State Control

Reader, constrainedlocus had an interesting thought in the Anger Bias essay comment thread:

“The point is that a feminine-primary social order readily makes this nature a useful tool in dismissing what would otherwise be valid, but uncomfortable Red Pill truth. This anger bias mechanism is a tool for message control.”

What I find interesting is that, from my own personal observations of men in both marriage and long-term relationships, is that this dismissal happens readily and frequently at the micro level in sexual relationships as well. It’s impossible for men not to notice the hypocrisy.

A man need not experience the trivialization of his anger from “the sisterhood” response in the media, in the corporate setting, or even while at a party with other couples.

I think it now common for a wife or long-term girlfriend to assume a certain privilege or “authority” to express and direct her own anger, indignation and outrage rather freely and loudly – whenever she wishes – toward her male companion, without much consequence.

But should her male companion ever lose his composure, raise his voice in anger toward here, then this is either considered “verbal abuse”, an uncalled for overreaction, or his complaint is simply trivialized, ridiculed or disqualified by her, much like she would belittle the tantrum of her own young child.

Who has not witnessed wives scold their husbands in public at a restaurant or at a park like little children for his getting angry at her attitude or behavior? “Don’t you EVER raise your voice at me, mister!”.

I realize this is all about a man’s frame in the relationship.
I know that it is a weak man who tolerates this, while a wise man just ignores or nexts it.

Indeed, it is all about control.

But I still find it fascinating the confidence level with which so many women feel they can just scoff and ridicule the anger of men in relationships overtly, while unilaterally assuming the validity and overriding importance of their own anger whenever convenient for them.

It’s seems like an added bolt-on power up of feminist triumphalism.

Even among ourselves, we men are not supposed to show such angry emotions, at risk of verbal abuse or a humiliating well-deserved fucking beat down. Us dudes are to be these rational Vulcans walking around and doing shit, deleting emotion commands from our code. Because the thought is this: allowing someone else’s behavior to determine your feelings and emotional response is regarded as a sign of male weakness.
Anger should be expressed infrequently, and when expressed, done decisively and with brevity and action.

I think a lot of dudes recovering from blue pill conditioning struggle with this immensely, and are not sure what to do when their anger and frustration is openly minimized, trivialized or negated by their wife or LTR.

In a feminine-primary social order men are expected to show exactly this emotional restraint out of fear for being considered a typical, angry bully for any marginal display of aggressiveness. Yet, men are simultaneously conditioned to be emotionally expressive, emotionally available, in order to be ‘fully actualized’ human beings. They’re taught that strength is weakness and weakness is strength, and that vulnerability and emotionalism makes them whole persons.

Then the narrative changes again as per the needs of the Feminine Imperative. Men who are agreeable and show humility are punished with a removal of women’s sexual interest in them, while more conventionally masculine men, more Alpha, potentially more aggressive men who display outward signs of it – the emotions they’re taught to repress – are more commonly rewarded with women’s sexual interests.

When you have a social structure based on a calculated duplicity and confusion of purpose is it any wonder we see a generation of frustrated Betas with a perceived potential for violence? We’re supposed to delete emotional commands, but also to be more emotionally available and in touch (whatever the fuck that means) with our emotions. What it really comes down to is men are socialized to be automatons whose emotional connection should only apply to those emotions that benefit and complement with the Feminine Imperative and repress the emotions that frighten or potentially threaten the Feminine Imperative. In other words, to become more like women is to become a more perfected ‘man’ by today’s metric.

Blank-slate Feminism

We presently live in a feminine-primary social order that wants to convince us that egalitarian equalism is the normative presumption between men and women. The blank-slate idea is that men are the functional equivalents of women, but, for all the social constructivism, men need to train, learn, be conditioned to constrain the aspects of themselves that conflict with their identities becoming more like women in their emotional nature. If boys and men can be conditioned (or medically treated) to repress every evolved aspect of their maleness that conflicts with aligning with the feminine they can be trained to be ostensibly more ‘equal’ beings. In this mindset, for a man to become more ‘equal’ he must be more feminine.

The normative belief is that boys and men are simply unperfected women, but the subtext to this is that men and women, binary genders, are (or ought to be) functional equivalents. This too is based on the (I believe flawed) Jungian theory of anima and animus; that no matter the sex, every ‘person’ has some counterbalancing elements of male and female nature to them. I believe this is a flawed theory for the simple fact that men and women have never been functional equals from an evolutionary standpoint and modern science is disproving Jung’s (often metaphysical) presumptions with neurological and hormonal (and the functional behaviors that derive from either sex’s innate structures) understanding that didn’t exist in Jung’s time.

I’ve dug into why I have a problem with Jung in the past, but the point I’m making is that, in Jung, the Feminine Imperative and 2nd and 3rd wave feminist agendas have had an incestuous affair with his theories and conflating overwhelmingly disproven blank-slate equalism. This conflation of flawed theory has been the foundation for normalizing the social feminization of boys and men for almost a century now.

With this equalist presumption as a point of origin, the first step is to condition boys for emotional control.

