Field Reports


For the past three years of The Rational Male there’s been a consistent presence in the comment threads of guys seeking advice for particular situations with regards to Game. Whether it’s fine tuning certain aspects of Game or a larger consensus of the guys participating in my comment threads it’s become obvious there’s a need for a dedicated page and comment thread to address these Field Reports.

So I’m instituting this page for exactly this. If there is some urgency to have members of The Rational Male community analyze your particular situation feel free to hit anyone up in the comments of my current post, but please refer them to your particular field report with a link to your comment here. I’m hoping this will alleviate the mass of posts for field report analysis and Game specific insights piled into the main blog post for any given week.

There will be some rules for this “forum” as such. I ask that you only keep your comments to addressing the field reports at hand and save your larger theoretical stuff for the main posts, or if relevant, keep the “bigger scope of things” posts to being as succinct as possible. There will be no moderation in this comment thread (spamming excepted), so realize it will be a very hot kitchen before you post. I will impose no restrictions on video links here, nor will I limit links to various, but pertinent articles.

Understand, this is an experiment for now. It’s likely this comment thread will exceed thousands of comments. I’ll be instituting new comment plug-ins for wordpress to deal with this in the future, but I may archive this page the the posts and refresh this page in the future as well. If this gets cumbersome I may simply institute a dedicated forum-style sub-site of The Rational Male to accommodate for Game specific questions.

So have at it, post your field reports and feel free to comment on the ones you have some particular insight for. Be forewarned that it’s likely things may get a bit salty at times and I expect a lot of back & forth with debate and disagreements, but that’s what this thread is for – to hash out Game particulars for your given situations.


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7 years ago
7 years ago

“Both my sexual and relationship past, as well as my marriage have benefited me with a comprehensive understanding of Game principles.” “If you are not getting as good as you can get with your wife, you are not being honest with yourself about your game. It is time to up your game if you aren’t where you want to be.” Game delivers more sex, assists reframing. IMO game is insufficient in a vibrant LTR. Women are dissatisfied with, reject “a little Alpha” and demand consistency throughout. After I set aside the PUA mindset, was I able to go all in,… Read more »

7 years ago

Correction: DPA ueber alles.

7 years ago

Forge Follow up comments… Suppose that’s actually 6 lol. OK so here it is… a good base of Alpha established… her not blowing you and not swallowing is odd… would have figured that transpired if you’ve spanked and choked her and rawdogged her… but enough here to believe you are in the Alpha end of the pool with guys she is with (as you described, beta guys)… so… what does this mean? Relax and enjoy the fruits of Alpha? Nope. With a girl that isn’t broken yet it means SHIT TEST CITY… so she feels some Alpha vibe and then… Read more »

7 years ago

PS – also great example in that clip of the elusive Alpha Provisioning… she gets a dress sure, but from his frame, for his purpose.

7 years ago

IMO game is insufficient in a vibrant LTR. DPA at all times. I agree wholeheartedly. Game is a tool in the development of Mastery. It is a stepping stone. It can also be way to regain that feeling: “I’ve found that, in general, RP and game feel more like the awakening of buried impulses than the addition of foreign behaviors.”–(quote from Forge the Sky) The degree to which you have to cognitively use Game depends on what cube of Mastery you are in. It is a far better proposition to impress a woman with an organic Alpha dominance… Read more »

7 years ago

HoF Quote – “Women may love the Beta, but they only respect the Alpha.” RT

7 years ago

frame battles and break points and comfort…

7 years ago

DPA FR: Wrestling meet yesterday. Mid 40’s dad (with machinist’s arms) yelling unfunny, unhelpful sarcasm at his kid, upset. No biggie. He then starts swearing. Me: ” Hey brother, put a lid on the F-bombs. I got a nine-year-old here.” He pokes a finger in my face and pops off tough guy threats. Me: “You know, Dad, now you’re looking like a fool.” He pops off again, but guess what? He was much better behaved, stopped the sarcasm, anger and praised his kid. Would I have done that a year ago…maybe…would of analyzed it more…waited for him to swear again.… Read more »

