Truth, Awareness and the Post-Gynocentric World

For the past 12 years I’ve been asked some variation of this question:

Rollo, why should a man bother with women at all today? All women today, yes all women, are vain, self-important, narcissistic, hubristic and entitled. What average man would ever want to have anything to do with the average woman? By the time a girl reaches her late teens she’s already conditioned to expect a High-Value Man is what she’s due in life. By the time she’s in her early 30s she still hasn’t had the delusions of her entitlements dispelled for her – no matter what the realities of her situation might hold up in her face. What’s the average guy supposed to do about the average woman?”

Although I’ve been writing about intersexual dynamics for 20 years now, there’s definitely been a sea change in those dynamics since the rise of social media. While the last two generations of women have been the test experiments, it’s not just a case of “Bro, women’s egos and assessments of their own SMV are blown out of all proportion because of Instagram.” Men’s expectations (really anticipation) of average women’s overblown egos is also part of the experiment. We’ve come to a point where men don’t expect anything else from women than an aggrandized sense of female self. The average guy has little recourse but to accept this ego-appeasement and adapt to a sexual marketplace defined by women’s hubris; or by choice, or necessity, (usually necessity) they simply opt out of that marketplace – or they convince themselves they do. In fact, much of what passes for dating now is really a form of personal brand management that has to contend with the rigors of a global sexual marketplace. No one really “dates” in this market. Without realizing it they simply look for strategic co-branding opportunities that align with the changing perception of sociosexual value in global society.

  • How will the images of me dating this guy increase my brand engagement?
  • How will the pics and video of him appearing in my feed impact my future opportunities to get with a hotter guy?
  • How many Simps (commodified Beta orbiters) funding my lifestyle will abandon my brand as a result?

While these (and more) may not be conscious concerns for women “dating” today, the sociosexual context of this brand management is pervasive. It is the acknowledged environment in which men and women have play the game.

In a Gynocentric global social order the sexual marketplace is by women, for women’s short term and long term mating strategies. Men are simply the replaceable accessories needed to optimize those strategies,…or to be used as convenient foils when the consequences of those strategies become unignorable. So, it’s hardly surprising then that we’re moving into the second generation of Lost Boys. Young men with no real purposeful direction in life, less creative drive and a generation-defining sense of existential ennui.

And what would be their incentive to prompt them to creativity or purpose? Certainly not the long-term reward of an adoring woman or of sexual satisfaction born of her genuine desire. Those rewards are reserved for the High Value Men all women (young and old) believe are their due. Anything less is just brand management now. In an age when girls are raised on the ideal that no woman ought ever to do anything for the express pleasure of a man, doing something pleasurable for one becomes an act of rebellion against the Strong Independent Woman character they’re raised to emulate. Thus, any guy she’s motivated to go against her Fempowerment programming for had better be extraordinarily, confirmedly, high value. To paraphrase Patrice ‘O Neil, women want a man who’s better looking, smarter, stronger, more dominant, educated, taller and richer than they are, yet still wants him to think of her as his equal – or his Queen. He’s the ideal Superman who still defers to her socially-mandated authority (because he respects women) despite being her superior in every way she measures high-value. Oh, and he still has to continually qualify for her intimate approval even if he initially passes the average woman’s filters. Otherwise she might begin to feel as if she settled on him.

One thing that our new order communication society has made unignorable is that the truths we used to build the previous social orders on aren’t exactly what we believed them to be. In some cases those presumptions were useful faiths in truths we expected others to mutually accept; others were pretty-but-useful lies. Regardless, we still cling to romantic ideals that were tenable in previous eras despite the growing (easily accessible) research, data and empirical evidence that puts the lie to that romanticism. What we’re left with is a conflict of old order hope, faith, romance, emotionalism and the lives shaped by these influences versus the often harsh, empirical, objective truths about human nature that are unignorable in this age. Reason itself doesn’t destroy comforting faith, but it does take the magic out of faith by explaining it. Faith confirmed by reason only reinforces faith, but it can never go back to being a faith again once it’s explained. This is a hard pill to swallow for generations that have made a faith in emotionalism the guiding principle that defines their personalities, entitlements and expectations of the opposite sex. And this is to say nothing about the current global social order founded on emotionalism (Feels Before Reals).

Long ago I wrote an essay titled The True Romantics where I asserted that it was men, not women, who are the true romantics – of this age and those past. Men are innate idealists. This idealism prompts us to the performance we use to establish dominance and competence hierarchies amongst ourselves, but it also incentivizes us to the romanticism we hope will solve our reproductive problem. I’ve said in the past that this idealism is both our greatest strength and our most exploitable weakness. For the past two generations this idealism has been a liability for most men. When you make a man necessitous it’s his idealism that makes him hopeful in hopelessness. It’s idealism that makes him a suicidal nihilist or a pollyanna optimist. It’s idealism that keeps him going to work each day in the hopes that his dedication to a proscribed rule-set he believes everyone else is (or should) be playing by will earn him respectability. It’s idealism that makes him a Black Pill Doomer when he can’t reconcile his old Blue Pill conditioned hopes and goals with the Red Pill aware, new order data confirmed for him every day on social media or is just a Google search away. And it’s idealism that makes him hate the women who will never make those pleasant Blue Pill fictions a reality, while he hates the men who brought him to that despondency even more.

Both sexes are gravely, irreversibly, disillusioned today. Both would like to return to some idyllic time where women could swoon for a dashing high-value man who would become a husband they could admire (and be hot for) – and men could find a suitable mate via an understandable and realizable performance, acceptable responsibility, and actionable authority. But an underlying blind faith in the Blank Slate, Social Constructionism, Emotionalism and Subjectivism have made all this impossible. Progressivism, feminism, gynocentrism, (Wokeism) and all of the fallacies that built them, are really old order faiths founded on previously accepted presumptions – presumptions that are destroyed by new, easily accessed, empirical data every day. The more empirical truth (or even the questions that come from it) the more desperate the old social order becomes in maintaining the frameworks its power relies on to sustain it. Red Pill awareness of intersexual dynamics is one such catalyst that is disrupting those old order, Blue Pill, false ideals. It exposes a game we all enjoyed playing up until technology made public what the winners and losers had to do to be so. Women want to play the game, they don’t want to be told they’re playing it is an old maxim I’ve used for over a decade. Now we can apply this to the entirety of our globalized social order; except being told we’re all playing an old game is unavoidable. It makes playing it seem contrived, but it also calls into question why we’d ever build our lives around the contrivance.

