
As most of my readers know I’m presently editing the final draft of my third book. A very large part, almost a third, of this new book will be dedicated to Red Pill Parenting. I’ve written several series-posts about parenting from a Red Pill perspective and I felt it was an important enough topic to deserve a category itself in my sidebar links. I’ve expanded significantly upon these essays in the book as well as adding more material and some general advice for Red Pill aware men in their parenting efforts.

One thing I’m asked of from men who are Red Pill aware fathers is what to look out for and what to apply themselves to in raising a son or daughter using a Red Pill Lens. While prospectively it will give women some parenting insights, I’ve written this section with the intent of informing men about what they can expect from a feminine-primary social bent on conditioning a man’s children to assimilate to a Blue Pill mindset.

Without giving too much away, I’ve tried to express the dangers of a system of feminine-primary acculturation that contributes to what we term ‘Blue Pill Conditioning’ in the manosphere. What defines a ‘Blue Pill‘ mindset means different things to different men, but what conditions him to literally think, and invest his ego into that feminine-primary identification is initiated at a very early age. One thing I think gets lost on guys becoming Red Pill aware is just how much of his very natural-feeling sense of self is the result of a conditioning that’s taken the better part of his lifetime to develop in him.

The main reason I began developing a Red Pill parenting dialog is because it’s vitally necessary for Red Pill fathers – really any father with a sense of conventional masculinity – to come to terms with how his sons’ and daughters’ upbringing will be defined by what I call ‘The Village’ in the book. I coined this from the popular meme that “it takes a village to raise a child”, and the Village we have today is one that is dead set on instilling and normalizing a state of deliberate gender confusion – and hopefully perpetuate that state into a person’s adulthood.

The Village

This Village is a catch-all term and I mean to have it represent all of the influences a child receives in its upbringing that contributes to its Blue Pill sense of self. This includes the influences of media, popular entertainment, academia, their pre and grammar school education, popular culture that actively seeks to instill its own ideological base, etc. These are fairly recognizable sources of the Village’s systemic influence, but it’s also important to understand that this influence will be reinforced by your child’s peers, their Village family and relatives.

‘The Village’ will raise your kids if you don’t. You will be resisted, you will be ridiculed, you will be accused of every thought-crime to the point of being dragged away to jail for imparting Red Pill awareness to them (in the future I expect it to be equated with child abuse). The Village will teach your boys from the most impressionable ages (5 years old) to loath their maleness, to feel shame for being less perfect than girls and to want to remake their gender-identity more like girls – to the point that transitioning their gender to girls’ will be the norm.

The Village will raise your daughters to perpetuate the same cycle that devalues conventional masculinity, the same cycle that considers a father’s presence as superfluous and their sacrifices as granted expectations. It will raise your daughters to over-inflate their sense of worth with unmerited confidence at the expense of boys as their foils. It will teach them to openly embrace Hypergamy as their highest personal authority (publicly and privately) and to disrespect anything resembling masculinity to be less than some silly anachronism or reverse it into being all about men’s insecurities.

The good news is that for all of these efforts in social engineering, the Feminine Imperative is still confounded by basic biology and the psychological firmware evolved into us over millennia. That basic root reality is your greatest advantage as a father. If there’s one underlying truth upon which to base your parenting it’s this; children are still motivated by evolved influences that are relatively predictable. Begin from the root truth that we evolved our psychology and our behaviors from intergender complementarity that made us the preeminent species on this planet. It takes a global Village to distort this by teaching failed notions of egalitarian equalism.

Useful Tools – Blue Pill Fathers

Although the Village would assert its influence to be the primary one in your child’s life, and although it would have women believe that father’s are both necessary when convenient and superfluous, father’s are not without their uses. The Feminine Imperative (by way of the social system of the Village) needs fathers to help reinforce its feminine-primary influence in their children’s lives. Thus, Blue Pill fathers must also carry the feminine-primary water in their parenting. They must be taught to believe that parenting a daughter is preferable to parenting a son:

I realize that everything I could do with a boy I can do with my daughters (i.e. play basketball, teach them how to throw a punch, and play in the dirt). Yes, I know that’s a big fat “duh” for many of you, but I’m a recovering knucklehead with minimal relapses, so please humor me. And yes, I’m going to teach them much more than those three things – but I promise you that I will teach them those three things.

