Field Reports


For the past three years of The Rational Male there’s been a consistent presence in the comment threads of guys seeking advice for particular situations with regards to Game. Whether it’s fine tuning certain aspects of Game or a larger consensus of the guys participating in my comment threads it’s become obvious there’s a need for a dedicated page and comment thread to address these Field Reports.

So I’m instituting this page for exactly this. If there is some urgency to have members of The Rational Male community analyze your particular situation feel free to hit anyone up in the comments of my current post, but please refer them to your particular field report with a link to your comment here. I’m hoping this will alleviate the mass of posts for field report analysis and Game specific insights piled into the main blog post for any given week.

There will be some rules for this “forum” as such. I ask that you only keep your comments to addressing the field reports at hand and save your larger theoretical stuff for the main posts, or if relevant, keep the “bigger scope of things” posts to being as succinct as possible. There will be no moderation in this comment thread (spamming excepted), so realize it will be a very hot kitchen before you post. I will impose no restrictions on video links here, nor will I limit links to various, but pertinent articles.

Understand, this is an experiment for now. It’s likely this comment thread will exceed thousands of comments. I’ll be instituting new comment plug-ins for wordpress to deal with this in the future, but I may archive this page the the posts and refresh this page in the future as well. If this gets cumbersome I may simply institute a dedicated forum-style sub-site of The Rational Male to accommodate for Game specific questions.

So have at it, post your field reports and feel free to comment on the ones you have some particular insight for. Be forewarned that it’s likely things may get a bit salty at times and I expect a lot of back & forth with debate and disagreements, but that’s what this thread is for – to hash out Game particulars for your given situations.


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5 years ago

Damn a You tube link posted inline! First one since the breakdown…

5 years ago

Palma I did handle the guy wrong but it wasn’t intimidation. It doesn’t matter if it was intimidation (didn’t think so btw) or arrogance. The issue is Frame Control. She is going to see which one of you had the stronger frame. THAT is what you want her to be doing, and then your DEMONSTRATION of having the stronger frame than the guy increases her attraction. The loop is DHV to IOI… This is part of DHVing… You bailing is you losing frame in this context. You staying and drawing him into your frame – in a cool social way… Read more »

5 years ago

FWIW – Scribbs didn’t have success until he accepted his historical natural Alpha approach wasn’t working and he tightened it up by really learning game. it didn’t take much either.

5 years ago

Game is lubrication for life.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Q: Why does game work?
A: Because game is what works.

5 years ago

If ya wanna get to Heaven let me tell ya what to do
Gotta grease your feet with a little mutton stew
Slide on out of the Devil’s hand
Ease on over to the promised land.

Take it easy.
Go greasy.

5 years ago

@Palma: you are what PUAs call a “natural”. You learnt from experience and you go through the right steps in some of the sets that go according to what your system works on, with nice results (my N=2 and that was in 2018, orders of magnitude less than what you have)… But it is inconsistent and you rightly want to improve your efficiency to save time on the “numbers game” aspect which will still be there. Understanding mystery method will be great for you. It was reverse engineered from the behavior of naturals and of hot girls. It is like… Read more »

5 years ago

“You can and should still take shortcuts when you see the openings (like the 3x hair preening),”

Well Mystery says at 3 IOIs you can kiss her… it’s not shortcut it’s following the process.

5 years ago

“By the way I identify as MGTOW”

You’re not alone.

5 years ago

@Sentient @Palma and others Need feedback – work related, not about girls. I’ve jumped into something with a huge potential, but it didn’t work out, so I got zeroed out. No big deal, I just need to rebuild a few things. Mind you: new region, no connections, my market niche practically non-existent. I’m on my own. Crusoe in a Fuck You Position. Well, looks like I’ve spent enough time around TRM boys because I’m enjoying it… lol Ok, so I’ve bounced off a few walls which just showed me my lack of clarity, misunderstanding of the local ecosystem, sloppy execution… Read more »

5 years ago

Not sure if I grasp what you mean by vehicle… I’m assuming it’s basically the service or product you want to offer? or are you talking about structure/organization?

