Why We Fight

“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.” – Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers

In the almost nine years of of this blog I have only hit upon violence on a couple of occasions. I’ve only been in a physical altercation a handful of times in my life. And by that I mean real fights; the kind of violence that requires you to physically harm another person. I’ve been in lots of sparring fights and martial arts tournaments, mostly when I was in my 20s and 30s. While I’ve been hurt and caused hurt to my opponents, I can appreciate that there is a qualified difference between competitive sport fighting and real violence. The one mutual interest my younger brother and I had when we were growing up was beating the shit out of each other. By the time I got to high school I was no stranger to taking a fist to the chops or various headlocks and “wrassling” holds.

Most of the times I’ve been in real fights were in high school. It’s interesting just how Darwinistic our teenage years really are –we’re just too immature to appreciate it then. Unless you grow up in a sheltered family, learning about sex and violence is usually part of our adolescent experiences. After high school I got into a few fights when I was playing gigs in the late 80s-90s Hollywood scene. Depending on where we played and who we happened to piss off, those kind of fights were something you had to keep in the back of your head as being a possibility. Usually you had friends or bandmates who had your back, but not always.

Of those scuffles most of them were versus a drunk guy who presumed he could kick my ass, or my bandmate’s ass, because, well, we weren’t exactly the most physically imposing guys to be honest. And a lot of those fights were initiated in one of two ways; the guy was fed up with guys like us because the women (usually in some sexy outfit) preferred to fuck guys like us – or, the fight was provoked by a woman and the guys fighting were coming to blows over who’d fucked whose girlfriend. Often enough it was the girl herself who’d later admit she “made a mistake” and one or the other found out.

All of that was back in the late 80s and early 90s. Things have definitely changed with respect to how violence is initiated, normalized and respected (or delegitimized) today, but the basis of that violence will never change. Violence is part of human nature. We do ourselves no favors in denying this simple fact. I can remember in 2001-02 when I did casino promotions for this new ‘sport’ called King of the Cage. It was the forerunner for today’s MMA fighting, but back then it wasn’t as socially acceptable as it is now. I believe Nevada was one of the only states that could legally host such an event. The outcry then was that it was an underground ‘bloodsport’ and legitimizing it as a true sport was the first step towards degenerate social savagery. Or something like that. People used to be appalled by it.

Now MMA fighting is something I’ve seen some Evangelical Christian churches use as a draw to get their men to attend a ‘masculine revival’ weekend. Warriors for Jesus with a ‘saved’ MMA fighter speaking about using his sport as a ministry. I think there’s a primal, evolved side of men’s nature that makes violence attractive. And like love and respect, violence is another aspect of the human experience where men and women’s approach and understanding is innately different.

Boys and men are innately drawn to competition, combat and violence. We make ‘guns’ out of our fingers. We craft weapons from scraps we find in the garage to defeat our ‘foes’. We love our plastic army men and G.I. Joes, our cowboys & indians, and we play ‘war’ with our friends. Our video games from the first coin operated arcades to our immersive virtual reality consoles are about combat and strategy. Even sports have been called a “proxy for war”. Team sports are a facsimile of tribal competition. Human males’ physiology, by and large, evolved for combat and physical stresses. I realize that might be hard to believe by today’s standard of masculinity, but the evidence is there.

The male Burden of Performance began with a need for testing that performance against our primal environments and some very real opponents. I have read some interesting research that suggests human beings are innately risk averse. Most humans would rather avoid conflict than voluntarily engage in a fight that they could very well lose, if not die from. The logic is that humans’ success as a species is at least partly due to our evolved sense of caution for life and limb. If you cooperate and play it safe it’s likely your risk-averse genes would propagate into future generations.

Of course the flip side to this can summed up in an old Latin proverb,…

Fortune Favors the Bold

There’s also research that shows men experience a spike in testosterone levels after defeating a rival in combat, and/or killing their opponent. This doesn’t even have to be actual violence; some studies show men experience a similar spike when their sports teams win a significant game. So, while in some instances avoiding conflict and backing down from a dangerous engagement has survival benefits, risk taking and enacting one’s will by force also has some reproductive benefits. 

For as much as they rail to the contrary, women do have an affinity for violent men. Women get turned on by men with a capacity for violence. Modern psychology attempts to pathologize this arousal prompted by dangerous men (hybristophilia), but, by order of degree, women evolved to select for men with at least the perceived capacity to do harm to another man. I would speculate that this attraction stems from women’s evolved need to seek security and protection from men, and sympathetically, men evolved an innate protectionist aspect to our own evolved firmware. Competing with rival men for sexual access, sometimes violently, is part of our ancestral programming. As we developed into a more ‘civilized’ species that competition shifted to contests of performance between men, but the old violent firmware is still part of humans’ starting package.

Let’s You and Him Fight

On Twitter and a few past livestreams, I’ve pointed out that women today have developed a false sense of security with respect to the potential of real violence. This is equally a result of the masculinization of women as it is our accommodating the Feminine Imperative in mainstream cultures. In the age of social media, as the globalization of women’s entitlements have spread, so too has women’s entitlement to personal safety. 

One very real downside to the Fempowerment narrative is that it has convinced women that the fantasy of the “strong female” is something they can aspire to personally. This is what I’ve called the Warrior Princess fallacy: Over the course of generations our feminine-primary social order has convinced women that they can realize the same warrior role as men. Via storytelling in various media the ideal that physical differences in men and women are relative, and women can be “just as tough and dangerous as men” is pervasive. This is a dangerous precedent, and one that is a direct result of old order beliefs in, and popularization of, Blank Slate equals. 

