The Mystery of the Red Dress

Today’s quote is from the Biography of Steve Jobs. I did read the book in its entirety in 2010, but recently had this bit sent to me from a reader as an example of ‘How an Alpha should treat a Gold-digger‘. Mmm? No.

As an example of “alpha behavior” or an illustration of equal justice I can see why this incident might be construed as such, but there’s a much more valuable lesson to be learned in this exchange. The incident took place between Steve Jobs and singer Joan Baez, a woman who Jobs eventually had a relationship with.

In 1982, Jobs was introduced to Joan Baez by her sister Mimi Farina. He was 27 and she was 41. “It turned into a serious relationship between two accidental friends who became lovers,” said Jobs. Some of his friends believed that one thing that drew Jobs to Baez was the fact that she used to date Bob Dylan. “Steve loved that connection to Dylan,” said Jobs’ college friend Elizabeth Holmes.” The relationship fizzled out when it became clear that Jobs wanted children and Baez did not. 

Rolling Stone, 2011

Using a Red Pill Lens on this situation, we see a few apparent truths. The age difference was definitely a factor, but Jobs was well-known for what was called his “Reality Distortion Bubble“. In effect Steve Jobs had an intrinsic understanding of himself as his Mental Point of Origin. A lot of Type-A personalities have this in common – they innately make themselves the first thought they have in virtually all decisions they make. For some this can border on sociopathy, but most people we consider successes or geniuses had this sense of self as their starting point. Let me make this clear, you don’t have to be a sociopath or a solipsist to make yourself your Mental Point of Origin, but that is where these states begin.

Practically every very wealthy man I’ve ever worked for, or with, had himself in mind before a thought was give to anyone else’s consideration in his decision making process; family, spouse, employees, friends, we’re subordinate to his Mental Point of Origin. For most the process would start and end with themselves and their interests. These were the sociopaths. For a few that process started with themselves and ended with the consideration of others, but the process was a pragmatic one that facilitated a maintaining of power balance. As I’ve said in the past, I’m a proponent of enlightened self interest: I cannot help others until I help myself. Nor can I help others as effectively as when I help myself first. It’s not that you ought to become a selfish prick – you should think of the interests of others – but only after you’ve considered yourself in the scope of your own interests and how your interests facilitate the interests of others.

Now that this is settled, let me say that by this metric, Steve Jobs was none of this. According to the people he worked with, his family and friends, Jobs had all the characteristics of a solipsist. Yes, men can be solipsists too, though it’s more of a learned process rather than the innate proclivity women have to be solipsistic. From a business perspective, from a single-minded determination perspective, Jobs was certainly an Alpha. His mindset was that of an Alpha. His relationship history, however, was grossly influenced by Blue Pill idealism. One commonality you’ll find among men we consider great innovators, inventors, discoverers and entrepreneurial geniuses is they are almost invariably Blue Pill idealists with respect to their romantic lives. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are two current examples of this commonality. Argue their greatness if you like, their personal lives are classic examples of what happens to the Nerd, the autist, the high IQ guy, who’s afforded the money and success to live out their Blue Pill fueled impression of what a relationship with a woman should be like. And predatory women, with the savvy to understand (and have the patience for) the nature of Beta men, make these guys their bread and butter.

“There’s a beautiful red dress there that would be perfect for you.”

I’m not sure I would describe Jobs as an autist, or being on the Asperger’s spectrum, but he was certainly on the sociopath spectrum. Try not to conflate ‘sociopath’ with something negative in this instance. Sociopathic behaviors and character attributes can equally be attractive survival traits as they are evidence of megalomaniacal tyranny. Sociopathy is really by order of degree. Jobs most certainly began and ended his thinking with himself in mind.

My Red Pill Lens read on this is as follows: Something in Steve Job’s subconscious was testing Joan Baez for genuine desire.

I’m fairly certain most of my readers will understand the ovulatory shift implications of a red dress being the item in mention here, but there is a method to Job’s madness in this.

“I said to myself, far out, I’m with one of the world’s richest men and he wants me to have this beautiful dress.”

Joan doesn’t get it from the start here. She presumes that a rich man would want to purchase her affections via the transaction of a gift. Not uncommon for even 41 year old women, and yes, her thinking here is exactly the solipsistic mental point of origin women have a natural default for. Indignant guys will call her a Gold Digger, which is accurate, but moreover you have to look at the process here. She presumes that rich men buy expensive gifts for the women they’re interested in. But in typical Jobs fashion Steve flips the script without knowing that’s what he’s doing.

When they get to the store Steve points out the dress and says, “You oughta buy it.” She looked a little surprised, said she couldn’t really afford it, he said nothing and they left.

“Wouldn’t you think if someone (a rich man) had talked like that the whole evening they were going to buy it for you?”

