Secret of the Sperm Bank

Sperm Sample

Over on Dalrock’s blog Anonymous Reader had an interesting insight about the Alpha Fucks – Beta Bucks dichotomy:

Turning to the Missouri sperm donor case, I got to thinking about the whole notion of a sperm bank. Without bothering to search, they seem to be an invention of the 1960′s. I recall reading about the concept in high school biology, and the original justification was to provide infertile married couples with the chance for the wife to bear a child into the marriage. A couple of the matriarchs of my family were absolutely shocked when sperm banks started serving, or perhaps servicing, unmarried women. That was immoral, in their eyes. Looking backwards it should be no surprise that in some progressive, coastal venues men began providing turkey-baster filling for lesbian couples in the 1990′s – it’s not that big a step from “woman goes to specialized OB/GYN for syringe of semen” to “woman and her partner get together with male friend and turkey baster”. Bonus points in some quarters if the man is gay…but I digress.

Let’s look at this abstractly. Man and woman marry, find that she isn’t getting pregnant, determine from medical testing that his swimmers aren’t winning the race. So they pay for another man to impregnate her, although via a medical go-between. The original sperm banks screened donors and pretty much limited them to med students and other college men.

This is “Alpha Sperm, Beta Provisioning”, and nothing less. Putting a tech or a doctor in the middle wearing gloves and a lab coat, and injecting semen with a syringe rather than the usual method doesn’t change that. Sperm banks are therefore a clinical version of AF-BB, and as such clearly serve the Female Imperative in the same manner as a married woman having an affair while she’s ovulating – except that the latter is still sorta frowned upon, while the former has been a part of US culture for 40-50 or more years. I wonder what the time line is – did sperm banks show up about the same time as hormonal contraception, for example?

Now turning back to the sucker in Missouri: what’s his real crime? Sperm donor without a license, I guess, his lesbian friends failed to use the medical go-between, and his ignorance left him liable. But in terms of the Female Imperative, perhaps he wasn’t alpha enough – they could find him – or perhaps he was alpha enough for breeding purposes (paging Mary Daly…) but beta enough for provisioning as well? I have to ponder this one more.

But the sperm bank? That’s obvious now that I wear the glasses, but it’s still kind of startling to realize that it just hit me last night that the whole idea of a sperm bank is a clear, medicalized, fully legal example of the Female Imperative of AF-BB and it’s been right out in the open for at least two generations. And it is totally normal. In fact it was apparently not all that controversial even at the start. Certainly today we all accept it because teh wimmenz deserve their own bay-bee if they want one (or more), no matter the cost to anyone else.

Another case of the Female Imperative hiding in plain sight. Someone alert Rollo.

On virtually any post I’ve made about feminism directly or where the topic of the Feminine Imperative gets redirected to one of how feminism (and previously chivalry) are social structure arms of the Feminine Imperative, one or more commenters invariably post the youtube video about how feminism was conceived to destabilize western society (by the Rockefellers?). I’m not going to speculate about some conspiracy to use the “Women’s Movement” as a premeditated social influence (there are better resources than RM for this if you’re really interested), however the fact that sperm banks were an unheard of development prior to the sexual revolution does give me pause to think that they were a need anticipated to better facilitate and perpetuate a future feminine-primary society.

It’s interesting to note that at the time of their institution, a sperm bank was a shocking development for the culture of that era. Now, a repository of men’s (presumably the best of men) genetic material can be had by any woman seeking to have a child is just part of our social scenery. The inherent hypergamic influence in this long since normalized institution can’t be ignored – just from a pragmatic standpoint hypergamy is going to dictate that women will seek out the best genetic potential for their offspring, whether artificially inseminated or by the ‘traditional’ means.

Institutionalized “Alpha” Fucks

The fact that sperm banks’ existence have been practically ubiquitous for well over 60 years now brings up some interesting social and biological dynamics.

The first of course being what Anonymous Reader observes; the fact that a repository of ‘Elite’ men’s genetic material would exist at all is the final indictment of the Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks dynamic (case closed). Presumably the bank, uniquely instituted to fulfill only women genetic imperatives, would be interested in superior male specimens. What constitutes ‘superior’ or at least good quality stock is determined by a particular bank’s standards, but one might assume they would filter for overall health and viability of a man’s sperm.

