Field Reports


For the past three years of The Rational Male there’s been a consistent presence in the comment threads of guys seeking advice for particular situations with regards to Game. Whether it’s fine tuning certain aspects of Game or a larger consensus of the guys participating in my comment threads it’s become obvious there’s a need for a dedicated page and comment thread to address these Field Reports.

So I’m instituting this page for exactly this. If there is some urgency to have members of The Rational Male community analyze your particular situation feel free to hit anyone up in the comments of my current post, but please refer them to your particular field report with a link to your comment here. I’m hoping this will alleviate the mass of posts for field report analysis and Game specific insights piled into the main blog post for any given week.

There will be some rules for this “forum” as such. I ask that you only keep your comments to addressing the field reports at hand and save your larger theoretical stuff for the main posts, or if relevant, keep the “bigger scope of things” posts to being as succinct as possible. There will be no moderation in this comment thread (spamming excepted), so realize it will be a very hot kitchen before you post. I will impose no restrictions on video links here, nor will I limit links to various, but pertinent articles.

Understand, this is an experiment for now. It’s likely this comment thread will exceed thousands of comments. I’ll be instituting new comment plug-ins for wordpress to deal with this in the future, but I may archive this page the the posts and refresh this page in the future as well. If this gets cumbersome I may simply institute a dedicated forum-style sub-site of The Rational Male to accommodate for Game specific questions.

So have at it, post your field reports and feel free to comment on the ones you have some particular insight for. Be forewarned that it’s likely things may get a bit salty at times and I expect a lot of back & forth with debate and disagreements, but that’s what this thread is for – to hash out Game particulars for your given situations.


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10 months ago


Is there a better place I can go to get better quality advice?


10 months ago


Congratulations on your daughters wedding.

Grandpa soon ya fucker… lol…

10 months ago

Congratulations on the wedding (and anniversary) Rollo!

10 months ago

Oh and IAS – great LR/FR – I really like your persistence and frankly I think it counted the first time..

That kind of stuff with the condoms happens to me occasionally too.

And I did have a virgin once too (older though, like early 30s) and made essentially the same decision as you – that I didn’t want the responsibility (that was the one that on a subsequent meetup almost ended in an FRA which I managed to defuse with HABD and YaReally’s help – jeez, it must have been quite a few years ago..)

having a bad day
having a bad day
10 months ago


Congratulations!!!… on both those life events…

i guess you really can actually use RP/TRM to stay married and raise successful children… who knew?…lol

good luck!

having a bad day
having a bad day
10 months ago

@JRT Thank you. I am not impressed by the concept of animalistic moral depravity espoused by most here, especially HABD. lol… i’ve never espoused anything…lol… i just do analysis based on RP/TRM ideas… which are ALL accurate btw… RP/TRM is just understanding girls and how they ALL function… = AWALT… whether you choose to accept that and how you choose to use that understanding is up to you… @Rollo chose to use it to stay married and raise a successful child… i used it to turn my marriage around and keep my family intact… @PalmaSailor used it to recover from… Read more »

10 months ago

@HABD Interestingly you don’t really see it until you’ve been through a few life changes having taken it. I lost the big court case and I probably won’t be able to pay all of it in time bc I have to sell assets which I haven’t managed to do yet. That could mean that my credit is vucked for 6 years. And at 56 that’s me outta the borrowing game so I just have to earn enough to buy a house etc… which means focusing on the new business. Vucked credit also makes rental difficult. Anyway we decided to change… Read more »

10 months ago

Sorry to hear that Palma. But if there’s anyone who can fight through all that stuff and come out victorious, it’s you. Isn’t that a British saying “Keep Buggering On” or something? @JR Terrier – glad you’re still here and reading at least. Just to add to everything HABD said – when my wife/mother of my children and I had sex a few days ago (she’s a typical soccer mom type and great cook and very “motherly” in her image), she got really turned on (even more than usual) and just before she came she said “harder, harder, f*ck me… Read more »