Women and men are being dragged from this comfortable game based on emotionalism, false potentials of a Blank Slate and social constructivism. They are being forced to take the Red Pill and cross an abyss very few will have any idea how to deal with. We need new paradigms of thinking, and new ways of inter-relating with each other that align with an empirical understanding of our natures. This will require an acceptance of Red Pill awareness, and innovation and creativity that is sorely lacking in these generations.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
3 years ago

“Rollo, why should a man bother with women at all today?” Thanks for the essay, Rollo. But you didn’t answer your question. You explained only what prompted it. You continue to denigrate this Black Pill as if it’s demonstrably wrong. BP is a conclusion, not a body of knowledge. Given the issues you rightly elucidate, you’re bafflingly blind as to why BP would be such a poor pathway. You yourself have said relationships should not be work. Yet you accurately outline the slog they are today. You need only watch the content of Kevin Samuels and Better Bachelor to see… Read more »

Pessimist Incel
Pessimist Incel
3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Smith

indeed I agree with this conclusion . I think MGTOW guys should focus more on videos which teach guys how to take care of themselves, their own car, their own house, and things like that. Instead you get videos aimed at pointing out women’s faults and their delusions. Like what the hell are these guys tryna’ achieve? Don’t they know that most women DO NOT CARE about you pointing out their fallacies a bit? I mean, fuck me that is the whole point of Rollo’s essay: Are we our Sister’s Keeper. NO we are not. Instead if MGTOW guys focus… Read more »

2 years ago

I think of it as AA type recovery. Newly destroyed/divorce raped go to the forums to vent like AA it’s success is addicts helping addicts by relating and telling their own stories of how it was, how it now is and hope fro ow it will be. , how it is and how it will be. If the newly abused can get just a little insight from those who have been there the biggest message is your not alone. Your not the monster women may think you are. Over time the anger and hurt recedes and then the quite transition… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Smith

III. You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority – Brother, I hear your frustration and hence, I can understand the seductive appeal of Black Pill/MGTOW thinking. But consider the following: If the disappointment in women today is driving men to the Black Pill or going their own way, is that not admitting the man is pedestalizing her (vagina) and not focusing on himself and his mission? The whole point of Rational Male is to open men’s eyes to the reality of women’s nature. Rollo leaves it to the reader to apply the observations and make judgements for… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Smith

Why do you bother what Rollo thinks about BP? If you think BP is the way to go, GO!!!!

Btw, seeking validation is not manhood.

3 years ago
Reply to  theasdgamer

This is not an officially-approved comment.

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  theasdgamer

Why do you bother what Rollo thinks about BP? If you think BP is the way to go, GO!!!!

Btw, seeking validation is not manhood.

Rollo still won’t bang you.
BTW, white knighting women is pathetic but white knighting men is the worst beta orbiting known to the species.

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Smith

So how are your kids?

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Smith

@Andrew Smith Lol, I’ll agree with you but not for the reasons you’ve outlined. I’m assuming you’re a millennial, and fyi I’m not a millennial. I’ve with the Red Pill since it became a thing, I read Roissy in 2007, I saw Rollo creating Every generation has its own tactics, what was very applicable 20 years ago no longer applies today. My father was a natural red-piller. He just understood how to deal with women by default, old school masculinity worked for him. But his tactics don’t work for me, at least not totally. Every generation must invent its… Read more »

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  WALAWALA

In my 40s, actually.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Smith

It’s clear you’re new to Rollo’s work. Rollo gives the diagnosis, not the prescription, as the prescription is seemingly different for everyone.

Talking about, “screechy, whiny anti-BP and anti-MGTOW BS” is projecting quite a bit, isn’t it? He tells us exactly why these males (not men) are the way they are.

He’s not here to hold your hand, son.

3 years ago

Men & women both matured (emotionally – intersexually) at a much younger age in our distant past before the modern conveniences made life easier. I postulate that with each advancement in tech the age of maturity is set back in an inversely proportionate manner. Take for instance the K-12 “education” has postponed mariage and adulthood well beyond puberty , responsibility is postponed almost indefinitely for some. With the internet – smart phone age maturity has been set back so far that most “men and women” don’t survive the reeducation phase that asshole consulting talks about. They rather become bitter in… Read more »

3 years ago

A bit off topic, but here is a post about how Critical Race Theory is rapidly invading educational institutions such as schools and universities..

3 years ago

I found this article off of twitter. A good read but I think that women should not be taken this seriously.

3 years ago

Well holy shite. I’ve done a bit more reading here. This fella Rollo seems to have his head screwed on – I’m going to read more. The fellas in the comments are obviously bad at the maths. Now lads in case you didn’t realise, there is so much vagina on this planet you couldn’t ever possibly be stuck. Women are not to be taken seriously.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago
Reply to  SEAN

Now lads in case you didn’t realise, there is so much vagina on this planet you couldn’t ever possibly be stuck.

You’re very new here. Read more.

Lenny Dieu
Lenny Dieu
3 years ago

Hello Rollo. Big fan of your work. That read is well written and that last paragraph had me ready to accept your challenge or lack thereof as I am in my mid 20’s essentially playing a balance act with my idealism. I’m just about half way through “Religion” and the context of that piece reminds me of “The Red Pill and Religion” P2 of your fourth edition to The rationale male Series. Thank You and plese continue to send e-mails mentor. 💜♠️

3 years ago

the divine revelation of our time is that the whole christian civilization is a civilization of cucks working and dying for the top 10% of men and for the women. since the beginning it is built on cuckery, Marie fucking a HVM and having a baby (jesus is so smart and cannot be Joseph’s son) and Joseph the cuck raises the child and the fantasy of god inseminating Marie just means Marie was not having sex with her husband since years (which is forbidden by jews, couple MUST fuck at least on saturday) or Joseph was not fertile. Joseph knows… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  bsadacheng

What is NVWC?

3 years ago
Reply to  VIC

NVWC, Not voting (all laws are against men, ALL LAWS), not working (the minimum, so the minimum taxes and so the minimum in womens pocket), not consuming (destroying all bs jobs mainly in womens hands, and killing corporations who are beneficial to HVM and women only).

3 years ago
Reply to  bsadacheng

Ok, not voting, not working and not consuming.

3 years ago
Reply to  bsadacheng

I’m curious: with this life philosophy, how you had a kid? By accident?

2 years ago
Reply to  bsadacheng

The two first paragraphs conform the best comment in Internet’s history.

3 years ago

Good article, but I do agree with a point previously raised that you didn’t quite answer the question of why men should bother with women. Perhaps the question was being rhetorical. Nevertheless, there is value in having a relationship with a woman because it brings balance to both men and women, which is sorely lacking today. True, society and the courts have tilted in women’s favor, but this is no excuse not to try to achieve that balance. There are women out there who recognize these same problems and want strong men. I’ve been around both men and women who… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve

->> There are women out there who recognize these same problems and want strong men. Why a man should be strong for a woman ? This is old fashion, women have to be strong for themselves, bc you know, they do not need men, and are better than men for everything. ->> It’s all about them. Yes sure, it is no more about women only. Good job feminism. Men get what they want or NEXT! Yes it is no more only what women want. ->> A good woman provides value to a man, just as a good man can to… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  bsadacheng

@bsadacheng NVWC Not voting, working or consuming. Is an interesting philosophical movement, much like a protest in hiding that none see or hear. Basically you are enjoying the ease of civilized life without contributing anything to make it better. Hard to believe out of 100,000 sperm from your daddys nut you were the fastest one and now you are giving up , teaching your son to and complaining in blog spot for self improvement. You don’t have to work for millionaires, being strong for women is innate and 80% of statistics are invented on the spur of a moment. Snap… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  stuffinbox

so called self improvement as you see it is cuckery. all your improvements are money in womens pocket. my improvement is freedom.

3 years ago
Reply to  bsadacheng

What do you have to barter with? As in energy, food, shelter, clothing or special skills? Or are you still addicted to munny

3 years ago
Reply to  bsadacheng

How are things at the hermitage?

2 years ago
Reply to  bsadacheng

Thanks for your reply. It’s clear that you miss the point of what I’m saying. It is completely unbalanced to hold the view there are no “good” women out there. Read the Rationale Male again. It was never his point that women are “bad” or “evil” or anything like that at all. His point is to accept the nature of women (hypergamy) and derive your own worth. You lead a woman not by ignoring her, but by leading her. Your value is not defined by women – but you can have greater value in life with the right woman and… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Beautifully said and written. Your comment would not look out of place as one of Rollo’s posts.

