The Red Pill Path

The Red Pill, with respect to intersexual dynamics, is, and will always be a praxeology. It is unconcerned with value judgements. Issues of how one interprets the data presented by Red Pill praxeology as right or wrong is an exercise in subjectivity and personal belief. In essence the Red Pill should always be about what is – not what should be, not what seems moral, immoral or amoral. 

I knocked on about this in The Believers vs. The Empiricists back in July of 2019. The problem with adding ideology to the Red Pill is that it distorts the intent of staying as objective as possible. A Praxeology is the study of those aspects of human action that can be grasped a priori; in other words, it is concerned with the conceptual analysis and logical implications of preference, choice, means-end schemes, and so forth. In a praxeological context, the Red Pill is a ‘loose science’ concerned with the understanding of the underlying motivators of why we do what we do as men and women. It doesn’t get everything right, but it does ask the right questions. It’s these questions that make believers uncomfortable. The beauty of The Red Pill as a praxeology is that we get to write those questions and conclusions down in pencil, not ink, to be erased and edited as new information changes them. The Red Pill is not an ideology itself. Despite what many moralist critics would like to redefine it as, a Red Pill awareness is about an obligation to understanding the truth about men and women’s natures.

Yes, I know, it is impossible to be entirely objective in anything. In fact, just the thought required in asking a particular question implies a particular subjective bias. You wouldn’t be asking those kinds of questions if you didn’t subscribe to some belief-set that caused you to think about them in the first place. Even a commitment to objective truth is itself perceived as a value judgement. What’s worth your consideration is at least as important as why you think it’s worth considering. I get it. It still doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to be as objective as humanly possible, in spite of the pre-knowledge that we have underlying reasons for being curious about something.

Objectivity vs. Ideology

There. Now that’s out of the way.

What one does with the data the Red Pill praxeology aggregates, and how one interprets that information, is up to the individual. The prescriptions we create for ourselves with this knowledge are almost always a value call. The real question for men, new to the Red Pill, is are they beginning from a position of value judgement first and then seeking to find the Red Pill data that best aligns with that preconception? Or are they beginning from a neutral, objective position of interpreting this information and then forming well-thought, rational prescriptions for themselves based on that objectivity?

How we make this information useful to us is just as important as how we came to the conclusion that it should be useful to us. After having written in this ‘sphere for almost 20 years now I’ve come to see how men will use Red Pill awareness to either better (save) serve their lives by changing their minds about themselves and implementing it, or else they use that awareness to validate their preconceived belief-sets. Usually they do this by cherrypicking the parts that align with those beliefs and discarding or disqualifying the data that conflicts with them. This is how you get the Purple Pill. Accept just enough empirical Red Pill data to validate a belief-set rooted in their Blue Pill conditioning. And it’s made all the better if you can profit from pandering to those Blue Pill beliefs in others by calling yourself a ‘coach’ of some kind.

PUAs, MGTOW, MRAs, Trad-Cons, Positivity and Success Porn advocates, Red Pill Ministry Pastors, Father-Figure Fitness Coaches, Masculinity Psychologists, Female “Relationship Experts”, and a plethora of other sub-factions that reside in the ‘sphere are all belief-set prescriptions. Their subjective prescriptions either follow in the wake of Red Pill praxeology, or they find their preconceptions validated – in some part – by the data and awareness that the Red Pill brings to them.

When the information that the Red Pill presents conflicts with these belief-prescriptions, that’s when we see believers attempt to redefine the Red Pill as an ideology. When a stark empirical truth challenges an ego-invested belief, most people feel attacked. That belief is often one that people have based their lives on, so challenging the belief is challenging the way that person has lived for a long time. In terms of the Red Pill, it’s much easier to redefine or reinterpret what that empirical data really should mean to a man. And whenever we see words like should or ought we know we’re dealing with a value judgement. 

The only way a believer can protect an ego-investment challenged by Red Pill awareness is to reduce the Red Pill to an ideology. Bring the enemy to battle on your own field and on your own terms. So long as the Red Pill is just about objective observations, connecting dots and collating data, the right or the wrong of it, the value judgement of what ought to be, is irrelevant to discerning the truth. But if you can convince yourself and others that the Red Pill is in fact an ideological pursuit – not an objective pursuit – then you choose the terms of terms of the battle. If the Red Pill can be redefined as a belief-set then you can lock horns with it with your own belief-set. Then the debate isn’t about what is, it becomes about what’s right or wrong, or what that data should mean, or how it should be put to proper use in a person’s life. Hypergamy becomes less about women’s nature, and more about how women are inherently predisposed to evil as a result of it. Alpha or Beta become defined by how well a man aligns with a preexisting belief-set – “You’re not a real man if you believe/don’t believe this!” – and the Soulmate Myth might become an article of faith that wins an ideological argument.

