Losing My Religion


In the interests of full disclosure, I’ll admit I’ve had this post in my drafts folder for some time now. As always, standard caveats apply with regard to my policy on posts about religion, politics, and socioeconomics. I don’t delve into the particulars of these subjects, but I will dissect how they coincide with intersexual dynamics.

It’s no secret that I’ve been a regular follower of Dalrock’s blog for over five years now. Along with Dal I also consider Donalgraeme and a few other bloggers in the ‘Christo-Manosphere’ Red Pill colleagues if not friends. I’ve always held Dalrock as a sort of Red Pill brother since both our blogs came up around the same time. I’ve quoted and credited him in both my books.

I do so because there was a time I considered pursuing a path in my writing that would follow the same Red Pill critique of religion, (Christianity for Dal) at least in some occasional sense. After reading Dalrock’s very insightful early posts I decided against it. Dal has earned the respect of the manosphere for his Red Pill lens of contemporary Christianity for good reason – he’s a consummate statistician and researcher, and he’s what I’d call “embedded” well within modern (I presume mostly evangelical) church culture. He does it better than I could hope to do that part of the manosphere justice.

I never go into any detail about my own faith for a couple of reasons, the first being it’s only peripherally relevant in my writing. Secondly, it’s always been my position that the Red Pill needs to remain fundamentally areligious and apolitical. That said, I am familiar enough with ‘Churchian’ culture and the psycho-social side of mainstream religion to understand it through my own Red Pill lens.

When I analyze Red Pill principles within social contexts I always have a hard time with religion. It grates on me because I’m of the opinion that one’s religious leanings, one’s interaction with existence and life, one’s consideration of the spiritual, ought to be something personal and private if it’s in anyway genuine. As such, and for some, it can be a source of real vulnerability and exploitation which is really nothing new to anyone. It’s one thing to be even agnostic and trapped in a Blue Pill world, but it’s quite another to have been raised to adulthood in a religious context and coming to terms with having some very deep ego-investments shattered by a new Red Pill awareness.

If you ask anyone steeped in the Blue Pill conditioning of the Feminine Imperative about how this exploitation operates in an intersexual context you’ll likely get the standard answer that religion is largely a “social construct designed to maintain the Patriarchy.” And I have no doubt that in a Judeo-Christian sense this was likely the case for millennia. I won’t dig into how much of this had the latent purpose of controlling for Hypergamy in this post, but in the generations since the sexual revolution and the rise of feminine social primacy this maintaining the Patriarchy is a failing distraction on the part of the Feminine Imperative.

Creating Religion in the Image of the Feminine Imperative

For the past five generations, there has been a concerted re-engineering of religion (and not just limited to Christianity) to better suit the ends of the Feminine Imperative. Just as men are sold the idealism of the old set of books while living within the social context that confounds them, religion has been coopted by the feminine. The old books religion has either been replaced wholesale by a feminine-interpreted, feminine-directed religion that places women as its highest authority, or it’s been restructured and rewritten to serve the same feminine-primary objectives.

For going on six years now, Dalrock has masterfully documented and rightly criticized these shifts in Christianity. Although I’m focusing on western Christiainty here, this re-engineering of modern religion is not limited to just Christianity. A Red Pill perspective reveals a lot of uncomfortable truths, one of these is how well the Feminine Imperative has succeeded in supplanting any and all masculine influence in religion.

I expect there will be female critics who’ll cite that, in most of church culture, it’s still predominantly men who control churches and religious organizations, but in the era of feminine social primacy, it’s not who executes the control, but whose beliefs control the executors. Pair this with the commodification of religion and we can see the spheres of true feminine control and feminine-primary purpose.


After almost six years of following the religious aspects of the Red Pill, I think it’s high time men acknowledge that modern Christian culture simply does not have men’s best interests as part of its doctrine anymore. Christianity, in particular, is by women, for women – if not directly executed by women, though even that is changing.

Church culture is now openly hostile towards any expression of conventional masculinity that doesn’t directly benefit women and actively conditions men to be serviceable, gender-loathing Betas. The feminist narrative of “toxic masculinity” has entirely replaced any semblance of what traditional masculinity or manhood once was to the church. Any hint of a masculinity not entirely beholden to a now feminine-primary purpose is not only feared, but shamed with feminine-interpreted aspersions of faith.

I recently read a study that our current generation is the least religious in history and I think as far as men are concerned much of that disdain for religion is attributable to a church culture that constantly and openly ridicules and debases any male-specific endeavors or anything characteristic of conventional masculinity. It’s no secret in today’s church franchisement that reaching out to, and retaining the interests of, men is at its most difficult.

Again, this is attributable to a generation of feminized men being raised into a church culture, and eventual church leadership, that has been taught to prioritize and identify with the feminine and reinforced with articles of faith now defined by the Feminine Imperative. The modern church has trouble reaching men because the church no longer has a grasp of what it means to be ‘men’.

To be clear, that’s not an indictment of the genuine faith itself, but rather a fairly measured observation of the way a feminine-primary church culture has shaped that faith. In the future, any man with a marginal capacity for critical thought will avoid the contemporary Christian church and religion for the obvious misandry it espouses; the only religious men you will find will be those raised into a life of religiously motivated Beta servitude – or those dragged to the feminine-directed church by wives who hold authoritative ‘headship’ in their relationships.

And even in what some consider to be pro-masculine or “macho” churches, we still find the Paper Alpha leaders preach from a mindset that defers wholesale to the feminine’s “Godly perfection” as they attempt to AMOG other male member to greater devotion to qualifying for, and identifying with, the feminine influence that pervades their church.

Religious men will be synonymous with a Beta mindset.

It’s gotten to a point where it’s better to look after your self-interests and repent of the sin later than commit to an institution that openly seeks to indenture you. I realize that might be anathema to the more determined religious man, but just understand that this is the pragmatic, deductive future that the contemporary, western-feminized church is presenting to men. The social contract of marriage from a religious perspective has shifted into the ultimate leap of faith for men. They literally risk everything in marriage – child custody, sexual access, any expectation of true, male authority or respect, long-term financial prospects, etc. – but this leap of faith comes with a metaphysical price tag.