3 years ago

@Rollo: I don’t agree with the conclusion in the final paragraphs. Women might not want to be told they are playing the game, but I think many men do want to know the real rules (instead of the fake ones that fool us). Your books are best sellers. Certainly a lot of men also have trouble swallowing the Red Pill, it depends a lot on the circumstances, and it matters how it is presented (your perspective vs something like what Heartiste used to write in the old days – which was hilarious but a bit too much in-your-face for most… Read more »

3 years ago

CH is sorely missed, it was an epic work. Luckily the complete archive of the site including comments can still be found on the way back machine-

3 years ago
Reply to  Falco

CH is sorely missed, it was an epic work.

Tired of hearing that. Want to create a Game blog of the same taste?

Michael Davis
Michael Davis
3 years ago

The problem here is pretty clearly defined: overentitled, narcissistic women are willing to trash a man’s life so she can satisfy the needs of hypergamy. The short-term solution has been pretty well defined by the Red Pill: varying degrees of men withdrawing from the company of women in order to maintain control over their lives. That said, there are two key principles at work here: 1) Whatever CAN work, WILL work, until it CAN’T, and then it WON’T. 2) Demographics is destiny. In the long run (long enough that most of us here will be gone by the time it… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Davis

Over the next several decades or the next couple of centuries, this is going to play out along these lines:

Maybe. Lots of variables. Hope is not a strategy.

David Roberts
3 years ago

Wow. I feel enlightened and depressed all at the same time. Powerful words Rollo. Glad I’m not a young man right now.

3 years ago

What’s happening here is technology is a market disruptor, and in the scheme of things it’s been happening for a very short period of time. A glitch on the matrix if you will. Hypergamy is the hardwired operating system of women. That hasn’t changed, and if it ever does, we as a species will be extinct in a generation. It’s actually the rift system for survival so we shouldn’t diss it. Contrary to the popular thought process which is that technology is sorting the men into order for the women to pick, it’s not doing that. What it’s actually doing… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

“They ARE all the same in the context that they are hypergamous, but they are not all the same in the way they see their life playing . . . ”

Strategy vs. tactics.

3 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

Pro comment Palma

3 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor
3 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

Great post. I agree with you about the technology thing. In the past a woman went to a bar and maybe saw/briefly encountered 100 men, that she may then make a quick hypergamous choice on, and given the smaller selection, a guy who isn’t even that alpha may win her over just by approaching her and talking to her. In today’s digital world those 100 men might be 10,000 men in her area, and she can filter for only those who are clearly Chad. As you said, creating an alpha widow pandemic. I am scared for any man marrying a… Read more »

3 years ago

I agree – Palma, that’s been a brilliant piece of writing, near artistry and still full of logic and truth, as well as easy to understand (also for stupid foreigners like me). You are right, supply and demand will regulate a lot and I see in my generation (under 21) a giant need for solid relationships, largely by women. And of course they also have the choice of the highest value alphas in the demographics to 30 y.o. It’s only very few, who literally have bad chances in the game. Two friends (one lad, one girl) stayed over the weekend… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
3 years ago
Reply to  NNN1


great abundance mentality!…

good luck!

having a bad day
having a bad day
3 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor


great analysis!… +1…

and to the men playing along on the home edition, you can use the RP insight that @Rollo has already collected/analyzed/organized and generously provides for free to put yourself into that top 10% of men… just have to put in the work… by trying…

( it’s right up top on the masthead… or just buy the books!…lol… they’re a bargain at any price…lol… but not kidding…)

good luck!

2 years ago


to the men playing along on the home edition […] just have to put in the work
comment image

3 years ago

@stuffinbox I postulate that with each advancement in tech the age of maturity is set back in an inversely proportionate manner. Agreed. Although, as @HABD says, the tech is just a force multiplier. You reminded me of an article by some sociology professor, Frank Furedi: hxxps:// The most important change in the way individuals are viewed in the 21st century is the shift from a presumption of resilience towards defining individuals by their vulnerability. […] Back in the 1950s, the term ‘vulnerable’ was never used to describe victims of floods, or any other disasters. Nor were those who faced the… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  IRL

@IRL I disagree with Furedi’s premise; ” The invention of vulnerability as a fundamental human characteristic started in the early 1980s. In the subsequent 40 years, ‘vulnerability’ has become a taken-for-granted category that is applied to more and more people.” Vulnerability is a natural feminine que even a survival instinct used for attraction to the tender trap. The rise of egailitarian blank slate equalism indoctrination in the 80s taught women to hide this and males to faux it, to the point of role reversal confusion. I agree with Furedi here, with the exception that the market is the promoter of… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago
Reply to  IRL

Jonathan Mayer, a professor emeritus of geography and epidemiology at the University of Washington, wrote that as danger, real or perceived, creeps closer, what we think of as unsafe space expands, ‘until it’s really anything outside the home’.

“The creeping horror”. That’s a big part of some Gothic novels. Fiction written for women to have a nice roller coaster emotional experience. Fiction. It’s a part of horror fiction, like H.P. Lovercraft.


3 years ago
Reply to  IRL

@Stuffinbox @Anonymous Reader

Ya, all this needs to be interpreted through the red pill lens. Furedi misses the underlying intergender dynamic and fundamental differences between men and women. I like his fear and risk aversion observations but he’s still blue pill. Whenever he says “people” I just read “men”.

What he stumbled upon is the collective effect of men failing the vulnerability shit test at the societal level. A slippery slope… with the tech providing an illusion of contact and importance, instant validation and distraction… so basically a lubricate for the change.

And to @Palma’s point:

having a bad day
having a bad day
3 years ago
Reply to  IRL


that sounds like a hat trick threesome kit!… some assembly required…lol

good luck!

2 years ago

@HABD The quote is from a paid article, The surprising reason so many young men are virgins, but there’s a similar one from the same author available for free: But trying to find love in lockdown turns you into a teenager again. The only place to drink is the park and if you fancy someone you have to go for it behind the bike sheds and hope no one’s looking because the powers that be are set against it. DIY routine validation for @Palma lol: There, I swiped so long I thought I had finally unearthed that mythical beast… Read more »

3 years ago

@silver fox Just wanna forget Rollo, shit!!!! What’s all that ^^ about? I can’t imagine you even said that. His work has totally changed my life. I mean totally. I could never have imagined I’d be here where I am now if it wasn’t for what I’ve learned here. Sometimes I have something to say to him, and I mail him personally. Sometimes I think he’s making a mistake and I spit it out. And he may think I’m a cock. I don’t know. But if I’ve something to say I tell him. He’s a big boy, he can take… Read more »

3 years ago

Great to see you posting again Rollo. Always a great read. I shall attempt to answer your question (rhetorical?) “Why would an average man (or any man for that matter) want anything to do with an average woman?” Mostly your posts about men/women in love answer this. That women don’t love men for who they are, hence basically removing personality from the equation in terms of potential attraction for a man towards a woman. And since we don’t care about power/status, that really only leaves us with looks. So why marry an average woman? Why indeed. Seems relatively pointless unless… Read more »

