State Control

Reader, constrainedlocus had an interesting thought in the Anger Bias essay comment thread:

“The point is that a feminine-primary social order readily makes this nature a useful tool in dismissing what would otherwise be valid, but uncomfortable Red Pill truth. This anger bias mechanism is a tool for message control.”

What I find interesting is that, from my own personal observations of men in both marriage and long-term relationships, is that this dismissal happens readily and frequently at the micro level in sexual relationships as well. It’s impossible for men not to notice the hypocrisy.

A man need not experience the trivialization of his anger from “the sisterhood” response in the media, in the corporate setting, or even while at a party with other couples.

I think it now common for a wife or long-term girlfriend to assume a certain privilege or “authority” to express and direct her own anger, indignation and outrage rather freely and loudly – whenever she wishes – toward her male companion, without much consequence.

But should her male companion ever lose his composure, raise his voice in anger toward here, then this is either considered “verbal abuse”, an uncalled for overreaction, or his complaint is simply trivialized, ridiculed or disqualified by her, much like she would belittle the tantrum of her own young child.

Who has not witnessed wives scold their husbands in public at a restaurant or at a park like little children for his getting angry at her attitude or behavior? “Don’t you EVER raise your voice at me, mister!”.

I realize this is all about a man’s frame in the relationship.
I know that it is a weak man who tolerates this, while a wise man just ignores or nexts it.

Indeed, it is all about control.

But I still find it fascinating the confidence level with which so many women feel they can just scoff and ridicule the anger of men in relationships overtly, while unilaterally assuming the validity and overriding importance of their own anger whenever convenient for them.

It’s seems like an added bolt-on power up of feminist triumphalism.

Even among ourselves, we men are not supposed to show such angry emotions, at risk of verbal abuse or a humiliating well-deserved fucking beat down. Us dudes are to be these rational Vulcans walking around and doing shit, deleting emotion commands from our code. Because the thought is this: allowing someone else’s behavior to determine your feelings and emotional response is regarded as a sign of male weakness.
Anger should be expressed infrequently, and when expressed, done decisively and with brevity and action.

I think a lot of dudes recovering from blue pill conditioning struggle with this immensely, and are not sure what to do when their anger and frustration is openly minimized, trivialized or negated by their wife or LTR.

In a feminine-primary social order men are expected to show exactly this emotional restraint out of fear for being considered a typical, angry bully for any marginal display of aggressiveness. Yet, men are simultaneously conditioned to be emotionally expressive, emotionally available, in order to be ‘fully actualized’ human beings. They’re taught that strength is weakness and weakness is strength, and that vulnerability and emotionalism makes them whole persons.

Then the narrative changes again as per the needs of the Feminine Imperative. Men who are agreeable and show humility are punished with a removal of women’s sexual interest in them, while more conventionally masculine men, more Alpha, potentially more aggressive men who display outward signs of it – the emotions they’re taught to repress – are more commonly rewarded with women’s sexual interests.

When you have a social structure based on a calculated duplicity and confusion of purpose is it any wonder we see a generation of frustrated Betas with a perceived potential for violence? We’re supposed to delete emotional commands, but also to be more emotionally available and in touch (whatever the fuck that means) with our emotions. What it really comes down to is men are socialized to be automatons whose emotional connection should only apply to those emotions that benefit and complement with the Feminine Imperative and repress the emotions that frighten or potentially threaten the Feminine Imperative. In other words, to become more like women is to become a more perfected ‘man’ by today’s metric.

Blank-slate Feminism

We presently live in a feminine-primary social order that wants to convince us that egalitarian equalism is the normative presumption between men and women. The blank-slate idea is that men are the functional equivalents of women, but, for all the social constructivism, men need to train, learn, be conditioned to constrain the aspects of themselves that conflict with their identities becoming more like women in their emotional nature. If boys and men can be conditioned (or medically treated) to repress every evolved aspect of their maleness that conflicts with aligning with the feminine they can be trained to be ostensibly more ‘equal’ beings. In this mindset, for a man to become more ‘equal’ he must be more feminine.

The normative belief is that boys and men are simply unperfected women, but the subtext to this is that men and women, binary genders, are (or ought to be) functional equivalents. This too is based on the (I believe flawed) Jungian theory of anima and animus; that no matter the sex, every ‘person’ has some counterbalancing elements of male and female nature to them. I believe this is a flawed theory for the simple fact that men and women have never been functional equals from an evolutionary standpoint and modern science is disproving Jung’s (often metaphysical) presumptions with neurological and hormonal (and the functional behaviors that derive from either sex’s innate structures) understanding that didn’t exist in Jung’s time.