In the idealized fantasy society of equalism, masculinized Amazon Warrior Princesses can give as good as they get from any man. But in the real world, men evolved for physical performance, competition and combat; women evolved to endure the rigors of childbearing and nurturing. And as the introduction of transgendered biological males into biologically female sports divisions is proving, the realities of our physical differences is unavoidable.

However, the idea that women are always entitled to physical protection in the new order presents some interesting dichotomies. Women mix an entitlement to personal safety with an expectation of clichéd female bravado. Remember, this all happens in the context of women’s innate solipsism; add a bit of alcohol and the social posturing of a group of women all vying for attention on a Friday night and you begin to see the volatile potential. Today’s women have grown accustomed to initiating or escalating inherently unsafe circumstances for themselves – to say nothing of the men they’ll involve.

Women have a limbic understanding that, for the most part, they can be violent with relative impunity. If a male ever strikes a female, even in self-defense, she can be assured that a mob of random males, following their evolved protectionist directive, will spontaneously form to beat the shit out of the guy. In today’s Blue Pill engineered society, even the most passive male waits for an opportunity to prove his quality to womankind by becoming ‘justifiably’ violent in defense of a woman. It’s what most men are conditioned for for most of their lives.

“Sorry babe, I don’t know what came over me. I just can’t abide by any man assaulting a woman!”

The old, vestigial, evolved response of violence is something our male hindbrains know will trigger ‘gina tingles in women. The primal ideal of the nobleman with the capacity to unleash justifiable fisticuffs is Blue Pill conditioned psychological red meat. That the woman provoked or escalated an unsafe situation isn’t even an afterthought – the guy raised a hand to a woman, opportunities to prove a legitimate capacity for violence are rare for low SMV men.

As such, women presume safety. Women will raise hell about feeling unsafe around men. They’ll bleat about fantasies of enforcing a ‘male curfew’ (only for undesirable Betas of course) out of safety concerns. We’ll hire security staff to walk a woman across a dark parking lot and install emergency call boxes on college campuses. But in social situations (particularly when drinking) will escalate inherently unsafe situations knowing that men will play by the old order rules.

There is an old PUA maxim that picked up on women’s penchant to provoke men to violence. It was called the Lets You and Him Fight dynamic. Whether women are aware of this and deliberately provoking a fight between men, or, their subconscious motivates the conflict is a debate that’s been around for a while. But the LYHF dynamic is a shit test women will use in assessing a man’s Alpha status. Women need indignation as it is, but in this dynamic is a woman’s hindbrain wants a visceral response from a man.

I first became aware of the LYHF shit test when a friend had told me how annoyed he was by his girlfriend starting fights with guys that she expected him to finish. She would honk the car horn from the passenger seat if someone had even slightly cut them off in traffic. Even flip off other drivers if the opportunity presented itself. She would start fights with other women which would provoke their boyfriends to step in on their behalf and he was tacitly expected to kick their ass to defend her provoking them. “What are you a pussy? Go beat his ass!”

I’ve tackled the subject of shit tests numerous times on this blog so I won’t belabor them here, but this test plays upon some very deep, evolved, intersexual and intersocial dynamics. On some level of consciousness a woman wants to know her man can get violent. Most Blue Pill men find that suggestion appalling. We’re supposed to be “above all of that”, right? For the most part I’m sure the majority of men would rather not be put into a position of taking a fist to the face. As such we build social conventions and rationales around not engaging physically in a real sense. So, to consider a woman might desire a man with a predilection for violence prompts them to qualify that woman for his own safety.

Intrasexual Competition

“Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together.” – Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers

When a group (tribe) of primates reaches a certain number of members the potential for ‘hostile takeover’ by lesser males becomes almost a certainty. Beta male primates form coalitions to overthrow an existing Alpha leader. Most dominant Alphas instinctively cull this coalition building to ensure their position. A smackdown, abuse, punishment for anything that looks like a challenge to his position from lesser male troop members is something Alphas do to infrequently teaming up on him. Partially this is a display of dominance (social proof reinforces it), but it is also a curbing function.

Eventually the Alpha becomes weaker and less effective at enforcing his dominance, and the Betas grow in number until such time that they can band together and depose him. Then the cycle repeats with the most dominant male among them assuming the Alpha role. He gets access to the most fertile females, kills off his rivals’ offspring (which prompts the females into estrus) and reproduces for as long as he’s able to remain in that position.

And yes, I’m aware of the theory that pro-social Alphas that build loyalty-exchanges among other males, and display a willingness to share resources with females, tend to make for better ‘leaders’ within a tribe. What most of that research conveniently leaves out is the element of envy and jealousy that develops (even among primates) in the Beta male population until the sentiment reaches a point of challenge. Even the good-guy, prosocial Alpha has to watch his back.

As you might guess, many of these behaviors are paralleled in humans. Alpha displays of violence, even if by proxy, are ‘sexy’, but mostly we manifest male prowess in social displays. Athletics, resource acquisition, peacocking, conspicuous consumption, really any costly signaling of high sexual market value. To compete with these Alpha displays, lesser males must either: 

  • Increase their own value, and learn to display it effectively, 
  • Find ways to convince other men, (coalition building) and reproductively viable women, that those displays are worthless, while propping up his own displays as more valuable.

In the age of social media and mass communication Beta males are constantly reminded of their lesser positions. There’s no respite. Even the most well-meaning, prosocial Alpha’s presence is a reminder of Beta male inadequacies. High school bullies and ‘Jocks vs. Nerds’ is a constant theme across human cultures because the evolved human male experience is always one of competition and a Burden of Performance. To be male is to compete, and as such there will be winners and losers.

