A Woman’s Prerogative


“A woman talks to one man, looks at a second, and thinks of a third.” – Niti Sataka

Reader/Blogger Ian Ironwood had a really on-point comment about last week’s piece that I’d already considered for the next essay to continue this series:

Excellent post, Rollo. It goes without saying that the Pill and liberalized divorce law was the first step on this path, but few appreciate its logical conclusion. Especially feminism, in the face of evolving technology. Pendulums swing both ways, and the reverse can be devastating.

In particular, your discussion of evolutionary biology/psychology and evolving technologies is spot-on. One element many men (and almost all women) do not appreciate is the social change that will erupt when Vasalgel or one of the similar products/procedures is finally authorized by the FDA. For the uninformed, Vasalgel promises ten baby-free years for a man before it breaks down, and can be removed at any point to get a woman pregnant. It works without messing with your hormones by simply shredding the sperm in the vas deferens. It costs about $1000. One time.

The social implications of this are clear: suddenly for the first time in history, a woman would have to seek a man’s permission to have a child with him. This small, subtle shift will have dramatic consequences, especially as we head into the Age of the Herbivore. When all of those egg-freezing women and their younger, more opportunistic sisters can no longer practice rampant reproductive coercion, then the social balance will shift again, and hard. Men who screw without the shredder are not to be trusted and are demonstrably irresponsible…but men with it are impervious to the traditional biological means of ensuring a commitment. Suddenly we are very much on an even playing field, and everything is back on the table. It will take the conscious will and permission of both parties to have a child, and men in that position will find themselves in a far more powerful spot than they have ever been in.

Finding a suitable father for your kid is hard enough, from a female perspective. Finding one who also sees you as a worthy enough mother for his children to make the conscious decision to remove his birth control is going to be much, much harder. And the prospect of starting all over with a new man as her biological viability evaporates is going to be . . . problematic. We’ll see a much more intense emphasis on the Epiphany phase, and a multi-layered cultural panic as competition increases among women across the board.

The cultural freakout will include more-of-the-same “where did all the good men go?” “manbaby” “dropout loser mother’s basement” frustrated criticism of men; which is why it’s important, from a cultural perspective, that there are men articulating our essential cultural position: marriage, as it stands, no longer serves our interests, and we will select only women of the highest quality to raise our children with – mindfully.

It will be interesting to see how it evolves, but I predict this one little fact alone – independent of the other sexual distractions available to modern man, from internet porn to Tindr to prostitution to robotic sex dolls – will put modern feminism and womanhood in general into a crisis. I look forward to your next few parts.

Despite what a handful of new commenters believe, I have written in the past about the dramatic cultural shift that unilaterally feminine-controlled hormonal birth control has meant to Western culture. I started this by addressing the feminine side of the birth control situation in posts like Fem-Centrism (also an important chapter in The Rational Male) because it offers and confirms for Red Pill men so many examples of how the psychological nature of women interacts with their biological natures:

Sexual Revolution

I got into a hypothetical debate with an online friend as to what it would mean to humanity (and masculinity in particular) if a new method of birth control was developed with the specific and unique ability to allow men to control conception to the same degree women were given with hormonal contraception in the mid-sixties. I thought it interesting that human effort could create reliable contraception for women in the 60’s, yet in 2011 we can map the human genome and yet not figure out how to afford men the same degree of birth control?

Put simply, the feminine imperative will not allow this.

Imagine the social and economic damage to the feminine infrastructure if Prometheus gave such fire to Men? Imagine that balance of control veering back into the masculine; for men to literally have the exclusive choice to fulfill a woman’s sexual strategy or not.

The conversation got heated. Men could never be trusted with such a power! Surely humanity would come to a grinding, apocalyptic end if the feminine sexual strategy was thwarted by reliable male contraception. Societies would be sundered, populations would nosedive, and the nuclear family would be replaced with a neo-tribalism dictated by men’s sexual strategies. Honestly, you’d think the discovery of atomic weapons was on par with such an invention.

The ridiculous, pathetic endemically juvenile and perverse masculinity that 50 years of feminization created could never be trusted to further humanity in pursuing their sex’s inborn imperatives.

Yet, this is precisely the power that was put into the hands of women in the 1960’s and remains today. The threat that male contraception represents to the feminine imperative is one of controlling the framework of which gender’s sexual strategy will be the normative. Prior to the advent of female-exclusive hormonal birth control and the sexual revolution that resulted from it, the gender playing field was level, if not tipped in favor of masculinity due to men’s provisioning being a motivating factor in women achieving their own gender imperative. Latex prophylactics were available in the 40’s, and this may have afforded men a slight advantage, but both parties knew and agreed to the terms of their sexual activity at the time of copulation.

Once feminine-exclusive birth control was convenient and available the locus of control switched to feminine primacy. Her imperative became the normalized imperative. His sexual imperative was only a means to achieving her own, and now the control was firmly placed in favor of feminine hypergamy. Whether in the developing world or in first world nations, the onus of directing the course of humanity fell upon women, and thus the feminine reality evolved into what it is today.

Freelove 2.0

It would appear that if all clinical testing goes according to hopes, Vasalgel will be this new form of unilaterally male-controlled birth control. I am, however, cautiously apprehensive about how accessible this breakthrough in male birth control will actually be. From the research I did for this piece, and coming from the usual feminist suspects, you’d think that Vasalgel would be a Godsend for sex-positive feminism. If I’m a bit skeptical it’s because the usual feminist sources are following the same shortsighted emotionalism that put them into virtually total control of the course of the human species.

Naturally, feminism would like to paint Vasalgel as some equalist responsibility for men. Almost every feminist article I read aboutVasalgel had some exasperated variation of “well, it’s about time men were given some responsibility for birth control” and then citing how difficult it was to remember to take a pill regularly. The other refrain was about how women couldn’t wait to get off the birth control hormones that made them fat, moody or just ornery, and how great it would be to have men be responsible for the convenience of their sex lives – more on that later.