I’m no expert, but I would think screening for a family history of genetic diseases, cancer, mental stability and of course HIV are on the list. I may be mistaken, but I’d also guess that a bank would screen for relatively younger men with more fertilization-viable sperm, since there is evidence that a man’s quality of sperm does in fact decay into his later years.

Beyond the biological aspects I suspect women would want a child with at least an imagined potential for future success in life so a personal background would most likely be a part of that screening process. Granted, that may be subjective depending on the demographic of women seeking (and can afford) fertilization, but I think it’s safe to assume that ethnicity, socio-economic, educational and personal success all factor into this assessment. Long story short, hypergamy, at least in the breeding aspect of it, dictates the selection process for women. As Anonymous points out, the original intent of a sperm bank / fertility clinic was to provide a woman (presumably wife) with the sperm of a viable man when her husband’s sperm was inviable – in essence, in vitro cuckolding.

If all this reads as an institutionalization of the Alpha Fucks side of women sexual pluralism (hypergamy) you’re not too far from the mark. It’s really an institutionalized form of selective breeding, entirely beholden to feminine hypergamous interests. But before I go off the deep end here, let me state that I fully realize that there’s never been some mass influx of women making ‘runs on the sperm bank’ to wantonly get themselves pregnant. Given the option, I’m sure most women would rather go with the holistic approach to impregnation (and long term private support), but the operative here is that the concept and institution of a sperm bank available to facilitate women’s biological imperative (at as optimized hypergamy as reasonable) is a normalized, almost ubiquitous social concept for modern culture.

There is really no parallel to this degree of institutionalized sexual selection for men. While there are fertility clinics for couples who may purchase donor eggs, there are no commercial ‘egg banks’, nor are there commercially available volunteer women eager to gestate and birth children to exclusively facilitate men’s biological imperatives. That isn’t to discount surrogate mothers gestating the fetuses of a sponsor couple (another extension of fulfilling the feminine biological imperative), but a man uniquely looking for a donor egg to inseminate and/or a surrogate mother to birth the child for him is all but unheard of.

And really, even if he was so predisposed to it, why would a man go to the trouble and expense? Suspending disbelief, even if he did father the child, the mother could still have exclusive rights to custody with the child if it were pressing enough for her.

From a social perspective it’s interesting to note the era in which sperm banks became normalized in society; immediately after the sexual revolution. Almost as if in anticipation for the unfettering of women’s hypergamy, the facility of insuring a woman’s best optimized hypergamy was institutionalized and normalized. This may sound like conjecture (since the socially proposed purpose was to facilitate pregnancy for an infertile man), but the utility of sperm banks quickly shifted to facilitating the pregnancy of women who wouldn’t be married or had no intention of marrying to start a family.

This was the first institution, legalized and normalized that laid bare feminism latent purpose – strong independent women® could remove the man from the equation of effecting an optimal hypergamy, while at the same time effecting future legislation and social engineering to enlist men (either publicly or privately) in the provisioning of this new breed of motherhood. And with every guy dutifully jerking off into a petrie dish, they effectually contribute one more element to institutionalized Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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10 years ago

“hypergamy is going to dictate that women will seek out the best genetic potential for their offspring” OK, from a male and I hope rational perspective, taking on board the whole shit test, fitness testing that females do by instinct. The turkey baster sperm bank thing, seems to me to totally defeat the ability of the female to fitness test the mate – or at the best abrogate the testing to a third party who may be testing for other parameters. We know after all, that for women, intelligence doesn’t play well in the flesh, but the whole sperm doners… Read more »

10 years ago

Good article.

The overt AF/BB strategy for single women (not talking about the couples that can’t conceive) can only play out in a society that’s rich and safe enough for a woman to make a living on her own efforts or the gov’ts largesse (paid for by other men, mostly betas, and some women).

In more primitive settings, a woman getting pregnant and being left alone would be a very risky and dangerous situation.