It would be easy to dismiss this part as default female entitlement, but remember this was 1982, and while women (particularly attractive and famous women) did expect things from well-to-do men, the entitlement levels weren’t anything like they are now. I think she was genuinely confused. She really didn’t get it.

“The mystery of the Red Dress is in your hands. I felt a bit strange about it.”

He would giver her computers, but not a dress, and when he brought her flowers he would be sure to say they were leftover from an event in the office.

“He was both romantic, and afraid to be romantic.”

This end part is Baez’s last attempt to explain why an ‘eccentric‘ rich man wouldn’t buy her a dress he thought she’d look good in. I’m often asked how to go about vetting a woman for a long term relationship, and I’ve written essays about how most men simply never actually have the luxury of holding (much less developing) standards by which to ‘vet‘ a woman’s commitment-worthiness. Most men are not rich men, most men are Betas. Fewer still have the sense of self-value, or the access to so many optional women, as to presume to test a woman’s interest in him in any meaningful sense. Steve Jobs was not a necessitous man, he had, or could easily realize options when he wanted to. But even though he was idealistic in a Blue Pill conditioned sense, his subconscious wanted something it couldn’t buy – genuine desire from Joan Baez.

It’s easy to dismiss the Red Dress Incident as just another quirky personality flaw of a borderline sociopath who didn’t have the Game or the social intelligence to know he was offending or turning off a girl he kind of liked. Indeed, Joan tries to insert her own pop-culture psychoanalysis of Steve in the end; He was afraid to be the romantic she just knew he wanted to be. I expect this kind of rationalization from women who miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime chance to optimize Hypergamy. But what if Steve wasn’t afraid? What if it was a form of his shit testing Joan to determine her genuine desire for him?

As I said, most men don’t have the luxury to shit test women at all. For low SMV men, which is to say most men, the thought of experimenting with testing a woman for desire, much less long term suitability is never a consideration. Most guys can’t believe their luck that a woman actually expressed interest in him because they’ve lacked romantic options for most of their lives. So to consciously experiment with determining honest signals from a woman seems like tempting fate. The Thirst is such that most men would do damn near anything not to screw things up with a girl who’s showing interest in him. Just be thankful your ship’s finally come in, right?

I’ll add again here that most women, particularly in this social media era, are well aware that most men will never vet them for anything beyond baseline arousal and sexual availability. Thirst serves the Feminine Imperative very well, but what about men who are Blue Pill idealists, that can actually afford the options? Men for whom money and access are no object, but still persist in the fairytale the Blue Pill told them was possible?

What I see happening here is Jobs’ request for Baez to buy the dress for herself was a test of her genuine desire for him. Steve could’ve easily bought her the dress, even the whole store, but that wasn’t the point. What Steve wanted was for her to want to please him. His expressing a like for the dress was his subconscious testing her desire to please him.

I think you’d look good in this; It’s perfect for you” isn’t an offer, it’s a request. Will you sacrifice something to please me? 41 year old Joan Baez, could’ve afforded the dress. Hell, Ralph Lauren would have probably given it to her. But she expected Steve to buy it for her; that was her expectation then and it was the source of her confusion right up to Jobs’ biography interview. Her affinity for Jobs was transactional, not based in genuine desire. She failed the test.

Whether subconsciously or by design Steve wanted what most well-conditioned Blue Pill men want today: a genuine connection with a woman based on genuine (preferably unmitigated) desire. The Desire Dynamic is synonymous with The Rational Male. You cannot negotiate genuine desire is a foundational principle of both my work and all Red Pill awareness that follows from it. Steve’s ego wouldn’t allow him to negotiate for Joan’s real desire. His Mental Point of Origin and marginally sociopathic nature wouldn’t conceive it. But consciously or unconsciously he would test her (and other women he was involved with) for her desire to please him.

What is Your Red Dress?

It’s a cliché now for wealthy men to test women’s true interest in them. “Does she love me for me or because of my money/fame/status?” is a Blue Pill fantasy script for Beta men. This has been the plot of many popular stories and movies for centuries now (Coming to America with Eddie Murphy), but it’s a cliché because it accurately describes men’s subconscious coming to terms with women’s mating strategies and opportunistic concept of love. Women don’t fall in love with who a man is, they fall in love with what that man is. If a woman ever falls in love with who a man is it’s only after loving him for what he is first.

That’s some real cognitive dissonance a man has to confront in his life. The indignation that dissonance produces is very much the Red Meat most low SMV men love to wallow in, and commiserate in.

“She doesn’t love me! She loves what I can afford her! She’s a Gold Digger, I knew it!”

We love having women’s duplicity confirmed for us as men. It means we dodged a bullet by not investing in, and wasting our reproductive potential with, a woman who would be a bad bet for our future paternity. It provides the same chemical exhilaration and relief women feel when they think they’ve figured out a man’s “true” nature (Alpha Cad/Beta Dad). In the same way women get off on the indignation of discovering of men’s attempts to deceive women’s existential fear of false signals, so to do low SMV men get off on the indignation of discovering a woman only wants him for his money – not the real him.

