Field Reports


For the past three years of The Rational Male there’s been a consistent presence in the comment threads of guys seeking advice for particular situations with regards to Game. Whether it’s fine tuning certain aspects of Game or a larger consensus of the guys participating in my comment threads it’s become obvious there’s a need for a dedicated page and comment thread to address these Field Reports.

So I’m instituting this page for exactly this. If there is some urgency to have members of The Rational Male community analyze your particular situation feel free to hit anyone up in the comments of my current post, but please refer them to your particular field report with a link to your comment here. I’m hoping this will alleviate the mass of posts for field report analysis and Game specific insights piled into the main blog post for any given week.

There will be some rules for this “forum” as such. I ask that you only keep your comments to addressing the field reports at hand and save your larger theoretical stuff for the main posts, or if relevant, keep the “bigger scope of things” posts to being as succinct as possible. There will be no moderation in this comment thread (spamming excepted), so realize it will be a very hot kitchen before you post. I will impose no restrictions on video links here, nor will I limit links to various, but pertinent articles.

Understand, this is an experiment for now. It’s likely this comment thread will exceed thousands of comments. I’ll be instituting new comment plug-ins for wordpress to deal with this in the future, but I may archive this page the the posts and refresh this page in the future as well. If this gets cumbersome I may simply institute a dedicated forum-style sub-site of The Rational Male to accommodate for Game specific questions.

So have at it, post your field reports and feel free to comment on the ones you have some particular insight for. Be forewarned that it’s likely things may get a bit salty at times and I expect a lot of back & forth with debate and disagreements, but that’s what this thread is for – to hash out Game particulars for your given situations.


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11 months ago

There’s a lot more to this and I should poast it all. Firstly – I’ve lost the bulk of all my nett assets Nett / Nett. The court case was 5 days in trial with cross examination, and that I went from high to low at points when you think you’re winning to losing. Final day was a 2 hour conference call when the judge hands down “reasons” and by half hour in I know I’m going under the bus. So it’s a 2 hour slow motion train crash. I’m going under the bus, but I don’t know how far… Read more »

JR terrier
JR terrier
11 months ago

Gentlemen, I am new here, so forgive me if I am covering ground already covered elsewhere. Or forward me to the relevant thread. Some background. I am still an AFC. I’m trying to chart a new path. I married at 24 as a sexually deperate young soldier with orders for Iraq and essentially a virgin to a Filipina with family in the USA on a fiancee visa. She was 28 In the “honeymoon” phase, my military optempo was such that over the course of 2002-2005 we actually only shared a bed about 100 times, during which I fathered two children.… Read more »

11 months ago

@JR terrier

Firstly welcome.

You’ve picked up a lot of the “lingo”, so what have you been reading?

Also where do you want this journey to go?

What are your objectives?

JR terrier
JR terrier
11 months ago

I just finished reading “the rational male” and am about halfway through “the game”

I am looking for advice on how to divorce my wife in as gentle a way possible. Call it the last vestiges of my white knight syndrome. I don’t hate her. There is no malice in my desire to leave. I just want out.

Once that is done, I’d like to learn how to spin plates.

11 months ago

I am looking for advice on how to divorce my wife in as gentle a way possible.

I tried that thinking it would help maintain my relationship with my son.

It didn’t work.

Basically you can’t do it. The minute you check out she’ll turn on you for the money, and she’ll use everything and everyone at her disposal to extract the maximum possible from you.

Did you say your children are 18 now? What are the laws like where you are?

Can you get a clean break?

What’s your relationship like with them?

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

My children support me. As i mentioned, they are both more socially skilled than me and have recognized the toxic dynamic for years. As does my parents, and her aunt Our state has “no fault divorce.” Basically, 50/50 split, circumstances don’t matter. Prenups don’t really work in this state either. You can ask Bill Gates about that. I’m okay with giving her 60% just to avoid a lengthy asset division battle. We have two houses of appx equal value. If i get one and She gete the other its pretty close to 50/50. .She can have all the cars the… Read more »

11 months ago

Well, ok, move to the other house with your kids and lawyerup and get it done.

Some of these ioi women are in the 18-26 category of peak SMV. But although I can recognize the interest, even if I didn’t think it dangerous for business, my game is weak.

Ok – so you’re in good shape at 45 and you’re getting IOI’s from these women. Well you will. Have you seen the state of younger “men”? Lol….

I don’t doubt you are getting IOI’s but are you recognising these in real time? What IOI’s are you seeing?

JR terrier
JR terrier
11 months ago

It’s not so much the mechanics of divorce I need advice on, but how do I tell her? A script would be nice.

An experienced game master script. How to tell her in such a way that she feels empowered rather than rejected?

