Field Reports


For the past three years of The Rational Male there’s been a consistent presence in the comment threads of guys seeking advice for particular situations with regards to Game. Whether it’s fine tuning certain aspects of Game or a larger consensus of the guys participating in my comment threads it’s become obvious there’s a need for a dedicated page and comment thread to address these Field Reports.

So I’m instituting this page for exactly this. If there is some urgency to have members of The Rational Male community analyze your particular situation feel free to hit anyone up in the comments of my current post, but please refer them to your particular field report with a link to your comment here. I’m hoping this will alleviate the mass of posts for field report analysis and Game specific insights piled into the main blog post for any given week.

There will be some rules for this “forum” as such. I ask that you only keep your comments to addressing the field reports at hand and save your larger theoretical stuff for the main posts, or if relevant, keep the “bigger scope of things” posts to being as succinct as possible. There will be no moderation in this comment thread (spamming excepted), so realize it will be a very hot kitchen before you post. I will impose no restrictions on video links here, nor will I limit links to various, but pertinent articles.

Understand, this is an experiment for now. It’s likely this comment thread will exceed thousands of comments. I’ll be instituting new comment plug-ins for wordpress to deal with this in the future, but I may archive this page the the posts and refresh this page in the future as well. If this gets cumbersome I may simply institute a dedicated forum-style sub-site of The Rational Male to accommodate for Game specific questions.

So have at it, post your field reports and feel free to comment on the ones you have some particular insight for. Be forewarned that it’s likely things may get a bit salty at times and I expect a lot of back & forth with debate and disagreements, but that’s what this thread is for – to hash out Game particulars for your given situations.


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1 year ago

Thanks Sentient. Not quite sure what you mean about bringing the hammer down though. Also I just realized – this is also partly her anxiety about going away on a trip and leaving me alone for a week – essentially the same as me going away on business travel (which I very rarely do these days). She should be a lot better when the week is over and I join them on the trip next week and I’m no longer “alone”. Also just realized – one of her friends is going to house sit for us while we’re away and… Read more »

1 year ago


You don’t want to kill her with dread. It’s only supposed to be a spice to the dish.

I don’t know why I think it but I don’t feel you’re owning her enough in bed.

If you were doing that enough she wouldn’t be feeling so vulnerable.

Just an opinion working blind ..

1 year ago

OTP A couple things Palma is right don’t over do the dread. I thought you handled the vulnerability fine. However, you’ve botched the follow up on the laptop. You can’t logic her or negotiate with her on that. Furtive is right… you have to own your “this is private” position, not try to assuage her. You want to avoid conflict so you’re flailing around. Part of what she’s looking for with her persistent questions, i.e. shit tests, is a hard boundary. Is this guy going to tell me to fuck off? So that’s what I mean about the hammer. She… Read more »

1 year ago

Thanks Palma and Sentient. They left yesterday for the trip leaving me alone at home for a few days and the subject did not come up again. It may come up again next time we have sex or whatever but I’ll keep the hard boundary in mind (I never did tell her what I was looking at – my second post was only thinking what to do next if it came up). Palma – you are right on the sex but not for the reason you think. She had an accident a few months ago involving falling and hitting her… Read more »

1 year ago

Long FR ahead – first cold approach night out alone in years – Sat night. Great start to my 2023 plans to reinvigorate cold approach without getting into blitz mentality or pressuring myself to fail. Dressed up “hedge fund gigolo” style as recommended by Sentient long ago and went and spent 30 mins at a fancy hotel bar  (just standing at the bar chilling and notably NOT looking at my phone even once) which has a lot of finance type rich men and often has quite a few hot women. Music isn’t too loud and easy to chat especially standing… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@OTP Also just realized – one of her friends is going to house sit for us while we’re away and she’s gonna come one day before I leave. The friend wanted to come an extra day early (so two days before I leave) and I vetoed it saying I want my space and peace and quiet (I have no specific plans but you never know – it’s not so much that I am planning to bring anyone home – more that I don’t want to be questioned on my comings and goings by my wife via the friend) – that… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@OTP props on getting out the door and into the game again!… Or possibly just in a corner of the bar I didn’t see it. I waited a while (about 10 min) and she didn’t come back so I left (she would definitely have come back – I was standing right next to her friends – but I didn’t want to wait too long). OR he just told her ‘show me your room…’ and she did…lol… she clearly couldn’t throw herself at you any harder… it was starting to be embarrassing for her in venue… she was clearly down for… Read more »

1 year ago

OTP well congrats on breaking the duck. first – these kinds of places are great and often like this. Saturday is one thing, Tuesday is another. Out of towners coming to the big show? ding ding OTP… Ya got your window. work the logistics. This is “text you later” territory… unless your the guy who pulls his pants down in the lounge… lolz Tuesday – every single i.e. solo girl, is there so it can “just happen”… [business travelers or girls slow rolling their way home after a dinner] I’d go around 9ish, catch her with that glass of wine… Read more »

1 year ago

So an update on punchy my bp alpha friend. He’s now on SSRI’s, and l also on Diazepam. It turns out the woman was in fact 44, and she’s dumped him. It turns out that she’s known the other guy for a whole 6 weeks. He’s declared undying love and he’s moving in with her and they’re making a go of the family thing. Adoption, IVF, whatever it takes. So the car crash is gonna happen, but my mate has dodged the bullet. Somehow or other he’s got a failsafe mechanism which despite his own actions tends to blow up… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago


your buddy’s situ sounds like a classic case study from the bowels of TRM…lol

the FI is cunning and pervasive… but not unknowable…lol

ms 44 consolidated on the dude with no options… = less provisioning risk…

punchy’s got a case of the cog diss… BP meets reality…lol

good luck!

