The Proposal


The above scene is from the Netflix Original Series, House of Cards (season 1, episode 6). I had a friend recently suggest the series to me because, as he said, “he knew I’d get into it.”

My professional life generally doesn’t leave me the time get into anything on TV, but I’ll admit to picking up the first six episodes of House of Cards and wanting to watch more of it. I’m not going to get into the details as to why I like it (you can probably guess), but I have thus far been impressed with the 48 Laws of Power aspect of it. I apologize for the quality of the clip, but it was the best I could dig up on youtube.

However, I watched this scene a day ago and I knew I’d have to drop a quick post about it. For those unfamiliar with the story I’ll give you an outline; Steve, the man in the hospital bed, is the former security detail for Frank Underwood, a U.S. congressman and an archetypal Alpha power broker on Capital Hill. After 8 years as the personal security guard of the Underwoods he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is now on his death bed.

The woman, Claire, is Frank Underwood’s wife and an equally influential lobbyist (yes, I realize her story changes) and political figure. Steve texts Claire to come to his bedside (after sending his dutiful wife away) for what amounts to one of the most pathetic Beta male – ONEitis (death bed) confessions I’ve witnessed in a long time.

I won’t spoil the rest of the scene by relating Claire’s response, but I thought this was one of the most honest portrayals of not just the ugly reality of hypergamy and women’s underlying motives in optimizing it, but also the (in some cases life-long) idealism, to the point of pathology, Betas will endure ONEitis and to the point of death, fail to ever grasp the truth of that idealism. Women love opportunistically, men love idealistically and this scene is a harsh reminder of that.

Be warned, this is a brutal and cruel scene, but the truth often is. Sometimes cruelty is what’s necessary to wake men up to the truth, and hopefully before they’re on their death bed.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] The Proposal […]

9 years ago

As a “solution” to hypergamy, alpha-ing up is almost Catch22, though. “Go ahead and grab it” only works if she already perceives you to be alpha.

9 years ago

That was a powerful scene.
I am glad I watched it.
Rollo thanks for sharing this. -d

9 years ago

You might be able to do an entire series inspired by House of Cards. It’s entirely about the inner motives of sex and power.

I acutely remember watching this scene for the first time. I remember how pathetic I thought Steve was. Claire is a particularly interesting character. She lives overtly in the show what you say most women are up to covertly in real life.

Omega Man
Omega Man
9 years ago

That was brutal. The manginas, beta orbiters and omegas of this world should watch this and despair. If this doesn’t arose them from their torpor then nothing will.

9 years ago

Claire is a succubus.

Modern Day Pricus
9 years ago

Damn Rollo. You must be on a creative streak. Lol I am still on the comment section of “Owned Sex”. Yes slow I know but, yeah. Anyway keep up the great work. I can’t wait to read this. Your blog has inspired me to focus on my blog that I started last year. I have 7 posts done in less than 2 weeks. Thanks again for the great work.

And yeah, Clare is cold blooded as can be.

Steve H
Steve H
9 years ago

“Is this what you wanted? Is this how you wanted it?”

Men are not necessarily after the pleasure and physical release of sex and orgasm.

Or – let me put it this way:

BETA males are not necessarily after the pleasure and physical release of sex and orgasm.

ALPHA males will take pleasure, sex, and orgasm in any way it gets them off, thank you very much. ALPHA males, thus, have no issue around paying for sex. Because they’re not out to prove anything.

9 years ago

Powerful. Thanks man.

9 years ago

So, who wrote this dialogue? Sam Forman?

9 years ago

Claire Underwood: You know what Francis said to me when he proposed? I remember his exact words. He said, ‘Claire, if all you want is happiness, say no. I’m not gonna give you a couple of kids and count the days until retirement. I promise you freedom from that. I promise you’ll never be bored.’ You know, he was the only man – and there were a lot of others who proposed – but he was the only one who understood me. He didn’t put me on some pedestal. He knew that I didn’t want to be adored or coddled.… Read more »

9 years ago

Don’t bother with season two. They turned it into a rainbow festival as is their wont when they used up the original material from the British original.

