Field Reports


For the past three years of The Rational Male there’s been a consistent presence in the comment threads of guys seeking advice for particular situations with regards to Game. Whether it’s fine tuning certain aspects of Game or a larger consensus of the guys participating in my comment threads it’s become obvious there’s a need for a dedicated page and comment thread to address these Field Reports.

So I’m instituting this page for exactly this. If there is some urgency to have members of The Rational Male community analyze your particular situation feel free to hit anyone up in the comments of my current post, but please refer them to your particular field report with a link to your comment here. I’m hoping this will alleviate the mass of posts for field report analysis and Game specific insights piled into the main blog post for any given week.

There will be some rules for this “forum” as such. I ask that you only keep your comments to addressing the field reports at hand and save your larger theoretical stuff for the main posts, or if relevant, keep the “bigger scope of things” posts to being as succinct as possible. There will be no moderation in this comment thread (spamming excepted), so realize it will be a very hot kitchen before you post. I will impose no restrictions on video links here, nor will I limit links to various, but pertinent articles.

Understand, this is an experiment for now. It’s likely this comment thread will exceed thousands of comments. I’ll be instituting new comment plug-ins for wordpress to deal with this in the future, but I may archive this page the the posts and refresh this page in the future as well. If this gets cumbersome I may simply institute a dedicated forum-style sub-site of The Rational Male to accommodate for Game specific questions.

So have at it, post your field reports and feel free to comment on the ones you have some particular insight for. Be forewarned that it’s likely things may get a bit salty at times and I expect a lot of back & forth with debate and disagreements, but that’s what this thread is for – to hash out Game particulars for your given situations.


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Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Forge Not many girls can track what I’m talking about, have a similar cultural background so that they can understand my base struggles. She was great. But she did not understand my insistence on finding out what was true rather than a nice story about humans and our place in the world. So… she was a girl being a girl, then. The brighter girls, in my limited experience, will be able to take up a corner of that insistence. It might be a professional colleague who agrees with you and the importance of work / test / research results being… Read more »

7 years ago

Friday out with wife looking for places of anonymity. Decided to research boutique hotels and one of the big hotels downtown. Well, at the first trendy boutique hotel there was a birthday party with about 30 attending. There was two couples we knew. Suburban moms, dads, divorcees 35-45 y.o. Women dolled up good as they can be for all the extra weight and age.They want a group picture, I jump at the chance to be photographer. Girls are up front, guys hanging out behind the couches. I jump into my silliest Austin Powers rendition: “Yeah, baby, yeah! You’re all tigers!… Read more »

7 years ago

Rollo et all, only been spinning plates for < 6 months now but fairly well read. My fave made it clear she is tired of being in LTRs, ending her last imminently, and that we will not have one (we are both 50, good looking, athletic.) We've had good discussions on this, plus her desire to try some wilder lifestyle stuff. Anyway, right or wrong, I recommended to this free spirit to read the Rationale Male. Got me thinking, if a woman wants to spin plates correctly, efficiently, minimizing self-conflict, hurting anyone feelings, is there a hierarchy of a reading… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago


Oh, I’m not. She’s using random things like that as a disqualification tactic.

I suppose now that I’ve had a bit of time to chew this over I should write about it. Chicks, man, the problem with the smarter ones is they have more IQ’s to expend on creating contradictions I need to disambiguate. Some degree of manipulation is like breathing to them, benevolent or malevolent.

Gotta switch computers now, but I’ll try and see if I can get it up in a bit.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I suppose now that I’ve had a bit of time to chew this over I should write about it. Chicks, man, the problem with the smarter ones is they have more IQ’s to expend on creating contradictions I need to disambiguate. Some degree of manipulation is like breathing to them, benevolent or malevolent. Smart girls like to feel smart. Their shit tests have a wider range, from the usual mundane stuff to trying to prove that they are smarter than any man. It can be funny to watch, in the right mindset, because a 30-something woman trying to prove how… Read more »

7 years ago


Sounds like you had a crazy weekend. I’ll be interested to see what the guys here have to give you for feedback.

Are you good at fighting? The comment you made to jukebox bf definitely seemed to be escalating towards violence.

