The Medium is the Message

I hate the term ‘Mixed Signals’ or ‘Mixed Messages’. “I dunno man, she sending me mixed messages” is a common refrain among many a Blue Pill man.

More often than not there’s nothing ‘Mixed’ being communicated, rather it’s a failure (willful or not) to read what a woman is communicating to a man. The average guy tends to ‘get’ exactly what a woman has implied with her words, but it takes practice to read her behavior and then more practice in self-control to apply it to his own interpretation.

When a woman goes from hot to cold and back again, THIS IS the message — she’s got buyers remorse, you’re not her first priority, she’s deliberating between you and what she perceives is a better Hypergamous prospect, you were better looking when she was drunk, etc. — the message isn’t the ‘what ifs’, the message IS her own hesitation and how her behavior manifests it. 10 dates before sex? This IS the message. Canceling dates? Flaking? strong interest to weak interest? This IS the message.

Women with high interest level (IL) wont confuse you. When a woman wants to fuck you she’ll find a way to fuck you. If she’s fluctuating between being into you and then not, put her away for a while and spin other plates. If she sorts it out for herself and pursues you, then you are still playing in your frame and you maintain the value of your attention to her. It’s when you patiently while away your time wondering what the magic formula is that’ll bring her around, that’s when you lean over into her frame. You need her more than she needs you and she will dictate the terms of her attentions.

What most guys think are ‘mixed messages’ or confusing behavior coming from a woman is simply due to their inability (or refusal) to make an accurate interpretation of why she’s behaving in such a manner. Usually this boils down to a guy getting so wrapped up in a girl that he’d rather make concessions for her behavior than see it for what it really is. In other words, it’s far easier to call it ‘mixed messages’ or fall back on the old chestnut of how fickle and random women are, when in fact it’s simply a rationale to keep themselves on the hook, so to speak, because they lack any real, viable, options with other women in their lives. A woman that has a high IL in a guy has no need (and less motivation) to engage in behaviors that would compromise her status with him. Women of all ILs will test a man’s fitness (i.e. shit test), and men will pass or fail accordingly, but a test is more easily recognizable when you consider the context in which they’re delivered.

More often than not women tell the complete truth with their mannerisms and behaviors, they just communicate it in a fashion that men can’t or wont understand. As a behaviorist, I’m a firm believer in the psychological principal that the only way to determine genuine motivation and/or intent is to observe the behavior of an individual. All one need do is compare behavior and the results of it to correlate intent.

A woman will communicate vast wealths of information and truths to a man if he’s only willing to accept her behavior, not exclusively her words, as the benchmark. He must also understand that the truth she betrays in her behavior is often not what he wants to accept.

We get frustrated because women communicate differently than we do. Women communicate covertly, men communicate overtly. Men convey information, women convey feeling. Men prioritize content and information, women prioritize context and feeling when they communicate. One of the great obfuscations fostered by feminization in the last quarter-century is this expectation that women are every bit as rational and inclined to analytical problem solving as men. It’s the result of an equalist mentality that misguides men into believing that women communicate no differently than men. That’s not to discount women learning to be problem solvers in their own right, but it flies in the face how women set about a specifically feminine form of communication. Scientific study after study illustrating the natural capacity women have for exceptionally complex forms of communication (to the point of proving their neural pathways are wired differently) are proudly waved in by a feminized media as proof of women’s innate merits. Yet as men, we’re expected to accept that she “means what she says, and she says what she means.”

More than a few women like to wear this as a badge of some kind of superiority, however it doesn’t necessarily mean that what they communicate is more important, or how they communicate it is more efficient, just that they have a greater capacity to understand nuances of communication better than do men. One of the easiest illustrations of this generational gender switch is to observe the communication methods of the “strong” women the media portray in popular fiction today. How do we know she’s a strong woman? The first cue is she communicates in an overt, information centered, masculine manner.

You don’t need to be psychic to understand women’s covert communication, you need to be observant. This often requires a patience that most men simply don’t have, so they write women off as duplicitous, fickle or conniving if the name fits. Even to the Men that are observant enough, and take the needed mental notes to really see it going on around them, it seems very inefficient and irrational. And why wouldn’t it? We’re Men. Our communications are (generally) information based, deductive and rational, that’s Men’s overt communication. Blunt, to the point, solve the problem and move on to the next. Feminine communication seems insane, it is a highly dysfunctional form of communication….,to be more specific, it’s a childish form of communication. This is what children do! They say one thing and do another. they throw temper tantrums. They react emotionally to everything. Yes, they do. And more often than not, they get what they’re really after — attention. Women are crazy, but it’s a calculated crazy.

