Glitches in the Matrix

Every so often there’s a visible glitch in the feminine Matrix. Usually these come in the form of some notable men making an obvious push back against the fem-centric social undercurrent. When these ‘glitches’ are brought to the notice of femcentrism the predictable social response is to resort to the standard shaming schemas and brandings of ‘misogyny’ of the offenders and moving on.

I was going to use super bowl commercials as a convenient illustration, but in the recent decade even these have been sanitized and reformatted to serve the feminine imperative. But this commercial is something else. Naturally it’s a european TV spot; the thought of doing a spot like this would never enter the minds of fem-centric American ad agency creatives.

A few years back Harley Davidson brushed the surface of the dynamic this commercial taps into. They had a campaign with the tag lines of “Go ahead, we’ll wait ’till you ask your wife.” and “Your wife called, she said it was OK.” all referring to men purchasing a new motorcycle. In Harley Davidson’s instance the sales motivation was male shaming with the intent of questioning the men’s “manhood” in who really makes the decisions for them. Women get a knowing snigger from it, and men are pressured to buy with the reminder of how truly controlled they are by the women in their lives.

Where the Harley campaign had an element that women could positively relate to, this commercial pushes past this dynamic and exposes in no uncertain terms the ugliness of fem-centrism. I can’t be sure, but my guess is that most of the reactions these men’s wives had were genuine. With the exception of the woman at the end smashing the windshield (dramatization) it looks as if most reactions were shot unbeknownst to the women. The producers wanted a visceral effect and they got far more than they probably bargained for. The commercial has since been excoriated by women, the advertising community, and was of course pulled by Toyota. Women didn’t like what the mirror reflected back at them.

The dichotomy here is that hypergamy propels women toward the most dominant, decisive, Alpha their capacity to arouse can afford them, but their need for long term security conflicts with entrusting a man with decisions that directly affect her. The solution then is to socially limit or eliminate a man’s ability to make decisions based on his (a masculine primary) frame. When one woman in the clip screams, “You are so selfish!!” you’re seeing the visceral reflex of the feminine imperative clashing with the masculine imperative.

If and when a new masculine-primary social paradigm evolves, expect the feminine social reaction to be equally as hostile.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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11 years ago

That commercial was simply outstanding with it’s brutal honesty. Imagine, a man spending his resources on something he wanted and Toyota pointed our the woman’s reactions. Glitch in the matrix, indeed.

11 years ago

Oooooh. Rollo, you’re fishing, aren’t you. 🙂

{I wish I were]

11 years ago

come on, not all wives are like that.

what about the millions of wives who support their husbands and are simply happy to see them happy?

clearly this commercial was shot by misogynists.

11 years ago

Hmm. I see what you’re getting at…

However, I think I’d be pretty pissed at my guy for buying anything with that kind of price tag without at least a discussion first, and I think he’d expect the same of me, no matter what kind of car it was. What if those couples didn’t have the disposable income to support that kind of purchase, and that was the reason for the freak out?

11 years ago

Well duh, that’s a given!

In fact I’m linking this shocking bit of misogyny to further expose the dark, ugly (and ever so sexy) heart of the Male Beast!

11 years ago

“However, I think I’d be pretty pissed at my guy for buying anything with that kind of price tag without at least a discussion first, and I think he’d expect the same of me, no matter what kind of car it was.”

How dare he spend money he earned how he wants!

Proves Rollo’s point EXACTLY.

11 years ago

Careful Rollo, I see you eyeing those water skis and looking intensely at that jump.

11 years ago

Alpha vs. beta example.

Fat/ugly wives hitting their herby husbands in this video. Every last one of them.

THAT’S what’s really at the heart of all this. If these ‘men’ had any spine their wives/girlfriends/whoever they are may have still disagreed, but not to this degree.

Locking him out of his own house? Smashing the windshield? Yelling at him to take it back? What kind of men are they to put up with that? Rhetorical.

11 years ago

I’m starting to find myself giggling whenever I see women crying (like in this commercial). Am I turning into a bad person?

Rollo Tomassi
11 years ago
Reply to  Martel

I suppose I should add that I realize this is a dramatization for the most part. However, the dramatization doesn’t work unless there’s an underlying truth to it.

