The Real You

One thing I’m always asked by guys is “How do I switch from a Beta loser to and Alpha winner?” There’s always a lot involved in how a guy can transition from one state to another and to today’s generation of low SMV men if you don’t have their immediate solution you must be selling snake oil. Most guys want a magic formula. They want a mantra to repeat or a set of steps to follow that will shift them from Beta virgin into Alpha cad. 

Well, maybe not ‘cad’. Most guys still cling to their Blue Pill hopes and attempt to see what the Red Pill presents to them as a key to getting to their Dream Girls. As I’ve pointed out countless times, a majority of men’s (80% Beta) only real problem is finding that one girl that fits their sexual strategy as ideal. In The New Polyandry I touched on this a bit; the Blue Pill conditions men to expect the old social contract of monogamy to be his default setting, even if he’s a high SMV man and could actually pursue a non-exclusive sexual strategy.

However, real change takes time. I know that sounds cliché, but part of that change almost always involves some kind of reassessment of one’s life during that process – and that’s always hard for the TL;DR generation. One of the more daunting aspects of unplugging a guy from the Matrix is that the goals he had while he was Blue Pill conditioned and ‘plugged in’ tend to fall away once he’s shifted to a Red Pill aware mentality. The “girl of his dreams” loses her veneer of desirability. The previous goal state that was defined for him by Blue Pill ideals is no longer the end he wished to achieve when he started his transformation. I think this is sometimes the hardest aspect of ‘awakening’ for guys to accept. Anger at oneself for wasting so much time and so much potential for not grasping the truth sooner is part of that process. So too is a sense of helplessness, if not hopelessness, that accompanies the realization that a man might not have what it takes (at the moment) to achieve what he’d like in life in this Red Pill paradigm.

There was a time when I was 21-22 and I first began playing in the Hollywood metal scene of the late 80s that I had one such transformation. By the time I was 20 I’d already been put through the wringer by my cheating ex-girlfriend from high school – who I was sure would be my eventual wife. I was Beta in the extreme, and thoroughly Blue Pill conditioned at that point, but I was going through what I termed the “Break Phase” in the timeline I created in Preventive Medicine.It took me about a year to shift from that mental state to one of making myself my Mental Point of Origin. Once I had – and once I’d decided I wanted to experience sex with hotter women – I found that through trial and error I could direct the path of what my personality would be, and what was going to be acceptable or not. I’d been emancipated from the expectations of being a Nice Guy as Game to essentially not caring what I was supposed to be doing to placate women. I figured out what worked for me.

I finally got into a ‘real band’ at 21. I played clubs every Friday or Saturday night between the ages of 21 and 25. I honestly only left my parents home because it was less convenient to bang a girl I’d met at a club on the weekend. But with that new identity came a new access to sex with women I could only fantasize about in a Hustler or a Penthouse magazine. The pivotal point came when one of my girlfriends (I had a rotation of about 4-5) was a bonafide swimsuit model. I thought I had finally ‘arrived’ at that point because my head was still measuring success by what the 15 year old version of myself thought was ‘it’. She was hotter and more fun in bed than any girl I’d gotten with previously. But my mindset was still mired in my Blue Pill ideals. According to those ideals she was the goal. And she was, until I managed to pull a centerfold who happened to live near me in Southern California. (Ask me about it sometime).

The point I’m making here is that a guy has to reconsider what his conditioning has taught him he should consider success based on the foundation of that conditioning. It wasn’t so much that I’d made myself my Mental Point of Origin, rather it was that I simply wanted to make the most of that time of my life and to do so meant that I needed to change my mind about who I wanted to be. I had transitioned from one personality to another and I liked it. I was rewarded with women’s genuine sexual desire and this served to further reinforce that new me as the genuine me. This begs the question, what is authenticity when it comes to ‘just being yourself’?

