The Evolution of Game


If you ever need a reminder as to how you came to a particular belief or set of beliefs, the best way to consider (or reconsider) that process is to write a book about it. As most of my readers are aware I’m in the process of publishing my first book based on the writing of the past ten years of my involvement in the manosphere. It wasn’t even known as the ‘manosphere’ back then.

For the men (and women) who’ve read my ideas since the inception of the SoSuave forum almost 12 years ago, I expect they’ll find the book kind of remedial ā€“ like going back over old classics they’d internalized and take for granted now. If I make a reference to Hypergamy or the Feminine Imperative, for most, there’s a standard level of pre-understanding about the elements associated to each of these and many other concepts. However, a problem of familiarity arises when I, or anyone else familiar with red-pill awareness makes an attempt to educate the unfamiliar. The Red Pill reddit community makes a good effort of this, but after going through 2 revisions of my book it’s become evident to myself and my editor that familiarizing the uninitiated is a major obstacle to reaching the men who’ll benefit most from unplugging (yet another manosphere term).


The majority of the requests I’ve received over the years for a comprehensive book of Rational Male ideology has come from readers expressing the desire for a condensed version in book form which they can give to family and friends (mostly male) in the hopes that they’ll better understand their need for emancipation from their fem-centric mental models. Of course that’s always been my goal from day one, but it presumes that a large part of those reading will be unfamiliar with common terms and concepts I, or familiar readers, will already have a grasp of.

Another issue I often run into is the presumption that readers new to my blog or commenters on other blogs have a familiarity with my work. I often find myself having to link back to articles where I covered a specific topic that a critic or an inquisitive reader might want to take me to task about. For the most part I make a conscious effort not to repeat something I’ve addressed, sometimes years, before, but that’s simply a part of this medium. For convenience I’ve recently added a new page to the top of the blog with all the relevant links I think cover most of my basics from the Year One post.

It’s a difficult enough proposal to unplug men from their blue pill conditioning, but leading them to an understanding of principles they mentally have a resistance or aversion to is a particular challenge. My editor is only peripherally familiar with these principles which is kind of a blessing and a curse. In one sense it requires me to revise old posts and concepts to be more ‘noob friendly’, but it also challenges me to review how those concepts evolved over the years to be what I and other red pillers now consider common foundations. For instance, while I might rigorously debate the Feminine Imperative with those familiar with it on Dalrock’s blog, I had to spend over an hour defining it further with my editor after he’d read my seminal posts about it.


Of these concepts the one I return to the most frequently is that of Game. My editor asks, “Just what is Game?” Throughout the upcoming book, this blog, and virtually every major manosphere writer’s blog there’s a constant presumption that readers will know exactly what Game is when it’s referred to. Game has been lifted up to an almost mythical state; like some panacea for the common guy struggling with achieving women’s attentions and intimacy. It’s gotten to the point where familiarity with Game has become a flippant aside for manosphere bloggers ā€“ we have varieties of Game, we have internalized Game, we have ‘natural’ Game, direct Game, Beta Game etc., but defining the term ‘Game’ for someone unfamiliar with the very involved intricacies, behaviors and the underlying psychological principles on which Game is founded is really tough for the uninitiated to wrap their heads around in the beginning.

For the unfamiliar, just the word ‘Game’ seems to infer deception or manipulation. You’re not being real if you’reĀ playing a Game, so from the outset we’re starting off from a disadvantage of perception. This is further compounded when attempting to explain Game concepts to a guy who’s only ever been conditioned to ‘just be himself‘ with women and how women allegedly hate guys “who play games” with them. As bad as that sounds, it’s really in the explanation of how Game is more than the common perception that prompts the discussion for the new reader to have it explained for them.

At its root level Game is a series of behavioral modifications to life skills based on psychological and sociological principles to facilitate intersexual relations between genders.

Early Game

In its humble beginnings, Game was a set of behaviors, learned, adapted and modified with the express purpose of bettering a guy’s prospective sexual ‘success’ with the women he had only limited (if any) access to. Game was defined as a series of behavioral skills and techniques observationally experimented with, and developed by the burgeoning PUA culture of the early 2000’s. While there was a peripheral acknowledgement given to the psychology that made these behavior sets effective, the purpose was more about the result and less about the head-mechanics that made the result possible.