What our subconscious truly wants is a pairing with a woman who has a genuine desire for us. Hot, unmitigated, Darwinistic monkey-sex is usually the manifestation of that genuine desire, but there are many more nuanced ways our male psyches will try to determine it. In past essays I’ve had men and women run me up the flagpole for suggesting a man never buy lingerie for his girlfriend or wife.

“How’s she supposed to know what I like if I don’t buy it for her?”
“I love getting something sexy from my man, sucks to be you.”

These, and more like them, are usually efforts in remaining self-ignorant of never having experienced genuine desire from a woman. If a woman has genuine desire for you she will be interested enough in you, and have the desire enough, to know how to please you without you explaining it to her. Genuine, organic desire is the foundation of all healthy relationships between men and women. Women who have genuine, unobligated desire for a man don’t ask him if they can go to Vegas for a girl’s weekend – her desire is for her man. Plates don’t require an active ‘spinning‘ on your part when she has real desire to be part of that man’s life. Women will eagerly share a worthy Alpha (rather than be saddled to a faithful Beta) if she has genuine desire for him.

and your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.

Genesis 3:16

When a woman has genuine desire for a man she Just Gets It when he suggests that a Red Dress would be “perfect for her” and she buys it, borrows it or steals it to wear it for him.

If Steve Jobs had purchased the Red Dress for Joan Baez, every time she wore it she would be wearing it for her, not for him. Something inside Steve knew this, and something in you does too.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Stirling Edgewood
3 years ago

Check out the movie Colossal (2016). This is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with women who quaff the feminist zeitgeist.

Bipolar bitch finally pisses off her beta chump boyfriend that provides everything for her so much he kicks her out. She moves back to her hometown, where the beta chump that had oneitis for her in high school proceeds to provide everything for her. She suddenly discovers she has magical powers (lol), and uses them to murder her beta chump oneitis hometown boy. She is the hero.

3 years ago

Unsurprisingly they were “shocked” that their case was dismissed.

3 years ago

Elon Musk wife know as “grimes”.
comment image

Jed Mask
3 years ago

Very well said and written Mr. Rollo.

Definitely one of your best recent articles post to date.

Good stuff. Stay blessed!

~ Bro. Jed

3 years ago

I don’t think there’s much doubt you’re correct in your explanation of Job’s behaviour. The only thing I find incredible is that Baez still doesn’t get it and finds it inexplicable, even at an age that should impart at least some wisdom. A woman is highly motivated to look her best for the man she wants, and if she couldn’t be bothered, it tells you a lot about her estimation of you, and whether it’s worthwhile taking that relationship further. I recall in my blue pill twenties sleeping with a girl, who one day announced to me she would like… Read more »

3 years ago

Musk and grimes have supposedly named their child ‘X Æ A-12’

That’s not a typo.

You can’t make this shit up.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago

Prince Harry Beta demonstrates the Red Dress in reverse. This was in Rollo’s twitter feed but not everyone follows his timeline.

Anyone wanna debate if Meghan is BPD or not?

3 years ago

“Anyone wanna debate if Meghan is BPD or not?” I don’t see any evidence of BPD at all. You could easily argue NPD. And Strong Indpendent Woman. The ball is in her court. And former prince Harry is also in her court as a Blue Pill go-along setting limits. He’s out of his element in California. He doesn’t need his guns anymore so he sold him. And it is a symbol of his abdication. If he were a limit-setter, he would fly back and hunt with his brother each hunting season. To show he has balls. It is a minor… Read more »

3 years ago

Elon Musk’s kid is going to be so bullied in school. lulz

3 years ago

The Human Malware topic:

3 years ago

Medical resources. I mean, we could go all ” heard immunity ” and have a mid six figure death toll that would be exacerbated by our unpreparedness. I’m starting to think , go ahead and open everything. Don’t ” social distance ” or wear masks and just get together in piles. Using the ” hot spots ” as barometers, it’s not just 80 year olds. Kids aren’t at zero risk. Young and healthy isn’t an ironclad guarantee. It becomes more apparent as more people get infected. I’m all for.theories and brainstorming and all that stuff. I’m still hearing comparisons of… Read more »

Cole luis
Cole luis
3 years ago

Saludos Rollo, desde México

3 years ago

“I’m sick of hearing hydroxychloriquine or whatever. Every time I head it it’s from the ” it’s the flu ” ” The medical researcher in the video did not say it’s the flu. It’s a SARS. The flu had peaked and passed twice (A and B) before COVID-19 hit. “Here immunity will probably happen routinely over years. In a country of 300,000 million people it’s lunacy to ” just let it run “.” The Flattening the Curve strategy was intended to not just “let it run,” but it wasn’t intended to keep anybody from getting infected either. It was intended… Read more »

3 years ago


It’s gonna “just run”

All the drama is to do with handling the corpses in a timely manner.

