Remove the Man 2019

In October of 2017 I wrote an essay titled Male Control. It was actually the second time I’d covered the topic of how a feminine-primary social order (a Gynocracy if you will) seeks to control its male population by deliberately sowing confusion about masculinity into multiple generations of boys, and later men. Prior to this I’d written another seminal post titled Remove the Man in which is outlined the ways in which that Gynocracy makes efforts to systematically remove men from our language. Usually this takes the form of ‘erasing’ the letters m-a-n from the English language wherever it appears in an official capacity (i.e. state bylaws, universities, legislative documents), but also in gender-neutral translations of the Bible now. The only real constant in all of this the deliberate erasure of ‘man’ and/or ‘men’ from that language.

But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.

George Orwell

I wrote Remove the Man back in 2013 in response to one such effort by the Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, who passed a bill to make state laws gender neutral. The effort actually began in 2007, but in 2019 a simple search for ‘gender neutral language’ will show you the extent and scope of this much larger effort. This essay served and the starting point for a larger awareness for me – that of the push to remove men and masculinity from more than just our language, but rather the removal of all things conventionally masculine. As Orwell states here, the thought, the thinking, about masculinity and men is the focus of the corruption.

But language is only one way that the concept of what is masculine is distorted for a purpose.

Today the American Psychological Association issued its first-ever guidelines for practice with boys/men’s. In it the concept of conventional (traditional) masculinity is outlined as ‘harmful’.

The main thrust of the subsequent research is that traditional masculinity—marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression—is, on the whole, harmful. Men socialized in this way are less likely to engage in healthy behaviors.

It would be easy to refute this basic presumption with countless examples of how all of these traits, most of which are innate parts of men’s evolved mental firmware, have been key in developing a civil society as well as healthy masculine identity. But what we’re seeing in this is a corruption of language that is leading to the standardization of the corruption of thought.

Stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression are evolved aspects of the male psyche that have served men for millennia. To the Red Pill aware man this is self-evident. What is less evident is the new context in which these ‘educated’ men apply meaning to these terms. Academia has been so thoroughly assimilated by the Feminine Imperative that the men making official decrees about psychological principle no longer have the insight to understand that their perspective is informed by ‘female-correct‘ thought.

There are two presumptions being made here:

First, is that men’s predisposition for stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression are the results of a patriarchal societies adverse influence on boys and men.

The belief is founded in blank-slate social constructionism. I addressed this in Old Lies:

They hate the very idea that a boy might act in accordance with an inborn masculine proclivity. They hate the idea that a boy might learn to be tough and resilient at the expense of a vulnerability (weakness) because it contradicts the equalist belief set. They hate the idea that boys and girls have innately, biologically, different ways of dealing with emotions that don’t align with their belief in a blank-slate. To force them to accept this would be to force them to abandon deeply ego-invested beliefs that they themselves had conditioned into them by the same feminine-primary education.

Boys don’t naturally emote like girls, but when they refuse to align with the female-correct way of emoting we say that some patriarchal macho man, somewhere, in some movie, in some song, in some household taught that kid not to feel. He somehow learned that allowing his emotions to rule over him, to be vulnerable, to prioritize his feelings above his sense of rational self is what it actually is – a weakness that in our evolutionary past was far likelier to get him killed than to earn the praise of his equalist teachers.

Boys are simply not as emotional as girls – our brains did not evolve that way – but because we value the feminine above the masculine today we say this kid is doing it wrong. We say he learned to be an asshole from his macho dad or he learned to love firearms because of the latest rap song or a toxically masculine society that doesn’t exist. 

Now, granted, the men responsible for these psychological practices and their standardization tried to walk back the idea that conventionally masculine attributes weren’t “all bad”. This is expected because an aspect like stoicism can still be considered useful to a feminine-primary social order. It’s just that the larger social order wants the aspects of masculinity to manifest on its own terms and serving a female-centric utility.