I’ve dug into why I have a problem with Jung in the past, but the point I’m making is that, in Jung, the Feminine Imperative and 2nd and 3rd wave feminist agendas have had an incestuous affair with his theories and conflating overwhelmingly disproven blank-slate equalism. This conflation of flawed theory has been the foundation for normalizing the social feminization of boys and men for almost a century now.

With this equalist presumption as a point of origin, the first step is to condition boys for emotional control.

State Control

Emotions have an evolutionary purpose in men and women. We can trace the manifested behaviors of emotional response to survival-specific functions. Oxytocin, for instance, predisposes human beings to feelings of trust and nurturing which primarily affects women most. The effects of testosterone, which men produce 12-17 times the amount that women do, are well known and masculinize the human body. These are just some basic hormonal differences, but the function behind the effects of those hormones (as well as men and women neurological structure) is where we run into conflict with the Feminine Imperative.

For millennia, boys and men have been taught to control their emotive states. This practice in control isn’t something that sprang up a few hundred years ago, we’re talking ancient cultures teaching their young men to resist losing their rational state-control over to an emotionalism that had a potential to get a man into some serious trouble. In some respects this self-control has been a necessary part of men’s upbringing, but also because men and women experience emotional states differently as a result of evolved biological differences. Women tend to process negative emotions differently than men. This processing isn’t due to some socially constructed acculturation, it is the result of the differences in men and women’s mental firmware. This is also a primary reason why making an emotional impact on a woman, positive or negative, is a source of stimulation for them. Men’s arousal may be founded on visual cues, but women are wired for emotional cues.

Likewise, men’s emotive states run a different gamut than that of women. As I mentioned in the Anger Bias essay, men are less predisposed to emotional states that women believe are beneficial in their own experience. In a feminine-correct social state, where women’s experiences define the norm, and in a social constructivist perspective, this amounts to a ‘repression’ of emotions. The idea is that an overly masculine acculturation of boys leads them to holding back the emotions that women tend to build their lives around. The real truth is that men process emotions, and prioritize the expression of those emotions, much more as a result of our own mental firmware than social repression.

That’s not to say there isn’t some social influence over teaching men to learn self-control over those emotions. As I just mentioned, young men have been taught for millennia to have state control by each other, their mentors and their peers, but since the time of the sexual revolution and the rise of a feminine primary social order this state control has been turned into a net negative.

So, in a sense, young men of the last 4-5 generations are caught between pleasing two masters. To be considered the ‘equal’ that feminine-primary egalitarianism would have them be they must first get in touch with their emotions. However, the only emotions they are taught are valid are those that make them more alike and identifying with women; nurturing, crying, expressing vulnerability, etc., essentially anything not characteristic of conventional masculinity. This of course has the effect of women subconsciously perceiving them as they would other women, and not potential intimates. Essentially, this aligning with women’s experience of emotion desexualizes men.

Yet, on the other hand, men are expected to repress their emotions in terms of having a state control that appeals to women’s Hypergamous need for security. Thus, the emotions that might better serve men in a survivalist utility are exactly those which feminine-correct society considers negative or ‘toxic’ and therefore must be controlled. The problem inherent in all of this is that it is feminine-primacy that is defining what men’s experience of emotion is acceptable despite it being the cause of so much of women’s frustration with men.

As the saying goes, women get the men they deserve and the emotive, masculine-confused men of today are simply the result of a social order that’s standardized the female experience as the definition of what blank-slate equalism should be for both sexes – but really as a means of social control for women whose experience is defined by an unsolvable need for certain security.

None of this is to say men ought not to express themselves emotionally or avoid being artists and poets or whatever in favor of some uninspired stoicism, but it is to say that Red Pill aware men should also be aware of the feminine-primary influences informing their expectations of expressing any or no emotion. That may seem like a drawn out way of saying ‘own your emotions’, but it’s my belief that for men to reclaim conventional masculinity it will require them to honestly assess why and how they choose to express or control their emotional states based on their own definition of what is correct from a male perspective, not the female perspective.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

@ Boxcar I’ve suspected low T. I have a beer belly and while I don’t have any issues getting an erection my heart is in awful shape. I get winded easily and it takes a long time for my heart rate to come back down to normal. I’m hesitant about TRT only because I’m afraid of a “crash,” like feeling good when my levels are up but when they drop back down, what will I do? What’s your experience? I’m one of those people that is paranoid about doctors and will avoid them at all costs although I would be… Read more »

6 years ago

angry female = empowered.
angry male = misogynist.

Feminism is such a fraud.