9 years ago

re: on women saying one thing and doing another. Perhaps the most galling aspect of women not knowing what they want is that they think they do.

9 years ago

Damn! That was a powerful scene. I wish I could show it in the office to those beta orbiters. When I see them I realize how flooded we are with that type of men. I feel like red pillers are a super small percentage. This video, I need to save it into to the smartphone but I do not think I will forget it.What did she said? he understood me; he didn’t put me in a pedestal; he knew I did not wanted to be cuddled; he is a man who knows how to get what he wants. That is… Read more »

9 years ago

Brutal, indeed.

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

9 years ago

Can’t believe I missed the tie in to hypergamy when I first watched this episode, good spot.

9 years ago

Had I watched this pre-Red Pill, it would have still been a brutal scene, but I would not fully understand the truth depths of it. I swear when I first saw it I told myself it must have been written who was Red Pill aware, especially when she mentioned the pedestal. Watching it being Red Pill aware, it literally does make you cringe. You fully understand how pathetic the guy is, not only for carrying that torch for so long, unrequited, but more importantly to then BLURT IT OUT WHEN YOU ARE DYING?! WTF? What’s the point, buddy? You unburdened… Read more »

9 years ago

“Just get it” means molon labe.

9 years ago

Inspirational. I needed this today when I was in the middle of my own sudden pangs of a nostalgic oneitis that hit from time to time. I haven’t acted on them for months and this pathetic scene is a good reminder why one should let sleeping dogs lie. A few things strike me on this on a broader level: some things are better left unsaid. Talking it out isn’t always going to lead to some broader understanding with a woman and in fact may only lead to even further pain or betrayal. Putting your own needs first isn’t a turn… Read more »

9 years ago

Watch and weep. Women DEMAND, EXPECT, PINE for the man who will put them on a pedestal and then when he does they will despise him with every fiber of their being.

9 years ago

“Being a Beta, blue pill, AFC isn’t just about high school crushes or rebuffed 20-something’s marriage proposals – it’s life-quality issue.” Ahhhhhhh-Yup! Married, family, good (not great) well-paying career, yadda-yadda…and I had what might have been an existential crisis about 18 months ago. Already having become aware of the Red Pill a couple of years earlier, I then truly began to realize how little of my own desires in a lot of areas were not being met. Further, I realized how regardless of the fact I am doing better than many others, I pissed away A LOT of opportunity due… Read more »

Steve H
Steve H
9 years ago

Different direction: the ‘loving’ thing for her to do would entail her saying something like this: “I’ve always thought you were special. I think you’re right, even though I didn’t realize it ’til now – that we’ve had a special bond. Goodbye.” That is what I would say (or perhaps something even a bit warmer) to any female acquaintance of mine who said that to me on her deathbed. It would simply be a matter of extending kindness. Whether male or female, at that point – a person is all they will ever be, and the end is imminent. A… Read more »

9 years ago

“I’ve written about this before, but I’ve had 66 year old men sob to me about how they’ve spent their lives trying to find some way to please their unresponsive wives, or about some woman they new from 30 or so years ago who was the ONE that never requited his honest, heartfelt desire for.” You wrote about differing rule books in a post (and believe your book) to explain the issues men were struggling with. Thinking on it even today, I think I made some progress in realizing that while there had been certain rules I had operated by,… Read more »

9 years ago

You want another show demonstrating the 48 laws of power/dark triad at work? There’s a new show called “Power” ( that 50 cent aka Curtis Jackson executive produced, now 50 is very relevant in dark triad related study due to his upbringing, where he started at and where’s he at now, he’s probably one of the most prolific and successful DTs in modern media and an RP role model for anyone wanting to follow the DT path to success, orphaned by a single mother who died when he about 8 or 9, having no college education and selling coke when… Read more »

