
The Alpha Buddah, Corey Worthington.

What I’m about to type here is not going to make me any new friends. I know because any discussion of what constitutes Alpha characteristics in a Man always becomes clouded by the self-perceptions of how well we think we align with them. As I’ve covered in prior postings, the ‘community’, the ‘manosphere’, the new understanding of gender relations that’s picked up momentum for the last 12 years has always generated it’s own terminologies for more abstract concepts. The danger in this is that these terms lack real, universal definition. For purposes of illustrating a concept these terms are usually serviceable – we have a general understanding of what makes for a ‘Beta’ or a Herb, or a man who falls into a ‘provider’ mentality. Even ‘Alpha’ in a specific context is useful as an illustrative tool, when the subject isn’t directly about ‘Alpha-ness’. It’s when we try to universally define what constitutes Alpha that the sparks start to fly. So before you continue on reading further, think about what you believe makes a guy Alpha. Got it in your head now? Good, now put all of that aside, purge that from your head, and read the next few paragraphs from the perspective that you don’t know anything about Alpha.

I was first introduced to the Alpha Buddah courtesy of Roissy and this post “Umm, sorry?” You can go ahead and read this from the Chateau’s perspective, and I think the analysis is pretty good. I call Corey the Alpha Buddah not in the hopes that men will aspire to his almost Zen like ‘being’ in Alpha, but rather to provide an example of Alpha in it’s most pure form. He literally IS Alpha, unclouded by pretense, afterthought, or conscious awareness of any influence that could have a hope of prompting introspection about his state.

Corey Worthington is a piss poor example of a human being, but he’s a textbook example of Alpha. I could use a lot of adjectives to describe this kid, but “beta” wouldn’t be one of them. What’s funny, and a bit ironic, is this kid has probably never come across Mystery Method or “the community” or even heard of ‘peacocking’ and he gets naturally what millions of guys pay small fortunes at PUA seminars to acquire over the course of a lifetime. He’s a selfish little prick, but what makes him insulting to ‘normal’ men is his having the natural, internalized Alpha bravado so many AFCs wish they had. If you could bottle and sell this Alpha essence, you’d be rich beyond imagine.

Right about now all of those self-affirming preconceptions you had about Alpha-ness (that I told you to stow away before reading this) are probably yelling to be let out of the mental box you put them in. “,..but, but Rollo, how can you possibly think this arrogant douchebag kid could ever be an example of anything remotely Alpha?!” You’ll be pleased to know I fully empathize your outrage. You work hard to be a “better man”, you put in the self analysis, you paid your dues coming to terms with unplugging and reinventing yourself. You’re a success, Corey is fuck-up. Corey’s not a better Man than you are, however, he understands Alpha better than you do.

Alpha is mindset, not a demographic.

Alpha is as Alpha does, it isn’t what we say it is. There are noble Alphas and there are scoundrel Alphas, the difference is all in how they apply themselves. There’s a tendency to approach every “Alpha” argument from what a guy thinks is righteousness; ergo, his personal definition of Alpha is what appeals best to his sense of virtue. He earned his Alpha cred, played by the rules, and by God people (women) should respect that. However, the sad truth is that prisons are full of Alpha males who simply channeled their drive toward destructive and anti-social endeavors. There are plenty of examples of indifferent Asshole Alphas who you wouldn’t say are upstanding moral leaders at all, yet women will literally kill each other (or themselves) in order to bang them because they exude a natural Alpha-ness. Just as Corey does here. There are Alpha drug dealing gang leaders, and there are Alpha husbands, fathers and leaders of industry. It’s all in the application. Genghis Khan was Alpha as fuck, and a leader-of-men, but probably would be on most people’s douchebag list for that era. Here’s an illustration:


Guy’s like Corey infuriate men who have invested their self-worth in the accomplishments of what they think ought to be universally appreciated and rewarded. So when they’re confronted with a natural Alpha being undeservedly rewarded for brazenly acting out of accord with what they think the rules ought to be, they seethe with resentment. The natural response in the face of such an inconsistency is to redefine the term ‘Alpha’ to cater to themselves and their accomplishments as “real men” and exclude the perpetrator. The conflict then comes from seeing his new definition of Alpha not being rewarded or even appreciated as well as a natural Alpha attitude and the cycle continues. Your respect (or anyone else’s) for an Alpha has nothing to do with whether or not he possess an Alpha mindset. 3 failed marriages and 100+ lays has nothing to do with his having or not having an Alpha mindset. There are many well respected betas who’ve never had a passing thought of infidelity, or may have 300 lays either with prostitutes or because they possess fame or stunning good looks and women come to him by matter of course.