7 years ago

Another Hall of Fame Rollo quote: So entrapped are we in our self-expectation and self-imposed limitations that we fail to see that we have always had the keys to our own prisons – we’re just scared shitless to use them. Rollo: Denial The first step to really unplugging from our preconditioning (i.e the feminine Matrix) is recognizing that this conditioning has led to the beliefs we think are integral to our personalities. The psychological term for this is called ‘ego-investment’. When a person internalizes a mental schema so thoroughly, and has become conditioned to it for so long, it… Read more »

7 years ago

“Wrestling meet yesterday…..” We had an epic varsity wrestling meet against our prime rival back in 1979. Two premier all boys Catholic schools. The Jesuits against the Franciscans. It went back and forth and we lost by a few points. Our team members grumbled in the locker room afterwards about how we got screwed by the referee’s on a few points and should have won. Our coach taught us and epic lesson on that. I believe he swore a bit as he spit out that: “The referees didn’t screw anyone. You guys didn’t wrestle well enough to overcome those few… Read more »

7 years ago

The mastery cube.

All my son talks about lately. He feels the change, thinking more productively, more alpha. “I’m kinda in conscious-incompetence with girls, unconscious competence as class president. I see this now.”

He’s purposely walking slower. Trying to gain a sense of chill in the frenetic high school hallways. Not let the current of energy drag him along.


7 years ago



7 years ago
Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Just scanning through quickly – on a trip. Will post LRs in a day or two in more detail (3x lays in 2 days at the hotel – 2 were new girls, one from previous trip – on Day 1 they were 2 hours apart. Didn’t talk more than an hour before pulling them to room. Yes, all 6s, and all online so not pushing my boundaries, but still released a lot of sexual tension. But had one big issue with one of them that I’m annoyed about…Reader, I confess..I gave one her cab fare when she asked me post-bang).… Read more »

7 years ago

culum .you’ll have to be rock solid to maintain your frame of being casual – ie, not petulant – when she’s at your apartment door going “WTF? Why are you doing this? Why are you being so silly and kicking me out because I didn’t want to do doggy style [or whatever the infraction was]?” Easy to do at this stage… you pulling out is nuclear… you shrugging and saying “not sexy” while stopping is 100 megaton, you walking into another room and flicking through a magazine or your phone while she hamsters on to zero reaction… devastating end of… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

well, it looks like everybody’s hanging out in the spare bedroom at the kids’ table now…lol… say, is there any more of that apple pie left from dinner?…lol @Blaximus But I’d only very rarely ever gotten any kind of complaint. No one ever really got angry or upset. AF dudes can really ‘get away’ with almost anything…lol Women/girls/chicks/broads want to be dominated and well fucked, even if it came with some very light bruising from time to time…lol. not by BB, they don’t…lol… different sexual strategy algorithms in play = different results/consequences… But you are correct that I’ve spent an… Read more »

7 years ago

SJF cut-and-paste-and-send. I gave up cutting and pasting. These days I usually just recall random stuff from memory and type it out longhand on my cellphone. (So excuse the occasional typo.) In regards to the Blaximus Road Map, road maps are tough to construct and most of the time we are just constructing models of reality and not real maps. The mindset talk is a reality for some of us because we went through that territory and found it eminently valuable in the journey. Some times we took a short cut, sometimes we blazed a new trail for ourselves and… Read more »

7 years ago

“IMO game is insufficient in a vibrant LTR. Women are dissatisfied with, reject “a little Alpha” and demand consistency throughout. After I set aside the PUA mindset, was I able to go all in, take my marriage back, stop the abuse.

DPA at all times.”

7 years ago

Mersonia is so stoopid – he doesn’t even know his own canon… Another minus 1 comment…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Heh. Did he also go on about “dynamic” and “passionate”, too? Well, if not now then maybe later, when he’s further down the Tony Robbins road.

