The Death of Rollo Tomassi

Rollo,  I’m only 17 (soon to be 18..) but I am looking for some wise advice from some older men..

Anyway, I am in my Senior year of high school and throughout it all I have slacked off completely. I am actually half a credit behind, in order for me to graduate in June. I am just barely scraping by. I have not taken any foreign language courses so I am very unlikely college/university bound.

For these past 4 years I have been obsessed with the idea of becoming a rockstar. I have been playing bass since I was little, I am very good from what people tell me and I have talent, but anytime I get a band going it becomes a failure.. I really don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere in life. My friend (who is also the guitarist in my “band”) wants to go to music school up in Hollywood which would help us out a lot, and maybe even find more/better musicians.. but I do not come from a very wealthy family. This school is just like the cost for a university, and I don’t think they give loans to these kind of schools.. even if they did. There’s no guarantee I could even make a living afterwards. My mom has been pushing me to go to graphics art school, which is what I wanted to do for awhile, but I don’t think I can make it because of my grades.. and to be honest, I really don’t feel like that is what I want to do with the rest of my life. So not only am I in my last year of HS and have no idea what I’m going to do.. I’m so far deep in a hole that even if I choose to do something it would be impossible to get there. I just feel really hopeless right now.

Have you ever been in my situation and got out of it? Can I still be successful?

After reading your initial post I feel like I’m typing this response back to my 19 y.o. self because over 20 years ago I WAS you. So please bear with me by reading this carefully.

In 1987, at 19, I wanted nothing more for my life than to be in a band. I’d actually learned this from the time I was 14 when I discovered that just by saying I was in a band and had long hair girls would be more interested in me. I muddled my way through a big inner-city high school in L.A. as a C student just doing what was necessary to get passable grades since this was a hinderance to what I wanted to do – be in a band. Notice I didn’t say “be a musician”; the music had to be good and rock hard of course, but it was the status and social proof that came from being a band member and the effect this had on girls that really prompted the desire.

I didn’t know how to play a guitar and I literally stole my first guitar. I HAD to learn how to play it. I’d always been a very creative kid, I acted in drama, and I could write well, but my true, natural, God-given gift was my ability to draw and paint. I loved guitar as well, but it never came to me naturally, I had to want to do it and to this day I still study and practice it because I want to be good at it.

By the time I’d graduated, I’d had my first real girlfriend and my first ugly AFC break up. I had no direction to my life and my very passive aggressive, and masculinity-deficient AFC father had never had the interest to guide me or prepare me as an adult. He too was more interested in securing a nominal supply of pussy than be a father, but in all honsety his father before him was kind of whipped too. So I went and did what any metal-head kid in the late 80’s would do, I joined a band.

I worked at a music store in L.A., not because I was trying to live the dream, but because I had to have a job and go to community college to rent what was my own room for 18 years with my dad and his ’empowered’ 2nd wife. I met up with a LOT of musicians, but back then you didn’t have to be a good guitarist, you had to be a guitar god (which I wasn’t), so I joined a band and played bass. I stole a bass and I “borrowed’ long term a good amp and some other equipment to play. To my surprise the bands I played in became very popular in the Hollywood metal scene, but I certainly wasn’t playing for the money – because there was none. In fact we payed to play more than we actually made money. No, it was the top shelf ass I was pulling every time I played that kept me going at it. I loved the scene. The music was great and it was a new adventure every weekend we played. I bought a motorcycle and would literally roll up to gigs with my bass in a gig bag slung over my back.

I lived the minor league Hollywood rock star fantasy for about 4 years. Eventually I got good enough at guitar to play as a studio musician and do session work. I played on TV several times as a hired guitarist for up and coming solo acts. I played in about 4 original projects, 2 of which were openers for national acts. My hair was blonde, down to my ass and I was rail thin (I did start bodybuilding at this time though). All of this was going on and I was getting into networking with L.A. producers, just looking for an opening to get on with a national act, until I met her,…

Lucifer’s Daughter

I didn’t meet Lucifer’s daughter at a gig, I met her in the community college bookstore; you know, the place chumps tell you is the best for meeting ‘quality women’. I still had my education to entertain in order to get what was basically a free ride at home and I met her buying books for a semester. She was a ‘good’ girl, but hot as hell – close to an HB 9 by my high standards of that time. I had to actually work to get with her. I took her out on real “dates” rather than banging her the night we met like the girls in a club as I was used to. Nothing prepared me for the living hell of an LTR I had with her. Once I’d locked into a monogamous relationship with her the party was over. The band I was in disintigrated and she was so insanely jealous of my previous fuck buddies that I didn’t even consider looking for another band to join. I was a prisoner of hers. She went off to a university and I played the good sacrificial savior. My life was ruined because of this woman. In actuality I was trapped in her borderline personality disorder (BPD) cycle and associated myself as being the source of her problem.