Rollo, I think it is actually possible now (and even legal) for a woman to “rent out” her womb to birth a child that isn’t hers. And if she does so, she has no legal rights associated with the child that she gestated. Even still, a man that wants to have a child without involving a mother, must find a donor woman to either donate (or sell) to him her egg (and I believe this price is close to $1000 because it requires a small operation in a medial office.) Once “harvested” a medical technition or doctor can inject the… Read more »

10 years ago

APL- Interesting point. I think the Med School sperm pool thing is meant to appeal to the feminine method of constant projection. They value credentialism. So check that box. True, in the field, a hawt guy need not be so credentialed or smart as long as he triggers the lizard brain, but in selecting sperm, building the sexy-son, the variable of time is removed. With ample time, she can *feel* good about doing what she wouldn’t necessarily do in the bar bathroom with the tall n fit barkeep. Think of the children! My sister went turkey baster. Interesting process. The… Read more »

Fred Flange, You're Having My Booby
Fred Flange, You're Having My Booby
10 years ago

The whole business of not only sperm banks but egg donation and surrogacy is wide open in the USA. No national rules, only some state rules, which vary. All the other major nations think we’re nuts to do it this way. In most Eurpoean countries there are strict limits on all of these methods, particularly limits on getting paid for it. Here it’s a growing (heh) industry! Big bucks for donors! Especially if you are white and, well, not quite Aryan, but, you know… say, a graduate of a better school? An athlete? High IQ scorer? All of these are… Read more »

Fred Flange, You're Having My Booby
Fred Flange, You're Having My Booby
10 years ago

Excuse all the typos – auto-correct is not my friend. But this topic really fries my French. In that we Americans are so lackadasical about it.

Oh yeah oh yeah: Go watch MTV’s Cryodad! A real show! About a real teenager going on a nationwide quest to track down her MANY MANY half-sibs and Looking For Mr. Test Tube 1065 6SJ7GT.


Laszlo, I think the Med School sperm pool thing is meant to appeal to the feminine method of constant projection. They value credentialism. They sure do. Which would explain why some sperm is valued over other sperm (regarding the creation of the offspring.) Afterall, if she has to go about building her baby in a manner that is not the old fashioned way, might as well spare no expense and get the designer baby that she always wanted for her perfect (often-husbandless) family. I think the concept of the sperm bank was well intended. Yes, there are some married couples… Read more »

10 years ago

The vitro cuckolding story is a mind bender. Perhaps I didn’t catch it, but the AF side is understood, but the BB side isn’t. Where is the BetaBucks coming from? Government? My guess also would be the technological capability to store and use sperm in the future was also refined in the 1960-70s. Egg donation, is pretty new, but advancing, but there is imperative to advance it. But its used by females to further their imperative? Finally, I feel the important point of the Missouri is missed. Will it be a matter of time before FredFlange’s version of the world… Read more »


Perhaps I didn’t catch it, but the AF side is understood, but the BB side isn’t. Where is the BetaBucks coming from? Government?

An excellent question, if she is single (and the sperm donor can’t be sued for child support if done the legal way and NOT the way it was done in Mizzou) then he isn’t paying. Who is? Rollo?

10 years ago

Sheds some interesting light on the movie by Whoopee Goldberg where she went to a sperm bank to get sperm for a son who would be tall, intelligent, and black. One out of three ain’t bad (tall, redneck, white). Social conditioning to help make such thought acceptable and the norm in the future? You can see in future, all men making mandatory sperm donations at a young age. Each donation would be genetically assessed and divided into various tiers: “prime”, “secondary”, “tertiary”, etc. The men would then be sterilised. Women wanting to get preggers would pay depending upon the tier… Read more »



Its a brave new world we are entering that P D James hauntingly hinted at in her Children of Men book.

10 years ago

It would be vastly better from a marriage-relationship perspective to adopt children from somewhere than to let your wife carry the child of another man.

Mr. Factory
Mr. Factory
10 years ago

I got curious about whether or not a single man could adopt or even get a surrogate and did some simple googling one evening. Frankly, my biggest fear of parenting a child is dealing with the mother becoming unhaaaapy. I don’t like being held to someone else’s whims. It’s actually possible for a single man to have a child with a surrogate and remove the mother’s rights. The MSM has even done stories on it. Historically, this was done for gay men / couples wanting genuine offspring. In recent years, there’s been an increase in single, hetero men taking this… Read more »

10 years ago

What type of balless wonder allows his wife to use a sperm bank?