For the briefest moment I began to believe that some Men in the commercial industry might actually have taken the red pill.

11 years ago

That ad was AMAZING. As a filmmaker, I’m jealous I didn’t come up with that. Now I’m wondering… what would truly male-centric ads and films look like? People complain filmmaking is “male dominated” because most writers and directors are male, but god are their stories beta. I saw Crazy Stupid Love recently… and read part of the script… the script is even more beta. The idea a man would learn pickup and then apply it just getting his “soulmate” or that he could need the right clothes and try act serious and James Bondish… The original script has the Ryan… Read more »

11 years ago

That made me happy.

‘How could you be so selfish?’

I like it.

‘Take it back.’


11 years ago

[…] Glitches in the Matrix […]

11 years ago

Could not stop enjoying this commercial. I just kept wishing for it to go on and on.

Give me MOAR sobbing, hysterical women losing their shit at knowing that they have lost their vaunted ‘pussy power’.

I have the vag, therefore i make the rules..

yeah right. cya. click-grrrrrrRRRRRR


Ashley Pariseau
11 years ago

I wouldn’t give much a damn if my husband bought an expensive new car, as long as it’s his money he’s spending and not mine.

11 years ago

Martel – Um, yeah. We have kids. If he went out and spent a crapload of money on a car we don’t need while we’re struggling to save a couple of bucks a month, I’d seriously question his ability to lead me and the family. Men should be the Captain, but he should be responsible so that his woman wants to follow him.

Muscleman – fair point, I didn’t even notice the hitting, but you’re 100% right.

11 years ago

I should also note that I’m coming at this from the point of view of a single income household… If we had separate incomes and it was his money to spend, I’d probably smirk, shrug my shoulders, and go on with life.

11 years ago

Redpillwifey, there’s a reason there are no kids and no economical struggles in the video.

The ad is not about taking money decisions. It’s about taking decisions without asking for permission – freedom.

Cue = the music, the scenery, the tshirtless guys.

Film this when they are boyfriend and girlfriend, instead of wifes, and you would see these same women dripping and dying to be banged on the backseat.

11 years ago

redpillwifey: a man making the financial decisions for his household and spending money on expensive toys can indicate he’s being an immature lout, but not necessarily.

We’ve gotten so many tears over the years for objectively stupid reasons that it’s becoming difficult to not assume that all tears are stupid.

I realize that every situation is different, but remember the story of the boy who cried wolf. Cry to manipulate just a bit too often, and don’t be surprised if legitimate tears turn into a joke.

11 years ago

Ha, “single-income” means that his paycheck is especially hers.

11 years ago

Gender relationships aside. That commercial was awesome. I loved the cinematography, music and raw emotion of it all.

Is this normal in european commercials to have more artistic value than American media where it’s either funny or informative?

11 years ago

Disgruntled wimmenz:

The implied narrative is henpecked husband finally stands up for himself.

American Beauty, not Mad Men.

It is not a personal commentary.

11 years ago

Dual-income household=we should “share” in all the financial decisions because the money is ours

Single-income household (man’s)=we should “share” in all the financial decisions because we both depend on that paycheck

Single-income household (woman’s)=I make the money so I make the rules!!

11 years ago


I don’t blame you for laughing. I did too. It’s just a form of release. We are so bombarded constantly by femcentric media that it’s almost a nervous shock to see something male–gotta love the joy of those guys, danger be damned, just peeling out on the back roads and doing doughnuts in a quarry. Refreshing.

11 years ago

Martel – Aah, I gotcha. I think I automatically assumed that the financial aspect was in play because I really can’t imagine having such a visceral response otherwise, but I tend to forget how my hamster brain worked pre-red pill (or may I choose to forget because it’s so embarrassing).