Men declining to participate in faith-based marriage decline an aspect of a faith reset to serve women; women who are held as a higher order of sinless being than men by this new church. For the agnostic or areligious man, discarding a Blue Pill social conditioning for a Red Pill awareness is a difficult task, but for men raised to believe that their only doctrinally approved path to sex with a woman is abstinence until marriage, that man’s only hope is to accept his fate and stay the Beta a feminized church has conditioned him to be.

And once he gets to marriage and his approved expression of his sexuality, the “Christian” man finds that the feminized church, even the male elders, expect endless qualifications to women and his wife’s unceasing appeasement in exchange for that approved sex. It’s a tail-chasing that holds men to the old books social order expectations while absolving women of all accountability and expecting him to also make concessions for a new (feminized) social order that’s ensaturated the church.

SeventiesJason from Dalrock’s blog:

And then we have “Christian marriage” divorce rates which are only a few paltry percentage points lower than the secular world……..men like Chandler will blame “men” for not leading, not being ‘holy’ enough, not bold n’ biblical enough, not going to bed exhausted every night….and a pile of other excuses for why she “had no choice” but to end the marriage.

We have a whole cottage industry of ‘christian counseling’ and self-help books, usually written for and by women. We have conferences, TV channels, broadcast networks, podcasts, radio stations, outreach, plenty of churches in this country……..the Internet. A ton of resources. Books……every pastor great and small today is “working on” or has written a book.

How on earth did the early church survive under the penalty of death? Persecution. Seclusion, and outright shunning? How did it grow? How did it survive?

We are told over and over by pastors that “God has an amazing plan for your life!” and then to sell men in the world this ‘churchian’ ploy that you are somehow not as holy, balanced, ready, equipped, or mature to handle this amazing plan….ah, but your wife to be is! The unspoken consolation prize is “but…..hey, you get to have sex….and that’s the only thing men need or think about and want!”

That seems to be given begrudgingly today (in my men’s group…..goodness, so many of the married guys complain that their wives never want sex)

How did the early church turn the world upside down? All God did was send a few men, and they made it happen. We have so many tools today…..and we’re “helpless” and we tend to think a “building program” will help everything and if we let the men fix things on the property they will feel “useful”

For over five generations now, the modern church has become a Beta farm existing only to produce the same masculinity-confused men that the secular world has perfected today. In our idealism I think too many (even well-meaning Red Pill) men believe that the church is some insulation against the worst of the Feminine Imperative when it is in fact an institution that produces the same men we hope to free from the Matrix.

Dean Abbot had an excellent post about this dynamic in his critique of another post by Mark Braivo:

In spite of what you might hear in the media about how terrible and retrograde evangelicals are, the entire movement, even the “conservative” end is thoroughly feminized.

The central Christian teaching that ALL people are sinners gets glossed over. Instead, the notion that men are somehow worse by nature than women is everywhere, sometimes stated overtly, often in the subtext.

At the same time, women are elevated to a position of moral and spiritual superiority. Women’s sin is often excused in light of a man’s failings. I remember hearing a very well known evangelical leader tell a story about how his wife freaked out and started smashing all their dishes. What was his point? That she did this because he had been neglecting her. See, she is not an adult beholden to practice self-control, but rather an innocent, sweet victim driven to outlandish behavior by his shortcomings.

“Toxic masculinity”, any masculinity inconvenient to a feminine-correct purpose, is a sin both actively and retroactively in today’s church.

With every successive generation of Beta pastors that are produced by this farm you get more and more men whose only experience of that religion is one of servile deference to a faith that’s been fundamentally altered to the utility of women and feminine-primacy. Women love to complain that it’s largely men who do the preaching and decision making in church, but what they ignore is that these men are the developed implements of the Feminine Imperative.

I will wager that in the next 10 years Christianity will be unrecognizable from its prior tenets of well defined conventional masculinity and the faith itself will expressly be centered on deference to the feminine.

Culture Informs Faith

I’ve had several critics tell me that the problem with the modern church is really one of its culture and should be considered apart from the ‘genuine’ faith, however it is church culture that ultimately informs and restructures doctrine and articles of faith. When that culture is informed by the Feminine Imperative, open Christian feminists, and a feminine influence posing as doctrinally sound egalitarianism, this fundamentally recreates an old order religion in the image of a new order, female-primary, imperative.

This and endless variations of the feminization of religion across every denomination and sect is why contemporary religion is openly hostile to any semblance of conventional masculinity. Church is no place for a single man and is just a formality for the man married to a religious woman at this point in time. All considerations of faith aside, I cannot fathom an adult man with any self-respect finding anything attractive about the modern church. Either there is nothing for him there or he is despised and denigrated, openly in a faith altering way or discreetly in resentment, or in pandering ridicule of his juvenilized maleness.

I don’t type this without a sincere sense of what’s been lost, particularly for men genuinely seeking existential answers for himself. My observations here will undoubtedly be thought of as some attack on a genuine faith, but my issue here isn’t with religion per se, but rather the thoroughness with which the Feminine Imperative has either subverted wholesale or covertly influenced really all modern religion.

Yes, I realize that faith is something personal that should be set apart from churchy social influence, but the culture is a manifestation of the doctrine and collective belief system. That culture ultimately modifies and informs the faith itself, thus with every successive generation that social influence becomes an article of the faith for the next.

Better to laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, especially when the ‘saints’ are the priestesses of the Feminine Imperative.

The Red Pill lens in today’s church is a scary prospect.

Another commenter, The Question, had a good comment about this:

You’re absolutely right about the state of the Church in the West.

What makes it so dangerous for a Blue Pill man is that it is ground-zero for girls entering the epiphany phase. The single men who remain in the church are the ones will be pressured to fulfill their role in that strategy and will be treated with hostility if they don’t. I personally anticipate a renewed church “man up” campaign somewhere in the near future as the next wave of twenty-somethings near 30 and beyond.

I’d say the only reason to go is to meet cute single young women and that’s if the church actually has them and its theology isn’t wholly intolerable. College town churches like mine have quite a few young single ladies which is why I go.