10 years ago

One reason, a small reason, that women aren’t making a run on sperm banks anytime now or in the future is because of the obvious sneaky f-er strategy that Potentially Beta men could easily employ. Literally about double digit percentages of in vitro conceptions have been from men who didn’t precisely match the catalog descriptions, and especially 20 years ago could easily have been from same-day donors, often the doctor or technician himself.

10 years ago

The truth is that IVF treatment at its conception (excuse the pun) was intended for infertile men, and later women, rather than for women with deep-rooted problems with men or who simply can’t find one they like, as it is turning into. I can’t speak for the US, but at least in the UK, a woman getting pregnant without a man is still somewhat of a contentious issue. Despite this, there is a definite push by feminists and also prominent female figures for single women conceiving to become socially acceptable, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that children, especially… Read more »

10 years ago

@Ton – sterile ones.

10 years ago

Thats how I see it. The women who occupy lower socioeconomic strata have already mastered the art of securing top (relative) sperm and the gov’t daddy. I think the subsidy tide will rise up to meet a growing class of women in higher socioeconomic strata, tipping them toward going it on their own, even if they are not in immediate need of such subsidies. Those women who wait too long or are otherwise left high and dry as the betabux tide rolls out – be it due to their own SMV/MMV or the fact that beta men are wising up… Read more »

10 years ago

I know its all the same- but this case originates in Topeka Kansas- where I went to law school- not Missouri…

10 years ago

Sperm banks are so normalized, I see even red-pill men advocating for their use. The concept of the disposable male is so ingrained in culture that even men who objectively understand how disposable they’ve been made are unable to see how FI-enabling any contribution to a sperm bank is. With all of the government guarantees of support to children and single mothers, sperm banks are essentially the legalized rape of the opportunity of fatherhood en masse. Your donation to a sperm bank guarantees that your fellow man somewhere else won’t find someone willing to settle for him, and that means… Read more »

10 years ago

Socially infertile.

In Australia it’s all the rage, in a nation where 1/3 of college educated women are unmarried what else would you expect.

10 years ago

Lame. Sterile or no, the man is likely to have genetic kin of his he can take a greater role with. Spending your time, effort, money etc on a blood line that’s is not yours, does not bare your DNA or the DNA of your forefathers is pointless and likely detrimental to your family name and prospects.

Any man who will knowingly raise another man’s get is beyond contempt.

10 years ago

Requirements couples demand of egg donors are typically quite exacting. Here’s a rough list: As a practical matter she (the donor that is) is also expected to be an elite university student with top test scores and athletic prowess. A man can get an egg donor if he wants to go it alone and she will not have custody rights, particularly since the process implies a surrogate, who also would not have custody rights. But in those specifics is the more tangible answer to why this isn’t a thing going on with men in two words is this: three… Read more »

10 years ago

Rollo, I think that your identification of an “imperative” as a force at work is a genuine insight and you deserve a lot of credit for it. The genes have a coding, the coding is instructions, it is a set of commands. If you take a mass of automatons, call them X, and give them coded commands, then you take a mass of another set of automatons, call them Y, and give them coded commands, only slightly different from X, then put the masses together, the individuals operates upon one another following their coded instructions and patterns will emerge –… Read more »

10 years ago

…and we have a winner. this man is a winner at life. looks like a loser, probably lived his whole life as one, but in the end he comes out on top, fulfils his genetic imperative and cuckolds i dont know how many men unbeknownst even to the mother.

call me sick, but i envy him and would jump at the chance to do what he did.

10 years ago

One real life dynamic that always stands out to me is when a young attractive woman, in relativity to the beta provider husband, looks at a better looking/edgier man and then subsequently kisses her kid. I see this occur when I wash my car every Saturday morning. It’s an interpretation of reassuring her own mind that the decision to have a child was worth the sacrifice of taking a man who doesn’t turn her on. Is it me, or is this scenario as explained becoming more pronounced? This post is just another point of view to the conundrum of a… Read more »

10 years ago

@Rollo That’s a very interesting point and in which case, the sperm bank could become THE solution to the foreseen and much talked about scenario of that ever-growing pool of career women who will be unable to find a man they deem as worthy to reproduce with- both AF-wise but more importantly with regard to BB. Case: “I think there is a danger of ideology in your insight….but some of your readers may be susceptible to this so I just caution to be on guard for it.” This is a rehashing of points made by Kate and DT. In the… Read more »

10 years ago

I’m telling you all, it’s double digit percentages of all in vitro conception from then.

