Hypocrites & Little Emperors

Over the weekend I read an interesting post from Vox regarding hypocrisy (great song BTW) and the impressions we as Game-aware men sometimes indelibly leave on guys who actually make the transition from from the Matrix to being Game-aware:

It is true that adulthood and maturity are drenched with hypocrisy, because we are all largely incapable of living up to our ideals, morals, and standards. But that doesn’t mean that wallowing forever in that point between childhood and adult is desirable, or even possible. With regards to Game, it is perfectly understandable that gammas and deltas might look at the decadent world of the alpha and think it looks like paradise, complete with 72 cheerfully compliant non-virgins, but that is as much of an illusion as the world of the blue pill.

For obvious reasons, nothing motivates a man’s imagination better than the potential for sex. On the most rudimentary level, the male ideal – the counter to feminine hypergamy – is unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. The most extreme idealization of this (72 virgins in heaven) is too far fetched for all but the most mentally imbalanced and religiously fanatical. However, men’s rational predispositions want to temper the unbelievable with the concept of the fantastically attainable. Think of it in terms of porn; most men tend to click past the videos of “porn stars” – huge breasted, HB10’s®, overly made up, in lingerie and high heels, all eager and willing to perform any feat of sexual acrobatic – they’re too improbable, too unbelievable. But give a guy a tempered, believable, sexual vignette, one into which he can relatively assume the POV perspective of the male, and now you’ve got participant. You’ve got a believer.

To varying, subjective, degrees of fantasized believability, a lot of newly unplugged red-pill men can visualize themselves in some, albeit limited, capacity to experience the Alpha’s porn. However, I don’t think Vox goes far enough in fleshing out the Alpha fantasy though. A majority of men (i.e. betas) wouldn’t entertain the notion that they could experience the, now stereotyped, hedonism of the rock-star bad boy PUA Alpha for the same reason overdone ‘porn stars’ don’t appeal to them – it’s too slickly unbelievable. What they will believe, and probably to their detriment, is that they can enjoy the Game well enough to fit their personal capacity to get with their ‘believable’ ONEitis girl who they just know is their perfect soul-mate. They’ll play the Game realistically and long enough insofar as it grants them access to the ‘type of girls who’d always rebuffed them.’

Rubrosa from the Sosuave forum picks up the continuation of this fantasy:

Every religious nut I’ve ever encountered who has passed judgement on me and my “sinning ways” has had a past which was heavy on the sex and drugs. In other words, they pissed all the “fun” living out of their system before they became “Born Again”. Now they preach “The Way.”

There seems to be a theme in certain parts of the manosphere (which I agree with) which states more or less the following:
It’s not about the chicks…it’s about you improving yourself….which gets the chicks.

I have a friend who’s a very successful Businessman/Playboy. We both have similar experience in terms of our journeys in dealing with the opposite sex. We were laughing at his story about how he didn’t feel like screwing this one girl only because he didn’t feel like driving that evening. I joked that if he was 20 years old, he would have made the drive. He laughed “Are you kidding? Back then I would drive 3 hours to get laid!”

I think that maybe I’m like those wackjobs who preach only after they’ve sinned. Does all my advice fall on deaf ears because no matter how much advice one hears, experience is the only true teacher? I have enough experience and Game savvy to where I can bang a different chick every night of the week with some reliability…so it’s somewhat EASY for me to say “It’s about you, not the chicks !” Kind of like a rich John Lennon singing “All you need is Love ”
I feel guilty in some weird way because I’m saying that chicks aren’t a priority maybe because I have a large supply.

Rollo ? Your take ?

I don’t read Rubrosa as making a religious statement here so much as he’s drawing comparisons in hypocrisy. ‘Do as I say, not as I’ve done’ is what he’s concerned with. The religious are easy targets in this regard, but really, everyone’s a hypocrite to varying degrees.

When I was a young AFC in my late teens I would’ve honestly been appalled by what I advocate on this forum today. My outlook at that time was incorrect and influenced by persons, conditions and social conventions of which I was totally unaware. The 19 year old Rollo Tomassi would’ve advocated the exact opposite of the 44 y.o. Tomassi would now. Does that make me a hypocrite today? Or, what if my outlook was correct and through the course of life and events I changed my way of thinking and lifestyle for a period of time, only to later go back to what had originally been truth to me later?