I will admit, putting aside conscience and morality, the modern (‘Relevant’) church would be a veritable untapped gold mine for a PUA savvy of christian culture. Churchianity’s already got the perfect social architecture installed for pick up. Christian women aching for sexy Alpha dominance in a sea of preconditioned christian Beta “good guys”, high intrasexual competition anxiety for both sexes, instant reconciliation and sin forgiveness for women, hell, you can even talk a woman into an abortion without her having any accountability for killing her child at this point. What’s not for a PUA to like? Feminine-primary churchianity has been waiting for christian-savvy players for years now.

Men with a well defined Red Pill lens, having the sensitivity to understand the subcommunications of what’s going on around them in church, should be rightly horrified.

This is one reason Men like Dalrock are vilified by Christian women who understand he’s wise to what’s transpiring in the church – the Feminine Imperative has taken the Lord’s name in vain by presuming to promote its agenda and socially engineer generations of men to support it by claiming it’s God’s will.

Read the Fempowerment narratives of any ‘Christian women’s ministry speaker’, they will defend the sisterhood above any tenets of faith. They’ll tolerate blasphemy of the faith, but never the Feminine Imperative. They’ll rationalize abortion as a man’s sin, but never accept accountability for it and any man to attempt to rebuke them (for anything really) is counter-shamed for male chauvinist judgementalism. And being judgemental of any woman is the most mortal of sins a man can make in the new church

In the feminine-primary church, the Holy Spirit is the Feminine Imperative, what she says is an article of faith. Men who become aware of this via the Red Pill are a danger to it.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago


The child molestation reference…. fits perfectly in this article


7 years ago

For Pete’s sake, haven’t you had enough already… 🙂

I tried to teach you something, but it will obviously take some time for you to digest and understand. Bye Son.

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

Bye Son.

Perhaps Em is on the rag and not feeling like herself…

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

comment image

7 years ago
Reply to  Sun Wukong

@Sun: Seems ‘cupcake’ just realised the kitchen is hot and he doesn’t like it? 😂😂😂😂…かわいいそ…
Maybe he’s Emilys boyfriend?….😂😂😂😂

As they say in anime, he is “1000yrs too early.” (千年はやいぞ!)

7 years ago

You know it’s interesting. Not only does the evangelical church raise young boys to be beta men but even the new male converts who start out strong, confident and masculine get reduced to absolute betahood. I believe it’s hopeless without a complete collapse of our culture and society. It sad that the church is so inculcated with this poison……..

7 years ago

“There is a historical basis for female deacons . . .” There is a historical basis that Christianity, from the outset, was a feminist movement, and that much of the structure of the later Church was a result of the 200 years it took to fight it back. Note that it was only women who gave testimony to the resurrection. “– even when you disagree you should not ridicule other men. We are brothers in arms and should stick together.” Right guys, come on, shake hands and form a women’s circle, ’cause that’s what Real Men do. Q.E. Fucking D.… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago


He wants to be you. When are you going to start writing his speeches, bro?

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago


I believe it’s hopeless without a complete collapse of our culture and society

That result has come to concern me for one reason: if something steps in to fill the voice during the collapse, do you think it would be post-Enlightenment Christianity, or modern Islam? Of the two, Islam has the drive to get complete political control that modern Christianity lacks.

Seeing as Islamists would advocate for the execution of atheists like myself, I’m not at all reassured by the idea of a complete collapse leading to a great outcome.

7 years ago


cool photo change

7 years ago

@Sun: “When are you going to start writing his speeches, bro?” I have had a strong aversion to the man going back to the 80s. Besides, he seems to do best when he doesn’t listen to other people and justs shoots his fool mouth off. Right now people are happy just to hear a man who will actually say what he thinks. ” . . . do you think it would be post-Enlightenment Christianity, or modern Islam?” I think it will be a strong man with lots of guns. For some strange reason, the Heavenly Father seems to favor worldly… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Sentient “Not gambler’s… money lenders and people selling sacrificial doves… How about that?” My mistake. I do remember checking girls out at Sunday school when I was a horny teenager and feeling the simultaneous conflict that if I stuck my dick in any of them I would burn in hell for all eternity. The details must’ve escaped me. The details of what some of the girls were wearing didn’t though. I’m getting visions of a yellow blouse and one of those apple bottom asses sticking out of a tight pair of jeans. Oh, right. Page what chapter what in… Read more »

7 years ago

I value Rollo’s insight into women and the feminized culture we find ourselves in. I stated in a previous post his writing required a socio-economic or political element to give them context. And here’s why. Rollo often refers to the last 50 years of cultural feminization. Which implies prior to this period we had a patriarchal society. But we also had two world wars and the lose of millions of lives. Men may be expendable to women, but they’re even more so to men. It is the survivors of those wars who began to distrust those in authority. Especially when… Read more »

7 years ago

Many of the problems can be traced back, not to actual Bible teaching a but to the cruft the Greeks brought with them when converted in the first century.

But one example is how marriage changed. OT was polygamous and Christ condemned serial monogamy but that is now what the so called church insists is the only acceptable way.

7 years ago

@Rollo: the comments on Reddit are all over the place. What do you make of it? It sounds to me like the anger phase.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

@kfg Besides, he seems to do best when he doesn’t listen to other people and justs shoots his fool mouth off. Right now people are happy just to hear a man who will actually say what he thinks. It’s funny because it’s true. I think it will be a strong man with lots of guns. Guns and strength are no good without the will to use them. Islamists seem to wield them with reckless abandon. The hair is starting to stand up on the backs of Russia, Hungary and even China, so who knows? China has been openly hostile toward… Read more »

Noel D
Noel D
7 years ago

1. “I recently read a study that our current generation is the least religious in history and I think as far as men are concerned much of that disdain for religion is attributable to a church culture that constantly and openly ridicules and debases any male-specific endeavors or anything characteristic of conventional masculinity. It’s no secret in today’s church franchisement that reaching out to, and retaining the interests of, men is at its most difficult. Again, this is attributable to a generation of feminized men being raised into a church culture, and eventual church leadership, that has been taught to… Read more »

