Field Reports


For the past three years of The Rational Male there’s been a consistent presence in the comment threads of guys seeking advice for particular situations with regards to Game. Whether it’s fine tuning certain aspects of Game or a larger consensus of the guys participating in my comment threads it’s become obvious there’s a need for a dedicated page and comment thread to address these Field Reports.

So I’m instituting this page for exactly this. If there is some urgency to have members of The Rational Male community analyze your particular situation feel free to hit anyone up in the comments of my current post, but please refer them to your particular field report with a link to your comment here. I’m hoping this will alleviate the mass of posts for field report analysis and Game specific insights piled into the main blog post for any given week.

There will be some rules for this “forum” as such. I ask that you only keep your comments to addressing the field reports at hand and save your larger theoretical stuff for the main posts, or if relevant, keep the “bigger scope of things” posts to being as succinct as possible. There will be no moderation in this comment thread (spamming excepted), so realize it will be a very hot kitchen before you post. I will impose no restrictions on video links here, nor will I limit links to various, but pertinent articles.

Understand, this is an experiment for now. It’s likely this comment thread will exceed thousands of comments. I’ll be instituting new comment plug-ins for wordpress to deal with this in the future, but I may archive this page the the posts and refresh this page in the future as well. If this gets cumbersome I may simply institute a dedicated forum-style sub-site of The Rational Male to accommodate for Game specific questions.

So have at it, post your field reports and feel free to comment on the ones you have some particular insight for. Be forewarned that it’s likely things may get a bit salty at times and I expect a lot of back & forth with debate and disagreements, but that’s what this thread is for – to hash out Game particulars for your given situations.


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7 years ago

SJF / Newly

A shorter form “Invictus”

As featured in….

you know it…

I’m the king of my own land.
Facing tempests of dust, I’ll fight until the end.
Creatures of my dreams raise up and dance with me!
Now and forever, I’m your king!

7 years ago


Yep, from now on I’ll use either line (or RSD Max’s when girls say it’s nice to meet you and he says “I know.”). I have nothing holding me back now and I only have to work out logistics.

7 years ago

“It’s a pleasure to meet me.”

FYI that Matador clip Wala posted above is solid gold… Great detail on the small ball game… The small subtle bits that are the keys to unlocking all situations…

“Ping – Pang – Pong “

7 years ago

A good short text explanation of the Matador video

and a visual model

7 years ago

@Sentient, good stuff. I’ve seen it before, but it’s a damn good reminder for someone who is thirsty. Month ago I opened some girls and as soon as I got some IOIs, I went heavy on the IOIs back and, like clockwork, the set fizzled out. I realized it a few minutes later. Something to always be conscious of is your dick always wills you to give IOI’s. lol!

7 years ago

Some more good stuff from this forum (Culum etc.)

So there you go. Simple and actionable. 95% of the guys on here aren’t following these rules, and ALL of you will experience progress immediately if you start abiding by them night after night.

1 – always be opening
2 – never eject
3 – always be closing

Coninued –

7 years ago

@Sentient and safespaceplaypen What’s interesting in that in that clip of the ending of The Gambler, the character Jim Bennett is initially running away from his old constraints. (accumulated gambling debts). But what is most striking during 2:45 to 4:30 is he is actually running toward something with real desire. (happens to be a girl and freedom from constraint, and he really really wants to get there.) Contrast the running toward something (with desire) with the intensity at which Safespaceplaypen is running away from something (girls he doesn’t know yet and rejection) in the form of approach anxiety in PUA… Read more »

7 years ago

I go out a lot. I aim to get laid. Some of us approach for the fun of it, some just dance and call it a day. But I approach to get laid. I made picking women my hobby long before I found the manosphere or cam across the concept of red pill as it relates to inter-gender interactions. I used to have a blog where I shared my experiences. It had a following. But some stupid threats from a sjw to dox some innocent guy he/she suspected was writing the blog made me pull it down. I had backed… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@newlyaloof – what’s keeping you in this marriage? The kids? Or are you working out your exit plan? And have you gotten laid before with someone other than your wife? Just trying to calibrate your FRs..I seem to remember something from you (maybe back in the CH days) about understanding your wife had checked out mentally when she left a voicemail for you and kept talking after she thought she hung up? @Sentient – yup, going through that old Matador/Mystery video series plus Julien’s TenGame stuff – the last Blitz is over (and was successful with the number close) so… Read more »