10 months ago

Palma But she’s not gone, she’s initiating dirty monkey secks at least once a day. She’s not going anywhere without me / conversely she’d go anywhere with me. And it’s the first time I’ve seen that ^^ and understood it. Like Rollo says, sensuality is their agency. She knows on a limbic level her role is to offer succor. And going through the adversity (and winning more than not) is how those ride or die girls are made. They don’t come from some catalog that any blog reading dweeb can just “pick the right one” and all will be well.… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
10 months ago


since bonding with a ‘gem of a girl’ is what you say you want to accomplish, here is a primer on ‘bonding’ for you…

follow the links therein for more…

and everything!!! in those^^^ OPs has been proven true with extensive field testing/reporting/observation/etc…

still gotta do THE WORK ™ though…

good luck!

having a bad day
having a bad day
10 months ago



Interestingly you don’t really see it until you’ve been through a few life changes having taken it.

true enough… mostly…

buut, if you keep your eyes and mind open, you can see this sh^t everywhere in real life too… it’s just that the FI social conditioning interferes with an accurate assessment/understanding… it’s just that it’s more in your face if you are actually living the example…lol

hope you and the fam are doing well in spite of the immediate setbacks…

good luck!

10 months ago

N=21. I waited some 6 weeks for this one. Met the girl during her holiday stay here, I game her, it’s clear that we are attracted to each other, mutual friend also on holiday commented on it to me, even. She “casually” drops the info that she has a boyfriend. I get some logistics and offer that she can stay at my house. She will think about it. The mutual friend invites herself to also stay at the house, I say sure. I do manage to get my target in isolation for one dinner. I don’t go for the Kiss… Read more »

10 months ago

IAS – great work.

How old is N21?

And did she come back to your city just to see you?

It sounds like the “come stay with me” strategy is really good even with girls you don’t know that well..(and is a great compliance/attraction test too).

10 months ago

@HABD The family is very well thank you: It isn’t going to be as bad as 2009 / 2011. Back then I lost my main business, most of my assets, most cash on hand and my credit profile. I was underwater with some stuff I’d done to hold it all together. Altogether if it all crystallised I was £700k under. I should have gone bankrupt but if I’d done that my son would have ended up in social housing and in a terrible school. This time I’ll either lose the majority of my cash at hand but keep my… Read more »

10 months ago

Keep grinding old dog.

And yeah, it is surreal to watch it all with the The Glasses on…

[Whatever happened to Anonymous Reader, guess covid got him]

10 months ago

I don’t know about Anonymous Reader but that young lad with the hydro electric and stuff had a setback.

His mother died. I can’t give too much detail but she literally fell flat on her face whilst doing something mundane. No notice.

Off like a light switch.

10 months ago

Hey Palma – is this what you’ve been doing in your spare time to blow off steam??

10 months ago

@OTP N=21 is 33 year old. I mostly get late 20s or early 30s girls. To some extent they are “post-epiphany” but still young and considerably younger than me. She did come back to my city just to be with me. She booked the trip and broke up with her bf 1 or 2 days after booking the trip. She was surprised that I kissed and got her laid on the first night. I already had her say that I’m the best sex of her life (she is really good at it actually, about on par with N=3… They are… Read more »

10 months ago


Was N=20 a chubby ‘virgin’ who only does anal? 😂

having a bad day
having a bad day
10 months ago

@NNN1 PalmaSailor

I don’t know about Anonymous Reader but that young lad with the hydro electric and stuff had a setback.

His mother died. I can’t give too much detail but she literally fell flat on her face whilst doing something mundane. No notice.

Off like a light switch.

my condolences on your mom dying… that sh^t is happening everywhere… i know of two people personally that just ‘turned off’ like that…

good luck!

having a bad day
having a bad day
10 months ago


and in case that^^^ wasn’t clear… check in when you get a chance and give us an update… we really do care about the men we try to help here…

good luck!

10 months ago

@Warlockk N=20 had a slightly chubby ass. The face and top were not chubby. It’s her body type I guess, although certainly she could be thinner.

The virginity thing I attribute to religious issues / cultural issues.
She did everything except vaginal and was quite bold. I told her I wasn’t wearing underwear on a crowded transport and she went “Then let me in”, put her hand inside my shorts and initiated a hand job. I stopped her before I ejaculated.

10 months ago

Heads up. Just checking in and sanity checking something. I’ve been having unprotected secks with the current Mrs PS out the gate. Since the night of the first date. Ostensibly she told me that she’s been doing what I think is called the rhythm method which is timing the monthly cycle. Despite the fact we’re at it every day and she asks that I pull out when it’s in the danger zone. I do this without any drama. When we discussed this a couple of years ago she said that with my age, assumed reduced sperm count and the fact… Read more »

10 months ago

Palma – yes.