You say “do it for free”… What is your capital base like? How long can you go without a paycheck?

5 years ago

What I’d look for in any new venture:

Be a principle
Have a scalable comp model
Better to be a “buyer” than a “seller”
Good deals attract capital, focus on good deals, not money

5 years ago

“Also, can’t see hitting my financial goals without getting closer to sales”

If you are going on your own, everything is sales. Beyond the customer… staffing, your vendors, your investors, suppliers, landlords…

All need to be sold.

5 years ago


5 years ago

As far as testing the market, the best testing is to try doing something in it, on a small scale.

5 years ago

@Sentient: I’m also interested in this discussion as I often think about early retirement. I calculated a lower bound. Currently I have savings which equal about 7 years of my current net salary, so I’d say I could go without a paycheck for 7+ years right now.

Note that is assuming I live off my savings, not that I invest them in whatever new opportunity we are considering and those 7 years is assuming that I spend each year what I currently get net, which is a gross overestimate of my yearly spending right now.

5 years ago

I’ve never had a plan or sat back and said “OK what do I want to do?”… I’ve just found myself in situations where I saw opportunities and then took the risk and acted. Most people never act. Just how it is. I had a partner once and he would say we can give our business plan to a hundred people and none of them would do anything with it… from my perspective nearly everyone at the top of their field found their way there over time. They didn’t think “this is what i want to do how do I… Read more »

5 years ago

Thanks for the comments. @Sentient Not sure if I grasp what you mean by vehicle… I’m assuming it’s basically the service or product you want to offer? or are you talking about structure/organization? A mix of both. For various reasons, my next step is to work for someone (hence the organisation factor). I’ll stack up some cash, go through the motions of how this market works, hone my skills and build more connections. The service/product is a factor in the sense that it fits the niche (and so the market size) and requires me to put in work to understand… Read more »

5 years ago

IRL If you need a paycheck and to learn the business from the inside before you can do it then consulting is the way to go. If you can get hired on with a firm that focuses on the b2b or tech fields you are interested in you can get paid to be trained and run scout missions. You have some flexibility on salary with your cash buffer to make up the difference. You can take a lower paying position that provides you the learning amd access opportunities you need. Be the guy who wants to do the field work,… Read more »

5 years ago
5 years ago

The tkzLq1y clip is only the girl saying you look stressed. Not sure if you meant to post a different clip. From this clip it’s obvious you have good verbals and are glib. Which is good, but not sufficient right? Good game is about being ruthless. Ruthlessness requires doing what is required in the moment to get the bang. It might be push it might be pull it might be leading it might be kino it might be backing off. It’s ALWAYS calibrated to the feedback loops you’re getting and knowing where you are in the process. So That clip… Read more »

5 years ago

Palma After open of set PS sits down immediately next to girls and a bit of small talk. Good. The other girls around will see you. girl asking what I’ve been doing that day.. Good. IOI no wonder I’m stressed (DLV I know but delivery was in humour) … self deprecation is usually bad… might have got away with it Self deprecation is fine when it is patently ironic… The problem with chodes is it’s not ironic. Same thing with ‘gay” humor. It’s fine if it’s obvi you’e not gay. when it’s in question is the rub. The “wet baby… Read more »

5 years ago

A lot of guys here can’t open. Opening is good but is not sufficient. It is what follows that makes or breaks things. That is why I say don’t stress the open. The open is just a gambit to bring everything else. Sure you CAN blow things open with a spectacular “brute force” open… But it is not consistent. [see apocalypse open] and you must still lead the interaction to sex. Actually a powerful open can bite you in the ass if you can’t follow it up. Venus Flytrap Game has generally been better. Lure them in slowly and build… Read more »

5 years ago

@Palma: some girls (due to personality or circumstances) need very little comfort (they still need some – they at least need to think you’re not going to harm them).