And the politics associated with that.

But you knew that.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago


“Heard immunity”? You hyperventilating or just fighting speel czech again?

Look, you’re right in the worst of it in that tri-state area but no need to freak out. Step away from the news for a while, maybe.

3 years ago

“Heard immunity”

Johnny Depp probably wants a piece of that.

3 years ago

Someone withdrew 3 pages of comments from Field Reports. I’m too lazy to research to see who did it, but what is the point of a comments page, if people keep on deleting their comments. This whole article bouncing thing is a pain in the ass. The rule was you didn’t post in Field Reports unless you wanted help getting laid. Otherwise, you would post in the current article. When a new article was posted, the random stream-of-consciousness comments would move to the new article. Random comments, like, Blaxumus trying to portray Obama as a victim of the media or… Read more »

3 years ago

I never said any such things.

Why the fuck are you singling me out? Especially with that dumb shit?

You fell alright.

A few commenters have deleted all of their posts from time to time for their own reasons.

Sorry you’re not a fucking moderator.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago

If-I-Fell Someone withdrew 3 pages of comments from Field Reports. I’m too lazy to research to see who did it, but what is the point of a comments page, if people keep on deleting their comments. That stuff happens from time to time. Once it was Rollo uprooting bots and socks. Another time it was a couple of individuals removing comments that might dox them. No idea who / what it was this time, but y’know? It ain’t my blog, and it ain’t your blog, so deal with it. No point in whining about it. If you want to archive… Read more »

3 years ago

Blaximus, I’m glad we got that straightened out. So, somebody’s been posting comments under your handle. I’m sure everyone will be relieved to know. “I watched a large segment of the population doggedly attack a president for eight years…” “This country dodged a bullet with civil war. Unbelievably there is a growing voice for get another civil war here. Idiots marching and yelling and screaming while carrying semi auto rifles and some with nazi flags.” Apologies, I incorrectly singled you out because you were thought to be the only person using the handle, Blaximus. I did fall! How did… Read more »

3 years ago


You have reading comprehension issues.

My statement stands. You’re adding names and descriptors. I Don’t have to.

You said I said specific things, and that’s false.

Admit it, or not.

I never said Obama. I never said media. I never said ” white people ” ( I don’t talk like that, especially not here ).

Thanks for posting what I actually said instead of just leaving your reinterpretation.

Because your interpretation is for shit.

😂 so butthurt.

3 years ago

I was chatting with a nurse online and she was testing my creds. I went on her site and gave sh1t to one of her commenters. The nurse kept hitting me up to chat. She was complimenting me and sh!t. The nurse wondered why I was angry and I explained that I was angry because people were dying of covid and there was an effective treatment (zinc / hydroxychloroquine–lol @Blax) for it which was being denigrated. Now I don’t trust this broad at all. For all I know it’s some FBI agent somewhere looking to fit me with a suit.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago

Mike Tyson wants to get back in the ring for exhibition fights. He’s the usual shy, retiring man in this article.

3 years ago


This is that Johann sock puppying again under a stolen handle.

3 years ago

You think so?


Lol, it’s not all that important.

3 years ago

@ Blax, So, it was you. Yes, you could have been talking about another 2-term President besides Barak Obama, and yes you could have been talking about non-white nazis (if they actually existed). But the ability to put facts together to…say interpret and comprehend things that are not explicitly stated makes me butthurt. Got it! For anyone else, if you can’t see this elephant hiding behind a blade of grass, you might as well stop reading. Anything discussed in the Rational Male is beyond your comprehension. Find and orbit any woman who will accept you as a Satellite. For anyone… Read more »

3 years ago


“You think so?


Yeah. This isn’t the real guy.

3 years ago

Got it.

” Real ” If-I-Fell, pardon me.

I’ll put the sock puppet on super secret double ignore.

3 years ago

Mike Tyson wants to get back in the ring for exhibition fights. He’s the usual shy, retiring man in this article.

My spouse recently read Mike Tyson’s book Cus D’Amato and Me.
It was really good. Amazing what he went through in life.