Deposing, or disqualifying, an Alpha – much in the same way primates do – is also a constant theme in human cultures. Beta males enacting ‘justice’ on an ‘evil’ Alpha or an Alpha proxy has always been a teenage fantasy for boys. Spiderman, Captain America, the wimp who incredibly transforms into a powerful Alpha himself will prove to the world how that Alpha power should be ethically used. The geek who gets the girl because she magically sees his superior quality that aligns with the terms he’s establishing as valuable is also a fantasy. All of these cast the Alpha as ‘oppressor’.

“O, it is excellent to have a giant’s strength, but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant.” – Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

Why is using strength, displaying value and exercising will an act of ’tyranny’? Why is restraint of power a moral imperative? How did we come to disqualifying value displays? I’ve seen a few talks by Jordan Peterson where he promotes the idea that a real man is a dangerous one who possesses the capacity for violence and oppression, but has the strength of will not to use it. This then begs the question, how does anyone know a man even possesses this capacity if he’s not to display it? Concealing strength is awesome, but it is, by definition, indistinguishable from weakness. No one knows if you’re a black belt or a white belt until you get in the ring and fight. However, the moral consensus is that it’s unacceptable for men to display value.

This then is the global, social coalition that was formed by the majority of lesser men. To continually disqualify the merits of superior men is individually taxing and makes lesser men look worse for doing so. But build a social order around men self-policing their displays of value; then you have higher value men doing the heavy lifting for lesser men. You may be powerful, but the social mores of the time (created to serve the majority of lesser men) will tell you to conceal it. In fact, they’ll build social conventions to convince the whole of men that displaying vulnerability, not strength, is a display of value.

Most of what I’m digging at here is old order thinking. Socially enforced monogamy has primarily served the greatest number of Beta men. And while it’s definitely been a stabilizing factor for civilization, I can’t ignore that the social expectation of monogamy is also the result of society-wide coalition building among lesser men to ensure that greater men wouldn’t out-breed them. Most male-specific social conventions are designed to control men’s innate directives. Their latent purpose is to teach rules that limit displays and usage of strength.

And in the new order we see this old order intersexual competition struggle to keep pace with a global sexual marketplace that centers on women’s innate mating strategies reseting context of intersexual dynamics. Open Hypergamy incentivizes men’s overt displays of higher value – and now on a worldwide scale. In response, men form online coalitions to disqualify those displays in an attempt to devalue the strengths of men they couldn’t hope to compete with in the old order. Meanwhile, women in the global sexual marketplace continue to reward men who display genuine value according to their mating strategy’s needs. 

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

We’re turning into a police state with mass shooters.

But, we have the best amusement parks and shopping malls on earth.

4 years ago

Vidoes like these make me reconsider visiting US, lol. Too many guys are walking time bombs, the elliot roger type of guy, the middle aged guy who got fired and wants revenge, the crazy cop,etc.
America is scary man. Sure, knife crime is crazy lately in UK, but what you have in US… I think maybe only Brazil might be worse,lol.

You got to be fucking shitting me.

The U.S.A has love and other things.

Fight Club is not a thing here.

You are making shit up.

Visit the fly over states.

They are lovely,

4 years ago

Yeah, don’t believe anything you see.
comment image

We are the least violent society on earth.


4 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

“Which gets back to my question about WWE / MMA style body slams in the street. What’s that for?” Blaximus Self defense and ( hopefully ) ending the conflict. The streets aren’t WWE/MMA rings. Thanks . I’ll keep that in mind. But if a guy body slams a guy multiple times, he’s doing it wrong and he’s going too far. Conversely if you are the ” slamee”, maybe you should rethink your attitude. The WWE body slam is performance art. Some of the MMA slams are imitations of WWE. Imo, the objective in a street level conflict is to end… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

“What’s that for?” Sentient Breaking arms? Could be yours though… Watched the vid, don’t see a body slam. What I see is a fight going to ground, which is probably more common now that MMA has become popular. Yeah, someone’s arm got broken and the fight stopped – so it wasn’t really much of a fight. The haymaker punches on both sides are another tell. People break bones sometimes from tripping on the sidewalk and landing wrong, too. That kind of bum-rush opening is worth watching and knowing about. One can adjust the tool set and how they are carried… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Seriously tho, I think all boys should have mandatory fighting lessons taught by qualified professionals.

Yup. Even just Golden Gloves is a good thing for various reasons starting with “self control”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Stefan Vidoes like these make me reconsider visiting US, lol. Waah, blackpill much? The same rules apply in the US as in Europe and Asia: Don’t associate with stupid people. Don’t go to stupid places. Don’t do stupid things. So for example I wouldn’t go wandering around the area of Gare du Nord in Paris nowadays after dark, by myself or with children. Nor would I hang around some suburban parts of Rome after dark – the subculture there would see me as something like “food”. That vid Blaximus put up from Arizona (Gilbert if I remember right) is a… Read more »

4 years ago

Places to avoid, based on video survey

High school bathrooms
Parks with broken swing sets
LC street corners

4 years ago

“Most of “his” work is done by his seconds.” i appear to stand alone, but the truth is i stand on the shoulders of giants on a daily basis. it’s as if multiple generations have toiled in relative obscurity for my singular benefit in this moment it’s really easy to do great work when you know you can’t take credit for any of it when the student is ready the master appears seems more true the longer i’m at it i find tons of positives with being the student, but very few with being the master and as far as… Read more »

4 years ago

“and as far as violence goes, i consider pain to be the greatest teacher of all”

Mark Twain postulated that learning German would be quicker if making mistakes hurt, although I note that it didn’t seem to help him learn to ride a bicycle. He needed Pond’s Extract for that.