2 years ago

Long time lurker and first time commenter. I’ve read a lot of your material but I don’t think you’ve explored issues that affect the top 5-10% of men and women. Not trying to sound elitist, but a lot of what you write about I think applies only to men/women within 2 standard deviations of the mean (about 95% of people). The mean measured by social economic status. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Red Pill, spinning plates, AWALT, hitting the wall, etc. I love it and I agree with it. But it’s also not that applicable to… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  David

I like these points. While social-economic standing does not change the nature of women (or men), it does impact the decisions those people make. It is also true that multiple generations of people can go down a dark path to destruction (the Roman Empire is but one example). When bad things happen in relationships, I think what Rollo writes about explains, to a large degree, what was happening inside peoples’ heads. However, when many relationships last, I believe it is more those people recognize the dangers of making those decisions and choose a different path. It’s not because they aren’t… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

That’s exactly my point. People in the top 10% make life decisions differently from the average person. AWALT does not apply to Amish or Orthodox Jewish women. “Game” also does not apply to the men. The social consequences of sleeping around is expulsion. Very few people leave those small closed religious groups. Imagine the top 10% of social economic status as a separate group. Instead of strong religious indoctrination to enforce social behavior, it’s rational decision making based on long term self interest. Do the things talked about so often here apply to those people? Take the Priscilla Chan example… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  David


2 years ago
Reply to  David

Well, just from my experience (and I’m in your 10% group or near that), you got one point: Female doctors date male doctors. And that is rational as well, sure enough. But that does not mean they would not sleep around or that to 10% men would not have dating problems, they seriously do. Many of the ones I know have tremendous dating problems and they lack game nearly completly. Sure, they’ll find a woman settling down at some point, but that won’t be the for the woman as the band leader in her early twenties. While I’m not familiar… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
2 years ago
Reply to  NNN1

Look at a picture of Jeff Bezos first wife. Then look at a picture of his second wife. Bear in mind he’s in the top 5 men on the planet in terms of wealth, and some months he is the richest human alive.

Is Bezos really an Alpha when it comes to women? Really, truly?

2 years ago
Reply to  David

Faceberg’s wife is a bad example. She is Chinese, so she married him because her country told her to….so they could then control Facetube.

Anonymous Reader`
Anonymous Reader`
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve

It would be interesting to see Rollo write a book specifically on what is necessary for a good marriage to last (maybe his position would be the Rational Male is just that!).

2 years ago
Reply to  David

Interesting post. Don’t be too fazed by any posters who highly disagree with you. We all have led different lives and therefore have different perspectives. A couple of reasons why female doctors/lawyers might seem not as keen on the night club scene as other women, and might therefore come across as apparently NAWALT. Firstly, by the time that a woman is fully graduated and well established in her hospital/court, she is how old? 30? She’s probably at least 25. Anyway, that means that she already has many younger women to compete with in that scene, and therefore might not have… Read more »

David L
David L
2 years ago

Rollo, I read your blog and highly respect your opinion. I do hope that you write a separate blog post on the topic I brought up. In hindsight, I probably should not have used Mark Zuckerberg/Priscilla Chan as examples as it’s too extreme. You can’t draw conclusions by using one of only about 10 people in the world whose worth is $100+ billion. To expand more on the topic I brought up. Two standard deviations above the mean is 130+ IQ and top 2% in income (more than $350K a year). This is a small group. We’re specialists/surgeons, directors/VPs at… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
2 years ago
Reply to  David L

What I’m trying to say is that if you want high quality women, you should do more of what Jordan Peterson talks about.

Clean my room? Become a lobster? But what if I do not want to take meth for weeks on end and wind up in a Russian clinic?


Huh. Wonder why no one else ever thought of that.

2 years ago
Reply to  David L

Doctors and Lawyers Banging the pool boy is not something these women do Yes they do. I’m spending too much time in here right now but briefly – of those plates I quoted up there ^^ The first two photographs are a lawyer who heads a department. The last one is a Dr that also works in intensive care. The other is a highly trained A&E nurse that can prescribe drugs. And right now I’m a builder that drives a van, but I have never been a “professional” in the doctor / lawyer sense. So this idea they are different… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  David L

The most valuable women do not go to prestigious schools and do not work.

They exist on beauty, and come from the backwoods of Russia, Tennessee and Bahia…

Different scales.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sentient

“In an Instagram post, dated 28 November 2017, Porizkova shared the photo that got the attention of modeling scout John Casablancas. She was thirteen years old. One of her friends, who wanted to be a makeup artist, painted Porizkova’s face, along with other friends, and sent the photographs to modeling agencies in Paris in the hopes of getting hired. “Soon after, a modeling agent called inviting me to Copenhagen to meet the famed model scout John Casablancas. . . . He took one look at me and asked: want to go to Paris? As if I’d say no! The rest,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Sentient

Russia 😂 😎

Yeah. Month 7 now. Who’d a thunk that. Lol..

2 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

You dudes….Russian women?!?!

Holy fuck. I’m speechless. They carry hypergamy to entirely different level. I should know – I was married to one and boy did I pay such consequences for that bs!

That relationship ending kicked my ass and that’s how I eventually discovered Rollo.

Many may have big breasts, but holy hell do they have a sense of entitlement – every last goddamn one of them (and I’ve met a lot of them).

2 years ago
Reply to  David L

“B.S.” stands for “bullshit”, “M.S.” stands for “More of the Same” (or “More Shit”), and “Ph. D.” stands for “Piled Higher and Deeper”.

2 years ago
Reply to  David L

@David L Are you trying to say that loud lazy girls are not your cup of tea? lol Sure, there are communities that are more likely to raise sweet feminine girls. Go for it. All part of the vetting process (go to Field Reports to find out more). But don’t conflate ‘elite school educated’ with ‘hot’ with ‘good person’. One is not like the other. Also, let’s not ignore the amount of entitled ‘woke’ activism in higher education. Or career women misled to pursue much higher reward only to end up unfulfilled 10-20 years later. Don’t go too theoretical on… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  IRL

I understand your logic David and I suppose our position is very similar. My highschool was full of local elite, intelligent women, rich families and so on. And I agree that many of them were better cared for and often enugh more intelligent. And I always thought: The higher you go up this ladder of dog logic (i.e. higher education) the more they will be like I expect them to be. Now I’m at the best university in Germany for the subject I study and matters only got worse. The girls don’t get more (although we have enough here) and… Read more »

2 years ago

“ Both sexes are gravely, irreversibly, disillusioned today.”