11 years ago

I don’t think women have any idea how much it sucks out our soul to compromise all the damn time. Perpetual permission and cooperation is contrary to our most basic drives. That’s not to say we shouldn’t care about our loved ones, but our mandate, be it biological or spiritual, is to lead. Rollo in every respect strikes me as an outstanding husband and father, but he is his own boss. Period. And the “irony” of it all is that I bet damn near every woman would prefer a husband like Rollo to the type of guy would would ask… Read more »

11 years ago

That helps explain why my woman gets the ass when I buy a new toy. I never could figure out why. Bills are paid, money in savings, plenty of meals out; I buy a new rifle (for example) with the excess. Whining and pouting starts, comparisons to what each of us spend. Never comparisons to what each of us earn. My response would be to get angry and tell her ‘tough’, I’m going to keep it. Turn on the tears. At which point I go find somewhere else to be. I think next time she starts to pout, I’ll slap… Read more »

The Other Jim
The Other Jim
11 years ago

@FuriousFerret, in Europe, there’s more money in advertising than tv(sans Top Gear think how unwieldy the BBC is) so the talent tends to flock there. In the US it seems to trend the other way which helps explain why you get shows like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, etc. As for the commercial-brilliant! And on so many levels. One of the best compliments any man will ever receive in his life is the day when his girlfriend shrugs with bitter frustration and says, “I’m so pissed, I can’t change you…”. She’ll likely dump your ass soon afterwards, but… Read more »

11 years ago

I’m not so sure it’s simply the car purchase that leads to the blow up. I’m thinking that it’s a matter of bad game and/or hand in the relationship. I would think that when you’re married and you make a huge purchase out of the blue, it’s the equivalent to a single guy making shitty passes at a girl and then grabbing her ass. The right course of action is to lead her along with the idea of buying the sports car. One thing is clear, you are buying that damn car, but you have to put in a little… Read more »

11 years ago

“We have kids. If he went out and spent a crapload of money on a car we don’t need while we’re struggling to save a couple of bucks a month, I’d seriously question his ability to lead me and the family. Men should be the Captain, but he should be responsible so that his woman wants to follow him.” Redpillwifey is giving us a perfect recitation of the Feminine Imperative — she honestly cannot conceive of a man whose entire life is not ultimately devoted to serving her needs first, and conforming his priorities to match hers. Feminist women are… Read more »

11 years ago

Finally an ad for men and only men. It’s honest and real.

11 years ago

The self-satisfaction of doing what we please, woman’s opinion be damned, is contingent upon that decision being the correct one; or at least neutral in expected value to other possible decisions. Insofar as that we generally do not consider women’s advice to be valuable, and presuming that we do lead responsible lives, we can view the purchase of a new Toyota as reasonable after some fashion, and the woman’s reaction as ‘crazy’. The burden is upon us to ensure that a woman’s knee-jerk bad reactions are never justified; if the family in question was badly in debt, for instance, the… Read more »

11 years ago

Phinn – Yeah, you’ve got me pegged. I’m totally a feminist. 😛


Samuel Solomon
11 years ago

heh, I wrote a blog on this video too. I love it. It makes me wants to take up cinematography and do my own commercials of anything I want with red-pill thought and exposing of the sinister hamster/looney

Can you imagine? Oh, the fun we’d have

Jonathon Factory
Jonathon Factory
11 years ago

Alas, this might be the first RM post I can’t say I buy into.

I buy it only under the conditions that ariseandexcel succinctly laid out.

Rollo Tomassi
11 years ago

I think you have to go deeper than just the logistics of how responsible or irresponsible a man is for not consulting his wife in purchasing a new sports car. It’s the dynamic of who’s frame the relationship is in, and who’s social imperative is being reinforced on whole. I used to love watching the Jamie Kennedy Experiment. I wish that show was still on, but you can find episodes all over youtube. The show’s premise is basically putting unaware people into situations that reveal a lot about human nature. Most times they were funny because of the embarrassment, but… Read more »

11 years ago

We certainly all agree that most ‘modern’ relationships are in the woman’s frame, and that the social imperative being reinforced is usually the woman’s. Our perspective is that it ought to be otherwise, and in instances like these we can see that clearly it was not much to everyone’s surprise.