State Control

Emotions have an evolutionary purpose in men and women. We can trace the manifested behaviors of emotional response to survival-specific functions. Oxytocin, for instance, predisposes human beings to feelings of trust and nurturing which primarily affects women most. The effects of testosterone, which men produce 12-17 times the amount that women do, are well known and masculinize the human body. These are just some basic hormonal differences, but the function behind the effects of those hormones (as well as men and women neurological structure) is where we run into conflict with the Feminine Imperative.

For millennia, boys and men have been taught to control their emotive states. This practice in control isn’t something that sprang up a few hundred years ago, we’re talking ancient cultures teaching their young men to resist losing their rational state-control over to an emotionalism that had a potential to get a man into some serious trouble. In some respects this self-control has been a necessary part of men’s upbringing, but also because men and women experience emotional states differently as a result of evolved biological differences. Women tend to process negative emotions differently than men. This processing isn’t due to some socially constructed acculturation, it is the result of the differences in men and women’s mental firmware. This is also a primary reason why making an emotional impact on a woman, positive or negative, is a source of stimulation for them. Men’s arousal may be founded on visual cues, but women are wired for emotional cues.

Likewise, men’s emotive states run a different gamut than that of women. As I mentioned in the Anger Bias essay, men are less predisposed to emotional states that women believe are beneficial in their own experience. In a feminine-correct social state, where women’s experiences define the norm, and in a social constructivist perspective, this amounts to a ‘repression’ of emotions. The idea is that an overly masculine acculturation of boys leads them to holding back the emotions that women tend to build their lives around. The real truth is that men process emotions, and prioritize the expression of those emotions, much more as a result of our own mental firmware than social repression.

That’s not to say there isn’t some social influence over teaching men to learn self-control over those emotions. As I just mentioned, young men have been taught for millennia to have state control by each other, their mentors and their peers, but since the time of the sexual revolution and the rise of a feminine primary social order this state control has been turned into a net negative.

So, in a sense, young men of the last 4-5 generations are caught between pleasing two masters. To be considered the ‘equal’ that feminine-primary egalitarianism would have them be they must first get in touch with their emotions. However, the only emotions they are taught are valid are those that make them more alike and identifying with women; nurturing, crying, expressing vulnerability, etc., essentially anything not characteristic of conventional masculinity. This of course has the effect of women subconsciously perceiving them as they would other women, and not potential intimates. Essentially, this aligning with women’s experience of emotion desexualizes men.

Yet, on the other hand, men are expected to repress their emotions in terms of having a state control that appeals to women’s Hypergamous need for security. Thus, the emotions that might better serve men in a survivalist utility are exactly those which feminine-correct society considers negative or ‘toxic’ and therefore must be controlled. The problem inherent in all of this is that it is feminine-primacy that is defining what men’s experience of emotion is acceptable despite it being the cause of so much of women’s frustration with men.

As the saying goes, women get the men they deserve and the emotive, masculine-confused men of today are simply the result of a social order that’s standardized the female experience as the definition of what blank-slate equalism should be for both sexes – but really as a means of social control for women whose experience is defined by an unsolvable need for certain security.

None of this is to say men ought not to express themselves emotionally or avoid being artists and poets or whatever in favor of some uninspired stoicism, but it is to say that Red Pill aware men should also be aware of the feminine-primary influences informing their expectations of expressing any or no emotion. That may seem like a drawn out way of saying ‘own your emotions’, but it’s my belief that for men to reclaim conventional masculinity it will require them to honestly assess why and how they choose to express or control their emotional states based on their own definition of what is correct from a male perspective, not the female perspective.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

“Don’t you EVER raise your voice at me, mister!”.

“Have a good evening.” [smile and backturn]

that’s what I would do if Mrs. Gamer said that to me in public…I’d leave her stranded…how much more if some other broad told me that

7 years ago

A great explanation of why “Agree and Amplify” are such powerful responses to a woman’s shit-tests and bitchiness.

“k” is a text response that gets her hamster exploding because it’s so vague, accommodating and dismissive all at the same time.

7 years ago

In the last year I’ve been dealing with death and suicide. I’ve been angry each time I found out. What’s interesting is how raw the rage comes out. The anger of defending women being women on a sexual context that destroys the notion of church and morality. Suicide and anger have a lot in common with the aspects of unplugging. Not expressing anger I’ve found is more toxic and internally damaging. Their is a way to express anger that may make women comfortable. But that isn’t part of expressing that anger honesty and in a state of pimal openness. Two… Read more »

7 years ago

In a feminine-correct social state, where women’s experiences define the norm, and in a social constructivist perspective, this amounts to a ‘repression’ of emotions. @Rollo I assume by your statement that you are pointing out that men are expected to process their emotions to please women by our social expectations…you are not saying that men ought to let their emotions run wild and control men’s behavior, especially when that is counter to men’s interests in pursuing their mission. As Robert Greene points out, self-control is the beginning of true power. It feels good to just express your emotions at your… Read more »


[…] State Control […]

7 years ago

Did Jung actually wrote about men and women being equal? He said that to be “possessed” by anima (aka feminine side of you) is a very unhealthy thing as you become more and more alike to woman – overly emotional and irritable. Ideally you should make truce with that archetype and show emotions in healthy manner as a man.