5 years ago

You can pull with very little comfort, You need to lead the interaction quickly though. and the worse your logistics the harder. Good luck trying to get her back after the bang – ASD/Buyer’s Remorse, or on a day 2 if you didn’t bang. I don’t even want to count how many I’ve blown it over the years by not consciously doing the comfort stage. A little comfort will lead to more consistency. Page 53 SEQUENCING MISTAKE #3: TO START AT THE BEGINNING BUT SKIP THE MIDDLE AND GO STRAIGHT TO THE END Every beginning and ending has a middle,… Read more »

5 years ago
5 years ago


Pay close attention on how you transition into Comfort… There is a lot of qualifying and push taking place in A3 that you need to get through before you get into too much comfort…

“She must be baited to invest herself
in this interaction. ”

Page 126…

5 years ago

Some solid gold tips there Palma… Let me add something about OPM. “Other People’s Money”. You can use it very advantageously if your work out the details right (no guarantees, you control operations and revenue acquisition etc.). Keep in mind that less than 100% of something valuable is more than 100% of something worthless. Yes – YOU WILL get “fucked” in the end if you do not have effective control. However you can hive off stacks on the way… My first business I put in exactly $0 in equity for 50%. I had the idea and had all the knowledge.… Read more »

5 years ago

Hello guys, First off, bear with me on my spelling and grammar, since I’m not a native English speaker. This post will be rather long, so I’ll add a Too Long Didn’t Read (TLDR) at the end. An introduction to myself: I’m in my early 40s, married for nearly 9 years, have a single son who is almost 7 yo. I’m fit, have all my finances in order, stable job, and currently consider myself a 7 or 8 on the “post 40 yo male” SMV. My wife has the same age as I have (she is only a couple of… Read more »

5 years ago



I’m a classic needy Alpha

Yeah – where was the Alpha again?

5 years ago


You seem like a Blue Pill pussy. That is why nothing is working for you.

Have you read Rollo?

The very next day, she starts with shit testing again

And you go back to failing them. Fix that, and things will change…

5 years ago

@Sentient 7:00am: Thanks for the warm welcome! Yes, I’ve read Rollo! Hence, I’m here at his page looking for advice on how to pass the fucking shit tests! I’ve tried the amused mastery, didn’t work. I’ve tried the “not giving a fuck approach”, and also doesn’t seem to work. Sentient, are you married? Or divorced? If you haven’t been married, any advice from you will be worthless, because, as Rollo himself said: marriage is Red Pill on hard mode! And if you, Mr. Sentient, haven’t been in a marriage of almost a decade, then you’re not even close to knowing… Read more »

5 years ago

Well I’m looking at my third decade cupcake.

5 years ago


You’re not in control of your marriage.

Palma – worse than that – he’s not in control of himself. That’s why he has all this anger…

He…. Just. Wants. It. To. Happen. Dammit!

Even his decision on divorce… He’s in between. When you are in the middle of the road you get run over. And nothing is his fault.

Anger is rarely sexy. Anger communicates you don’t have agency over a situation.

You need to own up to your shortcomings Hairy, and go reread the books. You know desire can’t be negotiated? You even do evo-bio/psych brah?

5 years ago

@ Sentient: 30 years married? Any kids? Tell me that not even once in those 30 years you thought of giving your little cupcake the boot? Not once got tired of all shit testing? Good for you! You are holier than me! Shit testing daily leads to mental and physical exhaustion, which leads to frustration, which leads to anger, which will eventually lead to jadedness. No need to reread any of these books, which are all one and the same; just different words regarding the same male drama! I guess I came here impulsively, and I regret doing so. Anyways,… Read more »

5 years ago

Where’s @J at?

5 years ago


That’s the kind of pussy shit I was talking about.

There is plenty of help here for you, from me and many others.

But you don’t get what you want right when you want it and you throw a bossy and split.