6 years ago

kfg This is funny as Hyena fuck. “Toxic hypermasculinity derives its significance directly from the conceptual penis and applies itself to supporting neocapitalist materialism, which is a fundamental driver of climate change, especially in the rampant use of carbon-emitting fossil fuel technologies and careless domination of virgin natural environments. We need not delve deeply into criticisms of dialectic objectivism, or their relationships with masculine tropes like the conceptual penis to make effective criticism of (exclusionary) dialectic objectivism. All perspectives matter. If you’re having trouble understanding what any of that means, there are two important points to consider. First, we don’t… Read more »

6 years ago


Do these fools think Pence will make a more controlable pres than Trump? Or do they think they can oust the whole nonparty?

Sure America and the west seems to be on the dole and well feminized beyond repair. Even a man like Trump with all the experience he has doesn’t stand a chance in fixing things back to reality.

You are correct in that things have a way of self correcting,if left alone, but i have never met anyone that could leave things alone to see what happens.

6 years ago

@ kfg Reminds me of my friend telling me about a photography class he took in college. They made everyone right a paper based on the premise that cameras are inherently “phallic” and how movies are by default “male dominated” because….uh. I forget. But it had something to do with the idea that cameras are vaguely shaped like penises. And the very nature of recording was a sexist and male-dominated action and how we could take steps to make it more geared towards women. I am not making this up. I’ll ask him about it. He told me he wrote… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Softek I’ve suspected low T. I have a beer belly That is not good for you. Too much sugar, either as sucrose / fructose, or as cheap carbs. Also associated with low T. and while I don’t have any issues getting an erection my heart is in awful shape. I get winded easily and it takes a long time for my heart rate to come back down to normal. I am not a doctor but the combo of “beer belly”, “winded easily” and “high heart rate” all adds up to possible circulatory issues. Consider walking at a steady pace for… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Softek I’m hesitant about TRT only because I’m afraid of a “crash, First get your weight down, lose that beer sack, build some endurance, build some muscle, then if your T is still low you can think about needles or some other TRT method. For now, like a lot of us, you just need to get off your butt, get moving and keep on moving. Yeah, I’m looking in the mirror as I write this. More generally: The increase in low T men, especially under 30, surely has a lot of factors from bisphenol to soy to estrogen water pollution,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Softex, I see we posted about the same time.

kfg, the best part of that paper is the cite to the Postmodern Generator

because I didn’t know about it before. Now I do. Endless entertainment.

6 years ago

@ stuffin For all the bullshit like this: …at least we have memes making fun of it like this: I also find it entertaining that songs like this have become really popular in meme videos, like videos on Instagram: I’ve only met a couple people that take feminist shit seriously. And it’s kinda disturbing. And the fact that that web comic is a real thing and people support it is especially disturbing. I don’t think any amount of memes could make up for the fact that it exists or ever existed in the first place. And… Read more »

6 years ago

@ stuff Lol at Pence, but there’s some nasty shit afoot. If things don’t simmer down, we might just be looking at President Pence. He won’t have to be controlled because he is a standard, run of the mill Washington politician. All of his ” aw shucks ” act is just that. If the Donald can stop tweeting and talking off the cuff/script, he might’ve had a great chance at surviving all of the inquiries coming his way. Instead, he still acts like he’s on the Apprentice, firing people willy nilly. I don’t think Trump can actually fix the country… Read more »

6 years ago

@ AR

” The increase in low T men, especially under 30, surely has a lot of factors from bisphenol to soy to estrogen water pollution, but it’s also part of the more sedentary lifestyle. PE classes are mostly optional in high school now, nobody learns basic exercise techniques in school anymore.”


6 years ago


Wow dude,on the cuck thing they can’t be serious! Can They?

6 years ago


I know your right,The first pres that isn’t a lawyer,says what he really thinks,and may be the most honest man is Trump. Too bad he’s full of shit.

6 years ago

I’ve attempted on 3 separate occasions to reply to Softek, but found that I am woefully unqualified and abandoned the attempts.

but what is the purpose of that whole cuck thing? I mean, more importantly, what is the purpose of paying attention to something like that? It’s a pre-buffered distraction.

6 years ago

@ stuffinbox

I thought it was a joke at first too, but it looks like they’re quite serious.

6 years ago

@ Softek

” I thought it was a joke at first too, but it looks like they’re quite serious.”

Oh no, it is a joke regardless to how seriously it’s taken.

Don’t take jokes seriously, and don’t be the butt of them either.

6 years ago

@ Blaximus

I don’t know about the cuck thing. I was just surprised it existed. I thought it was relevant to the discussion but now that I stop and think about it I’m not sure why I thought so. Lol.