7 years ago

I haven’t made a single approach these past 2 days at all lol. Pretty disappointed about this. A lot of stressful shit going on lol. AA’s driving me nuts. My mind keeps conjuring up all sorts of retarded unmotivating things lol.

So far during my “30 Day Challenge” I’ve made 21 approaches, 0 numbers, and 0 dates. And so far there has been 6 days where I didn’t approach at all, which is really bad. The stress from talking to a girl still makes my legs feel like jello and my stomach feel like someone’s punched it lol.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@Safespace – can’t remember from your previous posts, but do you have a wing?This is exactly the kind of situation where a wing and you can help each other push past AA.. If not consider finding the local lair/Whatsapp group/RSD Inner Circle/whatever and finding someone to go out with. There are ups and downs to this (in general a bad wing is worse than no wing at all, for a bunch of reasons) but especially for this kind of pure AA/opening stuff, a wing is great. Also have you tried pumping yourself up with music before you go out (or… Read more »

7 years ago

@Calum, caught wifey on tape saying if it weren’t for the kids, she’d leave my ass, so now the feeling’s mutual. I don’t want to move out, so I’m just doing my own thing and she can do hers. As long as we can tolerate each other and not fight in front of the kids, I’m fine with this.

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@newlyaloof overall, this is the FI pushing on you… @Calum, caught wifey on tape saying if it weren’t for the kids, she’d leave my ass, so now the feeling’s mutual. if this is you making a well-considered choice about what you actually want, then it’s fine… just own it… buuut, if this is you reacting to her emotional outburst (even/especially if that ‘outburst’ is on-going…), it’s Beta Butt-hurt ™ … and you should rethink your motivations… bc they WILL color/inform all of your down-stream actions/results… how do girls generally react when you are in their frame?… they react even WORSE… Read more »

7 years ago

Dick Twitch Girl update TL/DR – stalemate? I roll into the coffee place, see her at the counter, she faces me so we are looking at each other from 15 feet away while I order. Nod to her. Order. Go around to the counter to grab a stool. There is a purse on it. I ask her if anyone is sitting there, she says no and moves her purse. So now she is sitting next to me, the mid 20’s blonde she is friendly with is next to her, and a beta hug boy we both know next to that… Read more »

7 years ago

@HABD, that tape thing happened about 6 months ago I believe. Seems like a lifetime. Hearing it just made me realize the truth about how women truly don’t think like we do (cats ain’t dogs as Sentient says) and can just roll out on a devoted husband and father because “happiness”. Plus she’s 47 with little sex drive. I’m a hound dog that could get busy multiple times each day if possible, so this combo simply doesn’t work. We’ve slept in different rooms for 8 years and the thrill is gone. The amount of times she’s used excuses not to… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@newlyaloof @HABD, that tape thing happened about 6 months ago I believe. Seems like a lifetime. Hearing it just made me realize the truth about how women truly don’t think like we do (cats ain’t dogs as Sentient says) and can just roll out on a devoted husband and father because “happiness”. lol… do you not believe Rollo?… i mean really?…lol… but yeah, it does need to hit home before you can really internalize this shit isn’t just some abstract interweb theory… Plus she’s 47 with little sex drive. ya so?…lol… this is ALL (and i don’t know how to… Read more »