7 years ago

Thanks for speaking to this Rollo. I see you on Dalrock’s blog a lot and think you must spend atleast 10 hours a year in a pew somewhere. I am someone who found the redpill and your site while going to an evangelical college, which was quite the shock. I was an idiot following the old set of books and kept believing that somewhere, there must be these unicorn girls that are spoken about. Well, there may have been some, but overall, women were putting off marriage unless a very handsome, high social-status guy became their boyfriend. Average men be… Read more »

7 years ago

Can’t keep up with comments but a few things jump to mind: 1. I didn’t realize how religiously I’d been raised until much later in life. Even if you aren’t that religious as an adult, in my case, I internalized so much of the Christian sexual value system as a child. Shame was the major feature of all of it. 2. This is a crucial vector for the Fi to get to men. Shame their sexuality. Worship romance, reinforce those courtly, romantic, chivalric ideals and most of all make men “earn it”. This is eusociality on a very large scale,… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

It all made sense as I realized this was unfortunately the place many women go to feel better about themselves prior to the epiphany phase. Maybe they are genuine, but I just can’t stomach marrying a reformed girl. They aren’t genuine in their religion. They are genuine in their desperation. Marie Miller Imagine a mainstream male singer praying about the ideal weight of his woman, making it clear he doesn’t want a fat chick. Imagine the backlash he would receive that she’s not receiving. Even within the church it would be the same. Virginity defenses from a church girl as… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Christians, you would do well to keep the PUA wolves away from the flock, along with the feminist she-wolves.

Meh. You’re talking about the wives of the leadership, dude, conservative feminists in almost every case. If you doubt me, you should spend some time at Dalrock’s.

I hazard a guess that in many cities there are PUA’s working the mega churches every week. Large crowds, more or less anonymous, light show – a lot like many night spots.

7 years ago

@Jacob (even slower clap) Typical Marxist response to hard questions challenging the orthodoxy is to attempt to discredit the person, and not their arguments. Another is an attempt to reframe the argument. I too have capitalised “Church” throughout my post. Do try to be more observant. You do realise the Church (and other churches, I presume) is made up of BOTH the Laeity and the Clergy? Do you want to save the former but not the latter? How exactly, if not through the latter? And which of these groups, and which classes of each of these groups, are exactly deserving… Read more »

7 years ago

” Christians, you would do well to keep the PUA wolves away from the flock, along with the feminist she-wolves.”

Lmao. Please, give me a fucking break already.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

As an example, I was at the harvest crusade in socal a week ago. There is this one band called king and country, and of course they have to have a song that practically worships women and elevates their self esteem to extreme levels, all while prefacing it with a “man up/bad betas in the audience” speech.

“King & Country” manages to combine AMOG’ng with “Man up” in one boring tune. It’s like an extended twu wuv letter to women right up at the Wall. Probably can hear pap like this in a lot of mega churches.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

“King & Country” lol, “Queen & Pedestal” fits better.

7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader I love this entry in wikipedia about one of the “King & Country” brothers. They almost don’t seem like real people but fictional characters. Joel Smallbone was born on 5 June 1984.[27] On 7 July 2013, Joel married Moriah Peters in California. The couple saved their first kiss for their wedding day.” What did they do while dating? A friendly hug? That seems surreal. “Moriah Peters auditioned for American Idol, but the judges—Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, and Avril Lavigne—were harsh to her because of her wholesome image, telling her to experience life (“kiss a boy”) before entering the… Read more »

7 years ago

Nothing could be better for men than an Hillary win. Marriage and birth rates are at their lowest in recorded history the Westernized world over – which translates into the lowest transfer of power and wealth from men to women through alimony, asset division, child support (alimony++) and civil suit payouts following false accusations. Most of the richest women in the world got that way through divorce and/or forced wealth transfer through men’s deaths. The ‘law’ has circumvented men’s escape from forced wealth and power transfer through ‘the cohabitation rights bill’, ‘de facto relationships’, ‘committed intimate relationships’, and in Canada,… Read more »

7 years ago

The Church’s primary concern has always been attracting new customers and extracting more money and commitment from the existing ones. A religious organization is only non-profit in its tax status. Catholicism was the first successful franchise. The Church hasn’t abandoned or deceived men on purpose. We’re not the target market anymore. The big switch happened in the 1920’s when men spent their nights drinking and didn’t show up to church on Sundays because they were too hungover. The Church leaders began pandering to the bitter wives by embracing the Prohibition Movement. The question is, do we men really want the… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

he big switch happened in the 1920’s when men spent their nights drinking and didn’t show up to church on Sundays because they were too hungover. The Church leaders began pandering to the bitter wives by embracing the Prohibition Movement.

Hogwash. The Temperence movement started in the 19th century, mutated to the Prohibition movement in the early 20th century and succeeded in its goal in 1919. The same people who pushed Prohibition also pushed for women to vote. The Methodist church was a major player in Prohibition but it wasn’t the only church.

Learn to use a search engine.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Rollo, another thought. As we know, it’s become quite the thing in many churches, especially Evangelical ones, to adopt children from Africa and Asia. The more different the adoptees are from the parents, apparently the better for virtue signalling. I can’t recall if we ever discussed this as an aspect of Open Hypergamy, but it sure does look like a form of cucking, which is of course part of the F.I.

The men all tend to look like David French, too.

7 years ago

Ask Emily how many unicorns are left.

Break the pedestal.

7 years ago

Reblogged this on billsmithvision and commented:
A very interesting post that highlights the realities of the modern Christian church in America and many parts of the world.

His points are on target, even if you don’t agree with each and every one of them. Consider what is said and then consider if churches are really going the right way now.


[…] Losing My Religion […]

7 years ago

@ Darwinian Arminian (love the nick). It certainly sounds like revenge in the context of this rather nihilistic post. If they were the words men who you speak of – the body of strong faith believers who are reforming the church of Christ glorified – then maybe not. If that’s the reality of the church, then it can’t ever be rebellion against God to disobey its leaders, and it can’t ever be Christian persecution to work for its destruction. Far from it. In fact, I’d put it as a prime duty for any true follower of Christ to strike out… Read more »

7 years ago

Rollo, I adjusted that reblog when I realized the picture might not be exactly what those I am ultimately aiming my blog at are looking for. Not sure how to let you know when I just link things, but that is what I did, with some quotes and comments.