Covert communication frustrates us every bit as much as overt communication frustrates women. Our language has no art to it for them, that’s why we seem dumb or simple at best to women. We filter for information to work from, not the subtle details that make communication enjoyable for women. This is the same reason we think of feminine communication as being obfuscating, confusing, even random. The difference is that our confusion and frustration is put to their ultimate use. So long as women remain unknowable, random, irrational creatures that men can’t hope to understand (but can always excuse), they can operate unhindered towards their goals. “Silly boy, you’ll never understand women, just give up” is exactly the M.O. Once you accept this, she’s earned a lifetime of get-out-of-jail-free cards. The myth of the ‘Feminine Mystique’ and a woman’s prerogative (to change her mind) is entirely dependent upon this covert communication.

Now as Men we’ll say, “Evil, immoral, manipulative woman! Shape up and do the right thing, saying one thing then doing another makes you a hypocrite!” and of course this is our rational nature overtly making itself heard and exposing a woman’s covert communication. An appeal to morality, that’ll get her, but, doesn’t.

This is because women instinctively know that their sexuality is their first, best agency, and covert communication is the best method to utilize it. Appeals to morality only work in her favor, because all she need do is agree with a Man’s overt assessment of her and suddenly he thinks he’s ‘getting through to her’. As Men, we have become so conditioned by the Feminine Mystique to expect a woman to be duplicitous with us that when she suddenly leans into masculine communication forms and resorts to our own, overt communication method and agrees with us, it seems she’s had an epiphany, or a moment of clarity. “Wow, this one’s really special, ‘high quality’, and seems to get it.” That is, so long as it suits her conditions to do so. When it doesn’t, the Feminine Mystique is there to explain it all away.

Have you ever been in a social setting, maybe a party or something, with a girlfriend or even a woman you may be dating and seemingly out of the blue she says to you privately, “ooh, did you see the dirty look that bitch just gave me?!” You were right there in her physical presence, saw the girl she was talking about, yet didn’t register a thing. Women’s natural preference for covert communication is recognizable by as early as five years old. They prefer to fight in the psychological, whereas boys fight in the physical.

Within their own peer group, little girls fight for dominance with the threat of ostracization from the group. “I wont be your friend anymore if,..” is just as much a threat to a girl as “I’m gonna punch you in the face if,..” is to a boy. This dynamic becomes much more complex as girls enter puberty, adolescence and adulthood, yet they still use the same psychological mode of combat as adults. Their covert way of communicating this using innuendo, body language, appearance, sub-communications, gestures, etc. conveys far more information than our overt, all on the table, way of communicating does. It may seem more efficient to us as Men, but our method doesn’t satisfy the same purpose.

Women enjoy the communication more than the information being transferred. It’s not a problem to be solved, it’s the communication that’s primary. When a chump supplies her with everything all at once we think, yeah, the mystery is gone, he’s not a challenge anymore, why would she be interested? This is true, but the reason that intrigue is gone is because there’s no more potential for stimulating that need for communication or her imagination. Too many men buy into the lie that ‘open communication’ is the key to a good relationship and do an ‘information dump’ believing their wives or girlfriends will appreciate it. In doing so a man denies his woman the satisfaction of communicating in teasing out the information.

Nothing is more self-satisfying for a woman than for her to believe she’s figured a man out by using her mythical ‘feminine intuition’. This intuition is really just a name given to her preferred form of communication.

Lastly, I should add that women are not above using overt communication when it serves their purposes. When a woman comes out and says something in such a fashion so as to leave no margin for misinterpretation, you can bet she’s been pushed to that point out of either fear or sheer exasperation when her covert methods wont work.

“Can’t we just be friends?” is a covert rejection, “Get away from me you creep!!” is an overt rejection. When a woman opts for the overt, rest assured, she’s out of covert ideas and knows she must use men’s form of communication. This is an easy example of this, but when a woman cries on you, screams at you, or issues an ultimatum to you she is self-acknowledging that she is powerless to the point of having to come over to your way of communicating.

Likewise, men can and do master the art of covert communications as well. Great politicians, military generals, businessmen, salesmen to be sure, and of course master pickup artists all use covert communications to achieve their goals. It’s incorrect to think of covert communication as inherently dishonest or amoral, or even in a moral context. It’s a means to an end, just as overt communication is a means to an end, and that end whether decided by men or women is what’s ethical or unethical. The medium is the message.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago What exactly were the qualities that people most wanted in their intimate partners? WHAT DO MEN AND WOMEN REALLY WANT? A SURVEY Virtually every woman agreed that foremost among the qualities they wanted in their man were: 1. Presence 2. Intelligence 3. Strength 4. Passion 5. Direction 6. Humor Did the men want the same qualities in their women? No. In fact, in two different cities, the men made lists that began like this: 1. Great in bed 2. Great in bed 3. Great in bed After I reminded them that they had to choose six different qualities, they… Read more »

6 years ago

1. Presence The number one thing women want from their man is “Communication”. It doesn’t have to be overt communication. Only manipulative women think that. (Show me your cards little Beta….) Once a woman has tested the male, and is relatively sure that he is strong enough to serve her purposes, her concern begins to revolve around making the man serve her exclusively. Many men who are relatively strong and pass the tests of the first stage, fail to understand the meaning of this second stage. This stage is extremely difficult for the average man to detect. It is instinctually… Read more »