Redefine the premise of the Red Pill as an ideology and you can fight it as an ideology. But even if you could, the data the Red Pill presents still forces a lot of conflict in the believer. That leaves the believer to reconcile that data with the cognitive dissonance he/she feels about it. It is much more intrinsically satisfying to redefine, disqualify and then re-qualify information that confounds our beliefs than it is to go into outright denial of that conflicting data. Sometimes outright denial is all that’s left.

People resort to denial when recognizing that a truth would destroy something they hold dear; and there are few things we hold more dear than our investments in what we think are right and wrong with respect to how we solve our reproductive problem. In the case of a cheating partner, denial lets you avoid acknowledging evidence of your own humiliation. Short of catching a spouse in bed with your best friend, evidence of infidelity is usually ambiguous. It’s motivated skepticism. You’re more skeptical of things you don’t want to believe and demand a higher level of proof.

Denial is unconscious, or it wouldn’t work: if you know you’re closing your eyes to the truth, some part of you knows what the truth is and denial can’t perform its protective function. This is why we say, “Once you’ve seen the code in the Matrix, once you’ve taken the Red Pill, there’s no going back.”

One thing we all struggle to protect is a positive self-image. The more important the aspect of your self-image that’s challenged by the truth, the more likely you are to go into a state of denial. If you have a strong sense of self-worth and competence your self-image can take the hits but remain largely intact; if you’re beset by self-doubt (a hallmark of self-righteous Beta thinking), however, any acknowledgment of failure can be devastating and any admission of error painful to the point of being unthinkable. Self-justification and denial arise from the dissonance between believing you’re competent, and making a mistake, which clashes with that image.

Solution: Deny the mistake or redefine the terms of the debate.

By nature men are deductive problem solvers. This is manifest in many ways, but for a Beta male who still believes solving a woman’s problems will lead to him solving his reproductive problem, more often than not it leads him to a worse life. Once a man unplugs and begins to internalize what a deeper, more accurate understanding of intersexual dynamics means to his life he’s going to look for ways to apply it to his own circumstances. This is a natural, unavoidable progression. As I’ve stated in many an essay, I’m not in the business of making better men, I’m in the business of giving men the tools with which to build better lives for themselves. I expect men, at some stage, to use what they’ve learned from what I write to change their minds about themselves and become the better men they can be with a better awareness.

I do not offer prescriptions. I do not have a one-size-fits-all formula or 12 catch-all rules that will help you live a better life. Most men want that formula, and a lot of them will pay a small fortune to avoid the work necessary to effect a real change in their lives if some coach even hints that they have the cheat codes to do it. They are sheep in search of a shepherd. I have precious few expectations of my readers, but one is that I expect you take it upon yourselves to be the artists of your own lives. If it frustrates you that I won’t hold your hand and lead you to a better version of yourself just know that going through that frustration is necessary for you to be your own man. Not an adherent, not an acolyte, but the author of your own decisions. 

A lifetime of Blue Pill conditioning has already attempted to remove that control from you long enough.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Rollo says this site is like a hot kitchen, that’s a fact, it is. But this essay is like a sauna.
Break a sweat, readers, it’s good for you.

@Rollo, your images at the header of essays have always been good, very good.

But this one? Perfect

4 years ago

The world of humans is missing a mental hygiene. A thousands and thousands of years. Physical hygiene is not enough to satisfy the life of man and woman.

4 years ago

“@Rollo, your images at the header of essays have always been good, very good. But this one? Perfect” He took a picture of Plato and Aristotle and left out Plato. How’d that happen? “The disagreement that Plato and Aristotle had on the point of knowledge is very interesting, as it laid the foundation for two separate camps of epistemologists for centuries to come. On one side you have the rationalists who believe that our senses can be deceiving and that we should only rely on logic to arrive at truth. Prominent rationalists include Plato, René Descartes, and Immanuel Kant.… Read more »

Doug Cook
Doug Cook
4 years ago


Ludwig Von Mises also describes economics as a Praxeological science. Have you ever studied or come across the Austrian school of economic thought? There are a striking number of parallels here.

I was glad to see it mentioned specifically in Aaron Clarey’s work.

Have you discussed Praxeology and it’s application in other studies beyond intergender Dynamics?

Thanks for all you do! Your work is an inspiration and I greatly appreciate it.


4 years ago

Too many take an evolutionary science and try to wrap it in a religious ideology. So close but so far away.