3 years ago

@PalmaSailor Afraid so. It’s the real me. It’s rather sad that, who made the comment is the issue, not whether the comment has any merit, and that the response is to name call or ignore. But that is where this comments section has gone. As you were not raised in the USA during the 60s and 70s, I wouldn’t expect you to catch on to the bullshit that surfaces in Blaximus’ comments fairly regularly. It has, in the past, been challenged by other commenters, but this time it registered at a higher level on my bullshit-o-meter. So, I commented, mostly… Read more »

3 years ago

Lol. It’s fairly obvious that Blax is in his own Frame and tries to control that frame. I’m not critical of Blax doing what he does because he does it well for himself and his family and his profession and his legacy. And I respect that. But I will point out a few things. There is a balance in how one operates and thinks and how someone somewhere else operates and thinks. He definitely has a chip on his shoulder (once again, no offense Blax) about racial things. And that is what I think If-I-Fell is referring to. He’s anti… Read more »

3 years ago

SJF If fell seems to not understand that I grew up in those same 60’s and 70’s evidently he was always on ” that other side ” during that time, so he falsely thinks he has me all figured out without ever actually asking me anything. He never has. He just ” assigns ” motives and beliefs to me. There’s a name for that. I don’t hate trump..I’ve said it so many times….jesus. I’m not jealous of any man. I don’t have chip on my shoulder but bear with me for a.second, as you seem to be trying to understand..… Read more »

3 years ago

@ sockpuppet

Nice try but my bullshitometer is still pinging.

Save yourself the embarrassment of me running you through the detail of the conversations we’ve had in the past and falling flat on your face.

3 years ago

@ Blaximus, nice word salad, interesting punctuation. I didn’t realize that the 60s and 70s had “that other side.” I know that you like to consider yourself to be unknowable and you even once told SJF that you knew him better than he knew himself. I already explained how I got from Point A to Point B—it was a tiny step. I also explained how you would bounce around between 3. Reframe, 4. Goal Post Move, 5. Criticize the Commenter, 6. Change the Subject until you “become right” or the circus moved on. I objected to your comments concerning Obama… Read more »

3 years ago

“Trump and I are from the same area,.But 2 different worlds. I do not assign merit to a man because he has notoriety and some money. I do understand him, better than what I’ve heard here in the comments from people with very little actual exposure to him over time. He’s not a fine person, or a.good person, or a smart person. He’s man. Here,.where he was born and raised, ask a thousand people on the street and you’ll get pretty much the same.conclusion overwhelmingly. Been that way since the 70’s. So yes, it’s forever fascinating to me to… Read more »

3 years ago


Okay Sjf.

3 years ago

Since I watch “what works” and don’t worry so much about the why something works… I am a results based observer. And I think trump has produced very good results (at least for the first three years of his presidency, the plague months are a wild card, but I like the way he has handled it a lot more than I’d like the way Hillary would handle something like that). Just our change in policy toward China ALONE would make him a great president in my estimation. I’ve read GIllibrand is looking to be Secretary of Defense if the dementia… Read more »

3 years ago

Change the Subject until you “become right”

lol thats just my man blax being blax.

as a Natural he can’t ever be wrong about anything (except stuff his ego isn’t directly attached to)”.

3 years ago

Good reminder of what a gamma pussy Ya was/is.

3 years ago

“Good reminder of what a gamma pussy Ya was/is.” Yes. @J Thanks for reminding us that YaReally lost Frame there in that screed. And then took his ball(s) and went home from TRM. Why was that? Had nothing to do with ego, right? And it was starting to tax him with hard time spent trying to evangelize. But, evangelize what? Right, gamma ego-ism. After commenting prolifically for years. Or because he had nothing more to say? Or he was seeing his future without clarity. Nonetheless he had a good run at explaining PUA. Which informs red pill. And, necessary but… Read more »

3 years ago

Ah, Yareally was okay and I still wish he didn’t exit the way he did.

3 years ago


“Good reminder of what a gamma pussy Ya was/is.”

I never knew the guy but I read that archive and it just came across like a load of butthurt.

My gut feeling was always that he’d learned the code (was probably incredibly good at it) but never built the man.

Another Ironman suit situation.

When he took it off / or the women saw through it they didn’t want what was underneath.

3 years ago

Another Ironman suit situation. When he took it off / or the women saw through it they didn’t want what was underneath. My observation is that, yes, he had an iron man situation. But it wasn’t the fact that women didn’t like it, it was the fact that he woke up one day and asked himself what the fuck he was going to do going forward. When all he invested in for a decade was scores of pussy. Invulnerable outside. Vulnerable inside. Because PUA ad-infinitum was petering out. And he could see the writing on the wall. What was he… Read more »

3 years ago

“My gut feeling was always that he’d learned the code (was probably incredibly good at it)” yeah he had game (inb4, “correction: he had “pua” game not “real” game” 2:00:33). and was really good at breaking it down for new guys. Didn’t build the lifestyle ($$$/high status job) cause he didn’t need to (how much has being loaded helped you out with the under 25 year old hotties, @palma?). He already had the arrangement he wanted (multple fuckbuddies/one girlfriend). “it just came across like a load of butthurt”. you’d react the same way if everyone attacked you/misrepresenting your comments… Read more »