But this is more than a bit facetious for women, because it only illustrates women’s (or feminist writer’s) obliviousness as to how male birth control will affect a base of power the Feminine Imperative has enjoyed for over five generations now. The fact that we’ve had female-controlled hormonal birth control, as well as legal, medically safe, abortion since the mid 60s and we’re only now developing/testing a male-controlled alternative in 2016 should speak volumes about our culture’s feminine-primary priorities.

This idea never occurs to women apparently; at least not publicly. Bear in mind all the development for Vasalgel has taken place almost entirely outside of western cultures (India being the test-bed). It could be that Vasalgel is still in its infancy with regard to a feminine-primary public awareness and women are still caught up in the hedonistically entitled mindset that only speaks to convenience in their sex lives. My guess is that not a lot of critical insight has been given as to how, as Ian and myself have explained, a feminine-primary social order would be affected by men’s far greater control of women’s Hypergamous strategies.

The ‘greater good’ of Vasalgel at this stage is all couched in the hope that it will help end unwanted pregnancies. That sounds like a progressive’s idea of a benefit to society, but at this stage what’s being overlooked is how a new technological advancement will immediately and irrevocably alter the direction of our larger culture.

I spoke to this in last week’s article. The rapid advancement of Vasalgel represents the potential of altering the direction of a social order that’s depended on the presumption of a unilateral control of Hypergamy for almost sixty years now. My guess is that once we get closer to realizing the use of Vasalgel as practical birth control for men the more resistance and legislation will be lobbied against it as the idea of what it could mean to the Feminine Imperative starts to sink in.

Her Prerogative

Now, we have to bring the implications of male-controlled birth control full circle here. There’s been a common idiom about women’s ‘right’ to choice for centuries now – a woman’s prerogative; a woman always has the right to change her mind. I actually looked up where this notion first started and it went as far back as (you guessed it) courtly love of medieval times:

Breach of promise is a common lawtort, abolished in many jurisdictions. It was also called breach of contract to marry,[1] and the remedy awarded was known as heart balm.

From at least medieval times until the early 20th century, a man’s promise of engagement to marry a woman was considered, in many jurisdictions, a legally binding contract. If the man were to subsequently change his mind, he would be said to be in “breach” of this promise and subject to litigation for damages.

The converse of this was seldom true; the concept that “it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind” had at least some basis in law (though a woman might pay a high social price for exercising this privilege, as explained below)—and unless an actual dowry of money or property had changed hands, a man was only rarely able to recover in a “breach of promise” suit against a woman, were he even allowed to file one.

This is another one of those old books ideas that women playing by the new books of modern times still clung to even after the Sexual Revolution. An important part of men’s Blue Pill Beta conditioning is to always defer to a woman’s judgement and choices no matter how duplicitous they may initially appear. Part of the old books social contract was based on a pre-understanding about what was at stake were a man and woman to come together, have sex and potentially bring a child into the world. Prior to the advent of birth control both sexes were on relatively equal presumptions of risk. A woman’s fickleness, duplicity or even prudence made a woman’s prerogative something pragmatic.

Now we move into an era where women have almost unchallenged, unilateral control of the birthing of the next generations of the human race. As I’ve mentioned before, with safe and legal abortion, feminine-controlled birth control, feminine-primary societal norms, feminine-controlled definitions of rape or harassment, and feminine-controlled legislation of men’s responsibility to fatherhood (irrespective of genetic origin) women’s consolidation on power is nearly complete.

All of these bases of social control revolve around a woman’s control of Hypergamy and the complete exclusion of men’s influence on it, beyond his genetic and provisional qualifications to satisfy it. When we combine the old books idiom of a woman’s right to change her mind with the nearly total control of Hypergamy, we see that the more we progress socially the more evident this feminine base of control is.

All social mandates revolve around satisfying women’s Hypergamous doubts, or allaying or justifying the fear of living with the consequences of them. Even in the current Presidential election we see this dynamic in action with the potential for the first female President.


In the next post in this series I’ll get into how women’s hindbrains struggle to keep up with the immediate rewards of social media and that the advancement of technology that gratifies their evolved psychological natures. However, for this discussion it’s important to understand that the advancements that have led to women’s social primacy of today are still tenuous. Vasagel could be one catalyst that is a game changer; a challenger not just to our intersexual dynamic, but the power hold women retain in directing Hypergamy and putting the direction of human breeding (in a much larger part) in the control of men.

I find it ironic and fitting that the promise of unrestricted sex which men believed they would enjoy with the advent of women’s hormonal birth control is the same rationale I’m reading from women about Vasagel. What they don’t consider is that this new invention will give men a new male prerogative with regard to who they will or will not start a family with.

I understand that in some ‘sphere communities Vasagel is the ‘big fuck you’ to women for have had such uncontested social control for so long, but to them I would advise not to get too elated too quickly. For the most part the socio-psychological infrastructure that conditions men for the Blue Pill will still exist, and there will always be Betas, even ones with the male prerogative that Vasagel implies, who will still defer to the feminine as their only means to sex and intimacy. The Feminine Imperative is nothing if not fluidly redefining itself to work around challenges to it s power. Vasagel may represent a change (assuming men are allowed to have it or can afford it) in our intersexual dynamics, but it will take some time before there is real change in our social dynamics as a result of it.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

Just reading about all of this in sperm wars.
We move with the times. Our body’s don’t care about the law they only care about high stress situation to limit reproduction. Both males and females have natural contraception mechanism dating back 10 thousand yrs.