11 months ago

I can’t maintain interest past more than 1 hour of interaction most of the time, and my advances usually either come off as creepy or beta friendzone.

You’re probably talking too much and not asking enough open questions.

And an hour of interaction is a long time to fill. You can get a woman to the mattress in that time from a zero start if you know what you’re doing.

Do you have any more detail of any interactions you’ve had?

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

During conversation a lot of these women can’t stop playing with their hair when we are talking.

I passed a woman on the street the other day, and I turned to look at her ass only to catch her rubber necking at mine.

I was admiring the design work on a woman’s business card and said it looked very elegant and refined and she raised her eyebrows and said “just like me, right” fishing for a compliment.

Just a few recent examples.

11 months ago

An experienced game master script. Unfortunately there isn’t one. How to tell her in such a way that she feels empowered rather than rejected? I’ll say it before someone else does “can you feel that hand of the FI on your shoulder?* She won’t feel empowered, she is being rejected, and she’ll go for you and want money, and to destroy you. You’re leaving her without a woman to go to which is unheard of. The only person that I know who did that is me, and I wrote a book about my mistakes in how I handled it and… Read more »

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

The kids are fully grown adults. There is no custody anymore.

There are spare rooms at both houses. They both have cars in their own names. She cannot control them. That is the independence I’ve been fighting for them the last 20 years for. They are both grateful to me for that.

11 months ago

Yeah well you’re obv. In good shape and it’s quite dangerous territory at 45. Which by the way is exactly the age I checked out. All these women are desperate to get a man tied down and if you don’t watch it you’ll be in exacting the same position with another woman but 60% down on your assets. During conversation a lot of these women can’t stop playing with their hair when we are talking. Yep.. I passed a woman on the street the other day, and I turned to look at her ass only to catch her rubber necking… Read more »

JR terrier
JR terrier
11 months ago

I wasn’t even trying to compliment her. I really was in full business mode and admiring the design work on the business card. It was quite good. I responded with “well, I would like to know who designed it for you, I need a redesign of my own business card soon” not because I was trying to neg her. I was just in professional business networking mode, and not really thinking about anything else. She didnt have time to respond. Her name got called for a raffle prize immediately after that and then she got into a conversation with a… Read more »

11 months ago

Yeah well you were in full blown business mode, but she wasn’t in the same business you think she was in. They are constantly in full blown “acquire the best man” mode. That’s their real business. “Just like me right?” There’s nothing business about that, but it’s an old school flirt, and also a shit test to see how supplicant you are. She said it because she’s interested and it’s up to you to handle it. I’m a bit rusty but: Her “just like me right” You “the jury’s out in that, put your number in here and if you’re… Read more »

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

I have her number. It’s on her business card.

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

But I didn’t call her because I am really not actively looking right now. The karaoke woman was kind of a fluke. I didn’t have to work or think about that one at all. She was a cougar on the prowl.

11 months ago

Hopefully others will chime in soon, but I have to go to work now.

The above was nothing to do with having her number.

Hundreds of guys have her number, and she won’t bang any of them.

11 months ago

Palma Sounds like you passed her tests. Fwiw I think her comments around the med stuff were her trying to help you not tests. = attraction simply cannot be about the munny. It’s about the resource here and now. Is it available right now / regardless of what it cost / what are the consequences of extracting it. Hehe. Yep. Here and now. I tell my wife No to spending $3k on some bs and for the next week she is off hand complaining about “money trouble”… the solipsism runs soooo deep. As to the “episode”, get used to it.… Read more »

11 months ago

J Terrier

Welcome. Lots to unpack. Will have more for you.

@IAS went throught this, sans kids. His whole story is here in field reports, I think it starts on page 3 or so…

11 months ago

@JR Terrier – welcome. Stick around for a while and you’ll really be a new man and won’t recognize yourself in a year or two. It sounds like you have a lot of the fundamentals handled already – just need to close out your marriage and get some practical experience with women. I’m about your age, and have had some similar experiences (with lots of IOIs from women as I get older etc) but my kids are younger and my marriage is solid, although I play around with other women for fun occasionally because I like the Game and process.… Read more »

11 months ago

JR Terrier All these women are desperate to get a man tied down and if you don’t watch it you’ll be in exacting the same position with another woman but 60% down on your assets. ^^ This. A few comments – first – why even divorce at this point. You have your own place, a distance away. You can do what you want and she can take it or leave it. Odds are she takes it if you don’t make a big thing about it and keep discrete. And you save 50% of your assets and avoid paying her support… Read more »

11 months ago


Oh yeah

The y KEY to your interactions with women now is to sexualize early. You want to make it clear you are a sexual threat, you are not there to be her friend, or to be locked down. This will save you a lot of time and worry. You’re the guy she texts after her Bumble date drops her off.