How will you ever pass a shit test?

Do you know what happens when you pass?


You pass… Passing changes things.

Go if you want to. If you want to learn stay.

5 years ago

Dodging shit tests?

5 years ago

@Harry, ANYBODY here who bothers to comment to you is using their time they could have spent elsewhere. Start there knowing that they care enough to do that. Once you admit that, know that some people here come at you directly to HELP YOU bust down your own buffers faster. Call that method a shit test if you will, but you failed Sentient’s approach and go all “I’m done with this shit.” He knows what he’s saying. You calling yourself “alpha 1.0” or whatever is a buffer, dude! How you handled the simplest ribbing here proves you are nothing near… Read more »

5 years ago

Hairy see if you can see yourself in this… Blake: Let me have your attention for a moment! So you’re talking about what? You’re talking about…(puts out his cigarette)…bitching about that sale you shot, some son of a bitch that doesn’t want to buy, somebody that doesn’t want what you’re selling, some broad you’re trying to screw and so forth. Let’s talk about something important. Are they all here? Williamson: All but one. Blake: Well, I’m going anyway. Let’s talk about something important! (to Levene) Put that coffee down!! Coffee’s for closers only. (Levene scoffs) Do you think I’m… Read more »

5 years ago

Why would anyone use the avatar screen name HarryNavel? I sometimes forget to understand what the concept of navel gazing is. So I have to look it up. navel-gazing: Engaging in self-absorbed behavior, often to the point of being narcissistic. na·vel-gaz·ing: noun self-indulgent or excessive contemplation of oneself or a single issue, at the expense of a wider view. navel-gazing noun [ U ] UK ​ /ˈneɪ.vəlˌɡeɪ.zɪŋ/ US ​ /ˈneɪ.vəlˌɡeɪ.zɪŋ/ humorous disapproving ​the activity of spending too much time considering your own thoughts, feelings, or problems It seems to me it should be labeled a verb. That escalated quickly before… Read more »

5 years ago

@PalmaSailor Is this someone you know and trust? to make it through triage? (two separate questions.) I get that english as a second language is a problem. South American is probably a cultural problem too. Too willing to call himself some sort of Alpha when there is no evidence of that either. I get that men not having release from constraint (and not getting blow jobs everyday from their wife is a problem). I get that there is a burden of performance. For the record, I’d like Gazing Navel to stay and get a participation award here. Maybe even learn… Read more »

5 years ago

Oh, and PalmaSailor: Kudos for not dying from a melanoma (or two) you neglected to find in time. Life is short make the best of it.

Have to have your wits about you.

5 years ago

@Everyone: HairyNavel reminds me a bit of where I was a few years ago. Except he has a kid and a great deal more of ego getting in his own way. I’m probably spending too much of my time on this, but thinking about this will help me progress as well. @HairyNavel I’m a bit younger than you, I’ve been married for over 10 years. My N=1 (wife) until early this year. Now my N=2, which is probably lower than your own lifetime N-count. I discovered the Red Pill more or less when you did. Make of that what you… Read more »

5 years ago


BTW, lest I also get all ego in my way, this was quite recent. Sex with wife, shit tests after, I fail. Read it, HairyNavel.

5 years ago

IAS – nice breakdown.

Palma – I’m lolling this is a guy you know… haha. Tell him to get his ass in gear.

5 years ago

Palma Well if that’s what you want… I thought you wanted younger girls like Scribb… Doesn’t matter Two words – Secret Society “They hang out together in clumps in several bars and I am adept at opening the sets of them using Palma Sailor shotgun / bat to the fence game. ” Yeah I know these clumps. There is one place by me I can go by a table of them most nights and they are just gagging for it. One time one of them turned to the table while I was chatting and said “you see what I mean!”… Read more »

5 years ago

(lol I just typed that in and reloaded comments before sending to notice Sentient has covered most of it) @Palma Your friend triggers the Provider (BB) algorithm in their hindbrain. Maybe at the beginning he pings off as a Lover (AF), especially if they’re bored at home and he has an adventurous/edgy aura to it. But over time, their hindbrain collects more intel about his behavioral patterns, core beliefs, moral code, fears, needs, lifestyle, resources etc. He doesn’t disqualify himself as a Provider… it’s still on the table… and they want it ALL (incl. fried ice). More fitness tests, more… Read more »

5 years ago

BTW @Sentient @Palma, great feedback upthread, much appreciated. Exactly the pointers I needed, thanks!