9 years ago

Funny I was home with the flu and I watched an episode of the original Star Trek, “Amok Time”, before the red pill this would have flew right by me, “SPOCK: Explain. T’PRING: Specify. SPOCK: Why the challenge, and why you chose my captain as your champion. T’PRING: Stonn wanted me, I wanted him. SPOCK: I see no logic in preferring Stonn over me. T’PRING: You have become much known among our people, Spock. Almost a legend. And as the years went by, I came to know that I did not want to be the consort of a legend. But… Read more »

9 years ago

I promise you’ll never be bored””””’

that’s a joke though even I could not promise a bitch that
never promise a fucking thing you can’t back up
if you love a bitch you can promise you love her and will always love her but nothing else

9 years ago

strike that the only thing you can promise is you will get bored of her
he he he

9 years ago

This belongs under Trophies, but I’m lazy.

It never ceases to amaze me that older women with libido problems who don’t find themselves turn-on-able by men their own age think they have a real shot at younger men over younger women, and routinely disbelieve that younger women are actually finding older men attractive.

Even when the hamster needs a cane or a wheelchair, it still gets around.

9 years ago

It always baffles me how deep some people are willing to look into a work of fiction, especially when it’s a pop fiction, more so if it’s a TV show. To me it’s nothing more than an entertainment. Yes, I could see the alpha in Frank, the chump in Steve and the hypergamy in Claire but in all likelihood the authors had nothing so sophisticated in mind when they wrote it. The Underwoods here look like a sort of villains (haven’t seen the show, just an initial impression). And villains are most usually outcasts, to be proven wrong and defeated,… Read more »

9 years ago

@Steve H

“BETA males are not necessarily after the pleasure and physical release of sex and orgasm.”

I concur — in my beta days, I didn’t understand how I was able to use my looks and game to hook up with girls relatively easily but still could not make them LOVE me …

9 years ago

One of my friends almost committed suicide after his wife and mother of his children of 18 years filed for divorce. He had the gun to his head, and the only thing that stopped him was looking at a picture of his kids. And she waited until 2 weeks after his dad died to do it, so she could kick him while he was down. He had no idea why she wanted a divorce, and he said he saw a side of her he never thought existed. Fortunately he got a good lawyer and he got custody of the kids,… Read more »

9 years ago

In the UK original and in one of the books by Michael Dobbs on which House of Cards was based (Dobbs himself served under Thatcher), an affair is implicit between the politician’s wife and the bodyguard.

The unrequited lust in the US series is an interesting twist.


[…] The Proposal (The Rational Male) […]

9 years ago

Given some of the things that happen in season 2 it’s not outside the realm of possibility that Claire actively lead Steve on and may have been previously physically involved with him short of sex.

9 years ago

concur with Tenno. get a grip fuckers. TV..reality…TV…reality…TV…reality

9 years ago

Tenno and VRW… “concur with Tenno. get a grip fuckers. TV..reality…TV…reality…TV…reality” “It always baffles me how deep some people are willing to look into a work of fiction, especially when it’s a pop fiction, more so if it’s a TV show. To me it’s nothing more than an entertainment.” Ah, huh… So…Fiction, however well written never, ever, EVER illustrates and illuminates actual real-life concepts regarding human behavior and existence. Is that your contention? “Yes, I could see the alpha in Frank, the chump in Steve and the hypergamy in Claire but in all likelihood the authors had nothing so sophisticated… Read more »

Gunter Brus
9 years ago

Why don’t we just start a war and kill off half the male population. That’ll set us straight for a generation or two and force women to take the risk, do the initiating, or die alone. It halfway makes you wonder if that isn’t what the function of war is, and if men compete for social status to win better mates, given female sexual power in their role as the one who decides which males breed, then it’s probably the real origin of capitalism, property relations, colonialism, nation states, slavery, and genocide.

9 years ago

@Gunter Brus Before learning about evo-psych and hypergamy I was really into politics and was passionate about trying to spread the truth about the corruption and lies being sold to people. Now I don’t give a fuck about people because all the bullshit comes from men attempting to deal with hypergamy and that shit is never going away. As long as females are hypergamous there will always be war, greed, and a whole slew of terrible behavior. If women refused to fuck immoral men there wouldn’t be any immoral men. For the first time in history women in the U.S.… Read more »

9 years ago

@Seraph It’s all entertainment to them.