6 years ago

Stoic is rolling up his sleeves. Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu – chapter 38 “A truly good man is not aware of his goodness, And is therefore good. A foolish man tries to be good, And is therefore not good. A truly good man does nothing, Yet nothing is left undone. A foolish man is always doing, Yet much remains to be done When a truly kind man does something, he leaves nothing undone. When a just man does something, he leaves a great deal to be done. When a disciplinarian does something and no one responds, He rolls… Read more »

6 years ago

Tao, hmm, right…7 billion people on earth and these guys getting bent out of shape cuse one guy doesn’t agree with them. @ Max: You ready to take that red pill sounds like? @ SJF: think about it, why is the guy the one resorting to her communication style via game? Its staring you in the face and you don’t want to accept it. Your the one learning game, NOT her. Do you see girls giving a shit and writing books and wasting their lives away trying to figure out how to GAME guys? Lawl And you guys missed the… Read more »

6 years ago

“You guys are in an echo-chamber hug box here on TRM” – yes “…because he thinks we are adhering to ideology” – yes “…when in actuality we are using praxeology–“what works”–and why the heck would we give up what’s working in real life? What’s the alternative to that? To do what isn’t working for us?” – sure, it works, no denying that – acknowledged the useful of game several times – but it works in the same way that giving a kid a cookie works – he likes you in the moment, who knows what the kid will think about… Read more »

6 years ago

“…why the heck would we give up what’s working in real life? What’s the alternative to that? To do what isn’t working for us?”

-yes, never raised kids before huh? You gunna give them everything they want all the time and always enter the kids frame and to make him happy and feel good…? Works quite well if your babysitting, long term your asking for a nightmare.

The solutions your using are band-aids. You game girls short-term and don’t have any conception of the lifetime investment that the girl requires.

6 years ago

Praxeology is an ideology – just like being a non-conformist is still a person conforming to an idea of not conforming, same thing.

And as far as praxology goes, I’m not referring to a priori knowledge – referring more to A posteriori knowledge.

6 years ago

@ kfg:

“Frame can be sub-communicated,this doesn’t make it the same thing as sub-communication.”

Nor is indirect communication the same thing as sub-cummunication.”

–Why are you trying to separate them? Trying to come up with neat little boxes of ideas? To the girl they are all the same.

6 years ago

“Do you see girls giving a shit and writing books and wasting their lives away trying to figure out how to GAME guys?” “Why are you trying to separate them?” Because they are not the same thing. “To the girl they are all the same.” No. To girl they are, in fact, more distinct than they are to a man. That is why a man can directly and honestly approach a woman with, “I think you’re hot. Are you DTF?” and she hears, “OMG I think you’re scary. Please don’t hurt me.” You keep using… Read more »

6 years ago

@ kfg

Of course you would misrepresent what I’m saying, because my main point has been passed over numerous times.

A girl ‘gaming’ a guy is a girl being direct and honest with self, leave it to a guy to think it’s the same style of ‘gaming’ that men do with women.

She lives in her own frame – when your sub-communicating to her, to YOU its a different experience, but she’s been subcomming the whole time consciously. I manage just fine, you’re simply attached hip and leg this idea that ‘frame’ could never possibly mean indirect or subcom.

6 years ago

“When a disciplinarian does something and no one responds, He rolls up his sleeves in an attempt to enforce order” “Tao, hmm, right…7 billion people on earth and these guys getting bent out of shape cuse one guy doesn’t agree with them.” “Wouldn’t ‘covert talk’ just be talking like a girl and becoming more womanly. Why the fuck are we conforming to women’s speak?? To game them? Fuck that shit man. Men should be making women be more direct, fuck this covert gay ass bullshit man. “It’s the only way! Women are DIFFERENT! We have to talk like this to… Read more »

6 years ago

“Fuck that shit man. Men should be making women be more direct,”

Good luck with this.

6 years ago

“when women are direct” It is an act of desperation.

6 years ago

@ boulderhead: yeah for the most part but not always, just like when a kid has to confess to stealing a cookie from the cookie jar – at first he’s gunna lie about it, but if you pressure him he’ll confess

6 years ago

When men are indirect, is this an act of desperation?

6 years ago

@ stoic Nobody’s getting bent out of shape because you disagree. It’s the manner in which you communicate your thoughts, and then fact that much of what you are saying is demonstrably false, or you’ve misunderstood many things….but are convinced of the opposite. Game, is a very real thing. Game, is not solely about women in any manner. Game works on women because biology and culture. Game that is not internalized is not true game. No serious man ” uses ” game ” on ” women as some kind of lifetime commitment to dwell in a female’s frame. Quite the… Read more »

6 years ago

“but if you pressure him he’ll confess”

Another act of desperation but man that cookie was goood.

