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Protracted SMV

Leave it to Roissy to scoop me on my own posts:

Rollo Tomassi writes:

Thank you Mark Zuckerberg for creating the single greatest time-comparative engine men have ever known. I’m not a big fan of Face Book from a male standpoint, but if it has any redeeming aspect it’s that it provably shows men, in stark contrast, how women’s SMV declines. This is driven home all the better because the subject women are usually ones he’s known personally for a few years.

I entered my 20s in the early 90s, well before the internet went mainstream. I can vividly remember the women I was banging then and the ones who wouldn’t have a thing to do with me. Now I see them 20 years later thanks to social media and every single one is just ravaged by time and lifestyle. I’ve accepted friend requests from women whose memory from 20+ years ago are ones of flirtatious, beautiful lust-inspiring youth, all to be shattered when I see photos of them in their late 30s and early 40s. Then I pray to God and thank Him for sparing me from being yoked to cows like that in spite of my consuming desire at the time to get with them.

Take a minute to digest this: we are really the first generation of men to have such a convenient comparative tool. There was a time when a man could get with (or not) some girl he fancied and never see her again. Young men hear all the time how inconsequential the women they pine for really are in the grand scheme of things. Now the older men giving him advice have a tool to prove and emphasize that advice, and women have cause to lament the ugly, provable truth.

I had imagined going into this dynamic in more detail when I wrote it a few months back, but Roissy’s pretty much summed up my thoughts fairly well. However, one thing I couldn’t have accounted for is the inevitable female response to this dynamic, as represented in the comments by Maya (the troll):

Such a pleasure when you see us getting old and worthless, isn’t it?
If this makes you feel better about yourself …

I can fully understand why women would think men acknowledging this would be mean-spirited. Women’s innate solipsism predisposes them to thinking that viscerally identifying their SMV’s decay is an attack on them personally. Vitally important ego-investments tend to bring out that kind of defensiveness. That’s really not what I had in mind when I wrote that.

I primarily write for Men’s benefit, though I think women may learn something along with it. In writing this, my intent was to provide men with an overall perspective of their own, protracted SMV in comparison to women’s protracted SMV. Naturally, women will see that as an affront because it casts their sexual strategies in a negative light, but think about the beta chump struggling with thoughts of suicide because he thinks he’s losing his soul-mate in a break up at 19. We may live in girl-world, but sometimes our emotional wellbeing, even our own survival, depends on resisting it’s influences. As I said, I believe Face Book, and the greater part of social media, dynamically serves the feminine imperative – attention, affirmation, voyeurism, gossip, etc. – but allow a man to even recognize a use for it that serves to put things into a masculine-positive perspective and he’s attacked and shamed for it by default.

It’s a simple matter to tell a guy he’s dodged a bullet in the cosmic scheme of things, but it’s altogether different to provably show him how he’s dodging it. For all the evils of facebook at least it gives him an ability to see the forest for the trees, but the feminine can’t even afford him that. You must stay dumb, you must stay plugged-in for the feminine to maintain primacy. For all the benefits of a globally connected world, the feminine imperative expects you to accept a feminine-centric normalization of it.

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