This introduction was many of the current manosphere’s first contact with ‘formalized’ Game. The quality of theĀ Art in pick up artistry was (and still is) really left up to the practitioner’s capacity to understand the basics of behavioral psychology (with regards to women) and refining a deft ability to adapt and react to his target’s changing behavioral cues on a given environment and/or context..

If this were the only extent of Game it would understandably be very short sighted and limited in scope. In the beginning Game had a utility in that it helpedĀ a majorityĀ of men lacking the social intelligence to approach and develop a real, intimate rapport with women they fundamentally lacked. The problem was that beyond Game’s “in-field” uses it wasn’t really developed past the point of ‘getting the girl’, and left even the most socially adept PUAs unprepared to deal with the real psychology motivating women on a greater whole. It was just this feminine meta-psychology that drove men, unaccustomed to enjoying and then losing the affections of women formerly “out of their league”, to depression and suicide.

Game was a wondrous tool set of skills, but without the insight and foresight to deal with what these tools could build, it was potentially like giving children dynamite.

Evolving Game

From the earliest inception Game was more or less viewed as a solution to a problem. Game has been described as a logical social reaction to the women that the past 60+ years of feminism, social feminization and feminine primacy has created for the men of today. Courtesy of modern connectivity, the internet and collectivized social media, evolving Game or some variation of it was inevitable for men. Ā Despite the public social stigma and ridicule attached to men attempting to understand the psychologies of women, privately the internet facilitated a global consortium of men comparing experiences, relating observations and testing theories.

The behavioral psychology that led to Game which prompted the desired reactions in women began to take on more import for men. Sure, the now classic Game techniques like being Cocky & Funny, Amused Mastery, Agree & Amplify, Neg Hits, Peacocking, etc. were effective in their own artfully used contexts, but the latent psychology that made those behavior sets work prompted the questions ofĀ why they worked.

The psychological aspects of effective (and ineffective) Game began to take on a new importance. Through this broader exploration of the role biological, psychological and sociological factors affected Game sprang new ideas, theories and experimentative models leading to new behavioral sets and the abandonment of less effective ones.

As connectivity grew, so did the knowledge base of the Game community. No longer was Game exclusive to the PUA pioneers; Game was expanding to accommodate the interests and influences of men who’d never heard of the earlier version of Game, or would’ve rejected it outright just years before due to their feminine conditioning. Married men wondered if aspects of Game could reignite the sexual interests of their frigid or overbearing wives. Divorced men embraced the Game ridiculed when married to improve their potential for new sexual interests, but also to relate their experiences and contribute to that Game knowledge base. Men, not just in western culture, but from a globalizing interest began to awaken with each new contribution not only aboutĀ how women were,Ā Ā butĀ why women were. Game was making the unknowable woman knowable. The enigmatic feminine mystique began unraveling with each new contribution to the Game knowledge base.

Game was becoming something more. Men could now see the code in the Matrix: we knew the medium was the message, we began to see the Ā feminine social conventions used to control us, we began to see the overarching reach of the feminine imperative and fem-centrism, and we came to realize the insidious, but naturalistic, influence feminine hypergamy had wrought in both men and women. Game was prompting Men to push back the iron veil of feminine primacy and see what made her tick.

Predictably, fem-centric society sought to cast the rise, and expansion of Game as a modern version of the ridiculous macho archetypes of the 50’s-70’s. The threat of an evolving, more intellectually valid form of Game had to be ridiculed and shamed like anything else masculine, so the association with its infamous PUA forerunners was the obvious choice for the feminine imperative. The feminine standard appeal to the Masculine Catch 22 was the first recourse: any man who desired to learn Game was less than a man for that desire, but also less of a man for not already knowing Game (as approved by the feminine imperative). Any guy actually paying for, or personally invested in, Game was associated with the PUA culture that was characterized as a throw back to the ‘Leisure Suit Larrys’ of the 70’s.