7 years ago

@HABD I think the only thing that will turn her attraction around is dread of me banging a younger girl. My female cousin and her husband went through some similar shit, and he said hell with her shit, separated with her, found a girlfriend, then later got back with my cousin. Now my cousin can only talk good about him on Facebook. Wife has some issues these past 9 years after kids. Won’t let me finger her, rarely ever lets me go down on her, won’t give blowjobs, won’t have sex unless in a bed with missionary. Says it hurts… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Sentient not much time but quick once over… remember that ‘beta orbiter wedge’ from last time?… this might just be the overall follow-on ‘chase me’ gambit… Dick Twitch Girl update TL/DR – stalemate? I roll into the coffee place, see her at the counter, she faces me so we are looking at each other from 15 feet away while I order. Nod to her. how was your smirk?…lol… but this might have been ‘chasing’… hard to tell without subcomm info… Order. Go around to the counter to grab a stool. There is a purse on it. did you know it… Read more »

7 years ago

Newly Been in the same place as you. The only thing holding you up from changing the situation is your willingness to act to change the situation. You’ve been on the edge a year now but really haven’t pushed her. I mean pushed her hard. Like saying she is delusional is still being in her frame. Saying “my girlfriend doesnt think so” is putting it in your frame and pushing her. Which response will have her thinking about you while you disappear? Saying you don’t want to turn her around is just a buffer to not handle the problem. At… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@newlyaloof shit, i’m never gonna git any work done…lol… @HABD I think the only thing that will turn her attraction around is dread of me banging a younger girl. My female cousin and her husband went through some similar shit, and he said hell with her shit, separated with her, found a girlfriend, then later got back with my cousin. Now my cousin can only talk good about him on Facebook. you can do this same thing without a separation, but the key is YOU… YOUR attitude… what YOU want… YOUR subcomms… etc… Wife has some issues these past 9… Read more »

7 years ago

HABD Thanks… this is an interesting interaction because it feels like a frame battle is going on, but the back of my mind there is a small doubt that maybe I am the only one thinking this… so this is why I am so interested in sussing it out, beyond the dick twitch impulse… I take your points, a little more flavor for consideration. So when I roll in, she turns and holds my gaze, So I consider this an IOI and I give her a neutral face head nod, like “yeh I see you”… Not a big grin etc.… Read more »

7 years ago

@HABD thanks for spending the time to comment to me. I understand about buffers man, but it’s hard for me to want to fix her when I have younger girls eyes on me. But, i didn’t think about having my cake and eating it too. Hmm. Get some ass on the side to stop my dick from yelling, and get game practice on a hard case. If anything else, it would harden my game skills. I’ll have to think more about this. And I know ladies in their 40s still have sex drives since I had phone sex with one… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo and others, about improving the section and WordPress limitations:
I suggest doing an universal change that applies both for the FR section and the main posts (given that it is hard or impossible to do separate changes), such that comments appear in reverse chronological order. IMO that would greatly improve the FR section, and it would also improve the main posts.

7 years ago

@Sentient, HABD and others: I have an exercise for you guys. Here is the situ – you are in a train for 3 hours. Two cute foreign girls, speaking a language you can speak but aren’t fluent on, take their seats a couple of places behind you. A few stops later, a cute girl comes in with a cat in a pet carrier, and an extremely cute girl is also behind the the foreigners, but it looks like she is with her mom (or some older family member). What do? I didn’t # close anyone, but I opened 3 of… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo: newest first would be a great help, as the regulars already read older comments and want the newest ones. It shifts some inconvenience to newer or irregular readers, but I think overall it is an improvement. My use case is that I try to use the sidebar with the recent comments to take me to the most recent page, which works most of the time for the most recent main post, but works very irregularly for the FR section. I think newest first would work best also for the main posts though the greatest benefit would be in the… Read more »

7 years ago


Two cute foreign girls, speaking a language you can speak but aren’t fluent on, take their seats a couple of places behind you.

How do you say “That is a really sexy ass?” in your language – pointing at 3rd non foreign girl…

Girl with cat – “How is your pussy on trains?”

Open them all… start a jealousy plot… compliance test them, some kino… try to bounce them to observation car or drinks car – look to isolate one.