7 years ago

@ HABD Great stuff man. ” lol… Dunning-Kruger on the upside…lol… i think this was one of the biggest disconnects between you and the YSGs… the vast majority of AFCs really don’t get ANY sex… that’s that 80/20 effect Rollo talks about… AND that ‘7 lifetime partners’ most likely does NOT include ‘desire sex’… ” I know this is probably undeniable, but evidently my brain is made of osmium and it just won’t sink in fully. When Rollo wrote this: It made tons of sense. It’s just stuck in my noggin that absent a super high smv guy, women… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Blaximus @ HABD Great stuff man. ” lol… Dunning-Kruger on the upside…lol… i think this was one of the biggest disconnects between you and the YSGs… the vast majority of AFCs really don’t get ANY sex… that’s that 80/20 effect Rollo talks about… AND that ‘7 lifetime partners’ most likely does NOT include ‘desire sex’… ” I know this is probably undeniable, but evidently my brain is made of osmium and it just won’t sink in fully. i could tell during that exchange with the YSGs…lol… try this… imagine the most ‘average’ BP nice guy that you know…(and even THAT… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Blaximus In my bizarro world evidently, lol, effort gains reward. Ahhhh, that’s my sticking point. I’m a fan of ” try harder and smarter “. The “and smarter” part is essentially Game. Joe Average gets told “Just be yourself”, so when that fails he doubles down on the same thing, just trying harder to be a Nice Guy. Eventually, in his 30’s with an N of 2 (drunk fatty in college, pity lay from a girl he was beta orbiting maybe) he runs across the Red Pill. Anger phase almost certainly results. Doubleicious if he married the fatty and after… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

Saw an asian in a group of people at a deli. So did party open one of the other girls. Got everyone’s attention right away, good response. Ends up they were having a meetup of sorts and invited me to participate. So I did, and they invited me back for next week. As everyone was leaving, gamed the asian, though not very well. Can’t remember what I asked her about first. A theme of this, and some of the other ones, is not getting sexual enough. I think I guessed she was from a certain state, was wrong, then guessed… Read more »

7 years ago
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

Thanks all for the feedback; I’m reading, internalizing and constructing response. Not much time ATM but will get to it.

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

Random post: I have a bunch of old co-workers that I go on a yearly pup crawl with. We usuall call it ‘Sausage Fest’ and begin the festivities at a place we can all order sausage, and end by crossing the river in our city and pissing in it. Classic bro shit. This year I get the email. A portion: “This year includes one significant change to business as usual, which is that we are not limiting the crawl to the male gender. Significant others and friends (whether male or female) are welcome to drag themselves around the city.” Long… Read more »

7 years ago


having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Forge Long story short, all the wives are coming. so, which one of those guys failed that shit test and organized the change?…lol bc it’s just a matter of time for THAT guy… (to that guy’s divorce/’being cheated on’ event)… and it might have even been caused by that wife that’s ‘into you’…lol… and it wouldn’t hurt you to use your RP social insight to try to suss out who failed that shit test and how that idea spread/solidified through the group… it’s great practice in social observation/group dynamics… AND you should be able to suss out the relationship… Read more »

7 years ago

“what you SHOULD do, is bring 2 or 3 girls along with you (their treat!…lol)… and make out with all 3 of them through the whole event”

Exactly what I was thinking… classic Sigma stuff there.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Sentient HABD Hank Forge et al… So quick LRs from business trip. As noted above: 3 online girls, all 6-6.5s (one Tinder, two from old sugar sites) in the hotel – 2 were completely new. In 2 nights – the first night I had one girl at 6ish and another (who I’d banged on a previous trip) come over to bang at ten pm. Second night, another one at 6, and then I turned down an opportunity to go bang another new one cos I was tired (she was supposed to come meet me, but changed her mind and invited… Read more »

7 years ago

Culum I work in hotel industry..some of these people in the hotel bar might recognize me As an escort…. LOL suspect she will try and groom you for more cash… One thing you can do is ask the bartenders if they know the girl, they know what’s up and will give you the high sign if she is a pro. Kudos on the others… last one def a pro or semi-pro… take her hand and walk her to hotel. Lots of sex talk over 1 drink..didn’t even finish one drink before pulling her to my room (thanks Sentient – I… Read more »

7 years ago

Then as we were getting cleaned up she wrote a little note on hotel notepaper asking me for $40 for her travel costs

Next time say “Are you a whore?” with a cocky smirk.