Contemporary Game

For all its marginal efforts to shame Game back into obscurity, the feminine imperative found that the Game movement wasn’t being cowed as easily as it might have been in the mid 1990’s. The Imperative was falling back on the reliable tropes and social conventions that had always pushed the masculine back into compliance. At the apex of fem-centrism in the 90’s these social constructs worked well on an isolated, shamed and ignorant masculine imperative, but with the evolution of the internet, by the late 2000’s Game was snowballing into a threat that required new feminine operative conventions.

Game evolved beyond the behavioral sets, and beyond the psychological and sociological mechanics that underlined women’s psyches and larger socializations. While still encompassing all that prior evolution, Game was becoming aware of the larger social meta-scale of the feminine imperative. Game began to move beyond the questions of why women are the way they are, and into piecing together how the intergender acculturations we experience today are what they are. Game asked how did we come to this?

Game branched into specific areas of interest in its scope to answer these broader questions and solve more expansive problems. While we still have all of the prior iterations of Game, we have expanded into christianized Game, married Game, divorced Game, socialized Game, high school Game, etc.

However, underpinning all of these areas of specialization was still the need to internalize and personalize Game in a Man’s life. Game was the path to male re-empowerment; an empowerment that even women today still feel men should Man-back-Up to. Game required a reinterpretation of masculinity towards something positive, beneficial and competent ā€“ something entirely apart from the negative, shameful and ridiculous archetypes 60 years of feminization had convinced women and men of. Call it Alpha, call it Positive Masculinity, but Game necessitates the reimagining of the importance of the masculine imperative. Game needs Men to change their minds about themselves.

Needless to say, even in its most positive of contexts, the male re-empowerment that Game led to was a Threat too great for the feminine imperative to allow. Controlling the intrinsic insecurities that the feminine imperative is founded upon has alway depended on men’s ignorance of their true value, and true necessity to women. Men have to remain necessitous to women in order for their insecurity to be insured against, and the feminine imperatives control to be insured of.

The well of knowledge and awareness that Game represented had to be poisoned. The social conventions the feminine imperative had relied on for decades was no longer effective. The continued expansion of Game into the social, psychological, evolutionary and biological realms was evidence that Game was something those old convention couldn’t contain, so the imperative evolved new tacts while reinventing old ones.

Shaming and ridicule were (and still are) the rudimentary tactics that the less intellectual of the feminine imperative would resort to, but the expansiveness of Game needed something more distorting. Proponents of the feminine imperative began to concede certain universal points that Game had long asserted about feminine nature (and the FI had long rejected) in an effort to co-opt the social momentum Game had taken over a decade to develop.

The Feminine Imperative couldn’t argue with the extensive validity of the tenets of Game, so it sought to reengineer Game from within and modify it to its own purpose. The Feminne Imperative wants just enough male empowerment to return men to an improved (really an older) state of usefulness to its ends, but not so much that true male emancipation from the imperative would threaten its dominance. In co-opting Game and conceding to the truths it finds less threatening the imperative hopes to build better betas ā€“ men who believe they are empowered by Game, but are still beholden to the Feminine Imperative.

True emancipation from the imperative threatens its dominance, so Men with the vision to see past this are labeled Dark, Sociopathic and Deviant by the imperative. It wasn’t enough just to infiltrate Game and sanitize it fot its benefit, the Feminine Imperative had to categorize Game for itself ā€“ Evil vs. Good Game. The good of course being characterized with whatever aspects benefitted the imperative and the bad being whatever ‘selfishly’ benefited the masculine. The Feminine Imperative doesn’t care about the various branchings of Game ā€“ natural, internalized, marriage, etc. ā€“ it only concerns itself with what aspects can be distorted to its advantage and what aspects cannot.

This brings us to Game as we know it today. Game is still evolving, and had I the prescience to see where it will go next, I would veture that it will come to a real emancipation with the FI. Not an emancipation from women, but an emancipation from their imperative. Not a ‘men going their own way’ negligence of women in the hope that they’ll come around to behaving as men would like being given no other choice, but a true Game driven emancipation from the control that fem-centrism has maintained for so long.