10 years ago

There’s a strange documentary about a Californian beach bum (blue eyes, blonde hair, tall and fit) that donated his sperm hundreds of times back in the 80s for cash. It’s the story of more than twelve of his “kids” setting out to find each other and him. He lives in a van with numerous dogs. Trailer here

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
10 years ago

Another way to look at the egg donor thing is, if you’re considering donating, you’re compensated pretty well if you have the characteristics as mentioned. Athletic, nice looking, education. It all means good body, probably won’t get fat easily. Nice looking is self explanatory. Good education means not an air head, you didn’t think about donating on a whim.
All acceptable to be paid for that. Yet you’re not supposed to be “that shallow” when saying what you want in an actual mate that may or may not lead to having a kid.

10 years ago

about how feminism was conceived to destabilize western society (by the Rockefellers?). The neo-Marxist take-over and operational procedures of the Modern Feminist movement is well documented by their own words and deeds, whether or not you subscribe to the Rockefeller conspiracy mongering. David Horowitz of Frontpage magazine has been documenting this for 40+ years. It is a leftist supremacy movement, like all of the leftwing identity politics sub-groups that use the neo-Marxist “oppressor/oppressed” template to delegitimize their targets, whether it’s whites, or males, or whoever. The goal is to overthrow capitalist systems that recognize individual rights and replace them with… Read more »

10 years ago

To expand on my other post: Sperm Banks are based on a particular, long standing Progressive Notion, that the sperm of those deemed more worthy, solely on the basis of the social signaling of superiority via a University credential and social class positioning, is to be made available to women for breeding purposes. It is very much in line with the notions of the Progressive Eugenicists of the 1930s and 1940s.

10 years ago

What are the demographics of women using sperm banks? – Lets get the data on the table about their educational and economics in particular, and what direction the trends are moving. I see plenty of potential for abuse, but what is really happening? Our homo sapiens wiring tends to overweight low probability events especially if those events have extreme emotional content. And the Internet makes it easy to find the examples, but what of the frequency, really. My impression has been that the use of a sperm bank was a rich girl’s game, but are the poor really sucking on… Read more »

Fred Flange, You're Having My Bobby
Fred Flange, You're Having My Bobby
10 years ago

Sorry guys, the MTV show is called “Generation Cryo”. Reruns can be found and there is to be a second season now that Breanna 6SJ7GT has gotten some kind of message from Mr. 6SJ7GT Sr., so lookout, BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE, fuck me raw with a pixie straw. As for the TV show misnomer, once again the magic fingers done failed me now. I am neither a president of the Hairball Club for Men nor a client. But I take much interest in this topic for all the reasons stated above, but mostly because no one and I mean NO… Read more »

Just Saying
Just Saying
10 years ago

“screening for a family history of genetic diseases, cancer, mental stability and of course HIV are on the list” One would think – but I knew a guy in college that did this for money. The fact that you had to not have sex for 7-10 days prior to “donation” was an instant turn off for me – I was too horny for that non-sense. But the guys that did made okay money. The sperm-banks would ask questions – but no blood tests – at least back then – today I would expect at least some genetic testing. The reason… Read more »

Fred Flange, You're Having My Bobby
Fred Flange, You're Having My Bobby
10 years ago

I saw this article back last fall, must admit I probably preferred not to recall it directly until you just now re-posted the link. I have read this and other similar tales from the darkside far more carefully than I would have cared to. Even if my screed is snarkier, regardless, the point is: this is stuff to make your head explode. This story is indeed another perfect example of the scenarios no one has thought through in these IVF/sperm donor horrors, and is what I meant by “YOU’re fucked”, as in Beta-Bucks. No we have not seen the last… Read more »