I am still working on more committed blogging stuff. I am also definitely not aiming at the same crowd you are.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Suddenly I’m feeling the urge to post a link to the YouTube vid of Garfunkel & Oates “Loophole”….it is so NSFW.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Joel Smallbone

Wait, what? Seriously? And here I thought the Hogg girls down South of years gone by had an unfortunate last name…

7 years ago

Actually can’t keep up with the comments or really care about religiosity as it relates to sexual strategy. I accept the premise that religion is fucking guys. It doesn’t have to be that way. Damn Rollo. Religion? Really. Stop taking so many risks. Can’t you just post while avoiding all risk? Can’t you just neuter your masculine self. Can’t you just avoid strength, courage, mastery and honor (among men) and not rile people up? The Feminine imperative reminds the Church that it cannot do the work of Christ or advocate for him because it is at odds with the “so… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

“@Scott, I know, that’s why I included this. I could probably do a post focused entirely on this and unplugging Christian men from the Matrix.” Do it Rollo. You are obviously a natural PYSOPs officer, and there are some guys that can try to use the material to free others, as Scott has done; and as I am doing also. No plans to save churchianity from itself and make the whole world a better place, just extract a few good men (maybe some women? – I guess not). My disclaimer (for anyone wondering who is this new guy. Rollo already… Read more »

7 years ago

It is interesting how some of the commenters here frequent Roissy’s site. Assuming they are Christian men, they are tacitly endorsing his anti-Godly masculinity. By frequenting such sites, Christian men denigrate the sanctity of marriage and promote deviancy. For followers of Christ, are they not OBLIGATED to shepherd away those young men who use Godly masculinity as the means to coitus between a man and a woman in a loving, committed, Christian relationship? Besides, what is “learned” at Roissy that the Christian man could discover merely by using the Bible as the exclusive guide to secure a Christian woman? Would… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  GCM

Of course fornication is a sin, but the path to truth is often lit by unexpected sources.
Luke 16:8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation WISER than the children of LIGHT.

7 years ago

“The strongest bonds of male friendship and love are typically formed by first trying to knock each other’s teeth in, then saving each others lives. There is not, nor has anyone ever found any evidence for, a men’s equivalent of the women’s circle. Men can quickly and easily form broad alliance’s, even with enemies, as a matter of temporary convenience (the enemy of my enemy is my friend), but have, at most, only a handful of “brothers.” Seek handholding consensus among the women. We are men here, we fight it out over truth. “– even when you disagree you should… Read more »

7 years ago

On the topic at hand, red pill and blue pill are the creation of men, not God. God made masculine men in His image. The church promotes that Godly masculinity in His greatness. Whether one “cannot fathom an adult man with any self-respect finding anything attractive about the modern church”, those men who are part of the congregation respect Him and His Ways and their church leaders and have little regard for what amounts to an artificially created socio-sexual hierarchy.

7 years ago

“Rollo, another thought. As we know, it’s become quite the thing in many churches, especially Evangelical ones, to adopt children from Africa and Asia. The more different the adoptees are from the parents, apparently the better for virtue signalling. I can’t recall if we ever discussed this as an aspect of Open Hypergamy, but it sure does look like a form of cucking, which is of course part of the F.I.” No, it is not virtue signaling, nor cucking. Christian couples who adopt children serve His calling. Period. They may be unable to sire their own offspring or are compelled… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

GCM Certainly, Conservative evangelical and Catholic clergy comprehend the weaknesses of females Please provide some examples from real life to support this. GCM No, it is not virtue signaling, nor cucking. Christian couples who adopt children serve His calling. So people who ignore the needy children in their own town, state, region but who instead buy orphans from Africa or Asia are doing what, again? Period. They may be unable to sire their own offspring or are compelled by His message to save souls. I forgive you for your transgression. Cool. So you’re God? Nice of you to drop by.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


Remember, the Bible clearly states fornication is only for a married couple, not single Christian men.

Really? Book, chapter, verse, please. Since you’re God, this should be easy.

7 years ago

You sound like a concern troll.
All men should learn the true nature of women, and of “wicked” men. How do you expect them to learn to make informed choices in their lives? Or do you consider that men should merely behave like unquestioning sheep and merely do what their clergyman told them to do? (Because that appears to have worked SO well in recent decades…) Oh yeah, I see.
Sites like TRM and CH, Dalrock’s etc should be considered a diamond mine of potential sermon topics.

7 years ago

Well, we all knew at some point the nutters were going to come out of the woodwork. The worst breed of Jehovah’s Witlessnesses. Makes me wanna puke. @ scrib “1. I didn’t realize how religiously I’d been raised until much later in life. Even if you aren’t that religious as an adult, in my case, I internalized so much of the Christian sexual value system as a child. Shame was the major feature of all of it.” This was a major factor in my being incel, and it’s still playing a major role with my current anxiety surrounding sex. These… Read more »

7 years ago

GCM, troll or not, is a perfect example of what can go wrong in religion outside of the Feminine Imperative. That is, men blindly adhering to what they think is God, when in actuality they’re bringing up children and influencing boys and men around them in a completely destructive and irresponsible way. It’s not much unlike a person with severe mental illness sucking everyone around them into their neuroses, and those people start to wonder if they themselves are crazy now too. Sexual repression is at the top of the list there. I can’t even think about that without getting… Read more »

7 years ago

The raw deal men are getting via marriage is an attempt to curb population growth. Think about it. If you empower women they’ll seek to have less or no children ar all. Neither will they be dependant on a spouse. If we were under populated the country’s institutions would be offering incentives to copulate. Russia has been doing this for years now. I understand Rollo’s stance on socio-economic factors when discussing the FI. Delving into matters obscures the actual message he’s trying to get across. But I would argue the real battle against the church was to do with science.… Read more »

7 years ago

“Christianity destroyed both ancient polytheism and democracy.”

I am willing to lay a lot of blame on the Christian alter, but Octavius was declared The Great (Augustus) Caesar, Emperor of the Roman Empire in 27 B.C.

7 years ago


The Germanic and Keltic tribes, each in their own way, kept a tradition of common council, but neither were actually democratic.