7 years ago
7 years ago

Pellaeon; “@EhIntellect Sounds like you had a crazy weekend. I’ll be interested to see what the guys here have to give you for feedback.” I wasn’t going to comment because I thought that EhIntellect did a fantastic job of operating. I validate his choices. Even though he came close to fighting, this is what the primal nature of men is and men have to remind themselves of their primal natures every once in a while. In other words I endorse the actions of a man that could fight, but doesn’t. Flirting with his primal nature with tactical virtues. I think… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

Thank you for the help. “Are you good at fighting? The comment you made to jukebox bf definitely seemed to be escalating towards violence.” He was drunk, short, fat, slovenly. I was sober, lean, have along reach, an O.K. osotogari, cross hand choke, rear naked choke and most importantly a 5:00 one-mile time. Heh. I knew it wasn’t going anywheres; he was all blowhard. Honestly, sending his chick over was the beta-est of beta tells. I’m aware of my slim-jim deficits. I was suit-and-tie and just spent $25 on music for everyone. The whole bar knew it. This fuck was… Read more »

7 years ago

A little more: She let it slip she purposely ignores me because any attention might be considered validation. She wants to jump me, talk to me, be happy around me, but stops herself. My ego is too big. She weeps a couple of times a week, pleading to me she doesn’t understand any of this, help her understand, and all she wants is her husband back.”You used to talk so much about us and our relationship. I understood you.” I sit a lot, quiet. Not surly, just quiet. I don’t avoid her either. Polite. I’m engaged with the kids though.… Read more »

7 years ago

“I’m aware of my slim-jim deficits. I was suit-and-tie and just spent $25 on music for everyone.” How many songs was that? I’m guessing upwards of 25 or so? Isn’t it kind of a courtesy to put fewer at a time and let others play songs they want to hear? If I saw a guy putting a list of 25+ songs into the jukebox I’d probably ask is he wouldn’t mind playing a certain song in there. Since it would take about two hours to get to the end of that list and I’d be out of there before that.… Read more »

7 years ago

“I would caution that you do have time to spare–what is the rush?”

Full disclosure: Grandfather died @ 39, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Father died @ 52 Glioblastoma. If it were ASHD, CVA…it’d not be so pressing. Them’s treatments have advanced manifold in survival. GBM is universally fatal in one year.

Yep, this is partially motivated by not missing out, for me, for the kids, for the wife. I have an expiration date too.

7 years ago

“If I saw a guy putting a list of 25+ songs into the jukebox I’d probably ask is he wouldn’t mind playing a certain song in there. ”

Good question.

Nah, it was 40 minutes of bro-country/southern rock that every one was listening/singing to. It sat silent for 20 minutes after I arrived and was a new-fangled digital jukebox. $25 bucks gave me about 12 songs. It’s just money.

7 years ago

“Nah, it was 40 minutes of bro-country/southern rock that every one was listening/singing to. It sat silent for 20 minutes after I arrived and was a new-fangled digital jukebox. $25 bucks gave me about 12 songs. It’s just money.”

Ah, that provides situation context, thanks. Doesn’t sound an over reaction now.
That’s one of the difficult things about reading.
Hard to convey (or understand) full context, and human communication is so tricky…and mostly non-verbal.
I’ve seen virtually the same behaviors/conversations lead to entirely different outcomes depending on very subtle contextual differences.

7 years ago

Pop culture example that comes to mind: Mathis, from Man Men. After the “joke” flopped. Same joke, different outcomes.

7 years ago

Smart chicks shit test for the same reason dumb chicks shit test

Your frame is suspect or down right weak

7 years ago

Com sign SJF’s praise

Your getting on top of this shit Eh

7 years ago

He was drunk, short, fat, slovenly. I was sober, lean, have along reach, an O.K. osotogari, cross hand choke, rear naked choke and most importantly a 5:00 one-mile time. Heh. I knew it wasn’t going anywheres; he was all blowhard. Honestly, sending his chick over was the beta-est of beta tells.

Ahh that makes sense. When you said he “left with his posse” my mind pictured a fit leather jacket bound “bro” and three other dudes with him.