7 years ago

Rollo – Newest first on FR’s

7 years ago


Sentient “my girlfriend doesn’t think so.” DAMN, WHY DIDN’T I THIN OF THAT. I remember you wrote about that before. Would have been golden.

Because of the reasons HABD notes… The FI, buffers… You are still looking for her to invest in you. You are not yet at the burn it down stage though You think you are. 🔥

7 years ago

@Sentient, I’ll get there.

7 years ago

Yikes. I thought i had a stroke for a second.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

It’s some kind of pop quiz to see who’s paying attention. Passed it. I’m giving myself an A-.

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Sentient ok, i think a couple points could clear this up… HABD Thanks… this is an interesting interaction because it feels like a frame battle is going on, but the back of my mind there is a small doubt that maybe I am the only one thinking this… so this is why I am so interested in sussing it out, beyond the dick twitch impulse… I take your points, a little more flavor for consideration. So when I roll in, she turns and holds my gaze, So I consider this an IOI and I give her a neutral face head… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago


@HABD thanks for spending the time to comment to me. I understand about buffers man, but it’s hard for me to want to fix her when I have younger girls eyes on me.

how’s that FI treating you?…lol…

it’s not fixing her… it’s fixing YOU…

and whose frame are you in when you are thinking like that?…

good luck!

7 years ago

@HABD, I meant “fix things with her” not “fix her” but points taken.

7 years ago


First… It’s not FAIR to use my words against me! Whaaaaa whaaaaa!

Ok on a serious note… I’ve destroyed shit tests with raw alpha displays in the past.. Would going out there and escalating like that still be seen as beta orbiting? That was my impulse… To me that is an aggresive dominant alpha move. Hmmmm.

Fuck her… She has me chasing… Lolz.

7 years ago

@Sentient Re your DT girl situ. A night out in a club with my buddies, one of them is a natural. He executes MM without knowing/understanding it: jealousy plot, social proof, outcome independence, abundance mentality, dhv, amog-ing etc. He’s on the dance floor, dances casually with his typical “I don’t give a fuck” and “you’re all shit” look on his face and games multiple girls in a few sets around him. If they don’t react to his body language and subtle touches, he rolls off and teases other girls around. He knows they all are watching him and he keeps… Read more »

7 years ago

@newlyaloof Been there, done that. My wife told me she didn’t feel anything to me, there was no desire, nothing. Two years later she wants to please me in bed and kitchen. HABD is right, you’re too reactive, even when considering poon on the side, still in FI. You’re not following your own agenda. Do you have your own (non-family) goals? Live the life you want to live without chasing any pussy. Let them be. Find out what you want, short term and long term. Use the opportunity: women are the most sensitive feedback mechanisms you can use to improve… Read more »

7 years ago


Good story.

Abundance is fine, I’m still married. Most of my game is SNL so usually can bust through these kinds of shit tests with just amping attraction, kino and dominance.

I guess after the last time I’m being too subtle and giving off the wrong signal… Largely because I dont want to waste time with a few months of playing hard to get. And becoming more consumed with “winning”… Which The Gambler will tell us is not a Fuck You Position.

All good to reflect on.

7 years ago

@Sentient Agree. All fun and good experience. I suppose I had a similar hiccup with the lane changer girl (thanks for the feedback). I didn’t push for SDL and then put too much effort into making it work a month later. But cats have their own world of emotions and even when they remember you, it’s just a different state with all their rationalizations, other things in their lives going on, a tiny bit less mystery, different games&prizes and their level of abundance in the moment. Every now and then, we all play snipers and invest in one target (like,… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago


go through your interaction with DT girl based on that flow chart you put up…

that’s a good visual overview…

your basic recovery now is just go back to SDL basic day game ‘instabang’ tactics… all the time… every time… until you can isolate her with some plausible deniability… and it can just happen…lol

no more coffee with the ‘girls’…lol

good luck!

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Great FR analysis and discussion on the coffee shop thing with Sentient and HABD. Very interesting reading how the same situation can be viewed so differently.

