits frequently if… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

January 6th, 2015 at 8:15 pm

Self confidence at the extreme arrogance level is the key.

9 years ago

@ Nathan

Especially for young girls, pre-epiphany.

And as a young guy, that’s all we should even be going for.

The 8 is 25 yo. Younger than my kids.

9 years ago

@ msimon Mrs. Gamer is alpha, but INTJ. She has some rules that will cause her to walk. And there’s the whole ethical question of keeping one’s vows. But I agree, there are situations where rule 3 is optional. Probably not optional for most men. And cosign the extremely arrogant confidence, but it needs to be fleshed out. 1) alpha body language 2) aloof attitude 3) social proof I think that the 8 ditched her beta bf already. I merely mentioned that he seemed to be watching us whenever we danced together (the implication being that he was insecure). She… Read more »

9 years ago

@Nathan, re: better results from the bar scene. Up the alpha. Up the alpha. More sexual confidence. More sexual dominance. Verbal courtship and mating behavioral studies, especially online text-based dating site stuff, has been done to death in recent years. But prior to apps THE hookup scene was the bar scene. And the queen of studying the *success* of bar scene nonverbal hookup behaviors, both prior to and after The Game, is Monica Moore. A nice reference, although not everything is in there, is Moore M. 2010. Human nonverbal courtship behavior—a brief historical review. Journal of Sex Research, 47(2-3), 171-180.… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Nathan I’m getting laid (6′, 7’s), but not slaying/ walking out w/ 8’s from the bars even semi regular. How do you get over that threshold. Is money the key catalyst? Money is not the key at your age. Monica Lewinsky is an HB3 and she bagged the President of the United States. Let that sink in for a minute. If a 20 something HB8 to HB10 is interested in money/gifts and she is willing to hand out easy sex in return she can score a guy with more money, power and status than you will ever have. She… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@jf12 You know the only issue I have with upping the alpha sometimes is that there’s such thing as “too much”, but I can’t figure out how it works. I mean it’s like if your cockiness exceeds your actual ability to keep up with what it gets you in to, women know really quick. Hell people in general do. I’m not saying there’s an absolute “too much alpha”, I’m saying there’s too much for your current level of experience with being alpha, if that makes sense. I guess the key is just more attempts and more time to continue upping… Read more »

9 years ago

re: “there’s such thing as “too much””

Too many women, too many pills, …

9 years ago

re: “women know real quick”

No, women do not know. Probably the single biggest burden I’ve sloughed off this past year is the suspicion that women had secret radars. They don’t.

9 years ago

@ Sun Wukong & jf12 It’s less a matter of if women “know real quick” or not. It’s matter of whether or we care if they do. Indifference is the key. Outcome independence is key. Whether they know or not so what? Their opinions get changed like underwear, and have about as much utility. It not that they’re stupid, it’s that they’re silly little things with silly little ideas. Remember in the junior high how easy it was to shut down girls by laughing at them? Nothing has changed since then. Nothing invalidates a woman’s faster than breaking her frame,… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

Sun Wukong
January 6th, 2015 at 11:44 pm

Agree. Your arrogance must match your ability. It is true in engineering. It is true with women.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


So it’s a lack of outcome independence? And I wasn’t saying women had special radar at all. It just seems that it comes across like maybe something in my behavior winds up incongruous. It just “feels” off to other people. Like how stiff a person looks when trying to correct bad posture. Maybe it seems like it’s not genuine or like they’re posturing and wouldn’t be able to back up their talk, you know?

9 years ago

Sun Wukong – “So it’s a lack of outcome independence?” Yes and no. If you are bothered by how others react then outcome independence plays a role. If you simply observing that something failed to achieve the desired results then it could be objective introspection. If you’re doing something different naturally you’re invested in the outcome to some degree, instead be invested in the process such that all outcomes have value. You observation about congruence I think is correct. If you see an incongruity in your own behavior change it. My opinion is congruity is essential to frame. One the… Read more »

9 years ago

Re: special radar I’m guessing this belief stems from male insecurity reinforced by female rhetoric. Over the years it’s become an old wives tale, likely a method to use guilt to gain confessions of whatever. My mother was a pro at this shit and it worked until I demanded a bill of charges. She responded with “you know what you’ve done.” I responded with “then it must not be a big deal or I’d be getting punished.” Darth Dread grounded me for two weeks for rebelliousness. It was around this time I stopped talking to my parents about anything personal.… Read more »

9 years ago

@ jf12

What about the plowhorses?

Let them eat hay. And castrate them besides. There ya go.

9 years ago

@ zdr01dz

If you want easy sex from 20 something HB8s – HB10s you need one of two things.

1) Male model good looks

Only for the 10s–the others don’t want to be outdone. In fact, the 10s probably would prefer a man with looks of 8-9.

9 years ago

@ Sun

You know the only issue I have with upping the alpha sometimes is that there’s such thing as “too much”, but I can’t figure out how it works. I mean it’s like if your cockiness exceeds your actual ability to keep up with what it gets you in to, women know really quick.

