Field Reports


For the past three years of The Rational Male there’s been a consistent presence in the comment threads of guys seeking advice for particular situations with regards to Game. Whether it’s fine tuning certain aspects of Game or a larger consensus of the guys participating in my comment threads it’s become obvious there’s a need for a dedicated page and comment thread to address these Field Reports.

So I’m instituting this page for exactly this. If there is some urgency to have members of The Rational Male community analyze your particular situation feel free to hit anyone up in the comments of my current post, but please refer them to your particular field report with a link to your comment here. I’m hoping this will alleviate the mass of posts for field report analysis and Game specific insights piled into the main blog post for any given week.

There will be some rules for this “forum” as such. I ask that you only keep your comments to addressing the field reports at hand and save your larger theoretical stuff for the main posts, or if relevant, keep the “bigger scope of things” posts to being as succinct as possible. There will be no moderation in this comment thread (spamming excepted), so realize it will be a very hot kitchen before you post. I will impose no restrictions on video links here, nor will I limit links to various, but pertinent articles.

Understand, this is an experiment for now. It’s likely this comment thread will exceed thousands of comments. I’ll be instituting new comment plug-ins for wordpress to deal with this in the future, but I may archive this page the the posts and refresh this page in the future as well. If this gets cumbersome I may simply institute a dedicated forum-style sub-site of The Rational Male to accommodate for Game specific questions.

So have at it, post your field reports and feel free to comment on the ones you have some particular insight for. Be forewarned that it’s likely things may get a bit salty at times and I expect a lot of back & forth with debate and disagreements, but that’s what this thread is for – to hash out Game particulars for your given situations.


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Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@hank – great work on pushing through your health issues and doing at least some approaching to keep the edge. One thing I’ll add about the black girls – there is no doubt that your genuine interest in them is reflected in their response to you. But it also helps – as Scray pointed out many times – that you have an automatic value boost as a white guy hitting on black girls. This doesn’t contradict what YaReally/Scray said about looks (which I agree with) – even they would agree that looks stuff makes a difference for the *initial* impression.… Read more »

7 years ago

Two items from the home front: Remember Sentient’s story about coordinating parties and renting clubs as a college kid? I do. As a kid I was ice rink attendant and would open the place up after-hours for teenage parties. That paid off in spades. Anyways, i prompt my son to gather 10 or so people at a local wing joint. Be the leader. He calls, emails, texts. We’re off to the gym and he meets a girl classmate and invites her too. He’s unsure how it’ll shake out and at one point he tells me, “Dad, bad or good, I… Read more »

7 years ago

Culum here you go Ehintellect… Last night out with the WK buddy, watch a little of the game… early maybe 7:30. Mid 40’s woman I’ve seen around a few times, she worked in a shop i went in a few times about 4 years ago, was always giving the vibe. she looked a lot better 4 years ago. She is tall and thin but age is now showing… too much wine I’m guessing. She comes over to us, gives me a big hug and gropes my arm… she is a few drinks in… Just say hello to her and… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Sentient – heh – “liminal space” – that’s a good one. And all in 12 minutes too. Interesting thought about “liminal space” being somewhere judgment doesn’t happen..

7 years ago

Hi all. So much going on, I just don’t come here as much. Seems like a good development but I miss you all and hope every last one of you is crushing it in your lives! @Sentient – THIS!!! -“I see now that place where she was going to start losing her shit because she was getting turned down and It’s. Just. Too. Much. to. Handle. so I need to extricate gracefully”. Women flip out when you turn them down, and a certain kind of 40+ women will go full metal-cunt over it. Have to be wise, give them an… Read more »

7 years ago

Culum LIMINAL SPACE To answer the question of what your ‘reality’ is and how you keep her in it, I’d like to introduce the concept of liminal space. Liminal space is an almost dreamlike state, a special experience, or even a blur of experiences that take place in an alerted reality and time where the normal rules of our society have been suspended. You could even say that liminal space is a moment where reality is turned upside down. Everything that could normally hold us back ceases to exist for a brief moment, and we feel a level of freedom… Read more »