7 years ago

Whoops, meant to direct that last comment at EhIntellect

7 years ago

There is nothing masculine about that masculine style dude.

7 years ago

@Ton @Eh

Smart chicks shit test for the same reason dumb chicks shit test
Your frame is suspect or down right weak

Depends…have you fucked her before? If yes, then Ton is correct…if not, then she is trying to find a reason to not fuck you…therefore, she is thinking about fucking you…so she wants you to pass this test so that she can fuck you…pass the test, then give her some comfort and reduce the sexuality and run FAG (Fuckup Avoidance Game).

7 years ago


I tell him to go for the light peck under the ear

Is this some new thing? Girls have done this to me twice.

7 years ago

@Eh My chill irks her and she says we’re drifting apart. Hamsterlation: she’s confused and doesn’t understand why she can no longer control you and she feels threatened She parses my words and claims I’m inauthentic. She’s not sure if you’re a fraud…more shit tests coming She demands we parent as equals. She wants you to return the remote to her. We don’t have different but the same abilities. An arm wrestling match should dispel this nonsense. “Honey, any time you want to take the gun to go check out a noise at 2 a.m. to protect me, I’ll acknowledge… Read more »

7 years ago

@ theasdgamer

“Is this some new thing? Girls have done this to me twice.”

Maybe. I thought this to be the most sexual thing he’d be down for, and she’d be happy with in that sterilized venue. Wasn’t ready to recommend a fingerbanging (yet).

I needed her to STFU last night, so essentially told her that….and she did. No spin up.


Thank you much. She’s sexing me daily, then apologizing, lamenting her insecurities and failures as a wife. It’s the cycle right now. Got it. Tincture of time and stay the course.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

–FR– So a FR of sorts. As I mentioned a while ago I how came up with a story on the spot about how I had this marathon fuck session with this chick, to the extent I had no idea what day it was, and then ditched the girl. Later I went back and she pranked me for ditching her the first time. Story is great and funny, but obviously not going in details here since its pretty specific. Point is everyone has believed my story. Got some sefies from the interwebs that I said were from her. Big deal… Read more »

7 years ago

She is trying to find a reason not to fuck you = weak frame

7 years ago

“I need your help with understanding this guy I met.”” Your lending an ear to this moves you to the FZ… avoid being played as an emotional tampon. Flip the script and keep teasing her. “some of the black bars/clubs around here that I’m a little leery to go to by myself, as I’d be the only white person there.” This goes back to Day One – Chapter One “Doing the Work”… you’ve been using a buffer that you only like black girls and the trouble is you can’t find any. They are there, which is why you saw them… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Hank I’m not trying to pile on to what Sentient advised you on, but guys like us are watching your adventure and wanting you to succeed. Hell, we’re just voyeurs on the internet in a gang of red pill guys and want the best for guys in our gang. There in lies a problem. You don’t’ want to be collegial. You live in a reclusive town. You are white and restrict your desires to only black girls. You go for a job interview and happen to get in a car accident. If I were to meet with you in… Read more »

7 years ago

@EhIntellect Once again, your intellect is unassailable. It can be swimming against the tide or paddling the kayak upstream to do what you are doing. But the red pill script is right. What you describe is in line with the script. It is tough to keep to that script. But I can tell you from an anecdote of one that things will turn out good for you. Mrs. Eh, just needs more time for extinction of her previous feminine social primacy benefits. I don’t do Church, but I think the Church is both her ally and your Achilles heel. And… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

YaReally Scray Sentient HABD Wala Forge Hank et al (is it even worth tagging individual posters when these posts are all in the FR thread?) Okay guys been meaning to write up a couple of FRs from the holiday season but just got round to it. I was back in my hometown staying with parents, seeing a lot of family and other friends etc. Not much happens but some interesting insights nevertheless. 1. Some family event. A close friend of my (female) cousin is there. She’s cute for her age (about 40), divorced single mom with own business, and just… Read more »

7 years ago

“Who’d you meet on the trip? What guy…or guys…”

When I do something like that I refer to her being a lesbian. Try that next time. It’s more funny etc and less calling her a slut

Chicks ditch guys when they leave for basic or deployments.
Or they don’t ditch the guy and they fuck other dudes.