1 year ago


You know, I don’t think he’s even the one doing the provisioning.

I think she has fambly munny… so it seems she placed an ad on bumble saying “I want man baybeeee, lurve etc…”

And he said “SO DO I – what luck !!!!!”

So that’s that.

Utopia beckons.

1 year ago

Field report – dread So the baybee is now 3 months old and it’s been a bumpy ride getting back to secks. She had been counting down the days since the birth and we more or less re started on schedule. That was something between 1-2 months – I forget. I wasn’t counting or putting any pressure on. I’m fact I wasn’t even talking about it. But it has been a bumpy ride, for instance if the baybee is in the room then neither of us have really been feeling it, and it hasn’t happened or it’s been a funked… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@PalmaSailor @HABD You know, I don’t think he’s even the one doing the provisioning. I think she has fambly munny… so it seems she placed an ad on bumble saying “I want man baybeeee, lurve etc…” what a very logical observation (dog)…lol… now try it from the girl’s pov (cat)… Didn’t have a late night but got home tired and went straight to bed. Woke up this morning and she’s curled up MOAR than usual, and out of the blue with the baybee beside her awake she initiates and jumps on despite the baybee being wide awake right next to… Read more »

1 year ago

Sorry for the delayed messages – been away with the family. Here’s the final FR from my days alone (from almost two weeks ago now). I’ve not had much time while away but I have some thoughts in response to what you guys said about my previous FR and my plans going forward – summarized by the Nike motto – I’ll post that later, but I wanted to write this FR first before I lost the memory of it. Was out for dinner with a friend at a nice restaurant and completely froze up on opening the two cute girls… Read more »

1 year ago

@OTP Sorry for the delayed messages Yeah.. – been away with the family. No excuse lol.. Here’s the final FR from my days alone (from almost two weeks ago now). I’ve not had much time while away but I have some thoughts in response to what you guys said about my previous FR and my plans going forward – summarized by the Nike motto – I’ll post that later, but I wanted to write this FR first before I lost the memory of it. Was out for dinner with a friend at a nice restaurant and completely froze up on… Read more »

1 year ago

By the way – Apple savings paying 4.15% over there?

Backed by GS….

That’s gonna suck some munny out of the other banks surely?

Almost as if GS done it on purpose – shorted all the other bank stocks…..

1 year ago

Is anyone here in April 2023?

1 year ago

Anyone home?

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@OTP +1 on @PalmaSailor… Sorry for the delayed messages – been away with the family. Here’s the final FR from my days alone (from almost two weeks ago now). I’ve not had much time while away but I have some thoughts in response to what you guys said about my previous FR and my plans going forward – summarized by the Nike motto – I’ll post that later, but I wanted to write this FR first before I lost the memory of it. Was out for dinner with a friend at a nice restaurant and completely froze up on opening… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@ST Anyone home? sometimes…lol got an issue?… post it up… you’ll like get some actionable advice… but most of us still commenting here don’t have much time… so we cut to the main points…as we see them… then, it’s up to you to take some action to fix it yourself… the most likely first actionable advice you are going to get (regardless of your problem) is to read @Rollos first book and/or the ‘best of series’ up top in the masthead… then, ask specific questions about your issue… on points you are not clear on… we will also need to… Read more »

1 year ago

OTP “and nothing about this pinged for you in real time?…lol” Yep… nothing at all? Lol The mantra is ASSUME attraction and work from that because that is the high probability play… i.e. if you believe she is attracted (by the half dozen blazing IOIs you keep wanting to ignore) and you then ACT like she is attracted, that will snowball her attractions assuming she isn’t and acting like she isn’t. Worst case you do misread and set is blown. So? Better that then this constant misreading and self ejecting. And she mentioned the BF so it could just happen… Read more »

1 year ago

2 things I got this mad idea to hop the pond for a couple of days. Anyone fancy beer in So. Cal? I won’t be staying long and I’m staying in the U.K. time zone if I do come so it may be obscure drinking hours. @HABD You referenced your social circle and suggested that you’re meeting at church. It’s no real secret that I’m not religious, though I do recognose that however the bible came to exist it has served as basically a lifestyle guidance manual for western civilisation. – which I quite like living in. My question is… Read more »