Do you remember what she wrote?

7 years ago

ignored her subsequent shit test of “So you’re not clean” – lol)

Love the solipsism, it would never in a million years occur to her that you might not think she wasn’t clean…

7 years ago

I turned down an opportunity to go bang another new one cos I was tired (she was supposed to come meet me, but changed her mind and invited me to her hotel room saying she’d meet me in a sexy nurse uniform

LOl… In call…. at least the second of the night, hence the room and uni…×529/80-3p1p5u_f9c3452c350d1f7f5f7216228b75195d7d1c8b24.jpg

7 years ago
hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

real quick here, just been rusty on my stuff. went back over my dhvs and openers and such, and i’ve been leaving out a lot of good stuff. like with the asian girl and the piercing girl story…the point is that she did her own piercings at home with a pin, not that she has piercings. completely changes things when you do it right, hence the different reactions from those two asian girls. white girl and asian two set and the black girl from the other week were solidly opened, just didn’t keep pushing. good though I am getting back… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Culum (didn’t actually go PIV as I’d run out of condoms and she was very disappointed – how’s that FI treating you?…lol didn’t you think you would be successful?… So I don’t know quite what to make of it, but just adds to my general sense of unease about that evening.. how else is a girl going to spin up a GFE?…that ‘just happens’…lol.. and see WHY i tell you to keep your eyes open for those threesome opportunities… her ‘selfie’ friend was probably another escort… sooo… dude! you could have totally got a 2 for 1 deal!…lol… aaand… remember… Read more »

7 years ago

Invoice… Lol.

7 years ago
Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@Sentient HABD Hank Lol. Thanks guys..I kinda had my suspicions but it is easy to fool oneself in this kind of situation – its good to have it confirmed. Especially the fourth girl (who invited me over with the nurse uniform and I turned down cos I was a bit banged out after 3 girls in 27 hours) it never occurred to me at all that that could have been an in-call situation (I do remember thinking “that’s odd..she lives in this city…why does she suddenly need to spend the night at a hotel room?” Don’t remember exactly, but she… Read more »

7 years ago

Culum I’m noticing more subtle IOIs these days. And what do we do when we notice them? Window open – jump through the window… she giggled and made EC and carried my luggage for me to the elevator etc. So I guy that “just gets it” might say… “Come help me find my room” or “I could use some help……………. unpacking” with the deadly laser… Sure, some of it is just professional politeness and helping..but I just had a feeling that there was a bit more there with her than with the other desk clerks.. Hit it HABD! after I… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Culum Don’t remember exactly, but she made a big production of giving it to me you really need to start seeing shit tests in real time…lol… bc assuming that she is really not a semi-pro (and she might not be… but it’s likely she is trying to set up a sugar daddy situ…), you just slotted yourself into BB category… by failing that shit test… and just to point this out – you could have actually paid the girl AND passed that shit test/stayed in your frame… just like the other girl… and then the note said something along the… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo: even if you don’t put an actual forum here, something that would improve the FR section was to make the link at the top take to the newest, most recent comment of the FR section (there is currently a “Recent comments” bit but with concurrent posts it often doesn’t have the latest that was placed here).

It would be even better if every comment section (including the main posts) has a button for newest comment (instead of just “newer comments” which just takes to the next page).