Make no mistake, the Feminine Imperative needs men to be necessitous of it, and it will always be hostile to the Men attempting to free other men from that necessity. In this respect, any Game, even the co-opted Game the imperative will use itself, is by definition sexist. Anything that may benefit Men, even when it associatively benefits women, is sexist. Freeing men from the Matrix, breaking their conditioning and encouraging them to reimagine themselves and their personalities for their own betterment is sexist.

Encouraging men to be better Men is sexist.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Red Pill Dating
11 years ago

Heartiste briefly sums up game with this phrase: “Learned Charisma”. But as you’ve said, Game has moved way past such a simple idea. When I talk to people about Game and other Red Pill wisdom, I’m usually met with “how do people know all this?” It’s like the Internet can’t be used to share legitimate ideas, only wacky conspiracy theories and videos of cute animals/stupid people doing stupid shit.

Without the ability to share information behind the scenes (as it were), Game would have gone no where.

11 years ago

Sounds like it’s a pain dealing with an editor who is not very familiar with the concepts. However, I think having such an uninitiated editor will make it a far, far better book although it will result in a far, far more painful writing process. I think having some manosphere acolyte as an editor would be the second worst thing you could do in writing your book. The worst would be trying to write it without an editor at all. You need someone to crack the whip and catch you when you make hazy grammatical errors like using the word… Read more »

11 years ago

Game is for men what wearing heels and putting on make up is for women…

The Shocker
The Shocker
11 years ago

Dudes, respectfully, you guys are so far off from game and move farther away with every post. Completely lost sight of what made game Game, the fun aspect, studying how to run a social group and make it fun and be a boss. The navel gazing, defeatism and conspiracy thinking from interacting with irrelevant fem SRS groups makes sense as part of your worlds, I guess, mainstream america old guys standing outside the club of attractive plugged-in people actually getting it on. Rollo/Heartiste died for a lot of reasons, a big one being his reliance on douchebag/asshole game as his… Read more »


[…] via The Evolution of Game |. […]

11 years ago

Game has evolved from its origin as a how-to guide, to a study of applied evolutionary psychology, to a full-blown sociological inquiry into our narratives of gender. My path was similar. I found myself at age 42 with an unstable marriage and a wife in the grip of an emotional affair that I didn’t know how to stop. I looked online (being the only medium that is free enough to discuss these topics) for immediate, practical advice on resolving this crisis. Only one set of sources could accurately describe what I was seeing — a woman I thought I knew… Read more »

Revo Luzione
Revo Luzione
11 years ago

“Not an emancipation from women, but an emancipation from their imperative. Not a ā€˜men going their own wayā€™ negligence of women in the hope that theyā€™ll come around to behaving as men would like being given no other choice, but a true Game driven emancipation from the control that fem-centrism has maintained for so long.” Could it be… *gasp*… that game will allow *some* men, the gifted men, the driven men, to progressively become more masculine, developing an uniquely new male ethos and ontology that is more masculine, more powerful, more Yang than males have been “allowed” to be been… Read more »

11 years ago

So, Shocker, where’s your website devoted to your successful Game lifestyle? . If you were truly as above-it-all as you want people to believe, you would simply spend your time reading other sites and not buy Rollo’s book, rather than spend half an hour writing about why you don’t want to read this site and won’t be buying the book. You’d just DO what your words say you want to do. You wouldn’t write 18 paragraphs explaining how disinterested you are. Since you have it all figured out, then please point us to your website where you share posts and… Read more »

11 years ago

The feminine imperative mentioned in Harvard Business Review:

11 years ago

Game from what I have gathered could be phrased as TheMatingGame. As outlined in Rollo’s BetaGame…… “Everyone has a Game in some respect. We donā€™t live in a vacuum, our ideas about seduction (in whatever form) is influenced and / or learned externally. The validity of that Game may be more or less effective, but at some point a man is going to adapt to a methodology of seduction as per his conditions and environment warrant.” I believe, the FI via the feminist movement, has created an environment in which it is more dominate than the MI. The FI is… Read more »

11 years ago

@The Shocker April 19th, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Dudes, respectfully, you guys are so far off from game and move farther away with every post.