7 years ago

Culum So, if you can work a bunch of mini-stories charged with certain emotions and imagery into your conversations with women, you’ll notice that the way they look at you starts to change, radically. Let me give you an example. Let’s say we have two separate guys, both day gamers. And for simplicity’s sake, we’ll call them Joe and Tim. Now, Joe doesn’t know a whole lot about intriguing women and using emotional imagery. But our friend Tim here is already quite adept at this particular skill. Here’s how their conversations with women might look: Girl: So, what do you… Read more »

7 years ago


In anthropology, liminality (from the Latin word līmen, meaning “a threshold”[1]) is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of rituals, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the ritual is complete. During a ritual’s liminal stage, participants “stand at the threshold”[2] between their previous way of structuring their identity, time, or community, and a new way, which the ritual establishes.

Sound familiar???

7 years ago


Sounds like you are crushing things… good to read.

Women flip out when you turn them down, and a certain kind of 40+ women will go full metal-cunt over it.

Yes – this demo can get pretty deranged pretty quick… throw drinks, drama, etc. Proceed with caution. Of course this woman was divorced. I imagine her ex is soooper happy.

7 years ago

@Sentient – I learned about a new kind of chick crack with the HB9. She admitted that what she finds most interesting/attractive about me is that she thinks I’m more “sophisticated” then her. Being worldly and knowledgeable about many things, and sharing that in interesting ways can be mesmerizing for some women. They get bored and tune out sometimes, and you have to be aware of how your BS is received, but in general making things exciting and interesting is huge. Older guys can turn their life experience and wisdom into this kind of chick crack. Activating their imaginations, not… Read more »

7 years ago

“Weirdest part? I thought about how I wanted a bj this morning, and she just came over to me within a minute and gave me a morning BJ, lol. Didn’t want anything in return, I didn’t ask her to do so, she just sensed it and jumped in. She’s become almost vigilant about meeting my desires/needs, and also not disrupting me when I’m occupied with other things. I’ve built this huge value to her on so many levels and being that I’ve never gotten this deep with any woman post-Red Pill, it’s still odd for me. Like sometimes I’m doing… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rugby – Well said. Love your commentary here, but realized I don’t think I say that enough! And the music alone is always a trip.

7 years ago


She admitted that what she finds most interesting/attractive about me is that she thinks I’m more “sophisticated” then her.

What she is saying in Cat-anese is “My hindbrain recognizes YOU as my better”… It’s not the travelogue per se… it’s the amalgamation of it all…

and the proof is in WHAT THEY DO NOT WHAT THEY SAY

she just sensed it and jumped in. She’s become almost vigilant about meeting my desires/needs, and also not disrupting me when I’m occupied with other things.


7 years ago

I feel more “natural”, if you know what I mean.

Yes that is what living a dynamic, passionate and authentic life is all about. It is natural and easy. Not scripted, proscribed and anxious.

Culum take note of Scribbs – unlocking this at 50+… this can be mid 30’s you TODAY… flip the switch.

7 years ago

@Forge – You sound so great. So first things first, hell to the yeah. As for Ya’s departure, I think you captured an element of it really well. Goes for Scray too. These guys are supposedly masters at applying social intelligence, but what did they do here? Newsflash: I often have to “lower myself” to teach and explain what to do and how to do things in my role. My job is not to demean people or hector them. I offer nudges and corrections and reminders. I let some shit go, focus on one important thing at a time and… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

” Got an almost instant mention of her having a boyfriend which was awesome….”

Hah! Field experience makes the reframes automatic after a while.

7 years ago

@Scribblerg: Ya and Scray both had “learned” social intelligence, instead of a “natural” one like you or some others. Which is probably why they are also better at teaching it to guys like me and Hank than naturals.

Recall that RSD Tyler is even autistic. He probably still can out game every single one of the natural alphas in this comment section, and he is probably quite good at teaching game to low social intelligence guys as well.