I’m still finding it hard to see why the leaving coffee behind thing is so crucial in determining her first reaction was the same as Sentient – she went outside to give the opportunity for the coffee’s presence/absence so crucial?

7 years ago

@palmasailor, thanks for your input, man.

7 years ago

@Culum here’s a field report with some tactical and strategic errors to learn from… I go to a Japanese restaurant opening a friend of mine had recommended to me. I am going up the elevator and some dumpy older office lady is in there with me…she says “Oh same floor…” I ignore her… I get into the place. 1) i’m the only non-Asian in the place…not really a big deal but I do stand out so there is an advantage 2) I don’t know a single person. it’s a bit cold but the sake is flowing and everyone starts loosening… Read more »

7 years ago


Here is the thing… Which I missed and HABD is right…

Her going outside WAS her attempt to get me outside, and my going out there was with the intent of aggressively escalating in isolation… However by her leaving the coffee and purse inside my efforts could only have been rendered a failure… My escalation could not work much with her stuff back in there which means I end up chasing her.

So it was a chase me gambit on her part all along… And a little power shift to her.

7 years ago


However by her leaving the coffee and purse inside my efforts could only have been rendered a failure…

She was cockteasing, so there was a little interest…how about a compliance test with a mild neg…”I noticed that you left your purse inside”…if she complies to get it (IOI), you proceed with escalation…if she doesn’t comply and leaves it (IOD), you roll off for a bit to flirt with other girls (IOD)

Great job calibrating! I’d have missed her leaving her purse inside.

7 years ago


Yikes. I thought i had a stroke for a second.

To the rest of us, you seemed out of it for 45 minutes.

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Culum Great FR analysis and discussion on the coffee shop thing with Sentient and HABD. Very interesting reading how the same situation can be viewed so differently. all the analysis in the manosphere doesn’t matter…lol… the ONLY thing that matters is what the girl is feeling in the moment… and a lot of that is just down to observation (calibration)… that’s why it really is helpful to analyze those photos that Sentient puts up (or others…) for practice… we just try to deconstruct so we can have different POVs for future real time spotting of social interactions… and even then… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago


i didn’t know she left her purse too!…lol… then for sure it was a chase me gambit… no way was she leaving without her purse…

good luck!

7 years ago

Culum Remember that FR back in September I think, with the girl who turned out to be a stripper on her way to work. I wanted to go out she said she had to work and left the bar then lingered in the lobby fiddling with her phone until I came out. And I knew she stopped to have me come ger her and we went out then… So that was a chase me gambit but one set up to work (and moved the pick up away fro. Her friends behind the bar who knew her boyfried). If her coffee… Read more »

7 years ago


Or think about it in this context. Like not getting logistics sorted upfront.

Girls go out in groups to help reign in their impulses… The cockblocks AND the structural cockblocks… Like you find out your target is the driver so she cant leave with you… Coffee and purse serving the same practical purpose here.

7 years ago

@NewlyAloof This is what worked for me. Never break eye contact first,amused mastery,spoken affection at least 3/1 her /me,go out in the dark to see what the ruckus is about,let her hear me give out the ass chewings to powerfull men,don’t complain about anything,ask for the food I like,cook it how I want once in awhile and give her a taste,go along with her convo long enough to change frame,have lots of interests,keep my own council,remember she is always gaming me,she has no empathy,never confide any weakness to her,always dismiss problems as nothing serious no matter how big,get out with… Read more »

7 years ago

Damn one comment a month and it gets lost in,mod?

7 years ago

I’m not sure if I could do that. I don’t know where a bear’s dark is.
And how killer bears got in my boxers I’ll never know.

7 years ago


Lol’s a bears dark is in the boxers,aim for the heart.