Life is learning. A hypocrite is someone who’s words and actions are incongruent, certainly in the present, but maybe not so much the past. I give advice here based on what I got so horribly wrong in the past, not because I did everything perfect from the get go. This is why it’s a dangerous business to build your reputation on moralism or absolutism. What your life experiences teach you will eventually come into conflict with convictions in spite of how rock solid you believe they are. And it’s then that people will call you to the carpet for being something you say you are or you aren’t.

Hail to the Emperors

Now, more to the point, yes, it is all about getting laid, AND it’s also about improving oneself too. Pussy has inspired more men to become great than any other factor in human history. I think what’s missing here is that the drive to succeed and the drive to get laid are mutually beneficial, and often symbiotic. The problems arise when you attempt to separate these two influences and turn them into absolute binaries.

Pussy = Bad.  Being a Little Emperor = Good

Pussy = Good.  Being a Little Emperor = waste of time, or just a means to pussy.

It doesn’t work this way.

When people say “If all you’re living for is fucking and women, then I pity you for not living right.” what they’re doing is making a binary judgement call while using themselves as a referendum. When one guy feels he’s living ‘by the rules’ then everyone else has to play by them too in order for him to validate his existence.

When another guy wins by not playing by the first guy’s rules he then needs to invalidate that win. Take a guy who did everything by the book, got married to the first girl he’d ever banged, went to college, has a decent job, has 2 kids, and sit him next to the high school drop out, who’s still unmarried, enjoys many women, stumbled into a well paying job and has few responsibilities. Who has the greater life experiences? Who’s “doing it right? Which one of these guys is more likely to try to invalidate the lifestyle of the other? Who envies who, and who is ‘happier’?

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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A.B. Dada
11 years ago

I remember driving when I was 19 over 3 hours to meet a gal, and there was no sex. I did it 3 or 4 times. After that, the only woman I ever drove for was the woman I married and divorced. One-itis. Now, if a gal isn’t willing to make the trek in a 2:1 ratio (and preferably a 3:1 ratio), it’s a sign that she’s not into me. Even now, every mile I drive to see a gal is a notch that entices me to friend zone her upon arrival. The quote above regarding “it’s not about chicks”… Read more »

Sam Spade
Sam Spade
11 years ago

I once recommended to a buddy of mine, who had recently married, that he travel internationally more. “Yeah, but I’m married,” he said. “I can’t just go to Thailand and bang random broads,” meaning like I might do. “I don’t travel to have sex,” I told him. “I travel because it’s fun.” Of course I also went out of my way to meet women in foreign countries and sex them, but that was all part of the fun. If I came back home without a notch, I didn’t mind, because at least I’d seen another culture. My greater point was… Read more »

11 years ago

Recently I was “forced” by circumstance to undertake a mountaineering trip.Nothing hard though but a definite push out of the comfort zone.while I found an enthusiasm for the great outdoors, a lot of my peers just wanted to get it over with. So,I think its about how a mans’s experience shapes him.Two men can have a rock star PUA life style in their early twenties. later in life,one might end up to be a Pussy hunter while the other might wife a gal up and settle down.Then preach like the guy quoted.Who is more likely to be “right”? Personally I… Read more »

AB Dada
AB Dada
11 years ago

so is the ab dada cycle beginning again? Can we just skip to the part where we’re all tired of his delusions of sexual accomplishment and make fun of him for clowning? Seems appropriate on the topic of hypocrisy and will-to-power fantasies.

King A (Matthew King)
11 years ago

Hypocrisy is the tribute vice gives to virtue. Our leftist culture has always overestimated it in terms of villainy because the left’s insipid intellectualism puts a premium on ideas rather than action or result. Who cares what you think your philosophy is and/or your ability to articulate it, much less the impressions of the resentful in their judgment about your consistency? A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. For obvious reasons, nothing motivates a man’s imagination better than the potential for sex. On the most rudimentary level, the male ideal – the counter to feminine hypergamy – is… Read more »