It’s what they do

7 years ago

“He might get a promotion at work, a shift up in status and pay. He might lose weight or find some form of competition he might possibly do well in. He might change his beliefs or accede to better identifying with his wife, or do more chores around the home, help with the kids, arrange more ‘date nights’.” This AM: BP high-tier colleague relates January is a difficult month for him. Christmas cheer gone, spring too far away. I sit silently listening, no head nods, just listening. He eyes start to well with tears. Background: He married late, always talked… Read more »

7 years ago

@ theasdgamer “I’m one page ahead of you in the book…I’ve been trying to avoid Mrs. Gamer’s shit storms and tried to keep trivial stuff private to avoid the storms.” Turned a page yesterday. Talked to my son publicly re: dating. Son’s dreaded a girl and a over a week later, she’s soliciting him now. Privately he’s clear of his options and her future burden of performance. Doesn’t really like her per se. He told me he’s going to move the ball as far as he can this next date. He was cool with me or him getting condoms and… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@hank good FR… but maybe not in the way that you think it was…lol… (you have some GREAT learning opportunities…lol) why exactly are you learning game again?…lol… is there some reason you didn’t want to bang that 18 yo girl?… bc all ((I)) saw was Pussy on a Platter(tm) …lol.. at least until you went all beta orbiter on her ass…lol –FR– So a FR of sorts. As I mentioned a while ago I how came up with a story on the spot about how I had this marathon fuck session with this chick, to the extent I had no… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Culum Have NEVER had a sexual vibe or IOIs from her. Pure friendship only (even when she was completely single before the latest guy). But she’s friendly and engaging. did you ever… you know… START the process?…lol… Anyway, we chat 1-on-1 for like 5-10 minutes, and it’s unusual for us to have a 1-on-1 chat for more than two minutes because my cousin is usually around (except this time she was in the kitchen), and at one point I teased her saying she was slurring her words and would have to repeat herself (she was) and made solid EC. Almost… Read more »

7 years ago

Re: sexual vibe.

At karaoke with the wife next to me the sexual vibe IOI’s were powerful….the young girls would see me hanging out, calm, one foot on the wall, wife next to me, and stare…I could feel it, until I looked, locked. I’d nod slightly, almost imperceptibly..then she’d nod back.

Subtle yet powerful.

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@SJF EhIntellect (Her threatening divorce because of her failure to manipulate you her lack of agency in dominating your is kind of laughable) not if it’s part of that guard dog cycle spin-up… and it’s what page from her rolodex her hindbrain has picked to try to break his frame with… AND he doesn’t handle that shit test properly… (and better than getting knifed in the kitchen…lol) but so far he seems to be doing much better… “being nice to her” is not actually purple pill.” this is true… you can be nice to girls (even wives…lol) you just have… Read more »

7 years ago

Culum I mean, I get it on one level – textbook attraction – laser+drunk inhibitions lowered+slurring neg = attraction. Do you get it? YOU Culum X. Struan are a sexy beast… when you pay attention. when you don’t you are still a sexy beast… who’s not paying attention. It ain’t magic… It is time for you to embrace this fact and throw open the door to this frame 24/7 “I Culum am entitled to every pussy… Every pussy wants Culum…” and then just do you. also realize the exact same dynamic is at play in EVERY bar encounter you have… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@habd @ton okay so to clarify on the 18 year old, she is a coworker who I am not interested in. so that’s why I wasn’t pushing to bang her. [why would you think they wouldn’t?… serious question… bc you don’t have ‘virgin’ tattooed on your forehead until you’re not…lol… (i’m assuming…lol)…] nah, it was just that everyone believing my story and earnesly giving me advice shows that my subcomms are good enough that I seem like someone who could pull a 7 and bang her in a few hours. I don’t come across like steve carrol in 40… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@hank She wasn’t a hottie lol. And she was a coworker, didn’t like her anyway, so that’s why I wasn’t going for p in v in this instance. ok, that’s a couple important data points…lol… Mostly its a good reference. Its a mesure of where I am at right now. Shows I’m moving more towards being sex worthy. get your head straight on this… you are ALREADY sex worthy… for the hottest hotty you can find… not kidding… you don’t need ‘more’… that ‘i’m not there yet’ feeling/idea is the FI pushing on you… bc you haven’t ‘earned it’ yet…… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@hank – good FR, but I suggest you read and re-read HABD’s comments on it. I know you’ve already responded to him, but I really think he nails a lot of the disconnect you have with the kind of advice you are getting from Sentient et al. It’s not that you’re not progressing or taking action but perhaps you need to change your mental focus a bit. @HABD & @Sentient – All right, point taken – thanks guys. It absolutely didn’t even occur to me that my cousin could have actively been angling to set me up or facilitate me,… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago


forgot to add this…

haven’t vetted the links, but was from a google search on ‘dicarlo escalation ladder’…

good luck!

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Culum Sentient @HABD & @Sentient – All right, point taken – thanks guys. It absolutely didn’t even occur to me that my cousin could have actively been angling to set me up or facilitate me, but it clearly was an obvious point to both of you. And I get Sentient’s point too. About the mindset shift. if’n you’re doin’ it RIGHT (got the ‘proper’ mindset), you’ll feel like a walkin’ hard-on…lol…(note the pejorative expectation in that thought… = FI pushing on you) bc you are pushing against the FI/social conditioning continuously… at least until the mindset gets ‘set’… and that… Read more »

7 years ago


and it wouldn’t hurt you to follow up with your cousin’s friend

You… you… bastard! How will he get out of this, I wonder? lol

Some other demonstrations… re touch

Note the confident manner…

7 years ago

More natural game

^^^ This stuff + touch and sexual intent, lead… that’s the ticket…

7 years ago


having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Sentient Culum

You… you… bastard! How will he get out of this, I wonder? lol

lol… i have no idea… but the FI is cunning and pervasive…lol

if he would just relax into it, he could be teaching the stuff in those videos… OR running bootcamps of his own… (i’m not kidding… Sherman…) (his past ‘easy’ success is proof of that…)

he just needs to get out of his own way…

and thanks for posting those videos for hank…

good luck!

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

lol so black dude I mentioned really likes me. he’s got some girls on the side. was showing me pics lol. He was like, why can’t your wife be like these chicks? you pay for their shit (the wife) and its like…5 min…and with the other girls you fuck all night, like you wanna tap out and they still going lol. so he and I are going to go to the black clubs in the future, in bigger cities. He got a nice new job, is sorting things out, then we are gonna go down for a weekend. Nice to… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@HABD & @Sentient Hahaha. All right, all right, I get the point. Full steam ahead. It’s interesting though, even when writing my Blitz plan, I subconsciously made it easier for myself and left some “outs”, which only became visible when HABD “fixed it”. I take your point about being able teach bootcamps etc – it was a surprise to read it but I know what you mean. I know that feeling I get when I’m doing one of those really quick pulls and I feel amazing like I’m totally in command and can do whatever I want. I just need… Read more »

7 years ago


having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Sentient Culum

Sentient: You… you… bastard! How will he get out of this, I wonder? lol

habd: lol… i have no idea… but the FI is cunning and pervasive…lol

Culum: Hahaha. All right, all right, I get the point. Full steam ahead. … I have just over ten days in Feb and then almost three weeks in March. So plenty of time to really Blitz it.

aaand there it is…lol…

he’s just going to ignore it…lol… in favor of ‘the BLITZ’…lol…

the FI truly is cunning and pervasive…

good luck!

7 years ago

I seem to recall The Blitz not serving the Luftwaffe too well… something about target acquisition…

7 years ago


C’mon Ton… get behind this…

Culum – imagine an elevator… in your hotel… you are on it, a girl joins… what happens?