This is like when Euler met Richard Feynman and said,

Respectfully, you are so far off from what physics is and you move farther away with every paper published.

Except, Euler and Feynman never met, they were separated by centuries.

What any one of us may call Game has moved beyond the digital phone book. It is now into the realm of social philosophy, and this is a good thing.

11 years ago

The next trend in game will be along the lines of the stuff the Authentic Man Program teaches and the deeper work the Deida crowd engages in:

11 years ago

The evolution of Game can be paralleled with how our forbears came to understand other species.

Initially, it was all about hunting. A few men would notice that certain behavioral traits of an animal could be taken advantage of to improve ones success. This would have developed into a deep understanding of the prey’s life-style, needs and predilections. It’s sub-conscious impulses would be well understood.

Then the focus would move from the what to the why, leading to the development of the natural sciences.

Understanding the female psyche and formalising into a body of knowledge is inevitable.

Simon Corso
Simon Corso
11 years ago

The book is going to be good.

Let the unplugging begin.

Sal Ceech
Sal Ceech
11 years ago

Free at last , Free at last … Father were free at last.

Sal Ceech
Sal Ceech
11 years ago

@shocker … fagettabouit sound kinda like this beta chump Anthony with 6 ..that’s 6 pages on FB of encouragement to chumps how to serve F with their I.Are you attempting to sabotage the emancipation?? Too many survivors say otherwise , pal

Red Pill Theory
11 years ago

I’ve been wondering about the history of the manosphere for a while. Looking forward to reviewing your book RT.

11 years ago

We are indeed evolving toward the heart of masculinity.

11 years ago

Shocker, you are good with women. We get it. Your e-peen is larger than us. Excuse us lowly nerds while we mentally masturbate pretty please supreme natural alpha sir.

11 years ago

Shocker needs to understand that these blogs mainly exist to instruct people that have it wrong not the minority of guys like himself that have their shit together more or less. If I had done things right from the onset, I wouldn’t even need to read about nutrition, bodybuilding, Game, or how to instinctively handle women and how they are massively different than men. Due to the environment that I was raised in, I simply don’t know how the hell I could have done that though. I also can understand that people are going to have issue with the FI… Read more »

11 years ago

It’s been said that the context is decisive. If the context in which you are applying game (focused on ones individual and immediate needs/ gratification) is to party, have a good time, get laid – whatever…go for it! There are a lot of well known blogs that will reinforce the tactics to do this. But what if they way you are looking at game is from a greater context? One of providing more freedom and peace of mind for your fellow man. For a man who just does what he does, and yet doesn’t know why his relationships with women… Read more »

11 years ago

I’m looking forward to your book, Rollo. Get ‘er done!

11 years ago

Rollo, I think that your approach is outstanding, and I am looking forward to buying your book. “My editor is only peripherally familiar with these principles which is kind of a blessing and a curse.” As a scientist who has had to translate technical reports into something that will be meaningful to people who are both unfamiliar with and fearful of the subject, I can tell you that such an editor is an annoying blessing, at worst. In fact, considering the complexity of your topic, even his peripheral familiarity may cause problems. Before you publish your book, my suggestion would… Read more »

11 years ago

Solid post. “Encouraging men to be better Men is” a holistic endeavor, for which Rollo provides a great service. Thanks for that.

11 years ago

“For convenience Iā€™ve recently added a new page to the top of the blog with all the relevant links I think cover most of my basics from the Year One post.” Excellent! EVERY blog in the MS should also do this, with a prominent orange action link reading something along the lines of: “If you’re new here, PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE COMMENTING.” As a responsible denizen of the MS, I would personally abide (and have, in fact done that, where the option was available), and we could all (at least) hope that some large percentage of noobs would, as well.… Read more »

11 years ago

@The Shocker: “Rollo/Heartiste died for a lot of reasons, a big one being his reliance on douchebag/asshole game as his end-all-be-all tactic in his (now rare) game posts.” YaReally, glad to have you back. Good to see that you are still evolving, though it seems that your RSD video did not embed properly. “Sorry but not the future of game bro,” We’ll see about that. I’ll put my money on Rollo over you every day of the week, and twice on Sundays. At some point, you are going to have to take a hard look in the mirror at the… Read more »

11 years ago

“Not a ā€˜men going their own wayā€™ negligence of women in the hope that theyā€™ll come around to behaving as men would like being given no other choice”

Come on, R, you know that’s BS. You know very well that it’s not done in that hope.