6 years ago

Children wanna be adults, women want to be men, and men want to be God. Why you think women obsessed with children, and they ‘love’ kids so much yada yada yada…sure, it’s cuse girls are nurturing, but the subconscious reason is because they actually learn from children’s behavior. For example take men, breaking down ALL of the psychology behind women, in order to do what? To control them, to fuck them, to be better mates, etc. The real truth of the matter is girls want to be like men (not literally, but almost), they want that power men have, they… Read more »

6 years ago

“A girl ‘gaming’ a guy is a girl being direct and honest with self . . .”

You have divorced yourself from empirical reality by wish fulfillment definition and appear to be about a blink and a half away from going full Elliot Rodger.

NEVER go full Elliot Rodger.

” . . . leave it to a guy to think it’s the same style of ‘gaming’ that men do with women.””

And also appear to be experiencing a divorce from reality by rectal cranial inversion.

I commend you, dear Brother, and entrust you to your Creator.

6 years ago

‘…that one night stand ISNT an actual submission.”* – mis-type – point is that it USE to be a form of actual submission – after all having sex is about as DIRECT as it gets, but if neither person verbalizes and acknowledges the actual interest, you end up leaving the girl in her subjective lala-land for her to decide how she ‘feels’ about it. That’s not what mena re suppose to be doing. They are suppose to be getting women to verbalize what they are actually doing and how they are actually acting. It’s not JUST verbalization though, it’s a… Read more »

6 years ago

The real truth of the matter is girls want to be like men (not literally, but almost), they want that power men have, they want to do the things men do, act the way men act.

Girls want to be claimed, possessed, cared for, made tingly. You’ve mistaken a fitness test for the desire; that mistake percolates out in the rest of your text.

6 years ago

@ Blaximus

“Long story short, it’s not about them as much as it is about your particular level of understanding of them. If you understand them, you won’t helplessly enter their frame for any logical reason.”

Well said, agreed. Generally speaking though any interaction is entering her frame, she knows no other reality – she may perceive YOUR frame to be one thing , but she won’t ever see it as anything other than what she perceives it to be on a relative basis.

6 years ago


“Girls want to be claimed, possessed, cared for, made tingly.”

– so do children, EVRRYONE just wants to FEEL GOOD riiiiight? Again, go and raise kids and see if that strategy works with them. If your just nice to your kid all the time he’s gunna turn out fucked up, almost guaranteed.

6 years ago

I’m not saying you can’t make a girl feel good, but you can’t think you can do it ALL of the time. And in THIS CURRENT society, she DOESNT need to be made to FEEL any better. She already has enough GOOD fuckin feelings to last 10 lifetimes over. Your missing the point altogether. She doesn’t need your good fuckin feelings, why you think girls are soooo fuckin slutty and drawn to ‘fake alphas’ and badboys. She WANTS to be fuckin told what to do. You entering her frame (even as an act of a badboy) isn’t telling her real… Read more »

6 years ago

You wanna know what she needs to hear? Most girls need to be slut shamed more, told they are a uckin whore, told the truth. And clearly most of you ‘pua’s’ and ‘badboys’ and ‘fake alpha’s need to hear the same thing to get it through youre egotism. If you fuck a girl you’ve made a slut out of her, if she whores around, if she tells me who many dicks shes sucked the truth is she’s a slut, plain and simple, and I have no problem telling her that. But, no, ALL of you PUA’s and fake alphas out… Read more »

6 years ago

so do children, EVRRYONE just wants to FEEL GOOD riiiiight? Again, go and raise kids and see if that strategy works with them. If your just nice to your kid all the time he’s gunna turn out fucked up, almost guaranteed.

The generalization does not really work: feeling good is a sloppy term stemming from self-esteem propaganda. Having a female almost begging you to possess her is not because she wants to “feel good.” It is her bodily articulation of her limbic response to strength.

6 years ago


You have already run the PUA’s out of the discussion. The guys that are still responding to your rant consist of one that is old enough to be your grandpa,Two Alpha family men with children ,one with grandchildren, Two lesser alpha men that are married and successfully raised children.

No big deal but you are shooting your mouth off to more experienced men.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Stoic101, when will you start saying that men and women are equally equal and equalism is the solution?

6 years ago

Could be wild man.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Why you think women obsessed with children, and they ‘love’ kids so much yada yada yada…sure, it’s cuse girls are nurturing, but the subconscious reason is because they actually learn from children’s behavior.

Women are designed [*] to bear children and care for them. They don’t learn from children’s behavior. Even the dumbest blank-slate drooler wouldn’t be so stupid as to write that.

[*] Not gonna play the “origins” game. Don’t care how we humans got here, it is obvious that women’s bodies and brains are tuned tightly to the childbearing / caring function.

6 years ago

Women have the capacity to be more nurturing Wrt to children. Even though that capacity is driven biologically, as we’ve all witnessed of late, society/environment can change that capacity by degrees, in some cases rendering it practically undetectable. ” nurturing ” is slowly being stamped out in our culture.

To the point of women being whores because they’ve engaged in sexual activity, I object your honor. Hostile witness.