11 years ago

“Phinn – Yeah, you’ve got me pegged. I’m totally a feminist. /sarcasm” I have no idea what you believe. I don’t know you at all. All I know is what you say — “Men should be the Captain, but he should be responsible so that his woman wants to follow him.” You may consciously reject feminism, but it is insidious. It’s infected every aspect of Western culture for 100 years. What is the effect of being immersed in a culture in which EVERY popular TV show and movie, decade after decade, expresses the Feminine Imperative? The gist of your comment… Read more »

11 years ago

“A woman is smart enough to let the man think he runs the relationship.” I hear that tripe quite often from the smirky-girl set. You want to blow that facade wide open? Purposefully go out and spend your money however you like, preferably in a somewhat selfish manner. Pouting and foot-stamping hilarity ensues. No, Jonathan and ariseandexcel, you don’t deny food for your kid’s mouths, but every once in a great while you should do whatever you want to do with your own money, nag be damned. Sometimes yes, your own happiness should take precedent. Keep yourself centered and happy… Read more »

11 years ago

Phinn – It’s not that I think men should cater to women’s needs, but that he should act responsibly in areas that affect the family as a whole, just as I should be expected to. My evolutionary imperitive is to nurture and care for my children. If my husband is responsible for the income just as I’m responsible for the home care and raising of children, is it not unreasonable to expect him to hold up his end of the bargain in responsible financial decisions? I fully realize that many housewives don’t hold up THEIR end of the bargain, and… Read more »

11 years ago

Oops, hit post too early.

“I am a man. If I were to give advice on what men should do, one of the first things I would say is that men should not take advice on manhood from women.”

On that we are agreed. I think this is the first time I’ve even commented here, I read a lot of Manosphere blogs but tend to stay in the background most of the time. I was just feelin like some interesting conversation today, and thank you for obliging 🙂

Jacob Ian Stalk
Jacob Ian Stalk
11 years ago

Every single female in this video has committed an act of domestic violence according to VAWA, which could have had the man arrested. Just for buying a car. If the roles were reversed, they could easily be removed from their children and possibly jailed. Take out the shots of the car doing wheelies and the commercial would be a compellingly real depiction of domestic violence against men. It’s very telling that there’s not even a peep about this in the comments. Why are the women who are commenting here (esp. redpillwifey with the pretentious name) not roundly condemning the violence… Read more »

11 years ago

@Jacob: I agreed with what muscleman said about the violence. Sorry you feel my screen name is pretentious, that wasn’t what I was going for.

11 years ago

Awesome advert. I prefer fast motorbikes myself for kicks and giggles but I cheered at this ad. Does anyone know the agency that commissioned it?

Jonathon Factory
Jonathon Factory
11 years ago

@ feral1404 agreed, but I suspect the point of the post is that if it’s only “once in a great while” the video reactions are what you can expect. If it is only once in a great while, you’re not actually maintaining frame. If you indulge yourself regularly, the missus isn’t that shocked. I think my initial pushback on the post came from the fact I’m fiscally conservative in my bachelorhood and think most people spend WAY beyond their means, so I didn’t really see a maintaining frame dynamic. I saw an irresponsible spending dynamic. Of course, I generally see… Read more »

11 years ago

Ignore previous comment. I’ve tracked it already, it was the beer talking.

Jonathon Factory
Jonathon Factory
11 years ago

crap. **irrelevant**

11 years ago

I got a bit of this reaction when I told my wife about my most recent motorcycle purchase. Yes, I probably should have worked her into the idea better but I really couldn’t be bothered. I knew she’d get over it and sure enough her anger only lasted about a day and a half.

And actually, thinking about her anger makes it all the more fun when she’s riding on the back and her legs start clamping tighter on me because she’s getting the tingles.

Women are fun. Don’t take them so seriously.

11 years ago

Why is everyone hair-splitting irrelevancies like whether the purchase was discussed in advance?

I thought it was pretty obvious that these cows went ballistic because they instinctively know they are next on their husbands’ “things to be upgraded” list.