The Feminine Imperative needs men to constantly reaffirm the fallacies of egalitarian equalism, but it is The Village that needs a father to instill them into the minds of their own flesh and blood as well as those of other fathers. The meme is always a pretense of gender-neutral equity, but the latent purpose is one of devaluing the very existence of boys, and, by extension, conventional masculinity.

And this is the crux of the effort to enlist fathers in the system of the Village; masculinity and maleness are always portrayed as problems to be solved – the solution always being more feminine identification. The main goal of the Village is to destroy and redefine conventional masculinity in a way that only benefits the feminine.

I realize that being “girly” is just a myth. What does that mean, anyway? Would my kid be less girly if she dressed up as Spider-Man for Halloween instead of a princess? (and that’s exactly what she did, by the way). Would she be less girly if she wanted to tackle little boys on the football field instead of taking ballet classes? Not to me.

This is precisely the degree of gender obfuscation the Village requires fathers to endorse. The squid ink here is the idea that masculine and feminine, boys & girls, male and female are all one, undifferentiated whole; in fact the old ideas of gender differences that brought the human race to where it is today, we are taught, were nothing more than “myths”. The underlying note is that girls are the functional equals of boys, but girls have the social and sexual advantage of being female.

The social narrative of the Village, the one it needs fathers to internalize and parrot back, is one of Fempowerment, but simultaneously one of male disempowerment. The idea then evolves into a sense of conventional masculinity being a defect of men; men are just unperfected women who are in need of women (or their daughters’) innate correction.

The idea here is that men with daughters make for better men” as defined by the Feminine Imperative and approved by The Village. What Red Pill fathers need to acknowledge in this that their sons will be taught that their maleness is inherently flawed. All of the attributes and evolved instincts that make him a boy will be connected with his masculinity being “toxic”.

“Toxic Masculinity” or “Hyper-masculinity” are common tropes in the Village. We’ve gotten to a point that any form of traditional, conventionally masculine behaviors are now equated with a character flaw in men. So thoroughly has the Village distorted the old books definition of manhood that anything resembling a characteristically masculine behavior is, by default, an act of ‘hyper’ or “over-the-top” masculinity. This, of course, makes characterizing those acts as toxic, or ridiculous.

The Preferred Gender

In my essay, Environmental Stresses I added this quote from the book The Red Queen:

Contrary to popular belief a preference for boys over girls is not universal. Indeed, there is a close relationship between social status and the degree to which sons are preferred. Laura Betzig of the University of Michigan noticed that, in feudal times, lords favored their sons, but peasants were more likely to leave possessions to daughters. While their feudal superiors killed or neglected daughters or banished them to convents, peasants left them more possessions: Sexism was more a feature of elites than of the unchronicled masses.

[…]Lower down the social scale, daughters are preferred even today: A poor son is often forced to remain single, but a poor daughter can marry a rich man. In modern Kenya, Mukogodo people are more likely to take daughters than sons to clinics for treatment when they are sick, and therefore more daughters than sons survive to the age of four. This is rational of the Mukogodo parents because their daughters can marry into the harems of rich Samburu and Maasai men and thrive, whereas their sons inherit Mukogodo poverty. In the calculus of Trivers-Willard, daughters are better grandchildren-production devices than sons.

These quotes are a part of a much more in depth look at how both environmental and social stresses contribute to a ‘preferred gender’ dynamic in both animal populations and human social structure. As I was reviewing this book recently it hit me how western cultures have blatantly been endorsing ‘female’ as the preferred gender for the past 60-70 years now.

I realize this assertion grates on popular culture’s sensibilities when it comes to gender, but as I stated in that essay, at no other time in human history has it been more advantageous to be female than today. Whether you want to argue that assertion from socioeconomic, education, gender identity, social ‘progress’ or any other metric, women in this era enjoy a condition that places their sex as the primary one in terms of social advantage. Women today live in a social condition that advantages, ensures their relative successes and directly or indirectly provisions for their personal security while simultaneously seeking to handicap being male and ridiculing the conventionally masculine.

In many a prior essay I’ve made the assertion that this effort in feminizing boys – in “perfecting” them with feminization – has been a long effort in social engineering. And while I still believe this is true, I think that in recent years the adaptive response to this preferred gender dynamic for Blue Pill fathers, men and boys is now an effort in socially engineering boys to imagine their gender identity as being transitionable to that of girls. Needles to say this push for gender self-reassignment has been embraced by the Village.