But what to do paradox humor and change

2 years ago

@ David Take the Priscilla Chan example again. She’s at Harvard studying hard for her MCATs to get into med school. You think women like that need validation by banging the drummer of a no-name band playing at a night club? Yes, she does if he’s alpha. Otherwise she’s stuck with zuckercuck. And no woman would want him if he didn’t make bank. You know how ridiculous that sounds like? Harvard women do date of course. They date Harvard men. Yeah. Probably. But they’ll still fuck and get pregnant by the pool guy with a six pack, and the Harvard… Read more »

2 years ago

@_deleted_sock_puppet I’m going to reply to your question in the hope that you can grow out of your adolescent stupidity, and also that the reply might help any young men reading who actually want to improve their lives. “what has Rollo ever done for me” The answer is that I have access to the company of women on my own terms, more or less as and when I want it. I didn’t know I had that until he handed me the keys to my own prison cell. He realised that I had those and I didn’t. I’ve always been good… Read more »

2 years ago

@David AWALT? Yes, applicable to 95% of the women. Those who are smart enough to become doctors, research fellows, or tech startup directors do not seek validation by sleeping with random guys at clubs. Publishing peer reviewed papers or successfully operating on a patient is a much higher reward. A much higher reward? For a woman? Please. Peer reviewed papers, academic degrees, money, societal norms and safe space bubbles are all logical entities. Brought to life by our forebrains. A deterministic world of formal dog logic. An illusion of order. Your blind spot seems to be the underlying quantum world… Read more »

2 years ago

It is really quite simple in theory – though more difficult to master in practice It can be boiled down to “be attractive” however; the red pill delineates it better as; One must proceed with a dynamic passionate and authentic mental point of origin from there one must develop strong frame and hold and maintain frame forever and I mean forever. From there, while maintaining your mission, it is all about game, status and resources or as I like to say magic, muscles and money (and it is specifically in that order). If you find yourself in a short or… Read more »

2 years ago

Here you go. It’s playing out in real time, I get one of these a week. She hit me up via online dating today and she’s “just realised that I’ve already got kids” And she’s face palming. Like she’s actually going to find any man of any value at 47 (my online age 😎) that doesn’t already have kids. I’ve given her my standard answer and by the time I wake up tomorrow morning her head will probably have totally exploded and she’ll have sent 6 messages. It’s usual to get 6, 7, or 8 notifications on the iPad… Read more »

2 years ago


You dudes….Russian women?!?!

Holy fuck. I’m speechless. They carry hypergamy to entirely different level. I should know – I was married to one and boy did I pay such consequences for that bs!

Sounds like a story for Field Reports. Just sayin’…

2 years ago
Reply to  IRL

Maybe it’s Mitch…

2 years ago
Reply to  Sentient

the thought crossed my mind. Hypergamy , feature or bug. Even being to alpha spins up the guard dog,just sayin.

2 years ago

“indeed I agree with this conclusion . I think MGTOW guys should focus more on videos which teach guys how to take care of themselves, their own car, their own house, and things like that.” “Instead you get videos aimed at pointing out women’s faults and their delusions. Like what the hell are these guys tryna’ achieve?” Actually, I think if you want to learn about personal fitness, car maintenance, home improvement, investment, etc. you are better served by visiting sites and channels which specialize in these issues. The primary purpose of MGTOW content has always been focusing on the… Read more »

2 years ago

Recently I’ve been watching the freshandfit podcast on youtube where they invite 5-10 girls at a time and talk about sex,relationships,etc. But, damn, I thought women’s requirements and expectations were highly exaggerated in the red pill about six foot, six figure, six pack ,etc and that it was a sort of a meme. But damn 90%+ of these women repeat that meme to heart every show.

Is it that bad in the US with women or are just the women that go on that show really trash?

2 years ago
Reply to  Stefan

@Stefan APRIL 22, 2021 AT 6:56 AM “Recently I’ve been watching the freshandfit podcast on youtube” Great podcast, i love those guys. Very entertaining, a little informative too. “where they invite 5-10 girls at a time and talk about sex,relationships,etc.” Women have two knee jerk reactions that fit here one is feels before reals the other is hive mind, they will all adopt the same feels. What would happen if they brought on one at a time? She would tell them what she wants them to hear. “But, damn, I thought women’s requirements and expectations were highly exaggerated in the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Stefan

How’s your progress @Stefan?

2 years ago
Reply to  IRL

@IRL Quit my engineering job and got into a soft eng bootcamp which took weeks to get into ( tech interview, project, etc ), so i m starting next month going deep into coding and hopefully end of the year will get into the industry and start making some good money in a few years. Gyms are back open here, so back to gym, dieting, creatine, etc, going well. Girls wise, i haven’t fucked yet, but did get more matches lately, one girl stood me up, a few stopped replying after agreeing to meet , a few deleted me straight… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Stefan

@Stefan Good to read, keep going. On this: Girls wise, i haven’t fucked yet, but did get more matches lately, one girl stood me up, a few stopped replying after agreeing to meet , a few deleted me straight cuz i was too direct to meet and they wanted ” to chat first to get to know before meeting” , lol. There’s the tempo of the night and there’s the tempo of the week (month, year). Start noticing patterns and tweak your approach accordingly. Note also that you won’t develop many skills by trying to do it from the… Read more »

2 years ago

Wow. Wasn’t expecting MGTOW and Black Pill triggering. If you don’t want kids, then don’t get married. You can still have the occassional girlfriend and access to sex. It seems like some MGTOW and Black PIll have chip on their shoulder, and think other men are judging them negatively, and need to justify themselves. I’m neutral on MGTOW and Black Pill, and see it more as rational response to what might be irrational situation. It might or might not be for you. Your mileage may vary. Nothing to argue to death.

2 years ago

“Most women doctors marry other doctors. Yes hypergamy. But men, it’s also the rational choice. Both are selecting each other for genes and for long term financial self interest. A male doctor marrying a female doctor is less likely to get screwed in a divorce because they both make bank.”

Are you british or from fedual culture that has been rigidly class conscious for 1000 years?

2 years ago

Wow, the same arguments over and over, years later. Just amazing. Rollo couldn’t be more correct in his assessment. At 58, my dom/pussy monger days are drawing to a close with the young hotties. I thank a God I believe in once again I woke up 8 years ago and at least had some solid fun with this young upcoming generation of whores. The explosion of eGirls is amazing. Funniest? Men only have themselves to blame for this. Girls take advantage of thirsty simps cuz they can. Like if men said No, they wouldn’t be doing any of this shit.… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  scribblerg


in the most depraved ways you can imagine.

Depravity is a dog only concept.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
2 years ago
Reply to  Sentient

Depravity is a dog only concept.
comment image

2 years ago

Also Blue Pill…

2 years ago

@Scribs Sorry to hear about your daughter. August last year I nearly timed out around Portland bill – thought I’d “get ahead of a bit of bad weather”. Ended up in a force 8 and snapped the stainless forestay. Also snapped the rigging to the traveller so the beam came across and smashed me into the deck. On the way down I hit the GPS repeater and smashed it. Lost my glasses in my own puke. Without glasses couldn’t read the location or SOG on the Raymarine.. I wont bore you with any more detail, but I can think of… Read more »

2 years ago

@scribbs “14% income tax” Consult your tax advisor before relocating. I was just investigating this. There are carribean islands that have ZERO income tax. However, you still must pay income tax to US unless you renounce your US passport and give up your US citizenship. This part is easy. The difficult part is getting new citizenship in the caribbean island nation which take many years. After that you have to keep in mind its damn difficult to get your US citizenship restored in the event your new banana republic retirement home convulses in revolution overnight because some pissed off corporal… Read more »

Gen Z
Gen Z
2 years ago
Reply to  Fact

Those “Banana republics” don’t put cunts on a pedestal and vilify men like America, Canada and the remnants of the British Empire.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gen Z

Glad to hear you being convinced of that ;D

Yet Facts point was those Banana Republics can easily change their goverment (and be it ’cause the CIA conducts a regime change). And then you can just easily get someone who needs your munny.

2 years ago
Reply to  NNN1

CIA fully occupied conducting regime change here…

2 years ago
Reply to  Gen Z

Gen Z

Agreed. I’m in snyc with that. International game is eye opening experience for american males. Should be encouraged. I’m just saying an american might not want to surrender his american passport for tax reasons. Also keep in mind that an american passport has value directly related to game. Just having one can make man couple notches more attractive in the eyes of women in some parts of the world and makes inernational game more rewarding.