Later in my twenties I made the dangerous decision to involve myself with a woman who was clinically, psychologically disturbed. Of course she never wore a t-shirt that said “I’m insane” and I had wound myself up in her neurosis over the course of about four years. You can read the details about this relationship in Borderline Personality Disorder, but one thing I don’t get into in that essay is how I willingly became someone else – fundamentally changing my personality again – in order to solve this girl’s problems because I believed that who I was when we met was so flawed it was causing her neurosis. Now granted, I didn’t understand what I was involving myself in, but my point again is that who I was had shifted, but my core, internalized belief set was still very much informed by my Blue Pill conditioning. 

People who ride hard on the Personal Responsibility belief love to think that something so damaging must be self apparent. No one’s really a victim because they should’ve seen it coming – as they believe they would – but the reality is we want to believe that the Blue Pill ideals we’ve been raised with can come true. We want to believe that the ideals we internalized since five years old and on into our adulthood are in fact a possibility. In all my writing I make the case for a need to unplug oneself from the Matrix that is this Blue Pill conditioning. That’s what Red Pill awareness is; an awareness of the false existence we used to live out according to what others – often well meaning others – would like us to believe is true, because they want it to be true for themselves too. When I allowed myself to change my personality for my BPD girlfriend I had no idea that I was even doing so because I wanted to believe that she represented the ideal that the Blue Pill had raised me to think would be possible. A woman who fucked like a pornstar and looked like a swimsuit model and “loved me as much as I loved her”. And this came after I’d already check a swimsuit model and a centerfold off of my bucket list.

Personality is malleable, in fact it’s so malleable we often don’t realize we’re forging a new one. In both of these instances I’ve described that shift in personality was not by my conscious choice. I knew what I wanted to do; even in the worst case scenario with my BPD my shift was prompted because I thought if I changed my personality her own psychosis would resolve itself. My Blue Pill conditioning exacerbated this because it always teaches men that any problem a woman has with a guy is due to his own lack of investment, support, sensitivity or not giving enough of themselves. This is a very damning aspect of the Blue Pill and it’s also one that guys will reinforce in themselves and with other men because they believe their sacrifices are what women appreciate.

Beneath all this was my Blue Pill subroutine manifesting itself. Hell, even when I was on top of my game in the Hollywood clubs I still wanted to find a ‘good girl’ to be my girlfriend. I had changed my personality to succeed in getting what I wanted, but my root programming was still Blue Pill. Many a famous PUA has come to the conundrum of trying to make his Blue Pill idealistic dreams come true because he learned how to reliably ‘get the girl’. Good Game doesn’t make a man Red Pill aware. It’s certainly the gateway to understanding women’s nature and the nature of intersexual dynamics, but killing the Beta is a long term project.

So how do you shift from Beta Nice Guy to Alpha Cad? These are euphemisms usually meant to disparage the whole idea of changing yourself into something better. Most people don’t have it within themselves to even have the insight to think they’d ever want to change their nature. It’s easier to trot out “Just be yourself” when someone has that introspect. People don’t want you to change. Your predictability gives them comfort. You’re an easy element to deal with so they think that if you act in some new way you’re not being authentic. You’re a wannabe, a poseur, and they need you to behave predictably because it gives them a sense of control over you. Others want to pigeonhole you. They want to categorize you into immutable personality types or astrological designations that make them feel better about dealing with you. Again, if they can categorize you, if they can make you believe they know the truth of it, you’re just that much easier to control. Humans have a need to see patterns in their environment. The world is a chaotic place so it comes natural to us to think we can set some kind of willful order on it.

Eventually, after I’d finally torn myself away from my BPD girlfriend I returned to that Alpha personality that had been so successful for me, only this time I had finally realized that I needed to make myself my Mental Point of Origin. I looked back on all the women I’d applied the Blue Pill set of rules, ideals, hopes and dreams with. I was 26 and had nothing to show for all the potential that people kept telling me I had. I had done everything according to the old set of books; I was supportive, kind, sensitive, uplifting and empowering to every woman I’d been in a relationship with because I thought that was what would make me desirable. But as I looked back on all of that I realized I had done so at the expense of myself – at the expense of my potential. That sacrifice will alwayslead a man to his own destruction. I thank God it didn’t lead to my own.