7 years ago

@IAS – Let me see…”Ya and Scray had “PARTIALLY DEVELOPED” social intelligence…” There, I fixed it for you. There is nothing natural or unnatural about it once you know it – social intelligence is just social intelligence. They were just both unused to being around men far more accomplished and confident and older than they are. Consider that Blaximus likely got more pussy than Scray will ever get. Without any PUA study or field reports. Pretty daunting to see men who are simply better than you at something…And a big part of maturing as a man. Also, let’s deal with… Read more »

7 years ago

Btw, I think i hate this field report section. i dont’ want to break up my commentary and keep track of which thread i’m in etc. Bad solution to my way of thinking.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Also, let’s deal with this “Natural” thing for what it is. It’s not genetic,

So you believe that all behavior is learned? The Blank Slate theory all the way down?
For real?

Btw, I think i hate this field report section. i dont’ want to break up my commentary and keep track of which thread i’m in etc. Bad solution to my way of thinking.

It was a kindness for Rollo to create this section in the first place. I’m sure you could do better on your own blog, though.

7 years ago

Also, let’s deal with this “Natural” thing for what it is. It’s not genetic, My way of understanding big G Game is… it is a language. A verbal and physical language… which is the language of female seduction. It is learned, like we learned to speak our native tongues… “Naturals” are like native born German speakers… they have learned the language and can communicate in it. Some just a few phrases, how to get to the station, the bathroom, order a bier… some completely fluent… some advanced past the basics and into idioms, dialects, customs and history… You want to… Read more »

7 years ago

You are also free not to beat yourself up because you never studied any German, nor laud someone who can hold a conversation because they grew up around German speakers.

7 years ago

Genau, Sentient.

At a bar last Friday, some young fella tries to AMOG me a little.

Me: Hoerst du mich genau, arschloch. Ich hab’ besseres zu tun.

And that was that.

7 years ago

EhIntellect Funny… True story… I know a little German German, not much… but I had learned some Game German by then too… was out in a club and an 8 Persian girl grabs me and asks if I was German.. “jah jah” and about every German phrase I knew thrown about, with a shit halting English accent… She was totally into blonde dudes… went over her place “to study”, went for a swim in the pool in her apartment unit, still remember her smoking bod in a white bikini… she says just stay over. we get in bed. I’m just… Read more »

7 years ago

“Hoerst du mich genau, arschloch. Ich hab’ besseres zu tun.” – in between the strings of german phrases..

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

Hey Scribb! Good to hear from ya. I would have preferred Ya and Scray stay, but then I’m more patient than most. Ya could carry on for sure, and he was only interested in writing about PUA and it informed all his reactions to things. But he’s unmatched at teaching it. He would have done better in the subthread here. Ah well. Great to hear your plate project is going well! Heh. Mine failed to convert so well. Been meaning to write about it but the last meeting left me with some negative emotions I suspected were do to some… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

ok so can maybe go out to an event with almost 100% black people. got invited there from one of my main bosses (also black). so considering going there the next meetup there, just concerned a bit since a boss is there lol, but its like 80% black females which is nice. wasn’t sure about going, but my immediate boss was saying I should go (the same one I always talk about here). if I go, plan to just socialize and play it safe. see about going later that day to meetup with the two guys I met a few… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@forge she’s basically gonna look for a guy who’s good provider material first and foremost, and who isn’t irresistible to her sexually (so she can be a born-again virgin with him), get married and then after a few years, boom, dead sex life. lol and then ring ring “hey forge we should hang out” lol btw what were those herbs/pills you recommended for sleep/energy? I’m trying to experimet right now with some short term solutions for my symptoms. so say i go out on a sat, I can have some pills to take to make me more okay for 24… Read more »

7 years ago

Forge I suggest that the issue is you are not Alpha Fucks enough… Just more than she has around her and withon her comfort zone. The girl you’ve described is typical, acts a lot like a guy with some semblance of rationality… And studiously avoids situations where she loses complete control. In all the interactions eith you she has played closed to the line of almost losing it but never quite got there. Part of this was a test to see if you would take the reigns and push her there. You should amp the Alpha to 11… Utterly destroy… Read more »

7 years ago

@Scribbler Congratulations on keeping good frame and mental point of origin. It is so good to hear of your break into real power and good confident game. Keep up the good work. I do like the separation of field reports from the flow of comments based on the original posts. The comments have generally been better with this separation and the track is easier to follow. “But in the end, I saw it as just more of what men do. Tussling, wrangling, arguing and holding one’s ground, all very male. Storming off in a huff – hell, this is probably… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

comment image

Remeber seeing The Scorpions open for rainbow in the early 80’s at MSG… hell of a show…