2 years ago

I believe Love songs are of the reason that put man on a beta status if they Focus on what the songs are saying instead of knowing the medium is the message

2 years ago

@Rollo Great social commentary in your recent interview with George Gammon: I’m not a fan of lengthy regular podcasts as they become repetitive and seem like their only purpose is to stay present online and/or sell a product (+circle jerk in some cases). So I get bored and don’t really listen to them. But I had a couple of hours for DIY work around the house, thought of playing something in the background and decided to check your content again. The topic of economy and social unrest through the red pill lens sounded fresh and interesting. What can I say.… Read more »

Gwen Jackson
Gwen Jackson
2 years ago

This is just one small comment in a sea of better comments, but I want to say that I have been reading your work for a long time and I truly appreciate it. I’ve learned so much about myself, namely my subconscious motivations and also my inherent weaknesses. You’ve helped me piece together the puzzle of male/female dynamics. I don’t imagine that you have many female readers, at least not appreciative ones. But I am one of them and I really appreciate the amount of thought and effort that has gone into your body of work. It has changed my… Read more »

2 years ago

Another blue pill, beta bux, beta male gets the red pill delivered to him as he approaches his peak net worth. Time for her to cash out while she still has time to spend it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fact

Ah now Bill will finally have time for the hordes of hot horny groupies banging at the gates of the Gates Estate……

2 years ago
Reply to  Centuries

No prenuptial and the “you go girl” is at 11…

2 years ago
Reply to  Sentient


It pays to marry the boss.

2 years ago
Reply to  Centuries

I was surprised that no one mentioned Billy Boy in response to David’s posts up above. Mama Gates should be the perfect example for all of his queries about how wealth affects things.

2 years ago

Bill Gates ex-wife renting her own private island for “privacy”.

2 years ago

value. To paraphrase Patrice ‘O Neil, women want a man who’s better looking, smarter, stronger, more dominant, educated, taller and richer than they are, yet still wants him to think of her as his equal – or his Queen Not in my experience. Plenty of women crave to be submitting to certain men, NOT to be his equal. Dont be taken in by their fronts. Plenty of women ultimately want to be treated like crap. You dont need to be rich or tall (Im quite short) or even great looking (although very ugly is a major impediment) , but you do need… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Zonka

100% approval! Especially on being rich. What so many don’t get is that you need GAME, GAME and more GAME. Some have it semi-naturally, so I think they grew up in presence of the right people. And most need to learn it, which can be more or less easy (or not lol). The point is: Telling yourself something about you is ultimately gonna keep you from any intimacy will hinder you more than anything else. I suspect the only difficulty could be serious (and I mean so) obesity, but you should get rid of that pounds anyway. Success in dating… Read more »

2 years ago

As defined, hypergamy, is a combination of alpha seed and beta need. Betas provide needs. Alphas provide seeds. Throughout the “manosphere”, the combination of both alpha and beta archetypes existing in an individual man primarily occurs with women’s instinctual imperative but not so much in reality. This belief set, describes the majority of men as beta and the minority as alpha. The “manospherian” consensus expresses the ratio at 80% beta. This evolved zeitgeist claims that a man who possesses the female desired optimum balance of both archetypes is a rare individual. Accordingly, the vast majority of women are driven to… Read more »

2 years ago

Why is biden trying to turn america into orphanage for unwanted 3rd world bastard kids?

2 years ago

University students are typically forced to choose from a very limited number of professors for any given course, sometimes there is only one professor available. Most classes are mandatory in any curriculum. If you want to graduate with a particular degree, often you cannot choose the professor for a particular course. Peterson is a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Toronto. Therefore he has had the opportunity to practice and rehearse his verbal pontifications in front of many captive audiences and refine them for years. Although Peterson is quite articulate, seems to have a high energy level and… Read more »

2 years ago

Antonio García Martínez was fired from his job at Apple for saying that most women on Facebook aren’t “coventionally attractive”.

Come at me hoes.


2 years ago

Rollo Tomassi claims his HATERS would KILL to have the WIFE he has 😀🤣

2 years ago
Reply to  rand110

They don’t hate him, they hate what he represents – which is an understanding of, and success with women.

They hate his success with women (his wife) because they don’t have that success don’t think they can get it.

They could actually have that success except they’re too much of a pussy to put in the work.

What they actually hate is their own weakness and they project this on him rather than where it belongs – on themselves.

And this includes you @RAND110

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

@ PALMA Men hate his success with his wife? Rollo’s wife is 4 years older than himself. If you’re a 30 year old man he’d tell you you’re dating a girl well past her prime if you dated a 34 year old. Rich Cooper would tell you to chase excellence so you won’t have to date a post-Wall-er. Yet that’s exactly what Rollo did. Except he wifed it up. His wife’s mid-fifties. Who’s jealous they can’t be with a mid-fifties chick? If you’ve read Rational Male, Rollo admits if you’re a mid-thirties male, unmarried, with a modicum of personal success,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Smith

@Andrew Smith

Your analysis of others is a touch off.

Err. No. My analysis is spot on.

You’ve ignored most of what I’ve said.

You’re picking and choosing bits to suit yourself.

Why are you here?

Just another chump that can’t get what he wants from women without the stones to do the work?

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

@ PALMA. Your post was short and its essence was clear. I see you ignored the points I made. You instead defaulted to the typical ad hominem ‘chump’ accusation becasuse you have nothing of value to add on the subject. Typical gynocentric disqualification behaviour that reveals how little you have to offer beyond paraphrasing observations you overheard from smarter people. Run along, little beta. Rollo has some greyhound turds that need picking up by his low intellect, swallow-everything-he-says-uncritically-and-anything-else-the-Godfather-gives-me-to-swallow keyboard-toting parrots who can’t handle intelligent, cogent criticism because it’s someone else’s brain connected to their mouth, their own brain being completely… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
2 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

Did I miss anything?

All your hair fell out, too, plus the heartbreak of psoriasis…amirite?

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

You love to sneer at other men. Why do you do that so often? You call people ‘spergs’ for instance. I disagree with Tradcons but I don’t sneer at them. I keep my disagreements intellectual. I respect their right to their opinion and understand that I’m not always right, so maybe I’m in error. At heart you’re a nasty, cynical little guy who can’t tolerate dissent because your praxeology is morphing into a religion with you as Godhead. As is, I suppose, the natural cycle when headed by someone who gets ego-invested in the Youtube fawning. The more followers you… Read more »

2 years ago

Married red pill is just mostly sad. It don’t matter who you are or how you say it. Its like you’re making the best of a bad situation. All the religious red pill types are going to dump ammo on my fox hole. OK here’s what’s real. She’s only beautiful in your mind, because you have memory or her when she used to attractive. Nobody else sees her like that.

wah wah
(sad trombone sound)

2 years ago

@ Andrew Smith

Oh. So I hit a nerve then.

You’re having trouble getting laid.

Never mind

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

Another fascinating and intelligent observation.

Stick to walking Rollo’s greyhounds.

Never mind.

2 years ago

Andrew Smith

Can you cite to the post where Rollo tells his minions they should get married?

It’s put up time…

2 years ago
Reply to  Sentient

I reckon he choked on his thesaurus


Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

So, you think my reply required a thesaurus?

You isn’t be good with wordamges, then?