Aloofness will pull a lot of chestnuts out of the fire. When in doubt, break rapport.

9 years ago

@ jf12

No, women do not know. Probably the single biggest burden I’ve sloughed off this past year is the suspicion that women had secret radars. They don’t.

They know if you’re paying them too much attention. It alerts their neediness radar, which is very accurate.

9 years ago

re: “They know if you’re paying them too much attention.”

They also know if you start paying attention to someone else. All I’m saying is the need for worrying about finesse in this area is overrated, especially for the vast majority of men.

9 years ago

I don’t think it’s true that rational confidence beats irrational confidence in terms of success with women.

9 years ago

ballista asks, on his site, “why is divornography marketed exclusively to women? Why are there articles in women’s magazines and romance novels for women like Eat Pray Love that glamorize divorce, but nothing of the sort exists or is marketed to men? Why is there no male divorce porn, no stories of men divorcing their obese, aging harpy wives, liberating themselves from their marriage vows, and ending up living happily ever after banging large-breasted 21 year-old lingerie models?”

Can you imagine the uproar? Can you feel the Love yet?

9 years ago

@Badpainter, re: “nor do I want to”

You know that’s the only thing stopping you.

9 years ago

@ jf12

I don’t think it’s true that rational confidence beats irrational confidence in terms of success with women.

There’s a lot to mine here. If rational confidence comes exclusively from one’s accomplishments, then your statement follows.

However, if one’s rational confidence comes from denying the Pedestalization of Women and accepting the superiority of the Masculine (i.e., the Masculine imperative), then the rational confidence beats irrational confidence. Or maybe you assume that my MI-based confidence is that same as what you call “irrational confidence”.

9 years ago

More than ever, I’m leaning to the view that the reason for working on fundamentals: working out, grooming, etc., is to produce confidence. If you get your confidence somewhere else, such as in a bottle from the liquor store, you’ll have success too.

9 years ago

The irrational antimating that women do is designed to overcome rational confidence.

9 years ago

intermission time

9 years ago

@tasdg, thanks for the opportunity for clarification. What I am meaning here by irrational confidence is specifically a man’s behavior directed toward a woman reflecting his level of absolute certainty that he could indeed bang her if he felt like it regardless of any positive feedback he may or may not have received yet.

9 years ago

Ain’t no shame in my ‘splain. Women are always vague about what they mean by confidence but it is in reality sexual confidence to the max.

9 years ago

Is there any actual defense from women against irrational confidence? I know this is heartiste’s touchstone so he probably has an answer one way or the other, but I think there is no possible defense. Which is why women don’t want betas to learn about it.

9 years ago

I’ll testify to the confidence thing. I used to be so passive around girls, especially pretty ones. Like afraid of them. I was over my friend’s the other day and there was an HB10 on the bed. And when I say 10 I mean 10. Normally I’d avoid her. I’d be so nervous. Instead I just walked in and plopped myself down on the bed right next to her and started watching whatever movie it was they were watching. I joked around with her a little bit and made some small talk. She was into some similar stuff I’m into… Read more »

9 years ago

I became aware of this site and the manosphere a couple of months ago. It has already corrupted me.

Last night I got a hair cut. As I left the girl behind the register smiled at me and said, “have a nice night.” The first thing that popped into my head was, “what does she want from me?” I’m getting so cynical about women. (facepalm) But I know you guys are right. I should be that cynical.

9 years ago

re: “As I left the girl behind the register smiled at me and said, “have a nice night.””

Raise your eyebrows at her and smirk , turn away as if to leave, touch yourself anywhere but your head (putting your money away is perfect), turn back squarely to her, tilt your head back (towards looking down your nose) and purr “I’m planning on it.” Then laugh.

9 years ago

re: “what does she want from me?”

She *expects* irrational confidence from you and she cannot understand why you don’t exhibit it towards her. I’m talking to myself too.

9 years ago

@Softek re: “To me that’s a huge sign of progress.”

To me too.

9 years ago

game didn’t have Fallon banging Kidman

Game would have done it, but playing a video game got Kidman thinking he might be gay

9 years ago

The broads’ expectations are getting to be a pain in the @$$. Causing confusion even when I give a clear “No Funny Business” signal.

9 years ago

zd, cynicism is part of the journey, just don’t get stuck there. Eventually you just accept that most women see the world in different terms, and the cynicism departs.

if you can get to the point where you can accept them for what they are, lovely creatures who can give you laughs, limited love, pleasure and anxiety, you are golden.

9 years ago

@tasdg, re: “a clear “No Funny Business” signal.”

Ok, I’ll bite. Describe said clear signal.

Also, please critique my virtual response at
and see if you can improve it.

9 years ago

@nathan “I’m in my 20’s, master’s degree, in shape (cut, muscular, but not huge), 5’11”, professional job”

mentioning the degree and job is counter-productive, since a woman will want to put you in the beta provider pool to be used at a later date

this means you are competing based only on “in shape (cut, muscular, but not huge), 5’11”

suggest you take a course in Improv and ride a Harley

9 years ago

@ redlight

Does it have to be a Harley? Could one get away with a BMW, or a Kawasaki?

