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The Enemy is Us

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The more I watch this video (h/t to Yohami) the more I’m reminded of this post – Could a Man Have Written This? This is a fantastic indictment of feminism, but it’s only effective because a woman is the one delivering it. In our contemporary fem-centric society only a woman could ever legitimately endorse such a message and be taken remotely serious. Imagine a Man, even the most respected, intellectual scholar, reciting this message verbatim. In today’s social context, the message is completely different if the narrator has a penis. Misogyny is a presumed precondition before any critical thought is applied to the actual content of the message.

In making this observation I was also made aware of a social meta-dynamic. On a micro level, women’s communicative process is more concentrated upon the context of information being processed, in preference to the content (which is men’s innate domain). On the macro, societal level we see this same dynamic framing the our public discourse – fem-centrism demands a feminized preference for the contextual (the feel of the debate) above the critical content or the factual.

Thus, in a greater social arena defined by the fem-centric, a man delivering the same message as Girl Writes What? already feels wrong before the information of that message is processed.

The Scope

Recently I’ve been posting on other blogs & forums that are not specific to the “community” per se and I came back depressed. This, and the articles I’ve read and written freelance recently, plus personally dealing with friends, coworkers, business associates, hell, even church pastors – everywhere, the Matrix is there. It permeates society on so many levels. Little habits to deeply internalized beliefs, it is SO all-consuming. I know, for my readers this is like saying the sky is blue, but it is literally fucking everywhere. Turn on the TV, watch a movie, listen to the radio, surf the internet, talk to a friend, look at a billboard on the drive home, it is all encompassing.

I realize how paranoid and conspiratorial that all comes off as, but sometimes paranoia simply means you have all the facts.

I sometimes feel like John the Babtist decrying the truth in the wilderness. Yes, I know modern western culture is a cesspool of feminized Beta-AFCness, but it’s got to be preached. I recently revived a thread on SoSuave about being a positive mentor to young men and I can only think that this is a fantastic idea, because it’s men, not women who’re to blame for the vast majority of where we find ourselves now. I know the MGTOW adherents wont appreciate this, but as much as we’d like to shake our fists at the nebulous feminist movement of 50 some years ago, but just as Girl Writes What? addresses in the video, it was men who really got the ball rolling for them. And it was calculated to be so. The mass feminization of western culture we know now is far more a result of men’s complicitness which evolved into adovocation as a means to women’s sexuality. Your Dad, my Dad, in some cases our Grandfathers, have all contibuted to this, either implicitly or complicitly.

Men like Women

All it takes is one critical thought that doesn’t tow the Matrix approved line on a forum like LoveShack to draw the ire of any woman. That’s to be expected, but what follows is a landslide of sycophantic males, like braying asses, all attempting to qualify themselves to be acceptable, not just to a single woman responding, not just to their generalized feminine sensibilities, but to themselves, in relative anonymity: Meaning they have nothing to really hide and this is their default go-to response.

Far more males (they’re not Men) will vehemently rise to defend the ‘victimized’ woman, without so much as a critical thought as to what’s been said. These men think like women; the content doesn’t matter, only the context. And if that criticism sounds even remotely disparaging of their AFC ego investments it’s met with such a throng of protest and so loud a chorus of a well taught and conditioned shaming response that even a woman with an opposing viewpoint becomes secondary to their need to prove amongst themselves who’s the more acceptable to the feminine norm.

Males have become assimilated by this feminization and are now more emphatic and effective feminists than the original founders of feminism could’ve ever hoped for.

Real Life

I’m also presently dealing with a guy I hired at work and have basically watched an otherwise confident, very good looking guy systematically go through finding a girl online, meeting up with her, moving in with her and buying a dog with her in the span of 3 months. I tried intervention, but of course I got the standard AFC rationales. Now he gets depressed because he’s in over his head, and is complaining about how he gets to the gym religiously and she gets mad because he even hints she get her fat ass to the gym. I recently met her, and at her weight, I simply cannot believe this girl should ever be in a position to dictate anything to my friend. Yet there he is, by his own doing, his own self-convincing and his own innability to see past what people like those on LoveShack are fostering. He’s talented, a good looking guy, bright, ambitious, he’s even a semi-pro club D.J. and now saddled to a woman who is in no way deserving or appreciative of a guy like him.

I’ve got another guy in another dept. who was a former Marine who served 3 tours in Iraq and is an amazingly organized and responsible guy. Alpha as fuck in all respects but one; he too is saddled with an overweight fianceé who barks at him via cell phone while he takes his smoke breaks. I hear them bickering occasionally and all the guy does is attempt to appease her – this former Marine, who war couldn’t bow, is crushed mentally and emotionally by a woman who should never have a position to question him. Why? because he subscribes to the societal fem-centric default mentality when entreating with women.

I have a designer on my team – a gorgeous 24 y.o. blonde – bright, talented, educated – who is like wise stuck with a Beta chump. She’s aware of my writing and I’ve made attempts to advise her on her own situation. Even in light of this, her constant complaint is that guys are indecisive pussies now, guy’s are whipped now, guys allow women to define them now – where are all the Men now?

Comfort Zones

This shit is EVERYWHERE. The pastor at the church I attend will be offering the annual Father’s Day diatribe this Sunday and I’m anticipating the standard fem-religious message that goes along with it. However, more importantly, I’m looking forward to taking a lot of mental notes on his attitudes directed towards gender interaction. I have a good idea of what they’ll be from observing his manner toward his wife (standard religious, male self-deprication, “boy I’m sure glad she took pity on a chump like me” attitude), but I think this might be a good jumping off point for some interaction with him on his blog.

While the feminine defined social landscape is depressing to be sure, I think it’s necessary to branch out into uncharted waters. It’s very easy to type away on my blog or other forums and get an echo-chamber effect. It takes more than that to hone the message. Sure, we get the AFC naysayers here or the unplugging truth seekers presenting an opposite view (even the rare rational female input), but I think in order to stay sharp we need to venture outside our comfort zones to bring the gospel to those still trapped in the Matrix. Where else are they going to get anything more than a juvenile impression of what our “community” is saying?

I have to admit that it frustrates me to no end to have my – what I believe, very well reasoned – ideas lumped into the PUA scam category or have them passed off as misogynous before I’ve completed a valid point. It’s become very easy to pass it off as such, thanks to the same men who’ve essentially done exactly the same thing we’re fighting against; making positive masculinity laughable.

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