King A (Matthew King)
11 years ago

Some anonymous hater wrote: so is the ab dada cycle beginning again? Can we just skip to the part where we’re all tired of his delusions of sexual accomplishment and make fun of him for clowning? Seems appropriate on the topic of hypocrisy and will-to-power fantasies. He won’t respond with anything but equanimity (if at all), so I will interject. You are a shitbag, a typical creature whom websites like these inadvertently encourage to express himself in anonymity and, still worse, impersonation. It beggars belief that you could be surrounded with so much wisdom and still act contrary to it.… Read more »

AB Dada
AB Dada
11 years ago

Lol at King A, the admittedly sexless, riding to the defense of Dada, one who despises his own sexlessness. There’s some irony that Dada himself represents the pathological need for a “large supply” of chicks that King A just wrote an essay railing against…. except glaring logical inconsistencies just aren’t that exciting. Hopefully there’s entertainment value in watching King A try and reconcile the two. Ultimately King A is strongly skewed towards transcendental intellectual masturbation and has nothing to add on the real-world psychology of game or it’s implications on it’s practitioners. Even Nietzsche’s superman wasn’t in a narcissistic pursuit… Read more »

11 years ago

Good stuff. Let’s add this


I have A.B Dada on facebook and he looks legit. A jerk and an asshole, sure, and proud.

Matt: during all my omega years it was the LACK of pussy what drove me to immortality and forged my discipline and so on. The actual pussy, compared to that immortal and transcendent drive is simply banal in comparsion.

Still. I have no doubt that males got that powerful drive to score pussy, only. Become an emperor and score pussy. It’s the same thing.

A.B. Dada
11 years ago

AB Doppleganger: I’ve said it on every other blog (game or otherwise) that has my dopplegangers present: all you serve to do is enhance my reputation for those who know me, and those who want to know me. It’s not my time I’m wasting here since I both learn and pass on my learning. If you think everything I post is bullshit, that’s your right to believe what you want to. I also don’t “need” lots of pussy by any means, I just travel a ton, and it’s very hard to be away for weeks on end without someone taking… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  A.B. Dada

ABDada, I meant that “jerk” in a comrade way. Agreed about not orgasming – they freak out.

11 years ago

as true of women and men…

chicks change a lot to have a good man under her sheets as well.

11 years ago

It’s very important to build your life independent of getting good with women. I know a few guys who seduced their way through their 20s very effectively but now they are 30+ with no career, no money, no skill. What is cool at 25 is a loser at 35 if he doesn’t move forward. They now find it much harder to get quality women (even 20 yr olds) because the girls will no longer judge them on potential. Their self esteem is slipping too, knowing their most productive years have been pissed away. It’s easy to go too far in… Read more »

11 years ago

These blogs have an audience that needs instruction on a deficiency that the readers have in their lives. Doing well with women is a definite need that most men have. When men are having their whole life wound up either how to get laid or how to please their wife/gf, then that’s a huge problem that needs to be rectified. It has to do with the whole suite of needs that should be meet in order to have a fulfilling lifestyle. It has be shown that after a certain amount of money, happiness does not increase. However, being poor causes… Read more »

11 years ago


I’m 100% with you on all that

11 years ago

“Shame-like levels of “unlimited sexuality” carry with it not just bad consequences but opportunity costs as well.” “There is no reason why young men have to “experience” that blur in order to build upon it, and indeed there are indications that the blur precludes many possibilities that can never be recovered.” “You would do well to tally up what negative consequences attend a life of chasing one’s tail in the prime of youth.” Platonic idealist bullshit aside, the real test is how it manifests in the material plane. What possibilities does a blue balled virgin who masquerades his ineptitude as… Read more »

11 years ago

“Rejoice O young man in thy youth…” ~Ecclesiastes Finding a balance is essential as Krauser mentioned above and working towards whatever goals a man has in his life and getting a little ass on the side is ultimately what should be preached to young men today. The pleasure of women is fleeting and should only be a byproduct of a man’s life, never his focus. I think the very nature of chasing women is fem-centric and is ultimately a distraction for a young man attempting to leave his mark on the world. It’s very tricky in that finding a balance… Read more »

11 years ago

Interesting topic. I think, that male body is constructed to be a slave to women – as it is everywhere in nature. I see confirmation of this every thay every hour. We may say that – “there are more important things than pussy”, “women should be a compliment to man´s life, not priority”, etc., but this all is bullshit for the vast majority of men. When I hear those statements I watch pretty closely from whoom they are coming. So we have this married guy with marriage lasting over 2 decades with two children, blabbing about more important things than… Read more »

11 years ago

@Gregg: you’re a terrible writer.