Point is no matter how alpha you have been in the past,the woman is feeling the present.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@HABD Wala Sentient – thanks guys, much clearer now that it’s structural to ensure that she HAS to go back. Wala – that last FR is why I try to talk to everyone – as Julien says you don’t have to *bang* the fat chicks but it’s good to be sociable with everyone (and how well I do depends on state – but last few weeks I’ve been trying to extend pretty much every conversation – shops, restaurants, dry cleaner – whatever, man or woman – just a couple sentences past the bare minimum – solid EC, and actually have… Read more »

7 years ago

lololol Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday — not a single fucking approach! Earlier today I went out to day-game, saw a few good opportunities but didn’t capitalize. Was basically stuck in my head and wasn’t fully committed to actually talk and chat up girls. Finally, tonight I went out and made 2 approaches. The first approach was a 2-set, and the second approach was also a 2-set. During the first approach I couldn’t really tell how receptive they were. The main girl I was focused on “seemed” receptive, because she had a smile on her face and had strong eye… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Sentient Culum @HABD Wala Sentient – thanks guys, much clearer now that it’s structural to ensure that she HAS to go back. it was structural… buuut, WHY did she (her hindbrain) set it up that way?… that’s the bigger question… i’ve been thinking about DT girl situ… and i think there is a dynamic in play that is important to parse out… largely bc i see guys slotting themselves into beta orbiter status even as they think they are ‘getting closer’… essentially dog v cat thinking… and the FI pushing on them (= earning her…)… so what happened to Sentient?…… Read more »

7 years ago

I’ve had exactly those same “cooling off” interactions HABD, because I don’t usually game to close when in the home town. So tou get a strong vibe going then right at the point of escalating and commiting you throttle back. Actually happened with the mid 20s blonde in these stories. On purpose. That 40s woman from a few weeks back was pissed I wouldn’t fuck her and had to deescalate carefully to avoid a meltdown. Looked back at the prior interaction as well… Was pretty good. Good hand play good eye play… Should have verbally escalated at the end instead… Read more »

7 years ago


last few weeks I’ve been trying to extend pretty much every conversation – shops, restaurants, dry cleaner – whatever, man or woman – just a couple sentences past the bare minimum – solid EC, and actually have a bit of a conversation – sometimes a proper conversation – and that works really well).

I try to do this if I remember…took Mrs. Gamer to the clinic and I got a cookie and left, but then went back and chatted up the clerk who is into making films.

7 years ago

@HABD @Sentient

Yeah, you gotta show a lot more interest the second time if you balk the first time because the girl will take that as the male equivalent of a cocktease.

7 years ago

@HABD Nicely explained, can cosign. Field tested many times in my life, especially when I didn’t want or didn’t know how to go beyond certain stages and left them with some doubt (=no doubt). I’ve learned that there is no point in trying to continue, not only from where I left it (obviously, the moment is gone) but also from scratch, *IF* I can’t ramp it up higher, quicker and smoother. Nowadays, I often delete their numbers or don’t focus on them at all if I happen to see them again (long fuse, spark it only if outcome independent, more… Read more »

7 years ago

@Sentient: train situation, I hesitate a bit but you go straight for the kill, damn. The pussy on train line only works in English I think. Also, train was packed so all of this wasn’t in isolation, I don’t think I could go so strong in that situ unless the train was emptier. Cute cat girl sat across diagonally from me on a free aisle seat. She wasn’t directly in front but it was easy to open her and talk. I screened her for logistics – she offered info freely on her final destination going there for University, so I… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo: I just tried to publish a mid length FR (the train situ, for Sentient) and it didn’t show up, and doesn’t let me post it again as it says it looks like a duplicate. The strange thing is, I have no links in the post so I don’t know why it went into moderation (if it did).

7 years ago

@Culum Struan Thanks a lot for your advice man! I’m looking for advice on a first date I had 2 days ago. So here goes the field report. I am 99% sure I could have gotten layed but didn’t. Looking back this is not the first time this has happened. I met this girl off of okcupid. Not very good looking but cute so, predictably via hypergamy she was really in to me from the start. We chatted and drank and we kissed within half an hour of meeting. We then move to leave to the next bar and I… Read more »

7 years ago

Rollo if you figure it out let Heartiste know..