7 years ago

some more German…

The job is done and I go out
Another boring day
I leave it all behind me now
So many worlds away

I meet my girl, she’s dressed to kill
And all we gonna do
Is walk around to catch the thrill
On streets we call the zoo

We eat the night, we drink the time
Make our dreams come true
And hungry eyes are passing by
On streets we call the zoo

7 years ago

comment image

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@Sentient The Scorpions were my favorite band in high school, but I never suspected teenage me would have benefited so much from their videos holy shit. I never watched them. Might’ve dropped a nut sooner. Anyways, “I suggest that the issue is you are not Alpha Fucks enough…” Heh, I did suspect you might think so. The thing that gives me pause is that I was a heckuva lot more AF with her than I’ve been with any of the girls that I hit deep conversion with. So I’m trying to figure out why. My theory is a sort of… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago


shots fired.

7 years ago

I’m a big fan of of the Monkey House. And I just got handed a big, big help in that regarded. I believe it was Chet (yes it was), the commenter that gave some tips on shoulder pain last week or so in The Reconstruction I. He recommended John Kirsch’s book Shoulder Pain? The Solution and Prevention. And the solution to my severe moderate shoulder impingement syndrome is to brachiate, or hang suspended to stretch out and elevate the Achromio-clavicular arch by hanging your body. Overhead. Like an overenthusiastic teenager I was lifting too hard last year, (and I’m deathly… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@Hank “more a measure of progress. it used to take a lot longer for these things to pop up.” I mean, dudes w/o field experience and PUA know-how would see that as being a bad thing. You’re good enough to automatically realize that it’s a good thing. “btw what were those herbs/pills you recommended for sleep/energy?” Difficult to make specific recommendations without knowing more, so do your own research before taking anything. So far as supplements are concerned: I like stacking caffeine, theophylline, and EPA if I need to focus for a few hours. Phenibut is a great one if… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


Scrib, would a real field report forum work better?

If nothing else you might consider a monthly FR posting in a subheading, if that is workable on WordPress.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Really interesting FR, palmasailor, especially the part about the bracelet.

One of the things I keep telling men is that harming themselves is stupid.
A man who kills himself deliberately or accidentally over a woman is most likely to be just forgotten by her – the War Bride effect. She won’t be mooning over “him”, she’ll find someone else. Just like your upper crust date, she wants a father for her 3 children but won’t want any more I betcha. A utility.

7 years ago

Play fun and life in motion…

7 years ago

@Scribblerg: Blaximus may have a higher notch count than Scray or even Ya, and he started really young (as naturals typically do) but it was the “PUAs” that could help you figure out your mindset issues (as you were also kind of a natural) – you say it yourself. As far as I care the PUAs could still be virgins, if their advice proves to be the best to improve that is what matters for me. For all we know, Blax can be a virgin posing to be super Blax (it seems genuine but this is the internet). Blax’s high… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Forge The long and the short of it is she’s joined a new church and is trying to stop ‘killing her spirituality’ by having sex with me. shit test… notice the focus on ‘why’ she joined the new church…lol… Since she pretty much inevitably does if she’s around me for any length of time (heh), she now avoids me. Texts me when it’s late and she’s horny, what do you get when you put those two ideas together?…lol makes plans to meet, shit test… cancels them the next morning, after you fail to escalate in the moment…(= fail to ‘just… Read more »

7 years ago

@IAS – “As far as I care the PUAs could still be virgins, if their advice proves to be the best to improve that is what matters for me.” Lol, this may be the funniest thing I’ve read in a while, thanks for that. Cuz sure, a virgin can give you great advice on how to fuck, ya, gotcha – oh they can’t, of course, so why would you make such an arch analogy? Just bizarre and symptomatic of the fetishization many ASD types engage in regarding their own condition. And oh yeah, you entirely missed my point about being… Read more »