It was at this point in my life that I realized that I had to unfuck my life and that meant a radical reimagining of who I wanted to be going forward. I get asked a lot about how I became unplugged and my usual answer is that it was a gradual process. This is true, but it was at this point I had to reject all the lies and idealistic fantasies that I’d been raised to believe in; to invest my ego in. I made a point to spell out to guys in A New Hope that you will never achieve Blue Pill ideals with Red Pill awareness and this is where that comes from. Unplugging, killing the Beta, reinventing who you are is not only possible for you, but it’s necessary to sustain you in a life of your own imagining. This doesn’t happen just by reading a book or going to a seminar, ultimately you have to live it and internalize that new you. You have to do this in spite of friends who want you to be ‘authentic’ and stay the old you so you’ll be comfortable to them.

All of this takes time, persistence and introspection, but it starts with an act of will on your part. You will only get what you have gotten if you keep doing what you have done. I can teach you Game. I can teach you the habits that would make others believe you’re a self-sufficient Alpha success, but only you can change your authentic personality. This is where a lot of guys lose the trail when it comes to being Red Pill aware. They read my books, they open their eyes, but they don’t know what to do with the information. Rich Cooper once told me that reading The Rational Male was like drinking from a firehose. There’s a lot to digest and a lot to confront with regards to how that information shows you, convicts you, of how you lived your life up to this point. But what do you do with it? Knowing is half the battle, the other half is action. The other half is implementing that knowledge to your own advantage.

Ever since I started writing I’ve always referred to myself as a Lesser Alpha. Some people think that’s self-deprecating, others think I’m just a married Beta with delusions of Alpha. Whatever. Either way, I’m a guy who took this knowledge and applied it to serve my own best interests and forge a truly authentic personality based on what I understand of what we call the Red Pill. I created a me of my own volition based on a realistic understanding of intersexual dynamics, but also of a better understanding of myself in that Red Pill paradigm as a result of it.

So, who is the real you? Who decides what your real personality is and what is authentic for you? What is the estimate that your  personality is based on? I get sick of hearing women and men talk about finding themselves. Women love the idea of a journey of self discovery. This is a fantasy of Blue Pill idealism meant to, again, keep one in a state of helplessness and hypoagency. Women use this garbage as a convenient rationale meant to excuse their past bad decisions. 

Red Pill men don’t find themselves, they build themselves. 

They forge themselves  into a creation of their own choosing based on realistic assessments of themselves, their conditions and the world that challenges them not to build himself. I wrote this essay to encourage you, but also to warn you that this building takes time, and you will meet all manner of resistance to the masculine project that is you.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

As bad of a beta as I was with my former acquaintances, I was a far worse beta in my day to day life. Once I had taken myself out of the dating market, it became crystal clear where the real problem lay. By the time I became red pill aware I had grown to despise and distrust myself around people. Red pill awareness in contrast to blue pill conditioning is akin to viewing different frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum. If the blue pill occupies the radio and microwave bands, the red pill operates at the x-ray end of the… Read more »

5 years ago

@Ollie Every beta instance was catalogued and relayed to my consciousness. Seething, I would make a mental note of how best to correct the errant behaviour I had recalled. Awareness. A good thing. Calibrating your own actions. A good thing. Seething. Not so good. Correction. A good thing. Let’s suppose that I’m aiming to create a lemon pie, but only end up with lemons. I could seethe about my failure or I could make lemonade. Every failure creates new opportunities. Then I heard the response “I could make her happy”. It took me a while to figure out I had… Read more »

5 years ago


Spent a lot of time in ” the projects ” have you? Around ” ratchets ” I assume.

( Sorry, I simply just call you out on the uninformed statements you continuously make about things you don’t have experience in, because you just keep making them )

What color is that bubble you live in?

One of the most frightening and ratchet places I’ve ever been was a trailer park in Halifax Virginia.. Ratchet is a state of mind/being, and not a location.

5 years ago

Blax, I spent a few months in a trailer park. Are you characterizing ratchets as models to emulate? And where do you find them conveniently?