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Thanks Sentient HABD. I do some of those security measures already (keep laptop closed so nothing is visible, no phone screens, or ID or keycard with my name, or – at home – letters with my name etc). Basically nothing that will easily identify me is in sight when a girl is in the room. But I hadn’t thought about playing to the public camera, and I hadn’t thought about securing phone and wallet – they usually just stay in my pockets – probably on the floor as we get into the bed. Could quite easily be compromised when I’m… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

–FR– Great day out despite health fucking up an easy pickup. However, it was one of my best days out, and I **may** have actually ended up figuring out how to deal with one of my symptoms, it just took longer than I thought to take effect. We’ll see. Met up with the black group. Was indeed 100% black people, though pretty evenly split with male and female. I was the only white one there. chatted up the one girl I know from work there for a bit. Wasn’t really getting a lot of traction with the others, so I… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Hank good work on having a good day and pushing through despite health issues: 1. How was your body language? How was your lasering and smirking and voice etc in all these sets? Cutting distance? Kino? 2. Yup, absolutely right on the girl who approached you – you could have escalated massively (in fact also with the girls who gave you all the IOIs in the group and the kino etc). But at least you saw it in real time – now you need to take Action (I still struggle with this on cold approach but I rarely miss the… Read more »

7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader, @HABD, @Sentient: Ok here is an aspect of how I view my situation. Input welcomed. LDR means I’m not getting any because I haven’t “outsourced it” (if I am even able to, without pushing it I don’t know; but I’m used to going without for long stretches and confident I can learn). Consistently it seems that the wife can’t deal with the LDR situation nearly as well as I can. I keep busy with my own stuff, she tends to gets sad, quasi-depressed frequently. Now, I can recall that when we are together, her presence is often a… Read more »

7 years ago

IAS – it seems the whole problem is you. You do not want the consequences to be negative so you don’t act. You don’t own your desire. You dont want to address the wife because tou dont want the fallout. Feeling desponsible is a buffer. Permission seeking from anonymous strangers on the internet to have affairs is a buffer. Understanding RP and not actung on it is a buffer. You are stuck in neutral. What do YOU want? Think about it. Not what do tou want next year or next month. What do you want right NOW? Now go get… Read more »

7 years ago

IAS – Now go get it. Decide. Have a plan. The plan may not be perfect nor cover every contingency. It might be sub-optimal, you may only achieve part of your desired result. But execute on it. Execute the fuck out of it to the highest degree. All in. I once had a biz I spent 7 years on… put everything into. Came to an inflection point – market shifting, decided to go all in in a new direction. 6 months later, while having made progress, was facing financial ruin. LAST payroll coming up in a week, all investment options… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@IAS @Anonymous Reader, @HABD, @Sentient: Ok here is an aspect of how I view my situation. Input welcomed. LDR means I’m not getting any because I haven’t “outsourced it” (if I am even able to, without pushing it I don’t know; but I’m used to going without for long stretches and confident I can learn). you need to ‘outsource’ on your wife…lol… game works on girls… of which, wives are…lol… sooo, any interaction you have with your wife is going to be just like interacting with a girl…lol… AWALT… and you CAN do this… it just takes a decision on… Read more »

7 years ago

@IAS @Anonymous Reader, @HABD, @Sentient: ” Ok here is an aspect of how I view my situation. Input welcomed. LDR means I’m not getting any because I haven’t “outsourced it” (if I am even able to, without pushing it I don’t know; but I’m used to going without for long stretches and confident I can learn).” Outsourcing is not going to work as long as you are in her frame,if it goes anywhere it will be a worse direction,you need to redirect her frame first.. ” Consistently it seems that the wife can’t deal with the LDR situation nearly as… Read more »

7 years ago


She will come home from work with a load of negativity.
The way I reframe is to ask her to feed the cat,suggest planting lettuce in a new area,ask her how her sick friend is doing,tell her to pick up parts or oil or something when she is in town.

It helps to run this like a job,make a list of goals,develop proccess,make a list for her to do,every time she comes of negative give her a new task.