After a 4 year psychotic episode of an LTR I was a shadow of what I was previously. She had a degree and was moving on, I had shit. At 26 I was ruined. After this I decided it was time to grow the fuck up and do what I needed to do, but I was starting over with absolutely nothing. I started using my real talents, I got into commercial design and became a successful art director for multi-million dollar companies and only later, at 32 did I get my BFA and Psych degree. My wife and daughter had to pay the price for my lack of foresight and earlier decisions.

I did well for myself once I’d made that cross over to real adulthood. There was no manosphere then and no men I knew who could open my eyes to anything. I had to come to terms with the direction I’d let my life go. I still play guitar and I’ve been in 3 bands since then, but I play now because I love to play, not becasue I get payed or laid. I use my real, natural gifts to pay the mortgage. I write, I’ve played the lead role in MacBeth in theatre, I use my artisitic talents everyday in my work, I do video and web work, I’ve done peer counseling, I lift weights and I’ve been a B class competitive fencer all in this time. All that and so much more.

You have to live your life. Life is a process of doing. I can sit here and type and everyone else can too, but it’s ultimately you who’s going to do what you will. You’ll still probably get into the scene no matter what us mature men will tell you. I WAS you. My advice is to grow yourself up now rather than later. You can be independent, you can live on your own, but ask yourself what are your real gifts and talents? How can you best enhance them? College? You CAN go to college if you want. The thing I lacked at 19 was this insight and the courage to act on it. I wanted pussy and I got it, but I was unprepared to deal with being an AFC in the long term.

I had to kill the old Rollo Tomassi after my hell relationship. He needed killing.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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12 years ago

Wow, is this Bronan the Barbarian writing in from 10 years ago?

Holy crap I wish I had had the manosphere’s advice when I that age.

12 years ago

Every man these days who’s good with women has a story like that. Ever single one. It’s a necessary right of passage.

And, like lions born on the savannah, not every one makes it through the trauma of those initial trials-by-fire.

Yours is a great read, Rollo. Thanks for writing about this chapter in your history.

12 years ago

“I started using my real talents” “Life is a process of doing.” “grow yourself up now rather than later […] ask yourself what are your real gifts and talents? How can you best enhance them?” Fuck yes. Focus on your talents, how to groom them, and how to plug that into the world. Forget about other people telling you what you should be doing, because most of the time they are just projecting their own fears (and none of their ambitions) on you. If your drive is about playing music, you are going do to better at it than anything… Read more »

12 years ago

As someone who is approaching 40 and had a similar dream (and decent talent) at your age, but was convinced by my parents to pursue a traditional college degree/career, I say GO FOR IT. You only live once, and while the odds of you making a career out of “rock star” is incredibly slim, you can at least say you went for it – you gave it your best shot. Some of my high school buddies gave it a go during/after college, and they were fairly successful regionally. It meant working crap jobs to make ends meet, living in poverty… Read more »

Rollo Tomassi
12 years ago

When I was 22 I used to bang the manager of a band I was in. She was 41 (my first MILF) and the ex-wife of a record producer who had some very significant albums to his credit. I remember I was waiting around after a sound check and she caught me scribbling in my sketchbook and asked to see it. After she looked through it she said “You’re gonna be a millionaire someday, but it’s not gonna be playing music” inferring she was impressed with my drawings. It was kind of prophetic, but I should’ve took her seriously right… Read more »

12 years ago

Now I want to see some drawings

Rollo Tomassi
12 years ago
Reply to  YOHAMI

Honestly, you probably already have and didn’t know it.

12 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

Rock on

Rollo Tomassi
12 years ago
Reply to  YOHAMI

Not trying to be cryptic – a lot of my work can be found on some fairly well known bottles of liquor for the past 10 years.

12 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

I meant that as a “freaking awesome!” rock on.

12 years ago

How did you wind up banging the manager?