A determined hard-driving man is what they want when the floodwaters start rising and women need to be carried to safety, but when a man uses that aspect of his masculine nature for his exclusive benefit, or a purpose that conflicts with feminine primacy, that’s when the aspect is defined as dangerous. However, the overall preconception is that there is some sinister influence of an old-school chauvinistic patriarchy teaching boys and men to be ‘toxically’ masculine. I addressed this fallacy in Old Lies, but this is one more example of how fem-centric society must cling to a clichéd parody of how boys must be being taught in order to cover the fact that boys are raised like defective girls today.

What is glaringly ignored is that these traits, and many more, are endemic parts of men’s evolved nature. Our emotional natures are not the same as that of women’s. Our brains are not wired the same as women’s. Men and women process emotions differently from the other, particularly negative emotions. This is a feature of the male brain, not a bug. But today the APA has decided unilaterally that men’s way of dealing with emotion is “incorrect”. Incorrect because the only correct way would be one that aligns with the women’s interests they’ve been conditioned to believe are only beneficial to larger society. To the APA, masculinity itself is a bug.

Secondly, this deliberate misconception relies entirely on social constructionism and almost entirely ignores the biological factors that contribute to masculine gender identity. I’m presently working on another essay that explores the dependency on blank-slate equalism as the basis for virtually every presumption the mainstream has about gender identity, so I don’t want to give too much away. However, the whole presumption of gender in humanist psychology depends on the falsehood that men and women are functionally coequal.

Accepting that failed notion of blank-slate equalism is what scaffolds the entire premise of this standard of masculinity. Masculinity is something that cannot be removed from society if its source is something that is unique to only men by virtue of their biology. They cannot ensure female-correctness as a societal standard if men and women are different. People like those in authority at the APA know this. It’s why merely talking about those innate gender differences is deemed a hate-crime today. Inspiring doubt in the blank-slate standard risks destroying the scaffolding for all their preconceptions of gender.

In the end this is one more, I think significant, effort in removing men and conventional masculinity from our collective thought. This standardization of how men should be ‘dealt with’ in therapy, or colored by in just considering men’s role in psychology is an ideological power play. Modern psychology officially doesn’t ‘get men’ anymore.

The latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) will now officially list ‘traditional’ masculinity as a hazard or a disorder for male humans. They can’t be called ‘men’ because that would gender them.

I read a few Twitter threads about this change to the DSM and I think they’re worth reading to get a better grasp of the gravity of this standardization:

On December 29th, 2018 I made some pretty ominous predictions about what I thought the manosphere and men in general could expect to see in 2019-2020. We’re not eve a week into the first month and a lot of what I expected is starting to develop. The gender divide is now a gender ‘Cold War’ and going forward I see the polarization between the sexes becoming even uglier than the 2016 election cycle.

This issuance from the APA is a foundation for how psychology – our Lords of the new church – will define what is acceptably ‘male’ and what is not. Furthermore it defines what aspects of masculinity is officially hazardous based on social constructionism and science denial.

Going forward I think Red Pill aware men will have to view mainstream psychology with even more suspicion than we do already. My Red Man Group colleague, Rian Stone, has mentioned that this equivalent of a “Papal Bull” from the APA represents a call to action for the Red Pill community and the manosphere in general to help men understand that conventional, “traditional” masculinity is not a disorder.

The Red Pill saves lives. I can only see this standardization as a net negative for men who are already five times more likely than women to take their own lives. Men seeking psychological help will only find their problems compounded by psychologists trained to believe masculinity is inherently toxic. And as a result we need to be prepared to help our Blue Pill brothers unplug and show them their inherent worth as conventionally masculine men.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

Western civilization is dead. In the end the Chinese will duke it out with the Islamists over the rights to loot the corpse.

5 years ago

Fuck off…

The Chinese have had a couple of thousand years to get… China… and N. Korea… lol

5 years ago

I would not be surprised if this results in increased rates of infanticide of male babies.