11 months ago


the IAS journey begins around here –

11 months ago

@JR Terrier Just to add to what Sentient said – ironically, I found everything became easier when I stopped lying to women saying I was single/divorced and just told them I’m married. Although there it exceptions, in most cases it strips out the “resource hunters” looking just for provisioning and if they still want to be with you, they know it’s just sex and nothing more. The younger girls don’t care anyway (if anything they prefer it because it means you don’t catch feelings etc). So try telling the women you’re happily married – you’d be surprised how useful it… Read more »

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago
Reply to  OldTimePoster

I’m not familiar with two acronyms that you guys have used. SDL and FI. Can you translate for me? Some interesting tips, guys. I will see how it goes at my next opportunity. Spending today with my wife. Gave her an ultimatum. I live my life on my terms and she can stay along for the ride. No more interrogations, no more going through my computer phone or bank statements, no more mandatory checkins, no more spending hours complaining about how I spend my time. Be happy when i do come home, and don’t make demands. I don’t do any… Read more »

11 months ago

I couldn’t turn my marriage around to a situation I wanted to so eventually I took the initiative and divorced. The details are in here for whoever has the patience to read it. I’m definitely happier “single”. I have one main girl for 4 years now (I refer to her here as N=3 – she is the third girl I ever banged). She knows I’m not exclusive and accepts it, sometimes she struggles with it and suffers a bit, which is unfortunate. I like her a lot and don’t want her to suffer, but I’m not going to hide it… Read more »

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago
Reply to  IAS

Here’s a question. So there is this woman I’ve been talking to in a mostly intellectual way for months. One of the first people I met when I moved to this new town. She is a few weeks younger than me. I rate her a 6.5. 5 looks, 8 conversation. Avg =6.5. She has flat out overtly admitted she finds me attractive. I have flat out told her I’m married and that she doesn’t fit my physical type. About 2 months ago, I told her that if I wasn’t married, I could have a “fling” with her, but nothing serious.… Read more »

11 months ago

@JR Terrier – great work. It sounds like you’ve taken the biggest step already – that kind of drastic action is something many (most?) men spend ages agonizing over it and talking about it and never actually do it. But you took action and got the results you wanted. Keep up that bias towards action and you’ll do fine. You’ll pick up the Game jargon as we go along but: SDL = Same Day Lay – sleeping with a girl the same day you meet her – usually in the same interaction that you met her, moving it smoothly (or… Read more »

11 months ago

Field Report:

There is a woman pushing 70 sitting next to me in this coffee shop, scrolling through Bumble with a solemn expression, looking at a bunch of age appropriate men.

Not quite sure what to make of it except that the resource hunting Palma talks about goes deep..

11 months ago

Ok JRT – you did ask for advice so here’s some feedback Gave her an ultimatum. I live my life on my terms and she can stay along for the ride. No more interrogations, no more going through my computer phone or bank statements, no more mandatory checkins, no more spending hours complaining about how I spend my time. Be happy when i do come home, and don’t make demands. I don’t do any of those things to you, you don’t do them to me.Or, negotiate an equitable separation of assets in a reasonable fashion and we can have an… Read more »

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

I didn’t ask her permission. I told her it’s either accept the new me or get a divorce. I did offer her a choice. It wasn’t asking permission. However, you’re right. It remains to be seen how it will play out. I’m not really worried about anything. In the depths of my depression I considered just disappearing and starting over. At that time, I consulted with the man I left in charge of my original business office, And he told me that they need me for consulatation and the legacy clients so no matter what happens in my personal relationship,… Read more »

11 months ago

I’m not familiar with two acronyms that you guys have used. SDL and FI. Can you

Same Day Lay = banging them the day you meet them. Can be achieved on u see 10 minutes from the point of meet.

Female Imperative = the prioritisation of everything in favour of the female gender including your resources and even sub conscious mindset.

11 months ago

Now that I have begrudging acceptance of a lifestyle change from my wife

That ^^^ is the FI. You needed her permission to change your life.

You actually don’t need her to agree to anything. Buy you think you do. So do almost all men. And that is the FI.

11 months ago

@JR Terrier

You probably know this but just in case – you know the gym girl’s reaction (and especially the comment about “with flair I suppose”) is a huge IOI right?

That doesn’t mean you HAVE to do something about it – you were focussed on your workout and the girl will probably be around next time – but just to be aware and know your value as a man. o

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

I have an added advantage. In my state, there is no “taking your spouse for everything”. It’s a 50/50 split by law regardless of circumstances. It’s called “no fault divorce” Alimony isn’t a thing here. If we divorce, it’s 50/50 regardless. But I’m not going to fight over the little things. She wants the insignificant assets like the fancy kitchen china, and the Persian rug , firearms, and the misc vehicles, she can have them. I don’t care. Only the real estate, stocks, and bonds are on my list of assets worth ensuring an even split. Everything else is not… Read more »

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago


I do know it was a huge IOI. I responded with “exactly” and continued my workout and that was the end of it, but suppose I had wanted to pursue. It’s after the IOI that I usually flub things. Should I attempt a touch? Or more verbal sparring? Or what?