That’s why they are sure it’s just fine to spend their lives consuming it. They’re, of course, so intelligent that they have outsmarted the super advanced technology that makes this ‘entertainment’ so popular.

They will remain oblivious, and that guarantees the growth of these industries (and opportunities) out here.

9 years ago

@Softek: Welcome, you are in the right place. Your story is well presented but I hate to tell you it is nothing new. Nothing new at all. If your not playing the game the you are the one getting played.

The Other Jim
The Other Jim
9 years ago

I’m not sure if the following is an exclamation point to the above or merely another facet. Regardless(via AP);

“Joran van der Sloot, the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of U.S. teen Natalee Holloway, married his pregnant Peruvian girlfriend Friday in a ceremony at the maximum-security prison where he is serving 28 years for murdering a woman he met in a Lima casino.”


It’s all about ‘gina tingles….

Matt Ryan
9 years ago

Rollo, You are by far the smartest and most articulate writer in the manosphere. Your blog and book are groundbreaking and should be required reading for all men, regardless of age. You are transcending “game” in a way that is a great service to men and women and grows more important every day. But I have a couple of critiques; I hope you take them in the respectful manner I intend. In many of your blog posts your principal point appears to be that hypergamy is an evolved female psychological trait that is immune to reason, morality, religion, societal pressure,… Read more »

9 years ago

“As a ‘solution’ to hypergamy, alpha-ing up is almost Catch22, though. ‘Go ahead and grab it’ only works if she already perceives you to be alpha.” Because this is true, the best and easiest way to establish yourself as alpha is by being significantly dominant at the very beginning, at the initial point of your first interaction, but in a way that is relaxed and non-threatening. Usually, this is only possible if an appropriate situation presents itself, or if you can create one. When I started university, I was a combination of blue pill and alpha. I did not pedestalize,… Read more »

9 years ago

@ eon – Game shorthand? Treat ’em like children.

9 years ago

Been thinking about this all day. The sexual mores of House of Cards are more indicative of pathology than anything else. Take Claire. She lords over the security guy how Frank won her over, but in the mean time she’s shooting up to NYC to bang the photographer for a few days. Nobody locks her down – nobody. And if she wants to crush this poor dying guys balls in her hands in one last act of cruelty, she’ll go right ahead and do so. The security guy is an archetype for the betas she can righteously denigrate and dispose… Read more »

9 years ago

“Also Frank’s relationship with the reporter, whatever her name is, isn’t very alpha. She’s overtly using him for information, there is an explicit quid pro quo. She’s also very aggressive with him, really it’s a bit all over the place for me.” Glenn, have to respectfully but wholeheartedly disagree here. From beginning to end he is in control of the relationship. She is not using him for information, Frank is using HER to shape events while keeping his fingerprints off his machinations. She is a tool he uses, in more ways than one. Yes, she happens to get something out… Read more »

9 years ago

“All that to say this: I basically have two points of contention with the sum of these views. First, they are arguably logically inconsistent. Seeking to control something that is uncontrollable (such as hypergamy) is tilting at windmills.” If I could take a stab at this… One, I think one has to clarify what you mean by ‘control’. Does it mean, alter hypergamy, i.e., make it do what you want to, change it or, learn deal with it, learn it’s methods and weaknesses so as to minimize it power to get what YOU want out of relationship. An example of… Read more »

The Lone Planet
The Lone Planet
9 years ago

They aren’t children.

9 years ago

@Seraph There are no writing problems. Everything is intentional.

9 years ago

@Seraph There are no writing problems. Everything is intentional.””””’

I noticed the first year or so of episodes of something are a certain way all manly and shit like for instance American dad
then they start hammering the real agenda.
where the manly character turns into a fag or she bitch to his wife

9 years ago

Softek your saying in ten years you never made a sexual move on a chick and it is her fault somehow she led you on?
What made you think you were gonna live a fairy tale when you waited so long?