5 years ago

I’ve been considering seeing a male therapist for some time regarding issues of Depression and the like. After reading this, absolutely fuck that non-sense. I’ll not let some feminized male (there is a profound difference between males and Men) spin some femcentric horse shit at me. I’ll figure it the fuck out by myself and you know what? I’ll be a better Man for it.

5 years ago

The Chinese are experiencing a population decline just like the West.

5 years ago

1.4 billion Chinese.

326 million Americans.

How much decline we talkin?

5 years ago

… Not to mention 1.3 billion Indians ( even though I just mentioned it ).

Joe Boschna
Joe Boschna
5 years ago

competitiveness, dominance and aggression aren’t male specific traits. Women share them in an underhanded way they are pretty familiar with that few document.

5 years ago

Chinese birthrate is declining, but population growth is still positive:

Hawt Carl
Hawt Carl
5 years ago

If you’re feeling low try tryptophan, b1 (thiamine), vit d and SLEEP. Hit weights when you’re awake and take walks. Did I mention sleep? It’s important.

5 years ago

“China’s Below-Replacement Fertility: Recent Trends and Future Prospects”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Bushi ’ll figure it the fuck out by myself and you know what? I’ll be a better Man for it. You’re in the manosphere, where men do just that. You already got some good advice; exercise can work better for depression than drugs. Ditto vit D if you are in the northern hemisphere right now. Plus there’s no paper / computer record trail for some SJW bureaucrat to search up a few years in the future… JOHANN It’s all rooted in the fear that Men will take away women’s basic instincts of Hypergamy. LOL! No, no, no. Not even close!… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Western civilization is dead. In the end the Chinese will duke it out with the Islamists over the rights to loot the corpse.

China’s pretty busy taking over East Africa, at least for now.

5 years ago

Circumventing the World Bank magically spurs economic growth and blunts generational poverty.

Who knew?😁

( Well, I did 25 years ago but China wasn’t really a huge player then. I was watching the IMF and world bank pick winners and losers in Latin America back then. Break the traditional yoke, get untraditional results. Simple.)

5 years ago

Its already hard for depressive, shy guys to make a dent but now even if you try seeking help with therapy – you’re deemed as defective human being without saying a word.

5 years ago

A few things that I notice recently as I bang my way through millennials…girls today under 30 have very few “feminine” skills: they can’t cook, sew, have very poor manners. I now take on the role of the “man” as someone who has to show them how to cook or cook and get them to clean up afterwards—another trait very foreign to them because it seems they’ve never had to do this at home or wherever. Certainly guys their own age can’t do those basic things so they then find it extremely sexy to have a man cook for them… Read more »

5 years ago

I find the comments from the APA are just ignorant and a total lack of understanding to what makes a positive masculine male. Stoicism is a very positive philosophy, for a healthy and happy life, not just for men but also for women. The lack of understanding from a professional body absolutely astounds me. My upbringing lacked a positive patriarch. My abused mother left at a young age and I was brought up in a feminised environment. In no way shape or form has that been a healthy upbringing for me as a man. The positive was I was taught… Read more »

5 years ago

Yes Chinese loans to Africans… What could go wrong? Lol

[Hint – loans are easy to make. Not as easy to get paid back]

5 years ago

I guess many people here have probably pointed this (I wouldn’t know since I don’t read the comments usually), but I hope that most men are aware that the “Gynocracy and feminist lobby” is essencially ruled and manipulated by decadent and insane lesbians who have a bizarre and twisted agenda.
Basically they think that if they work hard enough, in the future every women will become a lesbian and so they’ll have kmore pussy to lick.

It seems like a crazy and nonsense plan, doesn’t it? Well… most women have crazy and nonsense intellects.

5 years ago

What archives?

Top menu bar – “The Best Of Rational Male”. Year1-3 required reading if you’re going to make sense of TRM.

5 years ago

Great Article Rollo.

Jason Shadday
5 years ago

Interesting post. I found this that I thought might interest you….pretty scary:

5 years ago

The Psycho pro’s have always been good at doling out dope to those that can’t relate.