11 months ago
11 months ago


I read Mystery once, and then another three or four times over a 3 year period during which I studied game.

The object of the exercise is to be able to get a woman of your choice more or less on demand, and to be able to do it consistently.

11 months ago

St Mystery… Pilloried for fuzzy hats… Never gets credit for the amazing insight and framework Chapter 2 Social Status and Behavioral Circuitry Emotions are circuits in the brain that judge value and create motivation. They are designed to keep you alive and to replicate your genes. It is interesting to note that the various emotions don’t have to be in agreement with each other. You can be happy about something but simultaneously disappointed about it as well. You can enjoy someone’s company but also find them completely unattractive sexually. You can yearn for something but then be unhappy when you… Read more »

11 months ago


I was gonna mention this to @Mendo but it was a lost cause.

If someone is serious about understanding game, peacocking etc, they need to do the fuzzy hat thing. It’s an extreme, and it spikes extreme reactions. (Including fights with other men if you’re not careful)

You have to be careful about how and when, but on this night, it worked:

11 months ago

** and it would work every night.

11 months ago

Terrier After IOI’s… A3. Chapter 6 Once interest has been generated, the game is not over. If only it were that easy. In fact, it is not attraction that gets the girl. She must become invested in this interaction, and then comfort must be built. The attraction is useful — to bait her into investing. Other than that, attraction is but a vapor. She might be making out with you tonight but that doesn’t mean she’ll return your calls tomorrow. It could be said that attraction is only a tool. In A3 you will use her interest, combined with takeaways… Read more »

11 months ago


LOl, totally agree. I thought you were going to post the bloody shirt pic 🙂

Yeah – going into a dive bar with a lavender cashmere sweater or a blazer… well it’s not a fuzzy hat but it’ll do lol You WILL be the focus of attention and social pressure.

It makes so much sense… any dude who can stand up to that with charm and “rizz” as the kids are saying these days (the few who are still looking at The Game) is massivly DHV’ing.

11 months ago

Wish Vol 1 and 2 were up.

11 months ago


I’ve been giving this a lot of thought because I went out with my lad and his father (it was the night mentioned above) and there was an FR element to it which I’ll poast at the weekend but how many men, excluding naturals who don’t actually know what they’re doing, how many men know what they’re doing and can do it – globally?

So that’s not natural, or natural alpha who are predominantly blue pill.




I don’t think many.

11 months ago


For sure a very small number who can go back over an interaction, break it down, assess it correctly etc. Most deride even wanting to do so… LOLZ

Even if it was 500,000 globally… you are nowhere near 1%… 0.00012593702%

11 months ago

Lovedrop’s last segment at 41:49 is solid gold…

11 months ago

@JR Terrier Do you want to sleep with Gym Girl? If you do, then yes, you need to do something. Basically you need to continue the interaction, and yes, part of that is touching her (what we call “kino” in Game). Another big thing is eye contact, tone of voice and proximity to her. The basic process from Mystery Method is that you Open a girl (start talking to her – but of course this girl started talking to you), get her Attracted to you (already done), then Qualify her (make her justify herself to you), build Comfort/rapport, and then… Read more »

11 months ago

@sentient It’s astonishing how comprehensive the brainwashing has been really. I think in my grandfathers day there were about 10-20% of men who actually did understand women. Sayings were handed down – one I can think of is “never give them the full length”. That mean “never give them everything they want or you’ve got” Then back in the days of wage slips and cash pay packets the men on building sites would burn their payslip. When the younger men saw this it would prompt questions and the older men would explain why. Younger men would copy this and find… Read more »

11 months ago

Hahaha – we probably will, Palma! @JR Terrier – as you can see, we are all individuals and although we agree on and apply the same broad principles, they are always filtered by our individual personalities and applied in a personalized way, so the end result can look quite different depending on who is applying the principles. IMHO compliments fit within the MM system in two ways: It can be a form of direct opener. Yes, they are less consistent and lower percentage than indirect openers, but they work just fine (and speed the process up a lot) if there’s… Read more »

11 months ago

Huh, what’s with this narrative violation? Billionaire hedge fund dude Bill Ackman actually calling out the pharma companies and “everyone must vaccinate narrative”?? And predictably getting attacked by the media?

Is he shorting Pfizer shares or something?