5 years ago

@SJF – If I was Dalrock I’d kill myself. Using him as an example is laughable. He’s a Purple Pilling pseudo-intellect who’s fucking a lot of men’s heads up. My point is best demonstrated by this. I spent the past 24 hours with my 9yo nephew. We had huge Red Pill breakthroughs in his understanding of the world. We shot targets with a nerf gun, built a fire and tended it on a cold day, played cribbage, took the dog for a long walk and had just that kind of man-boy time that is so crucial for boys. As I’ve… Read more »

5 years ago

@ASD “SJF, do you sense a theme in my recent postings?” No. I’ve been distracted, though. I appreciate your efforts and the comeback of Proverbs. Lol, sorry I snapped at you last night. “Sometimes people give off signals for various strategic reasons that might seem weak, but are actually clever.” They are clever indeed, but I they are still generated from weakness. The older people and older children and Borderline Personality Disorders are still operating out of weakness, especially the latter. It’s ill-formed non-self-differentiated people that get really skilled at emotional warfare. Because they are defective. So they adapt and… Read more »

5 years ago

“If I was Dalrock I’d kill myself.”

What if you were Dalrock presently?

wahoo Mcdaniels
5 years ago

@Ollie I know you were sharing your own real you experience,this part jumped out at me. “Then I heard the response “I could make her happy”. I too have this “make her happy” deeply ingrained in my psyche. I believe it stems from matriarchal abuse. While patriarchal abuse recieves so much attention for my experience this was gaslighting. The real abuser was the mother,physically and emotionally in a brutal manner,this set many triggers like the mumolo one that you discovered. These triggers get carried out of the home into school and a woman teacher that sets one off would get… Read more »

5 years ago

“Only alphas I’m sure of around here are Blax, Sentient, SFCTon, Fleezer, KFG, YaReally in the old days”

Brutal. How will recover?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

“If I was Dalrock I’d kill myself.”

What if you were Dalrock presently?

And if was Dalrock but now not was Dalrock, then what?

Dinosaurs walking…

5 years ago

“Only alphas I’m sure of around here are Blax, Sentient, SFCTon, Fleezer, KFG, YaReally in the old days” Brutal. How will @SJF recover? All alpha all the time. The last persons I would want to be in life are YaReally, SFCTon (who’s spirit I greatly admire, if he is still alive…) or ScribblerG. That’s not who I’d ever want to be. Why? Instability. No different than a virtuous psychopath. There is balance in life. There is not going out at the extremes. Here is a figure of the relationship between psychopathic and spiritual states: It’s not about sex. If… Read more »

5 years ago

“If I was Dalrock I’d kill myself.”

We already knew that about you. You’ve been sub-communicating that loud and clear.

wahoo Mcdaniels
5 years ago

“Only alphas I’m sure of around here are Blax, Sentient, SFCTon, Fleezer, KFG, YaReally”

Yet the only one you want to get in a foxhole with is Blaximus,is this because of your race realism? Stop abusing yourself Scribblerg.

5 years ago

@ Wahoo

A very perceptive post.

I didn’t have a dog. But at 19 I left and never looked back.

5 years ago

@SJF I appreciate your efforts and the comeback of Proverbs. Lol, sorry I snapped at you last night. thanks and np ASD“Sometimes people give off signals for various strategic reasons that might seem weak, but are actually clever.” They are clever indeed, but I they are still generated from weakness. I was thinking of when I was saying that I would run from a fight if I could. That’s a signal of unwillingness to fight, which is a constraint on behavior. What is the upshot of people who hear that? Suppose I tell that to a bouncer? Then suppose I… Read more »

5 years ago

We shot targets with a nerf gun, built a fire and tended it on a cold day, played cribbage, took the dog for a long walk and had just that kind of man-boy time that is so crucial for boys.

My step-grandfather gave me a CO2 bb pistol that I promptly used to kill a robin while he watched. We changed the oil on his car and grilled steaks.

You can’t hold a candle to my grandfather.