6 years ago

@ Blaximus “Oh no, it is a joke regardless to how seriously it’s taken.” Ha. I’m going to remember that. That also seems to be the Internet opinion of it anyway. The only purpose that comic has served is as cannon fodder for memes. I’m feeling a bit better today. I’m just imagining the summation of all the advice I got here as a guy holding his hands out. One of his hands has his fingers made into a circle and on the other hand he’s pointing his index finger. “Okay. You’re the pointer finger. And any attractive girl you… Read more »

6 years ago

@AR You forgot to mention excessive cortisol from STRESS. Which Softek is sucking on like it’s a firehose at full blast. And don’t forget: A man having agency via Red Pill Awareness and mastery of Game has higher testosterone. Because of less stress. Diet (masculine foods), weightlifting, avoiding soys, and not being passive are well known factors. Next question How Do You Avoid Stress? Well in my book, that is a pretty dumb question. Right up there with: “Are there any diets for poor people?”. @Softek Be careful about self deprecating to the point that you state you can’t try.… Read more »

6 years ago


you damn well better be feeling great,i know I am.

6 years ago

“But, the Saudis bought 10 billion is weapons. As Trump says ‘ Jobs, Jobs, Jobs..”.

Think it was 110 billion. Not just weapons though. Seven months ago Obama struck a deal with Saudi for 115 billion so it’s probably a continuation of that. I doubt they upped it to 260 billion. And the number is too close to be a coincidence.

For anyone interested in who is selling what weapons to whom (at least in the open market), and when, the SIPRI arms transfer database offers a wealth of info.
You can download the trade registries here:

6 years ago

“I am not a doctor but the combo of “beer belly”, “winded easily” and “high heart rate” all adds up to . . .”

. . .low T and mitochondrial atrophy. Even if circulation is just fine the cells themselves can’t make use of the delivered product to make energy.

The suggested intervention is the same though. Cut back on everything with an “-ose” in it, walk and lift.

” . . . the best part of that paper is the cite to the Postmodern Generator . . .”

Yeah, that’s the bit that put me on the floor.

6 years ago

@ AR

The joke’s on me.

I was watching Trump speak, and he said 110 billion in weapons, but the crawl at the bottom of the screen said ‘ 10 billion ‘, so I assumed Trump was inflating the number.

Isreal is going to be thrilled. Again. Now we have to sell them 220 billion.

6 years ago

“I’m feeling a bit better today.” Well that makes me feel better. Regarding the comment from Roused above, I talked him off a Blue Pill ledge last week when he had important inflection point in his Reconstruction. I told him that he had to have Honor Among Men. IOW go out there and perform like an Alpha male with your girlfriends birthday and then her business trip with you to another city (among work colleages and boss). Don’t let me be disappointed in you being Alpha. And it sounds like he slayed it. Prior to me talking to him, with… Read more »

6 years ago

Thanks Blax
I reckon all us old salty bastards sound the same

6 years ago


“I’ve attempted on 3 separate occasions to reply to Softek, but found that I am woefully unqualified and abandoned the attempts.”

Exactly, you know yourself well and you know you have no reference experiences in being blue pill and beta. No harm no foul.

6 years ago

If you run tes e to avoid spikes and drops on your tes level Hit the interwebz, get 50 mls of 250 mgs tes e, 50 or so weeks of Nolvadex, about the same for some t3. Take 1/2 mill of tes e on Monday, another on Thursday, take the 20 mcgs/ 1 tab of Nolvadex and take 50 mcgs of t3 every day. Will take 2 weeks or so for the tes e to really get going. If you don’t have a raging boners all day, every fucking day in 2 and a half weeks, add another 1/2 ml… Read more »

6 years ago

Odds are good you ain’t going to get off your fat ass if your low to, which is why I recommend you fix that 1st. Get your tes levels right and shit will fix itself

6 years ago

@SFC Ton

We live in parallel/totally different universes. But your last post on your blog was fucking great.

Thanks for the excellent Frame/State control speech. It resonates well. Which is what tribal members do, the resonate with others. In the tribe. Ingroup altruism and outgroup malice. Not pussy ingroup malice and outgroup altruism.

Thanks man.

6 years ago

@Softek I feel a little bit inconsistent on TRT and I am still not sure why that is. But the key thing is that I have only seen positive improvements and my testosterone levels are totally consistent. Two injections a week will easily keep my test levels above 1,000 (but to be honest, I feel good enough in the 700-900 range). But like any medical treatment, there are potential pitfalls and side effects. It really pays to find a good doc AND to educate yourself. I post at the Peak Testosterone forum, but there are other good forums out there.… Read more »

6 years ago


So it sounds like you have figured out the before-sex frame, but not the after-sex frame. I do not think that they are all that different. But after reading a lot of your posts, it seems (I could be wrong) that you do not know where you want to lead the relationship. If that is the case, then you are forcing her to frame the relationship, even if she would be willing to follow your lead.