7 years ago

One more thing. Giving a young nympho hottie the sexing she needs is hard work. I’ve been at it for 3 days and I’m sore and drained etc., lol. 54yo is no joke when banging a chick half your age. It’s highly motivating to get in better shape though… This is what is known as a “luxury problem”. Do what I did, and you can have what I have…Approach, approach, approach. OSGs, bear down on Mystery Method. And oh yeah, @Sailor – stay away from the 40 somethings. They are all fucked in the head like the ungrateful bitch you… Read more »

7 years ago

@Scribblerg: you are (intentionally?) missing the point. In the internet, and even outside, all N counts are a priori false, so best to judge the comment / advice for what it is. YaReally had the best Game advice and insight in the comment section, and Scray also had pretty good advice and insight generally. Of the guys still commenting I think HABD has the best advice, also a sperg, and I imagine his N count is probably rather modest (but who knows). Sentient also has good stuff but I think just slightly out of my reach in what I can… Read more »

7 years ago

Very few young men CAN…


7 years ago


But what do I know, I’m not even banging anyone at the moment

Why don’t you game your wife and bring the whole long distance thing to a head?

7 years ago

@IAS – Didn’t mention N on this thread. Seems to bother you though. Funny how your adaptive response and buffer is to reject all Ns – except some of course, you dopey fuck. Ya gonna learn how to rock climb from some guy who’s done 500 ascents? Or 50? Does N matter? Might a man learn something after fucking 200 women that man who’s only fucked 50 might not know? Could that information be valuable to other men? I get it, you are a special little Spergy snowflake and you are going to argue this truly inane point into your… Read more »

7 years ago

Forge Well HABD hit all the break points quite well as per usual, so no need to dwell on that. I second everything… Some stuff for you to think about… first a diagnostic with respect to this special snowflake: 1. Did you ever have sex on “your” terms, whatever it was at the time or have you always “worked” for it? 2. Did she blow you and did she swallow? 3. Rawdog or did she make you wear a condom? If rawdog did she take a condom off of you? 4. Did she ever beg to be fucked by you… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

IAS, maybe it is time to stop talking about people who don’t post here anymore, and get on with your own life? Talking about other people is called gossip. That’s what women do.

But what do I know, I’m not even banging anyone at the moment and my N=1.

There’s your problem. Why don’t you just decide what you want out of your long distance marriage, write down a few steps to get there, and start working on that, rather than all this “YaReally said but Scray said but HABD said” gossip.

What’s your T? Are you even lifting?

7 years ago


Couple more

17. Has she ever stripped for you?
18. Has she ever masturbated for you? Have you ever told her to and she did?

7 years ago

Forge Since we are speaking of German… and the female language of seduction i.e. just getting it! Here is a German for you… Seems pretty buttoned up right? Let’s see… She was born in Graz, Austria, in November, 1940… Her childhood was uneventful, with the Second World War a blurred backdrop that her parents never openly discussed. .. By 1957, [she] was studying in Syracuse on a one-year exchange program sponsored by the American Field Service. Three years later she married Dennis Day, then in training to be an Episcopal priest, in White Plains. They moved to Indiana, where… Read more »

7 years ago


You are probably familiar with Sex God Method… maybe have another read…

You don’t need to actually rape her, you need to break her frame… so she just lets go. One of the fun things about no strings attached ONS game is you get that huge rush going and so forty minutes after meeting… you just keep amping up the dominance and they just love getting completely lost in it… they are already in the moment and you are just adding more track to the roller coaster…. and they are safe – no names…

7 years ago

One of my favorite scenes… FRAME.

7 years ago

“She’ll fuck you with a bit more vigor when she wants a child, but then after that it will go to drip feed “I’m-not-like-that-anymore” sex.” Not to be contrarian, My married sex life never shut off, has been no-hold-barred even with the kids, have checked off many if not most of Sentient’s list (h/t). It’s white-hot now…and she’s knows all about this too. She’s no dummy. As Sentient wrote, I “cucked it up”. It was me, my inconsistency. Inconsistency confused her, kids, colleagues, everyone, including me. I was unable to go all in…outside the bedroom. Why? The FI, but that’s… Read more »

7 years ago

Ehintellect – you have a powerful story, love following it. Been there with you… had it all, let it all wither down – due to laziness and stupidity, too much easy money around to grease things… But you can build it back, at least build it back. Not sure about guys that never had it to start with… they should be able to, but you don’t see much of that. Some more 9 1/2 weeks, loved that when it came out… Bassinger was 33 in this movie btw… Can’t find my favorite scene, in the beginning they are walking… Read more »

7 years ago

A note – on the diagnostic list… be advised it is for diagnostic purposes only. I don’t ascribe to ranking sex acts on a point system, computing one as “better” than the other. My view is if you are enjoying the sex you are having (frequency, intesity, positions, acts etc.)… have at it brodies… If that is tender lovemaking with an economy of motion and sound – but YOU dig it and it’s what you want? You the man.