Rollo Tomassi
12 years ago
Reply to  Badger

It was really kind of a fuck buddy situation in the beginning that morphed into a sugar momma thing. She had connections and liked the band, and in hindsight probably had her eyes on me and it was an easy progression from there. Originally she had something to prove to her Ex both professionally and personally. She didn’t even mind me banging other girls to begin with, but after about 8 months she was done with my carousing and that was it.

12 years ago

I’ve heard that in the late sixties a lot of men coming of age didn’t feel pressured to get on with their lives, and drifted for a while. Some say that the healthy economy allowed them the luxury. I was a some sort of slacker or bohemian myself, and had a composition containing zero percent financial ambition. Mostly I was into meditation, so much so that I found my way to living in a Buddhist monastery, and even living as a meditating hermit in remote forest cabin. At that time I had a passion and direction, but it was unrelated… Read more »

12 years ago

I’m curious Rollo, how the hell you survived 4 years, with a BPD, I barley made too 6 months. Only reason I stuck around that long was cause I got some hot tight ass.

Phemonal post btw, perhaps your best one this year

12 years ago

“I met her in the community college bookstore; you know, the place chumps tell you is the best for meeting ‘quality women’.”

Ha ha. They do say that all the time.

12 years ago

That was a surprising title. Glad the “improved” Rollo is still here. Interesting story. Stay thirsty my friends.

12 years ago

Fantastic post and great advice.

One problem for people deciding which of their talents to pursue is that talent can make something difficult seem easy. We think to ourselves, “This can’t be a big deal. It’s not hard to do so it’s nothing special.” Of course, it’s easy for the person who has that talent but difficult for everyone else. Better to ask someone else, “What do think I’m good at?” As in your post, others are often better judges of our best talents than we are.

12 years ago

“My advice is to grow yourself up now rather than later. You can be independent, you can live on your own, but ask yourself what are your real gifts and talents? How can you best enhance them?” amazing. *this* is the question that is not asked enough in the community. how to become a better man is not just game, frame control, posture, and big top hat — it’s identifying our unique talents, working hard at maximizing them, taking chances, failing, taking more chances, succeeding — and capturing value by mastering a marketable skill. *this* is the key to becoming… Read more »

12 years ago

One thing I have learned in life is, “nothing ever comes out the way you would expect” no matter how hard you may try. Life will always throw a curve-ball your way and it’s all a question of what you do with the opportunities as they crop up. Everyone is different and no two people have the same life path – although sometimes it is staggering the choices I’ve had to make in life, and the ones that I can say truly altered my life in ways that were unexpected. Since you cannot see the future, all you can do… Read more »

12 years ago

[…] ass that most guys only whacked off to porn over. But all that came crashing down when I met the BPD psychotic girl I mention here. This was the real test of my true beta-ness, I wanted her to be my ‘dream girl’ but […]

8 years ago

The description of meeting and dealing with your BPD is spot on with something I experienced recently – your writing is an outstanding resource. Question – if you had been red pill aware when you met the BPD would you have had a normal relationship with her by not falling into her frame, or would you just have left her earlier?

8 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

You cannot have normal with crazy.

8 years ago

Rollo – thanks for the extremely quick reply. I dove into the literature on BPD for the first time last night and totally agree – seems to be something that requires serious therapy, which is not the role of a new friend or boyfriend.

8 years ago
Reply to  BK

BK, read them all

8 years ago
Reply to  YOHAMI

Yohami – thanks! Great resource!

8 years ago
Reply to  BK

No problem, good luck

7 years ago

Rollo, I want to thank you for the article and add a few comments on how I’ve been using it. I have returned to this article many times as I get my head back to normal after my first experience with a NPD. And while there is a host of material on finding and keeping an LTR, there is not nearly enough like this article on screening to filter out bad fits from the beginning. I realized that this dearth of material mimics one of the problems I see in my professional financial career. It is my belief that the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

That would be great, but dont see your email on the site. You can email me at a temporary account I just set up, Or direct me how to contact you.

7 years ago

On the dating vs investing analogy, I fleshed out my thoughts for Christian McQueen, which he just posted. Check it out if you’re interested.

7 years ago

Rollo, recently came across the term ’emotional unavailable’ – do you find this to a degree of BPD or something else entirely? Any thoughts very much appreciated.

7 years ago

You have to live your life. Life is a process of doing.

Old Rollo New Rollo

4 years ago

This rings, I quit the rockstar dream at 28. I had to kill my person to do so, a lot of it to do with past relationships with woman within the scenes i was within. I still play music a lot, but i stick to doing it all solo.

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