5 years ago

You know you want the 18 year old girls really, Palma! 🙂
PS – You in the UK I take it?

5 years ago

Yeah, I live near Gatwick airport.

5 years ago

you won’t get much ‘critiquing’ from me! haha. I’m a relatively unsuccessful newbie and it sounds like you’ve banged more girls than most of us here combined so you should probably be the one giving the tips!

5 years ago


all that’s available is a milf

Come on now!

@scars, go meet him… and slap him!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


Hairy Navel has gone, I’ll spare you the details but you know what happened.

His eyes hurt too much?

His tl;dr was like old times. Like a comment too big for the box that turned into a series of comments on MMSL back when Athol still ran it. Or something off of a subthread at Spearhead back before Welmer zeroed it. Or…or….or…or. Any of several places, and the story isn’t new.

Well, as long as he holds onto the book(s) you sent him, there’s a chance.

5 years ago


“Hairy Navel has gone, I’ll spare you the details but you know what happened.”

Nah, man, don’t spare us the details. Field reports are for details. How exactly did it go down? Please describe the words, mannerisms, etc. Do you know if he even read the comments after his initial “I’m done with this shit” comment?

5 years ago

It’s really a form of therapy. They have to be ready to want to do it.

5 years ago

Palma No doubt. Calibration too. Like your FR on the other post after the “sucked off” (I lolled) and she got up a good skill to have is to walk a comment back. Just a smile, a touch in the arm, something like “I’m just messing with you” and shift into a story or something like ” so tell me what are up to tonight” etc. It’s a game. Back and forth, finding balance. A lot of the time an over the top comment, they like it but they are “required” to act offended etc. When you roll back a… Read more »

5 years ago

Game is deep when you want to get good at it.

Old school strategy session – with baby Tyler – for RSD fanbois who think RSD isn’t rooted in MM…

Classic clip Mystery turning a girls barrage of shit tests around


5 years ago

@PalmaSailor “For the record he has a hot wife who falls into submission the moment he even gets it half right so I am convinced “HE” can turn it. Probably 3 months work.” That’s the shame there. Harry Navel does have lots of potential from what he described. And he’s not going to get where he wants to with the Red Pill Awareness but retain Blue Pill ideals, Athol Kay style of game. Every single time he doesn’t respond properly to a shit test, he is letting his wife down. He probably can’t spot a shit test for what it… Read more »

5 years ago

Palma I think you should examine your mental models… via conventional means and get the lay which would fast lead her into BF GF territory I’m not interested in. What are “conventional means”? And why would a lay have to move into BF/GF territory? “Secret Society” is a mental model, a mindset and ultimately a display of “just getting it”… Nothing more. “Secret society” game is just really good game. “Just getting it” is really good game. If you “just got it” all the time it would move smoothly to the lay, because you are speaking Cat-o-nese… when we don’t… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

palma I then got another epic TLDR email thanking me but blaming women / society / the Russians / Elon musk / the moon landings / Everything else for the “problem with women”. He’s still in anger phase. Someone somewhere somehow done gone and messed up his woman so someone else gotta pay. Immature and counterproductive, but there it is. Many men have gone through that, he’s nothing special or unique. One thing he could do with that anger is put on The Glasses and intensely pour over red pill materials, starting with Rollo’s book you gave him. Plus that… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

But he isn’t out of time until the shit tests stop.

Not necessarily, remember HABD’s “guard dog spinup”? Navel could be heading for that.