(As per Elon’s new rules you need to be logged in to Twitter to see of course – but it’s basically a very good breakdown of how/why pharma cos are shoving mRNA vaccines at everyone and demanding they be mandated, especially since the government has given them immunity from lawsuits)

11 months ago

Palma OTP Re “compliments” – I think that is the wrong term. What you want to do – explained upthread in chapter 6 A3 – is give her a reciprocal IOI after she passes some test. and it should not be about her looks. “In A3 you will use her interest, combined with takeaways and screening [ed. Compliance hoops, qualifying], to bait the target into demonstrating value of her own. When she demonstrates value in an attempt to win you over, reward her with IOIs, then bait her again as the process repeats. In this way, her reward is tied… Read more »

11 months ago


Yeah. So issuing an IOI should not be confused with a compliment. This is dangerous territory especially for the recovering nice guy who has routinely complimented women and it’s got him precisely nowhere.

When women give us an IOI it’s never a direct compliment. As I’ve said I regard compliments from a women as beta bait / thirst tests that men fall flat on their face with.

We should do the same. Be a lot more subtle.

A reciprocal IOI is different to a compliment, and it’s a totally different mindset that’s required I think.

11 months ago

But Palma – a compliment – aka “saying something nice about a woman”, is an IOI. Sentient’s point is just that it must be earned (ie, given after she gives you an IOI, reciprocally). Again – Justin Bieber can give a compliment/IOI to a fan because he already has huge attraction from her and huge value – he’s validating her with his attention and compliment. We do the same thing (if slightly less extreme) when complimenting a woman or giving her an IOI. And women’s (direct) compliments are not always beta bait or thirst traps – it goes back to… Read more »

11 months ago

Women can be very direct when your value is sufficiently above theirs. I heard ” OMFG I want to rape you, seriously!” recently… I teased her about women being all show and no go, time wasters etc., she said let’s go right now to her place it’s on… I then had her write it on a cocktail napkin, she wrote “I WILL fuck you!!!”, which I later showed to the guy she had dinner with at the bar earlier in the evening (he paid of course) – who was now by himself… She was 50, said she hadn’t been laid… Read more »

11 months ago
11 months ago


When I was I my late 20’s and starting out in property I bought a condo here:

It was $100 & change..

Wish I’d kept it now. But the realtor at the time was available. Same as above.

Plus I was banging an “estate agent” here. Same thing. It’s exposure to HNW individuals they’re after.

Everything is for sale, it’s just the price… amirite?

11 months ago

Yeah that would’ve been a keeper.

Terrier – the keyboard to look at the prominent left hand forward pose… and the lack of listings…

11 months ago

LOL@Sentient. Leaving the poor woman so horny and frustrated. Getting her going..

What did her date say when you showed him?

11 months ago


He had given up, she was draped all over me for a while. He was at the end of the bar talking to some 20s drug girls. I went over and pulled a chair out, which was some girls, and sat down, when she said sometgig I said there’s room and sat her on my lap. I showed the guy the napkin and laughed, sic e she had left and not followed though. And we had a laugh. “Bitxhes man”…

11 months ago

Skipping past the spam

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

Okay guys. New development. About a year ago, I hired a part time college student to do some graphic design work for me. We had three meetings going over the project at a local coffee shop. She never delivered a final draft, or even a decent second draft for that matter, and our conversations deviated off the task into relationship territory a few times. I treated it back then as an opportunity to be a father figure/mentor. She is a couple years older than my oldest son and actually had a few classes with him in high school. She mentioned… Read more »

11 months ago

Oh boy…
Terrier getting oneitis already…

Listen man. Go do The Work ™. Get to learning the why behind the how. You are days I to this new paradigm. What you do now will pay dividends. Start fresh, ground up. No old leads.

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

@sentient Trying to avoid otitis, but not going to lie. I really think she is into me. She is the one that steered our conversations toward relationships last year. And she is hands down the hottest thing physically I’ve ever had an extended conversation with. And judging by her mom, she’ll still be hot by the time I’m ready to keel over. I can’t deny the temptation regardless of the potential fallout. To complicate matters, she is technically my step/God sister. And her current boss is also one of my classmates who is also my dad’s best friend’s daughter. Like… Read more »

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

I am seriously considering calling her and saying this. Hi “xxxx”, thank you for the love reaction to my litter cleanup. I haven’t heard from you for months. Are you feeling better? Blah blah… “That’s great. So, as you know, I’ve been opening my new office in xxxx the last few months and things are growing fast. Part of this experience has been an opportunity to reinvent how I interpret interpersonal communications. Instead of wondering if I’m wrong or not, I’ve decided to just interpret things in a way most to my liking, and if I’m wrong, so be it.”… Read more »

11 months ago

@JR Terrier Don’t do this. Or do it if you just want to get the experience, because it is unlikely to turn out well. Partly because of the messiness and connections in town but mainly because there’s nothing you’ve described that suggests she has any attraction for you. It sounds to me like she’s just being polite in her interactions (if that – since she didn’t even finish the work you assigned to her). If you really want her, you can make a serious attempt, but not like this – you need to get her attracted to you first. That’s… Read more »

11 months ago


Man that would be a bad mistake.