You’ve just been exposed as the low IQ dimwit you are with more of your gynocentric, disqualification behaviour.

Typical Beta who thinks he’s Alpha, because he can’t think much at all.7

Go walk the greyhounds, princess.

2 years ago
Reply to  PalmaSailor

OK Andrew, I don’t really get your problem and probably most of us don’t. Yet I think you actually want to discuss this on a more serious level than pure insults. You call Palma a BluePill-Beta, after you tried to badmouth everything here. What’s the point in that? You want to call Rollo a ‘guru’ – well for some he may be, although I’ve never heard him trying to be that. You use his concepts in every sentence, yet without making a real point. So what is your problem? That Rollo has a wife and happy family? – Well, he… Read more »

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  Sentient

No. I never claimed he did. Show me where I claimed he recommended marriage?

It’s comprehension time…

2 years ago

According to the ex-employee, Melinda seemed to have a chip on her shoulder because “no one really did see her as an equal to Bill” and her work didn’t get as much media attention. “It really irritated her that people were more into Bill,” they said.

😆 🤣 😂

So Rollo, when you sending Gates his signed copy?

2 years ago

just marry the 5+ years older party girl while spinning plates bro

Peter Pan
Peter Pan
2 years ago

Hi Rollo, all, Long time reader here, first time poster… I thought I’d briefly introduce myself. Originally Scandinavian, I was a bit of a nerd and an introvert growing up, and had no success with the opposite sex during my teenage years, except perhaps for one awkward kiss behind a school building. In my 20s I was married for a few years… before I knew much about women, or the world, or myself perhaps. Around the age of 30, I decided to divorce… due to reasons I still struggle to fully comprehend. It seems I get easily bored and fed… Read more »

Toronto sucks
Toronto sucks
2 years ago

Canadian feminists encourage metoo accusations, except when feminists want a wealthy Bay St. banker elite for marriage. Feminists are socialists on the streets, but extreme capitalists in the sheets.
Toronto is a “woke” city, but incels are a growing problem because the Toronto womyn only want to date wealthy Toronto elites. There are dozens of arrests of Toronto womyn on a monthly basis who stalk Drake at his Toronto mansion, using an example.

2 years ago

@Peter Pan

Welcome, we need more regulars.

Ref a comment of yours in another thread, anyone can come in here and there’s someone that could sort them.

Unf. Most can’t handle the truth.. they can’t handle the realisation or the journey. 🤷‍♂️

Peter Pan
Peter Pan
2 years ago

According to the ex-employee, Melinda seemed to have a chip on her shoulder because “no one really did see her as an equal to Bill” and her work didn’t get as much media attention. “It really irritated her that people were more into Bill,” they said. I wonder how Melinda’s name got into the name of their charity in the first place (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)… The Fords and the Rockefellers did not see a need to name it like that. But perhaps it went like this: Melinda> Bill, you should give away all your money! Bill> Uh, I… Read more »

2 years ago

Some separated but still legally married women on swipe apps want me to text them. You can’t make a housewife out of a hoe. Married red pill do you know what your wife is doing on her phone? I’m going to coat her tonsils with my sperm, and you can kiss her afterwards.

2 years ago

Well…from observation there seem to be mulitple Ways of dealing with delusional female expectations. Most ppl i know go MGTOW, earn good money and keep it for themselves. Therefore its for most retirement around 45 in some Tax-evasion-paradise writing a book, surfing, painting, playing music…whatever, is an option not that difficult to achieve. The MGTOW i know are open to the thought of having children, but never with western Woman…arab, asian, african seems to be the way to go these days. Those who dont have that perspective usually go on unemployment benefits and essentialy retire even earlier, but with less… Read more »

2 years ago

@Oneiroi Then what did these man achieve for themselves? In what way is MGTOW seriously different from complete capitulation, basically you’re doing exactly that. Also, how do you think will the western world not produce more lost generations of boys? I’m absolutly sure the comming generations will see even greater competition on the dating market and the number of INCELs will drastically increase. Yet – women will still have children, just ‘biology’. They might not bear them with seperate men for each woman in monogamous relationships but maybe in more and more polyginous kind of communes. Which surely could increase… Read more »

2 years ago

@ NNN1

According to your defintion of game, the more offspring the more a man has mastered game? That’s how married red pill and religious red pill morphs into beta bucks provider game. But you do what works best for you. Maybe one of your kids will save western civilzation.

2 years ago

@Fact I did not really intend to define game. Obviously many game-aware men will advise you to never produce any children and I agree with the reasoning behind it. Yet many red pilled guys here have children (and some, not all, work to get more). “According to your defintion of game, the more offspring the more a man has mastered game? ” No, you reversed the reasoning. A man can have impressive game without any offspring, obviously ;D Yet many men won’t have tremendous amounts of offspring without somehow adapting to their situation. Now the key point here is the… Read more »

2 years ago

@ NNN1 In the end that’s just gonna be evolution It’s all Darwinian / evolution. And that’s where religious men like Jordan Peterson have nervous breakdowns trying to reconcile it. Basically male MGTOW genetic lineage dies out and is replaced by Alpha Chad and a minority of game aware sneaky fuckers. Game aware sneaky fuckers are the flea on the arse of the flea on the arse of the alpha Chad elephant. So a statistical outlier. (The readers, never mind the commentariat here, are possibly one in a million. That’s how rare an understanding of this knowledge is.) But that… Read more »

2 years ago

@Palma Nice report from the app. Actually (formerly serious) news magazines here promote such POVs and life choices all the time. I think the last coloumn I saw adviced a cheating housewife with “you go girl” and “It’s perfectly ok to cheat on your partner” – nothing special. On evolution: Even Peterson acknowledged this several times, selection is a big part when he talks about attraction. Yet he lives from motivating AFCs or Betas and the masses surely want to hear more of a “it is that way, but the world is not evil and you will make it.” Yet… Read more »

2 years ago


Muh… that was a mess – falling into her frame.

I’ll take it apart but won’t have time until the weekend.

Her pushing back against the omelette (which you shouldn’t have said you were cooking) – perhaps you were hungry and you weren’t sure what you had in the fridge – see when we get 5here.

And you got pizza bc “food” and it wasn’t about the “food” it was about the seduction.

Anyway you should be able to cook pizza. And you could have done the flambé, but I’ll have to read it properly

2 years ago


Yeah, I handled it like meeting a (good) male friend.
I think most of the mistaks are pretty obvious – besides falling in her frame.

The walk should have been 20 minutes, 30 at max. After that it goes south.
She pushed the cooking pretty hard, but under 1. this wouldn’t have become a topic first of all.
is a seduction part, that follows. Maybe this will take way more practice and experience than I hoped.

2 years ago


She pushed the cooking pretty hard

Can you give me more detail on this?

2 years ago

@Palma [reflection in brackets] I intended to go for a short walk in the park at first, but didn’t tell her about it beforehand. I just told her to be here at 6:30 When I remember it correctly she chatted me up with “Do you feel like going for a walk in the park? We could go grab a pizza or so” Now that left me a bit irritated: First, that was pretty much what I intended to do anyway – Second, now it is her who “did the plan” anyway. In the situation I just responded with “that was… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
2 years ago

@NNN1 PalmaSailor

i put my response in FRs…

good luck!