5 years ago

I summon the spirit of HABD…. ohhhhmmmmm

5 years ago

@Palma Just as a first observation my plate no.1 that comes to fuck when her bf is away doesn’t insist on a condom. That’s mad right? Especially when she used to in the early days we were dating. Consistent with AF/BB and Rollo, no? Condoms are quite a recent invention. Evo-bio über alles. Is there a script for that beyond saying something like “I was going to hang out with a girlfriend tonight but her boyfriend came home early and blew it so I decided not to waste the shower” And “I just can’t be micromanaged by women in my… Read more »

5 years ago

“OK I’ve answered my own question. Should have just fucked her and then put her in rotation.”

She can’t be a plate until she’s been fucked, right?

And “secret society” just getting it, part of that is understanding they may come and go. But you are cool. All good feelings. You’re the sex guy, not the rom-com guy.

Trouble is when you want to rom-com… lol But that’s down the road.

5 years ago

“You can’t escalate to the sort of sex it needs to be, or I want before that.” This is the comfort thing again… You should read The Thin Man and PureEvil on sedfast. Thin Man has a system for building comfort over day2-3 and geared towards Over 30’s women… PureEvil hates LMR and does a day 2-3 to get the kind of immersive sex he wants… can’t find the thread atm. I mean Mystery was the same, he wanted women really really into him. In love… Hence the 7 hour thing. so much comfort and trust being built up.… Read more »

5 years ago

“But they feel like total sluts in the morning and they blow out..” comfort… a little aftercare. yareally’s egg mcMuffin… Here is the link to PureEvil You need to register to view. You might want to it’s free. If not here are some excerpts from an old post: And – I hesitate to point this out because it is opposite of “Be Ruthless” mind training, but I am trusting you are astute enough to not make it a buffer – there is NOTHING wrong with Day 2 etc. set up… Just keep in mind that this is not anymore… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
5 years ago

@Sentient I summon the spirit of HABD…. ohhhhmmmmm lol…got a tingle in the force…lol… you and IRL and AR and SJF have been giving palmasailor great advice… and while i disagree with his characterization, i’m pretty sure we all know that it was me he doesn’t want weighing in on his situ… and bc he asked, i’m respecting that request… bc even if he doesn’t understand it, i really do want him to be ((more)) successful with girls… as far as Hairy Navel… he has to hit enough of a bottom to realize that his current approach to his life… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
5 years ago

ps… @IAS…

great breakdown on Hairy Navel’s FR…

good luck!

5 years ago

Wow, I missed IAS’ breakdown earlier. That was awesome and on target I AS. Also missed Palma’s comment on Hairy baby encouraging him to write his book. That’s telling. I’ll tell you why. From reading Palma’s red pill and red pill parenting a son book: PalmaSailor has a great, self-taught masculine talent stack. A natural by his own hand along with admirable business mentors (for his profession). Palma’s a poor role model for the blue pill pussy that Hairy Navel is. I mean, he should look to Palma’s Alpha masculine virtues, but he can’t read Palma’s book and replicate his… Read more »

5 years ago

Little teaser from Thin Man’s link Opportunistic Meet: I Sat next to a woman on the Acela late afternoon… Typical NY-8 conservative well-dressed vaguely Middle Eastern features (turned out she was half Lebanese.) I smiled light eye flirted and proceeded to read the Times. I noticed she was off and on with OKC on her phone most of the ride. As we neared NY I asked if she was trying to get a date on OKC and if it worked for her… Instant speech, “guys suck, they are all animals, dick for brains morons etc…” Perfect! I listened patiently to… Read more »

5 years ago

“Deeeeeep” approach neg dhv qualify vulnerability bang and there it is. “you traverse the stairs with such great poise” lol. i bet this guy has been to a renaissance fair. maybe even in some kind of costume. excellent timeless work though. how fame can work against a man in this series: approach: she know of you and approaches. backwards. bad start. neg: skipped. your value is already higher. this is bad. dog must know owner will strike dhv: already done. she already has formed idea of who you are. you already lost narrative control but gained access to much larger… Read more »