You have plenty of other things on your plate, so this is not worth your time or energy thinking about it is it?

10 months ago


To be honest, the other stuff is just shit.

More babies is about the only important thing.

I just think it’s gonna happen so I can basically ignore it.

having a bad day
having a bad day
10 months ago


She means she doesn’t want any more children in the same way all women mean it when they’re not on contraception.

this is the ‘i have a bf’ baby-edition…lol

good luck!

10 months ago


Yeah she “said it” so it’s on you if it happens…

The old joke, what do they call people using the rhythm method?


10 months ago

@everyone So N21 was with me for 2 weeks before going back to her city. N3 had a really hard time dealing with the fact that I have N19 not so long ago. I already knew I was heading for trouble with N3 about N21 when she found out, and that she was going to find out. She was always going to figure out something was going on as I’m usually having N3 over or I go to stay at N3’s place more than once a week, and with N21 wanting to come over for two weeks it was more… Read more »

10 months ago

IAS Just know that all of her tears and other acts of manipulation are in service to HER reproductive goals… it’s all by design. Why tears? because men hate tears. Why drama? Because men hate drama. Why cutting off sex? Because men hate losing sex… She has her rolodex for getting exclusivity and she will run it until it fails and she is shown that it fails and she capitulates. The only way to win this game is by being resolute to the service of your goals… She will either get in line or be alpha widowed. SPOILER –… Read more »

10 months ago

So I have the final order and it’s bad. Worse than I thought. tl;dr is that I’m bankrupt, though there might be some way out because I probably have a negligence claim against my accountants, and other money could be raised. Given how much shit I’m going through things are good at home. No “problems” with Mrs PS. Etc. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the stress must be showing right now but there are ways through and she said yesterday “don’t worry @PS we’ll be ok”. Secks is still at least daily, twice a day at weekends.… Read more »

10 months ago

Just know that all of her tears and other acts of manipulation are in service to HER reproductive goals… it’s all by design. +1000 I’ve got a whole thing on tears in the book. It’s almost unheard of for men to push through those because no one understands what’s going on. I first witnessed it with my mother, relentless, and nothing sorted it. I realised they were fake. Subsequently a girlfriend tried it and I told her “to cut out the ‘teary’ bullshit I wasn’t wearing, and she reminded me of my mother” which she did. She went instantly from… Read more »

10 months ago

Now it comes back to me same thing happened in a social setting some girl was putting them on and I said

“Ugh turn the tears off, no one is wearing it”

And she did but the group was mortified, I mean mortified.

It was worse than what happened when I flicked the wine at that woman a couple of years back.

No one does it. It’s a nuclear shit test.

10 months ago

Crying. Very timely poast from Rian Stone

10 months ago

Palma, Sorry to hear that. The gang here (the remnants of us that remain..) are around for you to vent and support as we can. IAS Good work. Honestly. You wanted to be an alpha and have more women and more variety in your life and live on your own terms, compared to when you were married? You have that now – and this kind of stuff is part of that. It’s not a failure – it’s a sign of success. This is what women do when you’re a catch. If you really want to have a monogamous girlfriend then… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
10 months ago


sorry to hear about your financial situation… buut…

“Secks is still at least daily, twice a day at weekends.”

priorities… this is still winning…lol… but not kidding…

good luck!

10 months ago

@HABD It’s actually quite surreal. The current Mrs PS says I’m in denial. And she is right but it’s the wrong way around. I was in the denial that I could work it through. I might still be able to. But if I do, it’ll be based on the decision that I’m walking out the door. A bit like turning around a marriage. Mentally, having accepted the worst, the truth is that it’s not the worst, but the other side are now on the back foot because I really might now do it. Then they’re faced with finding and extracting… Read more »

9 months ago

Red pill and financial “problems” As I’ve alluded to it’s serious. I’m not sure at the moment how I’ll get through. There may be a way though – There are a number of ways – it will take some time and a re adjustment of expectations on the other side. Secks is still at least daily, twice at weekends but last week we “argued” (which is a shit test fail) – 3 times in 3 days and he haven’t “argued” in 3 years – or ever. I’ve realised she directly mirrors me. If I’m cool, she’s cool. Since all they… Read more »

9 months ago


9 months ago

Palma, are the anti-depressants and stuff you are taking for strategic reasons or do you actually need them?