7 years ago

@HABD tl;dr I experienced surprising hostility towards a woman whom I previously had had a crush on This was the 60 yo broad I danced with a lot and whom I ended up crushing on…then she had a fling with a young bodybuilder…the bodybuilder instigated the broad’s slutty flirting while she danced with me…I rejected her last 6 requests to dance during this time period…I confronted her about the slutty flirting and she refused to apologize…the crush is apparently over and I can’t stand to be around her…the intensity of my antipathy towards her far outweighs her offense and it… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Here’s how some girlies thinks other girlies should spin their own plates: Best part is the bullet points. They look familiar somehow… * Never got to the same place with different guys * Don’t arrange to go on two dates on the same day. The last thing you want is to call your date the name of the other man or getting confused about conversations you already had with the other one. * Don’t connect with them on social media. It’s a small world and you never know who is connected to whom and you certainly don’t want any… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader
Look at the fantastic contradictory advice:

Don’t arrange to go on two dates on the same day. The last thing you want is to call your date the name of the other man or getting confused about conversations you already had with the other one.

Keep your first dates very short – a maximum two hour drink date. This way you can ‘stack’ date, with different men on the same evening.

Suppose standard game would still work in these situations, although you could tease her a bit on her “successes”.

7 years ago

Lol @ Tinder woman expecting to get free stuff…a mid-30s woman friend offered to take me out for drinks…she’s bangable and will pay for all drinks…and I actually am fond of her. If I want to, I’m sure she’s DTF.

Don’t do Tinder…do social circle or bars/clubs.

7 years ago

Call them all darling and you never have to learn their names 😉

7 years ago


Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

What, what’d I (not) do? Where’s the FI?? (I guess it’s like the Force – surrounding and interpenetrating all living things – luminous beings are we..) The 21 year old lives in another state and is nowhere near me to contact her..we met during the holidays when I was visiting my family.

I guess I could drop her an email or something and go from there..

7 years ago

What do you think of advice from this site? (note it’s for women)

7 years ago

@Sentient – Okay, I’ll bite. I’m in Alta, skiing, in a nice lodge and inn. I’ve stayed out too late, smoked too much weed and and when I walk into my little hotel late at night, I take the elevator even though the building is only 4 stories. I’m on 4. Elevator stops at 2. On walks a 19yo HB8, petite and in shorts, a fleece and some UGGs. She’s obviously a bit tipsy, as she swerves onto the elevator. I open, “I see you’ve already started the party”, step in, take her hand and give her a twirl as… Read more »

7 years ago


Great demo of just being in the moment and leading… Perfecto… Movement is momentum… Get that first step and the next one is easier.

Sooooo how did it end up. Did you get her to your room? Don’t leave us hanging.

(side note – veey similar dynamic to the stripper i wrote about. Take note gents… Girls in hotels, especially young ones away from family for the moment and bored… Are up for adventure more often than not)

7 years ago

@Sentient – Was about 10 years ago, she got a text from her Dad while we were smoking. They were at the place as a family with some friends. She had left her friends room. Parents were expecting her. She’s a bad girl, I made a call to shoo her off as I just don’t get involved in sticky situations. She was a bit drunk. Funny, it was a total natural move. I was chill and happy, she was smiling I just dove right in. Always the same with great opens, you go in deep right away, sets the frame… Read more »

7 years ago

Scribbs Culum

Spot the window… And ACT… Jump through the window. Because there is not going to be the same moment again… Ever.

7 years ago

@Scribbler “In the meantime, I’m successfully wrangling the HB9. Need to find another project, I know, no bites yet. And yeah, it feels less urgent cuz she’s coming up for this weekend to “hole up and fuck”, lol. Really, that’s her preferred way to spend her birthday weekend, holing up and fucking me. I’m doing something right…” This is not prescriptive advice, it is just objective abstract masculine advice for proto-relationship game. It is not an admonition. It is just a friendly reminder. It is also with the caveat that we/I am also affirming (giving you affirmation) that you are… Read more »

7 years ago

@SJF – Great input. Already on it. She’s a bit of a difficult person to get to open up about things, as I’m learning. She’s a bit shy. So I gave her a few different thoughts, told her to tell me her preference and then that’s it, leave it to me. No, it won’t be talking nonstop and yes we will get out of the house a little bit. I’m also getting how to script out the roller coaster ride and adventure and will do. In fact, the issue for me is actually becoming a bit softer and knowing when… Read more »

7 years ago

Sounds great. Good luck and have fun.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

That’s a great video. Insane persistence to go through the cockblock like that, but also need fantastic calibration to thread the needle with the cockblock and just how much he could push – at one point he literally wasn’t letting the cockblock shut the door to her car so that she could go..