1 year ago

Palma Would love you to hook up with mendo… lol The way I look at it – the Creator built a bunch of systems and then let the systems go to work… same with the tides, moon, sun etc. It’s all programmed like that old game, the vibrating football one. You set out the pieces and they sort of kid of do what is expected… but there is still that margin of error so you get the bands on the distribution… Men and women programmed to play and the fat middle of the distro most of the time keeps the… Read more »

1 year ago

@Sentient The model you suggest does rationalise it. And I hadn’t thought of that. But it also leaves a large margin of personal responsibility. And a lot of religious people I have met seem to want to abdicate all personal responsibility. Basically as long as they do as they’re told they’re good and they abdicate all responsibility in that context. It’s absurd really. It’s more than just game denial over there. At the problem child level, he’s actually scared of it. It actually frightens him that we’re right and his ego investment is wrong. You can feel it coming through… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@PalmaSailor @HABD You referenced your social circle and suggested that you’re meeting at church. It’s no real secret that I’m not religious, though I do recognose that however the bible came to exist it has served as basically a lifestyle guidance manual for western civilisation. – which I quite like living in. My question is how you reconcile game with creationism. see @Sentient’s ‘systems’ explanation… =+1… you’re a smart guy… and God’s smarter than us… if YOU were setting up the system, how would you do it?…lol… bc that’s the way i would set it up…lol note – you need… Read more »

1 year ago


@Sentient… do you think fast eddie is captain obvious from CH?

“An Old Friend” is Cap’n O. Changed his handle. It is a question wether AOF is also sock puppeting FE. Curious that AOF askes about FE and then poof he pops on the htread having been absent for months. But IDK. I’d rather not think so, as the Cap is still a long time HC guy (fka Zombie Shane) with a long poasting history… And is NOT a game denier in these personae.

1 year ago

I don’t think AOF is sock puppeting FE.

I think FE reads everything in detail but half the time is conflicted and can’t reply with anything resembling any sense bc he’s a furious autistic incel.

But AOF is sympathetic to him so he chirps in when AOF speaks.

1 year ago

Something that’s cropping up now is the subject or the current Mrs PS going back to work. I know there’s a feeling in here that probably women shouldn’t and I get that. But she wants to, and it’s always been her objective to pursue a medical career. And she’s got a very specific area that she wants to practice in – she can only get the training for that by doing time in the very badly paid NHS. And I know that is all bullshit^^ it’s what I want that counts. But we have the harsh reality is that she’s… Read more »

1 year ago

Well have you considered life insurance ya old geezer?

On the job front, I’d limit her hours/days she can work and the kinds of places she can work. She’s not working to pay the bills, she’s working to keep her credentials active enough she could make a living for the little Palma should things go pear shaped…

The old reframe…

Maybe you can go round and flirt up the nurses… lolz

1 year ago

@Sentient Though she says she doesn’t want anymore there will be more lil Palmas. She is responsible for contraception and look what happened last time lol.. so I just laugh off the convo… Something we don’t really do here in the same way as UMMMurica is private Doctor. It’s starting to be a thing for instance there’s a bunch of them here where I live but it’s rare. And you can’t get an appointment for 3 days they’re so busy: You pay out the bank personally. No insurance at that level I don’t think. Certainly I’m not insured, I’ve… Read more »

1 year ago


Well have you considered life insurance ya old geezer?

Being dead is the easy way out, it’s if you end up dribbling like and incel in a yoga studio….

That’s the problem… on lots of fronts.

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@PalmaSailor Something that’s cropping up now is the subject or the current Mrs PS going back to work. I know there’s a feeling in here that probably women shouldn’t and I get that. ya… but that’s all about the margin of error… not actually discounting the AF process… But she wants to, and it’s always been her objective to pursue a medical career. And she’s got a very specific area that she wants to practice in – she can only get the training for that by doing time in the very badly paid NHS. And I know that is all… Read more »

1 year ago

I haven’t replied to you guys for a couple weeks because honestly I’m just not sure what to say. You guys are clearly right and some minor questions or comments from me or whatever don’t really matter to the core message you guys are sending. It’s not a knowledge thing or a skills thing. It’s a mindset shift I have to make (or not make). A few years ago when I did the 400 Approach Challenge, I said I’m going to stop posting till I actually completed the challenge and that’s what I did. I’m not going to stop posting… Read more »

1 year ago

All right, so guys – update from me. Not related to my “core” mindset issues but other stuff. Never say I don’t do my best to continue the discussion with my friends here! I was on an affairs-for-married-people website, which is amusing for a bunch of reasons, but I appear to have found a married 35 year old who – unlike most of the women there – is not looking for an old fashioned affair or drinks or dating – she just wants to meet someone in a hotel room a couple times a month for an hour or two… Read more »

1 year ago

Very interesting OTP. Why do you think it is you are fine with doing the I tro on the sites and not in the field? As to the woman, be very very careful because if she had lousy sex for 10 years she is going to get short circuited and do some crazy shit , like lurv you, leave her husband etc. No PIV? If not why not? I hate women like this who go through the motions, totally a turn off. Bit so many of them really suck at sex. I’ve seen this before though, where her thinking is… Read more »