3 years ago

@J “how much has being loaded helped you out with the under 25 year old hotties, @palma?” I’m not as loaded as I was. I never even expected under 25’s to be accessible until I took TRP, and then I knew wealth wouldn’t help. But you do need enough. You can’t be a broke arse at 52 because it telegraphs loser and you’re out of the game. From what I can gather @walawala is the only one managing it regularly, and I’ll bet he’s got his shit relatively well together. I’m not digging at YaReally I just don’t believe he’d… Read more »

3 years ago

@ J. Didn’t anyone tell you that there is a whole lot of living out there that isn’t sauce reduced to scoring pussy and bragging about it on the internet. But, there is nothing wrong in the process of game of having a notch count for men and taking it in stride. That is self evident from the mountain of deductive reasoning based on the manosphere. PS: “I’m not digging at YaReally I just don’t believe he’d actually become the man that his game presented him as being.” J: “you’d react the same way if everyone attacked you/misrepresenting your comments… Read more »

3 years ago

@palma “I knew wealth wouldn’t help. But you do need enough” yeah “From what I can gather @walawala is the only one managing it regularly, and I’ll bet he’s got his shit relatively well together”. From what I understand, the bulk of Wala’s women, as a tall white guy living in Asia, come from social circle game (DJ, salsa dancing class) (which YaReally talked about transitioning too once he’d retire from the bar scene) not SNL cold approach game. “In contrast, I am the man that my game presents me as being and if that isn’t quite right I… Read more »

3 years ago

“I don’t remember anyone mis-representing his comments”.

Lol I wouldn’t expect you to. But hey, it was good catching up with you guys. Peace.

3 years ago

Secret King

Someone who likes to delude themselves into thinking they’re way cooler, powerful, interesting or successful with women than they actually are. Refers to the story trope of the awkward loser/nerd actually being the mastermind behind everything unbeknownst to everyone, which is clearly just a wet fantasy of the gamma writers.

3 years ago

“Lol I wouldn’t expect you to. But hey, it was good catching up with you guys. Peace.”

Not a good catch up, at all.

And good luck with your lack of wealth/resources/money. Even if fiat.

And plan for your future.

“Conflicting information about broke ass guys who are 30s/40s etc

Straight up Velasco fucking bullshit. In no world is there conflict about having money vs. not. That’s a made up rationalization. Thanks for playing the bullshit game J. you secret king in regards to just winging it.

3 years ago




3 years ago

Take it easy j, and don’t be a stranger. Sjf I disagree that having kids requires wealth. Both of my parents grew up ( I won’t say ” segregated south under him crow , so if I fell won’t throw a fucking stroke…even if it’s a fact ) basically poor with numerous siblings. Used to be that was pretty standard in America. The majority of Americans don’t have wealth. They have debt. A lot are still having kids , although many aren’t and the reasons don’t truly have anything to do with wealth/money. What makes shitty parents is the same… Read more »

3 years ago

“come from social circle game (DJ, salsa dancing class) (which YaReally talked about transitioning too once he’d retire from the bar scene)”

I’ll bet he never made that transition because he was a fake AF and in social circle that won’t wash.

3 years ago

SJF I disagree that having kids requires wealth. Both of my parents grew up ( I won’t say ” segregated south under him crow , so if I fell won’t throw a fucking stroke…even if it’s a fact ) basically poor with numerous siblings. Used to be that was pretty standard in America. The majority of Americans don’t have wealth. They have debt. A lot are still having kids , although many aren’t and the reasons don’t truly have anything to do with wealth/money. That was then. This is now. It doesn’t require it. But it is better than naught.… Read more »

3 years ago

” that was then. This is now. ” Ohhhhh, dismissive.😁 Cover your eyes if I fell. Sjf I too was born in the jim crow south. Then informs now. But it would take too long and too much effort if you just don’t care.😎 Money, sunshine and roses. Lol. We just agree to disagree, and it’s cool. We don’t see ” wealth ” the same.way. Plenty of super rich people have drug addicted asshole kids. I actually knew a few. Wealth doesn’t make ” good people “. True, it’s less stressful for many, but imo a certain amount of stress… Read more »

3 years ago

Blax I’m not intentionally being dismissive. I prefer to call it instructive. Specifically to archetypes like J. who supposedly are using “it” as a virtue. Or you actually using as a virtue via your parents, and you turned out fine as heck. And you did. I love you, man. And I respect you and what you say. “SJF, I too was born in the jim crow south. Then informs now. But it would take too long and too much effort if you just don’t care.😎” I don’t care? YGBFSM. I care for others not to “come out of the Jim… Read more »

Elijah Dispatched
3 years ago

If I’m reading this right, Jobs was a situational alpha, who had an instinct that most betas lack.

3 years ago

So, YaReally didn’t have a good life strategy. Good parenting is good. Game is better than money, but game with money is better than game with no money. Jim Crow laws were bad. Got it! Huh, what do you know, I don’t have a severe headache and my vision’s not impaired. I think I can skip the baby aspirin and just go to bed.