9 years ago

And second (and much more importantly), the way this entire discussion is framed is entirely wrong (in my humble opinion). It’s all from a frame of feminine primacy. How do we control our woman? How do we control their impulses? How do we control whether they cheat on us? Or have sex with us? Or meet our needs? Quite frankly, who gives a shit? The frame should be male primacy. Become a great man and that will attract what it attracts. If woman love you, like you, leave you—it doesn’t matter. The primary objective—the end in and of itself—is for… Read more »

9 years ago

@Seraph “So…Fiction, however well written never, ever, EVER illustrates and illuminates actual real-life concepts regarding human behavior and existence. Is that your contention?” My contention is that if you try to make a point about real world you don’t turn to TV show – or any fiction – for your supporting argument. After all it’s just a question of motive and method. If our motive here is seeking the truth about the world around us then we’ve got to have our methods rigorous, not lousy. If, on the other hand, our motive is simply waging war on feminism then everything… Read more »

9 years ago


“you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting”

So much wisdom in this statement.

By the same token, certain fantasies should remain in the realm of fantasy and should never be acted upon. I’m sure we all have examples which in a clear state of mind can be visualized to a less than happy conclusion.

water cannon boy
water cannon boy
9 years ago

Not all tv shows are like that. Now that I got that out the way, a few short thoughts. What I get from the character is she’s being so mean because you have the displeasure of being put on the pedestal combined with the attempt at what he thought would be received as a romantic gesture, mixed with anger inducing fake nice guy-really scared to be alpha-wait till now to tell me-think I fall for that scripted romance-you send your wife away for this you big phony, then you get that much contempt on your death bed. Second, using the… Read more »

Adam S
Adam S
9 years ago

That’s powerful scene indeed. Being new and uninitiated to the manosphere. What are the biggest takeaways from this clip?

9 years ago

“@Seraph There are no writing problems. Everything is intentional.” When I refer to writing problems, I mean writing which does not reflect reality, and thus ruins the suspension of disbelief and thus the program. This is a huge problem with politically correct work. It pushes certain a agenda at the expense of believability but an audience watching can see how ridiculous it all is and tunes out. And yes, a show can contain elements of politically correct and incorrect material in it. Although I never saw it, I believe this is why Sorkin’s “Newsroom” got canceled. Even many libs for… Read more »

9 years ago

“My contention is that if you try to make a point about real world you don’t turn to TV show – or any fiction – for your supporting argument.” Never? Even when illustrating a point or concept? A piece of fiction, no matter how well written and acted can never shed any additional light or understanding on any subject? If I am trying to relate to someone the brutality and savagery of small unit combat, for instance, is reading a purely historical account of one more helpful than watching a well done film or television series on it, or reading… Read more »

9 years ago

@ gunslingergregi Instead of getting into all the details, which I could go on and on about, the only important part is this: It was the fatal wound to my inner beta. That was the first time in my life I ever asked a girl out — I’m a very late bloomer and her rejection was the death knell of all my hopeless fantasies that were born out of neediness and weakness and loneliness and a lack of self confidence more than anything else. I’ve “fallen in love” with plenty of girls before but I never got overtly rejected because… Read more »

Alpha Betazoid
Alpha Betazoid
9 years ago

Rollo, A thought occurred to me the other day. What if Hypergamy is a necessary mechanism? What I mean by this is in a stable environment women will take more risks with male relations to maximize the chance at Alpha seed. BUT, this in turn motivates Betas or even Alphas to seek other females (aka War Brides, or Foreign Women). It may be possible that a stable environment, modern western society, makes women more selective, lazy and bitchy about mating. This in turn motivates men who are left out to find other women outside of the environmental bounds where the… Read more »

9 years ago

@Seraph When I refer to writing problems, I mean writing which does not reflect reality, and thus ruins the suspension of disbelief and thus the program. This, too, has been intentional. Related, Rollo sent this tweet: You should read the elementary article that partially explains the purpose of the 40-hour work week. How does this relate? They work, and the work steals mind space, energy and the currencies of time and attention. They SPEND time PAYING attention to the content they absorb. 99.999999…. % of persons have chosen to be oblivious to how they are affected by content that… Read more »

water cannon boy
water cannon boy
9 years ago

Advertisers do say that it’s hard to market to men.