11 years ago

I’d like to recommend a movie called “Bellflower” that is in the vein of this advertisement. Similar style and texture with great music but I’ll get to the point… Bellflower is basically a coming of age story about a guy and his best friend. The guy plays out some beta behavior and is jilted by a girl he’s in love with but he goes through a transformation to become a much more powerful man. Plus they build up a bad ass muscle car. Bonus points if you are a Mad Max fan as there are lots of references to those… Read more »

11 years ago

@redpillwifey When it comes to money I’d lay my savings on a man having better abilities to know how much to spend and save. At least a car has a function and purpose. I don’t see men buying 500 dollar handbags, a thousand dollar dress you wear once, or earning a master’s degree in French (herbs excluded). I’m not saying you do either but a lot of women will spend outrageous money on pointless things. One last thing…we are well aware that kids and a wife cost money to stay alive. I’m pretty sure that’s why my dad decided to… Read more »

11 years ago

That was like watching sports. Halfway through I’m yelling at the guys, “Whatever you do, don’t back down! Hold frame! She’ll be pissy for a while, but after that it’s makeup sex starring lotsa cocka!”

11 years ago

She’s pissed because her money is her money. Your money is our money.

11 years ago

redpillwifey and Ashley,
nobody gives a fuck what you think or what you’d like the money should be spent on.

Hopeless Romantic
Hopeless Romantic
11 years ago

” In Harley Davidson’s instance the sales motivation was male shaming with the intent of questioning the men’s “manhood” in who really makes the decisions for them. Women get a knowing snigger from it, and men are pressured to buy with the reminder of how truly controlled they are by the women in their lives.” Because its so much more manly to be mind controlled by corporate consumerism than it is to consult with your wife about what the family can or cannot afford? America: throw your TV’s in the trash! (and don’t ask ANYONE’s permission to do so!) Next… Read more »

11 years ago

@taterearl I agree with you about the $1000 dollar handbags. However, if it is her money and not our money especially if there are no student loans then I don’t have a problem with her getting a masters in French or any other language. Knowledge is power. There are better things to learn such as Science, Technology, Engineering, Medical fields, and Mathmatical fields, but there are also worse such as a masters in Feminism or a masters in British Studies.Learning languages is still an accomplishment and it enhances one’s knowledge. You might want to learn French to GAME women in… Read more »

Jack Schitz
Jack Schitz
11 years ago


I love the guy at 1:03. He’s got that look that says I know I’m in deep shit….. but I’m not so sure that I care.

Fucking priceless.

Awesome music too.

Jack Schitz
Jack Schitz
11 years ago

BTW, in case you were wondering the music is Wu Lyf “Heavy Pop”.

Hopeless Romantic
Hopeless Romantic
11 years ago

“There are better things to learn such as Science, Technology, Engineering, Medical fields, and Mathmatical fields, but there are also worse such as a masters in Feminism or a masters in British Studies.”

British studies? What the…?
Who would want to study the British?

Hopeless Romantic
Hopeless Romantic
11 years ago

I just viewed the commercial. I’ve noticed in Western films, tv and advertisements nobody is every happy. Sometimes you might find children, very young like 2, maybe 5 max, smiling and looking happy, but other than that the aesthetic theme for your pop culture appears to be angst, anger and just a general sense of unhappiness and loathing. Could anyone here explain that to me? Another common theme in your pop culture is gender war. Like in the commercial above – men are pitted against women and pitted WITH a consumer product – a motor vehicle. So its man-car against… Read more »

Hopeless Romantic
Hopeless Romantic
11 years ago

“Where the Harley campaign had an element that women could positively relate to, this commercial pushes past this dynamic and exposes in no uncertain terms the ugliness of fem-centrism. I can’t be sure, but my guess is that most of the reactions these men’s wives had were genuine. With the exception of the woman at the end smashing the windshield (dramatization) it looks as if most reactions were shot unbeknownst to the women. ” Oh come on now you can’t be that naive. Surely you don’t think this was anything other than what it is – a commercial with paid… Read more »

11 years ago

anyone notice Wu Lyf made pussies of themselves disavowing the use of their music with this advert?

“‘To anybody interested as to why we are featured in a Toyota advert,’ Wu Lyf wrote on their Facebook page, ‘we too are interested to know why our music is featured in a sexist sports car advert that encourages men to live out their ‘inner chauvinist’. We have not consented to this, we have not earned a penny from this … Wouldn’t have minded so much if it was for a Lamborghini.'”