11 years ago

Please Mr Shocker Alpha SIR!!!, could you please stop swinging your e-peen, it is so ginormous that it is blocking out the sun.

Also, strategy is geography, so I would like to know the landscape I am operating in as intimately as possible, regardless of how relevant it seems to you at the moment.

If I need it, so good that I know it, if not, even better.

11 years ago

ā€œNot a ā€˜men going their own wayā€™ negligence of women in the hope that theyā€™ll come around to behaving as men would like being given no other choiceā€ If this is your understanding of MGTOW then you’ve been grossly misinformed. MGTOW may just be what PUA/Game is evolving into. Absolute disregard for the FI and all female attention seeking behaviour has it’s rewards. Instead of “tossing negs” to display how little one care’s about what the females thinks, MGTOW’s in all honesty do not care. There is no hope involved as the MGTOW understands the nature of woman and how… Read more »

Martian Bachelor
Martian Bachelor
11 years ago

^^^ Kinda like how Hugh Heffner went from Mr. Playboy to laughing stock geezer himbo?

This should be fun to watch. Even if it is a rerun.

11 years ago


“MGTOW may just be what PUA/Game is evolving into.”

PUAs are going to start fapping alone in their cabins and hiring hookers every other week?

11 years ago

@Martian Bachelor

Hugh the laughing stock is still banging multiple 10’s on the regular. But whatever strokes your ego I guess.

11 years ago

I’m very excited about the book! I left SoSuave for a few years, found this site upon an e-mail from Rollo, read through it, left it and returned. Each time I returned, the language baffled me a bit. Hypergamy wasn’t on the old SoSuave site when I read it. I voiced concerns here about the vocabulary, was shouted down by posters, and left again. This time I returned with no complaints and really have always enjoyed this myth-busting blog. But what I’ll like about the book is the definitions of the terms. Not all of us have time to wade… Read more »

Mark Minter
11 years ago

Rollo, here is a thing to look at. I joined to gain access to papers. It is a free alternative to journals behind pay walls that so dominate the internet publishing of academic papers. I include a link to a man, Larry Reedy who used the site in his conjunction with a run for political office in Colorado. I think his intended thesis was something on running for political office. But he posted his blogs and writings to his profile on and the analytics of the site showed him how people got there to find him. But readers… Read more »

Mark Minter
11 years ago

I would also like to mark and note “4-20” day. And 420 is a perfect example of the power of the feminine imperative. Those things that men like that are not in the benefit of women are usually illegal. And 420 is second only to porn on the “Hate” list of women. Some site I checked had polling on views about it with responses being “like very much”,” “like somewhat”, “dislike somewhat”, and “hate it” as the responses. 55% of women responded with “hate it”. My belief is that it interferes with the extraction of work and resources from men… Read more »

Peter Wright
Peter Wright
11 years ago

[quote] “At its root level Game is a series of behavioral modifications to life skills based on psychological and sociological principles to facilitate intersexual relations between genders.” [/quote] I’d like to question this assumption. I recently wrote a piece tracing the 800 year old history of Game here: The core argument there is that the using of rehearsed and even scripted lines to attract women amounts to a ‘false self’ or persona, which we can contrast with a ‘true self’ as outlined by the famous psychiatrist Donald D. Winnicott (whose short paper on true vs’ false self can be… Read more »

Peter Wright
Peter Wright
11 years ago

PS, meant to say I recommend reading the paper by winnicott before commenting… as it will give a better background on the concept of playing games vs being yourself.

11 years ago

Seminal Post.

11 years ago

P.S. Women hate tokers because it means you are MGTOW. Stoned men don’t crave pussy, god just gave them the ultimate pussy juice for their brain. Women either have to come at them chill, or find the dude with Italian loafers instead. It’s that simple. Most are not chill are Mark so eloquently states, and will scowl that an older person ‘hasn’t grown up yet’ and graduated to getting drunk on wine with the wife and pretending to love reality tv.