7 years ago

“Christianity destroyed both ancient polytheism and democracy.” Religion without God We often assume that religions and gods go hand in hand. This seems obvious to Westerners, who are familiar mainly with monotheistic and polytheist creeds. Yet the religious history of the world does not boil down to the history of gods. During the first millennium BC, religions of an altogether new kind began to spread through Afro-Asia. The newcomers, such as Jainism and Buddhism in India, Daoism and Confucianism in China, and Stoicism, Cynicism and Epicureanism in the Mediterranean basin, were characterized by their disregard of gods. These creeds maintained… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

“You know you are over the target when the flak gets thick” – Some WW II bomber pilot

7 years ago

I still appreciate Catholicism for providing socially supportive institutions to men who decide to forego sex altogether. Some of the monks I’ve met seem happier and more fulfilled than anyone.

Other than that, the critique is sound. Catholicism thru evangelicalism–all Christianity does is teach men to martyr themselves for women with no responsibility or accountability.

7 years ago

I had been brought up Quaker, but have been away from practicing or attending meetings for over 25 years. After a very painful set of events with a certain young lady, I thought that a return might help me get back on the right track.

It was a mistake.

I forgot just how socialist & feminist like the Quakers are.

And I learned just how empty I have become, because of how I let her treat me.

There is nothing left…

Father Thyme
Father Thyme
7 years ago

Cuckianity is chock full of anti-straight, anti-family, immoral POZversity, e.g.: (1) As I mentioned above, Christianity can’t get past the first chapter of the first book of the New Testament without glorifying cuckoldry. They worship cuckspawn, as much as Madonna today does. (Matthew 1:18) (2) Jesus banned normal heterosexual male-female relations in his perverted paradise in favor of gender-fluid angelic androgyny. (Matt. 22.30) (3) Jesus considered normal male-female marriage and the ensuing normal activities of productive activity like planting a garden and building a house for your family to be worthy of drowning and/or roasting. (Luke 17.26-29) (4) Jesus taught… Read more »

7 years ago

@ kfg I certainly think he’s taking it a step too far in putting polytheism on any kind of pedestal, and I feel like it detracts from his overall message, which is that circumcision has historically been used as a religious/political tool. And some of what he’s written about Islam seems very accurate. Muslims are the most die-hard practitioners of circumcision in the world, as far as I know. And it’s no coincidence that the same religions that endorse amputation of full sexual pleasure also have many rules and regulations about sex. What is the most powerful drive in humans?… Read more »

7 years ago

The fact still remains, though, that the majority of the global population is religious. So on that note, even though I’m completely averse to religion personally, it is absolutely worth pointing out the feminization of the church and calling BS on the whole thing. Christianity is, like it or not, a tremendous, dominant part of western culture and it also serves as one of the more insidious examples of the FI. What’s most unsettling is even if my generation is abandoning traditional religion, the religion of the FI is still there to take its place. It seems like it’s been… Read more »

7 years ago


“……especially when I worked with a few people and saw that if you can change the emotions surrounding a belief, that belief can change, and then the change in behavior can follow.”

Makes you wonder why so much is made of proper mindset in on those RSD Pua videos.

Or why Yogi Berra said “Baseball is 90 per cent mental. The other half is physical.”

7 years ago

@ SJF A great Japanese warrior named Nobunaga decided to attack the enemy although he had only one-tenth the number of men the opposition commanded. He knew that he would win, but his soldiers were in doubt. On the way he stopped at a Shinto shrine and told his men: “After I visit the shrine I will toss a coin. If heads comes, we will win; if tails, we will lose. Destiny holds us in her hand.” Nobunaga entered the shrine and offered a silent prayer. He came forth and tossed a coin. Heads appeared. His soldiers were so eager… Read more »


[…] figured I’d comment on Rollo’s losing my religion simply because it seems like a lot of Christian men are commenting over there. His post is pretty […]

7 years ago

@ SJF Religious doctrine fits perfectly into how our minds work: attaching stories and explanations to physical sensations in our bodies. The FI works the same way, and is dovetailing with Christianity by providing more stories and explanations to mate up with physical sensations in our bodies. This includes the primal fear of exile for expressing a minority opinion. And the primal social reward of praise and accolades for expressing a majority opinion. Like White Knights and Beta Gamers that try to win women over by pandering to a fem-centric worldview. Even though it won’t get them laid, it will… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Softek

The idea that “religion” is all about social approval is bullshit. Of course corrupt society tries to make it seem that way, but my reading of the Bible and of religious and spiritual history sees example after example of individuals who stood alone and apart and accepted rejection and contempt and martyrdom and torture and death rather than go along with stupid assklown society. Have faith in God and you will have insight and power to reject bullshit society. Let God be true and every man a liar liar pants on fire.

7 years ago

@ Rollo re: “same ole feminization bluster” article Fundo-religious Purple Pill. https://deepstrength.wordpress.com/2014/01/29/red-pill-and-game/ I haven’t seen that blog before, but that article gives me an overall picture of the themes behind it. And all I’m seeing is Purple Pill. A slightly different shade of Purple, but Purple nonetheless. It’s okay to be AWARE of Game and Red Pill, but it’s NOT okay to implement anything from it…..if that isn’t Purple Pill, I don’t know what is. This is literally mirroring the Blue Pill mindset that RP Awareness and Game inherently imply manipulation and abuse. More cannon fodder for neurotic men to… Read more »


[…] This is a response to Rollo’s latest post: Losing My Religion. […]

7 years ago

@Softek “They’re all fairytales…..” That is correct. And the reason for the fairy tales is to control (large groups of men). Yuval Harari was posed some questions about his book Sapiens: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/what-makes-humans-different-fiction-and-cooperation Is there a unique trait linking all human beings? The truly unique trait of Sapiens is our ability to create and believe fiction. All other animals use their communication system to describe reality. We use our communication system to create new realities. Of course not all fictions are shared by all humans, but at least one has become universal in our world, and this is money. Dollar bills… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  SJF

Uh, the suffering in this world is not God’s fault, it is our fault for choosing sin over God. Duh. We chose not to believe God when He told us that in the day we ate in disobedience we would surely die. So it’s a big shock that now we die? Really? Wow, man, just, wow. And as for Free Will, only God has pure Free Will. Humans have Free Will when God grants Freedom to our will as a spiritual gift. Otherwise our wills are under the control of our sinful natures and as such we are slaves of… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

@Rollo “the Red Pill needs to remain fundamentally areligious and apolitical.”