[…] “A woman talks to one man, looks at a second, and thinks of a third.” – Niti Sataka Reader/Blogger Ian Ironwood had a really on-point comment about last week’s piece that continue […]

7 years ago

I have two baby mamas so far because I trusted them to use birth control responsibly. Both got pregnant thinking it would keep me around right around the time I was realizing each of them were insane. I learn things the hard way. This breakthrough in male birth control couldn’t come soon enough. Wish it was around a decade ago. Also wish I was red pill aware ten years ago. Oh well.

7 years ago

LOL- they have a name for guys who don’t wrap it up when they fuck pre-menopausal woman:


Read this and think long and hard about trusting a woman on birth control


7 years ago

… and yes, poking a pin through condoms is a common piece of folklore traded around among women suffering from baby rabys.

One guy I know caught a chick red handed poking a needle through his rubbers.

Take a gander at this Yahoo Answers thread


Wes Pariah
Wes Pariah
7 years ago

“In the next post in this series I’ll get into how women’s hindbrains struggle to keep up with the immediate rewards of social media and that the advancement of technology that gratifies their evolved psychological natures.” First time commenting. Can’t wait to read it. Being fairly young, I’m very eager to hear your thoughts on the social media era, as I have no choice but to deal with it due to how prominent it has become. Experiencing and coming to certain realizations on my own, I feel I have a good grasp on the subject but I have a feeling… Read more »

7 years ago

This is an interesting post. I have a plate who has been causing me considerable drama. It’s become clear she has a series of Cluster B/BPD traits. One of those is a constant self-pity/victimhood. This has included a false pregnancy scare which I told her off about yesterday. Around a month ago, she texted me in the middle of the day to say her period was late by a week. I was at work. I was furious. Firstly, it was just not possible for her to be pregnant. But the fact she was “just letting me know”…made it clear this… Read more »

7 years ago

Men could use a condom or get the snip. Men don’t do these things because they’re inconvenient. If Vasegel isn’t some easy to apply medicine, men won’t use it. Men’s own sexual strategies revolve around convincing a woman to willingly have sex with him. How many men in a long term relationship, whose partner has stopped having sex with him, will bring up the possibility of having children as a means to having sex with her? Men are programmed to seek sex at any and all costs. Playing the game to some degree means you’ve already lost. Alphas know this,… Read more »

7 years ago

The whole social media scene will grow tiresome for orbiters. They can’t get the woman on their screen because she’s off with alpha bucks. Beta will learn to make do without. After enough betas do this the validation women get from social media will wane and they’ll seek these pleasures in the world around them.

7 years ago

I’d really love to, but I’m not buying it entirely. It won’t be a wholesale game-changer overnight. If it isn’t banned from Western countries before it’s available, it might well become so. On the grounds of “medical safety concerns”, I’d bet. So the only way to get it will be medical tourism, which is rather inconvenient for those men without the financial means to do so. One may argue that women aren’t really interested in getting pregnant with such low-value providers, but I’d beg to differ. If it doesn’t get banned, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that some sort… Read more »

Just getting it
Just getting it
7 years ago

The only way Vasalgel can fail is if it is banned; you get the procedure, and look blankly when she says she’s not pregnant *again*.
Take a day off work to ‘have it reversed’. You won’t know if the reversal was effective for 3 months….

Men can actually be as deceptive as women for once….

7 years ago

Color me skeptical. Vasagel won’t change the game to men’s obvious favor . First -remember that we live in the Age of the Beta, and the males who derive their life’s worth from the FI will obey the system over their own interests and that of the male gender. When their women say to remove “The Plug”, they’ll do it. Just like when cupcake demands they marry, buy her a car, move to the suburbs, and so on. Next – how much practical bargaining power does this offer a typical beta? I’d say zero. Read your local statutes on child… Read more »

7 years ago

And until then…….quietly and discreetly get a vasectomy and get multiple lab test verifications that you are in fact really shooting blanks. Tell NOBODY that you went out and did this – especially any women you’re sleeping with. A caller on Tom Leykis told a story of a woman he was dating that tried to pull a variation of the “oops I’m pregnant and now you are my man slave for the next 18 years stunt” (and if I remember correctly, I believe she really was pregnant too, no doubt by an alpha of the same ethnicity – lol). He… Read more »

7 years ago

Not getting the “shit on Vasagel” comments here… I don’t think anyone, including Rollo, is saying it is a Panacea for what ails men. It is merely one game-changing shift for the social dynamic. YES, any guy still steeped deeply in Blue Pill mindset is going to get rolled. By definition, such a person would allow themselves to be influenced by whatever social pressures to NOT have the procedure done, for one. But that seems like a circular argument. So? Isn’t that is what Red Pill thought is for, right? The point is that for someone who is even remotely… Read more »

7 years ago

@ollieoxenfree1 > ‘Men could use a condom or get the snip. Men don’t do these things because they’re inconvenient.’ Gotta call BS on this one. Men don’t use condoms because sex doesn’t feel as good when they use them. And this is even more interesting to me: as a longtime participant in the PUA community, I would say the feedback I get from women, and other guys in the community is, that sex without condoms feels better for women too. And getting the snip is “inconvenient” … really? Nah, it’s “inappropriate” because it’s permanent. Also try “side effects.” It’s interesting… Read more »

Ed Wapole
7 years ago

A woman’s first reaction to understanding Vasagel is, “I can’t trust a man who tells me he has it. I would still need my own BC”. Everything about their mental process is “Its all about me.” They loate to admit baby rabies can be so compelling that they would baby-trap or sperm-jack a man. The truth is they will all tell their sisters, “you go gurl, get that baby you want so bad.” And when its their own rabid turn, their posse will tell them the same. Do not try to enlighten women about the overarching consequences of Vasagel. Let… Read more »

7 years ago

Having a male-control contraceptive such as Vasegel available might not lead to social upheaval *this* generation. There are BP’ers now and they won’t be changing anytime soon…

But think of the effects in 3 to 5 generations.

7 years ago

Their is a story in their about you.