7 years ago

If you don’t control your emotions, being the man, how is she supposed to maintain the idea of you as being the leader in her life? She will readily accept your emotions if you posit traits which complement being emotional only when she sees it hasn’t broken you but made you stronger. A broken man is worse than a woman in respect to emotional leakage.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

Is there a game technique that can make a meltdown look masculine no matter how many people laugh or start looking around awkwardly?

Maybe pulling out a gun and firing rounds into the ceiling?

7 years ago
Reply to  Yollo Comanche

“A broken man is worse than a woman in respect to emotional leakage.”
True with me

3 years ago
Reply to  Yollo Comanche

(just don’t blow your own head off in the process)

7 years ago

Don’t you EVER raise your voice at me, mister!”.

“Have a good evening.” [smile and backturn]

Exactly! What led to find redpill just over 2 years ago- via a frantic google search- was the first ever comment that was demeaning in public to me. One thing was very clear after I wasted my time and (more respect unfortunately) arguing with her afterwards, I was going to fix that lack of respect completely or I was going to carefully and ruthlessly plan my exit from the relationship, period! No possible way would I live with that. None!

7 years ago

I have always looked at this new trend as drama, like the tv show the big bang theory,shut that shit off. Drama is state control,when a younger man acts femotional it could be socially steeped into him and a natural state of dislocation,learned response. When an older man that was raised in a time when this was gay acts gay and obviously isn’t this is theatrics,a form of social game for acceptance into a fem primary social order. Either way get me out of here now and fast or I will fopah WTF? This is where I lose state control,i… Read more »

7 years ago

“Is there a game technique that can make a meltdown look masculine no matter how many people laugh or start looking around awkwardly?”

Normal operating procedure of the feminine is to get a Beta male to melt down. To crush a Beta man’s State Control.

Normal operating procedure of the Alpha Masculine is to not take the bait. To have State Control.

7 years ago

” . . . be more emotionally available and in touch (whatever the fuck that means)”

As I understand it, it has to do with synchronizing your quantum state to a higher vibrational level.

When I figure out whatever the fuck “synchronizing your quantum state” and “higher vibrational level” mean I’ll get back to you.

7 years ago

“When I figure out whatever the fuck “synchronizing your quantum state” and “higher vibrational level” mean I’ll get back to you.”

The way I understand this is you wash colors alike and the move them all to one side for the spin cycle.

7 years ago

” . . . move them all to one side for the spin cycle.”

Probably best not to do that when someone is trying to sleep.

7 years ago

I stopped in the bar one day to visit with Mrs.Box. l like to sit next to the server station,free olives and good company as gamblers don’t generally socialize. There is this cute young cocktail talking to me while Mrs. box makes up her order, then this guy comes over he’s erratic waving his hands and gesturing,I do a quick check,he is wearing the company name tag,vest black slacks so he belongs ,ok. The guy blurts out ” Oh my god,nobody has served the pit in so long” then leaves in the same erratic fashion. I asked who was that?everybody… Read more »

Just Saying
Just Saying
7 years ago

women get the men they deserve Which is why they have to get what the want and need on the down-low. The man “they deserve” is what I’ve come to term as “man-things” – i.e., not really a man in any way, They are an ATM – women seek out the men they want on the sly. I learned that long ago, catch a woman’s eye when she’s at a table with bf/hubby and you’ll find her at some point next to you without bf around. Enjoy what is offered and let the bf deal with the consequences. As long… Read more »

7 years ago

When you have a social structure based on a calculated duplicity and confusion of purpose is it any wonder we see a generation of frustrated Betas with a perceived potential for violence? We’re supposed to delete emotional commands, but also to be more emotionally available and in touch (whatever the fuck that means) with our emotions. What it really comes down to is men are socialized to be automatons whose emotional connection should only apply to those emotions that benefit and complement with the Feminine Imperative and repress the emotions that frighten or potentially threaten the Feminine Imperative. In other… Read more »

7 years ago

Agree and amplify. Especially if delivered with a little comedic timing. Takes the edge off everyone. If for some reason I’m really pissed, I’ve been known to look away from her for an awkward minute . . . then order her to go to her room (or the car, or whatever). I don’t yell. I just tell her to do it and she complies. She always reappears 5 minutes later, and when she does, it’s like there’s catnip tied around my neck. Complete change of attitude. This was one scenario I struggled with early in my marriage. Had a couple… Read more »

7 years ago

“Normal operating procedure of the feminine is to get a Beta male to melt down. To crush a Beta man’s State Control.” … “…social control for women whose experience is defined by an unsolvable need for certain security.” —————— Just talked with girlfriend. She told me (paraphrasing): “I thought when I had sex with you it would mean enough to you that you would never want any other girls. I thought that it meant something to you, that it was special to you, and that I would be enough for you. It’s insulting and degrading to me that you would… Read more »

7 years ago

I never understood the “agree and amplify” thing, until I recently used it, as an instinctive response to a shit test. Now I get it: The subcommunication is that I see this as completely nonthreatening. A little absurdist comic timing helps with this. It is a “speak little, say a lot” tactic.

And it sure helps to know, thanks to TRP, that it is in some way a sign that I am doing things right. I used to be the proverbial nice guy who would never get shit tested.