5 years ago

@ SJF “I was supportive, kind, sensitive, uplifting and empowering to every woman I’d been in a relationship with because I thought that was what would make me desirable. But as I looked back on all of that I realized I had done so at the expense of myself – at the expense of my potential. That sacrifice will always lead a man to his own destruction.” Rollo described me and my core failings. “People who ride hard on the Personal Responsibility belief love to think that something so damaging must be self apparent. No one’s really a victim because… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
5 years ago

@Ollie @Palma She told the truth about a lie for so long she came to believe it herself and convinced all those around her. My father said she is crazy,I thought maybe a little. She convinced everyone he was the abuser but I cannot even remember one instance while with her it is in every instance. What to do. Understand her spoiledness,where it originated,how it affected her relationships and how utterly impossible it is for her to change. Forgive and move on. I would like to say I never looked back,the trouble is she keeps following me,while having admited some… Read more »

5 years ago

The level of intellectual masturbation and keyboard amoging on here has got to a point where most of you need a good bitch slapping.

If you’re all so fucking Alpha get out there and live it instead of spending so much time on here humble bragging.

5 years ago

How will recover?

I want in the 12 step recovery program class with SJF. J, you can get in the class with ollie and wahoo.

5 years ago

Rian Stone had sent out an email/newsletter back on Dec. 20th . Keep in mind that Rian Stone comes from and participates in a MRP milieu: Alpha and Beta; If you haven’t seen it, I’ve just released video 3 on YouTube. This one is: Alpha, Beta … Salsa! Link: ( From the video: “Why do men constantly harp on being an alpha male? Why does everyone think that only 6’5 monster men are the only sexually successful men? Everyone gets this wrong, and some get it wrong on purpose…Apply this shit in your life to meet your needs… Overlay… Read more »

5 years ago

@PlaydontPay – You are correct. Fyi, the only reason I identify myself as alpha is because other people do. I remember when I first digested the Red Pill, 5 years ago or so, I didn’t think of myself as alpha – even though I’d already had over 100 sexual partners. At a subconscious level, I knew I was socially dominant and aggressive but consciously I was always a bit ashamed of it. I was talking to a male friend who I’ve known for 20 years, who laughed out loud when I said, “I never really thought of myself as “alpha”… Read more »

5 years ago

I’ve enjoyed the Alpha definition torture session. At this point the definition will tell you whatever you want.

Look at your family tree. Is it right side up or upside down?

Fucking is not reproduction.

Gay men have the most lifetime sexual partners. Are they now all alpha too?

Don’t answer that. Please, spare is. I can’t bear hearing grown men pretending lifetime orgasms matters 5-10-100 years from now.

Don’t be dumb and stop commiting crimes against your potential by buffering your limitations into strengths.

tl;dr: Don’t be gay.

5 years ago

Great piece. Your writing style is evolving, or my brain is catching up. This one and some of your more recent ones have been easier on my intellect than in my early days.

5 years ago

“Keeping it real with ankle-biting grammatical notes . . .” I don’t go around pulling every little girl’s pigtails. In this case you were leading with your chin, so I gave it a tap to let you know. The next person you stick it out at might not be a friend. “I’m well capable of producing error-free prose, having written two books . . .” But perhaps my effort was wasted. “Do you think a Beta can “alpha up”? Yes or no.” Kamala Harris, is that you? ” . . . perhaps you are a Sigma actually, yes?” I think… Read more »

5 years ago

online digital fantasyworld = offline rhetorical fantasyworld

Po-tae-to, Po-tah-to

wahoo Mcdaniels
5 years ago

@Palma My take on this, she was raised on the old books and couldn’t forgive her own infidelity. Her hamster spun the wheel into her husband is at fault,he is responsible for her indiscretions. Therefore any alpha male is by default to blame for all the sisterhoods pain. And should have this maleness removed by any tactic available. I would come home from school to an empty house void of parents where the children fought for scraps. The pecking order would be restored to the most believable victim when the bull goose returned. Can’t top the cheese and pickle as… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
5 years ago


Carefull man you are getting dangerously close to a Scrib and Blax exclusive foxhole invite.

5 years ago

Live it…you do what you want to do…currently, I’m in Save My Lineage Mode…a temporary condition, I expect…taking care of the baby granddaughter while Daughter Gamer is interviewing 1k miles away…while all you Darwin Award Candidates are still out there balls deep in some sterile hole. XD

When push comes to shove, it’s about babies all the way.