7 years ago

Agree with @Colbert that if you’re single and working the plates, a vasectomized guy should never tell any woman he’s snipped.

This is because of this psychological thing many women have where a guy who’s shooting blanks turns them off. Readers might find the anonymous comments by women on these blog posts very enlightening:




What they don’t know won’t hurt them, or you !

7 years ago

@Rollo, Sentient, married dudes… This article deserves a post on its own. It’s written from a feminist perspective (of course it’s MSM) but worthwhile to interpret from a Red Pill perspective. Brad Pitt…alpha disciplines the kids, smokes a doob, isn’t getting any from his wall-hitting, globe-trotting wife…bangs a hottie from work… Poor Angelina…. read it and weep: http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2016/09/the-reason-for-the-pitt-jolie-divorce/500789/?utm_source=Quartzfb Angelina drinks wine every night. Angelina barely eats. Angelina smokes constantly. Angelina has had “many health scares,” leaving Brad “terrified.” Angelina lost weight. Angelina gained weight. Angelina is too preoccupied with her humanitarian work to concentrate on her marriage. Angelina isn’t attracted… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo: All social mandates revolve around satisfying women’s Hypergamous doubts, or allaying or justifying the fear of living with the consequences of them.

This is why Vasegel may help an individual man but will not help men in general. The FI is protean thus, to paraphrase another commenter, some men will become better tamers.

7 years ago

@ Ed Wapole, “Do not try to enlighten women about the overarching consequences of Vasagel. Let them find out the hard way; when baby-trapping and sperm-jacking are Vasagel impossible.” Their collective hive mind hindbrains are no doubt at least subconsciously already astutely aware of the awful consequences this development could have on their hypergamic options. The Huffington Post and the rest of the matrix media will be all over it when/if it ever arrives and will no doubt come up with creative rationalizations as to why it is bad for BOTH men and women. I suspect you’re gonna hear a… Read more »

7 years ago

FI will have it covered ‘obtaining sex by deception’, expressing the intention to impregnate while on vasagel will be seen as deception and ergo rape. Contraception rape!

The cuckservatives will love it, poor women trying to get pregnant denied by dastardly men…

7 years ago

Pitt/Jolie lol time to drop some reality bombs: That one’s an actual shame to me. I thought of any LTR, that one might make it. Pitt was a country boy with good ol’ southern values who WANTED to be a dad (VS a Dicaprio type getting dragged into it unwillingly). And Jolie being a AAA celeb would need another AAA celeb to bare minimum balance out the value (VS a case where a AAA celeb chick ditches a guy who’s way lower value than her). Brad didn’t let his value drop or anything, he’s as famous and high-value and successful… Read more »

7 years ago

Unfortunately as I said in the marriage debate, the NRE stage and first few years are very different from 10+ years later when the NRE has worn off and boredom sets in. But I mean, don’t believe ME, I’m just some idiot who hasn’t been married. Listen to Angelina Jolie’s own words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAXEctQDdX0&t=10s “No we’re not talking about making out on the red carpet and wearing blood vials ala Billy Bob Thorton (aka a Lover), Angie means sweet affectionate RESPECTFUL love between a mother and father (aka Provider)…” “One of the things we’re particularly conscious of is how we treat… Read more »

7 years ago

Actually, there is no reason why such a contraceptive should give men any real power. Those who are strong enough to stand their ground, don´t need it, for those who are not, it wouldn´t be enough if they had a magic wand, an ejaculation timer and vasalgel all at the same time.

It could, however, be an excellent tool for limiting fatherhood scam.

7 years ago

So in conclusion I guess the lesson must be: screen quickly for a higher-quality woman than Angelina Jolie. Good advice…now if only we were able to have a discussion without people’s panties twisting in a knot, about how to teach men to properly screen faster…and then not legally marry them, since there’s no actual benefit to it since marriage doesn’t mean anything outside of the deeply religous UMC circles anymore. Because the first response all these guys will have is “Angelina Jolie is clearly a batshit nutcase no man should marry”. Duh. But what if I told you… http://generator-meme.com/inc/media/memes/what-if-i-told-you.jpg …that… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Rollo “The Feminine Imperative is nothing if not fluidly redefining itself to work around challenges to it s power. Vasagel may represent a change (assuming men are allowed to have it or can afford it) in our intersexual dynamics, but it will take some time before there is real change in our social dynamics as a result of it.” here’s something you might want to think about… one ‘method’ girls use to secure continued ‘beta provisioning’ is to have their kids then get ‘dad’ to get the big snip (bc ‘they’ are done having kids)… then frivorce him… so she… Read more »

7 years ago

There’s a part 3 Brad/Angie conclusion in mod lol ROLLOOOOOOOOOOOO

7 years ago

RE: Brangelina

Think that it’s possible that she got so insecure/crazy about her fading looks and health and that she prematurely nuked it to save face?

7 years ago


It’s possible. She nuked her breasts because of fear of cancer.

7 years ago

Today, families are defined by what women want them to be. Women can chose 1) marriage and children, 2) baby daddy with resources provided by baby daddy, and 3) baby daddy with resources provided by the tax base. Janet Bloomfield calculated that women as a demographic consume $150K more than they produce in taxes. Of course, women in the first two categories might not consume much more than they produce in taxes. I was curious about the cost of option 3 so I crunched some numbers. Stefan Molynoux stated in one of his videos that the average welfare that a… Read more »

7 years ago

Also Vasalgel will be awesome. Would sign up on day 1 but they’ll probably prevent it from hitting the market (at least over here, maybe you’ll be able to order it online from India or some shit). Soon as my money is in order I’m going to freeze some swimmers incase something happens (with a chunk of money dedicated to keeping ’em frozen somewhere), and either get a snip or hopefully reversible Vasalgel will be out by then. Hefner and Holly tried to have a kid but had troubles ’cause Hefner was sterile by then and freezing swimmers probably wasn’t… Read more »

7 years ago

@habd: Your last bit is probably the most likely unintended consequence; while forced sterilizations of the past is now seen as a human rights violation, temporary male sterilization with reversal administered by a primarily female bureaucratic licensing agency would probably be accepted with few overt qualms. The rationale would be eliminating unintended (from the female’s perspective) pregnancy.