7 years ago

@Softek You can swap out the “I thought” (rationally) for “I felt” (emotionally). And you can move toward Alpha. (see above @8:35 pm Re: Stage 4 Female Evolutionary Selfishness) You do realize you already have a mother so your girlfriend doesn’t have to treat you like her son right? From Alanis Morissette’s Perfect (which is a mother talking to her children, but Morrisette meant more about the pressures of society, which will love you as long as you’re perfect. By pressures of Society, also implicit is the Feminine Correct society. And Morissette was more of a logical masculine type.) Sometimes… Read more »

7 years ago

Shit Softek, Here’s another in my playlist that just came up: Worried About Lissie I’m too worried ’bout what you’re doing Are you worried ’bout what I’m doing too What ya doin’ to me Why can’t you see I’m too worried ’bout what you’re doing Are you worried ’bout what I’m doing too What ya doing to me Wanna be free And who could blame you I made it so complicated If I just drain you ‘Til working it out It’ss over rated But why are we so blind to see That truth and love They could overcome Come,… Read more »

7 years ago

“Did Jung actually wrote about men and women being equal? He said that to be “possessed” by anima (aka feminine side of you) is a very unhealthy thing as you become more and more alike to woman – overly emotional and irritable.” That is correct Rich. When Jung was in a bad or unstable mood he would say he was in the anima. He also stated that when men fall in love they become possessed by the anima. The thing is that Jung was all about dreams, and in any males dreams you will find alot of female characters. Jung… Read more »

7 years ago


And then there is: Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye

7 years ago

Never understood where you take the idea that the problem comes from Jung. The Animus & Anima thing doesn´t in the least mean that men should be/are equal to women. It´s like claiming that a black car with a white roof is the same as a white car with a black roof.

7 years ago

It’s fun to fuck with my wife’s emotions. In public, if she is being disrespectful, a simple “how DARE you speak to me like that?!” will often suffice. She doesn’t want witnesses to her being unreasonable to me. At home, if she is overly emotional, I tell her that if she wants to speak to me, she needs to calm down and stop acting like an adult, not a child. I am willing to discuss things rationally, not emotionally. On the occasions where she is trying to get a rise out of me I will blunt her attack by stating… Read more »

7 years ago

If we’re looking for appropriate songs for the theme of this essay I would submit U2’s “Numb” as a worthy candidate.

“Don’t Project, (masculinity?)
Don’t Connect (male bonding)
Protect (nurture)
Don’t Expect (don’t be assertive)
Suggest” (seek permission)

All the while you have Bono delivering the line.

“Too much is not enough.”

Alpha Jedi
7 years ago

Awesome post Rollo. A big thing I’ve noticed on this topic is how this type of “emotional conditioning” not only affects intersexual relationships, but also male-to-male friendships as well. I’ve outlined it in more detail in this post ( but since I don’t want to eat up a whole page in the comments section, I’ll get more to the point: When you socialize men to relate like women, they relate to other women like women and also to other men. How this affects friendship with men is that suddenly men find themselves having less “genuine” male friends who tend to… Read more »

7 years ago


“Oxytocin, for instance, predisposes human beings to feelings of trust and nurturing which primarily affects women most.”

It also apparently predisposes human beings to in-group favoritism (among which one would include women as the in-group with men out)… Any thoughts about that?

Will S.
7 years ago

Reblogged this on Patriactionary and commented:

7 years ago

own your emotions This is so important for men to do. The betafication that happens to a man in an LTR will drain the young boy’s emotions and replace them with an old man’s resignation. These days, it seems the only venue for a young man to express aggression and deep emotions is thru extreme sports, like rock climbing and mountain biking. These are the equivalent of hunting and war – conqueror your fear. Kill or be killed. But we do this in isolation, mostly away from the women-folk, so when we come back home at the end of the… Read more »

recovering from oneitis
recovering from oneitis
7 years ago

Wife has sometimes accused me of not having much emotion. My response is usually something like this:

I’m a man. Men are powerful and dangerous. If men didn’t control our emotions there’d be dead bodies everywhere. We don’t have the luxury of being out of control.

Tom Kenobi
7 years ago

Fucking. Love. This. Well played.

7 years ago

Yeah, my wife is on her way to being my ex partly because of stuff like this. We were dealing with a serious situation last week, she just kept bitching, provoking, etc. in the course of dealing with it, and I finally blew my stack and yelled at her. Of course, she was not at all open to the suggestion that the way she was talking to me may have been a problem, said I was being too “sensitive.” She was following the same MO her parents use. They run their big fucking mouths, provoke people in the process, and… Read more »

7 years ago


R.I.P. Chris Cornell.


The Reaper has been lifting heavy guys. Don’t count the days, make the days count.

7 years ago

I forgot to add on my post on expressing emotions rock-climbing and mountain biking – to often I hear young men yelling and screaming like girls in the woods on the hard sections of trails, thus ruining it for others. This seems to be increasing in the past 10 years or so.

7 years ago

Somebody That I Used To Know
Fuck I hate that blue pill song. It is a good one though.