4 years ago

This song is about the ambition and dedication required to be a successful band. It also criticizes American preachers who swindle followers out of their money.

Stealing hearts at a traveling show…

Do it. Quick. Before you think.

And no pejoratives here. Just pick a stance.

Free flag/freak flag flow…

4 years ago

No denial here. Acceptance always.

“The bitch is hungry, she needs to tell
So give her inches and feed her well
More days to come, new places to go
I’ve got to leave, it’s time for a show…”

4 years ago

How psycho-epistemologic of you Rollo. Bravo. A frame work for critical thinking for the individual to navigate the choppy waters of life and reality, to think in essentials and principles and not in concretes. Not a cult but an effective tool box for anyone that chooses. Rational thought is not a default, but a choice. This essay reminds me of Ayn Rand’s commencement speach given to West Point back in the day, (chapter 1). Philosophy : Who needs it? “You do”, Ayn Rand, Red Pill : Who need it? “You do”, Rollo Tomassi. “Man is the rational animal”. Aristotle… Read more »

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
4 years ago

I would rather be alone and rich than with Blue Pill friends and poor. At the end of the day, it’s me who climbs into my bed alone, mentally. Whether that be with a woman next to me, I know I am on my own.

Vitor brazil
Vitor brazil
4 years ago

Great essay.

4 years ago

The red pill as a praxeology is the only way to make change in your own life. I have adopted the Iron Rules whole set but changes needed to made for my self, rules needed to be added. Location as a parameter added to rule 3, a ruthlessness added to rule 7 (a woman doesn’t leave quietly even if you are the so called “trash”).

Your evaluations won’t stop, so don’t solidify the criteria.

Michael Camara
Michael Camara
4 years ago

Another clear and concise bell ringer – thank you from Stanislaus County Rollo. Your sentence stating, “Deny the mistake or redefine the terms of the debate”… made me also think of Rich Cooper’s oft shared observation, “men are masters at complicating their own lives…” and essentially developing excuses to NOT DO THE WORK.

Appreciate all your insights, as always.

4 years ago

Interesting post, a kind of sequel to the The Believers vs. The Empiricists post as Rollo himself wrote.

4 years ago

I never have a problem seeing the red pill as a praxeology. I was going through articles on reddit seduction when someone post a link to your best of year one. And of course I could relate with everything on it except for plate theory ( cos religion) Did I denied it, no! Instead I studied it several times but it only clicked when I’ve two women vying for my attention. But due to religious beliefs I don’t practice plating, but it did increased my understanding of why polygamy works. My biggest wake up call is when I realized that… Read more »

4 years ago

So many valuable gems of wisdom here, thank you for all your work.

4 years ago

” Whether that be with a woman next to me, I know I am on my own.”

On your own, but not alone. You have a say in who you will be. You don’t need a woman for that. And you need to get to the point where you no longer need a mentor.

You need a woman if you want children or merely sex.

4 years ago

“I would rather be alone and rich than with Blue Pill friends and poor.”

When you would rather be alone and poor than with Blue Pill friends and rich, you’ll know you’re starting to get it.

Michael Mehalko
Michael Mehalko
4 years ago

As an MRA could we all join in supporting Presumed Equality in Child Custody, aka 50/50.

The Underground Psychologist Rises Again
The Underground Psychologist Rises Again
4 years ago

Hi Rollo, it is going to be a long post I guess. I am going to be %100 honest before digging into my real subject. In the past, several times, I sent emails, wrote comments and asked questions in some TRP forums, websites like yours and when I explored your site, I read many of your articles which I found gold and finally I sent you an email, but again I checked and there was no reply or any reaction for you. At this point, I want to stress that maybe it is a beta mindset because when a coach,… Read more »

4 years ago

@Michael Mehalko:

Perhaps after we have achieved equality in child birth.

4 years ago

@The Underground Psychologist Your ramble on reminds me of Notes From the Underground, the 1864 novella by Fyodor Dostoevsky: It presents itself as an excerpt from the rambling memoirs of a bitter, isolated, unnamed narrator (generally referred to by critics as the Underground Man), who is a retired civil servant living in St. Petersburg. The first part of the story is told in monologue form, or the underground man’s diary, and attacks emerging Western philosophy, especially Nikolay Chernyshevsky’s What Is to Be Done? The second part of the book is called “Apropos of the Wet Snow” and describes certain events… Read more »

Marko Ramius
Marko Ramius
4 years ago

Rollo: When I click on “read more” in the comments, a little black oval appears in upper right of screen, moving back and forth about an inch each way. And not any more of the comment becomes available. This happens on two different computers. Is this a glitch in your WordPress program?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


That’s a known bug. Click 3 or more times in rapid succession, “read more” should work.