1 year ago

Sentient, no the PIV was fine. No LMR or anything (she brought the condoms). I just hadn’t mentioned it. Hadn’t thought of the angle that she might be hamstering that she’s not cheating if passive. It’s hard to describe – this isn’t just “being sub and wanting to be led” – it’s being less engaged in the process. That said she warmed up in terms of talking and engaging with me the second time so who knows, it may continue. Standard precautions are in place so hopefully I’m reasonably protected if she goes Fatal Attraction (fake first name, no last… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@OTP quick couple questions… to focus your on-going efforts… BTW, since I stopped pressuring myself on cold approaching I’ve actually been getting more relaxed and better at just chatting. Eg – very cute early 20s college girl in my boxing class and I’ve given her a nickname based on the wraps she wears with her gloves and made her laugh and giggle. and where was the closest isolated secs location?… and have you sexualized the interactions, yet?… if not, why not… flirting is good fun for both of you… Another new mid 20s girl joined the class after mine a… Read more »

1 year ago

@HABD got a plan for the next ‘lockdown’ phase?… I don’t know how it’s all holding together. It seems surreal. Costs everywhere are literally trebling / quadrupling but it continues. And it has to be said that I do live in the golden triangle but a lot of people still have munny. And lots of it. But how? I just don’t think I see the bottom 1/3 who really must be struggling badly or are straying into the “debt capacitance” and won’t see it until they reach credit limits. Im selling all my investment property in the peoples republic of… Read more »

1 year ago


Same situation here. All economic analysis is out the window. Every place is full of people with some kind of job just spending spe ding spending and all prices up up up…

Even housing round here is burbling along despite the record rate increases. This makes no sense, folks swapping out of 2.8% 30 year funding, doubling their payments.

Recently my lunch place raised prices 25% across the board. Zero difference.

1 year ago

@Sentient I’ve got a lot of thoughts about the whole thing. I can only really see it making sense if the whole thing is being propped up, and by that I mean that all the non jobs are being funded, one way or another on the promise of a future income which does t exist yet. As if they’re all being treated as early stage cash burn roles in a vc led startup. And that would figure. There is money on the street being spent by fools with no skills because those fools are being paid to do non jobs… Read more »

1 year ago

You don’t have to look far to see the madness of crowds. I got into a convo at mumsnet, it’s where all the mums hang out and piss on each other but it can be quite interesting. So some woman is selling an old property and some guy tried to chip the price last minute. They’re all wetting the bed about this. They’re focused on the individual guy not the bigger picture. They all, with one exception believe that it will sell for what she wants to get for it. The entire economy is like a herd of sheep… Read more »

1 year ago

Okay so on the sub stuff. I messaged a woman on the affairs website like anyone else. She basically replied saying she doesn’t normally respond to guys hitting on her because she is a dom and anyone hitting on her likely has dom tendencies and it probably won’t work. But her primary sub is on an extended business trip for a couple months and she is looking for a new temporary sub and would I be interested? I have (unsurprisingly) no interest in being a sub and it just doesn’t feel right or authentic but I figured why not try… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@PalmaSailor @HABD “got a plan for the next ‘lockdown’ phase?…” I don’t know how it’s all holding together. It seems surreal. that sh^t is everywhere…lol… that normalcy bias is on steriods…lol Costs everywhere are literally trebling / quadrupling but it continues. And it has to be said that I do live in the golden triangle but a lot of people still have munny. And lots of it. But how? I just don’t think I see the bottom 1/3 who really must be struggling badly or are straying into the “debt capacitance” and won’t see it until they reach credit limits.… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago


It’s just – on a visceral level I don’t look at a hot woman like her and think “what a perfect Goddess – I just want to serve her and make her happy” – I think “she’s hot – I want to bend her over and bang her”.

lol… do you even read here, bro?… that’s what SHE wants too…lol…

and just a quick question… why wouldn’t you spin her into being YOUR sub?…lol… but not kidding…

her hindbrain has ONE job…lol…

and whose frame is that^^^?…

good luck!

1 year ago


I don’t know why you did any of that ^^

What on earth was it all about?

1 year ago

Palma (for a moment I thought it was a new poster!) – it was just a bit of fun. I was spending some time on the affairs site anyway, so it was amusing to try a new experience – something I hadn’t tried before. I like trying new things with no preconceptions. HABD – I think you’ve got to the core of it (in your last but one message about the girl in the boxing class). I’ve TALKED to plenty of girls cold or in social circle and opened quite a few in cold approach even, but now that I… Read more »

1 year ago


Love ya man, but it looks like a waste of time.

You’ve more important things to be doing. Like walking into your local coffee shop, talking to a girl, and doing it by the numbers.

A – C – S

Back to basics and no more avoidance.