6 years ago

Thank you for the kind wodds SJF

6 years ago

“Likewise, men’s emotive states run a different gamut than that of women. As I mentioned in the Anger Bias essay, men are less predisposed to emotional states that women believe are beneficial in their own experience. In a feminine-correct social state, where women’s experiences define the norm, and in a social constructivist perspective, this amounts to a ‘repression’ of emotions. The idea is that an overly masculine acculturation of boys leads them to holding back the emotions that women tend to build their lives around. The real truth is that men process emotions, and prioritize the expression of those emotions,… Read more »

6 years ago

“Motivation + work=success” Cosign…with some non-contrarian thoughts, “I can’t teach you boys motivation….teaching motivation is a fool’s errand. ” is a common phrase in the Eh house. A good example goes only so far. Seeing them succeed ultimately feeds my own joy lifting others. That’s my incentive, not theirs. I’ve tried to live non-vicariously through my children as their success is theirs alone. Rollo states he’s trying to help guys help themselves. He rarely, if he’s ever, given direct advice here. Any legit self-help book is prefaced with a variation of “It’s you, buddy”. Sentient points out to men in… Read more »

6 years ago

@ EhIntellect “At what point does advice sustain dysfunction rather than allievate it? How to, for example, help a guy stuck at a RP stage of grief…and get on with it, without addicting him to the self-serving introspection?” At the point that it is too friendly in order to merely be friendly. At the point that your buddy realizes that self-destruction is not self-improvement and calls you out on your weaknesses. Law #2: Never put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn how to use Enemies Be wary of friends-they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to… Read more »

6 years ago

On the topic of how to succeed when you are failing (and young), I came across this podcast done with Robert Greene. At the end at the 1:10:00 mark, the host asks Robert Greene for his three best ideas of advice. He only ends of giving one to newbies and young ones. 1. Lower your expectations Focus on something simple. Don’t diffuse your brain with a thousand things. Don’t go on to a thousand things until you have mastered a few. Master yourself. Kinda like the old Greek saying: Know Thyself. At a young age and esp. guys knew to… Read more »

6 years ago

Thanks for the reply, podcast…and editing my comment to comprehension.

6 years ago

@EhIntellect “Thanks for the reply…” You’re welcome you Mr. Enemy Maker you. LOL. You good father you. You who did the work you. Successfully overcome a problem or weakness with a mindset that makes all of those hurdles you formerly imagined as being high hurdles always be now low hurdles with your red pill and game with clear lenses. Put on your red pill spectacles and create things with actions. You’ve been informed. Just do it now. In that podcast the host mentioned guys running into invisible barriers in their path. Only newbies without awareness and mastery hit those invisible… Read more »

6 years ago

@Softek Long time lurker, but I have commented occassionally. To enjoy building mastery I believe you have to love what you do, intrisically. Like would you still want to improve yourself if you were the last human on earth? That's intrinsic motivation, doing what you love, and truly being your own mental point of origin. Now, it's okay to accept some part of you wants to improve to spark the respect of men and desire of women. Rollo touched on this in Crisis of Motive, but ultimately at the core alphas are internally motivated. If you don't want to do… Read more »

6 years ago

“Mr. Enemy Maker you” @SJF Your return to the CC, social life came after pulling away for an extended period, as I recall reading. Did you recreate yourself into the new and improved SJF, a blend of your past and present SJF? If so, was that accepted? Do, did people remember the old you? Were you the betaized SJF before, then someone unrecognizable after? I’m naturally attracted to the social scene, easily make acquaintances. It’s been easier creating many new shallow friendships than rehabilitating established ones. I’ve realized my energy given to, first, my marriage, secondly, my friendships was value… Read more »

6 years ago

@EhIntellect “Did you recreate yourself into the new and improved SJF, a blend of your past and present SJF? If so, was that accepted? Do, did people remember the old you? Were you the betaized SJF before, then someone unrecognizable after?”</I We've been members of the country club for about 10 years. Five years ago I hit my social nadir. Where I was withdrawing out of a need to conserve my introverted battery energy. My neighborhood, the country club the former high school and the state college all share a lot of integrated social parties. It's 90% everyone is married,… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

This post reveals a concept I had not considered before.

Power is confirmed by who controls a relationship. Each party to a relationship ultimately controls their perspective, intents and expectations regarding the relationship. A more effecteve way to establish more power is to acquire control of the control.

This post provides illumination of how the FI has acquired control of a mans control over his emotions.

6 years ago


In this modern world where women are constantly pushing for equality, You would expect at least 60 more would have the decency to achieve successful suicide every day.

6 years ago


Science is hard!