If they are not absolutely needed, then I assume you can choose between continuing to work as a sole trader after bankruptcy and paying most of your income towards your debt vs continuing to take the pills and therefore not working and collecting your government welfare payments? Basically won’t it come down to which option leaves you with more cash/better standard of living?

having a bad day
having a bad day
9 months ago

@PalmaSailor Red pill and financial “problems” As I’ve alluded to it’s serious. I’m not sure at the moment how I’ll get through. There may be a way though – There are a number of ways – it will take some time and a re adjustment of expectations on the other side. spoken like someone who is truly wanting to pay back those f^kers that sued you… you are a credit to men everywhere…lol… but not kidding… Secks is still at least daily, twice at weekends but last week we “argued” (which is a shit test fail) – 3 times in… Read more »

9 months ago


The artful dodger has found a way through and is taking the piss…


Go get em PS

9 months ago

What about this Spanish soccer guy? Rubiales? Seems like the usual MeToo cancellation nonsense, except that he’s not apologized/quit and thus given the mob permission to destroy him completely. I’ve long said that’s the way to deal with this kind of situation – even if you are guilty (which I don’t think this guy was), apologizing only emboldens the mob and makes them pile on even more. The game is to stay defiant and hang on till the mob loses interest and moves on to something else (and even if you fail and have to quit or whatever eventually you… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
9 months ago

@OTP What about this Spanish soccer guy? Rubiales? Seems like the usual MeToo cancellation nonsense, just like it was ripped from one of TRM’s OPs… or FRs…lol except that he’s not apologized/quit and thus given the mob permission to destroy him completely. what he did was worse…lol… he said it was a ‘mistake’… way to downgrade jenni’s SMV…lol.. girls don’t like to be second-placed… if he had said he was sooo excited in the moment (double entendre left hanging…) that he couldn’t help himself… and then own THAT, he would have been fine… once he ‘beta’d up’ (sort of ‘apologized’… Read more »

9 months ago

Great analysis HABD.

I hadn’t realised that he had done a quasi apology first – I was wondering what had changed from the alpha vibe in the bus video to the denunciation two days later and it must have been the apology.

Plus that angle about not putting the girl down is important

having a bad day
having a bad day
9 months ago


“Plus that angle about not putting the girl down is important”

ya…he really failed on the ‘aftercare’…lol ..

she asked for another kiss (trying to figure out how to feel about it)… WITH the support of all the ‘fat friends ‘ in the club…lol… and he blows her off…

he should have taken her out for a

good luck!

9 months ago

tap tap tap Maybe this thing is on… Brief FR. went to lunch to watch some of the games today. place was packed. I had to stand at the bar, no seats. Anyhow, across the bar ( a big square) there was a very attractive breasty thing, with a dood who was a bald, bearded MMA looking guy. Both in the mid thirties I guess. I thought I saw her look at me a few times, but she never held any gaze or anything like that. Very furtive, almost to the point I wasn’t quite sure… After a while a… Read more »

9 months ago

Sentient – how’s it going? Are you still going out and doing stuff regularly or are FRs like this the exception? I am still as interested as ever, and actually not lacking in time either, but mostly focussing my mental energy on other stuff. But I do have some FRs (not sure if I posted it but I will when I have a bit of time – basically saw a MFF threesome happening in the park with my wife and kids which was hilarious especially my wife being disapproving). Also a few days ago, lengthy airport shuttle ride, felt frozen… Read more »

9 months ago


tap tap tap Maybe this thing is on…

Bandwidth maxed. Probably for about a month.

I’ll be back.

9 months ago

tap tap tap Maybe this thing is on… [Perhaps lol] Brief FR. went to lunch to watch some of the games today. place was packed. I had to stand at the bar, no seats. Anyhow, across the bar ( a big square) there was a very attractive breasty thing, with a dood who was a bald, bearded MMA looking guy. Both in the mid thirties I guess. [I don’t know what it is with these big beards. When I was younger they were an indication of a “weak man” hiding. That’s how they were always regarded by most men who… Read more »

9 months ago

How’s commenting looking here now?