7 years ago

I cannot wait for vasagel. Gentlemen, enter a world where “yes I am on birth control” lies do not matter. Vasagel will change the game, because now you are in control.

The more control you have in your life the better. This is a major step forward. I fear that someone will try to stop it. It does give men total power to not be tied down to any children.

7 years ago

Scenario: Girl gets pregnant. Boyfriend is on Vasalgel without her knowledge. Girl tells boyfriend. Boyfriend accuses her of fucking around. She is busted. Boyfriend forces her to abort.

Scenario 2: Girl gets pregnant. Boyfriend is on Vasalgel and she knows. Girl gets abortion.

More power for betas and abortion numbers increase due to Vasalgel.

A Wise Man
7 years ago

How about pulling out? No man has to blow his load inside the chick he’s banging. Even if this isn’t as easy for beta men who are easily pressured to let go inside the woman, I don’t think these will be the kind of men to put their own interests ahead of a woman’s and use vasagel. At what point does a beta ever think about his long term sexual strategy outside of what the FI dictates to him? I think immersive porn and sexbots are going to be much more effective in lowering female SMV.

7 years ago

@A wise man

“pulling out”

See Amy’s acceptance speech (and picture a guy making this type of speech, and shaming an aging woman actor):


5:35 “you make a shelf”, and then your sperm get shelfed to the washroom where who knows what happens to them, and then Amy gets pregnant

7 years ago

This might prove to change the surprise babies, but it’s not going to change the feminine imperative until the Divorce Laws are changed. Western women are still, today, making plans while they’re still young to “have fun”, and then later marry a sucker and divorce him for cash&prizes. They’re not planning on getting married; they’re planning their divorces before they even meet their suckers. So long as Divorce Law allows cash&prizes as a reward to women for divorcing good-yet-boring men, then there isn’t going to be any changes.

7 years ago

@theasdgamer Let’s finish the scenarios. Girl gets knocked up. Boyfriend is on Vasagel.Girl kicks boyfriend lose and dates baby daddy. Girl gets knocked up. Boyfriend is on Vgel. Girl convinces BF to man up and raise it as his own. Girl gets knocked up. BF on The Gel. She leaves him, files CS against the baby daddy and promotes her richest orbiter to Main BF. It gets easier if a guys married. She goes directly to Divorce,cleans out current hubby before the scandal hits and now has the same options as her unmarried counterpart below, except with more money. Those… Read more »

7 years ago

+1 about STD’s with Vasalgel. I never understood what was so hard about using a condom. If a girl tries to stick your dick inside her raw, just shove her off of you. Don’t let her pussy get anywhere near it. Men DO have birth control already, it’s called not cumming inside a pussy. Or ever going in raw if you’ve cum recently without taking a piss after, or inside a condom or in any way where any cum was left on your dick or anywhere in the area. Nobody has a gun to your head telling you that you… Read more »

7 years ago

Legally speaking: Salem Witch Trials. Just like a man can be in a shitload of trouble for being ACCUSED of rape or abuse, he can be in a shitload of trouble if a girl gets pregnant because he can’t know if it’s his until 9 months down the road. I can see it now: “Vasalgel not as effective as promoted.” Maybe it DOES have a near 100% success rate, but women will start getting pregnant “in spite of it”…..and the media will get on that like rabid dogs. When in reality most of these chicks are probably fucking other dudes… Read more »

7 years ago

Brad was living with but not married to Angelina for 8 years. Would anything different happen if they never got married? Maybe, but my guess is no. [not for brad who only cares about custody] I don’t see a magic bullet. Kids complicate things.

7 years ago

If you are on Vasalgel and she has a kid, all you have to do is do a genetic test. The reason genetic tests are not done is that there is usually no reason to be suspicious.

Plus a very low rate of cuckolding for the unsuspicious in any event:


7 years ago


Ya really depressing me, man. =)

7 years ago

My bet is that Angelina now wishes that she did not get married. She would probably have 100% custody then but now Brad will likely get regularly scheduled custody.

7 years ago

Vasgel? Who gives a fuck? Stick it in her ass, blow your load down her throat, clean your junk off in her hair and bounce

OR do it to her again when the grudge fuck of her life has her more lubed up them ever before

7 years ago

Wow, this is going to be great, you guys. Break out the popcorn indeed! A lot of immediate thoughts on this. Wanted to share. I’m probably wrong on most of them though: 1. Vasalgel potentially wipes out any woman’s ability to use subterfuge to become pregnant (“Don’t worry I’m on the pill!). Her lack of a goalie effectively means nothing now. It’s all stick and no puck! The outcome of the game is academic. Score: 0-0. 2. The shoe is on the other foot. She won’t even necessarily know that he’s using Vasalgel. And morally, for privacy reasons, one could… Read more »

7 years ago


So desperate to fit a beta peg into an alpha hole… Sad.

Dude FIGHT CLUB is a movie and Brad Pitt and actor… If you cant see that choosing a twice married single mom and establishing a de facto cuck relationship on Day One is the defining characteristic of this situation it’s just because all the sparks from your poorly reasoned axe grinding continue to blind Ya…


7 years ago

A few years after kid number 5, wife hearing from a friend of hers about vasectomy brings it up as something to think about…

Me: “my next wife may want to have kids”

Shit test status = smashed.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sentient

@Sentient: on vasectomy shit test..

Well played mate!