7 years ago

Culum Yea but watch the first five seconds… Like a hundred times. He sees her eyes for a micro second… Then boom hand out… She comes in and stand square to him in a submissive posture… She is waiting. He leads turns her around… More compliance from her so he moves his arm around her… All with solid eye contact. You should be able to spot the micro ioi now… You just need to believe that you can act right then this quickly… Certainly grabbing a hand and pulling even 8 inches towards you is a good start… Just need… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

I missed the eyes at the start – it’s so dark – but I saw most of the rest. Yeah I’ll watch it on repeat.

7 years ago


One more. Alex breaking a lot of “rules”… Drinking, buys a drink… But ultimately stays in his frame fucking around…

Also take note of the time and place…

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@asdgamer @HABD tl;dr I experienced surprising hostility towards a woman whom I previously had had a crush on This was the 60 yo broad I danced with a lot and whom I ended up crushing on…then she had a fling with a young bodybuilder…the bodybuilder instigated the broad’s slutty flirting while she danced with me…I rejected her last 6 requests to dance during this time period…I confronted her about the slutty flirting and she refused to apologize…the crush is apparently over and I can’t stand to be around her…the intensity of my antipathy towards her far outweighs her offense and… Read more »

7 years ago

Culum: “What, what’d I (not) do? Abstract thought: What is going on here is the Sentient and HABD are exhorting your to take a leap of faith. Most human endeavor is a leap of faith and Game is no exception. When you are out Gaming, because of infinite variables, you can’t actually know the exact correct steps in advance. but you can have faith that your instincts know them. So your fear of advancing should not take precedence. HABD and Sentient keep telling this: That You Got This. It is obvious to us objective readers of your comments. When you… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@SJF Culum Sentient What is going on here is the Sentient and HABD are exhorting your to take a leap of faith. this is true enough for what it is…lol… but it’s not some leap of faith in game… Culum knows that game works as expected… he has had enough success with it that that is not the issue… it’s a leap of faith for Culum to let go of that BP rock of ‘that’s not who i am’…(which is the FI pushing on him) and let the river carry him to ‘better with girls’… but that destination is not… Read more »

7 years ago

Recently accompanied son to local mall. He wanted to practice openings and pickup. My job: hang back, cheer him on, talk tactics afterwards. I let him go on his own, flail. Openings were easy enough but he’d fumble with some easy shit tests. By the second hour he was having more fun although flamed out, no phone numbers. Was opening girls in front of mom, grandmothers even. Hah. Balls. 24 girls/12 openings in about 1.5 hours. Funniest conversations: Her: Sorry, I have a boyfriend. (Lots of this) Him: Good job, I have four in my weekday staff. Looking for one… Read more »

7 years ago


You parse excellently. Good job.


You are devilishly Impudent in your tutoring of your sons.That shit is gonna leave a good mark.

7 years ago

Two little items: A 20’s med tech has been toying with me for months, The quick peek, sometimes staring, then a snarky comment. I’ve ignored her for about two weeks straight now and lately felt her aggression. Early this week, “EhIntellect, your hair looks good.” Jeez. Fine. Yesterday: Staff all around. Picking up, I swat her lightly with a pillow which gets her dander up. Now she’s back 8′ from me I do a “Think fast.” and toss the pillow into her arms. She tenses, rears the pillow over her head and charges me, looking to pop me. Two feet… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

HABD, Sentient, SJF – thank you.

Have re-read those last few posts several times. Lots to think about and internalize.

Will only say: I can feel myself getting better. Just..the mindset is better. It’s small, but it’s moving.

And I promise I’m jumping off the last rock to get to the bank.

7 years ago
hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

Feeling very…determined right now Just a dump of stuff here recently. Mostly to collect my thoughts and prepare for next time, been very helpful to write these down, so no one really needs to comment on these. Scroll button is there for you all. Anyway, my health just went much worse, and I had a very bad injury, but good news is that I am making progress on getting help with my health issues. I also feel very good because to me this is all like a last ditch effort, like when you get to the end of a movie… Read more »

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