7 years ago

@Softek “It’s insulting and degrading to me that you would want to have sex with other girls after I had sex with you.” “So, it’s Ok for you to have sex with lots of men, but not Ok for me to have sex with lots of women?” Her response will be to attempt to redirect the conversation and to try to shame you for your sex drive. Laugh at that and redirect the convo back to your point. “Lol, like I’m gonna buy that. So, it’s clear that your position is that you can do whatever the hell you want,… Read more »

7 years ago

A&A is the way to go, along with some serious dread, like just getting up and leaving for the night. Coming in a 4:00am. I wished I did some of that active dread when in my LTR instead of blowing it up.

Expect some serious shit-storm afterwords though.

7 years ago

What John Locke meant by “blank slate” was not that people are a blob of formless protoplasm that could be molded in to anything. “Blank slate” was a term used to describe the empty intellectual state of the mind before it had any data stored in it, called “experience.” John Locke was trying to argue against the notion that people were born knowing particular things, not that men could be women and women could be men. The male brain and the female brain don’t know anything until the data of experience is input to it, and then the male processes… Read more »

7 years ago

“The male brain and the female brain don’t know anything until the data of experience is input to it, and then the male processes it the way a male does and a female processes the data in her own unique illogical way.”

Are you actually going to try to sneak that one by Rollo Tomassi? Do you even read Rollo, bro?

7 years ago
Reply to  SJF

>>>>One of the things a newborn knows is how to learn a language from scratch. The interesting bit is that this innate knowledge goes away at 12 years of age. Linguistic skills that are not learned by then are not learned.<<< The ability to process language is not the same as the language itself. A person can grow up learning English by experience but needs to learn how to speak French by additional experience. A computer is a "blank slate" that is ready and able to process the data input to it. A computer is not a formless blob that… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  SJF

>>>>Are you actually going to try to sneak that one by Rollo Tomassi? Do you even read Rollo, bro?<<<< I love Rollo Tomassi. I love "The Rational Male." I thank God every day for sending men like him in to this fuct up stupid world to make it a better place. I take what Rollo writes very seriously, I am obviously drawn to what he has to say or else I wouldn't be here. But I still have a compulsion to think for my self. I still take responsibility for what I actually believe, and stand ready to give an… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . the male processes it the way a male does and a female processes the data in her own unique illogical way.”

And how do they know how to do this processing?

One of the things a newborn knows is how to learn a language from scratch. The interesting bit is that this innate knowledge goes away at 12 years of age. Linguistic skills that are not learned by then are not learned.

7 years ago
7 years ago

His voice is so beautiful…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I never understood the “agree and amplify” thing, until I recently used it, as an instinctive response to a shit test. Now I get

It is like having a cheat code in a game, or a root password, isn’t it? Further proof is that you do not have to believe in A&A for it to work. Sure, it works better if you do it with utter confidence, but unlike some “magic” you don’t have to bahLEEVE to make it work.

The proof of Game is found in the doing. Like some other things.

7 years ago

I look at blank slateism as cookie cutter education.

Think of a ginger bread cookie,now you can frost on a bikini and a cowboy hat,a gun in one hand and a doll in the other.

The falicy lies in people aren’t cookies,most are born with sex organs and the acompanying endocrin systems,brain functions and predispositions to the inherent sexuality.

The blank slateists believe that you can paint it on with icing like a bikini with muscles or a gun with tits,and this is all gender really amounts to.

7 years ago
Reply to  stuffinbox

The blank slatism of which John Locke and I speak is not about gender or sex. Do you deny the principle of “Garbage in, garbage out?” If people are taught bullshit, such as that surgery and hormone therapy can make a man a woman and a woman a man, then they will have bullshit in their heads, and if they don’t know how logic and reason and common sense work, they are going to believe the bullshit they have been programmed to believe. So, you’re wrong saying that blank slateists believe a coat of paint can turn a man in… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

The male brain and the female brain don’t know anything until the data of experience is input to it

Are the hormones testosterone or estrogen “data of experience”?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

The Reaper has been lifting heavy guys.

You mean Roger Ailes, amirite?

Don’t count the days, make the days count.


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

The blank slateists believe that you can paint it on with icing like a bikini with muscles or a gun with tits,and this is all gender sex really amounts to.

“Gender” is a linguistic term. German has three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. Spanish, French, Italian etc. have two masculine and feminine. They are constructs. That’s why the feministas like to use “gender” because it plays right into their blank slate politics.

Sex is what we are, male or female. XY or XX.

7 years ago

” A person can grow up learning English by experience but needs to learn how to speak French by additional experience.”

That must be pretty awkward for the French kids.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

I want Jung and Freud to be brought back as zombies so they can AMOG eachother at a dive bar.

7 years ago


You meant what I knew,if sex makes you understand it better than sex it is.

7 years ago


May 18, 2017 at 8:48 am ” A person can grow up learning English by experience but needs to learn how to speak French by additional experience.” That must be pretty awkward for the French kids.

That’s pretty funny, unless you’re serious, which means you don’t get that the French kids have to learn English if they want to speak it. Shirley you don’t mean to say that French kids are born knowing how to speak French just because they are born in France with French genetics? And yes, I just called you Shirley.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I am too busy and probably too lazy to go trawl the web starting with Medline, but neuroplasticity plus my own experience tells me that how a man uses his brain will in time affect the structure of his brain. Take a liberal arts major who works mainly with words, move him to some technical field where he works mainly with numbers / equations and see if his brain changes. We’d need fine grain MRI’s before, during and after. We are constantly rewiring. That’s called “learning”. It happens on top of the existing structure of the brain created by genetics… Read more »

7 years ago


Mind if I ask? What is your point again?