Marko Ramius
Marko Ramius
4 years ago

@AR. Thanks! The triple fast click works!

4 years ago

Still not sure what “Praxeology” means. But with the Red Pill from my own experience I can only compare my life, well-being and results as “Before” and “After” adopting a Red Pilled lifestyle. It’s true…I just don’t have a scientific study with hard data to prove “Alpha fux Beta bux”. It’s a mindset not a “Scientifically proven methodology”. Also, since I’ve adopted it there are things I’ve seen and experienced that can no longer be “unseen”. Every action, every reaction I now see through that prism of the Red Pill. It helps me make better choices and predict behaviours that… Read more »


[…] has a new article titled, The Red Pill Path. It is primarily concerned with the concept of truth and the journey to discover such truth as […]

The Underground Psychologist Rises Again
The Underground Psychologist Rises Again
4 years ago

@PalmaSailor, thanks for your advice man! I can re organize it if you guys have trouble to read, no problem or maybe next time. @SJW I haven’t read that book yet despite I adore him. About my motivation, well, you shouldn’t be surprised by a male user who has opinions, some questions and seeks for advice or feedback in a TRP community? That was my first post in this blog. I read, read, read, ok that’s gold, but finally I decided to discuss things messing with my mind. It is like you see all Martin Scorsese movies so far, that’s… Read more »

Brad Gray
Brad Gray
4 years ago

“I do not have a one-size-fits-all formula or 12 catch-all rules that will help you live a better life.”

What’s that, Iron Rule of Tomassi number 38?

4 years ago

@The Underground Psychologist You typed a long first comment about being perfectly happy not having sex with a girl. And that you are unique. And that people “don’t just get you” or your motivations. That is not normal. And you shouldn’t expect this community to think that is normal in relationship to inter-sexual dynamics that this blog discusses. That speaks to not being socially skilled at interacting with other people socially. And not a lot more. Social skills have to be developed. You don’t get an automatic right, at birth, to them. Answer this: how was your childhood growing up?… Read more »

The Underground Psychologist Rises Again
The Underground Psychologist Rises Again
4 years ago

@SJF my brother, I didn’t say I am perfectly happy coz I don’t have sex with girls. Sex is a gift and a joy in this life and I am very sure about that, but I don’t see sex as the key for everlasting happiness. You have sex, you enjoy and then you have post ejaculation syndrome and the end, that’s it. You should know this better than me brother, many pickup artists, gamers and bloggers, they sell sex. They give lecture about the red pill to help us how to get laid, how to have sex with multiple partners,… Read more »

4 years ago

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4 years ago

@ The Underground Psychologist Are you a psychologist? Did you start to comment under this original post because it triggered you? What elements did you not like or agree with in the original essay above? Believe it or not my comments were not meant to disparaging or derisive. It’s clear that you want to aim toward a goal of a Long Term Relationship. The original post was about moving towards that goal–that– in a practical way. My purpose in commenting is to attempt to provide help and perspective in you reaching your goals. And to help in identifying where you… Read more »

4 years ago

What Blaximus said.

4 years ago

Got some time, sooooo let’s look at this: ” I didn’t say I am perfectly happy coz I don’t have sex with girls. Sex is a gift and a joy in this life and I am very sure about that, but I don’t see sex as the key for everlasting happiness. You have sex, you enjoy and then you have post ejaculation syndrome and the end, that’s it. You should know this better than me brother, many pickup artists, gamers and bloggers, they sell sex. They give lecture about the red pill to help us how to get laid, how… Read more »

4 years ago

@SJF my brother, I didn’t say I am perfectly happy coz I don’t have sex with girls. Sex is a gift and a joy in this life and I am very sure about that, but I don’t see sex as the key for everlasting happiness. You have sex, you enjoy and then you have post ejaculation syndrome and the end, that’s it. You should know this better than me brother, many pickup artists, gamers and bloggers, they sell sex. They give lecture about the red pill to help us how to get laid, how to have sex with multiple partners,… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blax “Though I don’t think I’m really familiar with that whole ” post ejaculation ” thing unless you’re talking about the occasional nap, Gatorade ( replenishment ),or a huge sammich. Sure, some internet sites/blogs sell ” sex “, pretty much like Honda dealerships sell Hondas. But you’re mistaking ” red pill ” for helping us to get laid.” The hardest thing that was integrated my up-and-coming (being better) was when my buddies had to teach me well—that: It’s not about sex. And they did. They are were, and are, great guys. And at first I didn’t believe them at all.… Read more »