9 months ago

@Sentient well done.

@Palma I’m checking it once in a while. I don’t have much to report right now and I’ll be very busy with work for a few weeks. I’ll give some updates after.

9 months ago

I’m around. Usually glance here (almost) every day, but preoccupied with crypto work stuff and occasionally seeing a couple of side chicks. Not so much that I don’t have the time for Game, more don’t have the mental energy right now, but will do when work and family things start easing off.

I had 5-6 years when I hyperfocussed on Game (when travelling, but I travelled a LOT) – the last few years have been the flip side of that (and the pandemic didn’t help). But I’ll be back to the cold approach for sure.

8 months ago

My ears are still on even if my mouth isn’t running.

8 months ago

Mini FR – mainly because this is kind of a new situation (and I’m out of practice) and I’m not sure how to play it. Sounds like the kind of situation Sentient is in all the time. Sitting outside a coffee shop in the sun with my wife and daughter. Attractive woman, about 30, sitting with her daughter right beside us. She asks my daughter if she wants to play with her daughter, and my daughter does and then she strikes up a conversation with me and my wife. Turns out she lives relatively close to us (not near the… Read more »

8 months ago

That is deep and good advice Palma.


Since you are never going to do anything with a woman like this you just want some light dread.

Turn your flirt factor down to 6.5. Just enough being playful. You want no evidence of trying, you want her engaging you. Once she does a few giggles and kino to you that will be enough.

You want to be able to shrug later when your wife brings it up like “who? Wha? I’m just a sexy beast I guess….”

8 months ago

@OTP I love ya man, but that’s the second poast you’ve done, and I don’t know what you’re doing. You either do, or you don’t or you will get squish like grape.. I’m certain. I don’t think you’ve got a direction, or an objective. I think you need to decide because if you go “half on” in front of your wife without a specific agenda or direction or objective her heads gonna blow up and the whole thing will be counterproductive. You could do what @Sentient said ^^^ but do you need more dread? Do you want a 3 some….?… Read more »

8 months ago

This is required reading and watching.

The deepstate are trying to shut down anyone that “offends” them.

TLDR some guy wrote a book on men and got on a show and some woman belittled male suicide.

Laurence Fox called it out and asked why couldn’t she STFU and just accept it’s a male problem.

Anyway they’re trying to not only shut him down but also the whole news channel.

Similar with Russell Brand who has had epar allegations dragged up from years back.

I am beginning to feel a pushback and I am beginning to think they’re scared.

8 months ago

His real crime was to say that he wouldn’t fuck her.

And how no man with any options would want to be with such a woman.

So he zeroed out her only real agency. Her sole agency. And they’ve gone berserk.

8 months ago

Thanks Sentient and Palma. Sorry for the delay. Just been tied up dealing with financial issues and some stress relating to that and mostly been focussed on that stuff Not in Palma’s league of financial problems but the continued downturn in the crypto market has made it difficult to keep generating income from my crypto assets as I have been doing, which means cash flow is very tight. Which means I am having to sell some underlying assets at bad prices and reducing my assets instead of increasing them. I’ve managed to get some freelance work connected to my previous… Read more »

8 months ago

@OTP I’ve now had the grand total of 4 bankrupt businesses, on top of that I was technically personally bankrupt in 2009 but I kicked the can down the road and fought on because if I hadn’t my son would have been in social housing and I would have lost access six years earlier than I did. I am now again technically personally bankrupt though actually for an awful lot less that the 2009 figure and this time I may or may not actually go bankrupt. There are other options, all of which extinguish almost all of my cash and… Read more »

8 months ago

Hey there fellas.

Great advice Palma, and I’ve no doubt you’ll be tops again soon.

you need to earn what you spend on a daily basis another way.

This. OTP if your thesis is correct getting a job to be able to NOT HAVE to SELL your crypto is the highest return play. So either you believe your thesis, are just being lazy or ego driven or what?

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 months ago


+1 on PalmaSailor and Sentient…

reading your FR was like a case study on suck cost fallacy…

park the crypto… or sell it off and buy some ‘farm land’… and get a job (preferably recession proof…) to pay your bills…

good luck!