4 years ago


God help me, I’ve not only opened a Steam account, but I’ve set up a Windows 10 box. Curse you Age of Empires II Definitive Edition!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

God help me, I’ve not only opened a Steam account, but I’ve set up a Windows 10 box. Curse you Age of Empires II Definitive Edition!

Look at it this way: if COVID-19 gets as bad in your area as it has in parts of China, you are fully prepared to embrace your inner Hikikomori!


4 years ago

AR “That vid Blaximus put up from Arizona (Gilbert if I remember right) is a tragedy that spawned lawsuits – but the drunk guy on the floor is still dead. He was doing stupid stuff with a pellet gun that scared some old lady, and the lead cop on the callout was Mr. Gung HO! A bad combination. It still could have been defused. I could have avoided that situation any number of ways, but the first would involve NOT getting really drunk in my hotel room and NOT waving what appeared to be a pistol around next to a… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Blaximus Once just outside of Camelback, the chick I was in a car with was pulled over for going too fast in a construction zone ( speed dropped from 50 to 25 ). The cop was wearing mirrored oakleys and leather gloves….in Arizona…ona 115 degree day. Yeah, every force seems to have at least one. I can top that. Friend of mine was pulled over on Scottsdale blvd. north of Fashion Square by Scottsdale PD for something or other – maybe “failure to maintain a lane” or something equally faked up. Being a native of Arizona he was wearing his… Read more »

4 years ago


4 years ago

“failure to maintain a lane” this is a real thing. Back in the 80’s I had 2 cousins that became New Jersey State Troopers. After they’d been on the force a few years, there was a pre shift meeting one day where all the troopers in attendance were advised to pull over young black males in inordinately expensive cars. Yes, this was said with black troopers in attendance. Smh. They were advised to use ” failure to maintain lane ” on highways as the pretense. They were told to follow ” suspects ” closely for a few miles, and most… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


Found this vid a couple of years back. Quality dialog time between NJ state trooper and Bergen County undercovers. You may or may not have seen it. Real Socrates stuff. Should be used as a recruiting vid, “You, too can be one of these guyz!”

4 years ago

Lol. Nope, I hadn’t seen that vid. So much ” jersey “.

Well, since they’ve cracked down on steroid use in the police and fire departments, maybe heads will be cooler going forward. I think we have the most jacked cops in America.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Well, well, well. What do I spy with my little eye? Another step towards open hypergamy?


4 years ago

The 70’s….. Pre “woke”, pre- professional victim-hood discussion with “women’s libbers” and Playboy founder Hugh Hefner…

The more things the more they stay the same. The best part of the interview is at 7;50 where Hef defends male and female differences….and at 8:53 while the lesbo is shaking her finger at him he casually lights his pipe.

4 years ago

Violence is golden Jack donocan

4 years ago

Somehow, I feel that a lack of masculine fathering contributed to the traffic stop kid’s death from the video Blax linked us to. Although there appears to have been a father in this kid’s life, I will not have done my duty to my son’s if they can’t game themselves out of this situation or any situation in which the probability of things going very wrong is not quickly assessed and appropriately dealt with. In this and many other cases, you assume a level risk that needs to be defused rather than escalated. This traffic stop could have been a… Read more »

4 years ago

People , for the most part, aren’t taught to have a healthy fear of police. They believe that they have rights and that all police are good guys doing a tough job, laying their lives on the line every minute of every day. Granted, the kid thought he had a right to question the cop ( I’ve been pulled over for flashing my highbeams at a cop at night but cops are taught to gain compliance and control . It’s depends on the individual officer one encounters as to how off the rails things can go. Cops need to be… Read more »

4 years ago

Yes there is often a robotic approach to them and deadly force for cases like this can’t possibly be justified. As you say It’s depends on the individual officer one encounters as to how off the rails things can go. My recent traffic stop by a very matter of fact state trooper, ended without even a proper citation. Properly diffused. My 20 to 30 experiences with being pulled over has varied between the enjoy your day in Tijuana to the 5 to 7 state troopers trailing me for 5 miles on route 90, I was unaware I was going 110… Read more »

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

Good stuff, crazy fight vids. Leg sweeps and trips are much better than lat-drops, suplex’, and body slams in street fighting. So, my background in competitive sports and “combat” is two-sport (Soccer, Wrestling) captain and MVP at university. I’ve coached both sports continuously at the MS and HS level up until this year, transitioning to do after-school activities with my 10 yo son. Coaching at the original school was taking time away from father-son stuff. I am 47. My ex and I (never married) have been split going on four years now. She’s marrying a woman this coming fall. I’m… Read more »

4 years ago

Good stuff beers.

Centuries…. 110. 😆

4 years ago

Good stuff, Just Beers Of note, the boys who have come through my wrestling program are some of the nicest, gentlest, playful, Understanding, and bright young men I’ve ever come across. They are also some of the most tough, pugnacious, and functionally belligerent amongst men, all at the same time. This is healthy development born out of competence and, in some cases, mastery of ones body and emotions through one on one (refereed, under the eyes of elders) combat. It would be no surprise to you guys that I’ve never been in a real physical fight in my life. But… Read more »

4 years ago

“It would be no surprise to you guys that I’ve never been in a real physical fight in my life. But have been in multiply cases of adversity. Over and over. Physical fights are not necessary to do battle. There is plenty of battles to do intellectually.”

Never in life? Not once? Not even in grade school?

How is this possible with other people around, especially young boys?

Nary a tussle?