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

@SJF You know I never realized something, that my main complaint with game has been about what people call “AMOGing”. It’s embarrassing but I’ve never been able to make the brain to fist connection before. So, dumb little cocks/rivals AMOG not because they actually think they’re better than me, but as a play to get me to reveal my hand. I would always just brush this phenomenon off as something “Those stupid chimps” do when they don’t get enough bananas. I……man I REALLY didn’t get that all the subtle shit guys do, it’s plays to get me to reveal my… Read more »

7 years ago

“That’s why the feministas like to use “gender” because it plays right into their blank slate politics.”

And using their language of art puts you on their rhetorical home court. After more than 50 years of injecting that crap into the cultural zeitgeist that shit runs deep, but it is necessary to spend the time and effort to root it out, or you will find yourself unconsciously thinking in their terms.

7 years ago

>>>>Are the hormones testosterone or estrogen “data of experience”?<<< Hormones and emotion are not information, they effect how we feel about the information, and how we feel about our understanding of the information. Men and women live in the same environment, and therefore are exposed to the same raw facts about it, but how men and women feel about it all and how they see themselves as fitting in to the world and what they would like to do in the world is very much a matter of the context in which they see and interpret the raw facts. I… Read more »

7 years ago

>>>>Mind if I ask? What is your point again?<<<<

The honorable term "Blank Slate" associated with John Locke has been confused with the wicked and deceitful idea of "infinite malleability." I only just realized this is the concise way to express the point, so I apologize for not starting off clean and clear about it. I was still a very blank slate, you see. I had to figure it out, and with the help of the intelligent and insightful comments in response to me I feel I'm a lot smarter now than I was a few moments ago.

7 years ago

“I just read somewhere that women will readily wake up to the sound of a crying baby but men are more likely to sleep right through the noise.”

This is a load of crap,the one who is sleeping lighter will wake up first.The woman is more likely to push the responsibility over to the man,see solipsistic.

7 years ago

“Shirley you don’t mean to say that French kids are born knowing how to speak French just because they are born in France with French genetics?”

Shirley I mean to say that there is a language “instinct.” With the addendum that it has a shelf life. No language “instinct,” no language, no matter the experience.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

The blank slatism of which John Locke and I speak is not about gender or sex. John Locke lived centuries ago, so he did not know that the brain literally is shaped by testosterone or estrogen. You have the huge advantage of living now with a world of information at your fingertips. Men tend to have better spatial visualization because of their brain structure. Their brain structure is affected by testosterone. Testosterone is not “experience” in the Lockean sense, although thanks to the criminally stupid SJW’s who are allowing 4 year old boys to decide to be “girls” we will… Read more »

7 years ago

>>>>As understood by Locke, tabula rasa meant that the mind of the individual was born blank, and it also emphasized the freedom of individuals to author their own soul.<<<< I admire John Locke as the greatest philosopher who ever lived because he did not waste his time concocting philosophical systems, he merely skewered the systems of others. As a Calvinist my self I cannot go along with the extreme idea that we can be the author of our own soul, but I cannot help but agree with the idea that a brain, or any thinking apparatus which is supposed to… Read more »

7 years ago

>>>>John Locke didn’t know that about 50% of behavior is inherited. The many modern studies of twins have shown exactly that.<<<<< "Behavior" is not "information" or "data." Behavior can be a reflex of the nervous system, which requires no information because no decision making process is necessary, the nerves react to the stimuli in their preprogrammed way, and the thinking part of the brain is not involved. Now, I will readily grant to you that most people don't seem to use the thinking part of their brain but rather merely react emotionally to stimuli, in which cases my point about… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

You meant what I knew,if sex makes you understand it better than sex it is.

The words we use affect the way we think. So it matters what words we use.
Using “gender” is playing in the feminists sandbox. Using “sex” is playing in reality.

7 years ago

@Yollo Comanche May 18, 2017 at 8:56 am Glad I could help with that reveal. It is called a shit test for a reason. Women shit test men for a reason to see if they qualify. Men test men and give them shit but don’t really mean it. (They do it to check honor/rank/merit). Women complement other women, but they don’t really mean it. Combine that reveal about men testing other men in a male space, with women asking men to be more emotionally available and in touch (i.e. communicate like a woman) here: Then you can see the… Read more »

7 years ago

“Hormones and emotion are not information . . .”

It must be hard to live without a sense of smell and taste. I note also that the information “the metabolic supercharger is engaged and the nitrous tank turned on” is information that is conveyed in large part through emotional response, and it is, at times, good information to have available.

” I only just realized this is the concise way to express the point . . .”

I fully understood your point.