Shine it on

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

IAS Consistently it seems that the wife can’t deal with the LDR situation nearly as well as I can. I keep busy with my own stuff, she tends to gets sad, quasi-depressed frequently. She’s a woman, she wants / needs attention from you, she’s not getting it so what happens? To her hindbrain it may look like you are running Dread, or punishing her by withdrawing attention. Then she’s going to shit test you to try to find out what’s really going on – not consciously, unconsciously. Your ambivalence is showing up in your subcomms – you aren’t sure in… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@culum I mentioned most of the body language stuff. Largely non sexual, since girl from work was there. No kino. However everything else was good, I also mentioned how I’ve gotten better at telling stories and such, not a coincidence I burst all these couples wide open. Tonality is good breaking rapport, gesturing, eye contact. I always smirk since that’s my personality and I’m always fucking around with people. Like with the shy black girl, just teasing her on that she’s secretly a party girl and she’d deny it and I’d look at her and smirk and say “right, riiiggght”… Read more »

7 years ago

Hank Like I say, I feel like my **older** look (neutral looking, short combed hair, regular white dude) is more incongruent, since my personality (fucking around with people, black sense of humor, sarcasm, prankster etc.) doesn’t really match it. So I’ve actually accidentally become more congruent by letting my hair grow out. Trying to be something you’re not is incongruent… and not authentic. Acting differently from how people might perceive you is contrast – if that behavior/look is authentic to you. Contrast is a major tenet of game – “he is not what I thought” = tingles. So much easier… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient, HABD, stuffinbox and Anonymous Reader:

thanks for the input. It is more or less what you’ve been telling me already but maybe this time it sinks in.

Also, I didn’t stick to the wife through a major illness of hers, it was the illness and subsequent death of a close relative of hers.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@forge @habd

would like to hear your input on my last FR

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago


you’re doing fine… well except for where you push away girls that are dtf…lol

if you’re not going touch them, then you need to laser EC… sooo, your next goal is to get a girl to blush from EC… don’t forget your smirk…

good luck!

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

Been busy getting some shit in my life together lol, not much game to report. FWB is not contacting me, I’ve pinged a few times and get friendly superficial replies. Backburner for now. Old oneitis at work is getting a bit handsy with me and is comfort-seeking, RIP her current relationship. Was at a staff party recently and it was a bit eye-opening seeing where I was with some of the co-workers in a more relaxed space, this one girl who I’ve known for a looong time and considers herself my sister’s defacto ‘older sister’ was all over me and… Read more »

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@IAS This is scary shit because you’re in one of the most insidious traps humankind has yet devised, and it is far from certain that you will ever escape. Know this: if you do not fight, soon, with consistency and with disdain for fear and pain, you will not escape it. The trap is this: you’re comfortable. And so long as you are, it’s easier to remain so, even if you are not satisfied. As I see it, your current circumstance is not acceptable. And you’re only tricking yourself, day to day, that it is, because there is no aspect… Read more »

7 years ago

@Forge: good comment. Here is some more insight into my viewpoint and current situation. For one, I logically I’m not responsible for anyone else’s happiness (that includes her). But I obviously still feel some guilt / responsibility. I have been trying to get her to make up her own mind on what she wants. This is what she would do as a man, but she is a woman, and I can’t really blame her as I’m having the same difficulty myself. One example is about having kids, which I very clearly told her I don’t want, and if she actually… Read more »

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@IAS I suppose I’m not seeing what’s driving you to stay in this relationship, past guilt. In a recent comment Culum was telling me how it was very obvious that I really liked FWB girl aside from her sexual utility, and that’s quite true. I would describe being with her with exuberance and enthusiasm because that’s how I felt about being around her, for a variety of reasons. I don’t ever really get that from you. That’s partly down to style – I tend to emote in my writing – but the only thing I really hear from you is… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

Had a bad day, couldn’t go out when I wanted to, but then had a great day at work where I got to do much better on that coworker I wrote about a few weeks ago. Messed with beard, tried a new thing just to fuck around. Guys I know said it looked dumb, should change it up a bit. Funny thing was seeing the *girls* that complimented me on it lol. One in particular is a 40 year old that I’ve gotten iois from in the past, but she’s in the local community and I know her husband so… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

lol couple more things go to a place often. a girl there likes me, a LOT, lots of iois, but she’s like a 4. so she starts giving me shit on my purchases and why don’t I just make this myself and I just said “cuz I’m lazy”. and other guy at register is like “lol I hear you.” then girl says “you’ve worn that same shirt three days in a row.” and I said “have I? didn’t even notice.” she says “that’s really bad.” I say “what’s worse is that you noticed.” lol. funny thing about these shit tests/negs… Read more »