4 years ago

PUA always claim to have the “cheat codes” to female attraction. Mass approaches. lulz

4 years ago

You can spot the typo: 170,000 miles on the truck and the car-like truck is still purring like a cat.
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And I took this picture once, walking in a park while taking a break from kayaking, and mountain biking (sand-hill cranes strolling in May):
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4 years ago

“Believe me, that girl was just fine, and she was the one that was on to the NEXT one.” Yep. Hurry up! Hurry up, and get better. Everybody loves you until they don’t. So don’t let them down. Playing on the radio just now: New Kid In Town by The Eagles There’s talk on the street; it sounds so familiar. Great expectations, everybody’s watching you. People you meet, they all seem to know you. Even your old friends treat you like you’re something new. Johnny come lately, the new kid in town. Everybody loves you, so don’t let them down.… Read more »

4 years ago

And next up: Hey, expecting a rainbow/girlfriend/expecting to fly?. Neil Young’s Expecting to Fly? What could fucking go wrong? Expecting to Fly Buffalo Springfield There you stood on the edge of your feather Expecting to fly While I laughed, I wondered whether I could wave goodbye Knowin’ that you’d gone By the summer it was healing We had said goodbye All the years we’d spent with feeling Ended with a cry Babe, ended with a cry Babe, ended with a cry I tried so hard to stand As I stumbled and fell to the ground So hard to laugh as… Read more »

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago


Perhaps after we have achieved equality in child birth.”

Perhaps you’re being glib, yet at base this is an obtuse statement.

Modern western woman are not educated in any consistent way on how to be good mothers, and are fortunate they have basic instinctual programming intact that serves a child well through the age of 2, if that.

I have shared custody, and my son is saved by it, every moment he’s with me.

His mother and I split because she didn’t know how to raise a child w/o consistently taking advice from dangerous, blue-pilled idiots.

4 years ago

“Perhaps you’re being glib . . .”

Certainly, but not without a point.

“I have shared custody, and my son is saved by it, every moment he’s with me.”

So wouldn’t it be better if you had 100% possession? Men’s rights are not equal rights, because men are not women. “Equal rights” between non-equals is injustice.

4 years ago

Sweden fades coronachan…

Will be an interesting look back.

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

@kfg “I have shared custody, and my son is saved by it, every moment he’s with me.” So wouldn’t it be better if you had 100% possession? Men’s rights are not equal rights, because men are not women. “Equal rights” between non-equals is injustice.“ Maybe you can explain yourself better. Glib (witty yet lacking substance/weight) and obtuse (blunt, imprecise) “Possession.” A strange word choice, likely born out of family law trials.Yes, though, I should be making most decisions, with input from those who are worth listening to (including his mother, in certain areas). Is that 100% “possession” to you? Why… Read more »

4 years ago

“Will be an interesting look back.” Exactly. The article contains nothing but “maybe” and “could,” because “we don’t know.” Since we don’t know, any response is some type of guess. A universal, monolithic response is most likely to end with a negative outcome, because it is most likely to be the wrong guess, but any look back will be entirely uninteresting, so when it happens again we’ll start off no better than we are now. When you don’t know, the way you find out is to try different approaches and see how the outcomes compare to each other. It is… Read more »

4 years ago

“Glib (witty yet lacking substance/weight) and obtuse (blunt, imprecise)” As was the comment to which I responded, although I might not have been so glib had it not also been rhetorically malicious. I gave it more respect than it deserved, for although I might have been blunt and imprecise, I did not lack substance. “Loretta has a right to have a baby . . . in principle.” Do you not get the joke? ““Possession.” A strange word choice . . .” No, it is not. It was very carefully considered and selected for maximum precision. It’s strangeness to you is… Read more »

4 years ago

That question is striking.

I determined ” custody ” at the moment of successful fertilization of the egg.😁

But hey, I’m a walking anachronism.

One difference between me and that juvenile cockroach is that I’m heavily armed.

4 years ago

Unless you removed the egg you did not have possession and possession implies custody.

Own, possess, custody. We have these three words because they mean three different things.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Michael Mehalko As an MRA could we all join in supporting Presumed Equality in Child Custody, aka 50/50. This isn’t an MRA site. There are men here who support that idea, and those who disagree. Everyone makes their own decision. I support those people who have worked long and hard to roll back a tiny corner of the default “mother custody” blob. It is a valuable corner, as friends of mine can attest, but it is still a tiny corner. You do bring up a bigger point: the US doesn’t have a marriage culture, but rather a child-support culture, and… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

This piece of news has so much in such a little space. Starting with “know who you are working with, really know them”.