4 years ago

Lol. At least I can’t remember one. Everybody was nice where I grew up and lived. And actually cared about others. As I do now. And don’t need external validation. And we had a million other things to do. And still do. A million tussles with no punches thrown. So what you are saying is that is a poor display? Right? I am kind of worried about driving in traffic where my new side job is, though. A lot more variables all of the sudden outside my usual safe zone. And if something bad happens to me I might just… Read more »

4 years ago

Sjf I have to admit, I read what you wrote Three Times and I still have no earthly idea what you’re saying/talking about. Zero. Most men do not have an ” evil ” side at all. Evil is cultivated. Evil flourishes when men don’t snuff it out, or when society decides to codify and excuse it. I’m not at all with this idea that men have to resist ” evil ” because it’s not possessed by everyone. The need to constantly restrain every aspect of manhood foments evil. Cultivates it. repression is 100% bad. Full stop. Expression can be fully… Read more »

4 years ago

“Everybody was nice where I grew up and lived. And actually cared about others. As I do now. And don’t need external validation.” Lol. Yeah, me too. But 100’s of thousands of people will always present a few assholes. I never thought I would be born, live, and die all in the exact same place. It’s a big world out there, and I wanted the ability to be alright wherever I may roam. my fave lyrics – “And with dust in throat I crave Only knowledge will I save To the game you stay a slave Rover, wanderer, nomad, vagabond,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Speaking of “fight”, here’s a brief anti-fondling / harassment / rape vid clip from Finland. I think it’s serious but it’s on tik-tok so I dunno. It’s catchy and has a beat but I dunno if it’s danceable.


4 years ago


Last comment from my brother from another mother, lol

turns 53 this year.

4 years ago

You don’t have to do anything, but it is beyond my personal understanding as to how any man can be around people without confidence that he can at a minimum hold his own, or at least cause antagonists damage. Sounds uncomfortable, especially when shit breaks out ( even if it never ever does ). A ,measure of fearlessness is required imo. Men need to harbor as little fear in life as possible. Social or otherwise. The idea that everything can always be ” controlled ” somehow sound insane to me. Delusional. And we’re pretty much the same age. It’s remarkable.… Read more »

4 years ago

Most men do not have an ” evil ” side at all. Evil is cultivated. Evil flourishes when men don’t snuff it out, or when society decides to codify and excuse it. I’m not at all with this idea that men have to resist ” evil ” because it’s not possessed by everyone. The need to constantly restrain every aspect of manhood foments evil. Cultivates it. repression is 100% bad. Full stop. Expression can be fully realized without causing damage. That’s the whole fucking point of it all, full Jordan Peterson, clinically retarded: When Men don’t snuff it out. Because… Read more »

4 years ago

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4 years ago

Well, I will say this much sjf, every time we comment I learn something ( even if it’s the same things ).

4 years ago

“Well, I will say this much sjf, every time we comment I learn something ( even if it’s the same things ).” I used to be more ignorant than I am 4 years ago. And I intend to be more well put together 4 years from now. It’s not about happy go lucky Micky Mouse. It’s not about not street fighting. It’s not like I haven’t had fights. Just not physical blow to the face. Not entire-ly necessary in my Mickey mouse life. You have this thing about cars. I also have this 11 year old vehicle. which works fine… Read more »

4 years ago

The focus going forward is not man v. man conflict. That has always been there and always will. Yes, men should learn how to fight. That’s a no-brainer. The focus going forward is man v. woman conflict. Enough of this alpha, beta, posturing. The old social orders are gone. Despite the instinct, it is the current culture that we should strive to live in. Women say they want equality. They really don’t, but men should give it to them…force it on them. Women who start fights should be fought the same intensity as a man. White knights should be beaten… Read more »

4 years ago


4 years ago

I got into it a little bit with a couple of numbskulls. Was driving downtown and my light was green and these numbskulls started walking across the street against the light. I honked briefly and one of the numbskulls flipped me the bird and I stopped and asked him if he wanted to get into it. He waved his hand “no”. I was in Memphis and these two numbskulls were metrosexuals–one black and one white. Normally in Memphis you have to be careful because the town is trigger-happy. At least in summer. That’s when most of the shootings occur there.… Read more »

4 years ago

“Well, I will say this much sjf, every time we comment I learn something ( even if it’s the same things ).”

Remedial reading…of SJF material.

With Alzheimer’s you meet new people every day…and learn new lessons every day, too.


4 years ago

I think I have more in common with Blax than with SJF. No fights growing up in SJF land. :/ How’s a boy gonna learn masculinity without fighting?

4 years ago

SJF I am kind of worried about driving in traffic where my new side job is, though. A lot more variables all of the sudden outside my usual safe zone. And if something bad happens to me I might just collapse into a pile of mush. Most likely scenario. You will be getting into your car. A guy will break off from the group of two other guys he’s talking with and ask you something or say something. “Hey man nice car” or “Hey man you need some help” as he closes space over to you. He’ll then ask you… Read more »

4 years ago

And this “jolly good fellows” Mickey mouse attitude is what makes you one.

4 years ago

In the original Star Trek in “The Enemy Within.” Kirk was split in two with one “good” and one “evil.” But the “good” Kirk couldn’t make a decision. Couldn’t command. He was scared and timid and mewling. “Evil” Kirk on the other hand was drinking and sexual assaulting and belligerent and ZFG. The duality of man. Isn’t one of “the evils” of the Blue Pill that it teaches men not to do “bad” things? It gets you going in a circle of doing what one is taught as “Good” achieving actually bad ends. Where things we are taught to think… Read more »

4 years ago


Isn’t one of “the evils” of the Blue Pill that it teaches men not to do “bad” things? It gets you going in a circle of doing what one is taught as “Good” achieving actually bad ends.

Yes… The Golden Rule and related in operations…

Do into others as you would have them do unto you.