10 years ago

@Rollo. Would it be good for the gander? Let’s replace a few words and see. “since fertility treatments were part of the marriage, they should be considered part of the marital lifestyle, which should be maintained as much as possible post-divorce. The only difference is, in the future, she’ll use another man’s sperm.” becomes “since sexual activities were part of the marriage, they should be considered part of the marital lifestyle, which should be maintained as much as possible post-divorce. The only difference is, in the future, he’ll use another woman’s vagina.” Somehow, though, I foresee a valid counter. “I… Read more »

10 years ago

That the sperm bank is institutionalized hypergamy there is no doubt. However, the sine qua non of the AF-BB dynamic is this (and we see this animals (even in the notoriously monogamous female wolf and female graylag goose)): the female causes beta provider to bond to her (what we call love) and then dupes that beta into believing the alpha’s child belongs to the beta. That dynamic is typically absent in the sperm bank phenomenon. When a couple attends a sperm bank, the man isn’t being duped. He simply wants a child as if he were adopting a child. To… Read more »

10 years ago

Sperm banks are immoral. No infertile married man should allow his wife to get knocked up by another man. They should get divorced, adopt, or have no kids. No single woman should have the option of having kids without a father; especially if she’s going to harness beta bucks via the government. Fertility treatment should only be used to impregnate a woman with her husband’s baby. Finally, I call Thomas R. Lippert a hero. He was a loser and knew he was a loser, but found a way to win whatever means necessary. None of the women he impregnated would… Read more »

10 years ago

@Bachelorocles “From a biological perspective, women want to please alphas and they get feelings of sexual submission before alphas because women in the past who had that desire, who had that sexual response to alpha males achieved a survival advantage by” not being killed by him by letting him have his way. The term of art is “preparation hypothesis”, as I just learned. Note that by alpha traits, all of it boils down to dominance, specifically dominance of women. Your dominance is, roughly, the ability to make the other person back down from conflict through the belief that it would… Read more »

10 years ago

@jf12 As with anything pertaining to evolution and natural selection, it’s never simple. All evolved human responses and evolved human desires have multiple causes. But yes – stockholm syndrome in women . . . As for raw brutality . . . . I would say alpha-ness is a function of multiple factors: social status, wealth, physical strength, physical grace, height, attractiveness, attitude, intelligence, extrovertedness, social intelligence, etc. Yes, physical dominance is one factor. But I guarantee the little, skinny, effeminate Mick Jagger scored 100x more tail than the brutal Sonny Barger or any mafia don. I’m told college professors score… Read more »

10 years ago

I notice a glaring lack of women in these comments. They’re not even trying to defend – zip, zilch, nada.

(It’s kind of refreshing.)

10 years ago

Having come into contact with a similar situation, I can say that the reason men agree for their wife to try IVF and be impregnated with another man’s sperm is the shame he feels for not to being able to get his wife pregnant, the judgment that would be passed on him by others were they to find out, coupled with the fear that his wife would reject his demands and leave him for a fertile man just as they were trying for a baby. So much of a man’s value is hopelessly wrapped up in how he can be… Read more »

10 years ago

It’s actually really tough for me to think this one through. It seems like a genetic dead end, trying to circumvent Nature in this way, but we’ve probably done that many times over already with modern living. Bachelorocles: As for raw brutality . . . . I would say alpha-ness is a function of multiple factors: social status, wealth, physical strength, physical grace, height, attractiveness, attitude, intelligence, extrovertedness, social intelligence, etc. Yes, physical dominance is one factor. But I guarantee the little, skinny, effeminate Mick Jagger scored 100x more tail than the brutal Sonny Barger or any mafia don. I’m… Read more »

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
10 years ago

“If that were the case then your average down and out UK chav who has been banging girls since his early teens and knocked up more of them than I could count on my hands and feet together, would be a model to which men, from craftsmen to university professors, should aspire.” Absolutely, but then I personally am not in the business of breeding hordes of orcs. Or the winner of the 3:30 at Wincanton. Let them flourish, Fucks, I give not one. My own children get my 100% commitment, whatever any random woman may think. I’m extraordinarily parsimonious with… Read more »

10 years ago

Re- Compensatory beta bucks. India is great example of the value of men and women, when men are scarce familys have to pay ‘dowries’ and when women are scarce families pay a ‘bride price’. I think no fault divorce is simply the Western version of this price mechanism, for a multitude of reasons (flat birth rates, technology, cheap energy, money supply etc.) the price of men in the West is low and men are paying a ‘bride price’ through divorce, child care payments and asset stripping. In fact the price is so low that in some parts a man must… Read more »

10 years ago

According to this: , attributes among males are more widely distributed, meaning there are more exceptional males, and more at the bottom, where the bell curve for women tends to be narrower and taller.