9 years ago

@water cannon boy Advertisers do say that it’s hard to market to men. HIlarious! ESPN: Worth > $50 billion Netflix = 1/3 of nightly home internet usage Netflix was doing DVD mailers. Now they are on the level of buying television shows, and they are the largest single user of the internet. In digital services, we are creating conversations, in non-traditional programming, and we are making the content more accessible. We solicit information from those that consume the content instead of using the normal ‘focus’ groups. So if we roll out some episodes that are extraordinary (creating a… Read more »

George Meeks
George Meeks
9 years ago

ANOTHER CROCK OF HOLLYWOOD SHIT! The video at the beginning of “The Proposal” is simply nothing more than another pathetic “power bitch I got ya by the balls” dumbass liberal media propaganda ilk. Really? What congressman’s wife would really go into his dying security officers hospital room and fondle his penis like that? Get fucking real! Anyone who reacts to that video as if it has ANY authority is “Beta” to the max and I have the Eiffel tower to sell you Most people will take the path of least resistance in life, the OFFERED path of least resistance. Which… Read more »

9 years ago


Could you explain “influence” a little more in depth; I am not entirely sure what you are talking about but I have a feeling it is probably very interesting.

9 years ago

Softek is the group’s pet beta. Eric Berne, founder of the Transactional Analysis branch of psychology (I’m OK, You’re OK; Games People Play) identified a ‘game’ played by groups of psychologists doing therapy on/with each other. One member’s neurosis is held up as a rare, fragile thing of beauty for the others to nurture and admire. “In a section on the game of “Greenhouse” in Games People Play(1964), he wrote: The expression of such a feeling may be preceded by the announcement that it is on its way…the feeling is described, or rather presented before the group as though it… Read more »

9 years ago

One of the coldest scenes in House of Cards. For those who haven’t seen the original British series I recommend it. You think Frank Underwood is cold – Francis Urquhart is the devil on earth in comparison. For the person above who says that reading something deeper into this scene is the equivalent of tea leaf reading. All the greatest TV series are multi-layered, with social and political commentaries infusing and running through the story arch/plot of the show itself. Think The Sopranos and The Wire as two prime examples. They did so subtly and it is only those with… Read more »

9 years ago

The reality of hypergamy that still gets me is this – I have to be more in order to attract something that is less (of lesser value). My return on investment is less (building my value, maintaining dominance and leadership etc), while hers is more. In other fields of endeavour there is an acceptable risk-reward relationship – I ”””””””””””’

both my woman have made more in a year than I have ever made
and pretty much any woman can make more than any man except the very top

9 years ago

or getting a hot chick about same as winning lottery

water cannon boy
water cannon boy
9 years ago

Livefearless, not so hilarious. It’s much harder to market to men than to women. Ad agencies will readily admit that.
Espn is worth several billion. What’s profound about that?

9 years ago

@gunslingergregi I don’t really know what you are talking about. Maybe you are responding to comments from LiveFearless earlier on in this post but without reference your post makes no sense. Are you saying that you consistently date women that make more money than you? If that is your point I would like to know if you are significantly better looking than them or if you have some other angle going? Please share more. Going along with this issue, are you saying that other men should date women that make more or are you just pointing out that you are… Read more »

9 years ago

Seraph, If you have the time please watch this short First off, I think we’d both agree that both men are chumps. But that’s not the point. The point is that however experience-based and dead-on that short might be, you’d raise some eyebrows if you tried to illustrate, explain or prove anything with it. And the reason is that however strongly fiction might relate to reality, by its very definition it always have some deal of making things up – otherwise it won’t be a fiction. I don’t know if there are exceptions but most men will have hard time… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Adam S

“That’s powerful scene indeed. Being new and uninitiated to the manosphere. What are the biggest takeaways from this clip?

That Women are the most deadliest creatures on the face of the planet, that are most certainly capable of this despicable callous blue cold heart behavior despite the work of “Fiction” comments..