7 months ago

@Sentient I’ve been out of the loop for a bit as I’m not working for a few months and so taken some time out on my favourite island in the Mediterranean. VanGough wasn’t appreciated in his lifetime and his brother funded his materials and he sold his art for food and drink half the time. He was broke in his lifetime. What you see here is the FI in full swing, and it’s beaten TRP. The few of us who have swallowed it have a head start in the next phase of human existence. We might make it. Our… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 months ago

@PalmaSailor good-looking kid!… props! @All it looks like the FI is in full court press…lol… and not just on PA’s blog…lol remember… NEVER apologize… NEVER say it was ‘a mistake’… and ALWAYS follow up with ‘aftercare’…lol aaand, as things tighten up around the world, going through and checking/updating/replacing your Apocolypse Sh^t ™ wouldn’t hurt you any…lol… as well as practicing some ‘grid down’ essentials… like just even building a small fire… even if you have to use a BIC…lol… and boiling some water (make some tea…)… or even just some draw strokes with your conceal carry weapons… (ps,… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 months ago


7 months ago

@HABD Ma predictions of doom have largely been badly timed. Certainly I believed it was due to happen before now. But I didn’t understand exactly how it would manifest, and I think it’s going to be a more than one front now. We probably are now at peak Misandry, it’s hard to imagine it getting much worse. If ya look at the current conflict, and how it’s trickling down socially, it’s blown up the virtue signallers. They don’t know which side is “safe”. They don’t understand what the police are not doing because they don’t understand it’s now beyond police… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 months ago

@PalmaSailor @HABD Ma predictions of doom have largely been badly timed. Certainly I believed it was due to happen before now. “there is a lot of ruin in a nation…” it did happen before now…lol… it’s just that we are still hanging in the air like Wiley Coyote bc we haven’t looked down yet… and the normies are juuust starting to peek…lol But I didn’t understand exactly how it would manifest, and I think it’s going to be a more than one front now. true… all the fronts are going to converge pretty fast though… especially in the US… with… Read more »

7 months ago

Ma predictions of doom have largely been badly timed. Certainly I believed it was due to happen before now.

This is the lesson. Improbably the system keeps on turning and churning, with ever moar people, with ever less, continuing to spend spend spend everywhere you go. Like some great invisible store of funds is out there refilling their accounts every morning. Mana like. All traditional economic measures are broken

7 months ago

@Sentient It is definitely slowing down. I used to win 90% of work that I quoted on, and I overtly admit out the gate that we’re not the cheapest, but we do have the best product. Before I recent,y stopped work because of ma mental health meds I got 33% and those I don’t get at full price were shopping round on price and asking me to match the price others have quoted for inferior. Sometimes I did sometimes I didn’t. I’ve moved out of the centre of a town but I still live in one of the wealthiest areas… Read more »

7 months ago

All right guys – suggestions on the best way to ease a BP friend towards RP thinking? I am not keen on pointing him right here – he’s too BP and will reject it all as misogynistic or something (plus an uncomfortable amount of personal stuff about me is in the archives and I’m not keen on him figuring out who I am). Context: An old friend who is about 10 years older than me (early 50s). Was a friend and invaluable mentor in my old corporate job 15-20 years ago when I first joined after grad school and had… Read more »

7 months ago

@OTP – probably best is not o do it.

If you do decide to do it, just give him a book rather than a website.

You are overwhelmingly likely to lose that friend anyway. Ask Palma how it goes for him.

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 months ago


re your case study on TRM…

don’t… triage.

you can’t win… don’t analyze the past… at some point he blames you for not intervening sooner…

only talk about going forward with changed attitude… spin the situ as an opportunity… which it is… you might be able to get him to consider an ‘age appropriate ‘ girl… meaning early 20s… lol .. but not kidding…

good luck!

7 months ago


He’s too brainwashed.

Best thing you can do is take him out sarging.

I’ve bought 5-6 copies of TRM for men that needed it and none ever spoke to me again.

It’s too much truth, and they’ll blame you / deflect at you / blame “men like you” for being the problem. Toxic masculinity and all that..