No names are given. That is quite merciful.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Different take on Sweden. Note the different death numbers between Sweden, Finland and Denmark. FWIW Iceland has a different situation but they have a younger population, too.

Best part about Finland’s response so far: they blocked all the roads into / out of Helsinki early on with construction equipment. Dumped piles of dirt. I salute that response.

Michigan is planning to have a civil march on the capitol of Lansing – mass driving. Create gridlock. Because their gov has gone pretty far overboard in issuing orders.

Different areas, different responses. NYC is not Rochester, Detroit is not Interlochen.

4 years ago

And Long Lake is not Rochester either. The whole of the county is in the Adirondack Park, has a population of under 5k and currently sitting at 3 confirmed cases and no deaths, but is under the same governor’s orders as New Rochelle.

4 years ago

“Unless you removed the egg you did not have possession and possession implies custody.”

I removed the egg ( with assistance ) after 9 months, cut the cord and took possession.

4 years ago


There ya go.

The Underground Psychologist Rises Again
The Underground Psychologist Rises Again
4 years ago

@SJF, hi there, well you drew up a couple of comments for me, so fasten your seatbell, it is going to be an uphill ride man! Don’t attribute too much meaning to my temporal nickname here. Before that, I had been planning to select ”The Sword of Damocles”, it is a phrase I love, but I am not Damocles 🙂 After that, I decided to put A Shot in The Dark, it was because I am a Pink Panther fan. I am not a psychologist or something. Don’t take my nickname too seriously, it is just for fun. The Last… Read more »

4 years ago

“….what I am discussing is that women are seducers and men are the seduced….”
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Believing that is a huge part of the ” problem “.

4 years ago

“…but clearly I don’t have sex with girls, because I am against single adultery..”

Okay, I’ll stop here and read no further.
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4 years ago

By definition alone a single person can’t commit adultery. If you look up ther definition of adulter or adulteress, both are a married person who has sex with someone out side of their marriage. There are no single adulter. There are only single fornicators.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

from a red pill perspective, what I am discussing is that women are seducers and men are the seduced.

Madonna-whore Blue Pill frustrated chump alert.

You don’t have a clue what the “red pill perspective” is, and you should buy and read Rollo’s first book cover to cover for your own good.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I want a monogamous relationship. The two most important elements in a relationship for me are fidelity and respect

Very reasonable. However you must understand that your idea of “respect” may not be the same as a woman’s idea of “respect”. Because women are not men-with-boobs, they are profoundly different from us. You may be putting women on a pedestal, too.

4 years ago

“I am not a psychologist . . . ”

Oh thank God.

4 years ago

“Ugh damn my brain hurts.” Shit, mine too. I have no reply to that. “The curse of the intelligent man is that he can rationalize anything.” –Rian Stone Hey, Palma, yes that picture of a squirrel was crudely photo shopped. I’m not sure why I did that. I think I’ve only photo shopped about a handful of pictures in my life out of tens of thousands of photos I’ve taken over the decades. I think that photo was representative of what our amateur underground rising psychologist is doing with his focus on finding his one true love. He’s so narrow… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

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4 years ago

Palma I used to use a online web based hosting site called Photobucket. In the old days. I had like 1.4K photos posted there. I used to use it for posting on a sportsman’s forum for posting and discussing farm/wildlife/whitetail deer habitat stuff. It was designed to have a host link and show up in forums. A couple years ago they had some fucked up policy to hold your ability to host and access pictures unless you upgraded to their $400 a year price to keep using their hosting ability. And they lost 96% of their customers. This past year… Read more »

4 years ago

Nice D2 Palma It used to be glorious, for sure, for photography back in 2006. Those were fine cameras. My D200 was almost as good as the D2, with only minor differences. It was semi-pro vs. pro. The D2 was about $4k and the D200 was about $1.4k. Coupled with a variable focal length $800 lens. I remember the D200 only taking three frames per second. I had a farming accident where I accidentally had my camera bag fall off the back of my farm tractor as I popped the clutch while flail mowing a field of Yellow Rocket weeds… Read more »