7 years ago


got insecure/crazy ? Man that ship sailed before ex husband 1 of 3…

7 years ago

If you need me, I’ll be poolside with a drink in one hand and a girl in the other, watching it all burn down lol

Syria burned down in 2011. The only men poolside with a drink and a girl were members of the small ruling elite, in fortified enclaves. For the rest of the male population, there were no drinks, and no functioning pools to lay by. You’ll probably be dead meat if chaos ensues.

7 years ago

Brad Pitt left People magazine’s most beautiful person of 2013 to marry People magazine’s most beautiful person of 2004 with whom he cheated on to go out with People magazine’s most beautiful person of 2006 with whom he cheated on with another movie star. The reason I can tell he is a beta is [30 minutes of Keyboard jockeying]. Sad!

7 years ago

@Sentient That’s why I posted behind the scenes stuff where you see him being himself, instead of scenes from his movies. Pitt was exactly like half the natural alphas and red pill studying guys out there: alpha enough to get the girl but not prepared enough to screen properly (since even discussion of teaching men to screen can’t be done without red pill guys throwing a fit) but still holding out for that unicorn white picket fence FI-based lifestyle that certain people promise him he can have if he’s just alpha enough, instead of stomping that dream out and bringing… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

SJB @habd: Your last bit is probably the most likely unintended consequence; while forced sterilizations of the past is now seen as a human rights violation, temporary male sterilization with reversal administered by a primarily female bureaucratic licensing agency would probably be accepted with few overt qualms. The rationale would be eliminating unintended (from the female’s perspective) pregnancy. Churchians would be all for it, especially the TradCons, because it would reduce the chances of one of their Purity Ring wearing, speshul snoflake daughters getting seduced by some wascally PUA and knocked up. As a bonus, mandatory Vasalgel would be sold… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

A “Wise” Man
How about pulling out?

Yeah, that’s totally been working for thousands of years. Not.

Look, maybe you are still in high school, but there’s no excuse to be this ignorant about reproductive biology.


7 years ago

Even his BFF Clooney was blindsided. Brutal: https://twitter.com/TheMattWilstein/status/778390858315902977 Which means that shit happened FAST. https://therationalmale.com/2011/10/03/war-brides/ Imagine being Brad Pitt right now, he must be completely mind-fucked…”I’m literally the 10/10 role model in almost every category there IS from looks to money to status to career success to fame to preselection…I’m the guy who’s characters entire forums try to emulate. What the fuck else was I supposed to DO???” Unfortunately once you leave the NRE stage and once “real life” throws something like health problems into the mix, none of that adds up to any kind of guarantee. Luckily he’s a… Read more »

7 years ago

” I understand that in some ‘sphere communities Vasagel is the ‘big fuck you’ to women for have had such uncontested social control for so long, but to them I would advise not to get too elated too quickly. For the most part the socio-psychological infrastructure that conditions men for the Blue Pill will still exist, and there will always be Betas, even ones with the male prerogative that Vasagel implies, who will still defer to the feminine as their only means to sex and intimacy. The Feminine Imperative is nothing if not fluidly redefining itself to work around challenges… Read more »

7 years ago

“Which means that shit happened FAST.”

Not counting the year she spent setting it up.

7 years ago

@kfg “Not counting the year she spent setting it up.” From Brad’s perspective I mean lol Even if they had problems, it doesn’t look like he had any idea this was coming. Just a guy who fell for the dupe that marriage was different from a live-in girlfriend and made things special and magical. “Jolie is being represented by divorce lawyer Laura Wasser, who has earned her “Disso Queen” nickname handling marriage dissolutions on behalf of some of Hollywood’s biggest names. Among those she has represented is Johnny Depp, who ended acrimonious divorce proceedings with actress Amber Heard with a… Read more »

7 years ago

As far as the procedure goes, I would definitely pay the $80 bucks extra for the laughing gas first. In fact, it should be offered as a package deal.

I would not want any man to witness Stage 1 of the procedure with a Nurse Ratched or some Igor waving around a syringe anywhere near my fuzzy nuggets.

comment image

7 years ago

@yareally It’s funny how our guy brains work to be honest : ” – Can you approach the hottie in this mixed set at the bar? – I don’t know man, I’ll have another drink and maybe I’ll go. But I need a haircut, and she looks like a mean girl, she will probably shut me down, and one of those guys is probably her BF and he’ll bash my head in because he is bigger than me and blablabla” ” – Can you stay alpha for 40+ years without slipping once, and if you do you have good chances… Read more »

7 years ago

@constrainedlocus “As far as the procedure goes, I would definitely pay the $80 bucks extra for the laughing gas first. In fact, it should be offered as a package deal.” lol for real though it’s just an injection. I don’t get the guys who are like “oh man a needle in my junk?? NOPE I’ll risk pregnancies thanks!” But what if this is all a ruse…maybe Vasalgel is designed to stop working after a few months/years so that we all end up having a bunch of babies since birth rates are dropping?? :O lol I will be amazed if it’s… Read more »

7 years ago

Fucking lol at everything in your post. I agree 100%.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@yareally Did you see my FR from a few days ago? https://therationalmale.com/2016/09/13/stalling-for-time/comment-page-3/#comment-170200 Did a lot of two sets and pulling. Unfortunately I cant do as many FRs for a bit, but I think I am just going to try and do them on sunday mostly. there were an unusual number of girls out last time, hope it isn’t a fluke @pua anyone interested in notes on Pimp by Julien? I’m typing up my notes now on the bulletpoints from it, since its hard to “flip” back through videos real quick. I could post them when I finish them here in… Read more »

7 years ago

@hank holiday
Will check the FR out later. In the meantime, PIMP notes:


Might save ya some time

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago


yeah…don’t like those notes style lol. Mine is way more streamlined and easier to look through — for me anyway. thanks though.