7 years ago

OK you rockers

Drop dead legs, pretty smile, hurts my head, gets me wild.
Dig that steam, giant butt, makes me scream, I get nuh-nuh-nothing but the shakes over you
And nothing else could ever do.

One of fave VH songs… great vid… Apparently these are all done by a guy called Hollywood Scream, things he puts together. I suspect he is in the biz, but haven’t found anything about him. Hell of an effort though!

Thanks whoever you are…

7 years ago

@Sentient, if bar owners were smart, they’d loop that dude’s YouTube channel on their televisions. Rock music and hot bitches!

7 years ago

” . . . if bar owners were smart . . .”

. . . they’d be in the bar supply business.

7 years ago

@ Sentient I’ve had a strange thought since I’d taken to reading in the manosphere years ago. From the news clippings and stories and accounts that I’ve read over the years about men being charged with rape, sexual assault and the like, I’d begun to believe that if I were single today, it would not be long before I fucked up and found myself behind bars. I still find myself manhandling chicks ( even if I’m not going to have sex with them ) to spark that sexual desire if possible. Just….because… I’m a man dammit. Women cannot resist ”… Read more »

7 years ago

@kfg, haha. true.

7 years ago

Blax But after reading stuff on the web ( along with the constant harassment training at work…fucking brainwashing ), it’s no wonder guys are apprehensive and cautious. That blows because some really good shit is being missed out on. Lotta frustrated chicks out in the world evidently. Yeah I think there is a definite skew on sphere and PUA sites from a lot of more beta guys, spergs, noobs, etc. posting a lot. Sedfast is a good counter example, way more stuff on that from guys banging chicks left right and center around the world… Girls are still girls though… Read more »

7 years ago

@ IAS I only learned about the concept of N counts when I started reading in the sphere. N’s don’t really tell you anything except how many women a guy stuck his penis in. Lol. It doesn’t mean it was good or satisfying or anything. And it doesn’t mean the guy is a great seducer of women either. Women like to have sex. That’s why I found PUA stuff fascinating. It’s like teaching a guy how to go out to an apple tree and actually pick the apples. Sorry that you couldn’t get anything out of my explanations, but remember… Read more »

7 years ago


Hatch matched.

7 years ago

@ IAS Oh, before I forget, I got a story for you!! After my divorce, I set off on a mission to bang all of the chicks in the office that I’d been sexually harassing and flirting with over the years. It turned out to be a smashing success for the most part, until I went after a nerdy ” 6 ” just to increase the numbers. No matter how I gamed her, she resisted mightily. After a few months of trying to get her isolated in some manner, she exclaimed to me to ” cut it out ” because… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@Rollo When she first started talking like this, my immediate thought was ‘Oh hey, epiphany phase time.’ So thanks a ton for the predictive power of your work. Yes, I see this all as being a rationalization for the BB pivot girls do. It’s not like she was unaware her religion prohibits premarital sex before and someone told her lol, she just didn’t much care before. But this specific justification for the epiphany phase is a bit interesting because it shows how social pressures can augment the female sexual strategy. She can be far more assured of her actions, and… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

tender lovemaking with an economy of motion and sound

the fuck?

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago


Thanks, I may check out SGM again, I’m not sure if I even read the whole thing back when. Great mindset in that.

For reference, I’m ‘yes’ to 5 out of 18 of your questions. And that’s with fairly minimal sexual opportunity, only a few months, so there simply wasn’t time for all those things to happen. I’d estimate another 3-6 of them may have happened given more opportunity at the level of game and chemistry I was seeing. Not all-in, but not chode avenue either.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

Yes, Agent P, the fuck. You don’t always have to do it hard.