4 years ago

Here is a boring, meh picture:
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If just cropped a bit, one can utilize a “rule of thirds” composition to take it out of just a mere portrait mode:
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And here is a picture that represents the social posture of the underground uprising psychologist that I snapped while kayaking down a river. So very indifferent to rejection, waiting indifferently for his lifelong soul-mate to show up for his LTR. So not arousing and attractive. But resolute as all hell:
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The Psychologist Thinks Again
The Psychologist Thinks Again
4 years ago

if men are the seducers and women are the seduced, then men become feminine and women become masculine. I am sorry but the objection you raised to this idea is ridiculous. You are the boss so you seduce women right like you are James Bond. well done gentlemen, keep it up! Another life lesson from your brother then: women are to persuade, men are to be persuaded, so women lie, men listen. is it cool? “There are no single adulter. There are only single fornicators.” Thanks for the English lesson. And I always think that people try to keep religion… Read more »

4 years ago

“The reason you have shifted from ”ok we are ready to listen to you and help you brother” mood to ”let’s ridicule this man and make fun of his silly comments is religion.” Many people who write here, including Rollo himself, have some sort of religious beliefs or follow a full system of religion. Religion is not your problem. A personality disorder is your problem. Yes, it is pronounced enough that we could tell that from your very first comment. This can be a pretty “hot kitchen,” don’t be put off. Stick around. Nobody is actually trying to drive you… Read more »

4 years ago

A tube, a slug, an exothermic chemical reaction.

Good luck banning even only one of those.

4 years ago

This can be a pretty “hot kitchen,” don’t be put off. Stick around. Nobody is actually trying to drive you away.The reason people went from ”ok we are ready to listen to you and help you brother” to “”let’s ridicule this man” is because you are a hard case and stronger tools are going to be necessary to break the shell in order to help.

Yup. Things like roasting, busting chops and shit testing play an important role in male spaces. Do you “just get it”?
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4 years ago

I was watching cooking videos on YouTube and Tommy Shaw from the Band Styx was performing Fooling Yourself (The Angry Man) live with the Cleveland-based Contemporary Youth Orchestra. The song is apt for this comment discussion. Lotsa strings and a few wind instruments there. Relax…, take it easy..: You see the world through your cynical eyes You’re a troubled young man I can tell You’ve got it all in the palm of your hand But your hand’s wet with sweat and your head needs a rest And you’re fooling yourself if you don’t believe it You’re kidding yourself if… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

@Psychologist Question: is English your first language or a second one? That makes a difference in communication. I cannot be humble about my trp knowledge. How did you know I didn’t read Rollo’s books before or how can you so sure that I am a beginner or newbie about trp community? do you have any idea how many books or articles I have read from Rollo to Dalrock, from chase amante to Roosh? No, you don’t. Yet you show no evidence in your writing of having actually learned anything from Rollo or Dalrock or anyone else. You should be able… Read more »

4 years ago

Even in the red-pill environment, which by its nature leans towards frankness and honesty, this frankness and honesty are hardly seen.

A real teacher minds the wellness and inner development of his students, and offers as few prescriptions as he can. He explains the general, wide-range realities.

4 years ago

Rollo should write a book about rp and religion.😁 Does ” religion ” provide some men with a manner of crutches in life? An excuse to not know or understand things because they aren’t ” godly ” or approved in chapter and verse? That’s one reason I’m all like ” fuck religions “. Most people can take religion and shove it because many times it doesn’t seen to make them ” better “, but it scares the shit out of them or provides the with never ending excuses in all kinds of life endeavours. 99% of it is all legend… Read more »

4 years ago

A video linked in Rollo’s Twitter feed that I’m linking here because I said it here first and this provides the visual demonstration:

4 years ago

PUA = Pandemic Unemployment Assistance


4 years ago
4 years ago


😂. I am ( my own ) God.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

PalmaSailor think that Roosh knows a lot about women. Only in a narrow sense. Did you ever attempt to read “Return of Kings”? I gave up some years ago, because of the sheer retardation there. And quite apart from having the driest sense of humour in the manosphere he was/is still quite ahead of his time in terms of perception. In terms of perception how? IMO the old Roissy had a deeper perception of human motives than RooshV. Unfortunately he didn’t manage the personal growth / mental reconciliation to get what he wanted from women on his own terms before… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I am ( my own ) God.

So was Jim Jones. Have a care with that stuff.

4 years ago


I’ll be okay. I.don’t even like kool aid.