7 months ago

Shit testing report. So as things have been a bit up and down over the past few months. I’ve been fairly stable In myself and have had a fairly solid direction and up to a point there was no shit testing. Then at one point where I was “weak” there was a bout of what I would call a “swarm” of shit tests. These were distinctly different from the past experiences with different women who would land one at a time with increasing severity over a period of time. This time round it took the form of every small action… Read more »

6 months ago

Well it’s that time of the year again where I think about my first son more than usual and it’s now a full 6 years since I moved to the PRG and it went to hell. Last Xmas I bought him a small credit card holder with his initials embossed on it, was thinking about getting a matching passport holder for him this year but to be honest last Xmas he told me in almost as many words to fuck off. And really, how long do I go on with this? Should I just move on? He’s cut me a… Read more »

6 months ago

@Palma I don’t have kids and I don’t want to have kids. Others more experienced hopefully will comment.

That said… In RP lore, is it often said that women are the oldest teenager in the house? I’m sure that “Game” works on men too, so maybe it will be a bit like that cat and string that if you pull a bit away finally your son will chase a bit.

But others have said in the past and I agree – keep the door open.

6 months ago

@Everyone: a nice update and a not so nice update. I did something recently which I have wanted to do for a while. I banged 3 women within 24 hours. And I even orgasmed those three times! The first two were orgasms with ejaculation but no refractory period, so I was still erect after the first two. I’m really happy with this! The last girl didn’t orgasm that day, she did the following day – I haven’t cracked how to make her orgasm on command. The other two orgasmed multiple times as usual for them and for most of the… Read more »

6 months ago

@IAS The thing about game is that it’s supposed to get you what you want from women on your own terms. You’ve basically got abundance now. Things may have changed as a result. You may need to look at what you actually want now. It might not be what you think. As far as son no.1 is concerned, the only thing I’ve never tried is just going silent. And going silent would be exactly fly the thing you’d do with a woman, or other situation where you DGAF. He was the primary consideration in my life for at least the… Read more »

6 months ago

Palma Missed your ST FR. They never ever ever end… lol Same here, 30+ years on. And even so it remains difficult to not just answer “sensibly” or “logically”, especially to such low level questions about onions. lolz. Because they really have no idea why they are asking, so your logical answer never hits… I have to remember WWPSD from time to time, absurdity or ignoring continue to be the 51% solutions when in doubt. And no doubt they increase in frequency ad severity with any kind of outside stress. Hope you thing works in your favor. On your boy,… Read more »

6 months ago

Good to see the activity here. I don’t check every day now but I still check several times a week – like the old muscle memory hasn’t gone. Palma – Echo what Sentient said (and I think HABD has said similar before). He’s an adult now but you’re still his father so it’s a different relationship. Even if it is “transmission only”, it’s good to stay on his radar at least a few times a year. Keep it up – you don’t lose anything by it. I think reality hitting next year will certainly help but don’t expect anything immediately.… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 months ago

@PalmaSailor Well it’s that time of the year again where I think about my first son more than usual and it’s now a full 6 years since I moved to the PRG and it went to hell. AND you got a great son#2 and a hot, age-appropriate wife out of that deal… sooo, don’t complain tooo much…lol Last Xmas I bought him a small credit card holder with his initials embossed on it, was thinking about getting a matching passport holder for him this year but to be honest last Xmas he told me in almost as many words to… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 months ago


threesome!… Threesome!!… THREESOME!!!


props… and

good luck!

6 months ago

@HABD, Sentient, OTP Thanks for your replies. I’ve always regarded children as sunk costs.. lol.. wanted both and didn’t expect that to change ever.. I’ve always struggled to understand how exactly it plays out in the house between my son no.1 and his mother. Certainly what she would like is for me to just be run over by a bus but keep paying. Actually she’d like me to be repeatedly run over but not die. Just suffer each time. Anyway, all her leverage is over. No more legal leverage because I paid full and final, and son no.1 is not… Read more »

6 months ago

Oh no I missed out – the “reason” she wasn’t enjoying the sexks was that “she had a problem with me” and “it’s pointless discussion because I just ignore it”.

That problem is that I don’t help out enough with the baybee..