The take home message here is that you are not Alpha because of your achievements, you have your achievements because you are Alpha. You possess a mindset you either had to develop or it came naturally to you. I constantly field questions from young men asking me whether some action or behavior they displayed to a woman was Alpha, or Alpha enough. The real answer is that Alpha behaviors are manifestations of an Alpha mindset. And just like Corey the Alpha Buddah, the introspect required to wonder if something was or wasn’t Alpha wouldn’t ever be a consideration enough to ask. You almost need to have a childlike understanding to really appreciate what Alpha really is. Kids get Alpha. Even the picked on, introverted, beta-to-be kid has a better understanding of Alpha than most adult men do because he lacks the abstract thinking required to rationalize Alpha for himself. Most men, by our socialization, and to varying degrees, lose this in-born Alpha mindset over time. The naturals, the Corey’s of the world, have a better grasp on it’s usefulness and repurpose it; either to their adulthood advantage or their detriment.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] Konuşma dilinde kolay geldiğinden böyle yapılıyor ama işin aslı Rollo Tomassi’nin Alfa yazısında belirttiği gibi şöyle […]

6 years ago

[…] Çeviri : Alfa […]

6 years ago

Hmm….basically your saying a 16 yrd old intelligence is alpha; which to me sort of makes sense because most girls are locked in a 16 yr old mindset if not younger. Most girls are emotionally children or teenagers, so it wouldn’t be a surprise to make the claim that a guy that acts like a teenage girls version of a ‘badass’ would be what you would describe as ‘alpha’…the problem with defining alpha this way is its in the woman’s frame and not the mans frame. The assumption is this guy is what girls want, when an alpha term is… Read more »

6 years ago


6 years ago



[…] Rollo Tomassi, Alpha on The Rational Male (October 2011).] This mindset itself, or the personality bound up with it, […]


[…] For men there will always be a want to believe that whatever qualities make up their own personality and their own lifestyle is what should define what is “alpha”. From Alpha: […]


[…] For men there will always be a want to believe that whatever qualities make up their own personality and their own lifestyle is what should define what is “alpha”. From Alpha: […]

Steve W
Steve W
5 years ago

Hi Rollo, I’ve been a big fan of yours for several years now. You’ve helped me immensely to navigate our current society in almost every way. On top of owning your first 2 books, this is my 2nd re-read of your “Best of 1st Season” series. This particular post “Alpha” I believe to be one of your most profound posts, period. One minor issue I have noticed with your incredible content is many typographical errors. To be honest, I am surprised that an author of your caliber has never hired someone to go back over your previous post histories and… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
5 years ago

Also, please amend my screen name to “Steve W”, I could not find anywhere on your site to do so. Sincerely, Steve W

5 years ago

I have, everyone has, they love it. Legend!

5 years ago

“Corey Worthington is a piss poor example of a human being, but he’s a textbook example of Alpha.”

Nope. An alpha is that paragon of virtue, integrity, and honor, along with good looks, a sense of humor, and a killer competitive nature.

5 years ago

Am I the only one to look up Cory in 2018 and see he married an ugly, older chic, while still in his mid 20s? Comments?

5 years ago

Ever wondered what happened to this Alpha Buddha? He got married at 24, on a 28yo obese girl. Look at his beta-nized face now:

Sadly, a common fate of natural alphas.

The empirical mysoginist
The empirical mysoginist
4 years ago

This sounds familiar. I know you disagree with some of JP’s views, but in his personality lectures, when explaining the big 5 personality dimensions model, this is quite the textbook example of the disagreeable end of the agreeableness dimension.
More interesting though, is that here seems to be independent replication of results, which is a form of validation.


[…] “Alpha males who solely use intimidation and aggression to keep their position often provoke dissent. Coalitions will eventually form, which at some point will topple the alpha male.” [1, 2]  […]


[…] Let’s first start out with a quote from Rollo Tomassi’s blog where he discusses alpha qualities: […]


[…] Alpha […]

2 years ago

I watched the video and I don’t see anything wrong with the kid’s behavior. He had a party, the party was great, some neighbors got upset, so what ? When I was 16 I did 2 such parties, they were epic, and I haven’t apologized to anyone, even to the neighbor that had to clear vomit because someone vomited on their balcony. It happens.

James Downs
James Downs
2 years ago

I love the line in American Sniper from Chris Kyle’s dad. . . . ” There are 3 types of people in this world: sheep, wolves, & sheepdogs.” Wolves & sheepdogs are both alpha, but apply it differently.

11 months ago

Andrew Tate was right. He was supremely confident when speaking to the reporter but wasn’t an asshole. Women hate the asshole part but they love the confidence. But Nowadays only assholes have confidence. So if you’re that rare guy who’s supremely confident with what you say and do but also not an asshole then you’re definitely gonna f***. He was calm, confident and didn’t react. He’s just consistently the most confident version of himself. A lot of this comes from the abundance mindset that after you’ve approached so many women you start to become comfortable/confident and women sense this so… Read more »

11 months ago

Wouldn’t an alpha male be solely best described as just a man who most women really want to fuck within a very short time? Especially a sexually desirable man that sexually desirable women(Stacys) want to fuck? Nothing else would make a man an alpha male, right?

11 months ago


That’s too shallow.

There’s a lot more to being alpha than just being a man women want to fuck.

Being alpha is not anything to do their desirability to women. But their desirability to women is everything to do with being alpha.

There are lots of men women want to fuck but they’re not alpha, they just look it and when the women realise it they dump the men.

Ignore women – and be alpha – and women will follow.

11 months ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

Yeah but women don’t want to fuck guys who aren’t alphas. A guy could be fucking a girl and she leaves him it wouldn’t matter to them if he could easily replace her. Women would be for years with plenty of guys who are beta. Those guys have the provisioning capabilities that women look for. Those guys who are good at being emotionally and financially supportive. There’s plenty of guys who women wouldn’t wouldn’t want to be with but definitely want to have sex with. Those are the guys that women cheat with. The side dudes and the sneaky links.… Read more »

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