1 year ago

@Sentient / HABD So I’ve mentioned the big court case before. There’s an update on a few levels and I poast it here because I could get zeroed out quite badly. For once it’s surreal, in this instance the struggle is about cash reserves, when up to now the struggle has always been to do with the day to day business. Now, the day to day business, (and I know it’s not actually a business / yet) at the moment is good. It’s hard work, but good. That will continue despite the court case. But it’s my assets which are… Read more »

1 year ago

Palma – you are right of course. I’ve stopped engaging with the dom – just mainly because I wasn’t feeling it and it was becoming a chore. Getting on to the next one (in person). As far as Mrs PS goes – I think you know the answer already from your post. I would suggest putting your focus where it needs to be – on the court case and building your business (and whatever attention the baby needs). You’ve put a lot of effort into building a strong relationship with the wife and you can enjoy the fruits of that… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@PalmaSailor But mainly what are the consequences of losing in the context of Mrs PS and specifically game and how to handle her. the only consequences that i see as a potential issue is that you change your overall game wrt her in reaction… I’ve been shrugging the potential loss and I’d written it off but this new eventuality has put another £100k on the downside which has hit me a bit. if you keep shrugging, it shouldn’t matter… what you feel, she feels… She says she DGAF about losing. and she isn’t lying…lol… unless losing affects how hard your… Read more »

1 year ago

Palma But mainly what are the consequences of losing in the context of Mrs PS and specifically game and how to handle her. Agree with HABD, a winner never loses if he doesn’t act like a loser. So you getting scared, anxious, frustrated, depressed, mopey, woes me… etc. that will SHOCK her hindbrain into WAKE UP mode. Now she might, as OTP says, be in such a deep spot in relationship with the whirlwind and the baby and all that even if you do act like that, she will “support you” and “nuture you” now in the moment and all… Read more »

1 year ago

@Sentient So you getting scared, anxious, frustrated, depressed, mopey, woes me… etc. Nope, there’s none of that. I never have any of those above emotions. Just occasionally a thought about whether I’m doing the right thing fighting. But I decided GFY and decided to see it through. I have made tactical settlement offers which I was advised to do but they’re far too low to stop it. So truth be known I could stop it by writing out a cheque for more than I’ve offered but less than the full amount. And she knows that. But I don’t want to.… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago


The court case won’t affect any of it. In fact we’re off to the med to my fav. Island for a holiday on Sunday… so day to day life is unaffected.

nice!… work out that plan…lol… but not kidding… (don’t forget those water filters…lol… but also not kidding…)

good luck!

1 year ago

Gang, what do we think about me picking up another (second) regular FWB? Not a new one – possibility of reactivating an old one. Currently it’s wife+ FWB 1, which is fine to be honest, but wouldn’t mind having another one for when No 1 isn’t available or for a change. Wondering more if it will take up too much time/mental energy I should be focussing on cold approaching etc and keep me “too satisfied” to improve, or if I am overthinking it and it’s good to have plenty of women in my life and just to go for it… Read more »

1 year ago

@OTP I’m not sure what you’re doing or why you’re doing it to be honest. What’s your objective? For me the objective was to get and keep a younger fit woman. And I’ve got that so the game aspect now is maintaining it. And I’m not ruling out a threesome – we’ll probably do that quite soon – but that would be with Mrs PS and another woman about her age. And I think that’s going to be quite easy to do. When I go out with her and the baby the preselection from younger women is off the charts.… Read more »

1 year ago

Palma, okay that’s a good question. My marriage is good – I have no desire to change it. There are some challenges but they mostly relate to parenting stuff, not the marriage itself. The sex frequency has gone down but this relates to some medical issues my wife is having, so it’s temporary and being addressed. Basically no long term concerns there. PRIMARY GAME GOAL: Getting good at cold approach. More specifically – being able to consistently pull SNLs from nightclubs, the way I can do with online dates. Implied in this is doing it with younger women, hotter women… Read more »

1 year ago

On another note – what is the deal with Bill Gates’ new revealed affair partner being so distinctly average looking? (I don’t know if links are allowed but just google “Bill Gates bridge player” or similar and there are many pictures. And for that matter, Jeff Bezos’ new girlfriend looks like a man’s face grafted onto a woman’s body and she’s somehow managed to snare not one but three rich, famous men. His ex-wife looks like a horse but at least she was with him before he was rich and famous. I mean – I’ve slept with women less attractive… Read more »

1 year ago


Where ya been???

Those rich guys had nothing to do with the women, the women approached them. Not the other way around.

They were targeted by the women.

1 year ago

OTP I’m with Palma, why continue this quest? It seems like you are tilting at a windmill. You made a run, you don’t enjoy it (cold approach), your life will be fine without it. I think the motivation (whatever the reason truly is) is actually what’s holding you back. On the home front parenting issues are marriage issues… So your still going to need to solve that or accept whatever the level is. And yes, beware the slippery slope. You start seeing a few regulars it will have an oxytocin effect on you that you may not want. Just sayin…… Read more »

1 year ago

but why on earth are they banging/were banging those women? FWIW They’re probably not even banging then all that much. They’re prob. On ration just like every other beta.. Those women would have issued a million “commitment” demands before they even got close to giving a bj. It would have grossed them out, and they would have avoided it. That woman with Bezos will do as long as her lawyer has said needs to be done to cash him out, and not a minute longer. In that time he may get laid a dozen times. That’s what it’s all about.… Read more »

1 year ago

In fact, Bozo is prob hanging out in a dead bedroom forum under a pseudonym asking what’s up and why he can’t get laid with his gurrrlfiend despite “giving her everything” as we speak.