Could be they have some new drugs for antistoicism,anticompetition,antiballsdrop and antimalesocialize.

5 years ago

In 2019, my resident state, New Jersey, will offer and recognize gender neutral birth certificates. I didn’t hear anything about this until December 30th. When I heard about this, I began asking everyone I knew and encountered what they thought about it, and as of January 8th I’ve yet to find one person that even knew this was going to happen. Now for my own personal satisfaction/curiosity, I’m going to query state legislators. The state is still confused about marijuana legalization, but this happened to sneak in under the radar with no publicity. The odd push in ‘ gender studies… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

Sentient, the Chinese loans to Africa aren’t meant to be paid back. They’re meant to buy influence, access to the markets, and yoke the Africans to the Chinese – they are pretty successful for that purpose I think.

5 years ago

This is just more top-down, 30,000 foot business, really, and frankly it just makes things better for men who are self-aware and self-actualized. The more the typical guys, the AFCs, are clamped down upon by this or that part of mainstream culture (including the APA), the more opportunities it creates for men who are self-actualized to reap the benefits in all areas of life, including women. From that perspective, I’m not seeing the problem. I mean the overall social trend is unmistakeable and it’s important that self-aware men keep abreast of these things, but overall it serves primarily to benefit… Read more »

5 years ago

Culum 👍💓 African nations that have an abundance of resources and materials used in manufacturing and technology have been trying to hand together to get ” fairer ” prices for these things, but have been unsuccessful. China needs material and is willing to pay a fairer price, and/or trade in loans and assistance in building factories, mines, and infrastructure – including a shitload of state of the art airporta and seaports where applicable. The world bank/imf operates differently, and usually leave the bulk of a population almost destitute with debt that gdp cannot sustain. Generational debt. Nice way to drain… Read more »

das monde
das monde
5 years ago

‘The Water Cure’ Imagines What The World Would Be Like If Toxic Masculinity Were An Actual Toxin

Sophie Mackintosh’s debut novel, longlisted for the 2018 Man Booker Prize

5 years ago

Gents, As has been pointed out, this will benefit red pill aware males, just another academia knife to further cut the balls off male millennials, is there even anything even left to cut? There is an all out full spectrum attack on masculinity at the moment, when the pendulum swings(and it always does) back it’s going to get very sporty. I guess it’s about targeting the newer generation, not that they need any help, they are busy castrating themselves with video games/porn/social media/internet platforms and the like. Red pill aware males, the fields are all there for plowing, plow them… Read more »

5 years ago

This APA adoption is just the result of institutions pandering to females. Just like the church has been doing and now they wonder where are all the men. They know men will pay pay for their educational agenda even though it is against men, because the stats say our children have a better chance at survival after being inculcated to their biased agenda. We converted a garage to offices and built an ad on garage close to the side border fence. The neighbors had this dog with its voice box removed that quitely ran back and forth along the fence… Read more »

5 years ago

pandering to men

5 years ago

This is scary stuff.

To set a criteria which designates masculine traits as harmful to men (and therefore boys) is a whole new breed of sinister, especially as schools, creches and childcare centres are so dominated by women. What can be done? I don’t see Red Pill men getting jobs as infant school teachers. (I know I don’t want to be one.)

5 years ago

As the APA clearly lets on, the “helping professions” have a particular problem with men who don’t want their help. Less business for them and less opportunity to re-shape the culture. As AR I think said a few days ago, you may well be better off discussing your situation with a few trusted friends or other trusted laymen before going on record as “needing help” Nova points out this is all just background noise to the confident, shit-together male. But it will not turn out well for men or boys who do stumble into the clutches of the helping professions.… Read more »

5 years ago

The APA guides may sound like background noise,that is until they become part of legislation by rulings made in light of “expert witness”. Pleading the 5th will be labled as stoic.

5 years ago


“Access to markets” is access to leaders… and those leaders change. See every African country ever…

5 years ago

Look out…

Wine drunk cat lady with a few dozen billion on the horizon…

I’m sure a lot of that money will go to help men.