7 years ago

IAS Good work opening. Hard environment with the seating but you know you can get up and stand in the aisle and move and if you had an open seat by you have one join you. Just remember you are not rooted and don’t need to follow convention. And that not following convention is a dhv and builds attraction. So you had no where to go without joining them (which you might have?), getting them to join you or number closing. None of which you tried to do because? Well you know. Next time push for something after the open… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@Dario – looks like you’re making good progress, so props on that. Difficult to tell without more details, but my guess is that you simply missed the escalation window – it’s only open for a short period of time and since you missed all the chances she gave you (at least 3 I noticed – HABD will probably notice more) she’s now dropped you as a prospect. I used to do this a lot till Sentient pointed it out to me a year or so ago. You don’t HAVE to talk to her for 2-3 hours – actually that’s counterproductive… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

PS – Just saw the bit about the housemates. It means she wants you to manage the logistics (ideally you’d have probed her living situation early on in the date and decided it’s easier to take her to your place – this is what I meant about controlling the environment). You could still pull it off here – you just need a vague excuse to get to her bedroom and away from the housemates and then proceed as above. But it’s definitely harder. Like I have an incredibly high strike rate when I meet girls in hotel bars and I’m… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

PPS – IAS – I hang out sometimes on an anonymous discussion board for people who work in my career field. Discussion is very wide ranging, not just about work and today a woman (never met her, but I believe about 30, married but not for very long, no kids, always posting topics that have sexual innuendo) posted about a guy opening her on her evening commute home on the train – she posted something like: “He said excuse me and I thought “okay here we go”, but I didn’t mind because he was cute..” (and then it turns out… Read more »

7 years ago

Culum is on 🔥…

7 years ago

@Sentient: keen insight of course. About me joining them, of course would need to screen for more logistics but a) isn’t that me chasing them and a DLV b) with 2 of them and one of me, aren’t the logistics terrible? I really should have number closed though, and arrange something for the same night (strike while the iron is hot). Probably could find an insta-wing to handle 1 of them. @Everyone: how do you guys find out about the night life in your own city or others? More than once when traveling I had difficulty finding a good place… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@IAS – there’s an RSD Luke video on this – called something like “how to build a social circle” or similar (YaReally has also posted about it). Basically go to any old bar and start asking people where’s good to go out etc – and build up from there. Google is also your friend. Some nightlife events are held in cool bars. Just walk around downtown hitting bars (Sentient had a good post sometime last year about starting in bars with the afterwork crowd, then a pause around dinner time then hitting the hotel bars and more late night… Read more »

7 years ago

@Culum Struan Thanks a lot for all of the advice! It all makes a lot of sense. I really should have just asked to use the toilet! Forgot about that trick. Next time this happens I will make sure to be vague and just walk her home. Its so weird that one needs to be so sneaky and vague about it. Women really are like children haha. I do have a couple of questions, if you have the time: 1. You talk about laser and sexual topics – any practical advice on this? I don’t think I’ve ever talked about… Read more »

7 years ago

@IAS: Just about every city has a free Arts & Music rag. Pick one up and make some rounds early in the day to pick out the venues that appeal to you. Hotel bars exist for a clientele who don’t know where to go or what to do. Ergo, pretty much everyone in one is looking for something to do and someone to do it with. You can help each other find something. Note that there’s pretty much only one reason for a local girl to be in a hotel bar, so you’ll have that going for you if you… Read more »

7 years ago

@KFG: not interested in paying for it. How does it work for them to “charge” covertly? I’m inexperienced enough that the idea of that makes me apprehensive.

@Dario: it is possible to salvage situations like yours (yours in particular not sure), but as you acknowledge you can’t by any means pick up where you left last time, and it may be harder than previous as by not being able to F close her hindbrain probably perceives you as more beta than it did last time (even if just slightly).