6 years ago

@ boulderhead

As if age really matters, the guy whose an asshole idiot when he was young won’t change much in 20-30 yrs, so your ‘experience’ is a non-sequitur – any idiot can get a girl pregnant and have kids, I can only imagine what your kids turned out to be like if your an old ass man sitting on this website; i.e. nothing better to do. Clearly no one here except the host has any new ideas to bring to the table, one big ego jerk-off-fest.

6 years ago

@ Rollo Lawl wtf? One of these guys who has to ALWAYS be “definitionally sound” in everything he does? Do you ever think abstractly or do you feel the need to put everything in neat little boxes all of the time? For the record praxeology is in fact an ideology – anything can be considered an ideology. From your beloved Wiki: “Ideology is a comprehensive set of normative beliefs, conscious and unconscious ideas, that an individual, group or society has.” “[Praxeology]…is the deductive study of human action, based on the notion that humans engage in purposeful behavior, as opposed to… Read more »

6 years ago


Age doesn’t matter, it is experience that counts, being able to maintain an LTR in this day and age, while raising children to be responsible adults, takes some effort. A negative disrespectfull attitude is exclusive.

Personally I like to check in between tasks that I have set for myself mainly for the shared wisdom and the entertainment value such as you provide..

You are talking out your ass, because in person your mouth would know better.

6 years ago

@ Rollo Just read the words in caps and it will all make sense for you. “IDEOLOGY IS A comprehensive SET OF normative beliefs, conscious and unconscious IDEAS, THAT AN INDIVIDUAL, group or society HAS.” – Ideology is a set of ideas that an individual has…there you have it, a definition I didn’t make up, it came straight from Wiki so we all know its 100% truth right? An ideology is an idea, how much more black and white do you need it spelled out? If an ideology is simply an idea, than what is a praxeology – Praxeology is… Read more »

6 years ago

@ boulderhead

Agreed LTR tough to maintain in this day and age, but if you started 30 years ago you have it easy as pie as compared to the generation of today.

6 years ago

Stoic @J
Had you pegged with checkmate, I will read more of him.

6 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader “Women are designed [*] to bear children and care for them. They don’t learn from children’s behavior. Even the dumbest blank-slate drooler wouldn’t be so stupid as to write that.” Apparently you see what you only want to see.The metaphor (which you didn’t catch it by the way) was that: children want to be like adults, women want to be like men, and men want to be like God. And again as a side note, this whole group here suffers from an impairment of inductive logic, no one seems to know how to extrapolate a meaning form… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Stoic101 @ Rollo Lawl wtf? One of these guys who has to ALWAYS be “definitionally sound” in everything he does? Strawman. Do you ever think abstractly or do you feel the need to put everything in neat little boxes all of the time? Strawman. For the record praxeology is in fact an ideology – anything can be considered an ideology. Redefining common words to suit current claim. From your beloved Wiki: Passive-aggressive. Slightly girlish. “Ideology is a comprehensive set of normative beliefs, conscious and unconscious ideas, that an individual, group or society has.” “[Praxeology]…is the deductive study of human action,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Apparently you see what you only want to see.

I see a timewasting attention-whore.

6 years ago

@ SJB “so do children, EVRRYONE just wants to FEEL GOOD riiiiight? Again, go and raise kids and see if that strategy works with them. If your just nice to your kid all the time he’s gunna turn out fucked up, almost guaranteed. The generalization does not really work: feeling good is a sloppy term stemming from self-esteem propaganda. Having a female almost begging you to possess her is not because she wants to “feel good.” It is her bodily articulation of her limbic response to strength.” You missed the sarcasm: “EVRRYONE just wants to FEEL GOOD riiiiight?” – not… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader

That’d be you, I see you post on every fuckin page suckin every readers dick. You gunna present any ideas on frame or you just gunna sit there and bitch all day? I think your just gunna bitch all day.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

That’d be you, I see you post on every fuckin page suckin every readers dick. You gunna present any ideas on frame or you just gunna sit there and bitch all day? I think your just gunna bitch all day.


6 years ago

Re: Old ass man sitting on this website. * raises hand * Guilty as charged.

Father of 2. 32 and 17 respectively. Stepdad to 1 29 year old, Godfather to an even dozen, 12-29. All female. I qualify for AARP, so I’m officially ” old “.

Personally I come to this sight to learn and think.

Kids turned out just fine. I raised them as a red pilled Dad before realizing that was what I was doing.

Never observed my girl’s mothers learning from them as children. In fact, I observed the exact opposite.

6 years ago

Like I said… if you started 30 years ago you have it easy as pie as compared to the generation of today.

6 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader

So fuckin butthurt, come up with some pov of your own instead of differing to Rollo, fuckin zealot. If you feel the need to defend your master go right ahead, “Oh, strawman, strawman” – lawl. Come up with some ideas or stfu, annoying ass cunt.