Olivia loves Disney’s Frozen princesses, all things sparkly, bright tights and ballet. During her family’s Cuban vacation last summer, she danced in the children’s “mini-disco” before the evening shows, twirling and leaping across the stage. One night another guest turned to her parents, exclaiming, “Your daughter is the girliest girl I’ve ever seen!”

Olivia was born a boy.

She “socially transitioned” from male to female, in nursery school last year. She was four years old.

Today, she attends kindergarten at a Montreal primary school. Only her teachers and the school board know she is transgender, for now.

Olivia (not her real name to protect her identity) is part of a growing phenomenon that is being celebrated but which is also raising strong emotions: an increasing number of children as young as preschoolers appearing at gender identity-clinics across the country, convinced they are of the opposite sex.

The new push to normalize transgender acceptance relies solely on the presumption that gender identity is a social construct rather than influenced by biological, and evolved psychological dynamics inherent in both sexes. The idea again comes back to the egalitarian presumption of a blank-slate equalism and a rejection of gender as a binary determination. Yet in over 90% of transgender identity shifts we see it is boys who opt to “become” female in their self-reassignment. Left to their own non-abstract decision making – and reinforced by Blue Pill parents and the Village – boys will, in the binary, shift to a female / feminine gender identity in overwhelmingly greater numbers than girls shifting to a male / masculine identity.

I would argue that this greater transgender preference for boys is a direct result of the Preferred Gender dynamic and reinforced by the Village conditioning boys for it while normalizing the idea of it in a larger cultural respect. This is the next step in cultural feminization of boys and men that began in the touchy-feely days of men needing to “get in touch with their feminine sides.”

It is no longer enough for boys just to be educated in a feminine-correct manner. It is no longer enough to teach them to despise the gender they were born into, “hoping their penises will fall off”, and it’s no longer enough to condition them to defer to girl’s perfectness. Boys must literally be transitioned to be girls from as young an age as 4 years old.

This is the degree to which the Village and the Feminine Imperative will go to condition future men into a Blue Pill mindset. I outline this in the upcoming book, but this is vitally important for Red Pill fathers to understand because these will be the ‘boys’ they may eventually need to mentor and unplug from their very early psychological damage. Many voices in the manosphere call this damage child abuse and it’s easy to understand why; this damage works on a boy’s most intimate part of his sense of self.

Red Pill fathers need to recognize this perversion of conventional masculinity for what it is and protect their sons (as well as daughters) from it while still anticipating the fall that will result from the “men” this re-engineering of gender will create.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

“Is it about getting laid . . .?”

No, but learning to get laid will help him get past those problems. He will get past them faster and easier, however, if he acknowledges the problems, instead of spending his time and energy rationalizing them away.

And he may need to get laid in order to realize that not getting laid isn’t the problem, that the problem is what’s keeping him from getting laid.

7 years ago

Ye, hell learn more from a challenging interaction with a hottie where he fucks up than from a fatty where has attraction before even talking. But ok, the sex might bring some epiphanies. Dunno.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Roosh goes spiritual, Owen goes spiritual, both grow beards, it just makes you think.

Don’t tell us you’re thinking…of growing a beard?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Ton I would say the non natrual fail to learn it because they get discouraged more quickly. I’m sure tthere’s some of that. What many men don’t get is just how deep the pile of lies gets. It’s not just the churches, although they for sure do a lot of Blue Pilling, beta creation and White Knighting. It’s not just the schools k-12, although the female teachers backed up by the female principals and the femal admins have done a lot of damage to a lot of boys for too many years. It’s not just the Disney view of women… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Scray I would focus on making your tenets and whatnot clearer — and accompanying them with actionable information. Once I had a roommate who was really good at math. A math natural. He went to class, took two pieces of paper with him for the few notes he needed, and studied for exams by doing a couple or three of problems. A straight A student in math. Once I asked him how to study for math. “Dude, how do I ace Calc II?” “Easy, just do the work” – walks out the door. He was a math natural, and really… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@stuffinbox But social networking cummonn if you don’t have skills then learn other peoples skills and introduce them as required,ya gotta meet this guy or she’s the best,this gives you the proof of recognition at the very least. Do you go out at all? Most people under 30 have pretty shitty social skills…they can do alright with people in their own little social circle, but they suck at going out and meeting and interacting with new people. And while they might not have been quite that bad MOST people throughout history have only been so-so at networking and socializing. That’s… Read more »