And they’re telling him to do MOAR chores around the house.

1 year ago

Heh – coincidentally, it appears that the very day I posted about Bezos and Gates, Bezos proposed to his girlfriend. Clock ticking on however long California requires before she can walk away with a few billion.. As for the other stuff – I get what you guys are saying. I have a good life – my marriage is not perfect and the burden of performance requires constant work to not lose ground, but it’s good and it is a million miles away from the blue pill marriage I had when I first read Rollo in 2013 and started posting FRs… Read more »

1 year ago

Just to add – I remember some old post from HABD where he said something like how he started off being scared to ask old ladies the time at the mall, and over time he got to a point where he Gamed two hot college girls at the mall and got them to the point where they were willing to come to his place and have a threesome right then – and at that point he felt like he’d “graduated” Game School (so to speak). I haven’t reached my graduation and I won’t until I get the required credits on… Read more »

1 year ago



If there is doubt, there is no doubt…

1 year ago

In a sign it’s getting tough out there I received this from google the other day: ~~~] On 25 May 2023, at 17:30, pushypushyarse wrote:  Good afternoon,  I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on our previous correspondence regarding the Google Ads Consultancy for @PalmaSailorsYugeCock inc…. We have been eagerly awaiting your response, as it plays a crucial role in the progression of our work together. At this stage, your prompt reply is essential to avoid any unnecessary delays that may impact timelines and the overall efficiency of the project. We understand that… Read more »

1 year ago

So to get this into perspective They had a pristine double deck London bus in the office. 5th floor. So the bus itself must have been £250k because it was as new and they’re all 40 Years old – this one has been re built. Then, how the fuck do you get it in the middle of a London office block. Not ground floor, 5 floors up. Then – you gotta take out the next floor (floor 6) because the bus is higher than a floor. So it takes 2 floors. You need a shit load of calcs, engineers, consents,… Read more »

1 year ago

It seems like here in Namiba the wall is at 25. I met two girls so far of that age and both are looking for commitment at that age, I have meet about 3 younger girls and they don’t even want to define the relationship (DTR) given I am still new at game and trying to find my footing it seems like the younger girls in the 20’s are too broke for the good clubs. There are a few where they hang out at but it’s a chaotic environment and you might lose your phone. What I noticed is that… Read more »

1 year ago

Lukas – welcome to Field Reports.

Tell us more about yourself. Background/experience with women? Age?

Presumably you’re a Westerner? In which case, it’s probably less to do with their age and more to do with them looking to hook a rich Westerner (ie, they see you as a Provider because you’re a wealthy foreigner, and you need to actively disabuse them of that notion before they will start to see you as a Lover).

1 year ago

@OldTimePoster. So I’m basically an introvert, African, black, 31 year old. I’m not wealthy per se but I do spend generously when I go out. I have some experience with women. But I always took what I could get. I never really get the women I want. I also always assumed all women want commitment and so I didn’t offer anything else. So far it’s been hit-or-miss. I want more predictable results. Or at least a firmer control of the situation. Being able to direct an encounter in the manner I would like it to go and not just being… Read more »

1 year ago


Welcome. Lots here, but firstly on the spending generously when you go out thing, I used to do that a long time ago.

I take it that you spend money on women buying them drinks etc… ?

As a very first move, try stopping that and see how your interactions play out – without having bought them a drink.

Tell us some examples of that and how it ended up working out for you..

1 year ago

@PalmaSailor, yes and I would go on dates as well. I will try it out and let you know how it goes.

1 year ago

Lukas – okay good. If you’re a local then at least you don’t to dig yourself out of the hole that being a foreign tourist puts you in. They’re still seeing you as a Provider, and you need to change that, but it’s not as big a hole. If you see one of my most recent posts about my own challenges you’ll see I compare this process of getting good with women to getting a university degree. It really is quite a lot of work but the results are worth it if you put in the effort. In my case… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  OldTimePoster

@OldTimePoster. Thank you so much for the input. I see I need to put in the necessary work. Mostly on the practice side because I have read The Rational Male and “Best of Rational Male Year One”, I still need to read Mystery Method. I will double back as well to your older posts. I looked up and found the red pill about two years ago after a terrible break-up and an absurd awakening to what was happening on the dating scene. I spent most of the time coming to terms with the red pill and reading as well as… Read more »