5 years ago

Fuck it. The post is too good. If it is too long for you. Oh well! “The Thin Man’s Over 38 Seduction Before I get to what works for me I have a few observations that I think put the bullet points below in appropriate context. I have linked some key posts at various points, read the links they are helpful in making the points I am trying to make here. This thread started when I commented on a filed report (Linked here) where Tech was put off by a wave of qualification shit testing that I think is… Read more »

5 years ago

“I took her to dinner straight from Penn Station. I asked if she liked beef, “Great I know a place.” And then just took her to a quiet private side street restaurant (with great logistics) without further explanation. “Do you mind if I order…” I order both dinners…(Important to gently question while you do this… I’d like to start with the oysters… Then the fillet for you and the rib eye for me?)” with drinks = $300 “During dinner I get the emotional life story…” she should be paying you $300/hr to listen to her shit. that’s another $300 in… Read more »

5 years ago

There are many ways to skin the pussy fleez… Guys need to find what they enjoy doing and works for them.

[btw – Thin Man is pretty well off, has his own company and writes off a lot of this stuff. But he enjoys a bit of “flamboyance”]

5 years ago

“Guys need to find what they enjoy doing and works for them.” absolutely. ” Thin Man is pretty well off, has his own company and writes off a lot of this stuff.” his bids are out of control, but I guess that’s the point. the thirstiest men set the pussy price it’s then up to guys with game to undercut that price overheard in gym: yoga teacher late 30s: “and on his way out he stole my truck” beta herb: “that’s horrible. how long were you with him?” teacher: “5 years. I paid the rent, paid for his stuff, everything”… Read more »

5 years ago

An observation: Field Reports in the Manosphere serve a couple purposes. More men should take advantage of them. Both on blogs and forums. But also in real life with getting red pill buddies. On big thing they are useful for is to discover your blind spots. To put your heart out there, even, especially, your failures to execute provide in valuable info you might not have considered. Witness Palma’s MM, ccomfort stage blind spot. Witness Hairy’s faux Alpha ego invested blind spots you can drive a bulldozer through and not hit anything because those blind spots are too vast. Lest… Read more »

Just beers
Just beers
5 years ago

Hello all, two things unrelated: looking for the ya really archives, and also need help providing comfort to a ONS last night to keep things smooth. thanks in advance

5 years ago

“also need help providing comfort to a ONS last night”


5 years ago

Yeah, what’s the story morning glory?

5 years ago

@Just Beers

I figured Ya’s site would eventually go bye-bye since someone else was running it, and I also knew his stuff was all over the place in a random order, so I decided to make a structured summary page of his advice. You can find it by clicking on my name.

5 years ago

Some insights. Palma you got in my head! TLDR – no pull… Take you sunglasses off! Nuzzle. Anyhow… At a resort with the wife. She is getting a manicure etc. Have an hour to kill. Stroll to an outdoor cafe. One. Decent woman there having a drink. A few tourist hafs and some dudes as well. Cruise by notice a slight look in my direction, loop around from the blind side and sit next to her. . it’s 1pm. I have a hard hour time constraint. Do my standard force open… She doesn’t bite… Order a beer chat the bartendress… Read more »

5 years ago

@Sentient That and being to much of an anthropologist. Not ruthless enough. Partly because of the lay of the land, partly because of the time constraint. Can’t be ruthless without being committed. I’ve had plenty of sets like this. Diluted message, half-actions, missed opportunities. Simple mistakes and something out of tune. Paying for logistics upfront solved that quickly. It’s like your brand when you target too broad of an audience or don’t have a clear value proposition. Blurred and muted. It’s always about asking what it is that you want… so that you can let the other options slide. Can’t… Read more »

5 years ago

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5 years ago

Good stuff Palma. Go get em.