5 years ago

“The APA guides may sound like background noise,that is until they become part of legislation . . .” Bear in mind that these guidelines are simply the codification of what is already practice in all of the adult social services. And you might be surprised at what falls under that field these days and can suck you involuntarily into the system. Men over 65 (officially elderly by the DSM) are particularly at risk and will need even more strength and stoicism to maintain their freedom and dignity. Their traps are already set for you and you might need to be… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


I’m sure Mack Bezos will be at least as helpful to us as Jobs widow has been. ..

Question: is Bezos in the process of proving himself to be just as betaized about women as Elon Musk?

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

Sentient – sure. But then you start paying the new guys too in exchange for resources, geopolitical influence, etc. How many dictators did we prop up over the decades as a bulwark against Communism etc? The Chinese are just getting in on the same game.

As for Bezos, I read somewhere (maybe Twitter) an unsourced report that there was a prenup, so she may not get quite as much as everyone thinks.

5 years ago
5 years ago


The Chinese are just getting in on the same game.

For sure… one in which they have no experience.

What’s really funny though is you have two parties where neither intends to honor the deal…

Sing it Aretha…

5 years ago

@Rollo: good post. Insidious move by APA.

The first of their “masculinity markers” – stoicism – is a trait that one has to be rather twisted to interpret as harmful…
No coincidence, stoicism is also the trait among those markers that contributes positively to men’s mental health (and keeps them from seeking the APA’s “help”, as O.B.I.T. alludes to in the post above).

Women’s general lack of stoicism (which is probably a feature rather than a bug for some evolutionary reason?) is surely a major contributor to women’s being more vulnerable to anxiety and depression.

5 years ago

Last post on China… … Beijing’s reputation is not all that is at stake: Chinese sponsors are losing money. Wang Wen, chief economist at Sinosure, said the Chinese state-owned insurer had been forced to write off $1bn in losses on the Djibouti-Addis Ababa link. Due diligence on the 718km railway had been “downright inadequate”, he said. Mr Wang’s comments came after Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s prime minister, in September negotiated easier terms with China on $4bn of railway loans, extending the repayment period from 10 to 30 years. The move followed a foreign exchange crisis that hit Ethiopia’s ability to… Read more »

5 years ago

” . . . a feature rather than a bug for some evolutionary reason?” For the bulls United We Stand, Divided We Fall means a fireteam forming a battle square. For the cows it means stampeding the herd away from the danger. The two strategies are complimentary. They form a group survival system which fails should one of them be absent. You can play it out as a wargame scenario and see how it works, and fails to work. I’ve watched a number of critiques of The Last Jedi (far more entertaining than the movie looks like it is) and… Read more »

5 years ago

@Novaseeker and foxguy: neither alpha men nor RP aware men (not necessarily the same thing) are immune to this kind of move, even on the short /medium term, although the awareness certainly provides some protection.

This topic makes me think of the classic movie:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Didn’t end well for the RP alpha…

5 years ago

@Blax, I don’t think China will be good for Africa (Chinese man’s facial expressions say it all):

5 years ago

If you get a tank it doesn’t mean that you’re safe because the grunts can’t hurt you. It means you made yourself the target of the Warthogs.

5 years ago


Soooo many lols in that clip.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

IAS Women’s general lack of stoicism (which is probably a feature rather than a bug for some evolutionary reason?) is surely a major contributor to women’s being more vulnerable to anxiety and depression. Possibly women’s general lack of testosterone. Some of the symptoms of low T in men include anxiety and depression. Since working the upper body muscles increases T in a normal, healthy man the manosphere trope “Do you even lift?” has scientific support. This also implies that the APA and the rest of the helping professions are really, really trying to turn men into women – demonizing Testosterone… Read more »

5 years ago

Not women — girls.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

@Sentient, Newly If you think of the PRC Chinese as running a huge payday/car title lending business with East African governments as the customers, a lot becomes clear. “Garnishment” is easy on a paycheck, but it can be done on a railroad, a port facility, or other infrastructure as well. On a completely irrelevant tangential rabbit trail… I could be wrong, but I seem to recall the East India Company used to loan money to Rajahs and other princelings in India. When the loans weren’t repaid, the Company would foreclose on some of the princely real estate, with troops if… Read more »

5 years ago

Once you have them in the monkey trap it’s easy enough to put shackles on them.