1 year ago

Lukas Okay so you’ve read the RP theory. Probably too much honestly. Now you need to focus on action – that’s always the most important thing. Stop reading any more Red Pill/theory type stuff – you’ve had more than enough for a long time and you’re at the point where more time on RP/theory stuff is just wasted without understanding it in practice. Don’t even bother reading my old posts etc – there’s a LOT of wisdom that’s eventually worth reading in the last 180 pages of comments in this section, but right now you need action, not more theory.… Read more »

1 year ago

I’ve said before I don’t like Andrew Tate – I think this quote below articulates the reason really well (note that it is not from some clueless feminist but someone who knows, understands and supports RP knowledge and has similar views on politics and society as most of us here – the whole article is worth reading as are many of his other pieces): “He’s a high profile example of a certain type, the male equivalent of the Instagram ho, projecting an image of success and danger intended to appeal to the male caricature of the female concept of what… Read more »

1 year ago

So in mad news my BP alpha friend – the amateur boxer who has probably 6-7 women on the go including ones half his age has decided to marry the 44 year old that he caught with another man… Talk about take a bullet… smh… He said to me “well you did it, and we’re both mad”.. I couldn’t disagree entirely with that to be honest. On a broader RP note, the current Mrs PS has said she “doesn’t want more children”, whilst at the same time in other contexts has often asked “what if we have more children”. I’d… Read more »

1 year ago

Enjoy that baby Palma. I suspect their will be another before long.

1 year ago


I lost in court today… judgement was delivered by phone conference from home.

90% of my net worth gone….

But at least I didn’t lose anything valuable right?!

Spent the afternoon in bed with Mrs PS…

1 year ago


Now make em chase and get a discounted final number.

They won’t keep you down old man.

1 year ago

@Sentient They’ve managed to get an order which prioritises them in the event of my bankruptcy. They’re just gonna stat demand me (which is an official pre cursor to bankruptcy), and put a bullet in me if I don’t pay – ie bankrupt me. It’s over. I have to pay. My personality has its good parts and it’s bad parts. I’m fuck headed enough to re build myself over a 3 year period and get a woman half my age. That fuck headed ness has an opposite characteristic where I think GFY when I should settle. It’s a feature not… Read more »

1 year ago

Sorry to hear that Palma. FWIW I think you have a clear headed understanding of your strengths and weaknesses and that this was always a possibility and now it has happened.

You have the important things in life like your wife and son(s), and a thriving business you can use to rebuild. Maybe there’ll be fewer trips to Spain in the next year or two but otherwise you’ll be fine. Stressing about it (which is not your personality so I don’t think it’s much of a risk) is worse than any actual reality.

1 year ago

@OTP It’s a financial zeroing out. The only thing is, it’s not as bad as 2009 at which point I lost my property company and my personal properties were in negative equity and also I propped up my ex wife etc.. until 2013. That took until 2020 to recover from because I was underwater by ~£700k and I had to re build a company from scratch. This time it’s all I’ve got asset wise but I won’t be underwater in the same way and I’ll probably continue to earn as a builder. I’m going to try to get through it… Read more »

1 year ago

Guys, it looks like Russia is going kinetic.

Anyone have any good resources or insight into what’s happening? It looks like it might be the first serious challenge to Putin’s rule, but I’m just trying to get some deeper insight beyond the mainstream media’s triumphalist victory speeches that Putin’s in trouble and going down etc.

1 year ago

@OTP I doubt Putin is “going down” but his demeanour was different in his recent speech, though that may have been staged. If the Wagner guy is still alive in a few days then it’s all been a play act with some other motive, and if he’s dead then it was as near as you could get to a “threat” Apparently Putin had told him he was nationalising Wagner at the end of June = hand over the troops for the good of the state and no more munny… Obv. And not unpredictably he’d be pissed at that. No one… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
1 year ago

@OTP it’s likely a psyop… But not kidding… they’ve done it before … it’s sort of like good cop bad cop… and on the eave of the nato summit, a ‘weakening’ Russia, with a possibility of civil war kicking off, there will be less of a reason for ‘ the west’ to try to get into a ground game during the planned exercises… it’s a disruptive event (like a head fake…lol) to throw off nato’s timing.. the other possibility is that the central bankers bought off Wagner group…lol .. but they could have done that some time ago… AND… Read more »

1 year ago

@OTP / HABD So that was over quick. And what was achieved? Even though Wagner is full of lunatic ex criminals, not even the bulk of them would be nuts enough to march to Moscow. So the exercise has separated the truly nuts ones that would march on Moscow and for instance on Kiev. Looks like the ones that didn’t march in Moscow have been adsorbed into the “regular” Russian army. Shoigu and the rest are now in Belarus which has much closer proximity to errrrrr….. where can I think of ? – oh yeah – Kiev… than anywhere on… Read more »

1 year ago

Thanks guys – I knew I’d get some actual thinking beynod the headlines here.

Seems to be some stuff on Twitter about it being basically a glorified wage dispute and Prigozhin basically not wanting his lucrative Kremlin contracts to be lost by the Russian government directly paying his mercs?


I know Elon doesn’t believe most of what he’s saying and he’s just decided it’s time to troll Establishment liberals for a couple of years, but it’s still hugely entertaining watching him do it to them.