5 years ago

@Palma Awesome man, good effort. That’s PalmaSailor I know. I try to pull in the mother by asking her if the daughter is a gothic punk? I’ve struck a total blank with the mother who is looking at me like I’m Weinstein on steroids. Don’t “game” cockblocks, disarm them. Tune in, vibe, relate, make yourself likable. Disqualify yourself if needed. No reason to trigger them. If you notice your attraction material is having the opposite effect on a cockblock, dial it down, calibrate and try comfort. Something simple, like Dale Carnegie. Just don’t overdo it and keep the focus on… Read more »

5 years ago


1) Pre-seed the pull
2) Collect numbers to get them join you later in the night

(plan A – pull to yours, plan B – go with her, plan C – go for the number)

5 years ago

Field reports are about accumulating data and understanding, not merely about pickup. Along those lines I went to the ‘pines for my MIL’s funeral and was seated solo at a table in a Wendy’s restaurant. Seven broads in their fifties and sixties who belong to a Zumba club were seated at an adjacent table. I ignored them and didn’t look at them. One of them came over and sat at my table facing away from me. They opened me as a group. Wanted selfies with me. Wanted to know my status. Wanted to make contact with me on fb. One… Read more »

5 years ago

Nice work Palma. Didn’t take long 😉 How did you meet her and how did the date come about?

5 years ago

Now fill in the stages A C S… Where you dhvd, where you transitioned etc. Good for practice for the next one.

The uniformed will say there was no MM going on because you didn’t copy some other guys routine or wear a fuzzy hat…

5 years ago

Palma IRL A few notes from your other FR “If you notice your attraction material is having the opposite effect on a cockblock, dial it down, calibrate and try comfort. ” This is where the standard “your friend and I like each other, you OK with that” comes from… “I have a standard ‘bar stool shuffle’ that I do which is ostensibly to make space / sort out my jacket on the hook under the bar / some such nonsense but the objective is to open the set by bumping into them or giving them room or something. ” Haha.… Read more »

5 years ago

I jad a good FR of this dynamic I’ll try and find.

5 years ago


Try for the pull first… Right?


“When do you get off?” With a ton of laser and innuendo, then “stop it… You’ve a dirty mind I meant xyz”… If there is no shot after work then number close with your

5 years ago


“Her : so who was that last night?”

Careful. Secret Society is secret… Remember the bartender will value discretion as it relates to her. You get the same preselection boost by deflecting… And you show you wont talk about conquests.

“Oh her…. Smile. She’s a friend” change subject.

Your bartender KNOWS what’s up. You don’t have to spell it out for her.

5 years ago


Preselection is only in the moment because it’s received by the female sex brain, not her cortex. Saying shit that you think will invoke preselection won’t work. You have to create it in the situation. If girls are around who like you, they will give you preselection by their behavior.

If you lack preselection, create some on the fly by making girls in the bar giggle and laugh at your sexual jokes and stories.

5 years ago


Lolled at the hamster reaction to the knickers in the bedroom rule. And I still find it funny that BJs don’t count in the cat world.


From your linked FR:
I say mmmmmm. Not really into anything that even hints at a profit motive…

Knowing what you now know (and having @HABD poking your sugar baby mental backflips… lol), how would you play it today? Going with her sounds like quite a few hours in a no-pull zone…

5 years ago

Gents Looking back… The play was a) accept attraction (lol) and b) go with. What’s a better DHV and preselection than walking into a strip club with a stripper on your arm. Getting comped and meeting the manager bouncers etc…? And all the other strippers? Merge my set forward. See what happens. Worst case still had the play with her after to contend with. (Also she was just doing a couple of sets there, not like she was cloxking in for 8 hours) Also a bird in hand is always better. Lot’s of times I’ve cut one loose earlier in… Read more »

5 years ago

He he.

Yeah failure is a great learning opportunity.

Check out the Group Theory section of MM.

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