Turn the other cheek.

Great is your reward… Later.

Tune into The Platinum Rule – Do whatever YOU want to do, whenever YOU want to do it.

See how that aligns with Alpha displays…

4 years ago

“failure to maintain a lane”

That was what initiated my ticket. You don’t have to be black to get stopped for that. But it’s only enforced occasionally. Unusual punishment. Unconstitutional. Maybe an attorney can file a class action lawsuit against police depts to stop it.

4 years ago

“You don’t have to be black to get stopped for that” Cognitive dissonance? Happen to read the links I provided, or the few dozen studies? Nah, or course not. Police don’t have a habit of targeting you asd. The ” I got pulled over too so they do it to everyone ” isn’t a reality based thing. When my gf in Arizona was pulled over and (( I )) was the one that had to get out and get patted down, and asked me why that happened ( she wasn’t used to that behavior and didn’t believe it until she… Read more »

4 years ago

The first fight over a woman in recording history is when Dinah’s brothers Shimon and Levi wipe out the male population of a Shechem in response to their prince kidnapping and raping their sister. Genesis 34. Dinah herself was not involved in instigating the fight, it seems to me she was wrapped up in Stockholm syndrome then got alpha widowed (see https://redpillrabbi.home.blog/2019/12/12/rape-murder-its-just-a-shot-away-the-abduction-of-dinah/ ) The interesting thing is Jacob’s response to his sons’ revenge. Jacob is very upset, the famously brothers defend their attack on the city “can we let our sister be treated like a whore?!” (Gen 34:31). It appears… Read more »

4 years ago

” recorded history ” is subjective evidently.

The bible isn’t a good source of ” recorded history “.

But it’s a very cool story….bro.😁

4 years ago

This ties into the role of women as a boundary between groups or nations. If your group allows outside men access to your women, you are effectively uniting with those outsiders.*

Uniting or being taken over by?

4 years ago

Besides fights, I’ve never been in a car accident, ever, either. (in 40+ years of driving…)

Some guy almost swerved into me last week, though, on a snow day.

I don’t think he could see from side to side very well with that hoodie he was wearing.

4 years ago

…. Not even the ” adversity ” of a traffic accident.


4 years ago

Given, for the sake of argument, that Genesis is a true historical account, it does not record world history, only those aspects of it that seemed important to the tiny little tribe of Israelites (who didn’t yet exist at the time of Dinah’s rape and neither did the book of Genesis, as tradition holds that it was written by Moses several centuries later, so tradition itself contradicts that the account is, strictly speaking, history). The surviving, contemporaneously written history of conquering their people and taking their women predates Abraham, never mind Dinah, by something like a thousand years. Might have… Read more »

4 years ago

“Given, for the sake of argument, that Genesis is a true historical account, it does not record world history, only those aspects of it that seemed important to the tiny little tribe of Israelites (who didn’t yet exist at the time of Dinah’s rape and neither did the book of Genesis, as tradition holds that it was written by Moses several centuries later, so tradition itself contradicts that the account is, strictly speaking, history). The surviving, contemporaneously written history of conquering their people and taking their women predates Abraham, never mind Dinah, by something like a thousand years. Might have… Read more »

4 years ago

“Might have been nice if they had bothered to record instructions on how to build a pyramid as well as a tabernacle, instead of redundant instructions on tabernacle building.” Lol. Herodotus is great reading, crucial in most aspects but even he gets shit wrong sometimes. “If Jews were not in Egypt at the time of the pyramids, what about Israelites or Hebrews? Israel itself did not exist until approximately 1100 BCE when various Semitic tribes joined in Canaan to form a single independent kingdom, at least 600 years after the completion of the last of Egypt’s large pyramids. Thus it… Read more »

4 years ago

Man fears time. Time fears the pyramids.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

This isn’t a fight vid, but I had a lol. Background: The DA of LA is a black woman. “Black Lives Matter” doesn’t like her. So they decided to try for a dialog at her house. Before sunrise. At 5:40 AM. Lol, harassment much? The DA’s husband answered the door and pretty much had one thing to say: “Get off my porch”. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/los-angeles-district-attorney-s-husband-allegedly-pulled-gun-black-n1146976 Lol. I don’t know what the politics around this DA are and really don’t care. They could be completely legit, there’s some stuff in the LA Times story that looks dubious. Doesn’t matter, the DA has an… Read more »

4 years ago

Every guy needs an Uncle Wayne….

4 years ago

He should have shot them…in the chest.

Fuck BLM.


They have got to go, or at least need to be replaced fully by ” real ” people.

Jay Fink
Jay Fink
4 years ago

“for as much as they rail to the contrary, women do have an affinity for violent men”.

This is why I have been predicting since the 1990s that all prisons will eventually be closed in the name of criminal justice reform. Right now we are letting out the druggies, next will be the rest of the criminals. Women want sexual access to these brutes, not have them locked up behind bars.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

Off topic but I had to post this. It shows you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Damaging kids all for the sake of a blank slate society. Definately not an isolated case.


4 years ago

@Sentient “Uniting or being taken over by?” Exactly the argument. The Canaanites asserted dominance over the Israelites by raping Jacob’s daughter. When it seemed like Jacob might allow this to stand under the guise of peacefully uniting in marriage, her brothers rejecting this “uniting” because it was really a take over through negotiated terms. The Bible gives the brothers the last word: “can we let our sister be treated like a whore?!” They also mean “could we let outsiders take over our tribe by taking our women at will?!” @Blaximus Pyramids do make for a great movie. The Bible never… Read more »

4 years ago

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“could we let outsiders take over our tribe by taking our women at will?!”