7 years ago

“Stroud began serving life in solitary confinement at Leavenworth, where in 1920, after discovering a nest with three injured sparrows in the prison yard, he began raising them, and within a few years had acquired a collection of some 300 canaries. He began extensive research into them after being granted equipment by a radical prison-reforming warden, publishing Diseases of Canaries in 1933, which was smuggled out of Leavenworth and sold en masse,[4] as well as a later edition (1943). He made important contributions to avian pathology, most notably a cure for the hemorrhagic septicemia family of diseases, gaining much respect… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Hank ….You know I’m still a pro Hank kinda guy, right? ” When you hear guys like Blax talk about their life story, you find all these strong male role models that took him under their wing and taught him man shit and RP truths at a young age. Guys like myself or Andy never have such role models, and are only learning this shit much later in life. ” The thing about this is, a vast majority of the positive male influence in my background were much older men. Muuuccchhhh older. The thing is, I actually listened to… Read more »

7 years ago

I rarely leave home without a set of brass knuckles because not all soical interactions call for a 9mm

7 years ago

@ SFC Ton

Ha ha ha haa!!!!!

Here in Jersey they are illegal. I still have a few pairs that were given to me decades ago, and I have a few that I’d made myself.

Sometimes I’ll carry a 3 inch folding knife that’s been sharpened sharper than a scalpel. So it’s punch-slice-punch-slice-punch-slice….

Some tricky ass social circles out in the world.

7 years ago

LOL yup even when you’re minding your own business… which I generally ain’t Well I goggled the legal satuts of brass knuckles here in NC and they arent legal. Fuckem. I didn’t agree to any of this won’t be armed bullshit I recommend punch/ push daggers/ punch knives to folks that don’t really know how to use a knife. Cuts down on the skill set required, though knife fighting is simple; jab, grab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab. Repeat as required. The fancy shit is for the movies. A screwdriver is a nasty mother fucker if all else fails and… Read more »

7 years ago

@ SFC Ton Not to turn the comments into a weapons forum….but… It’s odd to me to see the laws changing southward. I spent more than half of my life on the VA border with NC, and things seem to be changing rapidly. I remember when there’d be a prison break, and troopers would set up road blocks, and I’d drive up to a trooper with a loaded .38 on the front seat and he’d not even bat an eye. But even in the early 80’s I drove up to a roadblock with a pair of nunchakas draped over the… Read more »

7 years ago

Yeah man its crazy
Bought my 1st legal hand gun at 18 by laying the cash on the counter

Try that now

7 years ago

Ps and that was in Maryland

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@yareally @culum @forge @pua Very frustrating watching all those vids in Vegas. Completely different animal. You can just wander for hours on the strip, shit tons of venues and stuff happening just out and about, more attractive girls in the 30min I watched than I’ve seen in the past 6 months since I started PUA stuff for sure. Went to the bad city. Not on weekend, hoped it would be busier since its holiday season. No such luck. Getting better though at just sexualizing anything. I saw a couple of things…forgot the first, but I remember the second. There was… Read more »

7 years ago

” Yeah man its crazy
Bought my 1st legal hand gun at 18 by laying the cash on the counter”

Lol. Same here. .357 at Hecks and walked out with it, with boxes of ammo. I was BESIDE myself at the time.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago


you got any good examples of vids from Limitless or Simple Pickup with innuendo in them? I watched several, but there were only a few here and there. I was wanting something that would be a whole vid or a compilation of a bunch of innuendo to get a feel for doing it.