3 years ago

“Now you’re telling me

You’re not a racist

Then give me another word for it

You who are so good with words

And at keeping things vague

Because I need some of that vagueness now

It’s all come back too clearly

Your words they ring queerly

And if you’re offering me political correctness and guilt

I’ve already paid”

3 years ago

I’m going to go long as I am personally very familiar with Jobs and the pile of mythology that surrounds him having had two commercial partnerships with NeXT computer (your MacOs came from them as a BSD fork), sharing a stage with him and doing business in a small ecosystem in which he was a large personal presence. Angry Gamer knew Jobs, and his take is one dimension of Jobs that is popular, but frankly one I never bought into as a COMPLETE explanation of Jobs (it is indeed a legit part of him). In fact, while there is no… Read more »

3 years ago

“The idea of a “smartphone” was around for a while.”

The idea of a smartphone watch has been around since twenty years before Jobs was born.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago

Elijah Dispatched
If I’m reading this right, Jobs was a situational alpha, who had an instinct that most betas lack.


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago

The idea of a smartphone watch has been around since twenty years before Jobs was born.

comment image

3 years ago


Could you repeat that? I missed it the first time you said it.

3 years ago

Well now I’m sucked in… Re: Blax playing seer about Trump and then pulling the black victim card, lol. Fact: Blacks lived in better conditions in the “Jim Crow South” than in 90% of the rest of the places in the world they lived outside of the U.S. Blax, funny how in two comments you claim some kind rooted knowledge of Queens NY and the Jim Crow South – just more Bs from you of course. Plenty of resentful blacks moved up from the South the the NY area. My people are from Queens, I grew up in and around… Read more »

3 years ago

From Rollo’s Twitter:

“Do you want Skaven?
Because this is how you get Skaven!”

Well, yeah, but it’s also how you get Reepicheep, so we’ll have that going for us, which is nice.

3 years ago

Scrib Welcome back to your usual form. Your meds must be gathering dust. I’m not going to engage you this time, because you’re just rehashing the same old stuff, telling me about ” blacks ” and history and what you know because you read it and Africa – telling me to ” go back ” while feigning promoting facts. Same as it ever was. Sometimes I’d copy your screeds and send the m around to people but at this point they are all exactly the same. Your words can stand on their own, and some here might cosign ( it… Read more »

3 years ago
wahoo Mcdaniels
3 years ago

Damn Scribs, maybe change your handle to Whitey Lives. Scathing Dude.LOL

3 years ago


Epic beatdown of Blax. Of course he’ll run his usual smoke to cover his retreat.

3 years ago

Nursing home…lots of deaths in NY/NJ…not so much in Florida despite Florida having a much older pop. What’s the difference?

3 years ago

…. Imagine if I had to sit in front of him for a job interview, or if he was a cop that woke up on the wrong side of the ptsd bed.

3 years ago


Then the autistic guy chimes in support.

3 years ago

Damn bitchin n scratching – did I just log in to a strippers changing room by accident?

Dan Pulattie
Dan Pulattie
3 years ago

Rollo, I do not know how to contact you with a specific question or idea that I have. It involves a topic you have covered somewhat briefly in the past but if you were to hear my question or rhetorical theory, it may prod you to do your research and come up with a much better essay on the subject than I can. I hope you or someone else can provide me a way to contact you so as to put this idea forward to you.

3 years ago

…. Imagine if I had to sit in front of him for a job interview, or if he was a cop that woke up on the wrong side of the ptsd bed. It would suck for you, but then it would suck to be anyone who came up against someone in power with a bent against them or a group that they are associated with. It’s kind of like red pill reality. Based on your thinly veiled attitudes, I’m glad that I will never have to job interview with you and that you’re not a cop. By the way, the… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago

PalmaSailor Damn bitchin n scratching – did I just log in to a strippers changing room by accident? Some of this is normal and it happens on a semi-regular basis every few months / years. But it is also obvious to me that a lot of US people are getting cranky due to the varying degrees of “shelter in place”. People can be pretty obnoxious on a video conference vs. face to face meeting. I’m seeing in private world “we must do something, this is something, we will do it”. Not to get into details, but it’s not a solution… Read more »

3 years ago

Rollo, I know you are probably busy, but is there anything you can do about the performance of the comments section? Edit and read more and content/setting are almost useless.


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago

Blaximus, I think Rollo still has an active email account but not sure.

By the way, Yahoo now requires a phone of some sort, to connect to a Yahoo email account.

Have not tried any of these but some look a bit better than “burner” level.

3 years ago

Got it. Thanks AR.

Reached out, so let’s see.

3 years ago

It is:

3 years ago

This idea of Elon Musk stating to take the red pill is not going to end well. And he won’t come around. He’s in a tizzy. And won’t be able to come around. And it is not worth pursuing. As a external validation exercise. He will continue to fuck up his interpersonal relationships. And the hope is that he and she will raise their child to be emotionally healthy going forward. It won’t turn out well. He grew up having a toxic father. And was mother raised. Sure the OP called out Steve Jobs. And Scribbs pointed out with inside… Read more »

3 years ago


has got a point – the neighbourhood could come under a lot of fire.