4 years ago

Interesting listen

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

By the way, the LA DA’s husband really didn’t do very well. It’s funny to see, but he screwed up. If the people on his porch really intended physical harm he set himself and his wife up for bad things by opening the front door, talking, and waving his pistol around. A bumrush by just two men would likely take him down, and even if he shot one it wouldn’t make much difference. Stepping outside is escalation, and increases risk. Good thing his wife is the county DA so he won’t get busted for something like “menacing” or “assault with… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

Seriously , how do you manage to go a lifetime without ANY physical altercation?

I was a computer nerd with the most sheltered UMC upbringing you could imagine and even I had a few scuffles in college.

Not a criticism just a question. I don’t know how that is possible.

4 years ago

” adversity ” and ” altercation” mean something totally different to SJF.

4 years ago

“Seriously @SJF, how do you manage to go a lifetime without ANY physical altercation? I was a computer nerd with the most sheltered UMC upbringing you could imagine and even I had a few scuffles in college.” I could go on and on and DEER. But I’ll state that even though I stated I’ve never an altercation with punches thrown or never was in a car accident: Guess what? It’s totally irrelevant to how I performed as an adult male. I was very smart, but not a nerd. We always competed in competitive sports. All the time. I grew up… Read more »

4 years ago

I luv you bruh, but you’re delusional in the highest degree. There was something terribly wrong with where and how you grew up. Like Stepford wrong. No hate or envy, just sayin’. Commenters PLEASE, I need input to understand what I’m missing here. I could be 100% wrong and SJF could be right. Correct me if needed. ” I was very smart, but not a nerd. We always competed in competitive sports. All the time. I grew up in a neighborhood with lots of families of 6 to 8 to 11 to 14 kids. (Catholic people and Catholic schools.) Okay,… Read more »

4 years ago

Culum(!!!!!!!) This is something other than being sheltered. It is impossible for people/men to be born and grow into their 50’s and not face ANY physical threat/harm whatsoever. I know people that were ” sheltered “, and none of them have the same experience SJF is relating at his age. Nothing ever happened. I think it’s partly a situational awareness issue, and a misreading of things that are happening, along with intentional avoidance. SJF has been misreading me here for years, and I thought I wasn’t making myself clear, but that’s not what it is. He has unshakeable narratives running… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blax “He has unshakeable narratives running in his head….” Well, at least you got one thing right. Telling as fuck. A man cannot hide his true mindset, just like women can’t. Okay, there hasn’t been much ” diversity ” where I’ve lived either. You’re talking about something else buddy, with that ” animosity “. And what the fuck does that mean? I’m telling you as a fact that my childhood neighborhood, grade school, high school and college was non-diverse. AS IN: 95% White People and 90% Catholic bred and raised. You are imputing motive to that Fact. I lived it.… Read more »

4 years ago

“And you are angry that most chose well?”

There’s that misreading shit again.

It never ends.

4 years ago

“So sue me. I had good parents, good schools, good extended family, chose a good profession, went out of my way to choose a (lol, good..) wife had children and raised them to be good, got into one of the best fields in my profession. Made wise real estate decisions, loved where I lived (by choice). Made some wise social circle decisions. Had some really enjoyable hobbies. Bought a wildlife habitat and hunting farm 13 years ago. And enjoy the hell out of it. Generated great buddies and tribes. (And enjoy having sex with my wife on average about 130… Read more »

4 years ago

“…carefully avoiding life thing?” What? “You are an untested entity.” How so? “…and you don’t even understand how you got where you are.” WTF? I actually do. I have been alive for 21,467 days and I’ve only spent one week in Disneyland and one and a half weeks in Disney world. And last time I checked, every one of those days had a test. No one ushers/waltzes anyone through their days. Life is difficult. Once you accept that, you can transcend that. Once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters. Your statement that I haven’t… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“Commenters PLEASE, I need input to understand what I’m missing here. I could be 100% wrong and SJF could be right. Correct me if needed.” Hell I was in a fight once a week from ten to 14 yrs,had two older sisters to protect their honor and a younger brother that never fought anyone other than me. Plus I was good looking above average intel and had a knack for pissing people off over girls or just an insolent know it all with no social intelligence. Fuckem if they can’t take it right. Now on the other hand had I… Read more »

4 years ago

“Hell indoor pumbing is only 70 years old and some folks still have two seaters in the backyard,just not where SJF grew up.” Well, I guess it was a good thing my father took me out hunting rabbits with a .22 in the backyard woods, had us reloading shotshells for high school trap and skeet club, in which we competed with other high schools in the 70’s…. Oh and then he took us on that 5,000 mile trip out west in 1971, camping each day, but one, for 30 days. With his four boys and wife. Hitting most of the… Read more »

4 years ago

Wahoo Got it. Btw, I spent summers in rural ( as fuck ) virginia from the time I was born until I was 15, then I moved down there to finish highschool and attend college. My grandparents lived their whole lives without indoor plumbing. A lot of my family didn’t actually get it until the mid-late 70’s. When my dad tried to get running water in his parents house, they stopped him. They didn’t see the need to make that change at that late in life. So for 2 months I hauled water from the well and used an outhouse,… Read more »

4 years ago

Once on a flight back from Arizona, they ran out of peanuts.

4 years ago


… and we grew up in different countries no less.

“I would be very worried at my age now if I’d never had a fight. I’d never see it coming.

But that might be it. That might be why the bulk of society doesn’t see what’s coming.”


I can’t imagine if somebody punched me in the nose at my age, and I’d never been punched before.

I might go into cardiac arrest.

