Reminders of Myself

I’m writing this post on the day before I head off to this year’s 21 Convention and I thought I’d just do something a bit freeform to get a few ideas on the page and let you all know where my head is at these days. I generally don’t make a habit of using The Rational Male as a sounding board…

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Evolving Hypergamy

Novaseeker had an excellent breakdown of how Hypergamy has developed and is radically altering a long established social order in favor of one centered on the female sexual strategy. This was timely for a post I was working on, so rather than allow it to be buried in the last thread I thought I’d riff on it a bit here:…

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The Quick Fix

Becoming the Captain of My Boat dropped this comment in the This is now thread (emphasis mine): You know, I found the RP about a year and a half ago. I’ve been working on applying things to my life, and for the most part things are going well. Most of the articles though are about what to avoid, what to look…

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Year Two

It’s interesting to see the trends in my writing as the year progressed. My focus on Positive Masculinity and personal development seemed to feature more prominently than year one. I’d attribute that to digesting the posts of year one and considering actionable ways men can learn not only to overcome the feminine-primary environment, but to be better men as a…

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Changing Your Programming

Changing Your Programming I mentioned in the first book that I am not a motivational speaker. I’m not anyone’s savior and I would rather men be their own self-sustaining solutions to becoming the men they want and need to be – not a Rollo Tomassi success story, but their own success stories. That said, let me also add that I…

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The Best of Rational Male – Year Two

As you’ve probably guessed I’ll be making this another permanent page at the top of RM, so don’t worry about bookmarking this one for future reference. It’s interesting to see the trends in my writing as the year progressed. My focus on Positive Masculinity and personal development seemed to feature more prominently than year one. I’d attribute that to digesting…

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Size Matters

I generally don’t go where I’m going with this post today, but one consistent theme of my writing has always been about exposing the latent functions of social conventions. Although I do try to be fair and spread out the analysis between men and women’s specific social conventions, living in the age of feminization usually brings the focus back to…

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Looks Count

“Your bulletproof Game and charming personality wont make you look any better when your shirt comes off.” Looks. Assets. Game. Have two. Three is best, but if you only have one, Game is the most essential. I realize that I’m heading into dangerous territory with this, but I maintain that looks are an integral part of attraction – sorry, that’s…

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