Peter Pan
Peter Pan
2 years ago

Oneiroi wrote Most ppl i know go MGTOW, earn good money and keep it for themselves. Therefore its for most retirement around 45 in some Tax-evasion-paradise writing a book, surfing, painting, playing music…whatever, is an option not that difficult to achieve. Hey, I like that plan… With some care and discipline, it is quite possible for a single man to retire even before the age of 40. Then hang out, travel and live the good life. Numerous books and blogs are now dedicated to such ideas – and I have done some version of this myself. The suggested activities would… Read more »

2 years ago

(With Sentient, not a fan of new comments organization. Didn’t know where to throw this “Dear Diary” comment but here goes.) Where do we go from here, now that all of the children are growin’ up? My Son completed his major, aced his first interview, got hired, found a solo bachelor pad, and is moving to a city three hours away. As if on cue, his girlfriend is moving back to her home country. So, he should have all the tools. I reminded him that a few years ago, I gave him The Rational Male. The wife’s hamster is spinning… Read more »

2 years ago

Why contemplate, commiserate, compete or concern oneself with how to perform for or to acquire women? Why prance yourself like a show dog because you think something is hard to acquire when it is readily available? Why concern oneself with all that? And why pretend you can avoid women when they are utterly unavoidable? It is far better to concern oneself with and get busy with the art of using them. Focus on what benefit THEY are or can be to you and how to manipulate them into doing it. Do not waste your time with concerns about how you… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
2 years ago

Toughest creature on Earth sent to orbit again.

Tardigrades. They are everywhere.

2 years ago

Elon Musk has volunteered his baby mama to be impregnated by aliens.

Next level beta bux game.

2 years ago

Victoria Secret officially announced they changing to ugly feminist models now, because american women are too ugly to wear their stuff.

T. The Terrible
T. The Terrible
2 years ago

Regarding: “He’s the ideal Superman who still defers to her socially-mandated authority (because he respects women) despite being her superior in every way she measures high-value. Oh, and he still has to continually qualify for her intimate approval even if he initially passes the average woman’s filters. Otherwise she might begin to feel as if she settled on him.” It seem like this is fairly debatable. As in, some of it might depend on semantic intent, and regardless I know I don’t have a fixed position to assert at this time in my life. My thinking being the purported justification… Read more »

Canada Peso
Canada Peso
2 years ago

Toronto is a concentration camp for sub-8 men. I need to get out. The women are terrible.

Canadian Peso
Canadian Peso
2 years ago

“Do as the Romans do”

Either be a sociopathic Wall Street banker (to get cucked), or become a homo (to get cucked)?

Fuck this feminist world, especially Toronto and homosexual loving Canada.

2 years ago

It wasn’t finished. I had to add more. THIS is the final version. The title is changed. I think it is at the peak of it’s creative curve and any more edits would start a slide down the backside… Here it is: F… Day Happy Father’s Day To all you motherfuckers It is time to celebrate All posers, punks, and suckers Hope you like it when You fire up the grill And feed them all the burgers Until they’ve had their fill Or maybe you are thinking About some hot nympho You’d rather be a banging But that’s so wrong… Read more »

2 years ago

Al Bundy of Married With Children said it best: Son, don’t try to understand women. Women understand women, and they hate each other. Suppressed hate is the message that The Rational Male’s sending. Although Rollo cannot come out and admit it frankly, he STRONGLY DISLIKES women. His subliminal attitude is that they’re a necessary evil that must be manipulated in order to extract a few trickles of life-sustaining liquid, and that the act of extraction creates circumstances of contempt . . . Yes, contempt . . . It is mutually destructive to enter the dating scene, Rollo suggests. Destructive of… Read more »

2 years ago

Catxman – “Suppressed hate is the message that The Rational Male’s sending. Although Rollo cannot come out and admit it frankly, he STRONGLY DISLIKES women. His subliminal attitude is that they’re a necessary evil that must be manipulated in order to extract a few trickles of life-sustaining liquid, and that the act of extraction creates circumstances of contempt . . . Yes, contempt . . .” Catxman is not the first to accuse Rollo as he does will not be the last. Catxman – “Al Bundy of Married With Children said it best: “Son, don’t try to understand women. Women… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Imback

@Catxman To explain what is happening in the way women are treating men is not hatred to women. I can speak from personal experience…the shit that happened to me that ended my 2nd marriage was NOT because I was familiar with Rollo’s work. In point of fact, I was totally unfamiliar with it and experienced pretty much EVERYTHING he wrote about. Four years ago I was a mass of hurt and confusion, because I did things the “right way” and “learned from the mistakes of my first marriage.” It was all bullshit. It was a long journey but when I… Read more »

Bard Woeful
Bard Woeful
2 years ago

Bard Woeful = Imback = Not Born This Morning (and whatever else I’ve been dubbed… F…!%$&@)

My final pseudonym is Bard Woeful

Be advised my poems, songs, lyrics posted here are in copyright (all rights reserved)

More are coming….


Bard Woeful
Bard Woeful
2 years ago

How do we reply to comments?

When I click the “reply” link, nothing happens.

Am I missing something?

2 years ago


Peter Pan
Peter Pan
2 years ago

Agreed that there seems to be a problem with the “Reply” feature…
When I click the “Reply” link, nothing happens.

Now I have tried this in a few different browsers, with and without logging into WordPress, with and without ad blocker…
It does not seem to work either way, for me.
But it’s clearly working for some other posters. Perhaps it’s a VIP thing 🙂

2 years ago

I wonder if there are differences between the generations of lost boys. Subjectivly, it seems to me, that there are more black pillers around in the younger generation these days. Most MGTOWs i know have a decent job and live a good life with financial freedom on the horizon and they stopped caring about shaming tactics, cause they know, that most married guys or girls will never be in a positiion to achieve the same. None of them would even dream about being lazy at home, when the finish-line is so close. Is it possible, that someday 90% of females… Read more »

2 years ago

”Young men with no real purposeful direction in life, less creative drive and a generation-defining sense of existential ennui. ” Hasn’t this always been said of every older generation of the younger generations? Men who don’t want any part of little part of the burden of performance are always dogged by those who still cling to this view by men who feel the need to hoist this burden.

A Sunny Moon
A Sunny Moon
2 years ago

Hey Rollo, I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but there some ISPs in the UK that have marked your website as “adult content”. In order to visit it (or any adult website) you have to call them and verify your age with a credit card. Probably it’s not related to the topic, but it made me think… since when ISPs care so much and why teenagers shouldn’t be exposed to adult content? Just to be clear, I’m not advocating for removing restrictions to adult websites, but it made me think if it’s part of the whole feminism movement.… Read more »

2 years ago

RE: Reason itself doesn’t destroy comforting faith, but it does take the magic out of faith by explaining it. Faith confirmed by reason only reinforces faith, but it can never go back to being a faith again once it’s explained. Past this point in your article, the conclusions become increasing volatile and pointless. Because of this one fork, right here. Rather than continue to build the argument with brick, this fiction above causes the construction to go no higher. Faith is made. Once you realize, that faith must be provided, and you have to pay for it — then you… Read more »

Bob the Centerist (@bobklosak)

I thought this article was going somewhere with it’s brand talk. That was pretty cool and I liked it but then it spent a 2nd half of it talking about all this “overwhelming evidence” that somehow everything is built on a lie (especially progressive stuff) but then doesn’t bother to provide any of it. This is just a tactic trying to brow beat dissents into submission and not actually back up the claims that the article declares are clear as day, and only becoming clearer. You would think that if evidence was so overwhelming Rollo could bother to provide one… Read more »

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