7 years ago

“How does it work for them to “charge” covertly?” By getting you to spend money on them. See the character Jennifer in the first season of WKRP in Cincinnati, when she was still being portrayed as a stereotype of the covert prostitute. “Gifts” are not payment, because they lack contract, even though they de facto accomplish the same end covertly. The point is that they can’t be legally prosecuted as prostitution; and of course the little hamster can run at turbine speed about the whole thing. If you won’t spend money on them they’ll figure it out soon enough and… Read more »

7 years ago

@Dario 1. You talk about laser and sexual topics – any practical advice on this? I don’t think I’ve ever talked about sex openly with a girl that I haven’t banged before. I’ll give you some examples of things I’ve done recently: 1) I was playing ring toss with girls and I straddled the target…not words, per se, but still a sexual message…they laughed, of course 2) I was dancing with a girl who’s an engineer…if it wasn’t so late and I wasn’t tired and about to leave, I’d have joked about the Engineering Equation for the Power of Sex…Heat… Read more »

7 years ago

IAS I was pointing out you had four options with the girls not that three of them would be easy. You chose the 4th. Do nothing. The others are just various degrees towards problem solving how you amd she can get alone. So don’t put much stock into the perception of DLV of chasing. You can set it up on your terms to offset that. “what is the local drink in your town (dish, site etc.). Sounds good. Where can I get one (etc.). OK. If you are cool we can go together and check it out”. Etc. Note –… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@Dario Glad to help. Laser+sexual topics – absolutely crucial. YaReally has explained laser several times in the YaReally Archive if you search it – he also has linked to some great video examples of it. Must watch. Sexual topics will depend on your personality and will be different for each person. But generally you start with something mildly sexual (verbally) and get more explicit over time. For me, I typically start with a prank I played that has some sexual undertones and an hour later I’m on a detailed and graphic description of a visit to a swingers club (note… Read more »

7 years ago

Drizzle On sexualizing… An example from 10 minutes ago. In an airport bar. 11 am. Nice young 7.5 sitting at the end. Finishing a cocktail. So what does this tell you. I come over, passing many empty seats, she looks up at me. I take the space next to her. ” so. What are you up to?” With strong eye contact. She starts laughing a bit and says she just got here and is waiting for her friend on another flight. So we chat a bit she says this is her first time in this city. I tell her she… Read more »

7 years ago

Dario not Drizzle. ^^^

7 years ago

“. she’d have been DTF with more time / better logistics..”

. . . but you can always just relax and get whatever fun you can from the toys you’ve actually got.

7 years ago

Yeah… Just enjoy what you can and don’t stress the close… Helps your overall frame… So a few minutes later another skinny little 7.5, but early thirties rocker vibe comes to the bar… Sadly she doesnt come down and sit by me but takes the empty seat next to a guy on my left. She has a gaint rock on left hand ring finger which is at quite the contrast to her several tattoos. I cash out to go to my flight. Then go around the guy and right up close to her and say “you need to put a… Read more »

7 years ago

Palmasailor It’s a variation on the boyfrienf destroyer while opening a pathway to the doubt she has that she is being fully valued…. Almost no married women will admit one on one with a stranger that they are totally in love with their perfect husband… Blax’s wife the exception perhaps… So the thinking for her is along these lines “oh wait he doesn’t worship me… He works too much… He is selfish… He doesnt appreciate me… He is xyz… My SMV is plummeting… Guys arent chasing me… It’s hot to have a stranger come on to me” etc. She can’t… Read more »

7 years ago

So the difference is between knowing and feeling… You tap into the feeling.

7 years ago

On rocks… Yes they can be beta territory markers but to most guys they are noted as markers… And they do not engage… True story – i married my wife we were young and she got a ring less than 200 bucks… Which she prizes more than anything and still wears everyday on her right hand. But since i had made a good bit of money many years later i surpised her with a big rock… As a reward for her and because i knew perhaps in our society in the women’s social circle it would make her feel more… Read more »

7 years ago

Basically if you say to a woman ” wow you must have the perfect life!” What can she say? What’s the over under on that?

7 years ago

Yes… Hypergamy about requires it.

7 years ago

What did the serpent say to Eve after all? He just raised the shadow of doubt… She did the rest.

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