….because if it doesn’t, it will no longer be the red pill….

One hell (lol) of a post BTW. Excellent.

7 years ago

@ softek
“These programs are installed on the hindbrain level. It’s infuriating.”

I can totally relate bro!

@ Rollo. Great post. I wish I had this knowledge 30 years ago…but I have it now (grin) Thanks.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

Wow, I’m honored to have gotten the attention of the main guy himself. I speak Christianese because I am a born again orthodox fundamentalist evangelical Christian, but I cannot stand what has happened to organized Church that has turned it into Churchianity and now Cuckianity. I haven’t gone to any church building for about a year now because I cannot stand it. I do not deny what has happened to the social manifestation of Christianity, but I do maintain that such is not actual Christianity. True Christianity is a saving faith in Jesus Christ, which has nothing to do with… Read more »

7 years ago

God gamed Abraham at the sacrificial stone.
Abraham returned the favor on the Plain of Mamre.

He did a fair job on Pharaoh as well.

The Bible, both old and new, is chock full of righteous manipulation.

7 years ago
Reply to  kfg

Yeah, manipulation, like when God said He would put hooks in your jaws and bring your forth and send you back.

7 years ago

At the same time, women are elevated to a position of moral and spiritual superiority.

This isn’t new. This was always the case. “Purity of white women.”

The problem is that you had that PLUS a bunch of restrictive “patriarchical” bullshit on top of it.

Now you remove the ‘patriarchy’ and leave that intact…welp…ELL-O-ELL

7 years ago

“So it’s a big shock that now we die?”

Certainly not. Right after the condemnation for eating from the Tree of Knowledge came expulsion from Paradise to prevent eating from the Tree of Life.

Do you even Bible, bro?

7 years ago
Reply to  kfg

I meant a shock that we have death coming to us, in spades. I meant shock that suffering goes along with death. All who hate God love death, remember?

7 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@kfg: Does he even bible??
😂😂😂 he gon’ learn today!!!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

If Christianity is true then nothing is amoral. Gee, that looks a whole lot like a religious version of “The personal is political”. So when Deep Strength urinates in the morning in his toilet, is it moral or immoral? Is he urinating “For Christ”? Because if nothing is amoral, then he must perforce urinate For Christ, and how exactly is that different from an atheist doing the same thing in the next apartment? Or could it be that the action of peeing in the pot in the morning is amoral? It just … is? Like breathing is amoral? It’s substantially… Read more »

7 years ago

@ kfg

7 years ago


I would find a post on advice to help those in churches understand the realities of red-pill stuff would be good.

The Question
7 years ago

@ Rollo Tomassi I left a comment on Deep Strength’s blog addressing some of his points, but I thought I’d add some more here. Frankly, a lot of the discomfort Christian men have with what you write is a way of avoiding just how bad things are in the church because it forces them to make a choice; whether to tolerate it, try to change it within, or leave. All three present problems for them. If you believe nothing is amoral, that includes what goes in the church, but it is easy to criticize those outside the church than those… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  The Question

I’m a red pill Christian man who has decided to do what I can to change things from without. I won’t goto church the way it is at this time, but I will talk about it with anyone who will listen and I’ll even try to talk about it with those who don’t want to listen, if you know what I mean. And you brought up the issue of dishonesty regarding the deal with marriage and men and women, which is what irks me the most. I’m not convinced that everyone at church is as oblivious as they pretend to… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I meant a shock that we have death coming to us, in spades. I meant shock that suffering goes along with death. All who hate God love death, remember?

What does that have to do with the topic at hand?

Yeah, manipulation, like when God said He would put hooks in your jaws and bring your forth and send you back.

What does that have to do with the topic?]

Stop trying to troll the blog. You are not at all good at it.

7 years ago

I apologize if I’ve acted like a troll, and I didn’t mean to go off topic. I thought I was within the bounds of the general conversation, this post being titled, “Losing My Religion.” If I’m not good at trolling maybe it’s because I am not an authentic one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

I’m of the opinion that it is impossible to be a spiritually mature Christian without some measure of Red Pill Awareness. You do God service, Rollo, when you hammer home the point that a person must love the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, or else that person’s life is based on lies.

7 years ago


Note that it was only women who gave testimony to the resurrection.

Lol, this is total bullshit. The basis for becoming an apostle was to have seen the risen Lord. Apostles gave their testimony all throughout the NT gospel accts. and Acts.

E.g., “We cannot stop speaking of what we have seen and heard.”

Women weren’t allowed to speak in church unless their heads were covered and they were speaking to edify the church. They couldn’t be pastors or elders or have authority over men or teach men.

Christianity was hardly a feminist movement at the outset.

7 years ago

Re Krauser text game, I’m totally lost at sea on what to do. I’ve attempted to use your methods, but have never turned around situations that didn’t have a strong face-to-face interaction. I’m much more interesting than the competition (even some of my interesting friends say boring stuff, “how was your day”), but it doesn’t appear to make a difference.

It’s possible I should try and mix the styles up more, as he does, but I get bored to death

7 years ago

I’ve attended one of the largest churches in the U.S. on and off over the last few years. It’s a non-denominational church in a large, fairly conservative Midwest city. I have mixed feelings about it. It’s a pretty good church for people like myself who historically have never liked church. They do mostly understand why guys tend to not dig church, and they have a better ratio of men attending than your average church. Probably doesn’t hurt the lead pastor has been critical of more effeminate preachers. But they also do a lot of the things described here already. Men… Read more »

7 years ago

(continued from previous)
sending fluffy stuff, I genuinely don’t care/find it lame.

Could you give us an example of a text exchange you had with a girl that started from very little attraction in person, but culminated in a Day 2? It would be very informative for your readers

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Christian RP critics are always concerned that RP awareness will prevent ‘seeking’ men from coming to the church. Oh, come on, there’s also the “They’ll turn into players!” as well. As if learning martial arts will turn a man into a mugger. What really upsets Christians about TRP is that it sheds light on how a feminized church culture progressively informs and then remakes the faith they’ve invested their egos in. Contemporary Christianity has put feminine-primacy above all other considerations of faith to the point that it has become integral with that faith Yes, and many churchgoing men are like… Read more »

The Question
7 years ago

@ Rollo Tomassi

The gender neutral Bible has already happened. The female version of God is not far away.