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

Regarding Soundgarden guy topping himself: In one sense yes Chris Cornell sadly fits the pattern of white American middle aged men adopting the world view of What The Fuck, and opting to Do The Standing Still. But since the NBC story subject is drugs drugs drugs it is fitting for me to jump in here until my next Crystal Ship trip kicks in. The particular antidepressant he was apparently taking, Ativan, is a mild anti-depressive and anti-anxiety pill when taken PRN (as needed) in small doses. Sometimes a “maintenance” regular dose is indicated for longer periods, in place of stronger… Read more »

6 years ago


^ Bringing us back to the question of why so many power drinks fast cars and mood altering substances in the first place?

There are no studies that prove the disparity of “modern egalitarian” gender dynamics as a common denominator in suicide for both sexes, Buuuttt after years of observation it is becoming quite apparent to me this is a big part of what is going sideways on this slope.

6 years ago

One day on a city ambulance as a medic in between the accidents, heart attacks, hypoglycemia and patient transfer calls,there are your average run of the mill suicide threats attempts and successes. The woman that has been taking her daughters meds and goes to her daughters therapist to get some,when this doesn’t go as planned she threatens suicide. This plan to get drugs also backfires as the licensed therapist must report this and we show up and haul her in for a 72 hr hold.. Tough titties babe. The 16 yo boy that threatened suicide out of seeming inescapeable misery,Then… Read more »

6 years ago

@Fred the Falangist haha

regarding depression and the fast-paced life

constant sex, drugs, power bikes…feelz rush => addiction to feelz…does addiction lead to depression and suicide?

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books for Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books for Cucks)
6 years ago

@LSDgamer (ho! ha! he!) Hard to say for sure. Addiction doesn’t help, and you can get a jones for the stuff. As I understand it, the overuse of the drug, over a period of time, may itself amplify whatever depression or anxiety it was supposed to treat. Makes it unbearable. You take more to counteract that, which makes it worse. This is more prone to happen with SSRI long-term anti-depressants like Zoloft but it seems benzodiazepenes can do it too. Or its sedative effect (which worsens the more constantly you take it) could have played a part. Maybe he didn’t… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books for Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books for Cucks)
6 years ago

Following on @stuffinbox

Sometimes the victim is not trying to top himself, just trying to “make a statement” and get people to feel sorry for them. Sadly, sometimes the rope holds, or the bullet goes where it shouldn’t, or the overdose is just right…

This information comes from a trusted source, Juan Hu Nose.

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago After reading the article accessible through the link above, one cannot help but wonder if TRP, the manosphere, PUA and all we discuss here is our way of becoming more feminized. The author, a feminist, compares basic fundamentals common to TRP and feminist concerns. Her recognition of these commonalities and her empathy for RP men could confirm that RP men are thinking and behaving more like females than males have “traditionally”. In order for this feminine thought and behavior to be accepted and practiced by males, it is crucial that “traditional’ male imperatives be delegitimized. “The old set of… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

…will adopt any new set of books.

6 years ago

This practice in control isn’t something that sprang up a few hundred years ago, we’re talking ancient cultures teaching their young men to resist losing their rational state-control over to an emotionalism that had a potential to get a man into some serious trouble.

6 years ago

I was at the birthday party with my LTR and it was the first time i would meet her family. We got there and there were her three sisters, her parents and three kids ( her older sister kids). Kids were two girls and one boy. It was one of the little girls birthday and i was rather shocked how everyone was treating the boy ( 5 year old). Whatever he said or did, every womn in group was shouting at him or yelling and condescending him. At one point the kid reached to the cake with hand as kids… Read more »

6 years ago

Why so many fast cars, mind altering substances etc?

Drinking, fucking, fighting, do triple digits on a bike or in a car…. jumping out of planes….. rock climbing, spear fishing….. becuase they are fucking cool.

I don’t understand why most men don’t do that shit

6 years ago


OK, now what do you see in this inkblot?

6 years ago

@ NBTM The author of that piece is obviously not introspective about what the problem is. Yes men in today’s society are becoming more feminized. But it is not because of turning to Red Pill. True Red Pill involves men becoming more masculine and knows that woman “ought to” be more feminine (either because of his actions, instructions or her just getting it). The the latter cucumber is probably pickled by feminism. I don’t thing there are any forms of feminism that don’t advocate for women being more masculine, independent and dominant or equal to men. “The only valid “set… Read more »

6 years ago


“Drinking, fucking, fighting, do triple digits on a bike or in a car…. jumping out of planes….. rock climbing, spear fishing….. becuase they are fucking cool.”

My sentiments exactly,the closer I am to death the more I enjoy life.My point was,this has become antidepresent behavior,not recreation or necessity in itself,but more of an actual death wish.

6 years ago

You get some douchbag can’t drive a nail or cut straight,inefective at almost everything gets yelled at all day.