Keoni Galt
Keoni Galt
11 years ago

I just viewed the commercial. I’ve noticed in Western films, tv and advertisements nobody is every happy. Sometimes you might find children, very young like 2, maybe 5 max, smiling and looking happy, but other than that the aesthetic theme for your pop culture appears to be angst, anger and just a general sense of unhappiness and loathing. Could anyone here explain that to me? You just stumbled across the lynchpin of the corporatist commercial consumerism imperative, based on the ascendance of cultural marxism. Deeply unhappy, uprooted, and socially disconnected people make for the best target market in convincing through… Read more »

The Lone Planet
The Lone Planet
11 years ago

Fuck frame. Stay single.

Bharatiyaa Brouhaha
Bharatiyaa Brouhaha
11 years ago

Thanks for replying.

“This is why the feminist imperative is pushed, promoted and upheld by the elite. The feminine imperative is the key to destroying the nuclear family, destroying family-focused religions, and emasculating society: to promulgate instability and unbalanced, disenfranchised, unhappy masses susceptible to false images of happiness through conspicuous consumption.”

You said “feminist imperative” and then later “feminine imperative”. are they different? same? what do they mean?

“destroying family-focused religions”

Which religions are not family focused?

Bharatiyaa Brouhaha
Bharatiyaa Brouhaha
11 years ago

“If and when a new masculine-primary social paradigm evolves, expect the feminine social reaction to be equally as hostile.” Extreme binary, either/or, thinking that again artificially pits the masculine against the feminine, man against woman. It doesn’t have to be this way and it won’t. We are moving toward ever increasing co-operation and balance. See, this is the type of voodoo TV (and now youtube) does to your mind. Seriously. Get. Rid. Of. It. And read some books about the history of media, its purpose, its techniques and its results. Here’s a documentary, Century of the Self. (and notice how… Read more »

11 years ago

We are moving toward ever increasing co-operation and balance.


Good co-operation and balance = Not messing with biologically based gender roles

it's always found - the secret is out
it's always found - the secret is out
11 years ago

Some of us don’t mind [knowing] women who act like bitches submit to us in the end anyways. Fishing is dabbling in the result of hungry boredom, alongside offered Time being spent. And there’s nothing Alpha or Beta about it. It’s about just enjoying knowing how humans are. A car window smashed!? Fuck it, I’ll get a new one. Let’s enjoy the windowless anger receding while I get road head. Driving free from the bonds of a clear shield. Check. If not you, it makes for a story another girl will eat up and do what you aren’t willing to.… Read more »

11 years ago

Why can’t media be used to transmit an idea that promotes and supports masculinity? Maybe that would help change the minds of the billions out there that this blog unfortunately can’t reach at the moment.

11 years ago

Thought I heard a Scandinavian language, Spanish and French in the ad. I used to get that reaction from my soon-to-be-ex for all sorts of things – (what she saw as excessive) tips, small gifts for children of co-workers from my travels, lunch bills. I was in no way an extravagant spender and I make more than $200K a year (she makes 100K). Even though I called her on it many times and told her to STFU, she never could bite her tongue. Probably a shit test I was failing in some way. It’s one of the smaller things that… Read more »

11 years ago

I think that too many readers here are still stuck in blue pill mode. One thing that needs to be made clear is, that there is NO need to have your wife’s or gf’s permission to purchase ANYTHING. You don’t make joint purchase decisions together because your money should not be together. You should have separate accounts. There is no good reason for mixing money, ever. It only causes problems. You spend your money as you wish, she spends her money as she wishes. As long as the bills are paid then there is no reason for her to complain.… Read more »

Rollo Tomassi
11 years ago

Extreme binary, either/or, thinking that again artificially pits the masculine against the feminine, man against woman. It doesn’t have to be this way and it won’t. We are moving toward ever increasing co-operation and balance.

You mean balance like this?

11 years ago
11 years ago

The final scene should have had one of the men driving off into the sunset with a shit eating grin across his face. Content. Free.

11 years ago

The matrix is every where In our daily meeting today(me and all or team members) my boss recounted what happened at last nights party (me and other team members were not invited as the party was for middle and upper management only).So apparently, the wife of a senior manager complains to her husband’s boss(not my boss) about how her husband comes home at 10 or 11. The boss jokes about how everyone leaves at 6 , the usual time and that there is no overtime work(its a tough economy and we’r working really late).Now everybody is laughing about how that… Read more »

11 years ago

Never. Ever. Let a woman run your show. Blue pillers take note!