7 years ago

Is a hand in a bush worth more than your dick in your hand? I’m left to ponder this… was out at a cool restaurant, small place mostly a counter, and you have to wait. I am waiting. Girl comes in behind me. Open her, start chatting, she is 25, here for some training, on her own, far from home. Perfect set up. Get her laughing, she is from PR, lives in states now. Pretty face, but short. Rate her a 6 over all. But very nice personality. Waitress calls, a couple left the counter so two seats open. we… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Forge props on the FR… Was at a staff party recently and it was a bit eye-opening seeing where I was with some of the co-workers in a more relaxed space, this one girl who I’ve known for a looong time and considers herself my sister’s defacto ‘older sister’ was all over me and (I now realize) was making a shot at logistics earlier in the night. Party carried on a bit too long and the window passed. She’s a bit older but fit as a snake and feisty as a mongoose. She felt awesome. just to point this out…… Read more »

7 years ago

So while the whole jacket hiding thing was going on, WK buddy got nervous and went to the far side of the bar until things simmered down. He comes back over as I’m chatting with the guy. Now I start some playground game with the girls, from our table, start rolling up cocktail napkins and toss one over at them. They look up. This is a great way to attract attention. The louder one is all “hey you can’t do that!”… I’m laughing and throw another at her. Now I say “I bet I can get one in your glass”…… Read more »

7 years ago


buuut @Forge does have a valid point on the logistics issue… do you have this worked out yet?

Do you have a condom on you or not?

7 years ago

Here is a good thread on “hovering” so a girl sees you first. a go to technique of mine

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@Sentient – interesting, I’ve never heard of the concept (for men)

7 years ago

Culum Well this is the thing my “bar posture” results in… her opening you, or eye coding you to open her… The key being you establish your presence near her and not acknowledging her until she acknowledges you first. Basic Bar Posture Stride up to bar, looking ahead. Stand upright next to target. Hands flat on bar, slightly wider than shoulder width. Look straight ahead, at the back bar, or look at the bartender. chat up bartender. Order drink. revert to standing straight up looking ahead. Use periph vision to see if she is turning towards you or eye coding… Read more »

7 years ago

Interesting morning… Saw the Dick Twitch girl again… actually saw her yesterday, she was with her young kid, and last time she was with a kid she blanked me. she was just coming in one door and I was starting to head out the other, so didn’t even fully look at her, just split. Today I come in to get coffee and I see her at the back counter, she looks at me, I hold eye contact. There is another late 20s big haired blonde regular next to her and I see her lean her head towards this girl… Read more »

7 years ago

Oh one other point, of RP interest…. so this late 20’s girl comes in to the register, and I ask DT girl “that the girl that used to work here?”, she says yes. a few years ago this girl was a 7.5, near 8. Tall trim, nice hair. Now she looked fallow, older, short hair… I say “huh… It’s amazing when you see someone and it’s hard to recognize them, especially such a short time”…. she says “well you know… it’s a lot harder for girls… Guys have it much easier”…. I say “Yeah tell me about it!” LOL They… Read more »

7 years ago


having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Sentient What is interesting is she starts to turn her face forward while talking to me, but keeping her knees close to me… I assume she is trying to slow down the laser… HABD what is your take on this posture? at THE local hangout spot… that you both go to… with all those eyes around?…including her beta orbiter dude… as well as YOUR friend?… surely you jest…lol… Thoughts? are you willing to give up your number? (or burner phone?) bc she could have been texting you during the convo… There is another late 20s big haired blonde regular next… Read more »

7 years ago

HABD “surely you jest” soooo my take is she is turned on, but slowing herself down. Like she never pulls away from any, albeit light and not very sexual, kino…. and the turning the knees almost into me but facing ahead is mixed. The facing ahead thing is new to me… odd. So is it she is slowing it down to avoid escalating in public, or is this a signal to back off… is there a difference? hhhmmmmm “are you willing to give up your number? (or burner phone?) bc she could have been texting you during the convo…” Funny… Read more »

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