The IMF has been at it so long that if the monkey won’t take the bait, they can force it to.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Not women — girls.

Excellent point. I sit corrected.

5 years ago


Yes I’ve no doubt the Chinese think they are going to “garnish” or foreclose, and likewise the African governments have zero expectation that they are going to make payments [but the current “big men” will make large Swiss deposits]… Each think they are going to get over on the other…

The problem for the Chinese is they are in China, and they are Chinese…

This “with troops if required.” is not something they do well on an export basis…

5 years ago

Gynocracy: social order where women use the same 20% subset of top tier males for sex, and the other 80% as ATM cash dispensers.

5 years ago

@AR, the only difference between Western banking colonialism of the past and current Chinese colonialism is how the Chinese pronounce it.

5 years ago

” . . . the other 80% as ATM cash dispensers.”

They’re not the machine. They’re the players, of the slot machine. The machine pays out on a very carefully calculated but apparently pseudo-random basis.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


The problem for the Chinese is they are in China, and they are Chinese…

True. However, the Tibetans are in China, and they are slowly but steadily becoming Chinese…

This “with troops if required.” is not something they do well on an export basis…

…so far.

But do they really need their own troops if they effectively own the government of some African country like Kenya? Recall what the word “Sepoy” meant in India for a couple of centuries.

5 years ago

Venezuela real estate prices are plenty high,coroniarizing Aflica is a good idea in case of Gland minimum.

5 years ago

African Sepoys, what?…. [strokes chin]

[recalls Rhodesia*… chuckles]

mmm K!

* – Gen Z’rs see

5 years ago

It’s ironic that neo-anticolonialist Obama backed the Chinese who are now the neo-colonialists.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Venezuela real estate prices are plenty high,coroniarizing Aflica is a good idea in case of Gland minimum.

Say, you back on some meds?

5 years ago

Rollo, there is an awful lot being discussed in the psychiatric and psychologist associations about “hegemonic masculinity”: Some background on Dr. Ryon McDermott, who helped author these new APA guidelines stating that “traditional masculinity is harmful”: “I tell clients that oftentimes anger is a powerful emotion to cover for a more vulnerable emotion we might feel,” “…The clinician’s role, McDermott says, can be to encourage men to discard the harmful ideologies of traditional masculinity (violence, sexism) and find flexibility in the potentially positive aspects (courage, leadership).” “….traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful and that socializing boys to suppress their… Read more »

5 years ago

And since Twitter is exploding on this one, they are now backpedaling in the most half-assed way imaginable: “When we report that some aspects of “traditional masculinity” are potentially harmful, we are referring to a belief system held by a few that associates masculinity with extreme behaviors that harm self and others. It is the extreme stereotypical behaviors—not simply being male or a “traditional male”—that may result in negative outcomes. For example, people who believe that to be a “real man” is to get needs met through violence, dominance over others, or extreme restriction of emotions are at risk… Read more »

5 years ago

Just more of what is going on at liberal arts college campuses. South Alabama University. Ryon McDermott: Notice the projects he is involved in: College men’s sexual assault and masculinity < blockquote>The commentators point out a need for greater attention to the intersections of identities within masculinities, more investigation of different dimensions of privilege and entitlement, and greater emphasis on group-level influences and social settings that can increase or decrease risks of sexual violence. In the present rejoinder, we expand on each commentator’s calls to action and advance a brief argument that a critical step toward addressing these… Read more »

5 years ago

So the APA has a Division 51 — the Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities.

That’s X-Files creepy. Probably just down the road from Area 51.