7 years ago

Are you all retarded? We have had this option for decades! Inject 250 mg or more of testosterone weekly and you will become infertile but incredibly horny at the same time. Estrogen is the female sex hormone and was the main component of the early versions of female birth control pills, testosterone is the male sex hormone and when taken in sufficient quantity (200+mg/week ) performs the same function with the extra benefits of high T levels. Seriously? $1000 for vasagel ?? 😂😂😂 I could supply you with high grade T for 5 years for that and you would have… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago


Seriously? $1000 for vasagel ?? 😂😂😂 I could supply you with high grade T for 5 years for that and you would have many other benefits other than birth control too 😋.

Like shrunken balls, roid rage, and jiggly boobies?


7 years ago

“I was gonna suggest you discuss how good looks are really only good for a few initial IOIs and have very little bearing on mindset or good Game with YaReally,…”

No idea what you’re trying to say, less vague hinting, moar actual words plz lol

7 years ago

@walawala And here’s where I nearly spit out my coffee at what was clearly sarcasm but is in effect Red Pill truth: “”Here is one of the most regressive notions about marriage—that it is ultimately a woman’s responsibility to maintain it, whatever the cost.”” Do you want a woman who resents your success and Who’s jealousy is based on bringing you down…so she can feel better about herself. Guys it’s critical to know your worth and not fall into her frame. Agree with your sentiments. It is about vetting. Your Plate #3 has been properly vetted. And she is not… Read more »

7 years ago

Last two paragraphs from that last link on Female Stages of Betatization by Joseph South and Franco: Putting a price to your leadership also means having your own moral standards, whereby it’s subcommunicated from the beginning and throughout the relationship that you, as a man, expect certain behaviors and certain types of treatment from the female, if she is to retain your interest in being her leader and protector. As we discussed in the chapters on Screening and Female Self-Esteem, certain women, obviously, will never he able to submit to male leadership, no matter how strong you are. Self-Determination This… Read more »

7 years ago

@SJF “In regards to YaReally wanting to discuss vetting, I would advise him to read Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man by Joseph W. South and Franco–in regards to vetting” Saw it when you posted it in the marriage thread. But 1) it needs updating to account for 2016 culture/dynamics/changes, 2) it needs to be more concise and less flowery for most guys to bother with it, and 3) it needs action plans VS just “screen for girls who aren’t low self-esteem” oh okay HOW exactly give us a step by step or some things we can pro-actively to… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . okay HOW exactly give us a step by step . . .” 1. Let off the gas. 2. Apply the brake with the left edge of your foot. You’re going to need the right edge later. 3. Depress the clutch. 4. Shift into neutral. 5. Let out the clutch. 5. Dab the gas with the right edge of your foot just enough to match gear speeds. 6. Depress the clutch. 7. Shift down. 8. Let out the clutch. 9. Back on the gas. 10. Don’t forget to steer while you’re doing all of this. There, now… Read more »

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
7 years ago

Don’t worry. Just watch. Dubious FDA Vasogel drug approval trial studies are coming … which will then be picked up and fueled by the high exposure from FI-backed mass media.

Something along the lines of: “Numerous studies have linked Vasogel to alarmingly higher risks of testicular cancer and/or permanent male ED and impotence…”

The mere thought of (never mind the actual veracity) will serve to scare the majority dutiful blue pillers back into their proper cages.

7 years ago

Vasagel may evoke the law of unintended consequences and open up unforseable consequences, opening up Pandora’s box has a way of biting you on the arse. First there is a potential of creating a genetic bottle neck by reducing the number of men impregnating women. I’m certain a small pool of the scum of society will have no problem with pregnancy serving clucky women. Second, the cream of the crop alphas won’t reproduce, too much fun to be had. Third, artificial insemination will explode overnight and the cost of semen will hit the stratosphere. It will no longer be the… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader – on the “doctors agree” point – while it’s true that medicine (and a lot of other science) has been twisted by Big Pharma financial incentives (sometimes in outright corrupt and illegal ways but mostly subtler ones), the fact is there are also plenty of things on which “Doctors agree” that are actually true (as far as we know in 2016, blah blah). @SJF – Why the distinction between the adopted and biological kids? Assuming he actually wanted to adopt them too (and wasn’t just bullied into it by her), he’s every bit their father as much as… Read more »

7 years ago

“..it needs updating to account for 2016 culture/dynamics/changes..” Hey, I agree. It was poorly organized, but I think that no man out there interested in game should fail to read older stuff. Just like no one out there interested in game should not fail to read Mystery Method. Or that any man that wants to have his own children with a woman should not ever fail to read the married red pill reddit sidebar material. Before he actually needs to assimilate this classic information. “….but not find out she’s low self-esteem until year 4 when he’s already massively invested in… Read more »

7 years ago


She had adopted kids before they were a couple.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Sentient Ah, okay then point taken – that’s different. Still sad from the kids perspective – I actually know some kids (twins) like that (now adults). Mom left dad for second husband when they were like 5 or so and they grew up calling Husband 2 “Dad” (I can’t remember if he legally adopted them) and also had a younger half-sister. All three kids had Husband 2’s last name too. They were pretty upset when he walked out of the marriage when they were in late teens and the younger kid was about 11, and the subject of a custody… Read more »

7 years ago

@Culum Jolie adopted then-seven-month-old Maddox, and Zahara three years later – while both were later adopted by Pitt as their blue-pill-relationship blossomed. The third child was adopted by Jolie herself because of Vietnam’s laws about letting unmarried couples adopt. You can say she cheated. (Vietnam might have actually know something that Jolie and Pitt didn’t at the time.) Six children may not be too many for Pitt’s $250 mil net worth and Jolie’s 150 million net worth (nannies) and all. But in my estimation, the problem was in actually parenting them and actually having a sexual, polar (masculine/feminine complementary) relationship… Read more »

7 years ago


“Never know if an allegation is true”

Care to imagine how the following line of questioning will play out in family court? You, know with witnesses callled and testimony etc.