11 years ago

Rollo, is your book going to have any information regarding the influence of black culture on the evolution of game?

11 years ago

@Peter Wright

It’s okay, bro, you can just be your “true self” and jerk off to porn and pay for hookers or wife up some desperate woman. There’s no need to learn how to attract the opposite sex and get your nuts off for free.

11 years ago

Where is Game going? Seeing the world as it is, and seeing reality as it is, as corny and cliched as it sounds, will “save the world,” gents. When I think of sharing the info found here and elsewhere, it for me is in the context of “saving the world one man at a time.” Why do we men fight wars and kill each other? Because we want to get laid. It is no more complicated than that, and that is a tragedy. The only hope we have to evolve as a species is a deep rooted understanding of Game.… Read more »

Different T
Different T
11 years ago

@ Donttreadonmatt

It may turn out that ā€œmanospheriansā€ are the ultimate egalitarians.

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
11 years ago

Mark M:- Over Here the 20th April is only celebrated by some very dubious characters indeed. Apparently the anniversary (since 1889) of some little mustachioed fellow with a bit of a chip on his shoulder. Wouldn’t go down at all well round this way, making a big hoo ha on that date, might be misinterpreted. We prefer summer solstice on 21st June (it’s safe to go out doors, usually, if not actually dry). Today is the Queen’s actual birthday in ordinary spacetime by the way (she likes having lots of birthdays, and she’s the Monarch. Even has her own special… Read more »

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater
Dr. Kenneth Noisewater
11 years ago

@Adam you’re quite welcome to all the STDs, false rape accusations and psycho bitches you can catch. I’d rather keep my money, my clean record and my sanity.

11 years ago

@Dr. Kenneth Noisewater

STDs: A highly overrated, unnecessary worry; especially if you are a male, and especially if you wear condoms.

False rape: A rare occurrence, but can be mitigated with certain safety measures.

Psycho bitches: Rarely run into them, but love it when I do. They are very fun.

So yeah, have fun denying your biological impulses. More pleasures for me.

saint of killers
saint of killers
11 years ago

Game doesn’t need to evolve. When I first started out as a practicing cad, I was taken back at just how easy it is to manipulate women into bed. Girls that I never thought I had a chance with were now annoying me with their clingy behavior and myriad insecurities. The feminine “mystique” is a blatant fabrication; they really are very simple and devolved creatures. They want what they can’t have and they hate to be taken seriously. Nothing at all mysterious about that. This whole feminine imperative thing is really only relevant to guys who are struggling to shed… Read more »

11 years ago

Great piece, Rollo. I’ve noticed other PUA objections to the evolution of Game such as Shocker makes along the lines of “hey guys, Game is just about picking up and banging as many women as possible, don’t make it so complicated or you’ll end up thinking and not banging lots of chicks!” I think this stems a bit from the attitude that among PUAs it used to be “our thing” and now it’s moved on and the focus is no longer just PUA. Not to worry fellas, we’re still into banging chicks (even if they are wives), but you’ll learn… Read more »

11 years ago

I’d be happy to proofread your book for you. I’ve done that for professional publishing companies, as well as having written several myself (on technical subjects unrelated to Game).

I also second the suggestion made above to find someone who knows NOTHING about your topic and have them read the book and comment on anything they don’t understand. I have done that myself and it is indeed a tremendous amount of work but results in a much better book.

11 years ago

This is for everyone, though younger guys may have to research it a bit. This is intended to be a silly uniting post that crosses multiple lines. Iā€™ll keep it brief. I just listened to greatest hits of both Journey and Hall & Oats. That shit is classic; holds up over time. I personally lean toward more testosterone driven fare like Rage and Metallica, but damn, these are some good albums. Yes, more beta than I prefer, but fun music, nonetheless. Anyway, just sharing some positive vibes with the community. Enjoyā€¦ or hate away, as you deem fit.

11 years ago

Somebody needs to do a “manosphere glossary,” explaining all these terms.