6 years ago

children want to be like adults, women want to be like men, and men want to be like God

That’s still pretty mushy; try: children want to be autonomous as they observe adults to be; women want to feel confident like the men to whom they are attracted; men want to create ex nihilo–ideation free of the burden of performance.

6 years ago

@Stoic wanabee 1or1 I always first look at anger as the manifestation of unmet expectations, in fact it can become an addiction the person that harbors anger gets a certain feeling of power a sense of superiority. This releases chemicals in the brain causing a physiological addiction to go along with the psychological addiction that causes the deviation from normal in the first place. What this does is sets one up for victim status, everything in their life becomes someone else fault. At this point of stifled growth, they get stuck in a cycle between self loathing and anger at… Read more »

6 years ago


Yeah, but are’nt we still observing and learning from the said ‘superior’? How is it a kid wants to be autonomous? From whats I can tell kid’s want to act like their older brother or sister or even their parents. Point being I don’t know why you think kids wanna do their own thing? Not only are they reliant upon their family but their entire persona’s are crafted and molded by the family.

6 years ago

@ boulderhead

Lawl – save your psychoanalyzing-babble-bullshit for the girls and children in your life.

6 years ago

Observation is just observation. You have hit the right note in being up “act”: action conforming to the imperative of survival may be an indication of learning — operant conditioning at the least.

6 years ago

“Conclusion: Time-wasting attention-whore troll.” Pretty, pretty close to spam. I can’t imaging walking into a group of guys in real life, guys that have been hanging out as a tribe for a long, long time and share a common interest, with a host that has a brand of the Red Pill, developed over 15 years– and then, talking like that. Trying to redefine how that tribe thinks in the space of a week. Without having done any background study on what the beliefs of the tribe are. I find that unfathomable as to what the end goal is, except to… Read more »

6 years ago

@ not Stoic in the least

“Lawl – save your psychoanalyzing-babble-bullshit for the girls and children in your life.”

The shoe fits perfect.

6 years ago


Right, ok, maybe, so what are you implying then? How does what you said make them want to be autonomous, sounds like an argument against such.

6 years ago

“So fuckin butthurt, come up with some pov of your own instead of differing to Rollo, fuckin zealot. If you feel the need to defend your master go right ahead, “Oh, strawman, strawman” – lawl. Come up with some ideas or stfu, annoying ass cunt.”

You spelled deferring wrong. And you for got to capitalize STFU. And you actually did use a Strawman fallacy in the first three words (wait, or was that an ad hominem?).

6 years ago

@ boulderhead

Stoicism doesn’t equal passionless, just one example to get you off my back is Musonius Rufus – said to be incredibly happy most of the time. A stoic is just indifferent and treats things as they should be treated. If you’re being an idiot I’ll treat you accordingly, if youre being nice I’ll do the same – everything has it’s worth and due.

6 years ago


your not even worth replying to anymore – /squelched

6 years ago

Right, ok, maybe, so what are you implying then?

As I pointed out prior, you’d confused the desire (“I want to be autonomous”) with the fitness test (“Are you ready for me to be autonomous? Am I ready to be autonomous?”)

6 years ago

comment image

That’s quite a stare on that pussy cat.

6 years ago


WTF is your point?

6 years ago

Stoic not

So you are claiming to be incredibly happy? Get real! You can fool some of the people some of the time, your bullshit bucket holds no water here.

You are a miserable fuck,that thinks making other people miserable gives you power. A lazy weakling,with not enough power to move his own ass and needs to ride piggy back all the time.

6 years ago

“your not even worth replying to anymore – /squelched”

Thank you. I was hoping you would say that.

And you spelled ‘you’re’ wrong Mr. Spam Master.

6 years ago

@ boulderhead

Right back at your bitch, what have you contributed to the discussion? I’m the one putting people down? Go to hell motherfucker, go reread my shit before you shoot your mouth off –
I’ve become defensive and profane cuse you all are fuckin assholes who don’t contribute fuck to a discussion and would rather insult and mock instead of asking questions – so shut the fuck up

@ boulderhead

waste of life – /squelched

6 years ago

@Stoic101: you know precisely what the point was.

6 years ago

Actually fuck this website – dick-suck-a-thon – gl out there ladies.

6 years ago

“That’s quite a stare on that pussy cat.”

Canadian county OK, I’ve seen guys imitate that stare to look innocent,hard to tell what is rolling in her squirrel cage.

6 years ago

“insult and mock ” checkmate

6 years ago

Telling me how easy I’ve had it,maybe that is why i’m so touchy LOL.

6 years ago

“Actually fuck this website – dick-suck-a-thon – gl out there ladies.”

OK Goodbye!

Stoic’s suggested solutions to women behaving badly (and women telegraphing it with The Medium is the Message) is to re-frame the body of work of Rollo’s TRM into a guys-should-have-it-easier with girls issue using a logic so preposterously adolescent that if you laid this on your Dad when you were 16 he’d backhand slap you right out of the Glee Club.

(Hey, I stole/adapted that from a The Last Psychiatrist’s blog statement in his essay Who Bullies the Bullies?)