1 year ago

Need some advice please – to what extent is this a shit test and what else is going on. This all coincides with me losing the court case. That was worse than I was expecting by a large margin. It’s everything I’ve got, but critically, probably not more than I’ve got like it was in 2008/9. She stated to get a bit “funny” on Saturday with the Prizhozin march on Moscow. We were hanging out – having a day out finding a new rental flat because we want to live somewhere different – more green space etc… I’m due to… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
11 months ago


I didn’t read the link but I don’t think i need to… Mrs PS was pushing a straight up comfort test…

you dress up extra special and come back drunk…lol… she’s got a 6 month old and no other family/emotional support/etc…

you just lost a big lawsuit… a big life inflection point… her hindbrain recognized the potential threat of you drowning your sorrows in some strange (new and different) p^ssy…lol

I think you handled it very well…

good luck!

11 months ago

Palma This is how the second little Palma gets made… lol Apex Alpha goes out, comes home smashed, spilled wine etc. Alarm bells go off… remember she is still a mess of post pregnancy hormones, her body is different (to her), she’s “tied down”, there’s huge uncertainty… etc. etc. so her hamster engineers a massive test which ends up (in this case) her getting a dose of baby batter… Now in another case ( a fail) she would have had a weak husband cave in to her test, go emo etc. and thereby prove to her hamster he was unfit… Read more »

11 months ago
11 months ago

Second stage of the fitness testing. I get home last night at about 4pm and I need to shower and get back out to see customers to quote for work. She’s in a funny mood again. I’m like “what’s wrong with you now?” Shaking my head with raised disbelief eyebrows. She says “I’ve been analysing out conversation yesterday” I’m like “really? Well… you’d better get on with it… I have to go see customers” and I walk out. I get back about 5.30 and she’s still moody and v upset. Very tearful (I’m immune to tears by the way) says… Read more »

11 months ago

Palma Yep. This is what relationships are like these days, even with a woman who is into you lol! I’m tempted to let things calm down a bit and scratch those. Yeah, see it’s working! The two pronged attack – emotionally and sex… Now she doesn’t realize this on a conscious level, just a limbic one, but she’s doing what she can to lock you down. You handle this the same way basically, reframe, reduce to absurdity, agree and amplify etc. U derneath the fear she is still testing for limits. When you started to answer logically it got worse,… Read more »

11 months ago


So I’ve gone against all my residual blue pill conditioning – and all my mental awareness that says she’s a young woman who’s struggling and I should “try to help” and I’ve told her that I’m going out with a friend tomorrow night in London.

And do you know what? She actually smiled and laughed about it.

She’s actually happy that I pushed back. I hadn’t even told her I was due out tomorrow night. So it wasn’t even in the current debate.

11 months ago


Have her iron your shirt for bonus points…

But for real kudos. It’s totally not easy. We are so easily deceived by logic. That’s how choreplay takes hold.

[Side note – spy phone did NOT attempt to auto correct choreplay…]

And just know she WILL throw this back up at you on the next argument… 😂

Even five years from now.

11 months ago

I think the thing that’s blindsided me is that it’s come from nowhere after all this time. Over 2 1/2 years and she’s been very well balanced really. Nothing really bad tempered or moody. Just a happy smiley woman with no edge to her. And it was a nuclear ST – to be fair to son#2 she’s finding it a lot of thought before she decides what to do (ie leaving) and it’s still not over, this morning she still isn’t right. So it’s come from nowhere to a yuge ST and I don’t think I missed anything spinning up.… Read more »

11 months ago

You didn’t miss anything, you flagged it, but you’re not giving it enough weight.

Kids amplify everything.

The judgment and forthcoming dissipation of assets is a limbic Shockwave to her.

having a bad day
having a bad day
11 months ago

@PalmaSailor Sentient I think the thing that’s blindsided me is that it’s come from nowhere after all this time. Over 2 1/2 years and she’s been very well balanced really. Nothing really bad tempered or moody. Just a happy smiley woman with no edge to her. she’s still a girl…lol… AWALT!!! (<— note the 3!!! exclamation points…lol) You didn’t miss anything, you flagged it, but you’re not giving it enough weight. Kids amplify everything. The judgment and forthcoming dissipation of assets is a limbic Shockwave to her. ^^^ this… consciously, she might not care… buuut, she (her hindbrain) NEEDS to… Read more »

11 months ago


Just saying you havea plan, laying it out is a big help. Then you can work in her role in that and she has something to follow and contribute. Leading.

11 months ago

Yes. I don’t think there’s anything beta about acknowledging her genuine concerns and the insecurity she now feels and making it clear there’s a plan and problems will be dealt with. It’s that reassurance she needs. Although I wasn’t explicitly thinking in these terms, I am very very glad I never told my wife just how much my crypto was worth in 2021 and how much unrealised profit was never taken, and how much (lower) the portfolio is now. And also that I didn’t lifestyle inflate too much when the going was good (mainly just a lot of Ubers and… Read more »

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