7 years ago
Reply to  kfg

If you still think hormones and emotion are “information” then you have not understood my point. In order to think we need facts for processing. I’m talking about thinking with the higher brain functions, not the instinctive animal drives and reflexes that don’t require any actual additional information in order to be activated. I’ve stated elsewhere in these comments that people back in Locke’s day thought that a baby was born knowing everything and the purpose of education was merely to remind them of it all. Locke never said that there was no such thing as a fundamental biological human… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

jsolbakken Hormones and emotion are not information, they effect how we feel about the information, and how we feel about our understanding of the information Hormones do far more than that. Men’s brains are physically wired differently than women’s because of T vs. E. Men perceive reality differently than women do because of T vs. E. We know more than Locke did, more than he possibly could have known. He had observation and reason, but did not know that men’s brains are physically different from women’s, for example. Also, I’m inclined to believe that blank slates have agency and can… Read more »

7 years ago

For crying out loud, perceiving reality different does not change REALITY!!!! Of course males and females perceive differently but it is not the REALITY ITSELF that is different. To think with such solipsism seems like the way a GIRL would think, that reality changes depending on how I think about it.

7 years ago

@AR Did the fems invent the word gender? or did they jack it? TOP DEFINITION gender A reflection of one’s self-image as relating to sexual nature. There are, in general, three genders: 1) Male 2) Female 3) Something you made up one day to feel speshul. E.g. “semiqueer-bi-spirit-shemale”. May use made-up pronouns such as “xe”, “ze”, “schlee”, “nflgsufgshuihousu”, etc. Anyone who finds this ridiculous is a bigot and is literally Hitler. Can you believe that Facebook doesn’t feature “transquasi-neutermale” in its gender selection?! This is making me sick. This is making it harder for me to achieve self-realization and be… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  stuffinbox

I believe based on observation that the fact of human biology is that there is a male who produces what is called sperm and a female who produces eggs and gestates the zygote. I was not born knowing this, I had to learn it by living in the world for a while and accumulating data to come up with this theory, which is mine, that there are males and females in human biology. The freaks and perverts want us to believe them instead of our lying eyes. This is what I mean and what John Locke meant by Tabula Rasa.… Read more »

7 years ago

@Stuffin’ Box:

They jacked it; specifically because it did not mean “sex,” and so they could rhetorically disassociate “gender identity” from biological sex.

An irony I have pointed out before, given other matters of Gender Theory(tm), is that people do not have gender, they have sex. Objects have gender, so assigning a “gender identity” is to objectify a person.

7 years ago

“1) Male
2) Female”

Those are sexes. The genders are “masculine” and “feminine.” Note that “male” and “masculine” don’t at all mean the same thing.

The difference in meaning is critical to the assertion that Bruce Jenner, as a feminine presenting male, is, as a matter of fact, a “woman.”

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago


It’s similar to how people would impersonate the rich and famous or drop names like crazy to signal to others that they weren’t brought up licking the shit out of other people’s asses…..unless they’re trying to cozy up with other charlatans, then it’s a chum-bum buffet.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

So women don’t reject a man because he UNDER qualifies. She rejects him because she OVER qualifies.

Mind blown……

7 years ago

“She rejects him because she OVER qualifies.”

Until the point where she is dealing with a man for whom it is impossible for her to over qualify. Then a switch gets thrown.

A woman’s SMV is analog, smooth and continuous along the spectrum, but a man’s is quantized. When the quantum jump is made the energy state changes and funny things can happen.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


Did the fems invent the word gender? or did they jack it?

They jacked it, just like they jacked a lot of other words. Stuff happens. Got to stay alert.

Listening to old big band music a few years back, a live recording, the announcer said something about “This fine ballroom, full of gay dancing”. In 1930-whatever “gay” didn’t mean “homosexual”, it was closer to “happy”. Just another example of wordjacking.

7 years ago

OT trivia, just because it has come to mind:

“Caitlyn” is pronounced kat-LEEN. Hooked on Phonics don’t work for shit when English speakers read Gaelic spellings.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago


I…….that fucking egalitarianism REALLY did a number on me……

7 years ago

Hormones and emotion are not information, they effect how we feel about the information, and how we feel about our understanding of the information.

So, feelings aren’t information about our hormonal state? For example, when I had feelings about a girl, I couldn’t use that info to deduce that I had had a spike in oxytocin?

Do you think that the only info is info from books and the five senses?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

“Caitlyn” is pronounced kat-LEEN.

Doesn’t matter. Nobody’s giving that name or any variation of it to girls in the US. Just dropped off of a cliff sometime in the last couple of years for some reason or other.

Well, ok, it does matter to the extent that every redneck I know has been saying it wrong for years. Including the redneck girls named “Caitlyn”.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

I control or express emotion as it benefits me.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


I…….that fucking egalitarianism REALLY did a number on me……

You and almost everyone else. But the key thing is, you know it now.

7 years ago


7 years ago


Odd; Jordan Peterson believes humans are prey animals,yet our eyes are located in the front like predators.

7 years ago

The early part of Peterson’s lecture relates to what we have been discussing here in this thread, but a bit deeper in (you could start at 17:00), we come to this:

“The question is well should you turn into a monster? And the answer to that is, yes, you should, but you should do it voluntarily.”

Which is relevant to TRM and the concept of the Dark Triad.

7 years ago

“They jacked it”

They jacked my little brother,wife,kids,mother,government and religion, guess they can have the word I never knew how to use it anyway.

7 years ago

@ SJF / asdgamer

What would setting limits involve?