7 years ago
Reply to  hank holiday

Raw and primal experience

7 years ago

“I’m noticing though a lack of information about him becoming a master seducer of women lol.” He was initially put in prison for killing a bartender for messing with one of the whores he was running. In pre-WWI Alaska. Not exactly a hopping metropolitan area. He was transferred to Federal prison and solitary confinement for killing one of the prison guards. He was not a nice man. He was a lady killer and a killer. But at least he was interesting, and so . . . . . . he found a hobby and made a friend while in solitary… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@kfg he didn’t learn to pick up chicks in prison though, which is my point. and i’m fairly certain he didn’t have a thing for asians or blacks — he was getting white girls in a 100% white area of the world. i have some hobbies already, but they are ones i have to wait until i move to start. they aren’t ones you can do solo. i’ve tried to do them here, but most people around here don’t really do anything, so i was the only one who was working on it and all my other partners slacked off… Read more »

7 years ago

@Hank Holliday “Roll your eyes back in your head and have a look inside it. That’s where hobbies come from.” I fail to see the lack of enthusiasm for hobbies out there in the substrata of men in the manosphere. Hobbies are a metaphor for PURPOSE and pursuit for a man being purposeful and having direction. Not investing in a hobby because a guy is waiting for a completion in life to start one reminds me of the call in question to a talk radio show in the 90’s that stuck in my mind: The question for a nutritionist was… Read more »

7 years ago

lol Holy fuck the drama bomb exploded on here over the weekend. Before I jump into my thoughts on the subject though, I want to do a few shoutouts: @Hank Thanks for the advice on chatting up the bartenders, much appreciated. @YaReally the only reason I would stagger the gym stuff to later on is to avoid newbies building assosciations with “I’m getting success and was taught that looks mater by the FI, and my looks are improving, so my success must be because of my looks” ’cause that’ll fuck them up if they don’t have proper guidance to help… Read more »

7 years ago

Get off your ass and do something like that prisoner did. Don’t tattoo Law number 10 on your forehead. Why the fuck is everyone riding Hank? What the fuck do you think he’s out there doing? Pissing himself? He’s out there sarging and making the best of his current logistics. Do you have any pertinent advice that he’s not already taking action on? @Hank On the note of getting access to better cities- I have PUA friends in a few cities that I’m sure would be willing to put you up for a night or two (or more in one… Read more »

7 years ago

@pell Scray gets what it’s like to struggle with the dating scene. yup. but i also now understand that 99.99999999% of dudes DO NOT have what it takes to actually improve. like, dudes worry about “omg everyone will have game now lol!” and i’m just like nah. most everyone will stay +/- 10% of where they are. to truly change yourself takes willpower like you would not believe. here’s an analogy. let’s take losing weight. most americans are overweight or obese, so it’s pertinent. there’s a huge amount of social pressure to be a fat fuck, just like there’s a… Read more »

7 years ago

“Guys, including myself , have reached out to him repeatedly, but he insists on rejecting any ideas because he’s looking for ah-ha moments and some far off answers to issues that are right there inside of his head.”

Oh Blax. Don’t worry your pretty little head about me. I’m a lost cause. I’m heading down the evil PUA rat hole. In a few years I’ll be tricking your daughters into orgies with me and my other evil pua buddies and my pet monkey, and my dog… Oh man. Good times.


7 years ago

I got 99 problems, but you ain’t one.

7 years ago

“I once had a girl in college tell me “You know nothing about women. You will never date. You’ll be lucky if some woman decides to settle for you and get married.”

I don’t think the OMGs here realize how many of us FI-influenced guys went thru this. I’m not saying pua is the only solution but rather TRM brings together men from all walks of life. Some of us were f*ucked out of the gate and TRM is our beacon.

7 years ago

Dude – I appreciate what you’re doing and your effort.

My only advice – hold your nose for a while and score some white chicks. Raise your notch-count up from zero. They all look alike in the dark.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago


“Witnessing guys with Game, who go against what you’d expect a woman would respond to are the exception. Very few guys run Game in the sense that PUA presents it. Fewer still make it effective.”

Have you written about this subject before? What’s it look like to you? Can you describe it? Would you do an article about it? I bet it’s real easy for anyone to miss the difference. Oh, do you still do consults?

7 years ago

“It’s easy to think OMGs got it easy and have it all figured out now, but there was a process to unplugging that I’m not sure YSGs really grasp.” I was referring mostly to OMGs like Blax and KFG, and others (all of whom I respect greatly) that grew up with the correct male influences in their life (call them naturals if you like – I dislike the term) and scored pussy in most phases of their lives, plugged in or not. Former incels like myself never had that base – so I see pua as the new base from… Read more »

7 years ago

I am not an OMG. I am an OMGTOW. My father died when I was 1 1/2 and I was raised primarily by my mother, her three sisters and their mother. My step-father was a Boston, liberal progressive. And NPD.