Put that same guy behind the wheel and he passes everybody just to be first.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

NBTM Her recognition of these commonalities and her empathy for RP men The girl writer at the Observer is not showing any empathy. She shows a smidge of sympathy. She does not know how the men at the TRP reddit feel (empathy) at all, nor can she. The smidge of sympathy she shows is about at the level she’d feel for a pet dog. could confirm that RP men are thinking and behaving more like females than males have “traditionally”. Nah. It confirms that she is thinking in what she and her sistahs regard as a “male” manner. She’s masculinized… Read more »

6 years ago


Had to drop this here.

6 years ago

Life is beautiful

6 years ago

Most surprising bit of my red pill journey? @SFCTon purveys more wisdom per word than anyone else here, even as I disagree with some of his ideas about race. Alpha is a state, a state that gives one a reason to act in life in particular ways. It’s not an analytic tool. It’s about being, thinking and doing. Once one lives this ACTUALLY for a while, all the analysis seems quite the opposite of what being truly self motivated and dominant feels like. Incongruous with what a masculine man would spend his time on. I believe we aren’t helping @Softie… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

Agree with scribbs… the over-analyzing and constant ruminating is a buffer in this case for Softek. The problem isn’t that someone here hasn’t articulated things in the magic way that will push him out of the doldrums. I sniffed that out a while back when I said he only lacked action and practice. All we can do now is stop the enabling.

Further interactions with him should only be after he comes back with some FRs — failures, successes — *anything* other than the same old back and forths.

6 years ago

“All we can do now is stop the enabling.”

Dr. Zipper, a big thank you.

6 years ago

Came across this guy recently – Mark Mahoney, will nominate to the DPA Man pantheon… 60YO tattoo artist, legend, inspiration.

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6 years ago

But you are unfixable I can’t break through your world Cause you live in shades of cool Your heart is unbreakable [Verse 2] My baby lives in shades of cool Cool heart and hands and aptitude He lives for love, for women too I’m one of many; one is blue And when he calls, he calls for me, and not for you He prays for love, he prays for peace, and maybe someone new [Pre-Chorus] But I can’t help him, can’t make him better And I can’t do nothing about his strange weather How about that… those lyrics, the protagonist… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


“This practice in control isn’t something that sprang up a few hundred years ago, we’re talking ancient cultures teaching their young men to resist losing their rational state-control over to an emotionalism that had a potential to get a man into some serious trouble.”

I think that guy got what was coming to him. Personally I don’t think he got hit hard enough. But the fact everyone laughs at him for his desperate frame grab makes up for it.

6 years ago

@ Ton and @ stuff ” My sentiments exactly, the closer I am to death the more I enjoy life. My point was, this has become antidepressant behavior, not recreation or necessity in itself, but more of an actual death wish. ‘ Amen. Everybody should make sure they read Ton’s blog – H/T to whoever posted the link before ( think it was SJF ). I think it’s tragic when men wait until a near death experience to start to have a true appreciation for life. When I look around me every day, I am surrounded by bored, walking… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh yeah, I forgot to add – Be wary of popular opinion and society in general, especially in 2017. When you look around and see society cosigning all manner of fuckery, you must step back and think for yourself. Always. Remember, sometimes everyone can indeed be wrong ( see: wings burn flying too close to sun, Earth flat and Sun rotating around earth for examples ) I mean, you haven’t gone to the doctor for a good blood letting lately have you?

6 years ago
6 years ago

@Blaximus For all the grief some guys gave me over my previous pointing to Deida (with my fingers pointing to him), it (the exposition of masculine and feminine firmware and ways of operating in The Way of The Superior Man) was all the essence of what you are pointing out. (And I’m unrepentant about that. Umm, Sorry? for harping about it in the past. I had to work through some issues of being unable to express myself before, and I’ve gotten past that. I can still bore some of you guys to tears, but I’m elated with my agency in… Read more »

6 years ago


With regards to Softek, I thought his posts were a welcome change from the usual posturing and litany of trite comments, we’re accustomed to, on here.
I understand and agree with most of the points you made, but I’m also aware Softek requires an unpleasant incident to occur, for him to make the necessary changes.

The man who has triple heart bypass surgery is more inclined to quit smoking, than the man was, prior to the need for surgery.