Can this be extrapolated to the gametes themselves?

Anyway, we live in a changing world that appears to be taking a colossal shit on k-selected, civilization-building types…

freddy flange well done I thought I was reading circa 1971 Harlan Ellison

10 years ago

A reader of the manosphere, an average man with good social standing, one day gets sick of the feminine imperative and its social narrative, decides to make a stand. He stays single, gets all his legal ducks in a row, saves up ~$20,000 and heads to The Rotunda Clinic. He completes the necessary steps to conceive a child, obtains 100% parental rights, and returns to America (or Canada perhaps). After not too long, he begins to receive attention from co-workers, friends, and extended family. News of the responsible, successful, single male parent spreads through the community and reaches the ears… Read more »

10 years ago

“I recall reading about the concept in high school biology, and the original justification was to provide infertile married couples with the chance for the wife to bear a child into the marriage.” I don’t know much about this issue, but yes, I suppose that’s how it was. It was still a manifestation of the AFBB rule, but it’s important to keep in mind that the “beta fucks, beta bucks” strategy was not a option for the men in question. On the other hand, I reckon reading that ancient Sparta had a practice akin to the sperm banks of the… Read more »

10 years ago

@Rol Re: “I had to tip my hat for that one.” The sneaky f-er strategy is by far the most productive beta strategy, even though marginal, since it’s the only thing that works at all for many betas. In humans it manifests as the friendzone, and its marginal *successes* are what keep the strategy alive.

The Surgeon
The Surgeon
10 years ago

Interesting perspective. I totally agree that sperm banks are in-vitro AF/BB for the new Y generation. It allows women to satisfy their hypergamous urges. However… “There is really no parallel to this degree of institutionalized sexual selection for men. While there are fertility clinics for couples who may purchase donor eggs, there are no commercial ‘egg banks’, nor are there commercially available volunteer women eager to gestate and birth children to exclusively facilitate men’s biological imperatives.” Men don’t have (as strong) a desire to *have and rear children* as women do. Our biological imperative is to spread the seed and… Read more »


[…] Rollo Tomassi on the Missouri sperm donor case, and how sperm banks (and sperm donation in general) are a sign of the feminine-controlled times: […]

Will Best
Will Best
10 years ago

A buddy of mine who is 34 has bladder cancer. Before he started chemo, he made several deposits into a sperm bank in order to ensure that his seed would be available for him if he a) beats the cancer and b) finds somebody.

So while the Sperm Bank is primarily there for women, it can also aid men in special circumstances. But the AF-BB primacy of the sperm bank is on show where women tend to gravitate toward the same guys and you occasionally see stories where one guy has sired 100+ children.

10 years ago

I think this article makes the wrong assumption that when treating couples, the sperm used in artificial insemination is always that of a donnor. In many cases it is the partner’s sperm that is used in IVF, which albeit not being of optimal quality, is often still good enough to impregnate the woman through IVF. By using the partner’s sperm, the male’s “demand” for a biological child is also satisfied. In addition, the selection process for potential donors is largely based on sperm quality and quantity (or rather density), i.e sperm count, which is highly dependent on environmental conditions. Obviously… Read more »

10 years ago

Off topic but addresses Rollos’s, “Beta Bucks will pay for Alpha Fucks retroactively in the legal system.” Posted by Jericho One at Heartiste observing British women. “When you’ve got state power on your side — inflating your true human value and putting you beyond social scrutiny — there are no limits to personal degeneracy.” Interestingly, rural North India has a dowry system (families pay the groom money to take their daughters) while moderately industrialized South India has a bride price (groom’s family pays for the price of a bride). So in industrialized societies (more centralization and state power) woman have… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
10 years ago

A body and face like Kim Kardashian’s (for me) is the women’s quality.