Looks like CYA at the APA, and the people who OK’d that “Masculinity is Harmful” piece a few days ago got some splainin’ to do. Didn’t mean to lay it all out so bluntly, dammit. Pity the clueless (probably freelance) chick who wrote all that drivel now caught in the crossfire.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Pity the clueless (probably freelance) chick who wrote all that drivel now caught in the crossfire.

No. I will not.

5 years ago

No … no, I didn’t think you would, and you’re right. I say “pity” only in the sense that you’re screwed when trying to write for an organization that doesn’t quite want to say what it really means.

5 years ago
Aryan Blindboy
Aryan Blindboy
5 years ago

Traditional Masculinity: (a hazard or a disorder for male humans) = Hazard = Disposable Male… therefore men are no longer defined as disposable according to the APA. Winning.

5 years ago

This just in from our Lifestyle Desk:

“Just hours after Jeff Bezos announced his divorce from wife of 25 years, MacKenzie, sources told PEOPLE he was dating former news anchor Lauren Sanchez.

The 49-year-old reporter is also divorcing her husband of 13 years, Patrick Whitesell, one of Hollywood’s most powerful agents, PEOPLE confirms.”

We now return you to the proceedings of the American Psychiatric Association …

5 years ago

In the conversation about boys being boys, one important idea is always omitted.

The reason post-pubescent boys act the way they do is to attract girls. Girls send positive and negative feedback regarding a boy’s actions. Boys are simply acting in a manner that maximizes their opportunities with the opposite sex.

If society wants boys to not act like boys then girls will need to stop rewarding them for acting that way.

5 years ago


“So like what’s this hyper gamey stuff look like anyway?”
comment image

[Ps – have to say I’m surprised, not about her age but her gender]

5 years ago

I’m surprised that no one mentioned her body language. She is clearly leaning towards Jeff, even though Patrick has his arm around her.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Any men here who have gotten engaged/married/started a family after the age of 33 with successful results? Successful being you are currently happy in life. Would like to hear some positive stories.

5 years ago

I don’t think China will be good for Africa (Chinese man’s facial expressions say it all)

Nonsense! Sudan, for example is over 90 percent Islamic and in China hundreds of thousands of Islamic internees are happy happy happy.
So happy they sing, “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” for the visiting journalists.

(this is far better than singing “Allah akbar KABLOOIE!” so maybe they’re onto something)

5 years ago

Well, we may have supplanted Katharine McPhee as hypergamy’s poster girl with this Lauren Sanchez… For your consideration: Subject 2001 – Bro 1 – Tony Gonzalez – NFL Tight End Baby mama to one… not married. 2003 – Bro 2 – Henry Simmons – NYPD Blue actor×300/c/h/chmjgqwz41x441x.jpg Engaged, but never married 2005 – Bro 3 – Patrick Whitesell – William Morris Endeavor co-CEO – Net worth $300M Married, two kids 2019 – Bro 4 – The Bezos – Founder Amazon… Net worth $120B – [soon to be $60B] Situation developing… [Rollo – you should do a March… Read more »

5 years ago


Meant I thought The Bezos was going to come out…

Also possibly have a post stuck in mod?

5 years ago

Mod released…

so like looking at the timeline here… Some guy might conclude something along the lines of “as a woman approaches the wall, her algorithm switches from Alpha Fux to Beta Bux” or something about provisioning…


5 years ago

Waffles What’s your definition or ” happy ” because I think it matters somewhat. Different men will have variables pertaining to happiness. Many men see marriage as a restriction of some kind, and I’m not sure if a man can be really happy if he feels artificially bound and restricted. As to your question, I got married for the 2nd time at age 36, had my 2nd child at age 38. So I don’t know if I qualify to answer your question. Imo, ‘ happiness ‘ is mostly internal and mental. I have a great job…for now…. But I don’t… Read more »

5 years ago

@Blax Thanks for the post. The thing is I really don’t know what my definition is. I feel like I am constantly going through phases. I just turned 34 and really want to start a life and a family with someone and every now and then get a nervous pang that it won’t happen for some reason. I have a large group of friends, good social life, good job, hobbies, enjoy going to the gym and am in some of the best shape of my life. Women approach me, I can get dates and numbers, one night stands, just recently… Read more »

5 years ago


“with one that ‘gets me’ if that makes sense. “

Yeah that makes sense.