11 years ago

@Gregg: I fear you’re right. Esther Villar makes the same point in her book, The Manipulated Man.

11 years ago

As a relative newb consumer of the Red Pill, I keep seeing an acronym around the manosphere that I can’t figure out: what the hell is an “HB#”?

11 years ago

Thanks, Rollo. I’d guessed the “HB” stood for “hard body” and the # was for the face and other “intangibles” (ie, skin, smile, etc.) I thought I saw “FB” (“flabby body”?) somewhere but maybe I dreamed that.

Appreciate your work. Keep it up.

King A (Matthew King)
11 years ago

YOHAMI wrote: Matt: during all my omega years it was the LACK of pussy what drove me to immortality and forged my discipline and so on. The actual pussy, compared to that immortal and transcendent drive is simply banal in comparsion. Still. I have no doubt that males got that powerful drive to score pussy, only. Become an emperor and score pussy. It’s the same thing. One underappreciated aspect of the “all my omega years” factor is when those omega years occurred. In a certain way, we can regard every man as having begun in omegaville, since we all must… Read more »

11 years ago

Matt, I my case the omega peak was around 21-24 years old. It conceded to a beta frame at 25yrs and cracked into playeralphawhatever when I hit 27. “The approach should be unified in a single principle that can be modified to particularities of time, skill, disposition, and place.” Yes. “For that reason “become an emperor and score pussy” is not exactly “the same thing,”” I see how my quote can convey the wrong message too. What I really mean is that hypergamy is king, just like the male drive to reach higher is king. If you focus on reaching… Read more »

11 years ago

Actually the player/red pill thing thing was more around 30. Im doing the math wrong. I forget how old I am.

11 years ago

I’m in my early thirties and have known about game for a decade now. It helped me a lot in my ability to socialize but to an extent I neglected to build an empire (although I have cultivated skills that will help me do so).

In the past one or two years I’ve had a second awakening in big part due to this blog. I certainly hope it isn’t too late to start building an empire.

Rollo Tomassi
11 years ago

There is a Chinese proverb which asks,..

“When is the best time to plant a tree?”
“30 years ago.”

“When is the next best time to plant a tree?”

11 years ago

Yohami: “I forget how old I am.”

How old are you by the way?

11 years ago

“I have enough experience and Game savvy to where I can bang a different chick every night of the week with some reliability…so it’s somewhat EASY for me to say “It’s about you, not the chicks !”” This is why I stress going out and putting in field time and setting goals and using routines and putting in effort. I even recommend hyper-focusing on it for a while. Because while game is easy for me now, I still remember very clearly what it was like when I started out and the shitty “Just work on yourself and the girls will… Read more »

11 years ago

@ “King A (Matthew King”:

Our resident Jesus-Freak wrote: “Do you not yet understand that we can smell the resentment on you, no matter how much you attempt to conceal it with pretensions of superiority?”

What’s the old saying about the pot calling the kettle black…?

King A (Matthew King)
11 years ago

YaReally wrote:

This is again why PUAs ignore the gay “scientific studies” done by keyboard jockey nerds in ivory towers under unrealistic conditions that aren’t even targeted at asking the right questions…because we’re out there regularly shitting all over their “theories”.

Do you count Roissy as one who “ignore[s] the gay ‘scientific studies'”? Every other post of his is something that refers back to dorks in lab coats.


[…] Male – Hypocrites And Little Emperors, Pushing Forwards Back, Dry […]

11 years ago

I recently became game-aware and start to see women respond different to my nascent alpha behavior. I did a quick comparison this afternoon to reeducate myself on the world we operate in as well as sharing it with others. Please point out errors or proper adjustments. We are now living in an age where female primacy (hypergamy) is priority and mating is totally stack against men. Here are the list of social conventions that was conditioned to be the norm: 1. Convention: Monogamy is the not only legal recognition of social union. It is natural that men and women are… Read more »

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