Glad you qualified that for yourself.

10 years ago

Let women impregnate themselves in any way they choose. Tis better to let them impregnate via sperm donor. Artificial wombs and surrogacy are also the way to go for men. Let the fight for dominance continue with artificial wombs and droid lovers.

Hell hath no wrath…so…give the devil her due. Women will not stop in their quest to dominate, enslave and subjugate men – even if the end of that quest results in their extinction. Such is the hypocrisy of feminism. All nations fall.

10 years ago

This is how women procreate:

10 years ago

This is your worth as a man. Don’t like it? Man up, beeotch! Don’t be a sissy, beeotch! Fight for and protect women and children! Don’t be a wimp!

10 years ago

Man rollo, you gotta do an article lampooning those pussies at askmen. They say to get a hot chick i gotta talk about topics that she is likely to be interested in. And i gotta be so good looking that it “captures her imagination”. As if women are heavenly angels with their rectum full of virtues. And i gotta be some artsy-fartsy academic and look like that fag brad pitt to hold conversation with a chick. Its pathetic. I once heard a patistani comedian say when women are 20 you mention a man they’ll ask what does he look like.… Read more »

David Carter
David Carter
10 years ago

Does standing in a cubical, wanking into a beaker really sound like the actions of a self respecting alpha male?

So what kind of man would give away his Sacred-Seed without any say in what happens to it?..


Donated sperm is defective sperm.

10 years ago


From the article you linked:

And it helps rectify one of life’s greatest biological injustices: that men but not women can typically start a family well into middle age and beyond

“Biological injustice”? Ponder the absurdity of that one. The feminine imperative must trump biological reality.

10 years ago

My wife and I did the whole egg donor/gestational surrogate thing. We have two very healthy kids not quite 2 years old. Some observations: 1) Egg donors cost more like 3000 – 8000 dollars, not counting agency fees (several grand at least). 2) Unfertilized ova aren’t “stored in advance” BC they don’t survive freezing well (due to large cell size, unlike the cells in fertilized embryos of a few hundred cells). Not many fertility clinics freeze unfertilized ova at all (<10%), and are the pricier ones. 3) Most fertility clinics only do married couples for IVF. There certainly are ones… Read more »


[…] The sperm bank as in vitro cuckolding. […]

10 years ago

This is “Alpha Sperm, Beta Provisioning”, and nothing less. Putting a tech or a doctor in the middle wearing gloves and a lab coat, and injecting semen with a syringe rather than the usual method doesn’t change that. What the shit is this? Look, from football accident in high school, I’m sterile. No wigglies, no ability to have children, nada, zip, nothing. The ONLY way I’m going to get to have a kid is by having my wife fertilized from a sperm bank. That’s it. There’s no other way. Basic biology. I’m sterile; I want a kid; my wife gets… Read more »

9 years ago

[…] raising the spectre of ‘designer babies’, born to the parents’ specifications. [this was predicted. Holy Shit, someone tell […]

8 years ago

@Rollo: I was thinking about sperm donors and looked for studies about selection criteria for donors, found some and decided to see if you had a post on it. Here you go from starting from the existence of sperm banks by itself proving hypergamy and then wonder about criteria for selection. So I think this would be interesting. Recent study (2014)…behavioural_traits_versus_physical_appearance Quote for relevance: “We (…) find strong support for the proposition that behavioural traits (inner values) are more important in these choices than physical appearance (exterior values). We also report evidence that physical factors matter more than resources… Read more »

8 years ago

The Research gate link above got messed up from copy paste, here it is shortened:

7 years ago

Known donor registry

10 months ago

Here’s the thing though. I know several sperm donors. They did go to college and have good medical histories, but socially speaking they’re weird fucks. There’s even a documentary called Anonymous Father’s Day and a bunch of donor conceived kids find their dad and he’s a weird homeless dude living in a van. Normal men, generally, don’t donate sperm. Weirdos do. Looking good on paper (eg having a college degree and a decent health history in your family) didn’t make you alpha.

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