She’s been vehement about telling me how she has zero interest in dating or sleeping with any other guys, is only sexually attracted to me, etc.

How could I respond to something like,

“I’d be willing to stop talking to or associating with any guys you didn’t want me talking to or associating with anymore. I’d drop them in a heartbeat. I just want to be able to trust you.”

She’s said that to me before many times.

7 years ago

“Jordan Peterson believes humans are prey animals,yet our eyes are located in the front like predators.” When I am out in the deep dark, hunting predators it is not uncommon for me to wish I had eyes in the back of my head to watch out for predators. The predators I am hunting are themselves on the hunt and feel likewise. The fact that we are prey you experience as the emotion “anxiety.” Animals that evolve without predators cannot experience anxiety. A long time ago, in an argument far, far away, I brought up that we are startled by things… Read more »

7 years ago


The soles of your feet must hate you.

7 years ago

“If you still think hormones and emotion are “information” then you have not understood my point.”

We have understood your point just fine. You have not understood our point about what constitutes information.

7 years ago

” . . . it is not the REALITY ITSELF that is different.”

It is your position that brains are not real?

7 years ago

@ AR

” Hormones do far more than that. Men’s brains are physically wired differently than women’s because of T vs. E. Men perceive reality differently than women do because of T vs. E.
We know more than Locke did, more than he possibly could have known. He had observation and reason, but did not know that men’s brains are physically different from women’s, for example. ”

^^^ This right here. ^^^

You are breaking my Truth-o-meter.

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

PR-alpha Brad Pitt frivorced and seems-to-have-it-all Chris Cornell hangs himself. Don’t know these dudes but goes to show that we only really know what’s churning in our own head, not another’s. CC was a personal fave as I’ve been a fan way back and seen him as a solo performer in small venues. Probably the best rock singer to come along in a long time but not afraid to try other things… see his cover of ‘Billie Jean.’ Apparently self-taught, too, which is impressive if you’ve heard some of his stuff. Seemed totally down to earth, sincerely a good person.… Read more »

7 years ago


He was first and foremost a physician

“He was first and foremost a philosopher”

There. Fixed that for you.

7 years ago
Reply to  theasdgamer

>>>John Locke FRS (/ˈlɒk/; 29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704) was an English philosopher and physician, <<<

He was famous for philosophy, but his workaday job was as physician to the aristocracy.

I would say that if you didn't know what a girl was, you'd have nofa king idea what your sexual hormones were trying to tell you. Explain if you disagree.

7 years ago

@bakken Locke studied medicine and worked as a physician for a time, but he worked a govt. hack for a time and spent a lot of time writing philosophy later in life. You don’t leave medicine and later return to it. Medicine requires continual practice. When Locke went to the Continent, he would have had to have abandoned his medical practice. @Softek What would setting limits involve? Ok, what’s writing the same shit one more time, lol? 1. She decides no GNO and doesn’t go to social functions without you. She decides this on her own. 2. She decides to… Read more »

7 years ago

@bakken Locke is known for being a great philosopher, not for being a great physician. Locke was the Father of Philosophy of Science and also was key in political philosophy with his Two Treatises. I would say that if you didn’t know what a girl was, you’d have nofa king idea what your sexual hormones were trying to tell you. Explain if you disagree. What is a girl? (You’ve already stipulated that Locke’s idea of what a girl is was deficient.) As a man, your hormones and eyes tell you what beauty is and what a girl is for. There… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  theasdgamer

My eyes tell me what a “girl” is, or is it more accurate to say that my brain tells me that the waves of light hitting my retina is alerting me to the existence of a girl? Eyesight needs both eyeballs and brain centers in order to function, but clearly it is in the brain where the actual identification takes place. And, hey, determining whether what we’re looking at is really a girl or not takes a lot more brain power than it used to. Used to be a pony tail and a skirt was all you needed to see;… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

For those wondering why CC and his type kill themselves it’s cuz they tend not to take aging too well.

They hate having to watch themselves reinvent and repackage themselves every time they get a couple new lines on their forehead.

Some people live to get the most they can out of this, and some live just for the good times.

How do I know? Cuz I have a wonderful old fart who told me so. Thanks uncle.

7 years ago

“My eyes tell me what a “girl” is, or is it more accurate to say that my brain tells me that the waves of light hitting my retina is alerting me to the existence of a girl?”

Makes one wonder how there are so many damned pigeons about (they have so little sexual dimorphism that it often takes an autopsy for a human to tell the difference. Only Cher Ami’s taxidermist found out for sure).

Olie Sins
7 years ago

I’m actually a new reader to the RM community, and I’m stunned every time with the insight it provides. A light bulb always goes off in my head every time I read. My emotions haven’t been mine to control. How many times have I not lashed out (when I had every right to) just because I didn’t want everyone to think I was some crazy woman beater. Yet, I’ve had girls scream at me, once in the middle of a college class, and everyone thinks “wow, this guy must have really fucked up to get her screaming at him like… Read more »

7 years ago
“Men’s arousal may be founded on visual cues, but women are wired for emotional cues.”

7 years ago


“what John Locke meant by Tabula Rasa.” Has been jacked by the FI to mean something almost the same only entirely different.

May as well just get used to it.

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