11 years ago

I know I’m not the only one to notice that EVERY wife in the ad was fat and unattractive? Yet all the men were easily much higher in their SMV physically? This add mirrors reality on so many levels.

11 years ago

Disney like commercial. You can watch it every now and then in Polish television.

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
11 years ago

Hopeless Romantic “British studies? What the…? Who would want to study the British?” O what? You mean it’s real? Effin’ Nora! I thought he’d made it up as the most idiotic thing anyone could ever imagine, and was having a little chuckle to myself. Whoever runs that class is, frankly, ‘avin’ a giraffe. You could get it on the back of a fag-packet, in laundry marker. Look: #1 Your round. #2 Your round. #3 Lump it into touch/take him off at the knees you muppet. #4 Milk and two sugars ta love. #5 That’s a dentist kids, stay out of… Read more »

Mark Minter
11 years ago

“If and when a new masculine-primary social paradigm evolves, expect the feminine social reaction to be equally as hostile.” Big fucking deal. You’ll get over it. Trust me. I’m telling you, I tuned in, turned on, and fucking dropped out. I got hair down to my shoulders and I really fucking like it. You should try it. Make it your first step in your change from being a slave to being a free man. Watch what happens when it starts to get a little long. People start questioning you “Don’t you think you should cut it?”. “Why are doing this?”… Read more »

11 years ago

Generation Nihilism is no longer available. I was about to read some of the articles, too. 🙁

11 years ago

Women – here is an analogy – it is as if the man you commit is constantly pushing you to eat – eat more, eat this rich food, eat that. He actively discourages, or sabatoges, efforts to exercise. And then he looks upon you with disgust and says -” I don’t like fatties!” WTF – correct? Yet this is what you do to the men in your life.

When I realized that everything my spouse did was self-autheniticating – I filed for Divorce. F**k it – no amount of money was worth my dignity.

Jack Amok
Jack Amok
11 years ago

I think SheCantSayNo has it. It’s an important point that the wives were all mostly land-beasts. No woman can hold off the ravages of time, but she can keep her figure if she cares about it. The wives in this commercial had “let themselves go” as the saying has it. Prime indication that their husbands had for some time been low-valued, or else these women would have kept themselves in better shape. They settled for a low-value life, letting their value sink to the level of their husbands. The suddend assertion of some personality on his part came as a… Read more »

11 years ago

‘I got hair down to my shoulders and I really fucking like it. You should try it.’ Second that. I grew my hair down to my neck as well. Women love it. I get more attention and glaces just by having long hair. Some guys try to shit test because they have the standard boring SWPL crew cut but I simply tune those fuckers out. Interesting cool guys are instantly more friendly and women are intrigued easier than before especially hotter quality. I have to cut it every once in a while simply for the office job but not too… Read more »

Mark Minter
11 years ago

I posted my previous comment without reading the comments. I just did. Particularly this one: RedWifey- “Phinn – It’s not that I think men should cater to women’s needs, but that he should act responsibly in areas that affect the family as a whole, just as I should be expected to. My evolutionary imperitive is to nurture and care for my children. If my husband is responsible for the income just as I’m responsible for the home care and raising of children, is it not unreasonable to expect him to hold up his end of the bargain in responsible financial… Read more »

11 years ago

‘Never marry. Pump them. Dump them. Leave them.’

You do know that this would be the end of civilization if every guy followed this advice.

The USA would make ‘The Road Warrior’ look like Disney Land.

Don Julian
Don Julian
11 years ago

Spending a lot of money on a car, placing a lot of value on a car is blue pill. Spending a lot of money on a car when you don’t already have masses of disposable income (the target audience of the add doesn’t) plus have a family to take care of is not only blue pill but also fucking stupid and irresponsible. The kind of guy who gets influenced by the commercial or by any commercial has very unimpressive frame control.