“Mr. Yareally… You are petitioning for custody. Just how many… What do call them… Plates? Fuckbuddies? Just how many do you have over on the weekends you want to have visitation. I remind you sir you are under oath.”

If you think custody fights as a playa are going to be smoother. Lol.

7 years ago

“Just how many do you have over on the weekends you want to have visitation”


Zero, your honor. Under oath. Discretion and all.

7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader: To your list add the military as a test bed for mandatory albeit temporary male sterilization: we’ll be told the cost saving of not having to dismiss pregnant female soldiers from the theater as well as ensuring training costs are recouped by the female really deploying.

If the male military members are sterile, it will be interesting to see what happens when a female soldier is impregnated by a civilian and subsequently dismissed from the theater. Dishonor? Shamed? Doubtful.

7 years ago

“Care to imagine how the following line of questioning will play out in family court? You, know with witnesses callled and testimony etc.”

How many times did you bring the stripper you were fucking home to play with the kids? Under oath.

Or is this another of your “rules for thee, not for me” situations where YOU have self-control and discretion but OTHER men need rules and restrictions.

7 years ago

@SFJ Yes, there is an element of “If it can happen to a guy like Brad Pitt imagine….” and then add the rest about any other married Blue Pill guy. Vetting. Interesting post and insights. Plate #3 I was very clear in terms of what I wanted and what I expected. She just alternated between trying to get me to feel sorry for her and ridiculing my expectations but not wanting to leave or end things= pure ambivalence. But when as a Red Pill guy you lay it down for a girl that you know she’s not pulling her weight… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

@SJF – Yeah, the 6 kids thing sounds insane. Like that’s hard work anytime but at least in the old days on a farm or whatever everyone just hung out on the farm together and worked and saw each other all day. How the hell do you actually actively parent 6 kids in 2016?? @Sentient/YaReally – I have actually *been* a witness called in a custody battle in family court to give evidence on the Mom’s behalf and was cross-examined by the Dad (who was fool enough to represent himself). Not the family mentioned above – different custody battle. Probably… Read more »

7 years ago

Ya Hey a few pages ago you were advocating and open poly relationship, so you’re baby mama is going to know who your girls are. And when in a custody fight she can leverage these facts watcha gonna do? You can be sure her attorney will push this advantage. Sorry to tell you. If you are married and not seeking a divorce I’d say you are in a much better position in court than an open poly relationship. But hey Brad did not get divorce raped… Like millions of guys, mostly young, who simply have no assets and wife makes… Read more »

7 years ago


Yeah have relatives been through the same thing… For years. And my kids have been called for families they babysat for etc.

An open poly relationship sounds like a slam dunk for the mom. On top of all the other leverage.

7 years ago

“I think it’s hard for many guys raised in a Blue Pill world to actually feel good about putting their needs first and making their lives a priority in any relationship.” Isn’t that why the internet was developed, why Rollo lectures on red pill awareness and why YaReally cares to explain game? Of course it is hard. But we are men. And we try not to be Blue Pill. “Plate #3 I was very clear in terms of what I wanted and what I expected.” That’s you keeping Frame. Frame is not power when you vet a girl and she… Read more »

7 years ago

But Culum…. Tick tock man… Get out there money is at stake! Fuck Beta Pitt…

7 years ago

Having been Funkissed [all juice and no seeds] for 22 years now,I don’t think this shift in prerogative will effect me,for another five years or so.When as has been said,female competition [hypergamy]will increase.By this time I may have to color the top of my head for the paul newman effect. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwyScOXOh6M&w=560&h=315%5D It is interesting that seemingly most women don’t get the full implications of the male prerogative in birth control,on the contrary they are more than happy to be relieved of the responsibility.Must be they are to short sighted to realize the loss of power.Looking back 22 yrs Mrs… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

Haha@Sentient. I’m going! I have a work drinks thing I need to attend then probably checking out some hotel bars nearby. I could do with a break from the nonstop kiddie clubs. @YaReally – dude, I agreed with your logic on the marriage discussion last time around (although I wanted – and still do -to understand where the successful married guys were coming from), but hadn’t considered the impact of poly relationships (esp for the guy) in the context of a custody battle. That is a totally new angle and as Sentient says any half-way decent attorney can make a… Read more »

7 years ago

@ walawala ” @SFJ Yes, there is an element of “If it can happen to a guy like Brad Pitt imagine….” and then add the rest about any other married Blue Pill guy.” TBH, Pitt is just a guy. He’s an actor. We don’t really know anything at all about him. We are guessing and assuming mostly. My motto is Anything can happen to Any guy – barring preparation. ” Back to the Angela Jolie/Brad Pitt break up, what stands out for me in that story is the demonization of Pitt for “doing what dudes do”. The Feminist Imperative dictates… Read more »

7 years ago

…oh yeah

Lol, fuck Brad Pitt.

Damn celebrities man. We don’t have royalty here, so we replace them with celebrities.

I care as much about them as they care about me.


7 years ago


Will you do a post on the Alex Smith RSDvrape trial. The New Yorker has picked up the story.

Heartiste has a post up…

Watch it playas…

7 years ago

Inject 250 mg or more of testosterone weekly and you will become infertile but incredibly horny at the same time.

TRT makes you LESS fertile, not infertile.

Also doesn’t always shrink your nuts.

7 years ago

@ Sentient
Dailybeast has it too.

7 years ago


I made the mistake of reading some of the comments at CH.

Jesus….those fucking morons.

7 years ago

In regards to the picture in OP, there was this 30 year old stripper chick who looked great for her age, solid HB8 all dolled up, that proposed marriage to me while giving me a lap dance while I was 19 years old in the military at the time circa 1997. I told her, “No, because one; you’re too fucking old, and two; I know what you’re after.” Cool story, right?

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