Anti-Natalist Philosophy…Darwin Award Bait Trap that the elitists use to catch the stoopid.

5 years ago

Scribbs I’ve been thinking about this “But moving from beta to alpha? This is shit we get baked into us when we are young children. Yes, of course it’s a choice, a decision – not some biological trait – but it comes when you are very young and decide who you are going to be in the world. “ many of my early life experiences are similar to yours, fighting young, pushing back [punched a kid in the nose first day of school, pulled a knife on a kid in 3rd grade who was harassing me, etc. etc.] and this… Read more »

5 years ago
5 years ago

speaking of examples of alpha and social dominance being attractive

Sopranos are a very good RP show if your looking for something…

5 years ago

“…Darwin Award Bait Trap that the elitists use to catch the stoopid.”

They mostly catch the high status and IQ useful idiots. Doctors, lawyers, actuaries and the like. Plus of course the Doctors of Stupid Made Up Shit.

5 years ago


They mostly catch the high status and IQ useful idiots. Doctors…

Yup. Especially obstetricians and pediatricians…

5 years ago

The Anti-Natalist Anthem

We don’ need no re-pro-duc-tion

We want lots of birth controw

No babies coming out all over

Hey! Preacher! Wed no one no mo.

All in all it’s just another…dick in a hole.

5 years ago

LAX practice started last week.

My boys are up, all their shit together, books, lunch packed, gear and otherwise and out the door at 5 AM for practice. LAX and work the two things that get them out of bed before 7 AM.

5 years ago

Speaking of Vox Day and Alpha and Beta, getting together with women, and Hostile Operating Governments, one of my red pill buddies sent me this today:

The first link is the start of the essay Natural Selection is Reactionary.

The second link is an interesting discussion between commenters Jim and Rule Brittanica beginning 2/6 00:37:

5 years ago

It is impossible to understand the nature of women except from the point of view that humans and races of humans were formed by natural selection over an immensity of time. “Peoples that allow female sexual choice perish, thus today’s women were never subject to natural selection to make competent sexual choices. and “If we don’t remove female sexual choice, we perish, because everyone else who allowed female sexual choice perished.” meet Ariel Castro, Jim’s blog posthumous bellwether: @ SJF These evo-bio debates are purposefully benighted as to recognize one bit of human sentience demands recognition of all of… Read more »

5 years ago

“Good Game doesn’t make a man Red Pill aware.” Mmmh. That’s it right there.

M Simon
5 years ago

wahoo Mcdaniels,

You can never make her happy. You can excite her.

M Simon
5 years ago


The reason I identify myself as alpha is that the LTR wanted nothing else. Verified by the men she was interested in. Friends of mine at the time. And she also told me.

BTW collapse is coming.

The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph Tainter – pdf. The good stuff starts in Chapter 4. – about 3 minutes

Alphas will be at even a bigger premium than now. War and revolution.

M Simon
5 years ago

If you want to watch a civilization collapse (from a distance) keep your eye on China. The current rulers have lost the Mandate of Heaven as they say over there.

China Begins An Economic Collapse

Despite our bad situation we will be the last to fall. Our saving grace is less socialism/communism. All that government is expensive and mostly dead weight. The Romans had a similar problem.

The Romans tried what we would call socialism in their collapse phase. It didn’t work. In fact it made things worse.

5 years ago

” . . . we will be the last to fall.”

That has been the only viable long term strategy for some time.

wahoo Mcdaniels
5 years ago

@M Simon
“wahoo Mcdaniels,

You can never make her happy. You can excite her.”

Then we learn how not to excite her.

Tainter has been educated in one piece of the puzzle,ironic that he explains it in such a complicated way.