9 years ago

re: “Could one get away with a BMW, or a Kawasaki?”

Or even a bar stool. Ride it like you own it, manspread and all.

9 years ago

So, are there any divorce movies at all in which
1) The man initiates the divorce to get rid of his lousy wife
2) The man gets attractive girlfriends almost immediately

9 years ago

So, Society is THAT afraid of individual men’s sexual power?

9 years ago

@ badpainter No man. I ride a razor scooter and I get mad pussy. This bitch jumped me the other day while I was riding around the block and stripped down to her panties and started grinding on the handlebars. Couldn’t control herself. You can ride a motorcycle and not get pussy. I’ve seen it happen many times. The clothing/hairstyle thing speaks volumes though. Is that changing our genetics? Nope. So that theory goes right out the window. Dress to impress. My sister, trying to be polite, didn’t tell me I looked like shit. But she would say that looks… Read more »

9 years ago

@ jf12 Also, please critique my virtual response at “Raise your eyebrows at her and smirk , turn away as if to leave, touch yourself anywhere but your head (putting your money away is perfect), turn back squarely to her, tilt your head back (towards looking down your nose) and purr “I’m planning on it.” Then laugh.” Not sure why you have to back turn when you could just look and face away. The laugh at the end is try hard. Better is a smile of amused mastery and a quick eyebrow raise/lower. Instead of “I’m planning on it” say,… Read more »

9 years ago

re: “Instead of “I’m planning on it” say, “Ubetcha”. Less is more.”

This is probably what I need to work on this year. I’m still a Chatty Cathy.

9 years ago

Interesting discussion but does it matter if a man understands the finer points of hypergammy or is it enough to know women fuck/ marry up and are on constant quest for the bigger, better deal?

So much of this seems like mental masterbation then useful intell

9 years ago

@jf12 “So, are there any divorce movies at all in which
1) The man initiates the divorce to get rid of his lousy wife
2) The man gets attractive girlfriends almost immediately”

The Hangover. Stu dumped his cheating shrew fiance after accidentally marrying Heather Graham, the hot single-mom stripper. Not real sure that qualifies.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@bp Drawing from my experience as a rider: it can be whatever you want, so long as it doesn’t look like an old man should ride it. For instance, I drive one of these: It has bags that make it look like an old man bike (and make it useful; I’ve taken a month and a half camping with mine), but when you pop those off it just looks like a sport bike. Chicks can’t tell the difference. Not all chicks get hot about bikes though. The confidence once you know how to ride is probably what sells it… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

Meh, link broke. This should work.

9 years ago

from Rollo’s twitter links
“physical attractiveness is a better predictor of women’s than men’s market value”
Wincenciak, J., Fincher, C.L., Fisher, C.I., Hahn, A.C., Jones, B.C. & DeBruine, L.M., Mate choice, mate preference, and biological markets: The relationship between partner choice and health preference is modulated by women’s own attractiveness, Evolution and Human Behavior (2014), doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2014.12.004


9 years ago

@ jf12

The re-buttal (I don’t remember the first buttal, must have been drunk) will be…wait for it…feelz.

9 years ago

Men’s idealistic love involves fetishes when pathological. Women’s opportunistic love involves tokens, instead.

A teen girl ran off with my good hunting jacket, the one that doesn’t get so used, Monday night, after she stole it from another teen girl. I didn’t get it back until last night. My wife was wearing it this morning.

9 years ago

Stealth motorcycle.

But will it impress the chicks?

9 years ago

Everyone who has ever done the experiment admits the pressure on men to be dominant is a lot lot lot harder than the pressure on women to be sexy.

9 years ago

@jf12 Re: Motorcycles… Your motorcycle link doesn’t work for me. Also, I ride a p.o.s. Yamaha V-Star 250. The rated maximum passenger weight for my bike is less than I weigh. Strangely, I still get girl bikers giving me IOIs occasionally as I get off my bike, even though my motorcycle is absolutely nothing to write home about, in fact, it should signal low-value by all rights. I’ve considered upgrading for a long time, and I would do it, but I’ve just had much bigger financial goals that keep getting in the way. Re: Experiential experiments… The burden of performance,… Read more »

9 years ago

Ah, love.

Nicholas spent more than $3M in remodeling the family home in just the past few years. The children and Nicholas still list the marital home as their residence.

Meanwhile last month Cathy Sparks bought a nearby house in her name alone, moving out of the marital home, and she signed a postnup months ago waiving rights to alimony.

9 years ago

re: androgynous moshes

If you give them an inch
pretty soon they’ll just want to cut it off again.

Can I be labeled “the worst one” here too? Please?

9 years ago

Starting a betting pool here to guess when the revelation of Cathy’s affair will be made. I claim the date of January 16.

Secondarily, guess whom she had an affair with.
1. Another writer who happens to shorter, stupider, and poorer than Nicholas. And he smacks her around.
2. One of the pool boys.
3. Their marriage counselor.

9 years ago

Re: Sparks pool

February 8

Local HS football team offensive line at homecoming with random flag girls from the band.

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