Please would you check you’ve got the email from me at 8.20 am U.K. time and confirm.

Best regards

wahoo Mcdaniels
3 years ago

A strange culture, of leisure time to mind others business for entertainment.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago

A strange culture, of leisure time to mind others business for entertainment.

It’s just the usual “missing the point, so let’s gossip” activity.

3 years ago


Not really. Just a crack I saw in the paving stones that I thought @Rollo should address.

Seems he doesn’t agree.

He’s a big boy and it’s his shop.

wahoo Mcdaniels
3 years ago

My take on it, ASD hangs his dick to the right, Blax hangs his to the left,Sjf’s is a bit short and doesn’t really hang at all much,he ain’t bullet proof but keeps his hopes high and likes to poke the dog as much as the next guy. This isn’t really a political blog perse buut any man over 50 that doesn’t have strong political bent can’t be trusted and we are men. Palma included buut he has royalty which we got rid of over here years ago and now run on popularity politics. Our culture over here in the… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
3 years ago

Part of this culture of entertainment involves insights into the lives of celebrities Like the ones mentioned in the OP old whats his name the promoter and whatshername the singer chick,also Elon Mushk. This has always included the POTUS of course Palma doesn’t so much imbibe because of royalty as you can’t critique royal blood. Now as for Mushk either he is a sharp con taking advantage of the new religiosity of man made climate change or he realy believes in his mission and is a couplr cards short of a deck. If you don’t mind being held up to… Read more »

3 years ago

Here’s to men always hoping things go out with a bang and a period (.), rather than an ellipsis (…)! Cheers! In the time of ellipsis… Holy shit. Times. Yes to high hopes and to euphoric recall of past hurdles. I spoke on the phone with an old (not really he’s 58 and I’m 59 next week) happy-go-lucky, but mindful, smart and dutiful colleague who finished one of our residencies in medicine together 30 years ago. I was asking him some advice on a patient of mine this week. And because I usually don’t do it, I asked him how… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago

Part of this culture of entertainment involves insights into the lives of celebrities

Only for those who choose to participate. Call me Bartleby.

3 years ago

“Now as for Mushk either he is a sharp con taking advantage of the new religiosity of man made climate change or he realy believes in his mission and is a couplr cards short of a deck.” I hate to say this because Rollo is hoping to reach out to him. But it is an age old tale in which Elon’s dad was a dick and fucked over the family. Big Time. And there were subsequent adjustments and non adjustments in Musk’s behavior. Also Big Time. He was merely out to escape his father’s legacy and help his mother. And… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
3 years ago

More interesting to some. SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule meets man-rating standards by passing the escape test. SpaceX Falcon rocket lifts off from Canaveral, at altitude the capsule escape sequence engages as in a real abort, then the Falcon booster blows up on command.

Launch with astronauts on board to the ISS scheduled for May 27. A lot of engineers are working remotely, so it’s a bit adventurous to go ahead.

Man rated space flight to low earth orbit is a bit more complicated than the average iPhone app.

3 years ago

“Call me Bartleby.”

I would prefer not to.

3 years ago

@Wahoo To be honest with the exception of the queen herself I’m either way on most the Royals these days. As far as Harry is concerned, I’ve got some sympathy bc I got hooked up with an HPD and it’s what sent me here. Having said that I’m sick of hearing about it. Traditionally we’ve got a term for it “he got drunk on the furry cup” so if he wants out then as far as I’m concerned he needs to get lost. In case it hasn’t converted to American the public mood here has turned against him because the… Read more »

3 years ago

“Call me Bartleby.”

I would prefer not to.

Cause why?

Last time I checked, Bartelby was a check out-ed loser.

And we all know how that turned out…

“Bartleby, the Scrivener” reveals the decremental extinction of a human spirit.”


wahoo Mcdaniels
3 years ago

SJF, I’m guessing you don’t believe the Musk father bad mother good trope any more than I do. It is likely just another hoax that fits the popular religion of woman good man bad, and fits the scenario of blame it on his dad cute puppy syndrome, it’s not his fault.

Palma, your sense of royalty would appear to be matrilineal, and can be married out of by a man yet retained by a female heir.

Anon, who is Bartelby ? No who cares?

3 years ago


You’ve thought it through more than I have, and I don’t think about it like that.

It’s more to do with thinking she’s actually doing a good job and bringing some value, and I’m not sure any of the rest of them are doing that.

Certainly nothing to do with gender to be honest.

3 years ago

: “Cause why?”

‘Cause it’s the line – and a joke.

3 years ago

Wow – single-clicking on stuff works!

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