Explain to me how to complete the fire triangle with water,magnetism and daylight. no other ingredients required

I’m currently in between this stage of beta –> apha. I often find myself still looking for those same beta idealizations when I am beginning to like or find greater interest in any particular women. This inherently shows me that I still have a good amount of beta to kill and shows how deeply rooted this is. As someone mentioned below social circles play a huge role in this. After hanging out with guys who are 100% beta, it tends to make me question my own RP and what I know to be true and reality. I guess this comes… Read more »

5 years ago

@Ayden “…social circles play a huge role in this. After hanging out with guys who are 100% beta, it tends to make me question my own RP and what I know to be true and reality. I guess this comes with time as well.” What might you do about that? I suspect you are using the term 100% beta to represent Blue Pill guys. Guess what? A tribe of guys in a social circle who are 100% Beta/Blue have a strong Frame in which they operate. The Matrix was a Frame in which to operate and control. Force feed pretty… Read more »

Cult-I Vader
Cult-I Vader
5 years ago

FYI, Warning, Don’t ever make any claim to being or achieving alpha on this site. You will be denigrated, insulted, dismissed and AMOG-ed by the tiny handful of regular posters who do not know you and are convinced of their own alphatude. Unfortunately for them, the writing is on the screen that they spend more time reading comments and posting, than actually living a robust life. If you feel you have reached alpha, best to read the original post and move on. If you sense you are Beta, best to read, internalize and live it. There is no need to… Read more »

5 years ago

“You will be denigrated, insulted, dismissed and AMOG-ed by the tiny handful of regular posters blah blah blah blah blah blah blah….”

Bitter much?

5 years ago

“If you feel you have reached alpha, best to read the original post and move on.”

followed by not moving on…


Look your list of he man stuff is not – by itself – the measure of alpha.

cougar tracks… I’m sure…

5 years ago

this reminds me of POOK- A second life
thank you for this post!!! 🙂

5 years ago

@Rollo: perhaps not quite related to your post and possibly useful for your book: BAP, Classical Man, and the Christian Bugman.

5 years ago

Classical man….


5 years ago

‘Red Pill men don’t find themselves, they build themselves’. Enough said Rollo.

It’s time gentlemen, to rebuild manhood . It’s on us. I just composed this, share if you like it.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Fu***** Can anybody explain me how to embedd videos?

5 years ago

You don’t. You link them. Just paste in the URL.

5 years ago

Thanks kfg

M Simon
5 years ago

wahoo Mcdaniels

@M Simon
“wahoo Mcdaniels,

Tainter has been educated in one piece of the puzzle,ironic that he explains it in such a complicated way.

Declining marginal productivity + high taxes ==> is not complicated. He uses a lot of words to nail that down. He is an academic after all and discusses his sources.

David Eagen
David Eagen
5 years ago

I like to reread this. Paramount to being able to keep on your path to building yourself is FINDING A COMMUNITY OF MEN. There are a few in the red pill community. Maybe people reading this will find one that works for them. My only problem is there are so many great communities and so little time.

RMG and their content creators is a great start for anyone new and looking.

5 years ago

“My only problem is there are so many great communities and so little time.”

Fight Club Movie Quote: Narrator: [19:34] “This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time.”

5 years ago

60 seconds. Truth.

4 years ago

Ok as far as I know, I decided to re-read the rational male and I honestly think the books can benefit anyone. I must admit, I had fell back into that damn ONEitis and I had forgotten I had the book, the belief of the “one” is so strongly embedded especially if you already have an identity issue. And the approval seeking behavior is disgusting, I admit I still struggle with this shit! So the question is, HOW the hell do I undo this belief? It is the emotional attachment that goes along with it. And yes I am tired… Read more »

4 years ago

Red Pill men don’t find themselves, they build themselves


4 years ago


I saw a big obese man waddling around at the mall this weekend, and he had the phrase on his stained t-shirt, so the message is out there!

Peter Pan
Peter Pan
2 years ago

Rollo wrote… I get sick of hearing women and men talk about finding themselves. Women love the idea of a journey of self discovery. This is a fantasy of Blue Pill idealism meant to, again, keep one in a state of helplessness and hypoagency. Women use this garbage as a convenient rationale meant to excuse their past bad decisions. Red Pill men don’t find themselves, they build themselves. The very idea that a man can rebuild his life and personality and basically become a different person, is probably hard for a blue-pilled person to grasp in the first place. I… Read more »

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