11 years ago

Things are falling apart in societies. The surface is still intact but under the hood, social dynamics are screwed. In this scenario there is more and more room for masculine behaviour – that’s the spirit which excells in crisis. Because, to paraphrase Tyler Durden, this is a spiritual crisis at first, is the reason why it’s a battle over the minds, not physical as of yet. The FI, to use this blog’s vocabulary isn’t sustainable indefinitely due to unintended consequences brought forth by its ideology. Here’s a nice illustration what missing space does to a mouse population. The behavioral changes… Read more »

11 years ago

THE GENESIS In the beginning was Game. And the game was with the natural alpha, and the Game was alpha. And the natural alphas created the world of pickup, and they saw that it was good. And they said, “Let us make men in our own image.” And took they some words and swagger and attitude and nuking shit tests, and formed they men; and breathed into their nostrils the breath of cocky-funny, and they created men. And alpha placed men into the world and told them to dress and keep it; and they did. And alpha looked upon the… Read more »

Rollo Tomassi
11 years ago

You forgot Aunt Giggles Iscariot, but I forgive you.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Damn it Deti. I don’t even know who 1/2 those guys are, but I still had to interrupt my work to give you a standing ovation. Creative, funny, yet still somehow informative. A fine, fine effort.

11 years ago

Brilliant, deti. Amen!

11 years ago

Rollo, shoot me an email if you want some pro bono copy editing. I’m a huge fan and it always makes me cringe a little when I catch errors in your posts. Typos are bound to happen with the volume of writing you do, but if you want some help I could absolutely keep things polished for you. Hit me up.

11 years ago

I somehow missed this post. You’ve not been coming up on my reader feed lately. Anyhow, I’m very excited for the book. The issue of unplugging bluepillers from square one is something that I’ve been struggling with lately as well. You were one of the first blogs I started reading obsessively when I found the manosphere and I found you pretty accessible, but at the same time, I was at just the right point in my life where I was disposed to The worries about someone unfamiliar with the manosphere not being able to understand your comments are mine exactly.… Read more »

9 years ago

[…] to get girls’, and I think for the better part of the manosphere the understanding of Game has evolved beyond rote memorization of scripts and plans. It’s gotten to a stage where even the most […]


[…] to get girls,” and I think for the better part of the manosphere the understanding ofĀ Game has evolved beyond rote memorization of scripts and plans. Itā€™s gotten to a stage where even the most […]

9 years ago

[…] I was writing The Rational Male I specifically wrote and published a post on the Evolution of Game to be included in the book in order to demystify an impression of Game whichĀ I still think people […]

9 years ago

[…] Male I specifically wrote for the book ā€“ and later converted to a blog post ā€“ was called The Evolution of Game. I added this as an effort to help uninitiated men have a better grasp of just what Game really […]


[…] ā€˜how to get girlsā€™, and I think for the better part of the manosphere the understanding of Game has evolved beyond rote memorization of scripts and plans. Itā€™s gotten to a stage where even the most […]

8 years ago

Damn good read


[…] Tomassi defined ā€œgameā€ […]

7 years ago

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[…] The Evolution of Game […]


[…] The Evolution of Game […]

6 years ago

What we need to keep in mind is ONLY since “The Game”, Game TM and the Manosphere’s explosion are women starting to acknowledge psychological truisms that the more intelligent amongst them simply must’ve known. It’s odd because men want women to be more attractive but not vice-versa. Any woman from my mother to my few genuine female friends to a female counsellor could’ve told me to be more alpha. But apparently alpha to women was simply too ethereal and unknowable. Now Game is emerging and indirectly calling them out we hear (mostly through the cruel process of nice shaming) that:… Read more »

6 years ago

Thanks Rollo. It’s funny cos her (past) behaviour drove me to your works but your works are keeping us together as she undeniably sees me as alpha which is a first for me in a relationship. She went out with her ex for 6 months and did nothing sexual with him (took me hours). She went out “for the attention” as younger girl (no doubt would’ve used a desperate and pained beta like me had we lived in the same city). When said ex left her a teary, heartbroken answerphone message she invited her mates round to listen to it… Read more »

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