You haven’t even started to think about what you’re doing / read mystery.

I’ll reply properly at the weekend when I have time.

But don’t do what you propose.

Read Mystery and talk to girls that aren’t into you just for now.

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

Ok. Thank you for the advice. I won’t respond at all for now. I could go into more detail about our previous interactions. But after reading Strauss and Tomassi, I am looking back and realizing she was throwing lots of IOIs last year and I missed them. Right over my head. I also was less aware of just how toxic my relationship was with my wife at that time. It’s been an enlightening several months. I think the reason she never finished the project is that she only took on the job because it meant meeting with me one on… Read more »

11 months ago

@JR Terrier – it’s certainly possible she’s interested in you – we can’t get a sense of her interest level except based on what you write (one of the things reading up properly will teach you is how to write a Field Report and spot and mention relevant details etc) and it didn’t look to me like she was particularly interested. But it’s certainly possible that it is the way you say. PS – Don’t think in terms of physique or financial status – think in terms of social status and dominance which is what women mainly go for (physique… Read more »

11 months ago

JRT I’m objectively in the top 2% of men in terms of physique and financial status in this community. Yep. You’re a prime candidate for beta provider / bad and infrequent duty sex when she can’t avoid it any longer and getting emotionally rinsed again just like you’ve been with your wife. In the meantime the broke pool boy is fucking the wives of 50% of the community and they’re buying him gifts. You need to read Mystery, and then re read it. In the meantime tell us what you think was the basis of female attraction to a man… Read more »

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

@palmasailor Social status. Same as in all social mammals. I’ve only just recently come to learn how high my value is. So. Help me learn how to spin this girl. I’m not looking to make her my only. I want to make her one of my girls. I’ll tell you about the other 6 I regularly get ioi’s from. I do need to practice my game. But I’d rather have a small group of plates than a string of ONSs As for my wife, she is complying with my ultimatum so far and has become Hornier than she’s been since… Read more »

11 months ago


Social status

How did they get that ^^

In a cave remember…

11 months ago

I’m not trying to be a shit

Stick with the thought experiment. If you get it, it will be easier.

I’m not denying you’re getting IOI’s, I’m sure you are.

That’s not the point.

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago

Same as all social mammals. Whether bats in a cave, caribou on the tundra, elephants on the savanna, wolves in the forest, lions, gorillas, baboons, and of course, hominids. There are five basic forms of social status that females of all species of social mammal respond to. Resources (food, shelter, water), leadership (number of other group members following the individual) , flamboyance (charm/peacocking as mystery calls it), aggression, and physique(which includes pheremones). Now, I am strong on physique and Resources, above average on leadership, but weak on flamboyance and pretty much non existent on aggression. I’m working on flamboyance, and… Read more »

11 months ago

Well you’re nearly there, but you’re not making the final link in your brain which defines how you’re acting.

Paging HABD!!

11 months ago

JRT Slow your roll Hoss… You have bary started and you want to throw a live hand grenade into your social circle based on a scarcity mindset (she’s the only hot girl around my small town!!). You aren’t going to be able to openly cheat with your God daughter in front of your wife and family. None of the women are going to have that kind of social pressure on them. You aren’t even thinking about that. Forget this girl for now… do the work ™ go bang five other chick’s. Then we can revist an openly mentally ill step… Read more »

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago
Reply to  Sentient

Not my God daughter.

My dad’s third wife is her God-mother. That baptism was done years before they got married. So, dad’s third wife is my stepmother, but I was in my late thirties and she was in her teens when they my dad and her godmother got married.

You guys are reading too fast and missing my connotations. I said “step-god-sister” but it’s loose in the sense that we’ve never had a familial relationship. Just a step marriage baptism thing.

11 months ago

Social status. Same as in all social mammals. I’ve only just recently come to learn how high my value is. You’re still not recognising your correct value. So. Help me learn how to spin this girl. I’m not looking to make her my only. I want to make her one of my girls. I can tell you but until you understand you’re gonna drop one plate after another. Your Mpoo is wrong. You have a total mindset transformation to undertake. Start with reading Mystery Method. I’ll tell you about the other 6 I regularly get ioi’s from. Only 6 –… Read more »

11 months ago



OK really a distinction without a difference here. She is well known in your family and social circle and THAT is going to make veeeery hard for any of the women involved to stomach. Herd animals gonna herd animal and social shame. You get that right?

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago
Reply to  Sentient

Yes. I get it.