6 years ago

I had to come back for one more lawl Here you go SJF – I’m gunna do to you what you did to me the WHOLE time – because as far as I can tell you simply attack – and then you get butthurt – and then you attack more – and then you get even more butthurt – ouch – poor baby – at any point did you actually try to discuss any of the questions I poised? Maybe you tried, but it hurt your ego and brain and so you shut down – like a girl – and… Read more »

6 years ago

Man – I LOVE SJF’s last reply: “Actually fuck this website – dick-suck-a-thon – gl out there ladies.” and HE GOES “OK Goodbye!” LAWL OMFG man I’m laughing so fuckin hard – you know how many girls txt that exact same shit when I say goodbye!? Like 9 our of 10 girls txt literally the EXACT same thing. “OK GOODBYE” – LAWALWALWALWAL – code for I LOVE YOU ahaha – oh my fucking god man – it shows your true beta nature – I say goodbye as a means of drawing you into the drama – and you eat it… Read more »

6 years ago

Sperg Wars Return of the Autist.

6 years ago

@stoic you know I wonder what is really wrong with hating someone when that’s a normal human emotion. Why is it that we can’t hate what women have done to society and the men that let it happen? For some reason people thing hate automatically means evil or bad. Why can’t we get mad when we hear stories of women putting men in jail because of child support. Or women divorcing men and taking the majority of their money or even end up killing their boyfriend because he left her. People on this site and also on the reddit redpill… Read more »

6 years ago

I think I see what the issue is (was?) here. Stoic isn’t saying Game doesn’t work. He’s saying that he wishes men didn’t use Game because on a society-wide level it would be better, in his mind, if men were the solipsistic ones and “forced women out of their frame” om a wide scale by all guys behaving like Corey. OK. Well that’s an interesting perspective I guess but a couple of points. First, all men will never be like Corey. It’s axiomatic that most men are beta follower types and not DGAF alpha types (similarly, most men will never… Read more »

6 years ago

@marsocdevildog1379 “I wonder what is really wrong with hating someone when that’s a normal human emotion. Why is it that we can’t hate what women have done to society and the men that let it happen?” 1; What is really wrong with hating someone is, that negative “emotion” is hurting you more than them. To the exact extent that we allow this hate to permeate our thoughts we give our lives to the things we hate. We are actually giving them rent free space in our minds. This is a waste of time and energy that could be better spent… Read more »

6 years ago

Thanks for the interpretation NovaSeeker. Truth be told, I felt like feeding that last bolus to the troll because I figured he would get sick and puke it up on the stage. Thanks for doing that Stoic. Yes, I didn’t (past tense) like Stoic for what he was saying because he lacks a fundamental understanding of red pill concepts (he’s very ignorant of them) and he basing his feelings off an anger stage of grief. So some of the arguments that he makes are based on false premises. Even his reasoning based on what women’s hierarchy of love looks like,… Read more »

6 years ago

As Mersonia just stated in Field Reports: “My life is so much better with women in it….than without” Me too. So in the spirit of The Medium is the Message, it is utility to understand what women are like and how they operate. I don’t believe in being angry about how things ought to be. I accept how things are and prefer agency with women and like relationships with them. I even like having interesting woman as friends (as well as: I like having sex with my wife, she’s attractive and interesting). I don’t even take the following passage as… Read more »

6 years ago

“Stoic isn’t saying Game doesn’t work.” I don’t know that anybody thought he was. “He’s saying that he wishes men didn’t use Game . . .” Because he doesn’t know what game is. He thinks game is what PUAs teach. He doesn’t know that what he is suggesting to do is . . . game. And it would help if he knew what PUAs teach, what Rollo teaches and the differences between them. And why. “He’s saying that he wishes . . .” THAT is the issue here. If wishes were horses then beggars would ride. And he wishes so… Read more »

6 years ago

@boulderhead that’s the problem you think just because I hate some one I have them on my mind and letting them get the best of me. I can dove my own live problems perfectly fine but when the person I hate happens to pop up on tv or around my walking stance I am able to turn the channel or walk away. Hate is actually a useful energy to change things especially yourself for the better. Also just because what women is doing is apart of their nature dosent make it right and acceptable. I will always shame them for… Read more »

6 years ago

Hate is useless for grown ass men unless it motivates one to change what he hates. The average guy is incapable of doing this on his own. So continuing to hate is useless and keeps you in someone or something’s frame. Yeah, you lose mentally. I don’t like hurricanes and blizzards, but I don’t waste my time hating, lol. If you don’t care for how women act in your presence, then change that. If you can’t figure out how to influence how they act/are around you and you settle on hating, you are failing as a man. Do me a… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh yeah, pro tip: if someone is occupying space in your head, at least charge them rent.

6 years ago

@Blaximus Haa nice joke you think just because someone has a feeling of hate they can’t control it out bursts of anger that’s a different story but hate can be controlled and can be used for your advantage

6 years ago

Also there’s a difference between not liking something and hating something

6 years ago

He doesn’t know that what he is suggesting to do is . . . game.