7 years ago

Forge “so there simply wasn’t time for all those things to happen” Lolz. 80% is one night. Hey if you don’t want to identify that’s cool. But is it the FI pushing on you? But this here is concerning… But this specific justification for the epiphany phase is a bit interesting because it shows how social pressures can augment the female sexual strategy. She can be far more assured of her actions, and get far more support for them, because of the way she hears it reinforced from the pulpit, small group studies, or whatever else she’s participating in. Manster… Read more »

7 years ago

Forge Agent P

Tenacious D – lolz…

Agent P – they say whatever if it’s clever. Some guys like to shit on girls… some like to get shat upon. whatever dudes.

Chump No More
Chump No More
7 years ago


Good list of Alpha Tells.

How many of those to confirm you’re her Alpha?

7 years ago


LOL until I went after a nerdy ” 6 ” just to increase the numbers.

5/6 girls are very wise to what is up… and can be hard to game from a high value guys place because they KNOW on the 3rd second what is in store for them post nut… they are not worthy.

7 years ago


How many of those to confirm you’re her Alpha?

All of them. if they are from your frame and you are not paying her…

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@HABD Thanks a ton! Love how you pull things apart. I mean, yes when she texts me late she wants the bang NOW. But it’s always like….midnight on a weeknight and she’s in bed. This has happened a few times and the great god Orpheus always wins. I did manage it once when it happened to be a bit earlier than usual and a weekend. I’ll try to keep my mind on that; I think looking back that she was sending out more subtle messages a few hours before. She texted me a pic of the thing she was drinking.… Read more »

7 years ago


She texted me a pic of the thing she was drinking. She was with friends so I didn’t push at that point, but I suppose she could have aborted.

In German contact means “Ich will dich ficken”….

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago


The problem here is that all the dudes see the basic and the advanced stuff together. You’ve got the basic aphorisms nailed down to a few words so they might stick with a guy long enough for him to understand them.

They need the PUA tech first, and the other stuff sounds hazy, but eventually it comes around. Props.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

“In German contact means “Ich will dich ficken”….”

This is my recent epiphany. Amazing how reliable it is frankly.

Like…every once in a while she might encounter some injoke or something that makes her think of you randomly, but 95% of the time she thinks of you because she’s ‘in a mood’ if ya know what I mean.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

“It’s like teaching a guy how to go out to an apple tree and actually pick the apples.”

Hey, did you know that you’re free to get up and do whatever the fuck you want, right now?

It’s amazing how bad at realizing this people are.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@Sentient Good push. “Lolz. 80% is one night.” I don’t shoot champagne, man. Pedestalization? You betcha! Champagne is just sour wine with the bubbles in. Gotta have more sex so I don’t idealize it so much lol. “Hey if you don’t want to identify that’s cool. But is it the FI pushing on you?” No, just didn’t want to foul the comment stream by quoting all items with a yes/no appended. But fine. Included ones are ‘yes.’ 1. Did you ever have sex on “your” terms, whatever it was at the time or have you always “worked” for it? 3.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Forge I mean, yes when she texts me late she wants the bang NOW. But it’s always like….midnight on a weeknight and she’s in bed. I’m not HABD nor Sentient, but I’m pretty sure that’s known as a booty call. Whose frame is that in? This has happened a few times and the great god Orpheus always wins. You listen to music instead of going to her place? Or did you mean Morpheus (not the one in the Matrix)? I did manage it once when it happened to be a bit earlier than usual and a weekend. She… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

@AR Hmm, thought Orpheus was the god of sleep and Morpheus of dreams. But I think I got that from a prog metal band, so ya know imprudent sources Anyways, the trick is to get her to get up, dressed, and drive 20-30 minutes to my place. She has judgemental housemates. And I think she just rationalizes to herself that she can just bang me tomorrow to assuage her libido, then she wakes up and realizes ‘oh hey I have a boyfriend’ (a few months ago) or ‘oh hey, muh Jesus’ (now). “Forge, she has the upper hand on you.… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

She’s on maybe a Girls Night Out and texts you a pic of her drink. What could that mean? A. She wants you to learn to mix cocktails B. She wants you to come share in the girl talk C. She wants to have a cocktail with you D. ? It’s kinda interesting, but I’ll text things to people if they just make me think of them or if I think they’ll find them amusing. But girls tend to not. If they contact you they want your attention…and if the sort of attention they want from you is of a… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Sentient

” 5/6 girls are very wise to what is up… and can be hard to game from a high value guys place because they KNOW on the 3rd second what is in store for them post nut… they are not worthy.”