Moving on… sigh.

On my way to another chamber of commerce event.

I wonder if my shit testing real estate agent will be there…

Or perhaps the office manager for the landscaping company.

Or maybe some other HB I haven’t met yet.

11 months ago

That’s the spirit JRT.

Go open some girls… report back. The game is played in the field.

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago
Reply to  Sentient

Only one HB at the chamber meeting. Office manager for a landscaping company. Met her two months ago at another chamber event. Opening at that time… I was working the room. My first event with this chamber. I am a member of 6 chambers in several small communities in my service territory. Passing out cards and giving short descriptions of my service. Went to the table where she was. 6 people there. Gave business cards to everybody. Spoke to the whole table about my work. I didn’t engage her or anybody one on one at this time unless responding to… Read more »

11 months ago

@JR Terrier – this is really good. This is exactly the kind of thing you should be doing and that’s a really good Field Report you wrote. The woman is clearly attracted to you, so you need to make the next step happen. Basically you need a longer interaction alone (meaning like 20 min or so) and then get her out alone for a drink with you that’s not at the event. Ideally you’d do it the same night so she gets caught up in the rush of emotions. You can schedule drinks another night too, but it’s a lower… Read more »

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago
Reply to  OldTimePoster

Breaking it down. We’ll, I’ve bounced around the Attraction phase a bit. I didn’t do a clean 1 2 3. I’ve nagged her 3 times so far. I’ve drawn away multiple times as well. I think the little boxing bit was a brief foray into c2. That’s about as high as I’ve gotten. I could use pointers about missed opportunities. Or your assessment of my progress.

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
11 months ago
Reply to  OldTimePoster

A1 Opening is easy for me in any business setting. And even in more casual settings I often use business as a lead in. I also like events. Karaoke or trivia games make Opening easy for me. A2 demonstrates value isn’t too hard either. I can easily command attention intellectually and am a polymath on subject matters. I have financial freedom. I lead a business with multiple employees and I used to lead a platoon in combat. Networking and commanding the attention of multiple groups of business people at these events is my DHV A3 is harder. I don’t really… Read more »

11 months ago


Just realize the stages aren’t cliffs, stair steps. There is always going to be a lot of chaotic back and forth through them. You may need a little more A here or there a little more C and you head down the general path.

Think of driving down the road, gas (A) brake (C) clutch (rapport, or switching between the two).

Get the basics and understanding right upfront and it’s going to make a world of difference in execution.

having a bad day
having a bad day
11 months ago

@JTR you’re gettin’ good advice… just a couple of points from me… girls’ algos are always BB first… then, when her hindbrain pings AF (when she interacts with an AF stud in the real world) she literally can’t stop herself from getting to p in v… provided you (as AF…lol) keep passing her fitness testing/escalating and disregarding social conventions… it really can/does happen that fast… as per above^^, that means that every time you interact and you fail to escalate to the isolated secs location and get your genetic contribution into her babymaker (a couple of minutes behind that bush… Read more »

11 months ago


we’re more than willing to guide you… buuut, you can REALLY f^ck up your whole situ with a little bit of knowledge

Yep.. here:

JR Terrier
JR Terrier
10 months ago

Well, that didn’t take long. Chapter 4, section 8. page 103-106 The 5 stages of unplugging. I skipped stage 1. Lingered on stage 2 during the reading phase. Skipped 3&4 altogether. You all have seen my stage 5. I shared some of it with you. Not every field experience. Just the ones I felt like sharing and was aware enough to recount in detail. To HABD, yes, I have had two SNLs in the last 3 weeks. And I hated it. I hated the fact that manipulating women to bed actually works. Hate that the qualities that aren’t just part… Read more »

10 months ago

Whoahhhh… ouch..

10 months ago


I so hope this is real… 🍿

10 months ago

I hope your lawyer tells you that you can be asexual and still be married and retain half your shit, plus the support.


10 months ago

@JR Terrier – sorry to see you go. Hope you will come back in the next stage of your development. As I often tell my son – “You may not understand now, but you will understand later and thank me for telling you now” (not just about Game). One thought I will leave you with – “manipulation” implies some kind of deceit/lack of authenticity and getting the woman to do something against her best interests or getting her to do something against her will. You think you’re somehow tricking women into bed against their will. But you only think that… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
10 months ago

@JTR Well, that didn’t take long. your reaction is not uncommon…lol… what part of the RP being bitter did you not believe?… first, the FI is still filling your cup… you need to empty that sh^t out… but doing that is a tough leap of faith… it was even tough for me… and i’m on the spectrum with all or nothing thinking built into my processing…lol you’ve followed the white rabbit…lol… and now it remains to be seen whether or not you have actually taken the RP… if you have, the only way out is through… Chapter 4, section… Read more »