6 months ago

Palma ” it’s a clear start.’ Congrats… they didn’t see that coming. as to the Missus… IDK how to tell you this, but it’s this all and forever now… by degrees… The hormones never stop, the wiring never stops, the firmware keeps bubbling on in one direction… even past the sell by date. it’s “set and forget”. Our problem is we know the language too well, better then them, and if you pay too much attention, it’s just a barrage of inputs… so I’d say, dial observation down 20%… deal with the more serious issues of course, but in general… Read more »

Traveling Man
Traveling Man
4 months ago
Reply to  Sentient

I’m in the phase of wanted self actualization. Where Truth trumps the bullshit, female nature. Ive matured on from how many lays and “the game” surrounding that lifestyle. Altho it never really leaves. I’m mid 30s, run through a Bunch over the years. 1 ex wife, a couple ex live in. Pssy ain’t the problem. But it’s the source of most problems, irony is comedy. I feel like I’m supposed to stand tall in a pussified brainwashed society. But these bi*ches 30 and up nowadays are constant with the bullshit. Maybe it’s just me, and my selection. But I want… Read more »

6 months ago

@Sentiet “they didn’t see that coming” Correct. They’ll get under £0.2 in the £1… lol… “Our problem is we know the language too well,” Yep I just don’t want to over react. We’ve got Switzerland booked over Xmas for skiing and I was tempted to pull that because if she’s gonna be in a shitty mood I’d prefer not to bother. But that would be an over reaction. It’s turned anyway, but all I need to do is make chit chat with the next barmaid when we’re both out and spike a bit of dread. Usually when the secks gets… Read more »

6 months ago

Palma – looking forward to the stories of patenting the new invention and starting the next business…

6 months ago

You know I have recently started watching the final season of Billions (excellent show), and whenever I think of Sentient now, I just have Bobby Axelrod as my mental image…

6 months ago

Oh and my mental image of Palma, is this guy:

6 months ago

lol Except for the billions, not far off…
comment image

As for palma… according to a recent post, something like this
comment image

But this is you right?
comment image

6 months ago

Hahaha, not quite that good looking, and well into silver fox territory now, but not a million miles off on a good day…

I’m still looking for good pictures of IAS and HABD…

6 months ago

Mini FR from me after a while. Quite happy with this – I did open and keep it going which is my main issue, although escalation was tough due to circs. On a long haul flight with only my son with me. He’s in the window seat, me in the middle and a HB6.5-7 cute Filipina mid to late 20s beside me in the aisle. Normally I feel like death on flights but this time I actually felt vaguely able to have a conversation. As we slid past her and sat down and adjusted our carry ons etc, I got… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 months ago


props on staying in practice!…

in other news… hypergamy claims a cute little pooch…

obviously the end of a guard dog spin up… of sh^t testing fails by the ‘partner’…

TRM can actually save lives…

in this case, it could have saved a little white dog… if the bf would have intervened… like her hindbrain needed him to…

based on some quick research on the interwebs… seems to be a thing… she’s not the first girl to throw a pup from high places…

good luck!

6 months ago

Hello Rollo. The Books are perfects ! Thanks a lot ! Can I translate “The Rational male” and publish it in Azerbaijan language ? I would like it.
Thank You. Sincerely. Yadigar Tagiyev

6 months ago

@Rollo @everyone Thank you for the knowledge. It made a huge difference in my life. I want to highlight @Rollo of course for most of the theory knowledge. @YaReally when he was around here helped me a good bit with putting it into practice. @Palma and @Sentient I remember distinctly the very specific, personalized encouragement and help in key points, with respect my ex (N1), some financial decisions, pushing me out of the comfort zone and doing what I already knew was correct. And also on my earlier Ns like N2, N3… @HABD and @OTP also for the encouragement and… Read more »

6 months ago

Merry Christmas everyone! @IAS – could not agree more. This place has been a godsend and fundamental in changing much about my life. Even now, when Rollo has stopped posting and there’s no new blood and a lot of the regulars are gone, those of us who remain are enough of a community to keep me checking in on a near-daily basis. Long may it continue. I actually have had some free time over the holidays and been spending a bit of time looking through old threads here – man there was so much gold and so much learning. Even… Read more »

6 months ago

Hey All

Merry Xmas to all of you.

It’s been a hugely eventful year and I wish you all a happy Xmas and a prosperous new year.

I probably do have the mother of all field reports to write up, which probably should be written up.

Hope you’re all having a good one!

6 months ago

@IAS: “This community of individuals in general was and is a very positive influence in my life.”

Live a good one, and Merry Christmas to all.

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 months ago

Merry Christmas All!!!


props!!!… on putting in

The Work ™

knowledge and theory is necessary but you still gotta walk the walk…

good luck!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x