Learn, comprehend and swallow however hard it is to take.

9 years ago

@scratch I was responding to blogster with that hash marks above my comment and responding to this ””””The reality of hypergamy that still gets me is this – I have to be more in order to attract something that is less ”””””” and ”””while hers is more. In other fields of endeavour there is an acceptable risk-reward relationship – I risk more, the rewards are higher.”””” but it is not true woman literally worth more so yea a hot one or even not so hot one are born with the ability to make more than a man who has to… Read more »

9 years ago

I’ve been watching HoC from the beginning, so I saw this scene in-sequence. At first I came away thinking of just how horrible this scene portrayed Claire, but then realized that, no, she was just being honest like he was. Her honesty was grounded in the pragmatism of what must be done to achieve her own desires. His honesty came from a full-blown oneitis disease that germinated in his own romanticism. What is most revealing to me about HoC is just how well the couple manages to pass themselves off as just like everyone else, while at the same time… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Livefearless & Rollo – Re: The linked tweet. All I can say is this. Have you read Coase on “the firm”? If not, consider that to economically sentient human beings such as me, the infantile anti-corporate rantings that were available on the link shared by Rollo are laughable. The author of the article linked is not right about anything – and apparently has no education or understanding of global economics and instead substitutes weak leftist agit prop for analysis. That he does so in a hip, cool way only reveals how that works well on some people… Put more… Read more »

9 years ago

IOW, you know which side your bread is buttered on.

9 years ago

@ Gearge Meeks But what evolved instinct is driving this “laziness and materialistic self indulgence” on the part of women? Since women are weaker and partly incapacitated by gestation, childbirth and lactation, they evolved a strong instinct to manipulate men to provide for them materially. And of course this involves psychological power games too. Up until recent times, life was a struggle for most people. Strong instincts for survival and reproduction requiring as little work as possible were necessary for the continuation of the species. Most of the problems with human behaviour in modern times is because technology has greatly… Read more »

9 years ago

@Glenn writes If you don’t understand economics, don’t talk about it… If you think you are a victim of global corporatism The article he tweeted isn’t about me, and it’s not about Rollo. I haven’t said anything about being a ‘victim of corporatism’ – Rollo hasn’t either. You are projecting your own feelings onto others. We both enjoy working with corporations to accomplish what affects positive global change. Make sure you avoid my friend Tim Ferriss. His book – “The 4-Hour Workweek” – would not be good for your world view. I’ve enjoyed the benefits of doing what the book… Read more »

9 years ago

@gunslingergregi – but it is not true woman literally worth more so yea a hot one or even not so hot one are born with the ability to make more than a man who has to put all that improvement work in if she is willing to take some risk in the oldest profession there is. – So true, there are pros and even just strippers that can make six-figure money fairly easily that honestly aren’t even that attractive. If anyone doubts this just look up some escort site and check out the pics and rates. Obese/hideous – $150 an… Read more »

9 years ago

@Glenn Don’t argue any of this with me – it’s not arguable. A friend of mine that advises billionaires (and he doesn’t charge them any retainer fee) has said: “Unsuccessful people think they know it ALL It’s funny because these are people that sit on the sideline saying, ‘I can’t believe you did that.’ They think they have the answer for everything, they’re stubborn. They always think they are right and they think that everyone else around them are idiots. Unsuccessful people don’t know what they want to be. They don’t. They love being all over the place. Unsuccessful people… Read more »

9 years ago

Now that I think about it, I do not find her to be cruel. She is being honest and she is even giving him a handjob before dying. That is some compassion for a dying man. And, in any case the one cheated here is the alpha. If I am dying, I want Scarlet Johanson to give me a handjob too.

9 years ago

The problem is not hypergamy. The problem is how we, men are wired. Majoritry of men would accept any chick just to get laid. So – how we call this stupid program in us? The situation for women in this meat market: – BPD, stupid, unemployed, UGLY, worthless cunt, you name it..has no problem finding a man, provided she is willing to accept decent above/average man, – average or under average women – 4-6 have good looking husbands with more than average wages, aftewr they spend their young years fucking male 7-9s, – above average women are literally swimming in… Read more »

9 years ago

“– how we call this stupid program in us? ”

Microcephaly (thinking with).