4 years ago

“I don’t know where @SJF has spent his whole life where he’s encountered nothing.” That’s funny. And a very false premise that Blax is trying to StrawMan. The no adversity Genetic Fallacy. And Sentient thinks because of the false fact that I had no adversity that thugs will rough me up, I can’t think on my feet and will crumble in a pile of mush. I actually did have Sentient’s scenario happen back in the early 90’s in Detroit. Man the car-jacking’s were a dime a dozen back then. And I was doing a residency in down there. One time… Read more »

4 years ago

“Do you think you might have got lucky here? Just a bit? Convenient Police station?” Certainly. Fuck yes. But it doesn’t mean I wasn’t mindful, couldn’t think right or couldn’t make a freewill decision. Or never faced adversity, was weak, and would be for certain a victim. The whole thread is about why we fight. The most interesting man in the world–is he better a lover vs. A fighter. And now, thanks to Blax we are talking past each other. To the detriment of the peanut gallery. Successful guys talking past each other. With a lot of guys searching about… Read more »

4 years ago

😂 Oh jesus. Carry permit huh? Okay, before I turn in, I got a carjacking story ( that I’ve told here before). Leaving the strip club an hour before closing time because it was not busy enough and there wasn’t anyone for me to bounce. It might have been 1 a.m.. I have 500 in cash in my pocket, my work paycheck in the glove box, and an expensive ” boom box ” in the trunk. This too was in the 90’s, and yes, carjacking was a thing for real. I get in my car and start it, andbefore I… Read more »

4 years ago


Most days I wish Florida would just break off and float out into the Atlantic.

4 years ago

A group of people milling about?

Okah, good night.

4 years ago

“Oh jesus. Carry permit huh?” Well, I have to admit, Blax the only reason I mentioned I have a CPL is to trigger you into an emotional story. And maybe I should take your vote on which of of my 17 handguns I should scatter around my truck. My wife wants me to wash the road salt off it. But I decided against it today because I’m going into the nether regions tomorrow. Don’t need to make it pretty. Or carry in my handbag along with my keto lunch. Or in my coat. And don’t be silly, I wouldn’t be… Read more »

4 years ago


“Adversity” doesn’t mean that one time you ran out of Rum Raisin…

Lots to address here. Will have to circle back.

“I’m going to work tomorrow and treat my patients with “skin of color”. Yep, they “really, really like me”. Because I’m out for their best interests.”

Lol. I bet they are getting free stuff.

Looking back over this subthread I can distinguish those who’ve faced some adversity and those who really haven’t by one characteristic – a deep and abiding cynicism among the former.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

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4 years ago

I don’t have a carry permit. They are hard to come by in Jersey. I tried to get one in my early twenties, as I used to make the bank deposits for my dad’s business, and sometimes it was 10’s of thousands in cash ( in the 80’s that was a lot of money, lol ). You had to apply at your nearest police station at the time, and both times I tried, after the cops stopped laughing, I was declined. I have guns for self defense at home. If I had to, I carried sans permit. Fuck that. But… Read more »

4 years ago


OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I laughed and laughed until I got a cramp in my side.

Why didn’t I think of this??


4 years ago

I’m more like Oliver Wendell Douglas than Thurston Howell III. Although my wife only has visited my hunting farm 3 1/2 times in thirteen years. And speaking of dealing with folks, Wahoo McDaniels and Blax can speak to dealing with rural folks. And the value of getting into fights with them. I’ve had 10+ peripheral neighbors out there. But most of them have faded like the wind. And then countless other run ins. If you’ve actually watched Netflix Ozarks series, a lot of them were a lot like the Langone family. Relatively poor. And looking for a mark. You know,… Read more »

4 years ago




adjective: delusional

characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

“hospitalization for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia”

•based on or having faulty judgment; mistaken.

“their delusional belief in the project’s merits never wavers”

4 years ago

You are funny Blax. My way of thinking is that men should be competent. And go out there and blaze a trail. By wise choices. And have all their roadblocks and hurdles be low ones. Even if I was gifted a silver spoon when growing up. Tell me how I had all this insulation and teflon on me after the age of 35. Do tell. Lost cause? Give me feedback. I’m not lost and never was. I’ll grant you the fact that my advice is as lost on most as ASDgamer’s is in gaming women. But not in living life.… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Back in 77 I lied on my age and landed a job in a modular home factory, Started out sheeting roofs and installing the underlayment. It was near a mennonite town in central Ks. and most folks that worked there were agreeable and the religeous ones were holyer than thou bigtime. Those Mennonite men taught me siding, trim, wiring, pipe threading and fitting for gas and I was promoted to appliance installer range hoods,ranges, washer, dryer, fridge and dishwashers. Long about this time the old appliance apprentice was given the job of roof sheathing and tarpapering in my stead. We… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

When I think about the SHTF scenario in America on civil unrest my conclusion is from time to time people lose faith and dropout their shit has hit the fan. These try to take and get cut short quick. The threat of men gathering into taker tribes seems unlikely besides drug gangs or ex service men that are more into protecting than pillaging. The race wars in this area boil down to Mexican nationals against the whites and the whites don’t see it coming for the most part but it is there a deep seething hatred for the “privileged”. Yes… Read more »

4 years ago

Wahoo My take on it, knowing personally many of the ” nonproductive”….even with college degrees no less, is that the bulk of any civil unrest will start with the middle class and younger demographic ( 20-30 ) that are being locked out of the opportunities that even you and I enjoyed. Depending on where you live, it’s hartd to earn, even if you work 40 hours a week. The middle class has been steadily shrinking, and what do you think happens to the shrunken? Looking in the wrong direction. The unrest will be among homegrown, red blooded americans because nobody… Read more »

4 years ago

People just need to make better choices.

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