10 months ago

FRs Work trip to the UK. Part 1, drawing on the train. I arrive in the airport and take a train to my work destination. I’m with a work colleague. The train is somewhat full and I’m eyeing a free seat next to a hottie, the closest one to the door I entered at. She shifts in her seat a bit and I realize she is just wearing a blouse with no bra. Where I’m at she moves a bit more and I see her nipple. A bit after this I’m still looking at her boobs and she looks at… Read more »

10 months ago

Part 2 – during the week in the U.K. I game a bit the work colleagues I like more and number close one of them. I also do some sports with some people, including a previous Target that I never got to make enough progress with some years ago (she is probably mentioned in some of my older FRs). The previous Target is under-30 but very religious and now she is married. She was already very religious before that and I was kind of ok with it back then but my mindset wasn’t yet ready as I was still married…… Read more »

10 months ago

Part 3 I head out to meet Palma and he picks me up from the train station. Palma is wearing his amazing technicolour boots. They are just amazing. I promised him I’d post them on the FR so here it goes: We go grab some food. He is a regular there and we get good service and social proof. We don’t take it anywhere as there aren’t any targets there anyway. Then we check a place and it is disappointingly with bad live music and (possibly due to that) on the empty side. We end up going to a… Read more »

10 months ago

Part 4 Unfortunately I run into some issues and instead of having a bit under 3 hours to meet up with (and try to close) my drawing Target I have about 1 hour. I have Palma meet her before he heads back out. She remarks on his boots and I tell her she should have seen the ones he was wearing yesterday – and I show her. Forgot to mention that the bouncers at the crazy club remarked on them as we went in! Now in isolation, I stay a short bit in a café with her as it is… Read more »

10 months ago

Great to see you guys getting together. Hope you got to sew little PS and the old lady 😉

10 months ago

@Sentient He didn’t meet them. I wore the boots again, and it had the same effect. There are a couple of FR’s I could write up on that and other things but I’m not quite sure what the point is. There doesn’t seem to be anyone here. I think that the FI is so dominant that any other thought process can’t get much traction outside of highly intelligent outlier type people. @IAS is an incredible success story and it was totally surreal sitting there drinking coffee with him on a “meet” he’d arranged with a girl he’d cold approached. She… Read more »

10 months ago

Hey, about 5 of us are still around 🙂

@IAS – great work – good to see some activity and FRs here.

I’ve just been busy because we’re out of town on holiday for the summer plus I might actually be doing a crypto startup after years in the space and deep into that.

But lots of plans for Game stuff when I get back home.

10 months ago


Vox is thin skinned so you have to pay to subscribe

Yeah IAS his story, unfolding in real time from married n1 to divorced n20 and counting… a heroes journey right up there with Scray from CH and yours… actual logs to review that speak to the why and how to get what you want from women… and crickets here.


10 months ago

r/[object Object] icon r/JordanPeterson u/Tough_Ad_7507 avatarTough_Ad_7507 7m Join [Letter] Equality of Outcome Sorry to bother you. This may never be seen or responded to. Who knows…. I was having discussion with someone and these topics came up. I was wondering if can get direct studies that reference these topics. I had found a PLETHORA of liberal sites stating sources/studies. However, found none from yourself. The questions discussed were: 1) women don’t want to be leaders due to their specific hobbies and interests 2) the leading cause of divorce is financial problems, specifically when the woman makes more than the man… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
10 months ago

@IAS props, man!!!… you really put in The Work ™ and it shows… @PalmaSailor I think that the FI is so dominant that any other thought process can’t get much traction outside of highly intelligent outlier type people, who have also been beaten up by the FI system enough to look for another path… AND actually find TRM/RP… fify…lol it really is a numbers game… and when the systemic structure of western civ changed to put girls first (FI), men really did take a status hit relative to girls, which was to everyone’s detriment… = nobody is happy but they… Read more »

10 months ago

LR more details eventually. N=20. I was unsure if this one was going to count but now it does. I gamed this young hottie (she is a bit chubby ass but very young and really pretty face). English Second Language (ESL). She is staying at shared accommodation (with cold showers) on a relatively short visit and I knew she was attracted, so I told her I could host her for some nights but not for her whole stay so she had to go back to her own accommodation after I host her. She replied she would come for 1 night… Read more »

10 months ago

@JR Terrier If you want the “loving” attention of a stripper, hooker, single mother, or any other cluster B nutcase living in dysfunctional chaos, then this site and some of the posters here can instruct you on exactly how to blend in with and mimic these people, You might have some superficial fun to begin with, however, its not so much fun when you come home after a 12 hour day and don’t even get so much as a sandwich, your bed on the couch, evidence of your children being neglected/abused, or even ending up in court owing tens of… Read more »

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