6 years ago

I think the following track and lyrics are apt for the mindsets of Softek and myself. We question everything and everyone… Including ourselves. The Stereophonics – Just Looking There’s things I want There’s things I think I want There’s things I’ve had There’s things I want to have Do I want the dreams? The ones we’re forced to see Do I want the perfect wife? The word perfect ain’t quite right Shopping every day Take it back the next break They say the more you fly the more you Risk your life I’m just looking, I’m not buying I’m just… Read more »

6 years ago

@Ollie Softek’s “unpleasant experiences” are really getting up there in terms of N count. And you are speaking to the Unbearable Triteness of Buffering. The buffers you learn in one aspect of your life will be just as encumbering when they’re transferred to another aspect of your life. All of these buffers listed, and many more, become indicators of how you confidently deal with adversity. Some make you look like a beta-herb pussy, others are subtle and nagging parts of an internalized personality, but dependence upon them incrementally reveals your real character to a woman. Are you Alpha enough… Read more »

6 years ago

@blax Sometimes it is what it is,dismissive yes, if I have done all I can do and things don’t look like what I want then I put the tools away and get ready for the next job. Story time The tones went off at 1300 hrs Motorcycle crash on highway … the patient was unconscious and getting cpr. As is the custom flight for life was called and able to respond eta 25min. When I arrived on scene 3rd the ambulance was on the way from another location my partner on this call and I took over cpr but I… Read more »

6 years ago

“I’m mad enough to believe in romance. And I’m sick and tired of this age — tired of the miserable little mildewed things that people racked their brains about, and wrote books about, and called life. I wanted something more elementary and honest — battle, murder, sudden death, with plenty of good beer and damsels in distress, and a complete callousness about blipping the ungodly over the beezer. It mayn’t be life as we know it, but it ought to be.”

–Leslie Charteris (author of The Saint), 1935.

6 years ago


Self destruction is not self improvement.

“Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen. Few in pursuit of the goal.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

The following (despite the link name) is a link to an essay on that on a blog TheManTheMyth that was in the process of reconstruction:

6 years ago

I’m not the type to legit anger, have tried and am unconvincing when wrathful, even with Mrs. Eh. Withholding my talents, treasure and time is my m.o. I could work on “Righteous anger of He, the most high” perhaps. Related: Recently, I 1035’d whole life insurance policies. I’ve known the agent for twenty years, our meetings friendly. We’re not what I’d now call friends, it was always unidirectional…me paying decades of premiums…no talks over beer, no off hours guy time. Ever. He asks for an explanation. My words: “It allows me better loan rates, same coverage, 7 year pay in….”… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Eh

Ya wow,this guy has been collecting % on your premium a long time and is crying for his loss of income and using bitch tactics to get you to comply.

Like he has something to offer more than making book on the odd’s of death,give me a f..n break.

Sounds emo to me,glad you cut the bitch loose,good job man!

6 years ago


Oh ya,and try and don’t die every chance you get.

6 years ago


Very gay. Some people are just crazy. I’d not stop laughing, tempting to go in to see him just for the lols. But he may be a shooter.

Always did term life myself.

6 years ago


I believe we aren’t helping @Softie by engaging in endless, recursive arguments that simply go over the same turf.

+1 I’m done with him until he acts.

6 years ago

It’s not so much buffering as inertia. There isn’t enough internal or external force to put an end to the equilibrium in his (Softek’s) life. Hence the need for a catalyst.

Put another way, Softek has as much reason to stay in his relationship and continue being the person is, as he has to change.

There may come a tipping point. But that isn’t now.

6 years ago


6 years ago
6 years ago


Man don’t listen to these third person comments,if you need to say some thing click on the field reports bar at the top of page and bring whatever you want to the table.

6 years ago

The greatest love of all, right Softie?

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

Transgenderism is getting hit over the head with sex so young it left a sour taste in your anus and now the only way to get it out is to demand that people treat you however you prefer.

6 years ago


^ this^ is a larger part of it than Sapolsky will admit. He sorta looks like a lesbian trapped in a mans body,at least with the beard and his clothes on.

6 years ago

But look at her gams, men! She won the ’76 decathlon!

6 years ago
6 years ago

Disgruntled earthling I could not read the whole thing. Stopped at the part about boys in dresses. It’s a sick world. This same people are the one that ask where are all the real men at after a terrorist bombing. And cry real men need to step up.

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

KFG, SJF & Anonymous Reader, Thanks for the consideration and responses. However, I cannot help but recognize the similarities regarding perceptions and operative strategies between much of what is presented in the RP community and women’s advice blogs, and magazines like Cosmopolitan. There are definitely similar themes in both although they aren’t manifested the same way, they are fundamentally similar. Both approach the opposite gender in a primarily solipsistic context, with great focus on self. Typical PUA strategies are of greatest interest to me concerning this similarity. Mystery method, “negs”, “demonstrating higher value”, etc. are applied personality traits that PUAs… Read more »

6 years ago

” Bitches compete with each other using all the RP truths discussed in the manosphere. If you are competing with them, then you are just another bitch.”

…. ohhhh shit!!!!!

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