7 years ago

My only advice – hold your nose for a while and score some white chicks. Raise your notch-count up from zero. Cosign. Not for the pussy, but for the reference experience, and to get biology off your back. I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me, it was like I had this constant whisper in the back of my mind pushing scarcity to the forefront, “if you don’t make it happen soon, it might not ever happen.” Losing the v-card was a wonderful experience for me, not because it was physically pleasurable (it wasn’t – she was a bad… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago


Hey this is unrelated but I wanted to say I’m sorry if I offended you when I made a comment about geeks. I knew all those references you guys were talking about then, so I’m a geek too. And your background sounds like mine, only my Father is Alpha with Communist Ideals(Basically NPD amirite?) and my mother is a Feminist.

7 years ago

@Yollo Comanche:

“I’m sorry if I offended you when I made a comment about geeks.”

If I noticed I don’t remember, so I couldn’t have been too terribly offended.

7 years ago

“It’s easy to think OMGs got it easy and have it all figured out now, but there was a process to unplugging that I’m not sure YSGs really grasp.

Would you expand and clarify what you mean by this statement? I followed the link you provided and read the article. I still don’t understand.

7 years ago

Excellent analysis and recommendations as usual. However, just remember that this trend has already happened to girls and women with disastrous results for them. Milo has recently mentioned the research on happiness in the western world in several of his college lectures. I’ve known about this research for a few years. Happiness for women has plummeted over the entire western world post feminism while happiness for men has inched up. The insanity of feminism as an ideology that feeds upon female nature is that it convinced women they would be happy if they put their children in day care (or… Read more »

7 years ago

Good Lord, you are nuts! Gender identity is innate. You can no more encourage a boy to be a girl than you can encourage him to be a duck. Transgender children are simply kids who ended up with bodies that didn’t match their brains. And there are just as many trans girls as there are trans boys. You might want to do some actual research if you’re planning to publish a book you want taken seriously. And like it or not, the more civilized the world becomes, the less need there is for aggression, brute strength, and competition – the… Read more »

7 years ago

Personally, I’d rather see us progress and evolve as a species at the cost of your precious (albeit increasingly useless) masculine archetype, then continue down the path of endless war, resource hoarding, and environmental destruction that the male of our species has been so kind to bestow upon us. This isn’t about women vs men, it’s about sanity vs self destruction. In which there is no place for men, other than as “inferior, but learning to be better, women”. After all, we’re the ones who have been so kind to bestow disaster and mayhem on us all. We have no… Read more »

7 years ago


7 years ago

Yep I saw that video a while ago, Rugby — thanks for posting it here. I watch a lot of his videos, and most of us here should also do so in my opinion.

7 years ago

“And like it or not, the more civilized the world becomes, the less need there is for aggression, brute strength, and competition –”

Why do you despise nature? Show me on the doll where the wild things touched you.


[…] if a boy acts in a conventionally masculine way he’s to be sedated, and boys as young as four can decide their gender to the extent that doctors are chemically altering their physiologies to block hormones and […]

7 years ago

@EK Good Lord, you are nuts! Lol, using the shaming tactic, how very feminine and predictable. Not to mention concern trolling. You can no more encourage a boy to be a girl than you can encourage him to be a duck. No, when you shame boys for masculinity, you make them want to act like and be girls. And like it or not, the more civilized the world becomes, the less need there is for aggression, brute strength, and competition – the hallmarks of masculinity. Just another attempt to shame men for being masculine. How original. Brute strength obviously isn’t… Read more »

7 years ago

“resource hoarding”

Missed that one. Looks like no more Starbucks and chocolate chip cookies for you, love.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Good Lord, you are nuts! Gender identity is innate.

Eh? I thought it was a social construct. Did I miss a memo?

You can no more encourage a boy to be a girl than you can encourage him to be a duck.

You’d be a real scream at a furry con.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

“resource hoarding”

Missed that one.

Someone didn’t spell “resource whoring” correctly.


[…] Transitioning […]


[…] of redefining gender for themselves altogether. Even when that ‘individual’ is only 4 years old and hasn’t the capacity for abstract thought enough to make a […]


[…] would ever want to be a boy when so much is rewarded and praised about being a girl? There’s so much more advantage to be […]


[…] would ever want to be a boy when so much is rewarded and praised about being a girl? There’s so much more advantage to be had […]

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