I’m preaching to the choir when I say this, but I have new personal stories every week of stuff I hear and see within churchian culture that routinely confirm RP stuff I read here and at Dalrock’s site.

7 years ago

@Rollo: What really upsets Christians about TRP is that it sheds light on how a feminized church culture progressively informs and then remakes the faith they’ve invested their egos in. Contemporary Christianity has put feminine-primacy above all other considerations of faith to the point that it has become integral with that faith.

Yes. And TRP’s admonishment for sincere examination of “mental point or origin” leads precisely to the question “whom do I worship and how do I worship?” The answer can be as discomforting as seeing a burgeoning belly in the mirror — better to avoid reflection.

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

There are some things you never hear of any man doing, now matter how beta, gay or what, you just never hear of it….


Bulimia is a female pastime. Sticks her finger down her throat until she pukes, feels sorry for herself about it, blames her self indulgent self pity on her father, then masturbates her emotions of self superiority by hanging out with stray dogs and the pussy controlled media presents her as a heroin….. such insanity is apparently reserved for women only.

7 years ago

” I cannot stand what has happened to organized Church”

Driving down the road, the man came upon a sign for the First Bethel Baptist Church… about a mile further on he came to a sign for the Second Bethel Baptist Church… he asked his passenger what gives… The passenger said “they couldn’t agree on the color of the carpet in the narthex”…

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

Conventional religious institutions are by no means the only beta farms. Secular religions are at least as effective. One example is the secular religion of environmentalism. There are lots of millennial males who are betting their sexual success upon attaching themselves to the environmental movement. They expect to be rewarded with pussy for “saving the earth”. The environmentalist is nothing more than a modern day white knight.

The Other Jim
The Other Jim
7 years ago

@Rhett, ” Islam is the solution. It is the only religion that has remained impervious to the Feminine Imperative in the modern world.” It’s the only religion that has mired and condemned its people in the Dark Ages for its existence. Rollo, I hate to do this on your blog comments, especially as it has been so long since posting here but the door has been opened by Rhett and it’s time to call Islam what it is; and evil, Satanic religion. Or do you Rhett, think that since Mohammed(PB&J) is considered the “Perfect Man” by Muslims eg “Al-Insan al-Kamil”… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

Conflating a player with a mugger is a symptom of buying into blue pill idealism.

Father Thyme
Father Thyme
7 years ago

RE: Marxism, Where do you think Marxism got its orthodoxy? Marx’s famous maxim is plagiarized nearly word for word from the Bible, as well as the concept of “common property.” Ludwig von Mises wrote that “primitive Christianity is Bolshevism.” (Socialism, p. 413) How well did the Austrian economist know his Bible? Let’s take a look: (1) Boshevists hate the successful: • “But woe unto you that are rich!” Luke 6:24 • “Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor.” Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21, Luke 18:22 • “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Father Thyme

You’re correct that the Bible teaches not to love money and trust in riches, and instead to love God and trust in Him, but always in the context of stealing being a serious sin against the same God. And Ananias and Sapphira got busted for lying to the Holy Spirit, not for refusing to turn over their property. Acts 5:3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? 4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Conflating a player with a mugger is a symptom of buying into blue pill idealism.

It’s an analogy. That’s all.

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

Since the primary religion being referenced here is Christianity, I will reveal the truth about it. If you were walking down the street and someone named Brad approached you and told you that he is the son of “god” (an invisible humanlike image creator of the universe and everything in it) and that you are doomed to die for being born evil but that he will die for you or he already died for you so that you will not have to die but only if you believe him (pretend to everyone that he is what he claims to be)… Read more »

7 years ago

I agree that the divinity of Jesus Christ is hardly self evident to the casual observer. Those who present the gospel of Jesus Christ without acknowledging the need for uncanny faith are unfair and basically inaccurate. I’m persuaded that Jesus Christ is who the Bible says He is, but not because I’m relying on the testimony of any particular person, I’m considering all the evidence of the universe taken as a whole, including the testimony of my own heart soul mind and spirit. Like Jesus said, nobody comes to Him unless the Father draws him. Ye must be born again… Read more »

7 years ago

It is interesting how some of the commenters here frequent Roissy’s site. Assuming they are Christian men, they are tacitly endorsing his anti-Godly masculinity. By frequenting such sites, Christian men denigrate the sanctity of marriage and promote deviancy. For followers of Christ, are they not OBLIGATED to shepherd away those young men who use Godly masculinity as the means to coitus between a man and a woman in a loving, committed, Christian relationship? Besides, what is “learned” at Roissy that the Christian man could discover merely by using the Bible as the exclusive guide to secure a Christian woman? Would… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Hey, GCM / MCG, you posted all that junk yesterday. Why don’t you bother to answer the replies, are you afraid, too lazy, too stupid, or just another space-wasting troll?

Here, let’s try an obvious one again:

Remember, the Bible clearly states fornication is only for a married couple, not single Christian men.

Book, chapter, verse, or you are a liar. Your decision.

Jed Mask
7 years ago

Well… the Christian Church is in bad shape; that’s for sure; but for those men of God willing to fully “speak the Truth” of God’s Word (King James Version Holy Bible [KJV]) they will be persecuted and have to deal with all the problems and social pushback from family, friends and society.

No way around the persecution.

It takes effort but by the Grace of God by the Wisdom and Power of His Holy Spirit; men can exact change and lead in their God-Given Masculinity and Authority. Amen.

~ Bro. Jed

7 years ago

” . . . the Truth of God’s Word (King James Version Holy Bible . . .”

i.e., what the Pilgrim Fathers came to the New World to get away from.

7 years ago
Reply to  kfg

The Congregationalists preferred the Geneva Bible, and didn’t trust the KJV because they didn’t trust King James in particular nor the Stuart Kings in general, but it’s not really accurate to say that the Puritan Pilgrims fled England to escape the 1611 AV.

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