Yes, that’s correct.

Plus, there is no global/societal solution. As you say, we’ve been over this many times already, but it still keeps coming up once or twice a year from someone new. I suppose this is because there are a lot of guys who are “systemic” in the way they look at things, where this is something that doesn’t have a viable systemic solution for various reasons. Again, old territory, but does keep coming up.

6 years ago

Hate consumes a lot of energy. It can be a motive (look at the Nazis), but it generally harms you more than helps you in the long run, despite that. The energy you get back when you stop hating is a huge dividend that you can invest in other self-improvement areas with a more positive attitude, which actually in itself makes your life more pleasant, and therefore better.

6 years ago

@Marsocdevildog1379 good that you have achieved the amount of self control and mastery to control your emotional outward appearance. What I am suggesting is to take that a step further and control your own mind and thoughts.Stop wasting time, hating is just being a tool for the FI. The invention of birth control gave women the ultimate power in reproduction thereby giving them choice in hypergamy. While on the surface it seems like a good thing to stop the population explosion. It was a major turning point to a feminine primary social order. The men that still promote womens rights… Read more »

6 years ago

“Definition of hate. 1 a :intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury.”

I’m not afraid of them, not angry at them for being stupid and was going to get injured someway no matter how or by who.

Time to end the pity party and get on with life.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

boulderhead says – What women have done to society,is basic human nature, simply trying to get the best deal they can, make their life as easy as possible. Acceptance, on the Kübler-Ross model. Once you get here, you are basically home free. But it can take a while to get that far. A longer trip for some than for others as is regularly seen here. I feel like I’m getting close to fleshing out the third bullet point I’ve been looking for (for some reason there must be 3 bullet points), yet it remains just out of reach. Once the… Read more »

6 years ago

@boulderhead It sounds like the feminist imperative was the best this that happened to you guys good for you but other men are trying to change that.

6 years ago


Hehe the FI is far from the best thing that ever happened to this guy. I am definitely doing my part to change things for the better,my immediate environment is living proof. You won’t find me complaining on the past or blaming maybe some finger pointing.

Do you think I should hate you for believing hormonal birth control is a good thing?

If you can find the time this is a good read.

6 years ago

@ boulderhead what ever you feel about me is your opinion but you don’t have to necessarily hate me. How is that even a point I think you believe that I hate a lot of people don’t you?

6 years ago

@Marsocdevildog1379 You are the self proclaimed hater of men that support feminism and you think hormonal birth control for women is a good thing. You obviously support her hypergamic prerogative,thereby much of the source of the problem. Meaning that you support feminism unknowingly. My guess is you to are lazy and just here for argumentative kicks, some sort of rabble rouser. So you didn’t take time to read the article. Or maybe it is above your reading comprehension level or beyond your span of attention, in which case you could always use a dictionary to look up the big words… Read more »

6 years ago

@wow stoic was right you didn’t have to attack me and I did read the article. But I see where this is going I’m out.

6 years ago


“Birth control was the only good thing that happened and women barely use that shit.”

First blood

“@boulderhead It sounds like the feminist imperative was the best this that happened to you guys good for you but other men are trying to change that.”

I have no control over you,what I think about you is of no consequence, if you feel that was an attack you are to touchy.

If you boys want to be on the front line in the battle you will toughen up soon enough.

Paradise Found
Paradise Found
6 years ago

@ boulderhead
Wow, why does Rollo put up with you, your ruining this comment section major.

[Sockpuppet. This is Stoic’s IP. Spam confirmed. Say hi to the Sperg for me.]

6 years ago

I was looking at it sexual benefits for men who are mgtow or red pill and don’t want kids since society is already screwed and they don’t want to bring a child in the world to witness this horror. I understand that during sex guys don’t want to pull out to cum during sex and condoms can always pop or they are defected when they are made so if the condom fails on me at least the birth control she took would stop the unwanted pregnancy from taking place but I also pears the pills make women less arroused and… Read more »

6 years ago

@Paradise Found

I know what you mean,I am amazed every time I key the post comment and something happens. Someday he will probably take all of my hoodoo offensive comments and sponge them from the record. We can only hope it is soon.

6 years ago

@Marsocdevildog1379 I know what you mean. First men who are MGTOW don’t have any sexual benefits. Men, I believe start out from the sexual benefits stance of not wanting kids. The world isn’t that horrible, when we consider the numbers of people on the planet, things could be worse. I used to hate having to pull out right at the moment when a deeper thrust was called for. And who wants to take a shower while wearing a raincoat? Never really had the problem of her being less aroused or horny from the pill, could be a factor though. Again… Read more »

6 years ago

What I ment by MGTOW men having sexual benefits is that MGTOW men still do have sex with women but they don’t want kids like you said so that’s where I thought the pill could help but I guess you mind as well go pornstar mode and pull out and let her have it. But at least we agree on the other stuff

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