4 years ago

@Anonymous Reader– Psychologist already said that English is his second language. After I questioned him about that. He’s communicating just fine. ESL is a different thing. And he is tied to his lifelong, developed beliefs, which usually come from his upbringing and his culture. He finds himself wanting things to be different than they are in his personal life and in the social community around him and social behaviors of modern day women. He voices that he wants others around him, near and far to change to accommodate him and his wants and needs. Life doesn’t work that way. People… Read more »

4 years ago

Depends on how one.defines ” succeed “. Lots of people can move forward by happenstance. You have to be prepared of course, but preparation only guarantees that you are prepared, not that you’ll succeed. The man that has failed even when prepared understands more than the guy that just worked hard and was rewarded for his work. The rewarded guy has missed volumes of real experience, and these are the guys that eat bullets when their ” lives ” fall apart. Over 30 years I can honestly say that I’ve seen hoardes of mediocre people that have ” succeeded ”… Read more »

4 years ago

@Psychologist: Martie Haselton on Rollo’s sidebar had an article in a daily newsletter New Scientist, April 26, 2006. Meeting an acceptable LTR was talked about in an article by her called Love Special: How to pick a perfect mate. (with the understanding by her that there is No One. But there are acceptable ones. After that, there is still the management, and journey of LTR. And your perfect LTR doesn’t just fall into your lap…) Having sex can also complicate the way you perceive a potential partner. After sex, the brain releases oxytocin, which results in that warm, companionable… Read more »

4 years ago

The rewarded guy has missed volumes of real experience, and these are the guys that eat bullets when their ” lives ” fall apart. I don’t disagree, Blax. And I don’t know why a man wouldn’t move forward over 3 decades and Accept volumes of real experience, including adversity, and not gain from that and add it to his arsenal for the next advance through time. You keep mentioning this concept. And seem to bring it up in response to a lot of my former comments. As if I might eat a bullet one day by my own hand because… Read more »

4 years ago

The FPO rails against bullying and attributes it to masculinity, in actuality bullying is a feeding frenzy on weakness. The root cause is education in a female primary education system, gaslighting at it’s worst!

Silent Bob
Silent Bob
4 years ago

@Anonymous Reader “Best part about Finland’s response so far: they blocked all the roads into / out of Helsinki early on with construction equipment. Dumped piles of dirt. I salute that response.” It was road blocks, police and army. On all of the roads in and out of the southern district where Helsinki is located. An area of about 10000 square kilometers (3700 square miles). One had to have a note from employer stating work related reason to pass through. It reduced traffic 30-80% in and out of the district, with live stats in the media compared to the norm… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


Thanks for the correction and clarification.

4 years ago

I interrupt this blog for a special bulletin:

Some of you all might not have seen this…

“AG Secretary Sonny Perdue Discusses Challenges Shifting Food Supply Chains….”

“This is a warning the same problems exist in all supply chains.

The supply chain is farked.

David Osterloh,
61-year-old dairy farmer”

4 years ago

‘“Everyone Is So Afraid”: COVID-19’s Impact on the American Restaurant Industry’

4 years ago

Conan the Librarian: No, there’s no fine. If you don’t return the book on time, I simply come to yore haus und remove yore head from your shoulders.

4 years ago

Interesting read regarding the food industry ASD. Now I understand the point kfg was making regarding the problems in the supply chain. I didn’t get the picture because I live in a waaay smaller country then the US, so the chains are shorter and less centralized then in the US. The same problems of course persists here, but on a smaller scale. There are a few points I still don’t understand though. Why farmers cannot sell product directly to the consumer? I can understand that normally it is not practical, but I don’t understand why it is illegal. And anyway,… Read more »

4 years ago

“And anyway, making it legal in “State of Emergency” would be easy I assume?” Nothing involving the government and its bureaucracies is easy, even in a state of emergency and the people with the emergency powers have no idea where their food comes from, how it got to them or how the whole process is financed. ” . . . with effort most of these problems can be solved in 2-3 months max.” You need to eat every day. So do the farm animals, which costs a lot of money. It’s spring, the farmers have to plan their output for… Read more »

4 years ago

Yeah, it will be the farmer’s burden to finance the industry for the short term. I have no idea if they have the means or no. One other comment though: here are some interesting fact of the US food supply: I would point out one line: In 2010, the U.S. food supply provided 4,000 calories per person per day.19 Accounting for waste, the average American consumed 2,507 calories per day in 2010 <\i> More than the third of the food is currently thrown in the garbage currently. So even if the industry output decreases 30%, there would be still… Read more »

4 years ago

Well my italics is not fluent, but you get the point.

4 years ago

” . . . it will be the farmer’s burden to finance the industry for the short term. I have no idea if they have the means or no.” Not even close. It all runs on debt and risk. The risk is the futures market. In essence (and how it all began) farmers are paid lowball prices for their entire output in advance, which payment they can then roll into producing the output. When risk grows high and investors pull back, farmers start going belly up immediately, not even having the money to put the crop in. Some will be… Read more »

4 years ago

Ruh roh

MSM approved? Albeit covered late…

China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days
By The Associated Press

Black birds taking flight…

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