It’s a fucking delusion, but it makes sense.

Swallow that Red Pill allllllllll the way down. You cannot get validation from women or things.

5 years ago


Ha I know that though! And knew I would get called out for that. I have heard Rollo say it hundreds of times and I know it is a weak statement by me but I just can’t help it. I have swallowed the pill fully but in the famous words of X Files ‘I Want To Believe’ and to a degree I do base too much self worth on validation from women and things. Trying to work on that in 2019.

5 years ago


‘I Want To Believe’

Yes this is EVIDENCE that you have NOT swallowed the pill alllll the way down. It is a symptom.

You are in the “bargaining” phase…

“Guys… I’m totally put together so I can “cheat” this hypergamy, burden thing…”

PS – aren’t you the guy posting at CH in the past about your oneitis?

5 years ago

Waffles I don’t think most people really know what makes them happy because they are looking externally. It’s important that you spend some time and reflect and think about what you actually want, then how to go about getting it. You gotta go through an awful lot of chicks to even begin to find a few that might meet your objectives ( it’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it…😁). Objectively, there’s no such thing as ” it’s never going to happen”, but whether it’s going to happen the way that benefits you the most. Only you can make… Read more »

5 years ago

I have met plenty of great women but am finding it hard to vibe with one that ‘gets me’ if that makes sense. That makes sense in a Blue Pill sort of way. You are looking for a woman who understands what it’s like to be a man and empathizes with you. But that’s not possible. Women aren’t men and can’t really understand what it’s like to be a man. You need to figure out what a marriage/LTR looks like for a Red Pill man. How you choose your partner, etc. Blax will tell you to vet. I’ll tell you… Read more »

5 years ago

“The main thrust of the subsequent research is that traditional masculinity—marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression—is, on the whole, harmful.”

Not surprised…but man! It’s basically being institutionalised.

5 years ago

“What is less evident is the new context in which these ‘educated’ men apply meaning to these terms.”

More like educated fools.

5 years ago

@Sentient Haven’t been over CH in a bit but frequently posted there as well so probably and yes it did take me about 15 months to get over that LTR. I definitely am past the bargaining stage because I sure as hell know I went through the depression phase lol. I know I cannot beat hypergamy. I have learned from past mistakes and I get it. I know my happiness is entirely up to me. I read Rollo’s twitter every day and am constantly reminded of red pill truths. I have swallowed the entire pill. My life is better and… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

BTW guys this link from Rollo’s Twitter is worth reading.

Anonymous Googler details the exact mechanics by which they screwed over James Damore. Nothing surprising to anyone reading here but I thought the precise mechanics were interesting:

5 years ago


The best validation you will get from her is when all your stuff and property suddenly becomes “ours” or even some of it like the kitchen becomes hes if your really good. Get used to it, not equals.

5 years ago


If you are going to beat me down for that please just save it.

lol. I’m pointing out you ain’t over bargaining. Sure with THAT one girl perhaps, not with WOMEN…

It’s your life, do as you please…

I will point out if you are off course just 1 degree you will end up off course 92 feet after a mile…+

How many miles ya got in ya?

5 years ago


Srowry so you can undelstand; This is youl blain ~,this is youl blain on rugs ////////~//////

5 years ago

@blax @asd Maybe instead of ‘gets me’ I mean ‘complements me’. Not looking for a woman who understands what it’s like to be a man, which is impossible. Maybe I am just chasing that chemical high from when there was visceral raw energy and synergy with someone from the opposite sex. Not just sex or mind blowing sex which is well and good but that ineffable oxytocin flooding your brain animal magnetism that I have experienced before. So many variables to consider for how to move forward indeed to get to where I truly want to be. And @sentient OK,… Read more »

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