Truth, but it’s still amusing to watch them decline.

It’s like if I say ” hello ” to a 300 pound she-beast standing in line in front of me at the store ( and blocking out all available light ), they damn near always react as if I farted in their direction.

7 years ago


but 95% of the time she thinks of you because she’s ‘in a mood’ if ya know what I mean.

100% of the time Forge… it is all about the D. Programmed.

Much more for you but probs tomorrow… Good diagnostic, explains everything!

7 years ago

@ Forge ” Hey, did you know that you’re free to get up and do whatever the fuck you want, right now?” Lol. I’ve been shouting this from the mountain tops for decades now. It’s all a matter of consequences, and whether at any given moment, consequences matter. But just the realization alone is oft times enough. ” It’s kinda interesting, but I’ll text things to people if they just make me think of them or if I think they’ll find them amusing. But girls tend to not. If they contact you they want your attention…and if the sort of… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Rollo I agree with you. I’ve never had sex with a pro, but that doesn’t mean that I would never do it. there’s just never been a real need to do so. The thing about broadening domains is dead on correct, if a guy really wants to ” get better ” with women. I think…maybe.. I picked up 2 or 3 girls in ” clubs ” in my life. But this right here – ” Today, the average N count for men is somewhere around 7 lifetime partners…” Are you sure about this? It doesn’t seem possible for the… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago


AVERAGE, 10% of sorted dudes get 50 girls, 90% of AFC’s get 7, 100% of incels get 0%+- averages out to 7.

You my man are a living Apex fallacy but you know that already

As for my previous comments, my sarcasm key was stuck I guess.

Coach Peter
7 years ago

ATTENTION Alpha Males: Listen to this breakdown of fake women outrage here – This is the conversation that every Alpha Male is having about the Feminism Women’s March to the White House after President Donald Trump’s Inauguration. The Advanced Playbook dives deep into the scientific causes for women in fake outrage and how the beta males who support feminism are sure to have had their balls removed. Join the conversation every True Alpha Male is having across the world right now about how Feminism Sucks, Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks. Listen to this 14 min scientific breakdown of the… Read more »

7 years ago

“but my experiences with women and my insights with those I’ve sexed, those I’ve lived with, those I’ve worked with, those I’m related to, even the one I raised from birth, give me a different perspective to learn from.”


7 years ago

Some replies for you all @Scribblerg: you implicitly brought N and explicitly N=0 (virgins). You seem more bothered than I am. As far as victim mentality goes, you bring up PTSD and other issues you have. It was SJF, not me, that said I was a sperg here, not myself. I don’t remember asking for special treatment from you or anyone else. But again, you can just judge my posts for what they are and come to your own conclusions. @Sentient: honestly, I wonder if I prefer it this way. More free time. Also don’t want to support her financially,… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo: apart from pros, and other domain dependent considerations you point out, N is a mostly reliable indicator of how good the guy’s game is. It says little of how good the guy’s RP awareness is. But my point is that N is not at all a reliable indicator of how good the guy is at teaching other guys, even if the subject to be taught is game. I’m not saying the best guys at teaching game will be virgins, but there seems to be a correlation between guys that had to struggle to learn it are better able to… Read more »

7 years ago Rollo (from Aug 29th, 2013) The Measure of Game There is an element in the manosphere that will tell you that the only real form of Game, the only legitimate, measure of Game is how many women you’ve successfully banged in your pursuit of perfecting Game for yourself. I agree with this assessment. The real measure of Game is only truly tested by how well it gets you laid. You can use your understanding of Game to improve your life, your career, your family interactions, etc. You can use your grasp of Game to destroy a feminist’s arguments and… Read more »

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