Hopeless Romantic
Hopeless Romantic
11 years ago

“I used to get that reaction from my soon-to-be-ex for all sorts of things – (what she saw as excessive) tips, small gifts for children of co-workers from my travels…” > That’s great for a man to give gifts to co-workers friends. What a sense of community and uncle-hood! Definitely something to be encouraged in men. “I know I’m not the only one to notice that EVERY wife in the ad was fat and unattractive? Yet all the men were easily much higher in their SMV physically? This add mirrors reality on so many levels.” > Totally noticed it and… Read more »

Jack Amok
Jack Amok
11 years ago

‘Never marry. Pump them. Dump them. Leave them.’

Marriage is like any other endeavor. It’s risky, but guys who successfully pull it off reap massive rewards. You want to be successful, you have to learn the skills it takes.

And if you get married like you jump off a cliff, you’re doing it wrong. You jump off cliffs for an adrenaline rush. If you got married for an adrenaline rush, you are screwed.

Hopeless Romantic
Hopeless Romantic
11 years ago

Rollo, “You mean balance like this?”

Could you point out to me the specific paragraph in that piece that is balanced?

Also, I left a comment under your “Men In Love” blog, which intrigued me and would appreciate if you could elaborate more about “idealized love”.

11 years ago

I like Mark Minter, but I feel as though he has jumped the shark on this one. Reproduction is the prime directive of all living creatures, is it not? I’m a PUA and I’m having tremendous fun pumping and dumping and cruising in my CTS, but I’m not so deluded as to think all that shit could ever compare to raising my kids and watching them grow and playing with my grandkids when I’m old. I actually agree with Redpillwifey to an extent as I do think men are responsible for putting food on the table and a roof over… Read more »

11 years ago

This will lighten the mood:

11 years ago

Funny. You have Furious Ferrett, Jack Amok and Adam all disagreeing with Mark Minter (or at least raising doubts) on this point: “Never marry. Pump them. Dump them. Leave them.” I don’t agree with MM all the time. I think the political rant that was made much of last week just “got things wrong”. Like a judge, with only one witness to an event, and the witness has forgotten things, didn’t pay attention to other things, paid too much attention to certain things so got them right but out of balance to the whole thing … the judge doesn’t know… Read more »

Hopeless Romantic
Hopeless Romantic
11 years ago

Is monogamy natural? That is the question.

The Vain Yogi
11 years ago

“My uncle has a country place
That no one knows about.
He says it used to be a farm,
Before the Motor Law.
And on Sundays I elude the Eyes,
And hop the Turbine Freight
To far outside the Wire,
Where my white-haired uncle waits.”

I can hear the spit gravel in the song. Red Barchetta, anyone?

11 years ago

‘Never marry. Pump them. Dump them. Leave them.’ You do know that this would be the end of civilization if every guy followed this advice. First, not every guy is going to follow that advice, just like not every guy is ever going to be exposed to or accept the red pill. Not even close. So the “end of civilization” scare tactic is just that – a scare tactic. Second, who gives a fuck about society over the individual? Society owes you nothing, and you owe society nothing. Every person should choose what is best for them, and letting someone… Read more »

Hopeless Romantic
Hopeless Romantic
11 years ago

“You must swallow the red pill whole. And I am very sorry, but you cannot marry.”

Well that’ll be easy to accomplish since I don’t meet very many young American women who believe in legal marriage or religious marriage anyway.

11 years ago

“Is monogamy natural”?

Well, no. I at least don’t think it is. Worked for one milieu of our history. That milieu is probably over and whether or not it is, doesn’t make monogamy natural.

Fight for what is right for you. Odds are, monogamy isn’t.

11 years ago
Reply to  Dalton

If it was natural it wouldnt need to be enforced

Hopeless Romantic
Hopeless Romantic
11 years ago

So plural marriage/open relationships is the next wave?

I’m ok with that. But what about the effect on kids?

Check out this couple who is totally open with their kids about their “other loves”

Hopeless Romantic
Hopeless Romantic
11 years ago

They Myth of Monogamy video series. What’s your take?

11 years ago

Yes, marriage is a raw deal for men. No argument here. But my problem with the “pump them, dump them, leave them, buy cars” approach is that you can’t do it forever because it robs you of your prime biological directive / greatest joy in life: reproduction / children. We can’t throw out the steak just because the utensils are broken, fellas.

The “pump them and dump them forever” advice is the male equivalent of the “Sex And The City ride the carousel and follow hypergamy forever” advice for women.

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