Gentlemen, vote with your dicks.
If she is not good enough to be the mother of your children, she’s not good enough to fuck.

9 years ago

@Matt Ryan,

Hypergamy is like gravity. It just is. We can actually use gravity to our advantage, but we can’t ever get rid of it. On the other hand, it’s dangerous to think it doesn’t exist; pretending it doesn’t exist will just get you in a world of hurt or worse.

George Meeks
George Meeks
9 years ago

@gregg I cannot speak for the rest of you, but I suspect most are like me and the nature of these writings bears out that you are. We all want hot pussy and that drive is a primary impetus for this site and all these writings. All normal heterosexual males prefer to fuck 7 to 9…s, I do. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS PREFERENCE. It is far more enjoyable. It is not “stupid” and I am not an “imbecile” and any of us who are fucking 7 to 9…s have nothing to apologize about. You think we are… Read more »

9 years ago

@ George Meeks:
That wasn’t gregg’s point. He said that if men didn’t bed ugly or otherwise damaged women we as men would be better off. But he’s right, there is a drive in men to fuck everything that moves and that is our problem. There is no selection for men but if there was women would work harder to be attractive to men.

9 years ago

@AlphaBeta, one big difference between hypergamy and gravity is that gravity does not depend on the denial of its existence for its effectiveness.

If women were forced to be honest about being hypergamous then it would go away.

9 years ago

How does a man use hypergamy to his advantage?

Hypergamy is antithetical to civilization and family formation. The one lesson of the last 50 years that should be well learned is that the collapse of the family unit is detrimental to the development of men.

9 years ago

@Badpainter, re: “How does a man use hypergamy to his advantage?”

Just be part of the 20% …
Or 5% …

Really, there is no advantage whatsoever, at all, in any way, to any man, for ANY woman to ever engage in any degree of hypergamy. Even the top 20% of men do not benefit from having lower-value women misoverestimate themselves, because a man who is an 8, say, would benefit from a woman who is a 9 thinking she is a better match for him than a woman who is a 6.

9 years ago


Yes, hypergamy isn’t going away. Which only makes relationships with women similar to Siegfried’s and Roy’s relationship with their tigers. They misplaced their trust in their own hubris rather than in the nature of the beast.

9 years ago

re: Pavlovitz. The actual Biblical answer to a man’s sexual answer, the actual remedy for concupiscence, is to get married so he WILL have a woman who belongs to him.

9 years ago

“Neither is men’s sexual impulse going away for the same reason.” A humorist might say that wisdom is what you get when your energy and drive wane. “The difference is a feminine-centric social order pathologizes men’s sexual nature while expecting no limitation on women’s hypergamy…” I noticed another way that is manifesting socially/legally: Canada is another country that is working on legislation that makes prostitution legal for women, but criminalizes the prostitutes’ clients. That is a completely illogical and egregious example of removing limitations on women’s sexuality while maximally restricting men’s sexuality. It makes no sense in any other light.… Read more »

George Meeks
George Meeks
9 years ago


Speaking for yourself and Gregg?

9 years ago

House of Cards does portray a rather interesting implementation of Machiavellian politics in action and with it some red-pill truths, but an even better show (now cancelled unfortunately) was “Boss” with Kelsey Grammer.

If you want to see real Machiavellian game in action, forget house of cards, check out Boss (also on netflix).

9 years ago

[… the ugly reality of hypergamy and women’s underlying motives in optimizing it, but also the (in some cases life-long) idealism, to the point of pathology, Betas will endure ONEitis and to the point of death, fail to ever grasp the truth of that idealism… ]

I’ve nicknamed my former wife, “My Siren”. Thought she was a Unicorn, lol.

It’s a great metaphor for the above..

btw, the sailor is drowning.

9 years ago

Oops, supposed to be an embedded image of the Waterhouse painting above.. guess I haven’t figure this out yet..

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